The Record Magazine Issue 18 (April 2019)

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Vision for Learning PAGE 10

Fruitfulness of outdoor activity realised PAGE 14

Accessible and affordable quality education PAGE 16

Official magazine for the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth



Teaching and Learning Tradition and experience teach us



“You see before you the Lord’s servant, let it

Affordable Access to Catholic education

happen to me as you have said.”

— Luke 1:38


Disability and Inclusiveness

FROM THE EDITOR Jamie O’Brien As a young student, one of the greatest lessons I recall

Sense of belonging eases transition to adult life

was being taught how to learn. It was a lesson I did not understand at the time, but one that I remember well. I


have since come to understand it is a very important aspect of how I have come to, and continue to understand and grow in my role as a writer, editor, photographer,

Catechesis Program

designer, as well as a son, husband and father, while also

Parishes gain in best practice pedagogy

appreciating the significant leaders around me.

for sharing faith with children

In this issue of The Record Magazine, we take a look at the issue of Teaching and Learning, and what it means for the many teachers, students and their families across the Western Australian Catholic community.


We talk to Catholic Education Western Australia, Director

From Archbishop Timothy Costelloe


of Teaching and Learning, Eileen Climo, who details for

From Bishop Don Sproxton


us the Vision for Learning currently being implemented across our Catholic Education system. We also look at


how Nature Play is bringing about a new understanding

Vision for Learning

of what it means to run around, explore trees, build cubby houses, thus further developing a young person’s physical, social, cognitive and emotional wellbeing. The Record Magazine is a magazine for the people and I hope you will enjoy taking the time to engage with us. Please feel free to share your thoughts via, 08 9220 5900.






Aboriginal education Nature Play Flexible Learning Future Planning News: Euthanasia Colouring Page Activity Page

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I S S U E 1 8 A P R I L 2 0 19 3


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nce again as a Christian community, a

courageously, to his death - qualities which we as his

community that is of disciples of Jesus, we have

disciples are called to keep alive in our world today - might

travelled the journey of Lent, with its call to

themselves seem merely the stuff of dreams, with no

conversion of heart, re-living once more the terrible story

connection to reality.

of the betrayal, suffering and death of Jesus, and now we

And yet, precisely because the attitudes of Jesus – simplicity,

have arrived at the moment of joy which burst forth in the

compassion, self-forgetfulness, forgiveness, humility – are so

rising of Jesus from the dead.

profoundly human, we must believe that they can be a part

This extraordinary event is at the heart of our Christian

of the real world, not just part of an imaginary world.

faith. It is a celebration of the victory of love over hatred, of

It is we who can make them so. Certainly none of us alone

creation over destruction, of hope over despair and of life

can solve the terrible problems which confront our world at

over death.

the moment. But each one of us can change ourselves – or

Because of this, Easter, the most important and central

rather open ourselves to the transforming power of the

celebration of the Christian year, carries a message which

Lord working in us and through us. As we change so will

speaks to every human heart because it expresses

those around us.

something that lies deep with us. Even for those who are

Change in our families, our friends, the Lord’s Church which

trapped in despair, the dream of having something to hope

we love and the society of which we must remain an active

for and the deep desire that things should and could be

part, will gradually begin to emerge. Things will be better

better than they are, never seems to die.

than they are at the moment.

As we consider the conflicts and suffering which confront

For Christians especially this is not an “impossible dream”.

us in so many parts of the world, and as once again we in

Because of the resurrection of Christ we believe that he is

the Catholic Community here in Australia are overwhelmed

now present to us, ready to share everything he has – his

by the horrors of the sexual abuse of young people within

simplicity and compassion, his forgiveness and humility, his

the Church, the very idea of the triumph of life and love

self-forgetfulness and of course his intimate communion

over death and hatred, might seem to be an impossible

with his Father – with us. This is the gift of life he promises

dream beyond our grasp.

us. It is the gift we celebrate at Easter.

The qualities and attitudes of mind and heart which marked

I hope that you and those you love experience something of

every moment of Jesus’ life and which led him

this special gift of hope during these Easter days.

+ Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB A RCH B I S H O P O F PER T H


‘We never stop learning’


earning is a lifelong occupation. This proposition is itself a truth that we learn as we journey through the many stages of life. I like to repeat

the comment of Mark Twain when discussing lifelong learning. He said that, as an 18-year-old, he was amazed at how very little his father knew, but by the time he was 23 he was amazed to discover how much his father had learned! Twain came to appreciate the lifetime of learning and wisdom his father attained, even though Twain had failed to recognise it as an 18 year old. We begin to learn from birth and never stop. It is wonderful to observe the way a newborn baby is learning virtually from their first moments. The baby already knows the mother’s voice and many other sounds that could be heard from within the womb. In the first weeks and months following the birth, the baby learns how to recognise and read facial expressions, along with learning from experiences of warmth and security, nourishment and loving care. We never stop learning. We learn firstly from our families, later at our schools and within our communities. As adults, our learning continues through the interactions we have with others and the broad range of experiences that life throws up for us. Parents are our first teachers. They are assisted by the professional educators in our schools, along with the many people we encounter as we grow to adulthood. The teachers in our schools occupy a special place in our lives and have a profound impact on us. As I was thinking about the theme of Teaching and Learning, I naturally thought of the teachers that I had at school. Each one has left me with something that has carried me through my life so far.


One in particular is Peter Mitchell. Peter began

is perfectly aligned with the religious education

teaching at the Christian Brothers’ primary

program in our Catholic schools. It provides a

school at Bedford. It is now Chisholm College,

way for children to learn how to take on the

which is a very large secondary school. But back

attitudes and values of Jesus, and so to learn

then, when I started at the school in Grade Five,

how to live in a positive way with others,

there were four classrooms on a small parcel of

themselves and God.

land, next to a dairy farm.

