The eRecord Edition #394 - 04 August 2022

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St Benedict’s Church in Applecross celebrated its 70th anniversary with a week of festivities featuring special masses, morning teas, and a cocktail evening.

The final celebratory Mass at 9.30am on 31 July was celebrated by Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, alongside Father Nelson Po who has been the Parish Priest since 2016. Former Parish priests Vicar General Fr Peter Whitely VG (2003 -2013), St Charles Seminary Rector Fr Phillip Fleay (2013-2016), CEWA Religious Education Director, Deacon Mark Powell (Former St Benedict’s School Principal for 7 years), and Father John Paul Maiko (current resident priest) were also present for the occasion.

The richness of the diverse and multi-cultural nature of the parish community was demonstrated in the displays of historical artifacts, photographs and expressed in the prayers of the faithful delivered in different languages.

The St Benedict’s choir and music ministry were also joined by Aquinas College Schola Cantorum with director Hugh Lydon. The choir was present in acknowledgment of their connections with the parish through choir scholarships. This collaboration was further testimony of the parish’s influence on the wider community.

At the conclusion of the Mass, Fr Nelson presented special plaques to the family members of foundation Parish Priest, Fr Albert Lynch, as well as the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions who first established

the St Benedict’s School.

In his homily to an overflowing church, Archbishop Costelloe reflected on the gift of the parish and invited parishioners to “look back with gratitude, and to look around us and particularly to look forward with hope, not so much in ourselves, certainly that but much more basically, in God and God's presence with us.”

Reflecting on the journey of the Plenary Council, Archbishop Costelloe shared that “We're beginning to understand more deeply that the mission of the Church and the responsibility rests in the hands of all of us, not just the bishops because we're all baptised.”

Left to Right: Fr Philip Fleay, Fr Peter Whitely VG, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and Fr Nelson Po cuts the cake at the celebrations.


Australian Ambassador to the Vatican, Her Excellency Chiara Porro, has this week met with Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB. Ambassador Porro is currently visiting Australian Bishops and their diocese, following her appointment to the role in August 2020.

The Italian born-Australian raised Ms Porro previously worked within the Department of Foreign Affairs prior to her appointment, including in overseas postings in India and New Caledonia.

Ms Porro spoke with Archbishop Costelloe about the recent Fifth Plenary Council, as well as his recent election as President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.

“It was great to hear his reflections from the Plenary process and also his priorities going forward,” Ambassador Porro said.

Ambassador Porro is Australia’s fourth ambassador to the Holy See – but second female diplomat - and the youngest person invited to be part of the Vatican’s diplomatic corps. She is the also the only resident ambassador to the Holy See who has lived in the Pacific region.

Born in Italy, Ambassador Porro moved to Australia at the age of three before living in Indonesia with her family.

The Holy See first established diplomatic relations with Australia in 1973.

Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI announced the first resident ambassador, the Honourable Tim Fisher AC, during the Sydney World Youth Day in 2008

Australian Embassy in Rome opening doors to ACU students

The Australian Catholic University reported in March that ACU students will have a rare opportunity to shadow the country’s top diplomat in the Vatican as part of a new formal agreement with the Australian Embassy to the Holy See.

ACU Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Zlatko Skrbis and Australia’s Ambassador to the Holy See, Her Excellency Chiara Porro, signed a memorandum of understanding in Rome in March detailing a new internship program that will be open to current ACU students in 2022/2023.

The prestigious internship will

see students with an interest in international relations undertake work inside the Embassy’s headquarters in the Vatican for between four and 12 weeks.

Through the Rome Internship Program, students will have the chance to manage the Embassy’s social media, support public diplomatic events, draft reports on developments in the Vatican, audit international meetings, and respond to inquiries from Australian departments and the public.

Professor Skrbis said the internship agreement between ACU and the Embassy marked a significant step in strengthening the university’s identity in Rome.

“Her Excellency Chiara Porro represents Australia’s most senior diplomatic presence in the Vatican, and I am immensely grateful that she has acknowledged ACU and our commitment to education excellence through this internship,” Professor Skrbis said.

Archbishop Costelloe presents Her Excellency Chiara Porro with a book about St Mary’s Cathedral. PHOTO: MICHELLE TAN.


Australia’s bishops have used their annual social justice statement to condemn the scourge of domestic and family violence, saying relationships must be “marked by respect and freedom rather than coercion and control”.

The Church in Australia has published social justice statements each year since the 1940s on a wide range

of topics. This year’s statement is titled Respect: Confronting Violence and Abuse.

