The eRecord Edition #110 - 1 December 2016

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1 December 2016

Edition #110

Ordination to the Diaconate


Four young men from St Charles’ Seminary in Perth will this Friday reach one of the great milestones of their spiritual journey as they step into the diaconate – one of the three forms of the sacrament of Holy Orders. Tung Vu, Joseph Laundy, Mariusz Grzech and Konrad Gagatek will be ordained to the diaconate by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe at St Mary’s Cathedral in a momentous occasion eagerly awaited by the Archdiocese of Perth. Hailing from Vietnam, Poland and Australia, the four men have reached this important step of their formation through years of prayer, discernment, academic study and service within and outside of the Archdiocese. Their ordination brings them a step closer to the ministry of priesthood. A seed planted and watered in the family For 32 year old Tung Vu, who is currently assisting at St Mary MacKillop Parish in Ballajura, the importance of the role of the family in the spiritual formation of young people is held in very high regard. Born and raised as the youngest of six children in the province of Ha Noi, Vietnam, Mr Vu recalls with fondness the ongoing efforts of his parents to transmit the Catholic faith to him and his siblings from a

CLOCKWISE: ,Joseph Laundy, Tung Vu, Konrad Gagatek and Mariusz Grzech will be ordained to the diaconate by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe at St Mary’s Cathedral in what is set to be a momentous occasion eagerly awaited PHOTOS: MARCO CECCARELLI ARTWORK: FEBY PLANDO by the Archdiocese of Perth.

very young age. Referring to their dedicated approach as “the planting of a seed of faith which gradually grew into a vocation,” Mr Vu decided to join the local St Joseph Minor Seminary of Ha Noi in his late teenage years. In conjunction with his university studies (he studied a degree in Arts and Sciences), he spent four years of spiritual formation in St Joseph’s Seminary before working as a volunteer missionary in the northern diocese of Lang Son for a further three and a half years. “I believe that those initial

years in the seminary combined with my time as a missionary confirmed the vocation to the priesthood that had been gradually growing within me,” Mr Vu said. “It is after this experience that I decided to come to Perth, in 2011, to continue my studies for the priesthood at St Charles’ Seminary.” Much like the other seminarians at St Charles’, Mr Vu pursued his academic studies by attending courses of Philosophy and Theology at The University of Notre Dame in Fremantle. He recently graduated from the University

and is ready to dedicate himself to the ministry of deacon. The Ordination to the Diaconate of Tung Vu, Joseph Laundy, Mariusz Grzech and Konrad Gagatek will take place on Friday, 2 December 2016 at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth, 7:30pm. For those unable to attend, the ordination will be streamed LIVE via social media from approximately 7.15pm, to watch please go to www.facebook. com/TheRecordPerth. Full Text available at


Kalgoorlie student wins statewide Catholic Arts Scholarship JOHN PAUL COLLEGE student Jasmine Loda-Batey is a little closer to achieving her dream of performing on stage and screen, after being announced as the inaugural winner of the state-wide St John of God Health Care Catholic Arts Scholarship. Currently in Year 11, Jasmine made the trip to Perth from Kalgoorlie to be presented with her $1500 prize at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival at the Perth Concert Hall in September. The scholarship win means Jasmine will be able to take part in a school excursion to Sydney next April to visit and participate in workshops at Australia’s pre-eminent drama school, the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) and see live performances every night. Growing up as a young girl in Kalgoorlie with the possibility of accessing drama only through film, Jasmine said she was “over the moon” at the thought of being able to see live theatre. She currently has a part-time job outside of school at the only video store still operating in Kalgoorlie and is one of the store’s greatest customers. “I’m a big movie fan, particularly the old movies like Westside Story for all the singing and dancing,” she said. Jasmine added that she was surprised and excited when she heard about her scholarship win, despite her initial trepidation about being called to the office, where the news was conveyed by John Paul College Principal, Bradley Hall. She said she ran straight to her drama teacher Katherine Coulter and “barged in” to her classroom to share the good news. “Jasmine is hard working and diligent in her drama class,” Ms Coulter said. “This scholarship has given her the opportunity to attend this once-in-alifetime experience. The scholarship will assist Jasmine to grow and develop as an artist.” Jasmine attended the presentation ceremony at the Perth Concert Hall with both of her grandmothers, who have equally big dreams for their

Year 11 Kalgoorlie student Jasmine Loda-Batey is the winner of the St John of God Health Care Catholic Arts Scholarship, pictured here with her drama teacher Katherine Coulter.

