The Record Magazine Issue 28 (December 2020)

Page 1










Founders: Story of the Tranters PAGE 10

Developing the Catholic Volunteer Hub PAGE 14

Advocacy combats Coronavirus PAGE 24

Official magazine for the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth

Grab your free copy of

Love, Sex & Relationships Basic Essentials for Catholic Teenagers

“This Handbook is designed to speak directly to the young person and is offered, not only to Catholic teenagers, but to all young people, parents, carers, educators and all who might find it useful as practical and informative resource to help respond to their deeply felt desire and responsibility to protect, educate and safeguard young people.” — Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB For your FREE copy, contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Office on 08 9221 7761 or email



Vicar for Social Outreach Reflects on the words of St Teresa of Avila


Catholic Homes A purposeful life of meaning



Emmanuel Centre God is with us


“Go home to your people and tell

them all that the Lord in his mercy

has done for you.” — Mark 5: 19

Recipe Ika Mata

F R O M T H E E D I T O R Jamie O’Brien In this Issue 28 of The Record Magazine, we take a look at the


issue of the Good Works of the Church in Perth.

From Archbishop Timothy Costelloe

We start with the launch of the Archbishop’s 2020 LifeLink

From Bishop Donald Sproxton

04 05

Christmas Appeal. I encourage you all to give generously. We tell the story of the Tranters, who have been pivotal in the formation of Identitywa and we also speak wth Daydawn Director Mark Reidy about the issue of homelessness during the time of COVID-19. Deacon Patrick Moore from Stella Maris speaks of the challenges of ministering in the docks, and CSSWA Director Steve McDermott talks about a new upcoming volunteering program. With thanks to our sponsor Catholic Homes, for their generous support. Don’t forget that these and many more stories from are available at The Record Magazine is a magazine for the people and I hope you will enjoy taking the time to engage with us. Please feel free to share your thoughts via

IN THIS EDITION LifeLink Christmas Appeal Identitywa Founders Personal Advocacy Service WACMRO CSSWA Volunteer Program Stella Maris Centacare Employment & Training Prison Ministry The Shopfront Daydawn Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Catholic Outreach Colouring Page


06 10 11 13 14 15 18 19 20 24 26 27 28


When Saint Matthew’s Gospel tries to sum up the mystery of Christmas, the author makes mention of the name “Emmanuel” which, he says, means “God is with us”.

‘ B I R T H O F C H R I S T AT THE HEART OF CHRISTMAS R E M A I N S C O N S TA N T ’ Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB during the filming of his 2020 Christmas message. Photo: Max Hoh


he Chosen People of Israel had always believed

of view and from a religious point of view, are somewhat

that God was with them and that God spoke to

complicated and uncertain.

them especially through the prophets. When St

Will the cost of airfares prohibit many people from travelling

Matthew speaks about God‘s presence, however, he takes an

interstate to be with their families? Will social distancing

extraordinary leap, as do all the writers of the New Testament.

requirements mean that numbers will be restricted in our

God is no longer with us simply through his prophets or

churches for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses? Will

through signs and symbols like cloud and fire. With the birth

the financial pressures of 2020 mean that we cannot celebrate

of Jesus, God is with us through his Son, the Word made flesh,

Christmas as we would normally like to?

who has come among us and remains with us as one of us so

Whatever Christmas looks like this year one thing remains

that in him we can see the face of God, and hear the words of God, and touch the presence of God.

constant. At the heart of Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ. As long as we remember

This is the amazing claim of our faith: it is what makes our Christian faith unique

this and focus on this, Christmas 2020 will

... find some time to sit quietly gazing at our Christmas crib at home or the Christmas crib in our Church and reflect on the extraordinary wonder of God‘s love, tenderness and care for us.

among the religions of the world. As Saint John’s Gospel puts it: “God loved the world so much that he gave us his only Son”. In Jesus, God is no longer only the impenetrable mystery at the heart of creation: in Jesus, God is revealed also to be our brother, our friend, our Shepherd and the one who loves us with a love impossible for us to grasp. In this year, which has been so marked by

the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us may

be as significant and as joyful as it always is - and perhaps even more so because we might find ourselves less distracted by the superficial things of Christmas and more free to concentrate on the extraordinary love of God for us, which Christmas reveals. Two-thousand years ago, no-one could have dreamt that God would be found in a newborn baby lying helplessly in a makeshift crib surrounded by poverty, uncertainty and danger. God is full of surprises and is often

to be found in the most unlikely of places and situations.

have not found it easy, and perhaps still struggle, to discover

I hope we all find some time to sit quietly gazing at our

the presence of God in our lives. For a while, our churches

Christmas crib at home or the Christmas crib in our Church and

were closed, and many people were deprived of the chance to

reflect on the extraordinary wonder of God‘s love, tenderness

celebrate the Eucharist together and welcome the Lord into

and care for us. May that helpless baby lying in the manger

their lives through Holy Communion.

prompt us to look for God even in the most unlikely places.

The pressures of coping with lockdowns, with social distancing,

God is waiting to be found somewhere along the journey of

with working from home and juggling childcare and home-

each day.

schooling with work commitments have impacted significantly

My prayer for us all this Christmas is that the Lord will open

on the lives of many people, and perhaps have even pushed an

our eyes to recognise him when he comes to us and open our

awareness of God out of their consciousness.

hearts to welcome him with joy.

Even our preparations for Christmas, both from a family point

I wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas.

+ Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB ARCHBISHOP OF PERTH




he season of Christmas is always a special time and a celebration of hope and peace in our Catholic communities. I want to assure you all that I join my prayers with yours in thanking our Divine Father for sending us the Saviour, the Son who became incarnate, Jesus Christ. Let us pray for our families and friends that the spirit of faith, peace and hope will be theirs as we look forward to a new year.

Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton speaks at the 28th anniversary of the Perth Indonesian Catholic Community at Pater Noster Church in Myaree on 15 November 2020. Photo: Matthew Lau

Many things have tried us in this year that is drawing to a close. The year began with the devastation of the huge fires that swept through the Eastern States and those that threatened communities in our own State. There are many families still waiting for their homes to be rebuilt and life to return to their towns. They were supported by their families and friends in communities that were not destroyed, and by many others they would never meet who volunteered or responded to the many appeals.

Among the things we have learnt has been that we are vulnerable and not immune. We are not really in control, nor do we have all the answers. But, positively, we have learnt that we can keep the needs and plight of others in view, and we can freely respond to their needs. There are many aspects of the Christmas story that we will reflect upon as we approach this joyous festival. One is how Mary and Joseph looked desperately for a place to stay in Bethlehem. A kindness was shown to them when they were allowed to use a shelter that would have been used by shepherds, possibly not much more than a small cavern in the ground, where men and animals would find protection through the night.

The tragedy of the bushfires was felt across the nation, and the response of Australians was typically extraordinary. There was a sense that we were in this together. Among the organisations that mobilised their resources was the St Vincent de Paul Society, Catholic social service agencies and the parishes that rallied and supported the many fundraisers. We should honour our people for their compassion and generosity.

Whatever it was, it was a place on the periphery of the town, at the edge. It was to be that the family – Mary, Joseph and the new-born Jesus – was to be found at the outskirts. Their family was in need and desperate.

