The Record Magazine Issue 23 (February 2020)

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Don’t walk away from Jesus, follow Him! PAGE 10

Katie Prejean McGrady: Youth are world-changers PAGE 18

Joe Melendrez: Glorifying God through rap PAGE 24

Official magazine for the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth

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Grab your free copy of

Love, Sex & Relationships Basic Essentials for Catholic Teenagers

“This Handbook is designed to speak directly to the young person and is offered, not only to Catholic teenagers, but to all young people, parents, carers, educators and all who might find it useful as practical and informative resource to help respond to their deeply felt desire and responsibility to protect, educate and safeguard young people.” — Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB For your FREE copy, contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Office on 08 9221 7761 or email The Record Magazine ISSUE23.indb 2

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14 Bishops’ X-Change Youth voice their thoughts and ideas


8 Gen Bryant

“Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the spirit is saying to the churches...”

Connecting schools and parishes through music ministry

— Rev 2:7

22 F R O M T H E E D I T O R Jamie O’Brien In this Issue 23 of The Record Magazine, we take a look at the recent Australian Catholic Youth Festival, held right here in

Perth Locals ACYF Gathering In hope for challenges faced by the young Church

Perth from 8 to 10 December 2019. What an exciting time it was! The festival was the culmination


of more than 18-months of planning and was testimony to the amazing faith, vitality and enthusiasm of so many people. Congratulations to all involved, especially to our own Archbishop Tim, who so confidently answered the call to have


the festival in Perth.

Insalata Caprese

In this issue we feature interviews with American rapper Joe Melendrez, Melbourne singer-songwriter Gen Bryant and Maltese-born singer-songwriter priest, Fr Rob Galea. We also spoke with American author Katie Prejean-McGrady, who believes that Australian youth are changing the world. We also take a look at other features of the Festival, including the Encounter Zone, which aimed to give youth an opportunity to pray in the way they felt comfortable, as well as the Bishops X-Change sessions which looked at the current themes of dicernment from the 2020 Plenary Council. Our thanks also to Australian Catholic Superannuation and

FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE From Archbishop Timothy Costelloe From Bishop Don Sproxton

4 6

IN THIS EDITION ACYF Overview: ‘Rebuild my Church’ Closing Mass Experiential Prayer Room

Retirement Fund, for their generous sponsorship of this issue.

Australian Catholic Superannuation

Don’t forget that these and many more stories from the

Katie Prejean McGrady

festival are available at

Perth Locals ACYF Gathering

The Record Magazine is a magazine for the people and I hope

Joe Melendrez

you will enjoy taking the time to engage with us. Please feel

Debra Sayce

free to share your thoughts via

Colouring Page

08 10 12 16 18 22 24 26 29

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Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB speaks to the more than 5000 young people on day one of the 2019 ACYF at Perth Exhibition & Convention Centre. Photo: Josh Low

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he young pilgrims gathered with a sense of

us to the fullness of life that God had planned when He

respect and expectation on Day Two to hear

created us.

Archbishop of Perth, Timothy Costelloe SDB,

“We are free to truly become ourselves as we were meant

give his workshop address at the 2019

to be.

Australian Catholic Youth Festival, “Listening

“Remember, we are all different, unique, and in particular ways

to God, how do we know what God is saying?”

blessed by God with different gifts, different capabilities and

“I am absolutely convinced that nothing about the Catholic

different personalities. You are not supposed to be like me any

Church will ultimately make any sense at all unless it is looked

more than I am supposed to be like you.”

at as being, in one way or other, connected to Jesus – and, as

“We are who we are as God created us,” he said.

Pope Francis would remind us, not a Jesus who is simply a

“Part of this process of deciding, this discernment about your

great man from the distant past who left a great legacy behind

future, will require you to truly know yourself. What are your

him, but a person who is still alive today, who is interested in

strengths? What are your limitations? What is your heart telling

us, who wants to be involved in our life, and who wants to help

you about your deepest desires? What makes you smile? What

us live our life to the full.

makes you feel proud of yourself?”

“The Catholic tradition of Christianity, before it is about

“My conviction is that God does speak to us in all these

anything else, is about Jesus, Jesus alive, Jesus among us,

questions – and the answers we are able to give to them.”

Jesus calling to us, Jesus inviting us to be His followers, His

He explained that the challenge is to find ways of creating

disciples, His friends,” Archbishop Costelloe explained.

spaces in our lives, physical spaces and mental spaces, where

“He is someone who wants to walk with us, lift us up when we

we can actually consider all these questions, sit quietly with

are struggling, sit with us when we are alone or afraid, and

them, talk calmly and deeply with people we trust about

celebrate with us when we are happy.

them, and somehow or other bring them with us when we

“In all this he wants to say to us: your life matters, you matter,

turn to God – and then wait patiently for God to show us a

and I want to help you live your life as fully, and deeply, and

way forward.

enthusiastically, and fruitfully as you can – that’s why I gave

“We all make mistakes, or course, and sometimes very bad

you the gift of life in the first place.”

ones. Lots of people make decisions which bring great suffering

Addressing one of the greatest challenges of today, he

to them and to many others. We can’t pretend that this isn’t

explained that the moral positions the Church upholds,

true and we know that sometimes we have no choice other

sometimes in the face of great opposition and hostility, make

than to accept the consequences for our actions.

no ultimate sense if they are just seen as arbitrary rules to follow, rather than essential aspects of what it means to be a

“These consequences aren’t signs of an angry God punishing

follower of Jesus.

us – they are simply the inevitable result of what we may have

“Our liturgy, our prayer traditions, our social outreach efforts,

done or failed to do. God respects our freedom, including the freedom to make bad choices that bring us suffering,” the

our concern for justice and the environment, our moral traditions and teachings - they all point to Christ and flow out

Archbishop explained.

from Christ and we won’t make sense of them, or find them

“Even when we don’t do this, and most of us fail much of the

compelling, or trust them, until we begin to make sense of

time, God doesn’t give up on us, or walk away.”

Jesus, and find Him compelling, and begin to trust him,” he said.

He shared with the youth that nothing we do, no mistake we

“In the end this is what the ACYF is about.”

make, can ultimately frustrate God’s plans to bring us to

Archbishop Costelloe explained that God is interested in every


one of us; that God has a plan for each of one of us, and in the

“The only way we can do that is to stubbornly and persistently

process of discovering what God is asking of us and where He

and deliberately turn our backs on God and decide that is the

is leading us, we are actually discovering the path that will bring

way we like it and nothing will convince us otherwise.”

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WO R D S Amanda Murthy

Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) pilgrims attended a workshop hosted by Perth Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton on Sunday 8 December 2019, where he spoke about the sanctity of life, describing it as a “reflection of God’s love”. Throughout the session, Bishop Sproxton explored the topic of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, sharing with those present, some of the dangers that will emerge with euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.

