The Record Newspaper - 03 April 1890

Page 1



\!V 1\r_r C I-IJ\II~4_l{El{, JEWELLER, OPTICIAN; ETC._. lE. ~A."Y .,. ..,TR,_~ET, PEJE~}'.r:E-J.: .. LAH.GE




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ALL KIND S of G old and Silver J e wellery man ufot.;tured un Lhe premises. G ~1: ''1'8 GolJ and Silver WaLche5 LADI E S G old and Silver ·w atches.

GgNT 8 Uold a.11 d oil ver A lberts in g reat rnriet)' G OLD Weddin g R ings made t o order on the shortest notice.

A Large Stock ::i,l ways on baud. A Well Selected 8tock ot E lectropla ted ·ware .

SPECT ACLE S to suit all sights. \V ATC.HES, Uloclui, ~Ln<l Je well el'y, re p::Lired a t r easonable pr ices . A . FU lJCH .\hl.>'S is the U.d 11,APE 'T lI1J US.E in lie COL0.1 1 Y .

OTf{EllS FOLLOW. THE ONLY FII{ST ORI)ER OF MERIT, with SP}: CI AL 1\ E. JTJON (for ~ewiug JYiachines), ,vas awar ded THE SI NGEH, MANlJFACTU1tING- UOJVIP.ANY at the Centennial International, lt ·hibitjou 1888-H. EXTRACT fro111 HEP ORT OF JU RY (Section 38) un t3ewing and ut11cr Machi1·ws fo r 111aki11 g Clo thing ; as offi ciall.v published in th e Mel bourne Auc us aud A Ge Newspapers 29th Jan uary, 18KD :-

" ~rhe SINGER SEvVING MACHINE COMPANY an d tl1e Wheeler and ,vilsou Sewing N[achine Company each exhibit, a Collection of Machines, but we had not the slighte:-;t difficulty in awar ding the SINGER SEWI NG MACHINE COMPANY the P] IlS'J1 AvVAHD with SPECIAL )1E NTI ON. W e particularly desire to ex pres · our opin ·on that ID.A( H of the follo--wing , . 'viachines, which are a part of SINGER'S Collection, is of itself -worthy of a fir st a;warcl, viz. :- rI'hc Button.hole Mach ine, Eyelet lVIachine, Leather M.achine, and l\1anufac turing lVIachine. As a collective exhibit the Wheeler aud Wibou Oouipany only t ook second a-,vard." 1






sp·;:ic i\L i1IIlN ,s»XON1

Singer Man ufacturi ng Com pany, New Yol'k, for Colloctio n of Se win g Ma.chin e::;.

W heeler and Wi lson , New York, for Collection of Sc wi 11g· ~facl1in cs. / 1. ttach rn cnts, u!Hl H on . l\'fout,i o n !'ur t, nperiu r C:1bi uct W ur k.

J. ,Wer th eim, F rankfort, fo r Sewing llfachiue

OKPOT-- l1AY-ti11 UEBT, PE ltTU .

2 Qt


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I ea n t n g r., .

proved , but it hus bee n satisfact oril y showu thnt it had no connection with bis flight, 1111d ~hut Mr. Parnell had no know ledge of his in tention to leave, or of the cause.''

The Parnell Commission.



THE '.l.' Hl\EE


The Report of the Parnell Commis- Catholic Schools at the South sion ( saJ s f ho Daily News of Fridny) Seas Exhibi tion. was issued yeHterilny. Tlte Report is add ressfJd to he1· Majes ty, it is sigued by nil th<' Cnmmis&innors, und it amounts The two pretties t Lays of the Ed ncati on to a prnclical ncqn ittul of the Irish court nre occupied by the ex hi hits of the memberH on tlio charges of personal Catholic schools . The usn11 l ord er has com pli city in crime so recklessly made been departed from, and instead of th e ngni nst th rni. }1 r. Pernell nod his plain arch of the other buys two nice colle11g"Ues wer11 ucc Lrne,I by th e Attorney- Gothic lll'ches, decoratecl with fern prints G eneral ~ n th~ case . of O'Dom:ell v. iu spiittel' work, s urm ount the en trance W alter w1tl~ herng ect1ve)y and ~1rectly of the bnys . The exh ibits, consisting concerned II th~ hon~ble cnme of I of speci mens of the ordini1l'y work of the murder. Jn ,1mrL1culnr 1_L was ~lleged I schools in writing, drnwin g, pain ting, that t_bey wen1 _wcll oc4uamt~d with the / sewing, fancy need lewo rk, apd v11ri ons cot1ijp1rncy wl11cli rnsulted Ill the !IB• ,cbool exercises 1 will be seen ve ry tastesassi'nutio!l of Lord Frederick Caven~ish ful ly arranged in the bays and on a I and .M1·. Bonrke; that they sympath ised I stand nnd screen in the aven ue. A _wi th th e. object of the a~snssinB ; and I glance at the exhibits of t he Cntbolic th ey assisted them to ev1>de the hnnd of I schoo ls soon cominces the visitor that iustice; thnt they suppl ied them with I here he bas ocul ar dem onstr ation of fon ds !'or_ that pui·p?se ; that their the fact, not generall y known, tliat t he denunc1ut1ous of the cnme wore hypocn - worl~ of these schools stau ds on II much I t icul, aud that they secretly rejoiced at higher plan than the work done in the whllt 1h_ey openly condemned . ln Go vernment schools . The teachers of general it w1'.s as•e!'Lcd that t~_e Lnnd the Catholic scboo1 8 stamp all their wor k L ,-agoe, anrl Its successor, the l\ at1onal with tho impress ofindividuality. PerL eagur, wern fonnrlecl on mul'd~r, and fpction is aime,I at i □ ev ery department condncttlu oy muro.-rn1s; that the ir COB• if 8 cbool \70rk anrl nothin" very fnr sti tntio11al orgaofz!ltion was on elllbornte I ~hor t of the 1i:st work nttuiiiahle will sha m, and that their real weapons were pass muster in these sdwok This is gun-powder and dynam i~e. These amply bo rn ont by the excellency of ~t:it:e~ients ar~ now decided u po n exhibits from the ~ 11 t~o lic schools. ~f Jt1 tl 1?ial 1u~thonty to huve been con- th ll colony, now 00 view m the oxh 1b1clu s1,ely dtspreved. tion . No one can compare the work Tl'IEY ARE J<'OUL AND WICKED FA LSJC· show n with the general work of the HOODS, State schools withou t atlrnittia g, nowhich 110 one bad at any time the I pleas~rnt though the admis_siou may be, Rmallest exc use for uttering. 'l 'be thut m man_y of the essea~1als of a firstCommissionere have vindicated nt onco class e,lucot10u the Catholic schoo ls ore the character of the Irish lenders aud far a head of out' publi c schools. Here th e integrity of the English Bench. at leust .the advantage of a certain They feurlessly condemn boycotting. amount of freedom_ on the part of the But they fiud that t.he League wus teache~s, coupled ,~1~h earnestness and wb11t it, professed to be ; that its pro- e~tbusrnsm , are stn lo ngl\ app~rent, for ced ul'0 were fair and above bpard; thnt 1V1tl_1 the te~r,bers of the Oatholtc schools the meth ods it prnctis ed were thos fl it tbe\r w?rk 1s a labour of _lo~e. inculcated nod none others. (oat tlie Comrng to . the exb1h1ts fro m St. suggestions of u11derg ronncl c~ntrivnnce Jo~eph's 8chool, these wilt be not i?e::! nre untru e. They hold 1liat not only to he very n?meroui, and all of a high the lettern attrib uted to Mr. Parne ll ordtH' of mmt. T he copy books used himself, but those which put forwa rd arc the Christiun Brothers' series, after to implicate lllr . Egon, :Mr. Davitt, nnd which style Vern Foster's copy l:o~lrn l\11'. O'Kelly nre fo1 geries. are constructed, the C hn stmn ' Brothers havin!! 1011g used th e sty le 'l'HEY "J.llN'fIRELY ACQUI1' MR. PARNELL "' in their schools before it was ndoptod in AND TUE OTHER RESPONDENTS OF THE the public schools. Th e copy boob ure CHARGE OF INSINCERI1'Y l N '.l'TIEIR graded in stnndards from the fi rst to the DENUN C!A'l'lON OF '.l.'IIE PH<ENIX PAHK HOve nth. The books are nicely urrnnged MURDERS." in u long show ca, e, in three rows, the top row showing samples of fi g ur es , and They sny that "the rcspr:>ndent, did the bottom rows the ordina ry writing of not direc1 ly i11cit0 per,on~ to tbe cou1- th e school. It is really a treut to see mis,ion of crime other than intimirl 11such a hrge di~plny of exce 1lent tion," and th11t they ba,·e neve: r!lf_tile writ io~ 118 th is school makes, all II vayments for the purposti of rnc1trng - . ly d fr·om tlt e lowest . . ,, 'l'h A 1101 1f'II 111 goo , . ~e,sons to commit crime . e ttoroey stand,nds to the upper. T he who le of 17 IJenernl nlle "1ed that none of the I • • 1s · not {'mu It 1ess, b ut 1t· 16· . the wnt111g d eIien d ants l111, over d enounce d cr11ne e ·1n 11 oochool . ,, C . . as nea1·I y so a s po•s·ihl , ll'.H1 outmge. 11.,o omm 1ss1~nors d_e - The Pxe rcise book s of the ch ildren conc1de th at some of them, eRpeciully 1H. t . b' 1. est · 1· 1· " l a1r1 not rng b u t ti 1e cIeu oes t und u D av1tt , , :c rn gnod rait 1 denounce both . -11 e exe rm·ses, ru Ied 'ti r gren t L f·o"s1, w1 " Jt t111R not been proved that they sub - , . 1 t , Tl e ordrnnry school scribed to testimonials for cni e ~nc, u.. 1e. '. . ' ' excrc1HeS on ly nre wntten 1n th e books, OR WERE INTIMATELY ASSO~IATED Wl1' H I a,,cl th ese, it i, worthy of note, represc~t NO'fO!t!Q(iS CRIMIN ILS, OR TH AT THEY I B more advanced SI age of work than IS MADC: PAYMENTS TO PROCUR1c THE Es CAPE J ta11gbt i11 the S u,te s"11ools. BookI kt>epirw, l~nclid, al1-<eb1 a, a nd La tin are • OF CI\L'.!l:\'ALS FRO:U JUSTICe;," ! amongO the ~ubje<:ts with which tlie With rrgard to l\Ir. Parllf•II, and npn.rt, <·liildren nre made iaro iliar in tbe sd1ool. 2.ltogelhc-r from lhe qu estion of the· ,\. spP,cimen book, contnin iug ov er a 1l'tt,>rs, thll Commis:ioner~ r?port. that bnn dred ~pecimens of th e ordinal'y t '.,e chn'.·;;e 1;1iule agarn,1t htm lll C.'Jlll!PC- penma11 sbip of the pupils, amply tton with 8 hr11clun nn·l Roy ton 1s alto- dtJmon~trates tltat writing is gether unfounded. 'l'hoy di,;misH it in t 11 nght iu a tbol'ough manner. 11 the,<' f., r:•,F. : That .\1 r. Parnell Rhould I The whole course of st udy iu employ :-;1wridan nnd Boyt,,n to quiet •, 1lic school iM shown by a tho disturbed di~trict,, was llnturnl, us collecLion of the te:1:t books I they ltnrl 11 ern organi~ers th,•r", ant.I had u•c,d in the schools of the no doulit arqnil'ed i11finence in tL ose ! order . The reade ro nre grnded di,tricts . We cannot donlit that l\fr. in , slundards f1 om l to 6. Parnell was awure of Ihe iuflamm,1tory ,\mo 11 g others we notice s uc h spt•P-chc: they ha•l mad,•, bnt tbne is no hooks a~ Irish histo ry, Eng evirlrnco thnt lie knew that Hht1 iilan lish hietory, a hietorical or Boyton liad organized crime." class hook (a11ciont nn<l modern), ,IND 'TO 'IRE LIBEL TIIAT MR. rAHNELL ' Xpositor with G reek and Latin roots, hiirhcr geography pbysic1d geogrnp liy ,AIDED FRANK BYRNE TO ESCAPE k'RO)I " ' . .' ethnology , zoolo6 y, pract1cul men Murn).,.RlrnST AFTER Till! PilCENIX PAHK I tion, Cul'istian politeness and toe ~[ORDERS, THEY SAY: . u•ag,•s of Rociety, COnllllC l'Cial arid1 1 " That. : : r, l'urnell paid a snm of £100 metir, Euclid, bookkeepin g, mensurnto F. By, nc at. !iis request irnmeu i•1tely tion, trigooomet1 y, com p 1tion to the }.)eforc he left the conntry !ms been c•1techism, and h t. ,Joseph's prnyel'



book for th e young with hymn s com pi led by one of th e brothers of th e local school. Thi s book has found genernl favour thr ougho ut th e Enir· lisb speaking portion of t he Catholic · world, and thousands of coµies nre in circul ation in Austral as ia. On looking into the books used in th e school it will be seen that ed ucation of the very bee t kiod is imparted to the pu pils attendin g, and in addition to a firstclass secular cducntio1t th e brnthers devote a great deal or their l,ime to th e inculcation of th e prin ci ples of reli gion a nd Christinn piety. It is, in fnct, fo r the latter purpose th at th ey exis t as n religiou s t enchiag vrder. The ma ps shown bv th e school ure all tl'll e in outline and neatly drawn to scale with scale and compass. Accurncy is insisted upon, but not much va lue is set upon colouring. The drawing of the sc liool is like the mttpping, ext.rem ely accurate in outline. T he New z ,,alM d draw ing book, by D . C. Hntton, is the book used, nod th e fi g ures in it have been in all cases careful ly und successfully copied. The freeha nd draw ing is nil remark ably good , no d the model drawing particularly so. The t onic sol fa charts, done by han d, cl'editab le pieces of work. A noteworthy exhibit of the school is a &neet illustrating the Slon.n - Dupl oyen system of shotthan d, taught in th e school, in conj unction with n sheet sho wing articles printed nod copied in sho rtlmnd, from the three Dunedin daily papers. Shorthan d lessons are quite a feat ure of the school wo rk. The lads take t.o the study kindly nod m11 ster it with ease, so aim ply is the &ystem employed . Two of th e boys from the schools passed th e GoTernment civil service examination in shorthand. The shorthand exhi bits are the work of four different boy s-n,1mely J. P. De1aney, nged 15, E ugene O' Neill, Ar thu r H ull, and Francis Delaney, each 14 years of age. The work of the elder boy D elaney r efl ects grea t credit oa the school as wtlll us on the pupil. The ornamen tal border of the sheet show ing bis werk is well wrou ght, and the var iou s little designs introdu ced in the heading of the sheet be~peak t he trained eye nnd steady band of th e youtbfu 1 artist The whole of the work the school will bear fovournble comparison with the best work of tl1 e bes t public 11chools of th e colony . While dealing with th e C hriat.i au Brothers' schol)ls, we 1Frnst not omit mention of th o cs xhibits from the Cbristi ar, Brothers' Orp baauge, Geelong V ictoria, and the Artane Iadu ~trial School, Ireland . The exhibits of the former consists of suits of clothes made by the boys. These will be seen in a case with glass front in th e avenue. The suits are of fashionab le cut and well made. At the close of the exhibition th ey will be sold. Tha wo rk of the Christian Brotl1ers' In dustrial Scbool, D11blin, consis ts of hoots, ha rn ess, t inWBl'e, and Clll'pentry exhibits, ull of which show sk illed workmanship. In these indu strial ~cbools thr oughout Ireland numerous trad es are tnught, an ti tb e lad R are turn ed out sk illed 11rtisaL1s and mechnnics, fi t to enter any workshop. The shee t containing the results obtained by th e pupils of th e Christia n Brothers' school in Ireland nt the pubiic inter med iate ex amin nti ons is well worthy of notice. These examinations a re held annually by Go vernmen t 1:Jx a miners, and are looked upon by all denominations ia I relan d ns tbo grea t test of the efflcieacy of any school or coll eg,1. The inducements he ld out by Governm ent in th e shape of bonuses to successfui Rchool s are scholarships varying from £10 to £50 a year, gold and silver medals, aad valuable book prizes, muke it II matter of credit as well as interest to compete nt these examinations. Th e pnpel's set at these examinatioos are really difficu lt requiring careful trainin g on th e part of any boy in order to pass, yet it will be obse rv ed that the success of th e Christian Brothers' school at th ese examinations has been ve ry rnarked. No other school or college in Ireland can show so con tinued and brill iant a r eco rd. It is also wo rthy of note that the success of the boys from th e Chris tian Brothers' schools in the Melbourne, Sy dney and A d elai,Je uni versities hns not been far ueltin d that of their pupils a t Home.


3, 1890.

Th e specimens of examination pni;ers wo rk ed out by the pupil s of the Dun ed in Rchoo l (St. Joseph 's) ju st oefore the Christmas holidays, show that the boys fr om the yo un ges t class upward s are carefnlly trained in working examination papers, The \vork of the mo1·e advanced boys is based on the matriculut ioo papers of the New Zealand University . 'l'he mann er in which the boys have done the work set them s peaks fo r itsf'lf. Mos t of them would haTe litlle di/-licnlty in pass ing the matriculati on ex awi aatin n of th e N e w Zealand University .-Times.

Interest on Tradesmen's Bills.

It pe rhaps cannot be too widely known tb 11t Mr. District Court Judge Blackhon se hns dealt a summary blow to those hu sin.ess men who, on the fa ith o f a line of pr iut upon th eir billh0uds that " i11terest wou ld be charged nf'ter a ce rtain d11 te," have been charging their cnstomers the usu nous-when ealc ulated compo und on q ual'terly accounts- in-tere8 t of 10 per cent. The Judge has laid down th e principle, which is no do ubt in accordance with stri ct law, t hat before iatereE t cau be so charged the customer mnst be a consenting part.y by ei:press pe rmi ssion of his willingness to pay tha t interest. It is not s uffi cient to put into bi s hand a bill with the ex pa,·tc assertiou a If yo u don't pay a t the en d of thre e ( or six) months,'' as the case may be, "I will cha rge you interest." T here must be two parties to th e business. The Judge was qnite ri ght in his concluoion th at if a pe rso n could not pay his acco un t at th e en rl of three or six months, it was scarcely possible that he could do so with 10 per cent. compound in terest added. The thing sveaks for itself. Possibly, many a otruggling man bas bad bis nose kept t.o the gri nd sto ne of some particu lar bu siness man throu g h this interest charge. P ussibly, the result of Judge Blackhou se's decision will be to lighten tbe bu rd ens of men of this class, na d at tba same time promote u healthier state of business aud tra de by limiting the cred it hit berto giveu. T he latter is a res ult which may help to promote thrift aad encouro ge inJu stry. The knowledge that luxuries may be obtained on cred it ev(m as readily as necessaries, is not conductive to a healthy social state.-Clarence Examiner. Sydney Journalism. A cor respondent of th e Olai·ence E xami'!ler, r1moogst other Sy dn ey items writes as fo llows : -" The Daily Telegraph News pnper Company b4ve declared th e usnul divi dend · of 10 per

c•ent. for the past year. The receipts from adVfir tisements , sale of papers, &c., for the tw elve mo1,tbs were £74,520, and the expenses £68,923. Th ese fign res give a good iuea of wb ntitcosts to run a metropolitan morning uewspnper. They also show that as a moneymaking institu tion tbe 1'elegraph is still a long way aster11 of th o Sydney Morning Hernld; and it is also probably a considerable way behind the Eveni11g News. But it wou ld hardly be rea3onabl e to ex vect it to be otherwise, for both those papers have been es tab lished fo r many years. Repo rt has it that the profits of the Herald a mount to ubout £50,000 per annum, and that those from th e News aDd th e Town a11d Country Joiw11al are fully £30,000. T ue sunrohold ers in the Daily Teleg rap!, Company hove great confluence in the paper, th e proof of th is being that they want £25 fo r tbe £ 10 shares. Of comse tl1ey are not wor th th at much as a presoo t investmen t, nod the reasom why such a prico is demanded is doubtless becnuse it is believed t hat they hnve a very '.nrge r>rospective value.. Barring accidents, th e Telegraph sho ul d become II great property in t he ' course of ten yeurs. They have a lncly assistP.nt -overseer at Ne wington an d Durham England. ~ncl , what is more, the lady polled five times the numbe l' 1>f votes gi ven h er tw o oppenents,





Ann'L, 3 1890. Famous




and Little lVIen.

The D eath of Mr. B iggar.

