The eRecord Edition #118 - 09 February 2017

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9 February 2017

Edition #118

2017 C E WA C OM M I S S ION I NG M A S S:

New teachers and principals called to focus on kindness, knowledge

Catholic Education Executive Director, Dr Tim McDonald, speaks with Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and the Hon Kerry Sanderson AC, Governor of Western Australia, at the 2017 Catholic Education Commissioning Mass on Tuesday 31 January.

ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY COSTELLOE has last week encouraged teachers from across the Archdiocese to focus on providing both kindness and knowledge to the students in their care. The Archbishop was speaking at the 2017 Catholic Education Commissioning Mass held at St Mary’s Cathedral on Tuesday 31 January where some 60 new teachers and principals were commissioned to serve in local Catholic schools. The Archbishop went on to say that St John Bosco – whose feast day was celebrated on that date – could be used as an inspiring model for people involved in education. The celebration brought together more than 800 people connected with Catholic Education WA (CEWA), and was concelebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton, Vicar General Father Peter Whitely, Monsignor Michael Keating, Fr Nino Vinciguerra, Fr Daniel Boyd and Fr Brennan Sia as MC. During the Mass, new staff were invited to the front of the Cathedral, where they were commissioned and

received a blessing from the Archbishop. “It is particularly appropriate that we should be celebrating this Commissioning Mass on the feast of Don Bosco, because his whole life was dedicated to the care of young people, and especially those who were poor, disadvantaged or pushed to the margins,” Archbishop Costelloe said. “Don Bosco was committed to providing the young with the best education possible…as we look for inspiration to the great figures in our Catholic tradition to keep us grounded in our work for the young, Don Bosco is certainly one of those people who have something valuable to teach us.” The Archbishop continued by saying that for Don Bosco, the key to an effective education, which might also be the key to effective parenting, is to know each young person so well that you develop an instinct about what you need to say or do to help each young person individually feel loved, respected, valued and honoured. “This is the way Jesus loved, as a


careful reading of the Gospel will quickly reveal, and it is Don Bosco’s gift to the Church that he clarified, by his life, what this means in relation to young people.” CEWA Executive Director, Dr Tim McDonald, emphasised the importance of helping young people grow in their faith and reach their potential. “As staff in the school communities we serve, we are called to work together, to create extraordinary learning environments; to actively support the wellbeing of students and staff and to provide inclusive Catholic education for all who seek it,” he said. “It requires that we use our personal gifts and collective resources responsibly and generously. And above all, that we grow as Jesus’ disciples and help others to know His Good News.”

Full Text available at 1

A call for people to become more involved in their communities and to live out the teachings of Jesus was the key focus at the 27th annual FMI Congress PHOTO: SUPPLIED held in Claremont last month.

Flame Ministries Congress-goers follow ‘A Call to Shine’ By Caroline Smith

A CALL for people to become more involved in their communities and to live out the teachings of Jesus, was the key focus at the recent 27th Annual Flame Ministries International (FMI) Congress. Held from Friday 20 January to Sunday 22 January at John XXIII College in Claremont, the Congress, entitled The Light of the World: A Call to Shine, included day sessions with a host of speakers including Fathers Mark Baumgarten, Ted Miller and Lucius Roy Pereira, plus FMI Founder Eddie Russell and members Kaye Rollings and Cyrus D’Souza. The Congress also included a Mass on Sunday morning, celebrated by Fr Miller, in addition to praise and worship with music and preaching held on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Mr Russell said the Congress’ title referred to its focus on encouraging members of the Catholic community to live out Christ’s teachings in their everyday lives. “‘A Call to Shine’ was the main focus of the message

because it calls forward every individual - clergy, religious, or lay to become what Christ has ordained,” he said. “This Congress aimed to give participants the opportunity to stand up and reach their full potential in Christ. “I believe that if a person

is empowered, they will empower the community, and I have seen this many times. This of course is in line with the Holy Father and Archbishop Timothy's vision for parishes and so we could go a long way to ignite the hearts of the people over this

weekend.” He added that although the number of attendees was less than the 2016 Congress, the speakers and inspirational music made for an inspiring atmosphere. “The power and quality of the subjects and the speakers were moving, challenging, and Spirit-filled and gave delegates the opportunity for personal prayer for healing and meeting their needs,” Mr Russell said. “The joy on the faces of the people reflected this throughout the weekend. “One special time for me was to formally induct three new members into Flame Ministries and present them with their Ministerial Cross at the Sunday Mass. “Fr Ted Miller was the celebrant and preached an amazing homily on Light of the World.” FMI – a ministry of Catholic Evangelical preachers – was founded by Mr Russell in1990, and its first Congress was held later that year. Full Text available at