That same spirit inspired our leaders when the challenge of the coronavirus pandemic engulfed nation after nation, and cases started to be found in our cities and towns. “We are all in this together” became a catch-cry.

Pope Francis reminds us that the Church has to go to and be at the outskirts. The Christian community always needs to look beyond itself to see the plight and struggle of those living on the edge. This is where we are called to go and respond as best, we can to the many needs of people. We must be prepared to be surprised when we find Jesus Christ there.

The efforts made by our governments have demanded that we be self-disciplined and prepared to make the sacrifices for the sake of those vulnerable to COVID-19. The more recent generations have never had to face such a crisis or to pay the heavy personal cost of having our freedoms curtailed.

May our Catholic communities celebrate with renewed joy the great gift from the Father in the sending of the Son to live among us. I pray that His Spirit strongly unite us in our faith communities, enable us to keep in view those who are the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, and grant us the courage to respond.

At least in Australia, the potential harm of the coronavirus to the whole population has been greatly reduced by decisive action taken by governments and supported by the people.



The story of the Good Samaritan recently took centre stage at a special liturgical service for Parish Priests and representatives in advance of the official launch of the Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink 2020.




speaks of love of neighbour and of practical, downto-earth faith which is never content with words but knows that words have to be put into action,” Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB explained.

“For me, the most powerful part of the story is the description of the Samaritan man as someone who was ‘moved with pity’,” he continued. As part of the liturgy, LifeLink Chair and Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton read the story of the Good Samaritan. This was followed by an address by Archbishop Costelloe. This year, Archbishop Costelloe highlighted, has been difficult for everyone. “Christmas 2020 will be especially challenging for so many people who, in more normal times, might not be in great need of help but who, because of sickness, unemployment or other unforeseen financial and personal difficulties, might well be as much in need of the soothing oil of kindness and generosity as the injured man was of the oil and wine poured on his wounds by the Good Samaritan,” he said. More than 160 Parish Priests and their representatives from 72 parishes attended the evening’s prelaunch, which was an opportunity for Archbishop Costelloe and Bishop Sproxton to express their thanks to parish priests and representatives for their support with the appeal each year.



W O R D S Jamie O’Brien


Archbishop Costelloe blesses the parish priests and representatives during the special liturgical service in advance of the official launch of the Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink 2020. ● Parish priests and representatives came together on Tuesday 2 November at St Mary’s Cathedral for the special liturgical service in advance of the official launch of the Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink 2020. Photos: Ron Tan

The Archbishop’s 2020 Christmas Appeal Letter has been distributed after each Mass in parishes throughout the Archdiocese on the 7 and 8 November, and a special video message from the Archbishop was shown to parishioners at the end of each Mass. The official launch of the Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink was held in parishes on the weekend of Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 November. It goes without saying, Archbishop Costelloe continued, that the raising of money through his Christmas Appeal for LifeLink is an important and practical way of lifting the burden of loneliness, of poverty, of homelessness and of hopelessness for many people who access LifeLink agencies. “But beyond the raising of money it would be my hope that what really happens is that we, and the people of our parishes, will respond as


generously as we can because we have allowed the Lord to mould our hearts so that we really are moved with pity: that we see as Jesus sees, and listen as Jesus listens, and respond as Jesus responds, and love as Jesus loves. “Then we will have really taken the parable of the Good Samaritan to heart because we will, as Jesus says in relation to the Good Samaritan, ‘go and do likewise’,” he said. At the Liturgical Service, a new “Welcome to LifeLink” informational video was officially released, which was developed and produced in consultation with students and teachers from selected secondary schools in the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, and with the support of Catholic Education Western Australia. This new video and the Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal video message is available online at

Archbishop Costelloe and Bishop Sproxton during the special liturgical service on Tuesday 2 November at St Mary’s Cathedral, in advance of the official launch of the Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink 2020. Photo: Ron Tan




“A ship is always safe at the shore, but that is not what it is built for.” – Albert Einstein


aint Teresa of Avila reminds us: “Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through

which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours”. In Evangelii Gaudium 49 (‘Joy of the Gospel’), Pope Francis says, “I prefer a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security. I do not want a Church concerned with being at the centre and which then ends by being caught up in a web of obsessions and procedures. If something should rightly disturb us and trouble our consciences, it is the fact that so many of our brothers and sisters are living without the strength, light and consolation born of friendship with Jesus Christ, without a community of faith to support them, without meaning and a goal in life. More than by fear of going astray, my hope is that we will be moved by the fear of remaining shut up within structures which give us a false sense of security, within rules which make us harsh judges, within habits which make us feel safe, while at our door people are starving and Jesus does not tire of saying to us: “Give them something to eat” (Mk 6:37)”.

Archdiocesan Vicar for Social Outreach, Dr Terry Wilson speaks at the 2020 CSSWA Employee and Volunteer of the Year awards ceremony in November. Photo: Ron Tan



Identitywa’s two children’s houses provide the ideal short break for children with disability. In their ongoing work and in their response to the COVID-19 crisis, our Archdiocesan Social Outreach agencies remind us powerfully that simply believing that Jesus existed is not faith – doing something in response to that RIGHT

belief is faith, writes Vicar for Social Outreach, Dr Terry Wilson. Photo: Supplied ●


Danny Wilkie is supported by Identitywa. Photo: Jamie O’Brien

The year 2020 has been an extraordinary one because of the COVID-19 pandemic and even more so for the Social Outreach agencies owned and operated by the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. COVID-19 increased the need for social outreach to the poor, the homeless, the lonely and the all those in need while at the same time making it more difficult to deliver the assistance required. It has been inspiring this year to see how the Archdiocese’s many Social Outreach agencies have responded, adapting their delivery model to continue to reach those in need, to continue to deliver their service.

... faith does not mean simply believing something. Faith requires action.”

If we listen to the words of Jesus, faith does not mean simply believing something. Faith requires action: “if I speak without love, I am no more than a gong booming or a cymbal clashing. And though I have the power of prophecy, to penetrate all mysteries and knowledge, and though I have all the faith necessary to move mountains – if I am without love, I am nothing … [Love] is always ready to make allowances, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes” (1 Cor 13: 1,2 and 7). In their ongoing work and in their response to the COVID-19 crisis, our Archdiocesan Social Outreach agencies remind us powerfully that simply believing that Jesus existed is not faith – doing something in response to that belief is faith.

Left: Dom and his support worker from Identitywa, Jess, ‘step up’ to raise money for Down Syndrome WA. COVID-19 increased the need for social outreach to the poor, the homeless, the lonely and the all those in need, while at the same time making it more difficult to deliver the assistance required, writes Vicar for Social Outreach, Dr Terry Wilson. Photo: Ron Tan







GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANTS The story of long-lived support for the acceptance of children with disability into the sacramental life of the Church in WA is intrinsically linked to the story of the Tranters, one of the founding families of Catholic Care for Intellectually Handicapped Persons (Catholic Care) - which started in 1977 when a group of parents saw a future in which their children received the sacraments, greater acceptance from their parish communities and quality care.


heir passion for expressing God’s love for

Archdiocese which provided support to these

all his children, no matter their abilities,

pioneers, enabling the establishment of Catholic

has inspired families across WA and it is in

Care, which became an official part of the Catholic

recognition of their sacrifice that Catholic

Archdiocese in 1981.

