The eRecord Edition #11 - 11 December 2014

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Archbishop’sChristmas ChristmasAppeal Appealfor for Archbishop’s

LifeLink2014 2014 LifeLink

Archbishop calls for more support on Page 3 of this weeks e-Record

“This Christmas, Christmas, “This

engage with with those those engage 11 December 2014

who reach out out to to us us for for help... help... who reach Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth Edition #11

Ambassador conferred Doctor of Laws By Jamie O’Brien Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB Most E-RECORD Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB EXCLUSIVE Archbishop of Perth Archbishop of Perth

AS CHRISTIANS, one of the things we simply must not do is to stand in front of someone else’s experience of the cross. These were the words of Australia’s Ambassador to the United States of America, the Hon. Kim Beazley AC, who was this week conferred with the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa at a Notre Dame Graduation Ceremony on Wednesday, 10 December. Ambassador Beazley joined a distinguished group Australia’s Ambassador to the United States of America, the Hon. Kim Beazley AC, was this week of individuals, including for- conferred with the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa at a University of Notre PHOTO: MILLER LOKANATA mer Prime Minister Hon. Dame Graduation Ceremony on Wednesday, 10 December. John Howard OM AC and Emeritus Archbishop of ideas about politics, leader- an establishment that has he said. “In the context of Volunteers hard at work at The Shopfront Volunteers hard at work at The Shopfront Sydney, Cardinal George ship and his own career. worked itself out so well, Australian higher educaPell AC, in receiving the Reflecting on the conferral whiletohaving an us interesting Notre Dame has been a Donate $1, $5 or whatever you can; It’s up all of of to help helption, make difference. Donate $1, $5 or whatever you can; It’s up to all us isto make aa difference. university’s highest award of the Honorary Doctorate, spiritual dimension, pret- great initiative, ” Ambassador at a graduation heone praised the work of the $20 ty flattering,” Ambassador Beazley willprovide provide willhelp helppay pay willprovide provideone one $5.10ceremony $30 said. one $5.10 $20 will $30 alongside more thanwill 1,000 Rider “I have will had the chance to Smart for one meal night’s emergency Smart Rider for one meal night’s emergency undergraduate, postgraduate be acquainted with its foundBus Fare for a family accommodation Bus Fare for a family accommodation and higher-degree students. ers, leaders, staff and students In an interview with since foundation. willprovide provide willprovide provide willhelp helpfeed feedaa $40 will $100 will $250 will $40 $100 Communications and Media “Its $250 community has intela jacket bedding and family of four a jacket bedding and of four Office Editor Jamie O’Brien, lect, spirit and family purpose. or pants blankets for one week or pants blankets for one Ambassador Beazley, the “To be honoured byweek the former Opposition Leader University of Notre Dame, Beazley said. community in their 25th and leader of the Australian including the work of the Ambassador Beazley anniversary year is at once Labor Party, Deputy Prime campus in Broome, which agreed that the spiritual ele- undeserved but deeply gratiMinister and Cabinet has provided a resource of ment, in front of education is fying.” Minister in the Hawke and education in the Kimberley relevant for students today. Keating Governments, shared for Aboriginal education. “It assigns high value to Full Text available at insights into his thoughts and “To be honoured by intellectual attainment,”

“To be honoured by the community in their 25th anniversary year is at once undeserved but deeply gratifying.”

...Please, be be generous generous on on appeal appeal weekend.” weekend.” ...Please,

15/16 November 2014

EDITION #11 | 11 DECEMBER 2014

New e-journal to promote education A NEW e-journal uncovering research and scholarly work in Catholic education being undertaken in Australasia was last month launched by the University of Notre Dame Australia’s School of Education, Fremantle. The launch of the E-journal of Catholic Education in Australasia is a first for the University’s School of Education, and a catalyst for the promotion of Catholic educational research across the Asia-Pacific region. Inspired by the words of St Mary MacKillop, “never see a need without doing something about it”, the aim of the journal is to encourage Australasian academics and educationalists, including higher-degree students, to contribute to and engage with today’s global Catholic intellectual thoughts and values. It is hoped that through the journal, members of the community will have access to peer-reviewed, scholarly articles on Catholic thought to assist in their faith, and professional and personal formation endeavours. Submissions from South Africa and the USA are included in the first issue on the topics of educational leadership, Catholic mission and research evidence. Professor Chris Hackett, Associate Dean (Religious Education) in the School of Education, Fremantle, says the free e-journal will provide an authentic place for papers to be published and broadly accessible to a wide range of scholars, researchers, Catholic education administrators, principals and teachers. “The e-journal will definitely provide greater recEDITION #11 | 11 DECEMBER 2014

