19 June 2015
Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth
Edition #36
Refugee Week puts human dignity back in focus By Marco Ceccarelli IN THE MIDST of yet another period of news stories that has seen asylum seekers at the centre of political debates in Australia, the Archdiocese of Perth has focused its attention on 2015 Refugee Week (14–20 June) in an effort to raise awareness about issues affecting refugees. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe led the charge this week with a statement urging Christians to recognise Christ in the stranger and the needy, and to lend a welcoming hand to those who have nowhere to go. Failing to help the neediest in our community, Archbishop Costelloe emphasised, would be “an attack on life”. “In our Catholic understanding, the service of charity to our neighbour and our commitment to the Word of God and the Sacraments are two sides of the one coin,” the Archbishop said. “Together, they constitute our response to the ‘greatest commandment’ which is to love God wholeheartedly and to love our neighbour as we love ourselves.” He went on to say that refugees “must not be demonised or robbed of their human dignity. Nor must they be abandoned or rejected. They share a common humanity with us. They are equally children of God.” An agency that is responding to the Archbishop’s call to aid those in need 1 | EDITION #36 | 19 JUNE 2015
Thawng (Henry) Uk Thang Conzo, with MercyCare staff members Jasvita Patel and Bev Kreibich. In celebration of Refugee Week, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe has issued a statement urging Christians to recognise Christ in the stranger and the needy and to lend a welcoming hand to those who have nowhere to go.. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
is MercyCare, Western Australia’s leading Catholic provider of aged care, family, health and community. In light of Refugee Week, MercyCare recently communicated the range of ser-
living in the Perth suburb of Balga since their arrival from Burma in 2010 on refugee visas.The Chin people, who number roughly 1.5 million and live mainly in the hilly West of Burma near the
“Together, they constitute our response to the ‘greatest commandment’ which is to love God wholeheartedly...” vices it provides to assist vulnerable groups, including newly-arrived humanitarian and refugee entrants, to stay connected economically and socially to the community they settle into. MercyCare also reported on the story of a Chin family
Indian border, are a persecuted minority group. “We first heard about MercyCare from our community. There is a big Chin community in Perth and lots of our friends live nearby so they suggested we go there,” said Thawng (Henry) Uk
Thang Conzo who, with his wife Khim and their three children, has accessed many support services in their transition to Australia. “MercyCare have helped us in lots of ways. They helped us to find a GP when we first arrived and we have also had training for our citizenship class because we are going to apply for Australian citizenship,” Henry added. Thanks to the support received from MercyCare, the Conzo family has settled into Australian life and is taking full advantage of their new opportunities in Perth. Article continued on the bottom of Page 3
Archbishop encourages us to avoid danger of complacency THOSE WHO LIVE in Western Australia are privileged to live in one of the most unspoilt and least polluted areas of the developed world, said Archbishop Costelloe this week, in light of the launch of Pope Francis’ new encyclical, Laudato Sii, On the Care of our Common Home. The new encyclical was launched at 5pm Perth time, Thursday, 18 June 2015. The Archbishop went on to say that, at the same time, we are not immune from the dangers which come from a disregard for the care and nurturing of our natural environment. “As we are coming to recognise ever more clearly, a balanced and healthy environment is essential to our basic well-being and existence as human beings,” the Archbishop said. “With this in mind, I welcome Pope Francis’ encyclical. Perhaps for the first time, we have a carefully reasoned and passionately argued exposition of our duty and our need to care for our earthly home. “It is an exposition which the Pope offers as the Church’s contribution to ‘a dialogue with all people about our common home’ (par 3). It weaves together philosophical, theological and scientific reflection, as well as some simple common sense.” “It is a challenging but richly rewarding document to read.” The Archbishop went on to say that he hopes careful reflection on its contents will encourage us to avoid the danger of complacency in this urgent matter and, rather, to accept our common responsibility to care for our environment. 2 | EDITION #36 | 19 JUNE 2015
