The Record Newspaper - 08 May 1890

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PE R T H ,

\IV A 'l" C Hl\'1 ~4-I{ER , JE W E L L E R, O PT IC I·A N , E T € .. ]B [A ."Y ' T . . ._,_ ..,.!;'I










JE, VE L LERY -of t he

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DE SIG N just


A FOU CH ARD'S Luc ky We ddin g Rin g H ouse. GOLD and Esilv er Jew ellery in grea t vari ety,

ALL KINDS of Gol d and Silver Jew elle ry man ufac ture d on the premises .

GE NT S Gold and Silv er Wat che s

LA DIE S Gold and Silv er W atch es. GO LD W edding Rin gs made to orde r on the sho rtes t notice.

GE NT S Gold and Silver Alb erts in gre& t vari ety. A Lar ge Stock alw ays on han d. A Well Sele cted Stock of Electrop late d W

SPE CTA CLE S to suit all sigh ts.

W A.TCllES, Clocks, and ,Towel1ery, repa ired at reas ona ble prices, A . F OU CH AR D'S is the CH EA PES T HO USE in the COL ONY.



TH E ON LY F IR ST OR DE R OF ME RI T, ,vi Machines ), was award ed TH E SIN GEli th SP EC IA L MENrl ,ION (for Sewing J\I AN UF AC at the Centennial Int ern ati on al Ex hib TU RI NG CO MPANY itio n 18 88- 9.

EXTRACT from REP ORT OF JURY (Sec tion 38) on Sew ing and othe r Mac hines fo r rnaH ng Clo thin g; as officially publish ed in the Mel bou rne ARGUS and AGe· N ewspap ers 29th J anu ary, 1889 : -

" Th e SIN GE R S EW ING MA CH INE CO MP AN Company each exhibi t a Collection of MaY and the Wh eel er and '1Vilson Sewing Machine in awarding the SINGE R SEWING MACH chines, but we ha d no t the slig hte st difficulty COMPANY the FIRST AWARD ,vi th SP MENTIO N. We particularly desire to INE express ou r opinio n tha t EACH of the folECIAL lowing Machi nes, which are a pa rt of SI NG ER 'S Collection, is of itself wo rthy of aw ard, viz . :-Th e Button-hole Machine, a first Ey ele t Ma chi ne, Le ath er Machine, and Manufacturing Machi ne . As a collec tive exh ibi t the Wheel er and W ilso n Con1pany onl y took second aw ard." .A 0


F MERrr,


Sing er Man ufac tm ing Com pan y, New Yor k, fo r Collecti on of Sew ing Machines.


W heeler and Wilson New York, for Coll J. Wer theim, F rank f~rt , for Sewing ,1;1ac ection of Sewing Machines. hine Att achments, and Hon_. Men tion for , 8 uperior Cab inet W ork . DE PO T-H AY .ST RE ET, PEL tTH .


