The eRecord Edition #03 - 16 October 2014

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October 16, 2014

Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

Edition #3

Church Staff called to reflect on God-given gifts THE A N N UA L Commissioning Mass for agencies and organisations from across the Archdiocese took place this week on Wednesday October 16, on the feast of St Theresa of Avila. Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton was principal celebrant for the occasion, which was held at St Mary’s Cathedral, accompanied by Deacon Parick Moore from Stella Maris, with more than 150 staff from across the Archdiocese in attendance. Bishop Don Sproxton thanked all staff, on behalf of Archbishop Timothy Costelloe for all the great work they do for the Archdiocese. In his homily for the occasion, Bishop Don began by recalling how in 1968, at the instalment Mass of Archbishop

Bishop Don Sproxton was the main celebrant at the Annual Commissioning Mass for Agencies and Organisations at St Mary’s Cathedral on October 16. PHOTO: SUPLLIED

Goody, a fire destroyed the Church Offices on St George’s Terrace – a time during which most of the

work of the Church was undertaken by priests and religious. “Lay members of the Church are now mostly

in positions of leadership – this a very good thing,” he said. “Lay involvement [in the work of the Church] provides a lay voice for the Church.” Also drawing on the current Synod of the Family, Bishop Don said that the work of the laity means the Church has the opportunity to listen to the various Christian communities , their insights into family and family life, so that appropriate responses can be formed. Bishop Don encouraged those in attendance to pray for the work of the Synod. The day was also the Feast of St Theresa of Avila, who is founder of the Discalced Carmelites, as well as the Carmelite Fathers. Full Text available at

Support needed to stop Catastrophe THE SCOURGE of prostitution is destroying the lives of Perth women and their families more than ever before according to Linda Watson, the founder of Linda’s House of Hope, and she is desperately worried that dwindling donations will force her to close her ministry to those seeking to exit the insidious industry. Ms Watson began providing avenues of escape EDITION #3 | OCTOBER 16, 2014

from the cycle of prostitution and drugs in 1999, with the support of Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, and has since assisted hundreds of people each year. However as she prepares for this year’s Christmas Appeal - where she will endeavour to provide more than 200 families with food hampers, vouchers and other means of assistance - she is seeking donations to ensure as many effected

families as possible can be reached. Ms Watson said that most people would not understand the broader ramifications on the families of those women caught up in this industry, who, according to Ms Watson, are the hidden victims of the current rampant social catastrophe - emotionally, mentally and financially drained by their involuntary involvement.

Donations for the Christmas Appeal can be made by Money Order or Cheque (Payable to Linda’s House of Hope) and sent to GPO Box 5640, St George’s Tce, Perth, 6831 or via Visa, Mastercard by phoning 9358 2544 or 0439 401 009. Assistance with repair of the bathroom would also be greatly appreciated. Full Text available at

Pilgrimage to Vietnam puts Faith into perspective PILGRIMAGE is a term that has become more popular in recent times, in part due to the increased popularity of the Camino de Santiago and in part the success of World Youth Day. At John XXIII College the term pilgrimage is the buzz among Year 11 students for most of the year. A program inspired by the Year of Jubilee’s pilgrimage theme has seen students and staff of the College travel to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to work with Sr Trish Franklin ibvm for the past 15 years. This year’s pilgrims arrived in Vietnam on September 27 and were immersed in Vietnamese culture for 14 days. During the first week students worked at the Thein Phuoc Centre which caters for orphans with a disability. They were involved in a range of activities to assist with the day-

Teachers and Year 11 students from John XXIII College during their 14-day pilgrimage to Vietnam, which was inspired by the Year of Jubilee pilgrimage theme. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

to-day care of the children. For many students it meant feeding a child for the first time, games of catch and an insurmountable amount of cleaning. As the group moved into the second week, they travelled to Vinh Long in the Mekong

Delta where they resided in a traditional home and spent time alongside local workmen building a house for a family whose home had been flooded numerous times. Upon returning to Ho Chi Minh City the group visited three more

centres for children and engaged in fun activities including song and dance. A highlight with the street children was the visit to the Dan Sem Waterpark. Full Text available at

Catholic Faith Alive at Men’s breakfast By Mark Reidy AFTER introducing James McMahon to those gathered for the fifth instalment of the Catholic Man Breakfast Series on October 16, Master of Ceremonies, Greg Diamond, took a deep breath, “Reading the biography of men like James, makes me wonder, ‘What have I done with my life?’” he said. It was an apt response to a remarkable individual who engaged with more than 200 men at the Duxton Hotel in Perth, not only with his experiences as a 24-year Australian

Army veteran, Deputy Chairman of the West Coast Eagles Football Club and his current role as the Commissioner of Western Australia’s Department of Corrective Services, but also by the fact he could successfully fulfil these roles guided by his Catholic faith. Despite his many achievements, including the Distinguished Service Medal and Distinguished Service Cross during his time as Commanding Officer with the elite SAS in Iraq, Afghanistan and East Timor, McMahon was adamant about what both drove and anchored him.