More than 100 Australian Catholic Youth Festival pilgrims attended a workshop hosted by Perth Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton, who shared the Church’s stance on Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted suicide. Photo: Iceberg Media

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n Tuesday 10 December, legislation allowing

journey of acceptance of death and preparing for the

terminally ill people to end their own lives passed

transition from earthly life to eternal life.

the West Australian Parliament, making it the

“Therefore on one hand we must never deliberately and

second State after Victoria to allow voluntary euthanasia.

directly take anyone’s life, but on the other hand, neither are

“[As Catholics, we believe that] life is a gift, to be protected

we obliged to keep people alive indefinitely.”

and promoted, especially for those least able to care for

Offering some of the realities of euthanasia and physician-

themselves,” Bishop Sproxton expressed.

assisted suicide, Bishop Sproxton expressed that people often

“To people of faith, life is the fundamental gift for a person, in

have the misconception that euthanasia guarantees a

fact, the gift of God’s love.

‘peaceful death’ and is therefore compassionate.

“Human life is also eternal: death and dying are normal human

However in reality, Bishop Sproxton stated that euthanasia

moments in life marking the transition from mortal to eternal

can cause many negative risks such as wrongful death, it

life - The experience of suffering and pain is also part of the

could be a faulty process even in the ‘best circumstances’

human condition,” he reminded those present.

there is a high complication rate.

Bishop Sproxton went on to state that medical science has

“These complications include difficulty in swallowing

made great progress in western societies, to the extent that

medication (less than nine per cent), vomiting (less than 10

the average life span of men and women has increased since

per cent), death takes a long time (up to seven days less than

the early 20th century, (perhaps by another 20 years).

four per cent), failure to induce coma and the patient wakes

“And this has meant that there are many more types of

up (less than 1.3 per cent).

disease appearing in the population because we live longer,

“The assumption that death will be gentle is not supported

but even despite this fact, medicine is finding more cures and

by the facts in many cases.”

life is being prolonged,” he added.

Other risks include bracket creep, a threat to maintain scope

Along with this progress in medical science and new

of practice, a change in doctor-patient relationship, elder

treatments, Bishop Sproxton cited that with society is

abuse, further marginalisation of the vulnerable, and lack of

becoming more secularised and materialistic, people are

focus on access to specialist palliative care.

finding it more difficult to find meaning in old age and death.

“Another risk patient’s face surrounding the issue of

“They question whether or not they have the right to

euthanasia is suicide confusion -

eradicate suffering by resorting to euthanasia.”

Eight people in Australia die each day by suicide, and we

Noting while physical suffering, pain and dying can be very

invest heavily in major suicide prevention and counselling

lonely experiences, Bishop Sproxton is convinced that medical

programs like Beyond Blue and LifeLine,” Bishop Sproxton

care is now able to provide better management of pain.


“Good palliative care, if made available, will bring relief and

“This will introduce an acceptable kind of suicide – ‘white

increased comfort. Added to good palliative care, the dying

homicide’ – that is approved and even funded by the State.

person needs to be surrounded by the people closest to them

“How will this affect suicide rates in Australia?,” Bishop

to be reassured, accompanied and loved,” Bishop Sproxton

Sproxton added.


Bishop Sproxton concluded the informative workshop session

“This adds an essential human element: to share in their

by re-affirming the Church’s stance that euthanasia is not the

journey of acceptance of death and preparing for the

answer to the diagnosis of a terminal illness, adding that while

transition from earthly life to eternal life.

the fear of pain and suffering is real, the anguish that is felt

“Therefore on one hand we must never deliberately and

by the person who is dying is much deeper.

directly take anyone’s life, but on the other hand, neither are

“The deeper need is [for the sick] to be helped and loved.

we obliged to keep people alive indefinitely,” he added.

“What a sick person needs, besides medical care, is love, the

Added to good palliative care, Bishop Sproxton said that the

human and supernatural warmth with which the sick person

dying person needs to be surrounded by the people closest

can and ought to be surrounded by all those close to him or

to them to be reassured, accompanied and loved.

her, from their parents and children, doctors and nurses,”

“This adds an essential human element: to share in their

Bishop Sproxton concluded.

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2 0 1 9 AU S T R A LI A N C AT H O LI C YO U T H F E S T I VA L

‘REBUILD MY CHURCH’ WORDS Jamie O’Brien and Gavin Abraham


housands of young Australian Catholics have

Archbishop Costelloe’s opening address drew upon the

been challenged to “go out and rebuild” God’s

exhortation that St Francis of Assisi received 800 years ago

Church on the opening day of the 2019 Australian

and a similar encouragement from Pope Francis in more

Catholic Youth Festival.

recent times.

The opening session of the Festival, which drew 5500

He combined God’s request to St Francis – “Go and rebuild

young people from across Australia, featured a Welcome

my Church, which is falling into ruin” – with Pope Francis’

to Country, high-tempo music, inspirational speakers and

comments at World Youth Day 2016 in Poland.

moments of prayer.

Archbishop Costelloe challenged young people: “Get up off

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, the host of the

your couches, go out and help rebuild my Church. Help it

Festival as the Archbishop of Perth, welcomed pilgrims and

to set out on new and uncharted pathways. Help stop the

encouraged them to bring every part of themselves to the

Church, my Church, from falling into ruin.”


Internationally renowned singer-songwriter, Fr Rob Galea

“You are welcome here with your questions, with your

from the Sandhurst Diocese, used the Festival’s opening

hopes, with your dreams. You are welcome here with your

session to invite delegates to be open to the voice of God

doubts and with your fears. You are welcome here with

in their lives.

your hesitations and you’re welcome here with all your

“I pray that throughout this time, as we gather here as a

enthusiasms,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

family, as we gather here as Your people, that You give us

“God is real. Christ is alive. The Church of which you are

the grace to hear You speak,” Fr Galea said.

a part is yearning to help you and to hear you, to teach

“Lord, we don’t want to walk out of this place the same way

you and to learn from you, to challenge you and to be

we walked in. We know that when You speak, our lives,

challenged by you.”

our hearts are changed forever. So Lord, we give You the



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permission these next few days to speak to our hearts, to

the number of questions Jesus asks – and is asked – in the

speak into our lives.


“Lord, we give You the permission to mess up our plans. We

In particular, he reflected on the question from someone

want You, Jesus. We want Your guidance, Holy Spirit. You

introduced in the Bible as a rich young man. In the Gospels,

can take the world, You can take everything. Give us You.

the man asks Jesus: “Master, what must I do to inherit

Come, Holy Spirit.”

eternal life?”

