The eRecord Edition #96 - 25 August 2016

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25 August 2016

Edition #96

Identitywa fulfils Pope’s wish for a down

to earth Church: Archbishop Costelloe

Simon and Joshua, who are supported by Identitywa, with Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and Identitywa CEO Marina Re, celebrate the opening of the new Cockburn office. PHOTO: RACHEL CURRY

By Rachel Curry

A rchbi shop Ti mot hy Costelloe has last week drawn on the words of Pope Francis to praise Identitywa for its commitment to improving the lives of people with a disability at the opening of the Archdiocesan LifeLink agency’s new office in Cockburn. Identitywa will use its new office on Tamara Drive to manage four shared living homes and support more than 200 individuals and families living in the areas of Fremantle, Melville, Canning, Cockburn, Kw inana, Rock ingham, Serpentine-Jarradale, Armadale and Gosnells. Speaking at the blessing and official opening ceremony on Friday, 19 August, A r c h b i sh op C o s t e l lo e recalled the Pope’s call for the Catholic Church to be “a healer of wounds” and a “warmer of hearts”.

“I really want to acknowledge the fact that Identitywa, since it s inception as Catholic Care in 1977, has been doing precisely this, not just in some kind of abstract way, but in a really hands on, down to earth, concrete, day-by-day way,” he said. “So I think that the decision now to locate a branch, if I can call it that, of Identitywa here in this part of Perth, to serve the suburbs of the southern part of our diocese and of our city and State, is really very important. “It is not just symbolic, but a practical expression of this desire to be down to earth, on the ground, reaching out to people where they live.” Repre sent at ive s from Lotterywest, the Disability S e r v ice s C om m i s s ion, Fremantle Family Support Network and other WA disability agencies joined families supported by Identitywa,

Identitywa Board Chair Graeme Mander addresses attendees at the Blessing and Official Opening ceremony of Identitywa’s new office in Cockburn, as Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB looks on. PHOTO: R ACHEL CURRY

Identitywa board members and staff for the ceremony. Speak ing before t he A rchbi shop’s ble s si ng, Identity wa Board Chair Graeme Mander said the new Cockburn office would allow the agency to continue to carry out its mission. “The new dedic ated Cockburn office and the impending move to our new corporate base in Northbridge at the beginning of 2017 will ensure we are well placed to continue to provide the individualised

service, which the people we support and their families want,” he said. “Our board has committed to locating our staff within the community to enable us to deliver our services more effectively and efficiently. “We believe this strategy gives us greater understanding of the community, its people and its resources, which is integral to providing outreach to those in need.” Full Text available at


A gift for the Church of today: ARCHBISHOP


ARCHBISHOP Timot hy C o st e l lo e l a st we e k thanked members of the Neoc atechumen al Way for their service to the Archdiocese of Perth over the past 30 years and encouraged all those present to persevere in their faith journey by “listening with the ears of your heart”. The Archbishop met with and celebrated evening prayer with some 450 members of the Neocatechumenal Way at St Gerard’s Church, Mirrabooka, on Tuesday 16 August, as part of the 30th anniversary since its commencement in Perth. “Let’s be wide open to all the wonderful ways in which God is enriching His Church and gifting his Church at the moment,” the Archbishop said. “Let’s be grateful to him as I am, for the Neocatechumenal Way in the Church and its presence here in this Archdiocese. It’s a wonderful thing to see so many people gathered here, who are people of faith, who are people of commitment, who are people who are excited about their faith,” he said. Formally recognised as a post-baptismal itinerary of Christian formation to adult faith, communities of the Neocatechumenal Way, are present in Perth at the parishes of Mirrabooka, the Cathedral, Rockingham, Cottesloe, Kelmscott and Embleton. Each community consists of some 30 to 40 people who meet weekly, to listen to the Word of God and celebrate the Eucharist. Speaking about memory and experiences, the Archbishop recounted the scripture story

