The eRecord Edition #72 - 10 March 2016

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10 March 2016

Edition #72

ORDINATIONS 2016: Ordained as priests after the heart of Christ

Five young deacons, from left to right, David Adan Ramirez Nieves (Colombia), Giovanni Raffaele (Italy), Jerome Truc Ba Nguyen (Vietnam), Rodrigo Da Costa Ponte (Brazil) and Matthew Hodgson (Australia), were ordained to the priesthood at St Mary’s Cathedral on 4 March 2016. PHOTOS: FR MARK BAUMGARTEN

By Marco Ceccarelli

THE RICHNESS and beauty of what took place within St Mary’s Cathedral on the evening of 4 March 2016 was only matched by the festive mood felt by hundreds of people in the aftermath of a great and memorable event for the Archdiocese. Five young deacons from five different countries were ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Costelloe SDB as more than a thousand visitors, including friends and family who had travelled from interstate and overseas, watched on in support. Also present on this important occasion were Auxiliary Bishop of Perth Donald Sproxton, Broome Bishop Ch r i stopher Saunder s, Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey and the rectors of the seminaries where the young men have been formed. Rodrigo Da Costa Ponte (Brazil), Matthew Hodgson

(Australia), Jerome Truc Ba Nguyen (Vietnam), Giovanni Raffaele (Italy) and David Ad an R amirez Nieve s (Colombia) responded “I do” throughout the Promise of the Elect, thus committing themselves to the office of priesthood and to the celebration of the mysteries of Christ. The five then laid prostrate on the sanctuary floor before the soul-stirring litany of saints echoed throughout the Cathedral. In his homily, Archbishop Costelloe made reference to the second reading of the celebration (2 Corinthians 4:1-2. 5-7), in which St Paul wrote that “we are only the earthenware jars that hold this treasure, to make it clear that such an overwhelming power comes from God and not from us”. The Archbishop explained that the treasure is our faith and made a connection between our responsibility to hold firm to this faith and

the ministry of the newly ordained priests. “This gift of faith is delicate and fragile, held as it is within our own hearts. We are, at one and the same time, people who are and want to be people of faith, really trusting in the Lord’s presence in our lives, and yet also people who are so easily lured away from our faith by so many other things which can push God aside… for that reason, God gives us these men to walk with us.” The Archbishop emphasised that the young men have been tasked with leading the people of God through their preaching and teaching, through the administering of sacraments, and through service at the Lord’s sacrificial table. However, he also explained that their ministry is highly dependent on the people of God carrying and safeguarding their ‘treasure’. “If we all hold the gift of faith as a treasure in earth-

enware jars, these men will carry the gift of their priestly identity and mission also within the earthenware jars of their own fragile humanity,” the Archbishop said. Referring to the Jubilee Year of Mercy opened by Pope Francis on 8 December 2015, Archbishop Costelloe quoted from the Pope in an effort to explain what constitutes a “good” shepherd. “A priest who does not know he is a sinner will never be an effective instrument of the Lord’s merciful compassion. If he does not know and feel how much he needs God’s mercy, he will never be able to really understand or embrace the suffering of the people he serves.” He then spoke directly to the newly ordained priests, urging them to never cease the pursuit of Jesus Christ in their lives.