I was struck recently by a couple of sentences I

Peter was sent to Bedford and assigned to teach

read about the calling of the teacher in our

grade six. I met him about 40 years later, and he

Catholic Schools. It says, “The Catholic teacher,

rather deprecatingly remarked that he really had

therefore, cannot be content simply to present

no idea what he was doing, he was learning on

Christian values as a set of abstract objectives to

the job, for it was his first year of teaching in a

be admired, even if this is done positively and

classroom. I reassured him, I hope, by saying that

with imagination; they must be presented as

he was one of the outstanding teachers that had

values which generate human attitudes, and

taught me. It is true.

must be encouraged in the students. Examples

What impressed me about his teaching was his

would be these: a freedom which includes

respect for us. Later, I came to understand that

respect for others; conscientious responsibility;

he believed in the innate dignity of each person,

a sincere and constant search for truth; a calm

and still later, I learnt that this fundamental plank

and peaceful critical spirit; a spirit of solidarity

of his teaching charter had come from his

with and service toward all other persons; a

experience of the love and respect that Jesus has

sensitivity for justice; a special awareness of

for each one of us, as testified in the gospels.

being called to be positive agents of change in a

Education is said to be the process by which the

society that is undergoing continuous

human person can become more human. Peter,


then and now, proposes that through acting with

Peter has been a successful Catholic teacher and

the attitude and values of Jesus, teachers and

he has had the good fortune to be able to inspire

students can find a better and more positive way

so many others through the support of the

in responding to situations in life. Above all, we

Tasmanian Catholic Education Office. MJR has

can learn ‘to step into the shoes’ of the other

the power to enhance teaching in our schools in

person and be more understanding and less

very simple and practical ways. Teachers who

judgemental. He proposes a way from negative

participate in MJR gain new confidence when

criticism to finding a bridge to cross over to

providing clear witness of their faith through the

rebuild relationships.

ways they interact with the children. In order to

Peter went on to develop a wonderful resource

teach, they themselves have to become

for schools entitled, Making Jesus Real (MJR).

apprentices to Jesus, the Teacher, so that they

When I read it, I could recognise words and

can put on the mind of Christ. As St Paul once

phrases that he was using 40 years ago and

wrote. It is by learning who Jesus is, and what

which had an enormous impact on me and my

and how he did things that we can take on his

classmates. He made being a Christian real. MJR

attitudes and values in all of our relationships.

+ Bishop Donald Sproxton AUXILIARY BISHOP OF PERTH

T E A C H I N G +


tradition and experience teach us WO R D S Michael Britton

We often hear parents telling their children to study hard at school, do well, get a good job and work hard. These are certainly noble principles but how often do we hear parents telling their children to, above all else, look for God? Is that not the most important thing?



eaching our young people to “look for God”

things so that they are equipped with whatever may

in this day and age is no easy feat. There are

come their way.

an innumerable amount of demands,

But a willingness to learn comes from a spirit of

distractions, lots of noise and lots of peer

pressure, it’s not even an easy task in a religious school. It also may not come with the instantaneous gratification that apparently comes from watching YouTube videos or playing the Xbox.

humility that accepts someone knows more than they do, and this is not always easy to concede. At the recent WYD, Pope Francis said, “it is ok to fail; as long as we remember to get up”. It is through the Church that we can learn to do this; as if preparing for a battle

However, the Church has an extremely rich canon and

or a competition, one needs to train and that often

tapestry of saints to provide our young people with

requires failing in order to learn.

meaningful learning experiences, which can be an

As CS Lewis remarked, “experience is the most brutal

enjoyable experience as well.

of all learning experiences; but God, you do learn”.

At the recent World Youth Day in Panama, Pope Francis

These experiences also help foster the gift of wisdom

recounted the life of Saint Oscar Romero, who said he

which is often mistaken for intelligence. For example, a

didn’t look at Christianity as a set of rules and

cursory glance across any newspaper shows intelligent

prohibitions, as young people often mistakenly view

people regularly make unwise choices.

today’s Church. Instead Romero said Christianity was an experience of immense love. Something many of our youth won’t find in gaining many ‘likes’ on social media. Saints such as Romero are a spring of inspiration. And there are many. If you were to study one saint per day, it’d take you well over 27 years to get through them all. There’s enough inspirational and faith-based learning there to keep anyone busy and there’s a wide variety to

... a willingness to learn comes from a spirit of humility that accepts someone knows more than they do, and this is not always easy to concede.

suit anyone’s tastes. Some may like to learn about the likes of Saint Dominic

The Book of Wisdom in scripture speaks of wisdom as

who disobeyed his aristocratic mother and ran away in

fleeting, evasive and quite contrary to what would

the night to join a poor friary. Or of Saint Catherine of

normally be considered human intelligence or reason.

Siena who told her mother she’d prefer to live under the

But, yet again this is often seen in the lives of the many

house as it was more uncomfortable there. The more

saints whose lives and outlooks often seemed contrary

mature teens might like the political intrigues of Saint

to what one might consider rational. Yet they lived

Thomas More (who does tend to swear a little).

deeply happy lives (even in some very unhappy

Adult youths at heart could take stock in reading the


lives of Saint Mary of Egypt, Saint Olga of Kiev or Saint

Saint Catherine of Siena who preferred to live in a cell

Thomas Beckett (who all make Saint Augustine’s tawdry

under her house because it was uncomfortable, found

background look pretty tame). At the end of the day, it is

God in the uneasiness. She viewed the bitter as sweet

important to teach our young people that the saints

and the sweet as bitter. She married Christ and was

weren’t perfect, they too were sinners, they too had

even rumoured to have had an invisible ring. This hardly

troubles and most importantly. They knew all of this but

sounds rational. Yet she would later be given the title

in the light of the love of God.

Doctor of the Church for her remarkable works and

World Youth Day, along with the Australian Catholic

wisdom, one of the highest accolades that could be

Youth Festival, are a couple of ways our young people

bestowed on any person in the Church.

here in Australia can learn about the diversity of the

That’s quite an achievement for a person without any

Church while discovering a deep well of spirituality and

formal education and highlights that it is entirely


possible to receive the gift of wisdom through regular

It is important to teach our young people about these

prayer, meditation and devotion to God.

