The eRecord Edition #48 11 September 2015

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11 September 2015

Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

Edition #48

Archbishop echoes Pope’s calls for response ARCHBISHOP Timothy Costelloe has this week echoed Pope Francis’ calling on all European parishes and religious communities to take in one refugee family as the United Nation recognises the record number of people trying to enter Europe. “While we in Australia await the details of our own Federal Government’s response to this crisis, a response which we expect to give expression to the best elements and traditions of our country, we must urgently begin to consider, at the local level, how we can best provide the warm welcome and practical generosity which is needed by those who seek to begin a new life among us. “In the Archdiocese of Perth, I will be asking our many community-based social outreach organisations to begin making plans to ensure that we are ready to provide assistance on the ground as generously and in as practical a way as possible,” the Archbishop said.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, pictured washing the feet of a member of the congregation at Holy Thursday Mass earlier this year, has this week echoed Pope Francis’ call on all European parishes and religious communities to take in one refugee family. PHOTO: RON TAN

“Much is already being done at the local level by Catholic parishes, religious congregations, Catholic schools and our social welfare agencies to assist migrants, refugees and asylum seekers,” he said. “As a Catholic community we stand ready to do more - and to respond with the generosity, compas-

sion and practical assistance called for by Pope Francis. The Archbishop went on to say that in these days, we are all horrified by the confronting and distressing images of the thousands of refugees making the dangerous, exhausting, but at the same-time hope-filled journey to Europe. “Seeking a

new life for themselves and their families, away from the horrors of the war in Syria. “Many European countries are struggling to cope with the arrival of these desperate and frightened people,” he said. Full Text available at

Archbishop celebrates Nativity of Our Lady at St Mary’s Cathedral By Marco Ceccarelli THE VIRGIN Mary’s profound ability to encourage us to follow Christ was the focus of Archbishop Timothy Costelloe’s homily at this week’s Mass for the Nativity of Our Lady. Celebrated on 8 September within the walls of Perth’s St 1 | EDITION #48 | 11 SEPTEMBER 2015

Mary’s Cathedral, harmoniously named after the Mother of God, the midday Mass commemorated the Virgin Mary’s birthday and highlighted the crucial role she plays within the Church. “Birthdays are times in which we can pause and reflect on all the reasons why we are glad that this person

who we’re celebrating is a part of our lives. We reflect on how their presence in our lives is a gift to us,” the Archbishop said. “This is just as true of Our Lady as it is of anybody else. Right around the Church today Christians are gathering to thank God for the gift of Mary and to reflect on how her presence in our lives and

the Church brings so many gifts to us,” he added. Archbishop Costelloe went on to focus on the significance of the brief appearances of Mary within St John’s Gospel: once at The Wedding at Cana and another time at the foot of the cross. Continued on Page 3

A banner from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference webiste promoting it’s Social Justice Statement for 2015-16 entitled ‘For those who come across the seas”. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

ACBC welcomes Australia’s refugee response “AUSTRALIA has a primary obligation to protect desperately vulnerable people and so I welcome the Prime Minister’s announcement that an extra 12,000 refugees will be accepted from Syria and Iraq.” “This is a generous response to suffering that demonstrates the compassion of the Australian people.” These were the words of Bishop Vincent Long, Chairman of the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council, who this week spoke at the launch of the Australian Catholic Bishops’ 2015-2016 Social Justice Statement entitled, For Those Who’ve Come Across the Seas: Justice for refugees and asylum seekers. “These are the sort of vulnerable people we should focus on when responding to claims for refugee status,” he added. The Statement calls for the processing of asylum seekers claims onshore and for the limitation of detention in immigration facilities to the shortest period possible 2 | EDITION #48 | 11 SEPTEMBER 2015

to undertake identity, health and security checks. The Bishops say that no child should be detained solely on the basis of their immigration status and affirm that all children are entitled to a healthy family life with the support and nurture of their parents.