“My faith is my life and my life is my faith,” he told the audience. “I am absolutely proud to be Catholic.” It was a message enthusiastically received by an audience consisting of Church and business leaders, representatives from many parishes and as well as students from seven Catholic Colleges. Charlie Hosken, 16, from John XXIII College was impressed by the dynamic presentation, “He has such great life experience and it has all been guided by his faith,” he said. “I found it very inspiring.” wNow a parishioner at Subiaco,

McMahon confessed that he had “lived life on both sides of the fence,” but such experiences had added to both his understanding of human nature and his need for faith and these had helped him become a more effective leader. “You will make mistakes, but understand you are human,” he said. “It is about what you do next.” The Breakfast Series is an initiative of menAlive, a Catholic organisation seeking to inspire men to a personal relationship with Jesus. Full Text available at

St Vincent de Paul’s new State President THE ST VINCENT de Paul Society WA will this month commission Mr Robert (Bob) Burns as its new State President. Mr Burns takes over the role from outgoing State President, Mr Jeff Trew, who retired on 1 July 2014. The role as President of the St Vincent de Paul Society State is a voluntary position that is voted on and elected by the Society’s membership for a term of four years. Mr Burns first became involved with the SVDPS in the early 80s when he was introduced to the Society and became a con-

ference member in Morley. Mr Burns had his own accountancy firm and some years later he was invited to become the State auditor for the Society, a role which he served in

became a member of State Council and said he decided to run for State President because of his extensive knowledge of the operations of the Society. “I felt I could use this

My core belief is that all people should have opportunities to make the most of their lives ... and we should offer assistance. for many years. Upon his retirement from his professional work, Mr Burns was approached to take on the role of State Treasurer which he held for 6 years. As treasurer Mr Burns

knowledge for the further benefit of the Society in WA,” Mr Burns said. “My core belief is that all people should have opportunities to make the most of their lives and that where

we have the opportunities to assist people who for various reasons have suffered a setback in life, we should offer assistance this is Christianity in practice,” Mr Burns said. Mr Burns believes his ethos for helping people was established when he was a young school boy, seeing his mother’s generosity. Despite having limited means of their own, his mother was always busy trying to help others in the community. Full Text available at

St Theresa’s 500th celebrated in Morley THE FIFTH centenary of the birth of St Theresa of Avila was celebrated last weekend at Infant Jesus Parish Morley. The centenary year of St Theresa began on October 15, 2014, and continues through to October 15, 2015 – the feast day of St Theresa. The event featured a lecture on St Teresa’s spirituality by Sr Jennifer Jones, OCD, via Skype from her monastery in Varroville, New South Wales, and St Teresa-focused discussions and prayer. The lecture was followed by Mass, celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop of Perth, Don Sproxton. St. Teresa of Jesus died on March 4, 1582. In 1970 Teresa was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Paul VI. Full Text available at

Above: Infant Jesus Parish Priest Fr Sunny Abraham, OCD, left, with Bishop Don and Fr Tadgh Tierney, OCD, Left: Fr. Tadgh Tierney, OCD to left of screen, Sr. Jennifer Jones, OCD on screen and Lyn Anderson and John Van der Ouderaa, both members of the Carmelite Secular Order, right. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED EDITION #3 | OCTOBER 16, 2014

Award shows promising future for Destiny I N C O R P O R AT I N G Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, culture and theory into the study of psychology is essential to counter the mono-cultural nature of the profession and to boost the number of Indigenous psychologists in Australia, according to early findings of a collaborative research project. Associate Professor Dawn DarlastonJones, Coordinator of the Behavioural Science program at The University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle, is part of a collaborative research project which received a $350,000 grant from the Australian Government’s Office of Learning and Teaching in 2013. The aim of the research is to investigate Indigenous participation levels in psychology and

