The Record Magazine Issue 37 (October 2022)

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PLENARY COUNCIL Concluding Statement PAGE 10 ANNIVERSARY Applecross Parish 70th PAGE 18 EDUCATION Principal of the Year PAGE 24 Official magazine for the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth ISSUE 37 OCTOBER 2022 100005051APPROVEDPOSTPRINTFREE

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Michelle Tan


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Our mission is to provide news, features and perspectives for the Catholic community of the Archdiocese of Perth and Western Australia. We work to support Catholics to engage in the message of the Gospel and our coverage seeks to reflect the needs and interests of the Church – local, national and international – in a complete and authentic manner, reflecting always the voice of Christ in His universal Church.

Jamie O’Brien

Bibiana Kwaramba

PUBLISHED BY THE A rchdiocese of P erth

From Bishop Don Sproxton 08


Applecross Parish 70th Anniversary

IN THIS PromotingEDITIONCatholic

Pastoral Letter on the Fifth Plenary Council

— Mark 16:18

ISSUE 37 OCTOBER 2022 3 14



Activity Page 29

Obituary: Fr Maurice Toop 26


Recipe Spicy Prawn Tacos 28

Education - UNDA 16


Plenary Council Concluding Statement

A Statement on the Queen’s Death

2022 Mandorla Art Award 20

An Interview with Cardinal Souraphiel

Principal of the Year: Michael O’Dwyer 24

Colouring Page 30

Our thanks to our sponsor, The University of Notre Dame Australia for their ongoing support. This issue features Archbishop Costelloe’s Plenary Council Pastoral Letter, published 27 July, as well as the Concluding Statement. We have a special report on Ethiopian Cardinal Berhaneyesus Souraphiel, who shares how lives are being changed in Ethiopia through the Catholic Church and the support of Catholics in Australia. We feature the story of Applecross Parish’s 70th anniversary, as well as the 2022 Mandorla Art Award. In our report of the 2022 Social Justice Statement, Respect: Confronting Violence and Abuse, Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton echoes the words of Pope Francis. We also congratulate Waroona Principal Michael O’Dwyer, who was named as one of the nation’s top educators, winning an award as the non-government Primary School Principal of the Year. And finally, we celebrate the life of Perth priest Fr Maurce Toop, who will be remembered fondly for his dedication to serving our indigenous brothers and sisters, following his passing on 13 August 2022. Don’t forget that these and many more stories are available at

“They will pick up snakes in their hands and be unharmed should they drink deadly poison; they will lay their hands on the sick who will recover. ”

4 - 7 10

2022 Social Justice Statement 22

Welcome to Issue 37 of The Record Magazine.


It is a call, he explains, to walk together, listening carefully to each other as members of God’s holy people, so that through our journeying together, our talking to each other, and our deep, respectful and humble listening to each other we might begin to discover more clearly what God is asking of his Church at this time. In the end, of course, as members of God’s holy Church we must have only one aim: to live fully and faithfully our vocation as disciples of Jesus.

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,


In coming together in Sydney, the Members of the Plenary Council were living out in practice the way of being the Lord’s Church in our land which Pope Francis assures us is the call of God to the whole Church at this moment in our history. The Pope sums up this call in one word: synodality

the years of preparation for the Council: there is a burning desire in the hearts of many Catholics for the Church to be renewed so that it can be in reality what it is called to be by vocation: a living, faithful and effective sign of the ongoing presence of Christ in the world. The strength and urgency of that desire is a recognition of the reality that there is a real and distressing gap between where we are and where God is calling us to be. The awareness of the suffering inflicted on those who have been victims and are survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy, religious and laity, has been ever present in the four years of preparation for the Plenary Council. So, too, has been the often condemnatory way in which those whose lives do not always live up to the high ideals of our Catholic faith have been treated. These are just two of the many ways in which people who have sought to engage with the Church have not been able to recognise the face of Christ in his ministers and in his people.

The experience of the Second Assembly of the Plenary Council mirrored the wider experience of

The second and final assembly of the Fifth Plenary Council of the Catholic Church in Australia has concluded. After a long and intense journey of over four years the members of the Plenary Council, lay women and men, religious sisters, brothers and priests, diocesan clergy and all of Australia’s active bishops (as well as four retired bishops), met together in Sydney to formulate the response of the Catholic Church in Australia to a very important and fundamental question: what is God asking of us in Australia at this time?

Pastoral Letter on the Fifth Plenary Council of the Catholic Church in Australia

Equally, both in the two formal assemblies of the Plenary Council (the first assembly was held online last year due to the Covid pandemic), and in the many years of preparation for these two assemblies, there has been a recognition that, in spite of the many failures and limitations of individual Catholics and of Catholic communities, the Church remains a powerful force for good in our society. This is true in a number of ways. From an institutional point of view the Catholic Church in Australia, including here


In the midst of the many challenges facing us at the moment - the ongoing Covid pandemic, the cost-ofliving pressures, the inevitable challenges of family life, the rapid pace of change and the growing gap between the values of our faith and the values of the society in which we live - many Catholics live lives of quiet heroism, fidelity, compassion and forgiveness. So, too, do our deacons and priests who continue, often in the face of the incomprehension of our society, to put their lives at the service of their brothers and sisters in the faith. They are witnesses to the power of the gospel to capture and transform

Both the lights and shadows of Catholic life in Australia were recognised by the Plenary Council. The decisions taken by the Council, which will be referred to Pope Francis for his reflection, guidance and, as appropriate, confirmation, will guide us as we now move forward. Here in the Archdiocese of Perth we will convene a Diocesan Synod to consider how best, in our particular context, to implement the decisions of the Council, once they have received the Pope’s formal approval. While it may be some time before the Pope returns to us with his decisions and recommendations, we can already begin to reflect together on the provisional outcomes of the Plenary SomeCouncil.are

people’s lives, as are the religious sisters, brothers and priests who, in spite of declining numbers, remain faithful to their vocation. And, of course, in our contemporary Church they are joined by so many lay women and men who work in the service of the Church and of God’s people.

quite specific and, as they touch on matters which concern the teaching and discipline of the world-wide Catholic Church, have rightly been referred to the Holy See for advice. These include the possibility or otherwise of the Church admitting women to the ministry of deacon and the possibility of a wider use of the Third Rite of Reconciliation. These are, in a sense, the most contentious of the outcomes of the Plenary Council.

in WA, continues to be engaged in the work of the education of the young, in the provision of healthcare in our Catholic hospitals, in the care of the elderly in our many aged-care facilities, and in our outreach to those in our society who are disadvantaged or marginalised. In a less spectacular but no less important way the gospel is being lived out in the faith-filled lives of so many people in our parishes and in other Catholic faith communities. I am personally privileged to see this very clearly, for example, when all those adults who seek to be baptised or received into full communion with the Catholic Church gather together in the Cathedral during Lent each year to be welcomed by the community, represented by the bishop. More often than not it is personal encounters with faith-filled Catholics which has led people to recognise a call from God to enter into the community of the Church.

