The eRecord Edition #66 - 28 January 2016

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Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

28 January 2016

Edition #66

A new way of listening: Archbishop Costelloe speaks at the 26th annual Flame Ministries International Congress By Marco Ceccarelli

ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY Costelloe last weekend highlighted the importance of bringing Jesus to the very centre of our existence as he spoke on the theme, Way, Truth, Life at the 26th annual Flame Ministries International (FMI) Congress, held from 22 to 24 January 2016. Reflecting on FMI founder Eddie Russell’s invitation to all attendees to not just to listen with their ears but with their hearts (taken from the rule of St Benedict’s “Listen with the ears of your heart”), Archbishop Costelloe encouraged all those present to be excited about the “new” way in which Holy Spirit might lead them to hear something they may have heard already. “God speaks to us over and over again, in one sense always saying the same thing. And the thing he says is his Word - Jesus. “If we think about Jesus as the way, as the truth or as the life, we are really thinking of the one truth from a different perspective each time,” the Archbishop said. In order to emphasise the importance of “hearing” or “listening to” Jesus, Archbishop Costelloe referred back to the time of his Priestly ordination when was asked to choose motto. At the time he chose “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.”

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe last weekend highlighted the importance of bringing Jesus to the very centre of our existence as he spoke on the theme, Way, Truth, Life at the 26th annual Flame Ministries International (FMI) Congress. PHOTO: RICHARD COOKE

However, rather than dwell on the significance of this particular motto, the Archbishop went on to speak of the new motto he chose when he was appointed Archbishop of Perth: Via Veritas Vita, meaning: The Way, the Truth and the Life. Explaining why he made this choice, the Archbishop pointed to a section in John Paul II’s 2001 apostolic letter Novo Millennio Ineunte (The Dawn of the New Millennium) which reads “Our witness [to Christ], however, would be hopelessly inadequate if we ourselves had not first contemplated his face.”

“Contemplate the face of Christ,” Archbishop Costelloe encouraged his listeners. “Rediscover who Christ is, come back to Him, start afresh from Him, and then you may be in a position to actually know what the Spirit is calling us to do in the face of all the challenges that confront us.” Yet what often stands in the way of our ability to understand the call of the Spirit, the Archbishop said, are the distracting day-to-day cares of life. “The issue we face is that we tend to get caught up in so many things within our lives

that somehow, in spite of what we say, Jesus gets put to the side. Is he really our Way? Our Truth? Our Life? Is he? That is why I changed my episcopal motto,” the Archbishop added. Speaking on the need for the faithful to put Jesus at the heart of everything “not just in theory, but in practice,” the Archbishop added a crucial reminder: “If we are going to gaze at the face of Christ, to start afresh from him, then we must make sure that it is the real Jesus that we are gazing at.” Full Text available at 1

Restoration of iconic church nearing completion By Marco Ceccarelli

RESTORATION WORK on one of Perth’s most iconic churches, St Columba’s in South Perth, is nearing completion as work on the roof and tower is set to bring back the Church to its original beauty. The Spanish mission-style church, a rare and unique example of its kind in Australia, has suffered damage to its roof tiles and has needed work on the lightning conductor and leadlight windows of its tower. Par ish Pr iest of St Columba, Monsignor Brian O’Loughlin, is delighted to see the works progressing and is looking forward to seeing restorations completed before the students of St Columba’s Primary return to school. “The work has moved ahead well on the church, and the workers have been very respectful because the church has been open for visits and for Masses. They even built a protective covering for the statue of St Bernadette in the Lourdes grotto to ensure that it wouldn’t be damaged,” Mgr O’Loughlin said. “Seventy-nine years of exposure to the elements has caused the tiles on the roof of the church to show wear and tear since the nails rusted and caused tiles to shift. When engineers examined the roof, they decided work also needed to be done on the tower, particularly its leadlight windows and the lighting conductor which was damaged in the 1960s. “New stainless steel frames are being made for the windows and will be installed once the tiling has been completed,” he added. As well as fulfilling his role as parish priest of St Columba’s since 2011, Mgr

Restoration work on one of Perth’s most iconic churches, St Columba’s in South Perth, is nearing completion as work on PHOTO: SUPPLIED the roof and tower is set to bring back the church to its original beauty.