Full Text available at 1

EXCLUSIVE: Archdiocese of Perth to launch new magazine The start of a new era in how the Gospel is delivered is on its way A NEW, bi-monthly magazine is set to be launched by the Archdiocese of Perth this Easter. The Record Magazine, due in parishes on the weekend of Easter, will be published alongside The eRecord, which is the weekly online publication for the Archdiocese. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB confirmed the news, saying a great deal of energy, expertise and commitment has been invested in making The eRecord a worthy successor to the former weekly newspaper. “I am proud to acknowledge that the very same thing can be said of our new publication, The Record Magazine,” he said. The Archbishop continued by saying that, as a Church, we have Good News to share, which is the Good News of God’s constant loving and compassionate presence in our lives. “It is also the story of the ways in which we, as a community of disciples, in spite of the personal and collective failures which blight our lives, are able to be instruments of that divine love in our world,” Archbishop Costelloe said. “As we continue our journey of becoming ever more a people walking together in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd, seeking to respond to the urgent call of the Church to find new ways of faithfully proclaiming the Gospel, my prayer is that The Record Magazine, together with The eRecord, will play an increasing role in helping us to share the Good News of Jesus among our own communities and with the wider society we seek to serve.” A rchd ioce san Man ager of Communications, Jamie O’Brien, explained that the new magazine has been developed following a period of consultation and research. This has also been reinforced with the employment of two new journalists in January this year – Rachel Curry and Caroline Smith, who are now working alongside existing staff Feby Plando (Production Officer), Marco Ceccarelli ( Journalist), Christine

The Record Magazine, due in parishes on the weekend of Easter, will be published alongside The eRecord, which is the weekly online publication for the Archdiocese.

Jaques (Proofreader), Fayann D’souza (Digital Media) and Bibiana Kwaramba and Lydia Stanley (Administration). “Communications is an evere volv i n g t a sk t h at re q u i re s patience, perseverance and lots of understanding,” Mr O’Brien said. “So that we do our best to engage with what is a very wide and varied audience, the communications team is regularly analysing how we approach each and every task,” he said. Mr O’Brien went on to explain that the Archdiocese is not alone in its efforts to understand effective methods of communication – particularly when it comes to delivering the Good News. Dioceses across Australia and the world – including Rome – have all been evaluating and assessing how, when and why dialogue with its people should take place. “Don’t be afraid to engage with these new forms of communication which, as

Pope Francis has said, help us to grow closer, to know one another better and, ultimately, to grow in unity,” Mr O’Brien said. The new magazine will be delivered to all parishes, schools, agencies and organisations across the Archdiocese during Holy Week. A PDF version will also be published via ISSUU for release in Holy Week for those eager to get their hands on the new issues-focused Catholic publication. To access back copies of The eRecord PDF, go to and search Archdiocese of Perth, or email editor@ To subscribe to The eRecord, e m ail communicat ion or contact 08 9220 5900. Full Text available at 2

Catholic Health Australia welcomes new Chair of the Board

CHA has welcomed newly appointed Chair of the Board, Mr Tony Howarth AO.

C AT H O L IC H E A LT H Au st r a l i a (CH A) h a s welcomed newly appointed Chair of the Board, Mr Tony Howarth AO. “The theme that I want to bring to CHA is that our voice is stronger by working together,” said Mr Howarth. “Our organisations and our services are stronger; our mission is stronger by working together.” Having served as Chair and Deputy Chair to a number of boards throughout his career, including the St John of God Health Care Board for more than 15 years, Mr Howarth is well-accustomed to meeting the leadership demands of large, complex organisations. “I really do want to bring a collaborative view to the Catholic health and aged care sector during my time as Chair, with the understanding that it doesn’t matter if you’re a small organisation or a large one, we’re all living in an environment where we’re dealing with scarce resources,” Mr Howarth said. “It’s the stewardship and governance of those scarce resources, and certainly the financial resources, but

also the people resources, which will really make us successful.” Having been involved in Catholic health care for some 15 years, including the last 12 as Chair of St John of God Health Care, which is Australia’s third-largest private health provider, Mr Howarth has become particularly experienced in providing sound senior-level governance in the areas of not just Catholic health, but also aged and community care. On the matter of CHA’s f ut ure d i rect ion, Mr Howarth has said that strong, coordinated Catholic representation in the areas of aged care and health policy will be needed. “We need to participate in the conversation that the government has to have with the population about what’s affordable,” Mr Howarth said. “There are lots of trade-offs and decisions that will need to be made. Some of those will need to be embedded in legislation. We’ve got to make sure that, during that conversation, Catholic values and Gospel principles are not lost to the detriment of the community.”


