The eRecord Edition #381 - 05 May 2022

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Perth Catholics will be privileged to learn more about Catholic social teaching through two seminars by renowned United States author, advocate and lawyer, Fr Fred Kammer SJ.

Fr Fred will firstly speak at the University of Notre Dame next Tuesday 10 May, on the topic ‘A Passion for Justice and God’s Own Poor’.

The seminar will explore ten ways Catholic charities are authentically ‘Catholic’, distinct from secular social


The seminar will draw from Fr Fred’s decades of experience both in leading Catholic charities and social services, where he worked to serve people experiencing vulnerability, as a lay volunteer, attorney, advocate, and administrator.

In an exclusive interview with Fr Fred, who is visiting Australia while on sabbatical, he highlighted the importance of Catholic social teaching.

“It’s the Church’s best kept secret that many Catholics haven’t been given the opportunity to learn more about,” Fr Fred explained.

“It speaks to our daily life in so many ways, the economic, the social, our human dignity and our duty to work for peace and justice,” he said.

The second seminar, co-ordinated by the Western Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office (WACMRO) is titled ‘Welcome the Stranger!’ and will be held on Wednesday 11 May at the Newman Siena Centre.

This talk will examine the phenomena of human mobility as a social reality and in light of understandings from Scripture and key principles from Catholic Social Teaching.

“It will be a considered Christian response which enhances the Catholicity of the local church, with online and written resources, as well as plenty of Q&A,” Fr Fred explained.

Hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana, Fr Fred told The Record his passion for Catholic social teaching developed having grown up in an era when society was legally segregated based on colour.

“This was a time of enormous social change and has shaped my own desires to support the poor, to animate what the Church teaches and to encourage renewal where necessary and possible,” he said. A member of the Central and Southern Province of the Jesuits, Fr Fred is the Director of the Jesuit Social Research Institute, a post he has held since 2009.

Fr Fred was previously President of Catholic Charities USA from 1992 to 2001; the largest voluntary human service network in the US.

United States Jesuit priest Fr Fred Kammer SJ will next week speak at two seminars with the aim of animating Catholic social teaching and bringing alive the Church’s best kept secret.


Ukrainian Catholic Church Bishop Mykola Bychok has last week delivered his 2022 Easter Message, highlighting the need to witness the resurrection of Christ more than ever.

Bishop Bychok recently visited Perth, meeting with Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, celebrating the Divine Liturgy and praying for the crises in Ukraine.

Beloved in Christ! The Resurrection of Christ is always a great feast of joy. Unfortunately, this year's Easter is intertwined with deep sadness for us, as the war has come to our native Ukraine. Although in Australia we are far from Ukraine, we are close in heart and mind. We are all worried about the war and we are praying constantly from the depths of our heart for the safety and wellbeing of our poor and suffering brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

In this time of trial, we need to witness the Resurrection of Christ more than ever. At a time when the apostles doubted and were persecuted by the Jews, the myrrh-

bearing women were the first to preach the Risen Christ. Therefore, the task of modern Christians is to become true witnesses of Christ’s Resurrection, despite all the difficulties and hardships we experience in life.

I sincerely greet all the faithful of the Eparchy of Melbourne on this great feast and wish you a blessed and happy Easter.

Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!

Ukrainian Catholic Church Bishop Mykola Bychok, tope centre, with Kalgoorlie Parish Priest Brennan Sia, and Ukrainian Catholic Church St John the Baptist Parish Priest Fr Ihor Holovko during Bishop Bychok’s recent tour of Western Australia. PHOTO: BISHOP MYKOLA BYXHOK / FACEBOOK.

Ukrainian Catholic Church Bishop Mykola Bychok, with Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, following the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, Sunday 27 March at St Mary’s Cathedral. PHOTO: MICHELLE TAN.


Students from Mercedes College Knitting Club have been working on an exciting mental health initiative. The club decided to put their talents to work by participating in the Blue Tree Project during term one, a campaign dedicated to raising awareness around mental health and destigmatising difficult conversations about the topic.

The Blue Tree Project aims to spark conversations about mental health, spreading the message that "it’s OK to not be OK" and encouraging people to speak up and seek support when battling mental health concerns. More than 750 trees across Australia have been painted blue with the help of community events and organisers, especially in regional and rural Australia.

Year 12 students Mairead, Imogen and Evie kick-started the initiative and put a twist on the project by knitting a tree blue rather than painting it.

Usually, the trees chosen for the Blue Tree Project are dead to prevent harm to the environment.

Instead, the Knitting Club spent several weeks creating a blue coat to cover the trunk of a very much alive tree at the centre of Catherine’s Garden.

Club members knitted individual squares, which were stitched together to match the tree’s shape, as well as decorative buttons, bees and birds, and the central message of “R U OK?”.

In the central area of Catherine’s Garden, it will serve as a reminder to students and visitors that it’s okay to share their problems and ask for help when they need it.

“It has been joyful seeing the students knitting and crocheting together to create such a beautiful coat for the tree,” said Principal Kerry Fraser “reminding us to care for one another and promote wellbeing in our school.”

Students and staff from Mercedes College Knitting Club. Together they spent several weeks creating a blue coat to cover the trunk of a very much alive tree at the centre of Catherine’s Garden. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.
Mercedes College Knitting Club members knitted individual squares, which were stitched together to match the tree’s shape, as well as decorative buttons, bees and birds, and the central message of “R U OK?”. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.


The recently launched and formally approved Pathway Program Towards Formal Recognition of Theological Studies will soon host a social event to help students rediscover their love for the study of theology.

Scheduled to take place at The University of Notre Dame (UNDA), Fremantle campus, on Thursday, 12 May, at 7pm, the informal event aims to bring together people with a shared interest in theology to explore different avenues in their studies and in the workforce. A collaboration between The Centre for Faith Enrichment (CFE) and UNDA, the Pathway Program offers students an opportunity to obtain formal recognition for their CFE studies and move on to complete their degree at UNDA.

The Program offers rigorous preparation for those wanting to be involved in pastoral ministry and other career paths involving critical thinking, evaluation of arguments, teaching, problem solving and clear and creative writing.

“We need more critical thinkers in the world who are informed by the richness of the Judaeo-Christian tradition,” said CFE Director, Dr Marco Ceccarelli.

“The Pathway Program promises high quality courses on theological topics such as Christology, Christian Anthropology, Church History, Morality, Scripture the Sacraments and much more.

“Students who take these courses with us at the approved standard of teaching and learning may obtain advanced standing

or credit for these courses in the Undergraduate Certificate in Theology or the Diploma of Theology at UNDA. Join us within the beautiful surroundings of Fremantle to find out more and to have your questions answered”

The Social Event will be held at 7.00pm on Thursday, 12 May at the Michael Keating Room, corner of High and Cliff streets.

Guests are encouraged to RSVP their attendance by Friday, 6 May by emailing cfe@perthcatholic. or calling 08 9278 0260.

For more information about the Pathway Program see https://cfe.

CFE Director Dr Marco Ceccarelli gives a lecture during the 2019 CYM Sacramentum Conference. A new program by the CFE and UNDA offers students an opportunity to obtain formal recognition for their CFE studies and move on to complete their degree at UNDA. PHOTO: MATTHEW LAU.

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