The team behind the launch of the E-journal, Stephen McVey, Dr Greg Hine and Dr Shane Lavery, and Dr Deborah Robertson, Professor Chris Hackett and Alison Gowers. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

ognition of the legacy of Catholic education, not only in Australia by teachers across the country, but in

“A lot of wonderful work is done in Catholic schools and care centres, and at Catholic universities that needs to be

A lot of wonderful work is done in Catholic schools and care centres, and at Catholic universities... other places as well. Catholic education provides a significant avenue for evangelisation,” Professor Hackett said.

explored and shared. “The e-journal will feature this outstanding research conducted across countries

in our region, with the possibility of publishing the scholarly and research work completed by postgraduate students in Australasia.” For more information and to contribute to the E-journal of Catholic Education in Australasia, please visit au/ecea/. People can still apply direct to study at Notre Dame in 2015. Visit www. to find out more.

Archbishop calls for more support for Christmas Lifelink Appeal ARCHBISHOP Costelloe has this week invited the people of Perth to remember those most in need this Christmas, by giving generously to the 2014 Lifelink Christmas Appeal. LifeLink agencies collectively touch the lives of more than 31,000 people in need each year through the provision of accommodation, food, clothing, financial assistance with electricity and gas accounts, and the protection of women and children escaping do-

mestic violence and abuse. In this year’s Christmas Appeal, the Archbishop is setting a target of $650,000 so as to help fund agencies

Archbishop reminded those in attendance that we are not independent, self-sufficient individuals. “On the contrary, we are

Lifelink agencies collectively touch the lives of more than 31,000 people in need each year... in being able to meet the needs of those who knock on the doors of archdiocesan agencies. On launching the 2014 Appeal last month, the

children of God,” he said. “It is God who gives us our life in the first place, together with whatever skills and talents we might have which enable us to live

our lives fully and achieve sometimes great things.” To date, approximately $325,000 has been raised. “We’re half way there,” the Archbishop said. “However, it’s vital everyone continues to be generous. “This Christmas, let’s remember the true message, and the compassion and love, which Christ brought to the world.” For more information, and to find out how to donate, go to www.lifelink.

ETG Conference calls youth to be lights of hope By Mat De Sousa GUEST SPEAKERS at last weekend’s 2014 Embrace the Grace (ETG) conference reiterated the words of Pope Francis in calling youth to “be lights of hope” in a world where evil is ever present. More than 80 young people from across the Archdiocese and beyond gathered in New Norcia from 3 to 7 December to hear local and national speakers discuss this year’s theme, while also enjoying a range of outdoor activities, fellowship, music and liturgy. The theme of the conference was developed from the message announced by Pope Francis in his homily for the closing Mass of the 2013 World Youth Day. “Dear brothers and sisters, let us be lights of hope! Let us maintain a positive outlook on reality. Let us encourage the generosity which is typical of the young and help them to work actively in building a better world.” One of the confer-

2014 Embrace the Grace attendees take part in outdoor fun as part of activities at the end of the conference. PHOTO: MAT DE SOUSA

ence’s keynote speakers, Justine Howard, lecturer in Remedies and Alternative Dispute Resolution at the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle, emphasised the need to hope in a God who loves them, stating that “whoever has God lacks nothing”. “The fact that God desires for us a deep and everlast-

ing relationship with him is unbelievable,” Ms Howard said. “If we have faith, if we know God is here, if we love God, how can we not set our hope on the living God?” Ms Howard described how the Eucharist and sacraments strengthen our hope in God, and how through them the Holy

Spirit spreads the grace of God to His Holy Church. “They equip us through grace to live out Christ’s mission in our lives. They give us the strength and protection we need to live out our Christian life,” she said. Full Text available at EDITION #11 | 11 DECEMBER 2014

August 25 2005, The Record

Page 10

WYD ‘05 - Cologne Opening of Professional Standards premises “It is important to follow a single star, ceaselessly and passionately. Jesus is the star...” - Cardinal Karl Lehmann.