talented granddaughter. “They want me to go on and be the next Angelina Jolie or someone equally famous,” Jasmine said. Her win has further ignited her passion for drama and for the first time she will be participating in John Paul College’s annual production of Beauty and the Beast in 2017. It will be a big final year of school for Jasmine, who will have rehearsals for the school production, her trip to NIDA in Sydney and final exams to sit. She hopes her hard work will allow her to go on and combine her love of literature and drama through further


studies at university in Perth. The scholarship, awarded by St John of God Health Care in partnership with Catholic Arts, was open to Western Australian Catholic school students from Year 6 to Year 12, in order to encourage and make more accessible the pursuit of talent in the arts. St John of God Health Care is a big supporter of the arts in Australia, recognising that art in its many forms can improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. Full Text available at


Final Ignite Live

for 2016 lights up the Quarry THERE COULD not have been a better way for Ignite Youth members to prepare for the advent season than with a final 2016 Ignite Live event full of music, prayer and contemplation. Held on 18 November, the event was attended by more than 200 teenagers and young adults and was deemed the biggest Ignite Live event this year. Ignite Live focuses on presenting the Catholic faith in a modern and appealing environment, and was on this occasion held under the stars at the spectacular Quarry Amphitheatre in City Beach. "We try and pack as much as we can into two hours" said the Coordinator of Ignite Youth Perth Ronan McGinniss. "There is plenty of fun, loud music, lots to laugh at, as well as a clear opportunity for everyone to encounter Christ in a personal way." Before the main event commenced, the crowd was entertained by singersongwriter, Emma Fradd from NET Ministries, who travelled to Perth from Brisbane especially for the occasion. As the sun lowered behind the Quarry walls and the concert lighting took over, the Ignite Perth band opened the official program with a

TOP: There could not have been a better way for Ignite Youth members to prepare for the advent season than with a final 2016 Ignite Live event full of music, prayer and contemplation on Friday 18 November at the Quarry Amphitheatre. ABOVE: Emma Fradd entertains youth who gathered for the final Ignite Live event for 2016 on Friday 18 November at the Quarry Amphitheatre. PHOTOS: THOMAS LE

number of energetic praise and worship songs. The atmosphere was then kept alive by MCs Giorgia Vecchio and Clarence Goh who entertained the crowd with a hilarious lip sync battle which saw them

comically perform their own impressions of a series of popular songs. The main speaker of the night, Lloyd Reidy, who is a religious education teacher and parish music coordinator in Northam, shared the

story of his faith journey, focusing on the importance of remaining steadfast in faith during times of struggle and questioning. Participants were also given the opportunity to engage in prayer and, if they wanted, see one of the five priests who attended the event for Reconciliation. When the main program concluded , DJ Paul Scarvaci entertained the energetic crowd for another hour whilst they enjoyed activities such as sumo suit wrestling, giant beach balls and mega jenga. "We are planning to hold six Ignite Live nights in 2017," Mr McGinniss said. "Our goal is to make these events as attractive as we can to young people, especially those who don't regularly participate in the Church. Coming to an impressive venue like the Quarry helps create the ideal atmosphere, and we will look to utilise more venues like this in the future. We are committed to making these events a valuable resource within the Archdiocese." For more information on Ignite Youth Perth, and Ignite Live events for 2017, please visit perth. Full Text available at




Feeling connected to other people is becoming somewhat of a lost art in today’s society. Despite technological advances that allow us to encounter others around the world through social media, loneliness and isolation are still highly reported, and can increase the effects of depression and other mental illnesses. MARGIE – who lives in the eastern suburbs of Perth – experienced the latter, as she began to notice symptoms of anxiety, paranoia and depression while living with her adult son. “I got depression living with him, I used to get paranoia and hallucinations,” she said. “My daughter ended up ringing up Armadale Clinic and told them that I wasn’t right, and my son was very worried about me too cause I took off one night and didn’t come back until very late. “After that, he didn’t want me there. So they took me to Armadale Hospital – I was there for a while, then my daughter found another place for me to live.” Before moving in with her son, Margie had lived on her own for a number of years, after her marriage broke up because her husband wanted to live in the country, where he was originally from. “I wanted to be with my grandchildren and children, I didn’t want to be in the

Feeling connected to other people is becoming somewhat of a lost art in today’s society, with loneliness still being highly reported, despite the rise of social media, and this can often exacerbate the symptoms of depression and other PHOTO: SOURCED mental illnesses.

country,” she said. “That added to the breakup of our marriage because we spent so much time apart that there was nothing left in the marriage. But I didn’t like being isolated and alone: the grandkids were starting to grow up, they were at school so I didn’t see them as much as I did before.” Margie said changes in her family left her feeling increasingly alone. “I used to spend a lot of time with my grandchildren when they were little, and I used to do everything for them. But as they grow up, they grow away from you, go to school, (and) have their own lives,” she said. “And you can be isolated from everybody, you know. I had my little dog, she was my

