The eRecord Edition #111 - 8 December 2016

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8 December 2016

Edition #111



Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe (centre) with Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton (far right) and Ordinary of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Mgr Harry Entwistle (far left) and the four newly ordained deacons, (from second left) Rev Konrad Gagatek, Rev Mariusz Grzech, Rev Tung Vu and Rev Joseph Laundy. P H O T O : R O N TA N

By Jamie O'Brien

ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY Costelloe last week spoke about the importance of prayer as he ordained four men from St Charles Seminary to the Diaconate. The four newly ordained, Rev Tung Vu, Rev Joseph Laundy, Rev Mariusz Grzech and Rev Konrad Gagatek, originally hail from Vietnam, Poland and Australia, having reached

this important step of their formation through years of prayer, discernment, academic study and service within and outside of the Archdiocese. Their ordination brings them a step closer to the ministry of priesthood and one of the three forms of the sacrament of Holy Orders. In front of a packed crowd of some 900 people at St Mary’s Cathedral on Friday, 2 December, Archbishop

Costelloe said no one can become the person that God is calling them to be, if they do not become a person of prayer. “In mysterious ways which we cannot always understand or even notice, prayer shapes and moulds us, as a potter shapes the clay,” Archbishop Costelloe said. “And so, among other things, each morning our soon-to-beordained young men will recite the prayer we know as the

Benedictus,” the Archbishop explained. “It is a prayer which takes on special meaning in this time of Advent because it is the prayer prayed by the priest Zechariah after the birth of his son, John, who will grow up to become the man we know as St John the Baptist. Full Text available at

EXCLUSIVE: NOTRE DAME AUSTRALIA AND CATHOLIC EDUCATION WA LAUNCH NEW COURSE IN CATHOLIC LEADERSHIP A POSTGRADUATE program designed to give aspiring leaders added management and theoretical skills to pursue a career in the Catholic business sector has this week been launched at The University of Notre Dame Australia’s

(UNDA) Fremantle Campus. In launching the new course, which will be delivered in conjunction with Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) through the Notre Dame University’s School of Business, UNDA Vice-

Chancellor Professor Celia Hammond said the University is hoping that this particular course will bridge a gap and provide a path for those who work in Catholic organisations. She also stated that she hopes the course will build

their understanding of Catholic social teaching to a level equal to their confidence in their professional skills and knowledge. Continue on page 2


Retired clergy sum up 500+ years of valuable service, celebrate fidelity to Christ By Jamie O’Brien

“WE WERE ORDAINED to be like candles burning in people's lives, dispelling the darkness, providing comfort and hope, and helping people to find their way to the Lord. With these words, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe last week celebrated the first annual Mass for retired priests and clergy, in addition to a shared lunch, on Tuesday, 29 November at the Pastoral Centre Chapel, Highgate. “As we celebrate this Mass today, I want to invite you to remember all the ways in which you have been bringers of light into the lives of the people you have served and loved,” Archbishop Timothy continued. Some eight priests from across Perth gathered for the occasion, who between them had served nearly 500 years of pastoral and liturgical service locally and overseas. Vicar for Clergy, Fr Brian McKenna, and Clergy Liaison

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe proclaims him homily during Mass for Retired Clergy from across the Archdiocese of Perth, PHOTO: JAMIE O’BRIEN. on Tuesday 29 November, at the Pastoral Centre Chapel, Highgate.

Officer, Brian Bonser, were also present for the occasion. “We are called to be men of faith…and as yesterday’s Gospel reminded us, we are called to be men of hope,” Archbishop Costelloe said in commencing his homily for the occasion.

“You have allowed God to work in you and through you and like Jesus in today's Gospel, you too should be filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, not embarrassed to recognise what God has done and continues to do for his people through you.”

