The eRecord Edition #103 - 13 October 2016

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13 October 2016

Edition #103

Journeying to the source at the 2016 RICA National Conference By Marco Ceccarelli

THERE WAS CERTAINLY no shortage of talent and rich and informative discussion at the recent Christian Initiation Australia Network National conference. Held in Perth for the first time in 20 years and organised by the RCIA National Conference Organising Committee, the four-day conference (6 to 9 October) brought together an array of state, national and international speakers who offered new and updated insights into aspects of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The topics covered reflected the theme of the conference – ‘Journey to the Source’ and ranged from teaching liturgy during the RCIA journey, understanding theological principals in simple language and examining the moral issues facing the RCIA to the meaning of prayer, parish collaboration, team and

(L-R) RCIA organising committee Pat McManus, Helen Medina, Karen Hart, Sue Larsen, Roy Smith, Kathleen Smith, Stewart Bazzica and Suzanne Bazzica at the 2016 RCIA National Conference. PHOTO: DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOL A

parish formation, catechesis, ecumenism and liturgical music. In the opening address for the conference, Archdiocese of Perth Vicar General, Fr Peter Whitely, spoke of his own involvement in the RCIA during his time as a parish priest. He r e c ou nt e d his experiences of initiating adults into the Catholic faith approximately 30 years ago and his transition from the use of a Catholic Inquiry Centre

In the opening address, Vicar General of Perth, Fr Peter Whitely, spoke of his own involvement in the RCIA during his time as parish priest and of the importance of taking patient, unhurried and attentive approach to those PHOTO: DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOL A preparing to become Catholic.

book which offered 20 lessons on the Catholic religion to the adoption of the RCIA. It did not take long, Fr Whitely recalled, to notice the greater benefits of the RCIA, particularly its predisposition to unite people and allow them to grow in faith by forging new relationships and friendship. “To my amazement great things began to happen in the parish,” Fr Whitely said. “Firstly, the team members began to bond with each other. Their faith and their understanding began to grow. They began to develop deep friendships with the catechumens and candidates and with their godparents and sponsors. “And then, when we started to introduce the rites into the parish Masses, the parishioners started to reach out to the catechumens and candidates. More people became involved, more parish groups, music ministry, liturgy committee, social committee…

all building relationships with one another. Extended family members of the various groups came to know the catechumens and their families. The consequence was that an atmosphere of welcome and support developed and spread through the parish,” Fr Whitely added. Fr Whitely went on to emphasise the importance of taking a patient, unhurried and attentive approach to the RCIA. “In bringing people into relationship with God, we have to allow the Lord to do his work – not rush people though the process according to our time agenda or even their time agenda to become Catholic. It is the Lord who gives faith. It is important to walk fully through the process giving the Lord time to do his work in each individual,” Fr Whitely said. Full Text available at 1


A record number of 56 young people and 12 youth leaders attended Catholic Youth Ministry’s annual Teens Camp last weekend.



A record number of young people were called to rediscover Saint Pope John Paul II’s immortal words, “Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure”, at Catholic Youth Ministry’s annual Teens Camp last weekend. The Pope’s message served as a theme throughout the event, which took place at Bickley Outdoor Recreation Camp from Friday, 9 October to Sunday, 11 October and attracted its biggest ever turnout, with 56 young people and 12 youth leaders. Youth Worker at Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM), Josh Low, said the camp was open to Catholics and nonCatholics alike from Years 7 to 12 who wanted to have fun and make friends in a positive Christian environment. “The purpose of it is to present a viewpoint of Catholic faith that they’re not necessarily getting in society, to give them an opportunity to explore their faith and learn a bit more about it and hopefully to inspire them to seek out their faith on their own as well,” he said.

TOP: The camp is open to Catholics and non-Catholics alike from Years 7 to 12 who want to have fun and make friends in a positive Christian environment. ABOVE: Young people took part in various adventure activities, including search and rescue tasks and raft building, made their own personalised T-shirts and PHOTOS: FIOLINE OETOMO performed in a talent show

“It was something that was said at the end of the camp: the adventure continues from here.” Presenters at the camp included the Archdiocese of Perth’s Youth Chaplain, Father

Brennan Sia, and Assistant Director of Vocations, Fr Mark Baumgarten, alongside Mr Low and CYM youth leaders Eliza McKay, Matt Woodford, Montana McCann and Rachel Hicks.