THE eRECORD is produced by the

consolation, my companion.” During her time of crisis, she found it difficult to undertake day-to-day activities, as her illness would get in the way. “I was paranoid, hallucinating and having dreams. If it was time for me to go out and do shopping, I didn’t want to go out,” Margie said. “And when I was driving around, or in the shops I was paranoid. I was later diagnosed with mild schizophrenia and mild depression.” LifeLink agencies such as Emmaus Community reach out to help more than 34,000 Western Australians in need each year, through the provision of accommodation, food, clothing, emergency assistance, counselling, and

the protection of women and children escaping domestic violence and abuse. The Ar c h b i sh o p ’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink was officially launched in parishes throughout the Archdiocese on the weekend of 19-20 November 2016. This is the only appeal conducted in parishes each year to help support welfare delivery in the Archdiocese of Perth. To help ‘heal the wounds and warm the hearts’ of people in need this Christmas, you can donate securely online at Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

RACHEL CURRY Journalist DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA Video Journalist BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer


PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese

FRI, 2 DEC ORDINATION TO THE DIACONATE Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB will ordain four men to the diaconate on Friday 2 December, 7pm at St Mary’s Cathedral. Please hold these men in your prayers - St Charles Seminarians Konrad Gagatek, Mariusz Grzech, Joseph Laundy and Tung Vu and consider coming to support them on the day as they offer their lives in service to God and his people. Further info: Centre for Liturgy 08 9207 3350 or liturgy.centre@ The Ordination will be streamed LIVE via social media from approximately 6.45pm, to watch go https:// w w w.f ace b oo k .co m / TheRecordPerth SUN, 4 DEC FIRST SUNDAY DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS The First Sunday Divine Mercy devotions will be 1

EDITION #110 | 1 December 2016

held on Sunday 4 December, 1.30-3pm, St Francis Xavier's Church, 25 Windsor Street, East Perth. Fr. Alfonsous Savaskis will be doing the homily/teaching on the Holy Family and preparation for Christmas. The program will include Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Reconciliation, Holy Rosary, Homily, Divine Mercy prayers, Benediction and veneration of the relic of St Faustina Kowalska. Afternoon tea and fellowship in the hall afterwards. Further info: Julia or June Murphy 08 9457 7771. MON, 5 DEC EMMANUEL CENTRE – CHRISTMAS PARTY You are invited to Emmanuel Centre’s Christmas Party, Monday 5 December, 11-2pm, 25 Windsor Street, East Perth. Programme includes, Christmas Carols followed by shared lunch. Please bring finger food to share.

As Saturday 3rd of December is the International Day of People with Disability, we, are going to take up this theme and celebrate it together in the one party. RSVP by 2 December 2016. Further info: 08 9328 8113, TTY9328 9571, SMS 0401 016 399 or emmanuelcentre@westnet. MON, 7 - SUN, 11 DEC EMBRACE THE GRACE 2016 Embrace the Grace 2016 “Who am I – We can only truly discover ourselves through the discovery of God.” The largest Catholic Youth Conference in Western Australia, in the surrounds of beautiful New Norcia. There will be 5 days of dynamic speakers, music, fun activities, drama, prayer, and more. The conference engages with life’s big questions and the issues of modern day living. 7-11 December for young people aged 16-25. If you would like to attend or help a young person attend this amazing

conference no matter how small the contribution is, please contact CYM 08 9422 7912 or THU, 8 DEC THE ROAD TO BETHELHEM 2016 The Road to Bethlehem Advent Liturgy is based on the traditional English Ceremony of Nine Lessons and Carols. The readings are from the Old and New Testaments that narrate the events of Christian salvation – from the Prophecy of the Messiah to the birth of our Saviour and beyond. It is a wonderful evening of music, readings and sacred art in preparation for Christmas. Come on the Road to Bethlehem with all the family! Thursday 8 December, 7-8pm, St Thomas the Apostle Church, 2 College Road Claremont. Supper will follow. A donation towards the Music Ministry in the Parish is appreciated. Further info: Claremont Parish Office 08 9384 0598. SAT, 10 DEC TALKS - FR RICHARD LEONARD SJ Renowned Jesuit Priest, Fr Richard Leonard SJ will present two talks at St Benedict’s Church, 115 Ardross Street, Ardross, Saturday, 10 December. Morning Session 10am (includes Morning Tea). “From Darkness into the Light” How do we hold onto God when our lives are filled with challenges, joy and sorrow? Afternoon session 1pm (includes Lunch). “Making the Best Choices in my Life in the Light of Faith” The ability to navigate our daily lives alert to demands of the Gospel and its practical application in our lives. Cost, $15 each session or $25 for both sessions. Further

