The eRecord Edition #60 - 03 December 2015

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Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

3 December 2015

Edition #60

Archbishop to open Holy Door at St Mary’s Cathedral for Year of Mercy ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY Costelloe will this month celebrate the commencement of the Jubilee Year of Mercy with the opening of the Holy Door at St Mary’s Cathedral. The landmark event will take place on Saturday, 12 December at the 5.30pm Mass, with all members of the Perth Catholic community invited to come together for the occasion. The opening of the Holy Door for the Year of Mercy, which starts officially on 8 December on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, is in accordance with the wishes of Pope Francis. A number of churches across the Archdiocese, Australia and the world, which have been designated as special places of pilgrimage for the Holy Year, will also open their Holy Doors. Archbi shop Timot hy Costelloe said the ceremony will mark the beginning of our journey along the pathway set out by Pope Francis in the letter he wrote to announce this wonderful initiative (Misericordiae Vultus). “In that letter, he calls on the Church and on each of us who, together, constitute the Church, to ‘echo the word of God that resounds strong and clear as a message and a sign of pardon, strength, help and love’,” (MV25) Archbishop Costelloe said. “Ever since his election in 2013, Pope Francis has placed the theme of mercy at the

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe prepares to enter the Holy Door at his installation Mass on 21 March 2012. Archbishop Costelloe will this month celebrate the commencement of the Jubilee Year of Mercy with the opening of the Holy Door at St Mary’s Cathedral on December 12. PHOTO: RON TAN

heart of his ministry. “He would tell us, I am sure, that he has done so because he has experienced the joy of God’s mercy in his own life. “In accepting his election to the papacy, we are told that he said quite simply, ‘I am a sinner but I trust in the infinite mercy and patience of Our Lord Jesus Christ’. “In this Jubilee Year, we are all invited to recognise that what is true for Pope Francis is also true for us.” In a statement released this

week, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference said Pope Francis wants the Holy Year to be for believers, ‘a true moment of encounter with the mercy of God’. The statement went on to say that the Holy Father asks the faithful to make pilgrimage to the Holy Door, open in every cathedral or in the churches designated by the diocesan bishop. Everyone can participate in the Jubilee pilgrimage. Throughout Australia, Holy

Doors are planned in every diocese to symbolise our entry into a new experience of the mercy of God. The National Office for Evangelisation will be a source of information and resources about how dioceses are celebrating the Year of Mercy locally. The Jubilee Year of Mercy will conclude on 20 November 2016, the Feast of Christ the King. Full Text available at 1

Assistant Priest at St Mary’s Cathedral, Fr Jeffey Casabuena, delivers his homily during the Filipino Inaugural Mass on 14 November 2015. PHOTO: RON TAN

Perth Filipino community gathers for inaugural celebration of faith, culture By Marco Ceccarelli

THE FILIPINO CATHOLIC community from across the Archdiocese of Perth last month came together at St Mary’s Cathedral for the first time to celebrate the instalment of a monthly Mass in honour of their culture and faith. The occasion was attended by more than 600 people and celebrated by Perth’s own newly-ordained Assistant Priest at St Mary’s Cathedral, Fr Jeffey Casabuena. The instalment of the monthly event will aim to demonstrate the devotion of the Filipino community to both their faith and to the Australian Catholic Church which has so warmly welcomed them. In his homily for the occasion, Fr Casabuena emphasised how privileged he felt to be part of what he termed a “historical moment”. Referring to the monthly Mass as a strong sign of unity for the Perth Filipino community, Fr Casabuena expressed deep sense of gratitude to God for the opportunity to cel-

ebrate the Eucharist among fellow Filipino nationals and in the Filipino language. “This Mass is a way for us to thank God for our faith and for the gift of Australia,” Fr Casabuena said. “Many Filipinos, if not all, have experienced lots of challenges in life and have seen how God has always been providential. He has given us Australia as a place where we could start a new beginning,” he said. “We should remember this when we are asked to reciprocate and live lives that are charitable. We also remember how Australia has been one of the few countries which reached out to us during the devastating typhoon two years ago. It is now time to reciprocate the love Australia has extended to us,” he added. In an interview with The eRecord journalist Marco Ceccarelli, Fr Casabuena further commented on the importance of a Filipino Mass in Perth, seeing the event as a sign of a fast growing community that is gradually adapting to Australian culture. “The first benefit of this

