The eRecord Edition #70 - 25 February 2016

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25 February 2016

Edition #70

CEOWA Commissioning Masses: Staff take on “awesome responsibility” of Catholic education By Rachel Curry

MORE THAN 400 new staff have been commissioned to serve as “the face of Jesus” in Perth Catholic schools – as powerfully described by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe – in a number of Masses held throughout the Archdiocese this month. The 11 Eucharistic celebrations were attended by almost 5,500 people and offered an opportunity for old and new Catholic Education WA staff to pray together, give thanks and acknowledge their important role in the intellectual and spiritual formation of children. At the beginning of each Mass, new staff were asked to come to the front of the church to be commissioned and blessed by Archbishop Costelloe or one of his delegates: Auxiliary Bishop

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe commissions staff working in Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Perth during Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral on 16 February. PHOTO: RON TAN

Don Sproxton, Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, Monsignor Brian O’Loughlin, Mgr Kevin Long, Vicar General Father Peter Whitely, Fr Joseph Parkinson and Fr Greg Donovan. The new staff promised to diligently fulfill their roles by

witnessing to the teachings of the Gospel, committing to serving the needs of the students in their care, and seeking to contribute to the wellbeing of all who belong to the school community. During his homily at the Commissioning Mass

at St Mary’s Cathedral on 16 February, Archbishop Costelloe paid tribute to the crucial role of educators in our Church and in our society. Full Text available at

Perth Catholics called to unite in reconciliation for Year of Mercy By Jamie O’Brien

CATHOLICS ACROSS the Archdiocese will next month be given a unique opportunity to experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation at a special liturgy for the Year of Mercy. The special liturgical celebration, which will include the second rite of reconciliation, will be held on Tuesday, 15 March at St Mary’s Cathedral at 6pm with Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and priests from across Perth. Chairperson for the Year of Mercy Committee, Father Greg Donovan, said he hopes all members of the Archdiocese

can feel welcome for this occasion. “Each one of us is very much loved by God and the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a perfect time to be reminded of this,” Fr Donovan said. “All too often, the pressures of family life, work and money lead us to forget the immense happiness that God is calling us to. “However, in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, we can unite together in this special liturgy and hear and be reminded that, by putting God first, we can grow more and more into the people He is calling us to be,” he said. Fr Donovan went on to recall the homily of Archbishop Costelloe at

the Opening of the Holy Door on 12 December 2015, when he spoke about salvation. Fr Donovan also extended a warm welcome especially to those who may not have been to the Sacrament of Reconciliation for some time. “Don’t be afraid to be a witness to the real mercy of God in this Jubilee Year,” he said. For more information, contact the Communications Office on 08 9220 5900 or email Full Text available at 1

Seminar encourages mercy and understanding on asylum seekers

Attendees at the refugee and asylum seeker seminar.

THE ARCHDIOCESE of Perth has this month held a seminar with the aim of engaging parishes and other Catholics in the debate about asylum seekers and refugees. The event was held with the particular objective of creating an alternative message to what is often presented by mainstream society and in the media. Co-ordinated by the Archdiocesan Manager of Cat holic Ser v ice Development, Renay Grech, and hosted at MercyCare, West Perth on Saturday, 13 February, the seminar was attended by some 20 representatives from Catholic parishes, agencies and organisations keen to work together to better promote and understand the plight of refugees in the community. The seminar was organised by the Refugee and Asylum Seeker Catholic Alliance, which comprises a number of Catholic agencies and supporters and has been in operation for some 18 months. The Alliance is dedicated to a groundup approach of education and discussion as a means of increasing the community’s participation and engagement around the issue of refugees. “The seminar’s key focus was on understanding the reasons people seek refuge and debunking the myths and

mistruths that add to the misunderstanding of their situation,” Mr Grech said. “The seminar not only provided upto-date information on the topic but skilled participants in how they might influence people in their communities to hear another perspective on the situation,” he said. In his opening remarks, Mr Grech spoke about the effects of reports published by the mainstream media. These, he continued, have a tendency to communicate punitive messages about asylum seekers, ones that often misrepresent the truth about who they are, why they flee their homeland and why they seek asylum in Australia. He went to on to say we need to engage people in the very human issues of being an asylum seeker, or the challenges of being from a different cultural background and trying to live in Australia. He said members of the faith community could overcome negative perceptions in their local communities by connecting with people in their parishes and elsewhere to help tell the stories of asylum seekers and offer an alternative reality to consider. The seminar featured presentations by MercyCare Executive Director for Mission and Culture, Sheryl Carmody;


