The eRecord Edition #59 - 26 November 2015

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Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

26 November 2015

Edition #59

New St John of God Hospital Opens AN OFFICIAL opening ceremony was last week held for the new St John of God Hospital Midland – just four days before it was set to open its doors to the public. Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe led an ecumenical reflection together with other West Australian religious leaders, including Chief Rabbi of WA, Rabbi Dovid Freilich OAM; Baptist Church of WA’s Reverend Philip Bryant; Sheikh Hisham, Imam of Islamic Council of WA; Sikh Temple’s Head Priest Jasvinder Singh; Anglican Parish of Midland Church Warden Lynne Oliver and Buddha Light International’s Venerable Miaoxi Shih. Prior to blessing the new hospital, the Archbishop said that, as a facility under the care of a Catholic organisation, the hospital will be grounded in the mercy, compassion, and respect for the worth and dignity of every human person, which are the values we have learnt from the teaching and actions of Jesus. They are of course, he continued, values which are at the heart of every religion, every faith, and are found in the heart of every person. The Archbishop also said it is his hope, his expectation and his prayer that everyone who engages with this hospital, whether as staff, as visitors or as patients, will experience a sense of being deeply honoured, valued and respected. St John of God Health Care Group Chief Executive

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe blesses the new St John of God Midland Public Hospital as part of the official opening ceremony held on Friday, 20 November 2015. PHOTO: ROVIS MEDIA/SJHC

Officer, Dr Michael Stanford, said the event was a special celebration for St John of God Health Care (SJGHC) with the St John of God Midland Public Hospital (SJGMPH) set to open on time and on budget. “The new hospital will build on our long history of working closely with State and Federal Governments to provide health services in Western Australia, Victoria and New South Wales,” he said. “As an organisation, we are committed to growing our involvement in publiclyfunded health care and we look forward to SJGMPH being the centrepiece of that growth.” The opening of the hospital, and its affiliated private hospital, will see SJGHC operating 23 facilities across Australia and New Zealand.

SJGMPH Chief Executive Officer, Dr Glen Power, said the organisation was looking forward to opening the hospital’s doors to the public and providing new and expanded health care services to the region. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who spent the past three years undertaking the design and construction of this magnificent facility, and those who have worked tirelessly over the past six months undertaking an intensive commissioning program to ensure the hospital is ready for opening,” he said. The $360 million hospital will be delivering higher acuity and complex clinical services in many areas than currently available at Swan District Hospital, such as intensive care, coronary care and cancer care. It is also pro-

viding expanded services in emergency, paediatrics, aged care and rehabilitation, surgery, medicine and mental health. In recognition of the partnership arrangement between SJGHC and the State Government to build and operate the hospital, both partners were involved in the event and proceedings reflected the hospital’s focus on the local community. Speakers at the event included the Premier of Western Australia, the Hon Colin Barnett MLA; Federal Assistant Minister for Health, the Hon Ken Wyatt; WA Minister for Health, the Hon Dr Kim Hames MLA; SJGHC Chairman of Trustees, Eva Skira; and SJGHC Group CEO, Dr Michael Stanford. Full Text available at 1

Christians and Jews commemorate Nostra Aetate at historical meeting By Marco Ceccarelli

AN EVENT of major historical dimensions for Catholics and for Jews. With these simple yet poignant words, President of the Perth Hebrew Congregation, Julian Sher, last week opened the commemoration of the Vatican II document on Christian-Jewish relations, Nostra Aetate (In Our Times). Held at the Perth Hebrew Congregation Synagogue on the evening of 18 November, the event saw more than 500 Catholics and Jews of Perth unite in an amicable spirit of concord, respect and fraternity. Perth Catholic Archbishop Timothy

Costelloe and Chief Rabbi David Freilich led the official party and members of the two congregations in reflection and prayer, emphasising the historical significance of the event for two religions which share so much common ground. Also present within the official party were Emeritus Chief Rabbi Dr Shalom Coleman; Lord Mayor of Perth, The Honourable Lisa Scaffidi; Chairman of the Council of Western Australian Jewry, David Denver; Deputy Leader of the Opposition, the Honourable Kate Doust; Speaker of Legislative Assembly, Honourable Michael Sutherland – MLA; as well as the Rectors of Perth’s two seminaries, Fr Michael Moore, Redemptoris

