The Record Newspaper - 01 May 1890

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No. 505.-- VoL. XVI.


,,. 7n .\

1\.. 1




THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1890.

PmcE 4D.


rf~4-I{E R, JEW ELL ER, OPT ICIA N, ETC . ., - "'V ST








R,TJ B: .. of the


DESI GN j ust


A FOUOH AHD'8 Lucky ·wedding- Rin g House. GOLD and 8ilver Jewellery in great variety

ALL KINDS of Gold and Silver Jewellery manufact ured on the premises , GENTS Gold and Silver Watches L ADIE S Gold and Silver Watches. -

GOLD Wedding Rings made to orde t' on the shortest notice.

GENTS Gold ancl ~ ilver Alberts in great variety. A Large Stock always on lrnnu . A Well Selected Stock of .Electrop lated Ware.

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TIIE ONLY FIRST ORDE R OF MERIT, ·with SPECIAL MENrrION (for Sewin g Machines), was awarde d TI-IE SING E!{ MANU FACT URIN G COl\1:PANY at the Centen nial Intern at ional Exhib ition 1888-9 .

E XTRACT f-i:om REP ORT OF JURY (Section 38 ) on Sewing and other Machine tl for making Clothing ; as officially published in the Mel bourne ARGUS and AGe Newspap ers 29th January, 1889 :.

" The SINGER SRWING MACHI NE COMPANY and the '1Vheel er and Wilson Sewing JVIachi ne Con1pany each exhibi t a Collection. of Machines, but we had not the slighte st difficulty in award ing the SINGER SEWING MACHI NE COMPA NY the li7IRSrJ~ AvVARD with SPEC IAL MENT ION. We particu larly desire to express our opinio n that EACH of the following JYiachi nes, which ar e a part of SING ER'S Collect ion, is of itself w·orthy of a first award, viz. :-The Button-h ole Machi ne, Eyelet Machine, Leathe r JVlachine, and Manufacturi ng Machi ne. As a collective exhibi t the )Vheel er and Wilson Cornpany only took second award ." A. 0

FIRST ORDER OF MERrr, WITHSPECIAL MENTION1 Singer Manufac turing Company, New Y ol'k, for Collection of Sewing Machines .

SECOND ORDER OF WIERIT. ·wheeler and Wilson New York, for Collection of Sewing Machines. J. Werth eim, li'ranld~r t, for Sewin g· :Machine Attachme nts, and H on. Mention for 8uperior Cabinet vVork.





l, 1890

reply, hns dec lared tbnt be wo ul d do Completing St. Patrick's C ath e- liren k.Jow11, sll ch t\S hnR act nall y occurrPd i11 the Times case, and be warn ed nothing for L orrl W olseley or th e Wai· d r al. the Govern 111 011 t agoi nst the po. sible Office, but woulrl do whutever Genra ral + The Legend of Tel-el-Kebir. <"Oll•eq uences of cone ti tu ting "a Hamley ~ad o h irn ; a nd wheth er one of the non-comm issioned offi ce rs wbo m REMARICABT,l!l D I SPLAY o~· ENTHUSIA SM "r~vol11 ti onn rv trihuna l for the tri al of' politicnl offe,;d ers." He discredited, AND G EN E HOSlTY, Sergeunt P almer chnrges with h av in g The rnbjoin e,1 letter, puhlisbed in as mo~ t men did whose eyes were not killed a comrade in action was 1rnmed In our last iss ue we gave a brief hlinded by pas~ iou and prejndice, the the Daily Telegraph , comp letes th e unt of the private meet., ng held in fin~in !!S of II trihn oal s::lec tr•d for s uch cbain of evidence, of whi ch we ga ve Rogers? l\l r. Stanhope : I have no lrnow lcdge other link s lost week, ugaimt th e M elbourne nfter th e ~1011th'~ Min d of n puqJns e by 1.he vi l'tu al acL:u ser8, and of the s tatements in tbe q ue, ti ol\ uf sh o!'ldng story of the mun!P r of tw o tbe lute Mon •tgnor F itz1 •aLr iek, at which in view of some of l,ue fl11di11gs of the the bo o. member, and ns Mr . Pa lme r i~ Irish so ldiers by 1heir E ngl ish comit was decid,,d tha t th e 1ue 1n nri1d to I lw 1liree J nclges !tis words deserv e to be now a c iv il ian I huve no cont ro l over rades nt Tcl-cl -Kohir, as t.old in the ve lerun V G enna I of tl, e Dioce 1' (I t' "q nr,t ed :- " The c11 se of ' Pu rnell is m him . I have seen, as uo dou bt Mel bun rn e sbonltl tok e th Nineteenth Ccntui·y by ex-Se rgeant e fur,n of u ' ' u11 d Crime' in so far us it i not the lio n. mem bn ha · al ·o seen , th e movement for the corn pl etion of S t, "c,· ,rnina! is <•u tirely pol itical. In a11y P nlrner :very explicit de ni als of Mr. P11l mor's Sir,-as one of those who, by name, Patrick's Ca L11ed ra l. " , ve nt th o pol ilica l charnc 1er of the case statem nts which have been fnrn ished have been ap pealed to by Sergea11t "would predominate over t,be crimin al." by officers and non- comm iss ioned B IG SUESCRlPTIO II S. Pnlmer to "tbrn, · lig ht" 0,1 the al leged Here ag nin he was a . trne pro phet. n ca e of treachery at Tel- el-Kebir, I ce, s of_ th e Cam~ron H ighla cl ers, \ Archhisbop Carr, who pres iclecl, ro ~e f£,·e nts have bnrn e out the accuracy of 111 a pos1t10n to kn · · . ow tb;i at 1b e en d oft l10 speec L,m a l, ·,n g an cl sa,d should be obliged by your givin g me who nre hi fo1ecas1.. "Wha t be antic ipntecl bu.s facts acc urately. I shou ld tlllnk thut ti t t i t t t " t I · · t • I . au opportuni,y of do ing so. I feel I I . I 1a ,oug I1 1· wa~ no a 11rs 11 s 111 en- o,•cnrrecl . Th e Go vernment have s tJ ca a ~1eak: frpeJy on tbe subj ect, an d I t hosc .d ~n l!l 5 111 t hem 9 e ves co~ t n te tion that any money . bou Id be received gum blet! for hi g h s taltes, nucl have los t. r an do so without fc,111. Iu aoswer to a s 11~1 c1ent nns~er t,o the arti cle 111 t hat cl ay , yet as the gentlemen w,,re so Th e ca use of H ome Rnle bas bee n • a nxi ou~ to show their read iness to ass ist Sergennt Palmer's appeal, I must say q u;T~t10 nlf". ~E-f ea,, l'. eai .) adv a nc,·d by th e age nc ies that were 01 he K cl saybs · !I in erecting t he Cath eclrn! , 110 ot hPr tbut tb e first 1 eve r henrd of his story J.\,l r. · Irnl, to P11tplnved to reta,·d it in clefini te ly, nntl .now es . ud 1iet te r' after Ia ' co urse remn ·in Pd <,pPn to I11m of the wor ds " Re tire, retire" having I ii (• duci, io11 of tl,e 1li ree ,Ju dges u pon 1 eon fi mo his con tn bu to n: to t ie cl n rn~. · I • · 1 · I . cl ' . d recei ve t 1p 11· cnnl.r1rnt1 ,n1 s 1, npp••ar - 1'10 ,e been tr eacherously raised ut 'fel- e!111atters •!, at hl'e mainly po!iti:-a l K ebir, was on rea d ing his articl e in W ben b e ~r, ~s a bold e ,t~nal a veu - eel from th e accounts, which had he e11 re,ua in on I ecord as bi s vindicati on. tu'.·e by pnn tmg _ u. ma11 uscnpt_ for any very ucc urntely kPpt by Dr. F itzpa tri ck , the Nineteenth (;c rdury. So fa t· as I He os1 i uw ted accurati- ly th e risks which am awa re there is 11ot t,he .sl ightest thin g bnt t?e. s ignat ure he 1s made tbtit up to a few clays before hi s death 1.l,e Tory Party gail y inv iter!, an d he s;1µreme ly n cl1cnl ons_ by exSer_ge ant the s um of ov er £1 49,800 had bee n truth in his statemen t, If Sergean t lor1•s aw 1.l,e cli,;a, ter tha t I he Tori ...s now Palmer gi ves the names of the t wo L aime r: No do ub t 1t wa_s the title of expendeil on th e Cath edra l a nd yPt no t sudl y I ue. 1111t wh il st <·u 11cedi ng 1bat men, one of who m he nays was the urt~c le, afte r all, wh ich te mpted a penn y of deb t remained on the buil dhis 1uem:,rr"'d nu1 prov es him to he a bayon etted and the other shot, it will l\!.r. l\.nowles~" A Battle clescnbed ing. A s A rchdeaco n :S la ttery had said sbr,• wd jndge of politi..,s, we Pan not Ray tha t it was very lirtle m,e s peakin g unbe eu•y to set t he ron tte1· at rest,. It is fi oni the Ranks. that it is calc11 1ntPd to excitt 1111 y exalted les s th ey we re prepared to act, a ud as well-known tha t none nf tl ,nse kill ed feeli ng of res p~c t. fo ,· him. He might l,e supposed tha t th nt wus a bi nt to belongiog to ',li e 79 th received bayonet The Bankruptcy Billrawe r hnve hea rd th a t t here is , uch a him (th e Ar,· bbish op) , hi.': wot,1 ld give wound s. Th e on ly two men who reweak ness aRju s tice in tb e t.rea tm ent of ceiYed bayonet wo nMIR, and wh o are The H onse of Cornmou s bus uee n occn- £1,000 t oward s th e completion of' the political ad versa, ies, if we ~, ere to ju dge still alivP, were L 11ncc-Corporal Cock- pied with the di scussion oft he Baokruptcy Cathedra l. by ibis co11 fi rl,·11 tiul express ion of his Severa l oth er gentlPme n came forcroft and Private Huate ; and th ey Bill tli e secondrc:u.l ing of wh ich wos 11,ovecl npin1011 s to hi s old col lPa;,( ues . Tlmrnghreceived th eir wou 1,ds by fa llin g back by .' ir A lbert Rnllit. In the course of wa rd (sn ys th e Advocate) a111l g,w e tl,eir ou t ha is fo r ex ped iency , us be,;ee ms an ou to their comrades' uayon ets in th e bis speeeli S ir Albert explained that contribu tion s, i11clndiug the fol lo wing Oµpo r tun ist, a nd fo, dev ices wh ereby to tren ches . I need not usk him to give the ohj ect of tbe measure was to amend generous douati ous : -V ery Re v. D ea n cleceiva the people, s uch as ure st;o~the nnm es of the sergeant and corporu l the Acts of 1883 in the direction of O'Hea, £1,000; Mr. l\fornane, £1,000; tioned by t he tra dition~ of Tory wlio killed the two traitors, because I ro okin g wore s tringent, t he clauses Venernble Archdeacon ~l nttery, £500; s1 111e,rn ans hip. S urnmAd up 1n one fee l they ex is t m1ly in Sergeant rlealing with a baukr upt's disc hargr . t.he J es uit Fathers, £500; Hon. N . SP11 t,l!Ul'B, li is · u, emoran J111n mean , P almer's lively imagination, As, how- Th e Bill proposed to raise the minimum Fitzgeral d, M.L.C, £500 ; _\I r. .J. " Paruel li srn a11J Cr im e will se rve · ver, Sergeant Pal mer so read ily ap- div idend on wh ich discharge should be M ' D onald, J . P., £500; Mess r~. Hugan peals to me, may I ask why be does give n to 10a. in the pon11 cl, and 7s, 6d . and Mooney , £5 00; V ery Rev . J. R. ' ' why mit leave well enoug b aloae ?''' L nrd Salisl, ury, and "o ld f'ri e11 d" not invi10 the ossistance of bis fi g htin g 111 the case of compositio ns. The bank- HE>gar ty, £ 400 ; V ery R ev . D ea n chnrn , who slood by bim that morn ing ? rn pt wns to be liab le to con victiou fo r D onacr hy, £250; Mr. Ma rti n Huod , 8 mit,b, 11 0d th e Atto rn ey- Uenera l, with Lh<' ran k nnd fil e of I was present throughout the entire misdemeanour if his fa ilure we1e proved £250 ; Mr. J Boland , £~ 2 5 ; the H.iw. Lbnt ~l r, Pa rn ell un J To r_y ism , f'a11cied 1-l on, e Ru le co nld D ,· M oo re, Bish op of Bn lla rn t, £100 ; engagemen t, L\Ud 1 must say that lbe to be due to rash or baz!l rdons specu des ll'Oy ed out, of lrnnd, a nd tb,~y story : 01 gem;t Palmer inviteH me to tion, or to unjn s tifinble ext ra vaga 11ce of R igh t R.-Jv, Dr. Co rbett, Bi shop of l::i ul e, reso lved to accomp lis h 1be µ; reat deed co rroborate is, like other8 in hi~ narra- living. For these offences the mensn re .£100 ; Very n ,.v. D ean O 'Dri ~coll , by th e aid of Pio-ott, and al l the 01be!' tive, utterly untru e, and without thr proposed II penalty of imprisonment Ve ry Rev . M. O'Far rell y, Very Rev. P. aide rs and abettors of the plot. Therein slightest fonocJntion. I have consulted wit h or withollt, bnrd labonr, for a Wal she, Revs. ~1. Carey, M. M'K 111 ,a, th ey ,lis played t beir f'o ll y, whil st L ord twen t.y -five men of tbe Cameron High- pe1io1l not exceeding t welve months. P . J . Ay lw a rd , M. G .. ugb, J . FitzgerRanJ olph's wa rnin gs show that if bis land ers, now sen' ing in tb e Invernes8 Colonel Hill seconded tl, e motion. 1\1 r. nld, J. Heffern an, E. Lu by, M. Quinn, code of pol itical morali ty is not hi g her distri cL, who took pnt in the b,\ttle, Chamberlain hai led the B ill wi th g rea t W. O ' Brien , M~ssrs . P. P Prkin g-, i\11.L. th an the irs, bis head is considerub ly and they nil agree with me in say in g oal,isfactio11, Reeiog in it at leaR t an A. (Qu eenslan d), R. F Pekan, G . G le,,. clear er. th e story is a pure invention . I m11y inclired con firmati nn of the opinion8 son, Ta ppi n, M uuday, Whi1 e, Curr, and al80 say that it is tbe general opi nion arr ived at by the G ram! Comm ,uee for E. O'Donne ll, (.\layo r of St. Kild u) of th eso men that A rthur Palmer 1883. At the sam e time he did not £100 each. Dr. O'Haran on E:in cation . A public meetiog is to be held at on occupied a back seat on that memorab le agree with U,e p roposed provit' ions fo r morning . His stor y of kill in!! t wo discharge, or with t.he penal cl au se~. early date. One of 1he valuahle pn pe rs in the wo unded Egyptians wbo bnd no nrms , He suggested that t he Bill sbou Id be cnr rent nu 111ber of tb e " Your-Book of and of being wou nded hi mself, i~ referred to a Grnnd Co mmit tee, when entirely discredi ted. His name doe, th ese points cou ld i1e dealt wi th. ;\II r Lord Randolph's Memorandum Ans tral in" is that C<., otributed by the Ve ry Rev. Dr. O' H arao on the· • State not ap pear in the list of cas ualties, and Kelly moved th e rej ection of the Bi ll, Edu r.atio na l Sys tem of Austral ia from a if be was wou nded hi13 name woul d c ave and the Sol icitor-General, who wel comL ord H.undolph Churr·hill bus g ivan Catho lic Standpo in t·" Go i □ g over the been noted. ed the Bill as containing so me use fu l To show the inaccuracy of his narra- alterations of the present law, appl'OYt'd to th e worl d hi s priv ate n,emo , a nd um wh olo rro nn d in a manner as ioteresttive let me refer to the wonderfu I the snggestion to refer it to rhe Grand whi ch he ad dre,sed to Mr. "I\' . H . S,u i1h ing ri s ehbo rate, t he writer g ives an escape be describes of a sergeant who, Committee on Trude, when th e va rious -and throu gh him to th e Cabinet- e xposition of th e r eligion-des troy ing while look ing thrnngh a binocular, had objections rnised co uld bP foll y deb,itecl protes ting again st t he uppui~t ru ent of n tende ncy of the ::-;tate System, in tes ti two tee th knock ed out by a bullet, !,oping tha t the nm enclm ent wonlcl be Special Commiss ion to try th" cha , geR m 11y of which he cul ls to uis aid 1;he which otru ck the glas~ . N~ such rnc i- withdrawn. Mr. Jielly yi elded to tlii,i u11d ull r,ga ti ons made by tl,e Time s ag:, i11 :< t 1•x 1u• 1i,•1wes o l Lhi s und ol he,· co untries cJent occnned at 'l 'el-el - Kebir. At appeal, and th e Bill was read a second tbe Irish L Parle r and th e 111 aj11ri ty of' and qu otes Lhe reg ret fu l expressions of Kosheb, on the Nilo, three yenrs afte r tirue withollt a difi sion, and referred to the lri sli P arty. U ndenia bly the of' P , otcstun t bishops whose sc hoo ls li11cl docunwnt whi ch is d:;i tecl ,Jul y 171.h, bee n allowed to become merged in the ward H, however, Private C. Gray was the Grand Committee. 1888, pro ,•f•S tlrnL Lorri 1 a11clo lph 1:-irare system. Wit h regard 1,0 An strn looki ng tlirongb a field -glass, wh en a possess gi l't of prescience. It dues lia, be C<111 lru sts the po9ition of Catholic bullet grnzed the glase, and, passing Prince B ismarck 's Successor. far more cred it, to hi s licad thun to hi s ecluc:iti on with th a t of oth er de 11ow iuathrou gh his cheek, knocked tw o of his consc ience. Even th en he saw tb nt tioos since t.b e i naug uration of the l::i t,ite t eeth out . The glabR is sti ll preserved P rince Bismarck's successor is known Mr. Pa rn ell was lik e ly to emerge system . On the one hand a re tloe in the Cameron Barr:.irks here by the the mos;, st, icr An ~lican bi shops of Mel bourn e und as G cue ral Von Caprtvi, who was born unsc1L th ed from owner, Coiour- tiergeant Douglass. 1 have no doubt the proper au tho, i- in 1831. H e was ed ncaterl at the investi~ation into hi~ pu hlic li fe, and he Syu ll ey d,· pl orin g 1,he fa il ing away of ties will take steps to show the utte r 'N erder Gy mno,i urn , and ente red the was nwa re '.hat, as matte rs s tood, th e the ir iufln ence over I.heir flu ckswortble~sne~R of the statements which , nrmy in 1850. llis proruo1 ion to Iri sh Leader was placed in a po- i1,ion of 11Ji1,istP1·s so r rowlnlly bea rin g witness to in his hi ghl y-coloured narrn1,ivr, S er- hi g her rank fo llowed slowly, but peculiar diffi cu lty. Th e considera tion " the gro wing di fficu lty of hrin gin g boys gean t Palmer has, th, ough th e page~ inevitably , P.nLl, in 1883 , be was pro- u pperm os t in his mi nd was Uf•J).Ja re111,ly and young men u nder C l, ri sti u11 i11flut'11 ce"; of the N inetr,e,,th G'cntur,i;, been able to moted t o be Vice-Ad miral . U e is t he adv isab il y of lioldi11g 1\1 r. Parn ell aocl on the oth er band Cath a.l ie bishops said to have di splayed remarkable in th e pill ory. He seem s to hav e and prit• ~ts ex nltin g i11 th e s plendid giv e pu blicity lo. ahili ty in quickly mastering this rcYie wed th e wh ole conLrovcrsy in the resu lts of t lreir unaided relig ious sys tem. I am, t:i ir, yours obedien ly, John Newe ll (late Colonr -Sergeant), I,epartme11t in the Rei ch ~tag, of whi ch spiri t of a cyn ic, full ol co ntempt for W e have 110 inte o1ioll of dea liug wi th he has been Minister. He is euicl also his ~pecies ; aod to ha ve estimated Dr. 0'[-lara n's fi g ures- t he subj ect huvCauteen Steward . to be very popu lar in t he Diet- hi s " Pa rn ellism and Crim e" at its mar ket io g so recen tl y beP n di sc ussed in ou r Cameron Barrack~, Inverness, ~peeches nlways clear, to the poi nt, and valu e as a weapon to he employed o wn colu rnn s-lnnher tbu11 to illu straLe .Murrh 11. In the t-T onfc of CommonA Lhe other during his period of office be was an 11g ain~t tlie Nat ioouli sts. [-le did not L\, e above contrus t as affecting this niglit tl,e foll,l\\ing question was put, oppo nent of the exten ion of the navy des ire t he prosecn ti oD of Mr . Parne ll or colony. At tbe close of 1888 th e est iand tho following btUpidly iires pousible believin g that it should be confined to th e expul sion of the Iris h u, emb ers, mnted Ang li can population was 494,011, pn rpo ses of defence. In 11ppe1u a □ ce he followed by th e cl isf'ran cl,ioement of 1,l, r. Catlr olic popul ation b.:Jing set dow n r eply givc11 : • T hur., it wo n Id aL 299 ,990 . T he Protesta nt de nominaMr. J. 11. :.\l'Carthy: I begtoask is singu larl y li ke I ri oce Bi smarck. th •ir const iLnencics . the f3€crctary o( ~tate fo r War whether Th e :11te Chancellor, it is furth er appear, is wh at Mr. Smith an d his tio nal school, nrnoa nted to 66, with au Sergeant A. V. ~aimer has been_asked , rporlt•d, us an ins ta nce of a shado w of col leug nes ,;ought and L ord R and olph's atte ndance ot 3,1 00 ; while at the same by tbP autho riti es fo r explona uon of th e coming even t, had asked 1:-i ignor wa\'Oing to th em was thnt " prudent date the Carbo lic sc ho ols nnmbe rcd 247 th e statcment.s contained in his articl,. B1,ta1dn to wire to Sig,,or Crisµi , Lha t "pol itic ians wou ld hesitaLe to go out of witlr un attend ance of' 27 ,172 . It ma; in the .Nineteenth Gentttr'} for March ; lie hoped Germ any'b an d Itul y 's wny 11 th eir wny lo play s uch hig h sta ke~ ns be remarked t bu t ut th e close of loot these'." I le fo resaw th e result of n ycur the number of CaLµo li1: schools 011J whether Sergeant A. V. Fulm er, in v.ou ld always lie togeth er.

(l]';ene tal

~ le an in !J ~-



1, 1890.

col lrges in New South WalcB line in creased to 333 with a !l attendan ce of 29,532. As to th o eftici ency of th e Cotholic schools in secu lar ed ucation t he tesl, of the public exam ination s bas spoken and continue~ t(> speuk ill u manTho ne r not to be misunderetood. paper form s a va luabl e contr ib ution to th e education li tera ture of Australia.

- -Pretmans .J9iirnal.