Associate Professor Dawn Darlaston-Jones is part of a collaborative research project to boost the number of Indigenous psychologists in Australia.. PHOTO: UNDA

how this figure could grow through improved graduate outcomes in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural awareness. The project team, led by Professor Pat Dudgeon (The University of Western

Aust ra lia), includes Associate Professor Jacky Cranney (University of New South Wales); Associate Professor Judi Homewood (Macquarie University); Professor Jeannie Herbert and Dr

Pope’s work lead to painting OUR LADY of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish Priest Fr Patrick Lim has recently completed a painting of Pope Francis. Fr Lim says he was inspired to paint Pope Francis in light of the Pope’s recent activities, efforts and speeches to transform the Church’s image. A trained landscape artist, Fr Lim has ventured into portrait painting in recent years – having painted Bishop Healy, Archbishop Hickey and numerous parishioners upon request.

Fr Lim was inspired to create this painting of Pope Francis by the Pontiff’s recent activities and speeches. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office. 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email:

Jill Harris (Charles Sturt University); and Professor Sabine Hammond from the Australian Psychological Society. Full Text available at

FUNDRAISER DANCE FOR PAS PERSONAL Advocacy Services (PAS) will next month hold a fundraising dance in support of people with intellectual disabilities on Saturday November 1 from 7pm till midnight. Contact the PAS on 08 9275 5388 for more information.


What’s happening around the Archdiocese FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 Medjugorje evening of prayer 7pm at St Lawrence and Mary Immaculate Parish, 394 Albert Street, Balcatta. Holy Mass It is reported Our Blessed Mother has been appearing daily in Medjugorje. In thanksgiving our prayer group meet monthly at a different parish within our diocese. All warmly invited. Newsflash Pilgrimage May 2015 Fatima, Garabandal, Lourdes, Rome and Medjugorje - bargain price. Enq: Eileen on 0407471256 or THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 Human face to asylum seekers – a community awareness session Come and hear Afsoun Mohammadkhani share first- hand, personal experience of what it entails to seek asylum followed by an information session with MercyCare presenters Sandra Bartlett and Brenda Lee. This takes place on Thursday 23rd October between 2:00– 4:30pm at South Perth Library Function Room, Cnr Sandgate St/South Terrace, South Perth. Further info and to RSVP by 16th October: Brenda P) 9442 3415 (Thursdays & Fridays) and E) blee@ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 – MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 4-day retreat for seniors Presenter Sr Anna Warlow sgs invites you to come and rest a while by the sea between Friday 24th Monday 27th October to consider the spirituality of ageing. This is limited to 12 retreatants at the cost of $240 each. Further info: Sr Kathleen Dawe P) 9527 2517 or E) jdawe@ FRIDAY OCTOBER 31 St Jerome’s Divine Mercy prayer group thanksgiving Mass 2-4pm at St Jerome’s Church, 36 troode St, Munster. St Jerome’s Divine Mercy prayer group invites all Divine Mercy prayer groups and everyone to celebrate our thanksgiving Mass. Service will be led by Fr Varghese Parackal VC. 2-3pm: exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Divine Mercy Chaplet. 3-4pm: Mass, talk on Divine Mercy and healing. Enq: 0437 803 322. MONTH OF NOVEMBER Ways of Telling – Insight into 19th Century life New Norcia’s Dom Rosendo Salvado’s recording of Aboriginal achievement has been recognised as the ‘single success’ in 19th century Australia mission history, possibly because it was also one of the most photographed. Salvado, while leading the mission for 54 EDITION #3 | OCTOBER 16, 2014