Mater, Seminary and Rev Mgr Kevin Long, St Charles’ Seminary. The evening was also one of mixed emotions as the joy of commemorating a document that initiated the breakdown of so many barriers between Christianity and Judaism also brought to the surface the sorrow of the history of hostility between the two sides. Furthermore, Rabbi Freilich’s impassioned prayer for the victims of the recent Paris terrorist attacks was an urgent reminder that more attention must be paid to the value of the sanctity of human life that both religions so firmly stand for. Following the singing of Psalm 84

Fr Joe Pelle from Redemptoris Mater Seminary, with Rector Fr Michael Moore, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, centre, and Perth Hebrew Congregation Chief Rabbi David Freilich. PHOTO: MARCO CECCARELLI

by the Redemptoris Mater seminarians and an equally soul-stirring rendition of Uvenocho Yomar by the Perth Jewish Male Choir and Perth Hebrew Congregation Choir, Archbishop Costelloe was invited to address the congregation. Emphasising how privileged and honoured he felt to attend the momentous occasion, Archbishop Costelloe expressed a sincere hope that his presence would be a sign of the growing friendship and mutual respect developing between the Jewish and Catholic communities. The Archbishop also referred to the history of strained relations between the two religions, making his position on the matter very clear. “The long history of relationships

between our two communities of faith has been a troubled one, to say the least. This evening marks another step, small though it might be, in the journey towards reconciliation. It is a journey which calls our two communities forward, never forgetting the past, but determined to make the future look very different,” he added. Reflecting on the notion, present in the book of Genesis and mentioned in Nostra Aetate, that humans are created “in the image of God”, Archbishop Costelloe went on to interpret the encounter between the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, as the pivotal moment in which both truly live out their vocation of being made in the image of their Creator.

“There is a profound truth in all of this regarding what being human is really all about. It is a truth which is confirmed by our human experience, even though at times we can seem to be pushed by inner and outer forces in the opposite direction. “Human beings, men and women, you and me - are made for communion, not isolation. We are made for inter-dependence, not independence. We are made in such a way as to need each other, not in such a way as to be able to stand on our own two feet and be alone. This is why marriage matters, why family matters, why community matters. It is why religious freedom, and religious tolerance, and religious sensitivity matter,” the Archbishop said. 2

In response, Rabbi Freilich applauded the Archbishop’s listing of shared JudeoChristian values before expanding on the values of loving one’s fellow human being, forgiveness and compassion. “What we see tonight is truly as it should be,” the Rabbi said. “United in love, unified in forgiveness, and unified in the sanctity of life. Despite the theological differences that we may have, we share common values, values which the world needs so urgently today. I hope and pray that what we are doing tonight, our two religions coming together, the one which at present is numerically the largest in the world and the one which is the smallest numerically in the world, will show truly what religion stands for,” he added. Rabbi Freilich went on to mention how the pontificates of John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict and Francis did much to raise Christianity’s awareness towards its Jewish roots. In particular, he referred to John Paul

II’s description of Jewish people as “elder brothers”, Benedict’s reference to the Hebrew people as “fathers in our faith” and Pope Francis’ strong friendship with an Argentinian Rabbi, as examples of a developing reconciliation. “Whatever our religion, or faith, we should be proud. We must portray at its highest that love of God is love of humanity. The need is growing for the enriching vision of the dignity of every human being, which is an idea at the heart of Christianity and Judaism. “Tonight’s gathering shows the truth, this taught not in theology, but by personal example. Tonight’s gathering is a testimony to a loving God, through humanity, harmony love and peace. I am proud to say that, in WA, the spirt of Nostra Aetate is shown, not just simply in words or ceremonies, but by the Catholic Church through deed,” the Rabbi said. Filled with other musical interludes, one of which (Psalm 23) was sung by