T he New E r a. We a rn at th e begin ni ng of a New

E ra, and the problems of the nea r future BISMARCK arn not t.bose PRINCE solved so successfully . It was his work to unjte the German people and t,o break all ~heir fo es. He had to st.rnggle with a stru tting t ri balism, with the spirit of separatism, with patty ideals, and a narrow nationali sm. Germa1, " particul ari sm" was the great enemy of hi, life, and he has vanquished it alm ost oul; of existence. All th e stupid crampiog barriers of local feeliug an d local jealousies which meant weakness and divi sion for tbe G erman raco have beeo throw n down, and the people a nd dyn ast ies al ike bave 1iccept«>d tbe unity of th e German fatherlao<l. P nrncE B1sMAllCK's enduring work has been tl ,e winning and the guarding of the Uni on of Germany, and his reward hos been to see her second to no power on tb P Continent ol" Europe in greatness und in st rength . Perh aps !he neares t mrnlogy to bis work is to be found in the career of ABR AHAM LINCOLN. Under widelv different conditions, but upon a mighti; r scul e, the Americ an did tbe same g reat snv ice. In tbe Un ited S ta tes nlso, the e vil tip iri t of separatism was abroad, and it was due mainly to th e uutliucl1 iog purpose of LINCOLN that, after fo ur t remendous yea rs, th e demon of secession was at last killed ont amid t hf, home,s1eads of Virgini a, to the nnspPak o.ble gain of mankind. It may be that .PurncE BrsMADCK was o profounde1· and truer statesman thao PRESIDENT LINCOLN, but af; least, we may claim for LI NCOLN that his adion bad immeasurably greater !'esults ; the work, bowevel', of each was the same, tb e attainment of t,he peace and th e strength of a people by the way of uuity. But PRINCE BrsMAllCK's own wo rk was over years ago, 11nu the new problems of the time are of an unfumilial' sort , The T imes, with perplexing blindness, ex-. plaius that '' the idiosy ucraoies of Germ au and Prn ssiav domes tic pol icy hove 110 special interest for other notions." Unfor tunate ly th &necessities of I-he domPPl.ic policy of Ge rmany bu ppen to be th e one th i11g with which tl1e sta t.em,en of the Old World have The need to concern themselves. forei gn policy of Germany is not li kely Ito chRnge. Perils in common will g ive <enough permanence to the T ripl e A lli ance even without P ri nce Bismarck . ·i-Ier foreii;:n policy is part of t be solved problems of Germany, her pressing but unsol ved problem is the future of lobour. Prince Bismarck has ;gag la ws and expnl oiou laws, bu t the yo nn g Emperor holds them futil e. H ere is th e dividing of the ways . The trou bles of th e foture will not be as the tron bles of the past, and may even make them Reem vet")' remote and unmeaning. Th e French D6mo cracy may come to for get to th ink of the Jost pro vinces in ,'-be e11gerness with which they watch tb l!' progresB of the labour strnggle in Gen'Ilany. It in one of th e possibilities of th e futu re that peoples may find th Pmselves more interested ab out prop osnls for the redistri bution of wealth o r for gettin {:!,' rid of the hideous inequali ties which mark the lots of men, than in readjusting di gnity · Th e true difficulties of th e futnre are seen very ,clenrly by the G erman Emperor, and, whether wisely or unwisely, he is <letermined to break with the past and face '!.'be them afl er a new m tl,od. Emperor'R mind hos travelled far in iwen ly month s which separate him from ,he tim e when be was reMly to salnte .fP1·ince Bismarck us "the standard 1bearer whom all Germany will follow." JI t is ve;y idle wo rk to li sten to Court gosF.ip a·~out personal misun dern tandings or persona l discourtesies. Noth ing coul d be more ineconcil ahle th an :J he spi1·it of dra sti c policy of the anli,,soci tt li st Jnw, uml the policy which in-


THE W. · A. RECORD . , vites the nations to a Conf'e rcmc3 to consi,for th ll condi tions of labour . Th e tr iumph of 8ocialism at t he recent el ections, whil e it may uave deepened P riuC'c Bisnrnrck's beli ef in th e f,i ll_y o( tryi ng to foed it with conceesious, has streug thenecl the Emperor in his resolve to become the grea t captai n of industry and the champion of' the la bour of G<mnan y, and to kill what is Hil in Socialism by conceding nil that is just in it. It may be a dangerous dream, and it, bas certai oly excited vague hopes which are difficult or impossible of fulfilm ent but in any C!lse the new departure was not oue in which Prince Bimarck co uld have aoy share. A sign ificant in s tan ce of the way in wl.tich the lwpe11 of the great labour unions of Ge rmany ure looking, is afforded by t he resolutions of the Miuers' Union, which ha ve been ferward ed to th e Pru , sinu L nntug. They affirm that t he clironie str ife he twet' n em ployers nnd empl oy e, l c11 n ''" rn d,•,I only in on o way; so( iol pence .J,•pe 11d ,; · upon tbe tramfer of th e ownership of mines to "the worker, of-Ji cern, and managers, who mad,i the ir mines useful ." They call on the Legislat ure to dis uover "asso@iative legal forn1,; of owner ship fo r the workers, offi cials, and managers. A petition to th e Emperor is now being extensively signed "on behalf of this change of ownership likely tn be so profitable to the general we! fare." To lessen the eco nomic evi ls of life, to soften ond alleviate its Lard i nequali ties, a re t he problems rncogu ised by the Emperor as those of the Ne w Era, aud th ey are· not pro blems wit h which PRINCE BrSMAIWK is versed.

The Late Baron Dowse,


The F uegian W oman and the P riest. (Liverpool Catholic Times, F eb. 1.) A touching incident occurred last week in one of th e Lo ndo n wo r khouse infirmaries, of wh ich the Press has not taken mucb notice, hut which may be uoted here as one more in stance of the wide-reaching- power an<l activit,y of the Catholic Chnrch in succouring ht1man misery and soothing human so n-;:,w. For some montbs tbi8 winter there was on ex hibitio n at the Westmiuister Aqnarium wbat was descri bed as a fami ly of savages fro m Tierra de! Fucgo. The ex hibition was a pitifnl olie, a feat ure of it being the dai ly feediug of tlie poor creatures on raw mea t in pnblic, as if thuy were wild beasts. Tho Fnegin ns we re lately se:.1t on to some show in B rn ssels, bu L one of the women was too ill to travel from Loa,!on , and she was left in the infirmary of St. Geo rge's Union, where she died . From eviden ce given at the inques t it appeareel tbat the only one who cculd communicate with the dyi ng creature was a Lo ndon priest, Fotber Herbert, oDe of the 8ervites fr om the church in F ulh:im r ~acl . When inter viewed on the subj ect by a P all Mall Gazette repor ter, Father He rbert said th at he had g reat diffic1.1 lty in ge tti ng her to speak. "I tried her in mauy ways," he ijaid, "and got..& fri en d to add ress J:ier in Portuguese, which she seemed to und ers tand a litt.le. At lus t I spoke to her in a botch-patch of Spanish and Italian , whi ch seemed to be fam iliar to her ea rs. I spoke in a sing- song voice, wh ich at once attracted her atte ntion . S he asked in th e same mixture of languages if I was one of ' the Black Fathers,' and if l was a medicine man. F rom this fact I do not believfl she was II Fuegio n at all, but belonged to some tribe which h:id been near some civili~e<l centre. The n I asked if she would pray, and she saici at "'nee, 1 bi , pi gia sempre.' J then repeated some simple prayer iu Italia n, wbi~b she at onr:e said after me. I also sho wed her a crucifix, which she kiR ed . Wlvm I gave lier my hand she sai<l in a pleading voice, ' B11cio ?' I said ' Yes,' and tihe at once kissed it. F rom all I was ublc to gat.ber I am sure she had som e religious knowledge, nnd had very lik ely met some of Father Tlie balesian Bosco's missionaiies." Fathers nre engageu iu missions in Patagonia. l 1 robab ly it was scmew here th ere th is poo r woman llle t t.b em , and Provi<lence rewarded her attcntiun to thei r teuchiags Ly bringing a pries t to her beds ide iu the London hospital wh o was able to help her with some of the last rites of th e Chnrcl.t, and to cumfort her wi th kind ly human sympathy ?

Boro n Dow se w11s born r, in J une, 1824, in Dun ga n<1 11 n, a11d received his e11rly ed ucatiou at tllu i{oy11,I ::ichool. He graduated in Triuity, and \\'as calleJ lo tb c Bar at 28 years of age. He was a s ucces's from the sl;nrt, There wero g i11nts in plenty in tLose day s at th e lr i8h Bar, but th ey did not qu ite over shadow the inexhau otible oatural wit 1111 c.! linmour, the quick antiwer an d th e genial banter which young Dowse coupled with exceedin g ly effective i-eaooning po we r an d a keen observation of the manners and motives of men. Afte r .ii even years at the Ba r ho rece iv ed silk, and, ru shi ng at once to tbe front, he haJ no s up erior in most of tb e q ual it,ies necr,ssary for Pxtensivo Nis i Pr in s li 1n,i1H'0 S. H e had a hig h ~eputut,ion f"nr sk ilful 1il1m,J in g-, ,md a, a cn,s,;- ,-x,wi i:i,Jr Im w:i , 11 0 !. far ht•l1i11d '"" " iik u Hu I, Wl, i!•.:.- itl l·, .\ l11c, lll11:cg: h, a ml A rLilSt,ro 11 i;;. lu 8oro e tilings lie stood out even from th ese ,i,en . I t has been sn id that wh e n a case was to :i e luul!hed out of court Mr. Dowse was r etaioed a t once, and no one mad fi greater ha.voe of sentimental grievances. His humonr was irrepressible and bo undle5~, anti no member of the Bar so freq u.intly conv ulsed the Court. Wb eo, how ever, occ11sion reqniretl it he conld r ise to ex alted eloquence. He was a muster of strong, bl ighting invective a nd scathing sarcas m. These grea ter facult ies ti e disp layed to splen did pnrpoRe in the Fenian t rials in 1865 and 1867, wh en, with Bu tt, he led for 1111 the princ ipal prisoners. He died at Trulee on 21st March aged 64


Cardinal .l.'/f oran on Federation The scheme of Federation is being urgently pnsbed forward by the gro11t stu tesruen of the whole of the Co lonies , Some people may say t ba t in speak iug of fed era tion I aoo treading on politics, hut any words I may utter are said simply in 1,he ligM of patriotism , and I sbull ever be fo remost iii. advocating whotever promotes t,he peac':! of A ustrnli a ao(\ the union of its so ns. Some of our A ustralian statesm en advocate a federation simila1· to that of Canada; others to that. 1;f tlie United StHtes ; whilst others hold out fo r attachment to the mother country ; hu t I a1n of opiu ion that th e matter shou Id l,,o left in th e hand s of the leadillg politic ians of the Colonies to g uide the tles tioies of A nst,raiia in · the There is no formati on of a nn l;i o □. born A ust rali an, and no Irishman who has m11de th is s unny laud bi s adoj)ted home, bnt wo uld devote all his energies to promote the peacu, union, and independence of th is great so uthern A fe w day s ago I read continent. that Irishmen ure not to be trusted becau se of th eir disloyalty. That statement was made by a Minister of tbe En glish Go veruut ent, auJ I <l o not hesitate to fling back that accusation in tb e Min ster's teeth. The sons of Sai nt Patrick , subj ected as they have been for a -g reat n umber of years to t_y raony , have shown themsel ves, though not loyal as a matter of affec tion-for God kn ows th ey have little cause to be 11ffectio1rnte-to he as loyal a8 any of the Br itish subjects. Little has eve r bee n clone to biad Irishmen to the C ro wn of England . In th e re ig n ol Q ueen V ictoria in, famine, of died th ere Ireland , 1, 22 5,000 ; 3,6G8,000 were evicted and 4, 186,0Q0 em igra ted. And yet, wi th th e terrible pe rseclltion , you find th at in Australia f.l nu other land s, whe rever are found th e sons of S t. P atri ck, th ey prove th e,usdv es to be loya l to the land of th ~ir aJoption . There are none to who m Iri s hmen cuul d yield in th eir .l oyalty to th e English Crown, and so long as lrish. men are s ubj ec ted to tbe Crown, so loog will they be loy al to the country. And if in t.he cou rse of events th e Australian colonies deem it fit to separate tho bond from the old cou ntry, th ere will, I am au re, be no more enthu siastic workers in U1e cau se of . A nstrnlin·s fr eedom thun th ose sons of St. l ' ick who hav e made tlii s land th eir ud optcd home.

I Jforetnn ant, Jh1tercolonial ([elegranrn.


(Fro m tbe Daily News.) FOREIGN . - - -+---·

LONDON, April 24. Tl,e Austrul ian elevea, who are at present, tit G ibrnl tar, in, conseq uence of th ,J Lig uri u's colli,ion with a11 unknown steamer iu the Mcditerraneuu, lll'fl hav ing a match agains t a local scratch team of 16. Sir Joseph M cKennn, M. P.; has res ig ned the vice- Presidency of, the National L eagu e, alleging as his rP.ason for do ing $0 that he is unable to follow the po licy of assa.ssi nation desirnd by the Clan Na Gael Society . Bishop Barry, expr irn ate of Australia has refu sed to accept the Bishopric of St. Alhaus, which rank s tl,ird amo ng the Eugli sh Sees, Louuo11 bei :1,:; I-ii-st, ,,n,I Dnrham beiug Recond. Cu uti1111i11 g h is examination before the Se lect Committee OD the W. A. l.!;1Jahl i11g 13 ill, yes terday, .M.e. Barker said that ho disagreed with his colleague Si r Thomas Campbell rel ative to hi8 state ments concerni ng the Imperial reserv1Ltion of K .G. i::lo und . Persona lly he had no objection to s uch to 1, see hoped bu t reservation , the Bill to in an amendment check Chine5e immigration to the Colon y. Adui ticmal new~ is to band frol.ll Dahomey, which states that the French ha ve su ffer ed a severe defeat anti have been dri ve:i back to th e coast. F urther reinforcements for t he present ex; pec!ition, comprisiog 3,000 men, m·~ r proposed by tbe Government. But tho their French intend to abandon iateution to do more th~ G hold the coastline. Mr. S. H. Parker, one of the W.A. Delegates and a membee of tlie Bar of that colony, bas been mude a Queen's Counsel. The Portng uese have withdrnwn fr om S hire, iu consl'lq ueuce of tlrn threatening attitude of the Bri tish. Con seq neutly intense excitemen t prev11ils at L isbon, witu hostile mauifesta• tions ngaiu ot the EDglisu residents. The Po rtu g uese Govern ment view the pmition with eon ~i dernble anxiety, as th e British A mbussauor is warning the authorities tha t any injury which may be suffere ci by the English r esident~ may lead to extremt reprisals. Notwithstandi ng th e oll:icial assurunces of friendship between th o Gi:i1·man Empero r aod Pri nce Bismarck, th e latter, in ad d resoing a deput1il;ion yeste rday , said publicly that the Em peror is being ba::l ly advised _in pursuing his prese nt policy, which will undoubtedly stren gthen the bands of the Socialists, whom be ( Bismarck ) dc~ired to put do\Vll with a s trong bau d, T he municipa l au lhorities of the largest cootioental cities seem unable to decide upon a policy respecting tho They , Lave eigh t hours' move ment. now mostly withd rawn th eir permission for the holding of processions. The Parisian Socialist s huve consequently Chicao-o The thre:\tcned vi olence. Socialists celebrnte the oecas ion wifh 11upnt hi sers. a process ion of70,000 :; _ LONDuN, A pril 24. Th e Emperor ofGennany is beco l)liug alarmed at th e possible rcs ul ts of the proposed Socialist demon , trntion 8 ou l\hy 1. He has notifieJ that all meetit1gs will be s urnm,uily snpp resscd un cl tb at streut ga therings will be prevented. E ight Ge rman Generals havo hmm deprived of the ir pos itions, fo r reaso ns tl11\t have uot been divulged. Mr. Psrnell's alte rnative land schem e which is in effect tbnt tbc Go vernmeu; oball advance t-wenty- seven millions sterlin p; in li qu idat ion of tbe Irish land lo rds' liabili ties, is disappr ove,] by th e Hume Rulers generally. A petition containing three million sig natures bas bee n 1wesentecl to the R cich stag, ask ing for th e com pulsory observance of th e cigbt-bolll'ti' system . Twenty-five thou sand carpenters who have struck at Chicago IHwe resorted to riotin g, au<l much damo ge was done befo re the dis turbances were supr1 ressed. be City and f; ubu rh an l-ia ndicap was run yesterday, the wi nn er being t_b e , Du ke of Beaufort' s ~lt,i,edorc•, by M erry Hau1p tor, out of Q,uecu of H.o~c~,



The sentence {) f death passed oa the Ru ssian who solt.l certain mil itary pluos has bee n commuted to imprisonmeat for li fe. It is repo rted that th e plnos have been bo ught for Engltrncl. LONDON, April 26. President Carnot has offered to relea e th e Due .O'Orl eaa s fr om pr ison , bnt the prince declines. It is niported that the Duke wilt shortl y marry, during his confineme ut in prison, Prince s Marguerite de, , his con5ia . During th e ev idence given before tbt:1 select committee on colonizution by the Agents-Genernl for New So uth Wales and South Au tmlia oth those otficiuls intimated ttiat t.ha colo uies would not encou rage an Im peri al scheme of immigrntion unless the immigro.nts were selected by the colonies themselves. The cbno cellor of th e Exchequer Ptates that Queen laod i preparin g a new desig n for the st amping of soverigns ruude of gold fr om that colony. The I-ion, Ja mes White's horses are not turnin g out, well. Their trn ioer, D aws0n, calls t liem n, pair of "duffere," and states that t, heir cha nce in 11ny of the big races are pnrticul11rly nil. [-l e fur ther aclJs that l,hey may , however, pnll offth e H asti ng Plate or oue of the minor bnndicaps. Tbe Lo ndon Sehool Boart.l have dec ided to supply all the public s<ll1oo ls with pianos. he death is announced of E ur! Glasgow, who sat in the HuL, se of L ords as Bnron Ross. By th e death of bis · lordship the British peerage becomes extinct, but the Sco tch title passes to Capt. D. Boy le, RN. [ The late Earl (George Frederick Boyle) Viscount K elbo urn e, au,! L ord Boy le of K elbourne, Ste1vartoo, Cambra, F enwick, Largs, and Dalry, in the peerage of Scotlaad ; Baron Ross, of Hawkhead, Co. Renfew, in the peerage of the U □ ite d Kingdom ; D.L. Cos., Re nfew a □ d Fife ; L ord's Clerk Hegister of Scotland ; was born October 5, 1825; he sucr.eedell his broth er as 6th ea rl, 11th ~1arch 1869, and mar ried, Ar: ril ~9, 1856 , th e Hon Mon tagu e Abc11·cromby, daughter of George Ralpb, 3rt.1 Lord Abercromby, and bns issue two dau ghters. J Furt,ber ri ots have occurred in A ustl'ia, owing to which the military have been called out, by whom many d the rioters have been killed . Grat1t pop1:ilo.r indignation is being e'l' inced nt th e ac tion of the autho rities of Vienna in adopting this course. Yesterd ay five young ladi es committed suicide nt Moscow, out of fear of being ap prehended as Nihilist s. .Many meetin gs are being held in England and Ameri ca protesting against th e Russ ian treatmen t of political prisoners. At some of the meetings it is suggested that o. combination of the free countries shall be form ed to forc e tli e Czar' . Government into a more h umane policy. In connection with a merting of a simi lar tone that was belt.I at Madr id, yesterday, tb e Ru ss ian Ambas~ador at that city pointed out that Russia did not in teod to rern11 d in an y way, the expression of tb e feelinirs of ot her cou a tries u pon the su lij ect refer, ed to, but \f ould endea vor r t.o to check th e holding of meetings i11 th e