Assistant Priest at St Mary’s Cathedral, Fr Jeffey Casabuena, distributes communion during the Filipino Inaugural Mass on 14 November 2015. PHOTO: RON TAN

Mass is that it strengthens our bond and unity as Filipinos. Secondly, we feel blessed to see how our Filipino faith and culture has earned the support and respect of the Australian Catholic Church. The Filipino Mass, as well as other national and cultural liturgical celebrations, is a sign of the openness and adaptation of the Australian Church to Australia’s multiculturalism,” he said. After the mass, and in a very typical Filipino manner, the congregation continued to celebrate with a Lamesa

pagkatapos ng Misa - literally interpreted as sharing in the table of food after sharing in the table of the Lord, in the Parish Centre of the Cathedral. The next Filipino Mass will be on Saturday, 12 December at 4:30pm, just before the Inauguration of the Jubilee Year Door of Mercy celebrated by His Grace, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB. There will be no social gathering after the Filipino Mass. Full Text available at


Archbishop Costelloe signs Petition, Perth Catholics March for Climate Change By Jamie O’Brien

THE EFFECTS of climate change and the resolve to find a solution has last week prompted Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe to join other local and national religious leaders to sign the Catholic Climate Petition. The petition was presented to the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, Christiana Figueres, and Special Envoy of the French President for the Protection of the Planet, Nicolas Hulot, on 28 November at the ‘Faith in Climate Justice’ (Les Religions Pour le Climat) event in Paris. Bearing the signatures of 850,000 Catholics from 137 countries, the petition urged world leaders to resolve to drastically cut carbon emissions to keep the global temperature rise below the dangerous threshold of 1.5°C, while also asking for the provision of aid for the world’s poorest in coping with climate change impacts. In the weeks leading up to the Faith in Climate Justice convention in Paris, Pope Francis led the charge of calling for change, inviting people around the world to participate a March. The People’s Climate March was supported by the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) which is led in Australia by Catholic Earthcare Australia and held in various cities across the globe. In Perth, the March took place starting at Wellington Square on Sunday, 29 November. Local reports have it that some 8,000 people took part in the event locally, compared with 150,000 nationally and 800,000 internationally. Director of the Justice,

The effects of climate change and the resolve to find a solution has last week prompted Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe to join other local and national religious leaders to sign the Catholic Climate Petition. PHOTO: ACBC

Ecology and Development Office for the Archdiocese of Perth, Carol Mitchell, echoed the statement released by GCCM earlier on in the week. “This is all about working together to better understand what is happening around us, while also finding and implementing lasting solutions that will bring about change for the benefit of all creation,” Mrs Mitchell said. “Pope Francis has said that the future of humanity does not lie solely in the hands of great leaders, the great powers and the elites – so it is up to us to start working on solutions together now,” Mrs Mitchell said. The Pope also said the task

at hand is fundamentally in the hands of peoples and in their ability to organise. “It is in their hands, which can guide with humility and conviction this process of change,” the Pope said. “Let us exercise our ‘global ecological citizenship’ to usher in this process of transformation for justice, harmony, and peace.” The call for change was also emphasised by Director of Catholic Earthcare Australia, Jacqui Remond, and Caritas Australia Chief Executive Officer, Paul O’Callaghan, who met with Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trading, the Hon Julie Bishop.

