The eRecord Edition #15 - 22 January 2015

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22 January 2015

Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

Edition #15

Large families the bearers of hope POPE FRANCIS has this week spoken about families, contraception and ideological colonisations that threaten the family – in the process gaining world-wide media attention and sparking questions from Catholics and non-Catholics alike. The Archdiocese of Perth Communications and Media Office this week took a closer look at what the Pontiff really said and spoke with Attadale parish priest and lecturer in theology at the University of Notre Dame Fremantle, Fr Sean Fernandez, asking him to provide Perth Catholics with an insight into how this applies to us today. The Pope’s remarks come in the wake of a number of comments he made about birth control during an impromptu press conference on the papal plane. In answer to questions on the Church’s stance on contraception, the Holy Father noted that responsible parenthood doesn’t mean that “a Christian must have children serially”. “Some think that - excuse the language - that in order to be good Catholics, we have to be like rabbits. No. Responsible parenthood. This is clear and that is why in the Church there are marriage groups, there are experts in this matter, there are pastors, one can search; and I know so many ways that are licit and that have helped this,” the Pope said. Attadale parish priest EDITION #15 | 22 JANUARY 2015

Pope Francis is last week greeted by children and young people at a home for former street children in Manila, Philippines, on January 16. PHOTO: CNS

and lecturer in theology at the University of Notre Dame Fremantle, Fr Sean Fernandez commented on

husband or wife, couples can “take advantage of the natural cycles immanent in the reproductive system during

“The Holy Father has a very pastoral, down to earth way of expressing what is traditional Church teaching, he wasn’t disparaging large families.” the Pope’s remarks, emphasising that the Pope was reiterating Blessed Paul VI’s 1968 Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae which states that, for “well-grounded reasons” such as physical or psychological conditions of the

those times that are infertile”. “In doing this,” the encyclical states, “they certainly give proof of a true and authentic love” (HM, 16). “The Holy Father has a very pastoral, down to earth way of expressing what is

traditional Church teaching: he wasn’t disparaging large families,” Fr Fernandez said. “Only a few weeks ago there was a gathering of families and he stated that, in a world often marked by selfishness, the big family is a school of solidarity and sharing, and these attitudes benefit the whole of society,” he added. Fr Fernandez believes this “down to earth approach” was also visible in the comments he made following the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks, which some took as a justification of violence. Full Text available at

Emmanuel’s new Scholarship in Mental Health A COURSE designed to provide skills for recognising mental health issues while also having the ability to steer the affected person towards appropriate help has been given a boost with a new scholarship through the Emmanuel Centre. The self-help centre, run for and by people with disabilities, their families and those who work with people with disabilities, is encouraging interested persons to apply to study the Mental Health First Aid course. Emmanuel C entre Co-ordinator Barbara Harris said when it comes to mental health, many people are very reluctant to come forward, often because they just don’t know what to do. “In our everyday lives, there are people around us whose lives are like a car accident, through broken relationships, breakdown of physical health, loss of jobs and death of a loved one, just as an example,” she said. “This course teaches adults how to assist other adults and family members who are experiencing or developing a mental health crisis.” Participants learn the signs and symptoms of mental health problems, as well as where and how to find

A COURSE designed to provide skills for recognising mental health issues has been given a boost with a new scholarship through the Emmanuel Centre. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

help that has been shown by research to be effective. Barbara Harris said that completion of the course does not qualify participants as a psychiatrist, psychologist or counsellor. Barbara continued by saying that it is the vision of the Emmanuel Centre that there will be at least one person in every parish who has been trained in Mental Health First Aid, with the Emmanuel Centre providing ongoing support both for the Mental Health First Aid volunteer and for the parish priest. Completion of the course

enables participants to become part of the Catholic Mental Health Support group for further learning and development. The group meets every two months on a Saturday morning to share experiences and learn new ways of helping oneself and others. “Others who have completed the Mental Health First Aid course are ordinary folk, some with university degrees and others with degrees from the school of life,” she said. “So far we have trained 38 people who are now available in their parishes. In our last

training course, we even had a parish priest complete the course.” Applications for the next course will close on Friday, 6 February 2015 and places are limited. The course commences on Saturday, 21 February and will continue on Saturday, 7 March from 9am to 4pm. For more information and an application form, please contact Barbara Harris at the Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor Street, Perth or telephone 08 9328 8113 or email emmanuelcentre@westnet.