1, 1890

I Bonifers, Conelly, Boydell, Fox, Wood, THE , Guy, Larking, Nicholls ; and 89 in the steerage. The followin g are the latest quotations: Centmls, £10 5s.; British, NOW ON AT £ 1!; Block 10, £10; L orths, £1 7s.; B rokens, £13. MELBOURNE, April 25. 1n the Chamber of Commerce, yesterGreat Reductions and Bargains in the following lines :day, Mr. Robert Reid, the retiring president, painted a gloomy picture on LADIES' BLOUSES AND JERSEYS . the commercial prospects of the colony, LADIES AND INF ANTS' MILLINERY, and owing to t.he infla ted values of DRESS MATERIALS English and French (s uitable for the present landed property Melbourne had been and coming Season), made an expensive place fo1· business P ARAOHUTES, SUNSHADES, CHILD RENS' DRESSES, transactions. BLACK GRENADINES, STRAW HATS SYDNEY, April 25. GENTS' CLOTHING, HATS, SHIRTS, & Hosiery, Handsome subscriptions continue t o come to hand from V ictoria and South A ustralie, in aid of the flood sufferers. Very special lines in TWEEDS, reduced to ls.1.Ld. and upwards. Th e water is falling rapidly at Bourke, but at the township of Louth the embankment has broken, flooding the SASH RIBBON, &c. CARPETS and RUGS. Also a quantity of REMNANTS. place to a depth of six feet. It is now proposed 1.0 erect an embankment round I Bourk e, seven feet hi:.: h and thirtyA few lines in FANCY GOODS, suitable for BAZAARS, we are six wide at the base, with a top twelve prepared to clear at a low price. Country Storekeepers will do well to, feet in width. pay us a visit during the Sale. Referring to Mr. S. H . P arker's Special terms made for Pianos during the sale (by well-known makers). evidence before the Select Committ ee appointed to report upon the W. A. Enabling Bill the S. A .Adve,·tiRer's Gui1tlto1·tl Hot~l, PERTH PALACE INX correspondent sends the following cablegra m :-" It is hoped in l'olonial Guiltlf"o1·tl. circles that Mr . S. 8 . P a rker's evidence NOW OPEN. to the Select Committee now considering- the En abling Bill, as to the J. E, BRENN AN u n wisdom of making reservations MORNING, con ceming the grant ing of autonomy Proprietor. to W es tern Australian, will modify the From 10 to 12, for L adiies and Children disgust caused by Sir George Campbell's only. Admission 6d. ; Skates Freie. tactless statements as to the existence Directly opposite the R ailway of a stron g fee ling in certain portions Station. of the colony against the constitution AFTERNOON. Bill. ADELAIDE, April 25 From 2.30 to ' 5, Admission, 6d .. EVEJ.W CONVENIENCE FOIi Mr. Allerdale Grainger, M.P., has Skates 6d. written a vigo rous letter to the press, VISITORS. and urging the suppression of Miss Van Tassel's proposed aeronautic display at EVENING. the Oval. Only the best brands .,.f Wit,es, From 8 to 10. Admission, 6d.,·l'::ikates ls.. The weather continues hot and dry, causing grave app rehensions in certain Beers, and spirits kept in sto.,k. quarters; but there are some indicaEVERY SATURDAY M ORNIN( l tions of a speedy change. Prize Gala for Children. Yesterday the share market was Good Stabling and an attentive dull, but it revived towa rds evening, Ostler. the following being the closing rates : MUSIC. £ s. d. By Professor Rohel'to. Centrals 10 5 0 For quietness, comfort, and situ ation Brokens 13 10 0 the GU ILDFORD HOTEL, has no equal British ... 4 3 0 in the Colony. & Skat es on Sal~ from 155. Junctions 414 0 Rounds ... 8 0 0 FRANK A LLUM, Manager. Souths 6 0 0 ALBANY LAND. I Norths 1 8 0 Tens 10 0 0 UIDING ~ OTS, 50lks. fronta~e PIONEER SADDLE AND HAJ:{NESS 275lks. m depth. One nnle SYDNEY, April 26. WORKS, BARRACK STREET. All the country between Wilcannia from the Post Office, overlooking PERTEf. and Bourke is no w under water, t he K G.S. Price, £20, including Transfer. Land within 2 miles of Town H all, result being that the bodies of millions (NEAR RAILWAY HOTEL.) of rabbits are to be seen flo ating about from £3 per acre. South side of the in a ll directions, t ogether with a number Harbour, from £2 per acre. J . GA LLE. of dead snakes. [very available dry RY APPOXNT. space is now crowded with r a bbits and SPECIAL snakes, and at the inundated pa rts of MENT TO 0 R S A L E. both Louth and Bourk e the buildings liis Excellency the Goven1or, Sir Frederick are all collapsing. N . Broome, K.C.M.G. ADKLAIDE, April 26. W ellingtori':Loc·at ion, No. :JOO. man with va riou s aliases has been For particulars apply to cha rged at the Poli ce Court with ROBER1' SMIT 'U HUGH BRADY. having in his poss'Jssion mon ey t hat Bunbury, D l:lc. 19. was reason:i.hly supposed to have been MANUFACTU Bi,;R OF ALL KINDS 0 ' ~, SADDLERY' stolen. It is believed t hat the amount fu tnre. AND HARNESS. forms part of Mr. Proud's losses. The prisoner has hoen remanded. 0 ·1•en 3 fflontlts. INTERCOLONIA L. Mr. I-I. J Andrews, J.P , the Under LWAYS in slack, 'a larg, a and Yar!ed SYDN EY, April 24. Secretary, died yesterday. The deceased ~ssortme~t of Gi·g, Cart,. a_nd Cairiuge ONE_ Al?RE BL(!CKS, frontin g main _ The Bourke flood s a,re recedin g. gentleman was former ly a resident of roa.a, Just outside the bounch,ry of Barnes~, Ladies and f"Jents' R1,d1n g Saddles T wo more bodies have been found . We te rn Australia, where he arri ved, Albany. 'l'itle, New Act. Includin<> all ~:!ct Bl'IClle,5, Boys' and Gil'ls' Saddles a.nd Con siderable sums have been remitted with his parents, in 1829, the year of ex pei:ises, £21. Govt. Maps of Alb;ny, , tlcheB,, I ack 8 ,1dclles, ,Jockey Sacld lcs Ho r,b Uloth1ng, ~ od al! requisites for a firs from ~ictoria and South Australia fo r that colony's foundation. i-\ ubsequ er.tly showrng the blocks, sent on receipt of 1/. ~lass SL~ble or Hoste lry, including Whips J. GA LLE. the relief of the suff'erers. he entered t he services of the bank of Spnr.,. S~ongr,s, Chamois Skins, .Brushes Albany F eb. 28th, 1890. Comb~, Scra·pers, Clippers, Harness Oils ADELAIDE, April 24. j Australasia, and afterwards entered Black mg, ct c. The r esult of the fina_l ~lections is I the Gov11rnment ser vice .. All orders sent by post or otherwise will be not yet fully known, but it is probable I Mr. Andrews was appornted secretary s. FREN CH KEY LE ·s LEVER executed ''lith al l care and promptness t hat Mr. Rees and Mr. Johnson, two t o the Central Road Board of South R.S. ol-,t~inecl FlllS'l' PRJZE at th~ late, Guaranteed , at J. O!1-LLE'S, Albany old members for the Onkapa rin ga I Australia in 1860 ; secretary to the W.f:-. Agnc ultural Society's Show held at Guilu ford, for the best collection of both district, have both been defeated . I Commissioner of Public Worl1s in Sadd lery and Harness. The steamer Albany sailed yesterday 1 187 4; secretary to th e Commissioner L -,QR S~Ll~ .- lVIillboa1:ds, ~traw' bo~rd s, and a quantity of 1:i.rge fo r Fremantle, via K. G . Sound , with of Crown Lands, in 1875; and U nder- _.I_' l'ffl'" Note the Address t he follo wing passengers : -Mr. and secretary and Government Statist, in sheet White Cardboa rd, various thick' n esses . Apply, " W . A. Ri.,;conDMrs. Howson, Mr. and Mrs. H am ilton, 1882. R OB E R T S MI 'I' I:I , office, Howick-street. and two children, Mr. and Mrs. The share market revived last BARUACK S1'RK1r'l', Williams and child, Mr. and Mrs. night, after a ve ry dull day. The (Near lhe R AI LWAY Bo:rBL,) Maynard, Mr. and M rs, Todd and four following are the latest quotations: Copie~ of the W . A. REcoiw may children, Mr. and Mrs. Eve and son, I Brokens, £ 13 12s., Centrals, £10 10s. · be obtarned from Mr. J . McHen ry WHoLE:SAL \1: AGJ,;N1' F OR THE NORTH WE.ST Mi,;ssns. WA'fl:iON & '.l'EE, :Messrs. Smart, McLean, Stephenson , Block 10, £0 14s. The oth ers ar~ ews Agent, St. George's Terrace; Barr, Seamdry, Arbou rn, Gallop, unchanged. Roebourne mid Cossack, Perth. 1 Pert! ,, October 17 188!! .


~ . G. ~EA.R,1V..1:..A.N"'S.










1, 1890.






Mc C L E E R Y , j






Bonded W arehou~es : E s s E X S T RE ET.





Mdssrs. W m. Y oucgrr and Co.'s ( Li mited) Beers, in Bu lk au d Bottle, on Se.le. Teas, Sugar, Oil man 's St ores, and Colonial Produce. J O HN McCLEE RY. hns for private sale F REEH OLD PRO E RT IES, WIT H AND W IT HO UT BUI L DINGS TH E REON, in

P ERTH. -Mur ray , George, Dyer, Newcastle, Ch arles, Douro, Ga rdeu an<l Lincoln Streets. FRID M.ANTL E.- T uckfi eld, Hill, J\l ary, S wan bourne, Packen ham, South , John, E llen, L eab, and [-I aa1 ptou Streets. Also, H ampton lfoa u. Richmond , Preston TI.ond, Beaconsfi eld, Claremont, B usse!Loo, P injarrah , anu Derby . NOT K- Hu il din g



«ale in F remantl e, from £2 1 ; Perth, £30 ; Clarernon t, £ 10.



6 n.\i_, I CU

\VJa, tesi~le a u cl HowrnK


:H eitaiJ. P 1m1·H .



(l} O Ml\iER CIAL







, y oEl-HCLES of all descriptioo 1 bau d and made to orde r.


UNDERTAKIN G <lone on : the s or tes t notice and in the lll 08t res pect-· able ma n n er st modera te c!1111 ges.

AL'S'O- F I REWOOD ut any !eugth . t and delivered i n any part of P erth


AL'$'0-CORN-CRUS HI NG done . orI''the premises.

- - -

A ll business letters to be addressed to-






I 1'1: i"

ll. ND GENERA L S'l'OHgJffiEl'ER

U EE N SLAND MEA TS, l lb & 2Ib TIN S. JS l' H EP AH E D i)l H CAG O CORN ED BE~'. F 2!b T IN S, SOUT H AUS'l' k ALIAN D ESSERT F R UIT S 21b TINS; TO ' RL<: OEl VE A ND EXECUTE CALIFOR NI A N Do, ,, ,, PE ACOCK' .· PIE FRU I T S , ,, ,, TIN .N ED VEG ETA BLES, GH EEN P E A-.: , TOMATOES, Fon' .~ L L KI N DS OF ASP AR AGU S, &c. KING SO OTE (ti.A.) F I St-J , CA BJN BREAD, PACKE T H OP S, BOO-BEO (S..-\ .) H AMS AN D B AC OX, AND G ENE RAL T EA I N PAOlC E'l' S, J;O XE~ , A N O JIA LF C H ES TS , C[JAMPAC N I•: C l ll lO{ , J\' l ' ! NTS, l i\S EOTlCJJJI~ . H U rn L G 1, .\ ::-:i':i \V .\H.:~, BEL L & BLA CK' S VE ST AS, ~50's TOBACCO, TW [ST AND PO 1.·KE l' l'l lW ES, CI GA R ETTE S, "VHWIN L-\. BRIGHl','' " OAl\l EO," "OLD ,JUD GE, " CI GAR S, MA NI L LA, LH~lUlAN , " H E.Nl{Y CLAY DAR L I NGS." HAY STRE ET PERTH .


MAKER, JEWELLER, &c., EGS to i nfo rm hi s num erous Customers th a t he has R emoved to more extensive premi ses nearly adjoining Mr . Hymu s's Chemi st Shop, Opposite t he Town H all, where Ile solicits a share of patrouage . GOLi) and SILVER WATC:ITEB and J EWELLERY of every description alway s <>D hand . ',Vedding gs mad e to ord er Tin, e pay men ts tak en. JOHN BOW RA, Howick St reet, opposite th e Town Hall




Free Goods S tores : lc;ssll x

_Q ol!I,,.;




EQUI TABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF TlIE U.S. PER'l' H BRANCH : ST. GEORGE' S-'I'ERRACE . :0 I R E O T O R S :Fo1mES'l', E sQ., J,',R. G.S., WLL. C. , Olrni 1· 111 c, 11, vV. SANDO VJm, E sq. vV. SILAS PEARSE, Esq, , JYI. L .C., &c. EDWARD Sco·rr, Esq. , M .R. C.S., &c., Chief l\:Ieclical Officer. ALB X.

N SURPLUS (namely, the excess of . Accumulatecl Funds over Liabilities) on P REMIUM I NCOMJ~, in the AMOUNT OFt IINSURANCE I N FORCE, in ANNUAL NEW BUSIN ESS, the


BQUI'l'1.\.BLl!J LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIE'I'Y EXCEEDS EVERY OTHER LI FE ASSURANCE SOCI E'l'Y, and may be regarded as the LARGEST ancl S'l'RONGES'l' ORGANISARE F O R M - TION of its kincl i.n the W orlcl .

NEw BusrnEss FOR Y E AR BNDED Sl s•r• DEcE~rnEn, 1888, OVER £ 31, 200,000. the requ est of numerous friend s :m d ot hers, tbe unu ersig ued begs THE LARGES'I' BUSI NESS ever transacted in one year by any to ann onnce t bat he is about to ud cl LIFE SOCIETY in the W orlcl . U ND ERT AK ING aud FUN E RA L F or all particulars apply to F Uk NI SHI NG, to his buil di ng and n ,AIL.WA Y R EA DING carpen1erin g bu siness . .F nue ral, t:nnd ncted expediti ously nn d MANAGER. iu expe us iv ely in town or cou n t ry .. P HJLII' RE ILLY, 2n d MONSTER ,\.RT UN ION, l 88!J. Builder, etc. Mackie- St reet, Perth, J an . 2, 1889.



£ 800

CONV ENT BOARD ING SCHOOL Sff'~ERS OF ST. JOSEPH, GERALDTON. r-J'"'I ER1\rn- For children, under 10 _I_ yea1T, 5 guineas pet· qua rt er, to be paiu in advance. M usic a nd si~1ging, 2 guineas. Entrance Fee, £ 4. Children over 1 0 years, 8 gui neas per quarter .

No More Hard Times. If you will stop spend ing so much on line elothcs, r ich food and style, buy gocid, healthy food, cheaper an cl better clo tl1iug; get more real ancl substantial thi ngs of life every way, and especiall y stop the fool ish habit of employ in g expensiv.c qua0k clocf:01:s or using so m:1cb of the "ile hum bug medicine that does you on ly harm, but put your trust in tbat simpl e, purn remedy, D r. Soule's American i .lop Bitters ; tlrnt cures v,l ways a·t , trifl ir: g cost, and you will see good times aucl bave good tb. " Cb ron -

clc ,

£ 800

T IC~ETS 103. EAC H.

T o be drawn as soon as the whole of the


m on ey is s ubscri bed.

1st Prize- BLOCK OF LAND (1} acre



Freeh old), adjoin ing railway a n d road at Nor t h Frema ntlc, on which is erected a substant ial 4-roo mecl cottage ; the

whole worth £ 7G5 2n d P rize - ·winn er t o select to val u e of

£25. :3rd Prize--Pony, saclcllc , &c ., value £ 10.

Is pr epared to m ake all k inds of CARRIAGBS equ al t o th ose of the E astern Colonies at less cost th a n they can be im ported All Carriages guaranteed fo r twelve months. R epairs promptl , executed i.n fi rst-class style. F UNEH.ALS pe L"fo rme<l on the shortest noti ce: a nd ,:, , t r easonable pricct:i.

A co mmittee o f g entle men h a ve k indly co11sentecl to cond uct t h e clrawin "'. ]~ach purclrnser of a Loo k of 20 t ick ets will b e presen ted with a Compli m en tary Ticket F REE. BONA F IDE SPECFL A'J.'lOr.,.. ~~ £800 fur 10~.






CA.SH IRO N lVI ONGE R HAS ON SALEARPENTER'S Bench Hammers Claw H amm ers; Riveting Ham mers ; Bricklayer's I lammers; Black smith's H amm ers; Miner's Hamm ers ; Stone Breaker's tl am ruers; Lath H ammers ; Shingling H am mers ; American Axes, Tomahawks, &c., &c. ; 6-in ch Rim Locks ; Cupboard Locks; Till Locks ; Chest Locks; Night Latches, with two keys ; and a variety of Locks ; AMERIC AN PATENT SPRING BLIND ROLLERS; Galvanized Air Bricks, Sin6le & Double ; HORSE SHOES, l:i /\N D MADR; Horse Shoe Nails; Bolts and Nuts, in almost all sizes ; also Iron and Brass Screws: Also, a spl endid Assortment of General Brassware Goods, viz :Plain and F ancy Chair or Mantle Nails; Plain and Fancy Picture Nails; Drugget or Carpet Pins; Stair Rods and Eyes ; Picture Rods and Brac kets; ·w indow Show Rods and Fittings ; Screw or Dresser Hooks; Screw Rings for Pictures ; Plate Rings for dit to ; Curtain Hooks, Cupboard Turns and Catches ; H at and Coat Hook s ; Iron and Brass Cornice P ole Rings: Pole Brackets; Pole Rod End s; Piano Sconces ; Brass Screw Pullies; Lamp Hooks; Cleat Hooks; Brass and Iron Ilutt H inges; Draw Handles; Drawer Knohs; Brass Eyelets for Tents. &c.; Brass Bolts ; Back Pullies ; Sash F asteners, from 4s. 9d. doz; Sash Knobs ; ::-ash Centres; Sash Lifts ; Fanlight Catches; Table Catches ; Brass Castors ; Call Bells ; Dinner Bells ; Tea Bells ; Door Springs ; Climax Patent Hinges ; Iron and B rass J ack Chain ; Galvanized Chain, Rope, &c. ; and a t · f USEFU L IRON grea variety O ' ' • MONGERY t oo numerous t o particularise. TERMS, CASH. LEVI GREEN, Cash Ironmon ger. Murray :::ltreet, Perth.




The Most Marvellous Musical Instrument in th e World. A £3 Instrument for Only £1 15s.

WP nr" Lit,, Sole: :Proprietors nf t hi<i \VOND 'Ci' fUL n,.11 c'll\ST -CLASS ORGAN ETTE. Lt is I\ R eed l r1slnim, 111 iuul 1s co11stru~• tcd ou thu s.11nr' principle B!4 nn Organ w ith Bd lu ws, nnd Fnll Ilt.!!!ds. '!'he mu sic con~~:!LS of pcrfor:u ,,,1 !lh"l'tS. which n.r<' put Into tho Orgruwttu. fom i~ldng ('if.her hcd Solo Performo.nco , n, Rich Accompa.niruflnt t o the Vm~e. or Va.lua.ble Orchest ra.I Eiier.ts. Thnr are !11:irY••ls of ~lu simi liwcnt 1on. nncl co111U111c In th PTil~f' l;c,., f\ l the prmr ipli·s 111•1111 wh ich nutomA.tic , 01'µ"tUL,..ttes. & IJ nr•• l\f)W hu11~~ 1:111.·l l· requirin~ no ski ll m the 111:rfo rmcr. An ~· ch ihl old .-n ,mt?h to uso ils hnnds Intellige ntly cnu pla.y, nnd the Ra.nge of Mui.le ia Absolutely Un llmited. Wo wish to introduce one of th ciie i:mncttcs in c,·ery tnn·n 11.nd p:lrlsh throughout th e A.u strn l uttl Col1 1 11i,•s. nnd in order t u do so spl.'cdily h:lre concl uded to sell r,. Limited N umber to th t· rcnllers or t.his pnpcr nt ONLY .£1 15& .C'nt•h. but you r orde r m 11s1 be rccci ,·ccl on or he for(> Sept. lst.18 90. as wo slrn l I J•lnce t.lL •· Oriznncttc n.t £3 ench nftcr thnt tlatc. We w ill pnsit.i vely n o t p;e \l more th'\n ON E ORGANETTE to A.HY on u 111• rsnn nt th ,s r,!d ucc<l price, ns we only mnke th i11 u11prc(·cd cn t 1:,l off,,r t. intr(nlucc this First •Cl Orgnnettc thrn uJ!ho11t th<> worhl . we ll knowing th:\t nftcr one is rcce· vcd in a neighbourhood wo will sell sc veml at Our Regulo.r Price . We nro the Sole Proprir.tors of. THE WONDERFUL "VICTORIA" ORGANETTE , nTHI yon mnst orcl c r direc t fr om us. or ugh our Autho rised A g cntR TI.emcrnbt1 r. t h e Won• dcrful .. Victoria" Org1\ll cttcs art Large and Powerfu l

;~~lt~~~oer~~~~l ~~ 1~1~1 \h~,:~1R~c<t\ ~rc:i ii; s;~·~co,\~~fr~ ftfi~~ i::: ~~ 1


oro<luce snffo•icnt ,·olume of music fu r the Chn11el, Parlour



1!i~~n~?~rf~~~ iinpr:6[

:!~e~~~t tl;;~.c~l;O~i u~:~ ,; wee tc r so1md 11ftc r hn\" ing been 11 '-f'rl n fe w .rears. For Hom~ F.ntertn.lumeutJI they Vneurpa.s~ed. ·