NEWMAN COLLEGE has last week celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the beginning of the Newman System of Schools. The date marks the day when the Brigidine, Marist and Siena Colleges were amalgamated to compose a Catholic Secondary College dedicated to the Christian Education of young people. Brother Timothy McDonald was the Founding Headmaster of Newman Senior College when it was established in 1977. The configuration at that time was to create a co-educational school for Year 11 and 12, a boys only school for Years 8, 9 and 10 and a girls only school for Years 8, 9 and 10. A new College crest was designed and Cardinal John

Henry Newman’s personal motto was adopted by the College: Through Shadows and Images to Truth The name of Newman was chosen in recognition of the great religious thinker and leader of the Nineteenth

Cent ur y, Joh n Hen r y Newman, who was a Cardinal of the Catholic Church. The c au s e for t he Canonisation of Cardinal New man is now well underway and he is officially known by the title of Blessed

John Henry Newman. After several more changes, the Primary and Secondary schools were amalgamated in 2005 to form the Newman College we know today. Th i s i n vol v e d the relocation of Years 8 and 9 students from Doubleview to the Churchlands Campus. A special Family Mass will be held on Wednesday 22 February to celebrate the 200 year bicentenary of Marist Education, with Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton as Principal celebrant. The Newman College inaugural Family Mass will celebrate the Catholic and Marist identity of Western Australia’s largest Catholic school. Full Text available at

CAMBODIAN IMMERSION OPENS MINDS AND HEARTS TO SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES BACK HOME WITNESSING CAMBODIA’S developing legal system first-hand and networking with groups committed to human rights protection were features of a dynamic international learning opportunity for Law students at The University of Notre Dame Australia’s Fremantle Campus. The Cambodia Immersion is part of the School of Law’s ongoing commitment to providing students with practical, social justice-orientated learning opportunities. This opportunity was made possible thanks to a Federal Government grant of $40,000, through the New Colombo Plan (NCP), which provided scholarships for 16 students to travel to Cambodia. With supervision from Notre Dame Law academics Dr Lara Pratt and Justine Howard, students travelled to Phnom Penh for a two-week placement to explore the Cambodian legal system and, in turn, acquire an insight into the diverse career paths open to law

Visiting the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh.

graduates with a passion for human rights and social justice. Students visited non-government organisations (NGOs), such as Legal Aid Cambodia and International Bridges of Justice – both which are engaged in human rights protection. They also observed court proceedings at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal and at local criminal courts, met Cambodian law students, and engaged with a range of lawyers


involved in human rights activities within Cambodia. For more information about study opportunities supported by the NCP, as well as other international exchange programs at Notre Dame, please visit Full Text available at


Feast day of St Josephine Bakhita the focal point for efforts against human trafficking By Caroline Smith

ON THE FEAST OF St Josephine Bakhita, Bishops and religious leaders from across Australia have this week supported calls from Pope Francis to end the injustice of human trafficking against all people, in particular children. St Bakhita is the Patron Saint for victims of slavery. The United Nations estimates that one in every three victims of human trafficking is a child, and it is estimated that 30 million children have lost their childhood through sexual exploitation over the past 30 years. Recent ly appointed We ster n Australian Co-Ordinator of Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking of Humans (ACRATH) Kathy Fagan said it is a sourge affecting many adults and children which exists in many different forms, often closer to home than many people think. “The community is not very well informed about this issue, and people are often surprised when our Perth ACRATH group does a presentation on ‘Human Trafficking in Australia’,” she said. “But we are doing as much as we can to raise awareness through talks at schools and universities and in community groups in Perth and Geraldton. We also do presentations in partnership with the Red Cross, Anti-Slavery Australia, Catholic Mission, the CEO and Youth with a Mission.” Human trafficking can take the form of sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, forced marriage and the exploitation of overseas labour – and Ms Fagan said the last two were of particular focus for ACRATH at the moment. She added that by working with other non-government organisations, the agency was able to support victims of human trafficking in Australia and overseas. “Locally we work with other NGO’s in the WA Freedom Network and within

the Interagency Network on Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking to raise awareness and to ensure the rights of trafficked people are met,” Ms Fagan said. “Also we in WA co-ordinate an AsiaPacific network to support people who have been trafficked and need on the ground assistance to be repatriated or so their children can be supported. “Recently we assisted someone who had been trafficked from one Asian