Social Services Western Australia (CSSWA) named

It was the love shown by parents for their child that

the Volunteer of the Year Award in Tom Tranter’s

helped them to share the Love that God the Father


has for all of his children, no matter their abilities:

In the late 1970s, Tom and Fay Tranter were part

The story of the Tranter’s passion for inclusion for

of a small group of parents, called on by Vicki de

people living with a disability is inextricably linked

Haas, who believed strongly that their children

to their love for their daughter Genevieve, who

with intellectual disabilities had as much right

contracted encephalitis as a toddler - leaving her

as anyone else to be included in the life of the

with severe brain damage.

Catholic Church. They encouraged Church authorities to open the way for their sons and daughters to receive the sacraments and eventually, as a result of their efforts, a large group of children and adults (including their daughter Genevieve) received Confirmation in 1977, going on to receive the Eucharist in 1978. The determination of these parents captured the imagination of the Perth Catholic

Tom Tranter with his wife Fay (left) and daughter, Genevieve. Photo: Supplied


With Catholic Care well established, the Tranter’s desire for acceptance of children with disability into the sacramental life of the church continued to evolve. Thanks to the efforts of Sr Maureen McCarthy RSM, a key founder and original Manager of Catholic Care, and Sr Eileen Casey, a fellow Sister of Mercy from Melbourne, a new organisation was set to emerge. Sr Eileen, had studied an American program called SPRED (Special Religious Development) – a faith program that offered a way for parishes to reach out to people of all ages who had an intellectual disability and include them in the sacramental, liturgical and social life of the parish community – and proposed its implementation here in Perth at a meeting in the Tranter’s home. Identitywa provides accommodation and support for people with a disability, such as Simon and Joshua, pictured with Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and Identitywa Chief Executive Marina Re. Photo: Amanda Murthy

Everyone pledged their support immediately. After much negotiation, the Archbishop of Perth invited Sister Eileen to come to Perth with the challenge of establishing a ministry, based on

Loving his daughter whole-heartedly opened up completely different things in his life, a new direction, new people and new challenges - a whole

her experience in the USA, which would provide ongoing support for those with intellectual disabilities.

new positive meaning - and Tom often said that

Sr Eileen was very definite that this ministry had to

“spending time with people who had an intellectual

be parish-based, providing friendship and support

disability was a good way of staying grounded and

through parish volunteers who were linked one-on-

getting back to basics.”

one with the people with disability and in answer

Catholic Care became Identitywa in 2001, and

to the prayers of parents, the Personal Advocacy

subsequently the organisation continued to

Service (PAS) was officially established in 1989.

expand their supports to include over 40 shared

Tom Tranter was one of the founding members

independent living homes, children and adult

of the organisation and threw his heart and soul

respite houses, an in-home support service and a

into its development for some 30 years, remaining

range of community supports, all based on a strong

a stalwart member and Treasurer of the Board

foundation of providing person-centred active

of Management until the day of his passing in

support to people with disability.

December 2017.

... spending time with people who had an intellectual disability was a good way of staying grounded and getting back to basics.”

PAS volunteer Nada Clastres shares a moment with her friend Genevieve Tranter, whose father, Tom Tranter, gave his name to the Volunteer of the Year award. Photo: Eric Martin



BUILDING BRIDGES FOR AN INCLUSIVE CHURCH WO R D S Theresia Titus Personal Advocacy Service Executive Director Ray Ryan. For more than three decades, PAS has been a bridge for those with intellectual disability to be a part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. Photo: Rachel Curry


or more than three decades,

abilities, but they generally do not fit

should not exclude anyone. This agency

Personal Advocacy Service

well into mainstream activities and have

is a response to that imperative, as

(PAS) has been a bridge for

been marginalised in the past,” he said.

many do not have a voice. In most

those with intellectual disability

“We are trying to assist them in

cases, someone else must speak

to be a part of the Catholic Archdiocese

integrating fully into the parish

for them. In the case of intellectual

of Perth.

communities. Now, the way we do that

disability, we are one of the voices that

Speaking with The Record, Executive

is, we have separate group meetings.

speak for them within the Archdiocese,”

Director Ray Ryan shared his hopes for

The small groups in each Parish meet

Mr Ryan stated.

the agency he has led since early-2016.

fortnightly together with our advocates,

With small groups spread across 12

for a two-hour session.

parishes within the Archdiocese, PAS

“Quite frequently, the volunteer

aims to further branch out.

advocate is the only unpaid connection

“[At the moment], we have only 87

that many of these people have in their

people with intellectual disability in our

lives, as many of them may not have

groups and 125 advocates. We also

family members or carers to help them.

know that there are a lot more people

Hence, their advocate is the only unpaid

with intellectual disability around Perth,

carer in their life,” he added.

who do not attend Masses. Hence, we

“We aim to facilitate community

need to go out, and each parish needs

interaction and community participation

to reach out into its community, identify

by attending the group sessions and

these people, and then actively invite

Masses at their local parishes, although

them, and welcome them into the parish

it is quite a challenge.”

community, give them some valued

Mr Ryan believes it is essential that the

role,” Mr Ryan expressed.

Catholic Church should be inclusive,

“We have just appointed a new person

especially for those who have been

as Parish Inclusion Coordinator, and it’s

marginalised because they have

Those with intellectual disability, as Mr

her role to approach parishes, help and

different abilities.

Ryan explained, are those who were

encourage them to recruit volunteers.

“It’s an imperative of our mission that

[We need to] make sure the Church is a

born with learning difficulties.

we include everyone having different

welcoming community for people with

“[They are] people with different

abilities, of other race, language, [and]

intellectual disability.”

“Our mandate is to facilitate the inclusion of people with intellectual disability, into parishes of the Archdiocese, by running small groups within some parishes and provide people with intellectual disability with a one-on-one volunteer, or what we call as an advocate,” Mr Ryan said. “We train our advocates, and they are then linked one-on-one with a person with intellectual disability. “We formed the group in the parish environment, consisting of six people with intellectual disability and one advocate for each member of the group,” he continued.



The West Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office (WACMRO) has this year designed and implemented an outreach programme that effectively combines aspects of faith formation and community in a manner that meets Parish Council, Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) and Archdiocesan Plan 2016-21 objectives. The “Draw Near” SMART programme was rolled out in the Catholic community of Innaloo-Karrinyup, an initiative to help alleviate hardship among the local community’s asylum seekers and international students, a demographic that has been economically brutalised by the arrival of the coronavirus. It brought together WACMRO, Innaloo-Karrinyup


Parish including St Dominic’s Primary School Innaloo, Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) Catholic Primary

“And that’s why Draw Near is a place-based approach to

School Karrinyup, Newman College Churchlands, and

outreach – if the outreach and hospitality is only a walk

the St Vincent de Paul Society.

away, it’s so much more likely that [asylum seekers] will

WACMRO Director Deacon Greg Lowe said the

engage with it – they want to feel safe and they want to

programme was “specific, measurable, achievable,

belong,” Dcn Lowe explained.

realistic and timely – short, sharp and with a clear exit

“It gives parishioners an opportunity to reflect on


their faith and participate in outreach, for the school

There are three stages of “Draw Near”: The Faith

principals it makes PD options available and for the

Project, the Social Reality Project, and the Outreach

parish priests, it offers seminars and workshops to help

Project, with each of the stages meeting key

enliven what the parish is doing. We can prepare it and

objectives outlined in both the Archdiocesan and

deliver it all for them – it ticks a lot of boxes for the

Parish Council strategic plans.

community with concrete outcomes.”