8, 1890


by not be con tinned maoh longer; but when attack s on Parnell. lie cPnclnded France first settled in New Cal edonia say in g tb flt tbe fact tbat Parnell bad ' :10 protest was made by Austrnlia, and com promised wi th the Tim es was proof M r. GI a d s t one a n d th e I r i s h she has since spent large sums in convict that he wanted vindication and not establish ments there. "France," soys money, for there was no jury in the Question. H igginson, "is most friendly world, even in E ngland, that would not Mr. inclined toward s Australia, as her re" have awa rded hirn tir e fnll amount of Mr. Gladstone, on the occaRion of th e ception of the colonial delegates to th e da mages be sued for. dinner giveo to him at the National Ju dge J oh n A . M' Grath made a Exhibition last years sbowP. She does Libera l Club by the Liberal ao d Radical not vr isb to annoy Australi11 in any wa y , ~peec b, anrl then suitabl e resolutions members and candidates for the a nd if AuAtrn lia haJ bee n mil der in loP1 were passed. The meeting adj onrned .Metro polis, mad e a speech which bas ter ms I believe tbe watter wnuld hav e wi th chee rs for P arnel l and G !1.1 dstune. been treated very v r riously by the been settled ami cably long ago; but The Times g ives fiv e reporters. whe11 tb e news came two or threP columns tu it, the Stanclcwcl one and F air P lay to the Catholics. years ago that thA Austra lian colonies three-quarters, and the faithful Daily were goiog to drive the French out of News suppresses it altogether, with the New Caledonia, and all the rest of it, Tri the Eclito1· of the Soutlze1·11 Cross. observa tion that no report is given th e French pat th eir backs up, as you Under the above headin g tbe foll owwas accomodation proper because " no wou ld say, !Ind sent out more convict, !ng lett~r appeared, on the 11th April, provided" for its reporters. After this than ever. What else cou Id you ex- 1n the Journal, to whose ed itor it is lesson it may be s npposed that the So also in regar·d to tlw udd l'essed : pect ?" eir th party managers will reconsider New Hebrides. Mr. Higgin son affirm s " Sfr,-In your iss ue of this date I views as to the dignity with which the that there was, a•HI is, every desire on find th e follow ing :- ' The mai l brings representatives of tbe Daily News should tire pa rt of Frnnce to meHt th e, wislrn, of ns smn e details of the attack of French be treated . M r. Gladstone led off with Australia if sire ouly kn e w wb11t it i~ O,u1adiuu roughs on a guthering of an attack upon the peers . After -referthat Australia really wants. Anarchy Protesta nt lad i~s in Caaada wl:iicb we ring to the "astounding" debate in the at present prevails amougst tbe group. re po 1:ted some few weeks ago. The House of Lords on the P arnell ComThere is no seuled Goverrnent or any meetrng was an ordioary weekly meeting mission " when an assembly of land authorities to \1·hom an appeal can be of P r~tces tant lady evange li sts in Hul l, owners undertook to pronounce a mad e in the event of a dispute between Ootano, and the i ospiration of tlie censure upon a particular portion of panies of differe o t n:itionalities, a nd littack was the anti-Eng lish and anti the Bouse of Commons," he observed something will have to be dooe very Protestunt fanaticism wbicb, uuforthat if the lJpper Ho use was bent on I APPEAL FROM THE PARTY OPPOSITE soon. tun a tely, burns am ong some sections, at suicide it was taking the right way to TO THE PA RTY OPPOSITE. "What does Austral ia want?" a ~h least, of French Cauad ian s. The ladies secure its aim. HoweYer, the importNew bad a number of g ,· ntlemeu prese nt as tbe Are Higginson. them as a party to them M r. ance of the doiogH of the peers was of I a ppeal from Hebrides necessary to make Australia a protecto rs, bnt the~e were roughly citizensas you ask I . individuals. as The the Pmallest possible description. ssy as Christia ns - I ask g •·eat empire? Are no t the New Ir an d led , and the ladies co111pelled to flee. Liberal party had its work cut out for ! will not to con sider thi s question. Hehrirl es th e natural depE>n dency ol T ue in ciue nt illustrate~, we fear on ly men as u yo some years to come-London govern acknow ledge the law New Caledouin? Does Au stralia want too fa ithfully, the treatment which to you k as I ment, the reform of registratio n, the moral obligation. ns to say that no crimi nals shall be se nt Protest.1111ts, and Protestant religions reciprocal equal of refor m of the land laws, the reform of for a moment there 7 Does she want a slice of th e services, would receive at the hands of yourself put to yon ask I laws. ng licensi the the dPath daties, ns a mass, group for herself, and, if so, bow much the more bigoted Romani sts if they ou y to apµeal not do I But all these must wait because Ireland divided- does she want? Surely you dou't. want were at their mercy.' is sibility respon whom among block s tbe ,~ay. Mr. Gladstone t hen " No w, sir, tbe fiume mail also brou irht aR France to give 11 p the natura l dependenindividuals, as you ask I bnt a~s ail t•d the J ndges of th e Comm ission. cy of New Cul edon ia-so met bin g she parti,, ulars of tb A s tou in g of tbe Ron~an in urselves yo place to m11n, for n ma The Co mm1ssionPrs mad e one grea t of th e hon . member for wants and you don't require? lt is no Cutholic-or as yon would prefer to call mi tak e, and that was in co oseotiog to the position the nat ure of these nse to say to a nation lik e France him -the R oUJanist Bishop of Toronto considering Cork, Of one colour in politics, serve at all. charges. s imply to clear out. Let the Austra lian by Protes tants. Now, sir, if you were atrocious these and that colour adverse to the men fr ightful, can colonies make some reasonable proposal actuated by any motive but that of you possible it Is .) (Cheers whom they were to try upon questions, all for the settlement of the dilliculty, a □ d hatred of Cath olicism, you would b11ve after that seeing without hat t do man y of which were pu rely political, J will use all the inifoence I can to given Loth sides of the qu estion, and which this all after uffering, s s thi r, the Judges acted as men of honou induce France to accept it. Tbe Freuc b wo uld, moreove r, have drawn attention of ries centu two in parallel no bas but they were a bod y opposed in a ll our history-can you fail to see that interest in the N ew Hebrides is myself, to the fact that the Roman Catholic their political conviction11 to the person ains due to him , and and my recommendation would have prela te was first attac!Ied, and that the whom they were trying . After poin t - some thing rem that something smaller great weight with the French authod-· d isturban<Je of the good ladies' meeting make you n ca iog ont at great length the exception al, propose ? t ies, as they know how I have fought fo llowed. Ia yoa r zeal to heap odinm ameodm ent I an d, as be contend ed , wholl y u11con stitu- than the as men, for French interes ts. Y ou may depeud on the Cat holics you omit all reference jndgment. your Give Cheers.) ( tional natu re of the Commission, Mr. th at, whatever anybody may say, the ~o the p rovocation wh ich they received judgment a with satisfied be not do but Gladstone pas sed in eloq uent review company will never change its flag 10 Canada before taking the step they ty majori a by ustained s ·:.e may at th the achievements of t he N atiooal party Gi~ e simply to give th e power to Englan d to did . As a Pres byterian I have been a in a division. io the last few yea rs. H e claimed for in thi s Honse say to France,' Y 011 have no mo,-e 1igb t reade r of yonr jo 11rnal for so me years, utiny scr bear nt as will th em thnt tl, ey bad effected " peacefo I s uc h jud gme i11 it,' but tl, e moment that France and bave ever found in its columns evny of em:e nsci co and heart e th in and happy revolu tion ; th ey had rooted betakes bim ~e lf to bis refu ses to look at th ings in a reasonabl e exp l' ess ions which showed you possessed the Irish people to the soil, they had m1m when he For such a light, the new Hebrides Company will but little of that love fur the members still. is d an er mb a r,h reduced crime to '' a mere simulacritm, you, bri,,~ its influence to bear. But what of t,lre Roman C hurch which the Mastel' entreat I you, ask I judgment and bad saved thousand s from the tbe eve r propo.sal is made it must be dig11i- co mmands us to have for a ll me □. I in y sa also ht g mi I you, rg@ u I Finally, starvatioo." horrors of chronic l bligation , I dema nd fied au d fair for France, and not to talre ca~ _a ss.ure y_o u that several of my cobreaking into a note of triumph, Mr. law of reciproca a ju dgmen t as wil l away what really belongs to France. If re ,1g1omsts w1 &h whom I have com e in Buch ve gi you, of Glad stone prophesied the coming fo ll uud a scanty I on ly kn ew what it is you wanted I co ntact to - day h ave expressed regret miserable, a late, a give and ruin of tb e Tory party, and exand unpar- could fo a good deal toward s bringing tlrat you cannot fill your columns with ormous en an for reparation pressed bis own dee p belief that. the thin gs to a 'head.'" cheers). (Lot1d matter which would promote the love ot wrong. alleled desireone but have people of l!;ngland It W!IS poi'nted out to Mr. Higg in son u ot.l, in stead of implanting ia the breast to see th e tru e union of the cot1ntries that the whole question tamed upon li ttl e ones hatred for those whom continued and corroborated u pon the France in the Western Pacific. what wou]J constitute a "reasona ble" of our taugh t, under the appellation re a they basis of an equality of sacred rig hts. A proposa l on the part of Austral ia. of Romanists, to believe as even mora Tote of thanks was proposed by Sir be in clin ed to" sell out" iniq nitious in t be sight of God than the The following, from the Argus of the Would France Charles Ru ssell. '' No," said Mr. Hig- full e □ one bimself.-I am, &c., ? islands tbe of reproducworth well is inst., 11th emphatically, "it cannot be setginso,1, "FARQUHAR MACKINTOSH tion:tled by buying out. I tell you that . 4th April, 1890." Kilda, Si. " in persons t portan im most e th of One The Forgeries Debate in the could not rnise money tbe Western Pacific is Mr. John Hig- Collins-street Commons. out my own share, which ginson, who is the proprietor of the enough to buy Dr. W indthorst on Socialism. the biggest interest in ~ form itself by of area large a principal indu st ries an d the to mach too owe I company. he t Mn. GLADSTO NE'S PERORATION. land io New Caledunin, and was the French Government to turn traitor now, Tbe leader of tbe Catholics of GerNow, I have spoken of the Irish founder of the French New Hebrides Fronce would never seil her rights. many ba8 allowed hi mself to be interand Let Company, in whic h he bolds by far the members without distinction . What is mon ey to a nation like France ? view ed. Th e great obj ect of the elections me now refer to one wl10 was the larges t interest. Fo r tb e last fiv e years No, Australia m · st not talk about buyohject of th e worst ond most atrocious Mr. H iggin son ha, been in Paris, and ing out or ki cking out, for neither be said, from the Catholic point of view'. was the defeat of the Ca rtel. For that be is now passine; through Melbourne chargesmoney nor boots will do it. lf you say, MR PARNELL-THE CHARGES BROUGHT and S ydney on his way back to New 'W e don't want you there at al l,' then be and his fri ends had strained every nen·e, an d the Cartel bas disappear<l. Caledunia. Nat urally, Mr . Higg in BOn'~ are AGAINST HIM ARE UNPARALLELED FOR opinions on matters aflr cti ng tbe island s we shall simply say, ' Well, we No p ermanen~ coaliti~n will be made by stop.'" to mean we and here, carry considerable w~ight with the ATRO CITY IN m sTO RY. the Cen tre eit her with or against the G overnmen t. It is iJ!e to talk of He has been charged with being French authoritiPs, and be had exceptClerical-Con ervative 01· Cierical-Freismorall y 1,rnilt y of a, sosAination, of ionally go od opportunities of wa tching Jersey City Rejoices at the Das Ce n-trum stands innige parties. perju ry, a coward, a liar, an d a the pffect u po n th e French Government Defeat of the "Times." On in the miJdl e botwei:,n all parties. h YJ oc, ite. ('rimes have been aJlpged of tbe action taken i,y the Au stralian the other hand no sys tematic opposition ugain RI him t he won t anrl hasPot tha t col onies fr om time to time to oppose the G')vera?1en t is to be expected. There was a mass mee ting of citizens con Id be hro ug ht ag ain ~t a h u n,an being. th e extension of French inflaence iu the we re made against, a P ac ific. in the Academy of lVIu sic, in J ersey I be whole Wlsb of the party is to Tlwse charge In regard to New Caledonia and the City, last Sunday night (says lhe Pilot support the Kaiser whe re that cau be ma n ch argprl with t he learlernlr ip of to day j recidi~ iste q nestion, Mr. H igginson de- of ht March), to exprese gratification don~ without sacrifice of principle, and 11 1•POJl •P. !'l,a, g~d frcJ111 day nation's I clares tb at A ustra lia bos played her at th e victory of P arnell over th e LonJ on speciall y Dr. Windthorst is anxious to the re111 1c e 1 ns of a wit l, He q1:1ite agrees Tirnes. i11 tPr,.~r ; a11 d th is being hi s public cards very badly . Mayor Clevelaud presided . sup.por t with his whole strength the lii'e, !,, waR made for a year and that the presen ce of so many of the The hou se was crowded. Ex -Senator socllll-reforrn po licy of the Emperor~ "I a~d. my friend s were delighted at a balf virtu a lly a defenda nt in a w01 st criminals close tu th e shores of Thomas F. Grady was to have 1;nad cou rt of j us tii·e. Hoiv was he in a A 11 , t ralia is a seriou s menace to the the speech of tbe eveoiog. He did not t he I a1se r' s having taken the initiat'ive Ia I e, t hough stron g in we, I-being of the colonies, and he is appear. pii va te life ? Mayo r Cleveland took l1is no_w, as the Pope had done before. broke n !'q ually convin ced that the future place. He said h e bad nev er bef?re ~rns matter Kaiser and Pope are unc." min d , was k nown to be in ·1walth, an d Ids lot was not cast •l~velopment of New Caledonia itself bee n so proud to presid e over an In sh The g r_o wt h of socialism, he thinks , is to aw ong tbe best men of the kiuguom, I dewa 11 ds that the exis ting syetem should mee ting. He told the story of the ! be attnbuted in great part to the waning,






en et a I


l ea n in !J ~-

euoh as his position entitled him to. these oLorges were cast 011 t ot ra ndom, but with a solemn ass urance . that imposed even on hon. members of this Ho use, the Times said, "After car eful and minute scrutiny, we are satisfied that tbe letter is auth entic." (Cheel'S.) Was there any scr utiny at 'l'here was a carefu lness all ? Yes. Mr. not to know. ( Hear, Hear). Mucdona ld, in th e witness-box, declared on oath, "I abstain ed from asking M r. Houston where th e envelopes were. I avoided tb e s uhj Pct of tl11>ir ori~in ." (Hear, bear .) And this pablication of a forgery, th e cli max of fa lsehood, solAmn the was accompanied hy scraliny. minute of ass urance It is an immoderate ( Hear, hear.) demand after occurrences like this, ofter poi8oned weapons have been lannched with solemn ass urance, it is too much to ask the House of Commons tbat we should record our proceedings? these on judgment I have oot been ab le to (Cheers). abstain altogether from reference to parties in former years, but I have made no charge against the conduct of the Government in immediate connection with these things.