Those who live in WA are privileged to live in one of the most unspoilt and least polluted
areas of the developed world, said Archbishop Costelloe this week, in light of the launch of Pope Francis’ new encyclical, Laudato Sii. PHOTO:ACBC “It would be most timely should this document lead humanity to deeper reflection globally on the responsibilities entrusted to us to better distribute and share the resources we have, to care as best as we can for each other as neighbours,
tect a damaged earth. This common ‘home’ is being ruined and that harms everyone, especially the poorest,” he said, the day before the Vatican released his encyclical letter. He said he was launching an appeal for people to recognise their “responsibil-
“A balanced and healthy environment is essential to our basic well-being and existence as human beings.” and to ensure that we pass on to future generations a home that is still beautiful, healthy and conducive to full human flourishing for all its people,” the Archbishop said. Appealing to the entire world, Pope Francis has this week urged everyone to read his encyclical on the care of creation and to better pro-
ity, based on the task that God gave human beings in creation: ‘to cultivate and care for’ the ‘garden’ in which he settled us.” “I invite everyone to receive this document with an open heart,” he said at the end of his weekly general audience in St Peter’s Square. Pope Francis said the
encyclical is part of the Church’s social teaching; the social doctrine of the Church takes Gospel principles and applies them to concrete situations in society and public life. The encyclical is not expected to be a theological treatise or a technical document about environmental issues, but a pastoral call to change the way people use the planet’s resources so they are sufficient not only for current needs, but for future generations, observers said. The encyclical will be available in a number of languages online at: http://w2.vatican. va/content/francesco/en/ encyclicals/index.html Full Text available at
First Aid courses now in Mental Health MENTAL HEALTH issues are a growing concern for all, with one in four people from young children to the elderly experiencing mental illness at some stage in their lives, and often with re-occurring issues, according to Emmanuel Centre Co-ordinator Barbara Harris. Problems with mental health, said Mrs Harris, can start at any age, and not a lot is known about what to do. “The government has long waiting lists and GPs are overworked with no time to give the follow up help needed to get a person through a difficult time,” Mrs Harris said. “If a person has private health insurance they may still have to wait and end up paying a fortune anyway.” Furthermore, said Mrs Harris, taking care of one’s mental health is very rarely talked about; however, through the work of the Emmanuel Centre, the Archdiocese of Perth is helping and supporting people on a daily basis. The self-help disability support centre, located in East Perth, is working towards having at least two people in every parish trained in Mental Health First Aid.
Fr Paul Pitzen presents MHFA certificates to Emmanuel Centre volunteers, together with St Mary’s Cathedral Dean Monsignor Michael Keating earlier this year. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.
Similar to other First Aid courses, the Mental Health First Aid course does not turn out psychiatrists or psychiatric nurses. “However, it does train people to recognise the signs of possible mental health issues and to be prepared and able to assist when necessary,” Mrs Harris said. St Pius X Manning parish priest, Father Blasco Fonseca, spoke to the eRecord about his experience in providing support to a parishioner expe-
riencing mental health issues. “In the first month of my time at the parish, a parishioner came into the foyer before Mass, visibly quite distressed,” Fr Blasco said. “At the conclusion of Mass, I took some time to speak with them and provided some suggestions on where they could find the help they needed. I also asked two parishioners to follow up with the person and, if possible, to visit them at home,” he said. “I believe that having vol-
unteers in parishes with basic training in Mental Health First Aid could be very helpful.” The next Mental Health First Aid Course will be held on Saturday August 1 and Saturday, 8 August, and scholarships are available. The closing date for applications is 20 July. For more information, or to apply, contact Barbara Harris on 08 9328 8113 or email emmanuelcentre@ westnet.com.au.