Seventeen year old Matthew Buhagiar gives his experience in the presence of Archbishop Timothy Costelloe on Tuesday, 16 August, during a meeting with communities of the Neocatechumenal Way. PHOTO: JAMIE O’BRIEN

of Elijah encountering God on the mountain, noting that sometimes the voice of the Lord is hard to catch. “Sometimes it’s so quiet and so elusive that it’s called a still, silent voice. You have to really listen sometimes to understand what God is asking of you,” the Archbishop said. “Everybody here in the Church tonight has had experiences of hearing the Lord calling. And again I would encourage us all to remember those times, when God speaks to us,” he said. In addition to the celebration of evening prayer, National Responsible of the Neocatechumenal Way in Australia, Totò Piccolo, spoke about the various works and charisms of The Way across Perth and Australia. Some of these charisms, explained Mr Piccolo, include the presence of some eight mission families in Perth, together with their children, who have left their home country, career, family and friends to announce the Gospel. The Neocatechumenal Way is also responsible for the

foundation of the Redemptoris Mater Seminaries – with more than 100 across the world, including one here in Morley. Thus far, the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Perth has produced almost 40 presbyters, some of whom are fulfilling their ministry in Perth, while others are in mission throughout Australia and the rest of the world. Addressing the Archbishop, Mr Piccolo pointed to the assembly and referred to it as the fruit of many years of work of the Holy Spirit. “God has blessed us with Parish Priests who have understood the importance of giving an adult faith to their people,” Mr Piccolo said. “Pope Francis has publically praised the Communities of the Neocatechumenal Way for having helped the Church recover the full spirit of the (all night) Paschal Vigil,” he said. Mr Piccolo also spoke about founders Kiko Arguello and the recently deceased Carmen Hernandez, who noted the words of Cardinal Paul Cordes, from Germany,

in reminding the Church that Faith is a gift of God which can be given in the parishes to the people. Archbishop Costelloe was also given the opportunity to listen to the experiences of three members of The Way – among whom was seventeen year old Matthew Buhagiar, who recently returned from World Youth Day in Poland. The experience in Poland, in addition to being part of a community, said Matthew, has helped him understand his own history and experiences, while being grateful to God. It was because of this, he continued, that he was able to feel more open to whatever vocation God is calling him to, even the priesthood. “The core of the desire to priesthood still remains as a mystery to me but it is the greatest gift I’ve ever received and has allowed me to live freely,” Matthew said. Reflecting on Matthew’s experience, the Archbishop spoke about the importance of discernment. Full Text available at 2



Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett with Shirley Fisher, wife of the late Mr Tom Fisher, WA Child Protection Minister Andrea Mitchell and SVDP CEO Mark Fitzpatrick. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

A NEW SAFE HOUSE for the homeless will continue offering the same compassion, support and hope of its namesake. The new Tom Fisher House, located in the suburb Highgate, is now in operation, with Perth’s rough sleepers now able to enjoy the new surroundings. The new service of St Vincent De Paul Society was opened on Tuesday, 9 August by Premier Colin Barnett, alongside Shirley Fisher, wife of the late Mr Tom Fisher. Mr Fisher passed away on 4 June this year, aged 95, however he did tour the site as it was being constructed. Previously running out of an interim location, Tom Fisher House provides a safe sleep for up to 12 people, including couples, for up to seven nights for long term rough sleepers, along with access to meals, clothing and bedding, medical assistance, referrals to drug and alcohol, mental health and other support services. Part of the Street to Home Program and funded by the Department of Child

Protection and Family Support, Tom Fisher House is a purpose built premises staffed by skilled support workers. Referrals come from other agencies including the Street to Home Program, Nyoongar Patrol, Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Service and the WA Police. Tom Fisher House is named to acknowledge the significant contributions Mr Tom Fisher OAM made to the St Vincent de Paul Society since 1960. Mr Fisher held the positions of Regional President, Vice President and State President in Western Australia. He served on the Society’s National Council for five years, and played an integral role in opening one of the Society’s first services for men experiencing homelessness. St Vincent de Paul Society WA CEO Mark Fitzpatrick, said it is fitting that this service be named after Mr Fisher, because it will continue offering the same compassion, support and hope Mr Fisher offered to so many during his time with the charity.