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8, 1890.





" Befo re closing We wi sh to express the G overn ment contended that the "To his Holine3s Pope L eo XlII., Our pleasu re in learnin g thnt your here ome." R for h s fi to F rrnch had th o sole ri g ht ty hns invited to take part in the Majes yonr thnuk "Yo n r M uj e~ ty,-We lobstor s, an d all t he more so a s the cod as II de legate, Mg r. Kopp, nference, Co becm bave you r t,• lot our y for ty Iajes r. rench F tl10 from tened a re being fr igh of B res lau . He will hop is B rince P t nteres i o l view a th wi write o t ser! (ishcries by the, En~ lish h un t flfter . plea ce rtainly fee l g reatly hononrocJ by this lobBte rs. Tbe moclus v ivendi las ted ou ly U s in tl, e Intern ritioun l Uo ufe rcnce n, murk of yo ur Maj es ty'a esteem upon for t he preRent season, a ud it wa s hoped wh ich is abou t to asse mble at Berli thi s occa9ioa. Fina ll y, it is with the to means tha t afte r t hat period of refl ectio n th e w it h the obj ect of ti nding velies t satisfactio n that We e xpress Ii working tbe of condition e th ove impr to ten s li wonl<l Eng lish Government you r Majesty O nr mos t sincere to o t reeable g a larly particu iR t I reason. A fter this statement the debate cla ses. on wi sh es for yo u r 'M:.ij esty's prosper i ty ty es Maj your late rat11 g c0D to s U The . month a for ed rn u adjo was e, and fo r th at of th e Royal Fami ly. F renc h inte res ts in th e Newfound land ha vin g tak en to hear t a cause so nobl "Given at th e Vat ican th e 14 th of which on, va ters are i nsignifican t in extent, so w orth y of seriou s attenti 1890. arch, lVl world. ole wh the ply dee so ts res inte y 11ll sentimeot thon gh they a re va lu ed "LEO." " Tb is cause bas ne ve r ce11sed to as the las t remnant of French dominion ertulrnn nd u work the d an u~, gross en is stry du in he T d. Worl in the New of thoro ugh ly a rtificial, and only exi s ts by your Maj esty res po nds to one __1f because it is bolntered up by a system Our <lea res t wishe~. are We as ·already, ave h We are ch whi ot Governme n t bounties, on con ti n ued under the impres si on t h at the reminded, OXJ?l'llssed Qn_r thoughts We Canadi a n fisheries nre a g ood school for tliis -n bj ect, and in Our utte r ances (From the Daily News. ) h ave Rtrn ng ly nph el,l Lhe t P.a ching of the trnin iag of F ren ch sail ors. are we ir•b FO REIGN. wh of rch, Chn c li / tl,e C atho · State Educatio n in Italy, •11"' brad. <) ,: 11 mn re I eC'cnt occasion \ \ 'r :t.g a in r, ,f, ., n• .J to tl1i -.: !,\:·wl•in~ , a 11 d Verdict of the "'Fimes" C o_;-1 T he prosc ription of religiou s erl uLONDON, Ar:ril 3 0 . th II vie w t o the j usL oluti on of thi8 wi mission . cation in Italy is meeting eve n with et Spring meeting rk owma N o Th to aml m, proble t tau or irnr n11<l lt diflico the condemna tion of non-Catho lics. A of the to ok place yes terday. In t he !Jrincipal g uardin safeg propt'r e th J ew ish gentlemnn named Arbid, for Plate-Ba ron Hastings legitim a te interests of the industrial event- tbe We (Nat£on), may no w sum mari se in example, bas written a le tter com plain in first, came Heaume d'~ il Ech oth R ious var he t Lo classes. We pointed out ing of i t to the Con·iere della Serct. tabultn· fo rm th e a bove ve rdict. Nospecial M r. A bingtou' s Hackle r second, a nd and ies t du the ernments Gov He says be notes with k een regre t the thi ng can sho w mor e clea r ly that what obligation s wLich a re incumben t on the Hon . Jame:, White'~ Kirkham absence from the primary schools of th e Commissioner s fio d t o be t rne is not th ir d. T welv e horses s tarted, but the the country of all mar k., of a belief in new or serious ; and that on the ot he r tlt em . on on fi eld were nowhe re, K irkham being a acti combined y, doubtedl "Un God. H ist ory, be adds, bas t aug ht him han d, all th e new and g rav e cha rges th e par t of th a vari ous G overn ments very had thi rd. At the s tut the betting that no na tion hns ever become g reat have bee n fo und untru e : tfill g reatly co ntribute to 'th e end so was 33 to 1 agains t h im. VER DICT. CHARGE. without the aid of religious fa ith, an d :Ma:ior Clark e, th e S ecretary of the v iews 1. I r ish M.P.'s, &c., wer e once ~ Tru e of much desired. Unnnimity of therefore he a ug urs ill for Italy. I t is, eight e sevcmil co untries Colonial D efence Committee, es timates the treasonabl in of s legislation member nd a however, to be feared that no warning only. . .. conspiracy will tend great,ly to advance the general the cos t of fo rtifyiug King George's will be heeded, and t h a t the evil results t it 2. I r ish M.P .'s, "conspired " ( True in q uiry t 0wards an equitable coaclu- Sound at £50, 000. H e s tu tes tha · against payment of r ents j mu st i n due time app ear. wou ld be necessary to station a garri so n welcome but not can e W s hu T . n sio 3. I rish M.P.'s not sincere in~ Even on points on which instru ctio n is in the mo s t fo vou rnbly all the dnl ibemtions of of a t hou san d men at that point denouncing Phamix P ark Untrue. given in the schools of Ital y pupils and . .. likely to raise event of war break ing ont. It is exare s. which e murder Conferenc the studentH are likely to show t hemselves 4. They disseminat ed the I-ri sh ( True . the cond ition of th e work in g classes , as, pected th at a large ainount of money .. . j qu eerly info r med . A ha ndbook of World work of fo r exa m ple, disc ussion - upon the will sLortly be expended in the rue. 5. They incited t o mm-der ... Unt English li terat ure, fo r instance, wli ich a fortifying tlu,t Austrnlian harbor. in r labou of rn ou h of nt arrangeme 6. 'I'h~y did not disapprove of} Untrue. has recently been accept ed b y the A ahipmen1; of New Zealand cheese .. . manner more s uited to th e eRpoc ial cnme Minis t er of Ia struction for second ary int imat ely} rk er, t he age has just beell sol<l in London nt 48 s. wo ed each associat of They tics s 7. arncteri ch ~chools and L yceums, con t ains some wi~hi :111cl paid, notorious Untrue. or the sex of the la bo urer, res t on tho per cwt . . .. original detai ls. T it credits A lfred cnmm als S er iou s conflicts are reported to have Lords Day's , a nd, iu gen era l, u 8. 'I'hcy asssistecl per sons who } Tennyson with being the inh eritor of place between some soldiers and taken which rs matte ose th all n npo ion . ue discuss Tr of su!ferecl in commission the renown of H owi tt , R osetti, a nd in Mosco w, ow ing t o which strikers the o t r boure te nd to deg rade the la cnme. Barrett - Bro wn in g. B urn s, it describes, 9. 'T hey accepted money from 1 Half and positio n of a vile instrnm eut, and have con sid erable dam.Age bas been done. a s an inte rpre ter of the hist ory and life ... 5 h alf. advocates of crime In tensci excitemen t pre·rnils throughno regar d for his dignity as a man, his of the Engl ish workin g man. It is, in 10. Mr. P arnell knew Sheridan} Not out Hungary in connection with the being. well domestic s hi or s, oral m proved. nd e to ng rageout an d Boyton t o be short, crn mm ed fr om beginni ... " It c1mnot, howev er, escape the labor difficL1l t ieo . mon gers with stu pid, silly, and ig norant s tateThe res ul t of to-day's socialis tic true. Not ( Inwith ,~as intimate notice of' your Maj esty that t he ment s. It is n ot a bs olutely necessary 11. H~ ... j vmc1bles is process ion s is everyw here waited with th of tter ma a of tion solu uccessful s that Italia n students sh ould be familiar 12. He gav~ By_n rn money to ( Not t rue. that impor tanc e will requi re, bes ides th e anxi ety. It is gen e: ,;ll y beli e ~ed ... ) escape from 3usbce with British aathors and their w orks. a ut hority, to -d ay form s th e startin g poiot of aa civil tli.e of lC:'rvention □ i wise. True. . . . Feniau a was t Davit l\fr. 13. isinm But the necessity of not being rn . t he powerful co-operntion of reli g iou a nd im por ta nt era in th e history of Sociulis Davitt formed Land} formed devo lves on all educated people. 