The document draws on data around family and domestic violence, and gathers the insights of people –especially women – on that data. It also reflects on the words and example of Jesus.

“The teaching of Christ urges us to promote relationships marked by respect and freedom rather than coercion and control,” Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President and Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB writes in the foreword.

“The message of the Gospel is not a message of domination of one person over another but a message of mutual esteem and kindness.”

The statement, citing the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, explains that family and domestic violence “affects people of all ages

and from all backgrounds”, but notes it “predominantly affects women and children”.

Younger women, women with disabilities, people in regional areas, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and members of the LGBTQI+ community were highlighted as particularly vulnerable to violence, various studies have found.

The statement also points out that “family and domestic violence is a painful and complex reality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities”.

The document’s sections cover the importance of listening to women and children, the drivers and enablers of violence, supporting respectful relationships and the importance of respect, dignity and justice, as well as transformation and hope.

Full Text available at


Parishioners from Armadale St Francis Xavier Church recently came together to celebrate cultural diversity.

The celebration included an International Food fair with representation from including Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.

More than 200 members of the parish purchased tickets; with food prepared and donated by members of the parish community.

Parish Administration Officer Julie Bogoni recalled to The Record some highlights from the occasion.

“Our African parishioners showed

their wonderous skills in preparing some very spicy rice dishes and some very interesting and enjoyable deserts.

“They decorated their areas with souvenirs from their countries and came dressed in the beautiful outfits we often enjoy seeing them in at our Sunday masses.

“Not to be outdone, our Indian parishioners dressed up in their saris and their men looked so handsome in their kurtas.

“We lined up to watch and enjoy eating Dhosa’s being cooked fresh while we waited and of course a whole table full of Indian sweets which a sweet tooth is required to enjoy.

“Our Tongan parishioners managed to cook a whole pig and we were glad to have a photo as proof that this actually arrived as it was devoured in no time.

Australia’s bishops have used their annual social justice statement to condemn the scourge of domestic and family violence, saying relationships must be “marked by respect and freedom rather than coercion and control”. IMAGE: ACBC.
Armadale parishioners serve up food during the International Food Fair. PHOTO: SUPPLIED / ARMADALE PARISH.


Former Deputy Director of Catholic Education Western Australia Ltd, Mercy Sister Joan Buckham passed away Tuesday 21 June 2022.

Fellow Mercy Sister Janina Pascoe RSM gave the following Eulogy at her Requiem Mass.

Joan Buckham was born on the 19 December 1939, the third child of Nora and Stan Buckham, at the small local Mt Hawthorn Hospital. She was the much loved baby sister to Dallas and Graeme.

The larger part of Joan’s life was spent in and around the adjoining suburbs of Leederville/Mt Hawthorn.

Joan was baptised and received all the Sacraments in this her parish church, St Mary’s Leederville. It is fitting that she be farewelled from here.

Joan attended St Mary’s School just across the road. Her Novitiate was completed at the Convent opposite in 1959, later teaching at St Mary’s


Joan’s commitment to education was at all levels.

Beginning with Primary then Secondary classroom teaching, she moved onto becoming Principal at primary schools in Nollamara, Kojonup, Glendalough, Lesmurdie and Leederville.

This was followed by becoming Principal of St Brigid’s College Lesmurdie, Ursula Frayne Victoria Park and St Mary’s Leederville (now Aranmore College).

During Sr Joan’s time at St Mary’s Leederville, she was instrumental in the planning and amalgamation of St Mary’s with Christian Brothers College to become the now Aranmore College.

Her final direct involvement in schools was as Campus Minister at Ursula Frayne.

With all this experience behind her Sr Joan accepted the challenge to

take up the role of Deputy Director of Catholic Education WA, a position she held for 12 years.

She was passionate about education, demanding high standards and adequate resources in schools.

Sr Joan served as a Member of the Catholic Education Commission WA and up until the time of her death served on numerous School Boards, Advisory Councils, the Catholic Pastoral Institute, and a term on our former West Perth Mercy Council.

Joan had endless energy and her most recent passion was as Pastoral Carer in the hospitals.

Mercy works were still very much part of her daily life as she supported the poor in many ways.

All of this was done with great dedication, amazing energy, and enthusiasm.

Beginning with Primary then Secondary classroom teaching, Sr Joan Buckham was Principal at Nollamara, Kojonup, Glendalough, Lesmurdie and St Mary’s Leederville, as well as St Brigid’s College Lesmurdie, Ursula Frayne Victoria Park and Aranmore College. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.

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