The eRecord Edition #54 - 22 October 2015

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22 October 2015

Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

Edition #54

EXCLUSIVE - Dr Harries on Church and family By Marco Ceccarelli THE APPOINTMENT of prominent West Australian, Dr Maria Harries, as independent auditor to the Synod on the Family in Rome was met with overwhelming approval by many within the Archdiocese of Perth, Archbishop Costelloe first and foremost among them. Reflecting on the impact she is hoping to make, Dr Harries recently spoke to the eRecord from Rome about her experience as a participating Catholic laywoman within one of the most significant ecclesial events of the year. Dr Harries commented on a number of aspects of the mission of the family that she would like to see improved, as well as her hopes for a more supportive Church particularly towards those who have strayed and have felt excluded and betrayed by some of its members. “An honour, a privilege and an enormous responsibility,” said Dr Harries in describing her appointment as independent auditor for the 14th General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. “As I asked ‘why me’, I was reminded of the response that Sister Sheila Sawle RSM made to me when she asked if I would chair MercyCare WA so many years ago. She said ‘because the Spirit wants you there’.” As chair of Catholic Social Services Australia and member of the Truth, Justice and

The appointment of prominent West Australian, Dr Maria Harries, as independent auditor to the Synod on the Family in Rome was met with overwhelming approval by many within the Archdiocese of Perth, Archbishop Costelloe first and foremost among them. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Healing Council, Dr Harries has had years of experience dealing with issues faced in family life and is acutely aware of the challenges faced both within the family and due to external factors. She hopes that the synod,

as other ways of thinking and being a family. “No family is exactly the same as another,” Dr Harries said. “Our Aboriginal peoples have been at pains to explain to us how different is their concept of family – it is a

“My hopes are that the Spirit is active and that compassion and mercy find their ways into the hearts of the people of good heart and mind“ which is focused on the vocation and mission of the family in the Church and in the contemporary world, will address both the importance and beauty of the regular family, headed by a mother, father and children, as well

kinship group. We all know there are many families which are headed by a single parent. Many couples do not have children. “We also know that many grandparents are now rearing grandchildren – sometimes

with and often without the presence of a parent,” she added. Dr Harries went on to say that, if the opportunity of her making an intervention at the synod arose, she would focus on three issues in particular: 1. the needs of families which are struggling and feel excluded from the Church 2. the significance of a wider concept of family as per that in the cultural wisdom and heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditions 3. the significance of the Church accompanying the paths of those who have been hurt and damaged by members of the Church.

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MercyCare launches Fund ahead of Children’s Week MERCYCARE is celebrating Children’s Week for a special reason later this month, having recently launched a new fund to support children in care. The new First Time Ever Fund is a special fund which will enable children in MercyCare’s Fostering Services and Family Group Homes to thrive. MercyCare Chief Executive Officer Chris Hall explained the appeal will help children in care access to ‘memorymaking’ experiences they might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. Mr Hall says Children’s Week, from 24 October to 1 November, provides a platform for MercyCare to reflect on the fact that not all WA children have access to the same opportunities and experiences. “Children’s Week celebrates the rights of children to enjoy childhood. It is also a time for children to demonstrate their talents, skills and abilities. However, sadly, not all children in WA have the opportunity or access to enjoy their childhood to the fullest extent possible, as other children and young people do,” he said. “The theme of Children’s Week is A Caring World Shares. That really sums up how we feel about the First Time Ever Fund, and we’re encouraging the community to generously share their support with children who are in care. “Particularly as we approach the Christmas holidays, donations to the First Time Ever Fund will help to set up some fantastic experiences for children in care.” Mr Hall said the First Time Ever Fund is based on the idea that MercyCare wants 2 | EDITION #54 | 22 OCTOBER 2015

MercyCare CEO Chris Hall launching the First Time Evert Fund at the 2015 MercyCare Oration on Thursday 24 September. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

to help expand children’s ‘first time ever’ experiences with ones most of us take for granted during our childhood - family holidays, camps with peers, trips to the zoo, theatre or live sporting events.

