The eRecord Edition #107 - 10 November 2016

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10 November 2016

Edition #107


Archbishop Timothy Costelloe is inviting people to give generously to his annual ‘Christmas Appeal for LifeLink’ on appeal weekend.

By Marco Ceccarelli

This evening, 10 November, more than 160 parish priests and parish appeal representatives will attend a special Liturgical Service at St Mary’s Cathedral in which Archbishop Timothy Costelloe will outline his plans for his annual ‘Christmas Appeal for LifeLink.’ The appeal will be announced in parishes throughout the Archdiocese this weekend, 12-13 November. ARCHBISHOP COSTELLOE’S message to parishioners this year was inspired by Pope Francis’ “healer of wounds and warmer of hearts” metaphor, used by the Pope to describe the mission to which the Church is called today.

Pope Francis compared the Church to a field hospital receiving the wounded after battle, highlighting the futility of addressing the wounded’s cholesterol or blood sugar levels, when the most urgent need was for the wounds to be healed first. Archbishop Costelloe uses this example to explain how Jesus taught by both word and example and instructed His followers to do the same. He suggests that by supporting the work of the LifeLink agencies, we are all afforded the opportunity of helping people in need this Christmas. “[Jesus] made it a test of discipleship that we who claim to follow Him should do as He did,” the Archbishop states. “It is all summed up in the

words which conclude the challenging parable of the Good Samaritan. Having told the story of the generosity, sensitivity and courage of the Samaritan traveller who, in contrast to the two Jewish religious leaders who walked by on the other side, stopped to help a man in desperate need, Jesus said to His listeners, ‘Now go and do the same yourselves.’” LifeLink agencies reach out to help more than 34,000 Western Australians in need each year, through the provision of accommodation, food, clothing, emergency assistance, counselling, and the protection of women and children escaping domestic violence and abuse. The A r c h bi shop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink


will be officially launched in parishes throughout the Archdiocese on the weekend of 19-20 November 2016. In advance of this launch, parishes will distribute the Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal Letters following each Mass this weekend – 12-13 November, 2016. This is the only appeal conducted in parishes each year to help support welfare delivery in the Archdiocese of Perth. To help ‘heal the wounds and warm the hearts’ of people in need this Christmas, you can donate securely online at Full Text available at


Archbishop Timothy Costelloe walks with Parish Priest of St Patrick’s Basilica, Fr John Sebastian OMI (right) and Deacon Patrick Moore during the 2016 Blessing of the Fleet. Fremantle Mayor, Brad Pettitt and Italian Consul for Perth, David Balloni, can be seen in the background. PHOTO: DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA

Blessing of the Fleet continues to sail into the hearts of locals

By Daniele Foti-Cuzzola

THE USUALLY QUAINT, historic streets of the port city of Fremantle came to life on Sunday, 30 October, as a crowd of marching bands and devout Catholics walked the streets in honour of Our Lady. The Blessing of the Fleet, as it has been known for the last 68 years, attracted numerous curious passersby, some of whom joined the procession to and from the boat harbour. Reminiscent of a traditional Italian Festa (feast), the event occurs on the last Sunday of October. It has been a staple for the City of Fremantle and a main fixture on many West Australian Catholics and

non-Catholics’ calendars. B e g i n n i n g at S a i nt Patrick’s Basilica with a Mass celebrated by Perth Archbishop Timot hy Costelloe, this year the procession paused at St John’s Anglican Church, where Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and former Anglican Archbishop Peter Carnley shook hands. The ecumenical gesture was warmly welcomed by Archbishop Carnley, who defined it as “a sign to all the world, particularly at this very troubled and unsettled point in its history, of the human unity and peace which the gospel of Christ calls men and women of all races and nations, as they seek to live life well together in community.”

This year the procession paused at St John’s Anglican Church, where Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and former Anglican Archbishop Peter Carnley met in the spirit of ecumenical communion . PHOTO: DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA

La Madonna Dei Martiri is carried through the streets of Fremantle as part of the 68th Blessing of The Fleet procession, held on 30 October 2016. PHOTO: DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA

The congregation, which included Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettit, then continued to the fishermen’s boat harbour where both Madonna statues were placed on separate boats and blessed by Archbishop Costelloe. Following tradition, the statues were taken around the harbour on boats and returned to St Patrick’s Basilica, w it h a br ief stopover at the esplanade for fireworks.

