The eRecord Edition #406 - 27 October 2022

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"We thank God for you and for your openness of heart to allow the Spirit to work within you, making you true witnesses of the Gospel and being the medium through which people can come to know Jesus.”

These sentiments were expressed by Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton to the new Catechists of the Archdiocese at their Commissioning Eucharist held on Thursday 20 October 2022 at St Michael the Archangel Chapel, Leederville.

The annual Mass, in thanksgiving for the ministry of catechists, was attended by more than 120 people and celebrated the commissioning and blessing of 20 catechists from the Catechist Service and Personal Advocacy Service and acknowledged

the achievements of those who had attained important milestones in their formation and their journey as Catechists.

The Mass was celebrated by Bishop Sproxton and joined by concelebrants, Frs Stanislaw Bendowski, Michael Quynh Do, Philip Perreau, Michael Separovich, Pierluigi Vajra and Pradeep Nishantha Dias CRS. Also present were Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) Executive Director Dr Debra Sayce, CEWA Director of Religious Education Deacon Mark Powell, Archdiocese Director for the Office of Christian Initiation Dr Carmel Suart, interim Personal Advocacy Service Director Peter Batini, formation course presenter Professor Matthew Ogilvie and YouthCARE Chief Executive Officer Tamsyn Cullingford. In his homily, Bishop Sproxton spoke

of the need to “go out into the world and to bring the gospel in places that are not always very receptive, but to do so by being led by the spirit.” He encouraged catechists to go and be the medium through which Christ can become known by children whom they teach, emphasising “the medium would have to be very much like Christ in order for that to be effective.”

“The fundamental thing is for us to be witnesses because of who we are and how the Gospel itself has brought about change within us.”

Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton congratulates some of the 20 new catechists, Thursday 20 October, following the annual Mass celebrating the commissioning and blessing of 20 catechists from the Catechist Service and Personal Advocacy Service. PHOTO: SUPPLIED/CEWA.


The annual celebration of the Blessing of the Fleet is a well-established tradition in the City of Fremantle. The celebration observes the age-old Mediterranean practice to call on Mother Mary to intercede for the safety of seafarers, bless the fishing industry with bountiful catch, and to provide for the families who rely on fishing for survival.

It was first celebrated in Fremantle on 8 September 1948 by fishermen from Molfetta to venerate their patron saint, La Madonna Dei Martiri. In 1952, they were joined by fishing families from Capo d’Orlando (Messina, Sicily), who brought along with them La Madonna di Capo d’Orlando.

This year’s Blessing had attracted hundreds of excited locals of all ages who were dressed up and ready to take part in the procession.

However, rain forced organisers to cancel the procession at the last minute, much to the disappointment of all who were involved.

President of the Fishing Fleet Festival Association John Mintiullo said “Unfortunately, we have to cancel the procession as we want to ensure the safety of everyone.”

In 1977 and 2001, the procession was also cancelled due to bad weather and in 2020, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The cancellation of the procession did not stop the community from celebrating the important and sacred elements of the festival. A triduum of Masses were celebrated by Fr Giancarlo Lollo OMI, from 18 to 20 October, in the lead up to the big day.

Mr Mintiullo said “I am sure that you would all agree with me that he was able to enlighten us all on the history of both statues and the true meaning of the word blessing.

Father, you did good, very good!” Mass was celebrated Sunday 23 October at St Patrick’s Basilica Fremantle Parish by Monsignor Michael Keating and concelebrated by Parish Priest and Rector of the Basilica, Fr John Sebastian OMI, Fremantle Assistant Parish Priests, Fr Giancarlo Lollo OMI, Fr Angelo Wijewickrama OMI, Fr John Patrick John Mary OMI and Fr Anthony Colbert OMI.

This was the first year that the University of Notre Dame Australia participated in the celebration, putting on a Family Fiesta, attended by UNDA Chancellor, the Hon Chris Ellison, Vice Chancellor, Prof Francis Campbell, Fremantle Mayor Hannah Fitzhardinge, Member for Fremantle, the Hon Simone McGurk and Minister for Transport, Planning; Ports, the Hon Rita Saffioti.