Catholic Health Australia’s C E O, Mrs Suzanne Greenwood, has welcomed the transition of Mr Howarth to the Chair of CHA. “Tony brings with him many years of financial and senior-level governance experience to his new position as Chair,” Mrs Greenwood said. “I look forward to working with Tony – as does the Board – in continuing our work in consultation with government to ensure that CHA’s voice remains strong; strong and prominent in its mission to provide all Australians with the best possible Catholic health, aged and community care services.” Mr Howarth comes to the role of Chair after Ms Rowena McNally, Chair of Catholic Health Australia since 2012. Mrs Greenwood acknowledged the significant contributions Ms McNally has made to CHA during her time as Chair, particularly her leadership during the organisation’s transition from an incorporated association to a company; advocacy work, particularly on the social determinants of health in

Australia; and throughout the development of its international relations — accepting Catholic hospitals in Singapore and Malaysia into the Catholic Health Australia membership. “On behalf of our Board, members, staff and those cared for in Catholic facilities and services, I would like to thank Ms McNally for her sustained commitment these past three years, ensuring CHA is the credible, ethical and inf luential voice of Catholic health, aged care and community services in Australia,” said Mrs Greenwood. Mr Howarth has expressed his deep commitment to the ongoing governance of Catholic health and aged care in Australia which represents approximately 10 per cent of all hospital and aged care services in the country. “I am really very humbled and proud to be elected Chair of Catholic Health Australia,” said Mr Howarth. “I’m looking forward to doing my absolute best during my term, leading an organisation that represents the Catholic health and aged care community in Au st r a l i a — a t r ad it ion that goes back to the very beginnings of settlement in this country.” CHA represents Australia’s largest non-government grouping of hospitals, aged and community care services, providing approximately 10 per cent of hospital and aged care services in Australia, including around 30 per cent of private hospital care as well as approximately five per cent of public hospital care. Full Text available at 3

Bishop Saunders marks 20 years

of service in the Kimberley By Nicola Kalmar, Kimberley Community Profile

PRESIDING OVER Broome’s unique Catholic diocese, stretching across the vast Kimberley region, has been a journey full of blessings and privileges for Bishop Christopher Saunders. For the past two decades, Bishop Saunders has devoted his life, travelling extensively by road and air and off the beaten track, to ministering to his sizeable flock of 10,000 Catholics, scattered across an area of about 770,000 square kilometres. On 8 February 2016, he celebrated the 20th anniversary of his episcopal ordination and will also mark 40 years as a priest in August. Bishop Saunders first arrived in Broome as a deacon in 1975 before becoming a priest the following year when he served at La Grange Mission and then on to Lombadina and Kalumburu. “They have all been privileged appointments,” he said. “I’ve met some absolutely wonderful people and have seen some dramatic changes, particularly in the field of communication. “At La Grange, we had a party telephone... then, when I went up to Lombadina, we had the radio and a telegram service courtesy of the Royal Flying Doctor Service - that was about it, we didn’t have television. “Any entertainment we had was music tapes or guitars and, in Kalumburu, it was the same... but all of these occasions were occasions of meeting people and it was a very friendly era to be around.”

Bishop Saunders greets parishioners at his 20th anniversary Mass.

After going overseas in the early nineties to study Canon Law in Canada for a few years, Bishop Saunders returned to Broome and was appointed Administrator. He was ordained Bishop in February 1996. “The path when I first began was a fearful one, I was only 46 years of age, but I’m glad I had youth on my side because I also had energy,” he said. “Now I’ve got less energy but I hope I’ve got a bit more wisdom!” After being ordained, Bishop Saunders’ focus was to build on the foundations laid down by his highly respected and hardworking predecessor, the late Bishop John Jobst. “I think we’ve done a reasonable job on that,” he said. “We’ve expanded in areas of Catholic education and Catholic social services,


establishing Centacare and building the Father McMahon centre, supplying meals to people who need them - those are the sort of things that we’ve done in a very real way. “When I look back 20 years, I think there’s so much still undone but I think you satisfy yourself to build on the foundations of those who go before you and let God do a bit of the building because, if you think you can do it yourself, you’ll be terribly disappointed.” During his vocation, Bishop Saunders said he has worked alongside some “wonderful collaborators” and confreres in both his roles. He has also seen many changes in that time, particularly in society. Full Text available at