years, used photographs widely for reporting and fundraising purposes among his supporters in Europe. This November, New Norcia’s large photographic collection will be the subject of Ways of Telling, a unique symposium to be held at the State Library of Western Australia. Photos date from 1867, and show how in the 1880s New Norcia was home to around 150 Aboriginal people and 70 monks. Ways of Telling is the final public event of the Benedictines’ bicentenary year celebrations. Numbers are limited so please register as soon as possible. Further info and registration: Peter Hocking E) or P) 9654 8018; or Michelle Ebbs E) or P) 0419 401335; W) www.newnorcia. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1 Save the date: put on your dancing shoes! Support the Archdiocese’s Personal Advocacy Service at a Fundraising Dance to be held at the Herb Graham Centre, Mirrabooka at 7:00pm on Saturday 1st November. Entry $20/ pp. All proceeds to Personal Advocacy Service. Further info and to purchase tickets: Greg D’Souza M) 0438 107178 and MONTH OF NOVEMBER Ways of Telling – Insight into 19th Century life New Norcia’s Dom Rosendo Salvado’s recording of Aboriginal achievement has been recognised as the ‘single success’ in 19th century Australia mission history, possibly because it was also one of the most photographed. Salvado, while leading the mission for 54 years, used photographs widely for reporting and fundraising purposes among his supporters in Europe. This November, New Norcia’s large photographic collection will be the subject of Ways of Telling, a unique symposium to be held at the State Library of Western Australia. Photos date from 1867, and show how in the 1880s New Norcia was home to around 150 Aboriginal people and 70 monks. Ways of Telling is the final public event of the Benedictines’ bicentenary year celebrations. Numbers are limited so please register as soon as possible. Further info and registration: Peter Hocking E) archivist@newnorcia. or P) 9654 8018; or Michelle Ebbs E) michelle.ebbs@ or P) 0419 401335; W) au/bicentenar y/symposium.E) or P) 9654 8018; or Michelle Ebbs E) or P) 0419 401335; W) www.newnorcia. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1 Save the date: put on your dancing shoes! Support the Archdiocese’s Personal Advocacy Service at a Fundraising Dance to be held at the Herb Graham Centre, Mirrabooka at 7:00pm on Saturday 1st November. Entry $20/ pp. All proceeds to Personal Advocacy Service. Further info and to purchase tickets: Greg D’Souza M) 0438 107178 and THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Mass for deceased priests of the Archdiocese Archbishop Costelloe will celebrate Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral at 12:10pm on Thursday 6th November for the repose of the souls of deceased priests from the Archdiocese of Perth. Everyone is welcome to attend. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Women’s Retreat Day This retreat is an opportunity to deepen your relationship with God and to live a more spiritually orientated life. The day is an opportunity for quiet reflection in the company of other women. Come alone, with friends or family. Retreat director: Celia Joyce MPS. Dates: Saturday 8th November (9:30am 4:00pm). Bring your own lunch. Cost: $60.00 Click here to download the brochure for the retreat. Click here to register on-line. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Final lecture - 2014 lecture series of WAVN The final of 4 lectures to be given in the 2014 Lecture Series of WAVN (Western Australia Vocations Network) will be given by Sr Margaret Scharf OP (Director, Dominican Institute for Spirituality) on Wednesday 12th November between 5:30—8:30pm at the Newman Siena Centre, 33 Williamstown Road, Doubleview on the theme of The Vocation of the Child. Further info and to register: P) 9241 5226, E) wavnsm@gmail. com. (CEO Accreditation Approved ‘Knowledge’ component) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Controversies and dilemmas in couples therapy Couples therapy, on the surface of it, looks like a straightforward endeavour. However, it can often be easy to be drawn into a series of confusing engagements and hidden agendas that challenge the counsellor in a profound way. This two-day workshop given by Dr Paul Gibney is suitable for anyone engaging in counselling or therapy with couples

and will address some of the frequent controversies and dilemmas of couples’ therapy including: successful therapeutic strategy, working with implicit and explicit contracts, desire and belonging - the politics of longterm unions, addressing recurring relational trauma, helping clients leave abusive relationships. The aim of the workshop is to promote new levels of understanding, intervention and healing for all those who undertake this demanding and rewarding work. It takes place on 13th-14th November (9:00am-4:00pm) at Technology Park, 2 Brodie Hall Drive, Bentley. Cost is $570. Further info: Vanessa Seebeck P) 9263 2122, E) Vanessa.Seebeck@ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Save the Date: Archdiocesan Day to celebrate life Archbishop Timothy Costelloe will be the main celebrant at a Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral to celebrate the dignity and wonder of human life on Saturday 22nd November at 10:00am. The Mass will be followed by a festival in the cathedral locality where groups involved in raising the dignity of human life will display and share the important work they do. Put the date in your diary. Clergy are invited to come and concelebrate. Please consider bringing your family, friends or a parish group along with you. More info to follow at a later date. Life is a gift to be celebrated! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 150th Anniversary Augustine’s church