Teaching tomorrow’s thinkers an easy decision for Teagan AN INVALUABLE twoweek classroom immersion experience in the first year of an Education degree at The University of Notre Dame Australia cemented Teagan Medcalf ’s decision to become an early childhood teacher near her home town of Mandurah. Teagan, who graduated EDITION #15 | 22 JANUARY 2015

from Notre Dame’s Fremantle Campus in December, will commence her role at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Pinjarra, in Term 1, 2015 after successfully completing her internship at the school as part of her degree. Teagan says extensive practicum opportunities and tangible theoretical out-

comes, delivered in a personalised learning environment as part of her Early Childhood degree, gave her the confidence and knowledge required for a smooth transition into the classroom. “I chose to study at Notre Dame because of its mission to develop confident and passionate early childhood

educators who would be classroom-ready by the end of their degree. Lecturers and tutors in the university’s School of Education brought years of teaching experience and passion for the vocation. Full Text available at

Knights welcomed into service TEN MEN were last year admitted into Western Australia’s oldest Catholic lay organisation, the Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross (KSC). The traditional grand admission ceremony was held at St Joseph Convent Chapel, South Perth, where a Mass was co-celebrated by Mgr Timothy Corcoran and Fr Jean-Noel Marie. Over the years, the Order in Western Australia has welcomed Catholic men from across the community into its membership. The Order’s broad-based Catholic membership and its ensuing influential position in many sectors of the State can be traced to the foresight of the 53 men who attended the first meeting on 12 February 1922. “It is an honour and privilege to be present at the grand admission ceremony that witnesses the faith demonstrated by those practising Catholic men declaring their wish to join the Order,” said KSC State Chairman George Sekulla.“ During a time of intense scrutiny of our faith and the Church, these men serve as a source of the continuing strength of our Catholic faith,” he added.

Ten men were last year admitted into Western Australia’s oldest Catholic lay organisation, the Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Admission to the Order is by invitation and recommendation by members of the organisation.

and grow in their Catholic faith. In essence, members are dedicated to providing a Christian service and to build

“The grand admission ceremony witnesses the faith demonstrated by those practising Catholic men.” As a member of the Order, Catholic men have the opportunity to support their parish, give back to the Western Australian community,

Christ’s Kingdom on Earth. The Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross is a foundation member of the International Alliance of

Catholic Knights; a nongovernmental organisation officially recognised by the Vatican in accordance with the Code of Canon Law. The Order promotes vocations, provides financial support for seminarians and assists with the implementation of projects in local parishes. Within the wider community, the Order supports and assists the aged, infirmed and youth through financial and non-financial means.

Misa de Gallo celebrates milestone anniversary ST GERARD’S Majella Parish Mirrabooka last month prepared for Christmas as usual with the Misa de Gallo Dawn Mass organised by the Filipino community. This year, the parish celebrated the 25th anniversary of the tradition – which involves celebrating the novena Mass at 5.30am for nine days before Christmas. Among the celebrants was Fr Geoff

Aldous who was the parish priest when the tradition was commenced. Former parish priest, now Auxiliary Bishop of Perth, Bishop Don Sproxton, also celebrated the traditional Mass with the parishioners. After the final dawn Mass before Christmas Day, a shared breakfast was held with plenty of traditional food supplied by the Filipino community.