“Tom was so chuffed to learn that such a wonderful service would be named in his honour. It is a living testament to his life of kindness and generosity to the community he served so selflessly,” Mr Fitzpatrick said. The project had its genesis in a meeting the Premier Colin Barnett had with the then Archbishop Barry Hickey and other heads of churches in 2010. The Department for Housing has contributed $4 million towards the land and capital works, with the Department for Child Protection and Family Support funding the operation of the service with a $1.4 million investment for three years. Lotterywest contributed $450,000 towards the fit-out of Tom Fisher House. Watch the Premier of Western Australia, Hon Colin Barnett MLA, and CEO of St Vincent de Paul Society (WA) Inc, Mark Fitzpatrick, speak about the new service here. Full Text available at 3

P E R M A N E N T D E A C O N S ’ 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y:

10 YEARS OF MINISTRY: At left, Deacon John Kiely with family after his Ordination to the Diaconate on the 29 June 2006. Right: Deacon Bruce Talbot told The eRecord that becoming a Permanent Deacon was the culmination of a lifelong call to ministry.



In 2006, 14 men were ordained to the Permanent Diaconate for the Archdiocese of Perth. A decade on, the Deacons talk to The eRecord about how their work as deacons has inspired them. BRINGING PEOPLE back to the Church and helping them recommit to God has brought great joy to Permanent Deacons John Kiely and Bruce Talbot over the past decade. Passing on the faith to others, particularly those who had become estranged from the Church, was named by both men, as a highlight of their ministry so far. The pair were ordained as Permanent Deacons on 29 June 2006 and have each spent the past 10 years serving in one parish – Myaree for Deacon Kiely and Bateman for Deacon Talbot. Deacon Kiely said in addition to carrying out the above

tasks at Myaree, he had developed a close relationship with the parish school, Mel Maria. “I have worked closely with two principals, a number of assistant principals and teachers, often visiting classrooms and speaking to the children at the request of the class teacher,” he said. “Over the past 10 years, my role has grown considerably and I now use many of the administrative skills gained in the secular work place to assist in parish ministry. “I have also ministered to many people outside the parish community, conducting many funeral services for the families of non-practising Catholics.” While Deacon Kiely has been busy serving others this past decade, he also described going through “an enormous faith journey and learning curve” of his own. His time as a Permanent Deacon had been both challenging and satisfying, he

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said. “I have been humbled to have so many people share their faith and their doubts with me. It has been very rewarding to see these people return to the Church after many years of separation,” he said. “I see the next 10 years as much of the same; with so many priests in the Archdiocese approaching retirement age and many coming from other countries where English is not their first language, the demand for Deacons to assist priests in their pastoral and administrative work will only increase.” For Deacon Talbot, becoming a Permanent Deacon was the culmination of a lifelong call to ministry. As a young man, he was a youth leader at Applecross Parish, where he met his wife Deborah, and also served on the Parish Council and became involved in a young families group. The couple later became

an active part of the Bateman Parish community, before Deacon Talbot took on his current role – one that he is relishing. “Working in a parish has been very rewarding. Some of my favourite experiences have been in running the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults for a number of years,” he said. “The dialogue with catechumens and candidates really challenges your faith knowledge; it is such an invaluable experience. Visitation to the parish school also brings great joy.” More recently, Deacon Talbot said he felt that God had led him to minister to the bereaved, particularly to the families of people who had become separated from their parishes after moving houses or moving into a nursing home. Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

