The eRecord Edition #120 - 23 February 2017

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23 February 2017

Edition #120

OZANAM HOUSE - BIGGER, BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR VINNIES By Natashya Fernandez A STATE-OF-THE-ART facility sitting on 15000m2, a 5000 m2 depot, a modern op shop, a chapel and many other quirks are just some of the things that will greet you at Ozanam House, the new St Vincent de Paul Society premises in Canning Vale. A two-year vision, it was no small feat finalising on a premises that would not only be an important vehicle for the SVDP Society but also play an important role to all the people we work with in the community, said Mark Fitzgerald, former CEO of St Vincent de Paul Society. In acknowledging all the dignitaries present on the day, Mr Fitzgerald first and foremost recognised the people in the community. “It’s the people who are down on their luck, the people who have trouble in their lives and who we are here for,” Mr Fitzgerald noted. “That’s the most important people we need to thank, for without them we would not be doing this but also because

Auxiliary Bishop of Perth, Donald Sproxton blesses Ozanam House at the opening of the new premises for St Vincent de Paul Society in Canning Vale. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

they are the ones who give us hope and joy in what we do. “It’s important not to ever forget why we’re doing the work that we do,” he said. The evening soon picked up with salutations all around the room with Honourable Andrea Mitchel MLA, Minister for Mental Health; Child Protection, representing the Premier, Hon Colin Barnett ML A, Hon Dr Michael (Mike) Dennis Nahan MLA, member for Riverton and

State Treasurer and the Most Reverend, Auxiliary Bishop of Perth, Donald Sproxton who presided over the evening with a prayer and blessing of the premises. Mr Fitzgerald also thanked members from Canberra, Frank Brassil and Donna Scheerlinck, Bob Burns, State President and Adele Stewart, Acting CEO as well as the team who made this journey happen. It was impossible to not

thank Lotterywest for their generous funding, donors, people who helped in the campaign and in particular, Jeff Trew, who was recognised posthumously for all his work in getting this project up and going. “He was our state president at the time. He was the person who started this process and in his memory we acknowledge the role he played not only in terms of getting this place up and going but also for the work he did with The Society as well,” he said. Walking around the facility, it was no surprise to see why it is such a special place for the SVDP Society. A b e aut i f ul, moder n building yet simplistic in structure, the building aims to be a vehicle for tens of thousands of people in the community. Functional and spacious, all the rooms are designed to open and close and change size to maximise efficiency wherever possible. Full Text available at


Scholarship encourages recipients to dig deeper into biblical texts By Caroline Smith TWO MEMBERS of the Perth A r c h d io c e s e a r e lo ok i n g forward to extending their knowledge of biblical scripture and applying them to their community and other work through a scholarship from the BJ Hickey Biblical Foundation. D r L aw re nce Pa ng a nd D r M a r i s s a We t t a s i n g h e were awarded the prizes at a recent ceremony at t he Catholic Archdiocese of Perth Administration Centre, Griver House. Held on Friday 17 February, the event was attended by scholarship founder Emeritus Archbishop Bar r y Hickey, Au x i l i a r y Bi shop Don a ld Sproxton and representatives from the adult faith formation agency of the Archdiocese, the Centre for Faith Enrichment – which judges and awards the scholarships. N o w i n i t s f i f t h y e a r, t he Found at ion award s scholarships to lay people as well as Religious Sisters and Brothers, who wish to pursue biblical studies of any length

BJ Hickey Biblical Foundation scholarship committee member, Michele Purcell; Former Director of the CFE, Dr Michelle Jones; Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, scholarship winners Dr Marissa Wettasinghe and Dr Lawrence PHOTO: JOSH LOW Pang; CFE Director Dr Marco Ceccarelli and Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton.

and at any level, locally or overseas. Recipients can undertake i n- dept h bibl ic a l st ud ie s through online courses or in-person study - to apply, they must explain how this will be relevant to their current studies or role, and how they will use the knowledge to contribute to the Archdiocese. Emeritus Archbishop Hickey said his own faith journey had been boosted by undertaking

2016 Biblical Foundation scholarship recipient Dr Marissa Wettasinghe (left), will undertake six months of intensive online study through the Australian Institute of Theological Education. Dr Lawrence Pang (right) will undertake PHOTO: JOSH LOW further study at Tantur Ecumenical Institute in Jerusalem.