1 ~~



8 ~1[~~.~twi~f~c~irn

'l ion cy nml pnr cn.rri:wc to llny one who ismot vcr fcctl y snt isficcl '\fter rc<'c1vinp- it It Sings its Own Praises. With c1wh ')rgn nrttr wr enclose B sele<'tion of popnlnr tunes Free . nml pa( k , 11 111 n stronp- IJox . lf you nr(' in 'M elbourn e nt an y t ime. cnl l ,nus. or,( you hn,·c t.-iends liv ing here . you cn n request thcll' lO call 1rnd pur<' hniic fo r you . If yon w ish to net ILS nn n~elh fo r us send AT ONCE nnd secure the ntt"c ncy fo r yo nr SCl' t ion

~~~joa~ 0~~~~{1!~~ia\~~~e~~e~~S~!~1 ~o:e~ :; fc~is~~~~d

L ~ey Orde r. Draft, N _' o_t•..,·_ _ __.

~ o~ogl~0 ~;J!i:~u7°!~~rcTJiiR~~ t1gJtlt~~~E;~

J)ro ,·lclt>d it issi~ut. w ith £ 1 i !is. nnd orde r. not lat e r tlmn

Sept. 1st. 1890 ,

:'\o onl tlr will be ncc...,ptNl wi thout £1 15s. inol utlcs stcnm boa.t , conch ,

th 1s Coupon. unless [nil pr ice. £3. is sent.


~!1;:;~~~ ~f{ ~~.~~inf~is~iil:.ilw:i.y,

(Sign ed) The Victoria Ma.nura.cturing a.nd Im.porting Co.

Address or call on the Victoria Manufacturing Importing Co., 256 Collins St., Melbourne.



teed two year , at J. GALLE'S, Albany "FoR

B Loon rs THE LIFE."WORLD-FA MED BLOOD MIXTURE is warrRot,ed to c!ean~e th e blood [ ro ro all impuri ties from w~atever cause arismii;. For Scrnful a, Scun ;y , S'cin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kind s, its effects are marvellous. Tbousaac~ of testimonials. Sold in bottles, 2s. 9d. and 1 Is each by Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors everywhere. Sole Prorrietors THE



Co., Lincol n,England.




BILL HEADS, Mr.Mos., CART NOTES MILL OTES, TRADE CARDS, VISITING CARDS, M1mom,1i\l CARDS, LABlJ.LS, PR0GR,1 M,1rns, PAMPHL ETS, HA NDBILLS, PosTr,;RS, CATALOGUES, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRINTING IN GOLD, SILVER, BRONZ11:, COLORli:D I NI{S, ~:TC. Large _supply of printer's. Stationery, incl uding Straw-hoard s, Mill-boards, and Large Sheet White Cardl,oard. Ladies' and Gent's, gilt-edged Visiting Cards, Graphite Correspondence Cards, with Envelopes. Embleroatical "In Memoriam" Cards plain and foldin g.



The dullness pervading commercial transactions for months past shows but little pe1·cE1ptible sign of abatement, if any for the past week. Mining, notwithstanding a report of a probable downpour of rain on the Eastern Golclfields, lacks all vitality, while little attention may be expected from investors in this direction until the atmosphere is thoroughly purged of the scandals recently disclosed in the Supreme Com·t relating to this important industry. 'rhe discovery of alluvial gold at the Ashburton fortunately counteracts to some extent at any rate the evil influence alluded to, for miners are pouring into the colony by every steamer, and, whether their hopes will be realised immediately or at some future date, the colony must innevitably benefit by any recognisable increase in the population at the present time. The patience of investors at Southern Cross is taxed to the utmost, and we hear of more than one having succumbed to the strain meteorologically, a-s it is said, placed upon them. Therefore the report of rain from that quarter must be a relief, and those who know or should know say that large and regular returns of the precious article will soon follow the first downpour. Bunbury Tin was in demand during the week at 6s., but no sales were effected. Pastoralists experience ha.rdships in travelling stock on account of the scarcity of both grass and water, and th ose who were lucky enough to have supplies and some to spare find ready sale for them. Fat cattle maintain average prices; some however have run as high as £11 15s., but this being a single instance, is not a criterion to go by. Fat sheep are scarce in the metropolis at present and consequently fetch every penny t hey are worth . 'rhe Produce market remains unchanged, the rates of the past three weeks still ruling. Messrs. Hugh McKernan & Co. report as under :The follo,ving prices were realized at Auction by us this 30th day of April 1890.Wheat, 4s. 4d.; Flour, (stone), £10 10s. ; Bran, £6 10s.; Pollard, £7 5s.; Potatoes, £11 lls.; Bacon, 10d. ; Cheese, lld.; Tea, (average), l s. 4d.; Ducks, 3s. 6d.; Turkeys, 9s. 6d. ; Fowls, 4s. Other stuffs unnoticed.


mite ct o 02.

1, 1890

using a language to which the representatives of our growing na tipnalism disdain to mould their MAY. t houghts; Campb ell pleading the 1-THUR. Sts. Philip and James Aps. cause of bis country, Parker partly 2-FRI. St. Athanasius B.C.D. un consciou s of her claims; Camp3-SAT. Finding of the Holy Cross. 4-SUN. IV after Easter. bell, the A ustralian, or nothing, 5- MON. St. Pius V. P.C. Parker t h e Imperialist, if anything; 6- TUES. St. John Lateran. Campbell the statesman, Parker 7- WED. St. Benedict II. P.C. 8-THUR. Apparition of St Michael the politician. Archangel. As colonists are aware, the sole and undisputed control of our lands is the crux of this question in the solution of which " Be indefritigable in yow· purpose, and we sent home our delegates to with ,indaunted spirit resist iniquity and try to assist. They were (so people conquer evil with g00d, having be fore "our eye.• the reward prepared for those who combat for und e!'stood, but the Legislature the of Christ.''- Pius 1 X, appears not to have instructed th em even on essential points) THURSD.aY, MAY 1, 1890. to clo their utmost towards arriving at a settlement satisMR. PARKER BEFORE THE factory especially on this point to the colony. This, Governor SELECT COMMITTEE. Broome and Sir Thom as Campbell EIGHT days ago we should have have, we are credibly inform ed, written of the Western Aus- strain ed every nerve to accomtralian Delegation as an almost plish. We are willing to give unqualified success; to-day, can Mr. Parker credit fo r anything he we honestly so write of it ? may have clone towards securing His Excellency the Governo1·, thi s consummation, but what we it is true, by his evidenct' have heard to his ad vantageiis counbefore th e Commons' Committee, terbalanced largely by hi s policy as by the various expedients on one vital point. We know be has r esorted to of enlighten- that be addressed the St. George's ing the public mind of Great Club and won from Sir Frederick Britain on that question which W eld the complim ent that he so deeply interests u s a,t tl'fe had spoken in admirable taste, present time, has merited well but we know from Sir Thomas of the colony, the reins of Campbell that his speech was whose government he is just an effusion bubbli ng over with about to relinqui sh. Sir Thomafi "Imperialism, Federation, and Campbell also by bis splendid Loyalty ." And b efore the Select effo rts to Sorve us bas placed above Committee his predilection for b ecame apparen t suspicion his reputation fo r I mperialism. Sir Thomas Campbell political ability ancl integrity, again. and while exhibiting a degree had just said in evidence that of diplomacy in dealing with r,n Imperial garrison at Albany his opponents, has displayed th e would be a menace to a United On the contral'y, sagacity of the statesmen in noth- Australia. ing more prominently perhaps spoke Mr. Parker, the Imperial than in his bearing before th e troops mig ht well hold the Committee. But with Mr·. Parker position and make it the Gibraltar Mr. Parker a we confess to a f eeling of di sap- of Australia. t at esmau ? Statesmanship forpointm ent. ·\iVhether it be that, a lth oug h an Australian h e had sooth ! The delegate pleads in not imbib ed the ntt-tiom1l sentim ent one breath for the surrender of our people, or that, dazed by to t he control of our local the glamour of Imperialism in Legislat ure of the lan.ds of the its great stronghold, certain it colony and in the next for the is that his attitude b efore th e retention by Great Britain of the Select Committee was n0t one we key to the whole position-to the sho uld expect the repeesentative colony not mer ely but to the As well might de of any Australian community t o continent. assume, and least of all to assum e ] ' rnycinet in n egotiating with so deliberately as he; and we Kaise r Wilhelm for the cession doubt not that the publ ic opinion to F rance of Alsace-Lorraine, of the of the Eastern Colonies (if not of concede th at troops W estern Australia) will apprai se .B'ath erland should hold the citadel at th eir true value the services of Met z ! The analog·y of course rend ered by him to them and t o is not perfect, but it serves to us on that important occasion; illustrate our main idea. Again and d iscriminating b etween th e M r. Parker a rgued, so we are views-in-evidence of our worthy informed by t elegraph, that Great ba ron et and his colleag ue, will Britain must not interfere in our Statesmanappreciate tbe two d eleg a tes in domestic concerns. their public capacity just in ship fo rsooth ! A s well might proportion to their respective you g ive the proverbial motherm erits. Th e contrast forces itself in-law a corner in your house, before our minds between the pass "Non-inter vention ! " as the earner of the two men as parlia- watch word, a nd exp ect domestic mentarians and as deleg ates: q ni et to ensue. No: we AustraSi.r Thomas Campbell always the lians want no mother-in-law within uncompromisin g opponent, both doors at any rate, and Mr. in and out of tbe House, of P arker must be gi.ven to underConstitutional chan ge ; Mr. Park e l', s tand. tlrnt th is will be a fundaof "annual motion" fam e, mental prin ciple with the coming wh ose efforts in the direction of g ua rdia,ns of our political tutelao-e, Responsibl e Government, regular - wit h those who a re to 1:ad as tbe _recurring seasons, have t he West Australia n people to passed mto a proverb. The th e full enjoyment of the rights ba ron et a Conservative of the o-f their political manhood. What fast wate r ; the barrister if n ot a pi ty th at our delegate should Radical, nothing. The o~e fear- h ave so spoken, s hould have ful of R eform, the oth er as consented to sacrifice that which a rde n t ly courting it. N()w as A ustralia bas been struggling Delegat l'ls before the Co mmittee h a rd to secure-the integrity of con_side r them : Campbell, as far- A ustralia, the control by the seemg , as tenaciou s of purpose, as ~ ustrnliau Governments of every s h_rewcl as ever, speaking the m ch of A ustralia n t erritory and mm d of Australia-of th e evei·y soldier on A us tra lian soil d emocracy, the nation, b eueath in a word, the fulfilment of t h; the Southern Cross ;-Parker maxim "Australia for the Aust



1, 1890.



the chief n ;ty, we 'I'1rn Drawin g ofPrizes, in aidoftheNorth FROM the Greenbushes Tinfi elds comes were several handicap asraces, a Wh a t tra li a n s ?" we could learnas far being, winners are here t g·h Althou news. cheering most the on held be to ed dat School, r e pea t ! T h e Im p e ria l G o v ernm en t F re '?antl~ G. Fraser, W . McCaifrey, 9t h m st., 1s postponed t othe6th ofAu gust . but t hree or fou r claims, wh ich may be for t he boys, d · d d · · · If h as no t m ee m s1ste upo n said t o be in active operat ion, yet the Dearden, and Pring. Foi· the girls, A. 1t se 1 quality of the washdirt gives every indica- Molloy, L. McGuckin, ~,. King. Donat ions t h e g arr iso ning of Impe r ia l t r oops tion of an incren.sing richn ess as tho were given towards t he sports by several in t h e A ustralian colo ni es. On MirnsRs. SMri·u AND NEWMAN, of Fre- sinkings deepen. Want of water st ill visitors. At about fi ve o'clock a stop was made for tl 1e con trary , successive S ec r etari es mantle, filed their petition in liquidat ion appears to be the great drawback, but once o f Stat e h ave endo rsed t h e p urel y fas t Saturday, at t he Supreme Court, winter set s in, we may hope t o see an te>1., and then all the children were marched to th e Subiaco platform, which was reached Liabilit ies £ 1 250. h .. W I'ltmg · immense increase in the ou tput. . ' to t e A us t r a l ian view . in time for the 6 p .111 . train to Perth. There was a great crush, but with the Coloni es th e Gove rn ments o f A MAN named 'riittersall was employed . Roberts, t he under date Jun e 12, 1885, Lo r d A MAN named Buckle, e mployed on it in painting the outside of th e lighth ous e ever-ready assistance of Mr geni,tl Traffic Manager, all the child.r an D e rby s ays w it h r egard to t h e station so me fe w miles from Point on P oint Moore, _near Geraldton, and in were got safely into the t rain which was d efe n ce of K in g George' s Sound : Cloates, was fo und d ead las t month. the course of his work had to be lowered , soon on its way to P erth . A great number of people journeyed to "He r Maj esty' s Gov- H e is supposed to have died from by a rope, fro m the platform on which the lantern stands. F inding a flaw in Subiaco by th e 2 p .m t rain. There wore want of water. and suu the to exposure assist to d e r a ep r p e rnm ent are the splicing of the rope he asked to be also presen t nmny visitors fro m F remantle th e Colonies b y a t once sending hauled up. Wh en abo ut 100 fee t from and Guildford. The cooking arrangements were entirely the ground, he called out t hat his strength out th e a rm a m e n t a n d th e s ub A com_manding offi c_ers p:1rade of th e would not last out th e t ime required to carried out by t he Misses. Naughton, and m a rine min es r eferred to abo v e .f' : Metropoht:111 Rifles will be held at the r each the to p, and Davis, who was when it is remembered t hitt six hundred f f . . d e hv e r mg: th e m _r e_e O c o st~ 1 arm oury, this everr:n g, >1.t half-past sevet1 , · assisting hi m from the platform im- children were provided with dinner and th e Col om es a r e w1llm g to d efr ay when th e prizes, won at the late med iately commenced to lower away. tmt, a fair idea will be formed of t he amount of work they had t o do: all oth e r ex p enses a nd to m a in tai n Tournament, will be distributed. When within twenty 0 1· thir ty fee t from enormous The members of the P erth C. Y. M. beth treng s Tntters:ill's gt·oLmcl, he t e r e Th . son rri a g sary eces the n Society have r en.son t o congrat ulat e tLe,nc:ime com pletely ex hausted , a nd rehi.x ing proved one of the m0c.t can be no d o u b t, c onsider in g th e 1 his hold hu full tn the eart h, str ik ing on selves on what hi g h d eg r ee ot efficien cy t o w h ich 1T is ru mou red th at a conferen ce, of ,tll I the inrn fh.11~" wh ich surro und s the b:1se successful picnics ever held in the colony. u, th e l and fo rce s of Austr al i a , th e comm andan ts from the variono of th e to wer. Both insteps were broken, colonies, will be held at Albany, at t. To '£HE EDrroR OF THE RECORD. h a v e arlready attain e d, th at th e distant date, to d iscuss, and fo rmulate and one leg fr.actnred at the kn ee join care the poor lVIcWilliam's . Dr nder U scheme mprehensive co a upon, eport r a a ,;h furni eadily r ould c Col onie s fe llow is doin g well. Sm,-Having resided for the last fourbody of tra in ed m en t or w o rking for the defence of that port. teen months at " Parker's Range" it may . s e in m e rin a th e g un s a nd t h e s ubm A MONTH or so ago, t he death of a hativ ~ prove interesting perhaps to t he public at H ow th e fo r ce sho ul d b e c on large, and t he Governmen t especially, to occurred at Mr. Rnssell's st ation, at Shark s ti t uted and wh e th er i t s b oul a b e I ON the property_ of the Co_llie :8,iver Coal solid facts ;i,bout the gold field Company the discovery of a rich seam of Bay, u nder somewhat suspicious circum hear a fewcan r. . ' safely stat e upon personal here. I p e rma n entl y stat 1011 e d . a t l"-.rn g coal has been made ata depth of seventeen st ances. It appears t hat the native texperience t hat the "Range" is in fact, t o take his G eo rge' s S ound, or h eld 111 rese r- ve feet . . Tl~e coal is of gre>1.t densi~y, Bonabiddy, by name, wantedwhere he was and that t here is every probability of it wom:111 away from the st ation r e a dy to b e di s p a tched to the aud 1s said to much resemble t hat obtam- employed in minding sheep, that she was yet provin g itself, one of the most proed from the Bulli Bulli mine, in New South f • t· . unwilling to go, and t hat he violent ly fitable finds ever made in Australasia. s t a t 10n m 1m e o e m ergen cy ar e Wales. But t he Government, I am sorry t o own, assaulted her. Whereupon an overseer qu estion s which c a n only be t hrashing, afterwards appears to t ake but small interest in the a Bonabiddy gave In A pril, d e cid e d in A us tralia." g iving him some food, and sending him field or the poor men t hat have laboured, Holl a, n d, ANOHTER veteran has gone to his long a way from the station. Four or five clays considerably handicapped by ,t dry season H enry S ir 1887, other privations, to keep t he field S ec retar y of State, w r ote :- " It rest. A pensioner named Donnelly died afterwar ds, t he body of Bonabiddy was and city, on Friday found within 500 yards of the spot where open . he t i11 suddenly, very is consid e red d esi rab le not to night. He was well known in P erth, and Mr. Eichboun had beaten him . An If such prospects were before any other m 1mn g· was, for many years, bugler to t he En- inquest was held shortly afterwards at Government , an am·iferous field, good land, an d g u ns th e send mineral resources-they e quipm en t ou t u nr,il t h e Coloni a l rolled Force. Death resulted from heart whi ch the above facts wer e elicited, and an and other rich have had a railway to the ost would I am sure p a week, last to place ook t . I.P R. adjournment disease. G o v e rnm ent h rLve d ecid e d on t h e ,noi·teni examination conducted by " Dr. fields ere t his. I consider that patching t he present pre cise localitie::i to b e d efe n ded Lovegrove having taken place in the a n d th e numb e r of t r oo p s t h ey NEWS has been received in Geraldton of meantime. The result of the doct or's roads is folly, waste of time and public fiv e ribs of t he money. And the money already expended a r e pre p are d t o r a ise fo r t h e the discovery of a gold bearing reef of examination was, that, native were broken but as Dr . Lovegrove on bush roads, as anyone who travels from defence of t h e pl ace (K.G. Sound) quartz at a spot, on t he Greenough R iver, conld not st at e whether these inj uries had York t o Parker 's Range can see, has been as w ell as th e c ontribu tions th ey near Y uin, itbout 150 miles infand. The been inflict ed before or after death, an uselessly expended. 'r he wat er question, when we consider t he Th e reef shows an outcrop of half a mil e in open verdict was returned.- Vi ctorian t oo, is perplexing spent a r e pre pared t o m a k e ." in sinking t anks labor and money length and quite six fe et in width, carry- Exp1·ess . t h ese ing gold freely. of significance full which so far are practically useless. A railway to the fields and sufficient f unds d esv a t ch es h e wh o runs m ay r ead. CATHOLIC SCHOOL S PICNIC. t o enable a good water supply there ar e Government w as Th e B r i tish things most required. prep a r ed to a llow A l b any t o be MR. C. E . BROADHURST has leased the Mi,ny reasons might be urged favo uring On Wednesday last, the children attend- a railway to the fi elds, among which I may h el d b y local tro op s : w ill it b e L acepede I sla-nds from the Governm en t ing t he Catholic Schools of P erth and the excessive prices we have to so now th a t our delegate h a s for the purpose of procuring and ex - Guildford held their annual picnic at mention everything t here, a stat ement of pay for urned ret just has e H guano. he t porting e r a Col on ies Th e s p oke n ? Subiaco. The weather was delightf nl : a whi ch I intend giving at a fnt nre time. $peaks and islands, these to trip it from more glorious day for a picnic could not be It 1miy astonish many t o hear that " salt" pre p a r ed to r a is e and contribute highly of the quality of the fertiliser wished for . At eight o'clock, the Perth is sold on accordin g to po pulation t o t h e which may be obtained there in almos t children had assembled at t he Bishop's which is prover bially "cheap" t he fields n.t seven pence a pound ! ! !- I for h ot b oops r t of e c maintenan unlimited quanti ties. Palace, where they forme d into proces- ,un, sir, yours, etc. sional order, and, headed by the Volunteer E . CAHILL. K ing George's So und a nd 'fhurs Band, marched t o t he Central Station. April 26th . d ay I s l a nd, points of strateg ic The sweet strains of the band, the orderly im portan ce t o A u s tra lia gen e rall y: WE underst'1 nd that Mr. J. D. Booker marching, the bright faces and happy the accepted and offered been lrns smiles of the children wrought it ple,,sing I Rl S H 'J'() vVN. will th ey now h ave t h e opti on of Acti ng M anagership of the P erth Agency and edifying impression on t he minds of t a aid s rt u B . :Mr ..A.s ? s o doing of the National Bank of Australasia. the beholders. From our own Correspondent. the Colonia l C on f e r en ce in 188 7 : This is a fitting recognition of the Arrived at the Station, t hey were soon On E aster Monday the R ev. F ather " The Austr a lian C olo ni es as a services rendered by M r. B ooker to joined by the Guildford children, and all at Irish town at 9 o'clock r ul e des i r e t o m a in tain th eir own the cor poratinn, and we ho pe that the were got quickly into the t rain, which, at 'rracey said massmass at No rtham at 11 steamed off with its a nd a second will become per manent. nine, tment to in appo quarter a l a n d defences a nd protect their freight of youthful pleasure-seeke~·s, and o'clock. An unusally large number i-eown port s, a u cl w e in vV es t s?on ? ad them safol:I'. land~d at theu- des- ceived Holy Co mm union at I rish town . The bazzar held in North am on E aster .Au stralia d esire al so t o do t h e THE late rich discoveries upon the Ash t m at10n. A fe:v mmutes walk brought J n!onclay proved a very successful one. e th all vhere ~ groun~s, Subiaco he t o t em th same t h i n g as s oon a s we a r e b urton have hacl the effect of r ousing · hundred and one games m c1dental to a The dra . · t 0 0 k P1ace on tl 18 f 0 11 owmg 'wui~ a bl e ." So s ay we; a nd now wi t h enthusiasm t o fever heat, and as a conse- school picnic were gone into with most quence, large m1mber·s are throwing up h,,lf-past cl; Y: I WI'.