The eRecord Edition #20 - 27 February 2015

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27 February 2015

Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

Edition #20

Rightly Elected into the Church By Marco Ceccarelli AT THE VERY heart of our Christian life is the awareness that we are called by God to be members of Christ’s body. Furthermore, Christians understand that they are chosen by Jesus to be part of the Christian community in accordance with the Gospel passage, “You did not choose me, no I chose you” (Jn 15:16). Both these concepts had a profound resonance in yesterday evening’s Rite of Election of Catechumens and Formal Recognition of Candidates liturgy, presided over by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth. More than 150 individuals were ‘elected’ by the Church to take another decisive step toward receiving the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion - at this year’s Easter Vigil. In the presence of the Church, the catechumens (those who are receiving instruction from a catechist with a view to Baptism) and candidates (those who are baptised in another Christian denomination) were invited by the Archbishop to become full members of the Catholic faith – an invitation which they proudly accepted. The catechumens’ names were formally inscribed in the Book of Elect, while EDITION #20 | 27 FEBRUARY 2015

Clockwise from top left: Angela Studman, John Harrison, Vi Hayes, Paul Lydiat and Melanie Caddick (centre) took part in yesterday evening’s Rite of Election of Catechumens and Formal Recognition of Candidates liturgy. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

the candidates’ names were inscribed in the Book of Recognition. This signifies that they have heard God call their name and wish to respond to His call.

with Archdiocese of Perth Communications and Media Office journalist Marco Ceccarelli. Soon to be baptised, Vi Hayes and Melanie Caddick

“That this man should sacrifice himself for my spiritual being is emotional to me, to say the least...” Catechumens Melanie Caddick and Vi Hayes and candidates John Harrison, Paul Lydiat and Angela Studman - who have been regularly meeting with Our Lady of the Mission Whitford parish RCIA coordinator Ann Cunneen - agreed to share their experience of the RCIA program

spoke about their ongoing association with the Catholic Church and the Catholic education system as a contributing factor to their growing desire to receive Baptism. Head of English at Mercy College, Melanie Caddick said that since joining the Catholic education system

four years ago, she has come to enjoy the Masses and services. “I now feel like I know what I am doing and saying – I finally get it,” she said. “I’ve never before experienced such a welcoming school/system – our school motto of Love in Action is apparent every day.” This ongoing association with the Church also characterised Vi Hayes’ experience. After years of being in contact with the Catholic Church through her husband, children and grandchildren, Mrs Hayes said that she will now feel at home with them. Full Text available at

Perth’s latest parish receives Pope’s blessing By Mark Reidy A GREAT SENSE of excitement permeated through the 400-strong crowd at the Banksia Grove Catholic Primary School when, on 1 February 2015, inaugural priest Father Vinh Dong unveiled two foundational stones personally blessed by Pope Francis. The stones, on which the community’s future church will be built, came as a surprise to those who had gathered for Mass to witness Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SBD officially install Fr Vinh as the first priest of one of the Archdiocese’s newest parishes. Fr Vinh explained to the congregation that the stones had been blessed earlier in the year in Sri Lanka when he had been received by the Pope in a private audience. For the past 18 months, the fledgling community, which lies 27km north of Perth, had been celebrating weekly Mass at the primary school with Fr John Daly from St Anthony of Padua Parish in Wanneroo. Usually about 80 locals gather for the occasion but they were joined for Fr Vinh’s installation Mass by his family and supporters from his previous parishes of Lockridge and Greenwood. Fr Vinh’s sense of humour was on show to his new parishioners as he provided them with an entertaining summary of his life from his journey from Vietnam as a 12-year-old refugee to his reluctance to accept his first posting in Kalgoorlie. He also reflected on later metropolitan placements, including his most recent in Greenwood, fondly reminiscing on the challenges, EDITION #20 | 27 FEBRUARY 2015