biblical studies in Israel. “I had a personal conversion, as it were, to the importance of a biblical foundation for our lives,” he said. “I always had a theological foundation, prayerful foundation and philosophical foundation, but I think my knowledge of scripture wasn’t sufficiently well-grounded for a number of years because of my studies in Rome, where it was all in Latin. “But something happened to me in the Holy Land, and this (scholarship) is one of the outcomes: the desire to popularise scripture among t he l ay people, to of fer opportunities for lay people to have some access to the breadth and depth of scripture studies.” Dr Pa ng – who te ache s theology at the University of Notre Dame Australia in Fremantle – said he was looking forward to spending a month at t he Tantur Ecumenical Institute in Jerusalem to further his knowledge of biblical texts. “Context is an important aspect of my teaching – it’s for this reason that I learned

Hebrew a few years ago,” he said. “So it will be great to be able to go to Israel and soak in the country’s culture and history on the ground, and look at what religion is really like there. “I’m really looking forward to getting a feel of the Holy Land and hearing local Jewish scholars talk about scripture and about what’s going on in the country. It will be a great opportunity to gain that information from a Jewish perspective.” He added that he hopes to pass on the knowledge received to his students at the university, especially seminarians. For Dr Wettasinghe, whose career has been in education, the knowledge she hopes to gain from biblical studies will be used for a different purpose – helping to st rengt hen a mother’s prayer group she has started. Full Text available at


A different take on

Valentine’s Day IN A COMING together of what is generally seen as a day of romance, some 100 people gathered at the Golden Leaf Restaurant in Morley as part of a Valentine’s Day Fundraiser organised by Banksia Grove Parish. With Banksia Grove Parish being one of the newest parishes in Perth, Parish Priest Fr Vinh Dong arranged the 10 course dinner and raffle, as part of a continuing effort to raise money for the Parish Building Fund. Fr Dong became the inaugural Priest-in-charge at the parish two years ago, during an installation Mass celebrated by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and was tasked with the challenge of laying and developing the parish foundations in what has been a rapidly growing expansion in the northern suburbs of Perth. With much work still to be done for the new church building, the hope is for foundations to be laid by Christmas, depending on funds raised in the parish building project. To donate to the Banksia Grove Parish Building Fund, contact 0422 422 773.

Youth ministry truly alive and flourishing in Perth By Josh Low INSPIRING YOUTH LEADERS in their ministry and equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills involved were the focal points of the Masterclass retreat for youth leaders this past weekend. Some 50 youth leaders from across Western Australia came together for the weekend event held at the Catholic Youth Camp in Busselton. This year’s event was co-run by both Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM) Perth and the Bunbury Diocesan Youth Office and involved sessions covering a wide selection of topics, catered to varying levels of participants’ experience in youth ministry. The range of topics included the effective use of media in youth ministry, the art of public speaking and the establishment of boundaries with young people in relation to child safeguarding. CYM Perth Youth Worker Vincent Haber said that the hope for the weekend was to provide participants with the opportunity

Participants were able to share their experience of youth ministry with each other, in addition to the workshops. PHOTO: MATT LIM

to encounter the face of Christ in fellow youth leaders while encouraging them to grow in passion and love for their service in youth ministry. Mr Haber added that the feedback received from participants was positive. “Seeing the joy on the faces of the leaders and the strong relationships that were built in just one weekend is a good indicator of the level of success of the event.

“The weekend for me was an affirmation of all the hard work CYM has done over the last few years,” he said. With guest speakers that brought years of experience in youth ministry from across Perth, Mr Haber said that seeing them ‘on fire’ for their faith and ministry was inspirational. Full Text available at 3

Children dressed in national wear offering up gifts from around the world representing peace, hope, joy and love.


