The eRecord Edition #119 - 16 February 2017

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16 February 2017

Edition #119

Personal Advocacy Service volunteers

Perth Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton blesses congregants at this year’s Missioning Celebration for Personal Advocacy Service.


recognised at Missioning Celebration By Caroline Smith The Holy Spirit gives us strength to do important works in the world, such as helping others, Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton told Personal Advocacy Service volunteers, at their annual Missioning Celebration. The celebration was held on Sunday 12 February at the Personal Advocacy Service WA (PAS) centre in Morley, with 14 people receiving the Archdiocesan Award for Outstanding Service in recognition of their ministry over 10,15,20 and 25 years. A total of 73 volunteers were ‘missioned’ and blessed in recognition of their support for people with intellectual disabilities. In his homily, Bishop Sproxton recounted how Jesus was able to fulfil the Law of Moses perfectly through His words and actions, and how

His spirit can give us the inspiration to put our faith into action. “The good news from Matthew’s Gospel is that it is possible for us to choose to be the best, because with the death and resurrection of Jesus, we are given His Spirit, and it is with this Spirit that we are able to do wonderful things, to be extraordinary people in our world today, to be great witnesses of our faith, and to live that faith as well as we can and be the best that we can be in our faith,” he said. “Only with that Spirit of Jesus is it possible for us to do. And when you look at what you do and what so many wonderful people in the Church do, you might say, if I get involved in these things and am able to do these wonderful works, it’s because the Spirit of Jesus is in me too.” He added that during tough times, volunteers could look

back on the work they had done, and see the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, knowing that it could give them strength again. “The fact that you have been able to do this work for such a long time, so faithfully, with great commitment, great energy, despite all the misgivings, is a sign to me that the Holy Spirit is in you and working in you,” Bishop Sproxton said. “You might remember that, when you’re having a bad day, or when it’s not going the way that you want it to. Remember the times when it did work. “Sometimes we need those memories of the sense of success that the Spirit working with me has been able to achieve.” PAS was set up in 1989 by Sister Eileen Casey rsm following calls from parents of people with disabilities who wanted their children to

be included in the life of the Church, and able to access the sacraments. The agency was established to fulfil this need, through one-to-one friendships and spiritual development. List of recipients for the Archdiocesan Award for Outstanding Service: 10 years: Dora Carbone, Harold Baldsing, Ian Digney, Robyn Hoffman, Germaine Matison, Eugen Mattes, Trevor Reid and Jillian Ryan. 15 years: Maria Guagliardo, Greg D’Souza and Jean Rodrigues. 20 years: Colleen Van Haeften. 25 years: Nada Clastres and Tom Tranter. For more information or to become a volunteer with PAS, visit w w or contact (08) 9275 5388. Full Text available at


Online and face-to-face courses a perfect way of entering into Lenten journey By Marco Ceccarelli WITH THE SEASON OF LENT fast approaching, the Centre for Faith Enrichment (CFE) – the adult faith formation agency of the Perth Archdiocese - is offering a number of short, captivating and engaging courses and events for anyone seeking to better understand and observe this particular period of the liturgical year. From taking a closer look at The Book of Exodus via an online course, to the exploration of Lent as the discovery of a “call to new life” that is at the heart of our baptism, people throughout our Archdiocese will have the opportunity to better engage with their Catholic faith. This term, Perth Priest and author of Jesus Matters (St Paul’s Publications), Fr Charles Waddell, will offer participants a chance to interactively explore scripture from the comfort of their own home by delivering two online courses: The Book of Exodus for Lent and The Gospel of Matthew. These will be complemented by a three-week, face-to-face, course by Sister Wendy Lailey RSJ, entitled My Journey: Lent to New Life, to be held at the parish centre of Holy Rosary Church in Nedlands. Sister Shelley Barlow RNDM will also be giving a Lenten

Fr Charles Waddell will be running two online courses this term: The Book of Exodus for Lent and The Gospel of PHOTO: MARCO CECCARELLI Matthew.

themed course, entitled Three Tuesday Mornings in Lent, to be held at Newman Siena Centre in Doubleview in the month of March. Lastly, Deacon Greg Lowe will address the theme of “spiritual nourishment” during Lent in his one-off talk, Spiritual Nourishment for Our Lenten Journey, at St Pius X Parish on two Sundays, 5 March and 2 April (details below). Recently appointed Director of The Centre for Faith Enrichment, Dr Marco Ceccarelli, emphasised the importance of engaging in

adult faith formation within the Archdiocese of Perth and commented on Centre for Faith Enrichment’s role in facilitating this engagement. “The courses offered by our cent re are br ief, ver y affordable, do not involve tests or assignments, and may address a particular interest or curiosity which someone has about their faith. This may in turn lead them to pursue further interest in areas such as spirituality, Church history, theology, scripture, Christian living and much more.