Now it’s official. So if roughly a million pilgrims areofheading Southofin 2008... workers and who had asked ment” the previous better since the Royal Com-

By James Parker

Look out, Sydney...

ARCHBISHOP Timothy Costelloe gave a brief address at the low-key blessBy John Thavis ing of simply-refurbished Pope Benedict XVI premises that hen now house announced that the next World Youth Day would be the Catholic Proheld inChurch’s Sydney, Australia, in 2008, young people from the Sydney Archdiocese were ready. fessional Standards offices Gathered in front of the papal altar Cologne, they revealed undershirts in Westernintelling Australia, fellow youths which to “Come to Australia!” To drive the point home, deals with theyalljumpedthe cases up in unison after theof Pope made his announcement on August 21. The Pope’s selection by of Sydney those sexually abused thewas an open secret for months, but now it is official, said Nathan Galea, a 25-yearCatholic Church. old youth minister from Sydney. “It was awesome. A huge cheer went up, andshort people are service, definitely excited During the about this. Of course, it’s also going to be a lot of work, ” he said. which tookCardinal place in one George Pell of Sydney said Pope Benedict has told him he wants to of the refurbished travel to Sydney in 2008meet“if providence permits.” “I’m sureArchbishop the Pope will come if his ing rooms,health theholds up, and he’s travelling well Page 4 ” Cardinal Pell said in a phone spoke of hisnow, meeting earlier interview after the closing World Youth Day Mass in Cologne. this week with a it’ssurvivor “I’m not sure absolutely essential (that the Pope be present), but it helps make it an enormously important who had “experienced abuse event,” the cardinal said. Cardinal Pell said he thought World at the hands of haveChurch Youth Day would a big impact in ■


to come and share what the Church needs to be doing into the future”. The Archbishop recounted how, during the visit, this person shared a personal experience of healing

fices used by Professional Standards. “We all instinctively knew that offices established in what was previously a convent were not the ideal place. For people hurt by

mission. “What we have done through the transforming of two buildings in Victoria Square is to try and address that issue. I am grateful to all those who have worked to create an environment where people can come in and feel welcome, feel accepted and not be overwhelmed by the ecclesiastithrough the Towards Heal- the Church, being expected cal trappings that many of ing program. to walk down a long narrow us don’t even notice. This is The survivor spoke of the corridor with pictures of an important moment for Way to go: Aussie youth, celebrate the announcment by Pope Benedict the next WYD will be held in 2008. kindness andtop,goodness of nuns in oldthathabits staring atin Sydney Professional Standards in $2 Meanwhile, some Aussie pilgrims, below, were ready to offer directions on how to get there. May 7 2008, The Record those who offered support them from the walls, made Western Australia. ” and yet also mentioned the it harder still for the people panic that set in due to the we sought to offer care to. Full Text available at “churchy kind of environ- We came to understand this

This is an important moment for Professional Standards in WA.

W E S T E R N A U S T R A L I A’ S A WA R D - W I N N I N G C AT H O L I C N E W S P A P E R S I N C E 1 8 7 4 |

the Parish Commemorative Edition

Basilica to1995 former glory, and thenreleased some - 2014 Fourth, finalrestored Commemorative Edition of The Record Australia, well beyond Catholic circles. Australian society is “good, prosperous and decent,” he said, but not everyone understands the place of God in social life. The Cardinal, too, said planning for the event would entail much hard work. Galea said that talking to German planners of this year’s celebrations has ■ By Matthew Biddle convinced him that preparation for World Youth Day in Sydney would bring a closer sense of community to THE restoration Catholics of thereFremantle’s and a deeper sense of spirituality. St Patrick’s Basilica is nearing com“I’m sure16 young people of in Australia pletion after almost months will want to make this the best World extensive repairs. Youth Day ever,” he said. - CNS