Archbishop Costelloe was one of more than 30 Australian

Archbishop Costelloe reminded pilgrims that the young man

bishops who were at the festival.

could respond affirmatively to the requirement of having

Bishop Columba Macbeth-Green OSPPE, the Delegate for

obeyed the commandments, but was more challenged by

Youth for the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, said

Jesus’ invitation to “sell all you own and give the money to

the Perth Festival had been a great advertisement for the

the poor and then come and follow me”.

vibrancy of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Other key features of the Festival included:

“It has been a privilege to be part of this remarkable

• The Encounter Expo, with more than 80 stalls

experience, which has demonstrated the rich tapestry that is

featuring Catholic agencies, organisations, religious

the Church in Australia,” he said.

orders, ecclesial movements and all types of Catholic

“I have met hundreds and hundreds of young people who

groups from across Australia that offer a range of

are enthusiastic about following Christ and our hope is that energy will be taken back to communities across the country

interactive and experiential activities to explore the breadth and depth of the Church’s mission in Australia; • The Justice Activity Centre, a place of education,

and shared.” Bishop Macbeth-Green, himself the head of the country Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes, said the next ACYF will have a different feel, but the central premise will be the same – know God, love God and follow God. “We do things a bit differently in the bush, but hospitality and welcome are in our DNA. We look forward to displaying that in a couple of years’ time,” he said. An open-air Mass at Trinity College in East Perth was the culmination of the three-day festival, which attracted 5500 young people from across the country. It was the largest Catholic event ever held in Western Australia. In his homily at the Mass, which also drew members of the wider Perth Catholic community, Archbishop Costelloe reflected on

empowerment, mission and service, with a range of interactive experiences and activities facilitated by various organisations and groups that encourage young people to engage with justice issues and people affected by injustice; • The Experiential Prayer Room and Worship Centre, showcasing different styles of prayer, including Taize, Eucharistic Adoration, praying with icons and instructional sessions on the celebration of the Mass. • The “Cruisin’ with Columba” conversations – chats between Bishop Delegate for Youth, Bishop Columba Macbeth-Green OSPPE and groups of young people; • The Bishops X-Change sessions, in which bishops from across the country engaged with young people on important issues facing the Church and society. • Dutch priest and author Fr Michel Remery asking the question: “Is there social media in heaven?”; • Catechetical session on prayer, including participation in Sunday Mass; • An exploration of how young Catholics can continue to advocate for action on climate change. • A session on asylum-seekers and refugees looking at “Myths, Mission and Mercy”; • Sessions introducing delegates to a number of prayer forms, including Lectio Divina, the Angelus and

Thousands of young Australian Catholics have been challenged to “go out and rebuild” God’s Church on the opening day of the 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival.

Photo: Matthew Lau and Josh Low

praying about vocation and discernment; • A four-kilometre pilgrimage walk from the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre to Trinity College for the final Mass.

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The invitation to respond to the Living Jesus’ call with openness, courage and humility, was at the heart of Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB’s message, during his homily spoken at the 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival Closing Mass, held at the Trinity College oval on Tuesday, 10 December.

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he 6.30pm outdoor Mass attended by some 5000 people, included the presence of Apostolic Nuncio to Australia His Excellency Most Reverend Archbishop Adolfo Tito

Yllana, some 32 Bishops, together with more than 100 local and national Priests, Religious Sisters and Brothers, Deacons, Perth Archdiocesan agency representatives, ACYF pilgrims and the wider Perth Catholic community, most of who travelled by bus from their respective Parishes – marking the end of the three day festival.

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Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Office

person God created them to be – however, assuring

for Youth and ACYF Director, Malcolm Hart, took

the congregation that the key message from Jesus

the stage to thank everyone involved behind

to each person would be “Come and follow me.”

the scenes and the youth for their participation

“So don’t walk away sad from the opportunity

throughout the memorable festival.

... don’t walk away sad from the chance to live your life to the full just as God intended you to.

Jesus holds out to you for a heroic life,” Archbishop

“It is the greatest of gifts in

Costelloe exclaimed.

my life, and such a grace to be

“Don’t walk away sad from the chance to make

able to accompany you, the youth and to serve you in this festival,” Mr Hart cited.

your life a wonderful gift to others, don’t walk away sad from the chance to live your life to the full just as God intended you to when He called you into

“Take the time to listen to

existence and don’t walk away from Jesus because

what the Spirit is saying to

He is our Way, He is our Truth, He is our Life.

you, but also take the time

“Jesus is alive, He is here with us and He is calling to

to remind yourselves of these great moments you shared with one another at this festival, and remember it for years to come,” he added. Singer-songwriter Father Rob Galea accompanied by a choir, led in the opening hymn, to sing the

each one of us! “Tonight, take the chance, take your courage in both hands, and open your hearts and your lives to Him,” Archbishop Costelloe added.

official ACYF song, Listen to the Spirit. In addressing the pilgrims, Archbishop Costelloe began his homily by drawing inspiration from the Gospel reading, about a wealthy man who asked Jesus, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”, before posing the same question to those present. “For the young man in the Gospel story, the thing that prevented him from saying ‘Yes’ to the adventure of being a disciple of Jesus was his wealth and his inability to imagine his life without his money,” Archbishop Costelloe stated. “That may also be the case for some of us here tonight, but perhaps for many of us that is not what is holding us back. “For us tonight, the important and even urgent question is this: what is stopping me from giving my whole hearted ‘Yes’ to the Lord? “This is a challenging question but if we are willing to ask it of ourselves and courageous and honest enough to really consider our answer carefully, then like the rich young man Jesus will be offering us the adventure of a lifetime,” Archbishop Costelloe added. Reiterating that while there are many answers to the question, “Lord, what must I do?”, Archbishop Costelloe explained that the answer Jesus gives to each person will depend on their own circumstances and what is holding them back from being the

At the conclusion of Mass, Archbishop Costelloe expressed his gratitude to all who contributed to the success of the festival, noting his biggest “Thank You” to the 5500 pilgrims who were willing to say “Yes” and to be open to attending ACYF. Assuring the community gathered there will be another ACYF in two years, Archbishop Costelloe announced that the next festival of its kind will be held in a rural centre when it takes place in December 2021. “Having been to four of our five major capital cities, next time we’re going to try and host ACYF in one of our rural centres,” he said. “All I can say is stay tuned and start preparing and look forward to the announcement hopefully early in the new year on where the next ACYF will be held,” Archbishop Costelloe concluded.

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The labyrinth at the experiential prayer space, provided an interactive way for the 5500 young pilgrims attending ACYF to pray, at

their own pace. The ACYF was held from 8 to 10 December in Perth. Photo: Feby Plando ∞


‘Making a Good Confession’ by

Mrs Anita Parker was one of the workshops presented at the ACYF experiential room space from 8 to 10 December. Photo: Iceberg Media

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WO R D S Amanda Murthy

THE EXPERIENTIAL P R A Y E R R O O M at the recent

their focus on the ACYF theme to, “Listen to what the Spirit is saying.”