Saint Catherine of Siena preferred to live in a cell under her house because it was uncomfortable, found God in the uneasiness. Photo: Sourced ● At the recent World Youth Day in Panama, Pope Francis recounted Saint Oscar Romero who said he didn’t look at Christianity as a set of rules and prohibitions as young people often mistakenly view today’s Church. Photo: Josh Low ● At the recent World Youth Day, Pope Francis recounted Saint Oscar Romero who said he didn’t look at Christianity as a set of rules and prohibitions as young people often mistakenly view today’s Church. Photo: CNS CLOCKWISE

I S S U E 1 8 A P R I L 2 0 19 9

Catholic schools focused on Christ-centred and child-focused learning is at the heart of Catholic Education Western Australia’s Vision for Learning.

Inspiration for all to live the Gospel: Catholic Education implements Vision for Learning WO R D S Jamie O’Brien


atholic schools focused on Christ-

in developing a vision for learning that

centred and child-focused learning is

responds to the diverse needs of students

at the heart of Catholic Education Western

in our changing educational landscape.”

Australia’s Vision for Learning.

With a focus on four areas - Catholic

Speaking to The Record Editor Jamie

Identity, Education, Community and

O’Brien, CEWA Director, Teaching and

Stewardship - the Vision for Learning works

Learning, Eileen Climo, explained that the

to support teachers and educators, who

new Vision for Learning, - which is in

play an important role in bringing the vision

practicality, a pedagogical resource for

to life.

schools – works to support the

Mrs Climo also explained that in developing

transformational journey of young people.

of the Vision for Learning, CEWA worked

“Schools will always have a belief and

with national and international educational

understanding about how students should

leaders, including Global Leadership

learn, for example, with regard to literacy

Director Michael Fullan from Canada and

and numeracy,” Mrs Climo explained.

Professor of Education at the University of

“The Vision for Learning ensures we speak

Melbourne, John Hattie.

with one voice and become coherent in our

The Vision encourages all in Catholic

approach to supporting each student to

education to develop in their personal

reach their God-given potential,” she

relationship with Christ and their


professional knowledge and skills. The first

Mrs Climo explained that CEWA, as the

area of Catholic Identity, explains Mrs

second largest education provider in the

Climo, is about building Christ-centred

State, is to combine evidence-based


research with deep knowledge and

“The responsibility to provide an education

understanding of how children today are

that integrates faith, life and culture, with

learning. “Significant work has taken place

the formation of Christian conscience and



“ The first area of Catholic Identity... is about building Christ-centred leaders.

virtue at the forefront, is the priority for all Catholic school communities,” Mrs Climo explained. With a focus on creating Catholic schools of excellence, the next area of Education emphasises that, as a learning organisation, the role of the system is to support schools to develop children and young adults to become active learners who understand the values, knowledge and skills important for learning in the 21st century and beyond. Thirdly, the focus on Community relates to quality relationships that are at the heart of Catholic faith and education. “A deep relationship with Christ for all members of school communities is fundamental. Maintaining a strong connection with the local parish is also essential.” And finally, Stewardship means maintaining God’s creation and using resources responsibly. Mrs Climo explained that there are also five teacher practices recommended for use with the Vision for Learning, that, if employed by teachers in schools, will lead to improved outcomes for students. • Learning Design, which is the practice of creating and enabling learning experiences for each student to achieve their true potential; • Place, space and technology, which is the practice of

using all aspects of the learning environment to scaffold and accelerate learning for each student; • Engagement, which is the practice of attracting and holding the attention, curiosity, interest, optimism and passion for each student in the learning process and for their development as a whole person; • Instructional range is the practice of being agile and responsive to the needs of each student, employing a wide range of effective strategies to optimise learning; • Quality relationships is the practice of modelling Christ-like relationships between students and teachers, enabling all to grow in the image of God. Speaking overall about how the Vision for Learning has been developed, Mrs Climo said she is delighted that a vision has been realised, appropriate for students in the 21st century. “I believe that it will assist schools in focusing on what works best in classrooms in developing students holistically,” Mrs Climo said. Mrs Climo concluded by emphasising the call to action. “This Vision for Learning ensures that along with strong academic skills, children and young adults will be able to collaborate, innovate, create, appreciate and think critically within a Catholic world view in order to be a positive influence on a rapidly changing and increasingly secular world.”

I S S U E 1 8 A P R I L 2 0 1 9 11

Aboriginal boarding benefits students and communities WO R D S Eric Martin and Frances Thornton

Residential colleges and board programs at Catholic schools and colleges is one of the ways Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) is working to improve educational outcomes for Aboriginal students.


priority for Catholic Education Western Australia

students, in the Dioceses of Perth, Bunbury, Geraldton

(CEWA) is providing equitable access to a Catholic

and Broome. There are currently 760 Catholic students in

education for Aboriginal students. Research

boarding of which 280 (roughly 37 percent) are Aboriginal

supports CEWA’s concern that despite many


Aboriginal children and young adults achieving educational success, a significant proportion of students are still

CEWA Executive Director Dr Debra Sayce said CEWA was committed to seeing this increase by seeking increased

acquiring low education outcomes and school completion

Government funding towards Aboriginal student boarding


operational costs.

The focus is on addressing the need to constantly examine

“We need to advocate for our young Aboriginal students

educational experiences and outcomes for Aboriginal

who live in remote areas and communicate the significance

children, and to shine a light on the importance of having

of providing the most appropriate learning environments

Aboriginal cultures and histories throughout the curriculum

for their needs,” she said.

for the benefit of all.

“Increased Federal and State government funding would

To that end CEWA has embarked on a journey to increase

be a boon for our boarding facilities providing improved

Aboriginal student enrolments in Western Australian

cultural and social experiences to positively impact on our

Catholic schools through the multi-faceted action plan

Aboriginal boarding students.

Transforming Lives: Strategy 2025.

“We want our Aboriginal student boarders to enjoy their

The strategy is working to create inclusive and culturally

educational experience by providing a ‘home away from

competent education for Aboriginal students and part of

home’ as they learn and live within the context of a diverse

this is providing boarding programs at Catholic schools and

and mainstream educational setting.”

colleges for young Aboriginal students from remote areas.