Musicans perform at the Misa de Gallo celebrations at St Gerard’s Mirrabooka Parish in December. PHOTO: SUPPLIED EDITION #15 | 22 JANUARY 2015

Oakland Diocese brings new life into their cemeteries By Albert Pacciorini A DECISION several years ago to plant vineyards to beautify vacant cemetery land and produce wine for Mass has proven to be a win-win for the diocese of Oakland, in California, and its parishes and schools. The plan by Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services of the diocese took root in 2006 when it was looking for ways to make open grounds more attractive at various cemeteries and reduce maintenance costs. About 16 acres of grapes (6.5ha) have been planted. Production in 2013 totalled about 1,200 cases (12 bottles to a case) of altar wine. The grapes are processed into wine by a contractor, and the bottled altar wine is offered free to diocesan parishes. About 74 of the diocese’s 84 parishes have sampled the sacramental wine, said Joe Rivello, director of winery operations, and about half the parishes have taken advantage of the offer. Cemetery wine managers estimate parishes could consume about 865 cases a year. “At an estimated retail cost of $6 a bottle delivered, that is a savings of $52,000 to the parishes of the diocese,” Rivello said. At St Joan of Arc parish in San Ramon, parish priest Fr Ray Zielezienski estimates the donated wine saves the parish about $2,500 a year. In a letter to parishes, Bishop Michael Barber SJ, Bishop of Oakland, wrote: “The grapes planted in our cemeteries are clearly now not only part of a beautifica-

A decision to plant vineyards to beautify vacant cemetery land and produce wine for Mass has proven to be a win-win for the diocese of Oakland, in California. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

tion project, but, providentially, became a sign of our participation in eternal life, through the celebration of the Eucharist”. Parishes will not only benefit from its quality, the bishop continued, but also financially from the wine donation.

“Grapes are the quintessential California crop,” Rivello said. Initially, Robert Seelig, Catholic Cemeteries’ executive director, and Tom Richardson, development director, considered the advantages: Grapes require little maintenance and cost

“The grapes planted in our cemeteries are clearly now not only part of a beautification project...” Catholic Cemeteries has also donated wine to parishes and charities to support local fundraising activities, Rivello said. One Knights of Columbus council raised $600 for youth homes, a San Damiano retreat raised $720 at a fundraiser, and the Society of St Vincent de Paul sponsored a wine-tasting benefit as part of its 100th anniversary celebration.

about half as much as maintaining a lawn; they have a smaller carbon footprint; the organisation can either make wine or sell the grapes to a vintner; and they are an important symbol of Christianity. With the advice of Steve Brutocao of Brutocao Cellars in Hopland, Catholic Cemeteries’ first winemaker, chardonnay, primitivo and

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email:

pinot noir root stock were planted at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Hayward; zinfandel and cabernet sauvignon at Holy Cross in Antioch; and merlot, pinot noir and Sangiovese at St Joseph in San Pablo. “After a few years, the grapes were harvested and sent to Brutocao winery in Hopland for crushing and bottling,” Rivello said. “These first efforts yielded bottles of altar wine and varietals of chardonnay, cabernet and merlot.” The plan is to create a website and wine club, and sell premium varieties of wine. “Hopefully, next year, parishioners will be able to buy wines on the Bishop’s Vineyard website,” Rivello said. Full Text available at