wouldn’t be doing this except for

THE FOURTH and final the e-Record email. This Government via money, ” Fr Sherman said. instalment of The Record is proving for received many$1million to be The Basilica from the Commonwealth, $600,000 Commemorative Editions a popular and accesfrom the State,more $100,000 from Lotteries and parishioners raised has Fremantle been delivered sible way of engaging with parish priest Frto Johnparabout $600,000. Sherman OMI says the restora“But if it hadn’t been tackled ishes week. the life ofitthe tion this of the only Basilica in Western when was, Archdiocese. it would have been a Craig Australia is expected to be comlot more expensive than it has been In a statement forHethe “Pope Francis has Gorddard pleted by the Approximately end of May. said to repair it,” Fr Sherman said. also 20octeachers from the restorations had taken much The initial estimated cost has World Youth Day in Cologne was also casion, Timowrit¬ten that as“the desire the first time 23-year-old teacher Craig also increased Catholic schools in WA went on time and Archbishop effort. the restoration Gorddard has been overseas. “It started around early February team discovered many additional thy2007, Costelloe SDBnearly said connectivity can The design and technology for teacher digital at pilgrimage WYD Cologne 2005, so it’s been going for to problems during their work. St Luke’s College Karratha said he came 16 months, he said. we Archdican see “There have been 75 varito WYD looking for an awesome experi- the reports of” life in“But the have effect of over isolating with… the light at the endtogether of the tunnel we CEO’s Phil Bayne ence of the universality of the Catholic ations – that means they’ve struck Church. hope of that Perth it’s finished for thethe Worldpast something they didn’t foreocese over ushave from ourwhich neigh¬bours, “It is amazing that you can so andentry Brad The Record’s JAMIE Youth Day Cross’ – Ford. it’s comsee,” Fr Sherman said, adding that many youth from so many different culing on the 21st of May. ” he wanted to ensure tures worship in the same place, ” he said. 140 The years have been both from those closestthe tosame us.probcaught job is O’BRIEN possibly one of theup with educators “God knows the spiritual path of each lems don’t occur again. “My goal one of us and what we need, largest restorations of a historic now is to raise enough money over insightful and highly of the “We should not overlook about also their impressions “If people are open then he will give the next ten years for a fund … to limestone building ever underthem what they’re looking for, not with taken in WA, and perhaps even maintain [the Basilica]. amusing at times. the fact that those who for force, biggest event in Church life. in Australia. Fr Sherman said that “We have to make sure this never “Many may not know what it is they are looking for,” Mr Gorddard said.whatever when he arrived Patrick’s more he happensrea¬son again – if you see some “Seeking toat Stcover lack ac“I want to bring back hope that Christ moisture coming through causing never expected such large-scale has and is the answer to people’s yearning work would need to be done during than 7,000 issues of the cess damage, to social run you get itmedia repaired straight for truth,” his stay. away. “I want to be able to pass this on.” newspaper 150,000 pagesGlorious: the risk“Buildings of being lefthavebe“When I was–sent here I thought, like these to The theoffourth Commemorative Editionhistoric depicts three Aftercover almost 16of months work and plenty of parish fundraising, Fremantle’s Baslilica of St Patrick is nearly ‘It’s a lovely Church, I won’t have complete. Seen here from Solomon Street with all the obtrusing scaffolding gone, it has been restored to its former beauty, be cared for if you want to prePopes and two Archbishops of Perth.. PHOTO: MAT DE SOUSA of toreporting pre¬senting hind”.serve With in mind, worry about a–thing’ ,” he said. and then them.this ” St Patrick’s Basilicait some. “Then I saw the paint peeling off, so was designed by renowned architect these mere 84 pages is hearten¬ing also to know I askedin why,aand it was because the Michael Cavanagh. moisture building up behind the was started. Two problems from to breathe but by putting concrete lars – an extensive job. Amazingly, Its foundation stone was laid on over fourwaseditions has” beenprevious“good communi¬cation help us greatly espethat many par¬ishes are concrete pushing through. repairs to the Basilica were on it you’re stopping the breathing, Massin hasthis, been said in the Basilica St Patrick’s Day in 1898, anddisiniAfter consulting the experts on the main reasons for the deteriora- and when you stop the breathing every weekend despite the ongoing tial construction was completed in quite a feat,”wear theandArchbishop us to grow closer, to process cially nowa¬days, tributing paper itcop¬ies of the apparent tear affect- tion of helps the building. you start the of disintegrarepairs. when the 1900. However, was not until ing the Basilica, it was decided the “Over the years it had been tion of the stone. But they did it “At times it’s been pretty testing; 1960 when its new sanctuary was said. know one internally anotherwithbetter, networks hu¬man com-in which the church needed to be completely repaired with concrete the best of intentions becauseof there were five months we weekly built that electronic the Basilica was news finally restored. and externally, and painted, and people didn’t appreciate what they cancelled all weddings,” Fr Sherman complete. “Like me,saidI the am and ultimately to grow inthey didn’t munication therebyThereaching out to enFr Sherman chiefsure restoreryou this was the cause of our troubles were doing, know.” The have said. Themade cost of unthe restoration church was elevated to the responsible for the interior repairs you don’t put concrete or only way to restore damage to the campaign has been substantialgage due with status ofthose a minorwho Basilicado in 1994, aredescribed grateful for all the hardbecauseunity”. precedented advances”. not the Basilica as “a sick paint on limestone,” Fr Sherman Basilica was to strip all the concrete to the volume of work needed to be and was placed in the State Register building” before restoration work explained. “Limestone is supposed and paint from the walls and pildone to the Basilica’s structure. “We of Heritage Places in 1996. work and dedication that “The Holy Father has “I am encouraged to learn have easy access to modern has gone into achieving spoken of the need for that, as each week passes, technology.” this.” The Archbishop went Catholics to create a “cul- there is an increasing numon to say that Pope Francis ture of encounter” and ber of peo-ple who are sign- Full Text available at stated earlier this year that be¬lieves that “media can ing up to receive and read PHOTOS: MATTHEW BIDDLE