Mazenod College Assistant Director Senior Boarding

CEWA has 12 schools and colleges across the State with

Michael Anderson said the College strived for the holistic

boarding facilities catering to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal

development of its Aboriginal student boarders who



primarily come from remote Kimberley communities of

who are in a boarding program with the College, but just

Beagle Bay and Wyndham, embracing their rich cultural

as important are the social and sporting opportunities,” Mr

history and diversity as they develop academically and

Anderson said.


“They come out of Mazenod as well rounded, productive

“We have a dedicated Aboriginal liaison officer who works

young men with broader social connections and

closely with our Aboriginal boarding students,” he said.

opportunities – that’s the great thing, when they graduate

“He takes them to cultural events throughout the year and

the boys can choose what they want to pursue, be it

provides mentoring support.”

university, sport or a career in Perth, or going back to their communities to contribute.” Another important outcome of having Aboriginal students

... to enjoy their educational experience by providing a ‘home away from home’

board at CEWA schools, is the benefit to the wider community. “It gives Aboriginal boys a voice in community and allows our day students to hear that voice, celebrate and share it,” Mr Anderson said. As a Catholic system, CEWA is called to uphold Gospel values and Social Justice Teachings to educate at the

The boys recently attended an event in Kings Park where they participated in a Welcome to Country, and the College is building a relationship with Swan Districts Football Club which involves mentoring and unique access to the club. “Academic options are opened significantly for students

margins. Through providing equitable access and participation in Catholic education, CEWA schools and colleges improve educational outcomes for Aboriginal students, while acknowledging, respecting and reflecting Aboriginal peoples’ histories and cultures, for the benefit of all.

I S S U E 1 8 A P R I L 2 0 1 9 13

Nature Play outdoors has more benefits for kids than you think! WO R D S Amanda Murthy


gentle reminder to the more youthful generation to

assess risks and problem solve in an environment that

appreciate the fruitfulness of outdoor physical

stimulates little minds, which is exactly what we do at our

activity is being realised thanks to the many nature

school,” she cited.

playgrounds popping in Catholic primary schools over the past few years.

Ms Parker explained that the school’s ultimate goal was to encourage students to connect with the earth, as this will

An excellent example of this is the purpose built

enable them to be stewards of creation as they grow into

unstructured playground at Ursula Frayne Catholic College

exemplary young men and women.

in Victoria Park, which has benefitted students in a myriad

“We want our kids to be kids, we want our students to get

of ways, according to Assistant Principal Veronica Parker.

their feet wet, to make mud pies and to sit on the ground in

“Nature play was a direct result of families in our

yarning circles,” Ms Parker said. “These simple pleasures

community recognising the need to allow their children to

are fundamental to a full and healthy childhood.”

engage in unstructured play in a beautiful natural setting,

According to Nature Play WA, encouraging young people

and the parents of our students came together to fund it

of today to be surrounded by nature, run around, explore

for their children,” she explained.

trees, build cubby houses, further developing their

Mrs Parker went on to say that there is a great scope in the

physical, social, health, cognitive, and emotional wellbeing,

WA curriculum for learning outdoors and the natural

is not just ‘good’ for a child, but necessary.

environment can support the learning program.

The not-for-profit association was established back in 2010

“These can be both structured and unstructured

with the aim of bringing children together to learn, grow,

opportunities. Nature playtime is fundamental to learning

and appreciate the beauty of nature, through various

where students can collaborate together, communicate,

events and resources.



Chief Executive Officer and founder of Nature Play Griffin

and South Australia, and now involves 46 WA Catholic

Longley shared what inspired him to start the program,

schools to in its Outdoor Classroom Day.

lending an insight to some of the experiences he gained

“When we first started, many questioned the need for an

along the way. “I am a father of two children (now aged 19 and 20) and I grew up very much a free-range kid - but it wasn’t until I worked as a columnist for a local newspaper that I found myself becoming increasingly aware about the extreme changes in the experiences of childhood I witnessed around me, mainly through observation or research related to my work assignments,” Mr Longley explained. “One observation was that an increasingly significant number of children, particularly in recent years, are choosing to spend their play time on what is famously

organisation like Nature Play, as they assumed that playing outdoors was something that kid’s did anyway – sadly, that wasn’t the case and eventually parents started realising that their kids were missing out.” “Our challenge, as promoters of outdoor play, is to see where we can use technology to help connect families to play and our apps are just some of the ways we do that.” Mr Longley added that he hopes that Nature Play will continue to grow and spread the message that physical activity is fundamental to wellbeing, happiness and healthy

known as `screen time’, which includes watching television,

development for children.

playing video games or browsing through social media.

“Research shows us that kids who miss out on it area at

“Free play is one of the great human inheritances and one

greater risk of non-communicable diseases, mental health

that I wasn’t willing to see squandered in the name of

disorders. But of course play is about much more than

technology,” he added.

physical activity, it is also the ground in which creativity

Since then Nature Play has expanded to Queensland, ACT

grows and friendships take root,” he concluded.

I S S U E 1 8 A P R I L 2 0 1 9 15

Ensuring affordable access to Catholic education

financial needs. “This initiative builds on the imperative laid down in the Bishops’ Mandate to make Catholic Education accessible to all families seeking a Catholic education for their children,” says CEWA Executive Director Dr Debra Sayce.


The Perth schools selected are Majella Catholic Primary


School in Balga, St Gerard’s Primary School in Westminster


The regional schools selected are St Mary`s School in


and Our Lady of Mercy Primary School in Girrawheen. Northampton, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Pinjarra and St Joseph’s School in Waroona. St Mary’s School Principal, Melissa Marquis expressed how proud and grateful she felt to be one of the schools selected for the launch of this initiative.

WO R D S AND PHOTOS Amanda Murthy

I 16

“Now fees are no longer a contributing factor for the students’ families, because for just $10 a week, the children in Northampton can receive a quality Catholic education at

n considering the financial pressures that many

St Mary’s School,” Mrs Marquis cited.

Western Australian families continue to face, the

“I’m glad we have this opportunity as this initiative returns

Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia

to the grassroots of why Catholic schools were first formed

(CECWA) has introduced a low fee initiative that is enabling

– to provide a Catholic education for all families who seek

a Catholic education for children whose may otherwise not

it for their children.

be able to access it for financial reasons.