first time they have choices, and are free to play like any other child and see real hope for their future,” Mr Hall said. “These kinds of positive experiences, in the company of safe adults, will help to

“The theme of Children’s Week is A Caring World Shares. That really sums up how we feel about the First Time Ever Fund, and we’re encouraging the community to generously share their support with children who are in care” “MercyCare’s Foster Care program and Family Group Homes provide children with the opportunity to experience a lot of ‘firsts’. For some children, this might be the first time they feel protected, the first time that they can safely explore who they are, and who they want to be; the

shape their sense of identity as ‘people who matter’, make precious memories and contribute to their bank of joy. Generally, these activities are outside our program budgets, but the First Time Ever Fund will help make this powerful idea a reality.” MercyCare Fostering

Services provides short, medium and long-term care, as well as respite care, and support for children and young people who are unable to live with their families due to a variety of circumstances. In addition, MercyCare works in partnership with the Department for Child Protection and Family Support through its Family Group Homes to care for children aged from three to 18 years old who cannot live at home. To donate to the First Time Ever Fund, visit Gifts over $2 are tax-deductible. MercyCare is a leading Catholic provider of aged care, family, health and community services. MercyCare employs over 700 staff and 150 volunteers, delivering services from more than 30 locations throughout Western Australia.

Emmanuel Centre celebrates Mental Health Week THE EMMANUEL Centre has this year celebrated Mental Health Week with a day of Reflection and Mass on Saturday October 10 at St Francis Xavier Church in Windsor Street East Perth. World Mental Health Day (WMHD) is a day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy and is an initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health. This year the theme is, ‘Mental Health begins with me!’ Emmanuel Centre Co-Ordinator Barbara Harris said the event was host to a beautiful mixture of information, sharing, hospitality and spirituality, presented by experienced and humorous, Mental Health Provider Tasha Broomhall from Blooming Minds. “The little Church was filled with a large group of people for the two sessions before lunch, and finishing with Mass in the afternoon,” Ms Harris said. Ms Harris explained that sessions for the day included information how to have a

The Emmanuel Centre has this year celebrated Mental Health Week with a day of Reflection and Mass on Saturday October 10 at St Francis Xavier Church in East Perth. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

conversation with someone you are concerned about, at work or in our personal life which could be awkward. “What we notice and the relationship we have with the one we are concerned about must be genuine and natural,” Ms Harris said. Ms Broomhall

then went on to talk about the different types of mental health concerns and then later about recovering from stressful situations and looking after yourself in times of change. The talk demonstrated fives areas of our life which can be nourished to ensure

quality mental healthy when change occurs in our lives. For more information contact Barbara Harris on 9328 8113 or email Full Text available at

EXCLUSIVE - Dr Maria Harries speaks on Church and family Con’t from Front Page She also shone a light on the difficulties faced by those struggling to live their faith while facing severe family problems that are often out of their control. “The problems facing families today as they struggle to rear children and remain faithful to their values and their faith are enormous. “Forty or more years working with families in so many roles has given me the greatest regard for the strengths in families and a huge respect for their capacity to hold,

love and cherish despite so many obstacles. “I have also seen the worst of what families can do. My hope is that I can hold a balance between these two realities,” she said. Dr Harries further expressed a desire to represent the views of the poor and homeless, as well as those whom she says the Instrumentum Laboris (a working document for the synod outlining the subjects for discussion) defines as “irregular” families. “Those who have interfaith and inter-cultural

marriages, those who have divorced and formed another family and those who have not married either civilly or in the Church and who ‘live together’: all of these are families and all need the pastoral support of our Church. “It is the view of a number of people in our services that some of these families do not feel welcome in our Church and, indeed, they feel judged. In my view, it is urgent that we understand how to respond to a very different social landscape than that of ten years ago,” she said. Concluding in much the

same way that she began, Dr Harries commented on her hopes for the synod by pointing to the Holy Spirit, who she hopes will be a source of guidance for those addressing one of the more pressing issues of our time. “My hopes are that the Spirit is active and that compassion and mercy find their ways into the hearts of the people of good heart and mind. There is much to gain if hearts are open and much to lose if they are frightened.” Full Text available at EDITION #54 | 22 OCTOBER 2015 |