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email: Old-school: The Basilica was built in 14th century Gothic style, and its restoration has revived this, particularly the part built in 1900.

Look up: Work on the outside of the Basilica included restoring the mortar joints on the church’s tower.

Interior: Basilica walls were stripped of existing concrete and paint before limestone plaster and a ‘stain’ was applied.


What’s happening around the Archdiocese FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12 Christmas Cantata 7.30pm at St Anthony’s Parish, 15 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo. For the first time, celebrating the birth of our Saviour through music, song, drama, readings and dance. Bring the whole family. Refreshments in the hall afterwards. Installation of the new Bishop of Broken bay The Installation of the Most Rev Peter A. Comensoli as the third bishop of the Diocese of Broken Bay takes place on Friday, 12 December in Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral Waitara, NSW. The Installation will be streamed live via the Diocesan website www.dbb. Processing into the Cathedral takes place from around 10.30am AEDST, with the Liturgical Reception commencing at 11.00am. The Twitter Hashtag #bishopcomensoli will be running. SUNDAY, 14 DECEMBER PAS and identityWA Christmas Mass Personal Advocacy Services (PAS) and Identitywa are joining together for a Eucharistic Celebration and Christmas Party. Join them on Sunday, 14 December at 3pm for Mass led by Archbishop Costelloe at Our Lady Queen of Apostles Parish, 57 Tudor Ave South, Riverton. Food and drinks are provided at the party from 4-5pm. People with disability will play an active role in the Mass welcoming people, altar serving as well as participating in gesture and movement to the readings. Contact 08 9474 3303 or rozanne.pugh@ by 28 November if you would like to attend. A Festival of lessons and carols On Sunday, 14 December the traditional nine scripture readings will be complemented with nine carols and motets, led by a vocal octet and brass quintet from WAAPA from 7-8.15pm at St Paul’s Church, 106 Rookwood St, Menora. Fr Christopher Ross OSM will preach; a supper will follow the service. Further info: 08 9271 5253 and FRIDAY, 19 DECEMBER Praying our experiences The Sisters of St Joseph will hold their focused prayer time looking at Christmas and the gift of Jesus on Friday, 19 December commencing 10.30am -12 noon at Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth. Arrive early for morning tea. Session is repeated 6.30pm – 8.00pm. This focused prayer time is followed by personal time in the chapel or garden. Parking is free. Further info: RSVP Secretary on 9334 0999, laura. EDITION #11 | 11 DECEMBER 2014