Ang lic1111ism hnq already to he::i r the heen deprive,] of hi ~ pe nsion, ns w II as we ig h1, nf ridi culn "l' 11 c,11gl 1 to s iuk n rn11wved f'roni the Cmnm issin11 of 1,!to Man y of our most di tin gu iohrd 'l'he exprn8sions of r egre t cullcrl forlh nav y; " Id it 11 ,,t 11 ,l ,i 10 1.lte g ri e\' OU P<•aco, and hi ~ pos it.io11 int.h e A nny. trn ve ll ers ( suys 1 lte Lonrlon 'ta1· ) ure 1,y th e dPat h uf l\ l r. J oscp h t:. l> urlh eu, and thi s in il s la!Lcr dnyH. 1t is l, nlie vcd t.o he Lord H en, v's rnLlt cr under than over th o mi Jd le l: ig-gar, ) 1. P ., 1,n vc hr Pn ge ncrnl ,111d intenti on 10 locat.e bim ; elf' in A11s lrnli irn , heig ht. :::itanl ey him self is rnl;hcr a s iucere. Tho Moming Post ad mit&. he u111l ,- r :111 ass umed 11amo ; aod it is English Turf Winnings. sruull mun physically, but of very li111 i tho respect of bis opponents, and stat(•d hy so n1 P of Iii,; i 1ti11mto frie nds powerful bniid, and Jolrn ston j 8 not. even th e St. James's Gazette own s tbnt 1,hat l'orth, in Wesll-r11 A nstrnlia, is nnly youthful io appearance, hut of "the I,iDrlly ton e of t,he notices in tl.te Tb e n: tu,·n of' t11 0 winni11gH un the lunc iecl Loi' hi 111 a.s l1i s fol urn hot1 1(' . · · t · t tu rf for 1889 eon 1ai 11 so111 e r1•1 11 urkable unu sually s mall Rtatnre. Du C!t:i illu , U 111ontF, press ts 110 . a t11Pre cn11 cess1on GL•:1 111·,;I Boulanger offer~ to reLnrn t.o the doye·,i, of Afr ican expl orer~, i: al so to conve uti o1111I good t".,c lin g." Tln•se fig ures. The D,1 lrn of' l' or Ll and , t br l•' rn 11 cc-, co11d i1io11nl ly tha t he i~ g u,uan Nrnal l, and Dr. J unke r is dec idedly t. hings arn be t.t.e1· late than never; bnt own er of .Don ov1rn , l111~ Lee n ont and 1.ocd a fai r l ri:11. Th e Frc11c h pu bl ic, I n' t th ey sriy ti · 1e111 be f'ore 0, 'l'l be1ow t he a verage height. Caµlnin w I1y tl ·o• . ie • uwa.v t.lte lu ckies t owB er. H e won til e h ow(,ve r, are qu il,o in di(f rent couceroiog Lugard may als::, be claimed by the preHeDt mise rnbl e conditio11 of' Eugl ish enorm ons ~nm o r ..£7:3,000 odd. 1ltc Gc1w rn l', 1uuvem ents, his popu larity sma ll me n-" pretty s trong- con tin ge nt po l·t· t ICfL I J'I fo ow es Iia Jt, ·its cm lrnra ss- Dono vau ',; :£38,000 alon u is £ Ll,000 in ltav iug completely fad ed. of Afr ica,) trnve llers it mn st bu ad- mentA to t he bittern e.s ol' s peech cxccsa of Lit e llu ke of Portland's Emin Pasha startR upo -:1 bis new mi tted . Bu non, U rnn t, nnd Tho msoi1, per mitterl 011 tl10 platfo rm and i11 the winnin as in 1888. Ayrshi1 e bronght dut ies a~ the repre~e ntative of t he Geron the other Jia nd, are nil over rathc,· pl'ess. T he pretty lino· wh ich l\lr . him .£~0 ,000 wiLI, two victories, and man E Rst African Comp&.ny immediatet ha n und er th e middle he ight, as i R irler Haggn rJ 011 co adoptt• d f'r o1u nn Semolina, the two-year-old, won 14 ly. In nn interview a.Pres~ representntive Selons, the g r at elepbar.:t an d Ji nn olde r author, 1.111d whi ch :1 11Licipate t,he rnces, wo r th £10,000. Mr. Mi lner has recently bad with him, Emin detai led lin nte r, wh o is re,iI ly tI1e origi n:d of 1-'1·s sest o be pI11c<H l 011 ti, 1u tlea(1 ru'ln ' s won 36 races , but be is credited with vuri ons hig hly interesting remin iscences Mr. R ider Haggard'R he r(i--A ll en brow on ly £2 1,000 ;, wbil ._t, wi,t!l. th e e_xcep- of Gordon, whom be describes us "a Q uarterm ain. Colq u bo un,whost• ·j,J nrncy , "'I'howayis lonely, letmof<'oJ thoni now," \1~11 of Che~alter _G1mstrelh, _ 110 pious, bnt rntb er errnt ic sort of ' cr.wl;,' from China to Ind ia is wel l k now n-- 1:1 11y be Oi'' l'li .. ,I to p11 11lic :i s w,• ' 1 us t,., ' '. ': 11: •r ow •.tr•t· exc~c•ded L I0,000 . Loi_-d witlJ n very uucertnin temper." is also among the big men. ' privute lif'c . Tito di ~gr:i ce f11I ,·1 id,cl.H ' ' : 1.t ltorpu w,,n £2 7,000 m J 888 ; 111 Stanl ey's admirers co ntinu e to e vine(l The same prnces~ may be a pplied to I used by the 'J.'-imcs nil tl, is Wl'e k 011 u I :'i}'~ he h'.1d l,o be cout_e ut wi~lt ubo~t eir di8gus t at Emin Pas ha fo r no t all pu blic men, bu: tl, ere i, 11 0 rnl e of s nbj ec t c11 wb ich its sil c11r,e wou l,I ital'c £:,,000. 'I. he D uke.of \,Vestm10 ster in l,,eing more demons trntive in his app releng th or waut of' it. A mong µo lit icia, ,s ! liP;en b1'.re decr.n cy, eon s ti I 11 t <, hr,•arhos l. 81:!8 _'.~·01~ £18,~~0; 111 __188 9 he secure_d ciation i II being rescued. t he taller 111011 ha ve it. Mr. L nlrnu _ ! of chun ty sn grnve t th cir e m11 st Im on ly _;;c.3,o0O._ Ih_e P11nce of Wa les 1£ P rince Bismark forma ll y bid s fa rewell che re nnd Sir Lyon Pluyfa ir nre sltor l, 1 mnuy reackrs wh o-- th11 far ml.,p t ing lo w 111 the ltst with two s mnll rnces, to the Emperor or Gc rm:t11y at H is Mr. Glad stone and Lord Rtllldo lph those principles of solida rit.y the 1'-imes £204 . Mojesty'H lianq uet tn-duy. Ch u rchill are of the middl e bei.,ht li i~s bee n so rearly to a ppl y to oth ersYes lPn!ay t:ii r Frederi ck Broome, 0 Lord Suli sbmy, M r. Ch 11 1u ber:ain , S ii '. lecl ine to _be any longo r ac eesso ri es _in the present Go verno1· of \Vestern AnR A Victorian Mining Venture. W'illium H arcou rt, M r. Balf'our, L ord ti8 br utality by co nt. nbut111g to its trnlin, wa; ex:i rui11 ed by t,li e select Hnrtin"ton, Sir Ch arles Dilke, Mr. support. com mi ttc·e ap pointed by th e Hon se of PUMPING A R!YER DRY. .JY[orle}~ Sir M . Hicks-Beach, Mr. WhntevP.r ju s ti ce has been done to .Comn1nn s to report upon tlrn W estorn .M un dell a, M r. Pnrnell, Mr, Dill 011, Mr. Bi ~g:-ir hy his biogrn ph ers-ancl A most, uncom mon miuing venture is ./\ 11 strnli :rn E11abliog Bi ll. During :and many otb ers-ur e ei t h: 1· ve ry tal l done,~h\ wo:·e, ensilf U?('. wel: liecan se_ now bein i; carried ont nt L ye ll, a pari sb proceetl i11g~ 1:, ir Frede rick said th at, the m· nbo ve the midd le hmgh t. Ea rl ~r-. l. ~ . 0 Co 11 11or s vw,il s ketc he~ of some 25 mi les from l',a ndbnrSt At li1,anc inl position of tl.Je colo11y of R ussel was perh aps th ,i mo 8 t dis- 1111n urn tr1 vo_l_nm es 011 th o ~'1 1; lves of all this locmli t.y two iOJpOitant st r(•am 8 - - VVtslc rn Austrnlia wns un ilonbted ly · !: of au tono niy to t ing uiahed short politici 'lu of th e centu ry. 11 owspa pe'.· olf1ces-on0 . fo~ t , and that !Im Myrlie Cn·ek an d Co lih an Wv,:r!'(Ou, I, ntHJ t I1e g runt111 As to poets, Browning was short and tl1e m<.,st im po rtant- of In s ltfe, has _bilen j oin, and by nicun s or dam • , tail. rucos, it by lhu Ho me Uo vernru r nt wo uld 'l'enu vson very tu ll , tb ougiJ li e now gcBe rall y ov erlooked. .\I r. Il1g-gor tunn els, :i.nd pu mp ing tuachillery th e promote t he twu elcmP. nls of which it di verted, nnd Lite 8tootI r,o muc h 111 · need -1rum · s toop~ and loses 8ometlt1110· of his though born a Belfast Protes~n nt, a11cl river'H c: uurse i:; being: ~ ig rntion height. :.\tlr. Swin'hm 11 e c~nnot Le th ercforn II liard_-l~eadecl n:un of tl10 big bolt•:,; in tlt e ri ve r are bcin~ put:Qped and Pettlcmcnt. H is Exce ll ency 's ev idry. 'l'he Co liiJan R iver rises i11 tl,e l I111~ rnce 1 · ved a good de11l of ntcal led t·,nll. Sir Theodore Martin 1s world had a V I SIOD v.•hteh reac hed l Hnce short, a ,'l<l William Ma ni s is slig·l!tl_y lH<yo11 rl the narrowness i11 cident11l to ran ges aunve Trenth am, and, after lent.ion ltoih ,Yi thin u11d witiionl; the unde r th e mi ddle l1eigb1. Matthe w Oran geme u; u11d he was amon g the pas~ing v11rio11s gol ufields , rl isclrnr!!;C~ SelQct Coru111 itter, hy who m it was A rnold w-i1s th o tall ·son of u tall fath er. mu ltitn des of meu of his ge nerntion who it~olf into tho C amp:i~pe Ri ve r. The n rnly sed vNy carcfulls , as well as by The list g1·ow1:1 t iresome. lrn ve snb mit 1.ed tli cmse lves to the My r tle Cree k Lukes its ri He at Mount a large llllllt be r of An~tr::d trin coloni stg -Catholic Ch u rch. H is l,ocl y, nfte r Alexander, nnd j oi11 s the Co liban ll t u tit JJ1·os011 t; visiting Londo n, ivho arn Th Enormous Losses of the res tin g i11 th e Church of the Redernp- place known ns tbc "Horses hoe Bend ." Ern abled to he present U, rough ou t, t.iic •. e " Times. " turist Fa th ers at Clapham, goe8 to T he corn puny Hn der ta\,i ng t.liiR wor k proceedi 11 ~s, t he committee hav ing LleBelfast whe re it wi ll be interred amid is k no w11 aH th e M:r rtle C ree k G rand ci tied to ,it, with open doors. the mourn ing of a nulioo. Junclion, tlt o mir,in g manager lioing The U ni versity boat race, !)[)tween GONE OVEI? '!' HE PAl1NEL1, £200,000 Mr. J . Ch Pny, and tb e legal manngel' tlto Oxfol'd Pnd Camhridgo crciws, took COllSPlRACY. The City of Confusion. lieing J~l r. G. G . .J\II•Coll, of' SnuilhurSt. plac<J on t.h c nsunl co nrse---from P utney I llfn g lad to see (suys Labl,y iD The ro is II grna t ru rnonring amongs t 'l'wo big w,1ter hole8 ore Lo be dl'a i11ed to .Mortlalrn- ro -day, resu lting in a Truth) so me ,~igus of iniJJ ro verneut i11 1 A 11g li c1111 s ~18 lo wh u is to be th e l1o lde r now, u 11 d the was_! , lo be sluicerl, and vietory for the Oxlord men by n lea tit. lat1•1· 0 11 ot!ier port 1,w s ol tl1 e n vN 1uay Ti 11 the T-iine s. It now adds to the conte nls of th e srn of Durltum. 9') 1n· 3 ['['I· · ~h 1 e, --~ 1 I 'fhc d 105 .t ,1 tn. S P C. u s mn,es, e bo S ·tint·1 ar/ wiLh which it beads its load i11 g a rticl e~ treai Hd. l'J L~ of ' 24th win fo r Oxford agn ius t 22 fo r Th i:; bmtle und anxiety is very the 11 t1 mber of t ire pnge where .,ad 1 nnturnl, hoca u~H, as the re arn se vernl w1.1,h · P' a . are ,<id . fl'um 1,w,., H11nrce,, rn11! th e Oam 111:1,1g ,,, , •I , io eve1I 1, o (' 1887 I>etr1 Coitl1a1 item will be found. I shou Id fo o,· y cliffere11t t. ltc l,•11,I , t• 1 Ji, a· t L st yoar ·•b Oau, bl'l(·"'1ere rc: ligi,,ns • , llll\·or Ia11d·. 1 t.1 ,o ot her (so- c11l led) in , r I Id;: • 1 • ~ • · a, II e 1 that this is d ue to .Mr. Art hur W alterAng li ca11 ism, each of tb ese heresies is wlu_d , fu lows L H ; ., Yrtl e Greek · llt o i crew woa by Lb ret, lengt hs, in 20 mi1~s. a practical man of. bu siness - ha ving on the look out for II w i11 dfol l so exceed- pl'OJech1_r ~ uro Han g uinc• nf tb e Success of 4- sec~., rind we re the victo1·i:; fo r fo m r eplnced t he late Mr. Mucdunald. H ad ingly wea lthy ns D nrbam. tb e s lu t~111 i_l' O r<•rn ltolls HL 1.uese two yea:·s, f,0111 188G incl u~ivc.-Ed.J t his chunge been made soo 11 cr I g rea tly 011 1, tllu t l:.rge guu11tit1es L ONIJ ON ' •I . L 2~ Our poor olo fr iend, t he Rocle, shows holes, [J•J1nl.111g .1 I . l . r , r• tll C l /. . , . . <lonbt whether tl1P, "Fo rgery Letters" a sneakmg partiu-l ity for Dr. BARRY, o f go 1u we re ta Hlll ont " 1 It o es Itllmedi 11tel y nlio ve nn.l IJ<alow. T ben In Wc, Jne_sday i.l Un1ve rs1Ly Boat wo·u Id ev er bave app eared in Llrn T imes. late c;i f Sycl noy, wbo left bicl archiepisco- there is a co 11 siderntJ lc mo1rnrain c l o,t➔ af, Race lhe bettn ig at 1,he st:1 1'~ wus 9 to Tha t. pern icions fo lly hns nl1 e:idy, I pal see·there, an d hand, wliich carri es many fo nBntions of 4 °11 Cambri dge, w_lio ]pd by 1111!~ a u nclerst,md , cost t he 1'imcs uliove £200 The Hoc k over whici1 Gon marle him quarLz, sourn of wh ich were worked in 1-,ng lb at Ham mi,ifi mtth, 11 t ::Yill~h po mt 000. JtH expendit ure 011 wiLues,,·s dur- ove rseP r, on !Lecount of th•~ health of yearti go ne by , a11d tire c reditccl wiL h de,penLl,: st r uggle C lloU0(1 wh ich C01l i 11 ~ tltc Parnell Comuii , s io,; "'as us Mrs. BARRY. lrnv i1,g y ielJe,l ni; l o 70oz. per to11. ' . ,111 L1 e,) for L~e next 11111 0. 0_11 nppronchreckl ess and ubrn rd as wa s t ite pu blicaTi.t e Ror.k say a : The mean~ hv whi ch 1.h e water was 111 ~ I,nrne,, however, Oxfo rd led by -.tion of th e lc,t ters . W e tl.t i uk tit at a st.ran ge r mi,n Tb e Pall Malt Gazette says : --- 11 as might l1 ave been found in Bisb op BARRY tak e11 aw ny m1;y lie briefl y desc ri!ted . h 11 !t' 11 l,· n).! l li, :.ir_,d ~ r~d~11lly increa~ed Two dams wore t hrow n acros~ t, lio t lt ,:1r bid until !1111slt rng, a leng th Pigottism damaged its circnl~ti?n or ilrnn iu Dr. Di1.v 10 RON. . 29 · 9,, Co li han, and th e up pe r wat,er dra wn off a l iea, I · Tl ie ll!ne ~n1 111. ~u secs, was no t ? W e very much doubt 1f 1t l1ns. Ver y likely, u11 ly t l1e Rock sl1ou l<l by men11s of' t.ail-ra,:es. Th e rcrna i11d er milt er 8 low, ow ini-: to the "?f,er being The reapers of the T imes arc <livided reruernbcr thnt if Dr. BAH HY is strong iuto two classes-those wb o tak e it fo r Mrs. BARRY is wenk, a nd he r hn s baud of the wal er i~ drawn fr om tb e deep soi nowli at r ough r.n,1 I.he wrnd g usty, · 'I' hego:I I 01La111cd I · Thu I by p11 mp111g. . C,:1r . of , fl.11,s.· ·1..." p1·01 . ' ,1•c ".·' to its potit.ics and th ose wbo do nut. To after all th e tronble nud for e~ of getti ng h OP~ th e l,it;tc,r Pigo t t bu sin es8 has mnJe ap pointed, may find hi1melf ob liged to in ~ho !(lcality i~ ni very good (]U nlity. appoint" R[lf'Cta l ,.' mp,•rtal Uo1 H111t8s ioll no differeiice. ·'fo th e former it ,tp- seek ont ot her and fres her pastnres in Somo i\lyl'tl u C reek gold, sold to u to report 1111 ll,o S,1it,,,,,., ont,agc~ 1pea1·e to have bee~ n recomrnoodntion j11 ~tico to tli c hcnll.h of the lady wh ose bank i11 Ha ndlm1·, L, f0tch ed £4 1~. per. huve hePII _r~c,.nt_ly :,taL· ,l tu 1hav o take n ounce. A s tl.1e price for ab~o lu te ly place. 1-Jis ;\lH.J '.'a ly. hopes ~hereby 10 ~.:ather 1.hu11 otherwrne. devoted hu s lmu d ho most ce rLaiu ly pure go ld (24 curnts) iti £-! ,ls, 1 ld. app:ase th e growi~g 111 1!1g11:ltwu of hi~ THROWI NG TRI' TIMES OVEIL is. per ouucP, 1.hi •i gold 1uust btJ n~ nuat ly s~'.hJcct~ .111 c?nllet?ton wn l1th e trea tment T he Solicitor-G en era l of l~og lu11d In "full ep iscopnl costume" Dr. pure us p. ss ihl e, trl!ow in g th e smalles L •> 1 .L~ n Sibr n a'.1 pwo1wi8 . showed himse lf II man of lionon r as BARttY ad:i r,,ssed tlim: t.h e parso ns margin t!;J the pmt·.hase r fur profit.. lhn ,:, p:rni sh L O\\C l' lfo u.. c has well as a man of se nse. :::i ir Edwa rd of t:iydney assemuierl 111 ::lynod S tan dal'll gold (22 1:a rals) 1s wort h c~i-r ted a 1'.H''.:snrc ~\'ltt~l.t pro vides !•H' Clarke refu sed a brief in th e il efenc:e in tba t. £3 17 ~. I0½,1. Jll'I' ounce. 1Jllll'e:·:td Huftrage Ill co11 11 r•ct1on wilh ,the libel uclion wh ich Mr . Parnell h:1d Th e solo ann absol uw ca u,e of my t.l1e c,c<:f 1r. 11 ,,1 lit at brnnch of t b c➔ tnk en urrainst th e Tim es, aud in doing unw illin g reoig11u tio11 iH tltP. hc nlt h of =.:a=""'""""""'"~~~~~~-=='"~~~~-~• Lt>g iulnlurr. 11. is exprctl'cl tlwt. the ,80 ben p~d coals of Li re not on l_y upon MrB, B ARRY. M_y ud ion has nothing jfontgn tlllll J}ntCl'CO!Onin! Uppe r Lonsc nil! nppro vc ol tho Hil l. ;the hear! of his ehum eless coll cag ne, whatever to rlo with 11 11 y prnsp ecl, of apYcste1·,luy th e Prince of ,vales 'Sir Richard W ebs ter, but the s till mo re I poin tment in Englan,1. i!reicnrnm s. rl in o,'i wilh Prince Bisn1urelc Rt V 11rzin. -s ham eless Governm ent. In g ivi ng !tis We a re bound to bo li i!ve thi , th oug h At a hanquC't l11·ld aL •'i shn1onge rs' (F rom th e Dail.I/ .Vews. ) .refusal Sir Edward Clarke made no many an incredc,l011s Frenchm•rn wou l,l Hall, 0 11 \.Vcdnc day nigh t, ~ ir W il liam FOREIG N . :attempt to spare the se.nsibiliti es ?f an;y ; exclaim," Ah,Jcircew·." Rohin~<•n, the Governor-elec t of )party. H e says be d1'.-! not thmk it : ~1ut as. for ou rselve~ , wo__not on ly LONlJOll, :\larch 26. vV cs tern An st rnlia, advocut ccl lu1pcrial ,com patible with his official pos1t1on us a ? el!eve th is ~t~tc1'? ent (humtlwL111g_ us Th e d1dm 1.e un ope nin g the Chicai:;o Fod c>rntio 11 a~ heiBg tl1ei suf,Jst policy Law Officer of the Crown thot he 1t 1s to Clmst1a111ty), but ·wo hel1e.-e Ex i1ibitio11 has b,:c u posLpo11cJ 11 11til for tlw c\11 s1. rnlia11 coloni es l.o adop t; .should take a. brief for the 'J.'imes i 11 also tbat it. will be al, ,, a wi~e thin g to I ny 18 , 18()0 . but, lt u sn iJ, if' Au,tralia fede rated fo r s ucb a caee. The decision of the do wh eneve r tb ,~ ro i~ q ue,L ion of tb e T he H 0 11, ,J nrnes Wh ite's train er, itself 11pr,h lines no L necessari ly Solicitor Geu ernl left tbe wretched appo intm ent (If s nch u peonl iarly ~itnat- ' Dnwso n, !in~ ,-;elected K irkh am fur the lrnperinl L:rcat Br itai1.•. would ac t. T imes in a despe rate fix .. Up_to the .e~person 11s _D r. BAHHY , to i1 ny post, I De rby, Co11~CCJUP11tly Narellan h1.1s wisely in nlistai11i11 6 from ,•xerc1w1g time of " squari ng" the ac tion with Mr. high or low,_ rn th e ~,aw _E sLa hl~~l,ment, l>eon thrnw n out of trni ning. nny co ntrol whateve r re,. peeling l1 e1· Parnell no counsel bad been secured to mnke dtl1 gc11t 111 q 111ry ltdorehand I Lord He11ry :-:ornerset., who was co m- do1nes ti c or i11t~rnal lcgi,;l,i lio11. ci j 1, fo r tho cornered fo rge r, and it seemed as f.o wh ether 1l111 cituation will liG pellcil lo flo ,3 f1'om Eng l1LI 1d, owi1Jg to , Villi11.111'8 speech wa · ll'Cil \' eel' ive,1 unl ikely that any decent lawyer in favourabl e or :i.dv cro::c to ·' tho hcaltl1 of Iii, nR ocia1ion with th e re '(•nt \Yc, L by 1111 pre r-11t. a11tl i, h, in!! fa,· nruhly .Englai)d wo uld touch its tainted mo11 ey. Mrn. BARB Y. ' t S 11d ~t·a nu :i l, 111 l..Jle r el uu d.,i rec :, has COi1J11lC nt1;d 111)011 by L.t' L' ,·~,:,. 0








