The eRecord Edition #101 - 29 September 2016

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29 September 2016

Edition #101

Be the face of the Father’s mercy

Deacon Greg Lowe, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and Father Brennan Sia (MC) during the annual Eucharistic Celebration for Church Agency Personnel at St Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday, 20 September. PHOTO: RON TAN


ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY Costelloe has last week challenged Archdiocese of Perth agency staff to make sure every encounter people have with their agencies is “an encounter with the mercy of Jesus”. The Archbishop delivered the inspiring message during the annual Eucharistic Celebration for Church Agency Personnel at St Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday, 20 September. The Mass was attended by some 200 staff and volunteers from Archdiocesan agencies, including the Administration Centre, Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, Emmanuel Centre, Daydawn Advocacy Centre; the Justice, Ecology and Development Office, Catholic

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe (second from right) shares a joke with Archdiocese of Perth agency staff at the morning tea following the Mass. PHOTO: RON TAN

Youth Ministry, Centre for Liturgy and the Archdiocesan Communications Office. The Mass was concelebrated by Vicar General, Father Peter Whitely, Dean of St Mary’s Cathedral Monsignor Michael Keating, Mgr Brian O’Loughlin, Fr Phillip Perreau, Fr Brennan Sia (MC) and Deacon Greg Lowe. Dur ing his homily, Archbishop Costelloe reflected

on the Gospel reading, Luke 9:7-9, in which King Herod expresses curiosity about Jesus. “Herod’s confusion about who Jesus really was actually does point us to the central theme of this chapter of Luke’s Gospel: it is the question Jesus asks the disciples: Who do people say that I am? Who do you say that I am?” the Archbishop said. “The second question, ‘Who

do you say that I am?’ is the one Jesus puts to each of us this morning. It is a question for every Christian, of course, but for all of us, who in one way or another are the face of the Church for the people who encounter us in our day to day work, it is particularly urgent.” Herod’s confusion – he wonders if Jesus is John the Baptist come back to life – reminds us that we can get the answer to this question very wrong, Archbishop Costelloe went on to say. “From then until now people have been trying to shape Jesus into what they want Him to be. But Jesus was not really asking, ‘Who am I for you?’ He was simply inviting people to discover the true answer to the question ‘Who am I?’” he said. Full Text available at 1



Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton addresses the audience at the Perth Launch of the 2016-2017 Social Justice Statement on Tuesday, 20 September. PHOTO: RACHEL CURRY

DESCRIBED AS A TEXT that will touch the heart of every person in our society, the Australian Catholic Bishops’ 2016-2017 Social Justice Statement has been launched locally in Perth by Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton. A Place at the Table: Social Justice in an Ageing Society was launched on Tuesday, 20 September in front of an audience of both young and older faces at the Redemptorist Monastery in North Perth, following the national launch earlier this month. The statement highlights the ageing of our population – rightly described as ‘the great success story of human

development’ – and the need to support and value older people in Australian life, while fighting the ‘throwaway’ culture that threatens their sanctity and dignity. During his speech for the occasion, Bishop Sproxton shared a personal story, recalling how he moved back in with his father for the last three years that he was able to live independently. As a veteran, his father was entitled to phone care and nursing services, Bishop Sproxton said. He also had regular visits from friends and was able to put his knowledge of military operations during World War II to good use by contributing to a book. “You see, there was a place Continue on page 3


A BOOST IN ENTRIES Has led to more than 20,000 students participating in this year’s Performing Arts Festival for Catholic Schools and Colleges, demonstrating the huge level of talent being nurtured in Western Australian Catholic education. Run by Catholic Arts, the festival started on Wednesday, 20 July, with an Opening Mass at Infant Jesus Parish Church in Morley and finished on Friday, 2 September, culminating in the Festival Concert held at the Perth Concert Hall 10 days later. Along with demonstrating some of the incredible performances of the festival, the concert celebrated the 35 Shield Winners across the six genres of drama/ speech, dance, instrumental ensemble,

The Whitford Catholic Primary School Liturgical Dancers, who participated in the Performing Arts Festival for Catholic Schools and Colleges, perform at the associated Carnevale event on 8 September. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

instrumental solo/duet, choral and Christian. The four schools that won Zenith Awards for Overall Excellence in Performance and Participation and two schools that won Zenith Commendation Awards for Sustained Improvement were

also recognised on the night. Meanwhile, four students were given a chance for a brighter future, receiving the Vera Chidlow Scholarship, Chapman Continue on page 3 2