Attendees also had the chance to take part in various adventure activities, including search and rescue tasks and raft building, make their own personalised T-shirts and perform in a talent show. Mr Low said the feedback from the young people in attendance had been really positive. “I had one of the kids come up to me and say, ‘It’s such an inspiration to have something like this’,” he said. “They enjoy the adventure activities, of course, but they also really appreciate the talks, which are about things that they don’t really have the chance to explore with their friends at school. “It kind of enables them, if they’re not doing so already, to actively seek out their faith. All we can do is plant seeds and hopefully the fruit will grow.” For more information about Catholic Youth Ministry, visit Full Text available at



RAY RYAN HAS WASTED NO TIME sinking his teeth into his new role as Executive Director of Personal Advocacy Service. Established in 1989, the Archdiocesan agency provides opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities to be included in community life by pairing them with a volunteer, or ‘advocate’, with whom they can develop a meaningful friendship. Each pair attends a weekly gathering with other advocates and people with disabilities, who they refer to as ‘friends’, where they can further develop their social skills and build relationships. Mr Ryan started working with the agency in May, but told The eRecord he already had a lot on his plate, including the transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), expansion plans and volunteer recruitment. “It’s been a very steep learning curve because the not-for-profit sector and the charity sector and working in the Archdiocesan community is a completely new experience for me,” he said. “Probably the biggest challenge we’re facing at the moment is the transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme funding, so that changes our whole funding arrangements. “We’re also looking at expanding into Notre Dame (Cloverdale) Parish and Subiaco Parish, so we’ll be looking for volunteers in those parishes in the near future.” Mr Ryan has a background in sales marketing and management in the building supplies industry, meaning his new role at Personal Advocacy Service is a big change for him. However, he is confident he can transfer his skills from the commercial sector and make a real difference to the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. “It was something where I felt I wanted to contribute more to the community, rather than just in a commercial field, where you contribute to the profit of the owners,” he said. “I’m at the stage of my life where I want

The new Executive Director of Personal Advocacy Service, Ray Ryan, is looking for volunteers to develop PHOTO: RACHEL CURRY meaningful friendships with people with intellectual disabilities.

to get more meaning out of my work. It’s great going home at the end of the day knowing you did more than meet sales targets or bring in a new customer.” Mr Ryan also brings vast experience working with volunteers from his many years serving in the St Vincent de Paul Society and has personal connections to the disability sector. “I’ve got a daughter who is legally blind and my wife works as an educational assistant in special needs, so I’ve been on the periphery of being involved in that for a long time,” he said. “I’m aware of some of the challenges people face and the need for people to step up and contribute.” When it comes to contributions, Personal Advocacy Service has a wonderful stable of volunteers, some of whom have developed relationships with their friends for more than 20 years. However, Mr Ryan said they desperately needed a few more people to step up. “We’re looking for volunteers in Morley in particular. We desperately

need volunteers from this area, and that means the surrounding parishes as well,” he said. “We’re looking for people who can spare a couple of hours of a weekday evening during the school term and who are prepared to make an initial two-year commitment.” Volunteers do not need to have any experience working with people with intellectual disabilities and all training is provided. Mr Ryan said the service had a “huge" impact on the friends, but was also a positive experience for the advocates. “The volunteers all report that they get more out of it than they put in – personal satisfaction, making a difference in someone’s life, spiritual development and forming friendships with a group of likeminded people,” he said. For more information or to volunteer, visit Full Text available at


Pallottine priest celebrates remarkable Platinum Jubilee By Marco Ceccarelli

This year has been particularly significant for Father Joseph Kearney SAC. The 95 year old recently celebrated the 70 year ‘Platinum’ anniversary of his ordination with a Mass at Our Lady Queen of Apostles in Shelley and was officially congratulated by Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe for so many years of loyal and dedicated priestly ministry. Self-described as a “naturalised sandgroper,” the Victorianborn Pallottine recently spoke to The eRecord about his life journey with striking lucidity and a captivating sense of wit. FR KEARNEY grew up in a devoted Catholic family in the Melbourne suburb of Moonee Ponds and, at the age of seven, moved with his family to the Victorian town of Hepburn Springs. Having received his primary education in a convent school and secondary education at St Patrick’s College in Ballarat, Fr Kearney contemplated the idea of becoming a priest throughout his teenage years and eventually joined the Pallottines in 1940. A six-year spiritual and academic formative journey with the Pallotines thus began for Fr Kearney as he ventured into philosophy, theology and scripture with the help of a number of Franciscans in Melbourne. While undertaking his studies, Fr Kearney also harboured a desire to work in remote