While Fremantle is today widely recognised for its large Italian community, the pioneer Italian migrants of Fremantle were mostly fishermen from the Sicilian city of Capo d’Orlando, the Aeolian Islands in the province of Messina, Sicily, and the town of Molfetta in the province of Bari, southern Italy. Full Text available at



THERE WAS cause for double celebration at Saint Columba’s School in Bayswater on Friday, 28 October, as the school celebrated its 80th anniversary and the official opening of its new classrooms. Among those in attendance were two of Saint Columba’s most well-known alumni, former student Bishop Donald Sproxton and the school’s first lay principal, Philomena Billington. Liberal Senator Chris Back; Bayswater Mayor, Barry McKenna and Lisa Baker MLA for Maylands were also present. The celebrations began with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Sproxton at St Columba’s Community Church and continued on the school oval, where the official opening and naming of the new classrooms took place. The new buildings were named after Bishop Sproxton and Ms Billington, during a moving anniversary celebration. Ms Billington, who now resides in the Eastern states, came to Perth especially for the celebrations. “What an extraordinary day for me,” she told the congregation during an emotional speech after the Mass. “How full is my heart today? It’s a bit of a challenge really.” Ms Billington spoke fondly of her time as principal at St Columba’s and recalled the school’s strong community spirit that helped her through difficult times in her life. “Saint Columba’s community helped me and my son Ryan to rebuild our lives. So when I am asked, ‘What is the X Factor about being part of Saint Columba’s?’ It’s community, and a deep sense of community…it’s a place of welcome, and love and of acceptance,” she told the crowd. “In my life, things were a bit tough. But this community said, ‘Come here, we’ll look after you, we’ll love you’. Parents used to bring me meals when I had had a long day. So when I remember Saint Columba’s - my heart is full.” Ms Billington also spoke fondly of the wonderful family nights, art exhibitions and soirees that took place at the school during her time as principal. “This is God’s house and God wants

CLOCKWISE: La Madonna Dei Martiri is carried through the streets of Fremantle as part of the 68th Blessing of The Fleet procession, held on 30 October 2016 Bishop Donald Sproxton blesses one of the new classrooms. Saint Columba’s choir provided quality entertainment on the day. PHOTOS: DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA

his house to be filled with people, and joy, and youth,” she said. The former principal was also moved to tears by the school choir. “For me to come back and the music (to be) so beautiful, is the greatest gift,” she added. Bishop Donald Sproxton also spoke about the strong community spirit that he experienced at Saint Columba’s during his time there as a student. “Certainly many of us who have been at this school ourselves are very grateful for what we received from those who taught us and from the friendships we developed in those days,” Bishop Sproxton said, before paying special tribute to the volunteers of Saint Columba’s School community. “That work of supporting the school, enabling it to continue, enabling it to provide an education, that they hoped

people would receive…this is something I’m mindful of today in naming the classroom after me. Really, it is also honouring my parents”. As students sang on the school oval, Principal Greg Martin walked Ms Billington into the new classrooms, which were then blessed by the Bishop Sproxton. “Today marks another milestone in the development of Saint Columba’s school,” Mr Martin told guests after the blessing. “We prepare our students for the future, interwoven with wonderful memories and achievements of the past. This powerful combination will ensure that Saint Columba’s will continue to develop our community leaders for tomorrow”. Full Text available at



“Poor fellows, had they seen it in broad daylight they never would have attempted it.” These are the words of Father John Fahey, describing the perilous order for Australian soldiers to rush up the 45 degree hills of the Gallipoli peninsula, into the territory of the ferocious Ottoman Army, following the landing at Anzac Cove on 25 April 1915. Fr Fahey, an Ir i sh missionary who arrived in Western Australia in 1907, was chaplain to the 11th Battalion of the 3rd Australian Brigade, and among the first to reach the beach during the assault. His sur v iv ing letters – pre s e r ve d b y t he Archives of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth – provide a vivid account of the hell the Australian soldiers experienced and an important opportunity for ref lection ahead of Remembrance Day on 11 November. “There was a dreadful slaughter in the boats,” Fr Fahey wrote in a letter to then Archbishop of Perth, Patrick Clune, dated 16 May 1915. “First the cox was shot, then an oarsman fell dead across my feet; then a bullet came through the boat and grazed the puttee on my leg, then another of the men

