The Record Newspaper - 06 March 1890

Page 1








No. 497.-VoL. XVI.








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of the






A FOUCHAHD'S Lucky Wedding Hing H ouse. G CJLD and Silver Jewellery in great variety.

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TIIE ONLY FIRST ORDER OF MERIT, with SPECIAL MENTION (for Sewing Machines), was awarded TIIE SINGER ]iANlJFAOTURING COMPA.NY at the Centennial International Exhibition 1888-9. E XTRACT from REPORT OF J URY ( Section 38) on Sewing and other Machines for making Clothing ; as officially published in the Melbourne A RGUS and A a e Newspapers 29th January, 1889 :-

" The SINGER SEWING MACHINE OoM.PANY and the ¥[heeler and Wilson Se·wing Machine Company each exhibit a Collection of Machines, but we had not the sligl~test difficulty in awarding the SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY the ~IRST A .A.RD with SPECIAL MENTION. We particularly desire to express our opinion that EACH of the following Machines, which are a part of SINGEl{'S Collection, is of itself worthy of a first award, viz. :- 'fhe Button-hole Machine, Eyelet Machine, ·L eatl er M.achine, and Manufacturing 1'1achine. As a collective exhibit the ,vheeler and Wilson Company only took second award."


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SECOND ORDER OF Ml!RIT. Wheeler and Wilso n New York;· for Collection of Sewi no- Machines.


J . Wertheim, Frankf~r t, for Sewi ng n1achine .Htachmcnt:;, and Hon. Mention fol' 8 uperior Cabinet ·work. DEP OT- l1 AY-tn1HEET, PI~ltTH.



Q);- £ lt e \'.al ~ I l; ff }l Lll g ~- / fatig11b le directol'. It inclu des a long ___ _________ ~~-----~-~ list of ohse r~atio ns of the phenomea,1

The Newfound land Dispute.

The Scientific Work of Father of J·upiter's sa t.ellitr s, aad of occ ulta - . If er er Freoch stateamen think it tions of stars by the moon, as nlso the pol'tic to try a quarrnl with this conntry Perry.

determinatio n, of the positi ons of comets the re will be no lack of opportunity ; , from that of Winqecke, in 1869, down the stand iog grievance of the • I t o those of last year. But it will be occupation of Egyot, there A s<:iulltitic col'r€apondtl11t se nd;i ns is a whole th e follo,vin g nccnunt of 1":lthcr Perry'H ' chiefly fo r l:i s solar work that Father group of qnestions clu stering round official work : Perry will be remembel'ed by posterity. th e ri ghts of fi shel'y conceded to Fm nee It won Ill obvion~l_v he quite im- ] t bad alwa vs been his ambition to by the Treaty of Utrecht and fou ght "bl · I poss1 e wn 1in the limits of a single make o tonyl;urst_ t ake a leadi ng posi- over eve r siace. So conaiderable a man arti cle to g ivo anything like a corn- lion in th e dom ain of solar physics. as M. , Floureos has now tak en the plete nccount of the viirious wor ks Tlte first spectroscop e was purchased claims of the French fishermen under 00 _ dertnken during his life by so energetic io 187_0, a small i11 strument by Brown- his special pl'otection, ai.d has in the an asl.ronomer us the late Fdther Porr v. iug, a larger one beiug acquired in tbo Chamber inToked the actire intervenWe cat\ on ly preten<l to fnrni, b u;e Mme y,·Rr. Both these ius trument,s ti on of the Governm ent. The mere bares t outl ines. The work of r◄'alh er 1l id good serv ice in th e ecli pse of J 870, presence of the French fi shing fl eet is 11 Perry i~ id(lntifiecl with !,hil t of th e whe n they were take n t,o Spain by sort of offo,1ce to the people of N ewobservntory wh ich he clire~ted a t S tony- Fath er Perry, whJ was chief of the foundland, who find it difficult to bu rst fo r 25 yoars, and wh ich fro m µu rty at Cadiz . Since tha t. tim e he re111ise that their waters e\Jould still be lowl y 1., ,,gionings he ruisecl to t.lie high kid added to the eq uipment of his coutrolled by the dead hands that drew position of one of t.lie fir t p!iysical ohi;erv utory two star sp~ctroscope s, the Treaty of Utrecht. Aftel' the observntorie a iu E ng lund. His earl ier one of iliem a very floe ins trument by attempt 10 settle the question at the reputat iou wtts maJe by hi s ob,ervat ion s ll ilge r ; a large sola r anto matic spec · Convention agreed upon in 1885, the in terres trial magnetism, and of la te troscopA by Bro wn ing for solnr wor k; Parliament of Newfonndla _nd proy en!'S he has gained a great renown lo r and lost ly, I □ ! 888, a magnificent hibited the sale of bait to th e foreigners . hi mself in the comparntively oew science pho togr11phi t.: spectromete r Ly Hilger, M. Flourens denounced this law 11s of solar phy~i~s. Nor di,I he neglect intended for the photographi ng of th e mon strous, and said that the Gov·e rn·th o meteorological work for whidi, in tipect ru of suu -s pots. In 1880 th e me11t of Great Britain had heen c11llcd the year 1838, th e ob~erv!ltory wn s w:•11 -k nown series of drnw!ngM uf th e npon to reputliate it. But for n long prima rily fonudetl, for tl,c metevrolog i-- ~uu, which have been exhibited at time past, M . Flourens went on to cal observation ~ hegan under tl,(l !i rs~ recent soirees of the Royal Society, explaio, EDgland bas governetl he!' director, Fnther Howel l, !l!ld cnn ie:l on an d a lso nt gs of the Roy &l colonies only on condition by Father Welt.l, have been continued Ast rouomic1d Society, was b egun, th e th em , and the Government, of obeying of the Queen wi thout interru ption eve:· , incP. Father scale being '10 in ches to th e solar hesitated to give the reqnired satisfacPerry succetided lo the charge of t he diame te r, dr awin gs of a mu ch larger tion. N ew complications have now observatory before he wa~ a priest, in size being a lso made of any spots arisen owing to the claiin of the French the yea r 1860. Io tlie siune yoar the which represe nt fea tures of interes t. fubers to catch lobsters, a pnrsuit to fi rst annunl repo;t of the ,neteorolov,i - Then the chroipospbe1le, or bright v.(i.btd they have been driv en owing to cal obse rvations wn s pnbfohod . Me- atm osphere of hydrogen which s ur- the growing scarcity of the cod fi sh . teorology wus greatly developed nt rou nd s th e snn has been measured on The N ewfonndland ers, backed up m Stony burst by the choice of lhe ob er- eve ry possible day since the yea r 1879, this by the 8 mother country, declare vatory in 1866, as one of the seven and its mean depth determined. The that lobsters are not fish, and that pri ncipal stations of tl:te Bonrd of sa me has been <lone for the hydrogen therefore the Treaty can not be T ra de, which su pplied n complete set promi ue nces, and freq uent observ ations pleaded. M. Floureus impatien tly of self-register ing in struments. Tl,eae liave \Jeeu made of the direc tion of asked that the French cr~ iers should • these eolar flam es. A n immense receive orders to compnse an anemometer, a 1·ain-guage, prote,/ he French a thei·mograph and a bcwogi-aph, a nd amount, of material bas th erefore been fishery, and not as 1(/../ year be left since the year they were erected accumul ated, which, when thoroughly without in struction s. IIL Spuller records have been rpg nlarly sent to th e worked out will doubtless yield very aoswered in a tone of great moderation . :Meteorolog ical Office, the Registra r- importan t res ults. W e mu st be con - He pointed out that the fishing rights General, the French Me teo rological tent wi th a bare mention of th e as- conceded to Fra,ice in N ew foundl and Society , and othe!' public bod ies. Good tro uom ical expeditioas wh ich Fath er we, e e~seutially temporal'y, a kind of use was made of such resul ts iri the Perry directed, either on behalf of the u!ufrnct enjoyed in a conntry not yea r s 1872-73 in a paper by Mesors. GoverumeuL or of the learn ed societies. belonging to Frnnce, and in which she Scott and GalloHay, show ing the con - Thns we fi11cl h im, 111 1870, at Cadiz was bound to !'espect the police reg ulanection wh ich exists botweeu ex- to olnc rv e the eclipse of th e s un, and tions made by others. Howe ver, as the plosions i n the coal mines of the north fo r th e like purpose at Carriaco u, 10 Treaty . rig hts und oubted ly exist they of England, und tue meteorologic al th e Wes t Indies, 1 □ 1886, at Mos.cow could not be surrendered without "jnst rnco1<ls at Stonyhurst. Besides the rn 1887, an d finally at 1:-alut, near reclnm ations." He saw no way ont of ordinary tables of meteorologi cul vhe- Cuyeu ne, in 1889. Ia 1874 ue, to- tlte difficulty except by arbitration , and nomcm1, th e reports issued by Fatlior go Lher with Father S itlgreuves, obse1ved th at England bad refused. However, Perry contain observation s of uppc1r th e t1ausit of V cnu~ at Kerguelen nego tiations were still going on, and he clouds, agricult ural not;es, und ubser- I sland~ , s n<l obse!'vaLions of the same calletl on th e Chamber to trust for the vati ons of crops , observatioas on trees plieaomenou were obtuiued by the two present to the vigilaoce of the Ministry. and sh rubs and on fiowe ri ng pla nts, obser ve rs in 1882 at Madagascar. Accordingly , th e Order of the Day, notes on nurora and other phenomena. As a pn blic lecturer ulso, Father pure uncl ,imple, was called for and I n th is conn ection Wll may mention Per ry wa~ 111 tli e very firs t rauk, and adop ted . But the qu estion is not th ut, ll1 1879, Fatl 1er Perry prepared he wi! l be greatly mi ss d from the ijettl ed, and will not be easy to settle. fo r the Meteorologic,:! Oni .: e a Blu,,- public hulls of Lancashire and York- The N ewfouadl~n ders do not care t wo book ou the cliurnte of K (' rg nelen , slii re. Ach!etl to nll tltia, he lec turer\ Rtruw ,; about the Treaty of Utrecht contnining his o1-:n ohscrvalionH, those o11 Mathematics nt Ston yliurst Coll ege and th ey do care a great t.l eal abont of the officers of H ,\1. ship Clmllt ngei·, for over twenty years, and was fo r th eir lobsters ; to appeal to documents und those of Sir ,J. Ro os 8 expedition th ree years Prefect of S tudies of the of th e days of Queen Anoe seems to in 1840 to th e fOlllhe.rn sc•iis ill th e lower mathematics, correct in g nil the them merely irrituting pedantry, R rebus and Terror. While Father Perry ex amina tion papers in the college, and sooner thun tolerate the Frenchmanand it was ct•mpleLi ng- hi, theological studies as the wnter cnu test,ifiy, rn nk in g notes is qnite possible that th ey would seek at S t. Brnn r/ ;; College, the_Roy al So- on the div ision au tl mu ltip li cation su 1us annexation by th e United States, in cicty presc1,teu to the Stonyhurst Ob- of even the lowes t cl a,s es. Genius which case it would fare ill with the scrvatnry n romp lete ~et of self-recort.l- ~1 as been cl efii: ed as the p@wer of ta kin g Treaty of Utrecht. For tunately, ,\I. i1,g mai:rnd ic instrnmen ts. Papers 0 0 imm ec se parns, an d in tliis se11 se Spuller und erstands th o difficulty of ihe the result. given by these ine tru ments F 11ther P erry was eminently a gen ins. situation, and with patience a Ro lu tion hnve from time to time appeared in the He ulways rn sistt:d ou g rea t accuracy may be found . Philoso ihical Transactions and Proceed- in all th e observation s taken by bis 1 i11gs of the sumo Soeicty, a, also in t.he assiSt auts. His ohser vatiuus a ro also The Subj ect of a Great Picture y early report of tlic ohser vatory. A ll all the more valu abl e because tl1 ey are magnetic disturbance ; have also been uot warped by being directed tv the · t The "Angelus" of Jean Francois fu lly tliscusscJ 10 the last mentioucd marn eoance Of some preconce ived · Millet, the Freoc h peasant puinter, series. Beyoml this routine work, t iieo ry. O ne cou ]cl be certn,n that nuy I · I · J wus among the coll ection beF a ther Perry, chiefly m conj unct ion cone us1on • ie arrive at wus foa n<l ed ' which longi11g to M. Secretan, anti has J·ust wi th Fathei· s·u,.,,re,.n-e~, ha~ nndt>r - on more toan sufficient data . Lastl y, l 1een b_ 011 g h t for · 1 the L ouvre for £22,l tl11·s we mus t no L01mt, tn k eu severnl magnetic su rvfiyu . nnc·11· 10 was ever 120, 1s ooe ~ u · · of th (l most noti1ble work s T hese cnmiwise the west of France, wi rn g lo g ive l< 1s time and se rvices to •] · f of the tim e. lVIillet, wh o was born in in 1868, tbo east of Frunce, iu 1869, 0• iers. I n spite o a great_ deal l•f and Belvium rn 1871. The magnetic correspon d en cc, nn y one o f Ii1s 1_1ea rers 18 14,H was 44 years old when he painted "' th en in tb o ripes t epoch elements were al so observed at vurions , a t t he nur~tero~rs Iect nrcs 1<fl deI1vered , it.f h. . e was . ~, audit wns but nin e years I r ts ge n111 atation~ in t he flXpcd11 ion to Kerguelen was snro O 110 lln mct tllte ans wer to auy olute r-u ~hort tim e, if we remember in 1874, and at Nos Vey, Madagascnr, Jiffic ul _ty whic_ h lie rn ig_bt P1_·o_pose. _lt h ~ '] 11 k 1111JI 111 f t e a pat I1y with which his works were in 1882. It was pri11ci1Jlllly on ,'LCC'·li ut. was • d s " d l _ ees o d1 po 1t1on r.i l11ch v rccei ~ed -tha t he was made a Cbevalier of h i~ magnetic surveJS tha t F •, (lier so e_n earc_ 11_m to all ~l,o bad an y of L e ion Perry wns made !I Fellow of the R,,yal d~alrngs w1Lh l,1 m, an d wb_1ch wil l ca:1£e 111 illthe ct set to gworl of H oi°o~r. W he:; Society on J une 4 1874. Before the I h11n to be remerubc red with deep atfoc- 1 h I I . c1 · '. upon s fi · e 111, a very 1sl1n;:t, 11 0td10 at Angelu Lh e rnme yea r 1867, when a fiae equatoria l was ion 1 man! yccu..s t.o com e.- T abt et. i time, a very d_if:licult, id ~u which ho erec~ed at Stony~urst, very few a~tro - , ===== ===== ===== = ' purpo e,l to work out. I t was t he nom1cal observatwns had been u nder- : , old prob lem of" painting souu d. " He taken bey~n? such as were required Beach, ali as Le Uaro1,, is engaged wa!Jt.11d to convey the impression of fo r delermmmg the P.osition ,of t he oil- in writing his "prnw11al :-d ven tures ." music, not by nny s ucil crude means a 8 ser vatory and for_ time. l• row tb 1s 'l rnth may 1,c mig hty nn ,\ doubtl c-•s t,l, e representat ion of some instrn<l ate regular work rn t.h1s c!cpart_111e □ L will Jll'tJV!l. il fi na lly , IJ11 t not before it rnent or sou rce from which th e sound ~]so was ti.ken 1111 by t.he la to rn tle- tak es a fa ll or two out of L e Caron. ~houltl proceet.1 1 but rqth er by the more




! subtle

k in d of suggestion which the pourtrayal of the effects of the music ,oigh t produ ce. · The materials he ehose for the workin g out of this theme were darin g ly simple. Hi s clramatis personre were two only--t wo peasan ts, a man and a wouuw , at work as potato digge1·s. B~hind them he threw in an almost featureless lau<lecupe, nnd he lit the whole scene dimly as in t he evening. It was by means of such a scene that be proposed to depict, if the term may be allowed, th e q ni et music of a rural village with its many voices. The task would have been abandoned by many men as soon as it wns beg un, but Millet said to itiroself, "Truth of expressicu will do it all;" and so it did. Th e precise moment cau ght IJy the picture is t-lmt when t.ho first stroke of the evening bell from the distant chapel has floated to where the potal,o gatherers ure staodiog. They h11ve almost completed their task, and as the sound reaches them the1 st0p. Tbe mnn stands almost fronting th e spectat.ol', his fe et in clumsy sabots, bis anns folded, with his cap in his hand, and his head bowed. Beside him a th ree-pronged fork, emblem of his toil, I H stuck aslant into the earth. The woman, wh o stands to the right of th e pictn!'e, 1s loo king towurcls him, her face 111 profile, 11nd, prompted by th e solemn so nnd of the hell, they are both repeatin g Angelus Domini muntiavit !ti arill!. Betwee n the two stands a basket which they have l'ille<l, 11nd behind the woman there 1s a loaded wheelburrow ; but th e•e things and all el se of earth are forgotten.-Scotsma!J,

The late Dr. Dollinger. We should he sorry to appear to say anything harsh about the illustrious German Listo!'ian who has lutely passed away unreconciled to the Church. Hut th e statements of the leading Vienna Catlrnlic paper, the Vaterlancl, borrowed uH they are from the German Catholic organ, the Germania, seem to imply too seriou s a lesson for a Catholic paper to pass it over. Of course we leave- to the Austrian and German journals the foll responsibility ot th eir statemants, but th i~ is what we read in them : The secret why the grace of returning to the Chu rch was not gran ted to a man who bad certainly deserved so well of her, may perhaps be guessed. Scientia mflat, says the Apostle, and in Dollinger's case the truth of this word has once more been pro ved. Placed before the allernatirn of choosin<> between the Papal infallibility and his ow;;, he har'.t not the humility to bow to the former. Nc,w humility, too, is a grace which must be sought by prayer. But it was just in thisin prayer-that he failed . The great. savant had al ready for long before the def,nition of the infallibility, laid aside his Breviary • and had limited himself to saying M.ass on 'sun• days. Such is the explauation, · If this be true, the lesson to be dedu ced is an old, but non e th e less a solemn one, to all· of us.-Tablet .

Dr. Littledale . The den th of th e Rev._ Richard Frede1:ick ~ittletiale, L.L .v ., tonk place at 111s residence, 9 , P,ed Lion Square on . h t. ..,s atur day 01g Dr. Littledale ' waa born in Dublin. in 1833 aod entered Tri niLy Coll,;cre, Dablio 'as n Founda. n sch umr. ' <> ' t1o He wa9 ordained ia 1856 by Dr, Hinds, Bis hop of Norwich and licensed to tb e curacy of Tho rpe Harn• let, N orfolk, ufter wliir. h he held for four _years the curncy of St. Mal'y-theV1rgrn, Crown Street, Soho. Dr. Li tLledale wus so great n sufferer from c.hronic ill - health for the laet twentyhve yeurs, or uearly half his lifetime, 011 to be abl e to take little or no pa rt in parochial work. S ince 1857 Dr. Littledale has i~s ued a s nccessiou of works near ly all marked by II zest for contro~ers~ in its leas t lovely forrus, and by un rnubtl1ty to be fair with opponentis wli c11 Lhose oppo nents were, as was ue11rly always th e case, members of the Ca ·hol ic Clrnrcb . F,1th er Ryder's repl y to Dr. L ittledal e's Plain Reasons

ugainst joining the Church of Rome is

well known ; aod Fath~r Aus tiu Richardso n und others may almost be said to have been kep t busy in correcting the crops _of errors which grJJ w up uu<ler Dr . L1ttl edale's prolific pen. Th e Daily Telegraph says th at " by th e death ot


, - ~

lfgj' MARCI-I 6, 1890.




Dr. Littled11le the E stablish ed Ch □ rcb has lost its most. celebrated fre e- lance in modern duy s. He was an Iri shm an, and a born con trov ersialist. Alth ough a Ritualist, and a fav ourite 'Father Confessor' to crowds of devotes wh o flock ed to him fo r advice, the reverend gen tlema n was a strong opponent of Ro man Catholicism. Dr. Liltl edule never did mnch parish work, not 011ly on acount of chron ic ill -health, but because he preferred controversy to parochial labour, and the writing of articles for Ch n rch papers to t.lie com position of sermons."