Father Vinh Dong unveiled two foundational stones blessed by Pope Francis at Banksia Grove Catholic Primary School. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

the people and the love he encountered in each parish. Fr Vinh analysed the significance of the names of several of the parishes, emphasis-

building and supporting a growing community. The effervescent priest also shared the sense of support he felt from his Greenwood

Fr Vinh explained that the stones had been blessed earlier in the year in Sri Lanka when he had been received by the Pope in a private audience. ing the “lock” in Lockridge, stating he had been locked into the parish for 10 years, the longest he had ever been stationary in his whole life, as well as “bank” in his recent placement, emphasising the responsibility he now had in raising money for the church

parishioners who had sent him off with $25,000 to begin his latest venture and a further $4,000 which had been provided by individual friends from across Perth. Fr Vinh’s pioneering mission in Banksia Grove will be supported by Sr Tuyen

Nguyen and Sr Duyen Truong, two Vietnamese Dominican Sisters who will assist him with his pastoral and outreach work as they seek to strengthen the embryonic community. Celebrations continued after Mass with a morning tea, which was followed by more than 100 members of the congregation processing to the convent and new, temporary presbytery for a blessing. Fr Vinh said he hoped the curiosity piqued by Banksia’s Grove’s first procession, which saw many residents glancing through their windows, would plant the seeds for a prosperous future.

St Gerard’s Primary celebrates 50 years of growing together By Jamie O’Brien 1965 was a special year for the local community of Westminster (then Balga) with the opening of two classes at the newly established St Gerard’s Catholic Primary School, for children entering Years One or Two. At the time of its opening, the school doubled as a Mass Centre on weekends – and was situated in an area that was fairly desolate, as well as being home to large goannas, snakes and other wildlife that would roam the school grounds during the day, rummaging through student bags looking for food. However, it was a very different setting last weekend when more than 250 former students, teachers, parents and members of the school community gathered together to celebrate the school’s 50th anniversary. In 2015, the school now boasts an ever-increasing number of more than 200 students from Kindergarten to Year 6, in addition to the well-resourced facilities with teachers who continue to provide a sound education in the Mercy tradition. Former parish priest and Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, main celebrant at the special 11am Mass, was joined by current parish priest, Fr Giouse Marini; former student and parishioner, Fr Vincent Glynn; and former parish priest, Fr Francisco Mascarenhas. The celebrations continued after Mass with a festival which included the cutting of a cake by former principal Brian Preston, together with Acting-Principal Josephine Vivante and Bishop Don. Mrs Vivante said the occa-

sion was also a special time to remember the work of the Mercy Sisters and Servite Fathers whose ideals have laid the foundation for the current school motto – Truth, Love and Mercy. Present for the occasion was the first lay principal, Brian Preston, who served in the role from 1979 to 1997. Mr Preston said that, for him, one of his most memorable moments included the commencement of International Children’s Day, which saw the school display more than 50 flags and share different foods representing students’ countries of origin as part of a special celebration. The work of Mr Preston resulted in the completion of a number of new buildings, particularly the opening of a new Pre-Primary Centre in 1990, which has now been named after him, the BJ Preston Pre-Primary Centre. Mr Preston also paid tribute to the school’s former financial and administration

Student Paul Nolan reads a prayer of the faithful, and former Principal Brian Preston cuts the cake. PHOTOS: JAMIE O’BRIEN

officer, Lori Page, who worked in the role for more than 30 years. The Administration buildings, which were completed in 1984, were named after Mrs Page many years later. Mr Preston also made mention of and gave thanks to former Board treasurer Orion Fernandez, whose foresight and financial planning saw the opening of a

purpose-built computer room in 1988, the first of its kind in a Catholic school in Western Australia. “For the future, I hope that the children learn to think for themselves and to carry on the traditions that the school has already started,” Mr Preston concluded. Full Text available at EDITION #20 | 27 FEBRUARY 2015