O’Loughlin is Chairman of the Archdiocesan Historical Commission and well versed in the rich history of St Columba’s. Spe ak ing about t he church’s past, he laid emphasis on its “iconic” status, drawing attention to its very particular Spanish missionstyle architecture – an exceptional and stand-out feature which can be attributed to the determination of the third parish priest of St Columba’s, Mgr John McMahon (19321979). “While on a study trip to Washington, Mgr McMahon met a fellow priest who had built a Spanish missionstyle church in Hollywood, California. He obtained the plans of the church and returned to WA to set up his

Spanish mission-style church. St Columba’s was blessed and opened in April 1937 by Archbishop Prendiville.,” Mgr O’Loughlin said. The rose window of the church is also a remarkable feature to which Mgr O’Loughlin drew attention. Designed and executed by renowned Irish stained glass artist Harry Clarke, the window features three icons depicting Sts Patrick, Columba and Brigid. “I believe this to be the most outstanding rose window in Western Australia,” Mgr O’Loughlin said. “It encapsulates the artistic glory of the church with its rich and vibrant colours and unique figures.” The costs for the replacement of the roof tiles and

work on the tower have amounted to $500,000. The funds have been sourced, firstly, through what Mgr O’Loughlin has labelled the “overwhelming generosity of the parishioners” who contributed to the “donate a tile” appeal of $10 per tile, which he launched in 2011 and which has raised $40,000. Former parish priest (1979-2011) Fr Michael Casey’s ability to accumulate $125,000 of funds in his time, together with donations from wedding celebrations at St Columba’s and a recently established tax-deductible appeal, have seen the parish community gradually alleviate these costs. Full Text available at 2

Archbishop Costelloe shines light on need to re-double efforts to assist child sexual abuse survivors and prevent future abuse Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe has this week written a moving response in the lead up to the release of the clergy abuse themed drama, Spotlight. Starring Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, Rachael McAdams, Liev Schreiber and John Slattery, the film tells the story of the award winning investigative work of journalists at The Boston Globe in the late 1990’s, who uncovered evidence that the Catholic Archdiocese of Boston has gone to extraordinary lengths to cover up sexual abuse and silence victims through payoffs, legal threats and personal intimidation. THE AUSTRALIAN release of the movie Spotlight, which details the uncovering of the sexual abuse of minors in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, and in the United States of America more generally, tragically has many parallels for the Catholic Church in Australia. Here, too, defenceless and innocent children and young people were sexually abused by priests, religious and other Church personnel. Their faith and their lives were profoundly damaged, if not destroyed, by this terrible betrayal. When they found the courage to tell their stories they were often not believed, or treated with dignity, or offered any assistance to deal with the legacy of the abuse. Sometimes they had to endure the pain of seeing their abusers moved from place to place, putting more innocent young people in danger. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, continues its vital work of investigating this terrible scourge which is, to our great shame as a nation, far more widespread in institutional settings than any of us have previously realised. In our Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, we are fully committed to a number of key tasks

and actions in response to this horrifying reality. We now have a well-resourced Professional Standards Office, which seeks to respond as objectively, compassionately and justly as possible to anyone who comes forward with a complaint about sexual abuse. We have compulsory psychological assessments for any person applying to join our seminaries, prior to their formal acceptance, and we have ongoing formation for our seminarians in the areas of human and especially psychosexual development, and in the codes of conduct required by those who minister in our Church. Our Catholic schools have

clear policies in relation to the well-being and protection of children under their care, and very clear protocols for dealing with complaints or concerns. All clergy and others in our Catholic Community who work with children are required to have a current Working With Children Card. This requirement is monitored both at the local level and by the central diocesan office, and is of course a requirement for employment in our schools. We have established a Safeguarding Office, which organises and conducts Professional Development programs for our clergy in the area of child protection and we have initiated a program of Safeguarding Officers in our parishes, whose responsibility it is to be an immediate point of contact for any child, young person or adult who has concerns about sexual abuse of minors. The Safeguarding Officers also monitor, in conjunction with the Safeguarding Office, compliance with the policies and procedures adopted by the