“For us at St Mary’s, this CECWA initiative is a way of

The initiative, being offered at six primary schools in

supporting parents, and removing financial barriers that

selected urban and regional areas, aims to reduce the

may prevent their child from enrolling at or attending St

burden of fees for parents in communities with high

Mary’s School.


“This initiative sends a very clear message to the community that St Mary’s School is centred on the needs of the community we serve.” the Principal added. Mrs Marquis expressed that the staff at St Mary’s had always worked hard to build positive relationships with their students, by applying the Early Years Learning Framework principles to ensure the children have a sense of Being, Belonging and Becoming. “The staff also work hard to provide a high level of pastoral care for all students because in a small town, community is everything and as a school in a small community we play such a large role in the triangular relationship of familyschool-parish,” she stated.

School Board Member and parent Angela Cripps added the program required a substantial amount of planning and

I’m glad we have this opportunity as this initiative returns to the grassroots of why Catholic schools were first formed ...

discussion. “I feel it has had a tremendous and positive effect on our schooling community - from a parent’s perspective, we now feel confident our children can continue their education at St Mary’s without any financial burdens,” she said.

Dr Sayce told The Record the pilot project had seen the reduction of fees to $300 per child, from Kindergarden to Year Six, since the beginning of this year. “It’s important that parents understand that a reduction in fees will not equate to a reduction in standards and levels of education at these schools. This initiative has been prioritised by CECWA as an important means of providing equitable access to a Catholic education for any family who seeks it for their child,” she said. “Naturally, we wish to work with parents, to help each student reach their full potential.” Dr Sayce added that sibling discounts were also available

“We are aware that many students have long bus journeys

for students of all Catholic schools, and that fees are

to and from school each day, are affected by the farming

reviewed and updated by CECWA on a yearly basis based

seasons of seeding and harvest, the positive role sport

on changes to inflation.

plays in the children’s lives, and we acknowledge that

“This new program is already gaining traction with families

support is required.

in these communities, but more importantly it is providing

“So having a benefit such as the Low Fee Project in our

many children with access to the high-quality and diverse

school, definitely places us one step closer to fulfilling the

learning experiences that we offer,” she said.

school’s desire of providing our students with the same

“The ultimate goal is to ensure the high-standard of

educational opportunities as their city counterparts – we

education and facilities not only continues but improves

are so blessed,” Mrs Marquis concluded.

and is strengthened over the coming years.”

Students of St Mary’s School in Northampton are part of CEWA’s Low Fee Initiative project. ∞ St Mary’s School Principal Melissa Marquis said the Low Fee Initiative places her school one step close to fulfilling the school’s desire to provide our students with the same educational opportunities as their city counterparts. ∞ St Mary’s School Principal and teachers are confident the Low Fee Initiative will help relieve the financial burden among their students. CLOCKWISE

I S S U E 1 8 APRIL 2019 17

Re-engaging young people and inspiring learning WO R D S Olivia Bunter

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”


(John 10:10)

esus’ mission that all should have life to the full is at the centre of the mission of Catholic schools across Western Australia.

One of the many ways that Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) is focused on fulfilling this mission is by establishing alternative learning environments where the diverse needs of students are met. Providing young people with the opportunity to reconnect with their learning after becoming disengaged from the education system has increasingly become a priority for CEWA and was the inspiration for the establishment of four Curriculum and Re-engagement (CARE) schools: Clontarf Aboriginal College in Waterford, Geraldton Flexible Learning Centre, St Clare’s School in


Lathlain and St Francis’ School in Maddington.

of vocational-related programs. Each school is committed

“The focus in our CARE schools is to engage students in

to social justice and stands in solidarity with those who

learning and create positive pathways for their futures.

suffer from disenfranchisement caused from childhood

This individualised approach means that in most settings,

trauma and other significant barriers.

we have one teacher or support person for every two to

St Clare’s and St Francis’ schools provide access to

three students,” said CEWA’s Director of Teaching and

vocational programs in engineering, hospitality, and

Learning, Eileen Climo.

agricultural studies for students in the Perth metropolitan

“There’s a realisation that mainstream education cannot

region who, for a range of reasons, have not found

meet the needs of many young people. If they’re not

mainstream schooling providing the opportunities they

fitting in that system, there needs to be an alternative,”

need. These schools enable students to work towards

she says.

graduating primarily with VET certifications, in a setting

With a dynamic range of staff - teachers, youth workers,

where they are welcomed and encouraged by educators

admin personnel and contract specialists, CARE schools

whose skills, experience and vocational calling make them

offer an engaging curriculum that enables young people

uniquely suited to the CARE school approach.

to qualify for certificate level courses and a diverse range

Similarly, the mission for Geraldton Flexible Learning


... explore various avenues in education that will be engaging for the youth, while having a strong focus on wellbeing and independent living.

Centre, one of 20 Edmund Rice Education

foundational WACE subjects including

Australia’s flexible learning centres, is to help

Mathematics, English, Health and Physical

those who search for it and even then, the

Education as well as Arts. Vocational

aim is to show young people that they can

programs as well, allow the youth to engage

get help, even if they don’t believe it.

within their community to achieve a

“Our ethos is around providing services to

Certificate I in Gaining Access to Training

disenfranchised young people who need an alternative and we find a way to provide that alternative,” says Geraldton Flexible Learning Centre Head of Campus, Heather Brett. She says there are a number of reasons young people can become disengaged from the education system and if they do try to get back on board, it can be a difficult system to navigate. According to the Australian Child and Adolescent Trauma, Loss and Grief Network, children who experience multiple adversities can experience difficulty in managing emotions, behaviours and forming solid relationships later in life. Jessica McLaren is the current Associate Head

and Education (GATE) and a Certificate I in Leadership. “We have a really great partnership with a group called Midwest Employment Economic Developing Aboriginal Corporation. It’s a government funded community development program and they assist by providing employment opportunities for indigenous people in the region,” she said. Mrs McLaren explained the program works with the school to explore various avenues in education that will be engaging for the youth, while having a strong focus on wellbeing and independent living. Ms Climo commented that CARE schools work on building relationships with the youth to personalise their learning experience and

of Campus at Geraldton Flexible Learning

encourage them to commit to finish school.