What’s happening around the Archdiocese FRIDAY, 23 - SUNDAY, 25 JANUARY Hope - Flame Ministries’ Congress Flame Ministries International celebrate their 25th annual congress entitled ‘Hope’ at John XXIII College Lecture Hall, John 23rd Ave, Mt Claremont between Friday, 23 – Sunday, 25 January (free entry to evening rallies at 7.30pm). Five international speakers will present including Archbishop Emeritus Barry Hickey, Rev Russell Sage, Frank Tassone, Eddie Russell and Aneel Aranha. Further info: Kay Ford 9382 3668, 0439 981515, fmi@ SATURDAY, 24 – MONDAY, 26 JANUARY Inner Healing Retreat (Live-In) 8.30am at Epiphany Retreat Centre, 50 Fifth Ave, Rossmoyne. Come and experience His merciful love and forgiveness through His Word and Sacraments. Be healed, anointed, renewed and transformed. The retreat is led by the Vincentian Fathers. Enq and registration: Lin 0419 041 188/08 9286 1238 or vincentiansperth@ or website: THURSDAY, 29 JANUARY 150th Anniversary of St Mary’s Cathedral The Solemn Blessing of St Mary’s Cathedral – “the new cathedral on the hill” – took place on Sunday, 29 January 1865. To mark the 150th Anniversary of our Archdiocese’s mother church, Archbishop Costelloe will lead a service of Solemn Vespers at 6.00pm on Thursday, 29 January in St Mary’s Cathedral to mark this important occasion and to thank God for 150 years of worship in what has been described as “an urban legend” that is “amazing, beautiful and sacred”. Everyone is welcome to attend. WEDNESDAY, 2 FEBRUARY Year of Consecrated Life Pope Francis announced that 2015 is a year dedicated to the promotion of consecrated life, asking the Church’s religious sisters, brothers and priests to “wake up the world” with their testimony of faith, holiness and hope. Archbishop Tim Costelloe and the Catholic Religious of WA invite you to attend a special archdiocesan celebration to launch the Year of Consecrated Life in the Archdiocese of Perth on Monday 2nd February in St Mary’s Cathedral at 7.00pm. The celebration will be followed by a simple supper in the cathedral grounds. This is the first of several public events that are being scheduled throughout the Year of Consecrated Life. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. (Should any priest wish to concelebrate at EDITION #15 | 22 JANUARY 2015

the Mass, please let Sr Kerry Willison know by contacting the Centre for Liturgy on 9207 3350 by 27th January at the latest.) Further info: Leila on 9422 7904, SUNDAY, 8 FEBRUARY World Day Against Human Trafficking As part of the Year of Consecrated Life, Pope Francis made modern day slavery the theme of his recent Message for the World Day of Peace 2015. He has designated the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita, Sunday, 8 February, as the World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action Against Human Trafficking. Parishes are encouraged to better alert and inform their communities to this modern-day criminality wherever possible. Many resources (prayers, liturgies, stories) are available at Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH). Further info: Sr Lucy Kessel PBVM (WA Coordinator for ACRATH) 9384 5433, Celebration in honour of Santo Niño A Mass organised by the Filipino community in honour of Santo Niño, will be celebrated on Sunday, 8 February at 6.00pm at St Jerome’s Church, 36 Troode Street, Munster. A Procession and Benediction will follow the Mass. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please bring your Santo Niño statues for a special blessing. Dinner will follow in the parish hall. Please bring a plate to share. Further info: Edita 9418 3728, Susan 9434 3969 or Aileen 0423 578059. WEDNESDAY, 11 FEBRUARY Touch of Heaven International speaker, Alan Ames, who is renowned for bringing Jesus’ healing touch to people, will speak and offer healing prayer after the celebration of Mass on Wednesday, 11 February at 7.00pm at St Bernadette’s Church, Jugan St, Mt Hawthorn. Hear the dramatic story of how a violent alcoholic man’s was turned around through the Sacraments and prayer. Further info: George 9275 6608. SATURDAY, 21 FEBRUARY With Burning Hearts The 2015 Liturgy Conference of the Archdiocese of Perth takes place on Saturday, 21 February from 9am-4.15pm at John XXIII College, Mooro Dr, Mt Claremont. Cost is $15 per person. BYO lunch, with morning and afternoon tea/coffee provided. Keynote Addresses will be given by Sr Margaret Scharf OP (Full, Conscious and Active: the Church Participates in the Sacred Liturgy) and Dr Angela McCarthy (Liturgy and the Arts). Further info and to register:

Centre for Liturgy registrations.cfl@ Children’s Liturgy of the Word Workshop This workshop on Saturday, 21 February from 9.30-11.30am at the Centre for Liturgy, 28 Marda Way, Nollamara prepares and supports those involved in presenting the Good News to children in a way that they can best get to know Jesus. Cost is $10 per person. Registrations are essential. Further info and to register: Centre for Liturgy registrations.cfl@ TUESDAY, 24 FEBRUARY Dawson Society for Philosophy & Culture Dr Matthew Tan, lecturer in Theology and Philosophy at Campion College in NSW, will speak to the theme of Take me with you: a theology of running away? on Tuesday, 24 February at Rosie O’Grady’s, 205 James St, Northbridge. Arrive at 6.30pm for 7pm dinner followed by speaker’s forum. Online booking $30 (+ booking fee), at door $35. Further info: Thomas Gourlay 0434 402884 or FRIDAY, 27 FEBRUARY Ignite Youth-Perth Catholic Youth Ministry Perth and Ignite Youth have come together to create a new series of Youth Rallies in Perth during 2015. The rallies will include music, inspirational talks and opportunities for reconciliation and prayer. Each event is targeted mostly for teens but young adults are welcome to also attend. The dates for Ignite Live Night are 27 February, 17 April, 19 June and 27 November. More information on venue and times to follow. Further info: 9422 7912 or THURSDAY, 5 MARCH Catholic Man Breakfast Series The Hon Tim Fischer AC will be the keynote speaker at the first Catholic Man Breakfast Series event for 2015 on Thursday, 5 March between 7-9am at the Duxton Hotel, Perth. Tim was Deputy Prime Minister in the Howard Government from 1996–99, and served as the first Rome-resident Australian Ambassador to the Holy See from 2009–12, an experience he describes in his book Holy See, Unholy me: 1000 Days in Rome released in 2013. TUESDAY, 10 MARCH Parish Altar Server Co-ordinator Training This training on Tuesday, 10 March from 9.30-11.30am at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre, 50 Ovens Rd, Thornlie prepares and supports those involved in presenting the Good

News to children in a way that they can best get to know Jesus. Cost is $10 per person. Registrations are essential. Further info and to register: Centre for Liturgy registrations.cfl@ TUESDAY, 17 MARCH St Patrick’s Day Celebration Mass St Patrick’s Day Annual Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday, 17 March at 10.00am in St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Square, Perth with Archbishop Tim Costelloe as principal celebrant and homilist. There will be the usual Entrance Procession of Banners and all Irish groups are invited to take part. Everyone is welcome to attend the Mass which is being organised by the Irish Community in WA working in collaboration with the Amaranarchdiocese of Perth. Clergy are invited to attend and concelebrate with the Archbishop. Further info: Paul, 56 Lombardy Street, Woodlands, 9446 3784, MONDAY, 23 THURSDAY, 26 MARCH 2015 Catholic Earthcare Catholic Earthcare Australia’s sustainability initiative ASSISI (A Strategic Systems-based Integrated Sustainability Initiative) will host an intensive formation program to deepen understanding and experience of ‘ecological conversion’ through creative engagement with contemporary social technologies and processes for transformation. The purpose is to help leaders within organisations to attain the understanding and resources to form learning communities for sustainability in their own context. The program is from 3pm on 23 March until 2pm on 26 March at the Maryknoll Centre, Blackmans Bay (Hobart), Tasmania. Cost is $880 (or $792 GST exempt when sponsored by a Catholic organisation), which includes accommodation, catering, participation in all workshops and support materials. Further info and registration: admin@ before 5 February. FRIDAY, 1 - TUESDAY, 5 MAY 2015 Teresa 2015: A woman for our times A conference to celebrate the 500th birthday of St Teresa of Avila and to seek her spiritual wisdom for today. 1-3 May 2015 at Infant Jesus Parish, Morley. Keynote speakers Bishop David Walker and Fr Greg Burke OCD. Further info: Infant Jesus Parish: 08 9276 8500, ijparish@carmelite. com or Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation: 08 9241 5221, More information overleaf