ulate migration flows and assess the status of people seeking protection within its borders,” said Bishop Long. “And, certainly, we should be working to stop people smuggling and preventing deaths at sea. But these concerns must not lead us to treat asylum seekers and refugees

This generous response to suffering demonstrates the compassion of the Australian people which is our greatest civilising strength. The Bishops call on the government to work: • globally to develop incountry solutions that can effectively protect displaced people • regionally to increase genuine protection spaces in countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia, and • locally by substantially increasing Australia’s humanitarian intake. “Australia, like every other nation, has the right to reg-

with cruelty, harshness and injustice,” he said. Bishop Long went on to say that Australia cannot claim the moral high ground and justify its policies by claiming they prevent deaths of asylum seekers at sea, when it offers no other way of giving protection and organising any avenue of safe arrival. Launching the Statement, Mr Phil Glendenning, President of the Refugee Council of Australia, said we

have to stop treating asylum seekers as if we are at war with them. “Compassion is not weakness – it is our greatest civilising strength,” Mr Glendenning said. “Australia has benefited greatly through the contribution of generations of immigrants, including those who were refugees and asylum seekers. “They have brought wonderful diversity to our culture, lent their skills and hard work to the labour market and added youth and vitality to the nation.” Bishop Long added that Australia must realise we are blessed because we do have the means to welcome our brothers and sisters. “There is another way; a way to make a real difference. This other way is characterised by acceptance, leadership and generosity.” The 2015-2016 Social Justice Statement be downloaded from the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council website.

Adult Faith Formation visits rural WA THE TEAM from the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation - soon to be renamed the Centre for Faith Enrichment - recently spent a week visiting rural parts of the Archdiocese. “A s the official Archdiocesan adult faith formation agency, we are mandated to serve the adult faith formation needs of people throughout the Archdiocese of Perth,” said Director Dr Michelle Jones. “And we are especially keen to be of service to people in rural areas.” Taking in Mundaring, Northam, Kellerberrin, Merredin, Bruce Rock, Quairading, Trayning, Bencubbin and culminating with a stall at the Dowerin Field Day, Maranatha’s country tour focussed particularly on promoting one of the Centre’s new means of adult faith formation – short online courses. Maranatha’s rural ministry is a collaboration with the long-standing

The team from the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation recently spent a week visiting rural parts of the Archdiocese. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

ministry of the MacKillop Rural Network. “Sisters such as Leonie Mayne and Gemma Scott have been serving people in the country for many years, and it is a privilege for Maranatha to minister with

them,” said Dr Jones. A key aspect of Maranatha’s brief rural sojourn was to listen to the faith formation needs expressed by the people. “We learnt much from the trip,” Dr Jones comment-

ed, “and we look forward to continuing the dialogue.” For more information about courses at Maranatha visit or call 9241 5221 for a Term 4 brochure.

Archbishop celebrates Nativity of Our Lady at St Mary’s Cathedral (con’t) Continued from Page 1 He paused on the few words she utters at the Wedding of Cana and reflected on how poignant they are for us as Christians today. “To the stewards at the wedding, and to us today, the Virgin Mary points to Christ and says ‘do whatever he tells you.’ “This is the message I would like all of us to take way today as we celebrate this wonderful gift of Mary in our lives.”Commenting on the other occasion in which Mary appears in the gospel, kneeling at the foot of the cross next to the beloved the

disciple John, the Archbishop portrayed this scene as symbolic of the Church. “It’s the mother and the disciple at the foot of the cross who symbolise the Church. This representation of Mary reminds us that she is an essential part of the life of the Church. “As we reflect on this we remember that she is at the heart of the Church to point us beyond herself to her son,” he concluded. Following the mass, numerous members of the congregation gathered around the exposed statue of Our Lady to offer prayers and to ask Mary for special graces.