Farewell to a long-standing model parishioner By Marco Ceccarelli ST GERARD Majella Parish Mirrabooka recently lost one its most treasured parishioners, Christina Lauretta Boudville. A devout Catholic and longstanding member of the parish, Mrs Boudville passed away on 4 February 2015 surrounded by her loving family. Mrs Boudville’s daughter, Marilyn Bull, described her mother as a woman renowned for her acts of charity towards the poor and underprivileged. “I can’t praise her enough for what she did. She was a good Christian who worked tirelessly for those in need. “She especially helped so many refugees come to Australia from Burma and looked after them once they arrived,” Mrs Bull said. Born in Rangoon (now Yangon), Burma (now Myanmar), Mrs Boudville migrated to Australia in 1966 with her husband, William, in search of a better life for herself and her family. However, having arrived at the age of 45 and with a limited knowledge of the English language, Mrs Boudville had difficulties finding employment. Despite many setbacks, she persevered in her pursuit of a job until she was employed by the Sisters of St John of God, Subiaco, as a nursing assistant. Mrs Boudville’s devotion to her work and overall passion for helping the sick soon earned her a position as the Matron’s assistant. In this role, she managed to offer services to those in need, both within and outside the hospital. She often collected towels, sheets,

Christina Boudville was renowned at St Gerard Majella for her tireless charitable work and kindness towards the underprivileged. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

linen, spare beds and anything else no longer needed by the hospital and made sure that those items were donated to the disadvantaged, including impoverished refugees. Mrs Boudville also acted as a mother figure to many

her wing and helped her significantly. I didn’t know this! I read these things and realise what an amazing woman she was.” There are many priests and nuns in the Archdiocese of Perth who will remember

“I can’t praise her enough for what she did. She was a good Christian who worked tirelessly for those in need.” orphaned children. “We recently received an envelope from a lady whom we had never heard of,” recounted Mrs Bull. “In it, there was a letter saying that my mum had helped this woman and her family when they arrived from Burma. After the sudden death of her mother and father when she was only two, this woman said that my mother had taken her under

Mrs Boudville for her highspirited manner. Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, who celebrated Mrs Boudville’s funeral, was parish priest of St Gerard’s Mirrabooka in the time when Mrs Boudville did most of her charity work. Dean of St Mary’s Cathedral, Monsignor Michael Keating, who also served as parish priest of St Gerard’s, organised a pilgrimage to Lourdes

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email:

in France, Israel and Rome, Italy, in the mid-1990s which Mrs Boudville attended. Mrs Boudville frequently visited the Sisters of St John of God after her retirement, with her visits increasing when the nuns fell ill or needed greater assistance. In response to a question regarding the kind of force that drove her mother to do so many charitable works in her life, Mrs Bull said that she was completely wrapped around Jesus and Mary, the mother of God. “It didn’t matter what she did or where she went, she believed that they were with her and looked after her. “She was very close to God and always looked for new ways to serve the Church.” Mrs Boudville’s funeral was celebrated at St Gerard’s Catholic Church on Friday, 13 February 2015.


What’s happening around the Archdiocese FRIDAY, 27 FEBRUARY Ignite Youth-Perth Catholic Youth Ministry Perth and Ignite Youth have come together to create a new series of Youth Rallies in Perth during 2015. The rallies will include music, inspirational talks and opportunities for reconciliation and prayer which are targeted for teens but young adults are welcome. The dates for Ignite Live Night are 27 February, 17 April, 19 June and 27 November. More information to follow. Further info: 9422 7912 or SUNDAY, 1 MARCH One-Day Eucharistic Healing Retreat The Filipino Community has organized a One Day Eucharistic Healing Retreat in preparation for Holy Week at St. Jerome’s Parish Hall, on Sunday, 1 March from 1pm-5pm. The retreat will be led by Fr. Varghese Parackal VC and the Vincentian Fathers. The program includes praise and worship, preaching on the Word of God, Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and healing prayers. Free afternoon tea provided. Further info: Edita 9418 3728; Susan 9434 3969, Aileen 0423 578 059. THURSDAY, 5 MARCH Catholic Man Breakfast Series The Hon Tim Fischer AC will be the keynote speaker at the first Catholic Man Breakfast Series event for 2015 on Thursday, 5 March between 7-9am at the Duxton Hotel, Perth. Tim was Deputy Prime Minister in the Howard Government from 1996–99, and served as the first Rome-resident Australian Ambassador to the Holy See from 2009–12, an experience he describes in his book Holy See, Unholy me: 1000 Days in Rome released in 2013. SATURDAY, 7 MARCH Sand Sculpture Competition Catholic Youth Ministry Perth will be holding a Sand Sculpting competition for youth and young adults, on Saturday, 7 March from 8.30am to 1pm at Scarborough Beach. Participants can be in a team of two to 10 people, and there are great prizes to be won. Cost is $20 per team, and participants must register by 20 February. Further info: 9422 7912, or www. The Wisdom of Thomas Merton Community day 10am to 3.30pm at St Cecilia’s Parish Centre, cnr Grantham St/Kenmore Ave, Floreat. WA Christian Meditation Committee hosts its first Community Day for 2015. There will be Christian Meditation and opportunities for EDITION #20 | 27 FEBRUARY 2015