Archdiocese for the safety of all parishioners, and in particular children and young people. And in all of this, we await the final recommendations of the Royal Commission and stand ready to change or augment our safeguarding policies and procedures where necessary. In light of the terrible suffering inflicted on innocent children and young people by members of the Church in the past, we are determined to do everything we can to ensure that no one suffers in this way again, now or in the future. The screening of Spotlight, even as it reveals a terrible and painful story, is an opportunity for all of us in the Church to acknowledge the extent to which some of our brothers and sisters, including our leaders, have failed so badly, also here in Australia, to be the signs and bearers of God’s love and compassion they were expected, and appointed, to be. Full Text available at

Western Australian Professional Standards Office 29 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 Director: Mr Peter Stoyles Telephone: (08) 9221 7762 Email:

Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruffalo, Brian d’Arcy James, Michael Keaton and John Slattery star in a scene from the movie “Spotlight,” which chronicles the Boston Globe’s uncovering of the clergy sex abuse scandal in the Archdiocese of Boston in 2002. Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe has this week written a moving response in the lead up to the clergy abuse themed drama. Photo: CNS/Open Road Films. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Safeguarding Office 29 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 Safeguarding Project Coordinator: Ms Andrea Musulin Telephone: (08) 9221 7762 Email: 3

Tony Meyrick – The man of many hats By Mark Reidy

IF SPENDING TIME in church equates to holiness, Tony Meyrick is guaranteed a sainthood. Tony is the Cathedral Supervisor of St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral in Perth and most of his working hours are spent within the majestic confines of the city’s largest place of worship. However, an hour spent with this gentle-natured man, in the much smaller confines of his back corner office, is enough to know he wouldn’t get much time to take spiritual advantage of his prime location. Tony’s hesitation, when asked whether there is such a thing as a typical day in the life of a cathedral supervisor, indicates that there isn’t. Saddled with the responsibilities of overseeing the maintenance, bookings and general day-to-day running of the Archdiocese’s spiritual hub, the regular interruptions during our interview, both by phone and face-toface visits, confirms that no two days would ever be the same. But Tony’s affable nature and calming demeanour indicate that he is the right man for the job. With 21 years of experience of running his own information technology

business and then working for the company for a further six years after he sold it, Tony possesses enough organisational savvy to take the hectic lifestyle of a cathedral in his stride. Although he was satisfied with the two decades he spent in the world of business, by the time he reached his mid-fifties he recognised a restlessness within. It was enough to send him on the search for a path that wasn’t driven by the pursuit of money, but would instead allow him to incorporate his long-held Catholic faith. Despite being actively involved with not-for-profit organisations for many years, he yearned for an even deeper participation. It was then he saw the supervisor’s job advertised at his parish in St Mary’s, Leederville, and he knew God was opening the door for the next chapter of his life. “This role was meant to be,” Tony reflected. “It came around just at the right time and I am very happy with how it has worked out.” The job was initially advertised as a building manager focusing mainly on maintenance issues but has since morphed into a broader role involving the co-ordination of events, activities, the two meeting rooms, the parish centre and crypt, as well as