Refugee week puts human dignity back in focus (con’t) Continued from Page 1 BOTH HENRY and Khim work full time, their eldest daughter studies and manages to work part time, while the younger children attend school. Executive Director of Health and Community Services, Mick Geaney, stated that Refugee Week draws attention to the contributions
of Perth’s diverse community of refugees. “It is challenging enough moving to another country and creating a new life there, let alone when you have been forced to flee your own homeland, which is the case for many of the families who are humanitarian migrants or asylum seekers with whom we are privileged to work through
our Mirrabooka service,” Mr Geaney said. “MercyCare works with some of the most vulnerable people in the community as they transition to life in Australia. It is our mission, through this work, to help break cycles of significant disadvantage by creating positive health and wellbeing, opportunities to learn,
work and live full lives while being connected to the wider community.” At a national level, The Refugee Council of Australia used a verse from the Australian national anthem, “With courage let us all combine”, as its theme for this year’s Refugee Week. Full Text available at
www.therecord.com.au EDITION #36 | 19 JUNE 2015 |
Newly ordained Deacon set to begin work in Bunbury Diocese By Marco Ceccarelli MORE THAN 400 people from across the Archdiocese of Perth and the Diocese of Bunbury attended the ordination to the diaconate of Nigerian-born Abraham Chukwu on 29 May 2015. Celebrated by Bishop of the Diocese of Bunbury, the Most Reverend Gerard J Holohan at St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Catholic Church, Ballajura, the event also saw the presence of 35 priests, including parish priest of St Mary MacKillop, Fr John Jegorow; the Rector of St Charles’ Seminary, Mgr Kevin Long; parish priest of South Perth, Mgr Brian O’Loughlin and Vicar General of the Bunbury Diocese, Fr Tony Chiera. “With this diaconate ordination, I have entered a different state of life that will be continued all through my priestly life and ministry: a life of prayer without ceasing and a life of service,” said Deacon Abraham, reflecting on the meaning of this important step of his journey towards the priesthood. “I would ordinarily have loved to marry and build my own family for the glory of God but my faith in Christ and my love for Christ and His Church moved me to dedicate myself in this manner. “I am convinced that it is both a meaningful and joyful way of living. The joy comes from the fact that it is for Jesus Christ. It is He who fills the person who wants to live this way with joy.” Born in the dominantly Christian south-eastern part
Bishop of Bunbury, the Most Rev Gerard Holohan, ordains Abraham Chukwu to the order of Diaconate for the diocese of Bunbury on May 29 at St Mary MacKillop of the Cross Parish, Ballajura. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
of Nigeria, Deacon Abraham initially sought a career in diplomacy before settling into a teaching position that spanned five years. Throughout his years of study and teaching, he became drawn to the stories
spent four years living in the Philippines as a religious missionary, Deacon Abraham arrived in Australia in February 2014, destined for the Diocese of Bunbury, and completed the required studies for priest-
“The joy comes from the fact that it is for Jesus Christ. It is He who fills the person who wants to live this way with joy.” of the saints, in particular the love and courage of St John of the Cross, St Theresa of Avila and St Catherine of Siena. He eventually felt called to religious life and, after pursuing further studies in Philosophy at the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome (where he graduated with the highest distinction), he
hood at St Charles’ Seminary, Guildford and The University of Notre Dame, Fremantle. In December of the same year, he was assigned on pastoral placement to St Mary of the Cross MacKillop in Ballajura, a parish he served in until his ordination to the diaconate. Reflecting on the day
of his ordination, Deacon Abraham spoke of the joy he felt throughout the celebration and social gathering that followed, and expressed a deep sense of gratitude to the parishioners of St Mary MacKillop. “I have loved this vibrant, warm and faith-filled Catholic community and they also love me. “As expression of their love and support, many of the parishioners worked behind the scene to make the necessary preparation, including a wide variety of food deliciously made for the occasion,” Deacon Abraham said. “The turn-out of parishioners and friends from Canning Vale, Midland, Bunbury and across Perth was phenomenal and impressive. Full Text available at
