The eRecord Edition #45 - 21 August 2015

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21 August 2015

Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

Edition #45

Archbishop celebrates Don Bosco bicentennary By Jamie O’Brien WE HAVE to keep trying to love, and show our love, to those who matter to us, in ways that will make sense to them rather than simply in ways that will make us feel good, said Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe last weekend, in celebration of the bicentennial anniversary of the birth of St John Bosco on Sunday, 16 August. The anniversary of St John Bosco, founder of the Salesian Order, was a special occasion for the Archbishop, who is also a Salesian. In his homily for the Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, the Archbishop re-told a few particular experiences of Don Bosco, as he was affectionately known, and how these experiences can provide meaning for our faith journey. “Towards the end of his life, after a lifetime caring for the young, and especially those who were poor, abandoned or neglected, he had another dream. “He was in Rome attending to some business for the Pope and, during the dream, two men who used to be boarders in his school in Turin came to him and asked him if he would like to see how things were going in Turin during his absence. “Together, the three of them walked through the playground and, while everything seemed to be going well, Don Bosco noticed that everyone was a little more 1 | EDITION #45 | 21 AUGUST 2015

St John Bosco, founder of the Salesian order, is seen in a historical image from the Salesian Central Archives. PHOTO: CNS/COURTESY OF SALESIAN CENTRAL ARCHIVES

subdued than usual. “There wasn’t the same sense of fun, light-heartedness and friendliness between the boys and the Salesians. “When Don Bosco asked his two guides why this was so, they replied that the

the Salesians, mostly young men themselves, had given up everything in order to care for the boys, the two guides said something to Don Bosco which I think contains his secret and sums up the gift which God has given to the

“Jesus’ love wasn’t empty words... It was based on the personal situation and deep needs of each person.” Salesians didn’t love the boys as much as they used to and for this reason the school wasn’t the happy place it used to be. “When Don Bosco protested and pointed out that

Church through him. “‘It is not enough to love the boys,’ the two guides said. ‘The boys have to know that they are loved.’” The Archbishop went on to say that what Don Bosco

really offers is a precious insight into Jesus’ own way of loving. “Jesus’ love wasn’t empty words, or based on some kind of predetermined formula. “It was based on the personal situation and deep needs of each person He encountered. He showed His love to Simon Peter in one way, to the woman who washed His feet with her tears in another, to the paralysed man in another, and to the woman caught in adultery in yet another. Full Text available at

St Jerome’s celebrates 80th anniversary By Mat De Sousa ST JEROME’S Primary School in Munster celebrated its 80th Anniversary on Sunday, 9 August, with a funfilled program of entertainment, games and art enjoyed by students and staff, past and present. Despite the forecast of rain, more than 400 people packed St Jerome’s Parish at the Anniversary Mass which was assisted by St Jerome’s Primary School staff and celebrated by parish priest, Father Mathew Velliyamkandathil CRS, together with co-celebrant, Fr Paul Raj. Also present at the celebration was local ‘living treasure’, Sister Canisius, a member of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition, who was a past principal and taught at the school from 1936 until 1960. “At 100 years of age, Sr Canisius honoured us with her bright personality and amazing memory of days gone by which delighted her many past students,” said St Jerome’s Primary School Principal, Helen O’Toole. During the Mass, co-celebrant Fr Paul Raj shared with the congregation experiences from his time as assistant priest of St Jerome’s Parish (1997-98), re-living his memories of giving pastoral support to the staff and students at the adjoining primary school. Commending former and current staff for their commitment to high standards of education centred on strong Catholic teaching, Fr Paul cited the example of St Jerome who spent his life expanding his knowledge of scripture to further his knowledge of Christ for the benefit of the Church. 2 | EDITION #45 | 21 AUGUST 2015

St Jerome’s Primary School celebrated its 80th anniversary with Mass and included an Open Day with student performances and a variety of activities. PHOTO: MAT DE SOUSA

