The eRecord Edition #113 - 22 December 2016

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22 December 2016

Edition #113

A prayerful and engaging woman, Ursula Frayne is depicted sitting on a steamer trunk with her hands resting on her breviary. She looks at the viewer who PHOTO: FEBY PLANDO may choose to sit on the opposite suitcases, inviting them to commute with her.

Legacy of Sisters of Mercy lives on with unveiling of Ursula Frayne sculpture By Marco Ceccarelli

IN ONE of this year’s final events celebrating the 170 year anniversary of the Sisters of Mercy’s arrival to Western Australia, Perth Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton unveiled and blessed a life-size bronze sculpture of Mercy Sister Ursula Frayne. “Traveller”, as the statue is called, was unveiled at the Mercy Heritage Centre on 12 December – a date known to the Sisters of Mercy as “Foundation Day” for it commemorates the founding of their order by Catherine McAuley in 1831. The event honoured the outstanding work of the Sisters of Mercy in Australia and applauded Ursula Frayne’s faith and courage as a pioneer who brought her order’s spirit of mercy to the shores of the Swan River in January 1846.

“It is very important that we are all here and able to celebrate the life of this extraordinary and wonderful woman,” Bishop Sproxton said. “The reading from the Gospel of Luke, the Magnificat, helps us to focus on how a woman came here without very much but who was able to achieve a great deal because of her trust in God. “It is in that spirit that we gather here today, remembering her and remembering that faith that unites us, that faith in our God, who supports us and blesses us in our endeavours.” Bishop Sproxton went on to bless the specially commissioned sculpture along with two story screens featuring engraved excerpts from the history of Sister Frayne’s journey to Australia and the Heritage Centre Door of Mercy. Attendees were also treated to a soloist performance of the Suscipe of Catherine

Archbishop Barry Hickey (right) stand behind the newly unveiled bronze statue of Ursula PHOTO: FEBY PLANDO Frayne.

McAuley – a moment of reflection which brought the charism of the Sisters of Mercy to the fore in the context of such a significant year for the order. Full Text available at

ARCHDIOCESAN PLAN BEARING FRUIT OF IMPLEMENTATION THE FIRST of many prospective new fruits of the Archdiocesan Plan is starting to appear with the implementation phase now well underway. At a recent meeting of the Executive Implementation

Group, reporting included a continued commitment to effective communications through the Record and e-Record plus a strategic focus on Parish Renewal. CEO-Admini st rat ion, Greg Russo said that while

implementation across all areas of the plan is a time consuming process, it is also a gratifying one because change and re-development encourages and builds team work, constructive dialogue and strong support for

achieving the tasks at hand. “In implementing the Plan, it is important to remember we, as an Archdiocese, are working towards growing closer to Christ,” Mr Russo said. Continue on page 2


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“This Plan is a process that has the announcement of the Gospel as its number one priority and we are doing our best to work together with all the respective parties so that all growth and change is understood,” he said. Implementation groups are now starting to take shape, with membership and priorities for 2017 in the final stages of being established. Vicars for the prospective areas are now meeting on a regular basis to oversee development of the plan and to ensure positive collaboration

Since his ordination 40 years ago, former Highgate Parish Priest Fr Peter Bianchini has had a passion for the ongoing formation of clergy. PHOTO: THE RECORD

across all the priority areas. Vicar for Clergy, Father Brian McKenna, said he is pleased with the progress of

tasks in Support for Clergy. One of these t ask s includes revising the Board of Clergy, Life and Ministry

Constitution, creating a stronger and clearer mandate, which will enable the Board to take more responsibility in the formation of the Clergy. Former Highgate Parish Priest, Fr Peter Bianchini, has been appointed as the Director of Clergy Formation. Fr Bianchini will work with Fr McKenna to develop the new Board and mandate, with a number of clergy, religious and lay men and women having now accepted the invitation to assist in this project. Full Text available at

Religion teachers reap rewards through Knights’ scholarship By Caroline Smith

MORE THAN 40 teachers from schools across Western Australia were recently honoured with a scholarship offered by Catholic lay organisation, The Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross (KSC). The scholarship – which enables teachers of religious education to further their knowledge with a choice of related subjects from the University of Notre Dame Australia (UNDA) – was presented at a ceremony held at Leederville’s Catholic Education Office on 13 December. KSC State Chairman, John Dw yer, addressed the group of teachers in addition to representatives from the Order, along with representatives from Catholic Education WA (CEWA) and of UNDA. The teachers came from Cat holic pr im ar y and secondary schools both in metropolitan and country areas, and were selected with

