The eRecord Edition #17 - 05 February 2015

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5 February 2015

Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

Edition #17

Year of Consecrated Life inaugurated By Marco Ceccarelli ARCHBISHOP Costelloe has this week echoed the call of Pope Francis to ‘Wake up the World’ in celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life. At a special celebration held at St Mary’s Cathedral on Monday 2 February to inaugurate the occasion, the Archbishop reminded those living consecrated lives that their identity should be focused not only on what they do, but also on what they are called to be, in and for the Church and the world. The Archbishop went on to encourage Perth’s religious sisters, brothers and priests to be strong signs of Christ’s love within the world, drawing on the Apostolic Letter to Consecrated People from Pope Francis released in November last year. “The religious, by virtue of our unique way of life within the community of faith, are consecrated by God to be ‘sacraments’, living signs, of some of the most essential aspects of the Christian life,” the Archbishop said. Reaching into his own Salesian tradition, the Archbishop said that, in a world tempted by atheism and the idolatry of pleasure, possessions and power, one’s religious way of life bears witness, especially to the young, that God exists. “It is not our apostolate alone, but our whole way of life which can give meaning to our place in the Church EDITION #17 | 5 FEBRUARY 2015

Archbishop Costelloe encouraged Perth’s religious sisters, brothers and priests to be strong signs of Christ’s love within the world at the Year of Consecrated Life celebration. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

and in the world. “This is true for every religious. “What is vital for us is the difference which the vow of poverty makes to the way we live our daily lives, the difference which the vow of chastity makes to the way we conduct our relationships

many faithful religious men and women to the church and archdiocese in Western Australia. His statements underscored the urgency of keeping Christ as the foundation stone of every religious life. “If Christ is not at the

The religious are consecrated by God to be living signs of some of the most essential aspects of the Christian life. with others, the difference which our vow of obedience makes to the way we read the signs of the times and how we respond to them,” the Archbishop said. The Archbishop acknowledged the significant presence and contribution of so

very heart of our religious life, both individually and as communities, if Christ is not the Way we follow, the Truth we proclaim and the Life which gives us life, then we must ask ourselves if we have lost our way. Apostolates may change, forms of dress

may change, styles of community life might change, but the central place which Christ must have in religious life must never change,” the Archbishop concluded. This special year dedicated to consecrated life is similar to previous themed years announced by Popes such as Year of the Priest (20092010) or Year of St. Paul (2008-2009). The year also marks the 50th anniversary of “Perfectae Caritatis,” a decree on religious life, and “Lumen Gentium,” the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. Full Text available at

Preparing the future of Christian leadership By Marco Ceccarelli PERTH CATHOLIC Youth Ministry (CYM) sees great potential in Christian youth leadership and wants to ensure that future leaders are well equipped to successfully carry out their role. The agency recently held its annual Master Class in Youth Leaders’ training at the Catholic Pastoral Centre in Highgate, Perth. The twoday learning experience consisted of talks and workshops presented by some of the best in youth ministry leadership from Perth. According to CYM leader Vincent Haber, who was also a speaker at the event, the number of attendees ranged from 35 to 40, 80 per cent of whom had already experienced youth leadership in their parishes while 20 per cent were new to the ministry. Primary speakers at the CYM Master Class this year were Mario Borg and Emma Passmore from the Disciples of Jesus, Karl Brown from Ignite Youth and Justine Howard from The University of Notre Dame. Other speakers included CYM Perth Director Anita Parker, and Eliza McKay, also from CYM, along with fellow Perth Catholic Clare Pike. The aim of the CYM Master Classes is to create a friendly learning environment where those who wish to serve the parish and engage in youth leadership are guided and coached to reach their full potential. In the words of Mr Haber, the Master Class, “empowers them, and helps them develop skills to become better at their craft”. “If they’re looking to learn more things about the youth EDITION #17 | 5 FEBRUARY 2015