~ lea ve the_ i·epo rt to your th e proffe r e d a ssis tance of our t heir employment s and making· r eady t o commendable energy. At about twelve a bell was heard to ring, and the N oi tham con espo:1 dent ,vl10 was present e b should e w e a s tern neighb ours start for Cossack and Ashburton . Already, children well u nderstanding what it meant, the whole of the t un ~. A voluntee r corps 1s_abo•1t ~o be formed a ble to pla nt and mai n tain at by the Otway, 73 men sailed from Fremantle suddenly ceased whatever o-ame t hey were a. at, and made for the ground wh ere dinner at N ortham . A p ublic mee tmg was held of for those ports, and it is rumom·ecl that a gar rison K . G . So un d fair proportion of t he passengers, per the be ser ved. 'I'wo large rings were fo r the p_ur pose of ascertaining t he numA u strali a n s oldier s un d er A u s - Albany, th e same obj ect and destina- was to fo r mecl, one each for the boys and girls, bor w1llmg to enroll , an d 46 strappina com m and . 'fhu s woul d tion in view. t r a lia n and for an hour or so several young ladies young fellows gave iu their names. Th~ co llision w ith the and gentlemen were kept ? usy providing Station Master, Tl'l r. J . S wain , was apt ho d a n ger for theu· wanfo .. T~e excitement of g~t- pmn ted secre tary to •,he mee ting. This m o th er c ountry b e m in im i sed; ting· r eady for_a p1cmc, a three-nule ride m gentleman is, I believe, th e ori ginator of erth, P in fired match, the OLLOWING F stren g t h e n e d; our self-relianc e the auspices of the Rifle A.ssocia- i t railway t~am, an_d t b~n the 1~cv1t~ble the_ movement, an d ha ving had good exunder our nati on al pride as d ef e n d e rs t ion, and won by the squacl representing ~wmgmgs, races, etc., make a person feel, pen cnce as ii volu nteer, bo th in Enaland of t h is the Fremant le Rifles, a rifle con test was m every sense of the wo~·cl, lrnn_gry. How- and West Australia his will found e r fil as e qu a ll y ' no ' ever the "wait ers " with t hen untirmg d b b j us tified ; our an-anged between t eams r epresent ing the atte~tions soon h~d all the " inner men " . ou t, e of great val~e to the N ortham Greater Brit a in the Geraldton Rifles thoroughly refreshed aud satisfied. Then Vol_unt_eers . . I __am a_lso m fo rmed that one Artillery, Fremantle d om estic u n ion of c olony with and the F remantle Rifles . 'I'he competiof aboll t an hom·, when of. ,\ snm lat kmcl 1s to be fo rmed at colon y conso li d a t e d; au cl t h e bon d tion was held on Wednesday week, and followed an inter val res umed their various lri_sh town, and ,rn ?ther at Wo:1gamin e, if again children he t of affectio n and k in s hip with t h e won by t he Fremantle Artillery, with 202, games-racing being the chi ef feat ure. tins be trn e, won t our I n slt Boys cut a an d t he 200 making Rifles tle Freman the o ld country confirm e d throu g h Geralclton 195. A second match, fired on vVe fai led to get the names of the winners dash. I have no fresh ne ws from the ""olclour r ecognition of h er u n selfi s h- F riday, was also won by the Fremantle of all the many events which came off durin..,. clay, but the following are among th~ fi elds, except the same old story lots of the illery. cle a t Art s ob e on cing a l p not n i n e ss principal :- 10 minutes go-as-you-please- go ld and litt le wate r. M r . W. E a'ton mid i n t h e way of our v i rtu a l, if n ot R. M~ggs, 1st. _Caporn, 2nd won by a lap. Mr. P. Ryan , who return ed lately, s t[Lte SheJhe lcl Handicap- T . Crogan, 1st. 0 . that they hacl to tra vel over a space of 60 nom inal, ind ep en d en ce. i\fa. F . J. HICKLING who has filled the F raser;, 2nd. T. : rogan, l s\ . M. Ryan, miles with their teams of U horses, with position of manager of t he W est Austra- 2nd . l ug of ~ ar, bet,~een I ei th school- no other supply of wa ter than that co nagency of the National Ban k since boys and Guildford ditto . _Fo r a few tain ecl in t wo small casks which •h lian 1i o cal an ll . er B ut ' still 110 ti1111 J"une 1887, is about to remove from the mmutes after t he word was ~1ven to pull, carried with them. c; ' " • . .1 t th e neither teams co uld stir t heu· opponents, daunted th of charge ·ceptecl a has He colony. TFlERB arc tw o roller fl our mills in opera- South Australian ttgency, t he next in when the Guildford boys gave one des- are alr .' e~c '.v~ JOVI~ . waggoners' 1 st 1 ' _e,.c Y pie_par e~ to :1 t ,tg~m. Some t ion at the Gree nougb, one owned by import ,1,11ce to the Mel bourne, which is t he perate t ug at the rope and pulled the Messrs. J . S. Maley and Son, the other head oflice in Australi>1.. Mr. Hickling has Perth boys over the ma rk. The winners say th 'Lt th e PrI?e given fo r car t-mg to the But I am of the fie)d~ IS too h 1&h. by Messrs. T. Clin ch and Son proved himself t o be well adapted for were cheered loudly. Boys under 14.-W. i\foCaffrey. Girls opmwn _that it is not enough, especi:1lly manac,,erial duties, and ha earn cl fo r him14.- L . McGuckin . Boys under 12. at this tmi e of th e ymir, when water is so SICKNESS seems very prevalent in t he self ~ high reputation in business circles . under Girls under 12.-A. Molloy. scarce. £ 25 per ton ?ould be something Leeder. J. ' Misses the ancl Hickling Mr. Socially what from Vasse, a great many suffering Bagley. Gu·ls under n e>1.r the mark, for 1t must be borne in 10.-J. under Boys ohavm missed, much be will Hickling but pains, wou~d appear to be rhemnn.tic Handicap.-G. mind that carting to the fie lds is not all Ilalf-mile . Kino. 110.-.l!, th~ in favom·ites first themselves proved incipient the possibly may be a form of Mews. 'I'here honey. Ona teamster sa it1 111:) had tu Hanclicap.-C. Giils . Fraser circles. inner stage of influenza.



~e n etn l.






I '

8 '


strain the w~te~ t~rough a ,commoi:i h~y insole of th e boo t he was wearin g. It bag, to obta111 1t m a s uffici ently h q md 1s rumo ul'ed that th e doctor attendin rr 111111 form. to make tea of, an d without exag- h as but slight h opes of his r eco very . ~ernt1~n, you co ~ld almost have cut it Itappear s iwasinerro r, stating inm y las t, m to sh~es before 1t was stmrn cl. I that Messrs. P arker a nd Rick ey wer e to · · I 11ot1co th a t M r. P . B resna h an, one o f carry out t he improve ments r eq mred on our Irishtown Boys, was one of the lucky th e new rnad to P arl·er 's Ringe . d . h 1· ' , . t n o wI10 I a t eI y ass1sce rn t e c 1scovery Through a sligh t di sagreemen t it appears of gold at tho Ashburton . those aentlernen declined a nd Mr. Ricliard Two l)ersons fro m Pe rth at·e abo ut to H oop ,"s t d l en er ms now b een accepte d start a bakery in Northam and will use M , B 'd : Byfi e]d's Roller F lour on];. ~n~e r 8 . • n go .now prese~ts qu ite a smm ~ ,, aJ! th " small s uck ~rs Tl.10 farm ers are preparing fo r tl10 an d t1 ti e s sowmg, and large q uant ities of new Janel . - ·· e ·' w I11ch . f onner l y g rew tluc kon either s1dfl, hav mg bee n g rnbbed up, are being got ready for the •Jlo ugh. allowing of a c.le,ir view of the bridge The 'rl10 wea ti1er con t mu · es cl ry, an d ~o far b weath er, fo r th e last few weeks, 1ias een un seasonable a nd very hot. But th ere doesnot see rn anirnm edrnte ltk elthood a change took place, and on S unday of a downpour, alt hough many eyes 1tt·e mormn g we had a few nice showers. often turned upwards in quest of the rain This will, 110 do ubt, s tart so me of the clouds. farmers sowing. To-day th e sky is over.A iril 28 1 cast, an cl we expect so me mo re before it · clears off. .,.. ,,.___,, April 21, 1890. ..,, . t .







. .A. Half Hour's Walking Contest took plA.ce m t he Temperan:ce H all, P erth, on Tuesday mght of last. week, between J .. Reardon a:nd A . Fmlay. At thr ee mmutes past eight tho starter got the two · R ead on, w10 I lms .a comp et·t I orn away. most takm g style, and should, when his st ·e ti . t d . d , 1 ng 1 1s m?re ma ure , give a goo ac~ount of h1.mself, made the pace and qmckly acqmred a good . lead · His opponent made some determmecl spurts but Reardon always succeeded in wearing him down, and notwith standing his efforts, shook him off easily, and won by 4 laps. Reardon covered 3 miles 14 laps Finlay 3 miles 10 laps Considering th~ . . ' ·of the room, and very 1umted dimensions th.e conse.quent lar ge of laps to the llllle, t his may be considered a very creditable performance.

L C l:> •


M.C .C.


P.C.C .

A fter four da.y's play, this match was brought to completion last Saturday afternoon. Space will not permit of a detailed account, we will therefore summarise the day's play. The n ?t-out men of the Perth C.C. resumed their batting, and were not disposed of until they had compiled 171. The Mets ha d therefore 198 to get to score a win, but succeeded in making only 145 thus losing the match by 52 runs. North 28, Parker 35, Piper 32, and and Roe 10, were the only ones who got into double fi gures. By this win the Pei·th C.C. is placed as the senior team of W.A., and they certainly deserve the honour, as their performances in the field, h ave shown good form in all departments of the gam e. At the conclusion of the mat ch Mr. North made a speech congr atulating t he Perth C.C. on t he well earned victory, and called for three ch eers for the premier team of the colony. Mr. T. Kelly r esponded on thtJir behalf, and gracefully acknowledged the many flatterin"' encomiums which h ad been bestowed upon them by Mr. North. The scores are appended below:P erth C.C ., 1st Inning 177; 2nd InningsW. V. Duffy (capt) . ... . .. 24 T. Kelly, b . Piper O J . L each, run out ... 11 S. J'. Randell, not out... 64 •r . Sharland, run out ... ... 3 E. A. Randell c North b· Gale.. . 8 J . Scrymgo,1r, c Wright, b Gale 8 A. J . Sinclair, run out... . .. 24 E. Ogborne, c sub. b Gale 10 H. Sadler, b. Gale . .. 3 W. D. Moore, not out . . . .. . 0 Extras · 7

A special general meeting of the above ·society was held on the 13th inst. , there a fair attendance . .After th e usual fo r mal pr elimi naries, the Presid ent rose to a rn, ounce th e object for which the meetin g was call ed. H e was s ure that the members, like himsef, must feel and give expr ession to their fe elin g of sorrow :rnd regr et wh en th uy learned that th ey had been ,issem bled to bid farewell to their , espected anJ clear pastor, the R ev. Father L ong. lt Lad pleased His L ord shi p, the Bishop, to calJ Father L on" from their district, th at another parish mi[(h t have th e ben efit of h is la bo urs . Th e no tice rece iv ed by the officers a nd comm ittee was so short, that th ey had been un able to do mor e than ask the mem bel's to moot togeth er, and express to Father Long th eir so rrow at his departurn from amo ngst th em. B ut it would be th e business of a futu re meetin g to prepal'e a validictory addr ess, to be forwarded to th e reverend gen tlem nn, accompanied by a substanti al donation. Mr. Eak ins th en addressed Fath er L ong : Dear :md Reverend F ath er, it is with much regret and sorrow that I ha ve, on behalf of t he Greeno ugh C. Y.M. Soe.iety to say ,L few valedictory words to you on the eve of yo ur departure for the Vasse. I~ is not qu ite two years since we assembled to ten cl er you a welcome to our society . '.I'otal ... 171 Mr. Eakins then dwelt at some length Metropolitan C.C. 1st Innincrs 151; 2nd upon the large interest exhibited in the Innings" wor kin g of the instit ution, a nd th e great Dr. Connor, b Duffy.. . ... ... O help it hacl been to the officers, in causing A . Curtis, c Ogborne b E. Randell ..--: 8 tho large number of admissions to th eir H. G. B . Mason, b Duffy . .. 2 YORK. ranks. The speake r also instanced the H . Wright (absent) .. . . .. zealo us an d painstaking care shown by F . Finlayson, b Duffy ... ... 7 From our own Correspondent. Father Long in superin t endin g the F. D . North, c Sharland b Duffy ... 28 On Suncl,1y the very Rev. Fr. CJibney reli gious instructiou of the children, both W. A. Gale, b E. Randell .. . 8 Geo . Parker, lbw, b Sharland 35 e~pressed his. pleasure at again meeting in the schools and at th eir houses. R. A. Piper, b Sharland 32 his congregation, after his absence a t And following the line of action J .C. Hills, b D,11Iy .. . 2 Albany. He spoke in terms of high adopted by hi s pred ecesso r, t he A. G. Roe, not out . . . 10 praise of the inhabitan ts of that town, Voner::i.ble Arch deacon Lecaill e, ho had Byes ... 7 an~ of the strong. Catholic feelin g of the made it a regular d utr to visit th ~ settlers, Leg Byes 6 residents. H e wished to congrntulate even m th e most d istan t stat10ns conand sincerely thank the York pec,ple tained in the d i.s trict. Concludi ng. hi s Total.. . 145 upon tho very successful issue of t he \ remarks Mr. Eakms, as the mouth piece late Bazaar. To the donors who had 80 of the society, conveyed to Father L o11g, liberally contributud the " wares" for the earnest wish of t he Society that F OO'.I' BALL . sale, and those energetic persons who every. h,1p1;>in ess a nd success woul d attend rnh d ffi t d h · l J I h f I M .L e Union Football Cl ub, by t he way, h a e ec e t eir c isposal, his sincere u m 111 11s t: ew .sp ere . o wor" r. now The Fremantle, held its annual thanks were tendered. During t he month R eynolds, the V1ce- pres1dent, rn a very n_ieetin\l' early last week. A eapital selecof May, d evotions will be held in th e neat speech corroborated th e statemen ts tion of officer s and committee men has Chu rch every evening, and 1 when suf- put forwa rd bv that ge ntleman. been made, and the Club promises to be a fi ce n t nu mb ers attended, Be'1edi ction Father ~ on l(, in reply , said that he warm one this season. wou ld be g i,•en twice in the week. Th e could not finrl words suffi cie nt to exprc~s I So far the Rovers have not called their ve ry re.v. gentl ema n preach d a lengthy his thaukfulness to the mcn.1bors f~r th e~r preliminary meeting, and rumour had it a nd h ighly 1nstructtv e sermn n upon k1~1dn ess . bes to,~ed upon him dunng l11s that they were not going to form. How" Confession." After mo ss th fJ meetin g SOJOUrn 111 th en· nndst. It was a great I ever the "_many-tvngued" now r eports of the fem ale branch of the Sacred H ear t scource of 11luas ure t o him to have helped that there 1s every probability of th eir Society was held. Low Sunday ha. vin g on th e Society, and , 1f ~vor he found it ass~mblmg at an . early date. 1'he Metropassed th e mhabitants are th inking uf t he !11s power to be of ass1sta11ce to th e m, pohtans ai:e .keepmg qmet, but no one M arriage state, and th e "banns" of 111 the futu1'c, th ey might al ways count d 0,11bts ~hen· mtent10n of playing. three couples were published in t he upon his aid. It was with much s01T01v 1- rge Junwr _clubs, m P erth, are already Church on Sunday . he was partin g from them, and thou gh 1: ; ~t P.ra~~we! _and on dit, ~o me of them Th e York Athletic Club has published far from their parish, his h eart would 1 ~ t btehcommgk arnfbtiltious o_f bem g moved UJJ ·th h rh m o · o ra n s o 10 sen10rs t h e programme o~ events to be com peted b e a1ways wt t em. ' e reverend · for on Jun e 2nd. Fifteen events are gentlemen gave them so me adv ice, all the set ~own. 'l'he. Sheffield Handicap of more c/Jective because the parting, GOVERNIYIL:N'f' GA ZE1.''1.'.E. l25 1s thus d1v1ded :-First prize !18 ; recommendm g them to_ wa tch carefu lly 2nd d o., l5 ; 3rd do., l2. First series of over and guard the mter ests of the THURSDAY, APRIL 24TH . h eats to commence at 12 o'clock. society, to be firm in their adherence to The Australian bird, called the Mope- t ho rules, and to :;tea?ily and cheerfully APPOINTMENTS.-C. B . Rigby, gaoler hawk, appears to be a no velty in York. carry out t ho. dutes. imposed upo n tho rn and 1rnrde r at Wyndham, vice A. L. A person who has made himself famous by membership. Fmally he begged a R ,1 muz, resigned. R. El iot , assistant in town, lately, we n t throu"h York the place in their prayers , as they would rn spector of s hetl p und er t he cab Act other mornin g showing ;ne of these alwa:1:7s be remembered in h is. The 1885, a nd an insp ector of stc,ck under th~ birds. He announcecl by ri nging a hand meetm g then ckacd: Aft erwards a large Imported Stock Act, 1876. R ev F. bell that he would raffle the bird at an 11umber of the par1sh10n ers waited upon Mateu, honorary chaphin to the local hotel at sixpence a member. I learn F ather Long, at h is residence, to tend er forces . of the cnlony. B. Moulden th at some thirty persons took ch ances. their respects and wish him farewel l., S.A., sol icir.or, aco mmiss ion er t~ On Wednesday afternoon the gay city ~-:-=::=~~~~~~~~~='.".'.":"'.':~~ adm1mster oaths and to take and r eceive 0£ York became suddenly animated and a af:Iidav 1ts , cleclarations, &c., to be used iu j lJ g. stream of pleasure-seekers was to be seen the S upreme Court of Wes tern Au stralia in motion towal'ds the north end of the _ - - ~ -~ - - - - - - - - - - ~ also to take acknow led;;,nients of deeds town. They wore going to witnees a r un '£he House of Commons' Point-to-Point executed by married women. of the Harriers, tho mee t being held at Steeplechase took place on March 29th over L EG AL.-The Coloni ,il c\ t torn eys R elief Grady's Meadow. the Pytchley country. Mr. Walter Hume Act-to co mJ rnto operation in this Mr. John Taylor, is at present lyin" in Lon g (member for Devises) won the four- colo.ny by proclarn ati.on on th e 18th inst., a very precarious state. It is rcpo;ted t een stone class with his horse Crusader, s ubJ ect to. t he quaUicat1on s e nacted by that he is s ufl'ering from an attack of and Mr. Elliot Lees (member ~or Oldham) the Coloma! Attorneys Reli ef Amendblood-poisoning. l.t scorn s strange tha; won tho twe lve stone class with h~s horse ment. Act, 1884, and with exceptions in such severe suffcri11 6 should result from Damon. '£ho owners rode theu·. ?wn cer tam certa111 cases-is published. a simple wound inflic te d by n. brass r·ivet horses. There was a most brilliant ROADS BoaRo:.-The follow ing persons whd, had worked its way throught the assemblag !)resent. . have been elected to serve 011 the E ast

From our own Correspcndent. The Tea mtJeting and Ball at t he working Men 's Eal], on Easter Monday, proved ti great success, th e gross proceeds amou n t111 g, to . £21, includin g many genero us c10nat1 ons from res idents and noll- residents of the district. Afte r paying all the outs tan din« de bts of the Society, there will be a ~edit b,dance wh ich, I am givin g to understand, will be ex pended on the purchase of som e fresh newspa pers and books. The Volunteer prize firing on Easter Monday was goo d all round . Th er e were fourt een cash prizes, the first fallin g to Private 'l'. W illiams. Scab has made its ,tppoarance in this district, and it is feared by ma ny that it will spread rap idly, if not at once s tamped out. It is to be hoped i t will no t go any further than the flock in which it was discovered. More mica country has been secured for mining purposes. The pr oprieto rs who ar e ge ntlemen residing in this tow n are, I h ear, going to test the value of th eir discoveries. The V olunteers who inten d taki1w par t in th e Grand Military Tournam ent on tl. e 16th inst, left t ho town on M on day last, amidst the cheers of ~~any who had gathered together to see them oil, and wish th em bon voyage. For the past four days the weather has been cool with indications of rain. April 17 th.





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t, 1890

I Kimberl ey