Archdiocese of Perth Communications and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

Email: JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer | MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist | RACHEL CURRY Journalist FAYANN D’SOUZA Digital Media Officer | CHRISTINE JAQUES Proofreader christine.jaques@ | BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer


What’s happening around the Archdiocese WEDS, 2 MAR - 20 APR THE LORD’S PRAYER SEMINAR; PRAY THIS WAY Every Wednesday, from 2 Mar to 20 Apr the Lion of Judah Charismatic Prayer Fellowship, will host The Lord’s Prayer Seminar; Pray it this Way; at the Holy Rosary Parish (hall), Elizabeth/Tyrel Sts, Nedlands at 7.30pm. The seminar is free; however, we will take up our regular Love Offerings. Please bring a Bible, note pad, pen etc. Refreshments provided. The only prayer ever taught by God personally is an eight stanza formula for a way praying rather than just a prayer to pray. Come and discover the immense richness intended by Jesus for a truly fulfilling life lived day by day. Written and taught by Mr Eddie Russell FMI, SD, the Lord’s Prayer Seminar opens up the eight stanzas over eight weekly sessions starting with songs of praise each night. Further info: Eddie Russell or Kaye Rollings on 0421 605 502

THU, 10 MAR RISEN - MOVIE NIGHT FUNDRAISER This movie night is a fundraiser for Our Lady of Grace Parish’s Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program.The movie will be showing at the Grand Cinemas Whitford City on Thursday, 10 March at 6.45pm but please arrive at least 15 minutes early as this is a group booking. This is a biblical story of the Resurrection as told through the eyes of a nonbeliever. Tickets; $20. Further Info: Christine on 0411 273 572.

THUS, 10 AND 17 MAR MORAL ISSUES WORKSHOPS ON MARRIAGE, DIVORCE; RE-MARRIAGE AND ANNULMENT; SEXUALITY Two evenings: Thursday, 10 and 17 Mar, from 7pm-9.30pm. Facilitator, Rev Dr Joe


EDITION #72 | 10 March 2016

Parkinson STL PhD, Director of LJ Goody Bioethics Centre, 39 Jugan St, Glendalough. The two evenings provide opportunities for personal faith formation as they explore moral issues and current Church teaching. All Catholics would benefit from attending this course. The moral issues presented are of particular interest to those involved in the ministry of RCIA. Cost: $20. Further info or to register: Centre for Liturgy 08 9207 3350, rcia.cfl@


The Legion of Mary is offering a Half Day Reflection, for the “Jubilee Year of God’s Mercy”, presenter Dr Michelle Jones, Director of the Centre of Faith and Enrichment, on Insights into God’s Mercy from Julian of Norwich. Edel Quinn Centre, 36 Windsor St, East Perth from 9am with Rosary and concluding at 12noon, followed by a shared lunch. All are invited. Further info: Rosemary 0421 580 783 or Mignonne 0478 598 860.


Save the date for the 2016 “Breakfast in the Garden”. Come and join in the fun, meet old friends and make new ones on Saturday, 12 March at 8am. To be held at the Garden Venue, Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth (St Joseph’s Convent). Cost; $15. All proceeds go to the Mary MacKillop Foundation. BYO chairs, tables, blankets, umbrellas, sunscreen and smiles. Further info and to RSVP by 9 March: Laurie Mayne 08 9271 5649, ljmayne@optusnet.; or John McCormack 08 9383 2615, johnmccormack@

SUN, 13 MAR STABAT MATER PERFORMANCE This year, this Lenten tribute to Our Lady features the entire Stabat Mater sung as an interactive experience with two soloists and the Cathedral Choir sensing excerpts from famous settings of Stabat Mater (Pergolesi, Vivaldi and Caldara) with those present able to join in with the wellknown original choir, on Sunday 13 March, 10.45am at St Mary’s Cathedral.