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country to another Asian country and this person needed help to be able to face the problems associated with her having been trafficked. “We found an Australian who offered financial assistance for her to begin a new life after the trauma she had endured.” Raising awareness of human trafficking is also the purpose of Bakhita Day – or the feast day of St Josephine Bakhita, celebrated on Wednesday 8 February, with Australian bishops joining Pope Francis in their condemnation of this crime. The Holy Father has designated the feast to be a World Day of Prayer, to raise awareness of the issue, with a particular focus on child trafficking, which is estimated to affect millions of children every year, with the United Nations estimating that one third of human trafficking victims are children. Chairman of the Bishops Commission for Pastoral Life Bishop Terry Brady said the day should provide a focal point for efforts to combat human trafficking. “St Josephine Bakhita’s feast day is an opportunity to raise awareness about human trafficking involving children,” he said. “Pope Francis has called us to make a difference. Sometimes our steps are small, but together we can achieve a great deal especially when we work with others to stop human trafficking.” In response to this crime, Australian bishops and religious leaders have called for a fourfold commitment to prevention, victim protection, the legal prosecution of perpetrators, and partnerships for change. St Josephine Bakhita is the patron saint of victims of slavery, reflecting her own experience of enslavement as a child in southern Sudan. Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer CAROLINE SMITH Journalist JOSH LOW Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA Video Journalist BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer

PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese SAT, 11 FEB MUSIC FOR THE SACRAMENTS WORKSHOP The Centre for Liturgy will run a Music for the Season of Lent Workshop on Saturday, 11 February, 10.30-12.30pm at Holy Family Church, Como. During this workshop, music for the Season of Lent will be presented, including settings of the Gospel Acclamation that can be used during Lent. This workshop will also examine ways in which music during the Season of Lent should be different from other times and Seasons during the Liturgical year. Further info; or 08 9207 3350. THUS, 16 FEB – 23 MAR GOSPEL OF SURPRISES: DISCOVERING THE WONDER OF JOHN Every Thursday, 10.00am – 12:30pm, Newman Siena Centre (33 Williamstown Rd, Doubleview). The Gospel of John is a masterpiece of the profound and yet the simple in relation to the story of Jesus. The course will give an in depth understanding of what lies beneath John’s writings. You are invited to take this journey into this very special Gospel and discover ‘faith’ in a new and fulfilling light! Suggested donation $45.00. Presenter: Mrs Jan O’Connor. Further info or to register, visit, email au, or call 9241 5221. FRI, 17 FEB FUNDRAISING CONCERT FOR BILLINGS LIFE WA The National Billings Teacher Training Conference will be held for the first time in Perth in May 1

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2017. Billings Life WA are hosting a concert to fund raise to support the running costs of the Conference. The concert will be hosted under the stars featuring the popular Jarrah Celtic Band at Romancing the Stone Amphitheatre, 6 Lillian Road, Maidavale, Friday 17 February, 6.30pm for a 7.30pm start. BYO drinks and nibbles. Chairs supplied. Tickets $30 per person. Includes supper. Further info and tickets, Mandie Bowen 0407 577 435 or bnfpwa@ FRI, 17 - SUN, 19 FEB MASTERCLASS - YOUTH LEADERS TRAINING WEEKEND Are you a youth leader or an upcoming youth leader in your Parish? Catholic Youth Ministry Perth is conducting a 3-day training weekend at a beach side venue in Busselton, to equip those serving in Youth Ministry in their Parish or groups. There are beginners and advanced workshops, prayer sessions, fun activities and networking opportunities. Cost $50, including food and accommodation. Places are limited. To register or for more information visit cym.; or or 08 9422 7912. SAT, 18 FEB MUSIC FOR HOLY WEEK WORKSHOP The Centre for Liturgy will run a Music for Holy Week Workshop on Saturday 18 February, 11.30- 1pm at Notre Dame Church, Cloverdale. During this workshop, music for the whole of Holy Week will be presented, including settings of the Responsorial Psalms for each day. We will also examine the rituals of Holy Week and what