3, 1890~

1 'J'HE and the river h as a lready risen upLONDON, Mar~h 28. Tlie Emperor of Germany is stro11g ' wfl.rds of a l~undred feet over the in· his assurance~ to tlw Prince of Macrossan bndge. Among those reW:iles, who al pre,eHt, is His M,1jesty's I po1·ted_ to have bee n drowned. by the NOW ON A'l' gue 8 t at Be~li:1, t at b(l. iu,_en ds to floods 1s i\li-. 1;,edclen, _Uie prop n et or of cul tivate, 1,y ,-n•rv rn<'nns rn l,1,; µower, the Charters 1 owers Trnus I ~ i\l Er.BOURN!i:, March 28. the tL e l'ri••udli<•~t n lutioHs with Charles ·woods, the Secr et a ry of t he ' British Empire. l' · · th f ll · ]3 . • R d G. .\lnjesty the Austm!ifl.n Railway Association, has ! The . health of fler e o. owmg mes:reat e uctwns auc1 - arg a m s m Qu een is continu ing to be in a VNY bo lted, his accounts showing a d1:.fici - ! ency of about .£1000. He was arrested LADIES' BLOUSES AND JER SEYS. iniliffe1 ent cm1<l ition. LADIES AND INF ANTS' MILLI NERY, Co11 ~idernlilo importance is attached at Sydney y est erday It ~s reported to t~e P1 incl' of Wale,;' "erni -t>lacinl vi,it. that Woods hn,~l cl r? wned h_im self, a11 cl, DRESS MATERIALS Eno·lish and French (s nita,b le for the r esent P \5 S . d con sequent ly, his w1dow cla imed £1000 t o Ger man:, ason e , commg n a f •c1 h . £ ' ] h" nlot b b l ·t d I ., :, ' O ce en ev1 e t upon lCY 1 po e J JS on _ om fl,11( e Yllfl.llll A not !(ff 1 I1 NRAOHU'IE,, , "?NSHADES, CHILDRE NS' DRESSES, again s~ the Cza,1· has bec11 cliscoveroc! /' a man named Daniel Co ughl,11J, who ! in I:u ssia, i,nd many military officer,, swore that h e Sfl.\V i -Voods commit the BLACK GRENADINES, S'IRAWHATS GENTS' CLOTHING, HATS, SHIRTS, & Hosiery, Vvarrants · bee n iss ued :· h,wo l,ePn 1, l'l'ested for complicity i n deed, , ~igainst both Coughlan and -V-.7 oods on . t he a~1ir. d TWEEDS · 1 V ~i im11 :1a11<'011a ly w1. li .tbc homb and th e char(Ye of couspiracy. , re uced to ls. lld. and upwards. ery spec1a ines in ellie° ~tewa r t's fa rewell opera _! dynat .. il P con~pirncy nn outbreak of the 1 ~ studi>11t, at P1r. Univ,,r, it ico of llo,cor,, season, previous t o h er r etirement J{n zan, and Ch,irkoff has <,cctmet.l, a•1d fro m tho Australian stage, h as com- I SASH RIBBON, &c . CARPETS and RUGS. Also a quantity of REMNAN'l'S. mnny of thu st ude nts, iu conse_qu~nce, rnencecl and h ~s proved t o be up to the j have b('e11 tlC'po rtet! to the mmeH of very present tune a g reat success. In ·t bl • • FANCY GOODS . A f connection with t he popul a r a ctress's i 1::iiber ia. 0 "~ 1mes 111 e for BAZAARS, we are ' sm a . Tho Cznr, in a letter written to 11 benefit seaso n Planquette's ren owned ' gentl eman a short ti rue· ago, exµ1essc,i a opera ,. Paul Jones" is being p rodu ced pre pare d t? _clea r _at a low pnce. Country Storekeepers will do w e ll to Jon <>i tw fpr•lin", for nrirnte life aud a ·tt the Pri ncess's for the first t 1m e in p ay u s a, visit dnrmg t h e Sal e . l • J . 1 terms ma d e f or p·1anos nurmg S p e01a ' t ,.. b " t 10 sa.le (by well-kuowu makers) . Btro11g por~o::al disl ike to Cum t A ustml ia, and being magnificently : 1 been has success s marvellou A staged. ,urronnding , . _ L_A_C_E___ _ . -i-l-•l_t___O_i_'_"-l - -- - -- , -p- -E-R_T_H_ _I_'_A - ....A tremendous _C)ClOnP 11~~ cro~sod achieved on the score of att end- - -/K"1 RINK JI Hot.-.l. " ,. "O'I" K ent11cky, Illwcm, and lenue,.~eP, ance. Guild:fo-.;•«l. The influenza epidemic h as reached t hrough which :.oo people have been kill cl, i11 .iclditio11 to a11 cnormons Mel boume, wh ere it is ca using g rea t NOW OPEN. U p t o th e present q uuntity of prnperty l1avi11g lie&n inconve nie n ce. time t he m11la.cly is in a very mild for m <l estroy ed. J. E- BRENN AN Tho latest reports from Pl'kin but it is sufficient ly severe to have MORNING. di sclose every probubility of :rn (Jrtl - caused a p ublic r eception th at was Prop rietor. hrenk of hostilities between China and arranged to take place b y Ad miral ! F rom 10 to 12, fo r Ladies and Child 1!en It Lord Charles Scott, on boar d H.M.S. R ussia on tbe Siberian frontitr. Admission 6d . ; Skates Free. only. in ab andon ed be to uppears rhnt both China nnd Rns-F ia Orlando, Directly opposite the Railway consequence of t he rapid spread of the are mass ing Lroops 011 tl, e frootie1. China bas Eent a large order fo r disease. Station. AFTERNOON. The New Zeala11d E xhibition h a s r epeating rifles to Gerrmrny . , tl,e In The manner in which the New- achieved some splendid results. Adru is:,ion, 6d. Frnm 2. 30 to 5. f'ound!anr:l Fishery quest.iou bas been wine department Sout h A ustralia j EvEiw CoNVENr'ENCE FOB Skates 6d. J,; ft by th e .British Government is se cured the first p riz6 for light wine, givi ng gene1 al cliosatisfoctio11 in New- and as many as fift:,' •One first awards VISITORS. and fon ndlau d,· wheve a mass mreting of fo r various other kind s of win e . EVENING. 21. March ELAIDE AD e th th e inhabitants bi\s been hl)ld on Resolutions were paR~etl in stthj ect. Only the best brands qf, From 8 to 10. Admission, 6d.;l:ik at es ls. t\ Russian ,~arship h_as a rriv~cl from , fa vo u r of in vi ting th e prot,wtion of A1m 1icn if tile qneation is not 1t, Port R?yal, m Jamaica, which h as B eers, and spirits kept in stovk. caused great excit ement. It is under- I on ce settled by the British Government EVERY SATURD AY MORNING. stood that the ofiicers have been com- / auvenely to the French fi,herrnen. mis:.ioned to sketch t h e forts. The Prize Gala for l;hilclren. Th e Emperor of Ge1 rnany bas anGood Stabling and an attentive permission Ostler 11ou11cecl his intention to cu1 tail the a uthorit ies have refused • j for the seamen to land. expenditure on the German army, MUSIC. The share market is dull and trans- 1 b11 t intendH to increase the vote fi.r Roberto. Professor Ry N?rths b_eing the only . For quietness, comfort, and si tu ation the Navy in order to bring t.he Orrrw111 actions are al equ as h Ho•rEr;, ILDFORD GU e h t at round g H~eu· mam~am that stocks 110 Jl ect up tr, tl e stam!a rd of the IJritisi, ye;tercfay's c)earrng pnce- -about 30s i n the Colony. l\:tvy. ~ Skates on Sale from 15s. lhe fol lowrng are the latest quotaIt is rumourerl that in all probations : --· Centrals, £ 10 1 Os ; Souths, bi lity Lord Bulfo11r of lforleigh wil l FRANK ALL UlVI, Manager, £G; R ounds, £7 ; B roken s, £ 11 lls ; .be bo, cl Carrington's succes1, r in New ALBANY LAND. If th e Centrals British, £4 12s . Sou tit Wales. UIDING LOTS, 50lks . frontage strike the lode at 400 fe et it is expectPIONEER S1\DDLE AND RAl{NESS One mil e 275lk s. in depth. ed that a rise will take p la ce in the WORKS, BA RIUCK STREET. INT ERCOLONIAL. from t he Post On-ice, overlooking m ain lines. PERTH. IllEL!lOURNI,, Ma rch 27. K G.S. Price, £20, incl_u ding Tran sfer . SYDNEY, March 29. At the inquest in com,ection with Land ·,vithin 2 miles of Town Hall, The floods contin ue in t h e north . th e St. Kilda u,urder, nothing further (NEAR RAI LWAY HOTEL.) Relief has been afforded by t h e Gov- I from £3 per acre. Sou th side of th e of i mportance was disclosed, except ernment as fa r as practicable to many Harbou,:, from .£2 p er acre. , t h at the prisoner, Bennett, is only a J. GALLE. RY lies. APPOINTlittle over sixteen years of age instead hundreds of fami 1 29. ch Mar F.LBOURNE, ) of hcing 27, as preYiously stated . The SPECIAL MEN1' TO E L A S R prisoner says he has of late lJeen 1•c;aclO A curious commercial ronspiracy is , · H is E .i·celle11c1J the Govemor, S,r £.',·ederi'cik ing particuhtrs in the English r eported in this morning's paper s, j N. Broome, K.C.M.G. p apers of a similar case, in which through which t hr% business men have , .,Welling t on Location, No. oOO. a boy avcngcrl :1 fancied insult to a been arrested and chal'gecl wi th deFor pa rticulars apply to relative, which made him (!Jennett) fmuding the creditors of an in sol vent. cl etc rm incd to shoot his stepfather, It is stated that a draper named H U GH BRADY. ROBERT SM.ITH 19 D B b 'Wilkinson, of North Fitzroy, went int o >i 1, ', i'or having struck his moth el'. MAlW~'ACl'URl'lROF ALL KIN D S o~• SADDLEltY · ec. · tm ui·y, liqnidfl.tion, wh en a warehouseman A:lJ:L.\!01:, l\foreh, 27 . The share market is very dull, and named Birkett, of Flinders-lane, was . AND H ARNESS. only a few trnus~ctions :we recorded, appoin ted trustee, ar,d effected a CONVE NT OF S'l'. JOSEPH :NORTHAM --except in K orths, for which them arc dummy sn.le t,, his clerk Asken, at ' a LWAYS in stock, a large anc1 ·,·al'ied bu yers at from 2\Js. to :30s,, for brge nominal price, of the debtor's p roperty. I Tr.TEDRA WIN G fo l' PRIZES ann onnce_d assortm ent of Gig, Cart. and C ,u riaoe arrested a s also a I to tak? place on t_he 7t h .Jan uary U:i90. ,. pan:els. In this stock tl1ore :n·c only a Birkett has been n11 avo1cl ably POSl'PON ED to EA STER Harn ess, J~adies' and Gents' Riding Sadcll~s . . ' . . ve•·y few ~ellc>r.,. In Block 14 scrip a ~an name~ \Vi\lnnson, for coruphc1ty i MO NDAY .NEXT. Holders of Books wilt ~nd Brid les, Boys' and Girls' Sad ,dies and , greatl y o~tigc by sending Coun terfoils and .' dches , Pack i::iadcl les, J ockey Saddles fall wi;l prohfl.ltlY ,;oon tako pbc:(', a 111 the affair. Pl'oceecls to the Revel. Mothe1· before th at 1-l or,b Ulo l.hi ng, and al\ requi sites for a fi rs ,\ DE LAID El, March 29; ru mour h:v.-ing been circulated that the · date. . fl <:_las~ :::it~ble or Hos1 elry: in ~lu• Jin g_ Whips directors propose ,cmodng the smeltT he rn _ uenza epidemic is said to be I 'l '. J. GOOD:II AN, Spm . . Sponges, Chamois Sk ins llrusbesillg plant to l'ort l'irie. 'I he following approachmg, a few cases have crossed , Hon. Sec. Buildin g Commi ttee . Combs, i:;crapers, Clippers, Har~ess Oils, Blackin g, etc. are the latest quotfl.tions; J\rokens, the border. December 23 1889. It is a lso supposed to All ord ers sent by post or of .herwi e will be: .£12; lJ lock 14, £.-i 13s.; Junctions, already exist·in \ delaiclc. cxecu.ted with all care _:;nd 1,r •omptness. £ 3 Gs. ; Rounds. £7 ; Centrals, £11. The share market closes dull all rou nd - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - lU i. obt~med F i l'lSl PRJ ZE at the late: Round s are cousidcred to he worth 1_Torths alone closing better for t h e ' W. ~. A f,\ I icu l! u,at Society 's Show betel at speculating in. Gu I Id ford, fo r the best cal .lecti on of botb 01,en to1.· 3 Nl outla.s. week Saddlc ry aod 1B aroess. Ilr:ISUA~rn. 1'-Iarch 27. , There is no furt her news to hand con.Further tenitic flood:; arc reported cerning the fou r hundred feet level in 1 ONE ACRE BLOCKS, frontin g main fro ru N orthcrn Queensland, iu some the Central mino. roaci, just outside the boundary of i (S• Note. tbe Add. ress parts of which 2u inchcH of rnin h ave The fo llowing arc the latest qu ota-' Albimy. T\tle, N ew Act. Including all H.ORERT SJ\'.IITH, A hurricane, tions :-Centrals, .£10 lOs; i::: ou t hs, , expe1!ses, £21. Go vt. Maps of. Albany, 1a llen iu sixty hours. I BARRACK :::i•rn1 )E'.l', accompa11ied liy heavy rains and total £5 16s j Rounds, .£7 5s; Brokens, £ 11 . show111 g the blocks, sent on/e;~rL, 1/. (Near the RAILWAY Bo:rEL) darkness, is reported from Townsville, 15s; British, £4 JOs; Junction s £ 5; · Albany Feb. 28th, 1890. · where . ever.ti houses and shops h ad Norths £1 !Os. Wu ou:s·a LI£ AGU:NT ~·on ·rHEl Nonnr W g.;: i l,ce11 complel(•ly wnshed awn.y and a Mi::ssus. WA1'SCN & 'rEE,· TlH'rc will prohahly be no fur t h er '1Ulllhrr of li,·,.; lost. The mines in !'fl\ ival in the share market until a fter FREN CH KEYLESS LT~V Hoebourne aud (;os~ack. nmny of th c1i,;triet:; ;ire floockcl out the Easter h olidays. Guaranteed, at J . GAL LE'S, Alban,v l'crth, October 17 188\l.



.. G. ~E~R,l.YJC.A.N"'S.












I1- - --------------


! I








., •







~ ...'4,1','

3, 1890.


WHOLE S ALE WINE A N D SPIRIT M ERCHANT AND I MPORTE R. Offices and Sule Rooms : CLIFP STREE, F Rim ANTLE . Bouded W arehoa~es : E ssEx S TR EET , F rati G oods Stores : EssEx AND Cr.1F1• S T REETS.





I lt!: P O H '.D' "lillll A ND GENERAL STOREKEl~rRR


\V'ltole ~a .l e ~uufl. J.t e t uu. S·rirn ,n·

How rn 1r

1' l!Jit'l ' 11.





A. RECORD/ 16 l' Ul!JPAlUllD









- OF-


Elll C LE S uf nil description ou \rnud and mudo to order.

UNDERT AKI NG done on tho sho rtes t notice no el in the most respectable manner at mod erate clrn1gcs.


TOLL EY & COMPANY (Limited. )

A L SO-FI R EWOOD ut any length cut and dcili vered in ally part of P erth




CHRONOMl~TER, CLOCK, and WATCH MAKER, J EWELLER, &c., EGS to inform his nuroernus Customer 8 lte bas :Removed to more exteusive premises nearly adjoining Mr. Hymus's Chemist Shop, O pposite the Town Hall, where he solicits a share of patronage. GOLD and SlLVBR WAT0HES and JEWELLERY of every description always QO hand. Wedding Rings made to order Tini e payments taken. JOHN BOWRA, Howick Street, opposite the Town Hall




SCOLLAR]), ' 5


Messrs. Wm. Yo unge r and Co.'s ( L imi ted) Beers, in Balk and Bottle, on Se.le.

NOT E.-Hu il ding A ll otments on ~ulti in Fremantle, fr om £ 21 ; Perth, S30; Claremont, £ 10.




JOHN ~lcC LEERY. hos fo r private sale FREEHOL D P RO ,- ERTIE S, WIT H AND W I THOUT BUIL DIN GS T HEREON, in PEftTH.- Ma rray, G,w rge, Dyer, Newcast le, Charles, poa ro, Ga rden and Liacola Streets . fRE"MAN TLE.- Tucldield, Hill, Mary, Swanboa rn e, Packenham , South, J ohn, E llen, Leah, and H ampt.oa Stree ts. A lso, H ampton Hoad. R ichmom.l, Preston Rond, Beacons field, Claremont, B uaselton, P injarrah, und Derby.



Mo C L E E R y , '

'feus, Sugar, Oilman's Stores, and Colonial Prod uce.



A ll bu siness letters to bo udLl ressed toL . WHlBRID GE,




'vV. S ANDOVER, EsQ. 'vV. SILAS P EARSE, EsQ., lVI.L.C., &c. EDWARD Sco'rT, EsQ., lVI.R.C.S., &c., Chief ·Medical Oflicc~r.


(namely, th e excess of Ace urn ulated ] unds over Liabilities) on PREMIUM INCOME, in the AMOUN'l' OFt IINSURAN C E I N FORCE, in ANNUAL NEW BUSINES S, th e


EQUI'r ABLE LIFE AS SURA CE SOCIE"r Y BXCEED S EVERY OTHER LI FE ASSURA NCE SOCIETY, and may be regarded as the LARGES 'l' and S'rRONG ES'I' ORGANIS ARE F O R M. 'l 'ION of its kind in the World.


the request of numerou s fr iends and oth ers, the und ersigned begs to anno unce th at he is abo ut to add UNDERTA KING and FUNERAL FURNISH I NG, to his building and 1:arpentering bu siness. Funeral s conducted ex peditio usly und inexpensively il,l town or country . P H I LIP REILLY , B uilder, etc. Mackie- St reet, Perth, Jan. 2, 188 9.


31S'r DEm:MBER, 1888,


£ 31, 250,000.

THE LARGES rr BUSINES S ever transactecl in one year by any LIFE SOCIETY in the World. For all par ticulars apply to



No More Hard Times. If you wil l stop spending so much on clothes, rich food and st,yle, buy good, healthy food, cheaper and better clothing ; get morn real and su bstantial things of life every way, and especially stop the foo lish habit of employing ex pensive quack doctors or using so m·1ch of the vil e hum bug med icine that dues you onl y harm, but put you r trnst in that sim ple, pure remedy, Dr. Sonle'R A mcri can ilop BiUers; that cures a,lway~at 'l trifli i:g cost, and you will sec _good tunes and !,ave good hnallli . " Chron-

\Clc: ,


fJ8 00




'.r o be draw n as soon as t he wl, ule of Lhe money is subscribed .

T . L. COT T RE.L L~

1st Pri:e:e- BLOCK OF LAND (lJ acre Freehold), adjoini ng rail way and rmid at orth F remantle, on which ia erected a substan- tial 4-roomecl cottage ; the whole worth £765 2nd Pri;;e- \Vin uer to select to value o[ £25. :3rd P rize- Pony, saddle, &u., l'al uo ;.[;10.



Is prepared to make all kinds of CARRIA GES equal to those ,· · ,t1 , • _ • A com mittee of ge ntlern en h,wo kiucl ly o f t h e E astei•11 C O1omes a, ess COS•t tl·1a 11 t·h ey ca, n u1, e 1mpo1 te d , ! consented to conduct t he dm wing. All Carriage s guarante ed fo r t,velve months. I E ach purchaser of a book of 20 tickets 1

will be presented with a Cornpliment:i.ry

R epairs promptly execn ted in fi rst-class sty le. : '.l'icket l!'RE E. F UNE RALS pe rfo rmed on tl1 e sh ortest notiee and nt Bui:rA FIDE . I reasonab le pnccs. .l:800 ' )




2nd MONSTER AR'l' UN ION, 1889.

IJ ONVE NT BOARD ING SCHOOL , S IE'. 'l;ERS OF ST. JOSEP H, GERALDT ON. ,......, ERl\i:S - For child ren, under 10 ..L yearr., 5 guineas per qua rter, to be paid in advance. M usic and si'lging, 2 guineas. Entrance F ee, £4. Child ren over 1 0 years, 8 g uineas per quar ter.



f\ E l'LA'l'lO - .

for 10.;.