Tony is the Cathedral Supervisor of St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral in Perth. Most of his working hours are spent within the majestic confines of the city’s largest place of worship. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

overseeing issues involving the internal and external workings of the cathedral. Working under the guidance of the Cathedral Dean, Monsignor Michael Keating, and with a small but dedicated team by his side, Tony is pleased with the development the cathedral has taken over the past five years. In this time, he has overseen a number of major projects, including paving, pathways, and the development of the surrounding grounds, as well as matters involving sound systems, blinds and the co-ordination of numerous volunteers who donate their time. However, neither the juggling of his many hats, nor

his challenging working conditions, seem to faze this grandfather of three. Hidden away from the public eye in his corner location, he patiently contends with issues such as rising damp and freezing winter temperatures. And, during the summer months, he battles the searing afternoon sun radiating through the stain glass windows directly onto his head. But, ever the problem solver, this very adaptable servant of the Church has found a solution for that dilemma. “I even have a hat for those occasions,” he chuckles. Full Text available at


Archdiocese of Perth Communications and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

Email: JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer | MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist | RACHEL CURRY Journalist FAYANN D’SOUZA Digital Media Officer | CHRISTINE JAQUES Proofreader christine.jaques@ | BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer


What’s happening around the Archdiocese SAT, 30 - SUN, 31 JAN

PEOPLE’S RETREAT A daytime people’s retreat will be held on Saturday 30th and Sundayd 31st January 2016 from 10am to 4pm, at 59 Newton Street, Spearwood, with Fr Doug Harris on ‘Praying and living in the depth the Lord’s Prayer’. Further info: 08 9494 2604 or 0458 153 184; or jtroy@


LENTEN PRAYER DAY From 10am-1pm (9.30am morning cuppa.1pm lunch included) at Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth. (Cost by donation). RSVP essential for catering purposes by Friday 29th January 2016 to Laura., (08) 9334 0999 Ministry of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart.

WEDS, 3 FEB - 23 MAR

EXPLORING FAITH – THEOLOGY FOR BEGINNERS 10am-12.30pm, at the Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview e ve r y Wednesday from 3 February - 23 March. This Centre for Faith Enrichment course, presented by Mr Joe Tedesco, is designed to open up the rich world of theological thought that has always been an integral part of the Christian faith experience. Cost: $60. Further info: or to register,,, or 08 9241 5221.


SR VERONICA BRADY SYMPOSIUM A symposium to honour the work of the late Sister Veronica Brady IBVM will be held at UWA on 5 February 2016. Further info: Tony Hughes-d’Aeth tony.hda@ 1

EDITION #66 | 28 January 2016

FRI, 5 - SUN, 11 FEB

A WEEK WITH THE ANCIENT DESERT FATHERS AND MOTHERS The New Norcia Institute for Benedictine Studies invites you to spend a week immersed in the wisdom of Ancient Monasticism and ponder its significance for our lives in the world today in the context of the praying monastic community. The first Christian monastics emerged from the deserts of Egypt in the fourth century. The literature left provides us with a wealth of wisdom for a spiritual life of prayer and love of God. Participants will join in with the undergraduate and graduate students of Pilgrim Theological College from the University of Divinity, Melbourne, in exploring the wisdom of ancient writers such as Antony the Great, who insisted that “our life is with our neighbour”. The text book will be Desert Christians: An Introduction to the Literature of Early Monasticism, by William Harmless SJ available at or through the Benedictine Institute for ~$30. Held at New Norcia. Recommended cost: $800. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa SGS, 08 9654 8371, carmel.


MUSIC FOR THE SEASONS OF LENT AND EASTER This workshop will explore music for the seasons of Lent and Easter. Held on Saturday, 6 February at the Centre for Liturgy, 28 Marda Way, Nollamara, 10 . 3 0 a m -12 . 3 0 p m . Registrations are essential. Further info: Centre for Liturg y, w w w.liturg y.



WEEKEND DAYS – SALVATORIAN FATHERS Vocation Reflection Days are designed to help young men decide what direction their future will take. In Christian life, there are 3 vocations: marriage, single life and priesthood/religious life. The Salvatorian Fathers will hold Reflection Weekend Days to help young men (18-35 years) find their way in life by deepening their faith, learning more about the Salvatorian Order and developing new friendships with other young men. The first reflection weekend starts Sat 6 Feb 2.10pm – Sun 7 Feb 1pm, with other weekends available in April, June, September and November at Salvatorian Community House, 2 Caledonia Avenue, Currambine. There will be time for prayer, spiritual development and social activities. Further info: or to register au or Fr Greg Skulski SDS: 08 93042904; 0488 111 574.