discussion. M. John Coleman will lead on the theme The Wisdom of Thomas Merton. All welcome. Lunch is BYO. Tea and coffee provided. Suggested donation is $10. Enq: CMC WA 0429 117 242 or www.; MONDAY, 9 MARCH Using Images and Powerpoint The Centre for Liturgy offers a workshop addressing the dos and don’ts of using images and videos in the liturgy in an era when most church buildings use computer-based projection facilities. This workshop takes place on Monday, 9 March from 7.30-9.30pm at Infant Jesus Parish Centre, 47 Wellington Road, Morley. Registrations are essential. Further info and to register: Centre for Liturgy 9207 3350, registrations. TUESDAY, 10 MARCH Parish Altar Server Co-ordinator Training This training on Tuesday, 10 March from 9.30-11.30am at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre, 50 Ovens Rd, Thornlie prepares and supports those involved in presenting the Good News to children in a way that they can best get to know Jesus. Cost is $10 per person. Registrations are essential. Further info and to register: Centre for Liturgy registrations.cfl@ THURSDAY, 12 MARCH Big Bang to Big Mystery: Creation and Evolution The Maranatha Centre presents a lunchtime lecture by Rev. Dr Brendan Purcell, emeritus Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University College Dublin. Thursday, 12th March at the Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview. Lecture from 1pm-2pm, Q&A (for those who can stay on) from 2pm-3pm. BYO lunch. No charge, but registration is required. Further info: 9241 5221 or THURSDAY 12 - FRIDAY 13 MARCH Dr Purcell at North Beach parish Rev Dr Brendan Purcell, from St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney and adjunct professor at Notre Dame University will speak at two events at Our Lady of Grace Parish, 3 Kitchener St, North Beach. On Thursday, 12 March, he will speak on the Eucharist at the Centre of Cosmic, Evolutionary and Human History, and then on Friday, 13 March, he will speak on Human Origins and Destiny in the Light of Creation and Evolution. Further info: Andrew Devitt 0403 855069 or Coris Taffertshofer 0434 582 993, olg. FRIDAY 13 - SATURDAY 14 MARCH