A remarkable achievement: Fr Joseph Kearney recently celebrated the 70-yearanniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Fr Kearney was ordained by Melbourne Archbishop Daniel Mannix on 28 July 1946. PHOTO: MARCO CECCARELLI

parts of Australia, the top-end of Western Australia in particular, and be of assistance to Aboriginal people. He was ordained to the priesthood on 28 July 1946 by then Melbourne Archbishop Daniel Mannix and lived his first year as a priest in Melbourne, while keeping in regular contact with the Bishop of Beagle Bay who had called for priests. Fr Kearney eventually arrived to WA in 1948 and served in Broome until 1956. During his service, he would visit the small Aboriginal community of Balgo, the first time

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for 18 months and the second time for six months. “The fondest memories of my priesthood are those from the time I spent in Balgo in 1955,” he recalls. “There was a mutual trust with the Aboriginal people that made things work. We trusted them and they trusted us. I did a number of baptisms, holy communions and confirmations while there.” Fr Kearney remained in WA for another decade as he relocated north of Broome, in the town of Beagle Bay, from 1961 to 1969. At the end of 1969, he was

voted in as Regional Superior of the Pallottines and moved to the headquarters of the organisation in Melbourne, within the suburb of Kew, to serve two three-year terms. In 1975, he was appointed as rector of a house for students in Box Hill, Melbourne, before returning to the Pallottine headquarters to serve as secretary and bursar for another three years. It was after this final appointment in Melbourne that Fr Kearney arrived to Perth in 1981 and served in Rossmoyne, where he currently resides. Fr Kearney was chaplain to what was known as a hostel accommodation for high school and apprentice aged Aboriginal children from the Kimberley and Gascoyne regions. The hostel, which closed in the late 1990s, enabled boys and girls to be educated to Year 12 at local schools or to be apprenticed to local businesses. Fr Kearney was also stationed as a chaplain in Geraldton from 1986 until his retirement in 1996. He remained active, serving various parishes in need of a priest throughout WA, until 2008. The Mass for his 70-yearanniversary was celebrated by Parish Priest of Our Lady Queen of Apostles Fr Paul Manickathan SAC and concelebrated by Fr Ray Hevern SAC, Fr John Flynn SAC and Fr Kearney himself. Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

RACHEL CURRY Journalist DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA Video Journalist BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer


PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese THUS, 13 OCT – 10 NOV THE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY OF THOMAS MERTON Every Thursday 1pm-3pm, Father Albert Lynch Room, St Benedict’s Church, 115 Ardross Street, Applecross. Please note, no class 3rd November. Thomas Merton is arguably the most influential Catholic writer of the twentieth century. This Centre for Faith Enrichment course, presented by Mr John Auer, will look at the many facets of Thomas Merton’s life journey: priest and monk, hermit and activist, theologian and mystic, poet and writer, explorer of the spiritual path. Suggested donation: $20. Further info or to register, visit au,, or 08 9241 5221. THU, 13 OCT IS SHE SAFE? STUDENT FORUM Catholic Mission invites small groups of year 10 and or 11 student leaders and an accompanying member of staff to a forum to discuss the issue of human trafficking with a team of experts and to discuss potential fundraising and advocacy school initiatives for the next academic year. Thursday, 13 October, 11.30am-2pm. Catholic Pastoral Centre, Mary Street, Highgate. Lunch provided. RSVP essential 08 9422 7933, FRI, 14 - SUN, 16 OCT BEING A CHRISTIAN Baptism, Bible, Eucharist and Prayer are basic to our being Christian. They work together as channels of the divine life of grace to bring about our transformation and our conformity to the image of a Jesus who continues to move compassionately among wounded and sinful people. The weekend will provide an 1

EDITION #103 | 13 October 2016

opportunity to renew and deepen our grasp and appreciation of our Christian calling through a close reading of Rowan William’s little book, Being a Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer. Presented by David Barry OSB. The text is available at www. or through the Benedictine Institute for $15. Recommended cost $300. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa SGS, 08 9654 8371, carmel. au; Jill O’Brien, jill.obrien@ SAT, 15 OCT FINDING GOD IN LIFE’S STRUGGLES A time of reflection with Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, Saturday, 15 October, 10.30am-2pm; St Francis Xavier Church and Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor Street, Perth. Reconciliation 10.30am, Mass 11am, followed by lunch at 12 noon; 1pm reflection in the Church and 2pm tea. This is a free event. Auslan Interpreter available. Please RSVP for catering purposes 08 9328 8113 or 08 9328 9571 (TTY) 0401 016 399 (SMS) emmanuelcentre@ SUN, 16 OCT TAIZÉ MEDITATIVE PRAYER You are invited to join the South Perth Taizé praying community, St Joseph’s Chapel, 16 York St, South Perth. Sunday 16 October, 7-8pm (Chapel doors open 6.30pm). Bring a small torch, and invite a friend! Further info: Sr Maree Riddler rsj, 0414 683 926, mriddler@ ED, 19 OCT - SUN, 23 NOV THE PROPHETS IN THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY Ever y Wednesday, 10am-12.30pm, Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview. The Word of the Lord spoken through the Hebrew prophets was rooted in