Multiculturalism draws parishioners TO 25 YEAR CELEBRATIONS AT SACRED HEART CHURCH, THORNLIE By Natashya Fernandez A MULTITUDE OF COLOUR, various native costumes, singing and an excited buzz welcomed news and old parishioners of Thornlie Parish last Sunday 19 February in celebration of its 25 year anniversary. The Mass celebration, with Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey as Principal celebrant, was co-celebrated by Parish Priest Monsignor Timothy Corcoran and Assistant Parish Priest, Fr Thomas Zureich. The attendance of Emeritus Archbishop Hickey was noted as particularly special, because he officially blessed and opened the Church in 1992. “Of course my mind goes back to when I was the principal celebrant. “I was a time of great joy and I pray that this joy is with us as we come into this assembly today to celebrate the sacred mysteries with the whole community,” he said. “We are celebrating a great day today because we come from four corners of the world here, and we believe in one faith, one Jesus our saviour.

Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey celebrating the 25 year anniversary PHOTO: SUPPLIED celebrations at Sacred Heart Church, Thornlie.

“So when we worship in this church, we should remember that the centre of the parish is not the building but the people who worship in this building and that is what is important.” Par ishioner Anne Mar ie D’Souza, a parishioner for the last 20 years spoke, about her experience of being part of Sacred Heart Thornlie Parish “My kids have grown up here and we love the community,” Ms D’Souza said. “Today was an extra special one for all of us, it was very touching.

THE eRECORD is produced by the

“We are gifted to have the choirs and blessed to have people who are ready to help. “We are all from diverse and multicultural backgrounds in this parish but everyone helps each other and are so kind and loving; you feel you’re part of a big family.” A big part of the celebration, children from the Parish arrived dressed in ethnic costume and brought special gifts from various parts of the world representing peace, hope, joy and love. Current Sacred Heart School Secretary Jill Hall, who has been

a member of the Parish for 25 years, said she was touched by the participation at the anniversary celebration of the many school families. “The Mass was a joyous celebration of prayer, music, and culture as many parishioners embraced the theme and came dressed in national dress of their country of origin,” Ms Hall said. “Many parishioners over the years have evolved through their connection with Sacred Heart School and as the school is a part of the Parish community, it was also fitting that some school families dressed in their national dress and said prayers in their native tongue. “I feel it is important to promote parish and school participation and keep the connection which happens via the Sacramental programs, Lenten programs and for people to know that the Parish is their spiritual home,” she said. Parishioner Joan Wallace also commented on the momentous occasion, having been part of the Parish community since the Church was located at Royal Street, Kenwick. Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor NATASHYA FERBABDEZ Assistant Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer CAROLINE SMITH Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

JOSH LOW Journalist DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA Video Journalist BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer

PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese FRI, 24 FEB PRAYING OUR EXPERIENCES – GROWING AWARENESS OF GOD IN MY EVERYDAY Theme, The Lenten Journey - an invitation to look deeper into being a Christian. Lent is an opportunity to review one’s commitment to living and giving witness to Gospel values. You are invited to be part of this prayer experience. Friday 24 February, 10.30-12noon, repeated 6.308pm, at Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth. RSVP essential by Tuesday 21 February. Further info: Laura 08 9334 0999 or laura.mccarthy@sosj. FRI, 24 - SUN, 26 FEB BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKENDS Benedictine spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. Beginning in February, with other weekends available in March, May, July, September, October and November at the New Norica Monastery Guesthouse. Beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm, Friday 24 February, concluding Sunday, 26 February after lunch. The weekend provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, lectio divina, hospitality and the community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Participants are also invited to join the community for silent meals in the refectory, one of many invitations to listen with the ‘ear of the heart. Suggested donations $250 for those who can afford, 1

EDITION #120 | 23 February 2017

this includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info: Guesthouse Manager 08 9654 8002 or guesthouse@ SAT, 25 FEB MUSIC FOR THE SACRAMENTS WORKSHOP The Centre for Liturgy will run a Music for the Sacraments Work shop on Saturday 25 Februar y, 10.30-1pm at St Benedict’s Parish, Applecross. The Archdiocese of Perth has adopted the parish-based school-supported family friendly approach to the reception of Sacraments for school-aged children. To this end, this workshop will examine music suitable for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. This workshop will also present suggestions on how to choose music for each of these Sacraments. Further info; or 08 9207 3350. WED, 1 MAR DISCOVERING RESTORATIVE JUSTICE TOGETHER Restorative Justice is a way of building relationships in any setting - families, parishes, organisations, communities, workplaces etc. The facilitators are Barbara Harris and Fr Paul Pitzen from Emmanuel Centre. It is free and open to anyone, including but not limited to agency staff and volunteers, priests, chaplains, lay people, parish councillors, organisations etc. Beginning Wednesday 1 March, 9-12.30pm and other sessions available in April, May and June, at the Catholic Pastoral Centre,

