The eRecord Edition #50 - 25 September 2015

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25 September 2015

Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

Edition #50

Archbishop celebrates with agency staff By Jamie O’Brien CATHOLIC IDENTITY is really born of a particular vision of what makes a life truly, deeply and fully human, said Archbishop Timothy Costelloe last week, as he addressed some 150 staff from across the agencies and organisations of the Archdiocese of Perth. The Archbishop was addressing the staff as part of the 2015 Annual Commissioning Mass for Agencies and Organisations from across the Archdiocese of Perth, which took place last week on Friday, 18 September at St Mary’s Cathedral. In celebrating the occasion, the Archbishop was joined by co-celebrants Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, Vicar General Fr Peter Whitely, Dean of St Mary’s Cathedral Mgr Michael Keating and Permanent Deacon, Patrick Moore. The Archbishop took the occasion to thank staff and volunteers for their dedication and commitment in carrying out their roles and tasks. In his homily for the occasion, the Archbishop spoke about the idea of Catholic identity, drawing inspiration from the First Reading of St Paul’s Letter to Timothy. “When we ask what makes an institution ‘Catholic’, we often focus on what is unique to us, on what it is that makes our agency or organisation distinctive and different from 1 | EDITION #50 | 25 SEPTEMBER 2015

From left, Mgr Michael Keating, Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, Deacon Patrick Moore, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, MC Fr Brennan Sia and Vicar General Fr Peter Whitely, during the celebration of Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral for the 2015 Annual Commissioning Mass for Agencies and Organisations for the Archdiocese of Perth. PHOTO: MAT DE SOUSA

other agencies who perhaps do the same kind of work,” the Archbishop said. “Catholic identity is really born of a particular vision of what makes a life truly, deeply and fully human. All our moral teachings, for example - which then can become pointers to the things without which a place cannot be truly Catholic - flow from this,” he said. The Archbishop went on to say that a truly Catholic agency will - each one in its own unique way – be a place where the Catholic ethos, the Catholic world view, the Catholic way of putting life together and making sense of life, is the foundation not just of its mission statement or its formal mandate or its

constitution but, even more importantly, of its day-to-day operations. “Commitment to the moral teachings of the Church is essential for fidelity to our vocation to be a part of the Church. But so is our commitment to the kinds of values which are alluded to, albeit in a negative way, in today’s first reading.” A Catholic institution or agency, the Archbishop said, will be a place where everyone knows that, at least as an ideal, and hopefully more and more as a reality, jealousy is foreign, contention is unacceptable, abuse and mistrust are rejected, and foolish and dangerous ambition are banished. “So, too, will be a holding

of grudges and a refusal to forgive. “Positively, a Catholic institution will be a place where we rejoice in the success of our colleagues, where we seek to resolve differences in a spirit of mutual respect and a firm belief in the good will of each other, where people are never abused, and where selfish ambition always gives way to the best interests of the whole community.” In concluding his homily, the Archbishop also spoke about the upcoming Year of Mercy, drawing on the words of Pope Francis to summarise the role of a Catholic agency. Full Text available at

JEDO launches ACBC Social Justice Statement for Perth By Jamie O’Brien THE ARCHDIOCESE of Perth’s Justice Ecology and Development Office (JEDO) this week held the Perth launch of the 2015 Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement. JEDO Director Carol Mitchell conducted the launch with the intention of helping local agencies, organisations and lay people understand what role they can play in supporting the plight of refugees and migrants globally, through the words of the ACBC Social Justice Statement. The event was opened by local Aboriginal elder Marie Taylor, who spoke about the importance of welcoming refugees and migrants to Australia. “Whenever I’m asked about what do I think of immigrants coming to this country from across the seas, I always tell people, Australia’s a big country, let them come,” Ms Taylor said. She then conducted a blessing in the Aboriginal language and talked about the relevance of the Indigenous heritage of the location. She also shared a dreaming story, with the theme aimed to highlight the act, ‘doing unto others, what we would want done to us’. Father Greg Donovan, former parish priest of Kalamunda, then spoke about his experience of providing assistance to refugees, and the impact it had on his life. “If I hadn’t gone to Kalamunda, I wouldn’t have had the privilege of meeting asylum seekers and refugees,” Fr Donovan said. Fr Donovan went on to talk about the presence of refugees 2 | EDITION #50 | 25 SEPTEMBER 2015