the reality of God‘s Covenant of merciful love and faithfulness. Today, it speaks with the same compelling and cutting edge as when the Word of the Lord was first proclaimed. This Centre for Faith Enrichment course, presented by Sr Shelley Barlow RNDM and Terry Quinn, explores the mission and message of Amos, Hosea, Jeremiah, Micah, and Zephaniah. Cost: $45. Further info: or to register, visit, cfe@, or 08 9241 5221. WEDS, 19 OCT– 23 NOV THE PROPHETS IN THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY Ever y Wednesday, 10am-12.30pm, Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview. The “Word of the Lord” spoken through the Hebrew prophets was rooted in the reality of God‘s Covenant of merciful love and faithfulness. Today, it speaks with the same compelling and cutting edge as when the “Word of the Lord” was first proclaimed. This Centre for Faith Enrichment course, presented by Sr Shelley Barlow RNDM and Mr Terry Quinn, explores the mission and message of Amos, Hosea, Jeremiah, Micah, and Zephaniah. Cost: $45. Further info: or to register visit,, cfe@, or 08 9241 5221. THU, 20 OCT SISTERS OF ST JOSEPH - 150th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS St Pius X Parish and School will be celebrating 150th Anniversary of Sisters of St Joseph, St Pius X School, cnr Ley St & Cloister Ave, Manning, 20 October, 9am in the school library. We would like to invite parents, parishioners, ex-students and friends to this celebration to acknowledge the

Sisters wonderful contribution to the school and parish over many years. RSVP to admin@ by Monday 10 October. THU, 20 - SAT, 22 OCT WHY BE CATHOLIC CONFERENCE The Why Be Catholic Conference will be held from Thursday, 20 October to Saturday, 22 October, 9am St Lawrence & Mary Immaculate Catholic Church, 392 Albert Street, Balcatta. It will feature Fr Leo Patalinghug from Grace Before Meals, Bishop Don Sproxton, Fr Christian Irdi and Stephen Spiteri as special guest speakers. Cost $50. Further info: www.whybecatholic. FRI 21 OCT – TUE, 25 NOV THE GOOD LIFE: AN INTRODUCTION TO MORAL THEOLOGY Every Friday, 10-12.30pm, Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview. God wants us to lead a life that is good. But why would this be so? What does a “good life” even look like? Is it simply following the rules? What happens if I can’t follow all the rules? These are some of the questions that moral theology deals with and will be explored in this Centre for Faith Enrichment course, presented by Mr Joe Tedesco. Cost: $45. Further info or to register, visit, or cfe@, or call 9241 5221. SAT, 22 OCT CATHOLIC WORSHIP BOOK II WORKSHOP The next Catholic Worship Book II Workshop will be on Saturday 22 October at Saint Benedict’s Church, Applecross 10.30-12:30pm. Cost: $10 per person. Further info:

Geraldine Schivardi; 08 9207 Capuchin Friary of Santa Maria 3350 or cfl@perthcatholic. delle Grazie in San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy, was also a student of Padre Pio, who also later PARISH SOCCER AND JUNIOR worked with him as a seminarian. NETBALL TOURNAMENT Fr GianMaria will speak about his St Helena of the Cross, work and the life of Padre Pio Ellenbrook- Parish Soccer and during the visitation of the relics. Junior Netball Tournament will be held at Holy Cross College, MON, 24 - TUE, 25 OCT Ellenbrook on Saturday 22 MUSIC WORKSHOPS October, 8.15am registration for Brother Michael Herry is a 9am start. Cost, $100 for a Team returning to Perth for two music of 10 or $10 for each player and workshops (no fees) in the Parish this includes sausage sizzle and of Our Lady of Grace, 3 Kitchener can of drink. Additional drinks Street, North Beach, Monday, and sausage sizzles available in October 24, 7-9pm, general a $3 combo deal. Please email workshop for everyone in the your Team Registration by Church and Tuesday October 25, Friday 23 September to John 7-9pm, specific workshop for Topliss jj.topliss@optusnet. those who lead music during, include your Parish worship in the Church. Br Team Name and remember your Michael is a Melbourne-based Maximum squad of 10 players. Marist Brother and pastoral Payment must be made on the musician who has composed day to play. and presented liturgical music within the Australian Church for THU, 22 - MON, 26 OCT many years. Further info: Coris PADRE PIO RELICS Taffertshofer, 08 9448 4888, COMING TO PERTH The relics of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, 0434 582 993 or olg.youth@ also known as Padre Pio, are coming to St Mary’s Cathedral, THU, 25 OCT Perth, this October. The relics will 12TH NATIONAL include a pair of Padre Pio’s gloves, eCONFERENCE: MERCY - A WAY his hair, a piece of his nails, a scab OF BEING IN THE WORLD from the stigmata and a linen Second offering, 10am-2pm, cloth that was used to wipe blood Newman Siena Centre, 33 from his side wound. The relics Williamstown Road, Doubleview. will be on display at the Cathedral Keynote speakers: Archbishop from Saturday 22 October until Mark Coleridge, Dr Veronica Wednesday 26 October. St Pio Lawson RSM, Phil Glendenning. of Pietrelcina, OFM Cap, was a This eConference, hosted by the Catholic friar and priest from the Centre for Faith Enrichment, will Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. celebrate the Jubilee Year of Born Francesco Forgione on Mercy and take up Pope Francis’ 25 May 1887, and dying on 23 invitation to explore mercy, September 1968, he became a central element of our faith. famous for exhibiting stigmata for No cost. Lunch and morning tea most of his life, thereby generating provided. Further info: or to much interest and controversy. register, visit, He was both beatified in 1999, or and later canonised in 2002 by 08 9241 5221. Pope John Paul II. Visitation of the relics – which will only occur THU, 27 OCT at St Mary’s Cathedral - are taking CELEBRATING OF place courtesy of the request of VOICE AND WINDS St Mary’s Cathedral parishioner The 3rd concert in the 2016 Patrizia DiStefano and Fr GianMaria Cathedral Concert Series Digiorgio, also a fellow friar and will be held on Thursday, 27 priest from the Order of Friars October, 7.30pm. The vibrant Minor Capuchin. Fr GianMaria, UWA School of Music team up who is Economic Provincial of the with our Cathedral musicians 2

EDITION #103 | 13 October 2016

again to present this mixed programme, which includes sacred and instrumental works by Mozart, Brahms, Barber and organ works of Vierne and Renaissance vocal pieces. A special feature is the Mozart’s ‘Mass in C minor’ K139 in a never before heard version re-orchestrated by the composition students from UWA – a very special treat! For tickets, visit www.ticketswa. com/event/celebration-voiceand-winds-concert-3 or call ticketsWA direct on 08 6488 2440 (12noon – 4pm). FRI, 28 OCT PRAYING OUR EXPERIENCES – GROWING AWARENESS OF GOD IN MY EVERYDAY This focused prayer time is assisted with talks on a theme, followed by personal time in the chapel or garden. Optional sharing of our faith with others on the journey, adds to the richness of this prayer time. Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth. (Parking in York Street). Friday 28 October, morning session 10.30 -12noon and evening session 6.30-8pm. Theme: “Let me take that splinter out of your eye... “ (Mat:7) A reflection on awareness and self-knowledge. RSVP essential by Tuesday 25 October. Further info; 08 9334 0999, lmccarthy@ 25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION - MATTHEW GIBNEY CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL Matthew Gibney Catholic Primary School invite all to their 25th Anniversary Celebrations, Friday, 28 October, 30 Munday Rd, High Wycombe. The Anniversary Celebrations will commence with Mass at 9am in the School Undercover Area, followed by morning tea and Open Classrooms till 11am. RSVP: 08 6216 8400 or admin@gibney. by 15 October. FRI, 28 - SUN, 30 OCT BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKEND Benedictine spirituality is more readily experienced than defined.

28-30 October at New Norcia Monastery Guesthouse with another offering in December. Beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm on Friday, concluding after lunch on Sunday, the weekend will provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, Lectio Divina, hospitality, and community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Suggested donation: $250 (for those who can afford it), includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info and bookings: Guesthouse Manager, 08 9654 8018 or guesthouse@ SUN, 30 OCT THANKSGIVING AND CELEBRATIONS – GOD’S FARM You are cordially invited to celebrate and offer thanksgiving with us for all that God has achieved in God’s Farm over the past 30 years at God’s Farm, 94 Woodlands Rd, Wilyabrup, on Sunday 30 October, 10.30am. Fr Tony Chiera VG, Bunbury diocese will be the main celebrant, followed by special buffet and sharing of God’s blessings. 2.30pm tea, 3pm Divine Mercy, Rosary and final blessing. . Further info: Susie, 08 9388 8459, 0421 438 028 or susie. SUBSCRIBE TO THE eRECORD Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via The eRecord. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to communications@

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