Roads B oard during the curren t yenr: W. L . Biik~r, clmil'man M. Byrne, Vv. J. Doherty w C K II' a nd F. G. Small acre. ' · · e Y CITY CouN p " Tl10 t f OIL . r e urn o election of M 1. W H N , I d 8 the . f · ee an as counc111or o1· t 1te N. orth· Ward of tl C'1t . ie O f p ., . 1 1 . 'f . ert i C. A. Paterson, reSig ned , is notifi ed. Go U NIVERSITY VEltNi\IENT EXHIBITION.-The conditions a nd rules to be observed in th e exam1·11 at1·011 for' the Go vermpent U niv ersity Exhibi tion on Monday 26th prox .111 d foll · with for:U of . 1· · 't· owrnbgl . ays, app Applications mu st tea be wn, with art ei pu IShed . , · by th e 17th prox . Ie seci et,iry GOLD Tl C O II t f O t furni sl~e·s-tl·18ief 0 JI • ec ort f CuS oms . owrng re urn o gold, the produce tlus colony, for export durmg the quarter ended March 1890, at the fo llowing ports :-Fremant!e' 490 p W ' , ozs. ; . ort alcott, 2033 ozs. ; Port Broome, ml. ; Derby, 200 ozs. ; Wyndham 448 ozs. l 9 dwts. ; total, 3171 ozs. 19 dwts . . !NTERCOLONIAL TELEGRAMS ( via Brnome~ava-Port Darwin cables).--'-The fol!owmg arrangement will be in force durin O' interruption of the Eucla lin e or oiher~ wise :_-Messages sent via th e BroomeJava-Port Darwin cables will be charged at the follow mg rate for the first t en words or under, th e charge for each additional word appea rin g in parenth es is. Names and addresses will be charged for as part of th e message : Between western A t ua rnlia and South Au stralia, 10s. (lld); Victori a, 1ls. (ls); New South Wales l ls. (l} ; Queensland, 12s. (ls l d ;) Tasmama, l ~s. (ls ld); New Zealand, 20s. (ls. lld.) ] or Stations on Transcontinental Lino the extra rate is t o be added to these rates. TENDERS ACCEPTllD.-The following t enders have been accepted ; T o cart and cl1str1bute t elegra ~h uiaterial along the Alba ny R oad (d elivery of material to be mad: at the Cranbrook Railway Station), w1 th111 one week, fo r th e sum of £5 James Tunn ey, J un. To cart and clis: tribute telegraph. material along the Albany B,oacl (d eliv ery of material to be cl t l W · ma e a tie ag10 R,tilway Station), w1th111 one week, for th e sum of £5 F. & C. Piesse. Pinj arrah-Sink well oi~ po!tce r eserve at per foo ~ £1 4s.' Richard Gree n. Governm ent Prmtin" OJ!iceExecute foundations for rolli;g machine £9, Snowball Bros. Gr ee nough-Erect screen at po& t and t elegraph office, £6, J ohn Osborne. Albany-Execut e r epairs to gaol and q uarters, £28 5s. Schruth & Co. Geraldton-Point :,fo~re Li uhthouse- rep.airs, painti ng, &c ., :C78 i°Os. , W. Dav is. F rema ntl e Gove rnm ent Boys' School-execute repait·s, coloul'in <Y &c., £29 5s .. F. J . W illia ms. Carna~: von---Ernct rain shed, 30 mil es south of, £ 16, M. Carroll. D ongarra-Erect sc reen at post and telegraph office, £6, 1 \\. H . Linthorn e. Roebourne--Supply mate rials for fencing at, £ 54, Richard Bon ey. , Tm: BANKliUPTCY Ac~•, 1871.-ln re. J . 1,. D empster, of Nt- wcastl e, ( baukruptcy). Rubert iVJ tine Wall{er ap poin ted trustee. Publ ic exa mrnatwu at th e S upreme Co urt P ert!: , on 1\lay 20tli, :1t 11 a.m. RESERVES.- Th e followin g land has been set apar~ as public rese r ves fo r the purposes specifi ed :- Wy11ha111 town Jots 1597 (:l2p.) for p ublic pu rpns es. Canning (3 ac rns ), bounde,l on the No rth-east b)'. a line ex~e nd in g. 299 degrees 40 1111nutes 13 charns 10 hnks from a spot on the 1rn r th boundary of Cann in g location 26, situate 45 chains 94 links westward from that location's north-west corner • on t he south by 9 chains 60 of th~ n6rth boundary of location 26 aforesaid . a 11d ,on th e West by t he eas tern shore of Bull s Creek ; all bearmgs being tru e or th e reabo u ts, ·1nd tho measureme nts more or less, for a landing at Bull's Creek. Twenty-two r eserves have been set ap,irt for publ ic purposes on Wynham H all 's Creek T elegiaph lin e.




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J nte11.c.otonhtt J orei~n-


...... -.,,,-....-,..... The total d ebt of A ustrnlia i £167,816,40 1,. or an average per h eact of the popula t10n of £45 U s. 6d.

Ge r many's t-sti1mited revenue fo r 1890-91 is ~60,.433,000. Of this more than one-tlurd rs fo r n1ilitary purposes. The s ur r,lns in th e Russia n Bn dget for 1889 urn oun ts to th irtee n an d 3• half mill ionss of roub les. ' His Excel lency. the Lortl Lieutenant depa rted from Krngsbridge t e rminus , en i·oule to F er moy, w here he has l'On ted a lndgp, ond wht're h? in tends to spe nd 1he 11 0x l mn111b 01· 0 0 rn fi shi □" o· One of t h_e most r e m:i.rk a ble and :i.larnnng social symptoms in A t,· of Ia te years f us ria ms b eon the inc rease . th e number of s uicides D .· m . · Ut mg JitSt yea r V 1e nna a lone reckoned 35 6 ,..ases. ,. .

Ii I.

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MAY l 1890.



Mr. :Madd en, t. lle Iri -h \ rneyA great tract o f t h e M 1~s1ss . · 1pp1 · · I T wo G erma n vesse I l Gene ral, iR, accor din g to the Stanrla, d, · e d at . s mve a rriv A t el egram conve ys rn V <tlley is subm erged owin g to the . t e11·1genc e o f Z anzib ar with 8,000 c::tses of gin . The to succe ed the la te B urou D owse . th e achie vem ent of anoth er trium ph bu rs tin g of the dykes , and it is fen red . admi uistra tor of th fl Bl'iti sh Comp any . for the glorio us Ponti ficate of Leo It is persi stent ly r eport e d t h at a tha t t he fl oods will not subsi de in tim e . is issuin g string ent reg ubtio ns proonfer ence i s impe nding of ' XIII . Acco rding to this n ews the the Min- for t he plant in g of the nex t C C otton · hibit ing the sale of sp il'its t o n ati ves on Pope, with the conse nt of the isters of the diffe rent P ower s comp os- cro_n . Japan ese tlie British coast -lin e. ing the Tripl e Allia nce. Gove rnme nt, is abou t to appo int a The Paten t-offic e conti nues to ex- 1 The LauD drym en's Assoc iation (says The Gnar dians of tbe Drog heda m etrop olitan at Tokio , with fou pand a nd there i s arrain a h eavy int· a N ew Yo rk teleg ram to Reute r) ha Unio n at theii' last m eet ing resolved to s suffra gan bisho ps, th us givin g Japa creas ~ for 1886 agai~ st 1888 . The n tlecide,l to comm ence u camp aign agnin st introd uce the n uns to ca re th e sick a r egula t· hiernrchy. appli catio ns for paten ts durin g 1889 th e Chine se laund ri es, wh ich, it is poor in the Infirm ary wa rds of the Cardi nal Mann ing was enthu siasticf:io-urt'd up to 20,99 3, again st 19,07 0in a sse rted, are owne d by a wealt hy work house . . ally cheer ed at a great Eigh t Hour 1881, an incre ase of 1,923 . syndi cate. The America□ laund ryme n demo nstra The Bavari3 n Guve rnm P,nt have intion of the labou r union s of Acco rd ing to the stat emen t sworn by int.end t,o open es tablis hm en t ~ close to forme d th e Old Ontho lics of the dioce se New York in Coop er Unio n, a nd was its mana ger, the Times circu lated on ly th ose of t.he Chinesr., a nd to under bid of \1.unich that they can no lun ger be e ulogis ed most h eartil y by one of the 60,00 0 copies on th e day it publi shed th e latter . Th e as socia tion is stron gly regar ded as mem be rs of the Rom an princ ipal speak ers. the fir et forged letter . On that occa sion The spect acle, suppo rted financ ially. Catho lic Chur ch. . says the New Yo1J: Freeman, was it proba bly printe d about a twi ce as many Mr. Arth ur O'Co nnot· h as been Bad news com es from the Irish co pies as on any norm al day . rare one and worth y of note, as show . el ected Chair man of the S tancl mg colony in th e Arge ntin e. It appearR ing how stron gly the great Engl ish ' J · Comm ittee on Trad e -the third time I 1 M B' Princ fl of the Cht1t·cl1 l1as enclea r ecl '" ip·.1.n a hm1rder _o f ti~ f ·1 a te h r. iggar , th at th e crop~ Pre a tu l thire, and t at himse lf to this hono ur h as devol vec upon a n Lil. ., w o es1rcs , 1t npp earB, to re- when the eng nge ments wit tlie plnutn - world over. the labou ring masse s the main anony mous, h ris sent a ch e.q ue for I [,1' sl1 1nem ber. ti on comp any arc fnlfill ed th ere will he £ 50 to M r . .l"' ,IC b ar d p ow er, l\' ·1. p . , WI·ti I , The ci~i zens of Hamb urg of all classe s r p,,s t.,t News r eeeiv ed a t ·zanz ibar frolll ' l'l1e the reque st tha t it shou ld 1,e c,,:i rrib11 tcd , carcc ly any l'ood a1: ,c,n : 1•011 ditio n 1-, ex t re 11wl:,· ,:ritic nl and gave au ovati on in l~on?r of ' ri uce Uga nd a ful ly confi rms t h e intelligea ci_: to a fund tu r s.ise a mcu1 ori ul to Lhe . de; dur uble. T l, is is 1 Bism arck ,,,,, ,:li 111ax oi' u of t he co mple te ove rthro w of t h e Arab at Freid nchsr nh. A decea sed memb er. series of mi sfo rtunes ,rbich had their b r illian t torch -li 00 ht proce ssion forme d p owe r. M wang a th e son of Mtesa l\'I r. Vesey ;Knox , the N a tional i st Part O f the progr amme . orig in i11 t lw mischievou s mi ss tatem ents who some twelv e mont hs since was, . th . h · The net incre ase in· tbe R even ue of 8 vacan · o f em1•2: ru t·10n ncr en t s. nomin ee 1or drive n from r)ow er by the Arab s, and cy rn •• e r epi •e ~0 ~ . f tli e y ea r endin o- eu tu tioa of Cav~ ,n, G reat 13 n·tom . who in his exile m a de. peace with is, we under s tand, or T he home pa per. " ann yeste rday is £830 on nce h that tlrn Chris tians whom he h ad previ t he l ,000. T he E x cise p 10 t t · t ously eS ant P mua Du ties show u decre ase of one milli00 nep ew , to t Je e L ord- L ieute nant hrts confe ned the A r chbi sho p of Ai·m agh . The ;VlacD erhono ur of knigh thood upon Dr. J ohn treat ed with the. utmo st barba rity, . on and a half. r e-assu ming autho rity at Ugan da has mot, Q .C., an .I i\ . Walk er, Q .C., were Nuge nt., who bas retire d from the Chief Gene ral von Oapri Yi's appo intme nt procl aimed hims elf :l Chris tian, and also mentio ned for the seat, as was i\I r. Inspe ctorsh ip of Luna tic Asy lums in h as to succe ed Princ e Bism arck is ascri bed appor tic;me d his princ ipal posts Vince nt ::icull y. Irelan d, aftm· forty -three years ' servic e. to the inten tion of the Emp eror to effect amon g Prote stant s and Cath olics. A :Belfast pape r is r espon sib le for The Dr. swee ping chang es in the organ izatio n of Nuge nt here reforr ed to is th e Emis sarie statin g that a o1an aame d B rown ing s from M wang a are repor ted the A r my. fat~er of l\fr. John Nuge nt, 0.S., . " was overt aken by a passen ge r traiu to be a ccom pany ing Mr. Stoke s t o Chief Secre tary to ·1 ' t ch he Bomb ay Gove rn- Z anzib ar. Catho lic m anufa cture r m and kill ed; A [ he was injure d in a. simil nr ment, a nd is well -know n to not Cana da, M. Ohan telou p, who died F . . t l way abou t th reo yeurs ago.' ' Tl 11· 5 Irishm en in the Servi ce in India . a few I, . th amm e rs repor ec t o preva1·1 m ' lat ely, has left a mi~lion stirli ng to be • e i North ern and Easte however, har d ly equal s the fa rno us rn Soud an, alCluca go propo ses to house the divid ed amon " hls empl oyes and thou " h Khar toum and the south ern descr iption of the seque l of a bur61 aryWorl d's Fait· of 1892 in the highe st serva nts, whom "he mak es his heirs. 1 distri cts are ' fair ly well off for food. "After a fr uitl ess searc b, all the :noney, st.ruc ture the world h as eve r seen . It The Times states tbat th e move ment Thro n"h d istres s and owing to t he was recovered excop t orrn pai r of boots .' is to have a. centr al tow~ r of steel in Ru, s ia in favou r of a Liber al Conovert h~ow of the ~ld triba l syste m by Whil e on the h1rnt for microbes, a 1,100 feet _higl~, s uppo rtm~ a roof stitut ion is excit ing much disqu iet at the dervi shes the coun try ';;,s far sout h Germ an docto r di scove red a uumb er in 3,000 fe~t m dmn~ et er, earne d upon V ienna, where it is fea r ed that th e as Abu F a tm eh is said to b e entir ely the erid s of cigar s. H e found that they ca:ble s witho ut a smgl e co_lumn. It powe rfu l Pansl avist i, ar~un d the O~ar deser ted. Nor is the wors t yet told. we re infect ed vJ ith tub ercle bacilli, will resem ble a colos sal iron tent. wil l persllad e him to ,hver t att_ent1~o T he One of the office rs who write s from only iufere ace to accou nt for this Th~re will be a n unbro ken_are'.1' on the Suak fro!D Jome stic affair s by engag 10g m im respe cting the terr ible desti tu pheno meno n wss that some of those m am floor of 162 acres winc h rs doub le war. tion which h as overt aken the Arab s of engag ed in th e manu factu re of the cig ars the area of t~e. Paris Exhib ition. Emin Pash a is to receiv e one thouthe E aster n Soud a r, says :-" We are were t.uberc\llous, 11ad had conve yed the Abov e the roof rt is propo sed to con·sand poun ds per annum from the in a miser able state of starv,ition here. germ of di saase dmrin g the proce ss tinue the towe r s_ever a l hund r~ds ?f Germ an Gove rnme nt a nd will j oin t he Moth ers disca rding their child ren. of m oisten ing the leaf wiLb their saliv a. feet above the h eight of M. Eiffel s. great arme d lj erma~ ex pediton_ to t h Child ren kill ed and eaten here in the e. David Thom as, on e of the heroeR of A~ it is un certa in wh ere th e money Victo ria N ynnza with_ th e obJ ~ct of town. B al aclav a, has ju s t died in C ar marth en h ear t.ha t a ma n b uried will c_ome from , fnr th e r accou nts of estab lishin g Germ an mflue nce m all yestet·day aft ernoo n was dug up a nd Work house at the age of 68 . H e these • mten · ded ma rvels are reserv ed for eat en clurin direc tio ns inth a, regi on. o- the ni"ht ." enter ed t he 4th Ligh t Drag oons, and the present. 0 0 , The En(J'l 0 ish Em bassy E xtrao r clinar y The Lond on corre spond ent of the serv ed ia the regim en t fo r tw enty- six The negot iation s betwee n th e V a ti cnn to the Vatic au in refere nco to years . Manchesle1 · Couriel' write s as follow s : H e was p resen t at Ink erm an , and the Britis h Envo y E xtrno rdina ry "The -ecclesiastical affair s in the Malta i 3 nh~alr th e Alma , Sehas topo l, an d in th o fam 11 us breac h b etwee n Stat e and have resul ted ia a foll under , t11n chng the concl us ion of its negot iation s , w ~~ 1 Chur ch in Italy i s grow ing painf ully, char!I e o f B alacla va. H e hel,1 Lhe as to th e futur A r elaLio ns of th e civil have been most successfu 1· 1 e C riroe rrn meda l with an d many think d ange rously acute four clnsps, th o a nd eccles in sticul a ut,iJol . Vat.ic an has d isplay ed th e utm ost ' ities in Ma lta, The propo sed er ectin Turk ish medal , an d th e meda l for g of a statu e to as well as to tb e positi on of the Oatho friend liness and a great desire to meet - Mazz ini in Rome has much offen distin guish eJ se rvices ia the fi eld. ded Hiera rchy in the Briti~h Colon ie~ in t h e views of the Engli sh G overn ment. t he P ontiff . K in g Hum bert 's subA ust nan · 1· R Al The · , Afric a po 1 . ice The at agree ment still reqni res T he Emba ssy will shor tly eave ome. a, m tn e · t · t ti T yro I, ,1·1scove ,, · f th O th reu in a rm·1 way ca rn·age the ratific ation of t he B riti sh Gove rn- scnp 1011 o 1e f unc1 Jms pro d uce d a It is expec ted t h at on e_do cut·1·ous 1'mpt·e ss ' e comi ng from Italy five littl e boys who at -.r 1011 ll· c 1nem bers will pre st e over a tlo, 1·etir1a arid 18 meot ; a□ d when tha t has been accor ded Berli n. His Maje sty were gives, 1,000 cry G in enera g l Simm ons ,v1· •, 1 leave Ron1e . f bitterly. ' be mun W LlO d eliber ations of the new G· erma n f 1 · rancs , th e exact sum l\f azzin i offere d I to h avrn a ccomp anied the m co u c · g Not on!y have M11lte se at:Ta1·rs, aad R eichs tag. It i s on@o t1 tl1ose as ti ]~ unwn ttl e: received th e boys from ,essec · o f tl1e · · ie pnce h thei r assas smat1 p are11t s i n perta ining to vario us point s on the laws of the G erma n P~r 1am~ 1t t 1\ coas t grand fathe r, Char les Alher t ; 0n of is excLanc,c fo r olive oil aod ten franc but t h e s of Afric a,' been red need . to com plete the presi dent is chose n rom t e mos grave st qu estion of the day is the · apiec e " H e iate nded takin g th em t o order , but the way is open fo r nume rou s party in the H_zusel,. an~ t:ie the r evoca tion Ham hurg , whe re t hey were to be of the oblig ation s of sessio n . of the next Conc lav e sho ul last electi ons h ave happ1 y p ace tie d stude nts in the royal milit ary colleg s hip ped with piaste r of P r. ri s fi g ure, es ' n_eed an ~e, out . of Italy . ~utur e quesCatho lic Centr e in tbis p osition. ancl schoo ls fro1n atten d in er d ivine to di'f<'er eat pa r ts of the worltl. 'r he t1 011 s at iss ue wil l he_ sett led 1_11 _the sume The G erma n Em peror li ves a very ,, · b 1 I I S Italia n police se nt th e boy s back to simpl e, meth odica l life, as fa1· as hi s food t~aan er Y ex ,raon rnnry . mt s~ 10ns f 1:om service on ~ unc ays. ' ome "1 o~ years Lucca, whence th ey came . ago t hi s oblig ation was remo ved fron~ Eog_ land to R ome; aa~ l1l t? 1s consi sts soldie is conce rned. H e work s too ~a rd and rs in the Ita lia n Army who were Mr. Stead profe sse, to be in the full a_ ~li !!b t . eleme nt of d1 sappo rntme nt for atten t oo long each clay to waS t e time ?ver ding r eligio us servi ce of any kind. secre ts of th e T imes. Accordin !-( to him I-L s t he l ux uries of the table . Some times Holin esP. It was rema rked t h at clul'in o· the annu a l • o ,c l oc, I 111 · it is a declini ng Jonrna l. It has s pent he ha s a form al dinne r a t six T. he L on d OD corre spon d en t· o f th e rnanreuvres, which last"d "' t hree week s the e venino"• and so has to break t Iir_oug 1.u a t least £ 100,0 00 on the Parn ell Oum - N y I I" l i hl·s u su'Ll rule, which is to t ake d rnner m lss10n. l tR adver ti seme nts 11 re de - f ew or cti ·, 0 1·- a saye -- I h ave I1e1u·d and engag ed 145,0 00 n1 cn , durin rr the " • roma n a u Hrn 1.1c so urce a c11r101 cl ared t o have dropp ed £ 10.00 0 in 1s f'ac t whole time neith er office rs or m e11 ,•-er e a t h alf-pa st one. · l\,r'.I.I ', G· Ia d • O ne o f pel'll1itted to enter a churc conce rnwg The R9 v. Will iam T~\tl ock late curat e 1889 -in a seaso n of prosp erity which sto ne. h. It will t · t remar I, ~bl bys1ca · I c: h aracte r11s mos f thu St. s be Jame e s l1ould p seen s the h th ave L at ess, LiverpooI, for rO .. . · 11cs · '·1t1y 'attem pt a t "oiven it- an in creas e. 1s · •h · f I · I d I · It 1; • • conc1 e Cl size ny ha t10n betw ee n Chur ch '' llcl State o llS 1eu . years, un d also of C l,m s_t 1u_rco1. Acco rd ing to Mr. Stead its circu la t 1s a oma tion g ti ~ •• t 1·ona I. I., e :.ecc n ti y a truste d i n I taly is quite impo ssible und e r Cl apham , has J. us t been receiv ed rn to b as fa ll en fr om 60 ,000 or 50,00 0 to f 110ier excep f h' · · · ng o wer o 1s was v1s1t1 d exist the Chu rch at ~be L ondon 0 rato ry by 2 "v ,000 pe r diem . T in g circu msta nces." a t 11 awur en, ~ he divid eud of th e nn d · t i1e cnnve rsa t·10n t urne d 011 e eve 111g tile Very Rev. Sebas tian Bowd e □,. Times in 1888 reprc , e ntcd an an ~ ~ ~uperior. M r. Tatlock is a grat.ltrntc ~t incom e of over £ I 20,00 0. Last nuu l Oil [Jbrenolog y. Nee cJless to say, G lad- FO R ' D yea r's v, · J l I h' · 1 • ~ s ton e I1:1, J 111 Univ ersity of L ondon . It is di viden c uc et L 1s omp1· nca J_ scienc e SAK E d repre sente d only £ 12,00 0. in his liruitl ess studies. "I am a bit A STOltY t he ·•...the is now slu dy i•i g wi th 11 OP '1.'111> l.lRAV B DAYS OP OLD. 'rt1ern a re m any vag ue rum ours of a phre11 ologia t myse lf," said he," und believed tll~ . .. the prie:; t hood. uAont conce rning th e p rese nt sta te of hel'e is u ci rc11 1JJSLa11 ce th a t wi ll s urpris e view to en tern ,~ " 'P., t he talen ted affair s in Bra;:i l ; but th oug h differ in g you, Wi,h in the las Fath er Sch ml, t., .. t twent y y ears my · •t, of ).",1,ris i n oth er respe cts, th ey all of t hem tenJ C HAP TER V IU. head Dom inica n A 3sy riolog1"• -,, 1,ks 'to repres ent the new Gove rnm ent as and has gt•owa consi de ra bly in s ii,:e, TRE ASO N. I ca n demon strate it to yo u. " The conti nu es his impo rtant \h iust , being (:.r froll) po pul ur. One of t hese _ __ _ old mari Orien t a l scien ce. hied <)ff to :in adj oinin g room Ther e h as ., I which has appe11 red i a I} Fr(lnc . h paper a nd re. tnrne d with an old Qo urt hat. a ppear ed t he prom ised volum e ?f th Oont muecl. ~ q," contr ibutio n of a F rencb · mera Ho e~ph1 I nscriptions of Salmana sw· 11., Kn~g O a~ i11ed t hat it belon ge d t o a In case of •~ei,'-lv retur ned from Rio de I: uniform siecre the O· ·t 11A ssyria , B.<:::. 86 0-82,~, trans cnbe d, he had used ea rly in hi s official could ~ian . , recde;~-ri bes ~!~P. condi tion of th slip eve ry a rti~I~ h e • ~ 11 e careJ r. Said Mr. G lads tone, placin arran ged , t ransl a t ed a nd, co m rn ent~c 1 1 g r emov l e , from an etno, hi s enem s nearl y appro ac~;,1g to th e bat on ies' av:v{ \ ec_ A his head: "Thi s was large I t his safe 1 upon ' b y M 1 JI . ..... m1' a ucl an cl Pel'e Sch ei hidin rr place . · co nn. ry a nd the po pu le.tions of ic y, m 0 I I go t it; . b . . the I enoug 1l r·or me w1ea 1 1 P r ev ious a ttem pts to t rea t ~hese rn" " . • ut 1t 1s \ Ihe an~. Baro c iy, n of Brix al one knew tl . a distri cts as . t· profo nndly much too small for me now." satisf scnp rnns h a d no t bee,1 1 And so secrn t of t his hidd en cham . . . . . . actor y vano u s . f . ber ~ t d I • h d d and the nume rous cMtic ulties ye d iscon tented with th e new order o ft Wl}s-1.t d'd ' 1 110 ,o o.wn oq ,)l s 8!\ . a11c1 . irectl Were a plebisci te say s th e nt all. y after Hugh m ad e his first a r 1 He GQnfo ssetl th flt the u,l tera~ peara nce b unsol v ed wl~ich t h e;Y pr':se ntec~ :·e~icle red efore the Ca stle lte to t ak e· place ,, ;;h e presen t ti on in the size th~~ pract1c~lly rned1 tecl. llns i~e,dv Qis hend p uz :d ed i c,irefoll y wrap ped me1 ~t up it would uodo ubtl y result iu him , :3-nd hi1; 1,'. . , \ 1'. ~d ed tt10n pro1m ses to be a comp lete an decl1H·ed 4o h11 d never hr:Ja rci I his jewel roo . . ' s, 13.ud hi& UlO" ' . ·"1tel c ccc_~, , he reciill <lcfim te one. of tli e Jrno0t.·1a l fam1·1 ,, \ • l t\ ,of o. simila ,' "t r ca. se, , ~ , , . 1 .,e) '· ,u1c c epos1t• t::C _ . !QIU n, ,:' i,_cty -- - • ..H •








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't ~











, be d the I ex cln . ive 11rist ncrnc y in t he world h i s Iflame s sp1·ea d r apid ly a nd r eache "the But t. los e th to ory T n soo n, ha s hae the h ay loft tiituat ed above t hem and

MAY 1, l b 90

Jf arm , ,$tntton, nnll 1t,om e.

