The eRecord Edition #27 - 17 April 2015

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17 April 2015

Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

Edition #27

Faith in Christ, not just our imagination ARCHBISHOP Tim Costelloe said last weekend that our faith in Christ is not something that happens only in our heads, but is really an ongoing entrustment of ourselves to Christ’s love, compassion, mercy and unfailing presence in our lives. The Archbishop made the comments during his homily on the Sunday after Easter, which marks the feast of Divine Mercy. In his homily, the Archbishop spoke of three key words in the Gospel: “peace”, forgive” and “believe”. “Our faith in Jesus, our belief in Him,” says the Archbishop, “is not something that happens only in our heads. It is not simply an intellectual thing. “Our faith is really our ongoing entrustment of ourselves to His love, His compassion, His mercy and His unfailing presence in our lives. And it is this faith, this trust, which is the source of our peace.” The Archbishop went on to say that “it is this trust which sustains us as we keep trying to commit ourselves to Him as the Way we should follow, the Truth we should believe in and the Life we should embrace”. Pope Francis announces Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy Hours earlier, Pope Francis released a Bull of Indiction entitled Misericordiae Vultus, or The Face of Mercy, 1 | EDITION #27 | 17 APRIL 2015

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe washes the feet of a man during the Holy Thursday celebration on Thursday, 2 April at St Mary’s Cathedral. PHOTO: RON TAN

proclaiming a new Holy Year - the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. The Jubilee year officially opens on 8 December, commemorating both the Feast of the Immaculate Conception

lar doors of mercy as a sign of communion with the Church and as a way for the Jubilee to be celebrated locally. The Bull of Indiction was given to the archpriests of the four major Roman basilicas,

“Our faith is really our ongoing entrustment of ourselves to His love, His compassion and His mercy .” and the 50th anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council. The Holy Door of St Peter’s Basilica will be opened on this date and Holy Doors of the other papal basilicas will similarly be opened in the days which follow. The Holy Father has requested that every diocese around the world open simi-

where at each one there will be a Holy Door through which pilgrims can pass to receive special blessings. In his homily for the feast day, the Pope posed the question as to why there is the need for a jubilee of mercy. “Simply because the Church, in this time of great historical change, is called to offer more evident signs

of God’s presence and closeness,” he responded. “This is not the time to be distracted,” he said. “On the contrary, we need to be vigilant and to reawaken in ourselves the capacity to see what is essential.” “This is a time,” the Pontiff said, “for the Church to rediscover the meaning of the mission entrusted to Her by the Lord on Easter Day, namely, ‘to be a sign and an instrument of the Father’s mercy’.” This year, we are to be transformed by His mercy, so that we too may become “witnesses to mercy,” the Pope said, noting, “without the witness of pardon,” he lamented, “life would be unfruitful and sterile”. Full Text available at

Fr Nguyen OP following in the footsteps of St Dominic By Marco Ceccarelli ST DOMINIC de Gugmán was renowned for his zealous preaching and enthusiasm for the Gospel. He was a great supporter of communal life which, along with prayer, study and preaching, formed the basis of the Order of Preachers he founded in 1216. Much like the founder of his order, parish priest of Our Lady of the Rosary in Doubleview, Father Peter Toan Nguyen OP, has a heart for both preaching the Gospel and walking alongside those searching for God in their lives. As he reflects on his role as a Dominican Friar in Perth, he points out that, just as the Order of Preachers was created by St Dominic almost 800 years ago in response to a need for informed preaching, a very similar challenge is faced by our society today. “As Dominicans, we are called the Order of Preachers. This means we devote our lives to studying and discovering the truth so that we can deliver a message of hope to the people,” Fr Nguyen said. “St Dominic was a very ‘down to earth’ preacher who was in direct contact with people. “As Dominicans, we follow his example by meditating on both the Gospel and what is happening in the society in order to make our preaching relevant to the lives of those whom we encounter,” he added. A tone of urgency can be detected in Fr Nguyen’s voice when he speaks of the importance of delivering this message of hope to people today, a tone similar to the one used by Pope Francis 2 | EDITION #27 | 17 APRIL 2015