T he probable case s ub mitted, and th e pointed by the IIo uso of Lords h11s lie gave !1i s sup port to local interests dPcisious arrived at, we mnst leave to present11d its r eport. He consid,l!'s that in preference to I mperial inter es ts. the imuginaticn of our readers, or to the measure y iel il i11 g !lllperial control M r. Alex. 1\fcA rtl rnr strongly s upthe pen of onr amus ing contemporary, over Western 1\ 1, . 1rnlia sho·1 ld havo ported the Bi !I, a nd poi11ted out how Punch ; fo r in trut h they soo11 ltecomr em ana ted fro ni t lie Imperia l Parl iame u t, hackwrml Wes tern Au stralia had reso grotesqn e to eve n a s uperfic ial tltiu k- and not in th e local Lcg iblatore at mnin e.t und er t he i,;ys tem o f Crown iug, thut we g ive it up. • Perth. Governm eut, wb il e the other colonies Does, th en, thi s well -meaning civi lian The Western A ustrnlian del egates, un der Rcs pou sibl e Gove rnm ent, hnJ made seriously presen t ns with sn~b n quack supported by severnl rn emhers of th u phenome nnl prog recs. t·emee:ly fo r the deep diseases of the flo n8e of Commous, huve waite,l upo n Mr. C l, nml,e..Jaiu also s upported the human sou l ? Hus be reflected , befo re Sir Geo rge Campbell, und urged hirn Bi ll, irn d hoped , li nt u11d er th e 1ie w conass umin g this office, u pon s uch primary to withdraw his amendment aga inst t.he st itntio n tile colouy won lJ s npport 11 yet momeotoue distinctions as won Id E nabling B ill , bu t ho hag remained c,1111 prehensive sche me of ir::1migrution. meet him beforo li e had been lu1 lf-11n - obdurntf' to all their nrgnme 11 ts. D nr ing l1is s peech he also otrongly probour ut work ? S up pose the fi rst conThe Chronicle contains nu art icle on teste,1 ni:rain st th e unfair trentme 11t of fid ential letter he opened to in volve tbe Sir George Campbell 's renewed opposi- Britis h vessels trnc!ing lo th e North of. distinct ion betwee n a delica te and a tion to the W. A. E n11bli ng Bi ll , and the colony , ns compu·red with the treat The New Grand Penitentiary. scrupulous conscience, and th at the fin e regards his amendment, as gross ly ment of for eig n ve&sels. 13 ri tish vcssels, line between them had to be applied to insu lting to the people of that colony. he con tended, were compelled to pay some prncticnl point of d11 ily life. Many Yeste rday a R ussian on his dea th -bed tuxes when trading amon g the pearle rs, When young Beaconsfield ouce fo □ nd people know, bes ides pri ests , t lin t the at Dakato confessed to being impl icated w bile fo reign vesoels tru Jed fr ee and tl uhim self in company with Lord Melrea l and all -s utlic ient re medy for :1 io a plot tom nr de r th e Czar, and Ju s t be- rest ri ctt:<l . bourne, the vetera.n Premier was so Huro n do Worms, in replying, r x struck with his ability that he fini shed i:jC r □ pu l ou s tu rn of mind is nn nt,edienc .. fore exp irin /! he gave the names of a by asking him what he could do for unqnestio ni11g-un n ·a.,on i11g, ir •·on pre- nn ni hPr ,,f prn mi uen t 11 \issian offi t:ials plail\ed th at th e B ill prevented 1.1,e fer so to ph rnfe it- Lo the wo rJ of a being also concerned in tho movemen t. excln sion of imm igrntiou from Engla11J him. "Why," . answered the fnture confesst>r, who is supposed to k now hi ~ The healt.h of Lord Tenn yso n shows wi thout th e I m perial assen t, und tbnt first' L ord of the Treasury, " I should aJeq nul.e provitl iOIJ hud been made for like to be Prime Mini ster.' ' " Well ," bu siness throu gh IL H udy of lUOl'al signs ofan improvement. Yeater<lay the ex-Pri mate of A us- t he protection of th e abo riginal rnc.:: of remarked Melbourne, with his habitual theology, not ofmontbs, but of yea rs. It bonhomie, "the post is not just now is, indeed, a hea vy respons ibi li ty for tral ia, B iRhop Barry, while !er.tari ng on the oo louy . He also s trongly eu logised him , whil e it is the ligh tenin g of the tlie subject of Social ism, was hissed and tbe colon ists on the progress they had vacant." The same answer wou ld soul of th e pm1 itent. But this is hooted by the audience, to such :1 □ made uotw ithst:lllding th o fo rm of -probab ly be returned to Mr. Stead, were he to un dertak e a second pil grimage to impossible withou t II Divine sanction, extent that th e lecturer was completely Govcrnm f nt which prevai leJ, and whic h, no matte r bow ge neronsly adRome, and propose himself for th e an d a Div ine nssnrance : "He that silenced. hea retb you, heareth Me." A cRse, Tbe younir King of Spaiu, who is ministered ou pnr t of the Im pe rial fun ction of Grand Pen itentia ry. kn own years ago to the present writer,, :1ow iu his fifth year, bns sufforetl a Gove rn 1n1int, rrrn st ha v<J tended to co nYet, where a Lord John Rus sell or a was th at of an old nwn of grent de11otion, relapse, nnrl the worRt symptoms of sitleruh ly l,ump,:r Lh em. He also reBeaconsfield m ig bt have q na iled, th ere of inuGcen t and prayerfu l life, who fi rml y tl,o ,Jis◊rdc r from which he h as r,f lat e ferr ed tu the vns t resour,;es of the Mr. Stead rush es in, and is qui te rea dy. believed th at he bad committed the nn -- bceu suffe ri ng huve l'(Jappen rcd. Much collJ11y, and said li er c11p 11city fi ,r rap id Be will begin , pro bonopublico, th e soo11 er parclon ab le sin. All the efforts of the al1irm is ev ince,! in all quarters as to devt,lop111cmt ru lly en t itl ed her to th e better. " A re th ere a11 y among the Protestant clergyman, all hi~ . general the ultimate res ult of the illn ess . fHllonomouP governme nt. readers," he : sk s, "who fee l th o crn ving Sir ,f. C. B,. Colom:>, >Dember for LONDON, February 27. for coun sel, for sympath y, a nd fo r thr "com fo rtabl e words." were unavailing lo remove the dreadfu l burden that was Batler~ca, -James Bryce, member fo r <Consolation of pouring out th eir so ul 's Sir George Campel l continues to wenriog him away. Now bring such grief? If so may I ask th em to comexpress hi~ dot~rmination to propo,e 1111 Alierdl;eu, uud the Rig ht Ho n. G. an instanc~ of religious delnsion under Osborne i\.Jo rgan, me mbe r for Denbigh, municate with me?" A th ousa11d no ti ce of M r. :i tend's funta. i::lubmit it, amendment aga in st the pa9suge of the strollgly supported t he measu re. pitie~, is our fi rst refl ec tion, that Mr. yr. A . Enabling Bi ll nt its seco11J let us say, to a Mis's E dgeworth, a ~llcss rH. ll. C. l< erg uson , member f11r Stead should ho ve tuke to j onrn nli sm George E liot, a Hurriet Martineau; we reaJing. If be pers ists, and his L eith, lle nry Seton-Ku rr, rn e!llber for instead of to the Anglican ministry . oppos ition dclnys th o cons i,lerut.ion of name these because, to the lawyers on St. Hcleus, and Sydney Gedg e, member With what unction would he ha ve read the other side of th e table, i L might the Select Co1mn ittee's rPport until f r Stock 1ort, al so su pported Lb £ Bill, out the invitation, so regul arly given , so, it is ,lik(•ly that the Bill wi ll sou nd like a problem in Cherokee. It but couLendcd that it wo :.ld b.- the seldom, we opi ne, re~ pon ded to ! If would be ioterestiog to know bow far be prevented from passing cluriae the <lLtt,y (' f the Honse to our luil the arcu there be any man, tho P ray er Book prP,ent seesion . tlw pa t,ient (we must not, of course, say direct, th e Established clergy to :mThe Globe 11uvoc1\tes tlt e establish- o! l:tnd proposed hy the B ill to be pe ni tent) ,vould be improved after a six nounce, v,ho cannot quiet bis own ment of a fund to reco up the Times for lrnrnled over to the colonis t.s, it beiui; month ~' cou rse of moral platitude·s , or conscience, "let him come onto me, or th e loss su stained by th e proprietors i11 fur too large co nsid eri ng t be preseu t dreamy Buddhism . But bring him to to some other discreet 1111d learned libelli ng Mr. Pa rn ell. 'l'he paper ~ta to" po,rn l11 tinn. a pries t, and couvioco him of that Most, of t!,c Lonclon uews papel'8 t, lii ➔ minister of God's Word, and open his tbat several persons have offered to pri est.'s powe r from on high : a quarte r 111or11i11g have lead ing a rt icles oq the degrief." Th e moderntion of the soven,l s ubscr ibe to the fund, in tl,e event of of an hour, anrl be rises from \1is kness bnte, bu L nearly nll of tb em asse rt that in·vitations is nearly on a par; for wh ile one being started, to the exten t of £ 100 a new ma □; bis bu rd en bas fallen df at the n, ca pro :1osed to be hand ed over to the minister assumes himself t.o he each . t he foot of the Cross . Of one conclu sion the clJlu11 i, ts, mus t b0 more limited. discreet 11nd learned enough for th o 1:-\ir Vernon Harcourt, spPr.k ing at we sure ; if Mr. Stead's •· te11tntive ,\7 r. llcnnike r -Hea ton bas been occasion, the journalist seerus to im ply suggestion" ass n mes t.he t1111gible form Bath, and Si r Charles H usrnll, s · eaking- u ppui II Led a meu1be r of Ll1 e Select Colll no less. It would be unfair, howe vc• r, of an ex periment it wi ll eithe,· mee t with at Cambridge, yesterdn y , slat<'d I hat; t.he mi ttcc, in atl cli tiou lo !.hose g en tl emen to omit that in this com parisc,u th ere is its mos t formidab le enemy, s ju st nnJ Stat.ntory Commiss ioners' report bud wbose names li ave been ulrnad y tele· one point decidedly in Mr. Stead 's public ridicule, or it wil l degenernt.c acquitted Mr. P1trnell of c,very acc usa- g r11phecl. favour; for whereas in th e other cnse tion affecting his houo r. into such manifestations and experiences T be Intcruatiounl L abor Conference the wife (K@ble's Charlotte of t o-day), Dom Pedro, the ex- Emperor of as in Noncomfol'm ist system s tend to which li as bee n arru ug ed at th e instance aided by Tuylor'ti _Ductor Dubitantium, Brazil, purposes return ing tl, ere shor tly to bring relig ion itsel f into contempt. of the ~mperor of Ge rm1111y wi ll, it is 1Woulrl be U,e 011ly pro babl e refe ree, he, ns a private citizou a nd owoing l, is A nyhow, it will sf. no d as a monume nta l understo od, coufiue itself to deuling for l1i8 pa r t, pro poses a kind of St a11 ci exumplo of t he nnpracticul absnl'Jitieo ull t>ir 1o the n_ew governmeut.. with the q ucs t ions of fema le and j n vo nile 1 in!!" C0mmittee. ' ' T beir ca!:es, • he This step has been ocrasioned owing to into TT hich a n honest 1nau mny fall, labor a nd ~ab but.h work. ass ures us, " as th ey sn bmit th em, will whe n he sets out 011 a grutu itou, pressure of poverty on t.he pnrt of the l\lr. H. M. ti ta11ltJy, the no ted African be placed befo re su ch ClJ Ul pe te11t and mission to set tli iDgs I ight all round. Empciror who will henceforth reside in explorer, is expect~d lo arr ive in Lon fl kilful advi sers as I a w ab le lo gath er Braz il nod renoun ce hi ~ ri ghts to the Ne sutor subi-a c1·epidain ruay be a w.orndon on March 18th. Prepara tions a re l 'QIJl](r me from am ong tile bes t men Crown. ing to him nex t time. Meanwhile, tho being made Lo 1L ccord hi m a th orough .and wom en in th e E ng lish-speak in gIt bas now tran s pi red th at., in all, a co11fessiooal, that lia~ stood th o attacks world." Dr. Hook, wh en Vicar of hund red 1111d fift.y persn11 s were drown ed rccoµ tiou 011 arrival. of centuries of open u nbelievors, will Two tbou , an d L iverpoo l Dock ers Leeds, jg said to have announced fr om co ntin ue its minist ry lJ f reconciliatio11, thro11 gh tlrn bnrsting of tho Ar izona sf ruck yos terdny in orde r to s upport the tti e pulpit th at on the fo llowi ng SaturJam and that every building within ~ of gu idance, and of comfo1t, despite t,he gra in business dema nds for increased day he would be sitting in o □ e sacristy ias iclio ti s method of attack inoocently hnndred miles of Hussayampn Valley w~ges. to hear all th e men, and M rs. H ook in has t,pea destroyed . The dam wa s one devised by Mr. Ptmch's new Pope At N ottingliilm thirt<ie n LLousaud the other, to hear all th e woui en. B ut of tl,e largeRt in Ameri ca . Peun y-11-L inns wb o seeks to travesty collier8 burn 8Lr uck w1Lh a view to ,since the ripple of lau ghter tliat g reeted The Emperor of Germa ny has induced i t.-Rcgiste1·. t hat notice at th e time, we hav e met Prince Bismnrk to re tain th e offices of obluiuing an iuc reaso lJf te n per cent. ..with few things more comic (Mr. S tend Prime Mi tiister of P ru ssia and PriDce on theil' prr,,c• nt rotl; of pay. At J\l[essrs . Llornsby and Sons' no ted will let us say so) th an th is. I mag ine Chancellor of the Germ11t1 Empi r,'. the scene. A boa rd of g reen clo th, in It is propo3ed to hold a11 In tcrnatiooal iro 11-wu r lts, the whole of tlll~ men huve the office of tho Review of Reviews: th e Labour Coufcronce, which will meet aL bLnwk for 1111 i,rnrcas..: uf 2s. per wee k in reTiewer in the chair, an d, gafoered Berlin on l\Jurch 15. f<'ranco and Llt ci r w:igc.-: . 'l'liu ~l 11 1, utt1s t ri be at So,Hh Dclngo 0,, around him, a dozell comp, ten t and Engl und have each agreed to send (From the Daily News.) .skilful adviserR, men and women . representatives to take pnrt in 1hc tlic fi ,.( h ting ~t.rengtl1 of wh ich is 30,000, FOREIGN. Jias asked Mnjo r Serpa P in to to e,:tentl Lawyers woul<l be cest for th e men ; deliberations. to th eu1 t bo protecl io11 ef Portu g ~I. Ou •ex perienced practitioners at th e cri rn in1d LONDON, Februnry 28. LONDON, February 27. recci1,t of thi s i11 Ion nation L ord :-i alisbar, to appraise do mnge~ fo r some In the Hou~o of Common s las t night :mc ient net of violence that bus neve r The select cornm itlee appointed Lo Buron de "\Norm s, the Under ~rc ret ury bu ry, the l:lriLi&h Foreig n r::iec retnry , nt come before any court bu t tb e in c)ivi cl ual conside:· and report upon th e \.Yes tern of State for tl ie Colon i(•s, moved tbe once I' g ni11 rerniuucd th o Po rtugu ese -conscience : bow for is it to be ":in eye Australian Enabli ng Bi ll have fini shed second read in g of th e W. A. Enabling Governwcnt that care llHb L be lHken :for an eye, 11 tooth fo r a too th " ? W hen t hei r labo urs, und the repo rt is now Bill, which a ft.e r a sl1ort disen:sion waR that no Urili~li r ig b ts a rc inter fered · :about the solidarity in restitution, am ong bei ng circ ulated am ong the mem bers of carried withoutop po,itiou. A s prcvionsly with. ,three or fo ur thi eves, one of wh om tli e Hou se or Commons. arranged, the B ill was then referred to tl ir Geo rge Campbell, the Liberal a Select Committ.ce, of wliicb S ir George irepents and writes to the rev iewer ? INTERCO LO N I AI... .Eq uity barristers, on th e oth er hnn d, member fo r K ir kcaldy, l1as given ue,tice Bnd~n -Powcll will, it is untler~tood, be J\I1n,BouRNi.;, 1<-,ebrua ry 27 . must be selected for the more subtl e th at on the· motiou for the second read- Chall'mnn. Par!iu.ment has been furth er decisions tbnt would lie needed in g reat ing of th e Wes t Anstrnli an 1£nabli ng Duriag the debate Sir George C11mp- prorogu ed until t he 15th Ap ril. .abundance. Tbe gentler SAX is repre- Bill being l,rought fo , wnrd, lie will bell rose and enicl thut he intend ed to It is proposed to hold t he first sitillented by some strong-mind ed si8lers. move an amen dment stuting thot the witharaw the amendment, of which he ting of the Intercoloni::\.\ '.Hilita ry Ho nse is unw illi ng to sanction th e pas- h~d g iven notice, al:hou gh lie strong ly 'The post-bag is lmrided iu, au d opened Conference about t he end of A pril. <by the cha irman wi th hi; ow n k ey; for sage of tl10 Bill until better information reiterated hi s obJoclion s to th e pass in g .t'. clmiral Lord Charles. Scott in -the nnmes of his corrcspondentK " wi ll' i~ lor tb con1111ing of the character of tb e of the meas ure. Ue alRo objer.te,J to commu.nd of the A ustralian :::qu~dron , .if they so desire it, be known ouly to terriLo ry oi' Western Autitralia, and Sir li'rederick l3room r '~ course of con - ha been a keel to ::.ttend t he procced>h.illlJlelf." Thi~ i~ Ji i, po test as tlapiu1µ 1 until .the Oo!uni za ti on Com mittee ap - duct dul'ing h ·s em c,f oflice1 w 1~r by llll.'(S. 0

.if oreinn an~ j)ntercoloninl m:elegrnm~.




,v. A. RECORD.

Lord Hopetoun has received a! estimated at £75,000, which has telegraphic reply from He r Majesty occurred principally among the maize tli o Qucfln, cxpl'essing s,ttisfaction at crops. th r loy,d n.ddrns!'l n.n cl cong rntulati11g the B nISBANE, February 28. colonies upon the success achieved by Yest erd ay a working man , named 1 th tJ late 1' cdim,l Co11fernnce. Bany gave himself up to th e police, :\fr. •·trillitz, tho tre,tsu rr r of t he owing to the t erribl e cond ition of his Opern H onsc, is recovering fro m t he mind, through having murdered his inj urio · li o recci vcd at t ho Jate gas wife, which . he confessed to having explosion at l<'itzroy. done by beating her brains out with an ,\' 1·. i\lo1,tgo 111cry, Hie well-known axe handle, the assault, lasting for hrcwc1·, wl 10 receivccl tho first prize at several holll s. th e last Mellioun1c .l:<:x hibition for his Yesterday four little boys were magnificP nt show of beer, d ii cl y esterplay-ing on a pl ank over a water hole day. Th e deceased was :it 0119 time on Mr. Thompson's estate. By some ni:-wager oE ~1 cCracken's reno wned means, not yet ascertained, the plank brewi 11 0 est;,\, ishrn ent of th is city. collapsed, the result bQing that the M YDNEI', Fehrua 1·y 27. whole of them were precipitated into Hc,i,·y r::tin contin ues to fall t he water and we re all drowned. t li roug l,o ut the :Northern districts. AD'ELAIDE, February 28 . Ti, t:' fa rm c1·s Jocatocl along the banks Mr. H. J. Alld rews, Underof ilie Hun te r Ri ve,· Ji;we SLl St ed da m::tges t o the extent of £30, 000, Secretary and Chief Statist, has been appointed to represent the colony at owing· to th e flood wate rs. The Postal Confe rence is proceeding. t he Census Conference to be held at •4 t th e present ti1nc the · on ference Hob::trt next mouth . The prospectus of the Perth Tramis considerin g the intercolonial postage rates, with a \·iew to m:i,ki11g them way and Investment Company will be unifo n11 thl'oughout Austrnl ia, as well p ublished, and iss ued to the public as reg ulations for extending the next week. The capital of the conprivil eges of t he money order system, cern is £100,000, :1nd one-half the the t rnns port of the English mails rmcl amount has already been subscribed t heir ftr rival :inrl departuni, ftS well as by a number of prominent Adelaide t li e internationfli and intercolonial and Sydney speculators. t eleg raph rates. S ha.res :1re steady . Brokens :1re Yeste rcl,1y a threatened strike au,ong £12 17s. ; Tens, .£14 18s.; Centrals, the butche,·s' employees was :werted, £ l 2 15s. ; Fourteens, £ 8 16s. ; Souths, by both sides agreei11g to the men .£7 2s ; Junctions £6 16s.; British, workin g twel ve hours e,ich day except £ 5 13s. Saturdays, which in future will be :1 The week's run at Junction mine day of sixteen hours. reco rds 16,000 ounces of silver, showThe mnster bakers are slowly con- ing an avernge of 50 ou nces to the ton ceding to the dema nds of the men, n,nd of ore. h a ve called ;1 meeting for the purpose MELBOURNE, March 1. of considering the price of bread, with Yesterday John He witt and a view to increasing it. Francis Villess wore sentenced to ADELAID1', February 27 . death fo r attempting to murder The steamer Governor .71-1 usgrnve constable Wizard, on the 24th August ar ri ved at Port Adelaide yesterday, last. l\J r. Justice Holroyd, in passing towin g the missing steamer B uceph .. Sfntence, informed both the condemned al us, whi ch site found thirty-five men that there was no hope what ever mil es from (},pe Borda, with :1l1 h ands of the extreme penalty of the law safo. being remi tted. Mr. Lowrie, ProfesRor of Ag riculThe heari ng of the case against Dr. ture, .-nd Mr. Inglis, a prncticfl.l fanne r Fisher, of Collins-street, for performof Grorgctown, Jm ve ,1een appointed ing a n illegal sul'gical operation has been Lhe cl rlegatcs to rrpresr'nt this colon y adjo urn ed for a week, owing to the a t the Red Rust Confel'eucc. Thc~y patient being too il l to attend the le::tve fo r l\Ielbourne to-day. Police Court at the present time. The Lo ndon correspondent of th e SYDNEY, March 1. Adve1·tiscr - makes a refe renre to Si1 · F ul'th er floods are reported from the Wi!Ji R.m Rouinsou, the Gove rnor-elect North- west districts, in which the of Western 1\ustrnlia, who, he states, country, for many miles round, is is stayin g at the lJ oteJ Metropole .. surround ed hy water. Up to the Th e R. ~l .8. .0 l'm uz has been present t ime, however, only two quarnntined, owing to severa l cases of dro wning accidents have been measle$ having occul'recl durin g her reported. recent voyage fron1 I<:.G. Som1d. · The Customs receipts for February Shares have slightly improv-ed . ;i,re £7,700 less than the amount Tens arc £14 19s. ; Centrals, £12 l l s.; l'eccived during the corresponding ]3roke11s, £12 4s.; Fou rteens, £9 l s. ; quarter of last year. Souths, £7 2s. ; Junctions, £ 6 19s. ; ADELAIDE, March 1. B riLish, £ 5 ] 7s. Sir James Lee-Steere, t h e Vv . A. T ho weather 1s cloudy, and is delegate to the Federnl Conference, tbl'eatcning rain. wil l a rri ve in the city by train from MELBOURNE, Febrnary 28. Melbou rn e this morning. Tlie comt of Marine Enqui ry has It is proposed hy Mr. Bruce to at found the charges brought against once com mence ope1·at ions in the work Captain ,villiau,s, and the mate of su rv eying a thousfl.nd ac res of land ( l{ohflr t s) of tlie wrecked ship Holy- fol' t he pul'pose of forming a nu cleus h ead , amounting to grqss miscond uct to establish an irri gation colony at :incl c,u•f' lessnf'SS in the wwigation of ,vmochrn Creek, by the artesian the vesse l, to he fully sustaiuecl. Con - system . scriuently both thei r certiHcates have The Mayo r's annual picnic, which been suspended; 'Will iams' for two years took ph1ce at B:1bbanah yesterd ay, was ,wcl the ni,itcl's for PighLccn mon ll,~, a great success. while {i11c~ of £20 :rnd £10 respectively The steamer Flinders, from vV. A. li:we abo been im posed . It is expect- ports, has arrived. The M.M.S. th :1t the vessel will be Hoated off. t:ialazie sr,ils for K. u. Sound this 'l'he si t.ting of tl1e Red R ust Con- afternoo•~, and the Oriz;i,ba leaves for forcnce has I.Jeon p ostpo11cd uu ii the same port on Monday. :rviarch 15. T he following is a complete list of SYD~ii:Y, Fchruary 28. s.s. Albany's passengers for W. A. Thc steamer Sikh bas be'3n released ports :--Messrs. 'loft, G. Robe rts, from qi.:arantinc. Holmes, Broad, White, Temple, Coptain Linclemar. has rctumed Bishop, Scott, Shean, G raham, from the wreckcrl steamer H.iverin:1. :\1 esclames SIoft, Puplett, Mitchell, H c reports that the salvage operations Garwood, Thomas, Hillier, Misses ,we proceeding \,ri sk ly, ancl tlrn.t t.he Ricl gways (2), and Scott; and 38 in \'esscl if; likely to List fo · a long time the steerage. <,fter lhe cargo has been taken out. S ha res ::i,rc eas iot·. J31ock Tens a re The Australian [(!even, for the fo rth- .£15 10. ; Centrals, £ 13; Brokens, com iug cricketi11g tou r to Englan d, £13 6s.; Rounds, .£11 5s. ; Fou rteen s, wil l be Ji11ally selected next ffatunlay . £1:1 lls. ; Souths, £7s 2.; Junctions, It is still rain ing heavily through- £6 7s; Dritisb, .£5s 1Os. ; Norths, £2. out t,he N orther11 clisLri cts, ancl owing to the extent of the floods, a large number of sheep have been drown ed. Miss ]Vlary Ande rson will, it is said, The dama.!:!'.r. arisin~ from lhc fl oocl1 be led to tbe alLar by i\lr. Navarro, an throughout the Kcms<•y ]Jistrict is American, in the course of this year.


6, 1890.






G .. ~EA.Rl.V.l:A~'S.

Great Reductions and Bargains in the following lines : LADIES' BLOUSES AND JERS EYS. LADIES AND INlrANTS 1 MILLINERY, DRESS MA'l'ERIALS English and French (s uitab le for the p r esen t and coming Season), PARACHUTES, SUNSHADES, CHILDRENS' DRESSES BLACK GRENADINES, STRAW HATS ' GENTS' CLO'rFIING, HATS, SHIRTS, & Hosiery,

Very special lines in TWEEDS1 redu ced to ls, l id. and upwards. SASH RIBBON, &c. CARPETS and RUGS . REMNAN'l1 S.