14. Mr. Y e, te rdny t.he Pa risian M unicipa l out of " crimin al" Not t rue. t he bC'n evolent intc r v<'nt ion of t he Leitgue A case like that r efened to s peaks ... money sentimnn t, an di ori ties eec u red the se rvices of 5 0,re li!!iou ,i Ch nrch . The eloquentl y , besides, of the carelessne ss 15. He brought about alliance ( t can g ive 000 troops, by w hom arrests a re being a th ing h t ly on tlie s indeeu, i bet ween Home Rule and 'True. of men in au thority as to the educapel is th o m a de everywh ere in connection w ith Gos the nd a w; la to ty hori ... t au ies iart 1 orce F Physical ll tion al interest s of the country. A ples of va r ious serio u~ p lots again8t the R erinci p e th ng contuini code only they seem trnly concerned fo r i s the mu t ual public. One dynam ite plot b as been of t rue j u t ice an d those mnxi ms destruction of r eligiou s teaching. moo as di scovered wbich had for its object th e l al unite should which rity cha Pope and Kaiser. nnd wrecking of the hou ses of all the leadFather sarno children of the in g finan ciers. Among the arres ts family. same e th of members dland. Newfoun and France ham tak en place is that of' the tbat . to CE loyer mp e CONFEREN o th IONAL eaches t ion g INTERNAT Reli " l'rm of .lllorez, on the ch arge of arquis M and tmabl e t o r espec t the dignity of th e wo rkman LasL week we we re It is qui te po,sible that the n ext war archy . Th o Roya lists are an inciting equity. and stice iu with im h reat t to pon dence had may be to d ecide whether t he lobster is ann ou uce tha t a corres again s t the Repub li c. plotting lso a ng feeli a r a nd the It i oculcates in the laboure The E n~ lis h in te rpreta ti on of passed hetween the Pope 11 fi sh . celebrated ra ceho rse H ermit tlied he T makes nr,d ty esponsibili r and uty d of abour L on the the Trentv of Utrech t affi rms that t he E mperor William day- the day upon whi ch bis son, g is the fu ll him mo ral, sober, n,nrl honest. It is yes ter lobster is· not a fi sh, or at a ny rate was Con fe rence. The followin H ca umc, won the Hastings P lato. smi and lected neg bas society bP,cause the in ct.l h & bli u p not contem pla ted 11s a fis h hy those who t ex t of the letters as O wiDg to the bad pe rformance of un ders to od t ho princi ples of rel ig ion The F rench German papers : drew up the trea ty . in the Hastings Pli1te he bas Kirklrnm r·y ve s t that i t is n ow distur bed to i " B erli n, M ar ch 8. authoritie s, o n the othe r hand, say he is he<l for the Two T hous,rnd tc scrn n bee es cipl prin these ecall r o T on. ti unda fo splen" Most aug ust Po n tiff,-Th e u ndoubtedl y a fi eh, a nd th at t hey alone rella n will, however, con Nar ; e11s uiu G only e th is life fill th em with new The d id m ani festation s by which y ou r and to have the rig ht to catch him. that even t.. t tes to nd a society h s bli re-esta o t way our y made ahvayB modus vivendi which has been nrrao ge d HoliDess h~s Th e death is announ ,:-c,J of Lord in favour of' the poor and assu re to its peace, order, itnd pr os between the two Gov ernments, und iofl11 ence felt , who wag for m a uy y ears ammond H . erity p with me inspire in<l which seems to place a dange rous des titute of mank t Under-8e c reta ry fo r permanen the hurch C the of ission m the is it ow N " Internatio n al amount of resp'oneibi lity u pon the n the hope t hat the . The deceafted noble ffain, A ign re o F throughon my invitation, to preach nnd sca tter ab road commande rs of each country, has been C onferen ce w!Jich, n hi s tori c im mortality a evatl achi n a m and les princip hese t ld wor e th t ou of th 15 he t n on fie rcely denoun ced in Newfou ndl and , will assemble at Berli a ry i ncapacity to r ead i;;,,_traordia his by that e, efor er th fitting, is attract the interests of doctri nes . It but it gives no satisfactiou in F re nch thi s m outh w ill II largo infln ence in tl1 e sig ns of t he times ju s t before the cise exer shoiild it ow foll will u yo that d an Admirs l V eron raised the your Holi ness , circles . war broke o ut, w Li en progr ess of t he th e solutio n of the social prob lem . F rnn co- Ge rmaa question in the S enate on Tnesd uy , w ith sy m pathy the 11 ve exerci sed, and he rep orted t.o L ord Grau rill e in the h e W ce uen iuf-l This to be will nim ose wh ous, nod a~ked w heth er the new Mi nis try deliberati words :--·" In all my ex of th e wo rk ing clases, We shall continue to exercise it follo wing was goin g to submit t o th e E ngl is h amelio rate the lot ve never k no wn so gre at a ha I eaco peri e th of es, I con~irler it my especi all y fo r t he am eliornt.i:m inter pretation of th e treaty, accordi ng In th ese c ircnmstanc affai rs." n ig re fo in ull l e th nd a ops bi$h he T • clase g workin ness oli H your cate t o to whi ch the Newfound landers h ave th e duty to comm uni th e Lt1te P rimate of Barry, Bishop w llo fo will part heir t which will serv e a s a lesse r cle rgy oo sole rig h t to the lobster -beds . T he cod- t he p rog ramme s peak in g a t a pDblic di nn er ustralia, A ns o v:ui eir th in nes li thcae ut o rencc, nfr Co he t of urs fish, he patheticall y explained, to escape basis for tLe labo es t erday, be dioceses ; a nd W e hope th a t th is that was g iv en at Ox ford y woul d ich being caug h t were going elsewhere, ll1e success of wh <lo~c ribed his experience of the colouies om fr far Church, e th nf n tio ac salutary Holiness ur yo if itated il fac y even as the sardines w ere for sakin g t he sing ul a rl wit l.i opposit ion from th e civil n,s a very hitter one, th e peop le being If the French won l<l lend yo ur benevolen t s upport t o m eeting coust of Brittany . e and uncu lt ured. human it y in which I am Powers , wi ll r eceive fro m them aid a nd very crud fi sh ermell had to 5t and com petition th e wo l' k of Lo :sno~, May !. of ce uraa _uss n a as have c W . pr?te?tioa vit.ed in have t herefore f l in catching lobsters, they might a s well engaged. I . . ti cl t y t ha t t teres rn the place, 1e pnnc,pa 1 CYe nt O t 10 Cf] Cl' ay iuce Bish oi) of Bresla u, w ho I th is, in ·the firQst h' say g ood- bye to N e wfoundlan d. The the !:' r t' ti. .N d ] , llJg attac h re a ts overnmen us vario e t he t O with mlrned i y e w1:1c _s programm e A tlmirul therefore begged t he M rni ste r know is t horoughl rave c ues tion a nd in the . secorkn et cS:iy to thi s · prwg rn ee t,ng- t,hc two thou _ I ma .' . . l . lg l , to t a k e par t ll1 , to do or say somethin g t o restore hope ideas of yo ur Hoiness , j\H b . cl t the k rn d 1nv 1ta tron t!ta I secon dM pace e as my del egl'le g ul!l eas -was wou y 1<r. l\1eny 8 a11 U ·' d L · · • • ·· . to the Ffonch ' fi she rs. He fur t h er th e Conferenc L l' h'l th , B t . S . s to reseed au St JU re as cno ty aro n 1:.o sc 1 ( s m e 1oo , s opi)or t nmty agtiiu y our .! . 111es \u . hoped th at M . Ri bot would repud iate willi ngly t ake thi D 1 o f "'; cl ., •. h !le, •• o earnes tl y pray th a t th e b e1ug vv es t. u ;:e r H ol ines s• of my esteem J\i1ennw ~econu a n t I10 f b C f' l B the modus vivendi agreed t o by M. to RSBL1l'O "ou · . c.l J Bl , t . • of full be ay m nce ere on e t o c r wo 1 0 tr · n tio devo al son per my of nd a he t °tdi ured ass t n ·eo ,~ef The M inister ., s lr e l Spulle r. llllus N l i,borand esults, r beneficial most e th ' AilI "vV ILLT •e d) crntc igne , S 1 were ram 1 .t\.1ri. anu 111 £ ·1e u1 . ( , f • 1 • · · Admiral that, so fa r from consenti ng to h r ti • e ven t , J.·ns t b e1ore r : ou g lil y sa t1 s y t he gene ral e xµect1 l l1on , 1or t e start . ned ) "BISMAR K · 1ts ( Countersig · • the English interpre tation of th e treaty,

interest in religious matters-a n mdifference fo stered by the wa nt of reli g ious instructio n in sc hool s. At the same time he con sidered that a ve ry small proportion of the Socialist v tes were cast by genui ne Social D emocra t H. Thousands of workm en voted with th em just out of protes t ag ainst t he pr esent hard condi tions of labour. T he vete ran leader coo.e luded by saying: "If other parties do not s upport the Kaiser we shall. Social reform i0 a policy we have always su pported. It is the most im po rtant question at the end of th is century, as t he question of civil r ights was of the last cent'.lry. It is n o time for ally one to pull t ho nightca p over bis eyes. The Kai ser carries the flag . We march behind him . We in earnest. It is ' hei li ger ernHt' with us."

orct11n anlJ jjnterco lonial m:elegtatm,.