Fr Peter Nguyen OP wearing the traditional Dominican white habit in Our Lady of the Rosary parish in Doubleview. PHOTO: SUPPLIED when he called religious brothers, sisters and priests to “wake up the world” in this Year of Consecrated Life. Furthermore, for Fr Nguyen, carrying a message which upholds the preciousness of human life is of particular significance as he experienced firsthand what it means to be

“My journey at sea is very close to my heart. Only when we are at the bottom of our life do we realise why we should be God’s agents of love and mercy. “God’s mercy is what we need to discover in our society nowadays. Yet we tend to live as ‘masters of our lives’,

There is a need to discover the relationship with the people around us. Only through this relationship can we have a relationship with God. in a life-threatening situation. In 1981, Fr Nguyen undertook a very perilous journey across the sea from Vietnam to Australia. He recalls the feeling of having life and death separated by a piece of wood as a catalyst for his desire to enter religious life and be an agent for God within the country that welcomed him.

especially in Australia where there is an abundance of resources and prosperity. “Australia is a lucky country, and this is great but, at the same time, we need to realise that we are God’s creatures, and without God’s mercy and forgiveness it is hard for us to show mercy and love to the people around us,” Fr Nguyen said.

This concept of spiritual communion with others is, in Fr Nguyen’s eyes, the key to living a fulfilled life where the emptiness of solitude is cast aside for the richness of interaction and fellowship. “Deep down in our heart there is a need to discover the relationship with the people who are around us. Only through the relationship with people can we have a relationship with God,” Fr Nguyen said. Fr Nguyen joined the Dominicans after being in close contact with the Order of Preachers at his high school and having his Dominican great-uncle as a great role model in his life. He commented on the scarcity of Dominicans within Perth’s parishes, something he connects to most Dominicans’ desire to work in universities and schools. Full Text available at

Archbishop Identifying the needs of all who need support

Archbishop Costelloe this week met with members of the IdentityWA. Pictured from left are Dr Tony Curry, Mr Phil Scott, Mr Terry Wilson and Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, Ms Marina Re (CEO), Mr Graeme Mander (Chair) and Ms Linda Walsh (Treasurer), IdentityWA is one of WA’s leading agencies supporting people with disability and their families. PHOTO: JAMIE O’BRIEN

WA MP spotlights prostitution By Marco Ceccarelli SOUTHERN River MP Peter Abetz has this week delivered an insightful lecture entitled Human Trafficking and Prostitution in WA at the Dawson Society for Philosophy and Culture Speakers’ Forum. The talk took place on Tuesday, 15 April at Rosie O’Grady’s, Northbridge, in the presence of more than 120 attendees who filled every square inch of the pub’s extensive function room. Abetz’s discussion was based on the premise that prostitution and human trafficking are inextricably linked and that the legalisation of prostitution leads, not to a safer and regulated industry for women, but to an increased demand in sexual

services that fuels an ‘out of control’ human trafficking market. In other words, for Abetz, the argument that legal brothels prevent the incidence of rape and assault against prostitutes simply “does not hold water”. He believes legislation that reduces the prevalence of prostitution should be intro-

respect and dignity. In this light, he placed the issue of prostitution under the spotlight, revealing its dehumanising aspects and links to human trafficking. Abetz also warned that, despite its illegal status, prostitution is an ongoing problem faced by Western Australia and more needs to

“No girl ‘aspires’ to be a prostitute. Prostitution is not about empowering women, but about exploitation of women by people with money,” duced; only then will human trafficking be minimised. As a former pastor, Abetz began his talk by stating that every human being is made in the image of God and deserves to be treated with

be done in terms of labelling this phenomenon as unacceptable in modern society. The first point covered by the presentation focused on human trafficking. Abetz warned that there is a growing

problem of human trafficking in Australia, particularly concerning Asian women, with prostitution being the main reason driving the ludicrous trade, followed by forced labour and forced marriage. “One of the toughest things about human trafficking is to get convictions. Someone can come to Australia with a student visa, or a working holiday visa and legitimate papers. No one at border security picks up people with legitimate papers. It is hard to prove that person is trafficked. The traffickers have them under such control and such fear that they are very reluctant to speak up, particularly if they have no knowledge of English,” Abetz said. Full Text available at EDITION #27 | 17 APRIL 2015 |