a small choir form Majella Catholic Primary School, the event concluded with a video presentation of The Suffering of the Innocents - a symphony by the Orchestra and Quire of the Neocatechumenal Way. Composed in 2012 by founder of the Neocatechumenal Way, Kiko Argüello, The Suffering of the Innocents pays homage to the Holocaust victims and was offered to the Jewish people as a sign of love and reconciliation. In particular, it creates a parallel between the suffering of the Virgin Mary under the cross and the Jewish mothers who witnessed their children perish in the death camps. As the video concluded, the Redemptoris Mater Seminarians led the congregation in singing the Shema Israel – a final gesture of unity in prayer under the One God of two great religions. Full Text available at

New book details work of Bishop

Salvado at Benedictine mission A NEW BOOK that details the writings of Bishop Rosendo Salvado and his work among the Noongar people at the Benedictine Mission in the late 1800s was last month launched at a joint City of Subiaco-New Norcia function. Author Dr Stefano Girola, Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Theology and Philosophy from Australian Catholic University (ACU), launched his new book, Report of Rosendo Salvado to Propaganda Fide in 1883, following his original doctorate research which looked at the policies and attitudes of the Catholic Church with regard to Indigenous Australians from 1885 to 1967. The book, which has been translated from Italian into English, is a long report that Bishop Rosendo Salvado wrote to Propaganda Fide in Rome, providing a detailed account of the Benedictine mission among the Noongar people of Western Australia, illustrated by the origins, development and condition of New Norcia from 1844 to 1883. Originally hailing from Milan and now residing in Brisbane, Dr Girola teaches European and world history at the University of Southern Queensland, and began translating the Salvado report in 2012 after receiving a New

Norcia Abbot Placid Spearritt Memorial Scholarship. The book was launched by Dr Joshua Brown from the University of Western Australia, organised by the Benedictine community of New Norcia, and attended by Mr David Balloni, Italian Consul in Perth, and Ms Heather Henderson, Mayor of Subiaco. “Salvado is one of the most interesting figures in the history of colonial WA,” Dr Girola said of the Spanish monk who, after arriving in Perth in January 1846, famously walked “around 100 miles” north through bush to live among Aboriginal people. “Until today, those interested in reading in English Salvado’s recollections of New Norcia had to rely on his historical memoirs… published in Rome in 1851 and translated into English only in 1977. “Instead, the document I translated and edited carries the historical narrative on New Norcia up to 1883. “This was a report that, in 1882, the Vatican Congregation of Propaganda Fide asked Salvado to write; following Rome’s orders, he composed a very detailed account… providing invaluable information to all those interested in the relationships between Europeans and Noongars in the 19th century.”

Author Dr Stefano Girola, left, with Mr David Balloni, the Italian Consul in Perth following the launch of Dr Girola’s book that detail the writings of Bishop Rosendo Salvado. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

A comprehensive review of the book is underway by the Communications and Media Office. To purchase a copy of the book, go to: product/report-of-rosendo-salvado/ or contact (08) 9654 8018. Full Text available at 3

Meet Alison… there’s no stopping her now was offered a place to study a Diploma of Community Service.” Cent acare’s Program Manager, Carmel Jennings, said GATE has produced some terrific outcomes. “At course completion, 50 per cent of participants had commenced in employment or work experience and those not working were planning or had embarked on further education or training,” Ms Jennings said.

Centacare Employment and Training is a not-for-profit, registered training organisation, delivering flexible education courses and fully accredited vocational education and training specifically for disadvantaged and/or marginalised members of the community. PHOTO: MARCO CECCARELLI