I ,


In connection with the Royalietic plot in France the Marquis de Mo rez now in prison, has implicated th e D uke de Lyons, for whose arrest a warran t bas been issued. In the House of Commons, yesterday, th e motion for the second reading of the dece&!ed Wife's Sister Bill was canied bv a majority of 67. During the disc1;seion on the measure Sir J ames Ferguson, the Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs 11 nd who was for merly Go vernor of Sooth A. uetral ia, vigorou sly opposed the meas? re, stati~1g, that the a<>itation in Adelaide favonng the B ill :as purely artificial and fi ctitious, as well as opposed to the feelings of the reli,,ious portion of the commm1ity. Tb~ South A ustralian colonists in London anticipate that tbii; ~tatemeut will meet with an emphatic contradiction . The price of bar 1ilver is now receding, being sold at 3s. l 0½d per ounce. The German Emperor proposes to visit the Queen at Wiodsor shortly. Maj or Clar ke, in resuming his evidence before the Select Com mittee appointed to consider and re port pon the qu estion of coloni al defences sta ted under cross-examination, that it would be better to leave King Georges Sound unfortified in the even t of Great Britain havi ng to bear the ent.ire cost. The P aris cavalry have been ordered to be in readiness, and yesterday upwards ofa f,bousand Anarchists bad been arrested having in their possession immense quantities of arms, bombs, etc. All the shops have been closed and bu siness is at a standstill, while t be banks are being vigilantly g uarded. The P resident has infor med all the foreign Anarchists that if any further trou ble arises be will deport 1,400 of them for punishment to the countries fr om which they came. The Anarchists hBTe fearlessly replied to the President by stating that his t bre11t is valueless as i. complete change in all th e Eu ropean Governments is imm inent. L oNDoN, May 2. Up till afternoon of May 1st no advices had been l'eceived in London from the continent of any serious distur-• bances. In London a ! mall procession marched fro m the Thames enbankment to Hyde P ark, where a meeting was held, bu t the whole affair paesed off quietly. In Parie some trifl ing skirmishes between the police and 5ome rioters occu r. red, but noth in g of a serious nature happened. Before the day of the demon strntion the Executive Commi ttees of the Socialiets at the various centres infor med their reepecti'l'e Gove rnments that t here would be no cau se fo r them to take any extra precautionnry measures for securing order on the t!ate of the demonstrations. T be Due ue Lyons denies that he is in any way connected with the Royalis t conspiracy. T he United States Hoose of Representatives has decided to devote the whole of the national surplus towards maintaining the old war pensioners. I N TERCOLONIAL.

ADELAIDE, May 1. Y esterday the police made a raid on all the offices issuing shares in tho Commercial Bank lottery and a rrested numerous clerks and seized the money and books. They also entered the National Bank, but fo und that the issue of Hhares had eea8ed; but they t ook possession of t he books relative to th e lottery that were held by that Bank. Suprise is expressed that the Bank should lend itself to- such a transaction , which looks on the face of it like 9, breach of the Gaming Act. All the subscribed money is being impounded and the sha res in the Lottery Company have fallen to 12s. The prisoners were brought before Mr. Beddome, P. M., to-day and remanded for a month, bail being allowed. It is probable that summonses will be issued against all the newspapers for publishing the prospectus, as well as against the promoters, should their na.mes be procurable. These include some of the most prominent citizens. It now transpires that the promoters were to


8, 1890

land a bi"' haul out of t he proceeds, as THE only part of the prizes belong to t he Commercial Bank . To-day's share quotations are t he same as those of yesterday, except t hat NOW ON AT Brokens are two shillings lower. ADELAIDE, May 2. ~& P rivate telegrams announce t he death. in London, of Mr. C. B. F isher, Great R educ ti ons and B a r gains in t h e follo wing lines :a well-known broker and formerly the champion chess player and Chess LADIES' BLOU SES A ND JERSEYS. \ Editor of the Aiistrala5ian. L A DIE S AND I NF ANTS' MILLINERY, Yesterday the share marke~ closed very weak, and to-day t he prices are DRESS MATERIAL S English and F ren ch (s nitable for the present and coming S eason), us follows: PARACHUTE S , S U N SHA D ES, CHILDRENS' DRESSES, I £ s. d. B L A CK GREN AD INE S, STRAW H ATS Brokens 13 6 0 Block 14 4 14 0 GENTS' CLOTHING, HATS, SHIRTS, & Hosiery, Centrals 11 0 0 B1·itish 3 l2 0 Very special lines in TWEEDS, r educed to ls. lid . and u p w ards. Souths 6 5 0 Junctions 4 10 0 Norths 1 5 0 SASH R IBB ON, &c. CARPETS a nd RUGS . Also a q uantity of Rounds 8 0 0 REMNANTS . There is every indication of a further - - - - - - - - - -- -decline in t he principal stocks. A few lines in FANCY GOOD S, suitab le for BAZAARS, we are Much interest ctmtinues to be felt respecting the fate of the promoters of p r epared to clear a t a low pr ice . Country Storek eepers will do well to . the Commercial Bank lottery. Mr. pay u s a v isit dnring the S~le. Special terms made for Pianos du r rng the sale (by well-known makers). Murray asserts that bis na1;0e was i1;1set-ted in t he pr ospectus without h~s consent. This assertion, however, is GuihlC01.·tl Hot ~I, P ERTH P ALACE R INK flatly denied by t he other promoters, who now intend issuing t he prospectus GuiltlC01·tl. an-ain from Broken Hill, thus e.,-ading NOW OPEN. the South A ustralian law. Should this course be adopted, how ever, it _is J .E. BRENNA probable that the Sup rem~ C?urt will MORNING. interpose, rest raining t he hqmdators of P roprietor. t he Bank from t ransferring the proFrom 10 to 12, fo r Ladies and Child ren perty. P ublic feeling i~ m~ch divided only. Admission 6d. ; Skates Free. in t he mat ter, some tbmkmg that the Directly opposite the R ailway police aut horities have be~n u:mecessarily strict while others ?lam~am that St ation. AFTERNOON. the prospectus is very misleadmg. MELBOURNE, May 3. From 2.30 to 5. Admission, 6d. The trial of Sparks, the alleged E vErtY CONVENIENCE FOR Skat es 6d. fraudulent insolvent, cont inues. Mr. James made some extraordinary adVISITORS. and missions under cross-examination, to EVENING. the effect t hat Sparks on many occ~s_i~ns signed bills and t ook t he responsibility Only the best brands qf Wit,es, From 8 to 10. Admission, 6d .; ~kat es ls. of purchase of land supposed to be Beers, and spirits k ept in stouk. bought by J ames, and that- apparently EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. if anything went wrong, Sparks was _to o-o " stiff" as he eventually did. b ' Prize Gala for 0.hildren. Good Stabling and an at tentive J uclge 111 oles wort h asked J ames whether certain entries in the book s Ostler . were lying entries, but he received no MUSIC. reply from the witness. Ry Professor Roberto. For quietness, comfort, and situation SYDNEY, May 3. Tha body of a man recently found the GUILDFORD HOTEL, bas no equal in the Domain at Sydney, has been in the Colony. B Skat es on Sale from 15s. identified as that of Connel, a working man. The witnesses stat e that FRANK ALLUM, Manager. Connell lodged in t he same house as A LBA NY LA ND. J obn Stone, a Swede, who recently UIDING LOTS, 50lks. fronta?e PIONEER SA DDLE AND HAHNESS went out with him and returned wit,h275lk s. in dept h. One nn le WORKS, BARB.ACK STREET. out him, stating subsequently t hat Connel had o-one to Newcastle. Stone from the Post Office, overlooking PERTH. at present c1:nies that be knew Connell. K .G.S. Price, £ 20, including Transfer. Land within 2 miles of Town H all, A considerable amount of mystery (NEAR RAILWAY HOTEL.) from £3 per ac re. South side of the surround s the affair. Harbout·, from £ 2 per acre. The discovery of the body found in J. GALLE. BY Robson's Bay, near Melbourne, was at AP POINTfirst "'~nerally believed to be t hat of SPEl'IAL MENT TO Pauli~e Levi, a recent arrival_ from 0 R s A L E. H is EJ:cellenclJ the fi o-vemor, Sz,· Fr ederick England and who had myster10usl_y disappeared from Melbourne. This N. B roome, K.C .M .G . lady, however, has t urned up alive encl W ellington Location, No. 300. has married at one of Chaffey Bros., For particulars apply to colonies . The police are making every RO BE R T S M ITH H UGH BRADY. effort to secure identification of the B unbury, D ec. 19. body. MANUFACTUB1'lROFALL KIN D S OF SADDLERY Mr. Hemy George, the well-known AND HARNESS. land nationalist, left for Mel bourne yesterday. Open to-.· 3 1'I o u t Its. ADELAIDE, :\fay 3. LWA YS in stock, a large and vaded a.ssortme n1 of Gig, Cart. aml Ca, na~e There are as yet no fresh developONE ACRE BLOCKS, fronting main Harn €ss, La.d a11u Gents' l:tid ioi,( Sadd les ments in connect:ion with the Commerroad, j ust outside the boundary of and Bridles, ie! Boy s' ~bd Girls' badd ies and cial Bank Lottery. Albany. Title, New Act. Including all l.'il ches, Pack 8addles, ,Jockey :Sadd les At t he Adelaide Police-court expenses, £21. Govt. Maps of Albany, Hor,t Cl othing, aud al' requisites fo r a, fi r~ yesterday a young ::i:ian named F rank showing the blocks, sent on receipt of 1/. class Stable ot· Hos1elry, including Whips Spu l'o, t:\ponges, Chamois Skins, llrnshes J. GALLE. t:iaw, who is charged with having in Albany Feb. 28th, 1890. Combs, ticrapel's, Cli ppers, Harness Oils his possession part of the money stolen Blacking, etc. recently from M r. 0. Proud's clerk, All ol'ders sent by post or otherwise will be was furth er remanded for eight clays. S FRENCH KEYLESS LEVER executed with all care and prnmptness. R.S. obtained FIJ'.tST PRIZE at the late The Ministry since the elections has · Guaranteed, at J . GALLE'S, Albany W.A. Agricultural Society's Show beld at been somewhat reconstructed. Mr. Guildford, for the best collection of both H. E. Downer bas been appointed Saddlery and Harness. OR SALK -Millboarcls, Straw' A ttorne.y-General, and Messrs. Howe boa rds, and a quantity of large and Burgoyne, Ministers of P ublic llw" Note tbe Address Works and Lands, have exchanged sheet White Cardboard, variou s thick' R O B E RT S M I T H, nesses. A pply, "W. A. REcoRDtheir respective portfolios. office, H owick-st reet. BARUACK STREET, The share market is d ull, except in Centrals which rose to £12 yesterday, (Near the RA ILWAY BorEL) owing to a report that the lode had Copie~ of t he W . A . REC-ORD may WHOLESALE AGENT FOR THE NORTH WEST been struck at t he 400 feet level hav- be obta1.11ed fro,m Mr. J. M cHenry, MESSRS. WATt:\ON & TEE, ing been sent to Adelaide. Other ews Agent, St. George's Terrace, Roebou l'O e and Coseack. shares arc at previous quotations. j Perth. Perib, October 17 18 9.