The Mass was orchestrated with music from the parish choir and a liturgical dance routine by a group of students ranging from Years 2 to 6. At the conclusion of Mass, those present were invited across to the school for a special open day where the celebrations continued with entertainment by students, activities run by staff and an exhibition of school memorabilia held in the library. “Celebrating 80 years as a Catholic school in this local area is a reason to give thanks to God for all the abundant

blessings that have been received over the years,” said Ms O’Toole in reflection of the milestone. “Today, we remember the prayers of our first parishioners, who asked to have a Catholic school, and celebrate its fulfilment through the generosity of the sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition. “From the little church school which began with only 49 students, we today have over 700 of whom many are third generation St Jerome’s students.” Founded some 80 years

ago, in 1935, St Jerome’s Primary School’s first classes were conducted in the small church on the corner of Rockingham Road and Edeline Street, Spearwood. In 1978, the school was relocated to its present site on the corner of Troode Street and Rockingham Road, Munster, and has grown to a diverse, three-stream school catering for children from three years old to Year 6. Full Text available at

Fr Stephen Cooney celebrates 60 years of priesthood By Marco Ceccarelli MORE THAN 150 people last month attended the 60th anniversary of Norbertine priest Father Stephen Cooney OPraem, who is currently the parish priest of St Patrick’s Parish, York. The celebrations began with a Mass on Friday, 3 July, celebrated by Fr Cooney, at St Joseph’s Priory in Queens Park, the home of the Norbertines in Perth, together with co-celebrants Fr Stephen Prasootsaengchan, Fr Joshy Arimana Chacko OPraem, Fr Michael Raymond OFM and Fr Peter Joseph Stiglich OPraem. The festivities continued into the evening with food and drinks shared among the numerous guests.

Fr Stephen Cooney OPraem, who celebrated his Diamond Jubilee, stands next to his sister, Sr Gerard Cooney, who belongs to the Sisters of Nazareth, Geraldton. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

A special Mass was also held on Sunday, 5 July at St Patrick’s York with Fr Joshy OPraem, Fr Stephen Prasootsaengchan, and

Goomalling parish priest Fr Ken de Souza OFM Cap. The significant number of attendees to the anniversary celebrations comes as no sur-

prise – Fr Stephen has played a significant role in the history of the Catholic Church in Western Australia. Originally from County Cavan, Ireland, Fr Stephen was ordained at Holy Trinity Abbey, Kilnacrott, on 2 July 1955, before being invited four years later by then Archbishop Redmond Prendiville to work in the growing Archdiocese of Perth. He arrived in November 1959 and joined fellow Norbertines Fr Peter O’Reilly and Fr John Reynolds, who had arrived earlier in May, with the intention of establishing a monastery in York, approximately 100km east of Perth. Full Text available at

Fra ‘Paddy’ recalled as a builder of faith By Fra Christopher Ross CROWDS of parishioners from across the Archdiocese gathered at St Anthony’s Parish Wanneroo recently in celebration of the life of Servite Father, Fra Patrick Boyle, who was also affectionately known as Paddy. Fra Boyle, who passed away on 2 August, suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for some 13 years and had lived his last years as a resident at Catholic Homes in Castledare, Perth. The funeral Mass was celebrated by Fra Christopher Ross OSM as well as fellow Servite friars from across Western Australia, and was attended by two of his sisters who had travelled from Ireland for the occasion, and four nieces who live in Australia. Born on 7 March 1930 in Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland, and entering the