Dignitaries pose with Msgr Michael Keating, fifth from left, UNDA Vice Chancellor Francis Campbell, far right, UNDA Chancellor, the Hon Chris Ellison, and President of the Fishing Fleet Festival Association, John Mintiullo and the 2022 Regina Christina Manuele, fourth from left. PHOTO: MICHELLE TAN.


The National Centre for Pastoral Research is inviting groups of seven to 10 people to express their interest in participating in the next round of consultation for the global Synod of Bishops on Synodality.

The Document for the Continental Stage, which is drawing content provided in national syntheses from around the world, as well as contributions from Eastern Churches, religious institutes, lay movements and other groups, is due to be published soon.

Once the document is released, groups – assisted by a reflection guide being produced by the national Synod of Bishops committee to support prayer, discernment and response – will be able to gather and share their feedback through an online portal.

National Centre for Pastoral Research Director Trudy Dantis said the opportunity for groups to contribute during the next phase will help the global process that still has about two years to run.

“With Pope Francis recently announcing that the Synod on Synodality will be comprised of two sessions – one in October 2023 and

a second a year later – there exists a chance for even deeper prayer and reflection,” Dr Dantis said.

“The contributions that Australian groups will work on in the weeks after the Document for the Continental Stage is published form part of the ongoing preparations for the meeting of bishops from Oceania, which will take place in February next year.”

Those continental gatherings will then provide responses to the Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops as it prepares the Instrumentum Laboris, or working document, for the Synod assemblies.

People wishing to coordinate groups for discernment on the Document for the Continental Stage should email the NCPR’s Stephen Reid ( to express interest in coordinating a group that meets the following criteria:

• Groups should be comprised of a mix of clergy, laity and religious.

• Group members are expected to be aware of Church matters at the diocesan and national level.

• Group members should be able to read and reflect prayerfully on the document and have experience

doing so with similar documents.

“We had thousands of people participate in the diocesan consultations, which enriched our national data,” Dr Dantis said.

“We look forward to once again drawing on the People of God to see how our Australian lived experience might support the Synod of Bishops journey. This is seen as a ‘deepening’ of what has taken place so far, not a replication in any way.”

The National Centre for Pastoral Research will host an online training session for group coordinators once the Document for the Continental Stage has been published.

Find out more about the Synod of Bishops at: synodalchurch

Pope Francis poses for a photo with leaders of the Synod of Bishops' general secretariat in the library of the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican, 14 October 2022. PHOTOS: CNS/VATICAN MEDIA.


Armadale Parish Priest Father Mark Baumgarten will next month host a live music event titled, “An Afternoon of Songs (and a few stories)”.

Fr Baumgarten made news earlier this year by releasing a debut album of original songs, written over a span of 20 years.

The album, titled Now and Not Yet, features a mix of songs from his preseminary days as a semi-professional musician, as well as more recent songs that reflect his path to the priesthood and parish life.

“I’m as surprised as anyone that this album came together,” Fr Baumgarten admitted.

“I had more-or-less let go that part of my life, and then during the lockdowns of 2020 it was as though the wheels started turning again. “I was hesitant at first, not wanting to neglect my

priestly responsibilities, but it seemed like something the Lord was asking me to do on the side.”

The concert will feature songs from the album as well as some of the stories behind the songs, and the Perth-born priest will again be joined by several of the musicians who helped record the album.

“Our album launch concert earlier this year went well, but it was a difficult time for live music, with mandatory face masks and the prospect of further shutdowns.”

Fr Baumgarten said that he’s looking forward to a more relaxed atmosphere on this occasion: “It should be a lot of fun!”

Fr Baumgarten also revealed that he has begun work on a second album. “The new songs have been written, and we’re currently finalising an initial

single for release this Advent,” he noted.

“I’m looking forward to being able to share the new songs with everyone, but it will probably take a year or so to finish the second album. I do have a full-time job in the parish after all!”

The concert will take place on Saturday 19 November from 3pm, in the Paul Latham Auditorium at Churchlands Senior High School.

Tickets are available online at www. or by calling (08) 9399 2143 during office hours.

Visit for more information.

Armadale Parish Priest Father Mark Baumgarten, centre, with fellow musicians. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.

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