Other vital issues for the life of the Church were considered during the Final Assembly of the Plenary Council. These issues are grouped under the following headings:

• Called by Christ – Sent Forth as Mission Disciples;

• Reconciliation - Healing Wounds, Receiving Gifts;

Because both of these matters touch upon the nature of the sacraments, specifically the Sacrament of Orders, the Eucharist, and the Sacrament of Penance, and therefore concern the whole Church and not just the Church in Australia, it is appropriate that we await the final decision of the Holy See. Pope Francis often reminds us that an essential part of synodality is listening to the Bishop of Rome. Communion with the Pope is an essential part of our Catholic identity. For my part I certainly intend to receive his decisions with openness and trust and implement them faithfully.

• Communion in Grace – Sacrament to the World;

• Choosing Repentance – Seeking Healing;

• The Decrees of the Fourth Plenary Council of (TheAustralia.drafttext of these decrees can be accessed at

the following link:

• At the Service of Communion, Participation and Mission – Governance;

• Witnessing to the Equal Dignity of Woman and Men;

• Formation and Leadership for Mission and Ministry;


Once these decrees receive final approbation from the Holy See, they will represent the pathways along which we, as the Church in Australia, will be called to Onewalk.of the major legacies of the Plenary Council will be the process used to engage the whole Church in the prayerful preparations for the two assemblies. It was a process which focused on a readiness to listen carefully and openly to each other as sisters and brothers in the Church and, in that listening, seek to identify the voice of the Holy Spirit calling us forward. More than a call to ascertain the majority view, it was and is a call to read the signs of the times in the light of the gospel. In such an approach the fundamental criterion for decision becomes the harmony (or otherwise) between my own, or our own, desires or preferences and the will of God as expressed in the Scriptures as they are lived and believed in within the Catholic community of faith. It would be my sincere hope that this approach to decision-making might become the daily fare of all Catholic parishes, agencies, institutions and organs of leadership and governance in the Archdiocese of Perth. This will take time and will require both patience and humility as we learn to let go of some of our cherished positions in order to open ourselves to the often surprising leadings of the Holy Spirit. But it is, as Pope Francis assures us, the invitation of the Lord to his Church at this time in our

much more to say about the Plenary Council and the possibilities it opens up for us here in our Archdiocese. It will take time for the Pope to receive and reflect on the decisions we have taken and to

• Integral Ecology and Conversion for the Sake of Our Common Home;

• The Implementation Phase of the Fifth Plenary Council;

return to us with his observations, reflections and decisions. We await his response with the trust, respect and openness which should be a mark of every Catholic faith community.

+Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB ARCHBISHOP OF PERTH

In speaking of the response of the archdiocese I want to publicly acknowledge the Members of the Plenary Council who were drawn from our Catholic family here in Perth. To the lay women and men, the religious and the clergy who committed themselves to the long and demanding responsibility of Membership of the Council I want to express both my gratitude and my admiration. Every one of you made a significant contribution to this historic event and the whole archdiocese, and indeed the wider Church in Australia, is indebted to you. I also want to thank our local parish coordinators who, animated by Tony Giglia, enabled so many of our people to actively engage in the preparatory phase of the Council. Speaking more personally I want to thank in a particular way the staff

in the Office of the Archbishop who supported me so well throughout this journey, Sr Kerry Willison RSM (Director, Centre for Liturgy), Diana Alteri (CEWA) and the staff in our Centre for Liturgy who also played a significant role, especially in the First Assembly. And lastly, and most importantly, I want to acknowledge the wonderful support of Catholic Education WA. Without the leadership of Dr Debra Sayce, Executive Director of Catholic Education WA, and the commitment and expertise of the IT department of CEWA, I don’t believe the two assemblies, which relied so heavily on technology, could have succeeded. In my homily at the closing Mass of the Second Assembly of the Plenary Council, celebrated in St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney, I finished with what I hope was an encouraging thought. I offer it to you all now as we look to the future, not relying on ourselves, or at least not only and primarily on ourselves, but on the presence of the Holy Spirit. May God who has begun the good work in us bring it to fulfillment. And so we end as we began, invoking the Holy Spirit in both gratitude and hope. What we have called the celebratory phase of our Plenary Council concludes with this Mass. The implementation phase will now make new demands upon us. We will have as much need of the Holy Spirit in moving forward as we have had up until now. Perhaps, in this Cathedral dedicated to Mary as the Help of Christians, we might dare to believe that the words the angel Gabriel spoke to her are words which are spoken to us today: “the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow …. and Mary said, ‘Behold I am the servant of the Lord. Let what you have said be done to me’” (Lk 1:35-36).


I have appointed Mr Tony Giglia, who coordinated the engagement of our archdiocese with the Plenary Council preparations, to spearhead our response to the Plenary Council. One of his main tasks will be to begin remote preparations for the Diocesan Synod which will follow the formal approval of the Plenary Council’s decisions. I invite you all, and in a particular way those who are actively involved in the life of the Church, to cooperate with Tony as our local programmes unfold. The Archdiocese of Perth was recognized across Australia as a very active and engaged partner in the four years of preparation for the Council. It is important that we be equally committed as we move to the challenge of implementing the final outcomes of the Council.