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at the table for Dad,” Bishop Sproxton said. “His experiences and engagement with life were vital to him, to his family but also to his comrades. By and large, you would say that he had a fortunate life, right through to the end.” Bishop Sproxton explained that he was very grateful for the support his father received, which maintained his sense of worth and dignity. However, the 2016-2017 Social Justice Statement gave him pause, because this was clearly not the case for all elderly people. “Many of the supports that my dad enjoyed are not available for so many other elderly citizens,” he said. “Homelessness, unemploy ment, limited retirement savings, especially for women, and the overrepresentation of

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on practically every indicator of social and economic disadvantage are but some of the grave problems that have to be addressed by our society. “We add to these as well, problems of loneliness, of feeling irrelevant, of being a burden on society and now, elder abuse, we then begin to understand the depth of the problems our elderly have.” Bishop Sproxton’s address was followed by a panel discussion facilitated by MercyCare E x e c ut i v e Director for Mission and Culture, Sheryl Carmody, and featuring Advocare CEO, Greg Mahney, and MercyCare Executive Director for Aged Care Services, Carlo Calogero. Mrs Carmody opened the discussion by noting that this was the first Social Justice Statement she read that is difficult not to personally engage with. Almost everyone in our society has been affected by

Advocare CEO, Greg Mahney, speaks about the issue of elder abuse during the panel discussion at the Perth Launch of the 2016-2017 Social Justice Statement.

ageing, whether through their own experiences or those of their parents or grandparents, she said. “I imagine that it’s a statement that will be very easy to engage people with at a parish level and in the various groups around our community,” she added. For Mr Calogero, the statement was impressive


in the breadth of issues it addressed, as well as its nature as a “call to action”. The 2016-2017 Social Justice State me nt can be downloaded from the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council website, www. Full Text available at

The Loreto Nedlands Beethoven Strings, who won a Shield for Excellence at the Performing Arts Festival for Catholic Schools and Colleges, perform at the associated Carnevale event on 8 September. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Scholarship, Catenian Association Scholarship and St John of God Health Care Scholarship respectively. They were cheered on by a number of special guests, including Archdiocese of Perth Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton, Vicar General Father Peter Whitely, Judicial Vicar Monsignor Michael Keating, Catholic Education WA Executive Director Tim McDonald and WA Minister for Education Peter Collier. The concert was a fitting finish to the

festival, which involved 110 schools – including 10 from regional areas – and numerous events over a two-and-a-half month period. Students performed at a large variety of venues, including the Don Russell Performing Arts Centre, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, The Wellington Room, Zenith Music Auditorium, Applecross and Greenwood Parishes, Chapel of St Brigid at Mercy College, Chapel of St Michael the

Archangel at Catholic Education WA and college performing arts theatres. Executive Officer of the Catholic Arts Office, Sabrina D’Roza, said she was very happy with how the festival was received. For more information, including a full list of prize winners, visit www. Full Text available at 3

(left to right) Pregnancy Assistance Founding Member Sharon Balsarini; Eugene Wynyard with his wife, Coordinator Lara Wynyard; Chairman Eric Jas; Mercedes College student Jackie Stacey and her daughter Shanice at the Pregnancy Assistance 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner. PHOTO: MONICA DEFENDI PHOTOGRAPHY

Twenty years at the service of life, Pregnancy Assistance celebrates milestone By Marco Ceccarelli

It was a festive and unifying gala dinner that recently brought together volunteers, founders, counsellors, benefactors, families and friends who in the past 20 years have been involved with, or helped by, Pregnancy Assistance. An independent Catholic organisation initiated in 1996 by now Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, Pregnancy Assistance has for two decades relentlessly provided compassionate care, as well as emotional, practical and informational support to women in need throughout their pregnancy and post birth. The organisation’s free and confidential services have been available to all people irrespective of religion, race, demographic or personal values. It is estimated that Pregnancy Assistance helps more than 1000 women and their families every year. IT WAS A festive and unifying gala dinner that recently brought together volunteers,

founders, counsellors, benefactors, families and friends who in the past 20 years have been involved with, or helped by, Pregnancy Assistance. An independent Catholic organisation initiated in 1996 by now Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, Pregnancy Assistance has for two decades relentlessly provided compassionate care, as well as emotional, practical and informational support to women in need throughout their pregnancy and post birth. The organisation’s free and confidential services have been available to all people irrespective of religion, race, demographic or personal values. It is estimated that Pregnancy Assistance helps more than 1000 women and their families every year. “The credit for having reached this significant milestone needs to go to those who have worked for this remarkable organisation over the past 20 years,” Chairman of Pregnancy Assistance, Eric Jas, said in