“The difference here is that we ran Faith Retreat

Innaloo-Karrinyup Parish Priest Father Bernard

Presentations, ‘Gospel and Vulnerable People,’ and

Lanarolle believes Catholics have a sacred mission

we ran ‘Social Reality Master Classes’, which linked

from Christ to bring hope and practical love to those in

Catholic Social Teaching and the hard data,” Dcn Lowe

need and highlighted the opportunity for cooperation


amongst the schools, the Church, and the agencies.

“The data is really important – it’s not fake news and it

“This was very much a team effort from all quarters of

presents a reality that is apparent, so the parishioner,

our parish and includes the contribution of the wider

parent and student know that we’re talking about real

Parish,” Fr Lanarolle stated.


“The good that we’re doing is only small, but it’s still

The best thing about the programme is that it is easily


modified to meet the requirements of other agencies

Similarly, the programme includes a two-hour

pursuing the objectives outlined in their own parish

professional development for school staff on ‘Catholic

and community engagement strategies as part of the

Social Teaching and the Vulnerable Person’ and

Archdiocesan Plan.

‘Catholic Social Teaching and the Person seeking

The Draw Near Programme is part of the Welcoming

Asylum in Perth’.

Parish Communities Initiative and is designed to support

“These input sessions empower people through

sections 2.2.4 and 2.2.6 of the Archdiocesan Plan.

education, increasing understanding and removing any

recess or lunch. After

“Before we do the outreach, we present the social

fear of the unknown - our understanding of the human

their lunch break,

reality, then we match that against the light of the

person, especially the asylum seeker, is heavily informed

Gospel: it became clear that the ‘person in need’ was

by [on average] some 20 years of media politicisation of

any person in need,” Dcn Lowe added.

that social issue,” Dcn Lowe shared.

Supported by thorough, accurate research, WACMRO

“They relate to the humanity that you are presenting. It

was able to present detailed data, drilling down in a

helps the parish grow and mature in their faith, and an

specific manner to the postcode level.

understanding that God is in charge.”

As part of the Draw Near Programme, OLGC students took part in “rice day”, where they were asked not to eat

students were able to have a bowl of rice and reflected on what it would be like to have no or very little food. Photo: OLGC Facebook



early every strategy of the Archdiocesan Plan 2016-

people and a current team of 14 volunteers - we would not be

2021 calls for greater engagement and interaction

running without our dedicated team of volunteers!” Mr Reidy

with parishes, empowering the Church to achieve its


objectives at the grassroots level in cooperation with

parish representatives and local priests – it is the backbone of Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB’s vision for ‘returning the Church to Christ and returning Christ to the Church.’

The Catholic Volunteer Hub creates an opportunity for adults who are seeking to volunteer in a parish setting or for an agency, inviting everyone to participate in performing the Good Works of the Church and realise the objectives outlined

And in 2020, despite the impact of COVID-19 (with its virtual

in the Archdiocesan Plan 2016 – 2021.

shut-down of all Church activity throughout the middle of the

Each section of the Plan requires the development and

year) Catholic Social Services Western Australia (CSSWA) has forged ahead with the Catholic Volunteer Hub, an initiative that looks set to dramatically increase the potential for

deployment of effectively trained and motivated volunteers, both to accomplish the work required and to support the structure of the Church and her parishes through the effective

ordinary Catholics to get involved with performing the Good

management of lay talent and succession planning.

Works of the Church.

And the benefits of volunteering with the Church are not just

“As Catholics, the Sacraments can sometimes take precedence

limited to the organisation, it is the volunteers themselves who

in our thinking, over and above the call to be ‘a good and

stand to benefit greatly from their involvement.

faithful servant’ by ‘loving one another as I have loved you,’

“One aspect of the Volunteering Hub that may surprise is that

yet it’s just as important that we help to win others for Christ through our acts of Christian charity and service - for their sake even more than ours,” shared Steve McDermott, Director

it is open to persons who would like to volunteer in a Catholic agency or parish whether they are baptised or not - with the permission of the agency or parish, of course,” Mr McDermott



“The whole Body of Christ, not just the head, must be

“This ‘openness to persons of good will’ is part of what Pope

empowered to fulfill the mission of the Gospel if we are to

Francis would call the ‘social friendship’ aspect of the Hub,” he

realise genuine growth within the Church.”


For example, at The Shopfront Director Damien Walsh is

“After all, wasn’t it “social friendship” that allowed the Good

the only full-time staff member, assisted by one part-time

Samaritan of the parable (Luke 10, 25-37) ‘to interrupt his

employee, with a huge and invaluable contribution made by

journey, change his plans, and unexpectedly come to the aid of

some 26 volunteers working 2.5 hours on average.

an injured person who needed his help’”.

Similarly, Daydawn Director Mark Reidy shared that

Though the Catholic Volunteer Hub is still in its developmental

“volunteers are at the heart of our mission at Daydawn.”

phase, those interested in volunteering should contact Catholic

“We currently have one full-time staff member, three part-time

Social Services Western Australia for more details.



Bishop Puthur said the maritime disaster, involving two

COV I D -1 9 I N THE DOCKS WO R D S Eric Martin

Australian crewmen, had made the news in in Australia only because of the local connection and there have been dozens of shipwrecks in 2020 that went largely unreported. Deacon Patrick Moore, the Director of Stella Maris in Fremantle, said that the anniversary “comes at a time when it is very difficult for Stella Maris to do much at all to assist seafarers.”

THIS YEAR, 2020, the year of COVID-19 also marks the

“Since our centre in Fremantle was closed in March

100th anniversary of the Church’s ministry to seafarers

because of the pandemic, we have tried to respond to

through Stella Maris and unsurprisingly, it is the effects of

requests from seafarers to acquire items of shopping for

the pandemic that have occupied Stella Maris centres in

them and to deliver them to the ship,” Dcn Moore said.

ports across Australia and around the world.

“With monies generously donated by an American

“This anniversary comes at a time when seafarers


are facing particularly challenging times. COVID-19

foundation we

restrictions mean some men and women can’t even set

have been making

foot on dry land for months on end. Tens of thousands

up ‘care packs’

of people are also working without any sense of security

to give to the

due to expired contracts,” said Bishop Bosco Puthur,

crew and to date,

Bishop Promoter for Stella Maris Australia.

our volunteers

Western Australia, with its economic reliance on the bulk

have packed over

shipping of commodities, dealt with several ships arriving

1750 small bags

in port carrying COVID-19. This led to public calls to

of goodies and

restrict crew changes, turn away ships and even close the

delivered them to

ports in October.

over 75 ships.”