Also a quantity of

A few lines in FANCY GOODS, suitable for BAZAARS we a r e prepared to clear at a low price. Country Storekeepers w ill do well to pay us a visit during t h e Sale. Special terms made for Pianos during the sale (by well-known makers).




1-.,--,0R a term of years, the MISSION .I1 F A RM, consisting of J.Qou t

NOW OPEN. fifty acres, well fenced and sub-divided into fo ur fields, with a small cottage thereon. MORNING. ALSO,-A one hun dred acre paddock of good grazing land, . well From 10 to 12, for Ladies and Children fenced with a two rail fence, about only. Admission 6d. ; Skates Free. half a mile from the above. The above will be let separately if AFTERNOON. r equired. Any further information can be obtained from the undersigned From 2,30 to 5. Admission, 6d. to whom offers may be sent. Skates 6d. JAMES MAGUIRE, Agent, " and Dardanup, 24th J anuary, 1890. EVENING. From 8 to 10. Admission, 6d.;Skates l s.

G-uil 11.lto1·,1 Hot~t, Guiltlto1·tl.

EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. Prize Gala fo r Child ren.

r - - -


M:USIC, By Professor Roberto.



Directly opposite the R ail way Station.

Skates on Sale from 15s.


EvE11v CoNvrrnrnNCE FOB

VISITORS. Only the best brands ..,f, Beers, and spirits kept in sto..,k.






TO Good Stabling and an attentive Ostler. Ii is E .i·cellenclJ th e Gove1·11or, Su· F,.ederick N. lJ,.oome, K .C.M.G. For quietness, comfor t, and situation the Gu1LDFORD HOTEL, has no equal in th e Colony.


~OTS, 50lks . frontaise m depth. One nnl e from t he Post Office, overlooking K G.S. Price, £20, including Transfer. L and within 2 miles of Town Hall, from £3 per acre. South side of the Harbour, from £2 per acre. J . GALLE. 0



L A ND .•

D UIDING l l 275lk s.








W ellington L ocation, No. 300. For particulars apply to HUGH BRADY. Buubury, D ~.c. 19.

in stock, a ,arge and A LWAYS assortme11t

nl'ied of Gig, Cart, a ud Caa Harness, Ladies' and Gents' Ridin" Saddles ~_nd Bndle,s , .B.oys: and Girls• Saddles and ,_1lcbes,, Saddles, ,Jockey Saddles Horse ~ lollJ1ng, a nd a.I! requi sites for a firs class Stable or Hosteh,. inclnd,·ug Wl. s,Pllla, • s ~onges, Cbam01s , : Skins, Brushes: n ps, Co mbs, :Scrapers, Clippers, Harness Oi ls, Blackmg, etc. All orde1'.s sent by post OL' otherwise will be· executed with a ll care a nd promptn 1U,. obt:'ined F i llS'l' PRIZE at e:1~~ late 7 \\ .A. Agneultura\ Society 's Show held at~uild ford, for th e best collection of both Sadd lery and Barness. ~ Nole the Address _

R O B E R 1' S ivI I '.I.' H,

BARRACK STRE!s'.l.', (Near the RAILWAY ROTlJ:L ,) T f,!E DRA WING for PRIZES an non nccd WHOLIIRAL'" AGENT F OR 'J'lIE N0R'Hl


lo take pl ace on the 7th Jannary Hi90, i~ un,woitlably POSTPONED to EASTER MONDAY .NEXT, Hold ers of Books wil l o~l ige by send in g Counte rfoi:s and Proceed s to the Revd. i\fother before that


T. J . GOODM:AN, IloD. Sc<'. Build in g Decem ber 2a 1889,




WAT:::ifJN & TEE,

Ro1;,'oournc and Cossack. Perth, October 17 1889.


}~OR. SALE. -A first-class CORNET,. with echo attachment. complete, a bargain.

In case






- - ,-


... MAR CH


6 1890 Mc O L E r; R y, \



c o.

T "\Vl N E,





FCRE, Llli'I!;, A ND MARlNE. M assr s.

Yo n ugPr



Tens, S ugar, Oil man's Store~, and Co lonia l Produce.


Dyer, PERTH .-lVlurray, G eorge, Do uro, Charl es, New ca!-tle, Un rden and Lincoln Stree ts .

Hill, f il.l~i\ lANTLE.-Tu ckfi eltl , Mary, Swanbonrne, PackenLam, Hout li, J ohn, E llen, L ea b, nnd llfnup!o11 S treets. Also, I-lampton



IS PREPARED U lm N SL AND l\lE ATS, !Th & 211) TINS. <'. HI CAG O c o rrnED l3EL.:F 2115 TINS, TO R irnEIVE AN D EXECUTE SOUTII AUf:iTftc\LIAN DESSERT l<'llU lTS 21b TINS, ,, ,, Do, C \LIFOH.NIAN ,, ,, l'0R ALL KINDS OF PE ..\.CO CK' . ' P IE FRUITS, TI NNED VEGKfABL U:8, G REEN P EA ~, TO:VJATOES , ASPARAGUS, &c. KINGSCOTE (S .A.) FI::::ii:-J, AND GENERAL CA BJN BREAD, PA l~KE11.' HOPS, l300-13EO (S. q HAM S AND BACON, PRINTING. TEA IN P i\CKETS, BOXES, AN D HALF CHESTS, C HAMPAUN E CII J~:R , l ~ PIN TS, 1"'. S IW TH ' !l)I~, t i' , :·i :L G i , ·\ SSWA RE, BE.LL & BLACK' t> V1£ST AS, 250's TOBACCO, TWI ST AND L'O l' KE r PIECES, OIGARli.: l'TE S, " \l llWlNfA BRIGHT," " C Ai\iEO," " O LD JUDGE," HAY ST R EET P E RTH . CIGARS, !\IA ~ ILLA , UEflJlAN, "rnrnn.Y CLAY DARL INGS." EHICLES of all description on




A ll otm ents on N OT lt- -Hu ild in g <;a l,, in Frcu1R11tle, from £21; Perth,

mo; O!a1c1uon1, £ 10.

UNDERTAKING doue on Ll,e shortest notice und in t li e mo, t rcspectub le ma un cr ut model'utc c l,111 gcs.


AL SO -FIREWOOD ut an y le11 u th c11t anti tl alivc red in a 11 y part of Pe~th

r1 0LLEY & COMPANY (Limited.) 1



Tl ~lnl,'

AR TH \.J l{,

J O!-lN BOWl~. A,

CJIRONOMETER, CLOCl(, and W ATCil MAKER, JEW RLLlm,, &c. , F, GS to in for m his nll me ro ns C ns tom er 0


th at he ha s ~emoved t o more cx ten sirn premi ses nearl y a djoinin g Mr. llymu s's Chemi s t Shop, Oppo s ite the 'l'own Hall, wh ere be sol iciLs a share of pai ron:i gr. GOLD anu SI LVER WAT 0 B.E 3 and JRW J<:Lf,El{Y o f C\' cry description alway e Qll ha nd. ' Vcud in g Rin gs m ade to ord er T i11, e puyrnents taken . JOIJN BOW R A,

band and mude to order.

-OF -

B cacon s-

fl C"ld, C lare m oilt, Bn sscllon , Pin ja, rn b, and D erby.




Ron e! ,





P,·es to11



C o.'s

(Limited) B ee rs , in Bnlk and Dottle, on Si:Je.

}(oad . Tiic h 111011d,

,v110Jesale anti J.tetail


Froe Goods Stores :

A ssu nA · er,:



ilou dcd Wurehou scs : EssEx STrum T.



-OL! l'l' 8 TREE, FRl\M AN1'LE.



(L IMI11ED.)

Offices and S al e R oom s :






ou t.he premises.

All bu sinees let ters to be add ressed to-








D I R E C T O R S :J\u:x. Fon.m,sT, EsQ. , F .R.G .S., M.L. C., Ch ai rman, \ V. S,rn nov im, E sQ. \V. 81LAS P BAUSJ,, EsQ., M.L.C., &c. EnwArtD Sco'l'T, EsQ., M.R .C.S., &c., Chief M edi cal Offic1< r.

N SURPLUS (nam ely, th e excess of Acc umn1 a toc1 Funds over

on PREMIUM . I N COMB, in tb e AM OUN'l' OFt I 1 ' :::lURANO li] I N JT OJW l-<J, in ANNUAi., NE W BU8INESS, th e L ia,bilities)


FU N E RAL Ci. T th e reques t

of num cr ons fri en ds a nd others, the und ersigned begs to n11no nn ce ' that he is abo ut to add UNDKRTAKI NG ~d FUNE RAL F DR ~ ISilL ' G, lo hi s building an d c11rpcnlcr i11 g busiuesR. l•' 11 nc ral s cn ntln cled expeditiously an d i1. expensivcly in tow n or co un t ry P HILIP REILLY,


EQUI'l'AB I.,·1~ LIJ!' B A SSURANOl!J S OCIETY BX CBED S JTIV lTIRY O'rlTER J,TF E ASSURANCE S OCIET Y-, and m :1,y lie r cganl cd n.s tho "LARGE S'r an d STRONGEST ORGANISA• 'J.'lON of it s kind in t h e ·worl d . Nmv DusrnEss Fon YEAlt BNDED Sl S'r DE c r-:~rnEn , 1888, ovEn £3 1, 250,000. 'l'HE LARGBS'J.' BUSINESS eve l' t rnu sactec1 in one year by any • l ,U'E SOCI WJ'Y in the W orl d. For all p articu1ars a,ppl y to






£ 800

Build e r, etc. l'lluckie-Street, Perth, Jan. 2, 188 !) .



To be drawn as soon as the whole of the


m on ey is s ubsc ribed.

SJ" 'l'ERS


GERALDTON. ~]~RMS ---For chil d ren, under 10 yca rr, 5 guineas per lJtrn,rte r, to b e paid i n ~tlh-a nce. :Mu sic and si' tg ing, 2 guineas.


COT1.., E LL~



Entr;i,n ce Fee, £4.


ove r


0 y ea rs, 8 guineas

per quar t er.

No Mo re Hard Times. J F you wi ll ,;Lop spc rnl in g so mu ch 0 11 fin e e lo lhes. r ich food nnd s tyle, bu y good , heal ll,y fo od, ch cnpc r a n<l lic llcr c lot l1in g ; r,e~ more real nnd subsla n li:d tbi ngs or life every wny , and e, pecially. slo p Llie fool i, h hnb iL of em ploying cxpensil'C quack tlocto rs 0 1· usin g so 111·1cli of I he ,·ile h un1b11 g med ic ine !hat d oes you only h ar111, bu t pn l you r lrn ,. in th at firnpl e, pure rc uied y, Dr. Sou le 'g A mc,·ica ,1 i-lo p lli t Icrs ; Umt c, 11rc, el wnn al n t1·if'.i 1; " co, t. :u 1,l y ou will sec good . ti n,cs and h; ,.t! vo,nd lw:illh. " Ul 11011-




1st Prize- BLOCK OF LAND (lt acre

Freeh old), adjoining railway and r oad at North Fremantle on which is erected a s ubstan'. ti:il 4-r oo med cott:ige ; the whole worth £ 765 2nd Prizc- "\Vinn cr to select to val ue of £25 . I 3 rd Prize- P ony, saddle, &c., value £10.



Is prepar ed to m itke all k rnds of CARRIAGES equal to th ose of tlie Ea ste rn Col oni es nt less cost t lian tlicy ca n be imported• I All Cani::tgcs gu aranteed for twelve montl1s. , l · .c. .Lt er)airs pr omptly execute(l 1n nrst-c ass style. ! _

. A· conrnnttee have kindly of gentlemen consented to co nduct the drawing. a book of 20 tickets . .E ach purchaser of_ th a Complimentary JREei~ed wi



F l i.N Elt A LS pe rforme d

r asonable pr ices.



9" £800 for 10s. ~ t1 1c sl1orLc st n otice , a nd at -·--- -- -- - - - -- , I




FHENC H RViYLJ<,S t; LEVER G unrn nteecl, at J. G.\LT~l!:'~ Alban,









ON 17'.L'li MARCl1 NEXT (St,. Patl'ick's Day). UN DER THE AUSl'IOES 0.11' THE PERTH CA THOLIC YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETY. H andica ppers : M E~SRS. P. J. HEALYand .J. E. l:I ARDWIUK Judge: lYfo. F . J. Kr;LL Y.


pl'incipa.l even'.s wi ll be a H,\ NJJWAP, of 120yds; H uIWLE 1::L\ NllICAP, of 120, ycls. 3ft 6in . hurdles HALF 1fILE HA N DICAP; ONE iVTILE H ANDICAP; ancl 150 ycls. FLAT RACE. S HIU'J:'IEL D

Menibe rsh ip in auy Cathol ic associ;ctiou will be con sidered ,t sufr.icient qualification for cornpetito rn to possess. Nomi nat ions fo r Hanclicaµs, with a list of perform ances fo r the last two ye,1xs, mu st be se nt to the H on. Sect·etary by 8th March ; acceptances will ue rece.ivecl by the s:i rn e offici,Ll up to t he fo llowi ng Tuesday (11th March). No minat ion fee fo r Sheflielcl 2/- ; acceptauce 2/- ; nomi na tion fee for Hurdles, Half Mile, and Mile handicaps 2/each ; acceptance, 1/- each. Sports to comm ence at ·2 p. m. sharp on the Ne w R ec reati on Ground, P erth. ALFRED A. MOFFA 'l', Hon. Secreta ry Sports Committee.

! SJO,



MJ£~1BJ£ H S

£ 125 50 25 25

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

25 0 0 £ 2ii0



Less 10 per cen t. fo r expcnsBs. If not fi tled drawn pro rata . Tickets ca n be o'olaiuccl from Wm. Strickland.



OF s•r. NOR'rHAM.


'rHE BUILDI G COMMITTEE acknowledge with thanks the following amounts ACCOUNTANTS, in aicl of the erection of the NEW CONYEN'l'.. :VALUATORS, Collected by Miss HANN.Arr Wrrru. STOCK AND STATIO.l' AGENTS, £ s cl 10 0 MINING AND Mrs. W . White, sen. lVIr. W . White 10 0 SI I AREBROKERS " Jno. White 5 0 " P. Ryan 5 0 "H. W atson 3 0 PRODUCE S ALESMEN. "Jno. Coyne, jr. 2 0 " J. Delmage 4 0 "Antony 2 0 00:'\SIGN .\1ENTS "J. WiUrn 10 O "T. Brookes 5 0 received at " J . Scott 3 0 PERTH RA I LW AY STATION. "W. Squires 3 o Mrs . Ryan 5 0 Miss Ryan 5 0 SW A>l " A UOT IO.r SA LEROOMS, Mrs . J . Caton value 6 6 Collected by Mrss l\L McMANUS. BARRACK-ST. Miss A. Pilkington 5 0 Miss E. Bm-ton 2 6 Mr. J . Beard 2 6 Mr. J. Conan 2 6 A.PPJEA..:r... Mr. Wisbey 3 0 Mr. Dcvenish 2 0 lVIr. J. Gibson 1 0 N APPE..1.L is made to the Charitablo , , -1_ Public 011 bcbalf of th e Widow Collected by Mrss S. McMa.Nus. FRASER, who, by the death of her hus- ~lt:s. Den'.pster 1 0 0 1 brrnd, 1,as been left with the sole charge . ~f1. K 1 tchne 1 .. · .. · 5 0 of a very large family of little children . 1 Collected by the MrssEsM . & E. BouRKE. Dming the lifetime of their father these I Mr. J . Bourke ... ... 2 6 children ~vere never t he least bm·clen to ! Mrs . J . 'l'hompson 2 0 any except their parents. It is well- Mr . R. Bourke, value, ... 10 0 known to many citizens of Perth that ' Mrs. W ._E[,ton ... 3 0 the late George Fraser wn.s a very in- , Mrs. Allmiston 3 0 cll1strious and slearly man. He worked Mrs. Martm 3 0 fo r a great number of years in Perth at , Mrs.,R 'l'. Enfo n 1 6 hi s trade as 1, Cabinet-maker, but with '. Mr. l'homas Bomke 2 6 so large :i,ncl helples: a family it was · Mr. Rogalasky, value, 3 0 impossi ble for him to make provision for Mr. 'l'. f hb bert 2 0 so un foreseen an event as his early ckath . . Mr . Mernin 1 0 God, however, has been pleased Lo Lake Mrs. Wilicins 1 0 away the bread- winner and it is hoped Mr. E . Woods 1 0 that some few kinfl. fri cndH will aid t lrn Mr. John Carl'ol 3 0 be reaved wido w in bcr grJ,i,t los8 ancl Miss Woods 2 6 ~i&tre s. ! ) [ r. IL. Chitty 1 0 Sttbscriptions sf'Jlt to the caro of ihe ' J'.lc. .fohn allingion 2 6 _il};C RD will be ,l ·dy ;1:·\,10·,, l d Jl·<l. llfr,;. I, Smith 2 0 AUCTIONEERS,

\ f-


6, 1t,90.

DA 'l ! ! ! , l mm1t the rnetuol'y. Yel;, on this , occttsi o11 we note i:;o n1 0 unacTOWN H ALL, FREMAN TLE . ; c ustomec.l va !'iatiom;. F iv e t h oL1rnnd vounds liavo already Loon GRAND TE A J\1EJ~'l:[NG AND CONCERT, : ~1epos i_tcc1 a s a.n earn est o{ t h e rnluution s of tho po l'so us wh0 und er tho auspi ces of tho h avo no w t ~tk eu l1JJ t he e 11 terprize, R l D E R N 1 A N B O C I E 'l' Y. and an exten:=; ion of ti m e L~wiugTICKE'l' , 2s. each. To be had frolll b t:,C'll obt11.i ned from tlw E xeuu t ive, niern bers of Cornmittee. some sixty m en r1,1·e to be set to work 11pon tl1 0 lino wi t hout delay . 'rheso ,1,re in1pol'ta 11 t ad ditions ONE ACRE BLOCKS , fr outiug m:tin to tho S('t form of words m road, just outside the l.Jounda l'y of which rumou!'s co n cer uin g- the Al bany. Title, Ne w Act. In cl udin g all ill- fated M idb11l1 Li11B al'G gen e r expenses, £21. Govt. Maps of Al ba ny, ally co uched ; a,ud st ill it mus t showi ng the blocks, se nt on rnceipt of 1/. bo coul'.essed t h ey luve h e lped J . GA LLE . lHtt !1 ttle to arnus e t lie Alba ny Feb. 28~h, 1890. j aclecl i nte rest of tbe public . TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS lN So m a ny attempts liave b een THE EASTE RN DIS 'I'RI CTS. rn ru1e wit l10u t succc::is Lo financ e o u:rt represe n~ative! _MR. F . J.KRVOI~I, the big un dei tak ing that p eople K ELLY, will v1s1t th e Eastern :1lmost l ook fo1· tho fail ur e of Districts for the pL1 1·pose of receiving sub- each snccessi ve ou o as a 1m1,tt er sc riptions ,ind trnnsacLing b usiness in co nn ection with th e W. A. l frco rcl, oi i of conrse . 'l'horn ar e. ce1·ta in feat ures, to o, about tlie ln,tes t th e followin g dates :Northa111 , from Monday, i\:Iarch 11 \11 ~ollige nce, which, wh ile evide n tly Newcastle, from 1'hursday, Marc h 13 rn te ncl od to in sp1;·e confid e nce, York (to follow). have had rathcl' the co 11 trn,1·y Perth, March G, 1890. e:flect . '1' 110 announceme n t of the nowly fo l'rn ecl sy u dicate'i:; dec ision 1.D l t e C t O t J}. was, ~erhaps necesi:;ar iJy, exceedrn g 1y ill- timed . It m ay be 11 oth in o· MARCH. 6.- THUR. St. Fridolin, Ab . more than a co inci do11 ce that 7.--FRI. The Holv Shroud. it was. defened to t he ve r y day 8.-SAT. St. Catal~li, B.C. on wluch tL e concess ioll la p sed, 9.-SUN. IH Sunday of Lent. u ut it canno t be denied that it 10.-MON. The Forty Martyrs. 11.- TUES . St. J ol111 of Goel, C. is a ve ry unfortnnate o n o. It 12.-WED. St. Gregory the Gr,eat, P.C.D LHmvo idably_ creates t li o impr1::s13.-THUR. St. Peter Damian B.C.D . ston t lrnt rn steacl of ox hi biting film. jJl,. l.'l ecoro. tho cal m ass urance of men ___________ ,.,_,.,., __ __ _ " __________ ___ ,. ________ who, having matul'ed the ir plans, '· h'e ind~ft ,tigc,blc in .11om· pw·pose, and t a ke np a well-consi dernd lin e of with 1111dw111ted spirit resist tnUJ1tit!J and try lo act io n witl 1 every confidence of s ucco nquer evil with good, having ue/01'1! !JOUr P.!JCS th e reward prepai·edfo,· those who combat for cess, the ~yn_dicalc h ave lrnng the 11,, 111 e of Christ.''- f'ius I X . back, do u ntfu I and h esitant, un t1_l compelled lJy the pl'essu re 6 9 THURSDAY, Il'r.A.RCH , rn o. of t im e to take a decided ste p. A not li e l' c1rcumstanco which ca tts es misg ivings is t li e smallness of t he The following is the Lenten Inc1ult sum with which it is inte nded to for 1890 : commence ope l'ations . 'I'lie £5,000 In accordance with the Spiri t 0£ so fa r sot r1,s ide for t his purpo se the Church, and in the exercise of the appears a ri d iculoui:;ly s m a ll first Special power s gran ted by the iust:tlm e nt, a mere drop in the Apostolic See, the following dis- ocean, as compa1·ecl witb the three p en sations are granted t o the faithful q1iad,ers of a million, or more of this diocese, for the approaching which it is estim ated the lin e wi ll Season of L ent . cost . 1.- Flesh meat may be u sed at the 8Lio uld tbe ill-s u ccess whi ch principal m eal on l\Ioncbys, except Monday in Holy week : h as clogged a ll fo m w r attemps Also, on Tuesdays , 'l'hurscl.ays to finance tho Mid land Line and Saturdays, except Saturda y attend t b e most r ecent ou e, t he in Ember week. On S undays clear duty of tlie Gove r nment and St. Patrick's Day flesh m eat w ill be to k: l' minate tho existina· may be used at all the m eals . agreement. lt is a step ouvro us ly 2.-Eggs, cheese, milk and buLtor J11 s t aud prnclE-nt, yd one wLich are allowed at the one principal cau only be tctku n wiLh 0cq ·eat m eal on all days, except Ash W ednesday and Good Friday. relut;la n ce . I t will meci 11 toso m eth e 3.-0n fas ting days a collation is giv in g np ofche ri slwclhopes and t lie allowed in the morning and abaudo nrn ent of prospects which evenin g at which , except on Ash a-ppeal'Od vurybright, and, pol'l1aps, W ednesday and Good Fridity , a Lo oLlie rs a check to Ll1a L co mlit tle milk and butter may be u sed . pbceucy -v i tl1 whi c h we a-re 4.-Fish and fl esh m eat cannot be accustomed t,o point to public u sed at the same m eal during L ent . ,~orks . of g re,1,t u1 agnit ncl e as a 5.-In place of butter, the use of lard sign o l: progress. B u t tl1e most or cl.ripping is p ermitted, except r ertl cause fo r regret wi ll b e the on Ash W ecl.nesday and Good clis tas tefolucss of sue b a course Friday. to nfr. Keane . No one b as 6.-Persons of t ender age, or in done_ m o l'e for tl.1e co un tl'y than b e, delicate h ealth, or engaged in laborious work ar e exempt from lll _his own capacity, and no one on3 oys m o re uuiv enrn,l esteem . the laws of fasting . 7. --The clergy are a uthorized to grant He l1 as carri ed o u t tho iui po l'tan t a dispen sation in partic ular works entrus ted to him in a thoroughcases when there is a j us t cau se ly capab le and honest manne r, an d for granting it. Lbo money 110 bas made in the >Is MATTHEW GIBNEY, coloi1y h as be0t1 loyally exponclecl Bishop of J:'erth. 1_11 Lhe colou y . 'l'born is a gene ral feeli ng that hi s sho u Id be PosrrivE ass uranc es h ave b een Lhe h on .:,111· 0£ h av iu n· bl'onaht t l1 e . b b r eceived that operations on the wo~· Ic o f· const ruc ting Ll1e M i d lan d ~ idlan_d Rail wn,y are to be Ra1lw n.y lo com plct io 11, am1 hi s imme d iatel y r es um ed . S uch, in Lho profils wh ic l1 m~1,y ,1,cc rne effect, was th e n ews r ecei ve cl from i t . H is dnte nni11 od :1nd by cable a few days s ince . pe r.· iste uL endeavour· lo o b ta in U nfortunatel y it b as a t oo fam ilia i· Lh e finLtn c i,~l n.ssi ::; hwce indi ::; ponso und . 'l 'h o Ve l'y terms o E tl1 0 sable hav e b00 11 wa,tclt e cl with keen '.1'n n ounce m ent bid fai r to crystalizo syrnp aLh y, anrl fo l' th is r eason rnto a formu la. Like the burden lii ,· evonL1 1al fa il ure s h on lcl 11 0 of an ol d r efrnill t bey have b een fail, wil l _ Ll'iu g: ,; sens e of r e p eate d until they seem t o PL' 1·:;u1 1n.l d1 : :; ap po111 tmen t to lnrn-




------------------------"~----~N------ ------

20 ---I~EGlJLATl:O:tfrf -FOR--LENT.