DIVINE MERCY There will be no Divine Mercy devotions in January. The devotions will continue as usual on the first Sunday in February with Fr Johnson speaking on St Jerome Emiliani. The afternoon will be held at St Francis Xavier Church, 25 Windsor St, East Perth from 1.30-3pm. The afternoon includes Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Confession, Holy Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Benediction and veneration of a first class relic of St Faustina Kowalska. Fellowship will follow in the hall. Further info: Julia or June Murphy on 08 9457 7771. CARITAS PROJECT COMPASSION LAUNCH Come and join us to

celebrate 50 years of Project Compassion as Bishop Donald Sproxton launches Project Compassion 2016 – ‘Learn more, Create Change’ on Sunday 7 February at the 11am Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Square. As Pope Francis says, “Education is an act of hope”. Everyone is welcome to attend.

TUE, 9 FEB - 15 MAR

HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS Every Tuesday from 9 February to 15 March, 10am-12.30pm, Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview. In 2016 Dominicans are celebrating the 800th anniversary of the formal acceptance of the Order of Preachers. This Centre for Faith Enrichment course, presented by Dr Margaret Scharf, OP, explores the following questions and more: Who was Dominic? What is the Dominican spirituality? What do some of the key characters in the Dominican Family – such as Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, Meister Eckhart and Catherine of Siena – have to offer Christians of the 21st century? Cost: $45. Further info or to register: www.cfe., cfe@perthcatholic., or 08 9241 5221.

THU, 11 - 25 FEB

MERCY, NOT SACRIFICE: A LENTEN REFLECTION Thursdays, 11 - 25 February, 7pm-9pm, Holy Rosary Parish, 46 Thomas Street, Nedlands. Inspired by Pope Francis’ announcement of the Year of Mercy, Misericordiae Vultus, this short Centre for Faith Enrichment course, presented by Dr Margaret Scharf, OP, will contemplate God’s message of mercy revealed to us in the Lenten Gospels. Cost: $20. Further

info or to register: www.cfe.; cfe@perthcatholic., or call 08 9241 5221.


THE 16TH ANNUAL ROSARY PROCESSION FOR OUR LADY OF LOURDES This procession will take place at Lake Monger on Friday, 12 February. Please gather at the Dodd St carpark for 7pm. As no naked flame is permitted, pen candles will be available for sale. Further info: Mignonne 0478 598 860 or Rosemary 0421 580 783.


SONGS FOR THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY This workshop will present music appropriate for celebrations during the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Quotations from the pope’s encyclical, Misericordiae Vultus will be discussed and new songs relating to each quote will be taught. Held in two locations: Centre for Liturgy, 28 Marda Way, Nollamara on Saturday, 13 February from 10.30am-12.30pm; or the Holy Family Catholic Church, 45 Thelma St, Como on Saturday, 20 February from 10.30am-12.30pm. Registrations essential. Further info and to r e g i s t e r : h t t p : // l i t u r g y . VALENTINE’S DAY DINNERDANCE Good Shepherd Lockridge will be hosting its annual Valentine’s Day DinnerDance, on Saturday, 13 February, 7.30pm at the Good Shepherd Primary School Hall. This event is being co-ordinated by the parish youth ministry A.L.I.V.E. to raise funds for the World Youth Day pilgrimage to Poland later this year. This event includes buffet dinner, live music and plenty of games and raffle prizes. Tickets are: $30 Adults, $15 for 16 years and under, children up to 6 years old, free. As for catering and planning purposes, there will be no door sales on the night. Table bookings are available for $240 (8 adult tickets). 2

EDITION #66 | 28 January 2016

While we will endeavour to accommodate requested seating arrangements, we cannot guarantee this apart from the full table reservations as described. For tickets, please call Fr Aloysius Leong on 08 9279 8119. Further info: alive.gsl@