3, 1~90


C &A

I CHURCH AND SCHOOL, I deepei• significan ce th an is just fai led him. .A.s all others had at present apparen t . Bismarck's don e, ~e "failed to coel'ce . the GER.A.LDTON. 'l'HE REV. E. BRERETON begs to retirement means th e disappear- ; Cat'.101ic Church . When mtroCASH IRONMONGER, return his sincere thanks for the following ance from public view of pet·haps clucrng the lYfay L aws he had subscriptions in aid of the NEW CHURCH the most conspic uou s and fam ili a r · boastfu Uy said that h e would never HAS ONSALE· 1. 1 p · SCHOOL BUILDING FUND personality which in our day 1 see lc r eco nc1·1·rnt1on ARPENTER'S Bench Hammers; AND w1t u t 10 ope, ' 1 GERALDTON ,Claw Hammers; Riveting Hamarena of I n ever '~ go t? Oanossa." In a £ s cl : has figu red in the mers ; Bricklayer's Hammers; Black- Inspector Troy 1 1 O politics. As a statesman he has sho r t t1me hi s was consmith's H amm ers; Miner's H::unmers; Mr. J. Barrat for years held a position quite spi c uously fal sifie,d. In a n hom· 1 1~ Stone Breaker's J:fammers; Lath Ham- Mr. M. McGrath Having r aised Gerrm1,ny of ex t rerne. diffi cul ty ;:incl danger 5 O unique. Ryan M. Mr. American ; Hammers mers ; Shingling 5 0 to the rank of a first-rate power·, b e wn s obli ged to n,ppea. l humbly Lloyd W. R. Mr. Axes, Tomahawks, &c., &c. ; 6-inch Rim Mr. Harry Higham he himself, by virtue of hi.s position to th e Pop e to sec ure him t he Locks j Cupboard Locks; Till Locks; Mr. James Clarke & Co. at the helm of German affai 1·s, support of the compact. Cen tre O 10 Chest Locks; Night Latches, with Mr. Robt. Orkney After the exp er1ence of lO O has been able to mak e his influ- party. two keys ; and a variety of Locks; Mr. Jas. H. Kennedy ... 1~ I ence unmistakably felt in a 11 a few years he was amo ngst the . H. Swete AMERIC AN PATENT SPRING Mr Mr. W. Ashton 5 o ! the Councils of Europe. On many first to ack no_wl edge th e co mplete BL ! N" D ROLLERS ; Galvanized Afr Mr. Pat. Muldowney h as b een failure of h1 s p ena l e nactments 5 O : critical occasions he Bric.:ks, SinJle & Doubl0; HORSE Mr. W. Pollitt SHOES, H A.ND MADR; Horse A Wyndham ]'riencl I practicall y the arbiter of peace against the Ch u rc h, a nd d is played Shoe N ail s; Bolts · aad Nuts, in Mr. P. Higgins 2 6 and wa,r, and m a nkind owes t he same eage rn ess to have them Mr. J. Stanley a l most all sizes ; also Iron and Brass Mr voice I repealed as he bad a sho rt time bis t h at thanks 10 O him . .A.. Donnelly Screws. A lso, a splendid Assortment Mr. John Daley 10 0 bas given, and I before sh own to have them p ut in always beeu of General Brass ware Goods, viz :to fo r ce. used, effort s best his Plain and Fancy Chair or Mantl e As a statesman Bismarck ba s secure peace. Never thel ess, it is 7JB l r f C t O r Jl. N ails ; Plain and Fancy Picture extra:o rclinary astu t eness displayed the upon nee on pron to early too still Nails; D rugget ot· Carpet Pin s; Stai 1· real value of his achievem ents a,s a nd st ren g th of purpose; b ut our APRIL. Rods and f!~y es; Picture Rods and S uch gre:1tu ess as ad mirat ion for th ese qua lities a statesman . Brac kets; Window Show R ods and 3.-HOLY THURSDAY. 4.-GOOD FRIDAY. he h as conferred upon hi s co untry is held in check by the knowledge F ittings ; Screw or Dresse1· Hooks ; 5.-HOLY SATURDAY. Screw Rings fo1· Pictures; Plate 6.-RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD. cannot be regar ded as tru e Oo-reat- tlrnt t h ey were too often accomand pan ied b y a hea rtless echan ces ness until the Rings for ditto; Cut'tain Hook s, 7.- MO:N . Of the Feria. Cupboard Tums and Catches ; Hat and 8.-TUES. Of the Feria. changes of t ime have p rove d its gn.rd for t h e rig·hts of other s, Coat [-l ooks; h on and Brass Cornice 9.-WED. Within the Octave. unscrupu lousutter an Already it and end uring q uality. P ole Rings: Pole Brackets; Pole Rod and means . seems to have becom e apparent ness as to ways Ends; Pinuo Scon ces ; Brass Screw REGULATIONS FOR LENT. to b El He is possessed of that rugged that, unless disaster -is Pullies; Lamp Books; Cleat Hooks; following is the L enten Indult actua1ly invited, his ruling ideas st1·en gth of mind and body B rass and Iron Uutt Hinges; Draw forThe can no longe r b e consi;;tently which constit utes greatness acrngo :Handles ; Drawer Knobs ; Brass followed out. 'l'h e proj ect which cording to the Carly lean standard; of Spirit the with accordance In Eyelets for Tents , &c. ; Bruss Bolts; life of but a truly great man he is not, whole his Back Pullies ; Sash F asteners, from the Chmclt, and in the exercise of the occupied 4s. 9d. doz; Sash Knobs ; Sash Special powers granted by the drilling th e German people into because too mu ch wanting· in the Fanlight Apostolic See, the following dis- one vast engine o{ war, of fin e moral sense which is essenLifts ; Sash Centres; Catches ; Table Catches ; Brass Cas- pensations are granted to the faithful unequalled efficiency for offence tial to the charactei;. tors ; Call Bells ; Dinner ]Jells; Tea of this diocese, for the approaching or defence, is quite without th e ll 1$ f n. f t f. region of practi9able things , as 1.L O C Bells ; Door Springs ; Climax Patent Season of Lent. Hinges; Iron and Brass J ack Chain; 1.-Flesh meat may be used at the i t is of desirable thin gs . A Galvanized, Rope, &o. ; and a principal meal on Mondays, n ation of so ldier s is happi ly an 1'r is genernlly uuderstood that the cricketers will 1ilay the York team great variety of USEFUL IRONN eithe1· men n o1· Albany except Monday in Holy week : impossibility. to-clay. MONGERY too numerous to parAlso, on Tuesdays, Thursdays p eoples will chaos~ willing ly to ticularise. and Saturdays, except Saturday stand al ways with arms in their MR. ,J ,urns WooLHOUSE was recently TERMS, OASH. in Ember week. On Sundays hands, and to submit themselves married to Miss Thompson, at the LEVI GREEN, and St. Patrick's Day flesh meat permanently to the rigo urs of Greenough. Cash Ironmonger, ma,y be used at all the meals. military ru le. The very universality ~1 urro.y Street, Perth. 2.-Eggs, cheese, milk and butter which was to give a broad-b ased IT is officially announced that H.M.S . Penguin, Commander Moore, is under 0 ~·:atn~:•ec~lft dt~;~, ~:fe~~cls~; invincible st rength to the German orders to sail for West Australia, to Wednesday and Good F riday. military system may yet prove replace H .M.S . Rambler 3.-0n fasting days a collation is a powerful factor in bri nging about A VERY successful race meeting was held allowed in the morning and its downfall. By its m eans the at the Irvin, last Monday fortu ight, and evening at which, except on Ash hardships and injustice of enfo rced the Greeno ugh Races will take place on Wednesday and Good Friday, a military service are broug h t home Easter Mo nday. little milk and butter may be used. to every family, and a lm ost eve ry 4.-Fish and flesh meat cannot be individual, in th e country, and Ou·oRD won the forty-seventh Uni~ersity race by one length, in 22min. 3sec. usetl atthe same mealduring ~ent. , a wip esp r ead fe eling of disco n tent boat 'l'he time is rather slow, but the boats had 5.-In pl~ce. of b~1tter, tl~e u~e of larcl . is enge ndered . A rampant mili- to encounter a strong wind and a choppy AUCTIONEERS, usur ps current. rashly which or dnppmg 1s pe1m1ttecl, except tarism ACCOUNTANTS, Of . Ash Wednesday and Gooc1 the place of more important grand bicycle race held last night interests, and i mpoveri shes the THE l!i:day. VALUATORS, was a great success. It is Mr. Allum's • 6 .- P ersons of tender age, or in 1 STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, tlelicate health, or engaged in commonwea, pron?unces its ow n intention to organize a grand contest, on lines, to be held in the Fremantle MINING AND laborious work are exempt from doo~. q-erma~y is clea rl y be- similar 'l'own Hall, at an eavly date. co~mg 1m pat10nt . of ~ syst_e m the laws of fasting, S£-IAREBROKERS its 111 dust1:10s, 7. --The clergy are authorized to grant wh1~h ~ampers PRODUCE S .\.LESMEN. a dispensation in particular drams_ its res?urces, and cl a1m s THE W. A. Horticultural Society have for the cases when there is a just cause the right to impress the wh ole under consideration a scheme buildi ng on a permanent a of erection CONSWN \ IENTS of its manhood into its se1·vice. s:te, to b0 recl.R.imed, below the Supreme for granting it. g enern,l Co urt Ifouse. The proposal for a ~ MATTHEW GIBNEY, received at reduction of armaments, r ecently Bishop of Perth. PER TH RAILWAY STATION. ~~~~~~~~~ made by the present occupant LAST Thursday His Excellency the .... ~ ·"'~·- ~~ -~•-~ !:''™ Administrator, accompanied by a number SW AN" AUCTION S ALE R OOM~, of the German, throne may not of the leacling gentlemen of Perth and j)l. . ll\ecot:U. ~1) e B ,\ RRAOK-..,T. -----~~------ - ---- --- ------~------· h ave b een q uite sincere; but it is Fremant.le, made a visit of inspection to " Be rnd~frtt igable in your pu,·pose, and none t he less a significant sig n the woi·ks now under <lt>nstruction on the GR AND BICYCLE CONTE:- T, wi(/1 1t ndaun ted spirit resist zn,qui(IJ and try to of the tim es. These overgrown Midland Railway. conq uer evil with g,,od, having before 11 our P.!JeS the burden of under armaments the rl'tva ,·d prepr,red f or those who combat for TaE Perth C. C. intend entertaining their TWO HO UR' n o-AS-YOUthe 11,.111e of Chnst."- Pius 1 X, which the whole of Europe now friends from Albany at a musical social PLEASE. ~~~~~~-✓~~ -, labours, we r e brought into ex- te be held on Monday evet,i ng. We istence, it must bo remembered, undorstanc1 that the authorities have THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1890. Open to all corn e1·s. Prize: The P'1lace short-sighted granted the use of the Railway Reading Bismarck's by ~ ~ ~ :f;e~ Elite Skati ng Rink Gold i\l edal. Room fo r that night. P ri nce B is marck 's r etirement from scheme for raising Germany to of millions on pre-eminence The first ever prrsented in \V.A. FROM stock returns lately compiled we public life, and l1as so often bayonets. gather that there are 730,380 sheep, jade, that 18,221 cattle and 7,217 horses in the north L 7 atp.m proved an al'l·ant WED NESDAY . 211c1 APRI / One of th e m ost remarkable district. By the same returns we learn p eople v ery natura,lly hesitated to p ut much reliance in the episo d es of Bismarck'::; caree r that on the DeGrey, 11,000 sheep were Entries close Saturday, 29 th inst. cable messa,ges a nn o uncing ~hat was his persecu tion of Catholics. lost through last yeani' iioocls. had Upon the pretext, denounced even Chancellor Ge>rman the Little Fol ks' afternoon . 'frrn schooner Ruby, onco the Uncline, was h 11 1 b p t t t · .. l 1· · r esignc( 11s posit10n • This time, Y l'O es an JOUrna s a,s O ow wrecked on the 25th of last month, at the entrance to King Sound. In going through of doctrine the that shameless, f?aturrlay next a lottery will talw place h owever, incredulity is fore cl to and First Papal infallibility was inimica,l the Pass, tho wind fell and the vessel was for a of sk,1t es, Races, Scrambles o·i vo pl.tee to conviction . sets th~re, of the State he carriedbythestrongticle,which ;ao-ue i·eports have r ece· 1 tl1e ' to ,tho . interest &c., &c. on ·to the rock. The crew had barely time , . . . . 1ve t, fol lest and mos t detailed con- passed the 1mqmtous Fal ck L aws I to make their escape in the boats. Young Ladies se lect afternoon, :fi r m,iti on . Bi~ma r c~. ha,s . reall y a~ro~ating the l_ib e1:ties of the W edn esdays. · the THERE was a heavy ground swell in the mstituted He wi th drawn from poht1ca1 life and Cbmch . with every circum sta,n ce which st ruggle with the Papacy grat u- harbour at :E'remantle_ on Sunday. Many Helect Tursclay and Friday . mai•k ' the ::tet as fin al. , itou s ly to ser ve his own p olitical of the vessel~ partecl J.rom then· moorings, FRANK i\ LLU M, the tackle bemg unable to stand the severe :6. f l ·h · ·11 l .,. ~n ' ·' an~ w it per ·ect con . clenco 8train c:w secl by the heavy raug·c. 'r houg1t 6 th t tlrn, eny C I W one 0 ~ .\lanagP. r of the vessels, a )ngger, was beached, one l'y. 1cto v t~e ure sec lo_ ab1h~y s hi rn Nofr.- Thc m:1,nngement reserve evm,t is one of con siden1.ble was sustn nv•rl hy any of tb · damnge l o nt sa.gacity vanuted his , :-i,gam Hrr0, :e of s wd nrl a, , 1nrt:-inc: , in t lte right to rcfoso :1.dmission . 1 11111 0 · 1ers. ·






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W E have r eceived the following subsrriptions duringthe weok :- Mrs. James Griffin, Newcastle, £1 2s. 6d; J. Osborne, Greenough, £ 1 10s. ; J!'r. Chemelicek, Kojonup, 15s.; Mr. J . Mahony, Perth, 3s. 9d. . . WE be[!' to _n_1tunate that ?tll' . Mr . F: J. Kelly will VlBlt the York D1str1ct dunng E aster week for the purpose of receiving subsr:riptio ns a(1d tr~nsactin g other business m connection w1th the REcon,D. - - S HANNON beat G ibbs at th e Ca nuin g L anding, on Wed nesday a ftern oon, in th e h alf-houi: go-as-yo u-please. Gibbs led for t he fit-st 2¼ miles, and th en Shannon p ut on a sp urt and di splaced h i m, winnin g by two laps. The distance covered was 4 miles 3 laps .



3 1890.

ACCORDING to the latest advices from Singnpor e there is but littlfl demand for sanda,hvood. _____ T HE mom b er s o f ti10 p er th Stock E•xc h a,nge , have elected Mr. H . J". Saunder s to b e . 1 President of the institution


Fon tho convenience of those who mfty attend the ne,ct 1wehonrne Race Meetin g·, the N."\V. Jockey Clnb is abo ut to <u·ect an iron gmnd stand.



TwF.N'l'Y Chinamen were brought down by the Fl'anklin on h er lasL tr(p. 'They a re all nnder engagement; to Me~srs. Millar Bros., ;i,nd intended to be employed at 'l'or Bay.

Cm.1w J u STICE ONsLmv's le,LVe ?f al sonco I ha8 been extended, an~ Sn· .~ enr:y . THE Perth M usical Union repeated th eir Wrenfordsly h as been defimtely appomted excellent program mo 011 Sat urday eve nI I , to the office during his absence. - - -1 in g, Lo an a pp rnciative a uu ien ce, in the I AT the m ee tin g h eld Lo o rgan ize a P ,ifle ' FJ::tl I. The perfornmn co on Lhe wl10 lfl Town will for \Vost A ustralia, fo r ty- 'Tm!I _ti-ain ser vice for Good Jh1cl~,y J Association Lo Lhe excolhmt re ndition of equal wne be s1m1lar to that of Sunday, with the last ·wednesdi, y " 7ar sevon members were enrolled. The week. excep.ti.on of ·th e y asse_n ger trains to m1d March fr om Athali e was well give n, . from Beverley wluch w ill nm as usual. a nd Lhe over ture tu Se mirnmide was LAST week, Mr . A. J. Edwar ds, b u t cher, of enthus iastically re-dem anded by the ntended i books, of shipment UR'l'JrnR ' ~ A petition a filed ~he. N~rth~We st D_istrict, a udie nce. ·Lh e1 P the of library tho in • us for 1,200. £ m hqmdat1011 , h ab1b t tes 1 Mechanics ' Institt1to, is e h t boa1·d on _ ___ 1 Naimshi?'e, which i s expect ed to arrive BY th e latest advices from the eastern ON 'Tuesday morning Mr . C. A. Patterson etirly this mon th. goldfields, no rain had fallen, and work of of P erth filed his petition . The liabilities 1 ---all k in ds w,1s pretty well at a,standstill. FROM the Tin fields most encou ragin g news are set clown at £ 13,000. ', THE Public Offices will be olosecl from The 011ly Company conti:1L1ing op er!Ltions h as been received . All t he claims appear · to-morrow, Good Friday, until . Tues- was th e Central. So for th ey appear to to be giving most satisfactor y returns. T he Rob-Roy brought up some splend id MR. J . H. MoNCJE R is loadin g two vessels, day in n ext week, both clays inclusive.t been, able to keep their engine r unn ing without having a ny extraorclin a:-y difspecimens of nuggetty lode tin from the at F remantle, with sandalwood , and three 'l'he P ostal and Telegraph Departmen W.A. Tin Mining Co .'s area. One piece times a week long· lin es of t r ucks bearing- will be open. as on Sundays . ficu l tios with th e water.- little or 110 weighed as much as 1¼ lbs., and there t his commodity may be seen pass in g encr ustation res ult ing from th e use of throu gh P e1·th. ar e several of 2 ozs. each . th e salt water . arrived , O'CONNOR, the Canadian oarsman, _ __ _ He got a month. last in early Sydney at ' our hat t decided . lmving t THE Governmen ic recep t ion some 4,000 HER Majesty, upon recommenclatio11 colony shall be r epresented at the Crystal THE 1:1-an y. fr tends of Mr. E. R . Park _r, of most enthusiast assembled to g reet h im. from , the Secretary of State for the aving h sous per so 1s he that leam to glad be effo.rts w1ll great J?angm, :xhibition, Mining P alace to r ow any man in Australia . Colonies, has graciously gmntod M1·. J'. A. should be made, especially by the variou s far r e_covered as to be able to take gentle i H e is open Wl'ight per mission to retain tho t itle of mi ning compan ies, to secure as good exercise. The "Honotuablo" for life within t he colony, r epresentati on as is possible. the at oil struck" " has ANDERSON MR. Bunbury people seem fnlly to r ealise the "Fnn on and further, to wem· t h e civil m1iform and ~Rs. W ~Y:-'EN , leave by the Gaiety 'l'heatr e, Fremantle, with un der tho s ituation, and intend that a large exh ibit DR. steamer, '.'11ss the Bristol." - On Friday and Sa,turday of the oillce he lately held England. to v1s1t a on next Gover nment of Western Austr ali,,. Mr . shall be forw arded from the tin fields. A. Samson will also be a passengei by . nights large and enthusiast ic audiences W1·ight deserves some recognition for t he , assembled to enj oy t he wit a nd humour t he same boat. many ser vices rnndered during his term of A SERIES of ar ticles ou the Houtma,n's with which the piece is fairly crammed . office, ,ind t his, though a slight one, sho ws I Abr olhos, from t h e pen of Mr . A. J. that they have not been forgotten. Campbell is now appea1ing in t h e Wi,st OWING t o the absence of sure supplies of \ Au sfralian. 'The writer is an officer of the water and the failure of feed, on the THE r esult of a cm shing of 115 tons 0£ H. M. Customs of Victoria, an d lately paid various routes t o t he goldfields, the stone taken from t h e Central G. M. Coy's _ON Monday last a clcputatio11 co 01prisi11g a holiday visit to Western Australia. This carriage of mails h as been discontin ued. claim h as been brou ght clown to Perth. A Dr. Scott (Mayor of Porth), Mess l's. J . five head stamper was occupied elevo~ clays gentleman possesses special faculties for I in the operation, and t wo bar s of gold, fl . Churchyar d and J . J ., wa ited the work of description as he is a member together 139 oz. 5 clwts, is the upon His Excellency the Adminstra tor of the Linnean Society, and an experience d A. CoNSULT".''l'ION on t he York C_tlp has · weighino0 ,ind presented a petition, s ig ned by t1 pbeen orgamsed by Messrs. Craig and •ielcl natu ralist . · wards of one hundred p ersons, prayin g Horley, an d the drawing is to take place J for the rcTease of a yo un g man 1rnmed evening at the Castle Hotel. D URING th e year 1889 no leas than on Monday ON Monday afternoon, at tho Supreme J ames Aitcheson, who was recently _ _ __ 307 ,059 gallon s of wine were imported , Court, l\'Ir. J. G. Dempster, stor0keo1ie r, Rentenced to ;i, term of imprisonm en t, by . . into England from A ustralia. W est for Port Darwm and Wyn dham of Newcastle, filed a decfaration of in- the Police lVfagist.rnte, for fl domes t ic ma1ls '.l'~E geographiof advantage e th has Australia week quarrel. H is Excellency promised t o rew1ll b e m ad_e up at the G.J? .O. to-day, ability to meet his liabil it ies. Last cal sit uat ion in its favou 1·, it has h un - for transm1ss1011 by the Franklm, at 7 p.m Mr. W. B . Mitchell, of Bunbury, filed his fer the nrntter to tho !Jolico Magist rat e, suitable of acres of dreds, nay thousands declaration , the liabilities being set clown a nd it is propable or e this th e prayer of soil fo r vin e grow in g, and yet we fear at £ 3,000. the petitioners has beell g ranted. ·of hundreds t hat fe w, if an y, of t h ese THE W ellington T urf Clu b will1 hold its t h ousands of gallons were made in our Annual meeting at B unbu ry, on '.1 liursday, the 17th inst. Six event s are set down on TrrE Bulletin has inflicted a sever e and 'I'm, Fre mantle Rowing Club seoms t o colony. Mr. castig,1tion upon well-deserv ed the p r ogramme. t hrown oa the l etluirgy which so Gilbert Parker for certain references to hav e Pilbarra sh ows that th e N EWS fro m long clogged its developm en t . Th is is ied hm· J.lrnctically e ar which s ter mat majority of th e ow ners of the r eef in g due to Lho h rgo interns t teams chosen , amongst ns, and which only unearthed i.n great nrnasuro claims are availing t hemsel ves of the A TUG-OP·WAR between r. 8 . H . Wrigh t, the M by o t es wish exhibited who scribe vagabond me so by was .A.V. F the ancl F.R.V . ge neral exemption , which will remain in from the on Saturday a ftern oon in the make his writings more sensationa l. ry . secretary , i n the onora h t tan is ass force until t he 31st May. At Egina, pulled-off advancem ent of the club. H e ap pears to at l!'remantle . 'I'he ArtilField, Barrack s ufficie nt rain has fallen t o damp the lery won easily. lmve taken up t h e work wh ero laid clo wn ear th an d prevent dry blowin g. The Tm; Northamp tion n.nd Gemltlton Rifle by lVfr. E. A. Grant Willi a ms, an d to new well has bee n most satisfactor ily Vohmteers are sending some picked men. ha ve brought to it th e s,1,ne pers isten t completed by th e con tractor, a ·plen tifu l SPORTHW m en througho ut the colony from each company, as thei1· r epresenta- industry which so disting uished tluit \¥. . . D t fee will r egret to l earn th:.,,1, Mr. supply having bee n ob tained at 144 t ives at the military toumamon t to ho held gen tlorn an wh en in oflice. A ser ies of Harw ood's imported mare Drollery was this month at Guildford. 'fhe command- scratch races was initiated last Saturday, will be Ca,ptain a nd the final bet wee n Willis 4-, Payn o 3, BY telegraph intelligenc e lately received drow ned in cross i•1g the Gi ng in Brook . ing officer of the former Mitchell. Lieut Witenoom will take Moorn 2, and Lee 1 , and Fol'dlmm 4, from London, we learn that Major Pilkin gcharge of t he Gemlc1Lon 111011. ton has been officially gazett ed to the post Mofliin 3, Slade 2, aud H an1rny 1, was has b een of Commanda nt of the Volunteer Forces of MASTER EDWA RD ALLUM, who a sh ort rowed off on Monday, Willis' crow win for wheels, the on W est Australia. It mernly required th e performing himself fr is widely r nmom·od t hat a synd ica'be has nin g by n early two lengths. official r ecognition , for Major Pilkington , season, in Bunbury, has made there. been formed to purchase W and ring W illie popular very inking r of art the wh ile maintaiain g strict discipline, has and t o en ter him for the Melbourne Cnp. Tho won his way to t he h earts of all the officers owner, Mr . Rotton h as expressed his BUNBU RY. and men, under his command, and ah·eady willingnes s to part with t he crack on . the p roved h imself to be the best commandin g MR. CouNSELL returned to York, on Snn• following terms, £800 before the York He -officer that the colony has been blessed with. clay night, from Southam Cross. Meet• J<'rom an occasional Col'l'espo n clont. brought .several fine nuggets which wore Meeting, £ 700 before th e Roebourne ing· and £600, when t hese engagemen ts are . Range Parke1·'s at l nec obtai St. Patrick's D ay was well obser r/J d L ,1.ST S u nday Pontifical High Mass was completed. an d everything in connection wiU1 ore, l1 bishop. the ip, ordsh L .His by ted celebra of the feast passed off celebration the ted, distribu d an blessed were palms T he THE publ ic offices of Perth and Fremantle Church being dedicate d in Ou1· . wanted uccessfully b9clly s is society N rop in PROTECTIO d .A forme ion railway, congregat the a nd then the wit h the nsual exception as to of Ireland, wn s of n Apostle conservatio glorious the e th for to Australia he t 'West und ro be will proceeded ts, nd a cessional order postal an cl telegraph departmen weeks t;,o green fol iage an d cat hedral ground, t he choir, under Mr. closed on the 16th inst., to allow t he public our n ative animals. In a fewskins, 1,200 nicely decorated with for their flowers by the Sisters of Mercy . Under O'Callagha n's direction, chan ting t he officers an opportunit y of attending the men recently killed, country adjacent to the g uidan ce of the good nuns our choir l1as kan gal'OOS in the .an tipho ns and hynms a·)p ropriate to t he military tournamen t. North ampton. At t his rate t h e complete made marked and rapid prog ress, :i.nd for o ccasio n. The ve ry rev erend Fa th er extinction · of our largest marsupial may the first Lim e, in Bunbury, tho Mass was Bourk e, the Vicar Ge neral, was th e looked for in the near future. be sung ri~ht ti.rough, l'vi i,3 At kin s presidmaste r of ceremonie s, and Fath ers THE hand of Mr. F . E. Stafford has not ing at the harmonium . After th e Gospel, Dooly and Doyle wero t he assistan ts. A lost its cunning. The other day in the ed, tak ing brcre and d evout gathering of the faithful mat ch, at the Vasse, between the Bunbury Oun old friend Mr. J. Kilfoyle, the for mer tho l~ovcl. F1ithe1· i\fa~cu preach e made 47 jovial Boniface of the -Victoria, Hotel, has as his sttbJcct the life of St. Patri ck . assis t ed at the Holy Sacrifice, a nd the cricketers and a local eleven, h The Vasse again gone into bu sines in the "public" During the discoul'se, clclivcreu in woll 9 wickets. sacred ceremonies , wh ich lasted fro m runs an d capturedfii·st innings. t he He has taken the hnilcling chos ~n words, many of tho older poople interest. eleve n till a quarter to two . At the close men won on known as the Oddfellows' Hall, in Munay- wcro 1llfivcd to tears , by his Louchi1w of th e celebration , H is Lordship bes towed On th~ h is solemn bless ing on t he congregati on. MR. J. ABBEY of the Vasso district was street, and thoronghly r ehabi!itat.e d it . allusions to tho old count;-y. of S t . l"°bration c~ iour; g reli tho Hotel" whole A.ustrahan the" of name the Under engtiged in 1:emov in 0a a load ed t ruck it was openecT last Tnesday, and will no • • Patrick's Feast was such ns to be a somce • • 1 patronage. Worlccr, of the of share ue fair iss a first socnre A COPY of the wh en 1t ~ecame deratled, and Ins n ght doubt of much pride a nd satisfactio n to the has been forwarded to 11s. It is publish ed hand was Jamm ed betwee n th o tmck and C.,tholics of Bun bury. When the cer mo ube to seriously so its load. The th umb was hi the interest n.nd intended ies a,t the church wcro completed , tho ro of games e all Whil FoR t he right to ma'tlage inju red as to n ecessitate a mp utation. the orga n of the work ingman . was au1pl o tim o left for ;i, visiL to Dardn.umeet· mce thcoming for chance at the the clrnmpion ing the cause of labour it does up, Lo witness tho rnccs. Th ey wer o very Monday, Easte1· on York, at in g to b e held n ot wish t o pose as the direct a ntagonist 1 htablc to the promoters , a nd, while crec belonging se, hor a afternoon, dornr ton uesday 1 . ' ON ncccssfnl s the was Mr. A . Dyson of capital, but merely to obtain a better a cart at £44. ML Gatwoocl sec m·ccl the g i\·in g promise of bettor things in the with away an r McNeil, Neil Mr. o t recogn i!;ion of hibou r's worth and rights, t o which it was n.ttachod. Jt was st an clprople of using the totalisaior n.t 7 futurn, prov ided ,t ]11,rge number of and th ereb y ind uce a more equal d istri- ing at t h e end of the Centml railway monopoly and with a nice afterno n 's ouLin!.f. Mr. monies. odd of half cent, per b ut ion of t he gains resul ting from th e platform, when an approachin g eng·ine Among tho vis ito1'8 to ou r to~vn -I notice McNaught on paid £22 l s. for the privilege united efforts of the working ma n and started the animal, and it clashed away up of erecting publican's booths within the Mrs . W. u. Jacksou, of Frcmantle ac itself t se has it task he T going tLe capitalist. William St. It was stopped before companied by her cb ughtors, Mrs'. R. limits of t he course. to perform , judged by r ecent events in vary far by a young man named Fox. (]ibbons and Mi ss Jacksou. We ,n'c to but, , nced adva Europe, may be much hH e Lhe pleas ure of lh Lir company fo l' leave will train unless A. SPECIAL excursion in the ordinary course of nature, of ,L destructiv e character , l~rernantle at 7 a.m. and P erth at 7· 40 a.m. sorno time, as I understand that th eir hurried to completio n by some unlooked Bus HFillES, stay will oxtencl o,·cr n. month. the in urrence, occ frequent of been ve ha to convey visitors to York on Easter for catastroph e, wi ll be a difficult ancl Fresh reports, each more encou1"c "ing which one By late. of rict, t dis to Southern admittanco inch1cling Monda.y. Fares protracted one . Should the Worker, by its predecesso r, conLinue to ai~iro an th G. E. . r M of nce ide res second e ; th 15s. at st, ut o fir : broke Fremantle : the course the unq uestioned power which the press '!'infi elds. 'l'hat there is a largo the from the to mage lOs. da , Geconcl, Park ; 3cl. 13s. Blai;kwood :first, : ester, L Pert11 lls. c n11nancls, t h e working man to the minera,l on the arnas a-waitof it 3d. Qs. rlepo. other, An second, 3d.; c,tused. 12s. was first., : 50 £ of ,tilclforcl t G un attain, by fait· a nd constitutiom1l 111e,111s, ,1111o c:tpttble of r"al i:,;iucr aL the Y assc, de~Lroy ed all tho p roperty H will ret,un on 'J'ueRcl;i~- . l~:11•ing York i ng cl ovolop111 e11L, a 1,rl desires, his_ of ation a happy consumm ing house ., [ l\lli·.• . 1<'. al· O O p.1n. :i1Ti ving in l 'erth :iL 1.1 ·O an,l ma ny fortune s, is an id ea - which dail y dwell the 1t exce1 not has it tli;i.t s,iy to then it may bo safe ru eiyeij cv nflt'1n <'. l-iou. in Fremantle at 11 ·35 p.w. Hi ggins, of G11od wriocl, bc:q 1 established i n vain.