40A Mary Street, Highgate. Morning tea and lunch provided. Participants are encouraged to commit to all four sessions as they are connected. Please indicate any dietary requirements or accessibility needs to Imelda. Registration is essential. Further info and registration, contact Imelda reception.capac@ or 08 6104 3600. THU, 2 MAR OBSERVING FAITH THROUGH FRIENDSHIP OVER A CUPPA Personal Advocacy is a unique ministry mandated by Archbishop Costelloe that provides a way for people with intellectual disabilities to be included in the life and liturgy of their parish and local community, a place where their faith will be nurtured. This is achieved through small faith based friendship groups, and one to one friendships with a person with a disability and a volunteer. You are invited to attend an observation of a group in the Morley PAS Resource centre and experience the unique way faith is brought to people with intellectual disabilities, as this form of spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. Thursday 2 March 6.45-9pm. RSVP essential to robyn@ THUS, 2 - 16 MAR THE BOOK OF EXODUS FOR LENT – ONLINE COURSE Every Thursday, 7.30-8.15pm, (3 sessions). Enter into the season of Lent with a short, user friendly, online course that will explore the meaning of the Book of Exodus for our own journey to the Promised Land. Simply register,

be in front of your computer at the designated time, click on the link which the presenter will send you and enjoy! Suggested donation: $15. Presenter: Rev. Dr Charles Waddell. Further info or to register; cfl@perthcatholic. or 08 9207 3350. SUN, 5 MAR DIVINE MERCY An afternoon with Jesus and Mary will be held on 5 March 1.30-3pm at St Francis Xavier's Church, 25 Windsor Street, East Perth. Fr Pavol will give a homily on Lent in preparation for Easter. The afternoon will include exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Confession, Rosary, Divine Mercy prayers, Benediction and Veneration of the relic of St Faustina Kowalska. Afternoon tea in the hall afterwards. All welcome. Further info: Julia or June Murphy 08 9457 7771. WED, 8 MAR CHAPLETS OF THE DIVINE MERCY A beautiful, prayerful, sung devotion held at St Thomas More Catholic Church, Dean Road Bateman, on the second Wednesday of each month and the next devotion will be on 8 March at 7.30pm. It will be accompanied by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. If you have not attended previously, why don’t you come along and participate in this uplifting experience? All are welcome. Further info: George Lopez on 9310 9493 or 0419 910 039. MIRACLE PRAYERS The next Miracle Prayers healing service is on Wednesday 8 March,

7.30pm, 67 Howe Street, Osborne Park. The theme of the night is 'God's Love'. As usual there will be testimonials, annointing with oil blessed by Fr John Rea, an opportunity to receive personal prayer and the Sacrament of Reconciliation will also be available. All welcome. Further info: 0404 028 298. THU, 9 MAR RITE OF ELECTION OF CATECHUMENS AND FORMAL RECOGNITION OF CANDIDATES The Rite of Election of Catechumens and formal recognition of candidates will be held on Thursday 9 March at St Mary's Cathedral, Perth 7.30pm. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB will preside. All welcome as parishes throughout the Archdiocese gather to celebrate and witness God's election of those seeking to be received into the Church at Easter and their election to become one with the Catholic community of faith as they are presented to the Archbishop and his delegates: Bishop Don Sproxton, Fr Peter Whitely, Vicar General and Monsignor Michael Keating, Dean of the Cathedral. Further info: Karen Hart, rcia@perthcatholic. or 08 6104 3696. FRI, 10 - SUN, 12 MAR BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKENDS Benedictine spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. With other weekends available in May, July, September, October and November at the New Norica Monastery Guesthouse, beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm, Friday 10 March, concluding Sunday, 12 March after lunch. The weekend provides the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, lectio divina, hospitality and the community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group 2