Ports became the frontline in containing the virus, with

“We were also able

ships such as the iron ore bulk carrier Vega Dream and

to help a young

of some 1750 care packages to ships docked at

the manganese carrier Patricia Oldendorff docking

Filipino officer who

Fremantle during the pandemic. The care packages have

with infected crews in Port Hedland and in Fremantle,

had been serving

livestock carrier Al Messilah saw 24 crew members test

continuously on his

positive for COVID-19.

ship for over 16 months,” he continued.

Australian’s attention was also recently refocussed on

“In the end, he collapsed and was picked up from his ship

the plight of seafarers with the disappearance of the

by helicopter and taken to Fiona Stanley Hospital.

Gulf Livestock 1 ship at the beginning of September,

“Stella Maris helped him with new clothing and generally

when it was hit by two typhoons off the coast of Japan.

supported him until he was well enough to go home to

Last November, 22 of the crew had visited Stella Maris


Fremantle; of those men, four were still working on the ship when she was lost.

Deacon Patrick Moore of Perth’s Stella Maris centre has been busy coordinating the assembly and distribution

predominantly been designed for Filipino’s, who make up most seafarers. Photo: Eric Martin. Photo: OLGC Facebook

Catholic Homes is well placed to respond to the profound changes experienced by the aged care sector in recent times through its singular approach in how the organisation cares for its people: ‘Care with Purpose’.


Royal Commission, a new industry regulator and rules, plus the uncertainty and discomfort brought by a pandemic, meant many in the aged care

community had to step up to new challenges.

Catholic Homes’ Care with Purpose and Behaviour Support Advisor Kylie Choong says even in these turbulent times, older people remain at the centre of the organisation’s ministry where they can contribute and live a meaningful, fulfilled life of dignity and confidence. “We encourage and support people to do as much as they can for themselves; to be engaged in activities, interests and hobbies that add value to their lives,” she said. “Regardless of your age, circumstance or ability, Catholic Homes welcomes you and will encourage you to live your best life.” The Care with Purpose model was introduced by the organisation several years ago, well ahead of the Federal Government’s consumer-led aged care standards that came into being in mid-2019. Catholic Homes, which operates six aged care residences, four retirement villages and home care services, was developing its own “care innovation” model back in 2015. This model combined the philosophies and teachings of Montessori Australia and Dementia Care Matters from the United Kingdom.

Catholic Homes Day Therapy client Freda Britchford works out in the physiotherapy room. Photo: Supplied


“The way we care is different from others, we can help

After hip replacement surgery several years ago, Freda

you reach your goals by letting you make the choices and

Britchford had difficulty moving, gained weight and was

decisions about the things which matter to you,” Kylie said.

virtually unable to walk.

“We can achieve this with you through a deeper

As a member of a local over-55s club, Freda discovered

understanding of you as a person; and the people and things

Catholic Homes’ Day Therapy Centre in Guildford and

you love now as well as the life you’ve lived with its highs and

decided to “give it a go”.


“I am walking so much better and I have no fear of falling at all

Care innovation subsequently evolved to become the

because my legs are stronger,” she said.

organisation’s guiding Care with Purpose philosophy and

“Now I am on a weight loss journey and an exercise journey

practical approach to care with a special focus on people’s

and I feel so good!”

stories, abilities and their physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs. A significant key to success was to make it easier for people, particularly those living with dementia or other cognitive impairments, to better understand and participate in the world around them. “At all our residences you will see name tags, signs, labels and clear information, inviting

Freda visits Catholic Homes Day Therapy twice a week for arm and leg exercises plus

... the invitation to participate: everyone can choose a job or a task, big or small, which enables them to be engaged and productive.”

people to be involved, to do new things and develop new friendships,” Kylie said. An important aspect of this approach is the invitation to participate: everyone can choose a job or a task, big or small, which enables them to be engaged and productive.

workouts to boost her stamina. All activities are designed with her by the Catholic Homes Wellness and Reablement Team to a care plan based on her goals and preferences. “My ultimate goal is that I am going to be able to stay independent; and the more active I am, the stronger I am and the slimmer I am, I can move about better and it will last longer,” Freda said. “I am 77 now and I hope to be doing it, you know, when I am 97!”

To find out more about how Catholic Homes can help you or your loved one, visit or contact 1300 244 111.

“Lounges and dining areas invite residents to join in, to take on a job as much they may prefer so that they are engaged and contributing,” Kylie said. “Being active improves wellbeing and reduces boredom and isolation. “As well as restoring function, helping around the home can improve confidence and self-esteem.” Care with Purpose works just as well for those in their own homes and in the community, as it does for those living in residential care.

Care with Purpose works just as well for those in their own homes and in the community, as it does for those living in residential care. Photo: Supplied




Centacare Employment and Training proudly unveiled their newly built library at Gosnells site on 23 November. Photo: Supplied

Centacare Employment and Training proudly unveiled their newly built library at Gosnells site on 23 November.


entacare Gosnells library is a tremendous

as the charitable support from our community.

addition to providing free, accessible,

“I feel really blessed by the generosity of the

educational resources for clients in

following people who have made this library possible,”

Centacare’s Skills for Employment and

Anne continued.

Education (SEE) program.

“Shane Scudder, who has donated paint, his time and

It offers a collection of books for adults and

expertise to install the display shelving,”

adolescents designed to help new English learners

“The students of Corpus Christi College, who have

master the language in a fun and engaging way.


generously donated to the SEE Program from their

The library enables students to access books, no

Book Week 2020 fundraiser where a portion of the

matter what their reading level. By immersing

funds went towards the purchase of the materials for

themselves in reading students improve their

shelving and additional books,’

vocabulary and writing skills too!

“Isabella Schantz, who has donated her valuable time

Gosnells site coordinator, Anne Mahon, says, “For

establishing the library database,’

three years we have been working behind the scenes

“Yoko Hara and Najla Salame, our wonderful admin

at the Gosnells site putting together this amazing

staff will help out students with checking out books

library of graded readers that allow students to access

and the dedicated teaching staff at Gosnells for taking

books to read at a level that suits them.”

the time to promote the joys of reading with their

“Our clients will be able to borrow books from the


library, and return them after reading. They can also

“We are delighted to announce that our Centacare

read them at the Gosnells site. The library would not

Gosnells library is now open to all students to borrow

be made possible without our staff members as well

and enjoy a range of books.”




fter much discernment in prayer, Josephite

“By this I mean we help carry the cross for these people

Sister Liz Koziol RSJ recalled being

as they journey towards their judgement day,” she cited.

overcome by a sense of peace, as she

“We help to wipe the tears and to calm their fears. Once

accepted yet another call, this time to lead

they are sentenced, it’s like the resurrection for them as

the Archdiocesan Prison Ministry as its

they know their fate and can begin focussing on a new


life of better choices.”

Since assuming this role on 26 October 2020, a day in

Emulating the charism of Saint Mary of the Cross

the life of Sr Liz includes attending regular meetings

MacKillop, who is ever-present in her ministry, Sr Liz

such as the Catholic leadership, prison leadership,

added that her mission for Prison Ministry is to live

identifying prospective new chaplains, arranging

out of the humility in acting justly, loving tenderly,

meetings with the current team within the prison where

compassionately, and walking humbly with God, as St

she is currently based, as well as the wider Catholic

MacKillop did.

chaplaincy community in the Perth area.