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, front left, joined by fellow WA Bishops, from back left, Bishop Gerard Holohan of Bunbury, Bishop Christopher Saunders of Broome, Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton and Bishop Justin Bianchini of Geraldton. The Bishops came together to pray at the Perth launch of the 2015 ACBC Social Justice Statement. PHOTO: JAMIE O’BRIEN

at the Kalamunda parish who were often accompanied by guards from the local detention centre. Fr Donovan told the crowd of nearly 70 people that the presence of the refugees at the weekend Masses at Kalamunda during his time as parish priest led him to start

Afghanistan for over 4,000 years. Throughout history, they’ve been subject to mass killings, torture and discrimination,” Mr Mohammad said. “In the 1880s, 63 per cent of my people were massacred. Out of one million, 630,000 were killed; the remainder fled or sought shelter

Each time a wave hit us, we would close our eyes and think ‘this is the end’ until the Australian Navy rescued us. visiting the refugees at the local detention centre, which gave him a greater insight and understanding into their story and situation. Attendees were also privileged to hear the experience of former refugee Ashraff Mohammad, who hails originally from Afghanistan and belongs to the Hazara ethnic minority. “Hazaras are one of the religious and ethnic minorities that have lived in

in the mountainous part of Afghanistan. The only reason why some survived is that the mountainous region is very isolated, remote and difficult to get into,” he added. When the Taliban came to power throughout the latter part of the 1990s and Hazaras were given the option of converting to the Sunni branch of Islam (the majority of Hazaras are Shiite Muslims), leave the country, or be killed, Mr

Mohammad fled to Pakistan with his family. At the age of seven, he found himself in Quetta, a city in Pakistan, selling plastic bags to help his family financially. When, in 2001, a systematic killing of Hazaras began in Quetta and he lost relatives, including his seven-year-old niece, he made arrangements to flee to Australia. “I went through Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia to catch a boat to Australia. Each time a wave hit us, we would close our eyes and think ‘this is the end’ as many of us could not swim. This went on for almost seven days until the Australian Navy rescued us.” Mr Mohammad’s distress at having left his wife and two children behind due to financial reasons was only matched by the 18 months he spent inside the Curtin Detention Centre in the Kimberley region. Full Text available at

Vicar General Fr Peter Whitely, with Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, and the Archbishop’s Executive Assistant, Jennifer Lazberger, with participants at the Parish Secretary’s Day on 15 September. PHOTO: RON TAN

Honourable role of secretary in focus By Marco Ceccarelli AS THE ARCHDIOCESE of Perth is encouraged by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe to “move forward” in different priority areas, a number of fundamental roles and jobs played by those serving the Church have also been acknowledged. One such job has been that of the parish secretary. The role, which is normally associated with directing, guiding and welcoming people to the parish, was celebrated on 15 September 2015 at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth. Hosted and introduced by the Archbishop’s Executive Assistant, Jennifer Lazberger, the event featured a presentation and outline of the structure of the Archdiocese by Archbishop Costelloe, a Mass by Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton and an insightful presentation, entitled The Accidental Counsellor, by the Executive Director of

Executive Director of Professional Standards & Conduct at The University of Notre Dame, Mrs Sarah Chaney, speaks with participants at the Parish Secretary’s Day on 15 September. PHOTO: RON TAN

Professional Standards & Conduct at The University of Notre Dame, Mrs Sarah Chaney. The special event aimed at better informing and involving Perth parish secretaries in Archbishop Costelloe’s new vision for the Archdiocese. In his address to the parish secretaries, the Archbishop made numerous references to his recently announced vision for the Archdiocese, entitled The Way Forward.