The Virgin Mary’s profound ability to encourage us to follow Christ was the focus of Archbishop Costelloe’s homily at this week’s Mass for the Nativity of Our Lady. PHOTO: MAT DE SOUSA EDITION #48 | 11 SEPTEMBER 2015|


WAAPA Director hopes Cathedral Concert tradition continues By Mark Reidy A CONCERT at St Mary’s Cathedral last month has drawn glowing praise from the Director of the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, not only for the achievements of the Academy’s students who performed, but also for venue in which it was delivered. Professor Julie Warn AM told eRecord journalist Mark Reidy that she had enjoyed the experience immensely, as she had in previous years, and was pleased with both the vocal and instrumental aspects of the occasion. “I thought it was a glorious concert of very beautiful, uplifting music – made even more special by being performed in the magnificent surrounds of St Mary’s Cathedral,” she shared. “I was extremely proud of the students and it was evident that the large audience really appreciated the performance.” Some 280 people braved the cold and wintry conditions to be inspired by the now annual event, with the main works of the program including the Messe Solenelle of Jean Langlais, one of the masterpieces of the French liturgical repertoire, and Poulenc’s celebrated Gloria. Professor Warn was impressed by the efforts of Music Director Kris Bowtell who, she said, elicited a wonderful performance from the youthful singers involved. “The singers were supported by the magnificent Cathedral organ, played by Stewart Smith, and by WAAPA’s wind, brass and per-

West Australian Academy of Performing Arts classical vocal and brass and percussion students perform at St Mary’s Cathedral in Perth last month. PHOTO: RON TAN PHOTOGRAPHY

cussion students,” Professor Warn said. “The soloist in the Gloria was Samantha Clarke, a recent graduate from the Academy’s post graduate Classical Vocal program, who has recently won a scholarship to extend her studies at

She praised WAAPA’s Music program for their choice of music and instruments, believing they perfectly complemented the acoustics of the Cathedral and enabled the performers to produce a powerful and

This annual concert at the Cathedral has become one of the highlights of WAPPA’s performance calendar. the Great Northern College of Music in the UK.” Director of Music, St Mary’s Cathedral, Jacinta Jacovcevic, was equally impressed with the talent of the 70 singers and 19 orchestral musicians on display as well as the choice of music delivered to the enthusiastic audience.

memorable event. “The presentation was unique in that both these works date from the 20th century and most concerts from that century present works in combination with older repertoire or not at all,” Ms Jacovcevic said. “It is very refreshing to host

a programme such as this – and a wonderful opportunity for Perth concert-goers to experience these modern masterworks.” Students from WAAPA first performed at the Cathedral in 2010 and then each year from 2013-15. Professor Warn is hoping to continue to provide her students with the opportunity to perform in such a unique and inspiring environment. “The Classical Vocal Department at WAAPA produces many wonderful singers and this annual concert at the Cathedral has become one of the highlights of our performance calendar,” she said. “We certainly hope to continue the tradition by presenting another exciting concert next year.”

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email:


What’s happening around the Archdiocese FRIDAY, 11 - SUNDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER New Norcia Spirituality Retreat Fr David Barry OSB will be presenting a spirituality retreat titled The Church in the Contemporary World. For freedom Christ has set us free (Gal 5:1): the Church’s continuing role 50 years after the Vatican II Encyclical Gaudium et spes is in promoting our freedom in Christ. Further info and bookings: Bernadette 08 9654 8002, SATURDAY, 12 SEPTEMEBER Writer’s Festival 2015 New Norcia, in conjunction with The West Australian, is hosting a writers’ festival on 12 September. Places are strictly limited. Further info: Lucy 08 9654 8018, communications@, or visit www. SUNDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER ‘Ave Maria’ Organ and Vocal Recital Celebrate Our Lady’s birthday with this ‘Ave Maria’ recital. Featuring organ solos and duets presented by the organists of St. Mary’s Cathedral. Also featuring vocal trios sung by Cathedral Cantors and soloists, including Schubert’s beloved ‘Ave Maria’. At 2.15pm. Free admission. All welcome. TUESDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER Meditation with Young People Notre Dame University will host a joint Anglican-Catholic Personal Development Day for chaplains and RE teachers on Tuesday, 15 September from 9.00am-3.30pm in the Drill Hall to look at how to introduce Christian meditation into the school day. The day will be attended in part by the Catholic and Anglican Archbishops of Perth and is a partnership between Anglican and Catholic education bodies and the local branch of the Australian Christian Meditation Community. Cost per person $40. To register click here. Further info: Philip Goldsworthy pgoldsworthy@asc., 08 9286 0290. Parish Altar Server Coordinator Training A workshop for those training parish altar servers based on the GIRM and the Archdiocese of Perth guidelines will be held at St Andrew’s Parish, cnr Belleville Gdns and Victorsen Pde, Clarkson, from 7.30-9.30pm. Cost $10. M info: 08 9207 3350, au. Conversations about People Seeking Asylum in Australia All are invited to engage in conversation about seeking asylum in Australia over breakfast, where EDITION #48 | 11 SEPTEMBER 2015

a personal account will be shared, followed by an interactive panel discussion forum with local experts. From 7.15am–9.30am at the University Club Banquet Hall South, UWA, (Ent #1, Carpark #3), Hackett Dr, Crawley. Tickets $35 via www. RSVP 12 noon Wed, 9 September. Further info: The Humanitarian Group: ceopa@ WEDNESDAY, 16 SEPTEMBER ‘Catholic Education ... What is the point?” Presented by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB at John XXIII College, Thomas More Exhibition Centre, Mooro Drv, Mt Claremont, from 7-8.30pm. Cost: free. Further info: Murray Graham 08 9383 0444, THURSDAY, 17 AND 24 SEPTEMBER Is the Church changing on Sex and Marriage? This and other current moral issues will be discussed at a presentation over two sessions by Fr Joe Parkinson, Director of the Bioethics Centre, 7-9pm, at Infant Jesus Parish, 47 Wellington Rd, Morley. At the first session, participants will be invited to prepare questions to be answered at the second session. Please note: participants will need to negotiate a flight of stairs to get to the conference room. Cost: donation. All welcome. Further info and to register: 08 9276 8500, FRIDAY, 18 SEPTEMBER ‘Growing Awareness of God in my every day’ The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart invite you to a focused prayer and contemplation session with talks on the theme Suffering and Hope – Who do I turn to during times of pain, sorrow and loss? Optional sharing of one’s faith with others, followed by personal time. To be held at the Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth, from 10.30am-12 noon and repeated at 6.30-8pm. RSVP by Wed, 16 September. Further info: Laura McCarthy 08 9334 0999 or laura. FRIDAY, 18 - SUNDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER Annual Regional Retreat of the Secular Franciscan Order Be immersed in the spirituality of St Francis of Assisi with Capuchin Franciscan Friar, Fr Patrick Colbourne from Adelaide. Six talks on the theme Walking in the way of the Gospel in the twenty-first century following in the footsteps of St Francis. Held at the Redemptorist Retreat House, North Perth live-in/live-out $205 live