Australian Catholic Youth Festival held at Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (Level 3), provided an avenue for quiet time and reflection for the 5500 pilgrims, amidst the hype of events which took place from 8 to 10 December.

Some of the workshops included ‘Praying with Icons’ by Fr Richard Charlwood, ‘Getting to know the Mass’ by Bishop Patrick O’Regan, ‘Praying the Examen’ by Fr Robin Koning SJ, ‘Making a Good Confession’ by Mrs Anita Parker and ‘Speak Lord’ by Laura Frogley and team.

Experiential Prayer Room (Encounter) Manager Kelly Paget, from the Diocese of Broken Bay, explained the purpose of the space, and the variety of activities the youth and young adults could engage in at their own pace. “The space had been designed to give festival goers an opportunity to pray in the way they felt comfortable,” Mrs Paget said, during the festival. “The young people have many options – from sitting with the Word of God, there is student artwork they can reflect on, there are some icons from the Eastern Catholic rites, there is a beautiful shrine dedicated to Mother Mary, and a labyrinth they can walk to do their prayers. “The whole thing that ties this space together, is a hymn called Song in the centre, that talks about how God is present in all creation – and it comes together under this globe (placed symbolically over the space),” she added. Another feature which gained much attraction at the experiential space was the prayer petition area, where the young people were able to offer their own intentions and in return, pray for the other pilgrims who had offered their prayers. Along with the prayer experiences, miniworkshops were held in that space, as a way to encourage and guide the pilgrims to channel

Catholic Mission led in a workshop to teach pilgrims ‘How to make and pray the mission rosary’, Consultant for the Aboriginal Education Catholic Education Western Australia Kylie Agale and Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Director Donella Brown headed a session titled ‘Labyrinth: Heart journey – looking back, looking in and looking forward,’ and ‘The Angelus’ was explained by University of Western Australia Professor John Kinder. Many ACYF 2019 pilgrim groups were also accompanied by a Catholic priest who worked to help them develop a greater understanding of the faith journey by providing spiritual guidance, scriptural and prayer formation, as well as access to the Sacraments. The worship centre space at ACYF was filled with pilgrims from all around Australia, who were seen attending the different rites of the Catholic Church, making the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and kneeling in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in Adoration. Many of the participants expressed their gratitude to ACYF organisers for providing a space in which they could take the time to reflect on their journey, and learn new ways to pray – as well as to be able to express and celebrate their faith in a safe space.

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Bishops’ X-Change sessions held during the 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival have significantly increased the conversation with young people on issues facing the Church and society today.

Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane Ken Howell and Bishop of Sale, Patrick O’Regan, joined in one of the sessions, discussing how God is calling us to be a Christ-centred Church that is prayerful and Eucharistic. The session began with a Welcome to Country by the Plenary Council team before pilgrims - who were seated in groups - were allowed to discern and take turns voicing


ith a total of 20 sessions held during the festival, pilgrims had the opportunity to voice their thoughts and ideas in response to the selected

questions in each session, accompanied by two Bishops and facilitated by Plenary Council team members. Among the topics discussed were the six listening and discernment themes, ‘How is God calling us to be a Christcentred church that is’;

their thoughts and ideas in response to the particular topic. At the end of the session, the Bishops were invited to give a statement in response to the question. Bishop Howell said that “there is a great passion and love for the Eucharist and there is both a static and dynamic aspect of the Eucharist”. Bishop Howell also explained that the static reality of the Eucharist happens during Adoration and is dynamic when we celebrate the Eucharist in Mass, “united in a common

Missionary and Evangelising;

Inclusive, participatory and Synodal;

Prayerful and Eucharistic;

Humble, healing and merciful;

Bishop O’Regan remarked that “we are all the body

Joyful, hope-filled and servant community and

of Christ, not just who is at the altar. We are called to

Open to conversion, renewal and reform”.

communion, in God, in creation – all a gift of Grace”.

purpose of being God’s people”. “In the midst of this it’s a prayerful encounter, then we are sent into the world,” Bishop Howell said.

ACYF 2019 Youth voice their thoughts and ideas at Bishops’ X-Change WO R D S Theresia Titus and Eric Martin

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Archbishop Peter Comensoli reflects with pilgrims during a Bishops X-Change. ∞



X-Change sessions held during the 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival have allowed for Bishops from across Australia to converse with young people on issues facing the Church and society today.

Photos: Iceberg Media

“Every moment we are called to be Eucharistic people,

The youth in Session Two were joined by three bishops:

not just on how we pray. God is the source, it’s

Port Pirie Bishop and Administrator for the Archdiocese

something you share with others and with God,” he said.

of Adelaide, Bishop Greg O’Kelly, Archbishop of

In another session on the topic of the Church being

Brisbane, Mark Coleridge, and Sydney Archbishop

a Christ-centred Church that is humble, healing and

Anthony Fisher OP.

merciful – attended by Auxiliary Bishop of Perth Donald

“There’s no way that someone like me, as a Bishop, can

Sproxton and Bishop of Toowoomba Robert McGuckin

listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit if I don’t also listen

- Sophie Hansen, a pilgrim from Prendiville Catholic

to voices like yours,” Archbishop Coleridge said in his

College, Ocean Reef, WA told The Record that the


session helped her to “expand her mindset by listening

“I am genuinely interested in what the voices in this

to feedback from other people”.

room that I’m a part of have to say, because it just might

“Coming to the session today is a good opportunity for

be that through you, the Spirit is heard.

me to meet new people and listen to their opinions on

“I have grown more and more convinced in my years

our Catholic community as a whole,” Miss Hansen said.

as a Bishop, that we are, as the Church in Australia, at

“This is my first Bishop X-Change session and I think it’s

the point where if we don’t take risks together, then

a good idea and this particular one is a successful one

the Church will die some kind of death; The Church will

because everyone gets a say.

never truly die, but there are many deaths,’ he explained.

“It is definitely a safe space because everyone is

“I think we are at the point, very obviously, where we

comfortable to say what he or she is thinking as there

cannot put up a fail-safe sign, under a notice saying

is no judgement and no one will be dismissed for saying

‘business as usual,’ we have to take risks, make big

how he or she feels,” she continued.

decisions: and that’s what the Plenary Council is all about; big decisions under the influence of the Holy Spirit – in other words, not dumb decisions, knee-jerk reactions. “But risks that are rooted in the past and rooted in the experience of listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit – that, we try to do together. He stressed the word together, explaining that the Plenary Council is a process, rather than an event, and is a journey that we must undertake together, as a united Church.

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Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund (ACSRF) was once again proud to support the Australian Catholic Youth Festival as an exhibitor.



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he festival provides the Fund with a unique

delegates whose photos best highlighted the conference

opportunity to meet with young people that

theme of “Listen to what the Spirit is saying”.

share our values and empower them with

The creativity of the entries and energy of the delegates

information and tips to manage their finances and at the same time have some fun.