G. :e::E .A.R,:Lvi:A.N"'S.










8, 1890.



Mc C L E E R Y ,





Offices and Sale Rooms : CLIFF S TREE, FREMA NTLE.

Bonded Wareho u ses : P OBT E B AND GENER AL STORE KEEPE R




\V,llo lesa le a n«l Deta il. HowICK



Massrs. Wm . YoungP r and Co.'s (Limite d) Beers, in Bulk and Bottle, on S&le. Teas, Sugar, Oilman 's Stores, and Colonial Produc e. JOHN McCL EERY . has for private sale FREEH OLD PRO '· ERTIE S, WIT H AND WITH OUT B UILDI NGS THE REON , in PE RTH.- Murra y, G eorge, Dyer, Newcastle, Charl es, Douro, Garden and Li ncoln S treets . FREM ANTL E.-Tu ckfielcl, Hill, Mary, Swanbo urn e, Packen ham, South, John, E ll en, Leah, and Hampto n Streets. Also, Hampt on Road . Richmo nd, Preston Rond, Beacon sfield, Clarem ont, Bu sselton , P injarrah, and Derby.






















NOTE .-Build in g Allotm ents on ~ale in Freman tle, from £21 ; Perth, E30; Claremont, £ 10.








EHICL ES of all dcscrip tiou ou hund and mad e to order.

UND ERTA KING clone on the shortes t notice and in the moRt res pectable manner st modera te cli o.iges. ALSO -FIRE WOO D at anv length cut and deliver ed in any purt cl Perth ALSO - CORN -CRUS HING done on t.he premise s. ' All business letters to be address ed toL. WIM BRID,G E,







PERT H BRAN CH: S'I'. GEORGE' S-11 ERRA CE. D I R E C T O R S :F oRRES'.l', Esq., F.R.G.S., M. L. C. , Chairnmn, vV. SANDOVER, E sq. vV. SILAS PEARSE , Esq., lVI.L.C ., &c. ED WARD Sco'J"l', Esq., M.R.C .S., &c. , Chief 1\'.Iedical OfficGr. ALEX.

N SUR PL US (namely, th e excess of Accumulated Punds Liabilities) on PREM IUM INCOME, in the AMOUNT over IINSU OFt RANCE IN P ORCE,


RE F O R lV{.


the r equest of num erous friend s 11.nd others, the un dersigned begs to announ ce th at he is about to add UNDE RTAK ING :md FUNE RAL FURN IS H I NG, to his buildin g and carpent erin g bu siness. Fun eral s conduc ted expedit iously and inexpensively in town or country . PHILI P REILL Y, Builder , etc. Mackie -Street , Perth, Jan. 2, 1889.




31S'l' DECEM BER, 1888,


£31,25 0,000.

THE LARG EST BUSI NESS ever transa cted in one year by any LIFE SOCIE TY in the World. For all particulars apply to


SJS'1:'ERS OF ST. J OSEPH , GERA LDTO N. ERJl.rn -For children, under 10 year~, 5 guinea s per quarte r, to be paid. in advance. Music and si;1ging , 2 guineas. Entran ce Fee, £4. Childre n over 1 0 year s, 8 guineas per quarter .


N o More Hard Times .





2nd MONS 'r ER AR'l' UNlON , 1889.


£80 0






Free Goods Stores : EssEx AND CL1F1> S TREETS .

CHRONOMETER, CLOCK, and WATCH MAKER, JEWEL LER, &c., EGS to inform bis numero us Customers that be has B emove d to more extensiv e premises nearly adjoining Mr. Hymus's Chemist Shop, Oppo site the Town Hall, where he solicits a share of patronage. GOLD and SILVER WAT0H ES and JEWELLERY of every description always 1inhand . Weddin g Rings made to order Time payments taken. JOHN BOWR A, Howick Street, opposite the Town Hall






To be drawn as soon as th e whole of the money .is subscri bed. 1st Prize- BLOCK OF L AND (1,} acre Freeho ld), adjoinin g railway and road at North Freman tle, on which is erected a substantial 4-roornecl cottage ; the whole worth £765 2nd Prize- \Vinn er to select to value of £25. 3rd Prize- Pony, saddle, &c., value £10.

If you will stop spendin g so much on . MUR RAY-STRE BT, PERT H, fine clothes, rich food and style, buy good, healthy food, cheaper and better clothing ; get wore real and substant ial th ings of life Is prepa red to make all kinds of CAR RIAG ES equal to those \ every way, and especially stop the fool ish . CO1 · · . .te, c} A commit tee of gentlemen have kindly om es a t 1,ess COS,t t lian th ey Call be 1111po1 habit_ of employing expensi ve quack doctors O f th e E ~S t e1n . I consent ed to conduct the draw ing . or usmg so much of th e ,ile hu mbug medi- All Carna ges gu arant eed tor twelv e month s. Each purchaser of a book of 20 tickets cine that does you only harm, but put your will be present ed with ;i Complim entary trust in that simple, pure remedy, Dr. R epairs prom ptly execu ted. in first- class style. Soule's American Hop Bitters ; that cures Ticket FREE. a.lways at II triflii:;g cost, and you will see FUN ERA LS perfo rmed on th e sh ortest notice , and good times and have good hr.alth. " Chron• ci,t BONA F JDB flPEOTJ LA'l'lON. c!e, reaso nable prices. ~ £800 fol' 10s. ~





6/ .

of PRIZES in aid of T HEtheDRAWING Catholic Girls' School, Fremantlc,

Mitect orv,.