For most of the couples, this is something of a surprise and they realise it is what makes marriage special in the Church. They see how powerful is the sign of taking each other’s hands at the beginning of their marriage. It is the creation of a bond that with the help of the Holy Spirit can be strong all the days of their lives. They take each other’s hand in the deepest possible way from that day forward as partners in their shared journey together. Their touch is reassuring as it is Istrengthening.oftensharea story with the couples of an experience I had a few years ago.

Others are celebrating the decades of marriage that to them are marvellous testimony of the powerful presence of the Spirit who they continue to rely upon for guidance, wisdom and strength.

Later we review the Rite of Marriage. It is then that we discuss the very important difference of their Sacrament from all the others. In marriage, the deacon, priest or bishop assists and blesses the couple, but it is the couple who minister the Sacrament to one another. They are the ministers of their Sacrament. When they take each other’s hands, this is the laying on of hands that occurs in all the Sacraments, and while saying the words of their marriage vow, with the Holy Spirit, they are creating their marriage.

How many years had it been since they took one another’s hands and created their Sacrament of Marriage? How much had they seen, rejoiced in, suffered together, grown through down those years? How much had they grown humanly, and spiritually; learned and changed to become the best they could be in partnership with a soulmate?

To me it was significant, that is, it was a sign of grace. A sign that the Spirit that had brought them together had remained with them over the course of so many years and supported them, steadied them, enabled them to be there for one another and was still making them glad to be together.

You are signs of grace.

This was the sign of grace that they offered to me in that fleeting but indelible moment. It is the celebration of Marriage Day that provides us will this occasion to recognise and honour the couples from around the Archdiocese who join us in the Mass to give thanks for their marriages. A few are celebrating seventy years of marriage.


One part of my ministry that I have enjoyed so much has been the preparation of couples for marriage. Meeting the mostly young people and hearing about their lives so far, their dreams and hopes as they look ahead as couples, and of their love for one another is always a joy.

I was driving into the office one morning, and was waiting at the traffic lights approaching the Causeway in Victoria Park. There was quite a line

Our discussions explore the basics of a Christian marriage and the very large part communication plays in relationships. We look at the three questions that they will answer on the day of their wedding.

You are great signs to your families, friends and fellow Christians of the possibility of love and unity.

They were a very elderly couple, and they were shuffling along rather than striding out. But what had caught our attention was that they were walking hand in hand, making slow but steady progress, as they chatted. It was beautiful. They held one another, supported one another, steadied one another, were there for one another and enjoying each other.

Annual Marriage Day Mass 2022

+Bishop Donald Sproxton AUXILARY BISHOP OF PERTH

One of the questions is, Will you love and honour your partner for the rest of your life?

of cars around me waiting for the lights to change. Then I noticed that the other drivers were all looking over to the left at a couple walking along the pathway towards the bridge.

“The Holy Spirit has been both comforter and disrupter.”

that while some moments during the week had been “calm and harmonious”, others were “tense and difficult”, the statement also said “every moment has been blessed; the entire week has been grace-filled, though never a cheap grace”.

The details of the voting and final motions have been published online at PlenarymotionOnau/motions-and-voting/,MembersapprovedaabouttheimplementationphaseoftheCouncil.

“They will re-shape our engagement with the world, our evangelising mission and our works of service in a rapidly changing environment.

Fifth Plenary Council of Australia Closes following four year journey of discernment

The statement agreed with Pope Francis’ assessment that synodality is “an easy concept to put into words, but not so easy to put into practice”.

After a dramatic day on Wednesday, when a pair of motions did not pass, Council Members commenced “new patterns of listening and dialogue, which are nascent but real”.


“Embedding these practices of listening and discernment will continue to be essential dimensions of the implementation of this Plenary Council,” the statement said.

On Saturday morning 9 July, Council Members confirmed the decrees of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia, which were then signed by all bishops present. After the November meeting of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, the decrees will be sent to the Holy See.

Almost four-and-a-half years after preparations for the Council began, Members met for a final session to bring to a conclusion the Second General Assembly, held across six days in Sydney, 2 to 9 July 2022.

Once recognitio is received by the Holy See, the decrees will be implemented and become the law of the Church in Australian six months later.

In addition to celebrating the final Mass on Saturday morning, 9 July, Members also approved a Concluding Statement signed by all Members of the Assembly, reflecting on the discernment that took place over those days.

The Statement said the Council had been an “expression of the synodality that Pope Francis has identified as a key dimension of the Church’s life in the third “Synodalitymillennium”.istheway of being a pilgrim Church, a Church that journeys together and listens together, so that we might more faithfully act together in responding to our God-given vocation and mission,” it Acknowledgingsaid.

“The work has only begun.”

The nine-month celebration phase of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia ended on Saturday 9 July, with Council Members standing and applauding as President, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB formally declaring the Council closed.

The agenda and motions of the second assembly drew together the four years of the fruits of prayer, listening, dialogue and discernment which have been the marks of this long Plenary journey. Since the Council was convoked, the fortunes of the world, the patterns of Church life, and the rhythms of daily life have been disrupted by pandemic, natural disasters and war. In turn, these unforeseen events have affected the course of this Council. Despite these obstacles, the Council has met, engaged in prayerful communal discernment, spirited and creative discussion, and adopted concrete outcomes which are sure signs of the Holy Spirit’s work.

millennium. Synodality is the way of being a pilgrim Church, a Church that journeys together and listens together, so that we might more faithfully act together in responding to our God-given vocation and mission.

Concluding Statement – A Final Word from the Second Assembly

ISSUE 37 OCTOBER 2022 11

This process has been an expression of the synodality that Pope Francis has identified as a key dimension of the Church’s life in the third

The steps outlined include the establishment of terms of review for implementation by the Bishops Commission for the Plenary Council, the publication of interim reports in 2023 and 2025, and the publication of a final review report in 2027.