Continued from page 1

Catholic Education WA Executive Director, Dr Tim McDonald, UNDA Vice Chancellor, Prof Celia Hammond and UNDA Acting Dean of the School of Business, Chris Mawson, at the launch of the new postgraduate program designed to give aspiring leaders added management and theoretical skills to pursue a career in the Catholic business sector. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Professor Hammond went on to acknowledge CEWA Executive Director, Dr Tim McDonald, Learning and Development Consultant, Dr Shane Glasson and Director of Religious Education, Dr Debra Sayce. “The reason why I want to acknowledge them is not solely based on their work over the past 18 months, because this course has been a long time coming. We believe, that in partnership with CEWA, we’ve now been able to develop something through our Schools of Business, Education and Philosophy & Theology that is an excellent offering.” Professor Hammond explained that there are thousands of people working in the Catholic education system and in health

The Archbishop went on to say that the presence of the clergy (for the occasion) speaks very powerfully of their fidelity to the vocation they were given so long ago. Full Text available at

care, disability services, homeless and refugee services, aged care and advocacy that are mainly staffed and governed by lay people; lay people with great talent, great skills and with great professionalism and with great commitment and dedication to the missions of their organisations. “This course aims to merge the most up-to-date scholarship and understandings in leadership and business practices in management and place them within the context of Catholic faith and Catholic social teaching,” Prof Hammond said. “Particularly for teachers in the Catholic education system, that they can build their expertise and knowledge of business practices so that they can feel confident and comfortable in this world. Full Text available at 2

Special Mass celebrates 30th anniversary

of St John Paul II’s visit to Australia By Marco Ceccarelli “Today we remember the visit of Saint John Paull II to Alice Springs 30 years ago. His words to the Aboriginal People still ring out around Australia, ‘The Church in Australia herself will not be fully the Church that Jesus wants her to be until you have made your contribution to her life and until that contribution has been joyfully received by others’.” IT WAS WITH these profound and ground-breaking words, spoken by Saint John Paul II 30 years ago, that Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey addressed more than 700 people at St Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday, 27 November. In a celebration marking the anniversary of the Pope’s visit to Alice Springs, the Emeritus Archbishop commented on the history of the enduring presence of Aboriginal people in Western Australia and the arrival of missionaries. Without dismissing what he labelled “the highs and lows of the impact of these missionary efforts,” the Emeritus Archbishop focused on the power of the person of Jesus Christ in bringing unity, healing and communion between people of different ethnicities in Australia. “We see in Him one who loves us, one who has given his life for the whole world, one who calls us all to receive his gift of new life, one who brings to our lives a message of hope, forgiveness

Saint Pope John Paul II blesses Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders at Blatherskite Park in Alice Springs on 29 November 1986. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

and healing and now who has prepared a place for us in the house of his Father after this is over. He is the one we welcome today and seek to know more intimately. “Jesus is the one who calls us together in mutual understanding and unity to worship God in the Mass as brothers and sisters,” Emeritus Archbishop Hickey said. The special celebration, which was concelebrated by Fr Joseph Rathnaraj, Fr Ray Havern, Fr Armando Carandang and Fr Paul Pitzen, was foregrounded by

a welcome to country by Noongar Elder Theresa Walley and a smoking ceremony by Ben and Alf Taylor. Didgeridoos were also played by Brandon and Thairon Jansen as guests were seated in the Cathedral. A procession, organised by members of Aboriginal Catholic Ministry (ACM), saw seven “message sticks” brought into the Cathedral, each bearing an inscription signalling one of the central aims of ACM: living God’s mercy and justice, growing in Gospel faith, enculturation, reconciliation, healing, community and leadership and other gifts. The sticks were made of wood from the old St Mary’s Cathedral. Follow ing t he Ma ss, deput y Chairperson of National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC), Shirley Quaresimin, spoke of the importance of the commemorative event for Aboriginal Catholics and for Catholics all around Australia. She pointed out that the magnitude of the celebration had meant that similar Masses were being held throughout numerous Australian dioceses. Her address was followed by that of Bev Port-Luis, who shared her experience of being present when the Pope visited Alice Springs, and a few words by Jacinta Taylor-Foster, who spoke of the relevance of St John Paul II’s message for her as an Aboriginal Catholic. Full Text available at