3, 1890.

L adies' in order to est ablish t he r igh t t o re On her lasL trip the Rob Roy carried eight large swans woreshot by one man , on T. McCartn ey being second. recover able away Mr. Keane'd railway plant, which tho Avon River, abo ut n ine miles fr:i m R ace No. III., Miss M . V enL ura fi rsl cover or receive sums roached the ribbon closely a ttend ed by under life instU'an ce policies issued in had bee n lying h ot·o for months. This, town, last wee k. A &on of M r . ,Joh n L ott, j r., abo ut 12 M iss S1lcocK and Miss A. D oy le. M essr s t he colonies by insurance companies along with other facts, seems to point to car rying on business in the colonies, but the immediate res umption of work on the years old, was lost for some considerable J . Silcock and C. P renclerg~s L co uld not having t heir head office in t he United time last week . R e was fo und resting fi nd another ~ou ple t o kee p with the m, Midland Railway. Kingdom. Section 19 is as follows : Win e making, as much as there is of it, und er a tree by a man nam ed B urton a nd wo n the Three L egged R ace some- " 'rhe proviso t o section eleven of t he wha t easily. Th e lad ies sporting pro- Revenue .A.ct, 1884, is hereby r epealed is now to be the orde r of th e day, a ud, who conveyed him to town. It is notified that all persons q ualified clivities were well studied for ye t a nother and t hat section sh all be read as if the judging by tho ripe Jrnalthy appearance of the gr:tp1::s, there sho t1ld be fair yie ld of to have the ir names reg istered o t· inserted race, No. IV., fo uu cla place on the pro- following proviso wor e therein inserted in on the E lectornl Roll must apply before gramm e. This was won by the cha mpion lieu of t he r epealed proviso : P rovided good wine. Miss L . Ven t ura, Miss A . McG uin ess that wher e a polioy of life assurance has the 10th of april n ext. March 21, 1890. The Government weli on the Eas t side a nd Miss M. D1·iscoll being second an d been effeoted with an y insurance company of t-he A von has received so me repairs. third . Th e Sack R ace was bagged by by a person who shall die domiciled else A fence has been placed aroun d it and a B . McG uin ness. J . Silcock p ut the whor e than in t he United Kin gdom, t he Gl·iEENOUGH. we igh t fu r thest, and pu t th e p rize in h is production of a grant of r epr esPntation 110w windlass erected. An a,peal case, 111 which M r . J . Sea- pocket. For the fi nal even t th er e was a from a court in the United K ingdom shall From our own Correspondent. lJroc;,k, jr., is appollant, and J. H . M onger large numb er of entries, and t ho winne r not be n ecessary t o est ablish t h e r ight to The Greeno ugh Catholio Yo un g Men's respo ndent, is spoken of as comin g off turn ed u p in J. O'Donnell who r eceiv ed receive the money payable in r espect of Society celcbmtecl St. Pntrick 's Day by shortly. t h e Consolation Stakes. This brought su ch policy ." holding Athletic Sports. A 6 reat number ScAB IN SHEEP.-The following Order-in th e sports t o a conclusion and e veryone March 31st. of th0 people of Greeno ugh wore m seemed well pleased with the clay' s enj oy- Cou ncil, elated 12th ult ., issued by the attendance on the grounds of St. Th omas's men t. B efore separating, h ear ty chee rs Government of South Au stralia, prohibit ing t he importation or introduction of Chu rch , whero they weni hold, to witness were given fo r our worth y parish priest, sheep and sheep-skins from this colony 11 g. the several ovonts. The programme was Fr. L ong , who was p resen t an interested into the northern t erritory of Sou th ,i very good 0110, co11t,,i11iug no less than sp ecta tor during t he p roceedings, a nd the tralia, is published for general informa 17 evouts, and tho Sooioty has every Hav ing m view the red empt ion of a secretary, start er, and judge wer e not tion ! Wher eas t he disease called scab is r eason to cong1·atuh1te itself, upon the prom ise made to th e melllbers of the forgo:;ten. known to exist in sheep in t he colony of success of their first attempt to c;i.te r for Porth C. C. when th ey visited Albi,.ny W est ern Australia, and wher eas it is the amusement of t ho public. A1Tiving durin g the Christmas ho lidays, a t ea m of desirable to prohibit the introduction of on the ground , tho first th i11 g that caught cricket ers from Alb,iny is on its way to i, oci e ti e~ . sh eep from such colon y into the northern my eye w:ts a great display of bu11ting . Pe rth. They intend, accordin g to p ret errit ory of t he prov ince of Sout h .Aus lt was very noticeable to mo, that it was sent arrange ments, playing a com bined tralia : Now it is her eby ordered by H is PER'r H O.Y .M . SOCIETY. h ardly of the right hue, being all reel and t eam on Saturday , and an eleven re prese nExcellency the Administ rat or of t he wh ite, or blue and white, but 1 acco unted t in g the Porth C. C., on Easter Mon '!.' he above Society met on Thursday Government in Council, by virtue of the for this wh en I recollected, that those cby. even ing fo r the transac'. ion of ge nera l provision s of "The Public Healt h .Act," were the flags that mal'kecl the lin e of The M. C. C. and P erth C. C. met, in busin ess. T he P r esiden t occu pied the No. 22 of 1873, t hat tho importation or p rocession, when his Lordship the B ishop the second round of games fixed by the chair, and ther e was a fair muster of int r oduction of sheep from t he said colony laid the foundation of the new convent, Asso~iation, on Saturday, in th e prese nce members prese n t . It was d ecided , that of W estem Australia into t he nort h ern and that it could in no way be ascribed of a large and intensely inter est ed crow d as t he next ordinary me etin g n igh t falls territory of t he said province shall be t o a want of paLriotism that the n1embers of specta.tors. Duffy winnin g t h e t oss up on Holy Th urscfay, to postpone t he and t he same is h er eby, absolutely pro allowed th ese colours to fly in prnference for tho Perth elected to bat, and wen t in h old ing of such me et ing t ill tl) e foll owing hibitecl : And it is further order ed t ha t no t o our o wn immortal gree n. It was on the most perfect wicket that h as bee n week. The memb ers indulged i n sharp sheepskins shall b e imported or intro oviclen t to me .that tho sports corn mi tte e prepared this ye;i.r, on the Association p ract ice, in t he course of wh ic h n-n duced from t he said colony of Western Australia int o t ho northern territory of were not idle that morning for all t h ese gro und. F rom the start it becam e animated discussion was originated and the said province. .And t ho H on . the flags had beeu put in position to 1mu·k th e ev ident that, the M .C .C. bowlers wer e not carried on with great spirit. Minist er of Education an d of the nort hern runnin g g round. Whilst waiting for the in the best forn ,, and Wrigh t was soon territory is to give t he necessary dir ec sports to commence, tho next thiug that r eliev ed by Finlayson ; even P ip er was t ions herein accordingly. attracted my attention, was the founda- not aL hi s best, and North and D r . Con GOVERNMEN1' GAZE'l'TE . EASTER HoLIDAYs .- I t is notified t hat tion ston e, which stands alone in its glory nor came on at intervals. T he fie lding of tho public offices will be closed from the markin g the site where tho convent is t o the M .C.C. with 0110 or two excep t ions, 4th to t he 8th prox. (inclusive), with the THURSDAY, MARCH 27TH , be erected in . the dim future. If the was uncertain, and wanting in finish, usual exceptions as to the railway, postal committee formed to carry out th e wo rk some of tho i'eturn s being most erratic. .A.PPOIN'l.'l\IEN'.rs.- G . E . T eecle, to b e post - and telegraph depar t men ts . don 't bestir themselves, and make better No less than fiv e catches were mulled, master and t elegraphist at J arrah dale, vice Mi t ITAll.Y TOURNAMENT.-I n order t o progress in the future than they have in and three chances of running men out Miss R. Cooper, r esigned. H . Watson to afford public officers t he opportunity of t he past, though I believe they barn had wor e thrown away by lo ose fielding. Dr. b e postal and t elegraph assist ant at Nor· taking par t in or being present at t he a qu,mtity of stones quarried, this Co nnor was th e only player wh o won t ham vice Teede, pr omoted. J . W . Andrews, Milita.r y T our namen t 0 11 the 16th prox . evi dently allows one to paraphrase Tapley appla use from the spectators, for .his to be bailiff of the Local Court at Roe· the public offices at P er t h and Freman t le and say t hat ti y aro not altogether sound fie ldin g . On the other hand the battmg bourne, vice P olice Sergeant Kennedy, (with the usual except ion s as to t he asleep and s 1wr iug. Now the drays cmne of the Perth men was seen alm ost at its r esigned. I-I. Maxwell and G. E. Solomon, rail way, post al and telegraph depai·tmeuts) rolling on to tho gruuncl with thoi1· live best. T he ca ptain, Duffy, open ing with as Commissioner s to administ er oat h s, and will be closed 0 11 that clay . I lliPERI.A.L .A.cTs (1889) .-The Merch ant r eight. I renrnrkud to a friend of mi11 e 33, an d so well was his example foll owed to t ake and receive affidavit s, declarat ions, (Tonnage) .A.ct, ch . 46, and the whc, was stm,Lh ng by at tbe tim e, .. How hy hi s nH,n tlrnt n ot one failed t o s~ore &c., to be u sed in the Supreme Court of Shipping Offi rial Secrets .A.ct, ch. 52, are pu blished is i t they ne,irly rd! come in drays, a The bi,tting of somti of the colts of the W est ern .Australia ; also to take ac· for general information . rath er cumb l'o us mod e of conveyance, team w,1s much admired , es pecially t hat knowledgements of deeds executed by MAIN RoAD.-(Nelson district ) , The fol married women. wha~ have they tlone with their trnps_ancl of E . R:md,tll a nd J . Scrymgo ur, The ALBANY BOARD OF H EALTH.-W . H. lowing has been declared a main r oad :-.A. founvh eekrs 1" " Why, you see," he Pm th te'l.m succeeded in p utti ng to· Angove and W . G. Knight are appointed road, one chain wide, leaving the r oad r emark ed, "they've got such large fam ilies "ether 177 run s. Dr. Connor and C urtis members of t he L ocal Board of Health, from Bridgetown to P erup, gazetted 31st abou t here, that anyth in g less than thA ~pe ned the campaign for the M .C. C., Albany, vice N . W. McKail, resigned . The October. 1889, nea1· Nelson locat ion 32, at dray wou ld be useless, and then ther e is and when stum ps were drnwn ha d made Boa1.'d now consists of four members, in· Belbarrup, and extendin g· along the old the proveuder." J ust then a four- 11 runs. stead of t hree as heretofore, in addition to road towards t h e Warren, le11ving the latter r oad near Dingup, Nelson locatio1 whcel cr put in an appenrance. "He's the Mayor, who is an ex o.ffecio member. AT GREENOUGH IN ch anced it, " said iny loquac ious friend;'' see SPOR'l'S CoAS'l.' SuavEY.- .A despatch from tho 82, and extending in a Sout h-Easterly ho w the springs bend, they've got some - CELEBRATION OF ST. PATRICK'S See1·etary of State, enclosing a copy of a direction, passing near Nelson location 134 letter from the Admiralt y to the Colonial t hence t o a bridge over the Wilgarrup thing for the pic- nic." And so it was the DAY. Office, dated · J anua1·y 18, 1890, on t h e River, situat e upwards about 3 miles from ladies of the, Greenough determined not I hoard Charley Prendergast the su bject of t he su rvey of the coast of its junction wit h the W arren River, and to be out-done, had p,·ovicled a pic-nic for ou r entertainment. (The account of the energetic Secrntu.ry calling for outries for Western Australia, is published for general t hence to 'l'obanup, in Nelson location 6, t o races anct other sports will be found in the Maide n R ,ice , and arrived at th e track information. 'l 'he letter is as follows :- join the r oad to Alban y, gazett ed on t he iu tim ~ to seo Mr. T. Bogan, who ,ictecl Sir, I am commanded by my Lor ds Com- 12th Januar y, 1888. our sporti ng columu). E1i&A'l.'lJM.-I n notice of Reserves 1568 A Lecturo delivered by Father Long on as starter, get the ten who entered away missioner s of tho .Admiralty to r eq nest and 1569, publish ed in the Gove,1"1Vmen t h at you will state t o Lord K nutsford, for to a fairly good start. \V. Lynch won the life and labours of St. Patrick was the information of t he Governor of W es tern Gcizette of 20th March, for suburban lot s well atteucled. The rernrend gentleman rather easily, F. McGuinness second. .A.ustr ali.t, that H .M.S . Pengu in, a newly- 40 a.ncl 39 r ead suburban lots 42 and 41 re The seco nd event was a race for gi rl s handled his subject in a most ablo manner, equipped su r veying sh ip, i s about to pro- spectively. and again and again elicited ro unds of un der 14, and was taken by Mary ceed to the Austr alian station to continue 'rhe BANKRUPTCY .AC'l.', 1871.-Jn ,·e J Ventura, with H. H. R eynold a close the survey of t he coasts of North•West P t1rcly, in nkeeper, Back Greenough F lats appla use from his hearors. At the consecond. Next came th e 150 yards Australia, in the place of H.M.S. Rambler. (bankruptcy) . First and final dividen d of clusion he was accordccl a hearty vote of th anks, -and in response cnugratulated the Championship. For this rnce 7 entered , Connnander Moore has been instructed to 9s. in the £, payable on and after 21st inst. m embers of tho Groe1;ough C.Y.M. aud were sent away to a c,ipi tal sta.rt, ,J survey t h e passage through the great mass In re Jl'l. W . Clifton, farmer and graizer Society upon the great success which had Hogan and ,Tames P rnndergas t trying to of islands and reefs lying bet ween Cape Wokalup, W ellington District . Adjudged at tend ed their cffol'ts to worthily celebrate cu t each other down/rom the scratch , a nd L ondonderry and Adele Island, which lie a bankrupt on t he 22nd inst. F irs t general th e feast of the Patron Saint of tho land a pretty race resul ted between these two , in the fairway alon g t he coast towards meeting of creditor s at Supr eme Cour t 11th prox., at 11 a .m . R egistrar act ing Hogan winnin g closely followed by Cambridge Gulf. of th eir fathers. IMPERIAL REVENUE AcT.- .A despatch trustee. I n re E . .A. . .Ar chdeacon, store Pronclergast. Tho smncling Long J u mp, March 21st, 1890. was won by P. McCagh with an exceed- from Lord Knutsforcl to the .Administ rator keeJ!ler, Newcastle (liquidat ion) . Fir st an d •. - - ingly ne11t jump. 'l'he Sl1E,ftield Han di- forwa rding a copy of the Imperial Revenue final dividend of 5s. Std . in t he £ , payable cap fot· which there was a la rge number .A.ct, 1889, and requesting the publication on and after 31st in st. In re .A.. J . Edwar ds, YORK. entries, disposed so as to make a number of sections 18 and 19 of the Act, is published butcher, North West Distr ict (liquidation) . of heats, was eventually won by J. Hogan for general infor mation . It is explained in First general meeting of cr editors a t Roe bourne, .April 22: at 11 a.m. From our own Correspcnclent. the scrntch man. The prize for the the · despatch that section 18 has been passed to remedy r-i. grievance caused by 'l'he ceremony c,f blessing aud dis- Ladies' Race w:is taken by M iss L. the Companies (Colonial Reg.isters) .A.ct, trihuting tho pal1ns was lJOl'fonned by Fr. Ventura, and Miss Doyle was awarded 1883, whichreqniredprobateor letters of '£he llop-Step-and- administration to be taken ou t both in t he ---~~~~ Brady on . Sunday. He anno;..ucecl ,lhat second honom·s. the devotion, for Goo<l Friday would J ump was a gift to G. Silcock , who colony and in the Udited Kingdom in com mence at LO a.m.: arnl on Easter-c1ay covered 28 feet. In the Quarter of a respect of the wills or estates of colonial A ,tr o11g fee ling o f a n iag on is m as usual. Mile Hand icap, J. Hogan an d J. Prender- shar eholders holding shares in the con1inues 10 bu slt ow n tr11vn rd s th e An effort is being made to establish a gast aga in met to t ry co nclusions, the colonial register sofbanksanclother com- Ch inese t h1o ug h C a li fo rni a, nil C hi na Literary ancl Deln,ti 111-l Society . AII former conced in g his moro youthful op· panies . 'rho sect ion is as follows :men l,ave bee n orde red t o q n it tb 8 Societies started in Yot·k would need ponellt 10 ya rds. After a cling dong "Notwithstanding provision ( b) in section Chinese quurte r m S an 'insurance" if they be expected to struggle, Hogan s ucceeded in gettin g in seven of the Companies (Colonial Registers) present conti nue in e;,;istence. front, and wou am idst the cheers of his .A.ct, 1883, the share or other inter est of a Frnnciso. Th ,, la rg,•s t, pi,,c•e of go ld i,v Pr tak en The n&w butchering business owned by friends, Pendergast receiving quite a n deceased member, registered in a Colonial M essrs. Horloy and Sexton is announced ovation for his plucky running. The Register m1cler that Act, who shall have from the ., ,1 , th " 11 , d i~r:o ve r.. d 011 10th to open on April Jst. Boy's Race was carried off by D. Lucey, died domiciled elsewher e than in the A fire broko out at the 1 esidence of Mr. :in old Fromantle boy, •r. O'Brien UnitedKingdomshall,sofaras r elates to :\luy, 1872, at H ill En d , N~1v S ou th John Taylor, of thi~ town, last week. It second. For the Runniug Long ,) ump, British duties, not be deemed to be part Wales , on th e claim of Beye r a nd 1s ropurtod that ahnut two tons of hay B. McO uinn ess showed best form clearing of his estate a.ncl effects situated in the Unlteman. I t was ao irrog ulur- ~h ap e<l United Kingdom, for or in respect of 8 ] t •' f• g· · J ] d 3f 3· 1 ·n were consu1ncd, hnt fortunately no 15 feet, M. Kelly bein g next. In tho which probate or letters of administration a' , "' •· ta . Ill e ngt 1 an t. Ill , fur ther damage occurred. LaLlies Race No. 11 . there was a. r eversal is or are to be granted, or, wher eof an in· width , with a n nvcroge th ic kn ess of I that fl band will be in M iss. Doyle com in g first, ,1 writing tl es k, vontory is to , be exhibited and r e· 3io . It weighed someL l>ing ove r 600 attondanco a11d cliscourse some lively Miss L. VeHture second, a parasol, Miss corded." Section 19 has been passed to pou11d s, nn d a ltbo ug lt not virgin pure, music at tho race course, on Easler A. McGuinness third, a fan . For kick- remove the har.clship of the p rovision re- ass nye d £3 7,000. T he most r eru1,1 rkinr, the footb1dl, J. Hogan who seems guiring persons who had no real connection Jo11<lay. It is r,talecl th ,i t the st,tllhol<lers and to"be t.ho loading all- ro und athlete, took with t ho United Kingdom to produce a ab le part of' Lbe ~to ry is that the m en a3sista11ts ure prnparing their ,rnres fo r the place, e·asily distancing tho other grant of representation from a court in who fo u nd it di d not h ave mo ney competitors. In tho Half Mi lo Handicap, the Unitecl Ki1:1gclQm, by probate or eno ngh to pay th eir board bills the the :1pproachi11g 1,azaar. Your Yoi-k cot,tcmporary n·poits that J. Uogan, scratch was again to· the for e, let ers of aclmm1stration or confirmation . week befo re,

I uo




~ ntet\.C olonht! and Jior.eign.

.' -





3 1890.