As Pope Francis has noted, and as we have experienced, synodality is “an easy concept to put into words, but not so easy to put into practice”. Embedding these practices of listening and discernment will continue to be essential dimensions of the implementation of this Plenary Council. They will re-shape our engagement with the world, our evangelising mission and our works of service in a rapidly changing environment. The work has only begun. Some moments of this second assembly have been calm and harmonious, others tense and difficult. But every moment has been blessed; the entire week has been grace-filled, though never a cheap grace. The Holy Spirit has been both comforter and disrupter. Throughout the assembly, diverse views and approaches were named, occasionally appearing to be irreconcilable. At a pivotal juncture in the assembly, some of these differences helped move the Council from having a process to beingin process; from following an agenda to following the Holy Spirit into the unknown. Not only did this moment overturn the timetable and the order of proceedings; it also meant that we had to address strongly felt emotions. The days that followed

Gathered by God, and called together by the Church in the name of Christ Jesus, the members of the Plenary Council have sought to be faithful to their commission to listen to and hear “what the Spirit is saying to the churches” (Rev 3:22).

We reflected upon our baptismal call to missionary discipleship and the ways in which we might strengthen our personal and communal response. We focused upon the diverse gifts and common dignity of women and men and reaffirmed the Church’s commitment to recognising and fostering the participation of women in all the avenues of ministry and leadership open to the lay faithful. We considered our baptismal invitation to receive and to live the gift of the Trinitarian life of grace, and how we might enrich and deepen our sacramental life, which both draws us from the world and leads us back. We sought to discover new and creative ways to form our communities and their leaders in ministry and for mission. We committed the Church in Australia to greater participation of all the laity,

women and men, in our governance processes and leadership structures. We acknowledged the urgent need to make commitments to care for our common home and to be open to the integral and ecological conversion required to work with God who makes all things new (Rev 21:5). Lingering smoke from an Indigenous tarnuk (wooden dish) and constantly falling rain, ancient signs of cleansing and new life, greeted members of this second assembly. We now go forth no longer considering statutes or regulations but our common life of grace. We remain committed not by decree or declaration, but by the power of the Spirit who gives inspiration and creativity to our Christian vocation. We go forth acutely aware of the challenges ahead but renewed and encouraged by the promise of God’s word, the wisdom of our tradition and the faithful companionship of all our sisters and Webrothers.carry

established new patterns of listening and dialogue, which are nascent but real. We trust that the God who overturned our smooth predictabilities and led us into new territory will continue to open up the pathway before us.

Framed by silent prayer and the rituals of the liturgy, the assembly traversed many topics, both formally and informally, gathered around the tomb of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, in the hall, in the Cathedral, and in other gathering spaces. We sprinkled ash to express our deep lament and our commitment to justice and healing, as we acknowledged the trauma of those abused in the Church. We sought forgiveness for the wounds inflicted by European settlement and said “sorry to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in and beyond the Church” for the trauma they still suffer. Calling upon Christ the healer, and drawing on the words of Pope St. John Paul II, the assembly recognised that we will not be “‘fully the Church that Jesus wants’ us to be until Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have made their contribution to the life of the Church” and until their contribution is joyfully received. We affirmed overwhelmingly the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the calls for bipartisan constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians.

forth into the world the seeds of fresh possibilities, sown in a hidden yet abundant way by the great Sower of everything, who makes these seeds flourish in unexpected places for the sake of the Kingdom (Matt. 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, Luke 8:4-15). We bear a rich heritage: the many ways in which the Catholic community has enhanced life in Australia through its care for the sick and marginalised, its commitment to education, and its advocacy for social justice, especially the needs of refugees and asylum seekers. We commit ourselves to seek and serve the human flourishing of all Australians, and to care for Earth, our common home, by cherishing, preserving, and healing the Weland.have

seen God at work in these days, comforting and disrupting in order to lead his people into a future of God’s making. This has been a time of grace, and for that we give humble thanks. May God who has begun the good work in us bring it to fulfilment (cf. Phil 1:6).


ISSUE 37 OCTOBER 2022 13

As the Queen enters into the great mystery of eternal life with the Lord, we will pray for the repose of her soul and for the support and comfort of her family, her nation and the wider community of the Commonwealth.

The death of Queen Elizabeth II, after a long reign marked by extraordinary constancy, fidelity, courage and service, will bring great sadness to many people in Australia, including members of the Catholic community.


Queen Elizabeth was never reticent about acknowledging her Christian faith. Her annual Christmas message invariably focused on Jesus Christ as a model of humble and generous service. It was a model she strived to emulate throughout her long life. May she rest in peace.


I also enjoyed the animals of Australia. I carried a koala, but he was a little bit sleepy. Probably because he ate too much eucalyptus, you know, but he was peaceful. He did not start a fight. When I went to the zoo, I saw the devil – the Tasmanian devil and he was dangerous. Only Australians know how to live with this Tasmanian devil. I also saw the kangaroo and the emu. And then I think that maybe Australians also want to compete with God the Creator, because here in Australia, you have the platypus - mouth like a duck, feet different, lays eggs but then the mama breastfeeds the baby! These are God’s creatures only found in Australia. So, Australia is a blessed country, and we should thank the Lord for God’s blessings.

What has been most memorable about your visit to Australia?



I have really enjoyed my time in Australia, and especially my interactions with the Australian people. One thing I liked is when I say to them “thank you”, they don’t say welcome. No, they say no worries. If there are no worries on this continent, it is because of God’s blessing. You have peaceful elections, you have peaceful people, you work and travel peacefully and you have many opportunities in education to train yourself.

WORDS Michelle Tan


Archbishop of Addis Ababa, Cardinal Berhaneyesus Souraphiel CM recently visited different cities across Australia as a guest of Catholic Mission. In an interview with The Record, he reflected on his trip which allowed him to meet with people and organisations that were supporting initiatives and making a difference in the lives of Ethiopians.

You have mentioned through your different presentations that education is very important. How do you see education helping poverty?

ISSUE 37 OCTOBER 2022 15

Education is very important, especially in Ethiopia. We have a population of more than 117 million people, and the Catholic Church is a minority. We only make up two percent, compared to the majority of Orthodox Christians and Muslims. But we are a very influential minority because of our social activities, which are mainly education, health, and social work. We provide these to everyone, not just Catholics. We operate more than 430 schools in the country, and we bring modern education into rural communities. And that is why society at large, and also the government, appreciate the work of the Catholic Church. We want education to be available to all, the rich, the poor, and the middle class. Through education, we can keep social cohesion and give the opportunity for intra-education among the students and staff members. With the assistance of those who give to Catholic Mission, we offer scholarships, and we are grateful for that. The parents and the children themselves are also very grateful for that. We also educate poorer families through Community Farm Projects by giving families one or two goats. We then teach them to get milk, make goat cheese and generate income. These are some ways that education can bring people out of poverty.