RACHEL CURRY Journalist BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer

PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese FRI, 26 AUG PRAYING OUR EXPERIENCES – GROWING AWARENESS OF GOD IN MY EVERYDAY This focused prayer time is assisted with talks on a theme, followed by personal time in the chapel or garden. Optional sharing of our faith with others on the journey adds to the richness of this prayer time. Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth. (Parking in York Street). Friday 26 August, morning session,10.30-12noon; evening session, 6.30-8pm. “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go.” Ps 32. Reflecting on God’s wisdom with a focus on the question, is my daily life guided by God’s instruction and teaching? RSVP essential by Wednesday 24 August, 08 9334 0999, SPECTACULAR HOUR FOR SHEEN CONCERT Presented by Fulton J Sheen Society Inc, Friday, 26 August, Gibney Hall Trinity College, East Perth, 7.30pm. Featuring Jeremy Ryan, Tenor (finalist for The Voice). Christina TrusBrowniing, Monica BrierleyHay and Christopher Waddell – Baritone. Cost $30 including supper, concession for seniors and students. Further info and bookings, Daniel Tobin 08 92918224 or sheensociety@ SAT, 26 - SUN, 27 AUG SENT TO PREACH THE GOSPEL OF MERCY: 800TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DOMINICAN ORDER Friday, 26 August 7-8.30pm, and Saturday, 27 August, 9am-3.30pm, St Cecilia’s Parish Centre, cnr Grantham St and Kenmore Cr, Floreat. The keynote speakers for the conference are Fr Brian J Pierce 1

EDITION #96 | 25 August 2016

OP and Dr Margaret Scharf OP. Topics to be covered include Dominic and his times; Pope Francis and the Mercy of Jesus; Dominic, the Dominicans and mercy; and Dominican echoes in our times. Opportunities like this only come around once every 800 years! Cost: $50. For more information or to register, visit au,, or 08 9241 5221. SAT, 26 - SUN, 28 AUG BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKEND Benedictine Spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. 26-28 August; other weekends available in October and December at the New Norcia Monastery Guesthouse. Beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm on Friday, concluding after lunch on Sunday, the weekend will provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, Lectio Divina, hospitality, and community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Suggested donation: $250 (for those who can afford it), includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info and bookings: Guesthouse Manager, 08 9654 8018 or gues thouse@new norc ia. FRIS, 26 AUG - 4 NOV DISCOVERING RESTORATIVE JUSTICE TOGETHER This second offering of the Discovering Restorative Justice Together is an initiative of the Archdiocese of Perth in this

Year of Mercy. Restorative Justice is a way of building relationships in any setting families, parishes, workplaces etc. When we are harmed or we do harm, relationships are damaged. Learning how this harm can be addressed in such a way that we do not need to carry that hurt for the rest of our lives can be a long process. This course will help us to get started on that journey, restoring “right relationships” with others and with God, and giving us the opportunity to explore a new way of relating to people. The sessions will be held at the Catholic Pastoral Centre, 40A Mary St, Highgate over four Fridays, once a month commencing 26 August then 30 September, 21 October and 4 November, 9am-12.30pm. Cost free. All welcome. Registrations required, places are limited. Further info: Claire Chew or 08 6104 3600. SATS, 27 AUG AND 3 SEP CATHOLIC WORSHIP BOOK II – WORKSHOPS The Centre for Liturgy Workshop II Session 1; Saturday, 27 August, Session 2; Saturday, 3 September, 10.30am-12.30pm, St Simon Peter Parish, Prendiville Ave, Ocean Reef with other workshops available in mid-September and October. The workshops will focus on how to use this new musical resource within the context of your parish and or school. The new hymnal is divided into two parts. The first session of the workshop will teach the Service music and the second session of the workshop will teach the hymns relating to the Seasons and the Feasts. Cost: $10 per workshop. Further info: Geraldine Schivardi; 08 9207 3350 or cfl@perthcatholic. TUE, 30 AUG - SAT, 8 SEP 33RD NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF GOOD HEALTH, VAILANKANNI The 33rd Novena to Our Lady of Good Health, Vailankanni will be held at Holy Trinity Church, 8 Burnett St, Embleton from 30 August to 8 September at 7pm. There will be a different priest every day. Further info: Church Office 08 9271 5528 or Gordon Davies 08 9377 4472 or 0417 185 203. WEDS, 31 AUG – 21 SEP THE SPIRITUALITY OF THOMAS AQUINAS: THEOLOGIAN AND MYSTIC Every Wednesday, 7-9pm, St Denis Parish, Joondanna. St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) is one of the most significant theologians of the Church. But who was he, and how would we describe his unique relationship with the Trinity? Join Dr Margaret Scharf OP in this Centre for Faith Enrichment course to discover the man who was so grounded in knowledge and understanding, and at the same time, a profoundly humble mystic. Cost: $20. Further info or to register, visit,, cfe@, or 08 9241 5221. SAT, 3 - SUN, 4 SEP VOCATIONS REFLECTION WEEKEND DAYS – SALVATORIAN FATHERS Vocation Reflection Days are designed to help young men decide what direction their future will take. In Christian life, there are three vocations: marriage, single life and priesthood/religious life. The Salvatorian Fathers will hold Reflection Weekend Days to help young men (18-35 years) find their way in life by