Amy McCabe drawn by joy and mission to serve others By Mark Reidy WHEN THEN 11-year-old Amy McCabe first encountered Sisters from the Missionary of God’s Love (MGL) community in 2008, she recalls feeling drawn not only by their jovial and loving nature, but also to their mission to youth, people living in poverty and those on the fringes of society. God had planted a seed says Amy, which, seven years later, has led the Perth teenager from the sunny shores of WA to the colder climate of Canberra, to discern the lifestyle for herself. “What grabbed my attention was when I heard that their call was to spend their life serving those rejected by society - the unaccepted and lonely, as well as young people, who are desperately searching for meaning and love. “These were the people I felt a calling to serve – the people I can imagine Jesus would love to hang out with.” Eighteen-year-old Amy is now in her eighth month of a three-year discernment period at the Community’s formation house in Canberra, endeavouring to learn more about herself, the MGL Community and God’s call for her life. It’s a transition the former parishioner of St Bernadette’s in Glendalough is embracing with zest but which, she acknowledges, is still adjusting to. Coming from a closeknit family, with four brothers and one sister, Amy says she misses her family and friends, but is grateful for the love she continues to receive

Perth teenager Amy McCabe (front row, second from left) pictured with her fellow MGL Community members. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

from them. “My family are all super supportive and encouraging of me to follow my vocation,” she shared. Amy’s mother, Shannon, along with father, Brendan, are also having to acclimatise to life without their fourth child, although her choice to

sister in 2007. When, due to ill health, Mrs McCabe couldn’t accompany her older children to daily Mass, Amy would continue to walk to the nearby church with her older brother. This longing for a deeper connection with God took

“It is all about learning more about myself and God’s call for me and whether it fits with the MGL lifestyle” discern a consecrated life has come as no surprise. “Although we miss her terribly, we know this is a natural progression for her,” Mrs McCabe shared. “She has always had an intimate relationship with God, and it has grown deeper over time.” It was a call Mrs McCabe recognised during her pregnancy with Amy’s younger

a significant step during the family’s trip to World Youth Day in Sydney in 2008. “It was a profound moment for her,” Mrs McCabe recalled. “A moment when she recognised that the love of God she was experiencing was a love she needed to share with others.” Throughout her teenage years, Amy’s deepening spiritual relationship was

nurtured through her family as well as the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community in Osborne Park, of which the family are members. MGL are the consecrated sections of the Disciples of Jesus Community, made up of the MGL Sisters founded by Sr Patti Jo Crocket in 1987, and the MGL Priests and Brothers founded a year earlier by Fr Ken Barker. Amy’s connection and affinity with the Sisters over the years has provided her with an understanding of their mission and this has helped ease her into the first year of discernment, a period known as the pre-novitiate year. “It is all about trying this life out, learning more about myself and God’s call for me and whether it fits with the MGL lifestyle,” she shared. Full Text available at

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email:


What’s happening around the Archdiocese SUNDAY, 18 - SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER Writer’s Workshop In collaboration with the Benedictine Union of Australia and New Zealand, the Institute for Benedictine Studies will host its second “Writers’ Workshop” to facilitate those who wish to hone their skills in academic writing, particularly in relation to publication in Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review. Facilitated by Michael Casey OCSO. Recommended donation for the week: $500. Further info and bookings: Dr Carmel Posa SGS 08 9654 8371, carmel.posa@newnorcia., jill.obrien@newnorcia. WEDNESDAY, 21 - FRIDAY, 31 OCTOBER “In the Footsteps of Mary Mackillop” This 10-day pilgrimage has been prepared by the Sisters of St Joseph and designed to help you enter more deeply into Mary Mackillop’s story. Further info: contact Laura 08 9334 0999, THURSDAY, 22 - SATURDAY, 24 OCTOBER ‘Why be Catholic?’ Faith Conference with Tim Staples Rediscover the reasons for our hope in Jesus Christ and His Church. Visiting from the US, Tim Staples is the Director of Apologetics and Evangelisation at Catholic Answers. Eight talks presented by Tim will address questions such as, How do you answer non-Catholics when asked why you are Catholic? This Faith Conference will be held at St Thomas More Parish, 100 Dean Rd, Bateman. Cost $30. Further info: 08 9310 1747,, www.batemancatholic. org/conference2015. FRIDAY, 23 OCTOBER Free Youth Event with Tim Staples from USA Join teens and young adults from around the Archdiocese for an engaging youth night with guest speaker from the USA, Tim Staples, at St Thomas More Parish, 100 Dean Rd, Bateman, 7-9pm. The night will give young people an opportunity to ask deep questions about their faith. It’s free, but please register your interest or your group attendance. Further info and to register: admin@; au; conference2015/ SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER Mercedes/OLC Class of 1965 Reunion Past students of Our Lady’s College EDITION #54 | 22 OCTOBER 2015

who graduated with Leaving in 1965 or Junior in 1963 are invited to attend a 50th Reunion on the afternoon of Sunday, 25 October. If you are a student of that year or know of someone, please contact Mary Ballantine (Noonan) mary. or Coralie Deshon (White) au. SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER AND WEDNESDAY, 28 OCTOBER WEDNESDAY, 25 NOVEMBER Archdiocesan Exploration of ‘Laudato Si’ The launch of Our Common Ground for our Common Home - Living the Joy of Laudato Si’ will be held on Sunday, 25 October from 3pm-5pm at the Redemptorist Monastery, North Perth, featuring Fr Bruce Duncan CSsR. Through presentations, songs and art we launch our hearts and minds on a journey of conversion which seeks to impact our lives with new understandings, choices and directions as we care for our common home. The Centre for Faith Enrichment, in collaboration with the Justice, Ecology and Development Office, Caritas, Catholic Mission, Catholic Earthcare and the Redemptorist Community, invites all to explore Pope Francis’s latest encyclical Laudato Si’ – “On Care for Our Common Home”. Held every Wednesday from 28 October – 25 November, 7pm-8.30pm, at the Redemptorist Retreat Centre, 190 Vincent Street, North Perth. Cost: $5 per session. Further info and to register: 08 9241 5221, cfe@ SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER St Francis Hostel Mini Fete A mini fete will be held on the grounds of St Francis Hostel, 678 North Beach Road, Gwelup on Sunday, 25 October from 10am - 2pm. Come and enjoy the Devonshire teas and sausage sizzle and maybe purchase an item or two while chatting with residents. Further info: 08 9445 7030. TUESDAY, 27 OCTOBER Cathedral Concert Series The final concert is themed ‘Music for Wind and Brass’. Presented jointly with the UWA School of Music and will feature the UWA Symphonic Chorus, UWA Vocal Consort and the Cathedral choir in an explosion of music from the Renaissance to the present day. 7.30pm. Tickets: $28-$35 from the Cathedral piety stall or Click here for online bookings. Dawson Society - ‘Understanding a Secular Age’ All are invited to the sixth Speakers Forum for 2015 hosted by the Dawson Society for Philosophy and