in, $55 daily. Registration on Friday at 5.30pm followed by a complimentary evening meal. Further info and bookings: David Ward 0400 061 106,, 3 Day live-in Healing Retreat Vincentian Retreat Centre Perth is conducting a 3 Day Live-in Healing Retreat on 18-20 September at Epiphany Retreat Centre, 50 Fifth Ave, Rossmoyne. This retreat is led by Fr Varghese Parackal VC (Director of Perth Retreat Centre) and Fr Michael Payyapilly VC (Director of Sydney Retreat Centre) - anointed priests who have the gift of preaching and healing. All are welcome. Further info and to register: Lin, 0419041188, SATURDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER Youth Renewal Retreat The Vincentian Fathers invite all youth ages 15-35 years to an upcoming Youth Renewal Retreat on Saturday, 19 September, 9am-2pm, at Holy Family Parish, 34 Alcock St, Maddington. Are you discouraged, tired, lost hope, struggling? Join us as we experience Jesus, be inspired by the Word of God, and be uplifted by praise and worship. Led by Fr Michael Payyapilly VC - an anointed priest and inspirational preacher reaching to the hearts of the youth. Free admission. Lunch provided. Further info and to register: 08 9493 1703. SUNDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER Community Singing The theme is Spring - lots of hymns and songs highlighting springtime (if you like, you can wear your favourite spring hat). Includes a raffle and a Miss Maud afternoon tea. St Mary’s Cathedral, from 2-4pm. Cost: $15/$10 conc. We also offer Community Singing party bookings for groups of six and more. Further info: Jacinta, 08 9223 1377. Taizé Meditative Prayer The Ministry of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart invite you to a relaxing Taizé Meditative Prayer session on the theme Peace, at St Joseph’s Chapel, Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth, from 7-8pm. Bring a torch. Further info: Sr Maree Riddler RSJ, 0414 683 926, AUSLAN Café Have you ever thought about learning a language that will help you communicate with people who are profoundly deaf? Australian Sign Language (Auslan) classes are held at the Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor Street, Perth on the third Sunday of every month. The next class held on Sunday, 20 September beginning at

10.30am. Mass will be celebrated 9.30am at St Francis Xavier Parish. Cost: free. Light lunch at 12pm. Further info: Barbara 08 9328 8113, TUESDAY, 22 SEPTEMBER Preparing Powerpoint presentations for Mass This workshop will look at practical aspects of preparing PowerPoint presentations for use at Mass. Making the presentations easily readable and accessible to people will be the principal focus. Held at the Centre for Liturgy, 28 Marda Way, Nollamara from 7.30-9.30pm. Download registration form here. Further info and to register: 08 9207 3350, registrations.cfl@perthcatholic. THURSDAY, 24 SEPTEMBER Yidarra Catholic Primary 30th Anniversary Yidarra Catholic Primary School in Bateman is celebrating its 30th Anniversary. Past staff, students and community members are invited to join us for Mass at 9am at St Thomas More Church, Bateman, followed by morning tea and Classroom Open morning. FRIDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER WA Young Salesians Quiz Night The WA Young Salesians Leaders are holding a Quiz Night fundraising event on Friday, 25 September at Our Lady of Grace School (Multipurpose area), 5a Kitchener St, North Beach, at 7.30pm. Cost $10pp. Teams of 8. A memorable night filled with fun, laughter and trivia! Further info and to purchase tickets: Graham 0418 979 600,, SUNDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER Social Justice Sunday The Australian Catholic Social Justice Council (ACSJC) will launch ‘Social Justice Sunday’ this year on Sunday, 27 September with a statement entitled, ‘For Those Who’ve Come Across the Seas: Justice for refugees and asylum seekers’. This year’s statement addresses the divisive national debate over asylum seekers, especially those who arrive by boat. It reminds all Australians of the need to live out the example of Jesus who never turned his back on those who were lost or suffering. Resources will be available for download on the ACSJC website and will include Liturgy Notes, a PowerPoint presentation and resources for schools and groups. Download Social Justice Statement Order Form. Further info: Carol Mitchell,,

MONDAY, 28 SEPTEMEBER – SATURDAY, 3 OCTOBER Theology of the Body in WA John Paul II Institute for Marriage and the Family will offer a module on St. John Paul II’s The Theology of the Body which will address how the interpersonal communion of man and woman, in and through the body, images divine Trinitarian Communion. It will discuss the relevance of the Theology of the Body for those called to the vocation of celibacy and provide vital content to engage in the mission of the new evangelisation. Drs Adam Cooper and Conor Sweeney will present the sessions. Both are engaging speakers and internationally recognised experts of this field. Venue: University of Notre Dame (Fremantle) on Monday 2-9pm and Saturday 10am-5pm. Further info:

has sung his music at some stage!

WEDNESDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER “An Hour for Sheen” Concert Presented by the Fulton J Sheen Society Inc, featuring Chris Waddell, baritone; Yann Kee, soprano; Christina Trus, pianist; and Monica Brierly-Hay, soprano. Performing a variety of items, including pieces from West Side Story, My Fair Lady; classical and spiritual items. At 7.30pm. Trinity College - Gibney Hall, Trinity Ave, East Perth. $30 including refreshments. Concession available. Further info and bookings: 08 9291 8224,

SUNDAY, 25 OCTOBER Mercedes/OLC Class of 1965 Reunion Past students of Our Lady’s College who graduated with Leaving in 1965 or Junior in 1963 are invited to attend a 50th Reunion on the afternoon of Sunday, 25 October. If you are a student of that year or know of someone, please contact Mary Ballantine (Noonan) mary. or Coralie Deshon (White) au.

FRIDAY, 2 - SUNDAY, 4 OCTOBER God’s Farm Retreat: “Finding Peace in God’s Creation” Fr Tony Chiera, Vicar General (Bunbury Diocese) will be speaking on the above theme during this retreat at God’s Farm at 94 Woodlands Rd, Wilyabrup. Commencing with Mass Friday at 7.30pm and departing Sunday at 2pm. Limited numbers. Donations $120 each for retreat and $50 for private bus return trip. Further info: Betty Peaker, 08 9755 6212 for retreat and bus reservations. ‘Stronger’ Teens Camp An amazing weekend with lots of games, activities, inspiring talks about faith and life, prayer and worship, and time to chill with friends at Fairbridge Village, Pinjarra. Open to all high school age teenagers. Cost $150 (including accommodation, meals, adventure activities and bus transport to/from Perth). Further info: Catholic Youth Ministry 08 9422 7912, www. FRIDAY, 9 - SATURDAY, 10 OCTOBER Marty Haugen visit to Perth Performer and composer, Marty Haugen will be visiting Perth from 9-10 October. Marty is from the US and previously visited Perth in 1995. Composer of over 450 pieces, including Mass of Creation, Gather Us In and We Remember. Every Catholic EDITION #48 | 11 SEPTEMBER 2015

SUNDAY, 11 OCTOBER Requiem Fundraising Performance This Requiem performance by Karl Jenkins is a reflection on the loss of life among displaced people in our world as they seek asylum. It combines the prayers of a Requiem with Japanese Haiku poetry, Japanese flute and drum. On Sunday, 11 October, at St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Sq, Perth at 2.30pm. Featuruing Lux et Veritas & Camerata 1685 with Conductor Jangoo Chapkhana. Cost $35 ($25 conc). Profits will go to MercyCare and the Humanitarian Group supporting asylum seekers. Further info and bookings: 08 6488 2440 (124pm),, http://

MONDAY, 7 - WEDNESDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 17-Day Pilgrimage Discover the jewels of Spain, Portugal and France visiting Barcelona, Monserrat, Zaragoza, Avila, Fatima and coming alongside the incorruptible bodies of St Bernadette of Lourdes, St John Vianney of Ars, St Thérèse of Lisieux, St Vincent de Paul and St Catherine Labouré. 17 days away, consisting of 15 nights between 7 and 23 September. Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr Michael Quynh Do. Further info: Sheila 0433 771979, Sue 0421 835408. WEDNESDAY, 21 - FRIDAY, 31 OCTOBER “In the Footsteps of Mary Mackillop” This 10-day pilgrimage has been prepared by the Sisters of St Joseph and designed to help you enter more deeply into Mary Mackillop’s story. Further info: contact Laura 08 9334 0999, THURSDAY, 3 - SATURDAY, 5 DECEMBER Australian Catholic Youth Festival 2015 The Australian Catholic Youth Festival is a national gathering of Catholic young people established by the ACBC. Join thousands of young people in Adelaide to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus and be empowered to be disciples in