Alison joined Centacare Employment and Training’s Kadadjiny Bidi - meaning ‘Learning Path - program in February 2015. Also known as Gaining Access to Training and Employment, or GATE, the program provides support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to build new skills towards further training and employment. It includes practical help to build confidence, develop computer skills, communication skills, reading and writing, career planning and development, interview skills, maths and numeracy, help with pro-

jects and support to find work experience. Alison was referred to Centacare Employment and Training by her Jobactive provider in Armadale, who suggested that the course might be suitable as a launching pad to venture into something more vocational down the track. Prior to joining the GATE program, Alison had been caring for her children. As the children were getting older, Alison was keen to brush up on a few skills and find new direction. “The GATE program has been really good,” said Alison. “I have been able to meet

new people and learn new skills. “We organised our stand for the NAIDOC Day in July and we made handicrafts and sold our artwork and cards at the event as a way to attract people to the stand.” Centacare’s Aboriginal Community Development Officer, Simone Collard, said Alison has been a great student. “She’s been very keen to learn and complete all her units,” Ms Collard said. “She obtained the full GATE Certificate and, shortly after she finished, she enrolled at college in Cannington and

LifeLink agencies collectively touch the lives of more than 31,000 people in need each year through the provision of accommodation, food, clothing, financial assistance with electricity and gas accounts, and the protection of women and children escaping domestic violence and abuse. In this year’s Christmas LifeLink Ap peal , the Archbishop is setting a target of $700,000 so as to help fund agencies in being able to meet the needs of those who knock on the doors of Archdiocesan agencies. The 2015 LifeLink Christmas Appeal will be officially launched in parishes on 14 and 15 November. To donate to LifeLink, go to Full Text available at


Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

Email: JAMIE O’BRIEN Senior Communications Officer/Editor | FEBY PLANDO Production Officer feby.plando@ | MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist | MARK REIDY Journalist mark.reidy@ | FAYANN D’SOUZA Digital Media Officer | CHRISTINE JAQUES Proofreader | BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration


What’s happening around the Archdiocese

THURSDAY, 26 - SUNDAY, 29 NOVEMBER FR JOHN REA HEALING TOUR This is the last week of Fr John Rea’s Healing Tour in Perth. Thursday, 26 November, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth, 6.30pm; Saturday, 28 November, St Augustine’s Church, George St, Pinjarra, 6.30pm; Sunday, 29 November, Barry Whitely Hall, St Jerome’s Parish, 36 Troode St, Munster, 3pm. Further info: 08 9202 6868,

FRIDAY, 27 NOVEMBER ‘GROWING AWARENESS OF GOD IN MY EVERY DAY’ The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart invite you to a focused prayer and contemplation session with talks on the theme Through the tender mercy of our God – Do I show and practice ‘mercy’ in my every day? Optional sharing of one’s faith with others, followed by personal time. To be held at the Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth, from 10.30am - 12noon and repeated at 6.30pm-8pm. Further info: Laura McCarthy 08 9334 0999 or

FUNDRAISING FOR RCIA A fundraising event has been organised to assist in the running of the RCIA National Conference. The Jarrah Celtic Band will sing Celtic tunes, jigs and ballads at Romancing the Stone Gardens, 6 Lilian Rd, Maida Vale, 6pm for 7pm start. Cost: $25 per ticket includes supper. All are welcome to this fun night out, including free giveaways. BYO: drinks and nibbles. Further info: Kathleen 0438 547 565,


EDITION #58 | 19 November 2015

SATURDAY, 28 NOVEMBER PILGRIMAGE AND REFLECTION DAY IN CHITTERING The Secular Franciscan Order invites all to join them on a Pilgrimage to Chittering to the beautiful bushland setting of Peace Be Still for a reflection day commencing at 10am. There will be three talks presented by Fr Roy Pereira on “A journey in Advent through the scriptures and God’s creation”. Mass at 2.30pm will conclude the day. Further info and to register: Angela 08 9275 5658, 0408 801 215,

THE HEART OF CIVILISATION CATHOLIC WOMEN’S FORUM This forum will explore how the church affirms the dignity of womanhood, seeing femininity as an empowering foundation of women’s vocation. Hear how women are the heart of civilisation building up society through the feminine genius. Anima Women’s Network aims to enrich the lives and faith of Catholic women. Guest speaker, Anna Krohn from Melbourne, Founder of Anima Women’s Network. Saturday, 28 November, 9am-12.30pm at the Catholic Pastoral Centre, 40A Mary St, Highgate. Free event. Further info and to register: 08 9422 7999, www.trybooking. com/JOXS.