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The electri c lights h a ve r P.duc<cl t he 'fhe A merica n B nnk N ote Com pa ny a Yerage tim e of vessels p assing t hrou gh prints 20,000,000 pestugc stam ps pe r t he Suez Can al from 37 hou rs 57 ye ar. m i nutes t o 22 h ou rs 32 minutes. 1:he t rade b etween Sanada and t h o At :Vl anfred D owns S t at ion, N ort h Umtecl ,~ tates reached last year-i n Q ueensland, a big supply of w ut er h as spite of t he high tariffs-up less a su m b een struck at 700 fe et. T h e yield was than 94, 059,844 d ollars. In th e co'.1.rse o f a speech a~ ~ uck h alf a million gall on s a clay. lan.d, N .Z ., S u· Geoi:ge Grey ~a HI lt was Officia l notifi cation h as b een g iven qnito clei, ~· Au st ra li a mu at fede ra ~e all a t t h e Adm i rality of the appointm ent her colon ies. Part of th e co ntin ent. of Lieutenant P rince l:leorge of ·w ales mu st be inhabited by colon r ed la bo ur, t o h er Maj est y's ship Excellent, a s a d- wh ich re nd ered iL necessar_y that N uw ditional for a, course of g unnery. Z eida nil ~li o uld stand a loof, a nd be 11 The Leisiii·e Ii oiw, in a n a rticle 011 pure ly E uropean cou n try . "The N ewspaper Press of T o-clay ," A mun has bee n reR cued fr om th e stat es t h a t every week -day morning hll slt at 'vVaiorn, in th e K ll i(~arn distri<! t, 1,000 ruiles of Loudon newspapers ar e N ew z ~ula nd, a ft er havin g been 24 given t o the world by m ean s of t h e days withou t food . Duri ng the wh ole rota ry press. tirue h e had only 11 very littl e mudd y The d a ughter of a far m er named wa ter. .1:-le suyR be s u ffe red l ittle pai n fe lt com fo r tab le wh r n lyin g- dow 11 . M agill, of coun t y A rm agh , h as 1·ecei ved und I · £900 from t he G r eat N o rthern ·le had no de$iro to li ve. '.l'l1t; mall i •; (Ireland) Rail way Company . fo r now g radu a lly rccovcrin". i njuries sust ained i n t he A rm agh "Tru tl," Anys hut the A ngl ican d isaster. Bishop of L ondon, whose sti pend i~ £ 10,000 a year demund o n fe<i uf £:20 H enry G eor ge h as fou n ded a siu gle whe never he offi ciates a t a conseerntion. tax com m unity in th e w ilds of Sulli va n It iiJ stti teJ th nt t.b e pa rish ioners of County ( New York). T bis common W inch more Hill collected m oney t•J wealt h owns 1,450 acr es, wit h a good enlarge t heir church , an d thAy we re 6shing retr eat for city m en, a nd ju st ifi ably disg us t.ed to fin rl tltnt £20 numbers 300 m em bers. m ust be paid to t he Bishop of th ll T h e attempt t o r i val Ger many by diocese befo re he will come down to m anufacturing t oys in Englan d h as perfor m t he se rvice. proved successful so fe.r. A nd it is a Th ere are variou s ways in t he bran ch of commercial enter p rise wor t h !Jnited States, as t h ere ar e in all co una ttention. W e send a nnu all y two tries, by which mon ey changes hands. millions ab road for toys. The States, h owever , if they do not H ere is a n exam ple 0f ag ricult ural mono polise it, at lea st, seem to condepression in R ussia. It is r eported duct one p articul ar system of ch an ge from W iln a that 623 la rge est at es, on a u niqu E·ly gigantic scale. The i:oost of t h e n obility , a r e t o be sold at Boston 1/ei·ald, fo r example, calculates anction, a s the proprietors a re una ble the defalcations fo r the past t wel ve to p ay the t ax and intet·est of t he ir.onth s, tak en t ogethe r as a mounting to 3,562,753 clols. ; a sum it a dds, ca pital i nvested. . h Jd · ffi · J to m eet t 1e 'I'he m ost r emarkable fact m t he " wh IC wou oe su cient . · l h Q V f a II ow,\nce o ueen 1 ctor1a anc t e Re,gistrar-Gen eral 's q uart er ly r .it urn E nglish Royal fami ly, and t he Royal is the extraordina ry lo w mo r tality fro m sm a.11-pox , wh ich only amo unted to 28 p 8n sion fo r two yea rs." A S iste1· of M ercy who had spent in the thr'!e months ending D ecember, the small est number of r econlecl deaths m any yeat·s arr1ong tl1e i\l or·mons h•,1s , ' i n any pl'fwiou~ year bein g 275 in recently p ublished an nrticle on h er experiences there. The picture she 1886. · · · pa.rt1c · lar 1y un gives o f M ormomsm 1s ~ Tbe Q ueen, the Leeds Daily N ews in vitinu. S he d escribes n oth ing sensa~ stat es, h as b een plea sed to execute a tional, b ut, on the contra ry, sp eak s only Royal war rant placing Dr. S p ark, t he of wh at i s dull and d ispiriting. She borough organist of L eeds, on t he Ci vii considers it unworthy of sev ere t reatlist for a life p ension of £50 p er m ent a ucl as d estined t o fall to pieces annum, i n r ecognit ion of his ser vi ces of it s own accord . Among t he more to m usical a rt, esp ecially in t he Nort h cu rious fact s men tioned by~h er is t h e 'TI of F n gland. conversion to t he Catholic J! aith of T h e Cel tic liter ature is of very several m emb ers of t h e lat e Brigham a n cient or igin, all t h e old Cel ts h aving Y oung ' s f am i·1Y· SIie 1so t e11 s u s t liat a literary class called "bar ds." The t he cottagJJ which h ad been oriuinally ~ ~ a n cient Irish wrot e i n a r ude a lph abet Occupl·e;l by t h e propl1et 1·s now t he ' · <)ailed t h e Og harn . T h e p eople of G a ul p ropert y o f th e bi st ers of th e Holy h a ve left comp,iratively fe w i nscrip- Cross, wh o liave num erously a ttend ed n tion s, but th ~se a re often much schools in ·v t <Lh . La tinzed . .At a public a ucti on in t he C ity the In S uffolk enor mou s d amage is other day, 10 hngshends of A ustrali an 1icing done by rats to stack s and hou se- wi ne la!: ded in 1888 were sold at t h atchings. At a farm a L an tield, 3s. pe r g all ou-a very good price fo r a l'ecently , 169 of the ver min were killed publi c sule. O ne hog& br. ad was white d ur ing t h e t hreshing of two b ean win e, an d th e r es t was red wine. I t is st acks. On a secon d far m 16 w ere mucll to be r egretted t hat th e A usdriven from one hole by a fer ret, which truli nn v ig □ cr ons du not seud over more subseq uen t ly died from t h e inj uries it of th eir produce on chance, l ike th e consignme nt un de r noti ce, and give it a h ad r eceived. On Saturcl.i y , at the ·w est Riding chance of bein g ocqui red by th e genera l Court, Halifax , James Boosh and S on, traJ e. A ustralian wiue bas become w orsted spinners, Noth erton Mills, ve.ry po pu la r a t G lasgow, throu g h t he ne/tl' H a lifax, were order ed to pay £29 effo rts of t he A ustrali an Win e Im porters ' lOs. for causing women and y oung Com pa ny , whose posters are uow to be Th e seen all over Lo ndon and a t t he cbief >)erson s t u wor k a f t er h ours. 'm a nage r t ook the entirtl responsibility . ~tations th ro ugho ut th e Un ited Mr. Boosh is lVIayor of Hal ifax . Ki ngdom. . . P rin ce Geor ge of Wal e~ , accordin g t o K rupps have .Ju st r ec_ervecl ~ very n repor t cu rren t at Sboern ess, is about l a rge order from th e C hrn ese G ove rn- , to receive a com lll and . Au Adm iralty m cnt for g un s for the defen ce of t h e ' or der h as beca received nt S hee rness ,mo uth of the V eiho. It is said to ! D ockyard, direc tin g t he new composi te arnou'.1t t o £ 200,000, and to be clue t o g un-vessel Thru sh to be colllpl eted by th o circum st an ces t hat for some years March 31, in readiness fo r 1•.0mm issiou 1 p ast t he famous E ssen firm h a s main- on active service. The Thrnoh was tainecl . an J ext rem ~ly a ctive and able '. onl y del ive red fro m th e wo rk s of th e a g ent 111 North C lun a . i Greenock F o un d ry Co m pan y in B y leavi ng th e b u lk of Lis fo rlu nfl to I December last, aod 18 at present in No. fo r t.her education. p oor J oe B igga r has 5 Dock a t S hee rn ess Y ar d, wh ere she I shown tlie disin teres tedn ess of bis is bein g masted, ri gged, 1111d prepared patri otis m. No tw itli st'andiu~ t ha t Lo fo r th e p e □ o~ 11 t. I t i~ re ported t.h at has been often denounced, and called th e L ieu tenan t H.R.H. Pnnce G eorge of ()aliba u of Ca van ho b ad become very Wa les, wh o is at prese nt se rv in g on • ' ce11en ~ at I:, or ts1~ o ut b_, 1s . (Popula r in th e ' Hou se of Co ~ mons. 1, board t be J~x Harr y Fu r ncs~ of PU NC H WIii uu- to command the fhr~ sb . :-S he 1s a ,tlo ubtedly mi ,s him , fo 1 '' Joey B" was 1· smart gu n- vessel, desig ned fur ~h o tlJC ,e~n.i,rv.J .fiti t1 rc in hi 8 P arli am en Lary R oyul N avy by l\l r . W. H . Wlute, Notes. D irector of Naval C on truc tion,





Three publishers are b idding fo 1· tho A grntify io g ad uit.io11 hns j u~t bee n pri vi lel!e of bri ng ing on t L eCaron's rn r1ue to t bo numb er of Iri s h tena nts ' remini sconceP. Ti10 11 .,,>k of tbe Rpy who own tho soil they cult iv ate. T he a nd informer is neu rl y coiuplete<l un d Earl of l3;gmont has sol d Lh e whol e of wi ll boa senrnt i:in ,I 1·1 rk . hi , c>htatc in Kilkeuny nnd Tippornr-y The 01ily schoo l fo r Ll.1a leµe r childrcu for dL50 ,000. The forn1c rs arn fo r of Mo lokai is u Cathol ic school taugh t tt nute euong h to get the land at t ltc ro te hy F ra nc iscan N un s. They are inst roct- of fi ft,,e n years' purchase. T hi~ is t he ed in reading- , writ in g, etc., sew ing fo r larg,i~t si 11 glc trnn suetiou und er the t.he g ir ls, and r el ig iou s inst rn ction fo r As hbn 11 r110 Ac t. all · Jn m any places thro ugho ut I.he United T wo tli o usan d fo ur hundred 1111 d 8t:, tes :1 ve ry s ig nifica nt ceremony h as n inty- fi ve tdeg raph pol11s ha ve bc:un c nt been recently pe r fo rm ed. It was tb ut down in New Yo rk C ity , anJ fo ur tee n of ra ising over the Catholic schools t he nnd a half m illi ons foet of wi re lrnve tlag of th e R epublic. T he occasion was been dcst royeil by or de r of the Mayor. made, on th e part of the pat ron s of t he Am ong C aLh oli c colleges rece ntly van· ous sc I1001s, one for a fi rm au d fo u nd ed not t he least inter es ting is th at ' 1·crvent expression of loyalty to t he · to e d uby which new g rou nd is broke n in a country and o f· a determinat1on · country . We allude to t hat cate t be chi l dren confi d.ed t o th eir care schismatic · s nc l1 se ntiments . Io some instances estab lished a t At hen~ by the effor ts of rn Mgr. 11a rc ogo Arnh bishop of t he a doub le interest is attached to t hr event d ioceso. from the presentation of th e flag t.'l Lhe ' A sensation h as hee n caused in particular s chool by meu who had 8en red lrnsiness circles at Mootreal by the io th e a rmy and bravely p roved t heir contents of t he w ill of the lat e M r. title t o raok as A merican pat rio ts. Cha n teloup, t h e wea lthy b r assfo und er, S uch cases fo r med n for cible decla.rn t io n nea rl y the w h ole of his la rge fort une of Catholic loya lty. being left to his employes, who will Mi Bs C orcornn, a yo un g lri s ltcon tin ue the business as a joint-stock con ce l'n. The am ount of the bequ est Am er icun, who, und er t he nom de plume of" N ell iu Bly," is attached to tile staff is esti mat ed at £200,000. A Ne w English Postage Stamp h as of th e Ne w ·York f,Vorld, has recently been i ssued to the p uhlic. L ike a ll acco1upl i8hed , in th e m111·vellously abo rt. other postage st amps n ow in iss ue, i t is spttce o l' seventy- two days and six ho u rs, ri jonrn oy, on wh ich she was sent ava liable fo r eith er post age or r evenu e by li er pnper, nro unJ the world. T he purposes. It is a ten penny stamp, and ro ut<1 fo llowed was E a st wa rd thro ug h is st rikingly n ovel i n design. It h as Eng land, Frnuce, 11 ud the S nez canal the small head characteristic of t he to i ·! oug K ong a11,J J a pau, thence crossj u bilee issu e in an octagonal fram eiug th,~ Pacifi c to San Francisco. T he work, and i s p rinted in t wo colours, j ourney is u remarka ble oue from seve rnl car mine a nd mauve, wit h large figu res points of view-not t h6 leas t reru arlrn ble of value on ea.::h side. bein g the energy a nd cot11· of 1lhe A Pole nam ed Grabows ki, who was lady by wh om it has ueen made. t hought t o be a paup er, itncl h as just died of infl uenza a t t he Ch arite l~osTh pu li lic school s, froru a ruo1·al pit a] in P a ris, h as left 500, 000 florins ··· • l)oint of view , have received a h en y fo r fo und in g in Par is a polyg lot tt 100 000 fl . f . con dem u:;it iou from Mr. Benj am in gaze e, , onus or e t'ectm g a Reece, a srcul aris t hi mse lf, ne verthel ess monum ent in Pa1is to testify the grnti- who con tributed nn arti cle on t he t udo of t l>e Poles to F rnnce, a nd a ~u hj ect t,o the J'ao u ;iry n umber of tli o lar ue sum fo r continuin,u t h e I' olish Di~ectory b eoa l1r1 1Jy· L1'r1d". Tl1ere a 1·e Poptilai· Science JYionthly. l\'I r. R eece b shows tha t, among the colou red ot er 1egacies amount ing t o 170,000 f101·1·11 s, a nd n101·e assets ·1·t t 111·11s out po puln n advanccm eut i n cri has · l1 uuvaucc ., · me ·11 1<eµ t pt11:e wit me n t rn han w1 s uffice to p ay t h ese difleren t tio u u1 dil th e iJea li no been s pread bequests. ab road that to ed uent,o a neg ro is to T he unt i- C uthol ic par ty hit, e been make a rnsca, of liim . So m; th ing of greatl y rl is:,: ust.ed by the resol 11 tion of t il e same k ind would :1lso appeur to geDeral Pasi, t!i o fi rst udjn ta11 t of t he Ki ng , lately decc>used, to tli o and 1,e ob tain with respect to t h o ge nernl pop uln tio u, in wli icb , wit h an increase buried li ko a C hr i~tin 11 , The Gc norn l's of thirty per cent, cri minals hav o wor t! ~ on bein g in fo rmed by his doc tor inc 1·easod by eight - t.wo pe r ce nt., uncl that hi s illu eR ~ mn st prove fa tal were to effect t hat he wished hi s end to in san e pe rsons by 145 pe r cen t. N or is the i11creu~e to be laid to the cliurge· be t hat o1·f " I a iwld ier a nd a Cat holic." f 1.orc,gn • • • . I L .IS C l1i,•fl y . 0 ln)flll!;l'llt JO II. :ie accorc rng v seut aL ouce for a pnes t. . , 1'1 · I t f , C , 1· f !I • among tho native born . '1 o come, how. 1e s1g J n a a.1!O 1c u nera ea vtng . ,· , fli . I · t f b Q •• l . ever to more µar <1 cu,ars, o cin th e pree111c s o t e um ua wus a • . l10w t 1mt 1or • t he year 1886 t · · t s· C . . s tattslics s 1 I .0 t? 11eas111g one ·o igaor n sp1 the commo11 schoo l forni ~h ed eigh t1 19 0 an owers . Lbree per cent. , and the co llege~ un d T he perm an ent appointment of a academics over four pe r cent. , of the British env oy lo th e Vatican is now i nmates of the New York State p ri so ns loc•ked u po n as among the certaint ies of of Aul:u rn and Siur; S ing. On t he th e futu re. It is not, howeve r, tlio ngh t wbole J:l'l r. R eece's art icle a ffo rJ 8 likely tha t th e missi~n of Sir John inco ntrover ti ble proof of t he mornl Linthorn S im mo n~ will be prolong ~d deficiency of the sec u lar syste m. beyo nd th e pe ri od necessary fo r the ' se t tlemen t of the Maltose qu es tion, There is a F ree Churct1 of E nglun I respec ti ng which he hns been se nt to clergyc.1110 in F itr. rny na111cLl K insnun, Rome . T he envoy 's q ualifi cutions as a who boasts that he !,:ts married ,,000 diplomat ist are looked upon as Je fective con ples in his tifiw. l:fo,v ve ry appro n.nd by 11 0 means s uch as to rende r him pl'ia te b is name! Finsman ! J ndge fi t for what mu st prove rather a diffic ul t Williams gu ve him a mo st unmercifu l position. . j acke ting the other day . He had Australians will be inte r·estecl to ' marri crl a mi no r 011 a fnrgetl " conse nt ." 1earn tl 1a t Cl. · b e1·1evecl t o 1)e m · a \F una 1s "e II , t·,H' m y \l"·1·t , I ca n '•, see w lrnro th o worse st a t e, socially a nd politically, manifoli.1 marriilr was to blame . A hoy t h an at a,ny t ime since t he Taiping and gi rl came before . hi1n to ge t Rebellion. The lmperirtl hou seliold at marri cJ . They wero No. 7,001, I P ekin is divided against itself, t he s nppo,c. Ile l0oked at th em a lit.tie y oung Emperor and Empr ess Dowager s uspiciously, a nd ns keJ wheth er , heir being at d agge rs down. T he whole mot.lier ku cw th ey we re o ut. Tiley country says an observant residen t in said y?s. Of course tht> mun Jid not Chi na, is h oneycom ed with sec ret want to lose hi s lee~. A t \ be rnme societies, all h3,ving a common object- time hu mu t, keep the law . Bring 1oe n am ely, t h e everthrow of t he existing yo u r moth er's written con se nt," he ~nid. st a te of things and the inauguration of " A ll righL ," rcplie,1 the chil dre n. 'l'b cy a n e w e ra . ·with the ad van ce of brong lit it . T be buy-lovN ha.I forcreJ vVeste m ideas, uud t h e prog ressive it lt was enou g h, 1,o wm·. " . \. ll spirit whi ch the risiog generation of rcg ul :1r !'' said ;'.\fr . Kim-uwn ; China111en in the no r th and a long t h o aud , i11 a trice, he had g i1 011 tbo hrid ,,'s coast a re imbibin g, t he fact that the moth er a son - in -law us n new kin rnl(L u. present dynn.sty is n.n alien one i s being But forge ry can't be toler ate,! oven in l morn i orCI'bl y d n.ven I1ome on tie yo ung :nen over anxiou ~ to mnrry. native min d, and t he Man chu cligni- The you og man was tri ed and convicl,•d , taries i n t he capital are every day, b11t th e Jud ge let hi rl' off with im by V!trious isolattld outbreakR, being tnJuo ction no t t.1, do it agtin,-.._ convinced of the sp read of t his feelin g, Melbourne 1,clvocotc. II




' '



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!:'""~~-~~~~~. ~ ___ w r ~~

APRlfs 3, l.':i 90

..~ ~ . J B . ~ ' l ! L ' l l . ~.ttr: . : r s a . ~~

Th e chai rman of t h e So uth-East em ' of , ul'prise on seeing Mary enter the helong ing to th e high court of 1'o rnian R ailw a y England lfts t week stated t h at 1 roolll, · pee rs . But I do kn ow th at from t he not n single pfissm1ge1· lrnd been killed " \Vlmt ! Mary of the Valley! Why first year of t h e reign of Louis VIU. o n t he li ne in 25 y en rs J the hridgc is still up. Did you fly the p l'ese nt K in g•~ fath er, th e ExTh e agitati on fo r Hume Huie for i t hrou gh the aid" c heq u e l' decided t h at any Norman S cotlanJ :ind W,de, ~,· ,•u1 s to Lo l "l'el'!1::tps I did; but I will tell you baron w h o sho ul d refu se to hold good nt ol' ing a pure. Un l~eorna, y 25, a a ll ~~bout it L,y-ancl-by, if you will allow a n d id t he confiscation oi' N orm a n dy, meoti,,g wa s lie!d nl t h~ Nu tional m e to toll .\l iss Pauline first. " a nd w h o sho uld r ebel again st t he K i ng Li burnl Club co1111"''l'tl of d!'lC!!al,es 1-'he entered P aulinc's r oo m softly of F rance, slrnuld be conde mn ed -ipso fr om tlrn Nort h 11n ,I l:, ou1li Wale, n.nd loukecl t h e door fifter h e r. fac to t o h av e his land s confi scated a n d L ibera l Fed crnt ion and iii' :-i cotti, h Pau line was asleep. He r face was his fo r t resses r ased t o t h e g round . Hom e Rule A•,s 11ci a •in11 Dr. Clar k , , cleaclly pa,le :i,nd her lrnii- in diso rde r. Y ou w ere p rese 11t at t h e sessio n at M.P., pn's ido.l, und 1.111,ro werP alw j S h e was stil l in the d ress of t h e cl ay which t his o rdinance wa s. con fi rm ed . I t p rese nt n n nrnbe,· of Sc<it('h tl n J 'Nt' i, h , before, in wh ich, utte rly worn ou t , sh e took p lace a t Ca e n th e 15th Nove mb er M em l,m 8 vf Puilia,11 ,•111. Aftc-r c11ll- I had th r own herself on the bed. J\Iary 1225. 1t is h a r dly three y eftrs. 1 s idern bl e d i,cn,sion, I 1,., f,,llowi"g re,o- sat· clown b eside he r and h egan to Sf1y To b e con tin u ec1 . lution was ~gr eed 10 : - ·' '!'h::L tl ,i ., con- her prayers while waiting for her to ...,...,.._"""""""'_....,,....,,......,..., fe ren ce is of opini on th1H the tirn <, ha, wake up. Presently P a u line began C atholic r✓.l:is sions i n A fr i ca. now arr ived w·.,011 tbe pr· op !A oi' l' c<,t- to gl'Oan and cry i n h e r sleep, as if luu,! au d \V,il,•s . houl•• be tmtru,te,l oppressed by a· horribl e dream . Mary Go oil new~ is co ming to us abon t the wilh t he n ,n11 11 )!C:u,,,., of' I hr,ir ow11 a woke her, ge n t ly k issin g h e r lm nd, prog ress mod e hy th e Ca t h ol ic 111 is~ion s 1,ntin1111l nfi'uir, 1 ftl ill I" t>•on ing th o anrl Pauline p r esently opening h e r in E as tern A fr ica. Th e offi cial s u premucy of the Imperial l'arli1111,ent.'' eyes r ecog nized her foste r siste r, an d informa tion is to t hi s effect : Jt II a, fnr1b er Jt•,·i d ,,J to 1ppo i11t a , threw h e r a rm s round h e r neck. con 11 n itl ee of t,wclv,, mc mLcr 9 fron, endi i "Oh! my good Mary !" cried sh e, Prin ce Bismark bas instructed Herr von I , I Schlozer, the repr esent ive of Prussia at ,; /' t 1e \wo co ,rn tr. <'s tr, s,•e Ll ,ut th" I " oh now glad I mn to see y ou the Vat ican, to in form t h e Holy See that nlij ,, ~t , ,1· 1 h<· p rn " ions rn.,11i ll tio_n l'l'llS ~vas cl reftming that W illia rn wa~ c~ m- the German empire will h enceforth e1, rn e1l out, t " '1 l11 rcp <i rl, to u. lnr(.hrr ing home and th at h e was b r11w ui<' extend its prot ection to all Cath olic co n!ereuee, . wh ich .$ h,;uld include, if '. me a splendi<l w hite palfray to c~ rry missions which may put up settlements in ueccssary, l~11glish au<l hi~h mem!J<J t'S ; m e t o the church, ancl then, in st ead of Germf1n colonial p ossession s, whatever religious order may start su ch ~ettlements. al so. 1' finding my v,ed ding costu me, I fou nd 1111 It is to he ·11oped t h a t Ge n nuny, in i\lr . .J ohn Ja cul, A~tor, tho· noted nothing i n my box but mourning attire d 1 0 1i ! w I1at a h e r o wn in te rest, w ill secu re th e milliotrn ire, d ied ut Nev, York ou an d >t •l "oo y swan . 'bl cl ,, senic es of C atholic m iss ioca ri es in her Fe brunry 22 , of an g i,m pe,•w r is, a ftor a h orn e ream. , h. l co lon ies situated on the West Coa ·t D fe w hou rs' ill ness. Mr. Astor, 1,·ho wu; " on t t m , any more a bout it, th e g ra ndson ot !lie founder of the l\liss P aulin e. All d reams are on ly q nite us m uch ns i □ th o s e 5 ituat.e d ur, tb e Ea ~t Uoast of the Dark Cout inent. famil y, was .jn D ecP111 li~ r ,ei1/.ed wilh a wan d e rin gs of t l·re mind. Com e, I will had att ack of influenz ,1 \\'h ile i n Lon do n. do u p y our hair and you sh a ll p u t on Ever s iuce th e Ge rma n fl ag was fir , t He leaves oue R<rn , ~l r. vVillinm anoth er dress ftncl we w ill h ave break - plan ted in th e Cam eroo ns , th e Ca th oli c Wal dorf A s tor. M r. A st.o r j., s ai d to fast together. See, I have broug h t pr <;s 8 o r ib<l whole wor ld h as p ro tes t<' d hnv e cl ieJ possessed of 150 rnillimrn o f you som e n ice fresh b u tter u,n d eggs, ag ninSt l be pri vileg es ~ tw ll.ed in that doll ar s. T h e As to r estate ir,cl nd,:, 0 ove r a nd this bouc1net of sweet smelling territory to th e B a , le M i, Rionu t-y. h d b ·1 .1· · • , • flowe!'s ." Society , to th e de tri me nt of t he a t ousa u u, u,ngR, comprrnec 1 w itm 11 C a th olic mi ssi ou s, wh ich had b a t ract m easuring 25 acres in tbe Le I t "Oh Mary," Paid Pauline, r em emeen f N y k C Ib · b t f l c1 · esta bli sh ed th ere lon g b~fo1 e th <1 o ew or ity, liesides somo ermg t e even s o t rn prece lng empi re took ov e r t ho; e t err itori es . T he s ubu rban prope rties, which aro destined d ay, "you don't know wha t h as h a p11 8 in th e n ear fut u re .to becom e extre mely p ened." 1 P aufulfa in for m s th at. H e rr von 1 Sl h r elated h· Sch lo 1/.er lius u rged u po n t h e [Joly See valu ab e. A rn ou g tl>.e buil d ings owDed i 16 t en ev~ryt m g to t hat it. wo n Id be des iral,le to se1;d ou I, by t he fa mily in N ew Yol'k is one wort h : Mary. The hi tter, seem g h er so 1·• · ' · l l l two mi I hons of doll ar s. Tlie tax_es u µon anx100,s a nc upset, c arec, n ot sp eak by p reft• re11 ct1 Cath olic m i, sions who .,e th e esta te amount, to nearly 500 ,000 \ to her of the wounded S cot who lay me1t1 hers a re nntiv es o f Ge tm 311 v. Tha t dollars per au n um, and I.he a1Juunl beyond i n the Vall ey . S h e con t en t ed ong h t to he un etisy tl ,i ng in vVe s te rn , income is five mill ions. A ]JC<" nlta ri ty h erself w it h beggin g Paulin e to com e q uite " 9 m nch as in Eas tern A fr ica, · cl J l' · h h d an 1l th e F e, tb (' rs o f the Hol y U hoRI of t h e A stors, say s a co rre~pondeu t, 1s Lo own to t 1e t arm wit e r g ran . . .' let their lan d upon re newal leuses of 2 1 father. S h e su cceeded so far in gain- I ~b o ears ago offere~ t(ierr ser~ ic es in years; t h us ot hers have p:ud f'u r tb u ing her point, that th ey were al ready t 1 ~ . iim t'r·t ns _,~,,,.~ '~ctde~ly ~rrTMlll 10 buildi ng s a nd a ppea red ou th e t ux li ,, t. 1 on the way to t h e Baron's room to ask ; su 'JeCtf. t wi or I e Catl,.'.11<' This p ractice al so makes tr.e A i l r ' his consent when t h ey were startled I membe rs of. 1. be n~xt G~rniao Purim111 estate difficul t 1.o truce or to e" timat e : by. the sudden blast of a trum p et. ~ ent to ge t bt\ ~\m~ u pon tli( the v alu e of. Yet eac h rrwmlier of t he I Th ey ran to a window which corn overnm ent. mote oiei bly t l,an h,,R family lives so simply and is ~o dis- mancl ed t he drawbridge :;,,ncl what th ey bee n dn ue ht t b er to . creetly geuerou s as to entitle th em tii l I saw there Cftused their b lood t o run to be call ed model m illionaires. , cold with fright. On · the bank of th e 'l'he We ather P rophet 's Predi c -