Centre and said she has brought her

“The goal of CARE schools is to offer

knowledge from her teaching experience into

students the support and alternative learning

her role as the VET Coordinator for the school.

pathways they need in their journey and to

She explained they offer a range of classes in

influence their lives in positive ways.”

I S S U E 1 8 A P R I L 2 0 1 9 19

Back row, left to right: Sue Williams, Diane Kounis, and Paula Duggan. Front row, left to right: Trish Jackson, Carolyn Italiano, Chrisine Williams, and Alana Williams with Kyzer the dog.

Sense of belonging eases transition to adult life

students with disability whose educational needs require the

WO R D S A N D PH OTO S Matthew Lau

with all stakeholders.

additional support and resources. Key principles of the syllabus, Ms Williams said, were to ensure transitional support to adult life which is centred on Catholic ethos and identity, to provide person-centred planning and to provide accredited programs. Most importantly however, the TAL project is about partnerships The resource, which has had input from Secondary Education Support Network at all stages of development, was launched

Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) has recently launched a resource to develop stronger pathways for students who are preparing to leave school.


at the Newman Siena Centre on 11 March. St Francis School in Maddington is a shining example of what a Catholic, co-educational CARE school can achieve as one of the pilot schools for CEWA’s TAL program. Principal Ian Hagen said the program was initially trialled with

he Work Readiness Toolkit for students is the first in

Year 12 students in 2017 and 2018.

a suite of resources to support the Transition to Adult

Realising the benefits that it has, the school decided to begin

Life (TAL) project.

the process for all students in Year 10, or when they enter St

Christine Williams, a consultant with CEWA’s Students with


Disability Team, said CEWA was committed to providing

“We have allocated a period each week in the timetable where

appropriate support for students who have additional needs,

the students work on their TAL,” Mr Hagen told The Record.

which at present is 2467 students across its 162 schools.

“By the time they graduate at the end of Year 12, every

Support includes individualised learning plans; access to

student will have hopefully completed the TAL program. While

specialised programs, resources and equipment; small group or

it was setup for students who were in education support

individual instruction and teacher assistant support.

centres and students with disabilities, we utilise this valuable

CEWA has also established 23 education support centres in

resource for all of our students.”

designated primary and secondary Catholic schools for

Established in 2015, St Francis School operates using a



Youth Worker Courtney Gratteri with students of St Francis School, Maddington.

“reimbursement” model, in an attempt to provide its students

“In terms of transitioning out of school, we just start having

with life experiences they may not have had as young children

conversations with students and actually talk them through

growing up.

that process and tell them that they’re not alone.

“Because of family circumstances, a lot of students who come

“There’s a shared experience happening across the school with

into St Francis haven’t had the life experiences that other

their peers, and how we can best set them up so they can

people have. The program is providing the students with those

continue on that strong path,” Mrs Gratteri said.

experiences and equipping the young people with key life skills

“My purpose is to support young people in becoming the best

– that’s the important component.”

versions of themselves. I love being a positive female role

Mr Hagen is determined to have every one of his pupils leave

model, I love seeing strengths in young people that maybe

St Francis as functioning members of society.

have never been spoken about or identified, and just pointing

“For some of our students, they’ve had such negative

them out.

experiences throughout their lives,” he added.

“I just love seeing young people smile and laugh, walking into a

“We provide a very caring environment that nurtures the

room and seeing that is just incredible. And I love knowing that

students, helps them to grow in a safe supportive

when a young person is in need, I can support in reaching at

environment, so that by the time they leave us, they have the

least one person.”

confidence to integrate themselves into wider society.”

Establishing a safe and comfortable environment, she said, is

As an example, one of St Francis’ 17-year-old students has

vital to influence the success of TAL.

been in more than 20 different placements, including

“Knowing that I’m part of a bigger team, a bigger vision, a

residential and foster care, since the age of three.

bigger purpose – God’s plan – is the best feeling in the whole

“Providing those students with an environment that nurtures

world because I know I can do something in this world.

them and helps them to flourish is what we do,” Mr Hagen

“I really love serving people, I love just giving it my best and


surrounding myself with people who believe and know that

Courtney Gratteri, Youth Worker at St Francis School,

there’s just so much more to what we do every day,” Mrs

explained how part of the transitional process is to equip

Gratteri continued.

students with important life expertise, such as resume writing,

“I think because we believe, our young people start to believe.

cover letters, obtaining a tax file number, opening a bank

Their right to life, their capacity to love, and the fact that they

account, or accessing Centrelink support.

can create a life that is purposeful.”

I S S U E 1 8 A P R I L 2 0 1 9 21

Parishes gain in best practice pedagogy for sharing faith with children


religious education program that teaches children ways to respond to God, while also incorporating their life experience and helping them understand

God’s plan for them, is nearing completion. Gathered in My Name is a comprehensive Pre-Primary to Year Six Religious Education program based around the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist and Penance. The program was officially launched by Archbishop Costelloe SDB and the Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) Catechist Service Team in July 2016, with the motivation of providing parishes with a contemporary

WO R D S Olivia Bunter and Jamie O’Brien

resource, so that catechists can teach religious education to children who do not attend Catholic Schools. Catechist Service Team Leader, Dr Pina Ford and Consultant, Stephen Harris, who have been developed contributing to the ongoing development of the program since its proposal, spoke to The Record about the key project of the Catechist Service team. “It’s been a journey of about seven years,” Mr Harris explained. “By the end of March, we will have released 55 books of the 70 books making up the total program and we’ve got another 14 that are due to be completed by the end of 2019.” The first release of the program began in 2017, replacing the previous program The Truth Will Set You Free and has since then, been gradually released throughout different year levels to assist catechists in pedagogical practices within parishes. Mr Harris, one of the main writers of the program, together with Dr Carmel Suart, explained that extensive effort went into the collaboration and planning processes before writing. Since publication, the team has been focusing on inservicing. Sometimes this has required travelling to other Dioceses like Bunbury and Geraldton and to parishes like Mandurah and Esperance. By the end of the year, the 70 books of the program will have been released and published, with a broad range of units for students to engage with, such as Jesus, Word, Church, Prayer, Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance and Mary, which are repeated across all year levels, as well as social justice, Christian service, Aboriginal spirituality and creation spirituality, which are for example, taught in the post confirmation supplement. Dr Ford explained that children who attend government schools wouldn’t have an opportunity to learn about their faith if not for parish based programs. “Parents send their children to government schools for a number of reasons,” she said.