The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email: communications.media@perthcatholic.org.au
What’s happening around the Archdiocese CARITAS PRAYER FOR NEPAL Loving God, we pray for all those affected by the earthquake in Nepal as we offer the words of the Psalmist, “Be strong and take heart, also hope in the Lord” (Psalm 31:25) May those who are paralysed by fear… Be strong and take heart May those who have lost or are still searching for loved ones… Be strong and take heart May those who remain trapped under rubble… Be strong and take heart May those rescue workers who provide relief and recovery… Be strong and take heart May those who are moved with compassion to help… Be strong and take heart God, whose love knows no bounds, fill all those who suffer with your comfort and peace We ask all this through Christ, our Lord. Amen FRIDAY, 12 - SATURDAY, 20 JUNE Movement of the Heart A new initiative on refugees from the Brisbane Commission’s Refugee Working Group, A Movement of the Heart, begins with a novena of prayer from the Feast of the Sacred Heart, 12 June, to World Refugee Day, 20 June which seeks to help Catholics recognise that the refugee problem has not been solved with the stopping of the boats and that the refugee problem affects 50 million lives globally. Catholics are called to give witness to God’s tender mercy and generous love which is at odds with what Pope Francis has called “the globalisation of indifference” towards the plight of refugees. To access the novena of prayer and information leading up to World Refugee Week, visit http://www.facebook.com/ amovementoftheheart/. Further info: Peter Arndt 0409 265 476, arndtp@ bne.catholic.net.au. WEDNESDAY, 17 - 24 JUNE Mediaeval Monastic Wisdom This study week explores the development of the monastic movement in the mediaeval Church from 500 to 1500, with an emphasis on examination of primary sources. EDITION #36 | 19 JUNE 2015
The pastoral implications of these writings for us in the 21st century will be the major focus. One-week intensive course from 17-24 June at Pilgrim College, University of Divinity, Melbourne. Further info: New Norcia Institute for Benedictine Studies 08 9654 8371, carmel.posa@new.norcia. wa.edu.au. FRIDAY, 19 JUNE Ignite Youth - Perth The third of six exciting evenings in 2015 for teens and young adults. This event includes music, inspirational talks and opportunities for reconciliation and prayer. Not to be missed! Venue info to follow. Future dates: 14 August, 16 October and 27 November. Further info: 08 9422 7912, admin@cym.com.au, perth@ igniteyouth.com or visit www. igniteyouth.com/perth. Divine Mercy Prayer Group 7th Anniversary The Divine Mercy Prayer Group of St Jerome’s parish invites everyone to celebrate its 7th Anniversary from 2–4pm at St Jerome’s Catholic Church, 36 Troode St, Munster. The celebration will be led by Fr Varghese Parackal VC and will include the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Divine Mercy Chaplet and a Healing Mass. Further info: Connie 0437 803 322 or Liliana 08 9437 3435. FRIDAY, 19 - SUNDAY, 21 JUNE Faithfully Together at New Norcia Reading Weekend: Faithfully together as One Body of Christ - Retreat guide, Sr Jill O’Brien SGS will share how worship is pivotal to the life of a Benedictine community and, indeed, to all Christians and will trace the evolution of Christian worship. There will be focus on liturgical issues relating to inculturation, popular religion, and the social responsibility that authentic worship requires. Consideration will be given to some social issues and their impact on our worship: the break-up of the parish community and decline in church attendance; the clergy shortage; ecumenical liturgical cooperation and interreligious dialogue; the credibility of preaching; and how worship welcomes or excludes the marginalised. The text for this weekend is: Worship by Keith Pecklers sj. Recommended cost for the weekend is $300. Further info and bookings: Dr Carmel Posa sgs 0896 548 371, carmel.posa@newnorcia. wa.edu.au. SATURDAY, 20 JUNE WA Christian Meditation Community Day WA Christian Meditation Committee will host a Community Day on Saturday, 20 June from 10am-3.30pm