~~ ~ . . c r u .l

II month wcathe,r

,luring t h e e ns ui ng twel ~~ s will be rno8 t IH•<1dful ly wntched . This is the tcs.t which :\k Egeso n hi msel f' in vite8. Wlrnteve r rrsnlt m ny fo llow tlie recent heavy min~, it will ha ve l, e\'1111 goo d th ing 10 h av e her-111 ca u t ion ed in tim e ogniu s t a poss iule cn lnrnity . The :Kaiser and t he Workmen . LETTE ll FRO~I OUR CARD I NAL.

The l' ardi11n l Arch l,is hop of W estmini s te ,· ha s nd .l r,•s,:;ed the foll owing lt> ttl' r to H err Rich,nd Flt,ischer. ed il,or of I he Deutsche Nevue, one of tl;e mos t 1eplltali lti montltly m11gazin es 111 G ,•nnuny : Arc h l,ishop's Ho n se ,\' eHtm inistp,• Fehrno ry 10. :~ ir, -You as k me what I think of the ii: vitation of the E mpero ,· of Ge r111unJ to the E u ropea n P owe rs to mee t in con f'erence on the subj ect of lnbour, and th e state of t.he mi lli ons, in ev ery connt ry, wh o liv e by th e woges o f' lnbo ur. I t hin k th is [m p1:.rial ac t the wi8c& t a nd th e wort, hieA t tb nt has pro ceeded fr om any Sovereig n o f our t imes. T he co11ditio 11 of tl re wageea~11i ng peopl i:: of e v(:ry Eu r opean COUl)try is a grave dange r lo e very ]~1:1ro pen.i1 s tate. T h e h ours of labo ur, th e cmploy m eut of wome11 untl child ren , th e scantin ess o f w11ges , the nu certaintie~ of , emp loyment, the fi erce com pe tition fostered hy modern poli1.i..;a l r-co nomy, tile dPs trn ction of dom es t ic life i'esnltiug from a ll 1he,e 1111,l othe r k in dred cau s~s, lrn vo rPnd erl'd i t: im poss ible for ru en to live a bt11 trn11 iife. How ca n n rnn u wl,n work i, fiftee n or si xteen hollrs a cla y live the lif'P of a fat he r 10 h is ch ildreu ? Uow can u woman who is absent fro m homf! l\l \ day lot g do tho uutieR of a m oth e,· 1 Domestic life is impossi bl e. B u t on th e dollles tic l ife of the people th e who le pol itical order of Luman so1~iet.v reposes. If' the f, 11 11 clation be l'Ui necl what will be,·o,ne of the su pPrstrn ct ure ? 'l' he l!. mpe rn r Wi lli am ba s, th erefore, s hown h imsel f to be a t ru e and fa r- s ig hted stn.t,esincn. -Beli ve me a l ways yo urs fu ith fully, ~ HE:-11(Y



A rL"hhi s lro p of West mi uis ter . Tlie Pu ll Mall Gazette say ; -

·• I Lli ink t bi s In,perial ac t.," wl'ites

Card inal M.•11111in g , referring t o t be Kaise r',, L11bon r , Pscr ipt, "th e wi ses t und w,,rth i,·,t I. n,t l111, p1oceed 13d fro m a ny S ov en• igll of onl· times." Praise ditch, j ust opposite the cast le was a t ions . lrom urdi11u l Ma11 ni ng is p raise : :, D U T v , S S _.,. ,,, 1 mounted knight of l ofty stature , F O 1:. .l A h . .I.!., . • armed from h ea d lo foot, holdin 0<r a A RE vYE GOI NG TO HAYE A DUOUGH 1'. in cienl, but why , lio u ld i t he left to nn i lance to which wr:s -attacl1ecl a \"" h1·te In the fuce of the rece n t mo:at extrn.- l~ngli sh C ur di11al to express th B opin ion A STORY OF THE BRAVE DAYS OF OLD. flag . By his s ide were two trumpeters, or din a ry weather exper i.enced th roug h- of tb e organization w lii,·h a s pires to bs and at a short distance was a number - ont th e count ry it is hut naturnl t hat. t!,E' the con Hci,• ll C<J of Cb ri st<e ndom u pon the less t roop of armed men, some wi t h wurning iss ued by M r. Ege,o n nenrl y P?licy of 1,, G er111u11 l!: m peror ? S 1He'1y CHAPTER VIII. bows, som e with lances, t h e greater five m on ths ug n sho uld rece iv" at t,c11tion. tit.b e Pope be a living reality , watch• TREAS ON. ,.e r w1·t1 JLUlllv · 1 axes, l rnmmers, a n cl I t w ill he re mem be red I.hut n p , 11 1 i ng w.i tli ale rt soli uitude over 1he welfare "It is u seless to make myste ries a,ny levers. Th e B:wo n de Bu rgo a ppear ed O ctob<.,r 2 , 1889, Mr. Egeson ratl,er of th e cliildrPn of m e n, ho will promptly longer ," said h e to h im self. "Th e on the battlements ove r t he door way. ~tar t led t he comm u a ity by call inl! atten - avnil liimst>lt of Lh e lirst opportu n ity of :Ba.r on is better now . The cl anger he H e was in full a rm ou l', and by h is tion 1,0 tbe sim ilarity o f tlrn se"sons exprc,;si11g bi~ a pp rova l of the "wises t is in will rest;o re his energy and pr~- side stood James l,is faithful groom, 1 1823-24, wbich pre ce(]ed tli e grral an d wort lii e,;t, act i liaL hf,s proceeJ oo frnrn nny So-.·ercig-n of our t ia,e8 !" rnnce of mind:" a lso in armou. r. J d ro ui;li t of 1827 -2 9, t o th oJe o f 181:> 7T he Pall Malt Gazette docs no t see m Then t urmn g to P eter :1ud Mary, At the SJght of the B:i,ron t h e 88 . " R ev iew ing th e positiol)," be " W a it h ere children, I will a wake the !' trum pets ceased . The Baron raised write s, " we fill d 1823 u wet ~eason like to be owarn tbat tl ,e Holy E'at he r h ns Ba ron . He will advise you." h is voice. 1 887, the drollght of 1824 to bu id outi- alreudy clecl ured h i mself on tl ,oHo ve ry En tering the Baron's room he found "vVbo are you , Sir Knight," said cul wit! , th11t of 1888, tli e wpt y ear of points tu word8 of w tl ,e Gc rmur 1 h im already dressed, with Dick's h elp. h e," And whn.tclo yo u w an t 1" 1825 to ,.,,, 11;,:,re w itL 1889; und Emperor's are only tb e wel co me ecl\o. Th e la tter had watched n ear his master "I am Hugh, Lord of Ganneville," reo d i1J g t he w<"t n of th o Jirs t fe ir du ring James ' ::thsence. said the knigh t , "and I hav e c0me to month s of 1 82 6, of wliir-li it w a~ thcu T he Death of n ope L eo·s Bro 'cher " L eave u s alone, Dick ," sa id ,Tames; take possessio1~ of the Castle of B_rix I said thnt ' FO rnn ch ruin IJo R not fa ll en ut anc~ w ithout ~ny furt h er preai:oble h e aud dismantl e it by, order of the Kmg ' th is 8 eu1,o n ot t he y en r fol' the Ins t, 25 p lamly told lu s ma,_ter everythm g tl'.at of Frauce. ?pe~1 the door t~ me a t · yearij" mu s t we not expe c t t li is to be We rec0r<l wit l1 r P-gl'o t th e J eath · t her had thought ht to keep from 1nm once, Mas~er N10~;olus. Doh t fo r ce I re peuted d nr ing th e coming sun ime ,· ?" of tbe eld est brothe r o f 1,i,e Holv cl unng · the pa~t m onth . . Far fr om me to use \'10lenc~. J Ko fa r, at leaRt,, M.r . Egeso u' 8 ped i ·tion s Father, anc\ rcq•H!St th e prnye1·s .such . a, revela1non weakei:irng the old " You are my neighbour, a nd you must , Lave \;een fnl filleil , fo r d uri ug the J) He t; onr renJern for hi s eterna l wc,lfa re. warriors courage, tl11~ rec:1tal gr1vc 1nm know better than anyone tha t I a m , m e ntli t h e ra in fa ll, wb ieh Ji:,s bee, i ,rl -• The rlece11~erl Card iJJul 1,clon .,ed to back all hi? vigou r. ~-le askrd for a loyal an d subroi~sive to_ the King of ; most. contillu·ous, has been e xc~pti "nally th e J e,, nit CJrrlcr. nn d wa, a r~icm ber glass of wrne, dran k it down to t Le ~ranee. My sons rebelhon cannot b e . h e11vy. '' .H te,· every Pxce, 8i,·rly wet of th e ~acred Co ll,,is e for over Le n I confusion of the 131'Ctons and the Eng- 1rnputed to me. He went a lon e, with ycH1, " r.ontill ncs ~lr. g,,esou ,, follows a yc• . Ho wus del'ollt, . 11,u nifi c:c1Jt,, lish , . t h en don.ning his :i,rm_our h e his Scot_s,, wh o were st'.bjec_ts of the , d rong bt ns a 1e11ct.i nn , ~nd II!,• ii:l.e.,, i, y a nd l·1nd1te. Hr !,pqne11lhl'd l,i~ fortun e, cleclarncl that rnstead. of fly rng, h e ~ountessof Annandale his wife, t? lay of the dro· glit vnn es with; prrvi nnfi a mo1,ntrng to :il ,oul, forty th oll snll d would prepare to clelend lnmself and siege to the Castle of the Haye Pa1sneL I excr~s o,·e r th e mcnn cvclirnl ., , nde . p<n111ti ~, to t lw i ll1J1Hrious rrntcro itv of ordered an immediate review of his Iha vesentames.senge1:to t h e Queen <•ou~rqucnt ly , from tl,c ra ti o;of'th'. ::S t. lg natiusofL o)o lu. • men-at-arms. Reg~n~, ,Lnd she is too .) USt, too good a .t wo rnmc•~, reoults t luec years' dn, 11 aiiL ~Vil t ruus lnte the pnragrn pli w iih While all this passed Mary began to Ch~·istmn, not to revoke a sent~nce whi c h, in tl, i~ case may be e:q ,Pctecl t<; which tl ,u Ossci·vatore Romano co nget lonely, and t h erefore left li er which was based on a n e rror. Besides eXLf nd ln ,111 th o middl ~ o f 1890 to 1,1,e cludea its obitua ry ,,otice : brother alone in th e ~ aroonr's roo m, :md th . 11 d w1'ti 1 'I"ms • cay 1 the elder of the two broi;hers N a t, I lapp ealI to tl1e Exch b eque r. of middle of 18 9'3• or ·, 0 , tc,; <· On t>spo went up to Pauline's :i,partments. \obr~nah.n cyf h :i,m am.em er, by ngclht t!ie. riro ng ht of 182 7-29. Th e J,ot1 i.: ht has outnm his weary path; and the. A scending the s la irs leading to th e OL irt , o t . CLt sovereign c~urt,.an . a of ]83 7- 3!) was mused by th e s a n,o yo nnger one goes on, alo11 c and Btaunr}r tower which Paulin e occ upied, sh e Norman n oble cannot he dispossessed 0 1 ·1 11011 ·" i 11. 0 t t !· · l in his )~fty career·. In the s1g\1t ' O . 1 l l l · · ' · ·" u a\ ing au a h fll\ tl 1 kb t tl fou nd her three m:,,icl s already in the o f 1n s anc s anr cast es wi thout the ist's view of ti , . nnl l , O 1. 1\ f' .1 man . 10 m e ween ie two is snapped, · · E b E 1 •" " ' · e r, lllnnJ · but m the eyes of t h S · ·t a dJ·acent room, for :Miss r1 Q B urgo w,1s cl ec1s1on o t e ' xe ieque i. fo r rn<•r wrn · l , f . , , .1 . 1 , · e yestet'day pin it sat is ~ " -..T· l l ,, cl G 1 £,rn,oll'~ ,-, . , 1er 01ccns R 11,, e st re11gthened, and he who 16 1 1aster J.., lc 10 as, ordin a rily an early riser, :1ncl a lways anne1,, , · 11 \ erifi t' d , 11t1 <I I, 1· .,. p JCS(· · • ·H1., 111 · c1('al1011s 1· · dawn first an1on,1· the felloi:v-,"oi·ke· r ·s ,,'-, ·11 ,-1 6 f l r ep 1· I •• 01 '" d esi r ed to be c,illed at sum·isP VI e, · am not o sue 1 ng l n oln lity ha v<· , , 1 /n r :.: en " Le i11 .J .,~d ,1 cyclic ·d tho steps of the l'ontifical throue is T he yo ung girl s u~Lcrecl anc:(clam atiou as yo urself. I have n oL ll ,0 h o nour of 1,bciui,ltt ll l'P, :;o 11 t ti " ' · f .' ''"t?ecl no:" hefor:e fJod as the s 11 r e a.n u. •· u ue ,v u rse o Lil e safe su stam er of S\tp1'eme cl lii;ht ,












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3, 1890.

<m n 1J ~Does the crow ever mo pe over nny lost caws.

A paper with the finest points.-A paper of neeJles.

T alk ing abo u t wb eelmen, when th ey ' . toil not neith er do th ey s pin . .M any an h oo es t de btor wishes he had n rou ocl s nm t o 8quare up with . The ocean grey ho und s have uo tim e to conside r barks a t sea.

Too S harp.- S he : You'll come in 11nd h'.lve some nfte rn ~on tea wit h L oo and myself? H e : No, th an k s ; it ahYays tak es th e keen ,,dge off yo ur ap petite. She : Yo u slio Dld carry a grindstone wi th yoL1.

'.) £ tJ

SILVERLlTIVER HU~TE R,Cappod anrl J ewell ecl , Guarant(!cd two yea lS A. J. GA.LL E'S, Albany. suclden P ILLs.- The ROLL OW AY's changes, frequent fogs and pervading clampne~s sorely im pede t he vi tal functions and conduce to ill-heal th . T he r emedy fo t· t heso diseases lies in so me purifying medi cine, liko thesfl P ills, which is competent to grapple with the mischief ,it its so urce, a nd stamp i t out with out fr et t ing th e nerv es or weakening t he system. Iloll ow,iy's Pille ext ract from the blooJ all n oxio us matters, regulate t he (Lctio n of every disordered orga n, stimulat e the liver and kidneys, and r elax th e bowels. I n curing ch est pomplain t s th ese P ills are remarkably effective especially wh e n aided by friction of t he Ointment on its walls. This double treatment will ensure a certain, st eady and benefi.c'ent progress, and sound health will soon b e r e-established.