deepening their faith, learning more about the Salvatorian Order and developing new friendships with other young men. The reflection weekend starts 2.10pm, Saturday, 3 September, finishing 1pm, Sunday, 4 September, another weekend available in November at Salvatorian Community House, 2 Caledonia Ave, Currambine. There will be time for prayer, spiritual development and social activities. Further info or to register: or 08 9304 2904, 0488 111 574, Fr Greg Skulski SDS. SATS, 3 - 24 SEP INTERPRETING THE BIBLE TODAY Every Saturday, 10am-12.30pm, Christian Brothers Centre, Westcourt, 53 Redmond St, Salter Point. The emphasis in this Centre for Faith Enrichment course is on different ways in which the Bible may be interpreted by examining the historical and cultural circumstances that influenced the writing of the Biblical books. Presenter Br Joe Murphy CFC. Cost: $30. Further info: or to register, visit,, or 08 9241 5221. SUN, 4 SEP VOCATIONS ENQUIRY DAY The Archdiocesan Vocations Office will be conducting its annual Enquiry Day for young men over the age of 18 who are discerning a call to the Priesthood at St Charles Seminary, 30 Meadow Street Guildfrod, on Sunday 4 September, 10-5pm. It will include some sharing and reflections, the Celebration of the Eucharist, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, some free time to tour the Seminary premises and meet Seminarians, enjoy a light lunch and will conclude with Vespers and Benediction. To register your interest please call Vocations Office on 08 9220 5901 or au by 26 August. MON, 5 - WED, 7 SEP THE ANNUAL 48 HOUR ROSARY BOUQUET FOR OUR LADY’S BIRTHDAY The Annual 48 Hour Rosary Bouquet for Our Lady’s 2

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birthday will commence 6pm, 5 September, concluding 6pm, 7 September. The Rosary pledges will be presented on 8 September at the 12.10pm Mass, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth. Rosters have been sent to all parishes. Pledge forms can be sent to Legion of Mary, 36 Windsor St, East Perth or rosarybouquet13@gmail. com. Further info: www. or 0478 598 860; 08 9328 2726. TUES, 6 - 20 SEP PRAYER: BEING YOURSELF BEFORE GOD Every Tuesday 7-9pm, Good Shepherd Parish Centre, 42 Streich Ave, Kelmscott. This short Centre for Faith Enrichment course presented by Dr Margaret Scharf OP will explore what prayer is, the difference between saying prayers and praying, the many ways we pray as Catholics, and our daily call to deepen our unique relationship with God. Suggested donation: $15. Further info or to register, visit, cfe@, or 08 9241 5221. THUS, 8 - 22 SEP PRAYER: BEING YOURSELF BEFORE GOD Every Thursday 7-9pm, Holy Rosary Parish Centre, cnr Tyrell and Elizabeth Sts, Nedlands. This short Centre for Faith Enrichment course, presented by Dr Margaret Scharf OP will explore what prayer is, the difference between saying prayers and praying, the many ways we pray as Catholics, and our daily call to deepen our unique relationship with God. Suggested donation: $15. Further info or to register, visit, cfe@, or 08 9241 5221. SUN, 11 SEP AVE MARIA RECITAL The Cathedral’s annual tribute to Our Lady in honour of her birthday will be held on Sunday,11 September, 2.30pm at St Mary's Cathedral, Perth. It wil feature organ solos played by the Cathedral organists and vocal solos – culminates with Schubert’s sublime Ave Maria sung. Admission free. Further info: Jacinta 08 9223 1377.