Perth Archdiocese breaking new ground in facing child abuse By James Parker IN A TWO-PART series being featured in the e-Record, leader and pioneer in child protection, Andrea Musulin, talks of dramatic changes taking place in the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth to face abuse head on and to minimise future opportunities of its reoccurence. In the midst of ongoing reports about child sexual abuse in the short history of the Australian Catholic Church, the Archdiocese of Perth is breaking new ground nationally. In April 2014, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe spoke to media of establishing Safeguarding Officers in each of the Archdiocese’s parishes. “Much preparation work has been done since that time,” said the Archbishop. “I am pleased to say that we are now closer than ever to seeing two volunteer officers selected and trained for each parish.” The recent appointment by Archbishop Costelloe of Andrea Musulin, an expert in child protection, is seeing the Catholic community across Perth establish itself as the first diocese to embark upon appointing Safeguarding Officers into every parish. Additionally, it aims to educate children in Catholics schools aged four years and upwards with age-appropriate knowledge about protective behaviours so as to reduce the opportunities for future abuse. Musulin joined the Archdiocese of Perth with a background of 28 years of experience as a police officer specialising in child protec-

Andrea Musulin, pioneer in child protection, talks of dramatic changes taking place in the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth to face abuse head on. PHOTO: JAMIE O’BRIEN

tion. She has provided services to children in metropolitan, rural and remote areas of Western Australia and has developed the first and only Child Protection Program for Rural and Remote Children.

and her priorities over the coming months, Musulin said things are moving forward. “We are looking carefully at each of the 12 Standards for a Child-Safe Organisation, as laid down by the Royal

“We are looking carefully at each of the 12 Standards for a Child-Safe Organisation as laid down by the Royal Commission.” She was induc te d into Western Australia’s International Women’s Hall of Fame in 2011, being recognised as a leader and pioneer in the field of child protection. She is also highly experienced in educating children and youth in personal safety and abuse prevention. Safeguarding Officers Discussing her role to date,

Commission. “One of the standards we have chosen to take on board is to establish Safeguarding Officers in every parish. Parishes will very soon be receiving a short DVD and pamphlets inviting parishioners to give careful consideration to volunteering to become Safeguarding Officers. “Under my leadership, they will be given the task of taking

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email:

all of these national standards into the parish and ensuring that they are adhered to. That is the overarching goal of my work. “Some of these national standards,” she stated, “will include providing clergy with mandatory training wherever necessary and children, parents and parishioners with the opportunity for training. “It will include managing buildings and the environments in which we, as Church, operate, such as the sealing of a confessional when in operation but changing a wooden door to a glass or glass-panelled door, or giving instructions on when to leave a door open. It is about different ways of doing business with a child protection hat on.” Full Text available at