The number of attendees at CYM’s Master Class ranged from 35 to 40, 80 per cent of whom had already experienced youth leadership while 20 per cent were new to the ministry. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

ministry, how to run youth nights more effectively and how to become an effective youth leader, the classes are there to empower and encourage them in their ministry.” Among the numerous and diverse topics raised this year, particular attention was devoted to self-care, disciple-

need to have a healthy body, eat well, and, more importantly, be accountable for one another. You are not here by yourself, you can ask other people to look after you or you can look after others,” he said. The discussions on faceto-face ministry and social

“It is not all spiritual, you need to have a healthy body, eat well, and be accountable for one another.” ship, face-to-face ministry and social media. Referring to the discussion on self-care, Mr Haber stated that the speakers did a wonderful job in explaining how youth leaders should look after themselves not only spiritually, but mentally and physically. “It is not all spiritual, you

media, on the other hand, laid emphasis on better engaging with young people into the 21st century. Mr Haber stated that while effective public speaking and direct interaction with youth remains a cornerstone of working with Christian youth, practising electronic youth ministry using social

media networks is equally as important. “It was an intense day and a half,” Mr Haber said, “but the young people were very receptive and very cooperative. They sat there, listened and gave us amazing feedback.” In feedback received by CYM, participants described the event as “engaging, interesting, educational, passionate and inspiring”. Another testimony read, “The Master Class has empowered me with knowledge on how to approach various aspects of my leadership, as well as the do-nots”. Master Classes are run by CYM annually at the beginning of the year. To ensure continuity, the speakers often meet with youth leaders on a monthly basis to review the topics discussed and provide ongoing support.

Inspirational business leader receives national honour By Leigh Dawson ENCOURAGING students to take responsibility for their educational success and career aspirations are core roles of university academics, according to Professor of Accounting at The University of Notre Dame Australia’s School of Business and 2015 Order of Australia Medallist, Derek Parkin OAM. Professor Parkin was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division on 26 January 2015 for service to accountancy through a range of professional, academic, business and advisory roles. Migrating from South Africa to Australia 36 years ago, Professor Parkin was a partner at global accounting firm Arthur Andersen for 23 years, and has also worked at Price Waterhouse and Ernst & Young. In between juggling a number of board positions and business and government advisory roles, Professor Parkin regularly spends his Monday mornings at St Patrick’s in Fremantle, lending his musical talents to the popular Starlight Hotel Choir.

Professor Derek Parkin OAM was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division for service to accountancy. PHOTO: UNDA

Professor Parkin says he is honoured to feel that his contribution to accounting has made a difference to the country. “My willingness to be consistently true to the person that I am, particularly my views on personal and professional integrity, have

hopefully helped me make a difference to others in some way. In particular, it makes me think of my late dad, who was such a guide and moral compass for me over the years,” Professor Parkin said. “Joining the world of academia in 2003 was a nervous

step into the unknown for me, but I feel privileged to have been in the company of such wonderful people, both academic colleagues and students alike. Full Text available at

St Clara youth re-charge their spiritual batteries THE DESIRE to re-energise faith within young people was the inspiration behind the Jumpstart II Retreat at the Santa Clara Parish in Bentley late last year. The weekend event, presented by the Santa Clara Youth Ministry team, drew 26 eager participants from the Bentley parish as well as a number from St Emilie’s in Canning Vale from 28 to 30 November. Youth Ministry Co-ordinator, Christine dos Santos, said

the weekend was a follow-on from the first young adults retreat, “Jumpstart”, conducted in May 2013, which sought to assist participants in reigniting their connection with God. “We wanted youth to ‘jumpstart’ their faith, just like you need to jumpstart a car when the battery is flat,” Ms dos Santos said. “The aim was to re-energise and deepen our Christian faith.” Eight speakers, including priests and Church leaders,

presented a variety of encouraging and inspirational ideas to inspire participants to take risks and trust God in their life journey. “Jesus is not in the boat, He is out there on the water”, said opening speaker, Vincent Haber, Youth Ministry Worker at Perth Catholic Youth Ministry. “Get out of the boat! We have to go to Him. If we start to sink on the way, He will be there to help us back up.” The theme of the retreat was based on

the Scripture, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). Ms dos Santos said the theme was specifically chosen because of the struggles and persecutions Christians across the world are currently experiencing. Full Text available at EDITION #17 | 5 FEBRUARY 2015