MONDAY, 29 DECEMBER 2014 Annual Racing Mass The Festival of Perth Racing Summer Carnival commenced on Saturday, 22 November and is highlighted by the Perth Cup on Thursday, 1 January 2015. Perth Racing has scheduled this year’s Racing Mass on Monday, 29 December 2014, to be celebrated by Mgr Tim Corcoran in the Committee Room on the 2nd Floor Grandstand at Ascot Racecourse, 71 Grandstand Road, Ascot commencing at 6:30pm. All racing members and the general public at large are invited to attend the Mass, which will be followed by light refreshments. Parking is available in members’ number one car park off Grandstand Road from 5.30pm.Further info and to RSVP for catering purposes: Catherine McNutt 9277 0727 and cmcnutt@ SATURDAY 24 – MONDAY 26 JANUARY 2015 Inner Healing Retreat (Live-In) 8.30 am at Epiphany Retreat Centre, 50 Fifth Avenue, Rossmoyne. Come and experience His merciful love and forgiveness through His Word & Sacraments. Be healed, anointed, renewed & transformed. The Retreat is led by the Vincentian Fathers. Enq & Registration: Lin 0419041188/0892861238 or or website: SUNDAY, 11 JANUARY 2015 Croatian Community thanksgiving Mass St Anne’s Croatian Community in Perth will hold their annual Thanksgiving Mass on Sunday, 11 January at 2.00pm in St Mary’s Cathedral. Further info: Fr Nikola Cabraja 9335 4485. MONDAY, 12 JANUARY THURSDAY, 15 JANUARY 2015 Marist youth Festival Sydney is getting ready to host an exciting national gathering of young Catholics on 12 - 15 January 2015. The main events of the Marist Youth Festival will take place at the Australian Technology Park, Sydney, around the theme, JUST living: Hearts without Borders. #MYF15 features inspiring guest speakers, challenging and meaningful workshops, and vibrant prayer and worship. It brings together Marist Year 12 students and Catholic young adults (18-25). Further info and registration: www. MONDAY, 18 MAY – WEDNESDAY, 20 MAY 2015 2nd National Catholic Mission Conference Mission: one heart many voices 2015

is the theme of the second national conference run and sponsored by Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious of Australia with the full endorsement of the ACBC. Keynote speaker will be Fr Stephen Bevans SVD from Chicago. It will be held at the SMC Conference Centre, 66 Goulbourn St, Sydney from 18-20 May 2015. Its purpose is to empower, affirm, enable, encourage and inspire agencies, parishes, congregations and all aspects of the Church with a scriptural and theological vision of mission while offering a platform to hear the many and varied voices that exist among us. Further info www. THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Auslan Cafe 9.30am at the Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor St, Perth. Mass next door at St Francis Xavier Parish with PowerPoint and Auslan Interpreter. Followed by classes at 10.30am; classes and lunch are free. You will learn the language to help communicate with profoundly deaf people. Enq: Barbara 9328 8113 or au.

GENERAL ADVENT PROGRAM The 2014 Advent program Shaped by the Hand of God will be ready for delivery in November 2014. This includes a set of four master sheets for the four Sundays of Advent which may be photocopied. Each master sheet includes: Reflection on the Sunday Reading and Discussion Notes, Art and Environment Suggestions, Music for the Advent and Christmas Seasons, Children’s Advent Activities, Second Rite of Reconciliation, Universal Prayer, Prayers for Lighting the Advent Wreath. Cost is $35 via post, $30 via email. Further info and to order: contact Geraldine on 08 9207 3350 or fax on 08 9349 0362 or registrations.cfl@perthcatholic. THE ADVENT JOURNEY Advent is a time of waiting and of preparation for the birth of the Saviour. It is a time to recognise the arrival of the Redeemer in the same way that we each came into the world – as a small, defenceless infant. To read more about this season in the Liturgical calendar, you may wish to go to the Catholic Australia website, and click on the Sacraments and Liturgy button, where you will find some background which might aid further understanding of this period in Church life. TRUTH, JUSTICE AND HEALING COUNCIL Members of the Truth Justice and

Healing Council will meet next week with parishioners and the broader community in Griffith to talk about the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse and the Catholic Church’s reform agenda. “Everyone in the Catholic Church has some responsibility for ensuring the Church leadership takes a very different approach to dealing with child sexual abuse than it has in the past,” said CEO Frank Sullivan. E-RECORD PROMOTIONAL POSTERS The Communications and Media Office has commenced distributing promotional posters to all schools and parishes for the new e-Record. Please display these posters on your noticeboard, in the front entrance, in the front office or in student classrooms to encourage all interested parishioners, students and teachers to sign up. Further info: Jamie O’Brien via email at or contact 08 9220 5900. CYM SPRING SPEAKER SERIES Catholic Youth Ministry celebrates Mass every Wednesday at 5.30pm with a Holy Hour at 6.30pm, followed by an engaging speaker on Wednesdays, 1 October to 5 November and supper ($5 suggested donation) at 40a Mary St, Highgate (entrance to carpark from Harold St). Further info: 08 9422 7912 or E-RECORD NEWSLETTER UPDATE Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations is now being delivered directly to your inbox via the new e-Record e-newsletter. The e-Record is distributed on a weekly basis and contains all the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese of Perth. Parishes will also receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter which they can print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Individuals can subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending their details to subscribe@perthcatholic. Further info: contact Editor, Jamie O’Brien on 08 9220 5900 or ADULT FAITH FORMATION Deepen your understanding of your faith by enrolling in a Term Four course at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation. Courses are very affordable, range in length from 3 weeks to 8 weeks, and are offered during the day, at twilight, during evenings and on weekends. Further info: 08 9241 5221. MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS The Adult Cenacle meets with the specific intention of praying for priests on the 1st, 2nd, and