EDITION #120 | 23 February 2017

discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Participants are also invited to join the community for silent meals in the refectory, one of many invitations to listen with the ‘ear of the heart'. Suggested donations $250 for those who can afford, this includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info: Guesthouse Manager 08 9654 8002 or au. SAT, 11 MAR OPEN DAY – JOHN XXIII COLLEGE Come and see for yourself what these young people already know about John XXIII College, on Saturday 11 March, 9-12pm. Students will proudly tell you about the facilities, programs and opportunities that exist at this very successful Catholic, co-educational college.Tours every half hour, with the final tour departing at 11am. To register visit au Further info: 08 9383 0400. BREAKFAST IN THE GARDEN The Mary MacKillop Foundation invites you to “Breakfast in the Garden”. Come and join the fun, meet old friends and make new ones. Garden Venue; Saturday 11 March at 8am, Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth (St Joseph’s Convent). Bring $15 for brekkie, byo chairs, tables, blankets, umbrellas, sun screen, smiles! RSVP before 7 March to Laurie Mayne 08 9271 5649, or WED, 15 MAR OBSERVING FAITH THROUGH FRIENDSHIP OVER A CUPPA Personal Advocacy is a unique ministry mandated by Archbishop Timothy that provides a way for people with intellectual disabilities to be included in the life and liturgy of their parish and local community, a place where

their faith will be nurtured. This is achieved through small faith based friendship groups, and one to one friendships with a person with a disability and a volunteer. You are invited to attend an observation of a group in the Morley PAS Resource centre and experience the unique way faith is bought to people with intellectual disabilities, as this form of spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. Wednesday 15 March 9.45-12noon. RSVP essential to AUTUMN PRAYER DAY Come join us and experience a gentle, prayerful day at tranquil, on the theme, "Finding Healing and Hope in the Miracles of Jesus.” Wednesday 15 March 10-1pm. Tea and light lunch provided. Kilmolee at Safety Bay, 182 Arcadia Drive, Safety Bay. Cost by donation. RSVP essential for catering purposes. Further info: Sr Dianne 08 9527 3240 or dianne.colborne@sosj. FRI, 17 MAR ST PATRICK’S DAY MASS St Patrick’s Day Mass will be celebrated on Friday, 17 March, 10am at St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Square, Perth. Principal celebrant and homilist is Rev Fr Vincent Conroy. Please note that there is limited parking at the Cathedral. Other parking is available at PCC Parking Stations in the vicinity. The Red Cat free bus service runs past the Cathedral regularly and stops at other convenient locations, particularly Perth Train Station. Further info: 08 9446 3784 or paultanham@

will be on Friday 17 March, 4pm to Sunday 19 March, 2pm, at Kilmolee, Safety Bay, Ministry of the Josephite Sisters, 182 Arcadia Drive, Safety Bay. Further info: flyer and registration contact Sr Shelley Barlow RNDM 08 9271 3873, 0499 352 899 or; or Br Terry Casey CFC, 0422 966 453, SAT, 18 MAR FAMILY MATTERS In occasion of the 9th Anniversary of the departure of Chiara Lubich, foundress of Focolare Movement, a public event, designated family matters, will be held on Saturday, March 18 from 3.30-5.30pm at St Mary’s Cathedral Hall, Victoria Square. This will be followed by the Anniversary Vigil Mass at 6pm celebrated by Bishop Don Sproxton. It is an open program for all ages, exploring Chiara’s original and pertinent contribution to family life, through her charism of unity. The program includes the streaming of parts of an international seminar in Loppiano, Italy as well as the possibility for people to discuss and share their own thoughts on the topic by participating in different workshops. A simultaneous creative children’s program will be available too. Come and join in with your family and friends! Further info: Focolare Movement 08 9349 4052 or au; or SUBSCRIBE TO THE eRECORD

Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via The eRecord. It contains the latest FRI, 17 - SUN, 19 MAR news, events and photos from the LAUDATO SI’ WEEKEND Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF RETREAT 1 copy of the e-newsletter to print off Brother Terry Casey and Sr Shelly and distribute for those who don’t Barlow RNDM, are offering a have or don’t use email. Subscribe series of four Laudato Si Weekend to the e-newsletter by sending Retreats across March to July. The details to communications@ first of the Weekend Retreats

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