The Mass celebrating St John Paul II’s visit to Australia 30 years ago began with a welcome to country by Noongar Elder Theresa Walley and a smoking ceremony by Ben and Alf Taylor. Didgeridoos were also played by Brandon and Thairon Jansen as guests were seated in the Cathedral. PHOTO: JAMIE O’BRIEN


Highly self-sufficient and always eager to contribute in any way he can, Andrea enjoys both working his part-time job and being around friends and family. PHOTO: MARCO CECCARELLI


The privilege of growing up with a Down Syndrome sibling

By Marco Ceccarelli In this special report for the 2016 Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink, The eRecord journalist Marco Ceccarelli talks about his 25-year-old brother Andrea who has Down Syndrome and the impact of the support he has received from Identitywa, an Archdiocesan agency supported by LifeLink. I HAVE OFTEN been asked what it has been like to grow up with a brother who has Down Syndrome, a congenital disorder arising from a chromosome defect. Admittedly, the question promptly evokes a cheeky smile as I think back on the endless memories I share with Andrea, who turned 25 this year, and dwell on the times he made me laugh (sometimes to tears), cry, have fun, become worried, be carefree, and, most importantly, the way he helped me grow into the person I am today. The fifth of six children, Andrea grew up surrounded by the unconditional love of his parents and siblings and quickly learned to become the

most popular person in the house through his affectionate behaviour and infectious sense of humour. His goals would range from the simple pleasures of life such as going to the movies, eating fast food and heading out for walks, to wanting to travel (especially back to Italy, his home country), doing well at school and playing sport. Physically robust and with an enduring stamina, physical activity has always been an priority for Andrea – a quality that often left those looking after him short of breath and begging for a break. Although still making progress in terms of speech and communication and currently needing limited supervision, Andrea is highly self-sufficient and enjoys both working his part-time job and being around friends and family. His presence around children is awe inspiring as he brings an attentive approach combined with inextinguishable energy to the various activities and games that children like to engage in. If there is one thing that Andrea enjoys as much as being

THE eRECORD is produced by the

If there is one thing that Andrea enjoys as much as being around his family, it is spending time with Identitywa’s support workers and other people involved in the organisation. PHOTO: MARCO CECCARELLI

around his family, it is spending time with Identitywa’s support workers and other people involved in the organisation. Throughout his younger years, it would not take long for Andrea’s face to light up whenever a car from Identitywa pulled up on our driveway and out came a support worker to greet him.

As a LifeLink agency supporting people with a disability and their families, Identity wa provides a number of different support services to children and adults throughout the Perth metropolitan area.

The Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink was officially launched in parishes throughout the Archdiocese on the weekend of 19-20 November 2016. This is the only appeal conducted in parishes each year to help support welfare delivery in the Archdiocese of Perth. To help ‘heal the wounds and warm the hearts’ of people in need this Christmas, you can donate securely online at Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

RACHEL CURRY Journalist DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA Video Journalist BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer

PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese THU, 8 DEC THE ROAD TO BETHELHEM 2016 The Road to Bethlehem Advent Liturgy is based on the traditional English Ceremony of Nine Lessons and Carols. The readings are from the Old and New Testaments that narrate the events of Christian salvation – from the Prophecy of the Messiah to the birth of our Saviour and beyond. It is a wonderful evening of music, readings and sacred art in preparation for Christmas. Come on the Road to Bethlehem with all the family! Thursday 8 December, 7-8pm, St Thomas the Apostle Church, 2 College Road Claremont. Supper will follow. A donation towards the Music Ministry in the Parish is appreciated. Further info: Claremont Parish Office 08 9384 0598. THU, 8 - FRI, 9 DEC ADVENT MISSIONHIGHGATE The Catholic Guy Impact Centre Perth presents a very special 'Advent Mission'. A series of three different sessions will be held from 7-9 December, 7.30pm, at Sacred Heart Church, Mary St, Highgate. Some people have heard of parish missions in the past, but this event is one that you just have to experience no matter your age or background. Presented by Rev Deacon Aaron Peters, Kylie Duff and Ronan McGinniss and using scripture, music and the arts, it is at times both deeply powerful and profoundly funny so come prepared to laugh. Don't miss out on an event that has touched the lives of thousands of people. No cost and no registration required.