1st Horse 2nd do. 3rd clo. Starters Div ide No u do. do,





ARPENTER ~ Hcnelt I lainmcrs; ChLw] lamm e l's; BivoLing .Lfornme l'S; .l.:h-i<: klaycr·s I l:u11111c1·s; H.kwks mi t lt'1, U ,i, nm1 e 1"s; Mi1wl'·s lhmm crs; :,ton e lJ l'e::d<e r 's Ha 1nm crs; La th H a mmers ; S hin gling I-la rn 111 e1·s; A meri ca n Axes, T o111 a l1:1wk's, &c. , &c . ; 6- incb R im L ocks; Cupl,'d Locks; T ill Locks; Ches t L ocks ; N ight L:.Ltch es, wi t h two keys ; :1nd ,i, v:1.1·i cty of Locks ; A MERICAN PATE N T ::;PRlNG BLIND ROLLl~RS; Galva nized Air Bricks, Sin 61e & Doublfl; HOR:::iE S IIOES, HAND MADR; H orne S hoe Nails; Bolts an d N uts, i11 alm ost a ll sizes ; a]so Iron allCl Brass Surews. A lso, a splendid Assol' tme nt of Genera l Brass ware Goods, viz:Plain a nd Fan0y Ohair or Mantle Nail s; Pla in . a11cl F,mcy Pict ure Nails ; Drugget or Ca rpet Pin s; Stair Ilods a llCl Eyes; Pictu1·P, 1--ocls and B rac ket s; ·window S how Rods and Fittings ; Screw or Dl'essel' Hooks ; Screw Rings for P ictures; Pl ate Rings for di tto; Curtain Hooks, Cui bo:1rd Tnrns and Oi~tchPs; Hat:1nd Coa t Hook s; Iron a nd Brass Cornice Pole l~ings: Pol e Brae!; ets; Pole Rod Ends j I 'iano Sco nces; Brass Screw Pulli es; Lamp !Jool(S; Cl eat Hooks; Brass a nd I•·on Dutt Hinges · D raw H and les; Drawe r K 11 ol;s; ' Brass Ey elets for T e11ts, &c. ; l3 rass Bolts; Dack Pul lies; Sasl1 Fas tene rs, from 4s. 9d. doz; bas h K no bs; 3 ash Ce ntres; Sash Lifts ; Fanlight Catches; TabJe Catches ; Brass Castors ; Call B ell s ; Dim1e r 1Jell s; T ea Bell s; D oo r Spl'ings ; Climax P[Ltent Hinges; Iron :111d Brass J ack Chain; Galvanized Chain, Rope, &c. ; :1nd a g reat, variety of US EFUL IRONMONGERY t oo num erous to particula rise. TERMS, CASH. Ll\\VI GRElrn , Cash Ironmonge r, i\l urray t:ltrnet , P erth.



6, 1890.



d reds who n.r e otherwiso perfectly TmmE are to be races :Lt Dardannp on St. 'l'HE ·cu stoms receipts for Febrmwy r eached I 'rnE JI'reman~le Artillery a t·e v ery regular tl;e snm of £ 13,591 7s., be ing au increase nnd punct ual in the_ir attendance at parade. uncon ce rn ed. Notwitlistaudin g all Pa.trick's Day. of £2,0?3 13s. 3d. over tlmt of t he cor - Last _Fndny ovenmg ther e were present this it cannot be concealed tlrnt respon ling month of l:,st year . ;1,ptam Mayh ew, the commanding officer, Lieu t. Iml'ay, and 31 m ember s. 'rhe men t hur o is a ve1·y gonernl dcsit·e to 'L'rrn Victorin 'L'nrf Club are ,ibout to irnpl'ovu their course by erecting " grand are t,bly seconding their captain in h is sec tl10 fate of t ho Midland Rail - stand. M1,. BaowN, tlw :1ssist,1.nt l igh t -houso endeavours t o make a cr editable appearance way dofini ti vel y sett Icd, in ono kcopor rLt RoLtnest, was lm ockod down and at th o tournament, and under his directway or ~ho othe1·, with out fol'th cl' 'J'1rn Quarterly Licensino· Mooting for the 1·Lm over last Friday. The wheels wen t, ion are ongaged in a dili gent and arduous :lelay. It is a schemo which district of Perth will I hold next Monday over his body, and ho is serionsly inj urocl course of preparation . about the back. h a,s n evel' b een rega rd ed with morning. '.l'nE bfmks h a ve been busy inspecting their unmixe d a pproval. F rom the beof gold, with a, view t o complying g inning its utility has been noL A Coru:JUANDING OJiicor s parnde of tho ANO'I'HllR vex11tion s dela,y occL1rrnd in tho stocks wit h t h o late edict of t h e ChancPllor of the training of th e English and Colonial mails, so much demonstrated as ta ken Metropolitm1 Rifles will be h lcl this even- which nnivecl at .A lbauy, on ]!'riday, ancl l~xch equer , that all sovereigns and halffor granted. It is, pos,·i.bly, as ing at O o'clock. did not 1·oach Perth until Monday after- sover eigns cointicl b efor e the r eign of Queen Victor ta, shall b e withdra,m from circunoon . much in advance of our wants ~rt. J. H. MoNGErt, of York, has lat ion . It is supposed that ther e are r ecen tly as it is of our means. 'l'h e g reater 11nported a number of high-class draught not m any circulating in W est Australia, number, perhaps, of those who horses and also somo well-bred cattle. IN the race for thit·cl class yachts , held on as we under stan cl t hat on e b ank in going S,-turcl ay afternoon, tho 'Robin Hood won through its bu!lion, amounting to £40,000, h_ave g;iven the ma tter a.ny confound onl y 140 coins which had b een struck s1derat1on fail to see th at it can 'l'nE directors of tho '\V . A. Coal Compan y by four minutes, b eating th e T error, Ethel b ofore the commen cement of the present a nd Aler t . reign. be made remunerative for many havo decided to purchase a borer for u se years to come, and thi s view is on their claim at tho Irwin. MR. J . N . '.f'AYLOH, wbo lives a shor t strongly suppoi·ted by the un\ '\Ti,; hoar that anothet· nowsp,,por will distance from Pin['.'clly, on t h e Great '.l'HE two hours walkin g match b etween pleasant experi ence we hav e h:u1 sh_ortly b e_ establishl'rl :ct Al I.:,ny, ;,ml Son thorn Linn, has se0 m·0cl a wheat crop of McGovem and Strickland, for £ 10 a-d; Je, ;;ttract ocl a fair number of spectator; to of . some of the lines alt-ea,dy in will make 1Ls :ippoam11cu in a, fuw ,b ys. JOO bushols fr0111 30 ,u;nJs . the 'l'own }~all on Satnrclay evening. existence. It is q uite t ime, too, P unctual t o tm1e, the men wer e sent off by t o take in to cons ideration tlie h· is nunom·ed that two of L,1,cly Broome's t h e st:,r ter, and Mc~overn goin~ oJI with a ALBEWr Yt '1'01<, during his lLttle bm·s t, obtamecl ;; slwht lead. in terests of a chss who rnlclom son s have bmm laid up wiLh tho infiuenia, PitJNCB visit to lndia, has n ot g iven proof of the Strickland r esp onded and 1mssea° him, and pl'Oclaim th eir g rievances in public. and that she has been occupied in nursing possQssion of that sa.voi,· fa.i,·e whi ch so grndually but s urely increased his lead distinguishes his a11g nst father, the Pri•ce until h e was a clear lap a -head. After .Fo r so me years p1tst settle rs, them . of ',Vales. completing the seventh mile Strickland living within that g reat b elt of complained of a pain in the side, and that country, eig hty miles broad and BusHFIRES are again l)rev,,lcnt n tho hi · left leg was failing him. NotwithAlbany Roacl, aml c:nisod rm interruption MoRE reassming nearly three hun dred m iles lon g, on intelligence h as been stand ing these hindr ances h e kept on the tho t elegraph line for half a day on received ,·e the reSLLrnptiou of work on t h e track until the compltJtion of time. thl'Oug h which tho proposed line 'l'uoscfay. Micllancl. Hut this time the n ews is M.cGovern now h acl the race complet ely in is to run, have held their lca::;es bncked by a draft for £5,000, ancl work was hand and won as h e liked by a lap, coverwith a constn.nt sense of insecm ity, WE h oar that the children attenclinrr tho rcsumocl on Monday. ing 10 miles 14 laps. It is extremely prnand h ave b een mrnbl e to add to R.C. Boys' ~chool, and t he Co~vent b :cblc that these two pedestrians will meet t h eir fr eeh olrlr-; by fresh purcl 1ases. Schools, i11 Porth, wil l bo ente rtai ned at Ou1t suppos cl u:itnra.l production, tho :cgain e.t 11 0 dist ant date, tis Strickland has challenged M cGovern to walk for £20 or nlbino "Jungun," lrnsbeon attracting· gref\t £50. Th e M_id Jaud Ra il way, whi ch as a uwnste r picnic i11 Easte t· week . attention in Melbo urne. Tho paper s havo y et exists · only on pap er, li :,s published long description s of him, ancl thus, for a considerable poriurl, his sb,ted Sir F . N . Broome i,i to bo tho A,istmlctsian, in an espec:·,1 nmun or, co ~anT'l'EE meeting of the Guildford been the cause of r etarding the oll'ernd tho Govcmurship of Tr inidad , seems to havo boen m ttch taken with h im A M unicipal Council, at which representaex pan sion of th e agricultura.l aml th s.cbry of wh ich is set dow 11 at £5000. ancl his proprietor, Mr. McPh ee. ti vos from t h e various r eligious b odies were present, took place on W edn eschl,y, in the squattin g inclust1·i.cs in some of anics' I n stitute. The meeting was the most important and pro- '1'1rn passengers hy tho last P. & 0 . steamer THE rain which fell out eastward of Mech were lauded at tho Land Company's jetty Ch,impion Bay, ctuue none too soon, j u dg- called to decide upon a site for t h e new g ressive distriots of the colony. at Albany, antl thence trained to tho ing by tho lo:;:; which Messrs. Sharp a.ud cemetery. After a lengthy clisscnssiou, it ·with its present pl'ospocts of Central Station . l\fawhinny s uffered during the drought. was ultimatel y decided to accept t hat A fiock of sh cop, numbering 1,100, ancl t h o offer ed by t h e Government. The question proving profitable, it is question shepherd in clmrgo, perish ed miserably for of ways and means next occupied the able whether such a line, in fu ll attcn tim1 of the m eeting, and a rough MR. J. T . IlAMJL'l'ON who was so widuly calculation showing that the expense working orde1·, co uld be regarded known as a " groat trnvollor " for tho A. Jli.1 . want of water . atten cbn t n1Jon plf.,cing the roac1 to the as anythin g like an adequate P ., has been elected a Fellow of the Royiil cemet ery in a con dition suitable for compimsation fo1· tho ·1oss ot Geographica,l Society, and of tho lloyal ~.'.1-rn Chiof Inspcctot· of Stock, Mr. J. M . wheeled t raffic would b e gr~at, it was Craig, has, with his u su al energy and Colonial Institnto. which it has been the en.use promptness, set about the work of clearing r esolved upon the motion of Cr. Gardiner, to tl10 co uutt-y. This is a the Victoria Dist.riot from that dreaded seconded by Cr. Worth, th at a deputa tion sisting of the Mayor, Rev . F a.ther state 0£ t hin gs which urgen tly '1'1rn Venerable Ar0hcleacon Lecaillo solem- scom·gc, the scab in sheep . H e appears to con tho I resent ,outbreak with great Kelly, and M essrs . C. C. Fauntleroy and c.tll s for redress. To tl1e cl:i.irns nizocl a 11mrrictgo on Monday fortn ight, view R. D. H ardy, wa it upon R. E. the at the V:isse, between Mr. Flood, cr,lnmess, ancl states that there is n ot Administrato r, and ask th at 11, subsidy be of any incli viclual or b0<ly 0£ indivi- of Bnuhury, mul Miss Reilly, clrtughter of 'much cr,usc for afarrn . granted for the formation of the rnad . cl mils, however closorvin o·, the chi ms Mr. P . lfoilly, a widely r espected settler of of the cornn 1unity at l~rge are su- the Vasso District. 'l'1rn ti n miu os con ti nue to yi eld " fai r p erior. Unless there is reason to pl'omisc of success . 011 most of thu clai ms THE follow in g cutting from a W exford r will he of internst to many of our b elicwe tl1at the co ntract can ho 'l'ui,: rom,1ins oi "well-known old 1-.Jsident pn.·pa,ntlJiun s aru boiu g n1ade to res ume pape read ers. Th e M r. T. Clun e whose imwork on on extended sc,ile so soon as th ll of tho city, Mrs. Neeson, who resided in speed il.v a nd satisfactor il y carried p erso n:ition of Antonio evoke d so much B,,y road for tho past qnarter of a rai ns sot in ; but, on two or three , s ufliOL1t it should, in th e interests ot tl1e Monnts centnry, wero interred in the R. C. Cemetery cio1,t, w,ttur is sL ill ob ta inable, an d adrnirntion, is a yo un g W es t Aus tralian, public, be imm ediately resciriclecl. i on !:,umfay b st. 'I'ho deceased was the ot><wntions :ire in fL1ll sw ing. O ne ton a r;o11 _of th e well-knowu ge ninl sq uat,ter,

11.ocal nnll \$encrnl. WE h ave received the followi11g sub scr ip t ions dur ing the woeJ.- :-M r. J . M urth a , G uildford, 7s. Gel . Alb:111y Agricultural tLncl Jforticultura l Society intends holding an Autumn Show of frll it, vegetables, ancl flowers on the 12th and 13th inst. '].'H E

Mti. C:i,oRGJl Ro.sEtt'l'S, the popnh,r 'J 'raflic M,m>Lg·cr of the Eastern Hn,ilway, · oxpedc l to nxrivo by the steamship Albnny t o-monow from his holicfay trip to tho E11stcrn coloniC:s. Snt,INGl•: t.o say that of tho fou r boats, the M,,ucl, Terror, Mno ri, nn<l Karr:\kat,ta , which won th e p rincipal even ts at the Perth Yacht Clu b A utum n Regatta, n ot 0 110 was built iu Perth. vVF. regret to learn P in combc, of the Franklin, Cossfl. ·k, as to ho 11nablo command, and that ho has t i rotmn to Fronrn,ntlo by ]1nr downward voyBgc.

that Captain b oc::uno so ill at to contiuno in boon compolled the Otway, on

I N view of tho ;i,pproach ing l\Iilitnry 'l'o1u·narnont tho Artillery corps' of PC'rth and J;'rcm·mtle lmvo snfforc<l some inconv<'niencc owing to the severe illness throngh which their instnwtor tir . l\faLthcws, has just passed . A Mr. J\,fatthcw:; is fast mending ho will ho :Lble to hko over his duti es ngain in n, few chys . Mlt. l, 1rnN10N, tho l\fanngrt· of the J~,1uifable A ssnrancc Society, lol't last week for :1 brid visit to :Melbourne, and it is prohahlo that Pre long h will assmno tho 111:111ag,,ment of the Uomp:tny'~ hl',,nch in !:l'ishane. Inyacltting circles Mr. Bennion will ho much miss,.'d, ior it is owing to his spirit ;l,n<l enterprise that tho Porth Yacht Cillb has been m ised to a flourishing conJi.tion-socond onlv to some of the premier Yacht Clnbs of tl1 neighboring colonies.

, relict of.the Patrick Neeson, a military pensioner.

Wz notice that :;\fr . ]\father is offering his

Lhirtco n hundred weig ht of t in was se nt into lhrn bury his t Mo ndcty wee k frorn M r. &. Wil liam 's ch1.i111 at D umplin g Gully .

snnrt yad1t Hihc,rnia for disposal by raffic, at £1 per ticket. 'l'he winner will inclcod be a lucky rn:111, for not only will h e bPcomc the pos,essor of a clipper, but of a boat fonnd and fornishctl in a w,1,y rarely see n in Yvc:;t An,itrnli,i .

IT has often b eon r emarked tb:,t the offkc.:rs employed on tho Eastern Rail wny, are the rnost ohliging body of public scrvti.n ts in the colony. One has but to t,·aV<il bctwoou the ~ity :1nd port to verify this sh1,tomcmt, lJy watchin g· the gn:wcls Gnilfoylc, Crewse, Bttrrand Malo ne perform 1,lir,ir l'Olttine of duty. Alwrcys civil, invm·i:tbly obliging, they seem indnfati1:1blc in caring for tho comfort and safety of thuir numerous charges.

A'IIO'W the visitor.; ,1,t tho '!'own !fall on 'l',1<:Hday evening, :Lt the i\Iusical Union's rchcarnal of tho Stnbril 1,J,tlct, was His Lo1clship Bishop Salvatlo, who expressed to the conductor, rfr . Jiens1mm, his snprisc at tho proficiency show n by the soloists, chorus, ancl orchcatrr, in their rendition of Tim 111aLcli, Mets. v. Feels., was nd rnnced Rossini's gr:incl work. another s\ago last Satu rday . The F eds . compl,,tecl Lhoir inn iu gs for 106. Wil so u, Wr. dr;l,W tho attention of om· pn.trous of :34, well mnight by Dr. Con nor iu the the j,}istern District to ,rn aclvcrtisemcnt slips, Bishop J 5, Cuttrdl a clashin g 25, placccl ahove the loaclcr of tl, is clay's issno. and McDonough n ot out 12, wer e th e Our rq1rnsrmtativo will visit tho princip,il princip:d sco rers . The Mets. ope n ed t he ir towns on the days specificil, aucl will be scctJ 11d innings carefully, lint, after t h o p rcparC'rl to re0civo roll monies d11e for first ,vickct fell Lhe oLhors followe d snb,;cr iptions, etc . rnpidly, and they were all o ut for 48. This !u:11·os th e FoJcrals GD to uet . 130th w~, ,,ro requestocl to romiucl intending (: ru utly and B ish op bowled sploncliclly, competitors in tho forth ming sp orts, to tho 1:Ltur sec uring 5 for 10. he helcl by the P01·th Catholic Yonug Men's Society, on i'Jt. l'atrick's Oay, Lh:i.t all entries must he sent i.' hy f:h1t urd,iy next, 'l',rn LanncPston Daily 'C'elc3mph, of Fob . 20, sa.yn :-Among the passengers by the tho 8lh inst. p.s. ,fowcasLlc ycstc1·,lay was Sir Jame's A 1uasE clr,1.wi1ig- a hr:\\ y c;wt, ran aw:1y G. J,ec StcC're, Speaker of Lhe L eg ishitive 'ouncil or We~Lcru Austn,Jia, aud deleycstcnby ciml cl:ishing dowu '\Vil li11,m-streot, rc,,chc,l B:vmar-tcrr:trc, where its career gate to OH' Federal Conncil recently conw:i.s stopper] hy coming in contact with a cltulrrl in l\folbomne. 'l'ho object of h is tolPgraph post. '.l'ho only occnpaht, a hoy visit to TasnHiuia is to inspect tho Nor Jo1rn Willi,uns, w:is tlnuwn out and east t in mining districts, and to make lt irnsclf :i.cq ur,intcil with tho mode of r "tthcr scvcr0Jy inj med. trc,;1,ting slreccm tiu, as rocont d iscover ies A. Court'!' of E11r1ui~.Y was hl'l,l on l\fonclny, of this nature h;w been m ade i n '\Vest tn bkc evidenec :1s lo Ow cm1so of the ,\.u.,lr,l,li:t, a,lll th y give promise of :c 111islrnp to Lho b,,r<JllC' l,u,•i:,. Uu•r hear- gr,,;1L fn~nro . Sir J,unes, who visited ino· th sta emcnt of [he, captain, tho i!i~choff "·hen in 'l'asnmnin a co upl e of I chief offic r, ancl the pilot, tho court wa.s J·c,u·s ago, will leav for Scottsdale this :vljomnecl to cnnble tho diver to complete morning, ancl will r eturn to M lbourne a thorou~h iuvcstigi,tion ol the vessel. hy t!1v encl of th week." 0


Mr. J. Cluue , of Victorict Plctius. W e learn fr om a n oth er so urce that at the Col:oge s ports Mr. Clun e carried off the first pl' ize fo r th e rnnnin g hop-st ep-t1.11djurn p, clcfeatiu g fifty-two co mpetitors, by clear in g 45 feet G inch es. "The Christnus Dramat ic E n t er tain ment comm enced at St. P e ter's College on Thursday e, enin g , :1,nd a s ns urtl attracted a ve r y lara e audie n ce. " 'l'h e M erclmnt of \Tenice°" :vith whi ch the e ntertainm ent o pened, 1s by n o m ea ns an easy piece fo l' young aurntc urs, but the pupils of St. Peter's by t h eir ,1d111irable p e rfornmnce of it, fully j ust ified tho selection. The scene ry a nd t h e st.ngc 6ttin gs ge nerally, th<, wor k of College p upil s, were extremely pretty an d ai; propriate, and no expense :ippo:irecl t'l hava bee n s pared upon ~h e elegant cos tumes. Mr. T. Clu uo wh o took tho principal role of "Antoni o", gut t hrough th e part in a ma nn er tlrnt might put many pretentio us profess ionals to th e blush. His comman ding fi gure, fi ne clea r' voice a nd r eally gc nu111 0 ac t m g, were thoroughly appreciated by t h e audie nc e. Mr. D. L y ne in t.h c d iflicult an d unp o puhr pa rt of " S hylock, " d isph1,yed cons idc rnbl e histt io nic talon t. His represe ntation of t he h ear t less old J e w was p erfect. M r. R. l<' itzhenry macln a u admirable a nd q nite captil' at ing " l'orLi.c, " and WlLS most e nthu siastically appla uded. H e seemed quite at home in t hi s rnth or diffic ult part. Mr. F. Ow e ng nrn inta in ecl tho dignity of tho "Duke of V en ice " to perfection and the P 1incea of Mo rocco and A n a o-01~ h ad very cnpable ox pon e:1ts in Mr. P. Cannin g and M r. P . Pow er. Mr. J. Holbrook wa s :t clove r Bassrrnio, a nd th e fo llowi ng othe r [Ja r ts wore well fi ll ed - Sah nio, lVI. ,J,- Dono va ~1 ; Salari no, J . O'Brien ; Urnt1:1,110, E I-fortl ey; Tubal (friend of S hylock), ,l. M urph y ; L ,Lun celot Gobbo (t1. clow u), ser vant to S hy loc k, J . Furlon g; Old Gobbo (fath er of L a un cclot) D. Lawlor; To rissa (wait ing ma id to Portia), M . Kell~ i Jess ie,- (dmig h te r t.n ~hylock), '\ • ,J. 0 Co nnor. "