Servite Friar Fra Patrick Boyle, who passed away after on August 2. The Irish-born priest served the Archdiocese of Perth for more than 50 years. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Servite Order in Benburb, Co Tyrone in 1949, he was among the first to be ordained to the priesthood for the Order on 8 July 1956 after its belated foundation in Ireland following World War II. Undertaking his studies in philosophy at Benburb Priory and then, later, theology at Lake Bluff, Chicago, Illinois,

he was first assigned to the Servite parish in Belen, New Mexico as assistant priest following his ordination. In 1960, Fr Boyle was sent to the then young foundation of the Servite Order in Australia and remained here for the remainder of his vocation. Starting in a very challenging parish set-up on

the peripheries of Perth at St Anthony’s Parish Wanneroo, it was here that he laboured for many years, building the community, ministering to the spiritual needs of the people. In the early days, the Italian and Croatian market gardeners were a special care and concern but, as the area developed, he was always a stalwart supporter of the incoming residents. It was only towards the end of his lengthy ministry did he enjoy the privilege of building the large modern church which is seen today. Fra Boyle also served for a few years as the first Servite in the one-time parish of Our Lady of the Way in Kingsbury, Victoria as well as at St Denis’ Parish Joondanna. Full Text available at EDITION #45 | 21 AUGUST 2015 |


Part Two - Love is alive on the streets of the Philippines By Mark Reidy IN JULY this year, eRecord journalist Mark Reidy took his 13-year oldson, Joseph, on a mission trip to the Philippines to spend time with the Holy Spirit of Freedom (HSOF) Community, an Australianfounded Catholic ministry which has been reaching out to people living on the streets of Manila and Cebu for the past 17 years. In a two-part series being published by the eRecord, Mark speaks with Joseph about the experience, while also sharing some of his own thoughts about the journey. Our journey then took us south to Cebu City, the oldest city in the Philippines, where the HSOF Community has been established for the past eight years. The levels of poverty here reflected what we found in Manila, but so did the joy and welcoming we received from those on the streets. We sat with people who were sleeping on pieces of cardboard on the side of busy roads, visited people in precariously built hovels in crowded shanty towns and even wandered among prisoners in an overcrowded jail but, wherever we went, we were embraced by their love and gratitude. It was a humbling experience, especially because we were gaining so much more than we were giving. It was also a difficult reality for Joseph to grasp. “In Australia, we are so much richer but people don’t seem as happy as those we

In July this year, eRecord journalist Mark Reidy took his 13-year-old son Joseph (far left) on a mission trip to the Philippines with the Holy Spirit of Freedom Community. PHOTO: MARK REIDY

met over there,” he reflected. “Some people don’t have a roof over their heads, they have to put up with hot weather, heavy rain, mosquitos and not knowing when they will get their next meal,

he witnessed on his journey. “There was one group of nine families who lived in an area half the size of a normal Australian house,” he recalled. “There were probably more than forty people there - and

“When we brought them some food they offered us the only seats they had and wanted to share their food with us.” but they can still smile at us. “I think maybe it’s because they have one another. They might not have much money but there is a good sense of community. They help each other. They also have a belief in God and seem to rely on Him a lot.” Joseph went on to recall a few of the other harsh realities

it was right next to a very busy road. “The houses were made of pieces of tin and were leaning against each other and there were dogs and huge rats running around it. It would have been very common for children and babies to get sick given the squalid conditions. “When we brought them

some food they offered us the only seats they had and wanted to share their food with us. They were very kind.” Joseph spent much of his trip surrounded by admiring children who obviously had little or no prior interaction with western teenagers. He made many friends during his visit and, more importantly, left with a greater understanding of the world around him. “It is amazing what a little bit of money can do over there,” he shared. “I loved being able to take out groups of people to get something to eat. It was very exciting for them, especially the kids. Full Text available at

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email:


What’s happening around the Archdiocese SATURDAY, 22 AUGUST ‘Beloved’ - Retreat Day for young women Come and spend the day with the One who loves you more than you can imagine. Be inspired by talks and personal stories of faith and life. Saturday, 22 August, 67 Howe St, Osborne Park, from 10am–4pm. Presented by the Missionaries of God’s Love Sisters. An Information Session will follow from 5-8pm which will provide an opportunity to hear more about this new Australian group of consecrated women seeking to bring the fire of God’s love to all people. Further info and to register: 0402 602 520, bernadettetoohey.mgl@ IdentityWA Information Booth Identitywa provides support services for individuals and families enhancing the lives of people with a disability to live with a sense of purpose, wellbeing and belonging. To find out more, visit the Information Booth at the Yangebup Family Centre Community Open Day at 11 Dunraven Drv, Yangebup, on Saturday, 22 August, 10am-1pm. Further info: 9474 3303, WEDNESDAY, 26 AUGUST Deacon Harold Tour Dynamic speaker, Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers will be visiting Perth on Wednesday, 26 August, 7pm at St Bernadette’s Parish, 49 Jugan St, Mt Hawthorn. He will be speaking on “An Apocalyptic Awakening – The Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary for Our World”. As part of this tour, he will also be launching the DVD program CHOSEN - a new Learning System for teachers, parish groups and all people involved in youth ministry, who are eager to reach this fast-paced, tech-savvy generation with the love of Christ. THURSDAY, 27 AUGUST ‘Sin & Forgiveness’ Seminar The Council of Christians and Jews WA Inc will be hosting a seminar on ‘Sin and Forgiveness’ at the Temple David Function Centre, 34 Clifton Cr, Mt Lawley on Thursday, 27 August at 7.30pm. Presenters: Rabbi Adi Cohen, Temple David; and Rev Steve Francis, Moderator, Uniting Church in WA. $5 members and concessions; $10 nonmembers. Light refreshments served. All welcome. Further info: ccjwa@ A New Bible Study Held at St Paul’s Parish Mt Lawley, 106 Rookwood St, Menora, from 7.30-9pm. A study of four great women of the Old Testament: Judith, Esther, Deborah and Ruth. These are short stories but full of meaning for contemporary society. They show us EDITION #45 | 21 AUGUST 2015

that far from being the submissive and unseen servants of men, these Jewish women were esteemed by their nations for their leadership, daring and inventiveness. all welcome. Further info: 08 9271 5253. FRIDAY, 28 AUGUST ‘Growing Awareness of God in my Every Day’ The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart invite you to a focused prayer and contemplation session titled ‘Praying Your Experiences … Growing Awareness of God in My Every Day’. There will be talks on the theme Faith – Living it in the every day. Optional sharing of one’s faith with others, followed by personal time. To be held at the Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth, from 10.30am - 12.00noon and repeated at 6.30pm-8.00pm. RSVP by Wed, 26 August. Further info: Laura McCarthy 9334 0999 or laura.mccarthy@sosj. SATURDAY, 29 AUGUST ‘Light and Darkness’ Lectures The Institute for Benedictine Studies will host this special event on ‘Light and Darkness – Exploring Truth and Meaning in the Universe through Ethics, Theology, Art and Music’. Speakers include Professor Philip Matthews, Rev Dr Denis Edwards, Dom Robert Nixon OSB, and Dr Angela McCarthy. Held on Saturday, 29 August, all day from 10am. Cost: $60 (conc $35) includes lunch, morning and afternoon tea. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa SGS 08 9654 8371,, SUNDAY, 30 AUGUST Fundraising Concert to Feature Perth Musical Arts The Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) is holding a fundraising concert featuring a number of musicians from across the Archdiocese. Artists Terry Burridge, Chris deSilva, Carly Power, Christopher Waddell, the Waddell Family and the Archdiocesan Occassional Choir, incorporating the Julian Singers will all be performing, accompanied by Margaret De San Miguel and Jacinta Jakovcevic, Director of Music at St Mary’s Cathedral. All profits go to ACRATH. To be held on Sunday, 30 August, 2.15pm at the Loreto Performing Arts Centre Nedlands, 60 Webster Street Nedlands. Afternoon tea provided. To book online Click Here. Further info: naomi. THURSDAY, 10 SEPTEMBER Prayer Day: The New Universe Story - Creation and Incarnation