8, 1890

I right to look for th e g uidance

of the Holy Spirit while so his prese1:t I s not 1 doing? CA SH IRONM ONGER . position the direct outc~me of lus MAY. S IL VE R Does 1';, ROTHERHAM studies of the Holy Wnt? st M' h HAS ON SALEd h 8-THUR. .A.ppari•t·1011 or· . 1c ae1 HUN'l'ER LEVERS, Guaran• sacra ose ~ to . 1:rn t not he Archangel. ARPENTE R'S Benc.h J~ammors; teed two years, at J . GALLJ!:'S, Albany 9-FRI. St. Gregory Nazianzen B,C.D, I pages to JUSt1fy h1s refusa~ to Claw H ammers ; Rivetrng Hamyiel d obedi ence to •t he Augli c}tu St. Comgall, Ab. Black; 10-S.A.T. Hammers mers; Bricklayer's . 1 . · d' " FOR TllE BLOOD IS THE LIFE."- 11-SUN. V after Easter. , smith's Hammers ; Miner's Hammers - CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD 12.-MON. Rogation-St. Nerens r-.ncl Church, and 1scover t 101~l~ a I charter to fo und a rebg10n Stone Breaker's Hammers; Lath Ham; MIXTURE is warranted to cleanse the blood Achilleus Ms. impurities from w\1atevcr cause 13-'rUES. Rogat~on- St. Stanislaus B.M. more to his own liking? mers; Shingling Hammers; American from ail For Scrofula, Scun·:v, Slcin and . arising. Rogation-St. Carthage B.C. , T . a r e so me d'ff Axes, Tomahawks, &c., &c. ; 6-inch R im Blood Diseases, and 8ores of all kinds, its 14-WED. 1 0 1 ences, as h ere · 15-'l'HUR. Ascension of Om· Lord. Locks; Till ; Locks testiLocks; Cupboard rema rk s, effects are marvellous. Thousanc:' q of t ruly Groser Mr. Chest Locks; Night Latches, with mon ials. Sold in bottles, 2s. !ld. and 1 ls Disand Anglicans between ~Iedicine Patent two keys ; and a variety of Locks ; each by Chemists and Sole Provrietors not are laHer the and rs, sente everywhere. AMERIC AN PATENT SPRING Vendors until 'J.'nE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND CO"UNTI{'-11 DRUG fact the l'get fo to likely BLIND ROLLERS ; Galvanized Air Co., Lincoln, England. the r ecollection of the writings Bricks, Sin6le & Double; HORSE and purpose, yom· in aud laws issued against them indeft,tigable Be " SHOES, H AND MADR; Horse with undwrn ted spii-it resist miqu ity and 11-_y lo h as faded from th eir memory. Yet, T. THO MA.S'S CONVEN'I.' SCHOOL, couquer Shoe Nails; Bolts and Nuts, in evil with good, hewing before ,, our eyes BACK FLATS. the assertion, almost all sizes ; also Iron and Brass the reward pi·epared for those who combat for however unwelcome the r elig ious status of the An g lican the nume of Christ."-Piu s I X . Screws. Also, a splendid Assortment THE BUILDING COMMITTEE beg to and the Dissente r, is one of p erfect of General Brassware Goods, viz :ledgo the following donations acknow equ ality. The Ang lican has, inPlain and F ancy Ohair or Mantle towards tho erection of St. Thomas's . 1890 8, MAY , THURSD1.1.Y .Nails ; Plain and Fancy Picture Convent School, Back Flats. deed, wealth and numbers on his Collected by MR. M. O'BRIEN. Nails ; Drugget or Carpet Pins ; Stair side, b ut these do not constitute £ s d Rods and Eyes ; Picture Rods and Chmch of England, _. as the standard by which truth is 1 0 0 TAE Maloney P. Mr. and Rods Show Brackets; Window 0 10 from a l~t t er p~bhsh- 1measured. They a ro companion s learn we sen. Mr. F. Allender, Fittings ; Screw or Dres.ser Rooks ; Mr. M . Heelan 2 10 0 ed in a rec~nt issu e ?£ t~e in error, wander er s from the One 5 0 Screw Rings for Pictures; Pfo.te Mr . Thomas Collins fa1led m Tru e Fold. The Church of EnO'1 0 0 Church Uhronicle, has Rings for ditto ; Curtain Hooks, Mr. J oseph Price of its laud must retrace its steps aid part important very one 0 5 Perejuan James Cupboard Turns and Catches; Hat and Mr. 0 10 will make its peace with the Catholic reproach her Desmond . H But mission . Coat Hooks; Iron and Brass Cornice Mr. 10 0 speedily b e r emoved. Mr . P. Hogan ev. Chur ch before it can claim t he R 'fhe Pole Rings : P ole Brackets; Pole Rod Mr. 'rhomas Pippen 5 0 right to act as a g uide to other aic~, t· 1 0 0 Mr. Groser rushes ~o h a Ends; Piano Sconces ; Brass Screw Mr. John Stone bodies of erring Christians . Ang li0 10 quahs consp10uou very Brennan no E. Mr. with_ Pullies ; Lamp Hooks ; Cleat Hooks; 5 0 Brandes the task he essays, cans and Dissenters of all shades for ficat10ns Brass and Iron Butt H inges; Draw Mr. W.Collected by MR. T. O'BRIEN. and are scions of the same stock, and glorious, a with H andles; Drawer K nobs; Brass Mr. John McCartney .. . 10 0 but 5 0 t horoug hly Protestant , confidence I are a t on e in thei1· disinclin ation Eyelets for Tents, &c. ; Brass Bolts ; Mr. W. L. W. Harper .. . 5 0 that his own right_ arm will be I to r ecognize legitimate authority Back Pullies ; Sash Fasteners, from Mr. James Green Collected by MRs. A. STAFFORD. all other important in 4s. 9d. doz; Sash K nobs ; Sash succ~ss and achrnve 1 0 0 powerful to Stafford Fanlight Mrs . 'l.A. Lifts ; a ctive Sash The Centres; 1 0 where the whole body to wh1ch characteri stics. . ~tlly Mrs Catches; Table Catches; Brass Cas- Mr . .foseph Hayes -2 6 he ~ elongs has hit~ erto, as he principle which called all a like tors ; Call Bells ; Dinner Bells ; Tea Collected by MR. C. PRENDERGAST. life is the commissio n O'iven 10 0 adm1ts, reaped not1un g bL1t the into Bells ; Door Springs ; Climax Patent Mr. P . Butler he most unhappy ' 1~volt t in at Wh failure. sig nal 5 0 mo~t A. McPherson Hinges ; Iron and Brass Jack Chain ; Mr. 5 0 ~xcites M r. G1;oser's deep concern against the truth which occurred Mc.A.uliffe James Mr. Galvanized Chain, Rope, &c. ; and a Mr. John Edwards 5 0 three centuries ago, to every 2 0 IS, that t he Church of England I great variety of USEFUL IRON- Mr. John Saunders ignorant man to search the ead~a,Y h ~~r~ make not 5 0 ~' does MONGER Y too numerous to par- Mr. James Oldfield Sc riptures for himself and be 0 5 Chr1st1. umfyrng .. of Sweeney matter 'l'homas the Mr. m ticularise. 1 0 0 anity ." This defect, h e ass ures us, his own infallible guide as to oyce J F. Mr. TERMS, CASH. 5 0 Mr . W. Bm·low LEVI GREEN, 5 0 h e regards as a "phenome non." their meamng. M ultitudes since Mr. R. Allender 5 0 Very few we think will share his that time have wrested the , Cash Ironmonger Mr. F. McDonnell their to 10 0 surprise. The fact of which he word God of Murray Street, Perth. Mrs . .A.. Gregg· 10 0 Mrs. Dix in are there To-day . tion destruc be course, Tho Building Committee also beg to spe~ks, cannot, of. sects, hundred two e som land ng E palpable, plarn is It the . . by ed done dem acknowledge stone quarrying following lJersons for the building of the unquestion able, apparent to ~11 the legitimate offspring· of t he above mentioned Convent School :-Mr. m~n . But then 1t h3:s lost its Church of England, each claiming B. McGuinness, 3 days ; Mr. W. Duplex, primal freshn ess. It 1s now of t o b e the true Christian Church. 