6, 1890

night on the island. No fires could b e lit, A r unaway h orse created sr,n1e excite- v\' ,, ste rn AustrRlici a n d lo vm·y s uch and we had to r em,Lin in om' wet cloth es . I ,nent th e <,thcr day in A von Terrace . P ruclarnat ion accord ingly : No w t herebelieve the ropes of the boat were cut as F ortun ately it was brough t t o a stand- furn I, S ir Robert George Crooksh ank the vessel was going down . .A. man named st ill before ca usin g :my damage, and Ea111ilton, Knight Co 111manclcr of th e Illru·phy got to t he boat, but owing h .mdecl ov er ti) its o wn er , Mr . C unnin g- Most Houo urablc Order of the Bath, to the colo ured ruen and their qu a r- ham. Govern or and Command er-in- Ch ief as relsome attitude he left it for Mess rs. H orl ey and Sex ton a re seek - ,1.foresaid, i n Council, in p ursuance of the THE Geraldton Bnilcling Society may now a cowshed that was floatin g about. in o th e sur vices of a comp et en t b utch er, power aud authority i n me vesttid by b e said to be establi shed on a firm basis . While supporting himself on the latter, Dr. soO I s uppose th is m::iy be tak en as ,i section th rce of " 'fh e Diseased An imals .A. number of shares sulficiont to gnarantee .Polfl,n cl came up, a nd Morphy got him u p s i<n th at t he~· inten d 01,e ning a bu tche r's I mpor tat ion P revention Act" (47 Viet. its stability have b een taken up, a,ncl all severnl times, but he was too wea,k t o h old o , ) the prelim inaries, incl uding th o r nltls, on . He fell off and was n ever seen again. sh op. I understa nd tlrnt M r . F airh oad 's No. 2 , do, by thi s Procla ma tion , .!four other whites an d one coloured lIJan t ender, fo r th e er ection of t h o B everley absolu tely proh ibit the im port1,t ion into h ave been completed. ,ifter wards joined him on the cowshed, .l\'Ioch:in ic's I nstit ute, h as b ee n acccp ,ec~ Tasma ni ,, of th o skin s of sh ee p or any which ch-ifted n ear t o the shore, an d the at £280. p ar t of any sheep from th e said colony ON t he voyage c,ut of t he Coolce n a fatal occupn.nts were r scuecl by on e of the boats . Th e adjourn ed mee t in g of th o share - of W QS tern Australi a . accid ent occ ur red by which tw o me n Mr. Alforn sciw the hatches blown tLp. l, old ers of th e York and Y il ga rn Carry ill g E tmA'fUM. - I n Gazette Notice C.S .O . n a111 ed McGrego r and .Toh nso n, lost t)1cir When the vessel was settling down he g·ot Co mpan y was held iu York, on Thursday. No. 4150, ,,f th e 17th February , 1890, Jives. Whil e en gag xl wit h otherst1f t he cr e ~v hold of the r igging and felt a woman with 'rh e fo ll owin g gell tle_men worn elec ted to , for "resi~en t engineer " read ;, tr,m 1w1iy iu tak ing i11 sail, t,h csc two n>e n los~ th en· h1s foot, bLtt he was u nable to save her. form a Board of Dm~ctors-l.Vless rs F . 1nnnaaer. B o~mm 1VAUEUOUSF. .-Th e r, ra!ltin oh old a nd fell. J nh nso n came hcad h1·st 011 :3hc, with mn,ny other s in the _water, swam ·cra ig, C. Etlwa rds, J. Seabr ook, ' R . J . t h o lii Lt s, a11 d was ki ll ed insta n tly, Mc- to a boat which was_covered with J av~ese. , Wh eeler , W. D insda lP-, J . T . Monger of a prirnte bollClecl wareho use li~e nse at G reg<Jr so se verely in jul"IJd hi s sp ir.e as t o Tl11.:y ? ot ~~~ boat r~g~ted ~nd balech t~ut. and. E. In gram. Mr . Edwards to_act ~s , Fron:,antlc to Messrs. T oll ey & Uo. , is The st e1iaoe b si e,rntcld tt· P . S~~i \e~e~l, Chamnan. M essrs. L owe and D a,v1ds<:m s not,ti ed . Goods subject t,o C ust9 m duties die within t wo ho urs . chamo u1t, romit e ow a~ k drew a c 11 c intl o a ppo in tm cll t , as A udito rs, was con - ' aml specified in th e fi rst, secon d t h ird t e wa er. was pie e up appa ren y fi Tl B I "I t I t , 1 f I I l ' · · '.I'u.r,; A ntum Show of th o W . A. IIortic nl- dead, but was c,irefu.lly atte_nded to and is nn ec1· . ie a ance "' _1e_e_ m s n u ~'.:< .. ,ourt 1, sc ul os 0°f th e ex tst rn g tural Society was a clecideclsuccess, though now safe. 'rhe st ewar d left the. boat and- bee u p u h h Rh ed up to th e P1esent. l ,1.J tfl: Act, 51 V ic. , No . ..,3, may be k ept n ot quite up to tho stand ard of for mer swam to the cows hed. H e was followed Our tow!1sma:1, M r . Py k e, who h as and secu red with out pay ment of d uty years in some respect. A very credit ab le by Murphy as h e was th only white man b_e como q uite a n ewspa p er celebrity , a ~·- up on t he fi rs!; entry t h er eo f. d isplay of fl ower3, fru it , and vcgitables was amono-st over 60 colored men with t h e nv ed home t h e oth er clciy, afte r his A PPOINTl\lEN'.l'S.-John Ada m r es id ent 0 made, and the arrangements reflect great boat, anc1 was eventually r escued from the tr ip to t he old cou ntry. . magistrate a t Newcastle, np po in'ted oili ce r credit u pon t he Hon. Secretary, Mr. Carl cowshed by one of the boitts about 3·30 a .m. On Sa t urday , Mr. T homas K in debn to se tt lo t he electoml list for the Fuchs. A decidedly n oticccible featl.n e Every man spoken to stat es t h at fr om the na rrow ly escap ed serious injury . He Dancfarnga Roads Board ; also to act as was the large and va;ied collection shown time of strikin g until the vessel sank, not v·as ricl in o- a t a s mart ca n te r llJross rnturning .officer at th e electt()!l of the by Mr . D . B . Rowley. His ~xhibits certain- m~rethan three m~nutes elapsed . Mon ger's bt·idge, when h is h orse stu mbled Da11claraga Roads Boards. ly monopolizec'. the maJor part of the : rho num~?r of souls on boa.r el, 282- an d fell, t h rowing him on his h ead. Ro,rns Bo,ums.-Th e election of th e space set apm:tfor oac~ cb~s- .we nuder - s:wecl 116. l~t a: n_nmber sa~oon passager s H owever! bQyond a severe shaking and foliow in g p ersons t o the W ellin gton stand that Mr. Ro,_vley s pa1 t~ier ~as had_ a 58, saved, 9, European crew total 26, a fe w sl iuh t bruises h o was h ttle th e Roads Board i 11 iffi 1 1 ._ l · . · large expen on ce m garclemng mall its saved 12; deck cr ew, total 29, saved 23; or e fo r ohis fall ' J, M . s < ec · cianman , branches, and holds a first-class certificate engine cr ew tot al 39, saved 25; saloon cr ew w T~ f ·t ~h : h t b ; m}s B'lglllre ; Jmlembo rs_: R . H . Rose, 1~ se'.iso n , a~ 11 '.l ee n 1· _- '· as a landscape g·ardcner. . t otal 240, saved n . Capt . Saunders ,. . e r m , arvey, 0 111 . 1'r1gw ell, W. C. reports that the ship ste uck at 9 o'clock ne ,u ly so ab undan t ,ls 111 form er y ea1s: R ,,msay, R .H. Rose, Jllll., J ohn F lynn ; ~ ~ -----~ ~r:rJt'~ on Midrock, and sank: in tlu·ee ininutes Grapes were very scarce du n ng th e earl y :1ud1tor , \V. B . Jil ltchell, L OSS OP 'l.'HE Q UETTA. : h er side being completely torn ont . H e par t , a nd rn ~lons wer~ th en, a nd ar e n ow, . l.JANDARAGA DISTBICT. - 'fh c clcclaral was in water for half an hour befor e pick- far from bem g plen t ifu l. L ast :)'i:!ilr Mi:. trnn of Dandarnga' D ist1·ict as a Roads mh f Jl . . . , eel up by one of boats. Among the E ndersly, a small fa r mer r es1dm g a t a Board D 1st1·ict is n otifi ed wi th t h e O th .L te owQmgttacc_outntk or f e 't"h'reck of passeugern saved arc th e following .: A place called Q uellingt on , clea rec.l £ 16 by follow ing bo undari es · Bou n~led on th e t h e s earner u e a, is ,i en • d,inghter of• a man lat_ely drown · · · g fro m th e sea A. 1istral·ian. Sh e struck on roH1 a rockc 1Vesl not l',ttle girl, - t l1e sa.1es o f t 11at season ' s grow t 11 o f nort,h by a Juie startrn .1,ed 011 t i t . th . b 'i d eel at Maryborough; Miss Nrnklm, H. m elons. coast, nnd extenchna clu e east l)assi· na Inal I 1 ,,· 1ec1ar,1n · e n e1g-1on1· 0 100 , c . . D"l R t · Cl ·k cl "'[• , . · " , , ' of Aclolph ns I sland which is situ to l 0 ff o.1 se1, c mey, . eu on, . a1 e, au "' a , ch 31cl. thrnugh th e s umm it of Mt. L es uer. On ' < unknown. Everythinopossible the ,. t b I I 1 · 0 _ t l10 coas t o£ Queensland u o,u · 'l.'haursday ' another . b• • , . th . . . --• ,.. · eas Ya c uo so ut 1 1ue tu th e so uth I slan cl. wi11 e c1on e ,ot e SLn vivors. ~ wost co rn er of :Oiel bo urn e local;iou 30 . News h as been l"eccived t hat th e R.M .S. .:z:. O C i C £, • th ence so uth ward along the n orth b ra nch Quetta, bound for London, str uck an 1m~ of tli e Moore R i ver to wh ere t he sou th kn owll: rock n ear Adolphus . IslaJ1cl, an d A L BA.NY. N v ~ v~ v ~ v v bou ndary of Melbou rn e locatio n 93, at sank ~n less than three nnnutes. 'rl1e _____ Gilhng,uTa, crosses it . O u th e so uth by Captam , pilot, an d a_few of the pasRen ger s, PERT H U.Y . M. SOCIETY. a west lin e from the north branch of the a.r e at Somerset Pomt, and the others at F rom our ow n Correspon d ent. Mc.ore R i ver 1iassi ng' th rn ugh th e so utlr.A.clolphus Island 'f h e us tml week ly me el;in g of th e P e rth t 'f l\'I . Th Q tt - b 1 cl t · .· I n on e of my p re vious co! n munications Cathol ic Yo un g M en 's Society was h el d wes _ corn er O ' olboume lomLt1on 03, at .aeSt e' a 11 en.,.~av1 ·eaotn 1 ·o gneC o the L~r~tt1s!1 I G1lh11 gana, t o t h e sea coast; an Indl, , ., g ompa.ny, 11111 ec, m eution cd t hat tln·o ugh th e indefatia - on Th ursday , F eb. 27t h. Th e V ice- wost by tl t . I d . on t ho and w as one of the six ve~sels formin o· t h ~ a ble exe rt io ns of M r._ D eHamel, tl?e P residen t , M r. W. Reardon , acted as ., cl ·. . ie se.t coas ·, rnc uc1rn g th e Queen sl and Royal Mail Line, which0 r uns m uch vex ed cross ings ques t ion was al- ch airm a n. Mr. A . F raser was elec ted 1' 1a!1 s 1J.acen t . b etween London and Queensland. H er rnost cle finitely set tled. A nd now I am g:ad a m ember . O win g to th e dep ar t ure 'I,~E ,,'. IGTORIA P LAI_N,s RoADS BOARD tonnage was 2,147 tons, and sh e was to say t hat suoh is r eally th e case ; from Per th , of lVI r . .J. K ell y , t h e ornce p isrnrnr_. - H rn n otified , for geu e ral commanded by .Captain Sa1mders . th ough th e M uni cipal Coun cil do not of P res iden t b ecame vaca nt, a nd Mr. W. rnfo r nmtwu, that t lw bu uucfa ries of th e Capt. Saunders has made the following· appea r to be ::d togc t.h er satis fi ed as to R eardon was e lected, without opposition, Me_lbourn c Roads Boa,·d District, as s~at ement :- I was on the bridge wi th t h o t he way i n wh ich th e le vel crossings his successo r. M r. J . L . Conway was d e/med 111 th e Gazette of 10th F ebruary , pilot when t he vessel struck. I r ushed to were constructed. However , Y ork Stree t r etu rn ed, unopposed, as Vi ce-P res idcu t 1887, are cancell ocl, and t h e foll owi na th e ~en cl of tho saloon deck and told the is op en, and a 12-foot gate s ta nds wh er e in th e place of M r. Rea rd on. A letter , subst itutetl in lie u thereof. Tho district ch ie, officer to get th e boats out. I then form erly th e [en cc . blocked th e stree t. from th e Secreta ry of th e H . A.C .B . to be now called "The Victoria P lains r nd rush ed forwa cl a fouucl th at the ship I notice t hat the me mbers of t h e Society of Fren1antle, was r ead , in viti ng R oads Boa rd Di st rict" : Bounded on the ~:t~/lready settled by h er h ead .. : th0n Hiberni a n Socie,y, in Alba11 y, intend to th e members to a 'l'ea and Concert tu North by au ea st l ine proclucncl th ro ugh · boa{ned aft to got tl~c wom~n moo_ th e celebrate St. Patr ick's Day, by having a b e h eld in that tow n on S t . P a t ri ck 's Mount Lesuer to a spo t du e no rth fro m t h 0 s umm it of the li igli cs t peak in th e s : It fou n cl th0 ship so~tling_rapiclly, gran d e xcursion to l\farbalu p, wher e N ivh t . 0 a!, JUS had tune to chmb mto the Won ran B ills. thellC' cl n gging and throw myself into the water athletic sports will be held . T he car ry _ . g< . , , · . e ue S<J uth to t h e when t h e vessel heeled over a,nd went ing out of tho n ecessary arra nge ments S'.tlC1 s um_nnt, :111cl from th ence by a du e 0 down , t h e wh ole incident occupying not is iu the !rn11Cls of a strong Co lll m itt ce, GOV ERNNIEN l' GAZB 'l'l'JiJ . '.t~t longitude d egrees cast. O n t he t more tha n three minutes from the t ime of and from wha t l can see of th e prog ress \I eS uy a du o south !m e tu tb o so uth t striking. I u nclTessecl in the water and already 11 1adc , tlt u comi 11g celebration -----+- weS corner of Mcl bu urn e Location 30 swam about for htLlf an hour. I was promises to be ono of the g rantl es t THURSDAY ,FEBRUARY 27Trr. thence so ut h wards along th e north picked u1, by one of the lifeboats, which domo nstrntiu ns ever h eld iu Al ba ny . Th e brn nch of the M<Joro River to where t,ho was ah·eacly foll of people> . Water was day is t11 be observed as agenernl h oli day. SCAB IN SHU:El.'.- Th u fol low ing nro- so uth boundary of Mt>Jbou rnc Loo,Lt ion wash ing o:ver the g·unwnlc, which had A cricket lll at,ch was play ed y es terd ay, clam at ion s, dat,cd 29 th a n d 21st tilt . 93, at Gill ingana, crosses , it; thence been b roken . .A.ll hands but four jumped on the r ecreatio n gro und , b eL wec n th e res pectively, iss ued by the Gornrnmcnt~ dowuwards along th e said twrth b ran ch out to t ry and bale the boat out , buto1>ing Katannin g 0 .0 . and an eleve n from of So uth A ustralia a n d T as ma nia, wi t h to tbo jun ctio n of the uo1 t h :ind cast to the broken st~tc of th0 gtmwales a nd the Albany 0 .0. T he game last ed th e refe rence to th e impor tation of sh ee p brnr,ch rs of Lhc Moore .River; th ence in a ~h e, th ey did_ not succeed. We got whole of the cl.iy, but the v ictory was into t hose colonies from W este rn Au s tra- so uth so uth -easterly d irection of the 60th mto t h e boa.t agam aucl proceedecl io th e an easy on e for tho local club. 1"1a , ,·11·e pt1bl1·s11ecl fo ,.· --e ,,,1 milo IIHtrk on tl.c road fr<Jrn , ~crtl1 t t Ne1v n earest Janel, wluch we r eached about 1 ~ 11 01·' N . · · .. ' .A.n th . lif I t 1 -1 1 cl h cl A very n asty aCCJllcnt h app e11 ed t he in fo rnrntion :- Soiith Australici: vVl, ernas .i: 01 cm ; ancl t I1e11ce 111 the ch rection of t he a.m . er CJoa rnav1pbcc, y •~ ancl en wa.s a . 95 , a t ah-<'ady roeached the same o ti1er cl ay, t or, mau 11a111 ccl 'l'J10,. B uc l{- t I1e d.tscase ca11 ecI sca b ex ists in sheep in so uth . -west . ""c,r· nor. o f S wan ~u ocat1on in gh am, crnl'loyed at Messrs. Milla r 's the colony of Wes tern Australia , a n<l Batlup . On th e so ut h by a n cas t lin e 8 ent a.way at once to sear ch at the scen e of t h e wreck . It i·eturned full, havin o· p icked timb er station , 'l'or Bay. I t app ears wh ereas it is d esirabl e to preve n t th e p assrng thrn ugh Bulgm-t S pr ing ; and on np everybody visible. .A.t claylig·ht the Lhat B uck ingham was fi x: ng some pa r t t li e in t roduction of s uch d ise::ise in to tho · th o caSt by a west -so uth -weste rly lin e crew started for Somerset, reaching there of th e 11,achiucry, wh e n his foot prov in ce of So uth Au strali a : n ow th ere- from . wh ern th e n orth b oun clary cuts n,t h alf-1mst t en. From there a man on was caught in on e of the cog wh eels, fo re I, th e Adm in istrator of th e Longit ude 119o Eas t, in t h e dircctio n of h orseback was sent to Patterson with t ele- which i11 revolv ing nipped one of Govern me n t, wit h t h e a d vice a nd consent easte rn corn er of A1·011 Loca t ion Nl to gramsrelafano- to the d:sast er . Mr. J a rdine the midd le toes ri vh t out tocreth er w ith of th e Executive Council , by vi rtue of where it meets t h e eas t lino fr un, Bol:at t 0 trefted all of us s_rl cncliclly, supplyin g· a p art of the boot." 'fhe i;1j ur~ d man was t he p rul" isions of •· ' rh e Stock Diseases S 1irin g_. Includin g , h owever, ~]10 cloohes and food. .\.ll were n early nake~1. J at once conv ey ed to the hospital, a nd hi s Act, 1888," do h ereby p rocla im , orde r, V,ctona Plams main road , from GOtli mile M_r. Ja:di_ne sent out th€' , lifeboat agam \ foot ,1tte nd ed to by D I'. In gold by. :ind d tre?t t hat th e in,por tation or n~ark, on the road from Perth to Ne w w1. th P10"' 1s1ons aucl water fo r his own men Th e st[ttions of the H oly Crnss are h eld m troduct10n of sh ee p fro m th e said N•irc ta to whcl'e it joins the Gingin Road. atnd th~setrh·escuted 011 thy0 _J stlai:id. H al so ; ernry Friday even ing durin " Lent b ut colony of W estern A ust,ralia into th e 'I' m; BANKRl:P'.l'CY Ac1· 1871 - In ?'e swas oppec, cam ertho 1c orm w 110n s110 th tt 1 th 1• · l pro vrn • ce o f S outh A ustralia sh ull ' er, B· nnb passino- e s.After vessel st. cl the ~ a en c ance s not"' so goo' cl as sate be J : J ·. 11 •. ffLS1op,_ ]10 t, e J l{cep ury m en rnshedlo the heals to clear tl~~~/ To · lli!Jlh t be ex pectcd. a nd is h ereby prohibited fo r a per iod of (liqu idation). H. U . H olm an , Perth , t h is I attribute tl1Pir bein g- able to s f be weather for tho past week or so t wo years from th e publi catiou h er eo f : ap[JOtntecl trustee . t he two uoais, ancl ol,hcnd sc a for "Teator has bee n_ very dry and sul t ry a nd a goo d An d [ fur th er p roclaim , order a nd loss of life wonlc1 ha m occmrcd. "'Not a fall of rn 111 JS bad ly wan tod . di rect th a t n o sh ee ps kin s sh all be i ,;portvesLigc of 1.1 10 wreck is now to be SC'en March 1s t, 1800. erl or m t rod uced fr om t h e colonies of above water. l got hold of 1.h e boat to =~~=~~~~= W estern A ustralia or N c w Zealand in to ~ 0 I' l' IglJ . which n large numhr•r of persons were th e said pro1·ince of So uth Au strali a fo r -- - ~ -~- __ clin ging·J and ass isLod to gPt hel' upright. YOlll(. a period of tw o y~ars fron1 th e .~.-~,....,.. ,.,.......,.......,...,... Wh en t he wat er w,,~baler! out aU hands, , _ _ __ p u_bli cation h ereo f, mil ess such s hee p'T l, e Empress Fi-cd erick is m a k in a a numbel"ing about 70, got in. 'l her o wt>re' skm s shall be seJ urely packed in bal es . short stn.y in Rollie. " plen ty of spars about. ·when pulling II F rom our own Correspc nd ent. 'l'asmania .- W her eas by 'it procla m, tio n A , Irik e of fi s h t,ort, re hl\s ta k en pl ac e ashorn we picked np two white men._ A~ er . Mrs. Mead, of this low n , we11 t fo r a da ted th e fourth cla,y of Septemb er, one landing u s t h0 boat r eturned to ass_ist oho d ri ve one day las t week accompanied t h_ous,.ncl mg ht h und_red a nd eigh ty-five. at Bi lli ng,ga to. other boat to lho land , whJch 1s over b f 1· f ·1 'B · O E JI t hree miles away from th e wreck. '.I'he y some o ier am , )'· y some m ,s is , xce ~ncy S n· Geo rge Curn in e TIH,re n1 e 1,750, 000 OuLl.olics rn tho officer on tJ ,e hridge at th o i,imc of the chance one of the chil dren , a h ttle gi rl, Strahan , K ni ght C0m111 an der of t h e Most E ust Indies. clisaster, got life bnoys and t hrew them w_as throw1~ fr o111 th_c trap with g reat Distin g uis hed Ord er of S t . Micha el a nd overboard, just as the sh it) was going v1?le1_1co . Sh ~ ~us tamocl s<J me se vere St. George, Governor and Comm a.nd er;\I r. J v!rn Cu n 11 ,,!ly was i1,a1 1«111'atcJ down . 'I'he officers and m 11 lid the ii; best. lll JUr~es es_p ecmlly abo ut the h ead. a ncl (n -Ch ief_ in and . over t h e colony of May or or ::i li go f<>r a bCco nJ t im;. When we p nllecl ashore, we met several r emarn ed 1n n state of u nco 11 rn1ousn ess fasmam a a nd _ _its dep endencies, di rl J avan ese clinging to the ,vreckag-c, who , fo r a con s1derab)o time. D r. O'M eeh a n, a bsolutely prol11b1t t he imp or tation in to Ed inburgh i•rnpo~cs lo co11fr r th e r efosed to leav e ,t for (,he boat. Jrnmed i- ·. who has taken charge of t he case, hold~ T as man ia of sh e?p fr om th e colony of fr eedom o f tuo lJiLy on :11r. Stu n lq . atcly a fl,cr striking, the vessel heeled ovc•r 1 ou t hopes of h er reco very . W e&ter n Australi a : And wh ereas it is t o t h e port side 2nd settled cl own forward, j A child of M 1·. \V . Lin to, of D ali ak. expe~ ~ent t~ prohi bit t h e impo r tation The !i' re1,d1 ex p cndi1 111 e fu r the} eor andthcn suddcnly <l1 sn.ppe:1.rccl. Altogeth er i n eat· York, d icl h1 gt 11·<'ck , fr om ,,tt,ac k rn to lasmania ,, f t h e sk in s of sh eep or , 1880 I H ll1 iny six will io11 fr 1 C J in 11 we s nff · r eel 11lnch from cold duri11g that of cold a nd feve r. any par b of a ny $h eep from the Colony of ' ex cess of the Hevenue. T HE Land Company h as, at last, sot a.bout opening a passage, for tho inhabitants of Al bany, to the sea. Last Friday a number of men wer e engaged preparing the mnch talked off crossing at York-str eet.





l et








,] ntcr_rolon1·,·1t 1·111t

' J;






6, 1890.