3rd Tuesdays of the month at St Bernadette’s Church, Jugan St, Glendalough and on the 4th Tuesday at All Saints Church, Greenwood. 10.30am Rosary followed by Mass and then a time of fellowship. The Youth Cenacle for those aged 18 to 40s meets at St Bernadette’s on Jugan St, Glendalough on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month with the Rosary at 8pm followed by catechesis by various priests as guest speakers (confessions available during Rosary meditations). Various social activities follow. All are welcome. Further info: Adele Coyne M) 0434 08 4184, E) or E) CREATION AND ANZAC ONLINE RESOURCES The Columban Centre for Peace, Ecology and Justice has two things that Catholics in Perth might find of interest: A Catholic Season of Creation – Sundays of September (or any other month) with a specific focus for each Sunday: # 1 – Forest; # 2 – Land; # 3 – Wilderness; and # 4 – Rivers; and The Way of Peace – ANZAC Centenary Edition 1915–2015, launched on 4 October 2014, Feast of St Francis of Assisi. Resource can be downloaded at au after launch date. Further info: Ash Prasad P) 02 9352 8021, E) pej.cmi@ INTRODUCING THE JUSTICE, ECOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE (JEDO) The Justice, Ecology and Development Office (JEDO) has replaced the Catholic Social Justice Council (CSJC) in January 2014, with new Director Carol Mitchell taking on the role from the end of February. The Office moved from the Catholic Pastoral Centre in Highgate to the Newman Siena Centre in Doubleview in midMarch. JEDO Director Carol Mitchell said: “We welcome your inclusion and participation in our ‘call to action’. As Pope Francis stated: ‘Let us try a little harder to take the first step and to become involved’”. People or agencies can be added to the JEDO mailing list by contacting: admin.jedo@ Further info: go to CATHOLIC LIBRARY’S BOOK OF THE WEEK 12 Days of Christmas Prayer: Scripture and Stories to Celebrate the Season (Adams Media, Editor). Ring in this joyous season with a lovely selection of uplifting holiday stories and prayers. 12 Days of Christmas Prayer offers reflections on how the Christmas spirit brightens our lives during this merry time. The Ebook is available for access by members of the Catholic Library of Western Australia at the following link: http:// FullRecord.aspx?p=816456. (Joining the Catholic Library in Leederville is free. To join as a member, please complete and submit the online EDITION #11 | 11 DECEMBER 2014

membership form at http://form. HOUSE / PET SITTING REQUIRED I am seeking accommodation any time after 31 January 2015. I am a 55 plus woman and work full time for an agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. I would really appreciate hearing from you should you be going away at any time throughout the year and would like to consider me to take the best of care of your home and precious pet/s. I have experience, references and WACOT Criminal Check. I can be contacted on 0428 378 517. Suzanne SPECIAL PILGRIMAGE Departing Perth on Emirates Airlines, 4th May 2015, returning Perth 27th May (early hours). Visiting Lourdes, Fatima (for 13th) May. San Sebastian de Garabandal. Santiago de Capostela. Rome. (Optional Castelpetroso) Medjugorje & Split. Spiritual Director Rev Fr. T. Bogoni. Cost $6,999 which includes all flights, Air France, Air Portugal and Croatian Airlines. All airport taxes which may be subject to change). Transfers, luxury coach travel, excellent accommodation all with ensuite facilities. Bed/Breakfast/ Evening meals. Guide 24/7. Visiting 5 countries for this unbelievable price of $6,999. Bookings now open. Enq: Eileen 0407 471 256 or

Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Treasurer Joe Hockey and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann; 2-Minute Action Phone the office of Joe Hockey (02) 9929 9822 and/or Mathias Cormann (08) 9325 4227 simply and politely stating you do not support any further cuts to the aid budget and expect the Government to keep its promise to maintain aid at its current level. Further info: Caritas (02) 8306 3400, 1800 024 413, caritas@caritas. COMMEMORATIVE EDITIONS OF THE RECORD The fourth Commemorative Editions of The Record newspaper is released this week and will be made available in parishes at the cost of $2 per copy. It covers 1995 to 2014. If you know of anyone wishing to obtain a copy of the first, second or third editions, please ask them to contact Jamie O’Brien, 9220 5900 or editor@ Prepare for Christmas this year using Caritas Australia’s 2014 Advent Calendar.