Director of the Archdiocesan Justice Ecology and Development office, Carol Mitchell; and Helen Pearce, CEO from refugee legal advocacy service, the Humanitarian Group. Ms Carmody’s presentation discussed how meeting refugees and hearing their stories could help overcome prejudices yielded from negative reports by the mainstream media. “What’s happened, particularly here in Australia, is that, in the mainstream discourse, we call them illegals or we focus on the smugglers; we hardly ever see the faces or hear the stories of people who have come by boat,” Ms Carmody said. “As people have said before – and this is the case with most marginalised groups – contact has been found to decrease prejudice. You encounter the person and they’re no longer just an object.” Reflecting on the themes of mercy and compassion, presenters said it was important not to criticise people who held negative opinions about asylum seekers. Instead, it was better to share your story and listen to theirs. Full Text available at 2

Students from Santa Maria’s choir at the opening Mass. Photo supplied


Students encouraged to be ‘large-hearted’ as they celebrate 170 years of Mercy in Australia By Caroline Smith

SANTA MARIA COLLEGE in Attadale marked the beginning of an important school year with an opening Mass on 9 February which saw Archbishop Timothy Costelloe urge students to rethink the concept of mercy and how it might affect their interactions with others. Describing it as another word for ‘large-heartedness’, the Archbishop said mercy could be seen in Jesus’ treatment of other people, helping those in need and refusing to give the “bare minimum”. “It’s all about not being stingy and ungenerous in our encounters, in our relationships, with others,” the Archbishop said. “We don’t make decisions on the basis of how we can fulfill our obligations with the least amount of effort or inconvenience. Instead, we come from a different place – today’s Gospel would call it a place of compassion.” Archbishop Costelloe said such a practice was particularly important for the school community in 2016 as its founders, the Sisters of Mercy, celebrate 170 years of service in Australia. “My message and my challenge to you all is this: as members of a Catholic community grounded in the Mercy tradition, can you make “large-heartedness” the guiding principle and outstanding char-

acteristic of every encounter, every relationship, every project that you undertake in this Year of Mercy?” he asked. Principal Ian Elder said the Mercy anniversary was an important part of the Mass and the College’s focus for the year, noting that a highlight of the former was the presence of 15 Sisters from the Order. “During the Mass, mention was made of how, on 9 January 1846, Ursula Frayne and six other Sisters of Mercy travelled up the Swan River from Fremantle to Perth, passing the site of Santa Maria College,” he said. Mr Elder said the College had a number of events planned for the year, including support work with the Mercy Secondary School in Yarapes, Papua New Guinea.

“Santa Maria has formed a relationship with this school, which is a Catholic Boarding School run by the Sisters of Mercy,” he said. “In 2016, we will be sending a group of students and staff to work there. “Another important event for us will be Mercy Day on 16 September,” the Archbishop concluded. The opening Mass was attended by 1,240 students, 120 staff, 600 parents and Attadale Parish Priest Father Sean Fernandez, and included the commissioning of 54 Year 12 students as extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Along with the Mercy anniversary, Santa Maria will also take the theme of justice as its focal point for the year. Full Text available at 3

Pilgrims welcomed as St Patrick’s

Basilica opens its Holy Door By Marco Ceccarelli

If the awe-inspiring interior and exterior design of St Patrick’s Basilica in Fremantle was not enough to offer visitors a profound spiritual experience, the majestic church has now opened its Holy Door for the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The Door, which is one of eight other Holy Doors opened throughout the Archdiocese of Perth, was opened at the 11am Mass on Sunday, 13 December last year. More than 300 people, including visitors and parishioners, attended the Mass of the Opening of the Holy Door, which was celebrated by Parish Priest Father Tony Maher OMI and the sincetransferred Assistant Priest, Fr Andrew Chen. Pilgrims and visitors are invited in this Jubilee Year of Mercy (8 December 2015 – 20 November 2016) to make a brief pilgrimage to a Holy Door designated by a diocesan bishop or archbishop as a sign of deep desire and true conversion. “Because we are a significant church in the Archdiocese, a basilica, in fact, I thought it was only appropriate that we should promote the Year of Mercy