AMP team members roll up sleeves for volunteering By Katherine Mountain AMP FINANCIAL Planning and Hillross Advisers have kicked off their year in a charitable way through a corporate volunteer day at MercyCare. About 30 advisers gave up their time to volunteer at MercyCare’s Residential Aged Care on Monday, 19 January. As part of the volunteer day organised by Volunteering WA, advisers helped to spruce up MercyCare’s Residential Aged Care in Wembley, helping to decorate the facility ahead of its Australia Day celebrations and spending time with elderly residents. MercyCare Chief Executive Officer Chris Hall said MercyCare was grateful for the support and generosity of volunteers like AMP Financial Planning and Hillross Advisers which spend time helping out at the not-for-profit organisation. “Volunteer days are a great chance for organisations to have a bite-sized taste of volunteering, which gives staff a positive experience of community service within a friendly and welcoming environment,” he said.

About 30 AMP Financial Planning and Hillross Advisers gave up their time to volunteer at MercyCare’s Residential Aged Care on Monday, 19 January. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

“We’re appreciative that AMP Financial Planning and Hillross Advisers chose to spend their volunteer day at

the team can achieve, which is always rewarding for the staff themselves. “In addition, having vol-

“Volunteer days are a great chance for organisations to have a bite-sized taste of volunteering...” MercyCare this month. Many hands make light work and, within just a few hours, it’s always amazing to see what

unteers visit the Residential Aged Care facility always raises the energy level of our residents, who really enjoy the

opportunity to interact with some friendly new faces.” MercyCare is a leading Catholic provider of aged care, family, health and community services. MercyCare is home to a vibrant team of volunteers, with new volunteers and corporate volunteers always welcome. For more information, contact Anne Ward on 08 9442 3491.

St John of God putting on the final touches ST JOHN OF GOD Midland Public and Private Hospitals’ new Chief Executive Officer, Dr Glen Power, is spearheading the final stages of the $430 million development that is on track to open in November this year. As well as putting the finishing touches to construction, Glen and his team are about to begin an extensive commissioning program

to ensure that vital equipment and technology is in place and staff training is completed in readiness for the arrival of the collocated public and private hospitals’ first patients. He said he already feels a great sense of excitement for what the new hospitals will bring to meeting the health needs of Perth’s eastern suburbs close to home. “The

new and expanded services, the high-quality clinical care and the close links that we will develop with health providers across the community will be integral to the growth of this region of over 300,000 people,” Glen said. “The hospitals will also reach out to rural areas right up the Great Eastern and Great Northern Highways, and have an impact

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email:

on health outcomes well outside their immediate setting. “I look forward to working with the State Government, our partners in this project, as well as our caregivers, the referring GP community and all specialists who will treat patients at Midland,” he said. Full Text available at


What’s happening around the Archdiocese SUNDAY, 8 FEBRUARY World Day Against Human Trafficking As part of the Year of Consecrated Life, Pope Francis made modern day slavery the theme of his recent Message for the World Day of Peace 2015. He has designated the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita, Sunday, 8 February, as the World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action Against Human Trafficking. Parishes are encouraged to better alert and inform their communities to this modern-day criminality wherever possible. Many resources (prayers, liturgies, stories) are available at Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH). Further info: Sr Lucy Kessel PBVM (WA Coordinator for ACRATH) 9384 5433, Celebration of Santo Niño A Mass organised by the Filipino community in honour of Santo Niño, will be celebrated on Sunday, 8 February at 6.00pm at St Jerome’s Church, 36 Troode Street, Munster. A Procession and Benediction will follow the Mass. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please bring your Santo Niño statues for a special blessing. Dinner will follow in the parish hall. Please bring a plate to share. Further info: Edita 9418 3728, Susan 9434 3969 or Aileen 0423 578059. Council of Christians and Jews Western Australia Inc Annual General Meeting 2.30pm at St David’s Church Hall, Anglican Parish of Applecross, cnr Bombard and Simpson Streets, Ardross (parking at rear, access from Bombard Street). The guest speaker will be The Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB, Archbishop of Perth and will speak on “Created in God’s Image”: Our Common Biblical Heritage. The occasional address will be based on Genesis 1–2 and is in recognition of the 50th anniversary this year of the Vatican II declaration Nostra Aetate on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions. Light refreshments will be served. All welcome. Enq: or WEDNESDAY, 11 FEBRUARY Touch of Heaven International speaker, Alan Ames, who is renowned for bringing Jesus’ healing touch to people, will speak and offer healing prayer after the celebration of Mass on Wednesday, 11 February at 7.00pm at St Bernadette’s Church, Jugan St, Mt Hawthorn. Hear the dramatic story of how a violent alcoholic man’s was turned around through the Sacraments and prayer. Further info: George 9275 6608. EDITION #17 | 5 FEBRUARY 2015