“There is a richness within our Catholic tradition that, if conveyed by talented presenters such as the ones we have at the Centre for Faith Enrichment, can be of incredible help to people on their faith journey. I would encourage anyone with a desire, small as it may be, to know more about their faith to try at least one of our courses or simply contact us.

Some of the Lenten themed courses and events on offer in Term 1 are:

meaning the Book of Exodus to our own life journey towards the Promised Land.

The Book of Exodus for Lent - Online Three sessions, every Thursday, 2 March - 16 March Time: 7:30pm – 8:15pm Suggested donation: $15 With: Fr Charles Waddell This course relates the

The Gospel of Matthew - Online Three sessions, every Tuesday, 21 March - 4 April Time: 7:30pm – 8:15pm Suggested donation: $15 With: Fr Charles Waddell The course focuses on the Gospel of the Beatitudes found

in Matthew and addresses Jesus’ invitation “Come to me all you who labour and are overburdened…” (Mt 11: 28-30).

Location: Holy Rosary Parish Centre, Nedlands This short course will explore how the journey of Lent leads us to discover anew the call to new life that is at the heart of our baptism.

My Journey – Lent to New Life Three sessions, every Thursday, 2 March – 16 March Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm Suggested donation: $15 With: Sr Wendy Lailey, RSJ

Full Text available at

To register for a course or event, or to find out more, please, visit


Notre Dame conferred a Doctor of Laws to the Hon Neville Owen for his tireless and faithful commitment to the legal profession, most notably as the Senior PHOTO: SUPPLIED Judge of the Court of Appeal of the WA Supreme Court, at its Graduation Ceremony on Wednesday 14 December 2016.

Notre Dame confers Honorary Doctorate to Neville Owen THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME has conferred a Doctor of Laws to the Honourable Neville Owen for his tireless and faithful commitment to the legal profession, most notably as the Senior Judge of the Court of Appeal of the WA Supreme Court, at its Graduation Ceremony at the end of 2016. Mr Owen is a former Chancellor of the University and has been an active contributor to the University community since 1997 when he was a founding member of the School of Law Advisory Board. He was appointed as a Governor of The University of Notre Dame Australia in 1997, and a Trustee and Director of the institution in 2005. In 2011, Notre Dame named its newly restored courthouse on the Fremantle Campus in his honour. The Justice Owen Moot Court aims to inspire future lawyers to approach their professional life in the same ethical light that the Hon Owen did throughout his career. With a special interest in corporate governance, commercial litigation, corporate insolvency and business ethics, Mr Owen’s legal career was wide and varied. Most notably, he oversaw the Bell Group litigation, which commenced in 2003, and was one of Australia’s longest running and most expensive civil actions. After 400 sitting days and the tender of more than 85,000 documents, the then Hon Justice Owen delivered his final judgement in 2008.

“Mr Owen is a man of the highest integrity and ethical standards. He is a man of decency, intelligence, wisdom and humility. He is someone who fulfils duty and obligation, and he does so with goodness and humanity. “He is a man of character and he is a man of faith, who has used his considerable gifts and talents in the service of others and for the betterment of society,” Professor Celia Hammond, Notre Dame’s Vice Chancellor, said in her citation. “On countless occasions, he has given freely of his time and his wisdom to members of the Notre Dame community. He has taught our students, he has offered professional development to staff, and he has given

sage words of advice and counsel to Vice Chancellors, executive staff, and other governance members.” During his speech, Mr Owen explored two sets of learned experiences that would assist a graduate’s decision-making process in their employment – the ideals of ‘profession’ and a university education. “The decision-making process can be challenging and there will be many occasions on which you will agonise about how to reconcile the competing interests and factors with which you are confronted,” Mr Owen said to his fellow graduates. “The ideals of profession and your university education can be faithful companions leading you towards a process of decision-making that will more often than not lead to a right result.” Mr Owen also congratulated each graduate on their achievements and encouraged them to be proud of their Notre Dame degree as they entered the professional world. The strange journey to the land we do not know is the path on which your professional life will take, along with many surprises on the way. It will be an exciting time,” Mr Owen said. “I congratulate each and every one of you on reaching this milestone in your life’s journey. It is one of many that you will encounter in a way of life that has endless possibilities and promises of great things.” Full Text available at 3