THE eRECORD is produced by the

Grateful beneficiary of Pregnancy Assistance Juliana George (mother of Amayiah), Pregnancy Assistance volunteers Camille O'Brien holding baby Amayiah and Board Secretary Laura Craig. PHOTO: MONICA DEFENDI PHOTOGRAPHY

a recent interview with The eRecord. “I was only made Chair in December 2014 and sometimes feel like I am receiving credit that I don’t deserve,” he added. Mr Jas gave the opening speech at the 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner, held at Perth’s Historic Pagoda Ballroom on Saturday, 17 September and attended by 130 people. His words were followed by those of Founding Chairman, Brian Peachey, current Coordinator, Lara Wynyard and Secretary of

the Board, Laura Craig. Two video clips were introduced: one of Initiator of Pregnancy A ssist ance, E m e r it u s Archbishop Hickey sending his greetings (while on travel) and another of five women whose lives have been positively impacted by Pregnancy Assistance. For more information and to donate please visit www. Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

RACHEL CURRY Journalist BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer


PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese SAT, 1 OCT FUNDRAISING - BUCKETS FOR JESUS MINISTRY The Buckets for Jesus Ministry will be having a Curry Night Fundraiser, Saturday, 1 October, 7pm at St Bernadette’s Parish Centre, Glendalough. Further info: Ruby Soh 0438 885 748. SPECIAL MASS: FEAST OF SAINT THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS (THE LITTLE FLOWER) Year of Mercy - Remembering her insights and teaching on the Merciful Love of God, a solemn concelebrated Mass for the feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus will be offered on Saturday 1 October 10am, Carmelite Monastery, 100 Adelma Road, Nedlands. Fr. Greg Chee ODC will be the main Celebrant. All are most welcome to the Mass and morning tea afterwards. Further info: 08 9386 3672. LONGING FOR ECSTASY: MONASTIC THEOLOGIES AND THEIR INFLUENCE This paper considers the way monastic writing in the 12th century drew attention to the Song of Songs in a much more personal way than adopted by Augustine and early medieval exegetes for whom the ‘Bride’ in the Song of Songs referred to the Church, disregarding the insight of Origen that the ‘Bride’ referred to both the Church and the individual soul. To understand and appreciate what these monastic writers had to say, we need to take seriously how much they valued what the Song had to say about longing for the experience of ecstasy. Guest speaker: Professor Constant Mews, Director of the Centre for Studies in Religion and Theology at the School of Historical Studies, Monash University. Cost $60 ($35 concession) - includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa 1

EDITION #101 | 29 September 2016

SGS, 08 9654 8371, carmel. au; Jill O’Brien, jill.obrien@ SUN, 2 OCT FUNDRAISING VARIETY CONCERT Mercy Associates, Institute of Sisters of Mercy Australia and Papua New Guinea presents the $10 Fundraising Variety Concert, Sunday, 2 October at 3pm, St Kieran’s Parish Hall, Cape Street, Tuart Hill. Featuring the Mustard Seed Band and much, much more. All proceeds go to Mercy Works. For tickets: Perth, Sr Clara 08 9443 9020, York, Josie 0488 064 044. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS First Sunday Holy Hour will be on Sunday 2 October, 1.30pm, St Francis Xavier Church, 25 Windsor Street, East Perth. Fr Stephen Gordard will speak on St Faustina Kowalska. The afternoon will include exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Confessions, Holy Rosary, Divine Mercy prayers, Benediction and Veneration of St Faustina Kowalska relic. Fellowship afterwards in the hall. Further info: Julia Murphy 08 9457 7771 FRI, 7 - SUN, 9 OCT TEENS CAMP 2016 Catholic Youth Ministry presents Teens Camp, an action packed camp during the next school holidays, 7-9 October at Bickley Outdoor Recreation Camp. Look forward to huge games and adventure activities, inspirational talks from youth leaders, prayer and the sacraments, and making heaps of new friends. All high school aged teenagers (grades 7-12) are invited to attend. Camp fee is $150 and includes all accommodation, food, and adventure activities. Further info:; or 08 94227 912 or visit http:// SUN, 9 OCT CELEBRATION - TWENTY FIVE YEARS OF PRIESTHOOD Our Lady of the Rosary Doubleview Parish is celebrating 25 years of priesthood of Father Peter Nguyen OP, Sunday, 9 October, 10am at Doubleview Parish, 17 Angelico Street, Woodlands. We would love to see you all at this special Mass and at the morning tea which will be held immediately after Mass at the back of the Church. Further info: Kaye Shervington, Pastoral Associate 0411 123 441. TUE, 11 OCT IS SHE SAFE? THE COURAGE OF OUR CONVICTIONS On International Day of the Girl Child, Catholic Mission will present an evening of discussion with expert panellists around the issue of human trafficking and the life-changing benefits of girlchild education as a means of combatting the crime. Rahila Haidary will share her compelling story of how she defied the Taliban to seek an education. Tuesday, 11 October, 7-9pm at St Thomas More College, Crawley (please park opposite at UWA). All welcome. Free but please RSVP to WED,12 OCT MENTAL HEALTH TALK Presented by Tasha Broomhall from Blooming Minds, the session will cover how change can affect individuals and how individuals can learn to better manage emotional wellbeing and pro-actively build resilience. Participants will learn strategies to proactively reduce personal stress and develop an individual plan to