MONDAY, 18 – WEDNESDAY, 20 MAY 2015 2nd National Catholic Mission Conference Mission: one heart many voices 2015 is the theme of the second national conference run and sponsored by Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious of Australia with the full endorsement of the ACBC. Keynote speaker will be Fr Stephen Bevans SVD from Chicago. It will be held at the SMC Conference Centre, 66 Goulbourn St, Sydney from 18-20 May 2015. Its purpose is to empower, affirm, enable, encourage and inspire agencies, parishes, congregations and all aspects of the Church with a scriptural and theological vision of mission while offering a platform to hear the many and varied voices that exist among us. Further info: www. FRIDAY, 22 - SATURDAY, 23 MAY International Symposium opposing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide The Rydges South Park Hotel in Adelaide is to host the first international symposium in the southern hemisphere by the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition International. (Previous symposia were held in New York, Vancouver, Edinburgh and Toronto.) Presentations will be given by international speakers and experts opposing euthanasia and assisted suicide, and testimonials by those affected by euthanasia. Also covered will be mechanisms for fighting legalisation and how to ‘do media.’ Further content includes ethics, research, networking and a symposium dinner. Further info: MONDAY, 7 - WEDNESDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 17-Day Pilgrimage Discover the jewels of Spain, Portugal and France visiting Barcelona, Monserrat, Zaragoza, Avila, Fatima and coming alongside the incorruptible bodies of St Bernadette of Lourdes, St John Vianney of Ars, St Thérèse of Lisieux, St Vincent de Paul and St Catherine Labouré. 17 days away, consisting of 15 nights between 7 and 23 September. Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr Michael Quynh Do. Further info: Sheila 0433 771979, Sue 0421 835408. SATURDAY, 31 OCTOBER SUNDAY, 22 NOVEMBER 23-Day Pilgrimage Join a 23-day pilgrimage through Central and Eastern Europe departing Perth Saturday, 31 October and returning to Perth Sunday, 22 November. The program includes visits to Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and many sacred destinations in Italy. Deposit required by Sunday, 1 February with final payment due by Sunday, 3 May. EDITION #15 | 22 JANUARY 2015

Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr John Piumatti. Cost is $6,200.00 per person. Further info: Francis Williams, Tour Coordinator 9459 3873, 0404 893877, THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Auslan Cafe 9.30am at the Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor St, Perth. Mass next door at St Francis Xavier Parish with PowerPoint and Auslan Interpreter. Followed by classes at 10.30am; classes and lunch are free. You will learn the language to help communicate with profoundly deaf people. Enq: Barbara 08 9328 8113 or emmanuelcentre@westnet.

GENERAL NEW NORCIA 2015 17-19 Apr Into Deep Silence - Dr Carmel Posa sgs will lead a retreat looking at how our world today has forgotten the benefit and joy of silence and solitude which is necessary for living a truly human life. This retreat will enter into the deep silence where God lies hidden within each of us. (Except for brief input sessions, silence will be kept at all times during this retreat including meals.) Recommended cost for this retreat is $260. 1-3 May Reading Weekend: Towards God - Retreat guide, Sr Margaret Malone sgs, will share how most of us at some stage realize we need help in our prayer life. The study of the book Towards God uses some of the teaching of important writers in the tradition such as Augustine, John Cassian, St Bernard. St Gregory, St Benedict, Julian of Norwich, Fr Michael Casey, an Australian Cistercian monk which may help to provide ways of developing and sustaining your own prayer life. The book is based on personal experience making it extraordinarily helpful and easily accessible. The text for our reading for this weekend is: Towards God: The Ancient Wisdom of Western Prayer, by Michael Casey ocso. Recommended Cost for the weekend: $300. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa sgs, 9654 8371, GLOBAL CATHOLIC CLIMATE MOVEMENT LAUNCHED The Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM), an international coalition of Catholic organisations and leaders committed to a sustainable climate future, was launched earlier this week. The group released a statement underpinned by Catholic teachings and calling for prayer and action among the world’s Catholic population to work together on climate issues. This is the first time such a diverse global movement of Catholics have joined forces to work together on climate issues. All are united by their Catholic faith, commitment to climate change issues and a shared sense of responsibility to care for God’s Creation. Australia