“This program gives those parents who don’t send their kids to a Catholic school an opportunity to help them learn about the Catholic faith.” Both Dr Ford and Mr Harris agree that Gathered in My Name, is an inclusive program that also gives parishioners an opportunity to volunteer within their parish. There is a strong emphasis on Scripture and prayer and on offer is a variety of activities and suggested songs for all age groups.

This program gives those parents who don’t send their kids to a Catholic school an opportunity to help them learn about the Catholic faith.

“Behind the program is the understanding that catechists are not trained teachers so they need all the help they can get,” Mr Harris said. “It is necessary to provide a comprehensive program that’s age appropriate and interesting for children but can also be used with ease by a Catechist,” Dr Ford said. “But it can also be used with ease by a catechist who’s not a trained teacher.” The program aims to teach the core aspects of the Christian story, focusing on the scriptures while preparing primary aged children to receive sacraments. Through this program, children can familiarise themselves with scripture and have a comprehensive understanding of the Catholic Faith tradition. Dr Ford said that she and her team are passionate about their work. “My team and I are involved in this work because we value it. We value our own faith and we consider it a privilege to provide training and formation for Catechists, and to produce valuable resources such as Gathered in My Name so Catechists are able to share their faith with children.” Dr Ford concluded.

I S S U E 1 8 A P R I L 2 0 1 9 23


Catholic schools for the future

Educating almost one-in-five school-aged children in a state as vast as Western Australia is an enormous but extremely rewarding journey for Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) teachers, educators and support staff.

WO R D S Mitzi Vance


ducating almost one-in-five school-aged children in a

In the past 15 years CEWA has responded to the demand for

state as vast as Western Australia is an enormous but

Catholic education by establishing six new primary schools,

extremely rewarding journey for Catholic Education

two secondary schools, two composite (Kindergarten to Year

Western Australia (CEWA) teachers, educators and support

12) schools and one new early learning centre. With more


than 16,000 additional students expected to seek enrolment

Supporting the development of more than 76,000 Western

at Catholic schools in WA by 2026, this looks set to continue.

Australian children and young people, and providing them

With this predicted growth in the greater Perth region,

with engaged learning environments is a significant

CEWA’s Resources Team continually monitors and plans for

contribution to the provision of education across the State.

the expansion of the system.

From humble beginnings in 1843, when the first Catholic

CEWA Executive Director Dr Debra Sayce, said the key aims

school opened in Perth, the Church has responded to the

for CEWA in planning for this growth, were ensuring parental

needs of communities, providing a Catholic education for

choice and providing inclusive, accessible and affordable

families who seek it.

education for Western Australian communities.

Today, CEWA is a system of 162 schools - 110 primary, 52

“To remain a sustainable system of schools, CEWA

colleges. Across these schools, there are 90 three-year-old

continually considers the changing needs of our communities

Kindergarten programs and three long day care services, as

and students, particularly how we can best provide equitable

well as 60 schools offering outside school hours care.

access to Catholic learning environments,” she said.

Acknowledging that the needs of some students are not met

“A fundamental factor in achieving this is certainty around

in mainstream education, CEWA has established four

State and Federal government funding, particularly how

Curriculum and Re-Engagement (CARE) schools, as well as

funding provided can actually be used.

education support centres and learning support programs at

“In Australia, an average school education costs between

many schools and colleges across Western Australia.

$12,000 - $15,000 per student per year regardless of sector.



Today, CEWA is a system of 162 schools 110 primary, 52 colleges...

In the case of Catholic schools, the combined Federal and

“At present around 80 percent of capital investment at

State government funding for students accounts for

Catholic schools, like new classrooms and recreational

approximately 77 percent of this, with the remainder being

facilities, is funded through building levies, fundraisers, low

funded by parent contributions.

interest loans and discretionary capital grant funding,” she

“There is a lot of public misinformation about education


funding, and it is important for parents to appreciate the

“To meet future demand, we need to consider how we

importance of government funding.

expand existing schools and build new schools in high growth

“In recent years, Australian governments have supported

areas, and importantly what capital funding support will be

families having a choice in education for their children and it

needed to do this.”

is reassuring for parents that both State and Federal

Dr Sayce said part of the CEWA’s mandate was to ensure

governments are committed to this continuing.”

accessible and affordable Catholic education and as a result

Dr Sayce said that if Government funding support stopped,

had put in place a number of measures to ensure families in

low-fee, not-for-profit schools would need to significantly

financial hardship have access to fee discounts or

increase their fees to meet operational costs.


“If this were to happen, we would be concerned about the

“We know there are many families in need in our community

increased financial hardship that parents would face. This

and our Catholic schools offer financial support through

could also result in some families moving their children to

sibling discounts, scholarships and reduced rates for families

State Government schools that may already be at capacity,

on Health Care cards,” she said.

generating additional costs to the State Government system.”

Dr Sayce said CEWA would continue to collaborate with

Dr Sayce said another area that CEWA was focusing on was

Federal and State governments to ensure that funding for

capital funding to support infrastructure upgrades and

Catholic schools kept pace with the schooling needs of WA’s

expansions in schools.

diverse population now and in the future.

I S S U E 1 8 A P R I L 2 0 1 9 25

In just a few weeks’ time, the people of Victoria will wake up in a brave new world in which state subsidised suicide and doctor-effected dying are lawfully practiced, despite every other statute in the law book upholding a completely different rule: ‘thou shalt not kill’.