How is the Catholic Church working to deliver peace and stability in the region? We may be a small church, but we are part of the inter-religious council of Ethiopia. When we sit with the bigger groups like the Ethiopian Orthodox, Muslims and Protestants, we are not seen as a danger to them, because of how small we are. We try and work as bridge-makers between the groups for peaceful coexistence. This inter-religious council brings all religions together around the table and gives us the opportunity to know each other, hear each other, and start the dialogue.

What are some examples of humanitarian efforts of the Catholic Church in Ethiopia? Through people’s donation to Caritas, we are bringing assistance to places of war and conflict, mostly in northern and western Ethiopia, as well as the drought-affected areas in the South. We also receive a lot of displaced people and help them to rebuild their houses and villages that have been destroyed. Another big project we are involved in is to help women who have been serving as domestic workers abroad and are deported back to Ethiopia. Just last month, we had more than 100,000 returnees from the Arab world. When they return, the Church receives them and provides them with training. This gives them hope so that they will not be ashamed of their past lives, and this brings change as they learn new skills or improve their previous skills.

How else can Catholics in Australia help Ethiopia?

Pray for us and learn the history of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a very old country now that Ethiopia is growing economically again, we have many educated people, many possibilities and, opportunities for this country to grow and also to be at peace with all its neighbours.


in 2011. Catholic education in Australia is a good offered to all. Catholic schools are not just motivated by the latest key performance indicator, fad or gimmick. Rather, the approach stems from centuries of wisdom and insight about the human person, and their dignity as being made in the image and likeness of God, and underpinned within a Christian anthropology.

ISSUE 37 OCTOBER 2022 17

“A fundamental aspect of humans is that we want to know things.

Catholic education could be summed up as expanding each person’s capacity for love, so that we develop the whole person, nurturing body, mind and Popespirit.Emeritus

Another fundamental aspect is that we all seek the good, confused as we may be about what the good really is.

In my experience Catholic schools stopped a bad situation from becoming much worse. They held a line. They adhered to the Christian message and didn’t let it succumb to the power of alternative messages which can often whip one up in the emotion of the moment. The view on the human person and a Christ centred anthropology was not just an academic perspective, it was real, it was lived, and it held.”

I will cover three dimensions as to why choose a Catholic school or education; the philosophical, the practical and, perhaps the most difficult for someone trained as a diplomat, the personal or the pastoral. I have chosen that order because although the philosophical and the practical maybe more academic, the personal cannot be explained or understood without them.

And another fundamental aspect of humans is that we deliberate about the choices in front of us, then we choose and act. So to put my talk in those basic human terms, the questions I want to invite you to deliberate about are: what is good about Catholic education? Why choose a Catholic school or university?

Benedict XVI, during his State Visit to the United Kingdom in 2010, when he visited St. Mary’s University, said the fundamental purpose of a Catholic education is ‘about forming the human person, equipping him or her to live life to the full –in short it is about imparting wisdom’. And Catholic schools should never lose sight of that bigger picture. That bigger picture was characterised as something bigger than the individual subjects studied or skills acquired. It was putting all the work undertaken in the context of growing in friendship with God, and all that flows from that friendship. It was not just to learn to be good students, but good citizens, good people. Now, my second point, the practical. The picture here in Australia is impressive. If you want inclusiveness, look at Catholic education. 38 per cent of Catholic schools are in rural or remote regions. 41 per cent of Catholic school students are funded for socio-educational disadvantage. 20% of students have disabilities. Australia’s indigenous population comprises 3.3 per cent of the national Intotal.2021, 3.4 per cent of students in Catholic schools were indigenous, up from 2.4 per cent

The philosophy of education that characteristics a Catholic school, kept my own society open to the world, even in the darkest days of the conflict, it reminded us bravely of something beyond the immediate. It stood for the vision of the human person in a broader Christian anthropology in the face of violence and adversity, and it articulated a clear view on the sanctity of human life irrespective of the audience or the circumstance. That made a lifelong impression on me.

The following is an extract of an address delivered by Vice Chancellor of the University of Notre Dame Australia, Professor Francis Campbell, on 17 May 2022, as part of the ‘Scholarship at the Cathedral’ lecture series held at St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney.

Catholic education asks people to think beyond themselves, to communicate cross-generationally and to understand the plight of those less welloff materially and socially, and to underpin that with a belief in something greater than self. That wider community context, which the Catholic school engages with beyond its gates, means that the student is being developed for their active engagement in the wider society.

For my part, that philosophy of education, which I opened with, the practical that I addressed, all flowed into the personal reality of growing up in a space where the relationship between state and society was not settled, indeed it still isn’tNorthern Ireland.

I went to schools on the border between Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland. I look back on that time and recall the many around me who were prevented from political radicalization because of their education in Catholic schools. In those schools daily, we were challenged to think morally and to act courageously and the Church never flinched from its transmission of a strong moral code regarding its teaching on human life and dignity. That message was delivered within the community to those who engaged in violence, including the state and its agencies (a state that I later went on to serve and represent).


Former Parish priests, Vicar General Fr Peter Whitely VG (2003 -2013), St Charles Seminary Rector, Fr Phillip Fleay (2013-2016), CEWA Religious Education Director, current resident priest Father John Paul Maiko, as well as former St Benedict’s School Principal, Deacon Mark Powell were also present for the occasion. The richness of the diverse and multi-cultural nature of the parish community was demonstrated in the displays of historical artifacts, photographs and expressed in the prayers of the faithful delivered in different languages.

“That has been the vocation of St Benedict’s for the last 70 years. And an anniversary like today is a perfect opportunity to recommit to this vocation and to ask yourselves as a parish community, how can we even better than we are already, be a community that heals the broken wounds of others? How can our Church be the place where people can come and find that they leave, not with hardened hearts, but with warmed-up hearts, because they’ve encountered the Lord in this community of His “Letdisciples?”uslook

back with gratitude to the ways in which this has been achieved over so many years and look forward with hope to discovering even more ways in which you can be this community of disciples that the Lord is calling you to be.”