at St Michael’s Anglican Church, 27 Gunbower Rd, Mt Pleasant. The day will include periods of Christian Meditation and there will be opportunities for discussion. Sr Shelley Barlow RNDMwill lead us in this day of exploration. All welcome. BYO lunch. Tea and coffee provided. Suggested donation $10. Further info: CMC WA 0429 117 242, christianmeditation@iinet.net.au, www.christianmeditationaustralia. org. SATURDAY, 20 AND SUNDAY, 21 JUNE Monster Book Sale Pater Noster Parish Myaree will be holding a Monster Book Sale with all types of pre-loved books. Saturday, 20 and Sunday, 21 June from 9am-4pm in the school parish hall. Entry from Evershed St, Myaree. Further info and to donate books: Margaret 08 9330 3848. SATURDAY, 20 JUNE - THURSDAY, 23 JULY Centre for Liturgy Workshops The Archdiocesan Centre for Liturgy is holding two courses over the coming months for those interested in getting a better understanding of what is needed for quality co-ordination of liturgical celebrations. • The Liturgy Committee I workshop will take place on Saturday 20 June from 9.30am to 11.30am. Cost: $10. Click Here for a registration form. • The Liturgy Committee II workshop will take place on Saturday 11 July from 9.30am to 11.30am. Cost: $10. Click Here for a registration form. • The Psalmist Workshop will take on Thursday 2 July, 9 July, 16 July and 23 July from 7.30pm to 9.30pm and the cost is $60 per person. Click Here for a registration form. Courses will take place at 28 Marda Way Nollamara and registrations are essential. Further Info: Contact Geraldine Schivardi on 08 9207 3350 or email cfl@perthcatholic.org.au or go to www.liturgycentre.com.au SUNDAY, 21 JUNE Celebrate World Refugee Day Come and join in a welcome to all former refugees and asylum seekers who contribute so much to WA communities at Perth Town Hall, 1pm for a 1.30pm start, 3.45pm finish. There will be guest speakers, performance art, and acknowledging the journey. Childminding is available. The 2015 theme is With courage let us all combine from the Australian National Anthem. Taizé Meditative Prayer The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart invite you to come
and experience Taizé, and pray in a relaxing, meditative way. Where: St Joseph’s Chapel, Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth. When: Sunday, 21 June, 7-8pm (Chapel doors open at 6.30pm). Invite your friends… bring a torch! Further info: Sr Maree Riddler RSJ, 0414 683 926, mriddler@sosjwa.org.au. TUESDAY, 23 AND SATURDAY 27 JUNE eConference: Religion - Catalyst for Violence or Peace? The Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation is facilitating this 2015 eConference which will probe the Abrahamic traditions for answers to religion being a catalyst for violence or peace. It takes place at the Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview from 10am-2.30pm on Tuesday, 23 June (with lunch provided) and at Bateman Parish on Saturday, 27 June (BYO lunch) from 10am-2.30pm. To register, and further info: 08 9241 5221 or maranatha@ceo.wa.edu.au. FRIDAY, 26 JUNE Growing awareness of God The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart invite you to a focused prayer and contemplation session titled Praying Your Experiences… Growing Awareness of God in My Every Day. There will be talks on the theme The Sacred Heart of Jesus – an image of love and forgiveness. Do I believe this about Jesus? Optional sharing of one’s faith with others, followed by personal time. To be held at the Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth, from 10.30am-12 noon and repeated 6.30-8pm. RSVP by Wednesday, 4 June. Further info and bookings: Laura 08 9334 0999, laura.mccarthy@sosj.org.au. SUNDAY, 28 JUNE Community Singing Fundraiser Warm up with a fun-filled fundraising afternoon of singing and socialising – includes Golden Oldies, Magical Mozart and chants. All ages and all levels of singers welcome. St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Sq, Perth on Sunday, 28 June, from 2–4pm. Includes a complimentary Miss Maud afternoon tea and raffle with great prizes. Cost: $15 ($10 conc. Special prices for groups.) Further info: Jacinta 08 9223 1377, music. cathedral@perthcatholic.org.au. SUNDAY, 5 JULY “Come and See” ... Pathways to live differently An invitation from the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart to young women and men to come and enjoy an evening of reflection, prayer, sharing and companionship. Theme: ‘WINTER’… Feeling swamped…