Preserved letters from Father John Fahey, a chaplain to the 11th Battalion of the 3rd Australian Brigade during World War I, provide an important opportunity for reflection ahead of Remembrance Day.

collapsed without a sound and we knew he was dead, and so on. “It was horrible. I got to the beach exhausted and had to lie down among the falling bullets to get my breath.” According to historian Ruth Marchant James, author of the biographical article Major John Fahey DSO: War Chaplain and Hero, Fr Fahey went onshore at Gallipoli contrary to the rule for

chaplains to wait until the beach had been secured. He was subsequently awarded a Distinguished Service Order for his bravery – the only chaplain awarded a combat medal in the Gallipoli campaign. In his letter to the Archbishop, Fr Fahey said he remained on the beach for the entire day and night of the landing, “attending to both soul and body” among

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the many dead and wounded. The following days and weeks did not get any easier for the soldiers, with Fr Fahey declaring that “nowhere is safe” from the Turkish artillery, who “know all the ranges perfectly”. “I do not know if I shall get through this for we live from minute to minute but, in case should not, I wish to mention here my appreciation of Australian soldiers,” he wrote. “They a re s plend id fellows, every one, and I am so glad to be associated with them. Nothing could excel their courage and their cheerfulness in the most trying positions. “I have never heard a wounded man groan. The only question is when they will be fit to return to the firing line.” Despite several close calls at Gallipoli, Fr Fahey survived the campaign, only for his battalion to be sent to the Western Front in March 1916. In a letter to Archbishop Clune dated 29 July 1916, he compared the fighting he had seen in France with his experiences in Turkey. “Whatever I have said in previous letters about the horrors of war, I wish now to withdraw. I must admit that I have not seen the real thing until the last fortnight,” he wrote. Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

RACHEL CURRY Journalist DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA Video Journalist BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer


PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese

FRI, 11 - SUN, 13 NOV THE COMING OF THE LORD - RETREAT Advent is a time of gathering, anticipation for the birth of the Saviour in our history, in our hearts and in our future. Come and spend some time in conversation and prayer exploring the significance of this joyous time for our lives and our world. Presented by Jill O’Brien SGS. Recommended cost: $260. Further info: New Norcia Institute for Benedictine Studies, Dr Carmel Posa SGS, 08 9654 8371, carmel. au; Jill O’Brien, jill.obrien@ SAT, 12 NOV MULTICULTURAL MASS & PRAYER FOR REFUGEES The Episcopal Vicar of Migrants warmly invites you to celebrate the Multicultural Mass as one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. Friday 11 November, 7pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth. Presider will be Archbishop Costelloe SDB. Everyone is invited to come in their National Dress. SAT, 12 - SUN, 13 NOV VOCATIONS REFLECTION WEEKEND DAYS – SALVATORIAN FATHERS Vocation Reflection Days are designed to help young men decide what direction their future will take. In Christian life, there are three vocations: marriage, single life and priesthood/religious life. The Salvatorian Fathers will hold Reflection Weekend Days to help young men (18-35 years) find their way in life by 1