Reflecting on Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter “Misericordiae et Misera” A N A POSTOL IC L ET T ER released by Pope Francis at the conclusion of last year’s Jubilee Year focussed on how mercy is at the very centre of the existence of the Catholic Church. The letter, entitled in Latin, Misericordiae et Misera (Mercy with Misery) aims to encourage the lay faithful to look for ways of being witnesses of God’s love and mercy. Referencing Jesus’ meeting w ith the adulteress in the Gospel of John (8:1-11), Pope Francis spoke of forgiveness being the “most visible sign of the Father’s love”. “Merc y i s t hi s concrete action of love that, by forgiving, transforms and changes our lives. In this way, the divine myster y of mercy is made manifest,” the Holy Father said. “From generation to generation, it embraces all those who trust in Him and it changes them, by bestowing a share in His very life,” he said. Pope Francis also called out for people to become “vessels of mercy” and witnesses of the Gospel. “In a culture often dominated by technology, sadness and loneliness appear to be on the rise, not least among young people. The future seems prey to an uncertainty that does not make for stability. “We need witnesses to hope and true joy if we are to dispel the illusions that promise quick and easy happiness through artificial paradises. “The corporal and spiritual

works of mercy continue in our own day to be proof of mercy’s immense positive influence as a social value. Mercy impels us to roll up our sleeves and set about restoring dignity to millions of people; they are our brothers and sisters who, with us, are called to build a ‘city which is reliable’,” he said. Theological obser ver Kathleen Wood OAM spoke to The Record Magazine, reflecting on Misericordiae et Misera and the words of the Holy Father. “Pope Francis speaks of

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consolation at a deeply personal level, which every committed person must bear in mind when seeking to extend the love of God to those in need of support for whatever reason,” Ms Wood said. “To offer consolation to others effectively means going beyond our circle of friends and extending comfort to others we may not personally know,” she said. Ms Wood also provided some insight as to the steps that we, the lay faithful, can take within

the Archdiocese, to promote a “culture of mercy”, as Pope Francis asked. She al so di scussed t h at Australia, being a Western nation that supports materialism and consumerism, does not pay much attention to the energy and drive envisioned by the Church in putting mercy into action with the Pope, bishops and clergy leading the way. “Cong regat ion s require appropriate homilies explaining the teaching of the Church on the controversial issues of the day, such as abortion, eut h an a sia, and same sex marriage for example. “Significant emphasis is placed (in Australia) on these topics by means of current Gover nment di scus sion, decision and potential action, while irresponsible reporting and ongoing criticism of the Church by the media remains negative and damaging,” she said. Mrs Wood echoed the call of Pope Francis in being witnesses of God’s love and mercy, walking in the footsteps of Christ in all aspects of everyday life. “To walk in the steps of the Good Shepherd takes courage, born out of commitment to our Lord’s call to ‘feed His sheep’, and then by action in following His own teaching where the one who was lost is found and brought home to the fold. Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor NATASHYA FERBABDEZ Assistant Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer CAROLINE SMITH Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

JOSH LOW Journalist DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA Video Journalist BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer

PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese THUS, 16 FEB – 23 MAR GOSPEL OF SURPRISES: DISCOVERING THE WONDER OF JOHN Every Thursday, 10.00am – 12:30pm, Newman Siena Centre (33 Williamstown Rd, Doubleview). The Gospel of John is a masterpiece of the profound and yet the simple in relation to the story of Jesus. The course will give an in depth understanding of what lies beneath John’s writings. You are invited to take this journey into this very special Gospel and discover ‘faith’ in a new and fulfilling light! Suggested donation $45.00. Presenter: Mrs Jan O’Connor. Further info or to register, visit, email au, or call 9241 5221. FRI, 17 FEB FUNDRAISING CONCERT FOR BILLINGS LIFE WA The National Billings Teacher Training Conference will be held for the first time in Perth in May 2017. Billings Life WA are hosting a concert to fund raise to support the running costs of the Conference. The concert will be hosted under the stars featuring the popular Jarrah Celtic Band at Romancing the Stone Amphitheatre, 6 Lillian Road, Maidavale, Friday 17 February, 6.30pm for a 7.30pm start. BYO drinks and nibbles. Chairs supplied. Tickets $30 per person. Includes supper. Further info and tickets, Mandie Bowen 0407 577 435 or FRI, 17 - SUN, 19 FEB MASTERCLASS - YOUTH LEADERS TRAINING WEEKEND Are you a youth leader or an upcoming youth leader in your Parish? Catholic Youth Ministry Perth is conducting a 3-day training 1