One of the most important factors with superannuation is starting early, as this allows your account balance to grow over time, due to the effect of compound interest. It is challenging to meet with members that are at, or close to retirement age, that haven’t actively taken steps to plan for their retirement. It is also critical to ensure that you are invested in the most appropriate investment option(s) and have appropriate insurance cover that meets your lifestyle and needs. As such, at Australian Catholic Superannuation, we do many targeted activities for our younger members to educate them about their superannuation and providing

them with some simple steps that can have substantial impacts on their retirement outcomes. At this year’s festival, we decided to run two activities for delegates. The first was a short online quiz whereby we asked some general superannuation questions targeted at a younger demographic. The types of questions asked included: •

What is the minimum employer superannuation contribution rate?

Can you take your super with you when changing jobs?

What ways can you add to your superannuation?

Can I choose how my superannuation is invested?

If I’m under 18 years old and earn $450 per month, how many hours per week do I need to work for my employer to pay me super?

To assist with the exercise, we provided delegates with an electronic flyer accessible via their smart phone that provided them with further information in relation to superannuation. It is a misconception that younger people aren’t aware or engaged with their superannuation. The survey results

was amazing, as they enjoyed dressing up and taking some fun photos together. Our theme for this year’s festival centred on sustainability and the environment. The quiz was all online and the booth was paper free. We provided coffee keep cups, metal straws and reusable lunch bags as prizes for our two activities, all of which resonated with the delegates as evidenced through their desire and passion to win these items. Throughout the three days, we were lucky enough to meet and discuss all things superannuation and finance with hundreds of young people, many of whom wanted to understand how Australian Catholic Superannuation was different to other funds in the market. Delegates were attending the conference to deepen their relationship with Jesus and to find out that there is an award-winning superannuation fund available to them that shares their values, focuses on members’ best interests and is not-for-profit, was really well received. Post the event in December, the Fund has since sent two emails to more than 400 delegates who met with us and sought further information from the Fund. Overwhelmingly, the open rates were 61 per cent and 40 per cent, which again proves the interest younger people have with superannuation and ensuring they optimise their retirement outcomes, albeit retirement is a long way off for the majority of those we met with. The Australian Catholic Youth Festival has once again provided the Fund with an ideal opportunity to meet with young Catholic Australians to discuss their superannuation and finances more broadly. It enables us the opportunity to have hundreds of discussions whereby we educate delegates, answer their many questions asked and importantly share their faith in a

were extremely positive with the average score being 91

fun filled atmosphere.

per cent from more than 400 entries received and the

We congratulate the organisers, volunteers and everyone

majority of discussions held were informed, relevant and

involved on such a well-run festival whereby it was

thought provoking.

apparent that everyone in attendance enjoyed and

For the second activity, we provided a balloon wall

benefitted from the experience.

whereby delegates could take a photo in front of the

If you would like to take control of your finances and improve

wall and then share the photo online with the tag

your retirement outcomes, please contact our Fund office on

#TheACSspirit. We provided some prizes to those

1300 658 776. We’re here to help.

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American speaker and writer Katie Prejean McGrady expressed that the best part of traveling nearly 25,000 kilometres a year worldwide to preach the Gospel of Christ, are the authentic human encounters she gains, and being able to get young people excited to love Jesus. “It’s the conversations that are exchanged. “A young person comes up to me and says thank you, or when I get to ask them what stuck out to them in the talks, or when we are able to share stories with each other,” she added. The proud mother to two-year-old daughter Rose, and wife to Tommy, sat down with The Record during her time at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) to give a recap on her talks, and challenged the youth of today to use their faith in Jesus to be world-changers. “I gave a talk called ‘You Gotta Have Faith.’ It was all about our encounter with Jesus Christ that leads to passionate faith. How do we then articulate that and share it with the world?” she explained. “I do a lot of research with Gen Z, and data shows that this particular generation want to be world changers, they truly believe that they can change the world. “My hope is that this talk will encourage and inspire them to be the type of people to go and articulate their encounters with Jesus,” she added. In her second talk ‘Mary, Queen of Heaven’, Katie spoke of Our Lady as the perfect model of faith. “Mother Mary was a teenager, of course she is without sin, which sometimes may seem difficult for us to relate to, but in reality she is a woman that said ‘Yes’. And that one ‘Yes’, changed the world.” Her plenary keynote, leading into Adoration of


the Blessed Sacrament on the second night of ACYF, was about opening up to the Holy Spirit and the Father’s love leading us to and encounter

WO R D S Amanda Murthy

with the Holy Spirit.



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“You are the ones – I’m convinced of this deeply – you are the ones that can change the world.” Encouraging the youth of ACYF to take the time to listen to the voice of God, when discerning their vocation in life – be it in their careers, married life, religious life or single life – Katie said the key is to always be ‘opened to the surprises God has in store.’ “The moment we are baptised, we all have a vocation, its’ there and we don’t have to go around digging for it,” she stated. “Don’t be afraid to ask questions to the right people about the faith – visit religious communities, speak with them and so take the time not just to listen, but then pursue, should religious life be your calling. “In our everyday moments whether in our career choices, friends we choose to keep, the stuff that we choose to post on social media. “We have to always ask ourselves the question ‘How is this decision, how is this moment leading

me closer to Christ?” she concluded.

You are truly made for not only something great... but ultimately you are made to have a seat in the heavenly kingdom.”

During the session, Katie told the 5500 young people gathered that the youth of Australia in 2019 are uniquely suited to be a witness, a voice to the goodness of God and the joy of the Gospel. “You are truly made for not only something great, you’re not only made to make an impact in this world, but ultimately you are made to have a seat in the heavenly kingdom, you are made to


Katie also sat down with Archbishop of Melbourne, Peter Comensoli and TavTalk’s

Kieran Chew for a Young Adults Q&A session at the Market Grounds. Photo: Josh Low ∞ TOP

Katie delivering the evening plenary session on Day 2 of ACYF. Photo: Iceberg Media

worship God for eternity,” she said.

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Speaking at the Australian Catholic Youth Conference in Perth last year, was Genevieve Bryant. The Melbourne singer, songwriter and music ministry enthusiast-talked and gave a brief a workshop on the importance of music in liturgy and appreciation for the music of the Catholic Church.

At the end of the session, Gen Bryant reminded the pilgrims to start the conversation and build connections between their schools, parishes and wider diocese with their unique gifts and talents. Photo: Iceberg Media



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usic is such a powerful tool; as

the beautiful music and harmonies,” she continued.

musicians, but also like people who are

Ms Bryant said she was also a part of a worship band,

part of the experience, sometimes we

where she had the chance to sing on Saturday nights,

often walk away and quickly think that the music we heard

no Gregorian chants and hymns but contemporary

is not good,” Ms Bryant said.