SUNDAY, 29 NOVEMBER CHRISTMAS COMMUNITY SINGING A relaxing, fun-filled afternoon of singing featuring popular carols and special Christmas and Advent chants sung in the Cathedral from 2pm - 4pm and accompanied by enthusiastic community orchestra ‘The Dorkestra’ choir and the Cathedral’s 105 year-

old magnificent Dodd pipe organ. Culminates with the singing of Handel’s rousing Hallelujah Chorus! Admission: $15/$10 concession. Great raffle and complimentary Miss Maud afternoon tea during interval. Free. Limited parking available in the Cathedral grounds. Further info: 08 9223 1377.

THURSDAY, 3 - SATURDAY, 5 DECEMBER AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC YOUTH FESTIVAL The Australian Catholic Youth Festival is a national gathering of Catholic young people established by the ACBC. Join thousands of young people in Adelaide to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus and be empowered to be disciples in the world today. Young people from Year 9 to young adults 25 years of age are invited. Further info: au.

TUESDAYS, 1 - 8 DECEMBER AN ADVENT JOURNEY WITH THE DESERT FATHERS AND MOTHERS This short course will explore the lives and spirituality of some of the Desert Fathers and Mothers of the early Church, and contemplate the spiritual wisdom they have to offer ordinary Christians of the 21st century. A great way to enter into the season of Advent. Held at St Brigid’s Parish, 69B Morrison Rd, Midland, Tuesdays, 1 and 8 December, 10am-12pm. Cost: 2 sessions $10. Presented by Dr Carmel Posa SGS. Further info and to register: Centre for Faith Enrichment, 08 9241 5221, cfe@, www.cfe.

FRIDAY, 4 DECEMBER THE WORLD APOSTOLATE OF FATIMA VIGIL The World Apostolate of Fatima is holding a formatted four hour Vigil at St Cecelia’s Catholic Church, cnr Grantham Street and Kenmore Crescent, Floreat, on Friday, 4 December. Rosary will begin at 7pm and Mass will follow at 7.30pm. Confession will be available and time for quiet private prayer. The intentions for the evening are reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the salvation of souls. All are welcome.

SATURDAY, 5 DECEMBER TEACHING MORNING ON THE YEAR OF MERCY Commencing with Mass at 9am (Ordinariate use). Msgr Harry Entwistle, Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross will present teaching on the Year of Mercy from 10am to 11.10am at St Ninian & Chad, 11 Susan Street, Maylands. Everyone is welcome but all attendees should have read the Papal bull Misericordiae Vultus before attending. Please bring your bible.

SUNDAY, 6 DECEMBER 39TH ANNUAL ROSARY PROCESSION FOR THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION St Joseph’s Catholic Parish, 20 Hamilton Street, Bassendean invites all to join in their 39th Annual Rosary Procession in honour of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception on Sunday, 6 December, at 3:00pm, followed by homily, Benediction and refreshments. Please bring a plate to share. A Triduum of

Rosaries will be held from Wed, 2 Dec – 4 Dec at 7pm. Further info: 08 9379 2691.

Highgate. This meeting will

the Word’ that shines not only

Matrimony “can be used” from

include updated information on

on us but in us. Further info and

the pilgrimages. Pilgrimage info

bookings: Bernadette 08 9654

the First Sunday of Advent, 29

is available on

8002, guesthouse@newnorcia.

DIVINE MERCY An afternoon with Jesus and Mary will be on Sunday, 6 December at St Francis Xavier’s Church, 25 Windsor St, East Perth. Fr Doug Harris will be speaking on the Holy Family.

au. Further info and to RSVP:

The afternoon program includes Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, confession, Holy Rosary, Divine Mercy prayers, Benediction and veneration of St Faustina Kowalska first class relic. Fellowship will follow in the hall. Further info: Julia or June Murphy on 08 9457 7771.