The Holy Door of St Patrick’s Basilica, Fremantle, which is one of eight other Holy Doors opened throughout the Archdiocese of Perth, was opened at the 11am Mass on Sunday, 13 December last year.PHOTO: MARCO CCCARELLI

by offering our churcht as a location for a Holy Door,” Fr Maher said. “I have had many people come to me and say that they come to this church because of the pilgrimage. They then stay for Mass, they come for Confession and they have the opportunity to obtain an Indulgence,” he added. For over 100 years, St Patrick’s has been a place of meeting, a place of welcome and a shrine, Fr Maher explained. Hospitality is key within the Basilica and spiritual hospitality is even more impor-

tant. “That is why I said yes to have the door. In essence, the door enhances what St Patrick’s is about: a place of prayerfulness and spirituality,” Fr Maher said. The Holy Door at St Patrick’s was erected in 1899, a year before the completion of the Basilica. The designated Pilgrimage churches and shrines for the Archdiocese of Perth are: • St Mary’s Cathedral, 17 Victoria Square, Perth • St Patrick’s Basilica, 47 Adelaide Street, Fremantle • Holy Trinity Abbey,

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Great Eastern Highway, New Norcia St Mar y’s Church, Brookman Street and Porter Street, Kalgoorlie Our Lady of the Mission, 270 Camberwarra Drive, Craigie Carmelite Monastery, Elizabeth Street and Thomas Street, Nedlands Schoenstatt Shrine, 9 Talus Drive, Mt Richon Redemptorist Monastery, 190 Vincent Street, North Perth. Full Text available at


Archdiocese of Perth Communications and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

Email: JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer | MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist | RACHEL CURRY Journalist FAYANN D’SOUZA Digital Media Officer | CHRISTINE JAQUES Proofreader christine.jaques@ | BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer


What’s happening around the Archdiocese FRI, 26 FEB PRAYING OUR EXPERIENCES GROWING AWARENESS OF GOD IN MY EVERYDAY The prayer time will be presented by the Ministry of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, under the theme: Lent: turn away from sin and turn to God. Friday, 26 February, 10.30am-12noon and 6.30pm-8pm at Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth. This focused prayer time is assisted with talks on the theme, followed by personal time for prayer and contemplation. Optional sharing of our faith with others on the journey, adds to the richness of this prayer time. RSVP Essential by Wednesday 24. Further info: Secretary 08 9334 0999 or

FRI, 26 - SUN, 28 FEB BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKENDS Benedictine Spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. Beginning in February, with other weekends available in April, June, August, October and December at the New Norcia Monastery Guesthouse. Beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm on Friday, concluding after lunch on Sunday, the weekend will provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, Lectio Divina, hospitality, and community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Suggested donation: $250 (for those who can afford it), includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and


EDITION #70 | 25 February 2016

Art Gallery. Further info: and bookings: Guesthouse Manager, 08 9654 8018 or guesthouse@newnorcia.

SAT, 27 FEB RETREAT – THE VALUE OF SPENDING TIME WITH JESUS IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Fr Doug Harris will conduct a retreat, The value of spending time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, on Saturday 27 February at Glendalough Parish Hall, 49 Jugan Street, Mt Hawthorn starting with Mass 9am-4pm. Further info:



A Taize style Eucahristic Adoration for Lent will be held in the Ordinariate Parish of St Ninian & St Chad, 11 Susan St, Maylands on Sunday, 28 February at 7pm. All are welcome to come and participate in this act of Catholic devotion. Further info: 08 9422 7988.