Catholic music.

“I found that good music can be found in a variety of forms

“We could see that there’s a huge variety happening and

and genres. However, not all good music is suitable for the

I am proud of that. It’s something unique in the Catholic

liturgy of Mass.”

Church,” she said.

Ms Bryant reminded the pilgrims that the Catholic Church

Addressing her concerns on the lack of connection

music “comes from a beautiful place and tradition”.

between the schools and parishes, she challenged the

She also explained how they can best appreciate any

pilgrims to start communicating with their teachers and

Catholic music, both traditional and contemporary to best

really think about how they can share their gifts and talents

decide whether a particular piece

of music is suitable to be performed during the Mass when they are given the responsibility to. “I just briefly want to touch on the three factors that are so important to [think about,” Ms Bryant said. “Number one: ‘is the music liturgical? Does the style of the music reflect the nature of that part of Mass?’ and number two: we have to think of the people: will this piece of music allow

This is where we have a problem: there are things happening in school and there are things happening in parishes, but we’re not doing things together.

the congregation to participate fully, actively and consciously? “Number three: is this musically and

with the school community in music ministry, as well as connecting with the parishes. “This is where we have a problem: there are things happening in school and there are things happening in parishes but we’re not doing things together,” Ms Bryant said. “I want to challenge those who are involved in the parish to start the conversation: how can we connect with our local schools-can we get the talented staff involved at Masses? “Start [working on] those little connections, it may make one big

technically good? Can we pull it off? We need to make sure

connection that is something incredible,” she continued.

that we’re choosing music that we can do and it’s at the

Ms Bryant also emphasised that the lack of connections

right level for us,” she explained.

also exist in “our wider dioceses”, hence there is a need to

Ms Bryant told the pilgrims that her “real love” for the

reach out, let people know” on the things happening from

traditional music of the Catholic Church grew when she

one parish to another, and get involved.

was studying at Australian Catholic University and singing

“It’s only by reaching out that I got to the place where I am

for the St Patrick’s Cathedral Choir every Sunday.

today, by networking and communicating with people and

“I would walk out in my robes, with my stack of hymnals,

say, ‘Hey I don’t know what it is yet but I know I want to do

one was the Gregorian chants. We would be in practice

something, I want to help and I want to be a part of it’, and

before Mass…singing Gregorian chants,” she said.

that’s honestly how I got here today,” she said.

“To experience it [by] not just by listening but [also] being a

“Start putting yourself out there even if you feel like

part of it, I just develop a real love for [the traditional music

you’re not good enough, start working on yourself and

of the Church].

start making those connections. That’s my challenge

“It’s hard not being moved when you’re singing and hearing

to you guys.”

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osted by Catholic Youth Ministry Perth,

WO R D S Amanda Murthy

the event held on the final day of the festival, from 12.30 to 1.30pm, was the perfect opportunity for the Perth

The 2019 ACYF celebrations resulted in many exciting experiences for pilgrims throughout the three day festival,

youth and young adults to recap on their experiences, network with one another,

pray and praise together and keep informed on local events happening in the near future. The event was held at the Riverside Theatre, situated inside

with one of the many highlights being

the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, where the

a ‘Perth-only’ gathering, especially

Keeping with the local theme, former Australia’s Got Talent

for the 1566 local pilgrims.

entire three-day program took place. trio, The Subih Brothers, who are part of the Perth MelkiteGreek Catholic community, opened the event with some pop covers, receiving crowd participation with the sing-along numbers. Instrumenta Dei (Former ETG Band) then led a praise and worship session with a prayer for the youth to always be “opened to God’s call.”



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Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, who had been preparing for the ACYF Closing Mass at the Trinity College, made the time to attend the gathering and personally thank the youth for their commitment and enthusiasm shown throughout the festival. “I remember being at the Sydney Youth Festival and thinking we were not ready to host a festival of this magnitude – but on the very last day of that festival (which was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 8 December 2017) I was able to make the decision that we would host the next festival here in Perth,” Archbishop Costelloe said, receiving a roar of applause from attendees. “Deciding to host ACYF here in Perth, is one of the best decisions that I have made as an Archbishop of Perth.

... see all the other young people who have come together, to celebrate who we are as the young Church here in WA.

“So have a look around, and see all the other young people who have come together, to celebrate who we are as the young Church here in WA – Give yourselves another huge round of applause!” Archbishop Costelloe added. Drawing attention to some of the challenges faced by the Church in today’s world, including the issue of child sexual abuse, Archbishop Costelloe acknowledged the tremendous hurt and damage it has caused to victims of abuse, as a result of these senseless tragedies. “Here in our Archdiocese of Perth, we have worked really hard both to care for those who have been hurt in the past, and do our best to ensure that sexual abuse never happens again in any one of our places.” Archbishop Costelloe then announced the release of a new resource, titled The Power of Freedom, the third series of its kind, which aims to equip and empower the youth and young adults (from ages 18 to 25) with knowledge on physical, emotional and spiritual freedom and safety.

The handbook, produced by the Perth Catholic Archdiocese Safeguarding Office and written by Safeguarding Project Compliance Officer Program Coordinator Barbara Blayney and Manager of Ministry Services at the University of Notre Dame Australia Fremantle Campus Tom Gourlay – addresses important issues such as understanding emotions, safety,


Perth Archbishop and Australian Catholic

Youth Festival (ACYF) host Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB addressed the Perth pilgrims who attended the festival, at a specially organised local

bystander behaviour, internet safety, spiritual help – with opportunities for

gathering on 10 December. Photo: Iceberg Media

the reader to pen down their reflections.

Safeguarding Office Director Andrea Musulin took the stage to share

the Perth local gathering at the ACYF on 10


Instrumenta Dei (Former ETG

Band) led in a praise and worship session during

her experiences as a child, then later as a mother to her daughter, as she

December. ∞ Perth local group The Subih Brothers

expressed the lack of resources and knowledge she had on the topic sex

performed a few songs to open the Perth-only

education in the past. “This free handbook is about equipping you with the knowledge that you

event, on 10 December, during the ACYF. ∞ During the ACYF Perth local gathering event, the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth’s Safeguarding Office

need to live your life freely and without fear.”

launched its’ third handbook titled The Power of

“Archbishop Costelloe’s focus has always been on the safety of our young

to physical, emotional and spiritual freedom and

children, and to be able to support him in this journey is vital,” she said.

Freedom, which serves as a young adult guide safety on 10 December. Photos: Matthew Lau

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“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.” – John 10:10


hants of “Come Holy Spirit” echoed throughout the ACYF19 plenary exhibition as dynamic rap artist Joe

Melendrez led some 5500 festivalgoers to experience God in music.