II F uriou s at being fustrr .tcd in 1 FIN E BUT T E R. clu111 ge th, g i vin g p lace to t he r d esig11s, 1-fo alr went down into orde old . e h t om fr e breez fan ned by a s troug ds wl 1ere lan all in as ay erma cellar s. Tb e~e he fouu d ampl e proG in new," . To rn akn fl ue b n tt er 110 w, say s " D airyI south , s pread throu g h a ll th e castle d1vell ; nnd no t eve u the ma n" in the F armers' A d·vocate of vision s of cider, wine, methe glin and men ed civilis rhood hbou eig n he t The peasa n tR from ale. He a1 cl his men dran k cl ep of n iron will of h ince B isma rck , u t ilisini On ta rio, you mu st ha ve fl oe mi lk; the ' haste ned to th e spot, a n d t ried in vai nt hi s comm au d, maki ng of fi ne butte r· ,m ,s t begin with the bover ages :mcl t he night en::l ecl in baffle d a ll t heir th e vust re8 ou rnes t\ t t he to put out t he fi re. It r resist the p re~s ure of die cows. Th ey will giv e ju st as th ey r evelr y a nd drun kenne ss. longe uld O <' roofs e th ms, ,,a b ng , effort s. Th e burni b l'eak of day , H ugh, furiou s.,. ith drink G ood fo od und good cnr e wi ll ow n D emocrucy . rece ive. d and fio o!'s, soon fell in dra win g cl a r med himse lf with au axe a n d dashe nd a milk ; poor foo d and carele ss lls wa good e h ve t gi of ions rt po em - wit h th fr om room 'to room, Lreak iug every g ive poo r milk, a nd tlie est fin will the ing of one k~ep arche s. In 9, fe w h ours d efini t e Article. The n thing th at acros s bis pa t h . H is res nl t will he poor butt er ; but it ofte castle s in N0r mand y w as a black ened m en follow ed his exam ple, and soon made o f g ood is r bnt.te r poo ns ,nppe 1 hid eous ruin. not hing bu t ruin a nd wreck age stre w. Dr._ E ll icott h as writte n a pa m ph let, nii h , a nd to uvoid t bis obse r ve th e Hugh a nd hi s a ccom p lice G il~s, I •· ut tb e pr"se o t ed the vario us cham be rs . seen ag11111. 1 1n wlJ1<·h be says tbot th e fo llc,wi ng sim ple rnles : n ev~r were t h ey of one ly on the was is m or e urg ,•n tly ead ng Redh euchi t Giles efinite d time ' th benea er d moul Fi1 st : Se t th e mil k in the pa ns ll ij l Their r emain s still ever." thun th e wh ole band who kept sober "Tel ded neP : beBrix soon as poss ible ufter it is dra wn fro m t he debris of th e Castl e of m e, sir," sa id h e to Hugh "wh at is to e does not tell us wh y , or, let us t.b e cow . H ure. treas las' icho N Baron side t h e be don e wi th t he peasa nts 1 My old ~ay , if he tri es to Jo so bi , 1·eaR ons ure Secon d : Don't let it stnn rl too lou g Perh aps som e d ay one of the nob le fa t her is down t her e too. H 0 is a· i; oocl th oee which huve a pp li ed at ul l tim t,s tie fo re t he cream is s hak e n off-t went y nd a ces ru B the of s t ndan desce cots, S I m an, and as rewa rd for my sen·ic es e jn ~t as ut pre~ ent, fo ur bo urs in u cool place . It sh ould t h e S tu a rts, who still vi sit from tim long ed 10 il 1e C hu rch 11e vPr stu11d more t ha n fo rty - eig ht ho ur~. be tt ico Ell r. beg he ma y lie, set free." D If ch whi e l'astl e t o time t he ruin s of th ut "\Vh at you ask is just," said Hugh . of God he wou ld under s r11nd tb T l,ird : Do n't guth er crtja tn to o long was t he cra dl e of t heir a n cest ors, w ill ry eve t e L . u111 fr work ble a 1 i,a must in~e e h is " i11_g "But tea'.:h _ te fini "de i ' g it, i., cbur □ e d; th ree days is long br~n lwfore will nd a e ad ord~: searc h t o be m 1s part ol 11.5 and , ut1011 R~1t rn un priso ner knock d own a po r t ion of the ch su d b. burie enong t o ,1ght t he u nbles sed bones b att lemen t, and then go. ' uncea smg woi-k. Fou rt b : H eat th e crei,rn in cold ly si x hund r ed y ear s. Abov e j' g rea t ear n r fo s anion e th comp is hnm h w of of nn, two m <ion a Giles 11ncl how ut B , beech u Ll,er u11 cl ke,,p it in u wur,n p la ce for nd a w, oak them g r ow copse s of be at all ot n ld wou nt•ss nite opene d t h e doors of t he r oom in wh ich ind,-fi word ' g sprin wen ty fo ur h ours to ripen befo re be iug The in whos e branc h es, in th e sweet 1ty "I t t h e vassa ls we re confin ed . n bar! reli g ions ilJ n,. trutio n, be g ui t linne e h urned . t ch nd a ch fin time, the ess o f a d vis iug unfor t unate men, n ot k n owin g wh at arble th eir t ~e solem n prepo ste rousn w Fifth : B ,mt tb e ch u rn in win ter wi t h and s est n eir h t build o t a migh t happ en to t h em, has tened Ills _b rothe r he,.et ics to cu t iva te water before puttin g th e creum in warm . songs j oyous of, t'.mc bin g in reli g ion ? it, anu see tbat th e Cl'ea m is at its obey order s. Armi n g them selve s with le sty rnte fi cle X. CHA PTER t picka xes a~d cro wbar s t hey began a Wi ll he (Dr. Ell:ico tt.) set tb e exa m ple pro per beat. W ha t is a pro pe r heat t o AN APP E A L TO T HE KING . They . castle the e l ant th em in pl ui_o i,ro - cb tirn at ? Eve ry o ne m ust find ont by dism to on ce fo r . them _and tell . W h i"l e th ese even t s wer e t ak i' ng are to t each as expe1 iment s whnt s uits the ii·own cl'eu 1u; ,y th~ what n u mber ed over a hund red m en, and on pos1t1 d ·oa h"s 1 t B ._ p t . l wha t they a re to and e trin doc B ut istian Cbr I the b rigan ds, wh o altho ugh .less t rnl m l" in win tt> r 64Jeg rix , . e f et wa.s on ~ 1 a;e th at he wi ll us a gene uow k . . ~v lse? fa as 1 num erous were w ell a rmed force d 0 av oid I pt a t t ha t ke ?Y i. y re tn bpre~ ra pe one tem lrom the t h orng tba . see me,tg s h t e • to d d y mqm ry them t o work until, eveni ng,' w it hout o ano er o mati <e sure . t areh to o a ny ·t li?rng o f t e ~or t, und 1111 the tim e of ch urn ing t ill tb e butte r • 1,t roa cl . 'fhe no . . • d t t h le htt a t rig excep 1e d foo on any was e them 1 0t,,m giv111 0 - m e_er' ow cuo 1ie· . i.s comin g. Tl,e11 i t !'an be coo lPd d,, wu youn g pil (lrim was well r eceiv ed every lli cott_ was not g rad ual ly till t he chu r11 ing i, fi nbhed. E Dr. ago year~ en bread and wate r. But as ·they th eml~1xte on w here, a~cl he ·ourne ed st eadily certarn a bo u t th e. 1Joss rlJJ it ty 01 r ly so sel ves n ever ?ease d d rinki1~g, t he_y S ixt.Ii . Abo n t co luu ri ng butte r. t' nt J "'- t y L o,. y·ire a n d oeu V 1oo- ues, d fi . _• ti en· th rr rn watch r fo ted unfit 1 o 1 · soon 1rouo t~·y rn ~ t? t:: ueh all the co lo ur you ca n in th ti mi lk 1 w ere when o u1t~, e Je111g rds towa . Alen c~n. Th~ fourt h d ay p~·ISoners, ~nd . nea rly all es_c aped, peopl e wha t 1s m eaut by An g lt cam Pm, t hro ug h cow's feed , an d sh e will co:ou1.· eveni ng, he arriv ed on the h ill from or itch d _ the s t. acros mmg swim ei ther b~ he apr,ea rs to br, at prese ns of est . o £ the but ter bet ter tl1a n y,;1{ Cfln, but t.o th l l U e or the n ford acros s wit h , the w b ence h e cou c see he a a ke, g rsta w_ a e b y makm uL _m we /ess 11 , · u pplem e nt what slrn ca n no t d o, .~ .~ B ellesm e, th e tent s of t he ro al army stone s wn~ch fell ~rom t he to!? of t he of Pa rh a m riot ba vrn g 10 a l~r r th e litt le u1rnutt o, diluted with wate r ; p ut spoke e r we £liey castle e th of s a nd t he tower k of Comm on Praye r , aud , 10d.eed , into t.l1e cb u rn when y ou l1eg i11 to churn ; walls . Giles seern g t !J~t lns fa ther . o-. H owev er as 1l fl k ne w b e Boo . rn escap e m t h at way, b esiert to w as not al,le ve utteruduci , to ub"nu mbe r of vJ(:lw s use uo ruore th ,1n wi ll g iv e tbe bu tter u gu bs ht . h t h ca mp b ef ore 11 1g ° "t h. h • d" r t,!Ja n a _ e :a 11 yt 111g c 110 reac took upon himse lf to h ave t he dra w- cou 11 w .JC• 111 ICale W rathe th i,se br ig bt, wh ite, oa t s traw colou r. fi • . , h e b eggecl f or_h osp1•t a 1-.t . l l se t rn i y ere not s. 1e n1 1ec1es Ia( 1 c bndg e lowered. 1g1ons re h h. Se ven th : G iv e the hu tter no m or e, ? f I. re t hat a t· t iie door o f a m onas Ie ry w I C on befo " Be .off, fathe r , hul'l'y . ,, rds wo . 11s o n r: than to press t he milk cleau• some worki . oad r his of stood not very far out plead for t he out of i t ; a wus h or two wi th br ine, I do ly warm and stly br~~Gal_ Hugh com es _tthh1s way. y Earne 'ro be 'c ontin ued . ou can m e. least possible alt er:i.tio n. 11es, come w1 . does not hurt it whe n ir. u granu la ted 1 st1ll leave the broad road t o d estru cL et th e read er reme mb er that this state ; w hen the bri ne run s off perfe ctly - ~ ............ -......... I will fo rgive , tion and r epent . n pro fe ~s i ng to he a B is bop nnd it. Prir, ce Bism arck's R esign ation . i5 a ma II defi11i l,e creed , and who yet clea r , stop wor k ing poil it with salt ; you." to hum t i, : D o not s i, ig E co llec"You r forgiv eness won't save me fi ne da iry salt, ½oz , to Ub. ; we igh his begs the Hou se o~ Comm ons ( a I sha ll I l' rin ce B i8 marc k' s res igoat ion of u tion of ge nt le men o f all sorts of views use bu tter un d sal t; do no t gnes:s. from the gallow s, fathe r ma both Ger G ood h igh office as C han cid lor o f the escap e to-nig h t with Hugh . the subj ect of re li g ion) to let, l' h i8 qna11 tity is su lli cient fo r winte r re mu st be i-eganli>d as nat ur a l u pon Empi be shall we or I ly, quick off bye. Be is m off ~vi t u as fe w "u lte ra - hntte r, whicli eoter Min to irnm ediute conc,rn li ng ict, d ?er e th f o ce ary ,·ons<•qne 11 The old man tu rned nnd neces po os ible. d etecte d." as " tious s u mp tion , u pon bis poh cy whi ch t,he peo ple of , of f, 11 th e eccles iastic al sorro wfull y away and foll owed some of rhaps Pe elec .N inth : If p u t Lip in !:lb. r olls do i t ecent r e th at e·d - Germ any return Dr. 1£1 1i coi.t is 1,eatly , smoo t h, au d all in one sh a pe, , s :ioner E i, mui h is comp anion s who had taken aclvan Co ish Engl the of ti ons. T hey have grow n wPary i11 t age of the draw -brid ge being lowe red t, tbe most E · astia n. I! e <•a n speak wit h a n ice white clot h aro u11 d t! Uch roll. " blood and iron" n,e rbud of gover nm en had they e Befor e. escap eir h t b1 eath o f l'a rli ao,e n ta 1°) e to make am the of m freedo Te nth : lf put in crock s be su re to d ihe prnsc1 t ;if tbe laws that cu n is m is to n[!li A what of ion gone a hund red pa ces, H ugh caugh pretat ter in lias pnr·k it clown ~o lid ; <l 1ess tbe top and d of th!' official ism that the r et reatin g figures. speec h, an of sigh t l,, o l eub u1i, s io11 to thi , , ,111 d yet, of co ~•e r ii uµ from :be air till it i~ tii!rnrn t1•ac not al 11 id div in the uf life the accus ed dorninnte,1 he oa ths fier ce With tbe "prec ious d e posi t o f thi, Angi i<:an l.o tlni ma r ket. less than tbe affa irs o f' the nntion . They Giles of conn i ving at the priso ners' fo ith." , . have been driv"' n to 1\c-c., pt S or: ia li~m ,, VAL UE OF LU CER NE L AND escap e. Giles shrug ged h is shou lders. Was it ill sui d liy R1,11 1e n f hia ow le eruh unutt ,,t iieH ihili e la nd • poR lucern itR of all value with the ing yourrd ling R~!_!a troub b,, t " W h y are you e ieri.! y tbnt "D r. E lli cott adopt s ev il and it~ vog ue promi ses of b... tter \l r. Cain , when usk e<l fo r hio es tim ates' self 7 W hat d oes it matte r that these clai: -1,rup of the un eu nc a tL·d s treet y deadl the to ahle p,efer as 3, ing th thur it was a d ifficu lt ma tter t~ sted 6airl exhau are hey T men go away . ion ul forms prPac her ?" . stitut eon r d,, un ~m ti de~r,o a11 uc t:.1 a l value 0 11 it. place their and only emba rrass ns by D oes the B,s bop really I n" w whet i~ Princ e Bi sma rck organ ised an d which the man,' ' be expluined , " wi. lli Evny found '' you ?"_ _ ith a : 1 t Rave to i prese nce. t l~y _the p bra Be " d':' P'" tb e s ta ndpoi.ut o f bis owru s tered dur ing tlie. las t, twent y - mc,un from it mir1i n_d value ef r u1sb1)l1 treas ures 1" Lasal le \Ve tltrn k not, gro un d ing ou rnand ercl F en Wh . geme nt. So me mell! years mana five of "No, altho ugh I have iooke d well e VP ry natu ra l SUJJpos iti on tha t he sy i.. tem ou t of' Juce rn e th 10 th e woun d th11 t he receiv ed in oo th of more died n1ak« n a c Eng" the for them ." believers bas st ndi ed the hi s tory of few re we l1ere t l hi g her va lue 011 the due a l nt futu p s bi and , vault other~ "The y roust be in the secre t relig io n." qoeo ce."' s doctr in~s to be found i □ Ge rman y. lish hi conse in in d that lan who where h t tell ell izabe w El can or. I bhen. And W~ s it .-iey 111ot11 by . s Nowa d 11 ys they are to be cou n ted ' ' fo onie r, then , to ge t at the capit al Angl iean is. If you prom ise to let me g o share t he " prec1o t1s depos i ted the h houg t ~, san<l thou of s in , •• a □ es ti tr,, ate niust be red Land ir. hot.I, to~er ber ?. An d vulu 0," I pu t wlth you I will show you where it is'' been rut hl ess i n_ perse - fa!th, " or wnR as h Lhe lnnd is r ea lly cu pllor what hance C rrn llp and ed , baR Hugh tbe h 1t said w "I swear to do so," E:s of w'. t b whom _wM it clcp1~s 1tccldoctnn ll, a r fte A r ac re per unnum to. pe them. ng g i urn l outin re of by a ble his ".illai nous tongu e, t hicke ned sllt9p~ or wi th the l' a rl1 am ent? ul ise t be net re -• so:·t, be t hey good or bad, canno t B1 Copit ny a ier. le occup terrib the most not the )d they o d utter': , d runke nness If wit h the forme r, why cent. an d y ou g et: r pe 5 d up io prison -~ells or tramp led , y sa locke be at, s rn tu impre cation s. expla in to l£ngl is hm en wh a t it is, and rmed a of tread the tli e land ." der uf nn fe lue li vu l of out m hly of laym e n from the at th e actua "Ver y well then, " said his worth y ,\.I r. C 11 i 11 , " l cu n Empe ror of Germ uny , forbid no nsse id be •a T . well," hosts ery V ' picka ? e it n tak p" IJ each iug a fi nger accom plice, "let us for w h icb few g av e sucril ... g~ of luy land cu n read ily ss cPrne wdne lu shre a wbut yon with ive g the to a xe and a crow bar. Corne W e s hould lik., to see uny of the the d te precia ap y tl gh ri P u t it dow 11 1;t hns 1e. nc r ('redit pe him he I t fo r cellar s, but don't let any of your men li can Hie ho ps iicting thu s. re. W ith irrir, a per O of t he warni ng thut th e late elec- A ng 1 £ rce to fo 6 £ from " th i fo follow us." B II t if t h is ·· sa c red ( E1 ,g l i>h) Palo us of j i. he haps co•u1 t.iJ;lnJ I e1 f . would vey u co ianJ e tions ucern l will I "We can lock ourse lves in. itPd in the B, itis h Ho use of g a tion ,. pPs ition which tbe fon nd er was depo 1 ls. " e renta t1niqu hel' e ig h th cvPn a." ar·li P do to by b work wiL lt give the men some land' re occ upies in the Comm ons t, he J,·u mpi cel'Ue E lu an of e ln Germ vu the et of mal'k e he gav T " he rs Turn ing to his fo ll owe rne11t ns it slto ul cl thi 11k fi t, wbut un and , ry e0uut £.200 to Lhe of £°\.OO tory ,u his fro uy range tter-d la th~n, will order s to conti nue d emoli shing the mean ing maun d erio g it is for ,my of amo u n t of . th at after the mnnu er of Monn rcbs, he lk of t be per acre, acco rdi og. to fo e ta to hops Bis ?e castle , grant u1g them full permission d_nl wo ese. t:.i e whos by man ma nagethe ts i to on ge d 1 bear gr a to t h owe~ broug fa ith us t ho ugh it was in , k ill to pillag e. But this pe rmi ss ion was in g and nnrea , ing l11hou r d~ 1:os1t of bo ut a fai r way of a t chem a th n't deep I overy ment. slread a e nsiou wer prete ey s uperf luous . Th tb eu· hand~ ; what cowa rdly an E m 1Jiro was consol idated in blood p ut tii, g it?" bu rdened wit h plund er, and tired of rw8s to 1-!lter big wo rds to whicb t bey was 1ork life-11 H 1-li 11~0. yeurB ty twen "Yes ; t l,a t' ~ u l'.out. a pretty fa ir a for nd ,s 1 s to destr oy ing, t hey only desir ed to get off G orma ny, un d be \~ou lcl nev er ve 11ture of on nerati gp n e th ey of cal cu latrn g i t, as so mucb . de th ich way wh and escap e the r etalia tion srng le mowen t , m fro e task a wa8 t I it. hed Jpli accoU pends . upon the intel li ge a ce of. th an ticipa ted. As soon as nig ht came :r_b Py a re t lreru e lv e Pa rli amen tary M i:. Cain io . pi red ra sh ness of • he said t " even uset·, purch which ndrng chief rnte their be g to seein h on, the refore , not · e officia ls, ~od _ t ?cy ~o uld wis b genlu ij mig ht well hav~ s hrn ok_, and tb1 t them " Q abou t any wher e, they left th e castle in s th oug ht _C bnctia u B16b ops. L e ne t uye~· cauno t see any arck_ _ B,~m · nnce l" of ncces~ s l signa e d b efore them t h hI i ao· little g roups , drivin ir only try_ 1t _o u. a va n age, ID 1uce r ne g row u 0 ' w 1e t ~ o-reat enter p ri se pro veR good hi s clu1m to be the u □ otber wi ll be Pux ic>.us o get a fe w · llicott E .J:iorse s a nd cattle that we re in the 0 Dr. 1te rnv Wo est • · br·etb ren, a cre 8 at almo s t a u rice 11 • and to be onoob erecl amon gst th e great l 'h t his · ' f:' .zt ables , leavi ng the bridg e dowa · . . B nt m Jrst_ o_set_ • o ex_a mp e to th e sta te men of rno J_em tunes \~~e la tter . n a ! / O rt so the uat j is m cl cernee I ry . ve 0 oors . open. a 11 t 1<> ol the un_ 111v1tu t~ou wh ich we a~e out. of a sma ll h oldia " . ill rn a-~e But dea ling witb tbe mt_ern ul affair s foras t tJ1ey q mckl y d1sper~ecl. be _ will ta ke a ll possi ble care uot more ~111 t fal. cess othe1s uosuc ly entire was ,. he ('0unt ry ure urnl in g 011 01, h J . <lo than befor e le,wi ng one, more wicke d than 4 ~ u n ro ij of acres ." a r ,ca,be r of t bo most I to accept;, ~ ory, T II Boru I The . ables st he t 1 the r est, ,;ct fire to








1, 1890.


all ti



£ '.)

Jon es, a chroDic bore, tellin g about A clergym an said to :, d runk en man 1 SILVER Ll~VER H U.N'l'EH, C,i ppc cl acc id ent_ i n which ll ma'.' wa~ who l111d ra. li en. dc,w11 0 and J e well ed, Gna rnn t•Jecl two yca1 s 011 lh e icy. paveTh ere ure t wo words in tbe Eo " li sb drown e.l , sa1u - " It h appene d Ill less rn ellt-" Th e wicki-d , land 011 ah ppe ry 1 A . J. GALLE' S, Albany . lan g unge ·which contain all tbe v~~el s time than I tnke to t e ll it." "I g 11 e, . p lucies." "Do U11•y ?" :11• s wern d t.h e in their proper orde r - te mio us a nd s o; o tl, erw ise Lh e m an might hav e been dru nkard. "lL'ti 111 ure lh :u1 J cau do." HOLLOW AY'S PILLs .-Epid e rnic Dis• fac etiou s . rescu ed," replied a di sg usted listen er. " P . eases.-The a!:ll'ming in~rease of En glish 1 A y oDng den t ist wr:is intro1'luc ed to a ch arnc:>t:i~: ~rk~~s 11 nd "The re are m any things i n thi s s ple id hit of cho lera and d i,irrhu,a should be it warning wor ld to wh ich we must sbnt o ur eyes," fa sh ionab le beauty t.h e otb e r even ing, "y-res . b•·1t I 11 • d I ·, d. I I to eve ry to s ubdue :tt unce any . , , rn cl lb .i aw me rn. irregL1lar ityonetending m id t he paLarnal Jon es. " Ye~, pa, and an d g r'.tce fnlly o pe n ecl toward disease. th e cunv_ors at ior, W hen he sta rted off a nu sa iJ -• Ne ith er Holl01rn y 's Pills should n ow be in e very soap is one of t hem," chim ed in t he by say111g : "I h?f.l E I may coo ~1de r tbat a bo r rower n '.J r lenclcr he," he los t the huu s~h uld t o rectify all impure states of p1ide of Lbe family . we a'.·e not e1,t1rely un acq_nainted . I bes t chao ce in the world to ~bow t he blo0tl , to l'ernedy weakn ess, a nd to " Wbal;'s jogrnph y, Bill ?" "It's had tile p leas u•·e of extruct111g a tooth off hi s wisdom ,, overcom e impaired gen eral h ealt h. Ko• tellin' for rin' lan ds that we k now for you r fathe r a s h or t tim e ago.' ' "H ow•~ that?" thin g can b e si1npl e r than t he in struction s nothin' about hy 'c ute cba ps t.h at's never fo r taking this T h e Pin c!: .-Love ly daui{hte r : Wb _y ." Why, he s hould have gone on and 11 othin g more effic correctiv e medicine , seen 'em." B ill got a Governm ent do yo11 so obJ ien t than it clean sin[! ect to :Vl r. De Poor? Is 1t said - ' But, i f t.h ou must do on e or powcl's, n oth ing nwru h,mnloss than its si tuation . not bette r to live i n a cottage with on e t'other , le t it be bo r rowing. Th ere's vegetabl e ing red ients. Hollowa Exp lained .- S he: We really m ust yon lov e than to dwell in a y's is tho pa lace w it,b mouey in it.'" best physic _d uri ng_ the s ummer season, call on lh e l<'io k t' lste in s , deal' ; we've one yo u hate? rractic al fa th el': Y es . dec,iymg £nuts cu1Ll unwh oleso me cwed them a citll so long. He : .lf I m d ear-v ery mu Baron AlJerso n , on ce was trVlllg a when c I1 b e tt,er; Irn t ,.(1 e' ve"etabl es am freq uently de r:uwincr the Y .. . . • 0 . • • • tt oweu Finkelstei n nothin g b u t a ca ll, has n 't th 1 "' o c1v1 act10n 111 wl11cb the pla mttfi cl:nro ed I bowels, .1u . e co age. d daily exposin g thousand dnmage,_ s, . d . . t i love, I'd h a ve r eturn ed i t lo ng ag o. I h eir . n eg J. ag:i1 ns t Llie . . . ~ t, fc11cla11t for 1roug I t 1gence 1r1 p ernHttm Bohby look 1ug o •J t of tlie window : l,a v :.( /r:, c!.llrnd Tb e differenc e betwee11 n long and a 1,i, ~kul l nn<l broken !1 cl1sorclered actwn, to the dangers 111 ,,I vVhat's the matter with tl, e ho :·sp, m ·1 m - , short yarn is ve ry we ll illustrat ed by 01 11 e lialf-:1 ,i zc·i, rili s . I diarrh cea, dyse ntery, ;J,nd cholera . 1lotl1" o ? l\ m l' . 'fh I ..., . ~ , I . 11 . e ... 1n , r-.:e ' ' ,·i \}i . 1' y n(, , ! 1· f'Plll'.P. 1I tc I th e differen ce of one's fe elings, in hol cl , 1 1,, w.:- .• r :w 11••: in g a sk e in for one's grandm othe r or for Bobby; he wua ' t obey lti ti dr il'er. lfoli liy : ua, u i'o r th e µ!ai11Liff Lie iug 11 1iau;we ra l,le, JWT HE RHAM S I LVER W ell, what's tlie man pa t.~ing bim fol'? a nd t lic jury rctll V 011 e's sweethe art. HUNTJ.m· LEVE RS, Guaran• rneJ a ve rd ict fo r him , Moth er : He teed iR Lw coax o years, in g him at J. GALL E'S, Albany l:l olihy wi t h damn~es 011<, po u11J sterl ing. f:iaicl V isito r (to b u tl~r, who is s ho wing him throu g h the picture galler y of the with on injured air: TLint ain't t he W,iy Baron A lde rsonold Virginia rna11 . ion) : " Tl,ut'R a fin e yon trent, me w h en I'm balky. " VvP won't try u11y mllre c: 1s cs wi th "FoR ·nrn BLOOD rs THE Lu'E."Po li cemen someti mes, i □ g 1v1ng this jury. portrnit . ls it an old maste r ?' ' B ut le r : Call anoth er." And , as \ !L,\l{K l1'S WORLD -FAMED BLOOD e vidence, do not e xpress th e m se lves ve ry they were re tirin lVUXl'U RE is war rant.eel to c~eanse the blood " N o, that' s th e old mi ss us." g , be r ema r k ecl : " G o from all impuriti es fr om w\iatev er cau se " ::io yo u were et Mrs. Marrab les ' cl Parly. An instance of this occ urred honl!