University of Notre Dame Australia Dean of Education, Professor Michael O’Neill congratulates scholarship recipient Rodney Dowling. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

the help of Catholic Education and UNDA representatives. Cat holic Educ at ion Executive Director, Tim McDonald, also spoke, along with Dean of Education at the University of Notre Dame Australia, Michael O’Neill. Mr Dwyer said he had been impressed by the high standard of scholarship recipients and the original pool of applicants. “A ltoget her we h ad

80 applicant s for the scholarships, with CEWA and UNDA representatives helping us to select 44 from those,” he said. “Each applicant had to have a letter from their Parish Priest in order to apply. Our recipients came from across WA, with a number in country areas.” Mr Dwyer added that t he scholarship fund s are awarded directly to

Notre Dame University for allocation to the winners. The scholarships are for study at the Colleges of Theology and Education within Notre Dame University’s Fremantle or Broome campus. For more information, please visit http://internet. Full Text available at



A CAPTIVATING painting which took out this year’s Catholic prize at the Mandorla Art Award and described by the panel of judges as “beautifully worked”, was recently donated to Perth’s St Mary’s Cathedral. Entitled Over Jerusalem, the artwork was donated by artist Camilla Loveridge and is part of a continuing program to develop a religious art collection at St Mary’s Cathedral. The program has been part of a longterm vision of those involved in the restoration of the Cathedral from 2006 to 2009 and is endorsed by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and Dean of the Cathedral, Monsignor Michael Keating. Ms Loveridge trained in Visual Arts at Curtin University in Perth – a subject she then taught at high school level. Her career in teaching led to her volunteering as a teacher at a high school on a mission in Rabaul in Papua New Guinea and then another college in Mt Hagen. Passionate about using art to help those with disabilities, Ms Loveridge continues to do workshops at high schools in drawing and mixed media.

Artist Camilla Loveridge officially hands over ownership of her Mandoorla Art Award winning painting, PHOTO: JAMIE O’BRIEN entitled Over Jerusalem, to St Mary’s Cathedral Dean, Msgr Michael Keating.

Ms Loveridge’s story is an interesting one as her father, Mr Thomas Gerard Darwin, is also associated with the Cathedral and members of her family are involved with the Church. In 2008, Mr Darwin designed and created the Stations of the Cross in St Mary’s Cathedral and sculpted a bust of Pope Saint John Paul II, which is currently on display in the crypt. He has also sculpted other saints, including St

Mother Teresa which is also on display at St Mary’s Cathedral. The religious art legacy within Ms Loveridge’s family does not stop there but continues for another generation. Her daughter, Ruth, who graduated from Santa Maria College in 2015, recently won the Black Swan portraiture prize and Angelico art award of WA. Full Text available at

Jesuit priest ponders big questions at St Benedict’s By Rachel Curry

Re n ow n e d J e s u it p r i e s t Fat h e r Richard Leonard SJ addresses the age old question, “Why does God let bad things happen?” during his visit to Applecross Parish on Saturday, 10 PHOTO: SUPPLIED December.

IT IS THE QUESTION that even the most faithful Catholics will ask during their lifetime: Why does God let bad things happen? According to renowned Jesuit priest Father Richard Leonard SJ, who tackled the tricky topic during his recent visit to Applecross Parish, we are actually asking the wrong question. The holder of several degrees including a PhD from the University of Melbourne,

Fr Leonard is the Director of the Australian Catholic Office for Film and Broadcasting, the author of nine books and an in-demand lecturer on faith and culture all over the world. His recent visit to St Bened ict’s Church on Saturday, 10 December, saw him deliver two talks to some 130 attendees: From Darkness into the Light and Making the Best Choices in my Life in the Light of Faith. During his first address, he shared a very personal story about how his sister Tracey was involved in a car accident

some 28 years ago, which left her a quadriplegic. Tracey had previously spent three years nursing the poor at Mother Teresa’s House of the Dying in Calcutta before assisting the Sisters of Our Lady of Sacred Heart to run a health centre for Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory. For something so terrible to happen to such a selfless person was baffling to Fr Leonard’s mother. Continue on page 4


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Even Fr Leonard was left confronting his own beliefs, he said, and the letters he received following the accident did nothing to ease his anguish. Some people suggested that Tracey must have done something to deserve God’s punishment, some remarked that she would be rewarded greatly in heaven for her suffering, and others stated that “God only sends the biggest crosses to those who can bear them”.

Some 130 people listen to renowned Jesuit priest Father Richard Leonard SJ as he delivers two talks, From Darkness into the Light and Making the Best Choices in my Life in the Light of Faith at St Benedict’s Church.