The American speaker and rapper was a special guest performer at the fourth biennial Australian Catholic Youth Festival, held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (PCEC) from 8 to 10 December 2019. Using rap music as a vehicle to evangelise, Melendrez’s main goal at the festival was to “act a vessel to be used by God at the best level I can”. “I want to pour out to these kids and I want to be available to how God wants to speak through me … I came to share the Good News of Jesus Christ,” he said in an exclusive interview with The Record. “ACYF has been fantastic, I didn’t know what to expect with the faith climate being different than America; so I was just coming to be authentically faithfilled as I normally am, hoping that it would be received well and I think it has. “God is universal: no matter who you are, He’s going to connect with you.” The highlight of the first day, he felt, was the outdoor concert held at PCEC’s Summer Garden. “It started with 20 to 30 people sitting on beanbags, and then they all gathered – it was like a living room show. I love that connection and the Spirit moves so intimately in those environments,” Melendrez recalled.



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Joe Melendrez and Fr Rob Galea perform their hit single “Alight” during the pre-Mass entertainment at Trinity College on Tuesday 10 December.

Photos: Iceberg Media

“Praise shifts things. I talked about the benefits of praise, I talked about the benefit of encounter – when you encounter God, you are changed – and how music can create space for that encounter.” On breaking the common stigmas around rappers and the hip-hop music scene, Melendrez places his trust in God. “If it’s five people or 5000, it’s the same show – that’s how I started, I started on small stages. I’ve got to give everything I’ve got every time without holding back or being disappointed if there’s only a few people. “If you can give the message of Jesus, if you can inspire one of them to come to know the Lord, then that’s what we’ve got to do. I would say we won’t stop until the world is with Him.” In 2018, Melendrez released a studio album titled Chosen, which was formed organically on John 15:16 – “you did not chose me, but I chose you”.

“We are limited, and we need to trust where the Spirit is leading. Rap does have negative connotations because of the content, but rap is literally an art form, it’s literally poetry with music,” he explained.

I believe we’re living two lives: we’re living today on this Earth, and then we’ll live together with God in Heaven. What are we going to be doing forever?

“It’s this realisation that we’re all chosen by God. What has

“So if you make God the content and use the art form, it’s

He chosen us for? Why did He choose me?

glorifying God – there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s all giving

“Once people feel part of this family of God, I feel they’ll

God glory. Sometimes we need to be more open to that

be empowered to use their gifts, they’ll be empowering to

possibility that there are more ways to pray, there are more

inspire people to say ‘yes’, they’ll make other people know

ways to praise, and I want to encourage people to continue

that they’re chosen and invite them to God’s team.”

to innovate their prayer.”

Melendrez was given the freedom to talk about worship

The latest playlist on Melendrez’s Spotify includes Kanye

and praise in his talk on 8 December, attended by a large

West’s Christian hip-hop album Jesus is King, to which he

number of festivalgoers.

believes will be a landmark revival of Christianity.

“I believe we’re living two lives: we’re living today on this

“[It’s] incredible, I’m so thankful. I’m declaring that there’s

Earth, and then we’ll live together with God in Heaven.

going to be millions of people that’ll come to the Lord

What are we going to be doing forever? Worshipping God.

through this movement. I told my parents that they’ll write

So we better get good at what we’re about to do forever,”

about this in history books of the year 2019/2020 is when

he affirmed.

mass amounts of people came to Christ.”

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Our call to holiness addressed by CEWA Executive Director WO R D S Amanda Murthy

Catholic Education Western Australia Executive Director Dr Debra Sayce presented a workshop titled ‘Our Call to Holiness: Being, becoming and belonging’ at the recent Australian Catholic Youth Festival held from 8 to 10 December in Perth. Photo: Iceberg Media



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“A Christian cannot think of his or her mission on earth without seeing it as a path of holiness... Each saint is a mission, planned by the Father to reflect and embody, at a specific moment in history,

“God is with you… Do not let your challenges limit you to be the person God wants you to be. “God created beauty (us) in the ordinary of life - We are a reflection of His image and therefore, Jesus reveals Himself through us and through those around us,” she explained. Answering the question, ‘How can we strive to be

a certain aspect of the Gospel.”

holy,’ Dr Sayce shared five great expressions of Love

— Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate

holiness in today’s world’.


of God and neighbour, on a slide she dubbed ‘Signs of “Pope Francis in his previous Apostolic Exhortation Gaudate et Exsultate (Rejoice and be Glad) reminds us

he 2018 Apostolic Exhortation by Pope

that holiness is something that every person should

Francis titled ‘Gaudate et exsultate’ inspired

be working towards, and through the grace of God, all

the message of Catholic Education

can grow in,” Dr Sayce expressed.

Western Australia (CEWA) Director Dr

“Some of the ways we can strive to be holy is to rely

Debra Sayce, who delivered a one-time workshop,

fully on our inner strength given to us by God to

during the 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival,

practise perseverance, patience and meekness amidst

titled “Our Call to Holiness: Being, becoming and

our challenges, to radiate a positive and joyful spirit,


and have a sense of humour, as well as to be bold and

“This workshop explores how we can be the best

have passion.

we can be, through exploring the signs of holiness in today’s world and build our capacity to model our faith to others,” Dr Sayce expressed to more than 80 young people gathered. Held on Monday, 9 December, the 4pm workshop began with pilgrims invited to take some time to

... Do not let your challenges limit you to be the person God wants you to be.

reflect on the questions, ‘What is holiness to you?’ and

“Being in community is essential to our journey

‘How do you define yourself in just six words?’, before

towards holiness and finally, being in constant prayer,

discussing some of the challenges and obstacles young

always finding ways to grow in your faith,” she added.

Christian men and women may face in today’s world.

In a video message published on social media by

Encouraging the youth to rise above the challenges, Dr

CEWA, Dr Sayce shared a summary of her workshop

Sayce encouraged the youth to always recognise that

and her inspiration behind the conversations

God is always present.

shared with the topic of holiness, a topic which she

“We need to be grounded in our faith in order to face

acknowledged is extremely relevant to the young

the challenges of today,” Dr Sayce said.

Church of Australia today. “We are all called to be missionary Disciples of Christ, and the fact that they can all gather together to understand their faith better, and be the best that they can be,” Dr Sayce stated. “Pope Francis provides us with a bit of a framework, when he talks about perseverance, patience, boldness, being in prayer, being in community, being humble, and above all being in love with God. “I hope the young people here will gain much from this festival,” she added.

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Caprese salad is an incredibly simple-to-make dish that will impress your loved ones. Its origins date back to the 1950s on the little island of Capri, Italy. The versatile Insalata Caprese can be presented in a number of creative ways, including canape-style by skewering each ingredient through toothpicks. This recipe serve two as a main dish or four as an entrée. INGREDIENTS


• 220g tub of bambini bocconcini, drained

1. Combine ingredients in a large bowl and gently

and halved • 250g grape tomatoes, halved lengthways

coat each component. Plate the salad and

• 80g prosciutto (optional)

garnish with a drizzle of balsamic glaze.