music can be used for each of them. Such rituals include: the Blessing and Procession of Palms on Palm Sunday, the Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday, the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday and the Sprinkling Rite at the Easter Vigil and on Easter Sunday.Further info; cfl@ or 08 9207 3350. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD WORKSHOP A Children’s Liturgy of the Word Workshop will be held at The Centre for Liturgy, Nollamara on Saturday 18 February, 10.3012.30pm. For those involved in the presentation of the Liturgy of the Word for children during Mass. This workshop prepares and supports those involved presenting the Good News to children in a way that they can best get to know Jesus. Further info; or 08 9207 3350. SUN, 19 FEB SUNDAY AFTERNOON SERVICE AND DISCUSSION The combined Catholic Churches of Maylands cordially invite you to a Sunday Afternoon Service and Discussion, 19 February 3-5pm at Our Lady Queen of Poland Catholic Church, 35 Eighth Ave Maylands. Discussion will be on "A place at the Table, Social Justice in an Ageing Society." 2016/17 Social Justice Statement of the Australian Catholic Bishops, this gathering is in response to the Bishops' Statement. The program will consists of a brief service in the Church, introduction and discussion in the Church Hall, followed by light refreshments later. Further info: Mrs Libby

Giles 045 0907 048; Fr Stanislaw Tomasiak O.F.M. 0488 900 449; Fr Tomasz Bujakowski O.F.M. 9272 2154 & Fr Richard Charlwood 0439 622 056. SUN, 19 FEB EAST CANNINGTON – FINAL MASS & CLOSURE A final Mass will be celebrated at St Francis Church, 56 Redcliffe Street, East Cannington, on Sunday 19 February at 2:30pm followed by afternoon tea. The Principal celebrant will be Bishop Sproxton. FRI, 24 FEB PRAYING OUR EXPERIENCES – GROWING AWARENESS OF GOD IN MY EVERYDAY Theme, The Lenten Journey - an invitation to look deeper into being a Christian. Lent is an opportunity to review one’s commitment to living and giving witness to Gospel values. You are invited to be part of this prayer experience. Friday 24 February, 10.30-12noon, repeated 6.30-8pm, at Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth. RSVP essential by Tuesday 21 February. Further info: Laura 08 9334 0999 or laura.mccarthy@ FRI, 24 - SUN, 26 FEB BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKENDS Benedictine spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. Beginning in February, with other weekends available in March, May, July, September, October and November at the New Norica Monastery Guesthouse. Beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm, Friday 24 February, concluding Sunday, 26 February after lunch. The weekend

provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, lectio divina, hospitality and the community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Participants are also invited to join the community for silent meals in the refectory, one of many invitations to listen with the ‘ear of the heart. Suggested donations $250 for those who can afford, this includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info: Guesthouse Manager 08 9654 8002 or guesthouse@ SAT, 25 FEB MUSIC FOR THE SACRAMENTS WORKSHOP The Centre for Liturgy will run a Music for the Sacraments Workshop on Saturday 25 February, 10.30-1pm at St Benedict’s Parish, Applecross. The Archdiocese of Perth has adopted the parish-based schoolsupported family friendly approach to the reception of Sacraments for school-aged children. To this end, this workshop will examine music suitable for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. This workshop will also present suggestions on how to choose music for each of these Sacraments. Further info; cfl@ or 08 9207 3350. WED, 1 MAR DISCOVERING RESTORATIVE JUSTICE TOGETHER Restorative Justice is a way of building relationships in any setting - families, parishes, organisations, communities, workplaces etc. The facilitators are Barbara Harris and Fr Paul Pitzen from Emmanuel Centre. It is free and open to anyone, including but not limited to agency staff and volunteers, priests, chaplains, lay people, parish councillors, organisations 2