The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart will be holding a Prayer Day on Thursday, 10 September from 10am-3.15pm at the Holy Family Church Parish Centre, Thelma St (cnr of Canning Hwy), Como. Presented by Sr Wendy Lailey RSJ on the theme ‘The New Universe Story – Creation and Incarnation’. Cost: by donation. Light lunch provided. (Note: Prayer Days which are published on our 2015 program for 14 October and 10 December are now cancelled). Further info and RSVP for catering purposes: Laura 08 9334 0999, FRIDAY, 11 - SUNDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER New Norcia Spirituality Retreat Fr David Barry OSB will be presenting a spirituality retreat titled The Church in the Contemporary World. For freedom Christ has set us free (Gal 5:1): the Church’s continuing role 50 years after the Vatican II Encyclical Gaudium et spes is in promoting our freedom in Christ. Further info and bookings: Bernadette 08 9654 8002, SATURDAY, 12 SEPTEMEBER Writer’s Festival 2015 New Norcia, in conjunction with The West Australian, is hosting a writers’ festival on 12 September. Places are strictly limited. Further info: Lucy 08 9654 8018, communications@, or visit www. TUESDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER Meditation with Young People Notre Dame University will host a joint Anglican-Catholic Personal Development Day for chaplains and RE teachers on Tuesday, 15 September from 9.00am-3.30pm in the Drill Hall to look at how to introduce Christian meditation into the school day. The day will be attended in part by the Catholic and Anglican Archbishops of Perth and is a partnership between Anglican and Catholic education bodies and the local branch of the Australian Christian Meditation Community. Cost per person $40. To register click here. Further info: Philip Goldsworthy pgoldsworthy@asc., 08 9286 0290. FRIDAY, 18 - SUNDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER Annual Regional Retreat of the Secular Franciscan Order Be immersed in the spirituality of St Francis of Assisi with Capuchin Franciscan Friar, Fr Patrick Colbourne from Adelaide. Six talks on the theme Walking in the way of the Gospel in the twenty-first century following in the footsteps of St Francis. Held at the Redemptorist Retreat House,

North Perth live-in/live-out $205 live in, $55 daily. Registration on Friday at 5.30pm followed by a complimentary evening meal. Further info and bookings: David Ward 0400 061 106,, 3 Day live-in Healing Retreat Vincentian Retreat Centre Perth is conducting a 3 Day Live-in Healing Retreat on 18-20 September at Epiphany Retreat Centre, 50 Fifth Ave, Rossmoyne. This retreat is led by Fr Varghese Parackal VC (Director of Perth Retreat Centre) and Fr Michael Payyapilly VC (Director of Sydney Retreat Centre) - anointed priests who have the gift of preaching and healing. All are welcome. Further info and to register: Lin, 0419041188, SATURDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER Youth Renewal Retreat The Vincentian Fathers invite all youth ages 15-35 years to an upcoming Youth Renewal Retreat on Saturday, 19 September, 9am-2pm, at Holy Family Parish, 34 Alcock St, Maddington. Are you discouraged, tired, lost hope, struggling? Join us as we experience Jesus, be inspired by the Word of God, and be uplifted by praise and worship. Led by Fr Michael Payyapilly VC - an anointed priest and inspirational preacher reaching to the hearts of the youth. Free admission. Lunch provided. Further info and to register: 08 9493 1703. FRIDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER WA Young Salesians Quiz Night The WA Young Salesians Leaders are holding a Quiz Night fundraising event on Friday, 25 September at Our Lady of Grace School (Multipurpose area), 5a Kitchener St, North Beach, at 7.30pm. Cost $10pp. Teams of 8. A memorable night filled with fun, laughter and trivia! Further info and to purchase tickets: Graham 0418 979 600,, SUNDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER Social Justice Sunday The Australian Catholic Social Justice Council (ACSJC) will launch ‘Social Justice Sunday’ this year on Sunday, 27 September with a statement entitled, ‘For Those Who’ve Come Across the Seas: Justice for refugees and asylum seekers’. This year’s statement addresses the divisive national debate over asylum seekers, especially those who arrive by boat. It reminds all Australians of the need to live out the example of Jesus who never turned his back on those who were lost or suffering. Resources will be available for download on the ACSJC website and will include Liturgy Notes, a PowerPoint presentation and