info and booking Parish Office 08 9364 1120. THU, 15 DEC FINDING A PLACE: A CHRISTMAS REFELCTION IN WORD AND MUSIC Join us, Thursday 15 December, 7pm at The Basilica of St Patrick, Fremantle for a captivating and beautiful evening of sacred music, readings and congregational carols to highlight the meaning of the Christmas gospel in our world today. Music from EvaMarie Middleton (soprano), Christopher Waddell (bass), Paul Wright (violin), Tracey Harris (trumpet), Dominic Perissinotto (organ) and The Basilica Choir. Proceeds go to Catholic Mission projects supporting refugees and asylum seekers. Tickets: $30, concession $20, 12 and under free. For booking visit www., 08 9422 7933 or WED, 16 - THU, 18 DEC BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKEND Benedictine Spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. 16-18 December at the New Norcia Monastery Guesthouse, beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm on Friday, concluding after lunch on Sunday, the weekend will provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, Lectio Divina, hospitality, and community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Suggested donation: $250 (for those who can afford it), includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info: and bookings: Guesthouse Manager, 08 9654 8018 or guesthouse@newnorcia. 2

EDITION #110 | 1 December 2016

POSITION VACANT — MANAGER OF PASTORAL SERVICES – ST JOHN OF GOD - SUBIACO St John of God Subiaco Hospital has a rare and exciting opportunity for an innovative and skilled Manager of Pastoral Services to join our passionate Pastoral Services team. The successful applicant will be responsible for the strategic direction of Pastoral Services within the hospital and will provide leadership and coordination to the Pastoral Services team. You will provide a range of programs for patients and families, coordinate religious worship and liturgy as well as coordinate and mentor pastoral students on placement at the hospital. Your pastoral experience will also be utilised as you provide Pastoral Care to patients and clients in response to their specific needs. Further, this role will contribute to the Pastoral Services vision, philosophy and practice across the St John of God Group through involvement in the organisation’s Pastoral network. This position is being offered on a permanent full time basis, contracted to 76 hours per fortnight. If you have a vision for high quality Pastoral Services delivery and growth in a health care environment along with experience in leadership positions we would love to hear from you. The successful candidate will have: • A willingness and capacity to embrace the mission and value of St John of God Health Care. • Experience in Pastoral Ministry in a Healthcare setting or equivalent. • Experience in leadership and management roles. • Experience as a team leader, with hands-on experience of staff leadership, including rostering, induction, staff selection and staff performance review. • Completion of units of Clinical

Pastoral Education (CPE), or equivalent training. • Outstanding interpersonal communication skills and the capacity to lead and deliver training and information sessions to groups of various sizes. • Formal qualifications in Theology, Ethics, Pastoral Studies, Social Work, Health Sciences Counselling, Psychology, Nursing, or equivalent. • Formal leadership/ management qualifications/ training (Desirable). • Post-graduate qualifications in Theology, Ethics, Pastoral Studies, Social Work, Health Sciences, Counselling, Psychology, Nursing, or equivalent (Desirable). All applicants must address the Selection Criteria (as detailed on the last page of the Position Description). St John of God Health Care embraces diversity and strongly encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and people with disabilities. For enquiries about this position, applicants should contact Keith McNaught, Director of Mission, on 08 9382 6952. Applications Close: COB Wednesday 14 December 2016. Please visit for further information for the position description and how to apply. Only online applications will be accepted. EVERY SATURDAY EVENING A touch of the East in the West! “Mass” in the Eastern Catholic Churches is known as the “Divine Liturgy”. There is a Divine Liturgy celebrated in English every Saturday evening (Vigil for Sunday) 6pm at the Ukrainian Catholic Church of St John the Baptist, 20 Ferguson St, Maylands. All are most welcome! Further info: au. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE 2-22 January 2017, five nights Jordan, 14 nights Israel; 4 & 5 star hotels, all meals, admissions, guides, tipping and Emirates flights incl. $7820;

three day Dubai/Abu Dhabi extension $1050. Chaplain: Fr Tim Deeter. Further info: 08 9271 5253 or casapgf@iinet. PRAISE HEALING AND BIBLE TEACHING Every Wednesday, 7.30–9.30pm. Flame Ministries, Lion of Judah Catholic Charismatic Prayer Fellowship. Holy Rosary Parish Hall, 46 Thomas Street, Nedlands. Further info: fmi@ or www. 2016 ARCHDIOCESE OF PERTH - ADVENT PROGRAMME ADVENT A SEASON OF EXPECTATION AND HOPE • Reflection on the Sunday Readings of Advent • Art and Environment Suggestions • Music for the Advent and Christmas Seasons • Children's Advent Activities • Second Rite of Reconciliation • Universal Prayer • Prayers for Lighting the Advent Wreath All Material may be reproduced. Available October 2016. Printed Copy: $35.00 Electronic Copy: $30.00 Email your order to: cfl@ Further info: Geraldine Schivardi, 08 9207 3350. SUBSCRIBE TO THE eRECORD Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via The eRecord. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to communications@

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