24 Hours for the Lord Pope Francis has asked that, for the second year running, that parishes and Catholic communities across the globe spend 24 hours with particular focus on the theme God rich in mercy (Ephesians 2:4) between 13 and 14 March. Possible resources and suggestions will be prepared for parishes over the coming week. SATURDAY 14 MARCH Focolare celebrate founder’s anniversary The Focolare Movement will next month celebrate the 7th anniversary of the death of their founder, Chiara Lubich, on Saturday, 14th March with Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, from 4-5.45pm. Assistant priest at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney and adjunct professor at Notre Dame University, Rev Dr Brendan Purcell, will speak on “The Love of Loves: Chiara Lubich’s Charismatic Vision of Politics.” Rev Purcell has a long career as a distinguished scholar and author. He lectured in logic, psychology and philosophical anthropology at the School of Philosophy, University College of Dublin until his retirement in 2008. Breakfast in the Garden The Mary MacKillop Foundation will host a Breakfast in the Garden at St Joseph’s Convent, 16 York Street, South Perth on Saturday, 14 March at 8am. Cost is $15 for brekkie. BYO chairs, tables, blankets, umbrellas, and sun screen. Further info, and to RSVP before Friday, 27 February: Laurie Mayne 9271 5649, ljmayne@ or John McCormack 9383 2615, johnmccormack@ TUESDAY, 17 MARCH St Patrick’s Day Celebration Mass St Patrick’s Day Annual Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday, 17 March at 10.00am in St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Square, Perth with Archbishop Tim Costelloe as principal celebrant and homilist. There will be the usual Entrance Procession of Banners and all Irish groups are invited to take part. Everyone is welcome to attend the Mass which is being organised by the Irish Community in WA working in collaboration with the Amaranarchdiocese of Perth. Clergy are invited to attend and concelebrate with the Archbishop. Further info: Paul, 56 Lombardy Street, Woodlands, 9446 3784, FRIDAY, MARCH 20 - SUNDAY, MARCH 22 (2PM) God’s Farm Retreat Fr Tony Chiera VG (Bunbury Diocese) is sincerely welcomed as he leads us on “Finding Peace through Forgiveness” starting at 7pm on Friday, March

20 until 2pm on Sunday, march 22. “Forgiveness is the central message of Jesus and also the path to healing and peace. Exploring the forgiveness of God and how we can extend forgiveness to others in our daily lives”. Fr Tony will celebrate Holy Mass daily commencing 7.30pm Friday. Traditional church prayers and reconciliation will be available. Numbers are limited, so urgent bookings are absolutely necessary by contacting Betty Peaker s.f.o. Tel/Fax 9755 6212 or PO Box 24 Cowaramup 6284; and for hired bus reservations ring Yvonne 9343 1897 (evenings). SATURDAY, 28 MARCH Day of the Unborn Child Annual Mass Archbishop Tim Costelloe SDB will be the main celebrant at 2015’s annual Mass to remember the Day of the Unborn Child. This takes place at 11.00am on Saturday 28th March in St Mary’s Cathedral and is offered for all babies conceived but not born due to miscarriage or abortion. It is an opportunity for families and the community to offer prayers, and hopefully to find healing, for these pregnancy losses. This year the Mass coincides with the end of the 40 Days for Life Campaign which runs from 18 February to 29 March. Further info: Sharon 0412 239770. SUNDAY, 3 -SUNDAY, 10 APRIL Easter Art Exhibition St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth will present an exhibition of Modern Art and Sacred Icons created by three artists. All works will be for sale. This takes place on Easter Sunday, 3 April and on Sunday, 10 April from 8am–7pm both days. FRIDAY, 17 APRIL Ignite Youth-Perth The second of six exciting evenings for teens and young adults to include music, inspirational talks and opportunities for reconciliation and prayer. Venue info to follow. Future dates: 19 June, 14 August, 16 October and 27 November. Further info: 9422 7912 or FRIDAY, 17 - SUNDAY 19 APRIL New Norcia 2015 - Into Deep Silence Into Deep Silence - Dr Carmel Posa sgs will lead a retreat from Friday evening of 17th to Sunday lunchtime of 19th April at New Norcia looking at how our world today has forgotten the benefit and joy of silence and solitude which is necessary for living a truly human life. This retreat will enter into the deep silence where God lies hidden within each of us. (Except for brief input sessions, silence will be kept at all times during this retreat