Culture. The evening will feature a presentation titled ‘Understanding A Secular Age’ given by Rev. Dr Richard Umbers, (Sydney, NSW). Arrive at 6:30pm, dinner will be at 7:00pm followed by presentation of paper and discussion. Rosie O’Grady’s, 265 James Street, Perth. Cost: $30 (+ booking fee) online or $35 at the door. Limited seating/dinner spaces available. For tickets: http://www. Further info:; 0434 402 884. WEDNESDAY, 28 OCTOBER SUNDAY, 18 NOVEMBER Imaginative Meditation on Gospel scenes and Neuroscience Science says that our thoughts and choices impact our physical brain and body, our mental health and our spiritual development. Based on the meditation method used by St Ignatius of Loyola in his classic ‘The Spiritual Exercises’, this four week course looks at the benefits of Imaginative Meditation according to Neuroscience. Presented by Norma Woodcock. Held every Wednesday from 28 October – 18 November from 7.30pm-8.30pm at St Benedict’s Church, cnr Canning Highway & Ardross St, Ardross. Cost: collection. Further info: 08 9487 1772, norma@, www. FRIDAY, 30 OCTOBER Praying our experiences Growing awareness of God in my everyday This focused prayer time is assisted with talks on a theme, followed by personal time in the chapel or garden. God cares for all our needs. Are we able to acknowledge Divine Providence’s influence in our daily lives? An invitation to pause and review God’s abundant love. Morning session begins at 10.30am-12 noon. Evening session (repeat) at 6.30– 8pm. Held at Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth. (Parking in York St). RSVP essential by 28 Oct. Further info and to RSVP: 08 9334 0999, SUNDAY, 1 NOVEMBER Redemptorists Mater Seminary open afternoon The Ardiocesan Missionary Seminary Redemptoris Mater invites all to visit the seminary on Sunday, 1 November, from 3pm-5pm, at 26 Camboon Rd, Morley. The afternoon will include tours of the seminary, afternoon tea and Solemn Vespers of the Church and benediction. Further info: 08 9275 7411. Mass for Vocations A warm welcome is extended to all young people to attend a Mass in this

“Year of Consecrated Life” to pray for the openness to the call of a vocation to the religious life or priesthood. To be held on All Saints Day at the Redemptorist Monastery, 190 Vincent St, North Perth, at 6pm. Supper will be provided after the Mass. FRIDAY, 6 NOVEMBER Mater Christi Primary School 25th Anniversary We will be celebrating 25 years of Mater Christi history beginning with a 9am Mass in the Mater Christi Church at 340 Yangebup Rd, Yangebup followed by morning tea and a memory walk. We welcome all past staff and community members to join us for this special celebration. Further info: 08 9417 5756; admin@mcps. FRIDAY, 6 - SUNDAY, 8 NOVEMBER Thomas Merton and Contemplative Prayer To celebrate 100 years since Thomas Merton’s birth, the Institute for Benedictine Studies is offering a retreat reflecting on and praying with Merton’s wisdom. Merton’s writings on contemplative prayer appealed to people of all walks of life when they first appeared back in the 1950s and 60s. With their distinctive insistence on the melding of prayer with action in the world, Merton’s words still resonant with the issues of our times and our desires to journey deeply into God. This weekend will be led by Dr Carmel Posa SGS. Recommended cost: $260. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa SGS, 08 9654 8371, carmel.posa@ SATURDAY, 7 NOVEMBER Quiz Night Fundraiser A Fundraising Quiz Night for the Embrace the Grace Youth Conference will be held at 67 Howe St, Osborne Park at 7pm. Come along for a night of trivia, entertainment and the chance to win great prizes. Tickets $20. Proceeds will subsidise registration fees to enable young people to attend Embrace the Grace. Further info or to register:, 08 9422 7912. Installation Mass of Relics of three Saints The parish of St Anthony at 96 Innamincka Rd, Greenmount, will receive the installation of relics of St Anthony of Padua, St John Paul II and St Mary of the Cross MacKillop on Saturday, 7 November at 6pm by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB. Spiritual preparation, led by Bishop Justin Bianchini, will begin in the parish with Masses over the weekend of 24/25 October and evening Masses on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 26, 27 and 28 October, commencing at 7pm.

