The eRecord Edition #448 - 31 August 2023

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Leederville parishioners have recently embraced the dawn of a new era with the installation of Fr Jeffey Casabuena as the Parish Priest.

The momentous occasion on Sunday 20 August at St Mary’s Church is one that will be remembered in the hearts and minds of all who attended.

The Mass was celebrated by Vicar General, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely, Vicar General with Fr Jeffey as concelebrant.

Also attending the Mass were representatives from the Parish Council, Finance Committee, parishioners past and present as well as friends who journeyed from Kalgoorlie and the South-West.

Born in the town of Hinigaran, located in the Western Visayas region of the Philippines, Fr Jeffey

completed part of his religious formation at the Sacred Heart Seminary of Bacolod City and at The University of Santo Tomas, Manila, obtaining a Philosophy degree and a Bachelor of Sacred Theology.

Despite being drawn to a career in academia, he felt a strong desire to enter the priesthood and was particularly inspired by Fr Robert Carrillo, the Parish Priest of St Andrew’s Parish, Clarkson. Fr Carrillo would often visit Jeffey’s parish in the Philippines and encouraged him to enter the seminary.

After obtaining his visa, Fr Jeffey finished his formation at St Charles’ Seminary, Guildford, and was ordained on 1 August 2015. He has undertaken appointments at St Mary’s Cathedral and St Mary’s Kalgoorlie during that time.

Parish Pastoral Council Chair John Pintabona said the moment marked

the beginning of a new spiritual journey, one that parishioners eagerly anticipate under the capable stewardship of Father Jeffey.

“His arrival opens a new chapter in the history of St. Mary's, promising continued growth and spiritual enrichment for our beloved parish,”

Mr Pintabona said.

The installation Mass, continued Mr Pintabona, accompanied by the San Lorenzo Choir, was nothing short of extraordinary.

“The church overflowed with devoted worshipers who had come to witness this significant moment,”

“The ethereal voices of the choir soared, filling the high ceiling space of the church with reverence and joy. It was a testament to the unity and faith which binds our community together,” he said.

Fr Jeffey distributes the Body of Christ, standing next to Vicar General the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG during the installation Mass of Fr Jeffey as Parish Priest at St Mary’s Leederville, Sunday 20 August. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.



Catholic School Parents WA (CSPWA) annual Awards of Excellence held on Friday 11 August was more than a celebration of the shared achievements of school leaders, parents and teachers in Catholic schools across WA.

Exemplifying the theme of this year’s Awards, ‘Building Positive Catholic School Communities’ it was evening of camaraderie and connection for more than 105 guests who came together to acknowledge the outstanding contributions of parents, school leaders and staff. Addressing guests in her welcome message, CSPWA Executive Director, Siobhan Allen, recognised the dedication of parents who make the choice to send their children to a Catholic school, “then contribute to making that school the best it can be.”

She also commended the principals who attended alongside the parent nominees, acknowledging the importance of parent / school relationships in creating welcoming

communities where all children are supported and have a sense of belonging.

“The Catholic school community today is often the first real experience of community that families encounter,” Ms Allen said. “Therefore, it is incumbent on us to ensure that our communities are welcoming and inclusive, and that as parents we accompany one another along the path of our children’s educational journey,” she said.

“...St Mary McKillop said we must teach more by example than by word and so volunteering in your school and parish communities is first and foremost a gift to your children. I feel sure if I asked for a show of hands here tonight, most if not all of you had parents who also volunteered in some way. Through our actions of volunteering, we are demonstrating to our children the power of contributing to the common good. Just remember that the next time you are organising the

school fete or the disco or other events that take up your time and energy,” she continued.

The winners of the five Awards categories received certificates and prize money to contribute to future projects in their schools. These recipients were selected for providing exemplary leadership by worked collaboratively with their school’s community to promote social initiatives and provide networking opportunities at school, with the aim of encouraging a positive, collaborative, engaging and connected environment.

Winners of the CSPWA awards were:

Parent Group - Holy Cross Carer’s Collective.

Individual Parent - Sofia Letto Conti.

Principal - Angela Hegney, Our Lady of Lourdes Dardenup.

Parish - St Lawrence Parish, Geraldton.

The winners of the five Awards were selected for providing exemplary leadership by worked collaboratively with their school’s community to promote social initiatives and provide networking opportunities at school, with the aim of encouraging a positive, collaborative, engaging and connected environment.
Photo: Supplied.. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.


The Theme for the 2024 Mandorla Art Award is: Refocus: “Let all that you do be done in love” and is derived from St Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 16, verse 14. The theme for the previous Mandorla Art Award held in 2022 was Metamorphosis – a profound or radical change.

The scriptural reference was taken from the prophet Isaiah, “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” (43:19). Radical changes in recent years were wrought by the ongoing pandemic, war, famine and the refugee crisis. Artists interpreted this state in visual ways that challenged us to review how we live, work and act in the world.

The new theme for the 2024 Award is about the next step, how we refocus in a positive way. This is derived from St Paul’s letter

to the Corinthians and includes the previous sentence; “Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Cor 16:13-14).

Refocus becomes the great ‘What if?’.

Let us imagine a world where love is the animator of everything! What if…

Every contact is motivated by love

Every word is spoken in love

Every conversation is formed in love

Every purchase is activated by love

Every action is framed with love

Every relationship is infused with love

Every gift is given with love

Every law is enacted with love

Every lesson is taught with love

Every mouthful of food delivered with love

Every child conceived in love

Every celebration fuelled by love

Every addiction is relieved by love

Every embrace warmed by love

Every death gently held in love

Every reprimand received in love

Every confrontation calmed by love

Every anxiety relieved by love

Every part of creation cared for with love

Every weapon eliminated by love

Every sexual encounter flooded with love

Every embrace an expression of love. There are families and communities throughout the world who have achieved this and in Christian scriptures it is given a variety of names, for example, the kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God, the reign of God, a life of love. What if everyone could refocus and live in love, through love and with love?

This quote is taken from St Paul who was talking to the people of Corinth over 2000 years ago. Corinth was a very cosmopolitan port city that had great diversity and social difficulties. The situation is similar for us today. What If?

The 2022 Mandoorla Art Award Winner Claire Beausein’s 'Chalice' 2022. wild silkworm cocoons stitched together with silk thread, museum insect pins on cotton rag paper 125x71cm. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.


New Norcia Benedictine Monastery has this month 12 August celebrated a very special birthdaythe 100th anniversary of the Abbey Church’s historic pipe organ. The day, organised in co-operation with the Organ Society of Western Australia, was supported by an enthusiastic audience of more than 70 people.

Those present enjoyed a varied day of musical recitals, lectures on the history and special features of the instrument, and a fine lunch in New

Norcia’s St Ildephonsus’ College. The organ at New Norcia was designed in Germany, where it had been exhibited at the Munich World Fair in 1922.

It features many technical features which were cutting-edge technology at the time, and some unique tonal qualities and voices not to be found on any other instrument in Australia. Performers included New Norcia’s own Fr Robert Nixon, as well as John Beaverstock, Andrew Brown, Samuel Yeo, and singer Mary Barrett-


Experienced organ technician, Patrick Elms, also spoke about the unique and distinctive features of the instrument, to an audience which included many organ aficionados. Music composed by monks of New Norcia, including Dom Rosendo Salvado, Fr Stephen Moreno and Fr Robert Nixon, was presented, highlighting the centrality of music to the life of the monastery, from its first beginnings through to the present day.

Benedictine Fr Robert Nixon OSB speaks about the New Norcia Organ which celebrated its 100th anniversary on 12 August. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.

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