including meals.) Recommended cost for this retreat is $260. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa sgs, 9654 8371, WEDNESDAY, 22 - FRIDAY, 24 APRIL 2015 National Pastoral Planners Conference The National Pastoral Planners Conference takes place at the Grand Chifley Hotel, Adelaide from Wednesday, 22 – Friday, 24 April. Former Master of the Dominicans, Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP, will be the keynote speaker on Day 2 of the conference. The simplest way to register and pay is online at www. Further info: Jill Gallio 08 8210 8138 TuesdayFriday, au. FRIDAY, 1 - SUNDAY, 3 MAY New Norcia - Towards God Reading Weekend: Towards God Retreat guide, Sr Margaret Malone sgs, will share how most of us at some stage realize we need help in our prayer life. The study of the book Towards God uses some of the teaching of important writers in the tradition such as Augustine, John Cassian, St Bernard. St Gregory, St Benedict, Julian of Norwich, Fr Michael Casey, an Australian Cistercian monk which may help to provide ways of developing and sustaining your own prayer life. The book is based on personal experience making it extraordinarily helpful and easily accessible. The text for this reading weekend is: Towards God: The Ancient Wisdom of Western Prayer, by Michael Casey ocso. Recommended Cost for the weekend: $300. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa sgs, 9654 8371, FRIDAY, 1 - TUESDAY, 5 MAY 2015 Teresa 2015: A woman for our times A conference to celebrate the 500th birthday of St Teresa of Avila and to seek her spiritual wisdom for today. 1-3 May 2015 at Infant Jesus Parish, Morley. Keynote speakers Bishop David Walker and Fr Greg Burke OCD. Further info: Infant Jesus Parish: 08 9276 8500, ijparish@carmelite. com or Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation: 08 9241 5221, MONDAY 4 - WEDNESDAY 6 MAY Communication Congress 2015 The three-yearly gathering of Australian Catholic Media takes place from 4 - 6 May 2015 at the Rydges Hotel, North Sydney. The Congress theme is: What is our voice? “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” (Mt 12:34) and will include keynote addresses from international and Australian speakers, practical media skills workshops and networking opportunities with a strong focus on how the Church can maximise opportunities to have EDITION #20 | 27 FEBRUARY 2015

our message heard and share our stories. The Congress is for those who design the parish bulletin, update the parish website, monitor the parish social media sites or write for the local diocesan publication and those who wish to understand how the media works. It also offers many opportunities to learn new skills and to network with others. Early bird registration is available at Further info: Aoife Connors 0450 348 597 and MONDAY, 18 – WEDNESDAY, 20 MAY 2015 2nd National Catholic Mission Conference Mission: one heart many voices 2015 is the theme of the second national conference run and sponsored by Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious of Australia with the full endorsement of the ACBC. Keynote speaker will be Fr Stephen Bevans SVD from Chicago. It will be held at the SMC Conference Centre, 66 Goulbourn St, Sydney from 18-20 May 2015. Its purpose is to empower, affirm, enable, encourage and inspire agencies, parishes, congregations and all aspects of the Church with a scriptural and theological vision of mission while offering a platform to hear the many and varied voices that exist among us. Further info: www. FRIDAY, 22 - SATURDAY, 23 MAY International Symposium opposing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide The Rydges South Park Hotel in Adelaide is to host the first international symposium in the southern hemisphere by the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition International. (Previous symposia were held in New York, Vancouver, Edinburgh and Toronto.) Presentations will be given by international speakers and experts opposing euthanasia and assisted suicide, and testimonials by those affected by euthanasia. Also covered will be mechanisms for fighting legalisation and how to ‘do media.’ Further content includes ethics, research, networking and a symposium dinner. Further info: SATURDAY 6 - SUNDAY 7 JUNE Centenary celebrations in Ingham QLD Our Lady of Lourdes School in Ingham, North Queensland (formerly Ingham Convent School) will celebrate its Centenary on Saturday, 6 and Sunday, 7 June. All past students, staff and their families are invited to join in this milestone event. Event information and registration form are available at or by phoning the school (07) 4776 2719. If you have any memorabilia, photos or memories etc. that you wish to share, please contact the school as soon as possible.