The for ward-looking plan includes improvements to Professional Standards, Effective Communication, Outreach to those in need, Strengthening and Revitalising Parishes, Support for Clergy, Adult Faith Formation and Archdiocesan Growth and Development. In this context, the Archbishop also acknowledged the important and pivotal role played by the parish secretaries in the Catholic

community. The parish secretaries who attended the event were overwhelmingly appreciative of the Archbishop’s efforts to improve all aspects of the Archdiocese. Many had the chance to meet and talk to other parish secretaries in the Archdiocese and exchange ideas in light of the Archbishop’s new plans. “The response has been extremely positive by those who attended,” Ms Lazberger said. “The parish secretary is often the first contact someone may have with the Catholic Church and it is a role of welcoming. The Archbishop fittingly quoted Pope Francis to convey his message: ‘those who approach the Church should find the doors open and not find people who want to control the faith.’ “Many of those whom I spoke to would like it to become an annual event,” she added. EDITION #50 | 25 SEPTEMBER 2015 |


MercyCare’s unique story documented in new biography THE UNIQUE and captivating story of the establishment of local not-for-profit organisation MercyCare has been told through a new biographical book launched last week. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB launched the book, For the Good of the Mission, at MercyCare’s Residential Aged Care facility in Wembley on Thursday, 17 September. For the Good of the Mission tells the story of MercyCare’s modest beginnings when the Sisters of Mercy first arrived in the Swan River Colony in 1846, and how the organisation has developed to its modern form as a large and multi-faceted community services organisation, supporting Western Australians who are disadvantaged or marginalised. The book charts these changes through a complex range of changing technology, social trends, human needs and government policy. MercyCare Chief Executive Officer Chris Hall said For the Good of the Mission draws on extensive archival material and interviews to illuminate the role played by the laity in the Perth congregation’s institutions. “For the Good of the Mission is the story of the courageous people of MercyCare and of their commitment to improving the lives of the people in our community experiencing disadvantage in its many forms,” he said. “During the 19th and 20th centuries, the Sisters of Mercy were increasingly assisted by lay people to respond to the needs of the times, while establishing an ever-expanding range of services in aged,

MercyCare CEO Chris Hall, author of For the Good of the Mission, Marilyn Beresford, Archbishop of Perth Timothy Costelloe. The Archbishop launched the book this week at MercyCare’s Residential Aged Care facility in Wembly on Thursday, 17 September. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

health, and family and community care. “In 1984, the Sisters began the bold and visionary journey towards the creation of a

MercyCare, we have further developed into an organisation for the 21st century.” Mr Hall said the book acknowledges the vital

It is the story of the courageous people of MercyCare and of their commitment to improving disadvantaged lives. completely lay-led organisation, which was to become MercyCare. “Since the transfer of the Sisters of Mercy’s health and community services to

role played by Sister Anne Tormey, Sr Sheila Sawle (now deceased), Sr Leonie O’Brien and Sr Maura Kelleher, as well as Michael Reutens, the inaugural CEO of MercyCare and

inaugural board chairperson, Dr Maria Harries AM, in this process. For the Good of the Mission, by Marilyn Beresford, is available for purchase upon request; please contact the MercyCare Marketing team on 08 9442 3444 to place your order. MercyCare is a leading Catholic provider of aged care, family, health and community services. MercyCare employs over 700 staff and 150 volunteers, delivering services from more than 30 locations throughout Western Australia.

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email:


What’s happening around the Archdiocese FRIDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER WA Young Salesians Quiz Night The WA Young Salesians Leaders are holding a Quiz Night fundraising event on Friday, 25 September at Our Lady of Grace School (Multipurpose area), 5a Kitchener St, North Beach, at 7.30pm. Cost $10pp. Teams of 8. A memorable night filled with fun, laughter and trivia! Further info and to purchase tickets: Graham 0418 979 600,, SUNDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER Social Justice Sunday The Australian Catholic Social Justice Council (ACSJC) will launch ‘Social Justice Sunday’ this year on Sunday, 27 September with a statement entitled, ‘For Those Who’ve Come Across the Seas: Justice for refugees and asylum seekers’. This year’s statement addresses the divisive national debate over asylum seekers, especially those who arrive by boat. It reminds all Australians of the need to live out the example of Jesus who never turned his back on those who were lost or suffering. Resources will be available for download on the ACSJC website and will include Liturgy Notes, a PowerPoint presentation and resources for schools and groups. Download Social Justice Statement Order Form. Further info: Carol Mitchell,, MONDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER “Come and See” Young women and men are invited to come along and enjoy an evening of reflection, sharing and prayer followed by a light meal. Theme: ‘Living Community’. Held at Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth, from 4-8pm. Further info and RSVP: Alma Cabassi rsj, cabassi@, 0419 044 136; Leonie Mayne rsj,, 0437 120 337 MONDAY, 28 SEPTEMEBER – SATURDAY, 3 OCTOBER Theology of the Body in WA John Paul II Institute for Marriage and the Family will offer a module on St. John Paul II’s The Theology of the Body which will address how the interpersonal communion of man and woman, in and through the body, images divine Trinitarian Communion. It will discuss the relevance of the Theology of the Body for those called to the vocation of celibacy and the mission of the new evangelisation. Drs Adam Cooper and Conor Sweeney will present the sessions. Both are engaging speakers and internationally recognised experts of this field. Venue: University of Notre EDITION #50 | 25 SEPTEMBER 2015

Dame (Fremantle) on Monday 2-9pm and Saturday 10am-5pm. Further info: TUESDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER Dawson Society Speakers Forum Evangelisation The Dawson Society for Philosophy and Culture is hosting its fifth Speakers Forum titled, Evangelisation: How to be a Hobbit. Presented by Dr Conor Sweeney (Permanent Fellow of the John Paul II Institute, Melbourne). At Rosie O’Grady’s, 205 James St, Northbridge, arrival 6.30pm, dinner at 7pm followed by presentation. Cost: $30 + booking fee online or $35 at the door. RSVP by Friday, 25 Sep. Further info: Thomas, 0434 402 884, au; WEDNESDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER “An Hour for Sheen” Concert Presented by the Fulton J Sheen Society Inc, featuring Chris Waddell, baritone; Yann Kee, soprano; Christina Trus, pianist; and Monica Brierly-Hay, soprano. Performing a variety of items, including pieces from West Side Story, My Fair Lady; classical and spiritual items. At 7.30pm. Trinity College - Gibney Hall, Trinity Ave, East Perth. $30 including refreshments. Concession available. Further info and bookings: 08 9291 8224, THURSDAY, 1 OCTOBER Inaugural Multicultural Mass The Archdiocese of Perth invites all to this inaugural Multicultural Mass celebrated by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB at St Marys’ Cathedral, Perth at 7pm. Everyone is invited to come in their National Dress. Please bring a plate to share and celebrate our unity in the Cathedral Parish Centre after Mass. FRIDAY, 2 - SUNDAY, 4 OCTOBER God’s Farm Retreat: “Finding Peace in God’s Creation” Fr Tony Chiera, Vicar General (Bunbury Diocese) will be speaking on the above theme during this retreat at God’s Farm at 94 Woodlands Rd, Wilyabrup. Commencing with Mass Friday at 7.30pm and departing Sunday at 2pm. Limited numbers. Donations $120 each for retreat and $50 for private bus return trip. Further info: Betty Peaker, 08 9755 6212 for retreat and bus reservations. ‘Stronger’ Teens Camp An amazing weekend with lots of games, activities, inspiring talks about faith and life, prayer and worship, and time to chill with friends at Fairbridge Village, Pinjarra. Open to all high school age teenagers. Cost $150 (including accommodation, meals, adventure activities and bus