Many parishes have difficulty finding organists, keyboard players or guitarists to accompany and support the singing of the assembly. The Centre for Liturgy will be holding workshop on 29 Feb, at Infant Jesus Parish, 47 Wellington Rd, Morley. This workshop will consider strategies and techniques for leading the assembly in sung prayer without accompaniment and present examples of music suitable for unaccompanied singing. Cost $10 per person and registration essential. Closing date, 26 February. Registration forms; cfl@, or www. Further

info: 08 9207 3350

TUE, 1 MAR DAWSON SOCIETY SPEAKERS FORUM: EDUCATION AS IF PEOPLE MATTERED: UNDERSTANDING THE LIBERAL ARTS All are cordially invited to the first Speakers Forum for 2016 hosted by the Dawson Society for Philosophy and Culture. The evening will feature a presentation titled ‘Education as if people mattered: Understanding the Liberal Arts’ given by Dr David Daintree, Founding Director of the Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies, Hobart, and former President of Campion College, Sydney. Rosie O’Grady’s, 205 James St, Northbridge.Tuesday, 1 March; Arrival 6.30pm, dinner 7pm followed by presentation of paper and discussion. Cost: $30 (+ booking fee) online at http:// or $35 at the door. Limited seating/dinner spaces. Further info: Tom Gourlay 0434 402 884; thomas@dawsonsociety., www.dawsonsociety.

WEDS, 2 - 16 MAR THREE EVENINGS WITH JULIAN OF NORWICH Wednesdays, 8-8.30pm, Online – live and interactive! Although she lived in profoundly troubled times, Julian of Norwich professed a beautifully positive understanding of God and the human person. These sessions, presented by Dr Michelle Jones of the Centre for Faith Enrichment, will explore some of the key themes in Julian’s writings, such as the tenderness of God’s love, God’s mercy, and the motherhood of God. Cost: $15. Further info; or to register,, cfe@, or 08 9241 5221.

WEDS, 2 MAR - 20 APR THE LORD’S PRAYER SEMINAR; PRAY THIS WAY This seminar hosted by the Lion of Judah Charismatic Prayer Fellowship, will be held at the Holy Rosary Parish (Hall), Elizabeth/Tyrel Streets, Nedlands from 2 March - 20 April at 7.30pm. The seminar is free, however we will take up our regular Love Offerings. Please bring a Bible, note pad, pen etc. Refreshments provided. The only prayer ever taught by God personally is an eight stanza formula for a way praying rather than just a prayer to pray. Come and discover the immense richness intended by Jesus for a truly fulfilling life lived day by day. Written and taught by Mr. Eddie Russell FMI, SD, the Lord’s Prayer Seminar opens up the eight stanzas over eight weekly sessions starting with songs of praise each night.

THU, 3 MAR WHY DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY IS LIKE NO OTHER SUNDAY The parish of St Cecilia's, corner Grantham St & Kenmore Cres, Floreat, will be presenting a talk on ‘Why Divine Mercy Sunday is like no other Sunday’. Guest speaker Paul Elarde will give a presentation aimed at those who are both familiar and new to the message of Divine Mercy. Talk starts 7pm sharp on Thursday 3 Mar with parish Lenten Stations of the Cross at 8.15pm. Further info: 08 9387 1158.

THU, 3 - SAT, 5 MAR BR MATTHEW - ECUMENICAL WORSHIP Br Matthew from Taize will be in Perth from 3-5 March and is scheduled as follows: 4 Mar, High School Students event, 9.30am-11am, Sacred Heart School, Sorento. Contact; Chris Kan,

au. 4 Mar, 6.30pm, Rooftop Youth Service by Candlelight, St George’s Anglican Grammar School, Perth. Target group 18-35 year olds, returned pilgrims and Taize Worship Coordinators. Contact: Peter Hotchkin: peter@hotchkin. 5 Mar, 11am-5pm, Day Retreat, Mt Pleasant Uniting Church. Contact Rev Trevor Waters; trevor.waters@ or Rev David Lord; dlord@stgeorges. 5 Mar, 7pm Prayer Service, Mt Pleasant Uniting Church; Contact Rev Chris Bedding; rector.darlington@ Further info: Rev David Lord, dlord@stgeorges. or Amanda Sturrock, amanda.sturrock@outlook. com


Two evenings: Thursday, 3 and 10 March, 7-9.30pm. Facilitator: Rev Dr Joe Parkinson STL PhD, Director of LJ Goody Bioethics Centre, 39 Jugan St, Glendalough. The two evenings provide opportunities for personal faith formation as it explores moral issues and current Church teaching. All Catholics would benefit from attending this course. The moral issues presented are of particular interest to those involved in the ministry of RCIA. Cost: $20. Registrations essential. Further info or to register: Centre for Liturgy 08 9207 3350; rcia.cfl@