support themselves through times of change. Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor St, Perth, Wednesday, 12 October, 7-9pm. RSVP to book a seat. Cost free. Further info: 08 9328 8113 or 08 9328 9571 (TTY) 0401 016 399 (SMS), emmanuelcentre@westnet., Auslan interpreter available. WED, 12 OCT HOLY MASS AND HEALING: TALK BY ALAN AMES The evening with start at 7pm with Mass and healing at Our Lady Queen of Poland Catholic Church, 35 Eighth Ave, Maylands, followed by talk and prayers. Alan has been speaking and praying for healing around the world since 1994 and has spoken in more than 40 countries. Alan will speak after the Holy Mass and share his unique conversion experiences. Alan has the permission and support of Archbishop Timothy Costelloe for these talks. Further info: Keith 0411 108 525. FRI, 14 - SUN, 16 OCT BEING A CHRISTIAN Baptism, Bible, Eucharist and Prayer are basic to our being Christian. They work together as channels of the divine life of grace to bring about our transformation and our conformity to the image of a Jesus who continues to move compassionately among wounded and sinful people. The weekend will provide an opportunity to renew and deepen our grasp and appreciation of our Christian calling through a close reading of Rowan William’s little book, Being a Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer. Presented by David Barry OSB. The text is available at com or through the Benedictine Institute for $15. Recommended

cost $300. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa SGS, 08 9654 8371, carmel.posa@newnorcia.; Jill O’Brien, jill. SAT, 15 OCT FINDING GOD IN LIFE’S STRUGGLES A time of reflection with Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, Saturday, 15 October, 10.30am-2pm; St Francis Xavier Church and Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor Street, Perth. Reconciliation 10.30am, Mass 11am, followed by lunch at 12 noon; 1pm reflection in the Church and 2pm tea. This is a free event. Auslan Interpreter available. Please RSVP for catering purposes 08 9328 8113 or 08 9328 9571 (TTY) 0401 016 399 (SMS) emmanuelcentre@ WEDS, 19 OCT– 23 NOV THE PROPHETS IN THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY Eve r y We d n e s day, 10am-12.30pm, Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview. The “Word of the Lord” spoken through the Hebrew prophets was rooted in the reality of God‘s Covenant of merciful love and faithfulness. Today, it speaks with the same compelling and cutting edge as when the “Word of the Lord” was first proclaimed. This Centre for Faith Enrichment course, presented by Sr Shelley Barlow RNDM and Mr Terry Quinn, explores the mission and message of Amos, Hosea, Jeremiah, Micah, and Zephaniah. Cost: $45. Further info: or to register visit,,, or 08 9241 5221. THU, 20 OCT SISTERS OF ST JOSEPH - 150th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS St Pius X Parish and School will be celebrating 150th Anniversary of Sisters of St Joseph, St Pius X School, cnr Ley St & Cloister Ave, Manning, 20 October, 9am in the school library. We would like to invite parents, parishioners, ex-students and friends to this celebration to acknowledge the Sisters wonderful contribution to the school and parish over many years. RSVP to admin@ 2