transport to/from Perth). Further info: Catholic Youth Ministry 08 9422 7912, www. FRIDAY, 9 - SATURDAY, 10 OCTOBER Marty Haugen visit to Perth Performer and composer, Marty Haugen will be visiting Perth from 9-10 October. Marty is from the US and previously visited Perth in 1995. Composer of over 450 pieces, including Mass of Creation, Gather Us In and We Remember. Every Catholic has sung his music at some stage! FRIDAY, 9 – SUNDAY, 11 OCTOBER Reading Weekend at New Norcia Reading Weekend: The Soil of Human Thinking and the Emerging Christian – Retreat guide, Robert Nixon OSB, will share on the principal philosophical schools in the Mediterranean world at the time of Christ. Recommended cost: $300. The text for this reading weekend is: What is Ancient Philosophy? by Pierre Hadot. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa SGS, 08 9654 8371, carmel.posa@ SATURDAY, 10 OCTOBER Mental Health Awareness Day 2015 As part of Mental Health Week, Emmanuel Centre will hold a day of reflection followed by Mass at St Francis Xavier Church, Windsor St, Perth from 9.30am-2.30pm. An Auslan interpreter, audio-induction loop and PowerPoint will be available. Two sessions will be presented by Tasha Broomhall from Blooming Minds on ‘Bouncing Back From Stress and Looking After Yourself in Times of Change’ and ‘Let’s Talk About It - how to have tricky conversations about mental health with someone we are concerned about’. Please bring a plate of food to share for lunch. RSVP: by 1 October. Further info: Barbara 08 9328 8113, emmanuelcentre@ End of an Era Boarding Farewell/ Reunion A reunion will be held to commemorate the history and closure of Catholic boarding in Geraldton at St Patrick’s College, Stella Maris College and Nagle Catholic College Geraldton. From 10am–6pm. An invitation is open to all past and present boarders and boarding staff from 1891–2015. Cost: $25. RSVP 19 September. Further info and registration:, Nagle Catholic College, 08 9920 0500. SUNDAY, 11 OCTOBER Requiem Fundraising Performance This Requiem performance by Karl

Jenkins is a reflection on the loss of life among displaced people in our world as they seek asylum. It combines the prayers of a Requiem with Japanese Haiku poetry, Japanese flute and drum. On Sunday, 11 October, at St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Sq, Perth at 2.30pm. Featuruing Lux et Veritas & Camerata 1685 with Conductor Jangoo Chapkhana. Cost $35 ($25 conc). Profits will go to MercyCare and the Humanitarian Group supporting asylum seekers. Further info and bookings: 08 6488 2440 (124pm),, http:// Developing Prayer Life RCIA Workshop ‘Being Held in the Life of God’ is a workshop on developing prayer life in the RCIA process. The dynamic of spirituality involves each of us being different instruments in an orchestra playing for God. Topics include: ‘what prayer is’ and the ‘growth and change of our prayer life’. Presented by Dr Pina Ford at the Newman-Siena Centre, 33 Williamstown Rd, Doubleview, from 9.30am-12.30pm. Cost: donation. RSVP essential: by 14 October. Further info and to register: Centre for Liturgy, Karen 08 9207 3350. World Apostolate of Fatima A Holy Hour of Eucharistic Reparation will be held at Holy Family Parish, 34 Alcock St, Maddington at 3pm. All welcome. Further info: Diana Fox 08 9339 2614. SATURDAY, 17 OCTOBER Developing Prayer Life RCIA Workshop ‘Being Held in the Life of God’ is a workshop on developing prayer life in the RCIA process. The dynamic of spirituality involves each of us being different instruments in an orchestra playing for God. Topics include: ‘what prayer is’ and the ‘growth and change of our prayer life’. Presented by Dr Pina Ford at the Newman-Siena Centre, 33 Williamstown Rd, Doubleview, from 9.30am-12.30pm. Cost: donation. RSVP essential: by 14 October. Further info and to register: Centre for Liturgy, Karen 08 9207 3350. St Columba’s Primary School Reunion St Columba’s Primary School, South Perth, will be celebrating the 60-year Reunion of Sr Marguerita’s Grade 1 Class 1955 on Saturday, 17 October, 2pm. Contact details sought for Bletchynden, Ryan, Meese, Ritchie, Russo, Newman and Arkless. Further info: Chris Fitzhardinge 0408 450 071. SUNDAY, 18 OCTOBER The Walker Trio Mission Concert All are invited to attend this Mission