SATURDAY, 21 FEBRUARY With Burning Hearts The 2015 Liturgy Conference of the Archdiocese of Perth takes place on Saturday, 21 February from 9am-4.15pm at John XXIII College, Mooro Dr, Mt Claremont. Cost is $15 per person. BYO lunch, with morning and afternoon tea/coffee provided. Keynote Addresses will be given by Sr Margaret Scharf OP (Full, Conscious and Active: the Church Participates in the Sacred Liturgy) and Dr Angela McCarthy (Liturgy and the Arts). Further info and to register: Centre for Liturgy registrations.cfl@ Children’s Liturgy of the Word Workshop This workshop on Saturday, 21 February from 9.30-11.30am at the Centre for Liturgy, 28 Marda Way, Nollamara prepares and supports those involved in presenting the Good News to children in a way that they can best get to know Jesus. Cost is $10 per person. Registrations are essential. Further info and to register: Centre for Liturgy registrations.cfl@ TUESDAY, 24 FEBRUARY Dawson Society for Philosophy & Culture Dr Matthew Tan, lecturer in Theology and Philosophy at Campion College in NSW, will speak to the theme of Take me with you: a theology of running away? on Tuesday, 24 February at Rosie O’Grady’s, 205 James St, Northbridge. Arrive at 6.30pm for 7pm dinner followed by speaker’s forum. Online booking $30 (+ booking fee), at door $35. Further info: Thomas Gourlay 0434 402884 or FRIDAY, 27 FEBRUARY Ignite Youth-Perth Catholic Youth Ministry Perth and Ignite Youth have come together to create a new series of Youth Rallies in Perth during 2015. The rallies will include music, inspirational talks and opportunities for reconciliation and prayer. Each event is targeted mostly for teens but young adults are welcome to also attend. The dates for Ignite Live Night are 27 February, 17 April, 19 June and 27 November. More information on venue and times to follow. Further info: 9422 7912 or THURSDAY, 5 MARCH Catholic Man Breakfast Series The Hon Tim Fischer AC will be the keynote speaker at the first Catholic Man Breakfast Series event for 2015 on Thursday, 5 March between 7-9am at the Duxton Hotel, Perth. Tim was Deputy Prime Minister in the Howard