EDITION #101 | 29 September 2016 by Monday 10 October. SAT, 22 OCT CATHOLIC WORSHIP BOOK II WORKSHOP The next Catholic Worship Book II Workshop will be on Saturday 22 October at Saint Benedict’s Church, Applecross 10.30-12:30pm. Cost: $10 per person. Further info: Geraldine Schivardi; 08 9207 3350 or PARISH SOCCER AND JUNIOR NETBALL TOURNAMENT St Helena of the Cross, Ellenbrook- Parish Soccer and Junior Netball Tournament will be held at Holy Cross College, Ellenbrook on Saturday 22 October, 8.15am registration for a 9am start. Cost, $100 for a Team of 10 or $10 for each player and this includes sausage sizzle and can of drink. Additional drinks and sausage sizzles available in a $3 combo deal. Please email your Team Registration by Friday 23 September to John Topliss jj.topliss@optusnet., include your Parish Team Name and remember your Maximum squad of 10 players. Payment must be made on the day to play. THU, 22 - MON, 26 OCT PADRE PIO RELICS COMING TO PERTH The relics of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, also known as Padre Pio, are coming to St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth, this October. The relics will include a pair of Padre Pio’s gloves, his hair, a piece of his nails, a scab from the stigmata and a linen cloth that was used to wipe blood from his side wound. The relics will be on display at the Cathedral from Saturday 22 October until Wednesday 26 October. St Pio of Pietrelcina, OFM Cap, was a Catholic friar and priest from the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. Born Francesco Forgione on 25 May 1887, and dying on 23 September 1968, he became famous for exhibiting stigmata for most of his life, thereby generating much interest and controversy. He was both beatified in 1999 and later canonised in 2002 by Pope John Paul II. Visitation

of the relics – which will only occur at St Mary’s Cathedral are taking place courtesy of the request of St Mary’s Cathedral parishioner Patrizia DiStefano and Fr GianMaria Digiorgio, also a fellow friar and priest from the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. Fr GianMaria, who is Economic Provincial of the Capuchin Friary of Santa Maria delle Grazie in San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy, was also a student of Padre Pio, who also later worked with him as a seminarian. Fr GianMaria will speak about his work and the life of Padre Pio during the visitation of the relics. THU, 25 OCT 12TH NATIONAL eCONFERENCE: MERCY - A WAY OF BEING IN THE WORLD Second offering, 10am-2pm, Newman Siena Centre, 33 Williamstown Road, Doubleview. Keynote speakers: Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Dr Veronica Lawson RSM, Phil Glendenning. This eConference, hosted by the Centre for Faith Enrichment, will celebrate the Jubilee Year of Mercy and take up Pope Francis’ invitation to explore mercy, a central element of our faith. No cost. Lunch and morning tea provided. Further info: or to register, visit,, or 08 9241 5221. THU, 27 OCT CELEBRATING OF VOICE AND WINDS The 3rd concert in the 2016 Cathedral Concert Series will be held on Thursday, 27 October, 7.30pm. The vibrant UWA School of Music team up with our Cathedral musicians again to present this mixed programme, which includes sacred and instrumental works by Mozart, Brahms, Barber and organ works of Vierne and Renaissance vocal pieces. A special feature is the Mozart’s ‘Mass in C minor’ K139 in a never before heard version re-orchestrated by the composition students from UWA – a very special treat! For tickets, visit www.ticketswa. com/event/celebration-voiceand-winds-concert-3 or call

ticketsWA direct on 08 6488 2440 (12noon – 4pm). FRI, 28 OCT 25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION - MATTHEW GIBNEY CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL Matthew Gibney Catholic Primary School invite all to their 25th Anniversary Celebrations, Friday, 28 October, 30 Munday Rd, High Wycombe. The Anniversary Celebrations will commence with Mass at 9am in the School Undercover Area, followed by morning tea and Open Classrooms till 11am. RSVP: 08 6216 8400 or admin@gibney. by 15 October. FRI, 28 - SUN, 30 OCT BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKEND Benedictine spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. 28-30 October at New Norcia Monastery Guesthouse with another offering in December. Beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm on Friday, concluding after lunch on Sunday, the weekend will provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, Lectio Divina, hospitality, and community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Suggested donation: $250 (for those who can afford it), includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info and bookings: Guesthouse Manager, 08 9654 8018 or guesthouse@ SUBSCRIBE TO THE eRECORD Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via The eRecord. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to communications@

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