TUES, 16 FEB - 8 MAR

ENCOUNTERING JESUS ANEW IN THE YEAR OF MERCY Tuesdays: from 16 February to 8 March, 12pm-1pm; Online – live and interactive! He shoulders lambs, forgives sinners, heals outcasts, shares meals with traitors, gives peace to betrayers, raises the dead to life and provides even more to you and me. Presented by Rev. Dr Charles Waddell, this Centre for Faith Enrichment course is an opportunity to encounter Jesus anew in the Year of Mercy. Cost: $20. Further info; or to register, www.cfe., cfe@perthcatholic., or 08 9241 5221. LENT IN THE YEAR OF MERCY Tuesdays: from 16 Febraury to 8 March; 7pm-8.45pm, St Peter the Apostle Parish, 91 Wood Street, Inglewood. Presented by Mr Terry Quinn and Sr Shelley Barlow, RNDM, this short Centre for Faith Enrichment course will explore the four great passages in the Book of Isaiah known as “The Songs of the Suffering Servant”. These “songs” call both Jewish people and Christians to contemplate God’s merciful love in our lives. Christians see this merciful love poured out in the person, mission and suffering of Jesus. Cost: $25. Further info: or to register, visit, cfe@, or 08 9241 5221.

WEDS, 17 FEB - 9 MAR

PRAYER: BEING YOURSELF BEFORE GOD Wednesdays: from 17 February to 9 March; 7pm-9pm, St Andrew’s Parish, Victorsen Parade, Clarkson. This short Centre for Faith

Enrichment course, presented by Dr Margaret Scharf, OP, will explore what prayer is, the difference between saying prayers and praying, the many ways we pray as Catholics, and our daily call to deepen our unique relationship with God. Cost: $25. Further info; or to register, au,, or 08 9241 5221.


HOLY MASS AND HEALING: TALK BY ALAN AMES The evening will start 7pm with Mass and healing at St Bernadette’s Catholic Church, Jugan St, Glendalough followed by talk and prayers. Alan has been speaking and praying for healing around the world since 1994 and has spoken in more than 40 countries. Alan will speak after the Holy Mass and share his unique conversion experiences. Alan has the permission and support of Archbishop Costelloe for these talks. Further info: Keith 0411 108 525


CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD This workshop prepares and supports those involved in presenting the Good News to children in the best way that they can come to know Jesus. Held on Saturday, 20 February, at the Centre for Liturgy, 28 Marda Way, Nollamara from 10.30am-12.30pm. Registrations essential. Further info and to register: http://liturgy.perthcatholic.

FRI, 26 - SUN, 28 FEB

BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKENDS Benedictine spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. Beginning in February, with other weekends available in April, June, August, October and December at the New Norcia Monastery Guesthouse. Beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm on Friday, concluding after lunch on Sunday, the weekend will provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm

and balance of prayer, work, Lectio Divina, hospitality, and community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old.’ Participants are also invited to join the community for silent meals, one of many invitations to listen with the ‘ear of the heart.’ Suggested donation: $250 (for those who can afford it), includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info and bookings; Guesthouse Manager: 08 9654 8018 or guesthouse@newnorcia.

FRI, 26 - SUN, 28 FEB

MASTER CLASS: YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING 2016 Are you an official and endorsed youth leader in a Parish, group or community? You are invited for weekend away to enjoy some time out on the beach and connect with other youth leaders. Be inspired and better equipped in your ministry. Master Class 2016 will take place in Busselton from evening Friday 26 Feb to afternoon Sunday 28 Feb. Cost: $80 incl. accommodation & meals. Further info or to register: Catholic Youth Ministry 08 9422 7912; au; or E-RECORD NEWSLETTER UPDATE

Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via the e-Record e-newsletter. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to communications. media@per thc atholic .org. au. Further info: Jamie O’Brien 08 9220 5900.

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