St Augustine’s Church, Myers Flat, is the oldest church in the Diocese of Sandhurst and celebrates its 150th anniversary on Sunday 23rd November. Built in 1864 on the Bendigo goldfields in central Victoria it served the huge influx of people from all nations with miners dispersing into other areas and states once the rush finished. The anniversary organising committee hopes to reach descendants of the first settlers to the Myers Flat area. Further info: Mrs Aylene Kirkwood A) 40 Napier Street, Eaglehawk, Vic 3556, P) 03 5446 9528. THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Auslan Cafe 9.30am at the Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor Street, Perth. Mass next door at St. Francis Xavier Parish with PowerPoint and Auslan Interpreter. Followed by classes at 10.30am, classes and lunch are free. You will learn the language to help communicate with profoundly deaf people. Enq: Barbara 9328 8113 or

GENERAL SAVE THE DATE: GALLIPOLI PILGRIMAGE 2015 Join Mgr Michael Keating on a pilgrimage to Gallipoli on the 100th Anniversary of the landing from 29th May – 12th June 2015, visiting Istanbul, the Seven Churches of the Book of Revelation, Ephesus, Tarsus, Cappadocia, Antioch and many other places. Cost is under $5,500 with two sharing and includes Emirates economy return, 4-star hotels, dinner and breakfast, all tips, buses, and excursions. Further info and to register your interest: Monsignor Keating P) 9223 1356. 2015 MESSAGE FOR WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES Pope Francis’ 2015 Message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees, entitled A Church without frontiers, mother to all begins: “Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus is ‘the evangeliser par excellence and the Gospel in person’. His solicitude, particularly for the most vulnerable and marginalised, invites all of us to care for the frailest and to recognise his suffering countenance, especially in the victims of new forms of poverty and slavery. The Lord says: ‘I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me’. The mission of the Church, herself a pilgrim in the world and the Mother of all, is thus to love Jesus Christ, to adore and love him, particularly in the poorest and most abandoned.” To read the full message, click here. E-RECORD NEWSLETTER UPDATE The new e-Record has commenced distribution this week. The e-Record will be distributed on a weekly basis and will contain all the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese of Perth. Parishes will also receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter which they can print off and distribute for those who don’t have or use email. Individuals can subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending their details to subscribe@ Further info: contact Editor, Jamie O’Brien P) 08 9220 5900 or E) editor@therecord. THE RECORD COMMEMORATIVE EDITIONS UPDATE The Communications and Media Office team are currently in the process of working on The Record Commemorative Editions. Due to printing and mailing arrangements, four Commemorative Editions will be distributed as per the normal process of The Record from October 29. The second edition will be distributed on November 12, the third edition on November 26, and the final edition on December 10. Further info: contact Editor, Jamie O’Brien P) 08 9220 5900 EDITION #3 | OCTOBER 16, 2014

or E) ADULT FAITH FORMATION Deepen your understanding of your faith without the pressure of exams or assignments by enrolling in a Term Four course at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation. Courses are very affordable, range in length from 3 weeks to 8 weeks, and are offered during the day, at twilight, during evenings and on weekends. Further info: P) 9241 5221 or visit MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS The Adult Cenacle meets with the specific intention of praying for priests on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at St Bernadette’s Church, Jugan St, Glendalough and on the 4th Tuesday at All Saints Church, Greenwood. 10:30am Rosary followed by Mass and then a time of fellowship. The Youth Cenacle for those aged 18 to 40s meets at St Bernadette’s on Jugan St, Glendalough on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month with the Rosary at 8:00pm followed by catechesis by various priests as guest speakers (confessions available during Rosary meditations). Various social activities follow. All are welcome. Further info: Adele Coyne M) 0434 084184, E) adelecoyne@ or E) Vivianna.Boyle@cpfs. CREATION AND ANZAC ONLINE RESOURCES The Columban Centre for Peace, Ecology and Justice has two things that Catholics in Perth might find of interest: A Catholic Season of Creation – Sundays of September (or any other month) with a specific focus for each Sunday: # 1 – Forest; # 2 – Land; # 3 – Wilderness; and # 4 – Rivers; and The Way of Peace – ANZAC Centenary Edition 1915 – 2015, to be launched on 4th October 2014, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi. Resource can be downloaded at au after launch date. Further info: Ash Prasad P) 02-9352 8021, E) pej.cmi@

PANORAMA The print version of the e-Record also contains Panorama. Please email all information to be inserted in Panorama by Friday 5pm to office@ or contact our office on 08 9220 5900.

it’s a celebration W CELEBRATION OF LIFE with Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB

Saturday, 22 November 2014 Holy Mass 10am at St Mary’s Cathedral Festival of Life 11am-1pm at St Mary’s Parish Centre


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