the world today. Young people from Year 9 to young adults 25 years of age are invited. Further info: www. EVERY SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Chaplets of the Divine Mercy A powerful, prayerful, sung devotion held at St Thomas More Catholic Church, Dean Road Bateman, on the second Wednesday of each month commencing at 7.30 pm. It will be accompanied by Exposition and followed by Benediction and Annointing. If you have not been before, why don’t you come along and be uplifted? Enquiries to George Lopez on 9310 9493(h) or 6242 0702(w). EVERY FIRST AND THIRD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH Young Adults Cenacle Group The Young Adults Cenacle Group invites young people aged 18-40 to St Bernadette’s Church, Jugan St, Glendalough on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month at 8pm. The evening includes a cenacle rosary, followed by a reflection by a visiting priest and fellowship. Any queries phone Viviana on 0413 432 025. EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Catholic Faith Renewal 7.30pm at St John and Paul’s Parish, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton. Songs of Praise, sharing by a Priest, Thanksgiving Mass and light refreshments after Mass. All welcome to attend and we encourage you to bring your family and friends. Enq: Ann 0412 166 164, Ivan 0428 898 833. EVERY SATURDAY Commencing February 28 at 9am, The Instinct to Heal’ Holistic Health (24 sessions). From 10.30am -1pm, Internalize principles of successful relationships and use emotional intelligence and communication skills. For couples, singles, parents and families. Prayer meetings held every 2nd Thursday. Enq: Eva 0409 405 585 or 9418 1439;

GENERAL ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT Enrolments remain open for Term One 2015 courses at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation, the Archdiocesan agency for adult faith education, where you can enrich your understanding of the Catholic faith. Further info and for details of the exciting courses on offer: 08 9241 5221 or visit www.maranathacentre. PROJECT OFFICER POSITION VACANCY The LJ Goody Bioethics Centre, is seeking a suitable candidate to fill a new Project Officer position to provide support to the Director in

the area of public policy. This is a full time position based in Mt Hawthorn. Applications close Friday, 14 August, 4pm. Click here for job advertisement. Further info and full job description: Suzanne, 08 9242 4066. CENTRE FOR LITURGY ADVENT PROGRAM The 2015 Advent Program for the Archdiocese of Perth will be released in September 2015. And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. (Gen 9:12-14). Cost: $35 via post or $30 via email. This provides copyright permission to photocopy and distribute any or all of the program for non-profit purposes. Further info and to order: Centre for Liturgy, 08 9207 3350, registrations. SACRED HEART SCHOOL THORNLIE 50th ANNIVERSARY Sacred Heart School in Thornlie is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year and is seeking to connect with people who may have attended or taught at the school. If on Facebook, please request to join our Facebook group: Sacred Heart Primary School Thornlie (50th Anniversary). Alternatively, anyone who taught at or attended Sacred Heart is invited to contact Jill Hall on 08 9251 3000, NEW CATHEDRAL CHOIR CD Titled Laudate Dominum – Songs of joy and hope, a live recording of faith-filled sacred music sung by the St Mary’s Cathedral Choir and the Cathedral’s Principal Cantor, Carly Power. Includes favourite hymns, chants, organ solos, including Schubert’s Ave Maria and Mozart’s Laudate Dominum. Features solos sung by our young boy sopranos and the beautifully inspiring voice of Carly Power in solos from Messiah and Vivaldi’s ‘Gloria’. $20. On sale at the Cathedral piety stall. WANTED - USED ‘AS ONE VOICE’ HYMN BOOKS Any parishes wanting to sell their ‘slightly damaged’ and/or unwanted ‘As One Voice – Combined People’s Edition’ hymn books, please contact Fr Robert Carillo of St Andrew’s Parish, Clarkson, 08 9407 7512, E-RECORD NEWSLETTER UPDATE Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via the e-Record e-newsletter. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending your details to

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