SUNDAY, 14 NOVEMBER Sisters of the Good Samaritan Rural Outeach Fundraiser A fundraiser afternoon tea will be held at Pater Noster Parish Hall, 460 Marmion St, Myaree, from 2-4.30pm. Entry is by donation to raise funds for this important outreach to rural and remote people. Please come along and bring a friend and enjoy the entertainment, Christmas gifts table, raffles, lucky door prizes and much more and you will be supporting: Boarding and education of Aboriginal Students at Nagle College Geraldton; Motivation programs for primary school attendance; Retreats and programs for rural and remote women and communities. Further info: Penny Carroll 0419 709 437, the.

month commencing at 7.30 pm. z It will be accompanied by Exposition and followed by Benediction and Annointing. If you have not been before, why don’t you come along and be uplifted? Enquiries to George Lopez on 9310 9493(h) or 6242 0702(w).

THURSDAY, 3 - SATURDAY, 5 DECEMBER Australian Catholic Youth Festival The Australian Catholic Youth Festival is a national gathering of Catholic young people established by the ACBC. Join thousands of young people in Adelaide to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus and be empowered to be disciples in the world today. Young people from Year 9 to young adults 25 years of age are invited. Further info: www.

EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Catholic Faith Renewal 7.30pm at St John and Paul’s Parish, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton. Songs of Praise, sharing by a Priest, Thanksgiving Mass and light refreshments after Mass. All welcome to attend and we encourage you to bring your family and friends. Enq: Ann 0412 166 164, Ivan 0428 898 833.

MONDAY, 7 DECEMBER Emmanuel Centre’s Christmas Party All are warmly invited to the Emmanuel Centre’s Christmas celebrations from 11am - 2pm. Beginning with our much-loved Christmas carol singing followed by lunch and sharing. Please bring a small plate of finger food to share. RSVP: by 2 December. Further info: Barbara 08 9328 8113, SUNDAY, 13 DECEMBER Our Lady, Help of Christians, 80th Anniversary The parish of Our Lady Help of Christians, East Victoria Park invites past community members, together with those who served in the parish and school for a special 80th Anniversary celebration Mass and morning tea, held on Sunday, 13 December, 9.30am, at 43 Camberwell St, East Victoria Park. (Parking near Fraser Park, Balmoral St, East Vic Park). Main celebrant: Most Rev Donald Sproxton, Auxiliary Bishop of Perth. Further info and RSVP by 20 Nov: Dennis 08 9361 5135,; Jaya, EVERY SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Chaplets of the Divine Mercy A powerful, prayerful, sung devotion held at St Thomas More Catholic Church, Dean Road Bateman, on the second Wednesday of each EDITION #54 | 22 OCTOBER 2015

EVERY FIRST AND THIRD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH Young Adults Cenacle Group The Young Adults Cenacle Group invites young people aged 18-40 to St Bernadette’s Church, Jugan St, Glendalough on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month at 8pm. The evening includes a cenacle rosary, followed by a reflection by a visiting priest and fellowship. Any queries phone Viviana on 0413 432 025.

EVERY SATURDAY Commencing February 28 at 9am, The Instinct to Heal’ Holistic Health (24 sessions). From 10.30am -1pm, Internalize principles of successful relationships and use emotional intelligence and communication skills. For couples, singles, parents and families. Prayer meetings held every 2nd Thursday. Enq: Eva 0409 405 585 or 9418 1439;

GENERAL CENTRE FOR LITURGY ADVENT PROGRAM The 2015 Advent Program for the Archdiocese of Perth will be released in September 2015. And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. (Gen 9:12-14). Cost: $35 via post or $30 via email. This provides copyright permission to photocopy and distribute any or all of the program for non-profit purposes. Further info and to order: Centre for Liturgy, 08 9207 3350, registrations. FAITH ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES We grow and mature in many areas of our lives, but is our understanding of our faith left behind? The Centre for Faith Enrichment (formerly Maranatha) is the adult faith education agency of the Archdiocese of Perth. The CFE offers short daytime,