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etc. Beginning Wednesday 1 March, 9-12.30pm and other sessions available in April, May and June, at the Catholic Pastoral Centre, 40A Mary Street, Highgate. Morning tea and lunch provided. Participants are encouraged to commit to all four sessions as they are connected. Please indicate any dietary requirements or accessibility needs to Imelda. Registration is essential. Further info and registration, contact Imelda reception.capac@ or 08 6104 3600. THU, 9 MAR RITE OF ELECTION OF CATECHUMENS AND FORMAL RECOGNITION OF CANDIDATES The Rite of Election of Catechumens and formal recognition of candidates will be held on Thursday 9 March at St Mary's Cathedral, Perth 7.30pm. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB will preside. All welcome as parishes throughout the Archdiocese gather to celebrate and witness God's election of those seeking to be received into the Church at Easter and their election to become one with the Catholic community of faith as they are presented to the Archbishop and his delegates: Bishop Don Sproxton, Fr Peter Whitely, Vicar General and Monsignor Michael Keating, Dean of the Cathedral. Further info: Karen Hart, rcia@perthcatholic. or 08 6104 3696.

WED, 15 MAR AUTUMN PRAYER DAY Come join us and experience a gentle, prayerful day at tranquil, on the theme, "Finding Healing and Hope in the Miracles of Jesus.” Wednesday 15 March 10-1pm. Tea and light lunch provided. Kilmolee at Safety Bay, 182 Arcadia Drive, Safety Bay. Cost by donation. RSVP essential for catering purposes. Further info: Sr Dianne 08 9527 3240 or dianne. FRI, 17 MAR ST PATRICK’S DAY MASS St Patrick’s Day Mass will be celebrated on Friday, 17 March, 10am at St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Square, Perth. Principal celebrant and homilist is Rev Fr Vincent Conroy. Please note that there is limited parking at the Cathedral. Other parking is available at PCC Parking Stations in the vicinity. The Red Cat free bus service runs past the Cathedral regularly and stops at other convenient locations, particularly Perth Train Station. Further info: 08 9446 3784 or FRI, 17 - SUN, 19 MAR

LAUDATO SI’ WEEKEND RETREAT 1 Brother Terry Casey and Sr Shelly Barlow RNDM, are offering a series of four Laudato Si Weekend Retreats across March to July. The first of the Weekend Retreats will be on Friday 17 March, 4pm to Sunday 19 March, 2pm, at Kilmolee, Safety Bay, Ministry of the Josephite Sisters, 182 Arcadia Drive, Safety Bay. Further SAT, 11 MAR info: flyer and registration BREAKFAST IN THE GARDEN contact Sr Shelley Barlow RNDM The Mary MacKillop Foundation 08 9271 3873, 0499 352 899 or invites you to “Breakfast in the; or Garden”. Come and join the fun, Br Terry Casey CFC, 0422 966 453, meet old friends and make new ones. Garden Venue; Saturday 11 March at 8am, Mary MacKillop FRI. 24 - SUN, 26 MAR Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth FOOTWASHING AWAITING (St Joseph’s Convent). Bring $15 DISCOVERY for brekkie, byo chairs, tables, For most Christians washing each blankets, umbrellas, sun screen, other’s feet is simply a curiosity of smiles! RSVP before 7 March to the liturgy. Many have never seen Laurie Mayne 08 9271 5649, or it done, much less done it. However it is a well-founded action, one that

goes back to the practice of Jesus and is one of the signs used by John the evangelist in his preaching of the Gospel. During this weekend we will ask what we are doing and what does it mean when we wash each other’s feet. We will discuss who might do it, what is needed and how to get started. We will consider times other than Holy Thursday when we might do foot washing. The text book for this reading weekend will be Washing Feet: Imitating the Example of Jesus in the Liturgy Today, by Thomas O’Loughlin available at www. or through the Institute for $20. Cost: $300. Further info: Sr Jill O’Brien sgs au or Sr Carmel Posa sgs carmel. or 08 9654 8371. 2017 JOSEPHITE SPIRITUALITY BROCHURE A copy of the 2107 Josephite Spirituality Brochure which includes all our usual events and more such as Come and See, Praying our Experiences, Retreats, Prayer Days, Remembering Mary MacKillop, and Associates’ Gatherings is now available. To get a copy please contact Laura; 08 9334 0999 or CONVENANT The Centre for Liturgy will release the Lent 2017 Small Groups Program in February 2017. Place your order now. Further info: cfl@ or 08 9207 3350. SUBSCRIBE TO THE eRECORD Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via The eRecord. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to communications@

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