MONDAY, 7 DECEMBER EMMANUEL CENTRE’S CHRISTMAS PARTY All are warmly invited to the Emmanuel Centre’s Christmas celebrations from 11am - 2pm. Beginning with our much-loved Christmas carol singing followed by lunch and sharing. Please bring a small plate of finger food to share. RSVP: by 2 December. Further info: Barbara 08 9328 8113, emmanuelcentre@, 08 9422 7912.

WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 PILGRIM MEETING Are you aged 18 – 35 years old and interested in joining millions of young people from around the world in Poland with Pope Francis next year? All WYD pilgrims and interested pilgrims are invited to the next WYD pilgrims’ meeting to be held on Monday, 7 December, 7:30pm-8:30pm at Catholic Youth Ministry, 40A Mary St,


EDITION #59 | 26 November 2015

can be purchased from St Pauls Publications, Strathfield NSW


and Catholic retailers. Digital




The parish of Our Lady Help

versions have been integrated




Park invites past community

‘Labora Worship’ from Liturgy

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe

members, together with those

Brisbane and the website www.

extends a warm invitation to all


family members, parishioners

and school for a special 80th maintained by

and Religious to join him for this

Anniversary celebration Mass

special Eucharistic Celebration to


open the Year of Mercy and to

Sunday, 13 December, 9.30am,

close the Year of Consecrated Life;






Immaculate Conception, Tuesday, 8 December, St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Sq, Perth at 12.10pm.













at 43 Camberwell St, East Victoria Park. (Parking near Fraser Park, Balmoral St, East

‘Embrace the Grace’ (ETG) is a

into a CD-Rom Resource

Creative Ministry Resources, Hobart. Liturgical and pastoral ministers, religious education teachers, catechists and couples preparing for marriage

Vic Park). Main celebrant: Most

are encouraged to utilise

Rev Donald Sproxton, Auxiliary

liturgical formation resources

Bishop of Perth. Further info and RSVP by 20 Nov: Dennis

about the revised orders such

08 9361 5135, denniskelly@live.

as: When We Marry. These; Jaya, j.earnest@curtin.

resources will be available

in early 2016 from Liturgy


Brisbane and Catholic retailers


across Australia. Further info:

conference on 9-13 December in


Dr Paul Taylor, Executive

New Norcia for 16-30 year olds.

An original Christmas

Secretary, Bishops Commission

production ‘Kings’ presented

for Liturgy on 03 9926 5753,

not to be missed annual youth

At ETG you will explore faith and life’s greatest questions

THE ROAD TO BETHLEHEM The Road to Bethlehem is an Advent liturgy in preparation for Christmas. The story of Christian Redemption - from the Fall to the Birth of our Saviour - is narrated in 9 readings and carols held at St Thomas the Apostle Parish, Claremont commencing at 7pm. All welcome.

used” by the First Sunday of Lent, 14 February 2016. Copies



November 2015, and “must be




workshops, music, drama and prayer. There will also be a miniOlympics and a dinner dance. (If you would like to help with a donation toward sponsorship to

by the Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity Choir, featuring

Paul Wright as Concertmaster and Mezzo-soprano, Bianca Hurley, followed by Christmas


carols. Held at the Quarry

Local news from across our

Amphitheatre, 1 Waldron Drv,

parishes, agencies, schools and

assist a young person to attend,

City Beach, on Sunday, 20

please contact CYM). Further

December, at 7.30pm. BYO

info: Catholic Youth Ministry 08

picnic. Tickets available through

weekly directly to your inbox

9422 7912,

Ticketmaster – ‘Christmas

au, or register at

via the e-Record e-newsletter.

at the Quarry’, or click here.


Further info: Bernadette 0439 098 658.

organisations can be delivered

It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a







those who don’t have or don’t

The Monks of New Norcia will


use email. Subscribe to the

be presenting a spirituality


e-newsletter by sending details

retreat titled The Season of

The Permanent Committee of

Christmas. Time will be spent

the Australian Catholic Bishops


reflecting on Christmas as a

Conference has approved

feast of light, when ‘we are filled

that the Revised Orders for

info: Jamie O’Brien 08 9220

with new light by the coming of

Celebrating Confirmation and


PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for


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