•, gentlem e n, aod, as yo1:1 value ar1smg. Fo r Scrofula , Scurry, Sli:i □ and dinner yes terday. Wh at so r t of a menu the oth er day . An intelligent; membe r your bel\ds a ud limbs a t one po u nd Blood Di8eascs, and Sores of all k ind s, its of tbe force, who was g ivi ng ev idence effects in sterling, I bore y ou may find so me arc marvello us. Thousan ~~ of testidid they g iv e you ?" "l rea lly can ·t monial s. Sold in bottles, 2s. 9d. and l ls tell you, fo r I d i_n ' t tn k e any. h's a an asrn ult case, said," I was the onl y li be rnl purchas e rs on your journey ." each by Chemists and P atent Medicine pe rson pr esent in the h o u se except tbinD' I ve ry Reldom to uch. " an othe r po li ceman , who was ontsi de." Propriet ors T he "uigger " voter ca □ sometim es Vendors everywl! ere. Sole A" youn g lover paid £ 10 fo r a s pecia l 'J'1u; L l NCO L '.'/ AND M IDLAN D CoUNTil ·'o Dnuo see t l1 e funoy s id e of a s tump orato r as Co., Lincoln, En glaud . train to mu him 35 miles to see hi s g il'l, A lady of D o u ai, France, recently quickly as !Ill Irishma n can. A cam and wb en he µot th ern t,he t:rn1 ily bu ll - cuu sed her potra it to be painted, but pa•·g orato r n t A ppoma tt 11 . ox was ti 1e do!,! n tu hi m two mil es and d idn't ch a1ge she neglecte d to ptiy the a rti st . Irritatd ay ot lie r vigoro usly denounc iog A Pauper 's Dyin g R equ est. ed at having frequ ently app liecl for hi s G,me ral William him a peony. Mahone and all bis Professo r to class in s urge ry : The money i □ vr in, the a rti st reque s t ed to wor ks , wh en he u sed thi8 /iu e oratoric al right leg of t h e pati ent as you see is have the potrait for a little wh ile in fignr e : An Ulllu~ing and yet path etic incident iu shorter thnn the le ft , in co nseque nce of onler to improv e the colourin g. T h e " No w, my fellow-c itiz ens, wli y uo I what the poet Gra.v called "the s hort and simple mrnals or tbe poor," is r.o!d by Mr. which he lim ps. Now wh at would yon la dy confided i t t o him. He painte cl make thi s assau lt upori Willinm J·ohu J . r:.. l\lacklejo hu , ooe of th e Inspecdo iu a case of thi s k ind?" B1 iµ:ht hars 11cros1; i t, and in sc ri bed beneath . Mabone ?" tors of th e Poor, at Lerwick , Shetland ls" Detai ned fu r deh t." He th.ea pnblicly R1ud Pnt : "Lirn11, t r,o." la□ ds. He says that so me time ago an old An effective pau se foll owed. Th en woman , named Barbara Smi th , cam e under "Ah! ;\I r. ::i imµk in: , we hav e not exhibite d it at his d oor. Yonng wri te r: Have you read my up rose fellow-c itizen Unc le Ji mm y the not ice of the Bourd. She was extremel y chairs fo r o ur compan y, " said a young Catbron , and ~aid ill , and : it did not look likely that she wo uld wife LO ber fru ga l h usbaud. " P lenty of art icl e in the current number · of the loog n er1 care of any kind. She did not " I can a ns wer da t que~tion . Y 011 Eve1·y Othe1 · Monthly Rwzew, Mi ss chail's, d u cky, but ll little too much mu!rn de a ss1111lt on Ge nerul Mahone ,c~iclc on the mainltwd, but on a small is• comµauy ," repli ed Mr. S i1 0 pki □ s, with u Penelo1 ,e? ~1 iss Penelop e : No, that land a fe w mi les distant, aud there being uo ple asure is still i □ store for me. I h ea rd because h e is 500 miles away io de parochi al iustiutio us i □ that place, Barbaro knowing wink . city of New York "-Glob e. necessari ly occ upied the position of a pauSix- y ea r- old (to grandfaL h Pr), papa sny, though, that h e had r ead it: per, li ving out. The tronble from which " Grandp a, dea r, we hav e com e to wish Yonng writPr: Di d be not tLi □ k tbat I - - - - - -•....=== she s uffered elated back man y }'ears. In you man y happy return e of your bi r t h- tre a ted my snbj ec t in a very exhau stive better aud more prospero 11s daJ s she had Vital Questi ons ! ! ! in some way laid the fo undation for C hro □ ic day: aou marnrna says if yo u g iv e us manner ? i\l iss Pellf•lop e : Yes, I beIu rligesLi o □ and Dy speps ia, and ou t of t his Asl< the most em-inent Physician each half a cro wn we are n ot to lose it li eve he did s ay ometh i ng abou t 0ei ng Ask auy school, what 1s t he bes t tl 1iug i11 had sprun g up oth er r nmpl aint5 us age aud tired . on ou r way home.; the world for q uieting and allay ing all irri - bodily infirmi t ies crept ap ace upon her. " Blinkin s is a ni ce fe ll ow ." "Yes ; \Y H .\T ! T's COllIING TO . Barbara was not ignorant , albeit she hacl tation of the ner ves, a nd cu rin g all fo rms of fall en in to pov er ty . ~ □ earlier life she uen-ous bu t he show s such a marked di sposition complain ts, gi vin g oatu rnl, childlike Oflicer (on rac ing Ocean G reyhounc l) . refr somehow obtain ed the ad vautuge of a fair es hing sleep n!lrny s ? to exagger a te ." "To be s ur e ; but "Capta in, the wav n that swept Ollr edu cation, and thi s, added to nativ e shrewdAnd they will te ll you uuhesit:, t iugly that is connterb alanced by on e thing." deck a ness, euabled her to use good judglll ent in " Somejorm of H op s I!!'' few momeot s ago carri ed off " What is that ?" " T he respect to her own sitnaLion anti state of ge neral seven p:· sseoge rs." heal th. A lthough she h at! long sutl'erd in d is pos itio n to believe hi m ." Cll APTEll I. Capta in : "Throw t heir trunks and from asthnrn and a bron chial aifoction Mrs. \V ickwire : "If woman were l ugg age Ask :my or all of the most eu1inent phys J3arbarn was wise cnongh to over-boa rd : that rascall y sec that there given the Cl'ed it s h e des er ves, I do11't Etbiopia icians ailments arose from the diso rtlcrecl sto mach n is ga inini~ on us!" " What is the bes t and only r emedy that and di gestion, and that if the think mall wo ul d be promine nt in the main troubl e Gentlem an : " No w I j nst. adore can be relied on to cure all diseases of the co nld be cured the world's hi s tc •·y." Mr. Wickwi re: "I others would soon leave kidn eys ·wagner 's mu s ic·. auo. urin ary organs ; s11ch as her. It is probabl e that her disease began How fo ll ! -bow guess you are ri ght. If s h e co u Id get grand !- what prod ig io us power of ex- Briglit's disca~e, diabetes, retention , or it1a- as oth ers do, with l.ue usual sympto111 s; all the cred i t she wn11tud h e 'd be in the bility to retain urin e, and all the diseases headaches, bctcl breal. h, Lh c ri sin g of s ,,ur p ressi on ! Docs i t n ot carry you away ?" and ailments peculi ar to Wom ell " poor-ho u se." flui ds ill Lhe tbrnat, oppressio n and fai ntYonng Lady (weari ly): "I wis h it And they will tell yo u cxpli c1Uv :mil em- uess nt th e pit of the :;tomach , toss of s lee p, A dog is co n n tctl mad wl1en be won't did ! But that's wh ere the other k in rl pi.iatically "Buch11 ." • "tak e sometb it1 g," and a man in saue 1 coated tong ue, du ll eyes, bad taste in th e A sk the same ph ysicians of a Wagne r bas tb e ad van tage of it." mouth, &c., auil finally when be takes too much. A financ ier "What is the most reliable and slll'est hopeless t hrnngh hei· became -:h rno ic auil not ueiug abl e LO find .M:r~. Mi ss i o □: " vVhat a de li ghtfu l cure for all liver diseases or dy spepsia; Tern aios "respec tab le" wit!, a .fortune con- :wy remedy. Th e fo spec tor :; tales that she that dosn 't belong to h im , whil e a sel'mon Rev. Pound text ga \·e ns to-day; stip:ltion, in<li gcst10 n, bi lio11soess, malaria, had b een uu clcr mcJ ical t rcal1n c11t or fev er, ague, &c. ,'' and they will tell you : yea rs, bat to 110 P.J\'cct. l u th is strait she b e!,!gu r becomes a cr iminal for p u rloin - and do y on know, th ey S!l,J he thou g ht M andi-ake ! or D andelion I ! I ! one day rnaile the follow ing touching appeal of the s ubject and plan of it in a cl ream i ng a piece of meat. Hence when these remerlies am co mbi oed to th e Inspecto r: '· I hnve been swallowin q with others equal ly val uab le, Wife: I um rn worrieJ al.iont that one ni g ht." ,nediciues jur month s. 'l'hc1; do me 11 0 gnori. And compo unded into D r. So nl e's Ameri- / wn going on from wui·sc Mr. .M i,sion : "Th at probably cough of yo urs, J ohn dear ." Hus band lo worse. I cr,.1t encan Hop Bitters, such a wonderf ul and my s- rlurn i t -no longer. I f eel liwl in" 11JCcl< or two (fond ly): "D on' t be foo li s h, litt le on e . acconnt, s for so m:rny ,if his congr ega - te rious curati ve powe r is deve loped, whicb / shall uc dead. Th ere i.s u11c, la.,t reguest 1 It is u me re 110Lli i11g." Wife: It, urny t,ion being a sleep wliile he was prcacli - is so va ried in its ope mtious t hat no disea:;e ·u,01t!d mal,e Qfyo•,: give me u boule of Mother be a m ere no tb ing , Jobn, hu t I do w iti b i ng it. They ,, :w ted to be i n the or ill-h ealt h can possibly exi st or res ist its S eiyel's CumtivP S_yrup; it is 1/1// 01t!y hope. power, and yet it is you wo uld sec tb e-tbe insuranc e mun proper cond ition t o enj oy it." / / ·it proves ufail1trc Harmless for the mGst frail woman, weak- ,viii die in peace, and w,d does me no goud 1 111c,l.c no more c.<pense Lu Once wh en play ing with t he lo rd- in valid to-day." or small est child to use. the pa.rish ." "Now, Mary Aun ," saiJ tl 1 c teache r mayor, who was an enormon sly ri ch l t seems she got hol d of on~ o C l·!Al'TJ;;R lI. udd rcssinl? th e for emo s t of the cla~s in l, rewer, B Pau Brumme ll ::is he rose and i\IoLher tlc igcl's A linanack s a1Hl read ol' t.h myth ology, "wbo wris i t ~uppon eJ t!ie co :,lly pocke t.eel the money, su ic'.grea t cur es wrought by Luc ::iyrup i11 cases "Patien ts like hers. "Alm ost dead or nearl y dy in"" world on hi s s houl 1le rs ?" •• I t. wa , " T hank yo11, sir ; for th e fllture I For years, and given up by ph i~iaus, of The Board pi Lied th e poor lone wo man At las, ma'am." "A11 d who Rup ported shall 11e,•e r dr ink (lny porter but yours ." .Bri ght's aud olher kidn ey d iseases, liver an<! grautecl her petition, belie vin g, how"I wish, $ir, ' ' repli ed the brewer, complain ts, severe coughs, call ed co □ Atlas?" "T he book dose 11 't s ay, l.i nL I ever, tl ,c ::3yrup would pro ,·cd as useless as s ump ­ " t l-w t Pve r y other blackgu a rd in L ondon tioo, bave been cured . gu ess hin wile snµpo r ted h im . " th e other medi cines she had already taken. 1Ybat was their astoni shm ent to ti11,l. i n th e Wom en gone nectr(1/ cra::y I I I I T here i~ an Amer i c a □ wh o th inks wo11ld tel l me th e same." From ago uy of neuralgia , ne rvousness, course of ,1 few days, that she had not only thNe m ay be a weak ~p0t in tb e A me r iI t is lleed less to say that tli e B ea u waketuln ess, aud various diseases peculiar beeu :thlc to get 011t of bed, bu t tu ca □ Co11 s titu t ion. Senato r E vart, sriys never tri ed to be fnnny t,t th is gc11 tle- tJ wom en. about ou tside the hou se, anu lmd take n People drnwu out of sh:ipc from cxcrnc,- journeys tu :i 011 , idcr:tb le tli s t:lllce, and h is doc to rs tell him he mnst not read or ma u's expe11se again . ating pa □ gs of rhc um aLis m, intlam,ua lory was actuall y enj oying bette r healt h thr, n wr ite, and mu s t g iv,, up th in kin g . "So,'· A mu sician , who is famo u s fo r ploy- and chronic, since she was first t,ike11 ill . T he asthma or snfl'~ring from sc rofu la. says the Senn tor srully . " I s l1:dl be in g practica l jokes, wrote 10 ti friend o f and broncb it,is, which were 11 0 more t han Erysip elas! compell ed to turn to rnak iug s peeches bi s a short time nck thn s "oalLrllc um , bloo d poisonin g, uy spepsia, symptom s of her Lrnc disease (iud igcstiu n iu th e Senate." " D ear--, 1 cxpire1l i; uddeoly ou iudi gcst ion, and, in fact , almost all di :;cascs aud dy spepsia), rap idly ,tbalcd , and it now seems that Barbara will soon be as hale and fr,til " An E nglis hman, wb o had ueeD Wednesd ay lust, and am to be buried on hearty as t he lo specLor hi rn , clf, a11d be one Nature is heir to invited 10 din e with I'rit1ce Knunitz , Tuesdr1y next. Can you come to the Have beeu cured by Dr. Sou lc's llop .!3 iL- of I he hosLs or Ii viu g wi tnesses tu the had the mi sfo rtun e to up set n glass of fonern l ? Simi ! be giad f.o Fee y ou. tcrs, proof of which can be fo und iu every pow er of Mother Scigel's Syrup to sa ve th e wine on t he tab le. "Is that, the cus t nm Yo urs, -- ." bousamJ s who we re just ready to perish. nei ghborhood i □ the knowu wo rl d. 1\Iothcr Scip;el':; Curath·c Sy rup is for in E nglan d ?" i nqui re<l a Ge rman To which the fri end rrplie~l sale liy all chen, is ts and med iciu c •:cndors princeli n g. Not i11 th e least abas!J cd, " Dea r - - . ::, honl ,l be happy to W"No n"! genuin e_ without a bunch uf green and hy the proprieto rs, A .•J. Wlt itc, J, imi Lthe English man a11 ti vvered ; '' Not com e to yo ur funeru l n ex t Tuesday , but, h<Jps 011 the white labe l, :wd Dr. Sonle's cd, :15, .lforri ngdo 11 R oad, Loudon , l·:.c. n,unc blowu i11 th e bottl e B1·:w,urn of al l exactly ; but wh en i t, do l's happe n n11fort1111a tely I died las t F ri dl\y my se lf. th e vile poiso nous st uff 1uadc to imi Late Lil e nobody u1a kes a fu~s about it." Your ~, - - . ' ' aboYe, an




£ {.:_ 6"·

Nesbit 's £6 lOs Euglish Levers .



V oE . NESBJ'f,


Prac tical Wat chmaker and Jeweller, (Lat.e of R undle Street, Ad elaide, HAY S TR.1£E T, PERTH.

C< l LO r1 I.\ L W ,\ RIU-lr

- - - --

Its Searching and Healing Propertie~ are known throughout the World.

For the cure of BAD LEGS, ]fad B reasts , Old Wounds, Sores and U lcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually r ubbci' on the neck and chest, as salt into mea t, il Cure; Q uinsies, R e laxed T hroats, Bro nchitis, H ooping Cough, and all Asthmatic, Pulmonary, or P le,v r istic Complaints.

For Gout, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Glandular S wellings, K ing's Evil, Abscesses, P iles, Fistulas, and eve1y k ind 0f S K IN DISEAS E , it has never been k nown to fa il. The Ointment and Pills are Ma nufactu red only at

78, New Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford St.) London; And are sold by all Vendors of M ed icine t hroughout the Civilized World ; w ith d irections fo r use in a lmost every lang uage.

W11tches and Jewellery of EVE l{ Y description in the colony. Nesbit's English Leve rs ( capped and jewell ed) stand r iding and rnngh wo r k, g na rnn tced for t wu yea ,·~ '11,p ll<> ,1 \ · ,.1 ,·li wit hout ex, ·.- ptiun J\,,~ />11 , \\ ulit, , , are the Ul:ll1 •.\ ['[;, to; l' I P 1f.,. 1 , T bece and oLb er Watch ..., w 11 l, 11 1 " " yeurs' g uarnutee. Jewellery 01 every descri ption made to order or repaired· Watches clean ed or repaired . Ncs bit's L evers Neti hit' o \V 11 il ba, ,,,. Gen t 's Go ld Ladi es ' r ;,.1 W atcbes W a t.chP. ,, t:l il ver W a LC hes , t: il ve r \\ u s. ,,Gold Bracelets Dilver Graccl,~ts ,, sets B. & E. sets B. & 1£ . ,, Brooches Broo ches ,, Ea rrings Ear ri ngs ,, A lberts Aluert s ,, L eontines Leontiu es ,, Rings, Gent's Rings, Gent's ,, do . Ladies' do. Ladies' ,, B reast Pins Breast Pins ,, Neckl_e ts Necklets ,, Studs S tud s ,, K eepers Jet Brc,oches & Earrings ,, Wedd ing Rings A lbe rts Electro Plated Cups Clocks ,, Cruets, &c. SpP.c tacles.




10 ,

V\T. G. HEA.RlVI AN' -1,

ltJJ A Vl!.: ulways on ban d fu ll t:ltocks A N OTHER SHIPM ENT OF O U R

...C _.I_

of Station req uirements , also sund ry other goods, Uarpe nte rs' tools, A nvil s, ' 'orLal ,lp FMge8, \IVool hales, Con,~ ;«~ks• Yire, e ll ! I l•\·ue111g, •

\ \




... ,I





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~Vi11e8 a11d ;-,ki ,. L, ask ~ a nd o•.-1.ave~.


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- - - - - ---


"-N D

General F uneral Furnisher,

WAS nlway s on ban d, -~


UNER L S conducted in any part of th - Colony, and all details connected t ierew itb a ttr.nded to at the shortest notice by telegram or otherwise. Fune ral H ear ses and Coaches always ready .


:, 1ul a,




U~D E H.'f.' .il.R. EB, A AY

an d

for S a l e,

l rnnmr tal Hea<l nn d 'l'omb Stones, wil h hand•ome Tron Ilr. il ings, supplied $,!Hi erect,yl complete 1 . T W i :1J CR WUK







"' j - t.




BATt, ! BON .N ET S! A snrn ll con~ignmen f; of the Lates t Nove lties. A lso,- F ancy Wings, Leatli er, &c F elt and S traw l:l ats. A C hoice Sel ection of GENTS' Undenva, e, Huts, ll loves, Tie~ som<'·ndic.l Tweed, , Gen,~• S uits, ri'os iery, :Silk Halt h c,se, G reat Coats, and Waterproofs . A lso,-Ladies and Ge1Jts' U mbrellos &c, &c. ' l·\• rfnow r~ an d ~oops of the best bra n,is, includrng .?cars', &c.





EPPS'S 00 VO A. BREAKPAST. ' '. By a. thorough k oowlodge (If t he na,tura l laws '! Ju ch go l'er n th e onc rnL ioos of di ges ti ,,n ~vd nut :

llo u, a u cl by acar t! ful a pµlic a t1on f lh o fi~ e r i. ti es of we ll•selectecl cocoi.1., .M r. Ep ps b a1:1 proviJ>~gp:r-: brt!:1-kfafl t tab les witlJ a d elica tc ly -Hu,'Voured ~C i l! r 'to~ which D? ay _s;~vc us h l! a vy doctor's hills. ~s: by t~e J l:'d 1c1o us use of suc h a nic lcs o r tlit!t th at ·~ con at1tnt10n may be grad ua ll y bui lt up unti l Rtron ' enou g h to 1·esis~ c>ve ry te n t.lcn cy to di sease. lluudrt>dg of s ubtle ma lad1e1:1 arc fl oating around us react to ta.c k wh c_rc vc r t here is a. wea k point, \\'c ui::i.yy esca >e a. 1a. ta l s h a ft by ke,•pin g o w ·so lvcs we ll fortiti!u1 \V lth p1~rc ~l oad an<l IL proporly n ourished r ,, Seu a.rtwlc in tb e Oivil Service Gazette. r::une , -



Sohl in ¾-1b. packets by Groce-rs, labelled tbus :-


c o_


ORDERS. l:'erson curccl of Deafuess aud D. EAF.-A noises the head of years' :tand iu, Ill







N ex t


l>y :~_S1mpleRemedy, will scad a dcscri ptio! 11 of wl1 O N . • ~'Rt:~, lo any . 1:'crson . app 1·1es to I C IJ OLSON, C5 Will IUDl •S treet, Melbourn e


·:'. -if Ous.ERVE TaE AoD1u:ss, -

Door to the "Criterion H o tel."




.t' lWMPT



.Afadc simply wi th boiling wr,tcr or milk.

the mos t ex tensive and varied s tock in th e F rench, G e; rmnn, and Colonial Man ufac tured

of English,


__ .

Famous House fo r Bass's Ale ,.,....,.._..,.,, a ud Guiness's Hto11t. ....,,,.,.,, ,.,__

~)i1~ ~ rn ®~®tIT~£rm ~@®~ ~[ra\rn'ft' . Boot Manufacturer

Ladies Tao. Go wn s a □ d l\fo rn ing W raps


Wines, Spirits and Bee rs o f the Best B r ands obtainable, always on hand.



the yard, oPLENDID QU .1 LlT1E ~ at Low Prices.




,C'! .f.\ , '(Y 'tr-~:_, ''l;,;F ' -1-r,


Also hy

a spe-

{;lla.11.·;..·e§ 1'.lotl.e1.·ate. Gootl A.tte1ulance a ,11u.l Civility.


"I' v.· iJ A" :i(• ,;n ' l.1 ~


Splendid Balcony back and ji·ont. Bath-rooms, Sta bles, and eve1·y requisite / 01· a First Class Hotel.


fll l d\f-


T he Settlers favourite Honse.




F irst C lass A ccommodation fo r TrlAVELLERs.


J ll( •e ~

Fur R u gs, S t a ir Carpets , &c ., Tapestry Cloth, Tab le Covers and Five o 'clock Tea Clot hs ' G uipur e and Tapestry C u r t a ins, Art Musli n 's. Also A v e ry Choice S election of

.1-lot el



fur ,, u,



Pn1VAO Y au d ciali ty.

t n't..)

t 'li LilJKlVlA l AliPJ1.. T


S ha1nroc1,


l' t,OU)












'J ilmen·s S tores, in large q uantit ies.

AY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent expecP1.•01trieto1.·. torant, fo r Coughs, Colds, and Chest Complaints. --<♦>-­ AY'S COMPOUND, fo r Coughs and The GE RALDTO N HOTEL is replete with Colds, is equally serviceable for Horses and CatL!c. E very Comfort and Convenience for Travellers anil Visitors, AY'S 'l'IC PILLS, a specific in Ne uralgia, Fac~-acbe, &c. Contains Quinine, A nd contains one of Bnrro ng he's and W atts· far-fam ed Iron, &c. OAGULINE.-Ccmeut for Broken ArB illia-i·tl '.11abl es, ticl es. Sold l~vcrywh crc. i\fanufacto ry Stockport, England. ' Which~,is brillian tly lighted, and is the favourite r esor t of lovers of t he game.




~mall boxes ( l ~U lbs .)



I \ N U ,"f CJ OLI:-: , T U NJ \ E J{...;, FT C.,

11 I

ta,e., , q,,,1r1 ~,





ll l





!11 1J e , . F,,\\ Ii !'"'''"'" (,,. ,, 1. r,/ p , 11 lHeecl.i loading) .-l.. mru u1, iuon- ,,.'fllery, H a rness, &c.

1\ •c·' :-',


, \


COUGHS, COLDS, FOR&c.Asthma, Iuflueuza, Consumption, AY'S COMPOUND ESSENCE OF LINAn iseed, Senega, SquiJJ, Tolu, K &c., wi th Chlorodv nc.


; G e nera l Merchants, Importers , . S tock a n d Station Agents,

g ("ff Purchasers shoulcl look to the Label 0 11 the Pots nncl Boires. If t he acld ress is nol 633, O:d0r,1 C,, London, they are spurious

W atcbes, Clock6, J ewcllery, &c ., sold on TIM.I!; PAYMENT with I.MMEDIA TE possession to ho useholders at ex WES'!' AUSTRALIAN BOOI' FACTORY ceedi ng ly low p rices. As no heavy comm ission is paid for convassing and collecting, cu stomers will save at least ~O per cent., by buying from V . E. Nesbit, besides having a large stock to (Lale T . & W. Brilnall ), select fro m and a practical watchH AY ::- TRE ET, PERTH, maker to g narantee eve ry article sold. N returnin g thanks to the public generall y (l;W' TIME P A YMENT. for past fav ours, beg to ann ounce thas ~'W IMMEDIATB! POSSESSIO N. hey are prepared to manufacture all classet of COLONIAL BOOTi:i, on the shortest pos V. E. NESBIT, sible notice. Also, kept in stock, a large and varied assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen 's, P ractical Watchm aker and Jeweller, and Children's BOOTS anrl SHOES-from Perth . the best English and Continental houses. A e+ i,; NT S : Mr. J . ·w. Andrew, Hoebourne. Leather Grindery an d Uppers always on ,, 1' . W. Stroud, Geraldton . band. Good bides and kangaroo skins taken ,, F . Kelly, Dongarra , in exchange ,, G. H. Lott, Yo!·k. Goods de 'spatcbed to all parts of the Uolony .

J U S T A R R I V E D,


1l..: A S t he best selected and th .£:: cheapest stock of lirst-claRA

1, 1890.


Pr~nted and published /01· the Right Rev. Jll. G1b12c!J, at the oj)icc of the " W A ~ E COR D," llowick street, P erth . bz. THOMAS B RYA N. ' 'Y

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