Ms Remond and Mr O’Callaghan pre sented Minister Bishop with the Australian signatures collected for the global Catholic Climate petition, conveying the sentiments of the Australian Catholic Community. Ms Remond also presented photos of Australian Bishops who signed the GCCM petition as recently as earlier the same day. Ms Remond said the meeting was engaging and included discussion about Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, as well as the work currently being undertaken by faith communities who have made declarations about climate change. Laudato Si’ – Caring for Our Common Home was released by Pope Francis in September this year, and calls on people to seek new ways to understand the economy, condemn the throwaway culture and dependence on technology and to reassess the dignity of humanity and the integrity of creation in finding solutions to the ecological crisis. Ms Mitchell went on to explain that, in the lead-up to the events last week, the GCCM were also compelled to call for a month of climate action. In a statement released supporting climate action, the organisations said the Month of Climate Action would work like a virtual pilgrimage, paralleling the fasts and People’s Pilgrimages that have been occurring around the world with those advocating for climate action and justice. Full Text available at 3

Volunteers an indispensable

element of The Shopfront By Marco Ceccarelli

AS ONE walks through the premises of The Shopfront in Maylands during a busy weekday, it is immediately evident that the volunteers are the very heartbeat that pumps life through the Archdiocesan LifeLink organisation. As visitors trickle in through the front door, they are warmly greeted by a volunteer and offered something to eat, drink, or are simply invited to enjoy the company of those present. Commenting on the outstanding work undertaken by those who freely offer a helping hand, The Shopfront Director Brian Tierney explained that the work of the volunteers reflects the mission of his agency, which is “to respect the equal dignity of each person who comes as a visitor”. “This fundamental principle of Catholic Social Justice teaching guides all the work of the agency: the way in which visitors are greeted and the interaction between volunteers and visitors,” he said. Another important aspect of The Shopfront outlined by Mr Tierney, is the recognition that people who come as visitors have something to give as well as to receive. Their stories often demonstrate great courage and resilience as well as good humour in the face of hardship.

The backbone of The Shopfront – from left to right, volunteers Noreen Moncrieff, Anelia Irdi, Denise Lavey and Julie Taylor are among many volunteers who provide an invaluable service at The Shopfront. PHOTO: MARCO CECCARELLI

Essentially, the work of The Shopfront depends on the generosity of the volunteers and the wonderful support received from a number of Catholic colleges, parishes, businesses and individuals. One of the volunteers who has been at The Shopfront for more than a decade is Anelia Irdi. Driven by a desire to help the marginalised in society, and inspired by ex-director of The Shopfront, Sister Mary Claude McNamara, Anelia joined as a casual volunteer in 2004 and has since never looked back. “My experience here has been overwhelmingly positive,” Anelia said, taking

a break from tending to a remembrance wall for those who have been through The Shopfront and have passed away. “When I am here, I feel that I receive something. For those few hours, you’re totally divorced from your own world and you’re just focused on this part of life; your cares and worries just fade into insignificance. I’ve made some great friends among both the volunteers and Shopfront visitors. LifeLink agencies collectively touch the lives of more than 31,000 people in need each year through the provision of accommodation, food, clothing, financial assistance with

electricity and gas accounts, and the protection of women and children escaping domestic violence and abuse. In this year’s Christmas LifeLink Ap peal , the Archbishop is setting a target of $700,000 so as to help fund agencies in being able to meet the needs of those who knock on the doors of Archdiocesan agencies. T h e 2 015 LifeLink Christmas Appeal will be officially launched in parishes on 14 and 15 November. To donate to LifeLink, go to Full Text available at


Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

Email: JAMIE O’BRIEN Senior Communications Officer/Editor | FEBY PLANDO Production Officer feby.plando@ | MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist | MARK REIDY Journalist mark.reidy@ | FAYANN D’SOUZA Digital Media Officer | CHRISTINE JAQUES Proofreader | BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration


What’s happening around the Archdiocese THURSDAY, 3 - SATURDAY, 5 DECEMBER AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC YOUTH FESTIVAL The Australian Catholic Youth Festival is a national gathering of Catholic young people established by the ACBC. Join thousands of young people in Adelaide to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus and be empowered to be disciples in the world today. Young people from Year 9 to young adults 25 years of age are invited. Further info: au.