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weekend at a beach side venue in Busselton, to equip those serving in Youth Ministry in their Parish or groups. There are beginners and advanced workshops, prayer sessions, fun activities and networking opportunities. Cost $50, including food and accommodation. Places are limited. To register or for more information visit cym.; or or 08 9422 7912. SAT, 18 FEB MUSIC FOR HOLY WEEK WORKSHOP The Centre for Liturgy will run a Music for Holy Week Workshop on Saturday 18 February, 11.30- 1pm at Notre Dame Church, Cloverdale. During this workshop, music for the whole of Holy Week will be presented, including settings of the Responsorial Psalms for each day. We will also examine the rituals of Holy Week and what music can be used for each of them. Such rituals include: the Blessing and Procession of Palms on Palm Sunday, the Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday, the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday and the Sprinkling Rite at the Easter Vigil and on Easter Sunday.Further info; or 08 9207 3350. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD WORKSHOP A Children’s Liturgy of the Word Workshop will be held at The Centre for Liturgy, Nollamara on Saturday 18 February, 10.3012.30pm. For those involved in the presentation of the Liturgy of the Word for children during Mass. This workshop prepares and supports those involved presenting the Good News to children in a way that they can best get to know Jesus. Further info; or 08 9207 3350.

SUN, 19 FEB SUNDAY AFTERNOON SERVICE AND DISCUSSION The combined Catholic Churches of Maylands cordially invite you to a Sunday Afternoon Service and Discussion, 19 February 3-5pm at Our Lady Queen of Poland Catholic Church, 35 Eighth Ave Maylands. Discussion will be on "A place at the Table, Social Justice in an Ageing Society." 2016/17 Social Justice Statement of the Australian Catholic Bishops, this gathering is in response to the Bishops' Statement. The program will consists of a brief service in the Church, introduction and discussion in the Church Hall, followed by light refreshments later. Further info: Mrs Libby Giles 045 0907 048; Fr Stanislaw Tomasiak O.F.M. 0488 900 449; Fr Tomasz Bujakowski O.F.M. 9272 2154 & Fr Richard Charlwood 0439 622 056. 25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION - SACRED HEART CHURCH - THORNLIE Thornlie Parish will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary at the current location, 50 Ovens Road, Thornlie, on Sunday 19 February, at 10am. The occasion will be marked with a special Thanksgiving Mass celebrated by Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey who blessed and officially opened the church 25 years ago. The Mass will highlight the diverse multi-culturalism of the parish. This will be followed by entertainment in the school quadrangle and a shared meal in the school hall. All past and present parishioners are warmly invited and we look forward to seeing you. Further info: Janet 08 9459 4459.

at St Francis Church, 56 Redcliffe Street, East Cannington, on Sunday 19 February at 2:30pm followed by afternoon tea. The Principal celebrant will be Bishop Sproxton. FRI, 24 FEB PRAYING OUR EXPERIENCES – GROWING AWARENESS OF GOD IN MY EVERYDAY Theme, The Lenten Journey - an invitation to look deeper into being a Christian. Lent is an opportunity to review one’s commitment to living and giving witness to Gospel values. You are invited to be part of this prayer experience. Friday 24 February, 10.30-12noon, repeated 6.30-8pm, at Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth. RSVP essential by Tuesday 21 February. Further info: Laura 08 9334 0999 or laura.mccarthy@

FRI, 24 - SUN, 26 FEB BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKENDS Benedictine spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. Beginning in February, with other weekends available in March, May, July, September, October and November at the New Norica Monastery Guesthouse. Beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm, Friday 24 February, concluding Sunday, 26 February after lunch. The weekend provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, lectio divina, hospitality and the community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the SUN, 19 FEB ‘storeroom, things both new and EAST CANNINGTON – old’. Participants are also invited FINAL MASS & CLOSURE to join the community for silent A final Mass will be celebrated meals in the refectory, one of many

invitations to listen with the ‘ear of the heart. Suggested donations $250 for those who can afford, this includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info: Guesthouse Manager 08 9654 8002 or guesthouse@newnorcia. SAT, 25 FEB MUSIC FOR THE SACRAMENTS WORKSHOP The Centre for Liturgy will run a Music for the Sacraments Workshop on Saturday 25 February, 10.30-1pm at St Benedict’s Parish, Applecross. The Archdiocese of Perth has adopted the parish-based schoolsupported family friendly approach to the reception of Sacraments for school-aged children. To this end, this workshop will examine music suitable for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. This workshop will also present suggestions on how to choose music for each of these Sacraments. Further info; cfl@ or 08 9207 3350. WED, 1 MAR DISCOVERING RESTORATIVE JUSTICE TOGETHER Restorative Justice is a way of building relationships in any setting - families, parishes, organisations, communities, workplaces etc. The facilitators are Barbara Harris and Fr Paul Pitzen from Emmanuel Centre. It is free and open to anyone, including but not limited to agency staff and volunteers, priests, chaplains, lay people, parish councillors, organisations etc. Beginning Wednesday 1 March, 9-12.30pm and other sessions available in April, May and June, at the Catholic Pastoral Centre, 40A Mary Street, Highgate. Morning tea and lunch provided. Participants are encouraged to commit to all four sessions as they are connected. Please indicate any 2