What’s happening around the Archdiocese FRIDAY, 17 APRIL Ignite Youth-Perth The second of six exciting evenings for teens and young adults to include music, inspirational talks and opportunities for reconciliation and prayer. Venue info to follow. Future dates: 19 June, 14 August, 16 October and 27 November. Further info: 9422 7912 or FRIDAY, 17 - SUNDAY 19 APRIL New Norcia 2015 - Into Deep Silence Into Deep Silence - Dr Carmel Posa sgs will lead a retreat from Friday evening of 17th to Sunday lunchtime of 19th April at New Norcia looking at how our world today has forgotten the benefit and joy of silence and solitude which is necessary for living a truly human life. This retreat will enter into the deep silence where God lies hidden within each of us. (Except for brief input sessions, silence will be kept at all times during this retreat including meals.) Recommended cost for this retreat is $260. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa sgs, 9654 8371, TUESDAY, 19 APRIL Alpha in the city Trinity Uniting Church at 72 St George’s Tce, Perth will again play host to the ecumenically run Alpha Course that will run weekly at lunchtimes for 8 weeks between 12.30-1.30pm on Tuesdays from Tuesday, 21 April. Alpha freely explores the basics of the Christian faith with no pressure and at no charge. Sessions include a free lunch, a short presentation and the opportunity to enter a discussion if so desired. RSVP for catering purposes. Further info: Anke 0455 506 328, Easter Thanksgiving Picnic The Archdiocese warmly invites all parishes to celebrate with neophytes (Online Dictionary: “a new convert to religion”) and their families the joy of Easter and to offer them a very warm welcome into the Catholic faith at a picnic on Sunday, 19 April between 11am-4pm at Burswood Park, Camfield Dr, Burswood (parking in Glenn Place). BYO. Further info: Karen Hart 08 9207 3350, rcia.cfl@ WEDNESDAY, 22 - FRIDAY, 24 APRIL 2015 National Pastoral Planners Conference The National Pastoral Planners Conference takes place at the Grand Chifley Hotel, Adelaide from Wednesday, 22 – Friday, 24 April. Former Master of the Dominicans, Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP, will be the keynote speaker on Day 2 of the EDITION #27 | 17 APRIL 2015

conference. The simplest way to register and pay is online at www. Further info: Jill Gallio 08 8210 8138 TuesdayFriday, au. SATURDAY, 25 APRIL ANZAC Day On Saturday, 25 April, the Catholic Church in Australia will commemorate the 100th anniversary of ANZAC Day. The readings and Gospel for the Fourth Sunday of Easter are appropriate for ANZAC Day. The commemoration of ANZAC Day can also be acknowledged as part of the Sunday Mass through the choice of hymns, the liturgy, decoration of the church, the homily, the prayers of intercession or by the presence of the Australian flag inside or outside the church. The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has prepared the resources as a guide for parishes to use on ANZAC Day. The Centre for Liturgy has emailed these materials to all parishes. If a parish has not received them, please contact Geraldine on 08 9207 3350. All material is available from the ACBC website https:// anzac-centenary. The Catholic Church in Australia has also launched a specially commissioned Mass setting called Mass for the Fallen to commemorate the ANZAC Centenary. Musicians and clergy gathered at the Australian War Memorial (AWM) on Friday, 10 April, when Mass for the Fallen, which includes The Ode, the well-known verse from Laurence Binyon’s poem For the Fallen, was officially launched. A broadcast quality recording is available to download. Music scores, parish resources and further detail about the project are available to download free at A selection of special music has also been arranged to commemorate ANZAC Day at St Mary’s Cathedral with musical items planned for all Masses over the weekend of Saturday, 25 (prelude to the 8am Mass performed from 7.35am) and on Sunday, 26 April (special program at the 11am Mass). Further info: Jacinta Jakovcevic, 08 9223 1377, 0419 942099, music. TUESDAY, 28 APRIL Historical Commission Book Launch The Perth Archdiocesan Historical Commission invites you to join Archbishop Costelloe and Archbishop Emeritus Hickey for the launch of two books, the biographies of Archbishop Patrick Clune CSsR by Rev Dr Christopher Dowd OP and Bishop Martin Griver by Odhran O’Brien, on Tuesday, 28 April at 5.45pm for 6pm

