The eRecord Edition #422 - 02 March 2023

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One of the great gifts of the Catholic faith is that it can enables us to look at and experience creation, people and events through a particular lens, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn has said. "This lens is sacramentality. Sacramentality enables to experience the presence of God through our humanity, our human experience," Fr Vincent said. Speaking in the first of four videos for the recently launched Liturgical Formation and Renewal Program, Fr Vincent explained that one of the unique features of our Catholic faith is our sacramental life.

“This sacramental life is most commonly expressed in the celebration of the seven sacraments,” Fr Vincent said.

“Sacramentality is the building block of liturgy,” he continued.

The Liturgical Formation and Renewal Program, launched last week in

parishes across the Archdiocese with an introduction from Archbishop Costelloe, aims to encourage the Perth Catholic community to awaken a renewed love for and awareness of the extraordinary gift we have in the Eucharist, in the Mass. Leading the program is the Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, supported by Centre for Liturgy Director, Sr Kerry Willison RSM, Director of Religious Education at Catholic Education Western Australia, Deacon Mark Powell, Director of the Centre for Faith Enrichment, Dr Marco Ceccarelli and Catechist Services Field Officer, Mildred Rego.

During the four weeks of lent, video messages highlighting an understanding of What is Sacramentality, Why we Gather to celebrate Liturgy, Signs and Symbols in the Liturgy and What is Liturgy, will be shown in our parish communities. The videos feature Fr Vincent Glynn, Sr Kerry Willison RSM and Mildred


In liturgy we use the gifts of creation such as oil or water enable us to experience God who is the source of all creation, continues Fr Vincent.

“In the liturgical celebration of the sacraments, important stages of life are made holy.

“Baptism sanctifies our human life, marriage sanctifies our love for another, the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick allows us to experience God entering into our suffering. The Eucharist feeds us and nourishes us for this life and eternal life,” he said.

The celebration of the Eucharist, explained Fr Vincent, should also be seen through the lens of sacramentality, The singing is not just singing it is praise of God.

“The community gathered is not just a gathering of people but becomes the body of Christ.

“The Word of God proclaimed is not just mere words but the presence of the living Word of God who is Christ. The bread and wine is not just food, it is the real presence of the body and blood of the risen Christ,” Fr Vincent said.

Speaking at a General Audience of 6 November 2013, Pope Francis says that every encounter with Christ, who in the Sacraments gives us salvation, invites us to “go” and communicate to others the salvation that we have been able to see, to touch, to encounter and to receive, and which is truly credible because it is love.

Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB baptises a young man during the Easter Vigil Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, 16 April 2022. PHOTO: RON TAN.



We are all part of this great family, the family of the Church, all called to be, and become more and more each day, faithful disciples of Jesus, said Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB last Friday 17 February at Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, Gosnells Parish.

“People who really do recognise and embrace him as our Way, our Truth and our Life,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

Celebrating the Ordination to the Diaconate of St Charles Seminarians, Jason Yeap and Errol Lobo, Archbishop Costelloe was joined for the occasion by Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, Vicar General, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, Episcopal Vicar for Clergy, Fr MinhThuy Nguyen, St Charles Seminary Rector, Fr Francis Huy Nguyen,

Gosnells Parish Priest Fr Phillip Perreau, in addition to Moora Parish Administrator Fr Simeon San, Thornlie Assistant Priest Fr Israel Quirit and Banksia Grove Deacon Nicholas Diedler.

A further 30 other clergy from across Perth also concelebrated for the occasion with some 600 parishioners, friends, family of Jason and Errol present.

We might wonder why, continued Archbishop Costelloe, God has called us to such a privileged and, at the same time, challenging and even daunting vocation.

“We look at our own struggles, our own limitations and our own sinfulness and recognise that what God is calling us to is actually beyond us – and we would be right, especially if we were to think that we had to respond to this call on or own,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

Speaking after his ordination, 34-yearold Jason Yeap originally studied Civil Engineering at the University

of Western Australia, working for some years until he entered the seminary in 2016.

The second of five children – Perth born Jason’s parents Anne and Thomas are from Malaysia.

Jason went to Burrendah and South Thornlie Primary School before taking up a music scholarship (Cello) to study at Perth Modern School, graduating in 2006.

Jason recalled to The Record that he spent much of 2014 and 2015 in discernment.

“Around 2014, I wanted to rule out that God was definitely calling me,” Jason explained, having given the idea of the priesthood some careful consideration for several years before. However, in 2015, my heart and mind changed to being more open to the possibility – I think I got tired of resisting,” Jason said.