Leo xrn . has ju st COuvoked a G eneral Council in J "ap an. It wil l be held in Jao oar y next year. The G rand D uk e Nicholas is s uffe ring fr om caoc ar an d hos ?een ?rd~red to N ice in hopes of prolong rn g his li fe.

,Judge O' Hag nn nas

The Holy Fath er has sez:it a gift of \ _A he;rgar name!\ l"ntrick Cot_ter, ? o 100,000 francs (£4,000 sterling) to the I bc1111,r arrested at ~heppn rt,on , V1ct.or111,

writt en to the

Ji'i·eemcm's .Tou,,nal i l, at t he Sch edu le of funds of the new Catholic Univet·sity I us a vagrnut, w,,s l<>u 11d to have uepos 1t Ju dicnl R ont,s fo r 1889 wus in no way tb ~ ca use of hi s resig nati o11 gf t he offi ce \ r cPipts fo r £832 in hi e possession. of F r ibourg . Rus oia has tleci Lled . lo ~stablish iL~med ia tely a naval station 1n t he B1ilt1c near Liba n at a cos t of thi rteen million of roubles .

1 1

T)ie rute of c~chnnfe hetwecn t he B u u sh nnd lod1n11 C,ove1nmen ts for the year 1890 -91 has been fixed at one shilling and five pence th e ru pee.

of Jn dic:nl Com mis~(oner. H e resign ed s imp ly bt>causc bis doctor impresseu ou h im t hat he should not a nd co ulu not with safety, co nt inue th o co urse of li fe wh ich hi s j ud icul duti es imposed ou hi m. A sto ry from Ne w Y ork to th e effect that ii Mrs . H ill er, of th at ci t y h as bu1·ied li er hu sband wit.b extrnord iaary , m» g nifi0ence. The eof:Iin was of car ved \ mah og nn!, li ne~ wit~ silk at £3 a ya rd, and provided w1Lb lu n_ges and n k nob of I s?'''.1 go ld. M rs. H ill er has bou g?t _a '. simil ar c~ffi n fo r herse_lf, nnd has, 11, 1s \ su1cl, prov ide_,! herse lf wi th her last dress

M r. P layford, speaki ng fo r So ut h Aus t ralia, said , "We want fed eration, An nlt,imatum from E ngland, debut we want to kn ow what so rt it is to T he dyit1 g Em press A ng usta lof t be." golci manding the recall of a ll forces , officials, splendid Q ueen V ictoria 11 Accord ing to S ir Henry Park e~ , th e_ bracelet, co ntai nin g th e wor d~ "For and expeditions on the U pper Shire and in Mashonaland, has been yielded an n ual vo lue of the natura l products of Ever•· set in precious s t.ones . to by Portugal u nder prot C's t. A us tralasia amou nt to £95,000,000 in H is Holiness L eo XII I. t elegr aphed r o nnd numbers. Extreme hostil ity towards E ngland t o t h e Czar t h e appointment of th e M r. E . S teinfi elLl , an ex - president of n ew Ru ssian and P olish Bish ops at hns been manifest througho u t I'or tugnl the Victorian C harube r of M ann~act u res, the last Consistory, and r eceived a and Kpain , wh ilst an acu te attuc:k of Anglophob ia has characterised th e says that he shortl,r exp~cts to see 11 telegram of t h anks in r eply . opinions of th e Paris ian P ress. Ge r man bank establish ed 111 M elbo u rn e.. 1 . Sir J ames Lee-S teere, speakin g at th e Joseph Bren tano, the a rch itect who ut : cos t of £4, 000. The m arriage of Lord Clifford and bstacles o said rence, Federation Coufe Tlio Ge rmu n Co ns ul at J\l!ar~ei!les Mi ss Mab el Tow n eley will take place obtninerl the first prize in t he inte rboth fi scal aud fin a ncial were in th e way at th e O ra tory . M iss Towncley has ntioual competition fo i· the reconstruc- / repor ts a . very un pleasa nt rnc 11l~nt. of a Domiuivn G ove1·nment. deter mined to b e unsuppor ted by any ~ion of fo gadr. of tbe Catheclrnl of T l!;i Gernrnn fi tea m(lr _CrL pr i, whi ch wns 1 Mi Inn , ,Ii Pd the i en fc•w days n~o. Ho ly in g •.!, ?re a! ong s 1t! e the ~rr11 ,· h Bishop Hog an, io estim a ti ng _tl, e bridesmaids. steamer Coloru bo, ha<l sent n smlor on C ath oli c pop ul ation of the U nited L ippincotl's Magazme has sec ured was only 27 years ol' uge. I sho re to tig hten th e hawse rs ng ni nst a States a t I 3,200,000, co mes near est, th e right of publish in g M r. W illiam Si r ,Tohn I'ope Hennessy bas ret_urued threa teu in R sLo rm. T he F rench crew, in ou r oµin ion, to tlrn actu al fi g urt t han O'B rien's novel, w rit ten d uring his to England. He has completed t he ho wev er, urovc hi m off, beat the fir st anyt.hiDg ·yet p ut forwa rd in th e way of r ecent imprisonment. It is to be tprm of office as a Colonial Governor mate, wh o went on shore to in q uir e the called " ·when W e :were Boys." es timat ion. wh ich entitles bin'!\ to a pension, anJ ho reaso n of the tumu lt and maltreated th e The maj ority of people prc•nou nee Mr. Mr. Ed ison h as sent n pb onogrnph will be a Home R ul e candida te for one ~ccond mate and tw~ sailorn, wh o fo lStead's p Boer the Pawl Mawl Gazette, doll u, a Christmas present to the li ttle of the fi rst vacanc ies in I reland. lowed him. T he offi cers of th e F rench bu t th11t gentlem an, who shou ld kno w, uBng h ter of th e la te C row n P ri nce of Mr. Stanley is now talk ing of retu rn- vessc-! , when appealed to by tb e Ge rman says i t is Pell Mell. S nppose we tnl~e Au <tria. T his doll r eci tes among other in g to Eng land via China 11nd San ~rew fo r pr~tee ti on, so fa r from comply th e mean a nd prououn ce th e wo rd ab , t tbin gR, fl piece of poetry composed 119 a I:<'ranci&co so tlrnt his absence is like ly rn g, are said to have hounded on the i s spelled. birthday ode to the E m pe ror by hr s to he pr~looged even still fu r ther than French s11 i!ors. Marie was expected. H is heoefit concert a.t \ Ma.j or S erpa P into, who Las ju st bee n Pad re Francesco D cnz11, the di st in- d11 11 ghte r, th e Archd uch esR guished astrouom er who is in ch arge Val erie. Talking dolls wi ll soo n be Sydney rnalised £5 00, of wh ich £45 0 \ Lry i11g to conv ince tli e Muk olo lo. of the of t he new Vaticun obsenatory , has the favou r ite arti cle. ble,s in gs of fre P ort ug uese ru le by was cl ~ar profit . been a ppoin te<l a membe.r of_ tl: c p~rmo ans of his Gatling g uns, iti t he same I at elated ore oona P of Parsees he T An American paper bas eompilcd a man ent Internati on al Comm iss ion for beiog all®wed to enrol themselves i □ the genLlrni an . who, a good ma ny yea~s in now prince;;;ses" American " of list ,_ th f 1 ens, e Lleav p r eparin g a genera map o Eu rope. T he " princesses " ::ire Ameri- local V olunteer Corps. A moveU1ent ~go, pnulrn hed ~ Ll accou ~t of h ts Amoo g decorati cus j us~ awart.l cd h_y can ladies w ho have married Italian, in this direct ion • was made during S ir .1 011ruey from a ~-o mt suuth of t he m outh the Freocb Go vernm ent rn th e C1'ozx Ge rman, and Polish princes. M ost of Ri<.lhard Temple's Governorsh ip, but of ~he Congo lh ro ngh , th e h eart c,f d'honneur, g iven to S ist er J osep!tiue t hem a re Catholics, and no l ess than the E uropenn and Rnras ian mernbrrs of , Africa sontli-eas t of t he 1ru,nsvaal, and Daflins for fifty -one y ears of public seven h ave mar ried into Italian famil- th e Corps were at the time hostile to thence to Durha n, Natal. The re w~re, , remarks the Echo, not a few cynical service in U10 schools 11nd hospita ls of ies, the list being b eaded by the the admission of nativ es. people who we re in clined to rank t he P ri ncess Galatio Colonn a, a daughter ".f uois . Mr. Stanley spe11k s with enthn sinsm travelle;r wi th t he class tJ wliich T he prin cipal nrngaz ine pu blisl1crs of Mrs. Mack ay . of all his officers. · Lieutenant S t nir's Muncba useo and S ir J olin · Mandev ille f have ir,timated to M r. h leacl tb at th ey o Germany ready a1, prchension of orders, Dr. Parke's bclnngod . Som e of P into's stories Augustr1 ess mpr E e h T obj ect to hi s proi,osu_l to sk im th e c~·pa.m who died last T uesday was throughout ab~olu te devotion, Mr. ,Je puson's passion werl.' ~u ffi cienLly rernnr kable, He met a from tht ir publica ti ons un J sell lt fo r t he dar k clays of the Bism;i,rkian for work, ond Captuiu NelHon's th ornu gh Portuguese natnrnlist in tbe h eart of • d f L bis own benefit in a mag azine to be pe rsecut ion a stau nch f nen t11e manliness, were al l, to nse his wo rd s, p, frica dressed in a whi te sh irt and 0 German Catholics, and sh e had always supreme. .All the party have bcon swallow-tai l coat, wli o invited Lhe called t he R eview of Reviews. M . de Freycinet says that th e wl iole m.any personal fr iends among them. decorated by the Kbedivc. l\'l r. Stanley travel ler to ti;a, which was se r vetl in of t he li're och army will br. arm ed This was prob"1bly t,he origin of the himself has received the Grn □ d Cordou cups manu fa ct ured a t Sevres. A w ith th e L ebel Hifle by next sp ring , r eports which appeared from time to of the Medjidieb. noto riou s rohl"· r was tamed by th e II lo ng time of her conversion and reception 3 fact whi r:h, he thinks, may go The Mayor of Li, erpool (.\fr. Thos. expltirer, who t11ught him 11s t ronomy way t ow ard s preservin g th e peace of into t he Church. H ughes) enter ta.ined a. thou sand of ! and t he use of the g lobes ! One of his T h e London Docke-1·s h ave resolved th e poor widows of that city in St. bes t "tin,ls" was 11- rnce of mea as wh ite E urope. T he facto ri es of S t . _gt iennc, Tulle and C hatell e rnult t urn o u t 6 OOO to express t heir grn,ti tu de for Cardin:i,l George's IT:i.11 btoly. The recipients as him~elf, bu t thei r beads were r.o vered Manri ing·s interfernnces on th ei r be- or h is worships ltospi.ta.lity were se- with wool i11ste11d uf ha ir, aud th e wool of these rifles every day. The foct th at we in New Y ork ba ~c h alf by su bsc ri bing to h is 8ilver Jubil ee lected by th e cler gymen labouring in was wh ite. Tlie;c c urly-p ated savag~s to r eceive la te Hraz ili nu news vi ii L isbo n Fu n d. T h e Strik e Council h as called the poorer dist,ricts of the city; 400 were so ~t,on g , according to Pinto a nd L oudo n is a reproach to A merica n a m eetin g of t he men at L imehouse tickets being given to members of the that Lh ey con!J bury un a rru w np to the enter prise . E very s lt i p t l,at comes from Town Hall, to take steps to raise Church of E ng land, 400 to Catholics, feath er in a elep ha nt's f1! auk ! Of his South A meri ca con t ruch cts t.he one th at subscriptions to t h e fund. Mr. Hume and 200 to Nonconformists. Amongst- personal adventures, one of t lte mos t comes j us t be f'o n , it, au•l _t he cubie dis- W ebst er presided, supported Ly j\ ' r. those present were Father Nugent rcrn tll'k ali le wus his su~pcnsion by his mutinous fo llo wers over a catarn ct on Sydney B uxto n. and Father W hite O.S.B. IJB·t ches are not mor~ co ns1sLr n L On New Year's Dtiy l\l r. P,issmore ·Th e iuflu e11za ep iJ,, mic is not tl,e The Italiun Uovcrn111eu t intend at th,i Zamilef.i 560ft.. high- whe ther by 'fir~ t of tl, o k inJ, as tl:e comp iaint was Edwards, the proprietor of 'I'!te Echo, once to t .. kc practiclll ~tPps tu I eal ife the ucc k o r t he lrncls is r: ot ou record. p re rnll 'll l in t l, e mi dd le age,. 'l' lie Len n t he oldest of th e London h a lfpenny Gat ibal di's dream (I f maki ng Romo a "God :,1eijs yon, " used iii Cu t bolic evening papers, presented a chequ e for seapor t. It is propnml to cut a ship F A K E. D 'l' Y' conntrieA .wh en a pe rson sueezes , or igin- one thou san d ponnds to be distributed rnnal , 80 metres wide nud 10 met res rd ated wl10u ,'utln enz a was reg a eJ as a amongst his employes, many of whom deep, fc"om the Tiber, at a point just - o - -a re Catholics. We arn glad to be able ou ts irJ e tbe city wulls, to the ~ea at A S'l'OHY OF 'l'UE BRAVE DAY$ OF OLD. seriou s co m p:aint it, ue~J. A farm er n O Regan was leav- to reco rd an act such as this, :i,s we Castal Fusano, a di sta nce of ab,iut 11 ing the S ch ull ,-:-'e t ly S cs~ions Court a are su re it will increase the bond of mil es. The canal will probabl y be' CHAPTER V I. few u ay tt ago :.i)\ l was _ Jee rn d at by friendship and love whieh should con 8trnctecl by an American Compa ny , orning after Mass a n d m ext 1." D istr ict-In spector f\_y rn e. O' l{eg a_n t~ok al ways exist between the employ er and and the estimated co~t ie £2 ,750,000. breakfast, which irr t hose day s, fo r ~11t a su mm ons ag: a 1 □ s t th e D 1ti trw t- t h e employed. Mr. Stanley estimates the di stance huntsmen, consisted only of a g lass of 1111 nd 0 Accordin r1 to tfficial rc ,u lts there tra velled i11 ilie interior at abo u t 5,400 wine and a sma!J piece of soaked re<l I n epector, but t h e 'i.utter te 0 i n co urt on F r id ay , hu mb le apo logy di ed last year in New York 20,000 mil es, of which al l lint 1,000 were o n bread, the Bri.ron and his son r ode ou t " Cathol ics, 14,000 Protestant and 2,000 foot. Tlie 011 t ire Post of tl ,e expedition together in the forest. a nd th e en e was wit li druwn. It has been dec ider! tli nt, i f all goes J ews in rouud numbe rs. As~u mi ng will not excee,1 £30,000. Ile considers Pauline, in t h ei r a bsen ce, offered to well , th e ma rri age of t !,e A rdi d uchess that tl,e rnte of mortality 0 11 an avernge Lh e wi sdom of the Congo route incon - show t he Ca.stle t o her a unt. L ady Val eri e, tl, o yo unges t da ugh ter of t he is pr etty much the sa1ne for every cr,•ed, t,•otnhl y prove,]. Ile tor111s the abandon- :'rla1:j ory cheerfully accepted the invi:E mperor of A 8s t ri a,_anJ th e Archduke tbis wonld ,how that mu ch mo re than mcnt of t4onda u u pol icical crime, and tation aud followed h er y oung nie.::e. Francis 8 ah, at,o r 1s to tuk e place h:.i.lf t he populat.ion of N e w York is mys th11t tho f::lu ndnn question is one of The Baron lmLl made great impro veH we take !or ii,e total mon ey only, nml the cost of its solution m ents in the Castle since he r last viait p riT utely at I sch!_ on _Aug,u st . 1 111 , Cath olic. wh ich will be H ts J\f uJ es ty ,; s,x ttel il number 1,G00,000, whi ch is even uelow is the co~t of o railway from Snak im to and liacl much enla rged t he fortificathe murk, we shall find fo r each Dcrber. 4, ir th d ay. tion s. Pauline fir. t led h er aunt t o In hi s d welli ng on _the fo urt h floo r denominat ;on: Catholics 888,000, PmThe Empress Augusta (th cStanclard's linen-room and wardrobes, and showed of n hou se in Pe. l'l s , t. he nl mo6t teslants G2I,000, Jew s 111,000. Ilerlin corrcspondeu t 1s informed) bas h er t he tron ssea,u t hat was bein g p reAn address ~ig nccl by 1\ rch bi,d1o p left n. cou siue r able fortune, amonnting p11.rcd r 1· h er :i.pproo.ching marriage. for r1 ott.en ex-Ki ng F rn uc is II . of N a~ les bas r ecei ved t,be cou<lok ncc~i Croke-, L orri \11,yc,r :-ic·xL011 , i\lr it, is s11 id, to some 7,000,000 ll!trlrn . Th ce to t he kitch en balcony a nd of k in so en 011 tbe death of th ,, ex- l'arn ell, Prol'c,sor Uull,raith an d other Her will wns opened on the 7th ult. It let li 1 sec all t he p repar ation s t bat E mpress o f Brnz il, l1 is unn t ; ~.mong lcadinir lrislirnGn, has bee n ~01Jt from lrn<l been drawn up, more than two've we re being m ade fo r t he banquet. t hem a ve ry affcctio11 ii tc d ispalcli f'r o 111 th e .. /ilnsiu11 11ou s,' , .Dulilin, t.o Iri s h- y ears ngo, w itl1 the help of t he late S he , 10 n showed h er all t h e p resen t s I 111 0 11 ~t l10_1 nc l\llt;, :il,ro:nl,' asking for Barou St.ockmnr, tho well-known she 1ad r eceived fr om Madame dt1 t he Q uean Duwn ge r of t'ort uga l. , It. is said L or:1 8alisb ury li 1msclf nnc1 1 a tes t1 ruo111::il to l. D _f:lu ll1va11 ,_I 1e- intimate friellll of the E mp eror a.nd Hou met; her d efu nct 111ot he r's jewels, Ji ig m edical acl vi eers arc con vi nced tha t ! land 's naL_iooul p_ul't.. :'!'.··, ~iuH1va ~1, Emprcas F red~ rick. A codicil was tho tapest ry sh e was wo rkin g-h ut th e in fiu enza infecti on was conveyed lo thro11 gh his utte:itw11 to Jn :;11 nIT.11rs lil at!decl at Cob!cnz after her husband's all th ese t hiu gs did n ot seem t o him i n H,ine uespa tches lie 1cccn ti y re- ,md out, nf Purlin~1 c.i t,_ h!i,1 h'.•cn com; dt:!uth . Her Majesty leaves li er j eweld interest L ady i.\fo1jory in the i east . Wlrnt she wanted to see wa!'\_ t he ceiveci fro m tli r. :-it. Petersb u rg an d L'ari~ ' pd! ' to IH"glrct ill~ pn \'ltle :dL,u·,, :JIiii nnd persoual ornaments 11s keep akcs H ro . she was perfect ly e ,n bussies, wliic li 11·crcl writ1e11 wh en Ll1c to- day h1 ,,o~ :1~ 11 eli off a, lie 111 1;,:ht 1,._, to \'ari ous personal fri c11d~. One j ewel 1u:moury. on that a ,:c()UJlb- Jlt'll l!t: the pr11 p11 :,c I of g reat value is beq ueuLheLI to th e \ a.mazed, a nd appraised the ,·al ue of t he , ·sndoro iu IJ otli pl aces we re s utler n,rn1 s, th e tem pe r --~ tho swords, t he Queen of gu i lut\t\'. 1,es t,i:n o11i~.I. !'rpm t he comp laint th emselves.. 1·