TUESDAY, 8 DECEMBER AN ADVENT JOURNEY WITH THE DESERT FATHERS AND MOTHERS This short course will explore the lives and spirituality of some of the Desert Fathers and Mothers of the early Church, and contemplate the spiritual wisdom they have to offer ordinary Christians of the 21st century. A great way to enter into the season of Advent. Held at St Brigid’s Parish, 69B Morrison Rd, Midland, Tuesdays, 1 and 8 December, 10am-12pm. Cost: 2 sessions $10. Presented by Dr Carmel Posa SGS. Further info and to register: Centre for Faith Enrichment, 08 9241 5221, cfe@, www.cfe.

FRIDAY, 4 DECEMBER THE WORLD APOSTOLATE OF FATIMA VIGIL The World Apostolate of Fatima is holding a formatted four hour Vigil at St Cecelia’s Catholic Church, cnr Grantham Street and Kenmore Crescent, Floreat, on Friday, 4 December. Rosary will begin at 7pm and Mass will follow at 7.30pm. Confession will be available and time for quiet private prayer. The intentions for the evening are reparation to the


EDITION #60 | 3 December 2015

Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the salvation of souls. All are welcome.

SATURDAY, 5 DECEMBER TEACHING MORNING ON THE YEAR OF MERCY Commencing with Mass at 9am (Ordinariate use). Msgr Harry Entwistle, Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross will present teaching on the Year of Mercy from 10am to 11.10am at St Ninian & Chad, 11 Susan Street, Maylands. Everyone is welcome but all attendees should have read the Papal bull Misericordiae Vultus before attending. Please bring your bible.

SUNDAY, 6 DECEMBER 39TH ANNUAL ROSARY PROCESSION FOR THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION St Joseph’s Catholic Parish, 20 Hamilton Street, Bassendean invites all to join in their 39th Annual Rosary Procession in honour of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception on Sunday, 6 December, at 3:00pm, followed by homily, Benediction and refreshments. Please bring a plate to share. A Triduum of Rosaries will be held from Wed, 2 Dec – 4 Dec at 7pm. Further info: 08 9379 2691. DIVINE MERCY An afternoon with Jesus and Mary will be on Sunday, 6 December at St Francis Xavier’s Church, 25 Windsor St, East Perth. Fr Doug Harris will be speaking on the Holy Family. The afternoon program includes Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, confession, Holy Rosary, Divine Mercy prayers, Benediction and veneration of St Faustina Kowalska first class relic. Fellowship will follow in the hall. Further info: Julia or June Murphy on 08 9457 7771.

MONDAY, 7 DECEMBER EMMANUEL CENTRE’S CHRISTMAS PARTY All are warmly invited to the Emmanuel Centre’s Christmas celebrations from 11am - 2pm. Beginning with our much-loved Christmas carol singing followed by lunch and sharing. Please bring a small plate of finger food to share. RSVP: by 2 December. Further info: Barbara 08 9328 8113, emmanuelcentre@ THE ROAD TO BETHLEHEM The Road to Bethlehem is an Advent liturgy in preparation for Christmas. The story of Christian Redemption - from the Fall to the Birth of our Saviour - is narrated in 9 readings and carols held at St Thomas the Apostle Parish, Claremont commencing at 7pm. All welcome. WORLD YOUTH DAY PILGRIM MEETING


Are you aged 18 – 35 years old and interested in joining millions of young people from around the world in Poland with Pope Francis next year? All WYD pilgrims and interested pilgrims are invited to the next WYD pilgrims’ meeting to be held on Monday, 7 December, 7:30pm-8:30pm at Catholic Youth Ministry, 40A Mary St, Highgate. This meeting will include updated information on the pilgrimages. Pilgrimage info is available on www.cym. Further info and to RSVP:, 08 9422 7912.