• 1 bunch fresh basil leaves, washed and spun-dry • Parmigiano-Reggiano, shaved to garnish • Extra virgin olive oil • Balsamic glaze • Fine sea salt, to taste • Black pepper, freshly cracked to taste


mix with enough extra virgin olive oil to lightly

OR 2. Neatly arrange the tomatoes, bocconcini, prosciutto and basil leaves on each serving plate. Follow with a sprinkle of sea salt and black pepper. Evenly drizzle the olive oil over the salad, and then finish with shaved parmesan and balsamic glaze.


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Photo: Iceberg Media





The Record Magazine seeks to promote awareness and understanding of vocation – God’s particular call to each of us to live and become what we were created to be. There are many such vocations – marriage and family life, priesthood, religious life or being single – with the first and universal vocation being to holiness, as described by the Fathers of the Church in Lumen Gentium.

Jamie O’Brien



Matthew Lau

The Record Magazine is published bi-monthly. Views expressed in published articles are not necessarily those of the publisher or Editor. The Editor may refuse copy or material, including advertisements, for publication. Inclusion of an advertisement in The Record Magazine does not reflect endorsement or responsibility from the publisher or Editor.


Feby Plando



The Record Magazine is a member of the Australasian Catholic Press Association and Australasian Religious Press Association.


Joshua Low


We welcome unsolicited articles and photos; however, we do not guarantee replies to unsuccessful submissions. Please send all information to:


Amanda Murthy

Archdiocese of Perth Communications Office Phone 08 9220 5900 Email Address 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA Postal Address PO Box 3075, Perth WA 6832

Eric Martin

Theresia Titus



Bibiana Kwaramba instagram/therecord_perth twitter@TheRecord_Perth

NOTICE The issue may contain images of deceased members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Images are used with respect and appreciation.

© 2020 The Record.


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Copyright 2020. No part of The Record Magazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from the publisher. The Record Magazine liability in the event of an error is limited to a printed correction. Proudly printed in Australia by Scott Print. This publication is printed using vegetable inks, is ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) and has ISO approval for international environmental certification.

30/01/2020 2:58:09 PM

Centre for Faith Enrichment





Fridays, 21 February – 27 March ∞ 10:00am – 12:30pm

Tuesday, 10 March ∞ 9:30am – 11:30am

Discovering the Real Meaning: Using Greek to Unlock Biblical Terms When reading the Scriptures, we find words that are difficult to understand. Over six weeks, we will discover the “real meaning” of the following words: DISCIPLE, GLORY, EVANGELISM, GRACE, FELLOWSHIP, CHURCH and see how these words apply to our lives today. Most of our English translations of the Bible are great interpretations of the original Hebrew or Greek. However, in any translation, not everything that was communicated in the original language can be precisely conveyed in another language. Some nuances do not transfer well from one language to another. As a result, a translation rarely is a perfect version of the original. Let us “bridge the gap” together and get “FUEL FOR THE JOURNEY”. CEWA Ongoing Renewal: this course has been approved for Knowledge Cost: $45, 6 sessions With: Dr Peter Christofides Location: Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview (Clune Lecture Theatre)

EVENING COURSES Thursdays, 27 Feb – 12 March ∞ 7:00pm – 8:30pm

The Fullness of Joy: How to pursue Virtue in our Daily lives Our Catholic faith gives us a great road map for becoming the best version of ourselves. More specifically, it indicates the virtues of prudence, justice, temperance, courage, and faith, hope, and charity as means through which we can achieve this. The Catechism tells us that the virtues allow people not only to perform good acts, but to give the best of themselves. This series of talks explores what virtues are, the habits and dispositions that lead to a virtuous life and practical steps for making positive change. CEWA Ongoing Renewal: this course has been approved for Faith Formation Cost: 3 sessions, suggested donation $15 With: Mr Derek Boylen – Director of Centre for Life, Marriage and Family Office Location: Morley Parish (47 Wellington Road, Morley)

Tuesdays, 3 -17 March ∞ 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Discerning Lent One Reading at a Time The readings of Lent are carefully chosen to teach us about the way of Christ and to guide our journey through this particular period of the liturgical calendar. This course will unpack some of the texts typically used during the Lenten season in a sophisticated yet accessible manner and, thus, help us find wonderful lessons for this special season and for life in general. All are welcome! CEWA Ongoing Renewal: this course has been approved for Faith Formation Cost: 3 sessions, suggested donation $15 With: Mr Joe Tedesco Location: St Thomas More College Chapel (48 Mounts Bay Road, Crawley)

Tuesdays, 24 March - 7 April ∞ 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Adult Faith Foundational Programme – Part 1 ∞ What is the Church? A Journey through Themes, Ideas and Documents The word Church is a translation of the Greek word Ecclesia, which means an assembly. The Church is the assembly, or gathering of the people who respond to Jesus Christ. What role des the Church play in Christian history and contemporary life? How can the Church work toward God’s ultimate purpose for human beings? Join us as we draw from the richness of the Catholic tradition to uncover the true meaning of Church for us. Over four terms, this four-part foundational programme will cover core topics of the Catholic tradition such as Church, liturgy, sacraments, Scriptures and the call to holiness. CEWA Ongoing Renewal: this course has been approved for Knowledge Cost: 3 sessions, suggested donation $15 With: Dr Margaret Scharf OP Location: North Beach Parish (3 Kitchener Street, North Beach)

An Insight into Beauty: The Saint John’s Bible The Saint John’s Bible features 160 major original artworks, created over 13 years by a team of 30 artisans. Originally commissioned by the Benedictine Monks, the Bible is part of the “Saint John’s Bible Project” that began in 1998. The volumes were created by an international team of 30 calligraphers and artists over a 13-year period. Limited to 299 sets of 7 volumes, each volume represents a portion of text and illustrations from the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible. The Bible explores the life of Jesus Christ and the early journeys of the Church in stunning detail. Striking features include the scattered use of gold leaf which represents the ‘divine’, while the use of silver/platinum reflects the principle of wisdom and detailed iconography symbolises God’s omnipresence. Location: Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview (Clune Lecture Theatre, Room S1.01)

ONLINE COURSE Thursdays 26 March - 9 April ∞ 7:30 - 8:30pm

Saints Thérèse, Louis and Zelie Come to Perth The relics of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux and those of her parents, Saints Louis and Zelie Martin, will visit Perth this year. To appreciate this visit all the more, the Centre for Faith Enrichment is presenting this user-friendly online course exploring the spirituality of these remarkable people. CEWA Ongoing Renewal: this course has been approved for Faith Formation Cost: $15 (3 sessions) With: Rev. Dr Charles Waddell

Visit for more information. For enquiries, contact us at

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The Record Magazine ISSUE23.indb 32

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