Fore man: "You mi g ht as well look anuther j ob, J e rry ." Bl'icklayer : fc;ir Revenge, however sweet, nl wny s costs " Wh a t for? What ha ve I <l one?" The black5mith welds iron wit h more than it is worth. "Yollr trowPlfnl of mortar s tru ck t.he stealing whacks. An improbable story is properly called the owne 1· of th e bnilrlin g cl own on t l-10 Every fat man h !IS a th001·y on how a canard becanse intelli gent peop le fir s t fl oor." "Le t him k ee p out of th e to dispose of tbe surplus. ca nardly believe it. If th e boll s trikes 0 11 11 wh en I 've wuy . I ll on' t ca re It is a little singular, to say the leas t , • The pen is mightier than the sword; got a t rowel of mor tur ." drops it ere wh that after a man hns b een painting th e hut the pencil is n't much good without You Lady : H ere, come back. town red he u su ally feels blue. th e knife. promised to saw that wood when I There are some things a dwarf can't ga'fe you your dinner. Tramp: Madam, "Is your wife a good housekeeper ?" "Excellent. She lets the cook do all do, but he c1m co.tch jus t as big u, cold I am obliged to break my promise. as a giant. the cooking." The saw you gave me prod uces a G Quack : If you use my medicine yon s harp tone, which doos not harmonize A m an's hair is a good deal like a Patieut : Tl1 :it'ti with my fo vonrite song in F, wbi<1h I man himself. After a certai11 age it will use no other. "Fou ·rHE BLOOD IS THE L rn:."always s iog whtin workin g . Eit,her the what I'm a frnid of, doctor. comes to the front. CL ARKE'S WORLD-FAME D BLOOD sa1v or my voi~e mu s t be cha ngetl MIX TURE is warranted t o cleanse the l,lood No m1111 ~110uld ba call ed ric h as lon g · It Won't Seem So.-Ted: Is lov e before I can work. from all impurities fr om w~1at ever cause really blind ? Ned : I suppose so. as he has a debt to pay, for u plo ug hari srn g. For Scroful :1., Scurv y, S\iu and M1·. :eambo bad emptied his second Blood Diseases, and Sores of all ki nd s, its You k now, a fel low seldom goes to see man oa his legs is higher than a gentleman on bis knees . g lass and was setting it down when he effects are marvellous. T housnnC:~ of t es tihis girl until it is dark . d isco vered he h ad spilled eome of the monials. Sold in bottles, 2s. Ud . and l ls L evel m ean s flat, ye t the man who each by Chemi sts and Patent ;',1edicine An appropriate place for a college of bee r oa his coat. " It won't hurt your V endors evcrywllere. Sole Proprietors to be culled level• vocal mu sic-A Do-re Gall ery.- would feel fl11t tered clothes," the barkeeper assured him ; 'l '1m L t NCO L N ANll MrnLAN D Cou NTII ~ DnuG head ed would object strongly to being Funny Folks. " beer, in fact, is a good clo th clo11ner. Co., L incoln, En gl,rnd . called flat-headed. Odd, isn' t it ? It will take out spots of most any to tree en " That man has hatl t h<! Light and Airy.-Daughter wi th kind ." "Is that so?" said !\1r. Bambo many of our best houses." " What, IWT HERHAM S ILVE R c11tnlogue: The Ex:ecution of Lady eagerly. "Give me anoth<H g lass ; HU NTER LEVERS, Guaranthat villainou s-looking creatutre ! Who Jane Grey, by Ary Scheffer. Strict I've got freck lea." teed t.wo years, at J. GAL LE 'S, Albany is he ?" " Jimmie, the b urg lar." mamma : ' Lizabeth, don't talk like Jack, nice, 1wfully 1 be t s mu It : he S The sm,d l girl tip , back in her chair that. S ay 'Enery, not' Arry. to be a great ed itor, and to be able to at, . the tab le. Her mother lifts tho H ow Pills are Made. Wife: What are you sitting by that sway m en' s m inds with the s trok es of a dear," "Mamma, fiager. r eproachful open wiadow fo r ? H usband : Tbat new pen. H e : ~ h, but you don't k now 11 it's not polite to she tiays s weetly, 'l'he custom of taking medicin e in the doctor across th e way claims that he t he discourage men t of th e profession, he point." can cure the hard~st kind of a cold in Flo. I've been tryin g to s way the form of pill s dn,tes far back in history. T object is to en able us to swallow easily in a I can't. lie £5 him bet I days. two busin ess man age r's mind on a finnncial condensed fo rm disagreeable. and nauseo us J ·ackson: Mrs. Henpeck tells me point for some wee ks, bnt witho ut but very useful , d rugs. To what vast diehe .gnined six: po unds whi le she was am going to win his mvney. say it i, som e mensions pill-taking has grown may be in the mountains. Henpeck : That's A gent,lemao averse to lavishness aud s uccess . S h e : I ,fore imagined when we say that iu E nglund alone nothin g ; I gained twelve pounds while somewh11t d enf was nsked: " Will you deep do. rk prob lem t hat he fa il s to grn~p. about :l,000,000,000 (two th ousand million) ualfh of rnise a t an w I ; Yes : e H pills are consumed every year. In early she was awsy. lend me half a sovereign ?" " What ?" days pills were made slow Iy by hand, as t he week. a n sovereig Oounsel: "Miss, what is your age ?" " W ill you lend me 11 sovernigu ?" demand was comparatis·ely small. To-day t hey are produ ced wi th infin itely grea~er "You "Yon Mid ju s t now half a sovereig n." Witness: "I am past 20." rapic!i ty by machin es especially cont ri vecl. mu st be mo1·e ex:plicit.." " W ell, I am 1 ! ! s Question Vital ,Ton cs's Ap prehens ions. - Brown : for th e pu rpose, and with greater nccurucy, "No more Ten Eng lish paupers came over on th'.) between 20 and 30." Aslt the most eminent l'h,v sician too , iu t he proportions or the variuns in• triflin g . State your exact age." "I'll last steamer. Jon es who is very rich Ask any _schoo(, ,~ha t is the best thinr, in gredi,rn ts employed. uietrn g and allaying all irriNo form of medication cnn be bettet· tllan be 30 th e da y 11fter to-morrow." nnd the father of seve ral daughters : the wo rld fo r qnerves, and curin g all fo rm s of a pill , provi ded only it is iu tell igcutl y pretation of the hope. I dukes, all not goodness; Great There is somethin g solemn in the ner vous complaints, gi viog natural, chil dlike parnd. B ut ri ght here occurs t he difficul ty refr eshing sleep al ways ? Easy ,Ls i t may seem to make a pill. or a tones of a great bell st riking midaigh t, Snowberry : Speaking of the oldAnd. t hey wiHtell you unh esi tatingly million of th em, t here arc rea ll y ve1·_y fc 1v especially if you are a mile from home fashion ed cus tom of writing " fini s" at " :Some j orrn of H op s I I!'' pills t hat can be honestly commended :cur · at•d know that your wife is sittin g t he end of a book mak es me think of popular u se . .Most u f them either und erCllAP'UJR I. behind the hall door waiting for you. my wife . Do1111 ey : llow so ? S now shoot or overshoot t he nrnrk. As everybocly be well to Ask an y or all of th e most emin ent phys takes pill s of so me kind, it mayand Their first and only chance.-First berry : Oh , she always gets in the last relial be mention what ,t good, safe, iciaus No w, wh n one feels d ull man excitedly : Our boardiag h ouse is word. " What is th o best and ouly r cmcil y th at pill shou ld be. has more or less pain in th a and sleepy, and Secoad man calmly. Come, Robi nson : Thompson seem s to be can be relied on to cure all diseases of t he bead, sides, and back he may be s ure his ihen, hurry up, and perhaps we may be very prns perous now - a-days. John soa : k idneys nod urin ary organs ; s uch as bowels are costipated , aml hi s liver slugBright's disea£e, diabetes, rete nt ion, or inaable to get something h ot. Well, I s bon ld think be would be bility to r etain u rine, rui cl all t he di ~cascs gish. To nm1cdy th is unhappy stMc 1f things tb ere is uothiug like a good c:tthartic He is in a profitable and ail ments peculia r to vVo men "It will net like a char m by stiLU ulating Lawyer: You Ray you thiak the pros r ero us . And tbey will tell you ex plici tly and em- pill. is he doing ? J. : What : R. . ess busin the Ii ver in to do ing its d uty , and r idd ing tho witness is a liar? Witu e!ls: W ell, be ." Buclw " y phaticall , he's en g ag ed in the manufacture cli gesttve organs of the accu mulated poisonAsk t he same physicians is a man who wouldn't tell a single lie Why matter. antique furnitu re. "What is t he most reliable ancl sll rest ousBut for a nickel, but would t ell a dozen for of e good pill does not g ri pe and pain cure for all liver diseases or dy spepsia ; con- us, nei th thcr does it make us ~ick and miserhalf-a- dollar. LitLl e A llen heard his mamrna ask stipation, iodiges t1on, biliousness, mala ria . H acts on the the cellar to tnrn fev er, ague, &c.,'' nod th ey will tell you : ' able fo r " few hours a day Quotation for puz zled observers of p11pa to go to entir e gland ul ar system ,Lt the sarnc t ime I I I I Dandehon or ! andrn/,e M the h eu t. "I'll g o," cried All en . t he after-effects of the pill will be wo rse the re-opened dock troubles- " W ho on Hence when th ese rem edies are combined else hy , yon don't kaow how," sn id pa pa . with t han disca~e itself. T he griping caused otbers equall y valuab le, shall decide when doc kers disagree ?" W pills is th e rcs nlL of irri taL iug 1lrugs " Yes, I do," declare:;! A ll e n. "You And compouo iled in to Dr. Soule's Ameri- by mostthey coutain. Such 1ril ls :trc har mful, 11 Well, Mr. Assessor, what are you shut every place that's open, and open can Hop Bi tt ers, such n wond er ful and mys- which and should never be used . They so metimes ch whi developed is power curative erious t soot. that's pince going to make of your boy ?" '' I every orrhoids . \V i. Lho11 t, ha vi n<r is so n ried io its operatious that nd di sease even prod uce ben1 particulrLr desire fo prai se: one pill '1bm·: thinh he will do fo1· a policemau, becau se A pre tty go od story is toltl of n or ill-health can possibly exist or resist its any mother, we may , neYcrthelcss, 11,uue i\lother I can never find him when I want hi m." colonel of volunteers. It is said tlrn t power, and yet it is Seigcl's Pills, manufactured by f,hc wellweakan wom frail t mos e tb r fo mlcss l·Inr kno wn house of .\. J . White, Li mited 35, There ure two great needs of our wh en th e ind ivid ual r eferre,I t o fir s t invali d or smallest child to use. ' F arringdon Read, Lon,lon , a1Hl now so ld by present civilization-a flannel shirt that prnsen ted ll imsel f eri inilitaire to his all chemi sts and 1tH,d i i: i11c vcnclo rs, as tue CH A1"£EH II , will not shri nk and a white vest tb11t wife and little daughter , the la tter, afte r only one we know of I hat actuall y possesses "Pa tients every desirab le quality . They rc1110,·e the cnn be washed without losing its gazing at him in wonder for u fe w "Almost dead or nearly dying" ruinutes, turned to her mother and oressure up on th e brarn, correct the liver respectability. ]\or years, and givea up by phsi~ians, of exclaimeJ, "Why, ma, that's not a r eal .Bright's nod other kidney diseases live r and cause the bowels Lo act with ease uucl. reg ularity. T hey never gripe The avernge gi rl is not afraid of soldie r-it' s p11." complain ts, severe coughs, called co~sump- or produce t he slightest sickness of the dan ger, a nd the repo rts of exploding tiou, lrnve been cured. sto mach, or any other unpleasant fee l111g Mother with small lad: Pl ease, sir, Women gone nearly crazy I I I I soda wate r fou ntain s an<l puisonous ice or sy mptoms. Neither do they induce fu rusness vo ner nc11rnlgia, of ny ago From ther constipaf,ioa, as nearly all oth er pills cream do not interrupt t he delightful v,·ill you g ive my lad a situation ? ia;.• pecul diseases various und wakefulness, do. As n f ur ther an ti crow ni ng merit Man11ge1· of warehou se: What has li e placidity of her avpeti te. to wo men. Mo th er Seigcl's !'ills a rc co1·erecl. frith ,i Moth e r : been accu stomed to do? People drnwn ou t of shape from exc ru c,- tasteless and harm less coatin g wh ich causes Iu S t . Louis hos pital II man recently Woll, sir, h e bas been practisi ng for the ating pangs of rli eu_matism, inflamm atory them t.o resemble pearls, thus rend crin " b ad a drenm wh ich 1;o ve red six m onth s ' bar; bu t be do n't, like it., becanse th ey and chrome, or sufE•·!rtu g fro m scrofu la. th em as pleasant to the p<ilatc ns they ar; Erysipelas ! time and 10,000 mil es of t;·avel. Th ere do mak e s uch a noise and q ua rre l efl:cctivc in curi ng- di sease. If yo u ba,·e a spepsia, dy g, isonin po b(ood eum, Salt,~b ". . embrnceil g sight-:;etiin is a great deal of wh on t uey ge t a little e x cited. Mau ager wd1gcs t1o n, and, m fact, alm ost all di seases severe colu and ure th rcntened with a fever wi th pains in th e he:,cl, hack, ancl lim bs. on~ i 11 a drink of St. Lo uis whiskey. ( apprecintin g tbe j oke) : What, i-, rac- fr,til " or two doses wil l bre:tk up th e cold au d· pre Nature is bei r t o vent tl.1 c fo vcr. A coaled toug ne, with a M inkP : "Were you away- last ti sing for a ba nis te r? Moth er: No, H!lve hc~n cure~ by Dr. tlo 1-1l c's Hoµ Bit- brnckisb taste in the month, i ~ caused by s umm er ?" Win ks : " Yes, off a bout sir ; he hns bee u a pot boy, s ir." ters, proo f of wb1ch can be fo und iu every fou l nmtter in the sto mach. A dose of Sela month a t a summer resort." '' H ow gel's l:' ills will l•ll'ect a speedy cure. OfwuA cook who ha d burnt up a piece of neighborhood io the known wo rl d. did you s pentl th e time ?" " Waiting veal \'feighio g fo ur pound s threw it times parti ally tlec:i,yed food i11 tbe stomach and bowels produce sickness, nausea, &e. for it to s top raiuiu g ." ~None gen ain e wiLh out a hu ocl.I of greeu Uleansc th e bowels with a dose of t. hese away, a nJ a ft erward s ex pla ined to her Dr. Soul c's pills, and good hcalLh will follo w. One third of the fools of the conn try mi~ tress th11t the ca t h ad eaten th e lr,ps on tile white labe l, and n.ime_ blown in the bottl e BEwA1rn of a ll we " y, lud he t said " well, ry "Ve meat. Unl ike many kinds of pi ll s, they do not think they can beat the lawyers in e x So sayi ng , s he t h e vile poisonous stuff made to imitate th e make yo u feel worse before you are better will see th a t d irec tly." above. pounding l11w, one half think they cun Th ey arc, withont doubt, the best fam il; beat the doctors in heali ng the s ick, took th e cnt, pu t it on the scales, :·nd · physic ever di scovcreu. They rcmo,·e ai l FOR · ur fo actly ex er! h obstructions to the nat ural fu net.iou s in two third z of them think they can beat found that it weig . SALE. -A first-class CO RN ET either sex without any uupl c:isont effects "There, J emim a ," suA sai rl pounds. the minister preachin g th e Gospel, and " In case with, echo a ttachn, ent ' f 1 I r · · in ure t 1a ,our ponu, s o ment-ln1 t complete a baro-a 1111 of them know they can bent the 0 • ' , where is the cat ?" T. BRYArT. JS° ESliIT' S L AD IES i-( 1LV.El'\ \V AC 1, IIJ;S, £3 10~ eili tor in runn ing a newspaper. I

£6 6~.



A. J.~l!.lCORD.

fill!.l W.



~MiRmmN-& co.,- ;;; T ~ ~ ~IW

:i, 1890.


r v



Practic a l Watch maker and Jewell er,

CO LO NI A L WAR E [-IOU '.:i I::,

(Late of Ru ndle Street, Adclai<lt!, HAY STR !!;E T, PERTH .

FRl~ ~lAN'l' LE,

Gen er al




W . G. H EAR MAN'S HAY S l'., J'ERTH .

Impor ters

lVIerch ants,


Ai::, Lhe best selected aml th : Stock and Station Agent s, AN OTH ER SH IP:II ENT OF OUR cheapes t st ck of <irst-class , AVB always on hnud fnl_l i:i toc h Watches nnJ ,Tewell cry oi' l::VEl:lY ! H SPE CIALLY SELECTED of S tation reqniro wents , also Nesbit 's , <lescripLion in Lhe colony. Uar pente rs ' tools, .l!;nglish Lev ers ( capped a11rl jewell ed) ' s un d l'y othe t· g ood s, PIANOS, \•Vool bales, Forges, ble Porta Anvils, guaruurk, wo rongh and ri,!ing stand N etting , l<'euc in g AL SO, PI ANO STOOV~, TUNIN Gteed for tv;o years. Tho Host Watch Co rn sacks , Wire Corrn gatc<l Iro n, \ ithout exception. Nesbit'd Waltham s Wires, Ga,vani zed H AMIi E RS, ETC., e ol ·ers, Suidei R s, nm P las Doug · Colony. e iu "re the CH!i~: PEST lowest pl'ices to m. ·e Hi fl es, .fowling· piece, (mn:,;:i;lo ,mci Wi!l :e ~0ld at • J.'heae and other WatclH s wivh a tw fo r uur room Sadd nition Its Searching and Healing Pl'opr:n,it, years' guarantee. Jewellel'y of every breech load ing ) A mmn &c. arness, H le!'y, · orlcl. W repaired the or are known throughout descript ion made to u1 der ' Watche s cleaned or repaired . - - <'\ - . LEGS For the cure of BAD Now coming t o Ha, c1 a s fast as Neshit's Waltba11 ,s .Nesbi t's L eve rs Oold :Bad Breas ts, Old W ounds , 2 t cam can bring them . L11<lit!s ' cl l'. Gent's Gold . W 11<-• 1i~s Sores and Ulcers , \!Vatches --o - This >liip111eut also incl udes some very ,, Silver W .. t.che~ i, t li '.' l·'f vv· air. li e~ it is an in fall ible remedy. If effectually rnbi>,:. Braccl,,tF · ::,ilver speci a l d.-. &iµ JJ S in the n:uter q on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it Cw caseo, in r;t,; i d-Sµ Gold Bracelet s an Vi11es Qu insies, Relaxed Throats, Bronchitis, l1001Jiu, sets n. & I<~ . E. & B. . sets ,, octaves au<l a1sks l'leu or y, 'Cough, and :ill Asthmatic, Pulmon:u Broo ches ,, BroochE>s UHLID:Ei\il.A CJARP E'11 1·istic Complaints. s1r,11ll ~oxes (120 lbs. ) iu o 'l'oUAcc rings Ear ,, Ea rrings For Gout, Rheu matis m, SQUA RES. Alber ts ,, A l bert s i)ilme!1 's Sto res, in large qu a ntities . Sciat· ca, Leontin cs ,, Leon tines Rings, GenL's ,, R ings, Gen t's Fur R ugs, Stair Carpet s &c Glandula r Swellings, King's Evil , Absce,se,, do. L adies' ' DRAPE RY l N GR!·'. AT Ladies . do Sl..:.L,· ,, ol incl !, every and .Piles, Fistulas. 'l'apest ry Cloth, T able Co~ers ' B reas t Pins ,, B r east P ins DISEAS E, it has never been known lo fai l. VAltlE TY. and Five o 'clock Tea Cloths ' Necklet s ,, Neeklet s The Ointment and Pills are l\fanufaelurct!. GU:ipu re and Tapest::cy only at Studs ,, ' t ud s Cur~ai ns, .rt Muslin 's. .Also J"l E1;:oches & Er.n inp 'iS . N t-w O orcl St. (lat .53:;, o,:forrl 3 .1 ,, Keeper;; .& ve1·y Choice · Selecti on of L o1td01!: .\ lhert,. ., Wedd in, Hiugs HAY STREE T , PERTH . Clocks .:\wj ;;.re .-,uld iw all \·f•rn..lvr, 1,f ;\jt> >,;; :l... Elect r o Plat ed Cups 1iiro11 ghout th e CivilizeJ vVorld; with direcSpP.cto.clcs . ,, Cruets, &c.

Tea8 , Suga. .·s, }....,lo

t ions fo r use in almo~t

C \'Cl")'



la ng,.ta~e.

rurchac;ers shoul look to the La.1Jel a th e .Po t~ n:ul I:oxci:;. if the ~<ldress is no: 633 , 0 :cfo: .. ... ,....'" . T,on rfo,,., tllsy oxo spuriou3 ~ {:1:r~



BllOWN & ALL EN, (Late 1'. & W. Br itnalJ),

:H AY r·TREl! ;T, PE R'l'Il , N retnrning thank~ lo the public gcncrn.l l) for past favom s, hcg to announ ,,c lhas bey are prepared to manufac ture all classeiof COL ONIAL BOOTi:i. 0 11 t he shortes l po sibl e r.oticc. Al so, kept in stock. a large and varied assortme n t. of Ladies, . Gentleme n's, and Ohi lclrnn'ti BOOTS anrl SHOES- from the best J<~nglish ancl Continen tal houses. L ea ther Grinder:, and Uppers al ways on ba nd . Good hides and kangaroo skins taken in exchan ge Goods de"spatchecl to all pal'ts of the Colony.


}Firn t (;lass .A..ccommod ation for THAYELLEi{s . The Set tlers favo mite House.

W utcbes, Clocks,. Jewell ery, &c . , sold on Tli\J.E PAYM ENT with l i\1MED IATE possessi on to househlildern at exceedingly lo w prices . As no heavy com mission is paid for canvass ing and collectin g, custome rs will save r1t least 20· per cent. , by buying fro m V . E. Nesbit, besides having a la rge stock to select from and n practica l watch maker to guarant ee every a rticle sol d. ~ • TIME P A YMEN 'f.

OR COUGII S , COLDS, B1rn Nc111T1s Consump tion, foflu enza, Asthma, &c. TT AY'SCO MPOUN DESSEN CE OFLIN.1\... ::;rmD, Aniseed, Sencgu, Squill, Tolu, &e. with Chlorodv ne. AY'S COMPO UND, a clemulcenL expectornnt, for Coughs, Colds, aucl Chest Complai nts. and TT AY'S COMPO UND, for CoughsHorses .1\... Colds, is equally serviceab le for · and Cat tle. AY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia , Face-ach e, &c. Contains Quin ine, . lrou, &c. OA GULINE .--Ccme nt for Broken Arti cles. ::iolcl Everywh ere. llianufac tory ' ~tockpor t, 1~uglaud.



i\.GJ,;Nl'S :


\!Vat cbmake r aud Jevreller, Perth . Mr . J. W . Andrew, Roebon r ue . 1' . W. Stroud, Geraldton .






HA '.l' b !


sm all con~ig nmrnt of th e L ates t No velties. 'Wiags, Leath er &c -Fa11cy A lso,' F elt a nd. S traw H ats .




A Choice Seleetio n of GENTS ' Urnlrr wute, UaL:;, Glo1'e , Ti eR, rn rne splr- u J itl T"e:,rl (~PJ11,' Su i1 s Hosiery • ' uu d' ' o1..:·1l 1c El· u1·t .,,,,, Great Gouts,

GEll_._l\LD'fON l'3o~l@I-&14P-

\¥al,• 1proo fs .

Abo, - Ludits und Ge11ts' Urnbrella 8 ' &c. &c., P erfn me LJ an d ::ioap~ of tho bes L brands ' iucl u<l in g .?ears', &c.


_fl-I ( lVlAS R e DeL UC E Y, P a·o:n.11



G. fIEAill\1AN ,

l'he lJ1GHA LDT OtJ !IOT E: L is reple te with

anti Visitors, ! Every Comfort and Convenience fo r Travellers A ud cout:iins

of B nrrough 0's aml W utts· for.fn1 ucd




an,1 'l'Eli'UL -CO~f F OHTf NG .

1liiiU~ a •iii 'Fabl e§, of the g1rn1e. Wh ich i~ brilliant ly lighted, nnJ is th e favo urit e resort of lovern


on hand. Wines, Spirits and Beers of the B est B rands obt r.inable , always


,1:Sila.lll.·~·e§ NJI@clleJJ•at. e.

P rices.

Ladies Tea Go wu s an d l\fon,in g W rnps

F11mon s H ou se for B a•;s 's A le aacl Gu in etis 's S ton t.

IP . Kelly, Do!1garra. G. H. Lott, Yo!·k.

,, ,,



yard ,

th e I LlTIE8 UL L ow

PmvACY and Qurn·rnu:ss a speciality.



DRES SES. Al o l,y

Splendid Balcony bac!c ancl fi'ou t. Bath-rooms, Stables, ancl every reqHisitc fo1· a First Class Hotel.




~o®t i eud1ru a~e a ,n~li CJi1t"iiliity. " . rJy a thnrou;h l< rwwlt ·db t· ,







ON:DJEB.T A.Ii:. EB, -4Nl>

General Funer al Furnisher, H AY STREE T, PERTH . UNERA LS conduct ed in any par t of the Colony, and all details comi ec ted therewit h att,mded to at th e shortes t uotice by telegram or



B'nneral Beo.rRcs and Coaches alw:~y.· ready .

\ 1 ]\' I

J{ Jj~• •



Boot 1Yianu. facturer an d Import er,


:.; .

LbJ ~~,1,1- I JJ'R DE~ LEl-..




& C


S'lTtEET ,· l'.ffiR'l1H ,










.1 1 th , 11Ht11ri1 1 ,l1~1•:,i1_1 11 :,, 1cJ Il

,h ~,-.~ l~/: 1.

t-: ~.,

;~ 1th P1~rc l~iootl

.a properly uourbh ctl 1rawc."tlrn OivLt S,- ,•vice Gazelle . iJ.HC~

n.rt.1clc III 1\l:.trle simply" iU1 boiliu ~ or milk.

vu n ecl stock in th e ' i\..l-i u!w, y~ ou huuJ, Lue mos1, ex Leosive and l Manufa ctured eolo ny o · Engli sh , French, G..::rmaa , .iu<l. Colonia .:.. BOOTS , SHOES AND S LIPPE RS .

A'.f'l'E NTION

1tt 1 \'t>rJ1

b , ..tC'itrtdul a;,p! <·:Ho1•11 ut th: ti iH· pri,pt•t-rc ·oidcd fu r t1~:- ot_w .. tl -:-t•h•rt~,t t·t,e;,,a. . .\ I r, !i!pp:-: 11:t:h ~'t':Lk a!=il tabl 1 ·:. \Yitb a. itdic;~tt'l)-i" !:,-vom"•li ·• c \'i· r: ~gt: lt is i ll:h r·i,; ducto \' 1 (11•:\.Y w nich 11? :,y .~~Vl" \lH l\Pt.\ 1.y l•y t ht, J1_ul1c11 ,us u~c ot :su•·h 1Lr11clt::-< ol Uiet tl1a 1 a r'!~ I tr,J :-: r u lt i u t· lly •a.dua ri: he a.y 1.rn mn1tu11 on 1~1 ·, cn,,ue b to r >•ast ,·vc.y ten,m,cy to di;,•:,.-.• l!ll11<lr· •., ily .·,·a 1 u-i :.i.ro1111d Una.tin'>!' · r 11 1liit·:-: ,l JU le r nt s uh 1 h1 1.• 111 , j' ~ i~kwlu: n•v •• rL '."t> i~,L ~·i-:1l<pul O ! ,,uny " "''·" , h alt by l:e,•p1'1g Ul1' S<;l ve s •l ul l Iurti eu 1Je~

( 0l'.1:'0S1TE ST. o~on.o~'s cJA'l' Ul!;DUAL .)



l l0ll 1 t:-nd


!:fol d i u ¼-ID. p~1ckds hy Grocl'rs, la bt: ll eU t!Ju s : -

J AWIE S 15~PP S & 00. 110.110::0PA'l' lllC Cll EMI:;;'l' S,





l'->;1-.t:1•1, 'l 'lU; A lJ.UHEflS, -·

lfo..:t D oor to the " Jriteri ou



t cJ l,"

Printed and publis/w d fo r t/;c Right l.'ev. Al . Gibne/J, at tl,c ~/jicc nf lli c " w. ,\. _Hu :oiw ,"_ l / 01cick street, l'erlli, V!J ! !1 03.IA S !:R Y,\8 ,

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