TUESDAY, 8 DECEMBER SPECIAL EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION TO OPEN YEAR OF MERCY AND CLOSE YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE Archbishop Timothy Costelloe extends a warm invitation to all family members, parishioners and Religious to join him for this special Eucharistic Celebration to

open the Year of Mercy and to close the Year of Consecrated Life; on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Tuesday, 8 December, St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Sq, Perth at 12.10pm.

WEDNESDAY, 9 DECEMBER MIRACLE PRAYERS HEALING SERVICE The next Miracle Prayers healing service is being held on Wednesday, 9 December, 7.30pm at 67 Howe St, Osborne Park. Dr Michelle Jones, Director of the Centre for Faith Enrichment and canonically consecrated, will be speaking on the night. Personal prayer for healing and the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available. All welcome. Further info: 08 9202 6868; miracleprayersperth.

WEDNESDAY, 9 - SUNDAY, 13 DECEMBER EMBRACE THE GRACE YOUTH CONFERENCE ‘Embrace the Grace’ (ETG) is a not to be missed annual youth conference on 9-13 December in New Norcia for 16-30 year olds. At ETG you will explore faith and life’s greatest questions through dynamic talks, workshops, music, drama and prayer. There will also be a mini-Olympics and a dinner dance. (If you would like to help with a donation toward sponsorship to assist a young person to attend, please contact CYM). Further info: Catholic Youth Ministry 08 9422 7912,, or register at embracethegrace.

FRIDAY, 11 - SUNDAY, 13 DECEMBER THE SEASON OF CHRISTMAS RETREAT The Monks of New Norcia will be presenting a spirituality retreat titled The Season of Christmas. Time will be spent reflecting on Christmas as a feast of light,

when ‘we are filled with new light by the coming of the Word’ that shines not only on us but in

places are strictly limited. Register at www.SummerSchool.



8002, au.

SUNDAY, 13 DECEMBER OUR LADY, HELP OF CHRISTIANS, 80TH ANNIVERSARY The parish of Our Lady Help of Christians, East Victoria Park invites past community members, together with those who served in the parish and school for a special 80th Anniversary celebration Mass and morning tea, held on Sunday, 13 December, 9.30am, at 43 Camberwell St, East Victoria Park. (Parking near Fraser Park, Balmoral St, East Vic Park). Main celebrant: Most Rev Donald Sproxton, Auxiliary Bishop of Perth. Further info and RSVP by 20 Nov: Dennis 08 9361 5135,;


SUNDAY, 20 DECEMBER CHRISTMAS AT THE QUARRY An original Christmas production ‘Kings’ presented by the Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity Choir, featuring Paul Wright as Concertmaster and Mezzosoprano, Bianca Hurley, followed by Christmas carols. Held at the Quarry Amphitheatre, 1 Waldron Drv, City Beach, on Sunday, 20 December, at 7.30pm. BYO picnic. Tickets available through Ticketmaster – ‘Christmas at the Quarry’, or click here. Further info: Bernadette 0439 098 658.

SUNDAY, 10 - MONDAY, 18 JANUARY SUMMER SCHOOL OF EVANGELISATION YOUTH RETREAT 2016 The Summer School of Evangelisation provides a chance to retreat for a week into the powerful experience of the Holy Spirit of God. This Spirit opens up the possibilities for conversion, deepening faith, peace, healing, joy, freedom and passion for the Gospel of Jesus. One of Perth’s largest Catholic youth retreats – be quick as


EDITION #60 | 5 December 2015

against children, including

revised orders such as: When

whether all child sex offenders

We Marry. These resources will be available in early 2016 from

us. Further info and bookings: Bernadette

formation resources about the

are ‘paedophiles’ who sexually


Liturgy Brisbane and Catholic

abuse children, whether most

retailers across Australia. Further

child sex offenders were victims


info: Dr Paul Taylor, Executive

of sexual abuse themselves,

Universal prayer intention: “That all may experience the mercy of God, who never tires of forgiving”.