Government from 1996–99, and served as the first Rome-resident Australian Ambassador to the Holy See from 2009–12, an experience he describes in his book Holy See, Unholy me: 1000 Days in Rome released in 2013. SATURDAY, 7 MARCH Sand Sculpture Competition Catholic Youth Ministry Perth will be holding a Sand Sculpting competition for youth and young adults, on Saturday, 7 March from 8.30am to 1pm at Scarborough Beach. Participants can be in a team of two to 10 people, and there are great prizes to be won. Cost is $20 per team, and participants must register by 20 February. Further info: 9422 7912, or www. Christian Meditation Community Day WA Christian Meditation Committee which hosts its first Community Day for 2015 on Saturday, 7 March, from 10am to 3.30pm at St Cecilia’s Parish Centre, cnr Grantham St/Kenmore Ave, Floreat. This day will include periods of Christian Meditation and there will be opportunities for discussion. Mr. John Coleman will lead the theme on ‘The Wisdom of Thomas Merton’. All Welcome. Participants are encouraged to bring their own lunch. Tea and coffee provided. Suggested donation is $ 10. Further info: CMC WA – 0429 117242,, www.christianmeditationaustralia. org. TUESDAY, 10 MARCH Parish Altar Server Co-ordinator Training This training on Tuesday, 10 March from 9.30-11.30am at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre, 50 Ovens Rd, Thornlie prepares and supports those involved in presenting the Good News to children in a way that they can best get to know Jesus. Cost is $10 per person. Registrations are essential. Further info and to register: Centre for Liturgy registrations.cfl@ TUESDAY, 17 MARCH St Patrick’s Day Celebration Mass St Patrick’s Day Annual Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday, 17 March at 10.00am in St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Square, Perth with Archbishop Tim Costelloe as principal celebrant and homilist. There will be the usual Entrance Procession of Banners and all Irish groups are invited to take part. Everyone is welcome to attend the Mass which is being organised by the Irish Community in WA working in collaboration with the Amaranarchdiocese of Perth. Clergy

are invited to attend and concelebrate with the Archbishop. Further info: Paul, 56 Lombardy Street, Woodlands, 9446 3784, FRIDAY, MARCH 20 - SUNDAY, MARCH 22 God’s Farm Retreat 7pm at God’s Farm. Fr Tony Chiera VG- Bunbury Diocese will lead the retreat on the theme “Finding Peace through Forgiveness”. Forgiveness is the central message of Jesus, path to healing and peace. Exploring the forgiveness of God and how we can extend forgiveness to others in our daily lives. Daily Mass at 7.30pm. Reconciliation will be available and traditional church prayers. Booking: Betty Peaker s.f.o Tel/Fax 9755 6212 or P.O. Box 24 Cowaramup, 6284, WA. Booking essential as numbers are limited. Bus reservations: Yvonne 9343 1897 (evenings). MONDAY, 23 THURSDAY, 26 MARCH 2015 Catholic Earthcare Catholic Earthcare Australia’s sustainability initiative ASSISI (A Strategic Systems-based Integrated Sustainability Initiative) will host an intensive formation program to deepen understanding and experience of ‘ecological conversion’ through creative engagement with contemporary social technologies and processes for transformation. The purpose is to help leaders within organisations to attain the understanding and resources to form learning communities for sustainability in their own context. The program is from 3pm on 23 March until 2pm on 26 March at the Maryknoll Centre, Blackmans Bay (Hobart), Tasmania. Cost is $880 (or $792 GST exempt when sponsored by a Catholic organisation), which includes accommodation, catering, participation in all workshops and support materials. Further info and registration: admin@ before 5 February. SATURDAY, 28 MARCH Day of the Unborn Child Annual Mass Archbishop Tim Costelloe SDB will be the main celebrant at 2015’s annual Mass to remember the Day of the Unborn Child. This takes place at 11.00am on Saturday 28th March in St Mary’s Cathedral and is offered for all babies conceived but not born due to miscarriage or abortion. It is an opportunity for families and the community to offer prayers, and hopefully to find healing, for these pregnancy losses. This year the Mass coincides with the end of the 40 Days for Life Campaign which runs from 18