bogged down? At the Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth on Sunday, 5 July, 3.30pm afternoon tea followed by 4-6.30pm reflection, sharing and prayer, then from 6.30pm a light meal and social evening. Further info and bookings: Alma Cabassi RSJ, 0419 044 136, cabassi@ gmail.com. SATURDAY, 11 JULY Thanksgiving Mass A thanksgiving Mass with Catholic members from the African community will be celebrated on Saturday, 11 July at 12.30pm at the Redemptorist Monastery, 190 Vincent St, North Perth, followed with fellowship and food. The principal celebrant will be Most Rev Bishop Don Sproxton. All are welcome. Further info: Rose 0487 816 426. SATURDAY, 18 JULY Secular Franciscan Order Inquirers’ Day Come and see how Secular Franciscans live joyfully in the world and celebrate God’s creation. A day of information about an order for lay people and secular priests. The Franciscan family founded by St Francis of Assisi has existed worldwide for nearly 800 years. Held at the Edel Quinn Centre, 36 Windsor St, East Perth, 10am-3pm. Morning/ afternoon tea and lunch provided. Bring a friend. Further info: David Ward 0400 061 106, Angela McGuire 08 9275 5658, angelmich@bigpond. com, www.wasecularfranciscan.org. SUNDAY, 26 JULY Our Lady of the Rosary parish Open Day Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in Doubleview is holding an Open Day on Sunday, 26 July between 9am-12 noon in the parish hall, Angelico St, Woodlands. All welcome. FRIDAY, 31 JULY - SUNDAY, 2 AUGUST Mysticism at New Norcia Reading Weekend: Mysticism – Retreat guide, Dr Carmel Posa SGS, will share how most of us tend to think of mystics and mystical experience as associated with great saints of the past who had weird and wonderful expereicnes of God; however, the Chrisitan mystical tradition is grounded in the spiritual quest to which we are called. This Reading Weekend will explore this mystical tradition and how it intersects with our own experiences of God today. The text for this reading weekend is: Mystics, by William Harmless sj. Recommended cost for the weekend: $300. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa sgs, 08 9654 8371, carmel.posa@ newnorcia.wa.edu.au. SUNDAY, 2 AUGUST Rugby World Cup Service A celebration of the 2015 Rugby World Cup will take place at Trinity Uniting Church, 72 St George’s Tce, EDITION #36 | 19 JUNE 2015
Perth on Sunday, 2 August from 10am offering an opportunity for nations to celebrate Christian and rugby heritage. Dress in the colours of your favourite team and bring along a flag with you. Further info: 08 6103 4222, www.perthunitingchurch.com.au. SATURDAY, 8 AUGUST New Norcia Annual/Institute/ Theology Day The New Norcia Institute for Benedictine Studies presents guest speaker, Fr Luigi Gioia OSB, a monk from the Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore in Siena, Italy. Fr Luigi is also the Professor of Systematic Theology and Monastic Studies at the Pontifical University of San Anselmo in Rome. He completed his doctorate in Systematic Theology at the University of Oxford with a thesis on Augustine’s De Trinitate. His examiners were Rev Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Professor Oliver O’Donovan. Cost: $50 (conc $35), including morning tea and lunch. Saturday, 8 August, 10am-3pm. Further info and bookings: Dr Carmel posa SGS 08 9654 8371, carmel.posa@newnorcia. wa.edu.au. SUNDAY, 9 AUGUST St Jerome’s Primary School celebrating 80 years St Jerome’s Primary School is celebrating 80 years with a special Open Day on Sunday, 9 August from 10am-2pm. Beginning with Mass and followed by a fun-filled program of entertainment, games, art exhibition, sausage sizzle and much more. 38 Troode St (cnr Rockingham Rd), Munster. Further info: 08 9499 9500, admin@stjeromes.wa.edu.au, www. stjeromes.wa.edu.au. SUNDAY, 9 AUGUST AND TUESDAY, 27 OCTOBER Cathedral Concert Series A Pageant of Hymns is the theme of the second of three concerts in the St Mary’s Cathedral 2015 concert series which takes place at 2pm on Sunday, 9 August. It will feature favourites such as Finlandia, Amazing Grace, Deep River and lots more with plenty of congregation participation. The final concert is themed Music for Wind and Brass and takes place on Tuesday, 27 October at 7.30pm. It is presented jointly with the UWA School of Music and will feature the UWA Symphonic Chorus, UWA Vocal Consort and the cathedral choir in an explosion of music from the Renaissance to the present day. Tickets cost $20-$35, available from the Cathedral piety stall or online at www.trybooking.com. WEDNESDAY, 12 AUGUST Sexuality and the Church Christians - leaders and laity – often ask: “How do we minister to people who come to our churches with such differing and in some cases, quite confused ideas of sexuality and sexual
expression?” The Baptist Union of WA is hosting the Sexuality and the Church seminar called ‘Ministering in a Confused Landscape’ on Wednesday, 12 August. Speakers include Dr Brian Harris (Principal of Vose Seminary), Dr Ross Clifford (Principal of Morling College) and Ps Karl Faase (CEO of Olive Tree Media). Further details including venue, booking arrangements, cost, flyers and the format will be made available in the near future. Please save the date and let others know. Further info: Rob Furlong 08 6313 6300, rob.furlong@ baptistwa.asn.au.