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dietary requirements or accessibility needs to Imelda. Registration is essential. Further info and registration, contact Imelda reception.capac@perthcatholic. or 08 6104 3600. SUN, 5 MAR DIVINE MERCY An afternoon with Jesus and Mary will be held on 5 March 1.30-3pm at St Francis Xavier's Church, 25 Windsor Street, East Perth. Fr Pavol will give a homily on Lent in preparation for Easter. The afternoon will include exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Confession, Rosary, Divine Mercy prayers, Benediction and Veneration of the relic of St Faustina Kowalska. Afternoon tea in the hall afterwards. All welcome. Further info: Julia or June Murphy 08 9457 7771. THU, 9 MAR RITE OF ELECTION OF CATECHUMENS AND FORMAL RECOGNITION OF CANDIDATES The Rite of Election of Catechumens and formal recognition of candidates will be held on Thursday 9 March at St Mary's Cathedral, Perth 7.30pm. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB will preside. All welcome as parishes throughout the Archdiocese gather to celebrate and witness God's election of those seeking to be received into the Church at Easter and their election to become one with the Catholic community of faith as they are presented to the Archbishop and his delegates: Bishop Don Sproxton, Fr Peter Whitely, Vicar General and Monsignor Michael Keating, Dean of the Cathedral. Further info: Karen Hart, or 08 6104 3696. FRI, 10 - SUN, 12 MAR BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKENDS Benedictine spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. With other weekends available in May, July, September, October

and November at the New Norica Monastery Guesthouse, beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm, Friday 10 March, concluding Sunday, 12 March after lunch. The weekend provides the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, lectio divina, hospitality and the community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Participants are also invited to join the community for silent meals in the refectory, one of many invitations to listen with the ‘ear of the heart'. Suggested donations $250 for those who can afford, this includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info: Guesthouse Manager 08 9654 8002 or guesthouse@ SAT, 11 MAR BREAKFAST IN THE GARDEN The Mary MacKillop Foundation invites you to “Breakfast in the Garden”. Come and join the fun, meet old friends and make new ones. Garden Venue; Saturday 11 March at 8am, Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth (St Joseph’s Convent). Bring $15 for brekkie, byo chairs, tables, blankets, umbrellas, sun screen, smiles! RSVP before 7 March to Laurie Mayne 08 9271 5649, or WED, 15 MAR AUTUMN PRAYER DAY Come join us and experience a gentle, prayerful day at tranquil, on the theme, "Finding Healing and Hope in the Miracles of Jesus.” Wednesday 15 March 10-1pm. Tea and light lunch provided. Kilmolee at Safety Bay, 182 Arcadia Drive, Safety Bay. Cost by donation. RSVP essential for catering purposes. Further info: Sr Dianne

08 9527 3240 or dianne.colborne@ FRI, 17 MAR ST PATRICK’S DAY MASS St Patrick’s Day Mass will be celebrated on Friday, 17 March, 10am at St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Square, Perth. Principal celebrant and homilist is Rev Fr Vincent Conroy. Please note that there is limited parking at the Cathedral. Other parking is available at PCC Parking Stations in the vicinity. The Red Cat free bus service runs past the Cathedral regularly and stops at other convenient locations, particularly Perth Train Station. Further info: 08 9446 3784 or FRI, 17 - SUN, 19 MAR LAUDATO SI’ WEEKEND RETREAT 1 Brother Terry Casey and Sr Shelly Barlow RNDM, are offering a series of four Laudato Si Weekend Retreats across March to July. The first of the Weekend Retreats will be on Friday 17 March, 4pm to Sunday 19 March, 2pm, at Kilmolee, Safety Bay, Ministry of the Josephite Sisters, 182 Arcadia Drive, Safety Bay. Further info: flyer and registration contact Sr Shelley Barlow RNDM 08 9271 3873, 0499 352 899 or; or Br Terry Casey CFC, 0422 966 453, SUBSCRIBE TO THE eRECORD Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via The eRecord. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to communications@perthcatholic.

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