February to 29 March. Further info: Sharon 0412 239770. SUNDAY, 3 -SUNDAY, 10 APRIL Easter Art Exhibition St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth will present an exhibition of Modern Art and Sacred Icons created by three artists. All works will be for sale. This takes place on Easter Sunday, 3 April and on Sunday, 10 April from 8am–7pm both days. FRIDAY, 17 - SUNDAY 19 APRIL New Norcia 2015 - Into Deep Silence Into Deep Silence - Dr Carmel Posa sgs will lead a retreat from Friday evening of 17th to Sunday lunchtime of 19th April at New Norcia looking at how our world today has forgotten the benefit and joy of silence and solitude which is necessary for living a truly human life. This retreat will enter into the deep silence where God lies hidden within each of us. (Except for brief input sessions, silence will be kept at all times during this retreat including meals.) Recommended cost for this retreat is $260. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa sgs, 9654 8371, WEDNESDAY, 22 - FRIDAY, 24 APRIL 2015 National Pastoral Planners Conference The National Pastoral Planners Conference takes place at the Grand Chifley Hotel, Adelaide from Wednesday, 22 – Friday, 24 April. Former Master of the Dominicans, Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP, will be the keynote speaker on Day 2 of the conference. The simplest way to register and pay is online at www. Further info: Jill Gallio 08 8210 8138 TuesdayFriday, au. FRIDAY, 1 - SUNDAY, 3 MAY New Norcia - Towards God Reading Weekend: Towards God Retreat guide, Sr Margaret Malone sgs, will share how most of us at some stage realize we need help in our prayer life. The study of the book Towards God uses some of the teaching of important writers in the tradition such as Augustine, John Cassian, St Bernard. St Gregory, St Benedict, Julian of Norwich, Fr Michael Casey, an Australian Cistercian monk which may help to provide ways of developing and sustaining your own prayer life. The book is based on personal experience making it extraordinarily helpful and easily accessible. The text for this reading weekend is: Towards God: The Ancient Wisdom of Western Prayer, by Michael Casey ocso. Recommended Cost for the weekend: $300. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa sgs, 9654 8371, FRIDAY, 1 - TUESDAY, 5 MAY 2015 Teresa 2015: EDITION #17 | 5 FEBRUARY 2015

A woman for our times A conference to celebrate the 500th birthday of St Teresa of Avila and to seek her spiritual wisdom for today. 1-3 May 2015 at Infant Jesus Parish, Morley. Keynote speakers Bishop David Walker and Fr Greg Burke OCD. Further info: Infant Jesus Parish: 08 9276 8500, ijparish@carmelite. com or Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation: 08 9241 5221, MONDAY, 18 – WEDNESDAY, 20 MAY 2015 2nd National Catholic Mission Conference Mission: one heart many voices 2015 is the theme of the second national conference run and sponsored by Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious of Australia with the full endorsement of the ACBC. Keynote speaker will be Fr Stephen Bevans SVD from Chicago. It will be held at the SMC Conference Centre, 66 Goulbourn St, Sydney from 18-20 May 2015. Its purpose is to empower, affirm, enable, encourage and inspire agencies, parishes, congregations and all aspects of the Church with a scriptural and theological vision of mission while offering a platform to hear the many and varied voices that exist among us. Further info: www. FRIDAY, 22 - SATURDAY, 23 MAY International Symposium opposing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide The Rydges South Park Hotel in Adelaide is to host the first international symposium in the southern hemisphere by the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition International. (Previous symposia were held in New York, Vancouver, Edinburgh and Toronto.) Presentations will be given by international speakers and experts opposing euthanasia and assisted suicide, and testimonials by those affected by euthanasia. Also covered will be mechanisms for fighting legalisation and how to ‘do media.’ Further content includes ethics, research, networking and a symposium dinner. Further info: MONDAY, 7 - WEDNESDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 17-Day Pilgrimage Discover the jewels of Spain, Portugal and France visiting Barcelona, Monserrat, Zaragoza, Avila, Fatima and coming alongside the incorruptible bodies of St Bernadette of Lourdes, St John Vianney of Ars, St Thérèse of Lisieux, St Vincent de Paul and St Catherine Labouré. 17 days away, consisting of 15 nights between 7 and 23 September. Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr Michael Quynh Do. Further info: Sheila 0433 771979, Sue 0421 835408. SATURDAY, 31 OCTOBER SUNDAY, 22 NOVEMBER