EDITION #107 | 10 November 2016

deepening their faith, learning more about the Salvatorian Order and developing new friendships with other young men. The reflection weekend starts at 2.10pm, Saturday, 12 November finishing at 1pm, Sunday, 13 November, at Salvatorian Community House, 2 Caledonia Ave, Currambine. There will be time for prayer, spiritual development and social activities. Further info: or to register: vocations@ or 08 9304 2904, 0488 111 574, Fr Greg Skulski SDS. WED, 16 NOV SPRING PRAYER DAY Wednesday, 16 November, 10-1pm, Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth. (9.30am morning tea and lunch provided). Theme: "I have come that you may have life...". Cost: donation. RSVP essential by Thursday, 10 November for catering purposes to Laura 08 9334 0999, Imccarthy@sosjwa. FRI, 18 - SUN, 20 NOV RETREAT- OUR RESPONSE TO GOD’S LOVE Annual Retreat of the Secular Franciscan Order lead by Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey live-in/ live-out 18-20 November, St Catherine’s House of Hospitality Tuart Hill. Six talks covering “Listening to Holy Scripture”, “Jesus Crucified”, “Blessed are the Pure of Heart” and “Our Vocation in the Church and the World”. Mass and reconciliation. All welcome. Bookings; David au 0400 061 106.

FRI, 18 NOV QUEEN OF APOSTLES PARISH - PILGRIMAGE INFORMATION NIGHT Only 8 places left for the exciting Christian pilgrimage to the Holy Land including Jordan, 5-20 May 2017. Come and join us for an information night presented by a native who lives now in Perth on Friday, 18 November, 6.30pm at Queen of the Apostles Parish, 55 Tudor Ave, Riverton. Further info; Mary Mclean 0400 553 140 visit www.christianpilgrimage. SUN, 20 NOV ILLUMINATIONS A concert to shine a light on acts of mercy in our community. Music by Morten Lauridsen, Ave Maria, O Magnum Mysterium, Lux Aeterna featuring Lux et Veritas, Camerata 1685, conducted by Jangoo Chapkana. Sunday 20 November, 2.30-3.30pm, St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Square, Perth. Uplifting music for chorade and orchestra celebrating the final day of the Catholic Church’s Jubilee Year of Mercy. Ticket $35, concession $25. For tickets w w w.merc illuminations. Further info: 08 9340 7261 or illuminations@mercycare. BRINGING LAUDATO SI TO LIFE – FROM VISION TO ACTION Fr Sean Mcdonagh, Irish EcoTheologian and Columban Missionary will give a talk on Bringing Laudato Si to life – from vision to action,

on Saturday 20 November 9.45am for 10am start at the Redemptorist Monastery, Retreat Centre, 190 Vincent Street, North Perth. This will be followed by morning tea. RSVP by 16 November to Centre for Faith Enrichment, or 08 9421 5221. SUN, 20 NOV TAIZÉ MEDITATIVE PRAYER You are invited to join the South Perth Taizé praying community, St Joseph’s Chapel, 16 York St, South Perth, Sunday, 20 November, 7-8pm (Chapel doors open 6.30pm). Theme: Praying for all those who have died especially our families and those who have died in tragic circumstances. Please bring a small torch, and a small plate to share for supper. Please note this is the final prayer in the style of Taize for 2016. There will be no Taize Style Prayer during 2017 in the Sisters of St Joseph Chapel South Perth. Taize Prayer will recommence in March 2018. Further info: Sr Maree Riddler rsj, 0414 683 926, FRI, 25 NOV PRAYING OUR EXPERIENCES – GROWING AWARENESS OF GOD IN MY EVERYDAY This focused prayer time is assisted with talks on a theme, followed by personal time in the chapel or garden. Optional sharing of our faith with others on the journey adds to the richness of this prayer time. Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth. (Parking in York

Street). Friday, 25 November, morning session 10.30-12noon and evening session 6.30-8pm. RSVP essential by 23 November. Theme: Advent-hopeful hearts and actions. A reflection on our participation in being people of 'good news'. Further info: 08 9334 0999, lmccarthy@ SUN, 27 NOV FUNDRAISING - LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR The Little Sisters of the Poor will be fundraising with a boot sale, food plus music on Sunday, 27 November 10am-4pm at 2 Rawlins Street, Glendalough. There are limited car lots/spaces at $20. To register, contact 08 9443 3155 or by 13 November. CHRISTMAS COMMUNITY SINGING A relaxing, fun-filled afternoon of singing as we approach the Christmas season, featuring popular carols and special Christmas and Advent chants sung in the Cathedral and accompanied by enthusiastic community orchestra ‘The Dorkestra’, choir, and, of course, the Cathedral's 106 year-old magnificent Dodd pipe organ. Includes a sing-along version of Handel’s rousing Hallelujah Chorus. Admission $15 and $12 concession, Sunday, 27 November, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth 2-4pm. Raffle and Miss Maud afternoon tea during interval. Free, limited parking available in the Cathedral grounds. Further info: Jacinta 08 9223 13. MON, 5 DEC EMMANUEL CENTRE – CHRISTMAS PARTY You are invited to Emmanuel Centre’s Christmas Party, Monday 5 December, 11-2pm, 25 Windsor Street, East Perth. Programme includes, Christmas Carols followed by shared