start at the Redemptorist Monastery Church of Ss Peter and Paul, 190 Vincent Street, North Perth WA 6006. Please RSVP at http://heritageperth. Further info: booklaunch@outlook. com. TUESDAY, 28 APRIL - TUESDAY, 9 JUNE Creation and Evolutionary Christianity This Maranatha course looks at evolution from within a Christian framework. Scientific discoveries have challenged long-held theological views with Christian thinkers articulating a reasoned response which integrates science and their Christian faith. Explore these exciting developments through the writings of contemporary Christian thinkers, including Elizabeth Johnson, John Haught and Denis Edwards. This course is every Tuesday (6 classes), 10am-12.30pm and every Monday (6 classes), 7pm-9pm from 4 May-15 June with John Auer at the Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview. Further info: 08 9241 5221, maranatha@ceo. WEDNESDAY, 29 APRIL WEDNESDAY, 17 JUNE Psalms for Today Catholics celebrate the Psalms integral to Jewish and Christian prayer. The Psalms give voice to all the cries and deep intuitions of the human heart. This Maranatha course considers their unabashed images of God and spirituality, their beauty, poetry, rigour and power to refresh every generation. This course is every Wednesday (8 classes), 10am-12.30pm, with Sr Shelley Barlow, RNDM at the Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview. Further info: 08 9241 5221, au. THURSDAY, 30 APRIL Aboriginal Cultural Endurance in WA The book The Way of Boorna-Waangki: A Tale of Cultural Endurance, written by Fr Bernard Rooney OSB, former Abbot of New Norcia Benedictine community, is to be launched on Thursday, 30 April in the Senior Staff Room at Christ Church Grammar School, Queenslea Dr, Claremont, WA 6010. Further info: Frank Sheehan 08 9442 1670, FRIDAY, 1 - SUNDAY, 3 MAY New Norcia - Towards God Reading Weekend: Towards God Retreat guide, Sr Margaret Malone sgs, will share how most of us at some stage realize we need help in our prayer life. The study of the book Towards God uses some of the

teaching of important writers in the tradition such as Augustine, John Cassian, St Bernard. St Gregory, St Benedict, Julian of Norwich, Fr Michael Casey, an Australian Cistercian monk which may help to provide ways of developing and sustaining your own prayer life. The text for this reading weekend is: Towards God: The Ancient Wisdom of Western Prayer, by Michael Casey ocso. Recommended Cost for the weekend: $300. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa sgs, 9654 8371, carmel. FRIDAY, 1 - TUESDAY, 5 MAY 2015 Teresa 2015: A woman for our times A conference to celebrate the 500th birthday of St Teresa of Avila and to seek her spiritual wisdom for today. 1-3 May 2015 at Infant Jesus Parish, Morley. Keynote speakers Bishop David Walker and Fr Greg Burke OCD. Further info: Infant Jesus Parish: 08 9276 8500, ijparish@carmelite. com or Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation: 08 9241 5221, FRIDAY, 1 - SUNDAY, 3 MAY ‘Brave Heart’ Young Adults Retreat CYM are putting on a Young Adults retreat for 18-35 year olds focusing on Blessed are the Pure in heart for they will see God. The weekend will include sessions led by inspirational Catholic speakers, music, prayer, discussions and much more at Eagles Nest Retreat Centre, Gidgegannup. Cost $100 including food and accommodation. Further info and to register: 08 9422 7912, www.cym. MONDAY 4 - WEDNESDAY 6 MAY Communication Congress 2015 The three-yearly gathering of Australian Catholic Media takes place from 4 - 6 May 2015 at the Rydges Hotel, North Sydney. The Congress theme is: What is our voice? “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” (Mt 12:34) and will include keynote addresses from international and Australian speakers, practical media skills workshops and networking opportunities with a strong focus on how the Church can maximise opportunities to have our message heard and share our stories. The Congress is for those who design the parish bulletin, update the parish website, monitor the parish social media sites or write for the local diocesan publication and those who wish to understand how the media works. It also offers many opportunities to learn new skills and to network with others. Early bird registration is available at Further info:

Aoife Connors 0450 348 597 and SATURDAY, 16 MAY 50th School Reunion The classes of 1963-65 from Sacred Heart Highgate High School are invited to gather for their 50th School Reunion on Saturday, 16 May at the Sacred Heart, 40a Mary St, Highgate. The event begins with Mass in the Nuns’ Chapel at 11am and will be followed by lunch at Tarts Café, 212 Lake St, Northbridge. Further info and to RSVP: Jackie Hagan 08 9430 4201. MONDAY, 18 – WEDNESDAY, 20 MAY 2015 2nd National Catholic Mission Conference Mission: one heart many voices 2015 is the theme of the second national conference run and sponsored by Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious of Australia with the full endorsement of the ACBC. Keynote speaker will be Fr Stephen Bevans SVD from Chicago. It will be held at the SMC Conference Centre, 66 Goulbourn St, Sydney from 18-20 May 2015. Its purpose is to empower, affirm, enable, encourage and inspire agencies, parishes, congregations and all aspects of the Church with a scriptural and theological vision of mission while offering a platform to hear the many and varied voices that exist among us. Further info: www. THURSDAY, 21 MAY Music in the Funeral Rites There is a range of options available to make the celebration of a person’s passing much more than just the usual Rosary and Funeral Mass. This workshop looks at the options and the place that music can have in the liturgy. It takes place on Thursday, 21 May from 7.30-9.30pm at Holy Family Parish, 45 Thelma St, Como. Cost $10 per person. Registrations are essential. Further info: Centre for Liturgy 08 9207 3350, registrations. FRIDAY, 22 - SATURDAY, 23 MAY International Symposium opposing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide The Rydges South Park Hotel in Adelaide is to host the first international symposium in the southern hemisphere by the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition International. (Previous symposia were held in New York, Vancouver, Edinburgh and Toronto.) Presentations will be given by international speakers and experts opposing euthanasia and assisted suicide, and testimonials by those affected by euthanasia. Also covered will be mechanisms for fighting legalisation and how to ‘do media.’ Further content includes ethics, research, networking and a symposium dinner. Further info: EDITION #27 | 17 APRIL 2015

FRIDAY, 29 - SUNDAY, 31 MAY From Faith to Passion This retreat, presented by the Monks of New Norcia, looks at moving From Faith to Passion: Our Journey with Jesus to Jerusalem and Easter. The retreat takes place at the New Norcia Guesthouse, Great Northern Hwy, New Norcia and begins with Vespers at 6.30pm Friday concluding with lunch on Sunday, 20 to 22 March. Suggested cost is $250 (for those who can’t afford it, please do discuss this with the Guesthouse). Further info: Bernadette 08 9654 8002, SATURDAY 6 - SUNDAY 7 JUNE Centenary celebrations in Ingham QLD Our Lady of Lourdes School in Ingham, North Queensland (formerly Ingham Convent School) will celebrate its Centenary on Saturday, 6 and Sunday, 7 June. All past students, staff and their families are invited to join in this milestone event. Event information and registration form are available at or by phoning the school (07) 4776 2719. If you have any memorabilia, photos or memories etc. that you wish to share, please contact the school as soon as possible. WEDNESDAY, 17 - 24 JUNE Mediaeval Monastic Wisdom This study week explores the development of the monastic movement in the mediaeval Church from 500 to 1500, with an emphasis on examination of primary sources. The pastoral implications of these writings for us in the 21st century will be the major focus. One-week intensive course from 17-24 June at Pilgrim College, University of Divinity, Melbourne. Further info: New Norcia Institute for Benedictine Studies 08 9654 8371, carmel.posa@new.norcia. FRIDAY, 19 JUNE Ignite Youth - Perth The third of six exciting evenings in 2015 for teens and young adults. This event includes music, inspirational talks and opportunities for reconciliation and prayer. Not to be missed! Venue info to follow. Future dates: 14 August, 16 October and 27 November. Further info: 08 9422 7912,, perth@ or visit www. SUNDAY, 21 JUNE Celebrate World Refugee Day Come and join in a welcome to all former refugees and asylum seekers who contribute so much to WA communities at Perth Town Hall, 1pm for a 1.30pm start, 3.45pm finish. There will be guest speakers, performance art, and acknowledging the journey. Child minding is available. The 2015 theme is ‘With courage let us all combine’.