is represented by Catholic Earthcare Australia, the ecological agency of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Jacqui Rémond, Director of Catholic Earthcare Australia, said: “Over 25 per cent of the Australian population are Catholic, which means our faith-group has the power and the heart to make a real impact on climate change issues. We invite all Australian Catholics to explore the issues of climate change and take action today. Further info: http:// PRIESTS’ CENACLE All priests are welcome to join this gathering of priests with a special devotion to Mary who meet for a time of sharing, concelebrated Mass and more every first Thursday of the month at 36 Windsor St, East Perth. The gathering begins with Morning Tea at 10.30am. Lunch is provided. Further info: Fr Paul 0427 085093. TRUTH, JUSTICE AND HEALING COUNCIL Members of the Truth Justice and Healing Council will meet next week with parishioners and the broader community in Griffith to talk about the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse and the Catholic Church’s reform agenda. “Everyone in the Catholic Church has some responsibility for ensuring the Church leadership takes a very different approach to dealing with child sexual abuse than it has in the past,” said CEO Frank Sullivan. POSITIONS VACANT Research Assistant: urgently needed for short term project (midJanuary to late February 2015, paid or voluntary) by the Pastoral Research Office, located in Fitzroy, Melbourne, to help complete a project to compile a list of all the priests, diocesan and religious, who held appointments in Australia during the period from 1950 to 2010. One full-time (or perhaps two part-time) people required to work for six or seven weeks from midJanuary to the end of February. The work requires a thorough knowledge of the Catholic Church in Australia, an ability to use Excel spreadsheets, meticulous accuracy and a great deal of patience. The timing means that the position could be good for a suitably qualified university student looking for vacation employment. It might also suit a retired person. Further info: Dr Bob Dixon r.dixon@ or 0408 219335. ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT Want to enrich your understanding of your faith? Enrolments are now open for Term One 2015 courses at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation, the Archdiocesan agency for adult faith education. Courses range in length from two to eight sessions, and are offered at a variety of venues during the day, during evenings and on weekends. And, for

the first time ever, an ONLINE course is on offer! Further info: 08 9241 5221 or visit au. INTRODUCING THE JUSTICE, ECOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE (JEDO) The Justice, Ecology and Development Office (JEDO) replaced the Catholic Social Justice Council (CSJC) in January 2014, with new Director Carol Mitchell taking on the role from the end of February. The Office moved from the Catholic Pastoral Centre in Highgate to the Newman Siena Centre in Doubleview in midMarch. JEDO Director Carol Mitchell said: “We welcome your inclusion and participation in our ‘call to action’. As Pope Francis stated: ‘Let us try a little harder to take the first step and to become involved’”. People or agencies can be added to the JEDO mailing list by contacting: admin.jedo@ Further info: go to SPECIAL PILGRIMAGE Departing Perth on Emirates Airlines, 4 May 2015, returning Perth 27 May (early hours). Visiting Lourdes, Fatima (for 13) May. San Sebastian de Garabandal. Santiago de Capostela. Rome. (Optional Castelpetroso) Medjugorje and Split. Spiritual Director Rev Fr T. Bogoni. Cost $6,999 which includes all flights, Air France, Air Portugal and Croatian Airlines. All airport taxes which may be subject to change). Transfers, luxury coach travel, excellent accommodation, all with ensuite facilities. Bed/breakfast/ evening meals. Guide 24/7. Visiting five countries for this unbelievable price of $6,999. Bookings now open. Enq: Eileen 0407 471 256 or ACCESSING MASS VIRTUALLY For those unable to access the Mass in person, there are presently five different ways to daily access the Mass online. These are via: • Mass-on-Demand https://www. – from St Mary’s, North Sydney: morning Mass daily, anytime during the day • Mass Online au/parishes/dsp-default. cfm?loadref=354 – from Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara, every day at 9.30am (AEST) • Mass for You at Home Channel 10, Sunday, 6am (AEST) • Mass for You at Home Channel 11, Sunday, 5.30am (AEST) • Mass for You at Home Aurora Community Channel (Channel 183 on many digital networks), 7 days a week, 10am (AEST).

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