Concert with an exciting fusion of classical, jazz and popular music. The Walker Trio is a family group of very accomplished professional musicians with Ray Walker, jazz guitarist, Jessica Gethin, violinist and Sophie Curtis, celloist. Held at Infant Jesus Parish, 47 Wellington Rd, Morley, at 3pm. Proceeds go to Catholic Mission supporting girls’ education in Bangalore. Cost: $25 adults, $15 conc. Tickets can be purchased at http://; Catholic Mission, 08 9422 7933 or at the door. SUNDAY, 18 - SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER Writer’s Workshop In collaboration with the Benedictine Union of Australia and New Zealand, the Institute for Benedictine Studies will host its second “Writers’ Workshop” to facilitate those who wish to hone their skills in academic writing, particularly in relation to publication in Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review. Facilitated by Michael Casey OCSO. Recommended donation for the week: $500. Further info and bookings: Dr Carmel Posa SGS 08 9654 8371, carmel.posa@newnorcia., jill.obrien@newnorcia. THURSDAY, 22 - SATURDAY, 24 OCTOBER ‘Why be Catholic?’ Faith Conference with Tim Staples Rediscover the reasons for our hope in Jesus Christ and His Church. Visiting from the US, Tim Staples is the Director of Apologetics and Evangelisation at Catholic Answers. Eight talks presented by Tim will address questions such as, How do you answer non-Catholics when asked why you are Catholic? This Faith Conference will be held at St Thomas More Parish, 100 Dean Rd, Bateman. Cost $30. Further info: 08 9310 1747,, www.batemancatholic. org/conference2015. SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER Mercedes/OLC Class of 1965 Reunion Past students of Our Lady’s College who graduated with Leaving in 1965 or Junior in 1963 are invited to attend a 50th Reunion on the afternoon of Sunday, 25 October. If you are a student of that year or know of someone, please contact Mary Ballantine (Noonan) mary. or Coralie Deshon (White) au. TUESDAY, 27 OCTOBER Cathedral Concert Series The final concert is themed ‘Music for Wind and Brass’. Presented jointly with the UWA School of Music and will feature the UWA Symphonic Chorus, UWA Vocal Consort and the Cathedral choir in an explosion of music from the Renaissance to the EDITION #50 | 25 SEPTEMBER 2015

present day. 7.30pm. Tickets: $28-$35 from the Cathedral piety stall or Click here for online bookings. MONDAY, 7 - WEDNESDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 17-Day Pilgrimage Discover the jewels of Spain, Portugal and France visiting Barcelona, Monserrat, Zaragoza, Avila, Fatima and coming alongside the incorruptible bodies of St Bernadette of Lourdes, St John Vianney of Ars, St Thérèse of Lisieux, St Vincent de Paul and St Catherine Labouré. 17 days away, consisting of 15 nights between 7 and 23 September. Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr Michael Quynh Do. Further info: Sheila 0433 771979, Sue 0421 835408. WEDNESDAY, 21 - FRIDAY, 31 OCTOBER “In the Footsteps of Mary Mackillop” This 10-day pilgrimage has been prepared by the Sisters of St Joseph and designed to help you enter more deeply into Mary Mackillop’s story. Further info: contact Laura 08 9334 0999, THURSDAY, 3 - SATURDAY, 5 DECEMBER Australian Catholic Youth Festival 2015 The Australian Catholic Youth Festival is a national gathering of Catholic young people established by the ACBC. Join thousands of young people in Adelaide to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus and be empowered to be disciples in the world today. Young people from Year 9 to young adults 25 years of age are invited. Further info: www. EVERY SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Chaplets of the Divine Mercy A powerful, prayerful, sung devotion held at St Thomas More Catholic Church, Dean Road Bateman, on the second Wednesday of each month commencing at 7.30 pm. z It will be accompanied by Exposition and followed by Benediction and Annointing. If you have not been before, why don’t you come along and be uplifted? Enquiries to George Lopez on 9310 9493(h) or 6242 0702(w). EVERY FIRST AND THIRD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH Young Adults Cenacle Group The Young Adults Cenacle Group invites young people aged 18-40 to St Bernadette’s Church, Jugan St, Glendalough on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month at 8pm. The evening includes a cenacle rosary, followed by a reflection by a visiting priest and fellowship. Any queries phone Viviana on 0413 432 025. EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE

MONTH Catholic Faith Renewal 7.30pm at St John and Paul’s Parish, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton. Songs of Praise, sharing by a Priest, Thanksgiving Mass and light refreshments after Mass. All welcome to attend and we encourage you to bring your family and friends. Enq: Ann 0412 166 164, Ivan 0428 898 833. EVERY SATURDAY Commencing February 28 at 9am, The Instinct to Heal’ Holistic Health (24 sessions). From 10.30am -1pm, Internalize principles of successful relationships and use emotional intelligence and communication skills. For couples, singles, parents and families. Prayer meetings held every 2nd Thursday. Enq: Eva 0409 405 585 or 9418 1439;

GENERAL ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT Enrolments remain open for Term One 2015 courses at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation, the Archdiocesan agency for adult faith education, where you can enrich your understanding of the Catholic faith. Further info and for details of the exciting courses on offer: 08 9241 5221 or visit www.maranathacentre. PROJECT OFFICER POSITION VACANCY The LJ Goody Bioethics Centre, is seeking a suitable candidate to fill a new Project Officer position to provide support to the Director in the area of public policy. This is a full time position based in Mt Hawthorn. Applications close Friday, 14 August, 4pm. Click here for job advertisement. Further info and full job description: Suzanne, 08 9242 4066. CENTRE FOR LITURGY ADVENT PROGRAM The 2015 Advent Program for the Archdiocese of Perth will be released in September 2015. And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. (Gen 9:12-14). Cost: $35 via post or $30 via email. This provides copyright permission to photocopy and distribute any or all of the program for non-profit purposes. Further info and to order: Centre for Liturgy, 08 9207 3350, registrations. NEW CATHEDRAL CHOIR CD Titled Laudate Dominum – Songs of joy and hope, a live recording of faith-filled sacred music sung by the St Mary’s Cathedral Choir and the Cathedral’s Principal Cantor, Carly

Power. Includes favourite hymns, chants, organ solos, including Schubert’s Ave Maria and Mozart’s Laudate Dominum. Features solos sung by our young boy sopranos and the beautifully inspiring voice of Carly Power in solos from Messiah and Vivaldi’s ‘Gloria’. $20. On sale at the Cathedral piety stall. WANTED - USED ‘AS ONE VOICE’ HYMN BOOKS Any parishes wanting to sell their ‘slightly damaged’ and/or unwanted ‘As One Voice – Combined People’s Edition’ hymn books, please contact Fr Robert Carillo of St Andrew’s Parish, Clarkson, 08 9407 7512, REGIONAL MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR POSITION VACANCY The St Vincent de Paul Society is seeking a highly motivated and committed individual with experience in community engagement, preferably in the context of a volunteer setting. This full-time role will facilitate opportunities that aim to develop the capacity of our volunteer members when responding to those who seek financial assistance and emotional support. Location: Belmont. Applications close: Monday, 28 September. Further info: Click here for job advertisement. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AND BOOKKEEPER POSITION VACANCY The Redemptorists, together with the monastery and Church communities, seek a full-time Adminstrative Assistant with bookkeeping and secretarial skills. Previous experience in a parish office or a mission organisation required. Location: North Perth. Applications close: 11 October. Further info: Click here for job advertisement. MINISTER OF MUSIC POSITION VACANCY The Redemptorist Monastery and Church community seeks a Minister of Music to direct, guide and lead musicians/choirs at Mass and celebrations. 19 hours per week (flexible hours with weekend work each week. More hours possible). Location: North Perth. Applications Close: 11 October. Further info: Click here for job advertisement and description. “IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF MARY MACKILLOP”, AN AUSTRALIAN PILGRIMAGE This 10-day pilgrimage, from 21-31 October, starting in Melbourne and ending in Sydney, has been prepared by the Sisters of St Joseph and designed to help you enter more deeply into St Mary MacKillop’s story and spirituality. Book now. Further info including the brochure, contact Laura 08 9334 0999, laura.mccarthy@

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