“I pray, to leave ‘me’ at home so that

Other administration requirements include organising

I can be available to staff and

an annual retreat, coordinating six to eight weekly

residents as they require with

meetings with regional and remote chaplains for them to

a pair of ears to listen and a

meet and chat with each other and share experiences,

heart that brings a face of

with the use of modern technology.

God to those I meet,” she

However busy her schedule may seem, Sr Liz admits


she is right where she is meant to be and by the grace of

“To acknowledge that I too

God prays that prison ministry will in the long run work

am meeting a face of God in

“gently and compassionately to transform lives and help

need. For me, it’s important

those who find themselves on the ‘inside’ to make better

I am authentic in my ministry


and that my actions match my

“In my Novitiate days I was able to visit Parklea

words: ‘There but for the

Correctional Centre in Sydney. This was a transforming

grace of God go I, and

experience, as while I believed in the equality of

there with the grace

humanity, I was challenged to acknowledge this at the

of God I go’.”

time,” Sr Liz said. “It was in listening to the stories of the men, that I could see parallels in our life stories. What keeps me going is the belief that all human beings no matter who they are, can walk the paths of these residents. “In visiting these poor and broken ‘fringe dwellers’ of society I find myself seeing Jesus as he began his journey to the cross,” she added. Each resident, Sr Liz described, is on their Easter journey, with chaplains being the ‘Simon and Veronica’ to the residents.

Sister Liz Koziol RSJ. Photo: Supplied



A Western Australian living on the gross national minimum wage in 2018 would have to survive on $719.20 weekly.


The Shopfront moved to its new premises in Bentley from Maylands in September. Photo: Max Hoh

ith rising living cost and housing prices, the amount was certainly inadequate, which would increase the poverty rate and

hence homelessness in the State. On 2016 census night, there was an estimated 9,0005 homeless persons sleeping rough, couch surfing or relying on supported accommodation that could be overcrowded. The Shopfront is the Archdiocesan agency fully committed to fighting homelessness and helping those in need. “The Shopfront showed me the real meaning of compassion,” Mrs Nathalia da Costa Coitinho Ramiro said in an interview with The Record. “Working for unknown individuals to bring them some relief and happiness, regardless of their background or choices, to make them feel that they are worthy and cared for by others is very rewarding.” Originated from Brazil, Mrs Ramiro came to Australia five years ago and is currently a postgraduate student at the University of Western Australia in pursuit of a Master for Social


Work degree.

her work placement with The Shopfront for three

Back home, she grew up Catholic, surrounded

months, from the middle of August to November

with strong Church principles such as inclusion,

this year.

compassion, solidarity and empathy. She

“I had a fantastic experience out there, which

graduated with a Law degree in 2011 and attained

contributed enormously to my personal and

a qualification in Penal and Criminal Law.

professional development,” she said.

“The reason I chose Australia for my postgraduate

“The opportunity to work with such generous

studies is that I always believed that I could do

workers and volunteers, who willingly give their

more to enhance an individual’s well-being,” Mrs

time and care to those vulnerable people, who are

Ramiro expressed.

struggling financially, emotionally, and physically,

“I’m fortunate because I grew up in a loving

accomplish the purpose of God in our lives.”

environment and have always been encouraged to

Daily, the Agency receives and accommodates

pursue my dreams, and I genuinely believe this can

different people with different needs, which

make a difference in the lives of others.

include accommodation, food hampers and mental

“I’m passionate about empowering individuals

health support.

and showing them that everyone is worthy and

However, Mrs Ramiro said, many people come to

has some talent and values. As a Lawyer, I always

the Agency merely to find a safe place to be and

advocated for equality and inclusion,” she added.

genuine conversations, without judgement or

It was through her studies that she was able to do

prejudice put against them and their situations.


THE SHOPFRONT SAFE PLACE FOR THOSE IN NEED WO R D S Theresia Titus beneficial to them. The way they felt after a brief conversation in which we demonstrated that we cared about them, and we wanted to interact and listen to their stories was enriching.” Mrs Ramiro also oriented the visitors to the right agencies within the Archdiocese of Perth, that can offer specific services that The Shopfront could not provide. The Agency moved to its new premises in Bentley after being at Maylands since its beginning 20 years ago. “I do hope The Shopfront keeps running and helping individuals for such a long time. There are so many lovely volunteers there, in addition to Damian Walsh (The Shopfront Director) and Rosemary, who have so much knowledge, compassion, and care to share, and can contribute tremendously to people’s well-being,” Mrs Ramiro “Homelessness is a global issue which has


significant consequences and is caused

“I am so happy and proud for having the

predominantly by domestic violence, drug and

opportunity to spend three months of my

alcohol addiction, unemployment, and mental

placement in a place where social work is valued,

health issues. Homeless individuals are also

sharing knowledge and experience with such

more inclined to suffer from depression, anxiety,

incredible people.”

loneliness, as well as physical abuse issues,” Mrs Ramiro explained. “This social issue affects not only the individuals who are suffering from homelessness but the whole society. Thus [I believe], housing is a basic need and should be provided. “My role, together with the other volunteers, consisted of providing our visitors with a safe place to be, where they would feel included and worthy,” she continued. “Therefore, I believe that the emotional support we provided them was what stood out most

Nathalia da Costa Coitinho Ramiro (second to the right) shared her

for me, and it was clear for us how this was

work placement experience with The Shopfront. Photo: Ron Tan



EMMANUEL CENTRE: GOD IS WITH US WO R D S Theresia Titus, Jamie O’Brien and Eric Martin

Hope for greater understanding of the need for

Susan and Lynette added that they often feel bored when they

people with disability to participate in their local

have to sit through the Mass without being able to participate

parish community is the message shared by


Lynette, Susan and Geoffrey, active members of 39 years from the Emmanuel Centre and the Ministry with Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.


“People used to think that I was lazy, that I was not paying attention during Mass when I was a child. In reality, I was feeling isolated from the rest of the congregation because I did not understand what the priest was saying,” Lynette said.

he Record journalist Theresia Titus took the

Nevertheless, Lynette, Susan and Geoffrey are certain their

opportunity to hear their stories with Mrs Barbara

Catholic faith has grown since they first came to know and be

Harris as the interpreter.

involved with the Centre and the Ministry.

For hard of hearing or Deaf people, attending

Mrs Harris, who is currently the only person providing

a Mass at a parish which doesn’t provide the support for

AUSLAN interpretation for Masses at Joondanna Parish

them to be involved, hear, participate, understand a spoken

St Denis’ Catholic Church and Subiaco Parish St Joseph’s

homily without proper AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language)

Catholic Church, is one of a number of people working for an

interpretation, or at the very least, having the texts shown on

Archdiocesan agency assisting people who are Deaf to feel

a screen, is challenging.

part of their parish.