“Years later, I am very grateful to the correspondents who wrote to me after my sister’s accident,” Fr Leonard


told attendees. “They have alerted me to how often we hear some terrible theology which does

not draw people to God in the worst moments of our lives.” What did help Fr Leonard hold on to his faith through this dark period was his belief that God does not directly make bad things happen, either to punish us or to teach us lessons. Such actions cannot be in the nature of God, he said, because through Jesus, God is revealed as being “about life not death, construction not destruction, forgiveness not retribution, healing not pain”. Full Text available at

MARCEL A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH ON INTERNATIONAL RUGBY STAGE NOTRE DAME STUDENT and Western Force centre, Marcel Brache, has achieved a lifelong dream – to represent his country on the international rugby stage. Marcel made his international debut with the US Eagles against Tonga as part of the Autumn Internationals rugby tournament held across Europe in November 2016. Despite going down 20-17, Marcel relished the opportunity to play a sport he loves against the world’s best. “My debut game was an unbelievable experience and a really proud moment for myself and my family. It’s something I will forever cherish,” Marcel said. “I hope to once again represent my country in the June Test Series in 2017, with games against Ireland, Canada and Georgia – two of which are qualifiers for the 2019 Rugby World Cup in Japan. In addition to growing

in my capacity at the Force, I hope this experience will be another significant chapter in my rugby career.” After spending the first four years of his life in Los Angeles, Marcel discovered his passion for rugby in Cape Town, South Africa, where he represented his university team before taking his professional career to the next level. He was recruited by the Western Force in 2013 and has since played 37 games and scored three tries. Upon arriving in Perth, Marcel enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) degree at The University of Notre Dame Australia’s Fremantle Campus and is part of the University’s Elite Athlete Program. “I chose to study at Notre Dame because I have a few friends who studied at the University and they remarked on the beauty of the Campus. I didn’t want to go anywhere

THE eRECORD is produced by the

Notre Dame student Marcel Brache, recently achieved his lifelong dream to PHOTO: SUPPLIED represent the USA on the international rugby stage.

else but Notre Dame – it is focused on the student which is important to me,” Marcel said. “I’m grateful to the University for giving me the opportunity to be a student athlete and having the ability to balance my sporting profession and student life; now more than ever you need that balance. To all who

have helped me excel in the classroom and on the sporting field, I say thank you!” Max Wason, Sports Officer on Notre Dame’s Fremantle Campus, cong ratulated Marcel on his international rugby debut. Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

RACHEL CURRY Journalist DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA Video Journalist BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer


PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese

Please find below items for your personal information, possibly to share more broadly within your public ministry. If you have any future items you wish to notify the Archdiocese about, then please email them to the Communications Office at communications@ and include basic facts, no more than 75 words, plus contact details and weblinks. (Deadline for the next edition is COB Monday, 3 January 2017) COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE: CHRISTMAS OFFICE HOURS The Archdiocesan Communications Office will be closed during the Christmas period from 12noon Friday 22 December, re-opening Tuesday 3 Janauary 2017 at 9am. For all urgent communications and media enquiries during that time, please contact Communications Manager Jamie O'Brien on 0455 099 652 or email jamie.obrien@perthcatholic.


full-time Assistant Editor at the Archdiocesan Communications Office, to support the Archdiocesan Communications Manager in co-ordinating publication of content for nominated communications assets, including The eRecord, The Record Magazine, the Archdiocesan website and The Record website. Tertiary qualifications in Journalism or Communications and/or relevant work experience of at least three (3) years is required, with work experience in the communications industry and sound knowledge of Microsoft Office and the Adobe Suite being highly regarded. Expressions of interest should be received by Julie Fuge, Archdiocese of Perth, GPO Box M962, PERTH WA 6843 or by email at julie. by no later than close of business, Friday 13 January, 2017. For more information contact Communications Manager, Jamie O’Brien on 08 9220 5900 or on 45 09 652 or via email at jamie.obrien@perthcatholic.