resources for schools and groups. Download Social Justice Statement Order Form. Further info: Carol Mitchell,, MONDAY, 28 SEPTEMEBER – SATURDAY, 3 OCTOBER Theology of the Body in WA John Paul II Institute for Marriage and the Family will offer a module on St. John Paul II’s The Theology of the Body which will address how the interpersonal communion of man and woman, in and through the body, images divine Trinitarian Communion. It will discuss the relevance of the Theology of the Body for those called to the vocation of celibacy and provide vital content to engage in the mission of the new evangelisation. Drs Adam Cooper and Conor Sweeney will present the sessions. Both are engaging speakers and internationally recognised experts of this field. Venue: University of Notre Dame (Fremantle) on Monday 2-9pm and Saturday 10am-5pm. Further info: FRIDAY, 9 - SATURDAY, 10 OCTOBER Marty Haugen visit to Perth Performer and composer, Marty Haugen will be visiting Perth from 9-10 October. Marty is from the US and previously visited Perth in 1995. Composer of over 450 pieces, including Mass of Creation, Gather Us In and We Remember. Every Catholic has sung his music at some stage! SUNDAY, 11 OCTOBER Requiem Fundraising Performance This Requiem performance by Karl Jenkins is a reflection on the loss of life among displaced people in our world as they seek asylum. It combines the prayers of a Requiem with Japanese Haiku poetry, Japanese flute and drum. On Sunday, 11 October, at St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Sq, Perth at 2.30pm. Featuruing Lux et Veritas & Camerata 1685 with Conductor Jangoo Chapkhana. Cost $35 ($25 conc). Profits will go to MercyCare and the Humanitarian Group supporting asylum seekers. Further info and bookings: 08 6488 2440 (124pm),, http:// SUNDAY, 18 OCTOBER Writer’s Workshop In collaboration with the Benedictine Union of Australia and New Zealand, the Institute for Benedictine Studies will host its second “Writers’ Workshop” to facilitate those who wish to hone their skills in academic writing, particularly in relation to publication in Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review. Facilitated by Michael Casey OCSO. Recommended donation for the week: $500. Further info/bookings: EDITION #45 | 21 AUGUST 2015

Dr Carmel Posa SGS 08 9654 8371,, SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER Mercedes/OLC Class of 1965 Reunion Past students of Our Lady’s College who graduated with Leaving in 1965 or Junior in 1963 are invited to attend a 50th Reunion on the afternoon of Sunday, 25 October. If you are a student of that year or know of someone, please contact Mary Ballantine (Noonan) mary. or Coralie Deshon (White) au. MONDAY, 7 - WEDNESDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 17-Day Pilgrimage Discover the jewels of Spain, Portugal and France visiting Barcelona, Monserrat, Zaragoza, Avila, Fatima and coming alongside the incorruptible bodies of St Bernadette of Lourdes, St John Vianney of Ars, St Thérèse of Lisieux, St Vincent de Paul and St Catherine Labouré. 17 days away, consisting of 15 nights between 7 and 23 September. Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr Michael Quynh Do. Further info: Sheila 0433 771979, Sue 0421 835408. WEDNESDAY, 21 - FRIDAY, 31 OCTOBER “In the Footsteps of Mary Mackillop” This 10-day pilgrimage has been prepared by the Sisters of St Joseph and designed to help you enter more deeply into Mary Mackillop’s story. Further info: contact Laura 08 9334 0999, THURSDAY, 3 - SATURDAY, 5 DECEMBER Australian Catholic Youth Festival 2015 The Australian Catholic Youth Festival is a national gathering of Catholic young people established by the ACBC. Join thousands of young people in Adelaide to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus and be empowered to be disciples in the world today. Young people from Year 9 to young adults 25 years of age are invited. Further info: www. EVERY SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Chaplets of the Divine Mercy A powerful, prayerful, sung devotion held at St Thomas More Catholic Church, Dean Road Bateman, on the second Wednesday of each month commencing at 7.30 pm. It will be accompanied by Exposition and followed by Benediction and Annointing. If you have not been before, why don’t you come along and be uplifted? Enquiries to George Lopez on 9310 9493(h) or 6242 0702(w).