In his homily to an overflowing church, Archbishop Costelloe reflected on the gift of the parish and invited parishioners to “look back with gratitude, and to look around us and particularly to look forward with hope, not so much in ourselves, certainly that but much more basically, in God and God’s presence with us.”

First, heal the wounds. And if you want to heal the wounds, you’ll have to warm people’s hearts. This is our mission today.”

ISSUE 37 OCTOBER 2022 19

“We’re all equally called to be at the service of the Lord and His people and the world in which we live. There is no special group in the church, that is the doers, while the rest of us are sitting back being the “Howreceivers.”can you as the parish of Applecross, reach out to all those people who are part of your lives, who just don’t know the Lord, and haven’t been let into the secret of how wonderful it is to belong to the people of God, and know the Lord His love for us?”

Reflecting on the journey of the Plenary Council, Archbishop Costelloe shared that “We’re beginning to understand more deeply that the mission of the Church and the responsibility rests in the hands of all of us, not just the bishops because we’re all baptised.”

Archbishop Costelloe also shared that it is important to question: “What does God want at this present moment?” We may sometimes be preoccupied by what we want and while “More often than not, it’s quite likely that what we want and what God wants, could well be the same thing. But to presume that that’s the case, without asking the question and delving into the question would be a big mistake.”

At the conclusion of the Mass, Fr Nelson presented special plaques to the family members of foundation Parish Priest, Fr Albert Lynch, as well as the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions who first established the St Benedict’s School.

St Benedict’s Church in Applecross celebrated its 70th anniversary with a week of festivities featuring special masses, morning teas, and a cocktail evening. The final celebratory Mass at 9.30am on 31 July was celebrated by Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, alongside Father Nelson Po who has been the Parish Priest since 2016.

The St Benedict’s choir and music ministry were also joined by Aquinas College Schola Cantorum with director Hugh Lydon. The choir was present in acknowledgment of their connections with the parish through choir scholarships. This collaboration was further testimony of the parish’s influence on the wider community.

“I think Pope Francis summed all of this up beautifully that the Church is like a field hospital, in the middle of a battle. When a wounded soldier is carried into the field hospital, the doctors and the nurses begin by healing his wounds and everything else comecanlater.

WA artist takes home major prize



Western Australia artist Claire Beausein was this year’s winner of the $25,000 major St John of God Health Care prize for the 2022 Mandorla Art Award, submitting a piece created from wild silkworm cocoons, stitched together with silk thread and presented on cotton rag paper. Photo: Supplied.

This year, of 275 submissions, 41 artists from across Australia and WA were selected to exhibit.

The $25,000 major St John of God Health Care prize was won by Claire Beausein from Western Australia with Chalice, which was created from wild silkworm cocoons, stitched together with silk thread and presented on cotton rag paper.

This year the selection panel included ECU Honorary Professor Ted Snell, artist Susanna Castleden and Notre Dame University theologian Associate Professor Glenn Morison.

Judges of the award are John Curtin Gallery Director Chris Malcolm, artist Erin Coates and theologian Rev Ros MandorlaFairless.Chairperson

All artists submitting addressed the 2022 theme of Metamorphosis, with a biblical reference to Isaiah 43:19 – “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”

Being selected to exhibit in this prestigious prize is highly sought after by artists and winning the major prize can be life changing.

Angela McCarthy says the chosen finalists are an outstanding group of Australian artists and their interpretation of our theme shows their diversity and expertise. “It is exciting to see how the theme of ‘Metamorphosis’ referenced from the prophet Isaiah, has been presented to us in such a challenging way,” Dr McCarthy said. Curator Lyn Di Ciero says the Award continues a long association between art and religion.

“The very emergence of Western art can be attributed to religious artworks, created to convey stories from the Bible when the majority of people were illiterate. “In 2022, the continuation of this association elevates reflections on modern life in contemporary ways, with artists using an array of mediums.

This year a diverse range of mediums include uranium glass, wild silkworm cocoons, human hair gifted from around the world, ash, earth, seeds, copper, gold thread, survey pickets, 3D scans, video and timber, as well as more traditional mediums such as oil, acrylic and “Togetherprintmaking.withboth traditional and unusual mediums, and artists’ considered reflections on the theme, the 2022 Mandorla Art Award is an exciting and memorable exhibition.”

The Award has attracted some of the nation’s finest artists since it was first established in 1985.

ISSUE 37 OCTOBER 2022 21

The rare artwork included museum insect pins, traditionally used to display moths.

Australia’s most significant thematic Christian art prize has been announced at Holmes à Court Gallery in West Perth.

The work will become part of the Mandorla Collection, held in perpetuity at New Norcia Museum and Art Gallery and displayed in its Mandorla Gallery. The Award is administered by the Mandorla Centre for Inner Peace Inc. steered by a volunteer committee and curator.


Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton has echoed the words of Pope Francis’ in relation to domestic violence, following the launch of the 2022 Social Justice statement. The 2022 statement, which was published ahead of Social Justice Sunday, 28 August, draws on data around family and domestic violence and gathers the insights of people – especially women – on that data.

“He expresses deep empathy for persons

It also reflects on the words and example of TheJesus.Perth launch of the statement, held Tuesday 23 August, was conducted by Justice Ecology and Development Office Director Carol Mitchell, who emphasised that the statement acknowledges the more gendered and learned nature of intimate partner domestic violence as well as broader family violence and abuse.

Bishop Sproxton explained that Pope Francis’ 2016 exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, acknowledges that domestic violence exists in families in our Church and our parishes, and declares that it is not something to which society can turn a blind eye.

“That is, timely and culturally appropriate safety plans are needed, with the prioritising of the survivors’ safety as well as holding the perpetrators to account for their actions (such as through perpetrator behaviour change programs) as they are both critical,” she said.

“But notes that this needs to be a whole of community concern with corresponding effective action,” Mrs Mitchell said.

“He reiterates Canon 1153, saying that in cases where a spouse and children are experiencing violence and abuse, ‘separation becomes inevitable’ and even ‘morally necessary’ for their safety,” Bishop Sproxton explained.