This year’s service has been prepared by the women of Cuba under the theme; Jesus said to them “Receive children, Receive Me”. The project of the Bible Society in Cuba, we are supporting with this year’s programs ‘Building Healthy Relationships’ within the family. The Cuban Bible Commission sees the need to educate parents and children in a culture of non-violence in


EDITION #70 | 25 February 2016

order to curb the growing rate of violence in their country. The prayer service will be held at over 95 venues in Western Australia and the city service will be held at The Perth City Lutheran Church, 16 Aberdeen St, Perth at 11am. District service venues and times will be available on our website; www. worlddayofprayeraustralia. org. Fur ther info; Susette Bakker; wa@


The devotion will be held at St Frances Xavier's Church, 25 Windsor Street, East Perth on Sunday 6 March. The afternoon will start with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, confession, Holy Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Benediction and Veneration of the relic of St Faustina Kowalska. Fr Doug Harris will give a Homily of St Jospeh. Further info; Julia Murphy 08 9457 7771.


Two evenings: Thursday, 10 and 17 Mar, from 7pm-9.30pm. Facilitator, Rev Dr Joe Parkinson STL PhD, Director of LJ Goody Bioethics Centre, 39 Jugan St, Glendalough. The two evenings provide opportunities for personal faith formation as they explore moral issues and current Church teaching. All Catholics would benefit from attending this course. The moral issues presented are of particular interest to those involved in the ministry of RCIA. Cost: $20. Further info or to register: Centre for Liturgy 08 9207 3350, rcia.cfl@

SAT, 12 MAR LEGION OF MARY – HALF DAY REFLECTION The Legion of Mary is offering a Half Day Reflection, for the “Jubilee Year of God’s Mercy”, presenter Dr Michelle Jones, Director of the Centre of Faith and Enrichment, on Insights into God’s Mercy from Julian

of Norwich. Edel Quinn Centre, 36 Windsor St, East Perth from 9am with Rosary and concluding at 12noon, followed by a shared lunch. All are invited. Further info: Rosemary 0421 580 783 or Mignonne 0478 598 860.


Donald Sproxton being the main celebrant and homilist. Limited parking at the Cathedral, other parking available at PCC Parking Stations in the vicinity. Free bus service (Red Cat) runs past the Cathedral regularly and stops at the Cathedral gate. Further info: 08 9446 3784 or

Save the date for the 2016 “Breakfast in the Garden”. Come and join in the fun, meet old friends and make new ones on Saturday, 12 March at 8am. To be held at the Garden Venue, Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth (St Joseph’s Convent). Cost; $15. All proceeds go to the Mary MacKillop Foundation. BYO chairs, tables, blankets, umbrellas, sunscreen and smiles. Further info and to RSVP by 9 March: Laurie Mayne 08 9271 5649, ljmayne@optusnet.; or John McCormack 08 9383 2615, johnmccormack@


This year, this Lenten tribute to Our Lady features the entire Stabat Mater sung as an interactive experience with two soloists and the Cathedral Choir sensing excerpts from famous settings of Stabat Mater (Pergolesi, Vivaldi and Caldara) with those present able to join in with the wellknown original choir, on Sunday 13 March, 10.45am at St Mary’s Cathedral.

You are invited to join the South Perth Taizé praying community to celebrate the 150th Anniversary on the founding of the Josephites in Penola SA in 1866-2016 by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop and Fr Julian T Woods. St Joseph's Convent Chapel, Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth. 7-8pm, Chapel doors open 6.30pm. Bring a small torch, plate to share and invite a friend. Further info: Sr Maree Riddler RSJ, 0414 683 926 or au.



The Archdiocesan Year of Mercy Committee has announced that the Second Rite of Reconciliation will be held on Tuesday 15 March at St Mary’s Cathedral from 7pm. More information will be announced in the coming weeks. Further info: Fr greg Donovan at greg.donovan@


St Patrick’s Day Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, 17 March at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth at 10am with Bishop

The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart are inviting all to the Sesquicentenary Celebratory Mass at St Columba's Church South Perth at 10am on Friday 18 Mar. This will be followed by morning tea in the Convent Garden, 16 York St, South Perth. RSVP essential for catering purposes to laura., or 08 9334 0999 before 9 March.







parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via the e-Record e-newsletter. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to Further info: Jamie O’Brien 08 9220 5900.

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