The Archdiocesan Year of Mercy Committee has announced that the Second Rite of Reconciliation will be held on Tuesday 15 March at St Mary’s Cathedral from 7pm. More information will be announced in the coming weeks. Further info: Fr greg Donovan at greg.donovan@


St Patrick’s Day Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, 17 March at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth, at 10am with Bishop Donald Sproxton being the main celebrant and homilist. Limited parking at the Cathedral, other parking available at PCC Parking Stations in the vicinity. Free bus service (Red Cat) runs past the Cathedral regularly and stops at the Cathedral gate. Further info: 08 9446 3784 or


The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart are inviting all to the Sesquicentenary Celebratory Mass at St Columba's Church South Perth at 10am on Friday 18 Mar. This will be followed by morning tea

in the Convent Garden, 16 York St, South Perth. RSVP essential for catering purposes to laura., or 08 9334 0999 before 9 March.


You are invited to join the South Perth Taizé praying community to celebrate the 150th Anniversary on the founding of the Josephites in Penola SA in 1866-2016 by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop and Fr Julian T Woods. St Joseph's Convent Chapel, Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth. 7-8pm, Chapel doors open 6.30pm. Bring a small torch, plate to share and invite a friend. Further info: Sr Maree Riddler RSJ, 0414 683 926 or au.


Come and join an open program for all ages with Super Screening; Peace; Meanit, Liveit on Saturday, 19 March from 3.15-4.30pm at corner Lake and James Sts, Northbridge. Then from 5-5.30pm refreshments will be served at St Mary’s Cathedral Hall, Victoria Square, Perth followed at 6pm by the Anniversary Vigil Mass celebrated by Bishop Don Sproxton. All are invited. Further info: 08 9349 4052 or

MERCY – ONE-DAY LENTEN CONFERENCE Presented by The Catholic Guy Ministry. Lent can be the most powerful time of our year. This is a time when we come into contact with God’s Mercy and that changes everything about us. The Mercy Conference

is free and will allow you to experience the power of God in a real and relevant way through Scripture, music and the arts. Special children’s program available for children 2-12 years. Pre-registration is preferred. Saturday, 19 March, Chisholm Catholic College, Bedford. Registration: or 1300 734 880; www.perth.

SUN, 20 MAR COMMEMORATING THE SISTERS OF ST JOSEPH OF THE SACRED HEART SESQUICENTENARY (150 YEARS) ANNIVERARY 1866-2016 You are invited to join the South Perth Taizé praying community to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the founding of the Josephites in Penola SA in 1866-2016 by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop and Fr Julian T Woods. St Joseph's Convent Chapel, Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth. 7-8pm, Chapel doors open 6.30pm. Bring a small torch, plate to share and invite a friend. Further info: Sr Maree Riddler RSJ, 0414 683 926 or au.

PALM SUNDAY WALK FOR JUSTICE FOR REFUGEES In this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, we invite you and your friends to walk with us through the streets of Perth as a show of support for and with refugees and asylum-seekers. Such action also supports the current Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (ACBC) Social Justice Statement: “For those who’ve come across the seas – Justice for refugees and asylum-seekers”. You are requested to bring a palm frond to St George’s Cathedral (38 St George’s Tce, Perth) for a 1pm start on Palm Sunday. Banners or statements of support are welcomed. For more specific information about the Perth walk: http:// Details are also available on the Justice, Ecology and Development Office website: au. Alternatively, you can contact Carol Mitchell: jedo@


EDITION #72 | 10 March 2016

SUN, 27 MAR TO 3 APR 2016 EASTER ART EXHIBITION St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth will this month host an exhibition of modern art, sacred icons and innovative photography on Sunday 27 March and Sunday, 3 April, 8am-7pm both days. The Exhibition will showcase the work of local artists Margaret Fane, Angela King and Jamie O’Brien. All display items will be for sale. More information to follow in the coming weeks. Further info: Contact Jamie O’Brien on 0400 808 601.