A big risk for WA WO R D S Rev Dr Joe Parkinson


he Fifth Commandment (Exodus 20:6) is in fact a

death to doctors, even though the government is not

principle of social order enshrined in the laws of

prepared to accept this risk itself.

almost every society in history, providing for

Even more astounding, the cost of providing assisted

citizens a degree of protection against unjust assault or

suicide and doctor-effected death will rest with the

injury as we go about our daily work.

taxpayer in Victoria, because the medications required

It is the principle standing behind laws against murder

to end a person’s life are not licensed for medical use

and manslaughter as well as physical assault, and the

and do not attract a Medicare rebate.

harshest penalties meted out in court are generally

So this is not just assisted dying; it is State-subsidised

reserved for those who deliberately break this

suicide, and this in a country in which eight people every

prohibition on killing.

day die by their own hand.

In Western Australia, we take this principle so seriously

We rightly try our hardest to reduce the rate of suicide

that, many years ago, the State Government rejected

in Australia, and we invest heavily in programs like

any further use of the death penalty for fear of causing

Beyond Blue to deal with the risks of depression, yet

‘wrongful death’, which happens when a mistake of law

Victoria chooses to invest in supporting suicide for those

or process leads to the death of an innocent person.

who want it on medical grounds.

So it is incredible that the WA State Government is

Western Australia could be the next State to follow suit.

currently planning to introduce a law to allow citizens to

Not that subsidised suicide will be restricted to the

take their own lives, or to have a doctor administer a lethal treatment, on the grounds that it is ‘my life, my choice’.

suffering or imminently dying for very long: on the very day that Victoria passed its ‘assisted dying’ legislation the laws were rejected by euthanasia advocates as being

Mistakes can and do dog implementation of even the

the most restrictive and unworkable in the world.

most carefully crafted laws, yet here we are preparing to

Recent cases of individuals heading off to Switzerland to

reintroduce the risk of wrongful death once again.

access suicide there, despite the fact that they were not

This time, the State wants to pass the risk of wrongful

imminently dying, brought comments even from



Victorian lawmakers that their euthanasia laws would

happened in most of the few places around the world

need to be amended and expanded very soon.

that have legalised assisted suicide.

This cuts to the heart of why laws to legalise assisted

The final insult, of course, is the claim that these laws

suicide or euthanasia should be resisted at every turn:

are necessary because in some cases pain and suffering

once they are introduced they never remain restricted for long and are never repealed. If one government today believes it can safely legislate a breach in the universal prohibition on one person killing another, even when that breach is initially restricted only to the imminently dying, it must accept that another government tomorrow can expand that breach to capture other classes of citizens – including those who are not imminently dying, who are not suffering or in pain, but who are just tired of living. There are no legal ‘safeguards’ that can prevent this expansion, because every ‘safeguard’ introduced by one government can be relaxed by another. Indeed those who are not eligible now to take their own lives rightly claim that they are being discriminated against, simply because they are healthy and not

cannot be relieved. As the WA Parliamentary Inquiry itself implicitly admits in its ‘My Life, My Choice’ report, this is untrue. Palliative care specialists – doctors with specialised training and qualifications in palliative and end or life care – gave evidence to the Inquiry, and have repeated since, that pain can be relieved as death approaches by use of ‘palliative sedation therapy’ which is very like the anaesthetised state induced before a person undergoes invasive surgery. Used under the watchful eye of specialists, this kind of sedation does not cause the patient to die prematurely but rather allows a dignified, pain-free and natural death from the underlying illness. So, do we really need the assisted suicide and doctor-

chronically ill or dying.

effected death laws in Western Australia? No, we don’t.

Because no government can live long under the shadow

Can these laws be made safely? No, they can’t.

of being thought ‘discriminatory’, there is inevitable and

Will we get these laws in any case? If good people don’t

irresistible pressure to widen the breach – as has

speak up against them, then yes, we probably will.

I S S U E 1 8 A P R I L 2 0 1 9 27







The soldiers put a scarlet one on Jesus (Mt 27:28) He established Notre Dame, Fr. Edward ___, CSC

21 Fish part for Jonah 23 She saved Joshua’s spies 24 St. Catherine’s town 26 Liturgy


Feast in the Diocese of Honolulu

29 “Son of” in Hebrew


Catholic actress Haver

33 NT epistle

10 NT book 12 ___ of reason

30 Bless

35 Catechism question: ___ made me?

13 Second word of a Latin hymn

37 Birds of the air don’t

14 Enemies of ancient Israel

38 Book containing

17 Peter cut this off the soldier of the high priest

40 Catholic dancer and

18 “…___ lema sabachthani?” (Mk 15:34)

do this (Mt 6:26) calendar of Masses movie star Kelly 41 Forty ___ 42 “Give us ___ day our daily bread”


“…thy will be ___…”

23 Genesis weather


Ursuline order letters

24 The Dead or the Red


One of the prophets


Alpha and ___

25 At Mass, the entrance prayers or song


Bk. of the Pentateuch

27 Biblical occupation


St. ___ de Marillac

28 The Chosen People


Bishop saint whose feast day is October 20

29 “By the sweat of your ___…” (Gen 3:19)


“___ to the World”

31 Church singers

10 3D scattered this to the wind

32 “Gloria in excelsis ___”

11 “…at the name of Jesus every knee should ___…” (Phil 2:10)

36 OT prophetic book

15 “This is the ___ that the Lord has made”

34 Long cloak-like vestment 39 “Agnus ___” ANSWERS

16 It was empty Easter morning 19 Eternal ___ 20 The Archdiocese of Dubuque is here 21 “There is a ___ in Gilead” 22 Breaks the eighth commandment

I S S U E 1 8 APRIL 2019 29

Photo supplied from CEWA






The Record Magazine seeks to promote awareness and understanding of vocation – God’s particular call to each of us to live and become what we were created to be. There are many such vocations – marriage and family life, priesthood, religious life or being single – with the first and universal vocation being to holiness, as described by the Fathers of the Church in Lumen Gentium.

Jamie O’Brien



Matthew Lau

The Record Magazine is published bi-monthly. Views expressed in published articles are not necessarily those of the publisher or Editor. The Editor may refuse copy or material, including advertisements, for publication. Inclusion of an advertisement in The Record Magazine does not reflect endorsement or responsibility from the publisher or Editor.


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NOTICE The issue may contain images of deceased members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Images are used with respect and appreciation.

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