EDITION #111 | 8 December 2016

SAT, 10 DEC CAROLS ON THE MONASTERY LAWN Saturday 10 December, 6.30pm, North Perth Monastery, 190 Vincent Street, North Perth. Please bring your picnic rugs, chairs and food. All welcome. Further info: 08 9328 6600 or perth.admin@ TALKS - FR RICHARD LEONARD SJ Renowned Jesuit Priest, Fr Richard Leonard SJ will present two talks at St Benedict’s Church, 115 Ardross Street, Ardross, Saturday, 10 December. Morning Session 10am (includes Morning Tea). “From Darkness into the Light” How do we hold onto God when our lives are filled with challenges, joy and sorrow? Afternoon session 1pm (includes Lunch). “Making the Best Choices in my Life in the Light of Faith” The ability to navigate our daily lives alert to demands of the Gospel and its practical application in our lives. Cost, $15 each session or $25 for both sessions. Further info and booking Parish Office 08 9364 1120. WED, 14 DEC CHAPLETS OF THE DIVINE MERCY A beautiful, prayerful, sung devotion is held at St Thomas More Catholic Church, Dean Road, Bateman every second Wednesday of the month. The last devotion for this year will be held on Wednesday 14 December, commencing at 7.30 pm. It will be accompanied by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. If you have not attended previously, why

don’t you come along and participate in this uplifting experience? All are welcome. Refreshments later to wind the year, please bring along a plate. Further info: George Lopez 08 9310 9493 or 041 991 0039. MIRACLE PRAYERS HEALING SERVICE The final Miracle Prayers healing service for 2016 is being held on Wednesday, 14 December, 7.30pm at 67 Howe Street, Osborne Park. As usual there will be a short talk, testimonial, Words of Knowledge, Annointing with oil (blessed by Fr John Rea), prayers for healing and/or other intentions and Fr Doug Harris will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please come along and share in the blessings of the night. All welcome. Further info: 0404 028 298 or visit miracleprayersperth. THU, 15 DEC FINDING A PLACE: A CHRISTMAS REFELCTION IN WORD AND MUSIC Join us, Thursday 15 December, 7pm at The Basilica of St Patrick, Fremantle for a captivating and beautiful evening of sacred music, readings and congregational carols to highlight the meaning of the Christmas gospel in our world today. Music from EvaMarie Middleton (soprano), Christopher Waddell (bass), Paul Wright (violin), Tracey Harris (trumpet), Dominic Perissinotto (organ) and The Basilica Choir. Proceeds go to Catholic Mission projects supporting refugees and asylum seekers. Tickets: $30,

concession $20, 12 and under free. For booking visit www., 08 9422 7933 or WED, 16 - THU, 18 DEC BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKEND Benedictine Spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. 16-18 December at the New Norcia Monastery Guesthouse, beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm on Friday, concluding after lunch on Sunday, the weekend will provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, Lectio Divina, hospitality, and community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Suggested donation: $250 (for those who can afford it), includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info: and bookings: Guesthouse Manager, 08 9654 8018 or guesthouse@ TUE, 17 - FRI, 20 JAN CATHOLICSUPER PRERETIREMENT SEMINAR CatholicSuper will be running three Pre-retirement seminars as follows, Tuesday 17 January, 9-1pm, Corpus Christi College, Bateman; Wednesday 18 January, 9-1pm Sacread Heart College, Sorrento and Thursday 19 January 9-1pm CEWA Office, Room G7, Leederville. Nonmembers, friends and family all welcome.

POSITION VACANT — MANAGER OF PASTORAL SERVICES – ST JOHN OF GOD - SUBIACO St John of God Subiaco Hospital has a rare and exciting opportunity for an innovative and skilled Manager of Pastoral Services to join our passionate Pastoral Services team. The successful applicant will be responsible for the strategic direction of Pastoral Services within the hospital and will provide leadership and coordination to the Pastoral Services team. You will provide a range of programs for patients and families, coordinate religious worship and liturgy as well as coordinate and mentor pastoral students on placement at the hospital. Your pastoral experience will also be utilised as you provide Pastoral Care to patients and clients in response to their specific needs. Further, this role will contribute to the Pastoral Services vision, philosophy and practice across the St John of God Group through involvement in the organisation’s Pastoral network. This position is being offered on a permanent full time basis, contracted to 76 hours per fortnight. If you have a vision for high quality Pastoral Services delivery and growth in a health care environment along with experience in leadership positions we would love to hear from you. The successful candidate will have: • A willingness and capacity to embrace the mission and value of St John of God Health Care.