evening and weekend courses at various locations throughout Perth and even online. Term 4 course topics include the Pope’s new encyclical, an introduction to the Old Testament, the Trinity, Church history and much more. No exams or assignments. Further info:, or 08 9241 5221 for a brochure. NEW CATHEDRAL CHOIR CD Titled Laudate Dominum – Songs of joy and hope, a live recording of faith-filled sacred music sung by the St Mary’s Cathedral Choir and the Cathedral’s Principal Cantor, Carly Power. Includes favourite hymns, chants, organ solos, including Schubert’s Ave Maria and Mozart’s Laudate Dominum. Features solos sung by our young boy sopranos and the beautifully inspiring voice of Carly Power in solos from Messiah and Vivaldi’s Gloria. $20. On sale at the Cathedral piety stall. MONSIGNOR HAWES HERITAGE CENTRE CAFÉ OPPORTUNITY Expressions of Interest - Work has commenced on the Monsignor Hawes Heritage Centre in Geraldton with completion due in early 2016. Centrally located, this Café will cater for the thousands of Cathedral visitors each year as well as service clientele from nearby businesses, offices, schools, and the Queens Park Theatre. Energetic and entrepreneurial person/s can obtain further information and make an expression of interest by contacting: Monsignor Hawes Heritage Centre Café, 7 Maitland St, Geraldton WA 6530; 08 9921 3221; or heritage@ Expressions of interest close 23 October. SCHOLARSHIPS TO THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME The Trustee of the KSC Education Foundation Inc (a project of the Knights of the Southern Cross) takes pleasure in again inviting applications from teachers of Religious Education in Catholic Schools in WA to undertake further study units in RE and Theology at UNDA in 2016. Applications close on 30 October. Further info and application forms to: KSC Education Foundation Inc, PO Box 1048, South Perth WA 6951; 08 9368 2503; office. REVISED ORDERS FOR CELEBRATING CONFIRMATION AND MATRIMONY The Permanent Committee of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has approved that the Revised Orders for Celebrating Confirmation and Matrimony “can be used” from the First Sunday of Advent, 29 November 2015, and “must be used” by the First Sunday of Lent, 14 February 2016. Copies can be purchased from St Pauls Publications, Strathfield NSW and Catholic retailers. Digital versions have been integrated into a CD-Rom Resource ‘Labora Worship’ from

Liturgy Brisbane and the website maintained by Creative Ministry Resources, Hobart. Liturgical and pastoral ministers, religious education teachers, catechists and couples preparing for marriage are encouraged to utilise liturgical formation resources about the revised orders such as: When We Marry. These resources will be available in early 2016 from Liturgy Brisbane and Catholic retailers across Australia. Further info: Dr Paul Taylor, Executive Secretary, Bishops Commission for Liturgy on 03 9926 5753, TRUTH JUSTICE HEALING COUNCIL TJHC CEO visits Sacred Heart College in Melbourne - Francis Sullivan, CEO of the Truth Justice and Healing Council attended Sacred Heart College in Oakleigh in Melbourne’s south east last night to talk about the work of the Royal Commission and the Council. College Principal, Chris Dalton hosted the evening which was attended by around 40 people from the local community, including parishioners, clergy and religious, and school staff. Members of families affected by abuse also attended. Abuse survivors need special care: Australian Synod observer - Professor Maria Harries, a member of the Truth, Justice and Healing Council and an observer at the Synod of Bishops on the family in Rome, is urging extra special care for Catholics who are either too angry, disillusioned or afraid to return to the Church because of clerical sexual abuse. Prof. Harries says abuse by clergy in Australia has led to a crisis of faith and a loss of trust in the church’s moral authority for “a very large number of people”. Prof. Harries has worked for more than 45 years assisting children and families traumatised by abuse and violence. Pope asks forgiveness for scandals in the Church - In surprise comments at his General Audience yesterday, Pope Francis apologised and asked for forgiveness for unspecified scandals in the Church and in the Vatican, reports The Catholic Herald. The Pope warned against adults coming in between a child’s relationship with God saying God’s rapport with children “should not ever be violated”. E-RECORD NEWSLETTER UPDATE Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via the e-Record e-newsletter. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to Further info: Jamie O’Brien 08 9220 5900 or Click Here to subscribe.

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