He made the comment – some of the strongest language he has used to condemn such violence – during a programme broadcast on on Italy’s TG5 network in which he conversed with three women and a man, all with difficult backgrounds.

Speaking in December 2021, Pope Francis said that men who commit violence against women engage in something that is “almost satanic”.

Bishop Sproxton said Pope Francis’ comments are very true, highlighting that the loss of Christ in situations of domestic violence is a significant “Foroutcome.both the abuser and the victim, it becomes a very challenging situation to see Christ alive in the other person,” Bishop Sproxton said.

● JEDO Director Carol Mitchell, with from left Fr Kelvin Barrett, Acting Director Safeguarding Program Office, Barbara Blayney, Presentation Sisters Congregational Leader, Sr Lucy Van Kessel PBVM, MercyCare Multicultural Services, Samira Husic and JEDO Committee of Management member and MC, Peter Higgins. Photo: Michelle Tan.

The statement promotes programs and agencies that support those who suffer various forms of violence, but also highlights the importance of support for those who perpetrate such violence.

The statement and associated resources can be found at:

Younger women, women with disabilities, people in regional areas, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and members of the LGBTQI+ community were highlighted as particularly vulnerable to violence, various studies have found.

and likeness of God is acknowledged, or in which marriage is based on a relationship of love, mutuality and partnership”. “The respect due to each member of a family, household or community should reflect the respect and care shown for others by Christ,” the statement says.

Passages used to imply the inferiority of women or children “do not reflect a context in which the equal dignity of every human being created in the image

“It is important we never forget that we are made in the image and likeness of God, and our relationships with each other should always be marked with respect and freedom, rather than coercion and control,” he said.

The statement, citing the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, explains that family and domestic violence “affects people of all ages and from all backgrounds”, but notes it “predominantly affects women and children”.

He made the comment – some of the strongest language he has used to condemn such violence – during a programme broadcast on on Italy’s TG5 network in which he conversed with three women and a man, all with difficult backgrounds.

ISSUE 37 OCTOBER 2022 23

The statement concedes that in some contexts, Scripture has been used to explain or even justify instances of violence against women or children. It rejects such distortions.

in those situations, ‘who have been forced by maltreatment from a husband or wife to interrupt their life Speakingtogether.’inDecember 2021, Pope Francis said that men who commit violence against women engage in something that is “almost satanic”.

The document’s sections cover the importance of listening to women and children, the drivers and enablers of violence, supporting respectful relationships and the importance of respect, dignity and justice, as well as transformation and hope.

The statement also points out that “family and domestic violence is a painful and complex reality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities”.

“The number of women who are beaten and abused in their homes, even by their husbands, is very, very high,” he said in answer to a question by a woman named Giovanna, a victim of domestic violence.

Under Mr O’Dwyer’s leadership, the school has supported Catholic Education WA’s Transforming Lives initiative and seen a 600 per cent increase in the enrolment of Aboriginal students.

The school has introduced an Aboriginal scholarship and teaches the Noongar language.

Mr O’Dwyer was one of seven finalists in the Primary Principal of the Year – Non-Government category. The nomination cited a range of initiatives implemented over Mr O’Dwyer’s three-year principalship at St Joseph’s, including a hearty commitment to improve literacy by embedding evidence-based science of reading into the whole school community.

Waroona’s own Michael O’Dwyer has been named as one of the nation’s top educators after walking away with an award as the non-government Primary School Principal of the Year.


In addition, the school has implemented social programs including a food handling course for Year 6 students who contribute to the running of the canteen, a breakfast club two mornings a week; and the development of life skills through the generous donation of a washing machine and clothes dryer to help at-risk families.

Mr O’Dwyer was nominated by his peers for his dedicated leadership, approachable nature and progressive, forwardthinking initiatives for the Waroona school, 150km south of Perth, and its 170 enrolled students. The national awards span 28 categories, including the Australian School of the Year, Australian Principal of the Year, Best Professional Learning Program and Best Student Wellbeing Program.

The school has introduced daily reviews and tracking of student achievement using Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS), sharing the data with students and parents three times a year to show progress. “At the end of the day, it’s not (about) one person…We’re all there for the same reason – to improve outcomes for our students in the Waroona community.”


The award submission said Mr O’Dwyer was a worthy recipient who was “inspiring”.

“At the end of the day, it’s not (about) one person… We’re all there for the same reason – to improve outcomes for our students in the Waroona

ISSUE 37 OCTOBER 2022 25


function of a team,” he said. “The whole staff at St Joseph’s is united in what we have done over the course of the last two years. The nomination came from uniting the staff and driving an improvement agenda bringing everyone along for the journey.

“Michael creates a vibrant and optimistic workplace culture; staff want to work together in creating future directions for the school,” it stated.

“He is 100 per cent committed to the achievement of the school improvement goals…and displays a genuine commitment and dedication that is a constant motivator to his staff and students.”

is: ‘We’re just little old Waroona’ and I think the expectations are lower than what I think we could achieve. And that’s what the staff have unpacked. What we are doing is working.”

● Bottom: St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Principal Michael O’Dwyer with students and Staff. Photos: CEWA.

● Left: Michael O’Dwyer was one of seven finalists in the Primary Principal of the Year – Non-Government category

A modest winner, Mr O’Dwyer said he felt uncomfortable being singled out for the school’s achievements; and acknowledged the efforts of the entire school community from the dedicated staff to the students, parents and P&F.

“A school is not a function of one person, it’s the

One of the last remaining clergy of the 1944 group of entrants to St Charles Seminary, Perth priest Fr Maurice Toop will be remembered as a dedicated, hardworking and loyal priest, following his passing on 13 August 2022, aged 91.

In this special obituary written by Fr Toop himself prior to his passing, readers of The Record gain a special insight into his work ministering to Aboriginal people and the numerous parishes where he served.


● Fr Maurice Toop sitting at the Lounge of the Little Sisters of the Poor Glendalough Home. Photo: Michelle Tan.


They were happy years, although much of it under the dark cloud of the war.

After five years I was appointed assistant priest at Highgate under Bishop Rafferty, who asked me to concentrate my pastoral ministry on the many Italian families who were settling in Highgate and North Perth at the time.