“I want to be involved in the Church. God is accepting me, and

She and the late Father Paul Pitzen were the two co-workers

I want to work with the world as I believe, we all belong to

who started the work that provides much-needed respect

God,” Geoffrey said.

and love for people who otherwise may have no one else

Members of the Emmanuel Centre community: Geoffrey, Susan and Lynette. Photo: Theresia Titus

Archbishop Costelloe sprinkled holy water from a garland of rosemary grown from Fr Pitzen’s funeral at St Mary’s Cathedral two years ago. Photo: Theresia Titus

to recognise their gifts and talents that they can share with

in the parish can understand the Mass.” Parishioners who are

the Church. Mrs Harris stated that when the Government

Deaf and hearing-impaired like to join in social discussions,

provided interpreters in news announcements to help people

bible studies, singing, liturgy of the Word and be Eucharistic

who are Deaf and used sign language to understand the

Ministers and greeters at the church. Between them, Susan,

COVID-19 announcement, there was a great interest in people

Lynette and Geoff have been supported and encouraged to

wanting to learn to sign.

participate actively in these volunteer roles within their parish.

“Unfortunately for hearing people to learn AUSLAN takes

They said that being active participants makes them feel

many years. However, being aware that some people miss out

accepted and included in the parish community.

at church is a first step. To make everyone accepted and able

For 39 years, Barbara Harris and the late Fr Paul Pitzen were

to get involved, positive change can happen for those who are

jointly involved with both the Emmanuel Centre and Ministry

differently abled,” Mrs Harris said.

for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. Here they strived for

“For example, you could make a little committee in your parish,

and encouraged all sections of the Catholic community to

and find solutions within the parish community on how to help

recognise people with differing abilities as part of the Body of

people who have different abilities to understand more about


the Mass. I mean, I can work with the parish so that everyone

Both Archbishop Costelloe and Barbara Harris recently paid heartfelt tributes to the work that Fr Pitzen performed in service to WA’s Deaf community as well as others who found a safe place at Emmanuel. “It is almost two years to the day that Fr Paul died, and his loss is still felt deeply by many people,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

Archbishop Costelloe with members of the Emmanuel Centre community during the recent blessing and opening of the Memorial Garden. Photo: Eric Martin.



Daydawn Advocacy Centre, the Catholic agency that advocates in the area of indigenous housing, usually sees some 3500 visitors walk through the doors each year, many of whom with dependent children and facing homelessness.




hat number increased dramatically

accommodation – even though the WA Housing

in 2020, the year of COVID-19, as

Department put a hold on eviction notices being

attested by Daydawn Director Mark

issued during the current crisis.


“There were a lot of people living on the street

“We have three paid staff members

who started to panic about the virus, they heard

and we’ve been working extra hours rather than

about the plan to place homeless people in hotels

less,” Mr Reidy said.

and with a grant that we received during this

“Our volunteers were all working from home

time, we used some of that money to help house

and we kept them busy, feeding out letters and

people,” Mr Reidy added.

contact numbers to them to chase down on behalf

“During the pandemic we had as many as 20 to 30

of the people we assist.

phone calls a day for assistance: there was a bit of

“That awareness that our clients were most

a panic because we can only house so many.”

vulnerable to COVID-19, most likely to be

Daydawn started working with the Departmental

impacted and on the front line, was what

Taskforce and other organisations, such as Shelter

motivated us to implement our own immediate

WA, Uniting Care West, Anglicare and other

crisis response: there were a few gaps and we

communities, to accommodate some 80 people

were able to address those gaps.”

during WA’s lockdown.

Homelessness became a far more apparent issue

“We had 40 people at one point in a hotel in

during COVID-19; the virus amplified existing

Fremantle and to take that as a case study: there

issues and vulnerabilities – Daydawn reported that

were families, single people and couples; the

the pandemic resulted in an upsurge in demand for

youngest were children within those families and

their services, especially in the area of temporary

the oldest were in their 60s,” Mr Reidy shared.



to live in a hotel long-term; what people want is a home to call their own and unfortunately there are still all those systemic barriers to that which were there previously. “Once you’ve got a house, it provides the foundation for everything else – it provides a basic level of security and stability. “And that was one of the things that we saw at the hotel, was that even just a few nights off the street with a safe, secure roof over their head [a place to rest, keep clean and stay safe] it was remarkable to see that it wasn’t just a way to prevent the physical risk of infection, it was also very stabilising and centring from a psychological perspective,” Mr Daydawn Advocacy Centre, the

Noakes explained.

Catholic agency that advocates in the

“It gave people the opportunity to do things

area of indigenous housing, is located

that maybe that hadn’t been able to do before:

at Piccadilly Square Central, 13/5 Aberdeen St, Perth. Photo: Supplied

things like doing housing applications, getting comprehensive health checks – simply because there was a period of calm in what has otherwise been a very chaotic life on the streets.”

“By partnering with other agencies, who are able to assist people under threat of eviction by providing practical assistance to ensure their government housing is maintained at an acceptable standard, we have ensured that many, many children have been allowed to stay in their homes.” Jesse Noakes, Daydawn’s legal representative, spoke with The Record about the surge in demand for this service. “As the disease was beginning to spread through the community people were starting to get anxious and scared about what it might mean for them and their families,” Mr Noakes said. “It was great to be able to provide an immediate solution for some of our clients and to continue

Homelessness became a far more apparent issue during COVID-19: the virus amplified existing issues and vulnerabilities, even though the WA Housing Department put a hold on eviction notices being issued during the current crisis. Photo: Eric Martin

to do that, but going forward, no-one really wants

With the Christmas season almost upon us, Mr

“ ... there were a few gaps and we were able to address those gaps.”

Reidy reports that even though the increased Centrelink payments allowed disadvantaged people to move into temporary accommodation, due to the cost of these places their money does not last the fortnight. “So we are still trying to assist bridging the most vulnerable people, such as women with children, and the elderly in being able to maintain those places. Sadly, though our funds are limited and we are restricted in the numbers we can assist,” Mr Reidy said.





uring what has been one of the most challenging years


in recent memory,


Aboriginal Catholic Ministry (ACM) has strived to promote the good works of the Catholic Church. As ACM Director Donella Brown explains: “The essence of good works in our Catholic Church is when people and ministries engage with and serve the community around them especially the most vulnerable”. This, she said, “is the two-way sharing of gifts with each other”. “It is also the hope that in this sharing there is a change in the minds and hearts of people, and the appreciation of each other’s sacred story,” Ms Brown added. The impact of the coronavirus social distancing governmentenforced measures forced ACM to look at different ways of communication.

“Many of our people value

In order to resume its

Brown noted.

the importance of personal

mission of effective ministry,

“Although we are doing

face-to-face connection.

ACM carried out a large

things a little different, we

What we aimed to do was to

project after noticing how

are still able to keep our

be as regular as possible in

evident the isolation period

connections strong with the

phoning as many people as

had affected many of the

Aboriginal community.”

we worked from home.”

agency’s network of families,

With a “glass half full”

Ms Brown did not hesitate to

particularly the elderly.

mentality, ACM’s staff has

lead by example by getting

This sparked an initiative

used this time of difficulty as

involved in participating in

called “Seniors on the Move”,

an opportunity to develop

online workshops and Zoom

where the pastoral team

the agency’s resources.


provides opportunities

This included Pastoral Care

A major hinderance of the

to take its Elders to visit

Worker Reg Carnamah’s

pandemic that impacted

places and to continue their

“Take a Walk with a Yamatji

ACM’s practises was that it


Man” project, in which he

had to cease pastoral visits

“The resuming of visits

painted the Stations of

to the three hospitals to

to families is done with

which it is connected.

caution. In the earlier

Thankfully, as the

stages of the lockdown, we

restrictions eased over time

had to be careful that we

in Western Australia, these

were observing COVID-19

visits recommenced in two of

protocols and rules.

the hospitals in October.