TUESDAY 23 AND SATURDAY 27 JUNE eConference: Religion - Catalyst for Violence or Peace? The Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation is facilitating this 2015 eConference which will probe the Abrahamic traditions for answers to religion being a catalyst for violence or peace. It takes place at the Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview from 10am-2.30pm on Tuesday, 23 June and at Bateman Parish on Saturday, 27 June from 10am-2.30pm. No charge, lunch provided. To register, and further info: 9241 5221 or email MONDAY, 7 - WEDNESDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 17-Day Pilgrimage Discover the jewels of Spain, Portugal and France visiting Barcelona, Monserrat, Zaragoza, Avila, Fatima and coming alongside the incorruptible bodies of St Bernadette of Lourdes, St John Vianney of Ars, St Thérèse of Lisieux, St Vincent de Paul and St Catherine Labouré. 17 days away, consisting of 15 nights between 7 and 23 September. Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr Michael Quynh Do. Further info: Sheila 0433 771979, Sue 0421 835408. SATURDAY, 31 OCTOBER SUNDAY, 22 NOVEMBER 23-Day Pilgrimage Join a 23-day pilgrimage through Central and Eastern Europe departing Perth Saturday, 31 October and returning to Perth Sunday, 22 November. The program includes visits to Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and many sacred destinations in Italy. Deposit required by Sunday, 1 February with final payment due by Sunday, 3 May. Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr John Piumatti. Cost is $6,200.00 per person. Further info: Francis Williams, Tour Coordinator 9459 3873, 0404 893877, THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Auslan Cafe - 15 March, 19 April, and 17 May 9.30am at the Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor St, Perth. Mass next door at St Francis Xavier Parish with PowerPoint and Auslan Interpreter. Followed by classes at 10.30am; classes and lunch are free. You will learn the language to help communicate with profoundly deaf people. Enq: Barbara 08 9328 8113 or emmanuelcentre@westnet. EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Catholic Faith Renewal 7.30pm at St John and Paul’s Parish, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton. Songs of Praise, sharing by a Priest, Thanksgiving Mass and light refreshments after Mass. All welcome to attend and we encourage you to

bring your family and friends. Enq: Ann 0412 166 164, Ivan 0428 898 833. EVERY WEDNESDAY 2015 Resource Centre for Personal Development Courses Commencing February 25 from 10.30am - 12.30pm, Apply Person Centred Practices in Counselling. Included counselling sessions by donation. From 5pm-7.30pm; The Wounded Heart understanding and healing the consequences of emotional and sexual abuse (24 sessions). Enq: Eva 0409 405 585 or 9418 1439; EVERY SATURDAY Commencing February 28 at 9am, The Instinct to Heal’ Holistic Health (24 sessions). From 10.30am -1pm, Internalize principles of successful relationships and use emotional intelligence and communication skills. For couples, singles, parents and families. Prayer meetings held every 2nd Thursday. Enq: Eva 0409 405 585 or 9418 1439;

GENERAL ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT Enrolments remain open for Term One 2015 courses at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation, the Archdiocesan agency for adult faith education, where you can enrich your understanding of the Catholic faith. Further info: 08 9241 5221 or visit SPECIAL PILGRIMAGE Departing Perth on Emirates Airlines, 4 May 2015, returning Perth 27 May (early hours). Visiting Lourdes, Fatima (for 13) May. San Sebastian de Garabandal. Santiago de Capostela. Rome. (Optional Castelpetroso) Medjugorje and Split. Spiritual Director Rev Fr T. Bogoni. Cost $6,999 which includes all flights, Air France, Air Portugal and Croatian Airlines. All airport taxes which may be subject to change). Transfers, luxury coach travel, excellent accommodation, all with ensuite facilities. Bed/breakfast/ evening meals. Guide 24/7. Visiting five countries for this unbelievable price of $6,999. Bookings now open. Enq: Eileen 0407 471 256 or WORLD YOUTH DAY INFORMATION EVENINGS • Thu 5 Mar - St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Avenue, Perth from 7- 8pm • Thu 5 Mar - St Vincent’s Parish, 114 Parmelia Ave, Parmelia from 7pm to 8pm. The information evenings are open to everyone. Further info: 9422 7912, or www.cym.

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