ACBC - CATHNEWS EDITOR The Australian Catholic Bishops ARCHDIOCESE OF PERTH Conference (ACBC) is seeking to - ASSISTANT EDITOR employ an Editor of CathNews, The Catholic Archdiocese of a publication of the ACBC. Perth is seeking to employ a The role primarily involves


EDITION #113 | 22 December 2016

researching, sourcing, crediting and republishing local, national and international news stories about or with reference to the Catholic Church, published during the previous 24 to 48 hours. The ideal candidate will have good editorial judgement in selecting news stories, excellent attention to detail when editing and publishing with the ability to work to deadlines. The Editor will report to the Media and Communications Director at the ACBC. The location of the role is negotiable, however given the need to work in the evenings and early mornings, working from home is an advantage. A copy of the position description is available from, Applications close on Friday, 20 January 2017 at 5pm. Formal applications are to be addressed to the Media and Communications Director and emailed to admin@ For further information please contact Carolina Ross on (02) 6201 9845 or email, admin@

activities for campers aged between 11.5-15. Further info: Graham Maher, 08 9251 3000 or maher.graham@cathednet. TUE, 17 - FRI, 20 JAN CATHOLICSUPER PRERETIREMENT SEMINAR CatholicSuper will be running three Pre-retirement seminars as follows, Tuesday 17 January, 9-1pm, Corpus Christi College, Bateman; Wednesday 18 January, 9-1pm Sacread Heart College, Sorrento and Thursday 19 January 9-1pm CEWA Office, Room G7, Leederville. Nonmembers, friends and family all welcome.

THU, 19 JAN HOLY MASS AND HEALING - TALK BY ALAN AMES Allan Ames will give a talk at St Denis Catholic Church, 60 Osborne St, Joondanna, Thursday 19 January. Holy Mass 6.30pm followed by talk and prayers. Alan has been speaking and praying for healing around the world since 1994 and has spoken in more than 40 countries. Alan will speak after the Holy Mass and share his unique conversion MON, 9 - FRI, 13 JAN experiences. Alan has the WA YOUNG SALESIAN permission and support of Archbishop T Costelloe for these SUMMER CAMP January 9-13 at Nanga Bush talks. Further info: Keith 041 Camp, five fun filled days, with 1108525.

FRI, 20 - SUN, 22 JAN 27TH ANNUAL CONGRESS - FLAME MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL You are invited to the Flame Ministries International 27th Annual Congress on the theme; The Light of the World: A Call to Shine, at John XXIII College Lecture Hall, Mt Claremont, Friday 20 January to Sunday 22 January. Guest Speakers Fr. Roy Pereira, Fr. Mark Baumgarten, Eddie Russell, Kaye Rollings, and Cyrus D’Souza. Mass, Sunday 11.30am. Free Evening Rallies Friday to Sunday 7.30pm. Registered day sessions Saturday and Sunday. You can expect great teachings and prayers for healing. Further info: Kaye Rollings or 0421 605 502. WED, 25 JAN MARIST REUNION Former students of all Marist schools are warmly invited to the Annual Reunion, Wednesday 25 January, Newman College, Empire Avenue, Churchlands. Mass 4.30pm in the College Chapel followed by Barbecue in the college grounds. RSVPs not necessary. BYO everything. Further info: Kevin Wringe 0407 511 104 or Ambrose Depiazzi 0419 912 187. BOOK: SAINT RAPHAEL KALINOWSKI (APPRENTICED TO SAINTHOOD IN SIBERIA) The inspiring and dramatic story of Saint Raphael Kalinowski by Father Timothy (Tadgh) Tierney OCD. St Raphael Kalinowski is only the second male Carmelite after St John of the Cross to be canonised. This is the 25th year of his canonisation by Pope St John Paul II. The book can be ordered from Infant Jesus Parish Office on 08 9276 8500 or 0407 910 785,


EDITION #113 | 22 December 2016

price $19.95 (collected) or $29.95 (for postage). EVERY SATURDAY EVENING: DIVINE LITURGY IN ENGLISH A touch of the East in the West! Mass in the Eastern Catholic Churches is known as the “Divine Liturgy”. There is a Divine Liturgy celebrated in English every Saturday evening (Vigil for Sunday) 6pm at the Ukrainian Catholic Church of St John the Baptist, 20 Ferguson St, Maylands. All are most welcome. Further info: HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE 2-22 January 2017, five nights Jordan, 14 nights Israel; 4 & 5 star hotels, all meals, admissions, guides, tipping and Emirates flights incl. $7820; three day Dubai/Abu Dhabi extension $1050. Chaplain: Fr Tim Deeter. Further info: 08 9271 5253 or casapgf@ PRAISE HEALING AND BIBLE TEACHING Every Wednesday, 7.30–9.30pm. Flame Ministries, Lion of Judah Catholic Charismatic Prayer Fellowship. Holy Rosary Parish Hall, 46 Thomas Street, Nedlands. Further info: fmi@ or www. htm. SUBSCRIBE TO THE eRECORD Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via The eRecord. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to communications@

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