=------s s on u







- ..,,


l'Y1Anc1-r' 6, 1890


s treng th of t he casqu . , j us t as any wi 1h hi s wife wh en she su ggested that pn zz lea 'look,' "I do ' not tl1i\1k it i, at b~rn 11ble to shake your r esolve' nt kn igh t wo ul d li ave cl one. Havin g i t w as Brix t hey wa nted . 'O n my al l' intere ·1.i11g · t of ll'n)' b ouy bos illcs my ull ?"-" 'No , no.tone io t.he leas t,. I have don e t h is she s urveyed a ll t he r am - o!, M,~dam, ' said h e, 'I will not own fri ends lb hear anything ab out me. ~ca.en lepers in th e Paris hos pita ls parts, ascending th e t urrets a nd atte11- hav e my old fathe r clist n rbecl Let 1 am a ve ry unim po rtant perso n in deeu, not i11 a very advanced stage of' the t i vely cons ide ring th e di tches a nd t he hi 111 rest in peace. We will do a ll we 11nd if yon publish anythin g about me I d iRense it is tru e, hut ~till \'Tith s uch ' th ic lrn ess of t he wa ll , appare nt ly with ha ve to do unknown to him, so that h e sliall · feel lik e the Pharisee s tandin g iu sores nn,l signs ns gave me a g,1od ' iJea' mu ch satisfaction . T hen turni ng to ma.y not bo bla med.' Th en they the marke t -place, and that would be of what I bha ll h a ve to foc o. Then the P a ulin e. ag reed to leave th e Castle t his week." very for from what I wi"h to be. It Exhibiti on last s nmm or b as biught mo "Rea,ll y, my bcg,u tiful neicc, t h is is J us t as t hey w e re d eeply engaged in seems like hypncri sy to mu ke ru e appear a ~rea t deal. In th e modical section a well b uil t Castle Jt mu st b e impre- t lr is in t eresting conve rsation, the in •the light of one wlio mak es a great there wern seve rnl models of hand s and gna Ll e." Ba r on's old groom, J arnes, appeared sacrifice, ·fo~ 'it is no snci·1fi c<> to urn. It head s of Hawaii on leper, in a vory "So it is said t o l,e, noul e a unt, at t h e doo r . is only the' fulfil d1eri t of a wish I linve adv anced s ta~e. It wa s u fearful sight, "hut as yet i t h,1s ne ve r been besieg ed . " What ! you h1zy fe llo ws ! h a ve you had fo.r many ye1irs. If, as y'on say; it anJ the frion ,l who wns with me turned Vv' h e n K ing l< ca me h ere in n ot finished your work yet 1 A r e you may draw morn sympathy and attention foiot au'd sick at it, but it did not affect 11 9-!, he also a dmi red it, a nd adv ised asleep ? Come, hur ry on. You shan't to the lepers, I mu st hav e no objection, !l.10 nt nil." my g rnnrl fat li c r to buil d t his t owe r t o t ast e a bit of dinner until a ll this but promise me to say n ii thinl.( till I nm "Now, may I 11sk, Miss I<'owl1er, co10p l(ete Lh c d efe nce on t l1 is side li t t e r is b u rnt a nd the barn quite clean g one. I leave on Friday." wh en aoil wh y yo u hecl\m e n Boman That is wh y you see h is scutch eon c ut and tidy." ' " Have you ba1 any special training : Catholic?"-" Certainly. It was wlH!ll on th e d oor, a nd t his t ower is called " !\•laster J a m es," said Dick, "we for your post ?"-"Ye•, sovernl yea rs I wa s quite a child that I first thought " K i ng R icha1·cl·s t ower ." Th er e is are qu it e ala rm ed. Tom h as been r e- of it. I h11ive s tudied' medi ci 1i'e 1at Pa:ris, l\ow :11ucl· more beautiful than ' our th e el a te of J1 is visit e11.~ r11vcn 1~ea1· his lating some terrible things he has over- not to tuke •a , weJioal degreP, but to Protes t.ant fuibh was the l'(>ligion which n:u ne -11 th M n.y, 11 94." heard. But I think he ought to t ell beco me" an efficient sick nurse, •a nd I ~honght so · mucti about th e augels, " l a m pleased to see t he P Ja ntagent. you .' 1 lwld several certificates. I hn v0 also prnyed to 1hem, a nd kept them cona rm s h ere, " said Lad y Ma1:jo1-y. "B ut "Thu nd er a nd li ghtning !'· cried been at the Pastenr Institut11, ,where I s' tly uronnd us, n s it W(lre. Later t ell m e, Pauline, has you r g ra ndfath er J a rn es, " k eep your old woman's bles have learned moch that I hope will be on I inquired dee per into the Roman becom e quite a F ren chma n 1" fo r winter e venings, and do your work. of great use to me. For in s l.ancc, I Catholic religion, and eight years ago ' · Uh yes, a unt, qu i t e ; a nd certa inlv Th e Ba ron bas ordered that every trace shnll try and study M. Pasteur's theory ' I was tukeu •into the Church of Rome. n o o ne wi ll e ve r pe rsuad e hiru t'o of t he passage of t hese Scots be effaced that the same microbe organism some- You can think that it was u11t ·an easy cha ng e." to-day. E a rl Hobert leaves to-cl ay at times lit,ing found in lepro:. y which is thiug :o Jo, anJ that my fat her, a "And do t he peopl e in t hi s country, 11 00 11 , and d irectly afterwards bis· also found in cases of tubercular con- clergyn1an of the Church of England, at C he rbo urgh , fo r exam p le, reg ret the Lo rdship will make bis rou nd s. · H urry sumption, perhaps the s ame rerueilies du d my mother, and non e of my frien ~1; En glish go ve rnm en t 1 on th e refo re, a nd d on't let me caitch may s t11y the diseu'~a if applied in time . like it, · but my 'father was very g oo d, "No, Mad a m ; t he F ren ch King h as yon g ossiping agai n." I s hall try what bi -chloride of me rcury :i'u<l when h e saw ti1at I wa s dderruine(l not d eprived Norman dy of its custom s H e r etired and the two fellows set will do, which kills th e micro-organis ms 1 e g11 ve in. lt is the sam e no w. My and i t s frankness. lle is irea t ly to work in g ood earn est. mo re quickly tban any other known iJare,its are naturally not ia f11vou1· of b elo ved h e re. Th e people as k for As the Angelus r a ng out at the antiseptic, and · which cau be put in 'iy goi ng out to Kalawao, but tl1 ey do t ranqu il it y, and th e n ob les h ate K in g Cha p el, the E :ul's horses a nd those of baths, and on th e hand s, nnd is also not tliiuk it rig ht to put o bstacles in John." bis follow er s, we re led into the yard u seful for washin g instrum ents used in 1p y way. I hav e an 0ld er sis ter who L ady Maj ory was no longer liste niu g a ll burnessecl, r eady to star t. While leprosy." ib just com ing home from her work' in to h er ne ice . He r ey e~ foll owed the t h ey p ran ced with impati ence, th eir "But is th ere any special remedy South Africa, aad who feels my goii1g direc tion of t he valley, for sh e co uld riders wer e still at table . Sudden- you take out for pr~t acting yourself dreadfully, and I l1ave also a younger see h er hu sband a nd t he baro11 riding ly, a woman rn shed into the yard, 11:,:ninst the di sense ?"-N othing beyond sister anJ brother, bnt I feel that I towa l'f1 s t h e castle, accom pa nied by a breathless with running. Ma king h er th e us nal precautions, which I shall must leave them : t e call has come to third K nigh t well mou nted an d richly way s trq,ig ht to t he castle door, she of course carefully observe. BL1t it is . As Ca ruin al ti! anuing saiu wh en dt'essed· "Do yo u kno w th e insist ed upon b eing brought into the not myself that I have to think, but lfo ga ve me his blessing befo re l le ft gen t leman who is accompan ying the p resen ce of t he Baron of Brix. She of my patie~ts, and nothing will prevent li,oudoa, 'My child, you havo had a knig ht s 1" said sh e t o Pau lin e. w as on e of his vassals, a well-to-do me from rel'.d ering them all the se rv ices very 8peciul cal l ; a great t.1, sk bu s been T he youn g girl looked a t t enti vely fo r a fa rm er 's wife, and a relation of James, which a sick nurs e ongbt to und ertake. given you to do; and I wo uld not, fe w second s t h en sa id : "I thin k i t is t h e old g room . He tried to p ersude If I am infected by the disease, I a m conld not, µrevent yon from following _F oulq ues de la Haye, our cousm h e r to wait ' a little while. "The quite ready to die when my work is the Voice 1Yhich calls to you."' -Tablet. germain." B al ·on is biddin g good -bye to his done ; but renlly that thought has ~ .www,www, :w w:....EJ1.wa1.e«Jw....::www.~~ "Ah ! so mu ch th e b ett er. I was childre n who a re just about to ·start h ardly occurred to me, there are so awaitin g his a rrival impatiently." Th ey for Britta ny. You sha ll S':le him as many other Lhings' to be tbou·gbt about, wen t down to welcome t he new gu est. soon as they a re gone." nnd I loo k- forward with intense interest Th e foll owing · M onday, two of t he "What I h a ve con:le to say, to my wor k. I shall have the entire The seed s of almost all kinds o f g rooms belonging to th e Cast le were concerns Earl Robert as n~ucb as the charge oi th e hospital and there will be- \'V11 tt le1 are ed ible after roasting. The engaged in cl eaning out a la rge barn baro ?1," said old Helen," and I sh a ll ouly some 1rntive women to ass is t me. routs uf some species furnisl1 nourishing wh er e t h e soldiers of Count Rob e rt's wait h e re t o meet him on his way out, I mean to carry out sev e ral ideas with food after baking. The mulga apple,. suite had slept. A rmed with la rge a~ you won't t ake me into hi~." regard to nnrsing; if I find thing s io a so welcome to th e thirsty travetl er in: r a kes a nd stiff b rooms, they were _ _ __ ..._,.,_,..., _ __, _ _,,,_. s uperannuated state I shall change and th e northern r egions, from Qn eensla ud pu tting the s t raw toget he r a nd h eaprevolutiopi se. Then, I nm taking out a to Western Au s tmlia, is a gall formed i ng it ou t in t he ya rd to burn. 'W hil e " Greater Lov e than this-- ." number of urticles for beau.tifyi ng the upon the brnncheo of tho mulga tree, working t heir tongu es were g oing, hosp it.111. My friends io ]'ranee have which beloogs to the wattle tn be. acco rdi ng to custom, at the ex pense T H E l 11 SSION OF SISTER RO SE GERTRUDE. been very good to me ; th ey hav e given In New South Wales nnd Queensland of th eir neighbour. We p u blish in another colnmn a me some bea utiful statu es and other grows the L,ru~h ch erry or native myrtle. "How glad I am we are getting rid letter fro m the Rev. H . C hap man, ornaments for the hospital, deliciou s ~'he fruit is agid, and makes a good of t h ese S cots," said D ick." T h ey a r e Vi ca r of S t L u ke's, Camberw ell, in soft sweets which the lepers ca n eat, preserve. Th e red ju ice of the fruit of · ~o coarse a nd v ulga r ; d ownrigh t whi ch ho expresses a hope tha t the and many other things. Thon I shall this treo is similar in its properties to dr un ka rds too a nd eat like wolves. secula r 11;1me of Ri Her Rose l,e rtn1d e, s ing to my patients, and later on, when ,grupe juice. It contains fnie tartaric ·wh a t a stran ge cust om fo r Ea rl the yo ung lady who bas gone out to I have saveJ enough of my salary I acid, crea m of tartar, and s ugar. By Robe rt, to b ring a bout with h im such nu r se th e lepers of Molokai,• might not s hall buy a piano or a harmonium for fermtJototion it produces a palatablPJ a lot of sold ie rs, in tim e of peace." fintl its way s furth er into publicity. tbem and brighten their lives by mn sic." wio e of fair alcoholiu strength. ·' It's my id ea" said T om" that 'Jo th e e nterpri se of the Pall Mall A ~tr:mge, fair pi cturia this of th e fair Th ere are numerous varieties of ·nuts peace won' t last long. T here is someGazelle th e followin g inte rvi ew with English girl in her picturesque dress of indigeno us to N ew South Wale·.l and t hing mischievous in t he wi nd, whe n Sis te r R ose t;lertrude is due: the St. Dominic order of nun s, s in g in :.r Qu een sland which are eviJenU•; worth Maste r Foulqu es, wit h h is h ypoc ritical "W hat m ade you wish to g o in for to the ha lf-savage Hawaiians afflicted cultivating in Victoria . Amor,gstthes e face and fin e clo thes, a ppears on the th is particular branch of sick nur sing, with the most loathsome disease, on the is u. kind called pre-emir.ently the scen e." Miss F owle r ?" I as ked, uud after a island where perpetual s umm er r eigos, Q 11eena lund nut, which i,, extensively " Confo un d it ! why li e wants t o momen t's p nu se the an s wer came: "1 and i11 a voice the very speech of which used ao fo od by th e black.:s, and is also m a r ry ~Jiss Pauline. H e won 't p r :;iy Lav e had it in 111 y mind for many years, is musi c ! reli s hed by Europeans. Its botanical for M aster 's WiJliam's safe re t urn , at long before F a tho r D a mien' s illn ess nnd "Th en do I und erstan d tbat you name iR Macadarnic, ·temifolia. This all e ven ts.' ' dea th dre w s pec ial attenti ,,n to the receiv e n salury fo r your services am ong tree attain s a heig ht of sixty feet, and " ·wh eth er he wan t s to rn -1 r ry our M oloka i lepers. S even years ago, tbe lepers ?"-" Yes, th e Hawaiian ha s bee n fo ulld h urrl y as far so uth as yo ung lady Ot' n ot is out of t he qu essli ortly af ter I becam e a Ro man Gove rnm en t, under th e auspices o f Melbourn e. Burnu M ue ll er recom mends tion . W h at I'm sure of,'' said Tom, Ca tholic, I wi8hed to g o, but I was too which I go out, and which ulso p•1y s for its cultiva tion , remarking that in all oat· "is, tliat th e re will b e w a r soon . I young th eu . N ow I buve th e necessary the voyage , gives me an annual salary. fore st valley s it is lik ely to prove a wa s out gatheri ng nuts y est e rday, ball as t an d expe rience, and nm able At first I did not wi ~b to take it, but rapid grower. 'X' he nuts have a tuste of au d saw E a rl R olic r t, L ad y Marjory to decide fo r m yself. When young afterwards I wns persua ded to accept it. hazels . and Sir l?oulques wa lk ing t oget he r in 011 e does n' t kn ow om! s own mind , and It is more busin eRs-lik e, and gives me a S pace will not j.> Or mit me togivee'fen m y d i rection . f hy d ow n flat on th e my fr ien J s did nt.l wi sh ll) e t0 decide more official pos itio n. P ersonally, I a bure catalogue o[ all th e native vegetg round, for I d id 11 ot ca re to lin c,n1gh ~ on "1Yi1a t l mi g ht perhap s afterwar ds sbl\11 not req uire much mon r,:y , but l able growths pres um ably fitted forth e re wh e n J should h ave been a t my reg re t." shall nse it for th e benefit of th e h os pital horn an consnmptio11, and described by wo rk. I wn ~ so well l1 idd en by t h e S he is very youn g still, with her and the patientij.'' Mr. Maide n i11 his parnplilet. fern s an d t ho haze l-trees, th at Earl No nim ble, g irli s l1 fi g ure and h er maidenly "Who put yon into commu nication f'ewc t· tha n 2 12 Robe r t , u nsuspicious of my presence, varieties am described. blus hes, t h is swee test of" 6is te rs ," but "W ith th e Hawai ian Govenm1 cnt ?"~l'u bers of the potu lo kiad, yam s, etc., s,tt d owH on t he stump of a tree, tw o a ft er u fe w minu te s' conv ersa tioo it " Some Haw11iian friends and another alone make a fo nuiuab le show, nnd steps fro m where T was hidd en . Th e becomes ve ry e vi den t that s he does friend, wh o li,·es in Pntis, and of wh ose coun tess sat beside h im, a nd Sir from th e desc ription s given some of ind eed k now her own mind, a nd has help an d sympathy 1 caunot epeuk these mn st certainly be worthy of Foulq ucs sat on t he grass in front of gr a ~ped th e fnll big oifican ce of the post highly enough . Wh en I was st nJyi ng t h e m . I had t he fu ll hcnefit of tl wir wl cultivatiu11. No doubt th e principals. 1ic h s he h nti und ertak e n to fill. ho gave me typewriLing to do for lii s c onver sation . 'l' li ey spoke in scallcla land the profe,sors at Dookio, L ong er·P rese ntly s ho con li nueJ : "It ha d firm in orJe r to en1.1bl e him to buy tbe o us terms oE t he K iug of F ra nce, an d alwuys bee n my wi, b and my de sire medical book8 l req uired , and he has cnong , :lVIacedon, and other centres of sai d that at a 11y cost No r ma ndy ex perim enting in the to do some of God'ti w,, rk oo en rth, been II fri euJ to roe in e ve ry way be G o vP.rnrn en t mu st be t ake n hack from h im. Th ey into wh ic h I C'O ul J throw my wh olo coul,I. The Go vernment of H on olulu hotunical lin e will, w hen oµportunities t h en spok e of besi eging a Cas Ue hein g , where there wns scope fo r tl1 e : t\cce pted me at once, unil un co 11 cl iti o11 - s uit, spare a little attention to the hut I cou ld not catch t be 11a me. " c nltivution and improvemen t of a ustrnful iuM t Relf'-sa c1 ifi ce 1111 d wh ere J coulJ ' nlly." " ;\larry ! Tom, I hope it wasn 't th e f, .llo w H li an indigenous prod ucts. Practical iUJ who s ai d, 'G rnater love '· And tell me, l\l iss Fowle r, li ave Cast le of Brix." l. a Lli 110 m a n t h un tl,i s, thut he l,,y 11 01. the cl cs .: ripti ous of tb e loa tli wme- fa rm ers wh o lia vu liut little ti,n e or·· "Oh, n(l . "said Tom, " it ·o uld n ot ,lown hi s life for h is fr ie11d s .' B u t L ess of lr prosy, of whi ch we huv o had mouey to spare for cxper i•oeutal cul ti Le, bccwus ~ad .lloli1 1·L w;is a11gry tr u',I' ," sli c wc11L 011 wit li a bashful 1;u 111 :i 11y s inc<l F ,,the r IJ,1111i,· 11 's dra th, vation ·.v oLL-ld do wis ely L:.i aw11i~ r3 po1·L;,, a, t,J re, ul4;, ·


.1fatm, Sta.Hon, an'il 1!}ome.



6, 1890.




An A ge of Progress-When the baby beg in s to creep. The boy w ho I111 t es an'th me t'1c oug11 t A narrow escape-The fire-e scape. A swallow may not mak e a summer to he treated summarily. but the frog makes a spring. Wh en is a Rilver cup most li lrnl y to Some hou sekeepers should be punish- run? When it's chase d. The pol icy Leloved of sc boolboyseJ according to their desserts. · A · young man can di s please every- Tl1n t f mas t er lY inactivity. body by running away with-an heiress . Antic ipation-Eating ouo's calm Who can give the name and ,d drese befor e it is haked.-Fim. lt is pro l,ably the attention paiJ it, of the shoemi.ker that first tried to which makes the weather van e. cobble stones ?