EVERY SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Chaplets of the Divine Mercy A powerful, prayerful, sung devotion held at St Thomas More Catholic Church, Dean Road Bateman, on the second Wednesday of each month commencing at 7.30 pm. It will be accompanied by Exposition and followed by Benediction and Annointing. If you have not been before, why don’t you come along and be uplifted? Enquiries to George Lopez on 9310 9493(h) or 6242 0702(w)
SATURDAY, 12 SEPTEMEBER Writer’s Festival 2015 New Norcia, in conjunction with The West Australian, is hosting a writers’ festival on 12 September. Places are strictly limited. Further info: Lucy 08 9654 8018, communications@ newnorcia.wa.edu.au, or visit www. newnorcia.wa.edu.au.
EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Catholic Faith Renewal 7.30pm at St John and Paul’s Parish, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton. Songs of Praise, sharing by a Priest, Thanksgiving Mass and light refreshments after Mass. All welcome to attend and we encourage you to bring your family and friends. Enq: Ann 0412 166 164, Ivan 0428 898 833.
MONDAY, 28 SEPTEMEBER – SATURDAY, 3 OCTOBER Theology of the Body in WA John Paul II Institute for Marriage and the Family will offer a module on St. John Paul II’s The Theology of the Body which will address how the interpersonal communion of man and woman, in and through the body, images divine Trinitarian Communion. It will discuss the relevance of the Theology of the Body for those called to the vocation of celibacy and provide vital content to engage in the mission of the new evangelisation. Drs Adam Cooper and Conor Sweeney will present the sessions. Both are engaging speakers and internationally recognised experts of this field. Venue: University of Notre Dame (Fremantle) on Monday 2-9pm and Saturday 10am-5pm. Further info: info@jp2institute.org. MONDAY, 7 - WEDNESDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 17-Day Pilgrimage Discover the jewels of Spain, Portugal and France visiting Barcelona, Monserrat, Zaragoza, Avila, Fatima and coming alongside the incorruptible bodies of St Bernadette of Lourdes, St John Vianney of Ars, St Thérèse of Lisieux, St Vincent de Paul and St Catherine Labouré. 17 days away, consisting of 15 nights between 7 and 23 September. Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr Michael Quynh Do. Further info: Sheila 0433 771979, Sue 0421 835408. WEDNESDAY, 21 - FRIDAY, 31 OCTOBER “In the Footsteps of Mary Mackillop” This 10-day pilgrimage has been prepared by the Sisters of St Joseph and designed to help you enter more deeply into Mary Mackillop’s story. Further info: contact Laura 08 9334 0999, laura.mccarthy@sosj.org.au.
EVERY SATURDAY Commencing February 28 at 9am, The Instinct to Heal’ Holistic Health (24 sessions). From 10.30am -1pm, Internalize principles of successful relationships and use emotional intelligence and communication skills. For couples, singles, parents and families. Prayer meetings held every 2nd Thursday. Enq: Eva 0409 405 585 or 9418 1439; rcpd.net.au
GENERAL ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT Enrolments remain open for Term One 2015 courses at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation, the Archdiocesan agency for adult faith education, where you can enrich your understanding of the Catholic faith. Further info and for details of the exciting courses on offer: 08 9241 5221 or visit www.maranathacentre. org.au. FREE ROSARY BEADS Free Rosary beads are available for schools’ First Holy Communion, Confirmation and for local and overseas missions to promote the faith. Further info: Felicia on 0429 173 541 or Hiep on 0409 128 638. ST ANTHONY’S, WANNNEROO 80TH ANNIVERSARY St Anthony’s Primary School in Wanneroo is celebrating its 80th Anniversary this year and is seeking memorabilia. Photographs, reports, certificates will be scanned and stored before being returned. Please send to: Att: 80th Anniversary, St Anthony’s School, 7 Servite Tce, Wanneroo WA 6065. Photos labelled in pencil on the back would help. Last date 14 August 2015. Further info: 08 9303 7500, admin@stanthonyswann.wa.edu.au.