EVERY FIRST AND THIRD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH Young Adults Cenacle Group The Young Adults Cenacle Group invites young people aged 18-40 to St Bernadette’s Church, Jugan St, Glendalough on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month at 8pm. The evening includes a cenacle rosary, followed by a reflection by a visiting priest and fellowship. Any queries phone Viviana on 0413 432 025. EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Catholic Faith Renewal 7.30pm at St John and Paul’s Parish, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton. Songs of Praise, sharing by a Priest, Thanksgiving Mass and light refreshments after Mass. All welcome to attend and we encourage you to bring your family and friends. Enq: Ann 0412 166 164, Ivan 0428 898 833. EVERY SATURDAY Commencing February 28 at 9am, The Instinct to Heal’ Holistic Health (24 sessions). From 10.30am -1pm, Internalize principles of successful relationships and use emotional intelligence and communication skills. For couples, singles, parents and families. Prayer meetings held every 2nd Thursday. Enq: Eva 0409 405 585 or 9418 1439;

GENERAL ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT Enrolments remain open for Term One 2015 courses at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation, the Archdiocesan agency for adult faith education, where you can enrich your understanding of the Catholic faith. Further info and for details of the exciting courses on offer: 08 9241 5221 or visit www.maranathacentre.

CENTRE FOR LITURGY ADVENT PROGRAM The 2015 Advent Program for the Archdiocese of Perth will be released in September 2015. And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. (Gen 9:12-14). Cost: $35 via post or $30 via email. This provides copyright permission to photocopy and distribute any or all of the program for non-profit purposes. Further info and to order: Centre for Liturgy, 08 9207 3350, registrations. SACRED HEART SCHOOL THORNLIE 50th ANNIVERSARY Sacred Heart School in Thornlie is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year and is seeking to connect with people who may have attended or taught at the school. If on Facebook, please request to join our Facebook group: Sacred Heart Primary School Thornlie (50th Anniversary). Alternatively, anyone who taught at or attended Sacred Heart is invited to contact Jill Hall on 08 9251 3000,

CITY TO SURF FOR CARITAS K’S Every day, thousands of women and children around the world need to cover many kilometres each day to fetch water, obtain food, get to school or market, or simply to survive. Sign up for the Chevron City to Surf on Sunday, 30 August and walk, jog or run for Team Caritas K’s to show your solidarity with the communities we support. Further info contact Natalie Weir on 94227928 or

WANTED - USED ‘AS ONE VOICE’ HYMN BOOKS Any parishes wanting to sell their ‘slightly damaged’ and/or unwanted ‘As One Voice – Combined People’s Edition’ hymn books, please contact Fr Robert Carillo of St Andrew’s Parish, Clarkson, 08 9407 7512,

PROJECT OFFICER POSITION VACANCY The LJ Goody Bioethics Centre, is seeking a suitable candidate to fill a new Project Officer position to provide support to the Director in the area of public policy. This is a full time position based in Mt Hawthorn. Applications close Friday, 14 August, 4pm. Click here for job advertisement. Further info and full job description: Suzanne, 08 9242 4066.

E-RECORD NEWSLETTER UPDATE Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via the e-Record e-newsletter. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending your details to

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