Later the Sisters took on the care of elderly indigenous people who were living in squalid conditions on the Native Reserve and in the bush around the towns.

ISSUE 37 OCTOBER 2022 27

“I was born in Nedlands on 8 May 1931 and grew up in the Nedlands- Hollywood area with my brother Eris. Peter arrived to our great delight some years later.

My first assignment was to Northbridge, St Brigid’s Church, under the wise guidance of Monsignor Edmund Sullivan.

From 2000-2003, I also served as Episcopal Vicar for Clergy.

I was encouraged by the Gospel story of Jesus healing two men possessed by demons at the expense of a huge number of pigs. It was worth it all for those souls.

closely involved in this ministry with the Sisters, and I received permission from Archbishop Goody to engage in this ministry to the ‘fringe dwellers’ full time.

This was demanding, and a new and often dangerous challenge to the Sisters, with many of the people speaking little or no English, caring for the old meant caring for their whole families as Iwell.became

The parish was about 90 percent newly arrived Italian migrants. I loved it and I learnt so much from those courageous, hardworking and vivacious people.

trucks as well as chain saws. I incurred a large debt and had to leave this people, whom I loved dearly, several of them who had got back their sobriety through AA.

In 1979, I was appointed to Osborne Park Parish St Kieran’s Church, a great parish with a long Irish tradition and a large Italian population; I was very happy there. During this time, we built the new Church. In 1984, I was invited by then Bishop Hickey to the Diocese of Geraldton to engage in a ministry to indigenous people. This didn’t work out, and I then went on to supply in several parishes in the Murchison, Pilbara and in Laverton-Leonora region.

At the age of 13, I went to St Charles Seminary to complete my schooling, and having completed the Leaving Certificate, I continued the Seminary training for the priesthood.

After being called back to the Archdiocese, I spent four years in Northam. I had many good friends there. One of the parish activities was a weekly gathering with a happy group of Aboriginal families, which they called their ‘little church’. In this, as in many other parish ministries, I received invaluable support from Sister Kathleen Downes of the Sisters of St Joseph of the InApparition.1993,Iwas

appointed again to Highgate Parish Sacred Heart Church. This was providential as I was able to visit my mother more often; she died a year later. After five years, I requested to step down and remain in Highgate as an assistant priest, but the Archbishop asked me to go to Maylands Parissh Queen of Martyrs Church. I was delighted to go there, an old parish with one of Perth’s most beautiful churches and a loyal albeit small community.

At the age of 78 I retired because of illness, residing in Redcliffe. During this time, I was able to supply for priests on leave in many parishes in the Dioceses of Perth and Geraldton. After being diagnosed with cancer of the bone marrow I was very grateful to be accepted by the Little Sisters of the Poor.”

We attended St Therese’s school in Nedlands with the Loreto Sisters and were close to our much loved Parish Priest Monsignor Moss.

For a few years I lived between the “Round House” in town and at Grant’s Patch with a mixed group of men, women and children. We began cutting firewood to sell in town, as well as collecting gems stones for tourists. We got together a small fleet of ancient utes and small

In 1950, Bill Foley (later Archbishop) and I were sent to the Collegio Brignole Sale in Genova, Italy. We were ordained to the priesthood on 12 September 1954.

Five years later I was appointed to Boulder, and soon after to Kalgoorlie. The Little Sisters of the Poor arrived in 1968, initially to care for the many old miners and prospectors who lived in makeshift camps scattered in the bush.




• ¾ cup Greek Yoghurt • ¼ cup Oil • ¼ cup water • ½ cup Coriander Leaves • ½ cup Spring Onions • 2 cloves garlic • ½ teaspoon salt • Juice of 1 lemon TO SERVE • 8 small tortillas • Shredded Green Cabbage • Sliced Avocado • Sliced red onions • 500g prawns (peeled and deveined) • 1 Lemon (remove zest) • 3 garlic cloves (minced) • 2 tsp ground cumin • 1 tsp cayenne chili • 1 tsp onion powder • 1 tsp garlic powder • ¼ cup olive oil • Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Mix all ingredients for the Spicy Prawn Marinade and let it sit for 15 minutes.

5. To serve, place cabbage, avocado and red onions with prawns on the tortilla and top with some extra zesty taco sauce.

2. In a food processor, blend Taco Sauce ingredients well. Set aside half of the mixture.

4. In a large skillet, drizzle a little olive oil until hot and sauté prawns for 5-8 minutes until well cooked. Transfer the cooked prawns and keep it warm.


3. In a large bowl, toss the green cabbage with half of the mixture.

RECIPE BY Michelle Tan

24 “…I am sending you like lambs among ___.” (Lk 10:3)

34 Catholic Academy actressAward-winningHayward


32 Ethical conduct

23 Aquinas’ opus, for short

5 Prayer of repentance

10 The day of the Resurrection

15 Cardinal Dulles

24 What Jesus did on the water


2 ___ magna


17 “…___, holy, catholic and apostolic…”

8 Jesuit proposedwhothe “Big Bang Theory”

14 A member of the clergy

2 An Eastern rite Type of saint Diocese of Honolulu greeting

19 Describes the soul “____ in Deum Patrem omnipotentem…”

25 Catholic singing group, The ___ Sisters

27 Magdalene and the sister of Martha Novena number

11 Administer extreme unction


28 Saint who gave his name to an alphabet

12 False god of the Old Testament

20 “Have ___ on us”



16 “…and ___ our salvation, He came down from heaven.”

26 Medieval concept that was never an official teaching of the Church

16 He says there is no God (Ps 53:1)

22 ___ will

12 Papal letter signed by the Pope’s secretary and sealed with the Pope’s ring 13 Archdiocese in Nebraska

7 ___ Domini

31 NT book

9 Number of each animal Noah took in the ark

33 Catholic actor Wilson who did the voice Marmadukefor


18 Saint item

6 This kind of person stirs up strife (Ps 28:25)

29 City in Archdiocesethe of Westminster and the Diocese of Brentwood


22 “Though the just ___ seven times, they rise again” (Prov 24:16)

23 Our Lady of Prompt ___

1 Jazz musician and Catholic convert Brubeck

SaintAnnesHelper.comCome Jesus, Come! 30 THE RECORD MAGAZINE

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