Identitywa will be celebrating the Easter Season by celebrating Mass on Saturday, 2 April 2016, at Infant Jesus Parish, 47 Wellington Rd, Morley, from 10.30-11.30am. All welcome. A light lunch will be served following Mass. RSVP by Friday, 18 March to Rozanne.pugh@identity wa. or 08 9474 3303.


The Feast of Divine Mercy will be celebrated at St Mary's Cathedral, Victoria Sq, Perth on Sunday, 3 April as follows: 1pm Confessions, Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy followed at 2pm with Holy Mass celebrated by Mgr Kevin Long assisted by seminarians. 3pm veneration of relic of St Faustina Kowalska. Please note that priests are invited to concelebrate the Mass and parking will be at rear of St Mary's Cathedral Presbytery. Further info: Julia Murphy 08 9457 7771.


All are invited to a weekend retreat from 7pm, Friday, 8 April to 2pm, Sunday, 10 April on “The Year of Mercy – Receiving and sharing the mercy of God in a troubled world” by Fr Tony Chiera, Vicar General, Bunbury Diocese. There will be prayer, reflection, silence and reconciliation. Daily Mass from Friday, 8 April at 7.30pm. Numbers limited, bookings necessary to; Betty Peaker s.f.o. Tel/Fax 08 9755 6212 or

PO Box 24, Cowaramup 6284. For hired bus reservations, Yvonne 9343 1897 (evenings). For retreat flyer and directions; or 08 9388 8459


VERITAS Youth Festival is a must attend event at Santa Maria College, Attadale from 22-24 April. Last year, over 400 young people attended the event from across Perth. This year, it will be bigger, better and more dynamic. Organised by the Catholic Youth Network, VERITAS will encourage young people to seek the truth, discover their purpose in life and develop a deeper relationship with God. Further info: or CYM

available in June, September and November at Salvatorian Community House, 2 Caledonia Ave, Currambine. There will be time for prayer, spiritual development and social activities. Further info or to register: au or 08 93042904, 0488 111 574, Fr Greg Skulski SDS.



Benedictine Spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. The Benedictine Experience Weekend runs 29 April to 1 May with other weekends available in June, August, October and December at the New Norcia Monastery Guesthouse. Beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm, Friday, 29 April concluding after lunch on Sunday, 1 May, the weekend will provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, Lectio Divina, hospitality, and community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Suggested donation: $250 (for those who can afford it), includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info: and bookings: Guesthouse Manager, 08 9654 8018 or guesthouse@newnorcia.

Vocation Reflection Days are designed to help young men decide what direction their future will take. In Christian life, there are three vocations: marriage, single life and priesthood/religious life. The Salvatorian Fathers will hold Reflection Weekend Days to help young men (18-35 years) find their way in life by deepening their faith, learning more about the Salvatorian Order and developing new friendships with other young men. The reflection weekend starts Saturday, 30 April at 2.10pm – Sunday, 1 May at 1pm, with other weekends

Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via the e-Record e-newsletter. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to communications. Further info: Jamie O’Brien 08 9220 5900.

TUE, 26 APR - WED, 29 JUN RCIA ADULT CATECHIST FORMATION COURSE Ten weeks in Term 2 at the Newman-Siena Conference Centre, 33 Williamstown Rd, Doubleview for those involved in the ministry of RCIA and sponsors. Includes 10 theology sessions and 10 practical workshops on RCIA. Both morning and evening sessions are offered. Further info or to register: Centre for Liturgy, 08 9207 3350, rcia.cfl@, http://


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