23-Day Pilgrimage Join a 23-day pilgrimage through Central and Eastern Europe departing Perth Saturday, 31 October and returning to Perth Sunday, 22 November. The program includes visits to Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and many sacred destinations in Italy. Deposit required by Sunday, 1 February with final payment due by Sunday, 3 May. Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr John Piumatti. Cost is $6,200.00 per person. Further info: Francis Williams, Tour Coordinator 9459 3873, 0404 893877, THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Auslan Cafe 9.30am at the Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor St, Perth. Mass next door at St Francis Xavier Parish with PowerPoint and Auslan Interpreter. Followed by classes at 10.30am; classes and lunch are free. You will learn the language to help communicate with profoundly deaf people. Enq: Barbara 08 9328 8113 or emmanuelcentre@westnet. EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Catholic Faith Renewal 7.30pm at St John and Paul’s Parish, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton. Songs of Praise, sharing by a Priest, Thanksgiving Mass and light refreshments after Mass. All welcome to attend and we encourage you to bring your family and friends. Enq: Ann 0412 166 164, Ivan 0428 898 833. EVERY WEDNESDAY 2015 Resource Centre for Personal Development (RCPD) Courses Commencing February 25 from 10.30am - 12.30pm, Apply Person Centred Practices in Counselling. Included counselling sessions by donation. From 5pm-7.30pm; The Wounded Heart understanding and healing the consequences of emotional and sexual abuse (24 sessions). Enq: Eva 0409 405 585 or 9418 1439; EVERY SATURDAY Commencing February 28 at 9am, The Instinct to Heal’ Holistic Health (24 sessions). From 10.30am -1pm, Internalize principles of successful relationships and use emotional intelligence and communication skills. This is for couples, singles, parents and families. Prayer meetings will be held every 2nd Thursday. Enq: Eva 0409 405 585 or 9418 1439; rcpd.

GENERAL ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT Want to enrich your understanding of your faith? Enrolments are now open for Term One 2015 courses at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith

Formation, the Archdiocesan agency for adult faith education. Courses range in length from two to eight sessions, and are offered at a variety of venues during the day, during evenings and on weekends. And, for the first time ever, an ONLINE course is on offer! Further info: 08 9241 5221 or visit au. SPECIAL PILGRIMAGE Departing Perth on Emirates Airlines, 4 May 2015, returning Perth 27 May (early hours). Visiting Lourdes, Fatima (for 13) May. San Sebastian de Garabandal. Santiago de Capostela. Rome. (Optional Castelpetroso) Medjugorje and Split. Spiritual Director Rev Fr T. Bogoni. Cost $6,999 which includes all flights, Air France, Air Portugal and Croatian Airlines. All airport taxes which may be subject to change). Transfers, luxury coach travel, excellent accommodation, all with ensuite facilities. Bed/breakfast/ evening meals. Guide 24/7. Visiting five countries for this unbelievable price of $6,999. Bookings now open. Enq: Eileen 0407 471 256 or WORLD YOUTH DAY INFORMATION EVENINGS Catholic Youth Ministry will conduct information evenings about the 2016 World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland as follows: • Thu 12 Feb - Our Lady of Mercy Parish, 270 Camberwarra Drive, Craigie from 7- 8pm • Thu 12 Feb - St Johns Parish, cnr Pinetree Gully Rd/Wainwright Close, Willetton from 7- 8pm • Tue 17 Feb - St Columba’s Parish, cnr Almondbury St/Roberts St, Bayswater from 7- 8pm • Tue 17 Feb - Sacred Heart Parish Thornlie, cnr Ovens Rd/Discovery Drive, Thornlie from 7- 8pm • Thu 5 Mar - St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Avenue, Perth from 7- 8pm • Thu 5 Mar - St Vincent’s Parish, 114 Parmelia Ave, Parmelia from 7pm to 8pm. The information evenings are open to everyone, including priests, parents and teachers. Further info: 9422 7912, or www. ACCESSING MASS VIRTUALLY For those unable to access the Mass in person, there are presently five different ways to daily access the Mass online. These are via: • Mass-on-Demand https://www. – from St Mary’s, North Sydney: morning Mass daily, anytime during the day • Mass Online au/parishes/dsp-default. cfm?loadref=354 – from Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara, every day at 9.30am (AEST)

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