TUESDAY 23 AND SATURDAY 27 JUNE eConference: Religion - Catalyst for Violence or Peace? The Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation is facilitating this 2015 eConference which will probe the Abrahamic traditions for answers to religion being a catalyst for violence or peace. It takes place at the Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview from 10am-2.30pm on Tuesday, 23 June and at Bateman Parish on Saturday, 27 June from 10am-2.30pm. No charge, lunch provided. To register, and further info: 9241 5221 or email SUNDAY, 9 AUGUST AND TUESDAY 27 OCTOBER Cathedral Concert Series ‘A Pageant of Hymns’ is the theme of the second of three concerts in the St Mary’s Cathedral 2015 concert series which takes place at 2pm on Sunday, 9 August. It will feature favourites such as Finlandia, Amazing Grace, Deep River and lots more with plenty of congregation participation. The final concert is themed ‘Music for Wind and Brass’ and takes place on Tuesday, 27 October at 7.30pm. It is presented jointly with the UWA School of Music and will feature the UWA Symphonic Chorus, UWA Vocal Consort and the cathedral choir in an explosion of music from the Renaissance to the present day. Tickets cost $20-$35, available from the cathedral piety stall or online at MONDAY, 7 - WEDNESDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 17-Day Pilgrimage Discover the jewels of Spain, Portugal and France visiting Barcelona, Monserrat, Zaragoza, Avila, Fatima and coming alongside the incorruptible bodies of St Bernadette of Lourdes, St John Vianney of Ars, St Thérèse of Lisieux, St Vincent de Paul and St Catherine Labouré. 17 days away, consisting of 15 nights between 7 and 23 September. Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr Michael Quynh Do. Further info: Sheila 0433 771979, Sue 0421 835408. SATURDAY, 31 OCTOBER SUNDAY, 22 NOVEMBER 23-Day Pilgrimage Join a 23-day pilgrimage through Central and Eastern Europe departing Perth Saturday, 31 October and returning to Perth Sunday, 22 November. The program includes visits to Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Italy. Deposit required by Sunday, 1 February with final payment due by Sunday, 3 May. Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr John Piumatti. Cost is $6,200.00 per person. Further info: Francis Williams, Tour Coordinator 9459 3873, 0404 893877,

THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Auslan Cafe - 19 April, and 17 May 9.30am at the Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor St, Perth. Mass next door at St Francis Xavier Parish with PowerPoint and Auslan Interpreter. Followed by classes at 10.30am; classes and lunch are free. You will learn the language to help communicate with profoundly deaf people. Enq: Barbara 08 9328 8113 or emmanuelcentre@westnet. EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Catholic Faith Renewal 7.30pm at St John and Paul’s Parish, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton. Songs of Praise, sharing by a Priest, Thanksgiving Mass and light refreshments after Mass. All welcome to attend and we encourage you to bring your family and friends. Enq: Ann 0412 166 164, Ivan 0428 898 833. EVERY WEDNESDAY 2015 Resource Centre for Personal Development Courses Commencing February 25 from 10.30am - 12.30pm, Apply Person Centred Practices in Counselling. Included counselling sessions by donation. From 5pm-7.30pm; The Wounded Heart understanding and healing the consequences of emotional and sexual abuse (24 sessions). Enq: Eva 0409 405 585 or 9418 1439; EVERY SATURDAY Commencing February 28 at 9am, The Instinct to Heal’ Holistic Health (24 sessions). From 10.30am -1pm, Internalize principles of successful relationships and use emotional intelligence and communication skills. For couples, singles, parents and families. Prayer meetings held every 2nd Thursday. Enq: Eva 0409 405 585 or 9418 1439;

GENERAL ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT Enrolments remain open for Term One 2015 courses at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation, the Archdiocesan agency for adult faith education, where you can enrich your understanding of the Catholic faith. Further info and for details of the exciting courses on offer: 08 9241 5221 or visit www.maranathacentre. JUBILEE OF MERCY Pope Francis recently stated that there is to be an extraordinary Holy Year with the official announcement of the Jubilee of Mercy being launched with the publication of the Bull of Indiction on Saturday, 11 April at 5.30pm (Rome) in St Peter’s Basilica. Pope Francis will then preside at the celebration of First Vespers of Divine Mercy Sunday, underlining in a particular way the fundamental theme of the extraordinary Holy Year.

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