Experience as a team leader, with handson experience of staff leadership, including rostering, induction, staff selection and staff performance review.


The inspiring and dramatic story of St. Raphael Kalinowski, ADVENT A SEASON OF • Completion of units of by Fr. Timothy (Tadgh) Tierney, EXPECTATION AND HOPE Clinical Pastoral Education OCD. St. Raphael Kalinowski is • Reflection on the Sunday (CPE), or equivalent only the second male Carmelite training. Readings of Advent after St. John of the Cross to • Outstanding interpersonal be canonised. This is 25th year • Art and Environment communication skills of his canonisation by Pope St. Suggestions and the capacity to lead John Paul II. The book can • Music for the Advent and deliver training and be ordered from Infant Jesus and Christmas Seasons information sessions to Parish Office on 08 9276 8500 groups of various sizes. or 0407 910 785, price $19.95, • Children's Advent Activities • Formal qualifications (collected) or $29.95 (for postage)”. • Second Rite of in Theology, Ethics, Reconciliation Pastoral Studies, Social EVERY SATURDAY EVENING Work, Health Sciences • Universal Prayer A touch of the East in the Counselling, Psychology, West! “Mass” in the Eastern • Prayers for Lighting Nursing, or equivalent. Catholic Churches is known as the Advent Wreath • Formal leadership/ the “Divine Liturgy”. There is All Material may be reproduced. m a n a g e m e n t a Divine Liturgy celebrated in qualif ic ations/training English every Saturday evening Available October 2016. (Desirable). (Vigil for Sunday) 6pm at the Printed Copy: $35.00 Electronic Copy: $30.00 • P o s t - g r a d u a t e Ukrainian Catholic Church of St John the Baptist, 20 Email your order to: cfl@ qualifications in Theology, Ferguson St, Maylands. All are Further Ethics, Pastoral Studies, Social Work, Health most welcome! Further info: info: Geraldine Schivardi, 08 Sciences, Counselling, 9207 3350. Psychology, Nursing, or HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE equivalent (Desirable). 2-22 January 2017, five nights SUBSCRIBE TO All applicants must address the Jordan, 14 nights Israel; THE eRECORD Selection Criteria (as detailed 4 & 5 star hotels, all meals, Local news from across our on the last page of the Position admissions, guides, tipping and parishes, agencies, schools Description). St John of God Emirates flights incl. $7820; and organisations can be Health Care embraces diversity three day Dubai/Abu Dhabi and strongly encourages extension $1050. Chaplain: Fr delivered weekly directly to applications from Aboriginal Tim Deeter. Further info: 08 your inbox via The eRecord. and Torres Strait Islander 9271 5253 or casapgf@iinet. It contains the latest news, peoples and people with events and photos from the disabilities. For enquiries about Archdiocese. Parishes receive PRAISE HEALING AND this position, applicants should BIBLE TEACHING a PDF copy of the e-newsletter contact Keith McNaught, Director of Mission, on 08 9382 Every Wednesday, 7.30– to print off and distribute for 6952. Applications Close: COB 9.30pm. Flame Ministries, Lion Experience in Pastoral Wednesday 14 December 2016. of Judah Catholic Charismatic those who don’t have or don’t Ministry in a Healthcare Please visit Prayer Fellowship. Holy Rosary use email. Subscribe to the setting or equivalent. for further information for Parish Hall, 46 Thomas Street, e-newsletter by sending Experience in leadership the position description and Nedlands. Further info: fmi@ details to communications@ and management roles. how to apply. Only online or www.

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EDITION #111 | 8 December 2016

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