for Liturgy on 03 9926 5753,

Secretary, Bishops Commission

rates of recidivism among child

sex offenders and the number of


children sex offenders typically

Evangelisation prayer intention: “That families, especially those who suffer, may find in the birth of Jesus a sign of certain hope”.


abuse before they are detected

Commission hearing into

by police.


the Royal Commission’s public

Churches - The TJHC met with

hearing into the Archdiocese of

chancellors, vicars general and

Melbourne finishes today. This is

child protection professionals

New Christmas CD titled ‘Christmas Sounds from St Mary’s Cathedral’ is a compilation of favourite carols and Christmas music featuring the golden voice of the Cathedral’s Principal Cantor, Carly Power, and the beautiful sounds of Cathedral’s Dodd organ. Recorded live at St Mary’s Cathedral. Also features Schubert’s ever-popular ‘Ave Maria’ in a newly recorded duet version sung by Carly and young baritone Joshua Adams. Cost: $15 (Ideal Christmas gift). Available at the Cathedral Piety Stall or phone Jacinta on 08 9223 1377. REVISED ORDERS FOR CELEBRATING CONFIRMATION AND MATRIMONY The Permanent Committee of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has approved that the Revised Orders for Celebrating Confirmation and Matrimony “can be used” from the First Sunday of Advent, 29 November 2015, and “must be used” by the First Sunday of Lent, 14 February 2016. Copies can be purchased from St Pauls Publications, Strathfield NSW and Catholic retailers. Digital versions have been integrated into a CD-Rom Resource ‘Labora Worship’ from Liturgy Brisbane and the website www. maintained by Creative Ministry Resources, Hobart. Liturgical and pastoral ministers, religious education teachers, catechists and couples preparing for marriage are encouraged to utilise liturgical

Melbourne Archdiocese starts this week - The first week of

the 35th public hearing and the 12th into a Catholic institution

TJHC in consultation with

from NSW dioceses last week

since the Commission started

to map what lies ahead for the

public hearings in September

Catholic Church as the work of

2013. Again, it is incumbent on

the Royal Commission continues.

all Church witnesses appearing before the hearing to be fully

At a separate meeting, the

cooperative and to speak the

Council met with other Churches

truth without defensiveness or

in Sydney last week to talk


about shared concerns such as

Church guidelines for responding

response to victims, the need

to civil claims for child sexual abuse - Guidelines for how Church authorities should respond when claims of child sexual abuse are made against them have been released this

for a national redress scheme, data collection and policy developments. Truth, Justice Healing Council -

week. The guidelines, which

have been endorsed by the

The Royal Commission – www.

Church leadership, will come into effect from 1 January 2016 and are designed to promote justice and consistency in the way the Church handles child sexual abuse claims and conduct au. E-RECORD NEWSLETTER UPDATE

Local news from across our

litigation when taken to court.

parishes, agencies, schools and

They also include a requirement

organisations can be delivered

for Church dioceses or religious

weekly directly to your inbox

orders to assist a claimant to identify the correct defendant to

via the e-Record e-newsletter. It

respond to legal proceedings.

contains the latest news, events

Misperceptions about child sex

and photos from the Archdiocese.

offenders - Sexual offending

Parishes receive a PDF copy of

against children is a highly

the e-newsletter to print off and

emotive issue so it is important public policy initiatives to

distribute for those who don’t

prevent and respond to child

have or don’t use email. Subscribe

sexual abuse are based on the

to the e-newsletter by sending

available evidence. This 2011


paper by researcher, Kelly Richards, addresses five common



media@per thc atholic .org. au.

misperceptions about the

Further info: Jamie O’Brien 08

perpetrators of sexual offences

9220 5900.

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