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lunch. Please bring finger food to share. As Saturday 3rd of December is the International Day of People with Disability, we, are going to take up this theme and celebrate it together in the one party. RSVP by 2 December 2016. Further info: 08 9328 8113, TTY9328 9571, SMS 0401 016 399 or emmanuelcentre@westnet. THU, 8 DEC THE ROAD TO BETHELHEM 2016 The Road to Bethlehem Advent Liturgy is based on the traditional English Ceremony of Nine Lessons and Carols. The readings are from the Old and New Testaments that narrate the events of Christian salvation – from the Prophecy of the Messiah to the birth of our Saviour and beyond. It is a wonderful evening of music, readings and sacred art in preparation for Christmas. Come on the Road to Bethlehem with all the family! Thursday 8 December, 7-8pm, St Thomas the Apostle Church, 2 College Road Claremont. Supper will follow. A donation towards the Music Ministry in the Parish is appreciated. Further info: Claremont Parish Office 08 9384 0598. THU, 15 DEC FINDING A PLACE: A CHRISTMAS REFELCTION IN WORD AND MUSIC Join us, Thursday 15 December, 7pm at The Basilica of St Patrick, Fremantle for a captivating and beautiful evening of sacred music, readings and congregational carols to highlight the meaning of the Christmas gospel in our world today. Music from EvaMarie Middleton (soprano), Christopher Waddell (bass), Paul Wright (violin), Tracey Harris (trumpet), Dominic Perissinotto (organ) and The Basilica Choir. Proceeds go to Catholic Mission projects

supporting refugees and asylum seekers. Tickets: $30, concession $20, 12 and under free. For booking visit www., 08 9422 7933 or WED, 16 - THU, 18 DEC BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKEND Benedictine Spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. 16-18 December at the New Norcia Monastery Guesthouse, beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm on Friday, concluding after lunch on Sunday, the weekend will provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, Lectio Divina, hospitality, and community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Suggested donation: $250 (for those who can afford it), includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info: and bookings: Guesthouse Manager, 08 9654 8018 or guesthouse@newnorcia. MANDORLA ART DISPLAY AND SALE Works from the Mandorla Art Award will be on display and for sale at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth Parish Centre until 18 November. Further info: Odhran O’Brien odhran. or 0415 104 889. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE 2-22 January 2017, five nights Jordan, 14 nights Israel; 4 & 5 star hotels, all meals, admissions, guides, tipping and Emirates flights incl. $7820; three day Dubai/Abu Dhabi extension $1050. Chaplain: Fr Tim Deeter. Further info: 08

9271 5253 or casapgf@iinet. PRAISE HEALING AND BIBLE TEACHING Every Wednesday, 7.30– 9.30pm. Flame Ministries, Lion of Judah Catholic Charismatic Prayer Fellowship. Holy Rosary Parish Hall, 46 Thomas Street, Nedlands. Further info: fmi@ or www. htm. 2016 ARCHDIOCESE OF PERTH - ADVENT PROGRAMME ADVENT A SEASON OF EXPECTATION AND HOPE • Reflection on the Sunday Readings of Advent • Art and Environment Suggestions • Music for the Advent and Christmas Seasons • Children's Advent Activities • Second Rite of Reconciliation • Universal Prayer • Prayers for Lighting the Advent Wreath All Material may be reproduced. Available October 2016. Printed Copy: $35.00 Electronic Copy: $30.00 Email your order to: cfl@ Further info: Geraldine Schivardi, 08 9207 3350. SUBSCRIBE TO THE eRECORD Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via The eRecord. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to communications@

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