Catholic Education WA Acting Executive Director Wayne Bull with Year 12 graduates of 2022 from Catholic schools who were recognised as Catholic Education WA’s highest achievers for 2022 at a special ceremony celebrating academic excellence. PHOTO: SUPPLIED / CEWA.



The Perth Catholic Ukrainian community and friends have last week come together in prayer, Friday 24 February, at St Mary’s Cathedral, one year since the war on Ukraine commenced.

“Tonight is a further demonstration of our sense of unity, in the sense that we pray together, that we call upon Jesus Christ, who says that where two or three are gathered in my name, I'm there in their midst,”

Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don said. Joining Bishop Don for the occasion was Cathedral Dean, the Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, WA Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office Director, Deacon Greg Lowe, Ukrainian Catholic Church Parish Priest Fr Ihor Holovko, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St Nicholas the Wonderworker, Very Rev Vasyl Olevych, and St George’s

Anglican Cathedral Dean, the Very Rev Chris Chataway.

“That we can draw upon that faith that Jesus Christ is with us tonight as we pray together, and also, that Jesus Christ is there with the people of Ukraine,” Bishop Don continued.

“We call upon the spirit of Christ, to bring a healing in the hearts of everyone affected by this as a war,” he said.

Bishop Don continued by explaining that the war has perhaps introduced into many people's minds, a doubt that things can end well.

“A doubt that God is somehow in this experience - a crisis of faith.

“We pray tonight asking for faith to increase this belief, to increase within the hearts of all those affected by this war, including ourselves.

“And we pray that this faith will sustain us in our efforts to bring peace, to see peace on the earth,” Bishop Don said.

Representing the Ukrainian Catholic community, St John the Baptist Church Parish Priest Fr Ihor Holovko said the service was a beautiful opportunity to pray for peace in Ukraine, but also for all the families and friends of people who are supporting the community.

“We continue to pray for victory over evil every day, for the conversion of hearts of the Russian people,”

Fr Ihor said.

Fr Ihor explained to The Record that for him the past 12 months have been a very defined mission of helping the community every way he can.

“It has motivated, all of us, I think, to do what we can when we have seen people in need – a bit like the words of St Mary McKillop,” Fr Ihor explained.

“We are called to go out and find the lost sheep, just like the good shepherd,” he said.

Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, fifth from left, with second from left, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St Nicholas the Wonderworker, Very Rev Vasyl Olevych, St Mary’s Cathedral Dean, the Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, St George’s Anglican Cathedral Dean, the Very Rev Chris Chataway, Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, Ukrainian Catholic Church Parish Priest Fr Ihor Holovko and WA Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office Director, Deacon Greg Lowe. Ukrainian Catholic Altar Servers Andrew and Michael are holding the candles. PHOTO: RON TAN.



Catholic Education Western Australia has signed a new memorandum of understanding, ‘In Communion and Mission’ (ICM), with the Bishops of WA and eight other governing bodies of the 163 Catholic schools operating in Western Australia. The collaboration established through the ICM is a Catholic Education first and will help to ensure a strong, united voice for Catholic education in our state.

The MOU was developed following extensive consultation in 2022 to re-affirm both cooperation and a united commitment to the delivery of a quality, Christ-centred and childfocused education for families who choose a Catholic school.

Parties to the agreement have committed to work proactively and cooperatively to realise the vision of Catholic education to be

Christ-centred and child-focused through shared goals and actions.

Chair of the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia (CECWA) Ms Eva Skira AM said in initiating the MOU, CEWA hopes to build on the rich history and vision of the Bishops of Western Australia, religious orders, and laity.

“To further a shared mission for Catholic education in Western Australia, ensuring our schools continue to offer educational choice for WA families who seek a Catholic education for their child,” Ms Skira said. “I am excited by the opportunity these closer ties present to our organisations.

“I look forward to working together and building on our strong partnership for the benefit of current and future generations of Catholic school students,” she said. Signatories

to the ICM include Catholic Education Western Australia, the Archbishop of Perth, Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB DD, Bishop of Bunbury, Most Rev Gerard Holohan DD, Bishop of Geraldton and Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Broome, Most Rev Michael Morrissey DD, along with Edmund Rice Education Australia Ltd, John XXIII College Council Incorporated, Loreto Ministries Ltd, Norbertine Canons Incorporated, Marist Schools Australia Ltd, Mercy Education Ltd, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, and the Servite Friars.

The ICM operates in alignment with the Bishops’ Mandate for Catholic Education.

Teachers from across WA came together for the annual 2023 Commissioning Mass, Tuesday 31 January at St Mary’s Cathedral. PHOTO: RON TAN / ARCHDIOCESE OF PERTH.

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