Diner : "Here, wniter, you've chargSILVER LEVE!; BU~TER,Cappecl ed me for that coffee. I tolrl ··o u before 0 and J ewell ed, u uaran tced two yeair th t · J • • A. J . GALLE'S ' Albany. • n yo u put sa l t 10~tead o f sugar 111 1t, 11110 then you've got the ass urance tu ' - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- r,cpect me t o pay fo r it !" ! " Fon -r u E Br,oon 1s •ru E LrnE."W a iter: " An,1 why no t? It dosr,n't CJL ARJCE•~ . WORLD-F.AMl~U BLOOD muke a ny diffe,·.,nce with you Yo ! MJX TUR~; 1s wa rranted to cleanse t he blood ., . · u ! lro m al l 11np uri t1es from w)rntcv er cause conldu t hBve drllnk it anyhow, s alt or 11.n smg. For Scrofula, Scun v, S'cin and s ugar .'' / Blood Diseases, and Sores of ;tll kind s, its A . . M. h .. "I . ·h S dl'cc_ts are marvellous. Tbousanc' q of testi1 0 ox,ous ot . · wi s • usan, '. 1110111als. Sold in boUles, 2s. 9d . and lls that wh en you give baby a bath yo u c·ach \Jy Chemists a nd Patent Medicine would be carefu l t o ascertain whe th er I Vendors everywhere. Sole P roprietors T he sou who goes to work in the mill the water is at the proper tempera tur e. " II 'l ,um ' L~NCOLN AND MIDLAND ConNTil'i D1rno r epresents the flour of the family. S , Ob d , <,o., Lrncoln Englnnd. When are teeth lik e verbs 1 When nsan : ' ' on t you worry about ' th ey are regu lar, irregu lar and defective. that, ma~mu; I don't need no mo:neter?. The most experienced bookbinder If th e little one turns rod, the wate r , s HoLLOWAv's Orn·rMENT AND PILLS.cannot tell the book tbat is bound to be too lio t ; if it tnrr;s blue, it's too cold, Outward infirmities.- Before the dispopular. and that's all there is about it." ; co very of these remedies, many cases of · I t f " . b · sores, ulcers, &c., were pronounced to be 1 T be man who boasts that be is ns ~.nces O !'eg ectmg t e ante- hopelessly incurable, because the treatready to shed hi s lust drop of blood is cede n t, are am u smg. In an ol 1l geo- l ment p ursued tended to <lestroy the apt to be particubr al>out the first drop. grapby we are told that Albany is a strnngth it was incompetent to preserve Postmaster- ' Tho letter is ton "town with three hundred houses, and '.,nd to exaspQrate the symptoms it wa~ heuvy; it wautu 11not.hf'I' Rt ,imp.' , 1,200 in l111hi ta11ts , all with their gab le rnadequate to r emove. Holloway 's Pil;s Co11ntrywoman - - ' Why, t.h at wi ll mrike Pnr:!s towa rds tl,e strrrt. " A furri er oxert the most wholesome powers ove r it heav ier still ?' o .. cu annou .. ce,J t:iat l,1; was pre1Jure<l tlheb· u~1h ealttl hy flte_sh t ofr skfin, I w\tho ut " I • ( e arrmg ie pa 1011 rom res 1 an· a nd What is the difference bet1V een an t~ rna ce up_ cap~s, circ ul a rs, &c., for . exercise, and thus the constitutional vi"our ap t q uotniion aud a s hut up luu c@t? lad ,e~ ou t of. the ir owo sk ins." A is husbanded while the most malig~ant O ~e is a case in point, th e other 11 point match pec.l la, 111 London usod th e fol- ulcers, abscesses a nd skin diseases are in rn case. lowing street cry: " Bny a pennyworth process of cure. 'Both Ointment and Pills ·why is snow more easy to be und er- of mat,ches frolll a poor old man , madti make tlrn ~loo~ richer a_nd purer, instead stood thnn any other sort of of fore ign wood.'' Some yea rs ago, a of pe.rm1ttmg it to fall rnto that poor ~nd weather ? Becau se it is the only «Jne member oP the noted Savage Club of watery abt~ so fatal_ to many labounng . under chrome ulcerat10ns. L on d on, wus stand ing ou the steps of of which you cau see the Jritt. W hy are you ,· no se and yom chin the clu b-bouse. A mun stopped and l d ROTHERHAM S ILVER constantly at variance? Because as ,e : "Does a gentleman belong to HUNTER LEVERS, Guaranwords are constantly passing between your cl ub with one eye named teed two years, at J . GA LLE'S, Albany them. Wnlker ?'; "I do n't know," was the . S uppose a person carrying a doz en reply, " what was tbe 11ame of his otlie r · H ow Pills are Made. cut-glass lamps should drop one, what eye?" The fa th er did not s peak with ~ does he become ? A lamp-lighte r. clearness when b e exh ibited a fidd le i W hy is th e Prin ce of Wales like mode by his so n and said, " He mad e it i T he cu_stoin of taking medi_cin e .in the fifteen sh illi ngs ? Because it would out of his head, and has wood enouo-h fo i:m of pills dates fa r back rn lnstory. The . ,, W .b obJect 1s to enable us to swallow easily in a ta k e a crown to make him a soveri gu . le ft l o ma_k e nuot I101 . e occas10n- condensed form di sag reeabl e and nauseou ■ The absent-mind ed professor to th e al ly read rn the papers about " terrn but very useful, drugs. To what vast dini ght watch-man : GQod-night, I hope cot ta lad ies' g loves,"" woollen ch ildrens' · meus_ious pill-taking has grown may be you will s leep well. mitt s " " octagonal men's cassi In ere im agrned when we say that in England alone 't ,, & ' " O about 2,000,000,000 (two t housand million) Au engraver r ecen tly macle th is panta oons, c. r that a snake pills arc consum ed every year. In early mi stake: " Mr. and Mrs. MacSmythe was k ill ed by a boy twelve feet lon g," clays pills were made slowly by hand, as the res pectfu lly requ es t your presents at the or that a thriftv hou sewife "washes ' demand was com paratively small. To-day marriage of their daug hter.'' aud irons h erself ~very week," or that a th c,r _are produced witli infinitely grea~er , " d .· , . rapu!1ty by macbmes especial ly contrived F<irs t Physicia n--' Did o ld Coupon's ~an "?nts. a boy to,, 11ve a horse who for the purpose, and with greater accuracy, c use yield to your treatment?' Second lives w1tb l11s parents. too, rn th e proportions of the various iopbysician-' It did. I treateJ it six _ . ...___,,;.,, gredia11ts emp loyed. mouths and it yielded something like i No for m of medication can be better than £ 0.' Vital Questions ! I I : a pill, prov ided on ly it is intelligently pre5 Ask the most eminent Physzcian ; ~,'uGd. .But ngl.Jt I.J ere occurs the di_fficult:, . Sh~ kue w her husiness.-Lady (in Ask any school, what is the bes t thin in E~sy as :t_may see1'.1 to make a pill, or " mtelhgence office)-" Have yo u ever th e world fo r quieting aucl a!l:tyiog a ll i7"ri- n![:1'o~ ,of th e1~ , t l~ete ar re:dly very few mind ed cbildreu before? " Nurse- taLio□ of the nerves, and curing all for ms of P' s ~,t can Je · ou~ st Y comm ended for "No, mum, but I ' ve made mnuy a child nervous complaints giv in g n·1tui"tl ch ' ldl ikc popular use. MoS t uf t h em either underrcfresh iug sleep ali~ays? ' ' ' ' , shoot Ol'. OYer~hoot I.he !Dar~. As everybody mind me.'' .And they will tell yott unhesit;itionJy , takes_ pi lls of so me ktncl, it may be well to Young Wife-" Ah! how fortun ate "Sumejorm of Hops 111 ,, " : n~ cnt1011 ,1·h:tt a good, safe, and relia tbe l am in pc·ssc&sin g a husband who slays ' ptll should be. Now, when oue fee ls dull 1. • h cuAPTt: It r. and sleepy, and has more or less pain in the a t uome m t e even ing ! " Bosom hca,J, sides, a □ d back he may be sure his Friend-" Yes; your husband never .Ask aoy or all of t he most eminent phys li?wcls, "re costipated ,_ anti his Ii \'Cr slugwas much addicted to pleas ure.'' icians • grnh. To remedy tins unh appy state 1f S peaker of the house.-- •" I am quite "What is tho best and uul y remedy that tliiugs there is nothiug li ke tt good cathartic · d M can \Je reli ed on to cure all di seases of t he pill.. It will rtet_ like_ a charm by stimu lating surpnse , r. Meeker, at your wife's kidneys and urinary organs; sucli as . 'L I1e Iiv er Ill to d 01ug 1 ts l l uty, an d n'dd'10g the kn owl edge of Parliamentary l1.1w .' Bright's disea~e, diabetes, retention, or iua- digestiv e orgaus of th e accumul ated poi son' She? Why, h asn't sho been th e bil.ity to retain urin e, and all the diseases ous matter. speaker of th e !i ou ~e for the Inst fift ee n aud ailments pecul iar to Women"i .But . the good pm does not ~rip e and pain earn ?' And they will Lei! yo n explicitly and em- us, ne1tlicr does tt make us s1clc anrl miserpliatically "Bue/tu ." Y able fo r a few hours a clay. It acts on tbe "Oh yea," s ai,l Harry, when, in Ask the s:ime physicians I en tire glamlul a~ 3ystem at _tbc _same time I reading 11 novel, he came to the "Wh at is tbe most reliable and sures t else the atte r-cffo cts of th e pill WLll be worse exp ressiou," th e one poor lamp on ly serv- cure for all lh· er diseases or rly spepsia; con- tliau t he disease i tself. T l1e_gr_ipin g caused ed to make darknes~ visible·," « oh ves : stipatiou, inrl i gcstio □, biliousness, malaria, by _most pills 1s the r es ult of_1rntatiag drugs J fev er, ague, &c.,'' and they will tell you : , wl11cb they contain. Such P!lls arc harmful, I unuerstood t hat. It was in a rail way Mandral,e l or Dandelion I I I I and sho uld never be used. Th ey sometimes carriag e, of course. " Hence when these rem edies arc com bi ned evenpro~uce hemorrhoids .. Without hav ing S park from a ]ocomotive.-Bellewith others eq1rnlly valuab le, . aoy particular desire to pnnse one pill above , Who is that young fellow that comr.s And compounded into Dr. Soul e's Ameri- m~ther, we_ may, nevertheless, name Mother can Hop Hitters, such a wonderful and mys- Scigel's. Pi lls, manufactured by the wellto see Carrie eo ofton ?' Julia-' He r tcrious curativ e power is developed, which k,110,~11 house of A . J. WhiLe, Limited ~5, beau, of' co urse. [!e's an engineer on is so Yari cd in its operation s that 110 disease l! arnn gtlo n Rt>acl, Lo1~don, and now so!J by the L .N. W. liue.' Belle- " Oil, y es, or ill-health can possib ly exist or resi st its all chemrnts and meu1cllle vend o,-s, as tha I see-n spark from u locomotive.' power, aau yet it is , only one '.vc know of t lmt act ually possesses ll ur mless for tbe most frail woman weak- every desirable quality. They remove tb a 'When L ove Grnws Co ld' (s tory in inv ali d 01. small es t chi ld to use. ' , nrcss ure upon th e bnun, cor rect the lil'er six chapters) .- Cha pter l - F irst letter: , aod cause th e bowel s to act with ' Dear MiRS ,Jink s.' C hnpter 2CUAPT.ER 11. ease and regularity. They never gripe I or produce the slightest sick ness of th e S econ d Ietter : 'Dear friend.' Cha11te r I "Patients s L0111ac1,, or any oth er unpleasan t feeling 3-Tb ir l'l letter : 'Darling ' Chapter "Almost dead or nearly dying" 01· sy mptoms. Neither do they in duce fu r4-Fomt h lette r: ' Miss Jin ks.' Eor years, and giY cll up by phsiP-ians, of thcr constipaLioa, as nearly all other pills Chapter 5-Fifth letter: 'l\ludam .' Dn.,ht's aud other kidney di seases liver do. As a furth er and crowning merit Chapter 6-Brcach of promi se su i t.' con~plaints, se vere coughs, call ed c~;isump- · Mot her Seigcl's Pills are_covered wi th a t ion, lmve been cured. , tasteless aud harmless coat111g which causes ;\1r. I3luff ( host nt a litt.l e d inner of Wom en gone nea,}1/ crazy 1 1 1 I them to resemble pearls, thu s rendering nudo frien ds) : "Ye~, genllemen, I hold From ago uy of neural gia, nerrnusness, th em as pleasant to ~h e p<tlutc as they are t "at every mau should be master o f bis wakefulness, and rnriou s diseases pecu li ar eftccL1ve Lil curi ng disease. lf you 11:LYe a t J women. . sc,·crc co ld an,1 a re thrcateued with a fe ver own house. Th ere is no oth er way. People drawn out of shape from excrnc,- with paius in ~he head, back, and limbs, on~ 'vVcll , gentl emen, suppose we adj ourn pangs of rh eumati sm, iutlammatory or two doses m il break up th e cold aud preto th e library for II sm oke.'' W i1ggi sb and chronic, or s1d'E~ring from scrof ula. Ycnt ·th e feve r._ A coated tong ue, with a gu es t : ,, \\'b y not s in oko her e in th is Erysip elas ! brackish taste 111 the mo uth, is caused b :r ., 11 • . "_Salt~henm, blood poiso nin g, dyspepsia, fou,I n;attcr_ m the stomach. A dose of Seigrnnu o c J ima g -room ?'' l\lr. Illu If: rndigcs tion, and, Ill fact, al most all diseases g_el s I ills '.VI II e.Jl'cct a speedy cure. Often' Um- er-M rn . Bluff won't let us.'' fr.ii i " t un es partially decayed food in tb e stomach Little Bi lly, wlio was 4 )'ears olJ, after Nat ure is heir to and bowels prnduce sick ness nausea &c !lav e been cured by Dr. Soule's Hop 2 i t- C_leanse the bowe ls with a d~sc of t hes~ waiting for bis lunch a good whil e with tcrs, proof of which can be found in every , pi ll s, and good health will foll ow. cornrnenduu le patie nce, said : " i\.l ammn, neighborhood rn U,e known world. Uult ke rnauy krnds o[ pills, they do 110~ may I l1ave su me sard ines and bread ?" ~;akc you fe_el wo rse befo re you are bc t'.er To which th e fond molher replied : . . . Ihcyare, wi th ont doubt, the best ':.amily physte ever cl 1scnvcred. Th cr re:.aove all " No t now, B ill y; wait ti ll I am rcaJy i $lf'No n0 genuin e wi thout a bunch of green o!,Jstruct100s_ to the natural funotion s ia to g iv e th em to yon." "But, mo, i t'$ h9ps on the _ white label, and Dr. Soule's either sex without any uupl eas.a,it effects tllfl wll':,'s hungrv nut you " aud the n,un'.', blo,~n in the bottle HEWARG of all . . ,, , , . th e , !le po1souous stuff made to 1n11 tate th e ? oor littl e lcllow s ey es fill ed w1tb tfar~ . alJo,-c. N ES£IT's L


He: 'Darling, will you love me when I'm gone?' She: 'Yee ; if you're not too far gone.' Rer,ublics were ever ungrateful. We put our great men on postage stamps, and then punch their heads. Maloney says it is a singular fact that people never think of committing s11icide until they are unfit to die. She: 'What do,you suppose supi;orts the vast arch of the heavens ?' He: 'The moonbeams, I guess.' An old maid said she wi shed fi he was an auctioneer, for then it would 'he perfectly proper to say, 'Muke me an C>ffer.' A t.nllow chandler said he didn't mean any disparagement to the sun, when he saiJ that his candles were tbe he~t lightR ever invented . ' What ? Is the widow Brown g oing to be led to the altar for the third time?" 'No, I guess not. She ought to be able to find her way there herself by this time.' Wife (proudly)-' I made this pou ndcake myself, John_; what do yon think of it?' Husband (critically), Well, my dear, I think it will run fully sixteen ounces to the pound.' Miss Chnmberlayne: What ·does your fath er the Baron call hi s es tate on the Rhine ? H e r von Griff: It vas named by mein grossfoder, de Castle of Scheinderblitzenschouen berghenbau sen. Miss Cbnrnberlayne: Tha nk you; I nm sorry to have troubled you. This is the sort oflie t hey t ell in the Yank ee papers : "A live mo ose in n Texas dairy fell into II panful 1,f milk. It swam round nod round in it,s efforts to get _ out, bu,t in ".nin. However, through the ac t ivity of its mov ements, the milk was at 1:ts t churned into butter , when the mou se was enabled to jump out of the pan and regain hi s lib er ty.', Littl e B ess ie dropped un armfu I of playthings. "Did yon break anything ?" ask e<l the mother . "Nothing but the quiet," she repli ed, "and that's menued ulr eady." "The dinner last eve ning was wretched, cook. I was positive ly ashamed of it. " ~ook : "Yes, ma 'am th e policomau on th e beut, who 11 cver cu rnplnioed before, sniu t.!Je same tbi11g." "Wife: "John yonr !Jair is coming out at _. terri bltJ rate." "Hu sLa llll : "I kn ow it is, my dear. I must- do so mething for it at once." Wife: I wish you would John, for my sake. You know how people will

talk." " Get yo urse lf full of yo ur s ubj ect," said the Profea~or. " Sat ura te yourself with it, ai;d th en your essay will write itsr.lf." "Yes, I kn ow profesPor, " said th e grndunte, '' but my es811y is 011 " Rum, the cause of it.'" The ch1111 ge it m11k es.-Me rch:111t T ai lor-' Good mornin g, M r. Truepay . 1Vbat can I do for you this morning ?' Mr. Tru ep ay- ' l waut a suit of clothes .' 'Ye~, si r. J oh n, the tupe and book, please.' ' Oh, I do u' t want a euit to meas ure. I wan t a ready mad e s nit.' ' Ebern ? Ready-made? ' Ye s, 11-cb eup one.' ' Certainly cert11inly. R ig ht this way, · please, ' had n't li ea r·rl of your marriage.'

JI ere are a fe 1'1' bulls recently per petrntod by firs t cluss E ng lish papers: " To inve8tiga1 e th e qu estio n woul d lead us too de eply in to th e clry ai,d troubled waters of moral p hi losophy." '' Seve rn! cl1imneys fe ll, bnryi ug the inmates in the ruin s." " A row of cottages fell Lut fortunately the in mates we r e a: I out.. " " At fi rs l sight, lbo cl ectionee ri llg addres rns sou r,<l tbor.o.u_g hly P rotectionist.' '




£6 6,;·


a on:~ f;:~1. \'.ER WA'.l!CHBS> £;1 10~, I'







Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller,



( Late of Rundle Street, Adelaide, HAY STRJ£ET, PERTH.

w AREHOmrn .








General Merchants, Importers Stock and Station Agents,

TJAS the bes t selected and t.11 cheapest stuck ol' !irst-cluss .I...-

6, 1890.

ANOTHER SH IPMENT OF OIJR A VE always on hand full Stocks Watches and ,Jewellery of EVERY SPECIALLY SELECTED of Station reqnirements, also Nesbit's description in the colony. English Levers ( capped and j ewelled) st1ndry other goods, Carpenters' tools, PIANOS, stand .ridi ng and ron g h work, g uaran - Anvils, Por table Forges, Wool bales, encillg F Netting, Wire rnsacks, Co teed for two yean;. 'l'he 13est . Watch ALSO, PIANO S TOOLS, TUNIN G v, i thout exce[Jtiou. Nesbit's Walbham s Wires, Gill vanized Conugated Iron, HAMMERS, E TC., Douglas Pt1 mps, Hevolvers, Snider 11re the CI-I.EA.PEST in the Colony. at lowest prices t.o make so]J lie ill 'IV These and ot.her Vv atcheB with a two RifleR, Fowli ng pieces, (muzzle and ['(101Il fo r Olli' Its Searching and Healing· Propertici years' guaran tee. Jewellery of every breech loading) Amm unition-l"addare known throughout the World. description made to order or repaired · lery, Barness, &c. c.1. ~ 'f~r f 1i@> ;r;:, ;JL iID ~ ui ~ i.l • ..,. :l( :i.:101.~~ .11,( - - ' l - -· 1 For the cure of BAD LEGS, Watches cleaned or repaired . vValthams Nesbit's Nesbit's L evers Now coming to Hand as fast as :Bad Breasts, Old W oun ds, Go ld Lndies' Gent's Go ld Eteam can bring th em . Sores and Ulcers, W atcltes Watches --o-it is an infallible re medy. H efTeclu:tlly rubkr' ,, Si lver Watch es ,, Silver vVatc11es I T his ~lti pme,, t aho incl ndP~ ~n tn (• ,·cry on the neck and chesl, as s:tll into 1n<J:tl, i: C11 .. ; Gold Bracelets Bracekits t, i!ver . ti['tClai u, oig u, i,1 tbe W ines and Spirits in cases, quarter Quinsies, Relaxed Throat~; Bronchil is, T1 oop;nr sets B. & K ,, se ts B. & E. Cough, and all Asthmatic, Pulmonary, pr Pku " sks and ocLaves. Brooches ,, Brooches 1·islic Complaints. 0HLIDEMA CARPET TonAcoo in small boxes (120 lbs.) Earrings ,, Eanings For Gout, Rheumatism, A lberts ,, A lberts SQUARES. 0ilmen's Stores, in large quantities. Sciatica, Leontines ,, Leontines Rings , Gent's ,, Rings, Gent's Glandular Swellings, King's Evil, Abscesses, F'ur Rugs, Stair Carpets &c do. Ladies' ,, do. Ladies ' Piles, Fistulas , and every kinrl o ( S Kl N DRAPERY IN GREAT DI SEASE, it has never been known to ra;t. Tapestry Cloth, Table Co~ers ' Breast Pins ,, Breast P ins VARIETY. The O intment and Pills are Manufaclttre,1 and Five o'clock Tea Cloths ' Necklets ,, Necklets only at Guipure and Tapestry Studs ,, Studs '18, New Oxford St. (late 633, Oxford St.) Jet B rooches & E arringe ,, Keepers Curtains, Art Muslin's. Also London; Shanu.·ock Hotel · A lberts ,, Wedding Rirgs A very Choice Selection of And a rc sold by all Vendors of Med icine Electro P lated C u ps Clocks HAY STREET, PERTH . throughout the Civilized \Vorkl; w ilh discc• S pActacles . ,, Cruets, &c. . t ion · for use in al most every language.


v l'a.n

-n 1r~ ·v

p_ ~}

Teas, Suga:..'"s, ltlour.


~ ~,:, Purchaze1· shoulrl look to the La el on t he Pots anc'. Eo}:es. If. the address is nol 633, O::f,nl. f-tccc';, London, they are spurioua

Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, &c., sold on TIME PAYMENT with IMMEDIATE possession to householders at exWF.ST AUST11ALIAN BOOl' FACTORY ceedingly low prices. As no heavy commission is paid for convassing and collecting, customers will save at l east 20 per cent., by buying from V. E. Nesbit, besides having a large stock to select from 11nd a practical watch(Lale T . & W. Brilna ll), maker to g narnntee every article sold. HAY t TREffiT, PEHTH, TIM.E PAYMEN'f. I.@" N returning Llmnks lo the public ge nerally 0" IMMEDIA'l'l!: POSSESSlO N. for past favonrs, beg to nnnounce thas hey are prepared to manufacturn all classet of COLONfAL BOO'l'i:i, on lhc sho l' lcst pos V. E. NESBIT, sible notice. A !so, kept in stock. a lnl'ge and Practical Watch maker and Jeweller, varied assortm<'nt of Ladies', Gentlemen's, Perth. and Childl'en's BOO'l'i:i arnl HIIOE8-from the best Rn:.rlish an I Continental houses. AGJ!;N'l'S : !\ii'. J. W. Andrew, Roebourne. 'l'. W. Stroud. Geraldton. Leather Grinderr and Uppers always on hand. GtJod hi,leo. nd ka ngaroo skins taken ,, F. Kelly, Do~garra. G . .EI. Lott, Yo:·k. ,, in exchange Goods de'spatched to all parts of the Uolon y.

First ()lass Accommodation for TnAVELLERS. The Settlers favourite House.

DRESSES. Splendid Balcony back and' front. Bath-rooms, Stables, and every requisite /01· a Ffrst Class Hotel.


P1uv AOY and ciality.


Ol{ COUGHS, COLDS, .BRONCHI'l'IS Consumption, Influenza, Asthma, &c. TT AY'S COMPOUND ESSENCl~ OF LIN1.'\.. Sl~ED, Aniseed, Senega, Squill , Tolu, &c., with Chlorodvne. AY'S COi\1POUND, a demulcent expectorant, for Coughs, Colds, and Chest Complaints. AY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally sernceablc for Horses and Cattle. AY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia, Face-ache, &c. Contains Quinine, Jron, &c. OAGULINE.-Cement for Broken Articles. Sold E verywhere. Manufactory, Stockport, England.




a spe-






Famous House for Bass's A le and Gt1iness's S tout.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.__,__,,.,,,._,KOWCR<>~•

GERAI~DTON I-l0Tf£L. .......:=>14ril@\~o~\®l-31 -·

rI-IOMAS R. DeLUCEY, Prop1.•ieto1.·. -,,c<•~



On band and :tor Sale, W. T, WIMBRIDGE.

P erfu me ry and 8oaps of the best brands-, including .?e11rs', &c.



BR:BJAKFAST. " Dy a thorough kno"ledg e of the


~•h ich go v~rn th1! ooeratiou s ofdiges ti ons.; ~~a~1~~"'.s ri .. l!on, and by a careful ap plica tion of the fl ' · ne. proper, tics of well-selected cocoa. Mr N brt! tables with a. has provided for Y- o:voured ~e ver-,ge h· b ,bv 1c D?ay .s~ve u s many h eavy doctor 's bill 18 Y Lhe J ud 1c1oue use of such ar ticles of • .s. d1~t that e. oonstitntion may be gra,dually built . up until strong cnoDgh to resist ever y tendeuc of ~ubtl e maladies are floa.tiug ;,r~u!t~e~:e, . H undreds ready to atetack whe rever there is a. we·dc . many a fata l sh aft by ket•pi• pou~t- Wc ma.y escape ngl oui se 1vea woll fortified wi t h pure l>lood and a Sul1 a rticle in the Ci ·z grop~r Y nourished frame, "-

rt ·

~lade simply with boiling water or milk.

AS nlways on hand, the most ex tensive and varied stock in the colony of_ English, French, Gcrmnn, and Colonial Manufactured SHOES


vi ,.,,ervice Gazette.



M.~num ental Head and Tomb Stones, wi\.h h andsome Iron Railings, s upplied and erected complete.

A Cl.Joice Se)ecti on of GEN TS' U nde rw a re, Hats, Glov es Ti e~ ~o me sr:lendill Tweeds, Gents' S ~ir s, H'osiery, S ilk Half H ose, Great Conts, and Waterproofs. 1-\ lso,-Ludies und Gen tB' Umbrellus , &~ &c,

Which! )s brilliantly lighted, and is the favourite r esort of lovers of the game.



BONNETS! small consignment of the Latest Novelties. Also,-Faucy Wings, Leath er, &c F elt and Straw Hat.s.


B oot Manufacturer and Importer,

UNERALS conducted in any part of the Colony, and all details connected therewith attcmded to at the shortest notice by telegram or otherwise. Funeral Hearses and Coaches always ready.



Billia1.•tl Tables,




And contains one of Burroughe's and Watts' far -famed



LaJies Tern Gowos nnd M orning Wraps

Every Comfort and Convenience for Travellers and Visitors,

~IUE~ffi®!:?@ [furt~£~ ~®®~ m1lli.!lffi1Il' .


8PLENDID yard, by th e QU ALITI ES at Low Prices.


The GERALDTON HOTEL is replete with

Cba1·~·es 1'.lotlerate. Gootl A.ttentlauce antl Civility.

General Funeral Furnisher,



Wines, Spirits and Beers of the Best Brands obtainable, always on hand.

W. T.



Sold i n ¾-lb, packets hy Grocet·s, labelled th~s:-















f EAF.- A Person cured of ea ness and noi ses in th e Li d 0 f 23. slanding years' . ea tiy a Simple Remed Y, Will send a description •• of ·1· . I , FR!lll to any Person , I VlO applies to NICHOLSON s-0 W'll' 1 '







J HS l<:ll VE TBE ADDRE!'S, -

Next Doo1· to the "Cl'iterion Hotel.''

tam-street, Melbourne

. , t R e11•.. Prinled ancl publishecljor tile l'.i9,i M o ·b 1 , . ut ney, at lhc ojjice of th e " WA {~i,;conv," H owick street, Perth 1 . bg ROMAS BOYAN{

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