“We also had to make sure

Likewise, ACM’s visits to the

that the rules for attending

Aboriginal hostels were also

Mass, and especially funeral

affected during this time.

services, were observed,” Ms

the Cross based on his life journey. Pastoral Assistant Donna Ryder is working on a project that will look at the connection between Aboriginal stories and Gospel stories. Sr Helen, who coordinates the ACM sacramental initiation, had the opportunity to develop and implement programmes that incorporated Aboriginal perspectives. Sr Helen also had the opportunity to research and increase her knowledge of Aboriginal history. Attendees of the annual Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People Eucharistic Celebration stood outside St Mary’s Cathedral on 25 October 2020. Photo: Ron Tan.




His successor, Marietta Russo, commented: “These figures


are a shining reflection of the achievements of this agency


through the endeavours of the people who lend it their hands


and hearts – the coordinators and the volunteers in the

Catholic Outreach has this year marked its 30th year, inviting


its many programme coordinators to a landmark Mass celebrated by Applecross Parish Priest Father Nelson Po at

Catholic Outreach, like many Archdiocesan agencies, has this year been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic enforced

the Catholic Pastoral Centre chapel in Highgate on 15 August


2020, the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary.

Parish Care programme coordinators rose to the occasion,

The agency began from a conversation that transpired

delivering personalised service in different ways. There were

between the then-WA Catholic Social Welfare Commission Director Tony McAlinden and a local couple needing

instances where meals and essential groceries were delivered and left near front doors to ensure appropriate social

assistance and community support as they were struggling

distancing remained in place.

with illness in the 1980s, which led Mr McAlinden to question

Reassuring conversations took place across front yards,

why there was no service in place to help them.

suspended regular meetings and visits were replaced with “are

With the support of Perth’s seventh Archbishop William

you okay?” calls, and exchanging of emails.

Foley DD, Mr McAlinden channelled his passion and energy

“When I reflect on the work of Catholic Outreach, I am

to develop a care agency that would meet the challenge

reminded of some simple words from Mary Ward IBVM: ‘Do

of reaching out to local people in need, becoming the first

good and do it well’,” Ms Russo told The Record.

Executive Officer of Catholic Outreach in 1990.

“The number of volunteers and the volume of tasks completed

After examining models from Brisbane and Melbourne, Mr

over the years are evidence that this maxim is practised

McAlinden realised the programmes “had to be owned by the

throughout the Archdiocese.”

parish”. “It is about opening doors for parishioners to help other people,” he said.

of-thousands of acts of kindness for many thousands of care

R I G H T The Doubleview Rosary Care group has run a craft group which works to produce items from mostly donated wool which are then donated to those in need via St Vincent de Paul during winter. They have continued to do so, to help those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic and will do so for the winter months. ● A B O V E Catholic Outreach Director Marietta Russo pictured with Tony McAlinden, the agency’s foundational Executive


Officer. Photos: Supplied

Then-Auxiliary Bishop Robert Healey is reported to have described the agency as “the best idea the Church has had for a long time”. Following Mr McAlinden’s retirement, Peter McMinn became the Director in 1999 and, with Betty Thompson aiding as Catholic Outreach Officer since 2006, the agency’s mission was bolstered with the introduction of a number of innovations that have allowed Catholic Outreach to continue its evolution and service. After attending the 30-year celebration, Mr McMinn, now retired after almost 20 years as Director, commented: “I am always inspired by the dedication and enthusiasm of people involved with Catholic Outreach”, which have resulted in tens-



Three Wise Men




INGREDIENTS • 600g boneless snapper

• 2 tomatoes, concassed


or mahi-mahi, skin

• 1 mango, skinned and

R E C I P E A N D P H O T O Matthew Lau

into 1cm cubes

removed and cut

cut into 1cm cubes • 2 tbsps fresh coriander,

• 125ml citrus juice

roughly chopped

(lime and/or lemon)

• 250ml coconut cream

• 1 small green capsicum, seeded and

Ika Mata is a traditional Cook Islands dish consisting of delicate raw fish marinated in citrus juice and coconut cream. Variations of this fresh, healthy and delicious cured fish salad are common throughout Fiji (Kokoda), Peru (Ceviche), Samoa (Oka i’a), and Malaysia (Umai). Like most recipes, this coconut fish salad is incredibly versatile. You can substitute the mango for another

• 1 tsp freshly cracked white pepper

cut into 1cm cubes • 4 spring onions,

• 1 tsp freshly cracked sea salt

finely sliced • 3 red chillies, seeded

• ½ iceberg lettuce

and finely diced


METHOD 1. Combine the fish fillets with citrus juice in a large mixing bowl. Cover and refrigerate for a minimum of three

fruit (papaya or pineapple), or you can add more

hours or overnight; give it a stir midway through the

substance to it by adding chunks of cooked kumara

marination process.

or taro – just adjust the seasoning accordingly. This method of “cooking without heat” means you should ideally use sashimi-grade fish or, alternatively, ask your fishmonger for the freshest fillets available. S E RV E S : 4 P R E P T I M E : 3 to 12 hours

2. Once the fish looks opaque, drain the excess liquid with a fine sieve and return cured fish to the bowl. 3. Add the remaining ingredients (minus the lettuce) and mix everything gently but well. 4. Serve immediately with a garnish of lime wedges, either in small bowls or crisp lettuce cups.

A portion of Ika Mata served in a coconut shell. Photo: Matthew Lau.



Graphic: Feby Plando; Photos: Various/Supplied



The Record Magazine seeks to promote awareness and understanding of vocation – God’s particular call to each of us to live and become what we were created


to be. There are many such vocations – marriage and family life, priesthood,


religious life or being single – with the first and universal vocation being to

Jamie O’Brien

holiness, as described by the Fathers of the Church in Lumen Gentium. COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER


Matthew Lau

The Record Magazine is published bi-monthly. Views expressed in published articles are not necessarily those of the publisher or Editor. The Editor may refuse copy or material, including advertisements,


for publication. Inclusion of an advertisement in The Record Magazine does

Michelle Tan

not reflect endorsement or responsibility from the publisher or Editor. DIGITAL PRODUCER


Max Hoh

The Record Magazine is a member of the

ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS We welcome unsolicited articles and photos;

Australasian Catholic Press Association

however, we do not guarantee replies to

and Australasian Religious Press

unsuccessful submissions. Please send all


information to:


CONTACT Archdiocese of Perth Communications Office

Eric Martin

Phone 08 9220 5900

Email Address 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA

Theresia Titus

Postal Address PO Box 3075, Perth WA 6832



The issue may contain images of deceased

members of the Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander community. Images are

used with respect and appreciation.

ADMINISTR ATION Bibiana Kwaramba

© 2020 The Record.


A rchdiocese


P ert h

Copyright 2020. No part of The Record Magazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from the publisher. The Record Magazine liability in the event of an error is limited to a printed correction. Proudly printed in Australia by Scott Print. This publication is printed using vegetable inks, is ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) and has ISO approval for international environmental certification.



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