ACCESSING MASS VIRTUALLY For those unable to access the Mass in person, there are presently five different ways to daily access the Mass online. These are via: • Mass-on-Demand https://www. – from St Mary’s, N. Sydney: morning Mass daily, anytime during the day • Mass Online au/parishes/dsp-default. cfm?loadref=354 – from Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara, every day at 9.30am (AEST) • Mass for You at Home Channel 10, Sunday, 6.00am (AEST) • Mass for You at Home Channel 11, Sunday, 5.30am (AEST) • Mass for You at Home Aurora Community Channel (Channel 183 on many digital networks), 7 days a week, 10.00am (AEST) CUTS TO OVERSEAS AID Australian aid transforms millions of lives every year. The aid budget is reportedly in danger of further cuts by Treasurer Joe Hockey and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann in addition to nearly $8 billion of recent cuts. The Campaigns Team of Caritas, and those responsible for social justice in the Perth Archdiocese, want Australia’s overseas aid program protected from further cuts and are requesting that leaders do not turn our country’s back on the poor this Christmas. Suggested ways of making your voice heard: 1-Minute Action - Sign the petition to

This year Caritas Australia’s Advent Calendar features stories which highlight our 50 year journey of working with vulnerable communities around the world. It uses the symbol of the Advent wreath to help you Learn, Pray and Act daily with and for Caritas Australia’s partners around the world. Caritas Australia’s 2014 Advent Calendar is available as an iPhone and Android app. It is also available as an online web calendar, and as an interactive PowerPoint for primary school students and families with young children. Join us as we use the Advent Wreath to learn, pray and act for a more just and fair world – a world full of hope, peace, joy, love and Light – this Christmas. Advent begins on the 30th of November, so visit to view and download the calendar today!

REFLECTIONS ARCHBISHOP COSTELLOE BLESSES NEW OFFICES FOR PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS The great challenge that all of us have to come to grips with is that we have to allow the Lord to be at the heart of all we are doing and we must allow the Lord to work through us. I am not for one minute not suggesting this

is not already the case. Mindful of all this, I cannot stress enough how important what we have to do is. When issues of sexual abuse of young people first emerged in the Salesians, the religious order to which I belong, it came as a great shock to us as it did to everyone in the Church. Our Provincial leader at the time recalled a phrase left to us by our founder, Saint Don Bosco, which was a summing up of the mission of the Salesian congregation and that is that “God has called us to care for poor and abandoned young people”. “There is no one,” the Provincial went on to say, “poorer or more abandoned who has been abused by someone in the Church.” That means that dealing with this terrible reality is the core business of the Church. It is not an added extra or something on the sidelines but is at the heart of what we need to do as a Church today. For all of our mistakes and the terrible damage that has been done there is a growing sense that – and some would so say “at long last” – the Church is starting to “get it” and starting to do something about it. You know that we are totally committed to dealing with this terrible problem as best we can. The fact is, it is only by all of us understanding ourselves as called to this together that we have any hope of bringing healing and hope to those who have been hurt and making sure that, as far as humanly possible, it never happens again. I get a sense that our society here in Western Australia wants us to get this right. They will be happy to see us getting it right. Every time we do something right, people get in touch and say “thank goodness you are doing something”. We are on the right path, and yes, we will make mistakes as we walk into the future but if we can support each other, encourage each other and work together then I think we can hope, believe and trust that our present, and especially our future, will be a much better story for us to tell than our past.” (Blessing of new offices for Professional Standards WA – 5 December 2014. Follow the link http://www.perthcatholic. cfm?loadref=10&id=281 for full text.

PANORAMA Please email all information to be inserted in Panorama by Friday, 5pm to office@ or contact our office on 08 9220 5900.

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