TUE, 13 SEP TRAINING - ALTAR SERVERS COORDINATOR’S WORKSHOP The workshop for those training parish altar servers is based on the GIRM and the Archdiocese of Perth guidelines. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, 13 September, 7.30-9.30pm at Sts John & Paul Parish Centre, Pinetree Gully Rd and Wainwright Cl, Willetton. Further info: 08 9207 3350, cfl@perthcatholic.; www.liturgycentre. THUS, 15 AND 22 SEP CATHOLIC WORSHIP BOOK II – WORKSHOP The Centre for Liturgy Workshop III Session 1 will be on Thursday, 15 September and Session 2 on Thursday, 22 September, 7.309.30pm, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 207 Lesmurdie Rd, Lesmurdie. Another workshop is available in October. The workshop will focus on how to use this new musical resource within the context of your parish and/or school. The new hymnal is divided into two parts. The first session of the workshop will teach the service music and the second session of the workshop will teach the hymns relating to the seasons and the feasts. Cost: $10 per workshop. Further info: Geraldine Schivardi; 08 9207 3350 or au. FRI, 16 - SUN, 18 SEP MARIAN MOVEMENT RETREAT A Marian Movement Retreat will be held from 16-18 September, Redemptorist Retreat House, 190 Vincent St, North Perth. Fr Hugh Thomas CSsR will lead the retreat. Excellent inspirational talks and Masses. Cost $100 entire weekend. Further info: Yolanda 0413 707 707 or Marian Movement, PO Box 60, Hillarys WA 6923. SUN, 18 SEP CATHEDRAL COMMUNITY SINGING There will be a Cathedral Community Singing on Sunday 18 September 2-4pm, at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth. Join us for a fun and relaxing Sunday afternoon with lots of singing and socialising, raffle and light Miss Maud afternoon tea during

interval. Our guest co-presenter is the ever-popular Alexander Platts. The theme is 'Tunes for a Sunny Day' - lots of hymns and songs to join with the warmer, sunnier weather at this time of year. Please feel free to wear your brightest spring hat. Cost $15, concession $12. Register at music.cathedral@ Further info: Jacinta 08 9223 1377. MON, 19 SEP PADBURY CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL - 30TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS Past staff and school community members are invited to celebrate this special occasion; Monday 19 September, 11am Mass and Sundowner 5-7pm in the School Hall. Please RSVP to au by 15 August indicating if you are able to attend either or both events. (Please note Sundowner is for adults only). SAT, 24 SEP 12TH NATIONAL eCONFERENCE: MERCY - A WAY OF BEING IN THE WORLD 10-2pm, Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth. Keynote speakers, Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Sr Veronica Lawson RSM, Mr Phil Glendenning. This eConference, hosted by the Centre for Faith Enrichment, will celebrate the Jubilee Year of Mercy and take up Pope Francis’ invitation to explore mercy, a central element of our faith. No cost. BYO lunch; tea, coffee and morning tea provided. Further info or to register, visit www., cfe@perthcatholic., or 08 9241 5221. SUBSCRIBE TO THE eRECORD Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via The eRecord. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to communications@

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