3 do.; Mr. John Hogan, 3 do . ; Mr. M. ; . do 5 Desmond, James Mr. ; . do Doyle, 8 ~uch long standi~g tha t sentim ent It is quite trne that "th e spn·it Mr. John McCartney, 9 do. ; Mr. C. J . uas h ad ample t1m~ to get some- of disintegra tion is prevalent" Prendergast, 3~ do. ; '.Mr. M. O'Brien, 4 Di ssenting bodies, but do. ; Mr. F . P. J. Ventura, 4 do; Mr. :vh at threadbar e _with r egard to among the James Reynolds, 5 do.; Mr. G. Silcocks, 1t. M r. Grose1· 1s, however, one it a t·gues am az ing forgetfuln ess, l ·J do. ; Mr. Thomas McCartney, 3 do. b~esse d w1_th an uu_bo unded cl:1pa- or· rtlmost in con ceivable effron t e r,y, c1ty for bemg astonrnhed . A little , in 1\.ng lican:; to r epr oach tliern FUL WONDER THE fu r ther on h e proceeds to "wonder ':'?'ith t lie fact . All tht" ir a,,,cu,-aERS, A UOTIONE that our claims to be the historic tion s o u this sco re retu rn wi t h ACCOUNT ANTS , 1 Ch urch of t h e Apostles in Great ! tenfold force upon their own hea ds. VALUATO RS, _ . themimpress not do .. . Britain STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, · selv es more than they d.o upon I C t1. I t1. U ll il~ Clt f t U l. MI1'JNG A ND those who are not in fellowship SHAREBR OKERS with us." Argument s of this ~ - - ~ - -- ---· k ind addr essed by Ano-licans to So~rn splendid hurses have been lately rmists appea:' to us t o imported by Dalgety & Co., to the order Non~confo LESMEN. PRODUCE SA of var10us of our northern settlers. . b. , t b e open to a t 1eas two o Ject10ns CONSTGNl\lENTS in addition to those which CathoThe Most .Marvellous Musical Instrument in lies urge. In tbe first place they MR . . HICKLING and Mr. and Mrs. received at the World. of the Be~rn10n were passenger~ b:y the train ar e a distin ct b eo·ginD' PERTH RAILWA Y STATION . A £3 Instrument for Only £1 15s. 0 0 I which left for Albany, on Fnday. . . 0 1 0 nou r , emea mu;c t t 1 ave i r g a 10n, ~JV1~~t~;,!:i~~u t1t~ ! ques .eti~ais ~ ~CLJ\stou: Ol8~fti.;,f~ M nn Orgrrn w ith Bellows, iple princ tho ed construct i\1 S.ALEROO SW AN" AUCTJ ON on t h o part of a controvet·s ia- I ~;~,~~l~c~ 0i~~;~1\~h~~e~f1~t~~;e:~~:h~d list. ~n~\cl11 ~1r~;ii~ ~~i~9 ihl~ returns o[ South Austnilia BARRA OK-"'T. In the second place th ey I THE harvest Rich Accompa.niw.ont to t he Voice, or Solo Porformn.ncc , Mu11ical · have been maclo public, and show an Valuable Orchestra l Effects . Th ey, nro J1rn.rvc ls (?f .' . •• Inve ntion , rmtl co mbine in th cmsc l\·c" n J the prino11,>lcs upon whole colony of seven the r fo average I 1mpertrnen c~. a . pos1t1ve are wh ich o.utomatio Organs, Orgn ncttcs. &c. now bcmg made, equirin g no skill in tho 1,cr-fonu cr. Any child old. enough to bushels. half a and I adm1t cannot sts torm1 on-con ia N Music o[ ~ ecot't," ruso Range tho o.n<l. , piny can gently its hands intelli Absolutely Unlimited . - - -th::,,t th e Church of England is We wish to i.ntr oduco ono of t.hcsc Orgnnettes in every t own NEWSP APER 1md pnrish throughout tho Au.atrr.1i:m Colonies . :mcl in order to of the MR. SPALDING, of Geraldton, is engaged in ric Church histo e th do so spceclily hnvc conclnclcd to sell a. Limited Number to tho r eaders of this pnpcr n.t ONLY £ 1 lGs. rach. but yonrorder must a collection of mineral specimens, Apostles. 'r heir p l'esence o utside making forwarded AND bo receivecl on or before Sept. l at.1890. ns wo sb C\ll pi nce the to the Crystal Palace be to . . . . 3 t~1°~ l ~ c ttf Olt8A~Ei:T~t~~ n~~; :~cl re:~~~ f~~~ O h er cornm umon 1s a standmg I Mining Exhibition. GENERAL PRINTI NG OFF ICE ?:ir;~;~e r educccl prioc, ns wo only mnko this u nprcccclentccl offer to introduce this First-Claas Orga.netto t hroughout the world, protest against all h er pretension s I well knowing that nf te r one is receivctl in o. n eighbourhood we llOWJ CK ST., PERTI! , WONDERFUL THE of this sort . They justify th eir I NEws was received in Perth, by telegram ~~;~o~c:f willJ~11 ::zeriJonts~:::- ~ .,VICTORIA" ORGANETTE, nnd yon must order direct from departure from he r, a nd ind eed from Roebourne, that last week one us.or throughour Authorisi::d Agents 11.cmember , th o Won~ derfnl " •Victoria " Orgn.nottcs arc L o.rge a nd Powerful constraine d so to do by ~housand ounces uf gold were brou_ght are BILL HE .1Ds. M FMos. CAR'r NOTES ~dt7c~oe:~~l~~ilJo~l \hih~~~e~l~~:i~gs~~o,;~~rl}!trn~i; ~~~ , sRe t· th a t tb ey f e lt com pe'JI e ·d I rn, by vanous persons, from Nyull ugme. produce sufficient volume of music fur tho Chapel t P nrlour, <L • r m g i\lf.ILL NoT1,s, TRADE CARDS, V1srr 0 , tl~~c;~o:~11~: ~h~fc\:i.~~1 rr:;r,. ~i~n ~~/~~tmoi~r[!~ fii0:J l'e a IJurer creed elsewhe to seek I NG CARDS, MEMORI,1 M CARDS, . ' ON rhursclay afternoon a num ber of sweeter sound n.ftcr hn.ving l>ccn used a fe w , , For Homa . . the frie1,ds of Mr. Hickling, P ROGRAMMES, gentlemen, L ABJ;LS, 'fif ~~~~~;t~t a f:iint i~ea of Size a . practtce m? re lil conform1ty !:t~~~~Yw EnteT~ and Finish of this bmuti fa~ lnsk ument 1 but wo will Yctu~ tho P AMPH LETS, HAi.Dt eachrng of the Apost les, 1 assembled at the Town Hall to present the with 11 0 /~~;iaft tg1~;: 1~ '~~1 P~~t:!:c\Vii ht~ ~~~ than any that was to b e found him wit~ a farewe: l address, and a purse PosTlrnS, CATA LOGUES, AND ~~~~yr:~:iJ~T BILLS, 8 03 ~fc\~~i1 ~~~c:t:;;·t~!~~:h within her bounds. Again, in the of sovereigns. o n~n~i ~ I~c~~~f i~~ ~~1 gf~e!t~t; ~{1 PRINTING OF EVERY DE CRIPTION on us or ifyou 11n.vo friends living h ere, yo u cnn r equest them to call and purchase fo r you , H you wi sh t o net ns nn\ IN GoLD, SILVEH, BnoNzm, ngcncy (or your section. sccurc-tho rmd name of all that is rational on for us send AT ONCE WE acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt You Ca.n Easily Soll the Inatr umen t3 nt £3 to £4 INKS, ETC. CoLomm Hundreds of Recelvod. Scncl monoyby Registered what groun ds does th e Auglican of the Official Record of the P1·oce dings o. Not P.ostnl or , ft Dm ,. Orller Money , Lotter Larrre supply of printer's Stationery, a~sume to himself th e rig ht to and Debates of the late Federation Con0 0 in°cluding Straw-boards, Mill-boards, from the Colonfal Secretn,ry's tgJait~~¥st~ t , ~i ·~cT6itR ~ ~;;~~:11~ 1°~ ~o dictate to th e Non -conformis t on ference I Oflice. ,,J2rovidcc1 it is een t with t l 15s. o.ncl orde r. not l:\tc ~ t ha.n and Large Sheet ·white Carduoard. ithout :w ncecptf'd bo ll wi the onlcr :-io , Sept. l et. 1890. m atters of religion ? I s not this Coupon unles.1'£u.ll pr ice, £TI Is sent . £l 15s. mcludes Ladies' and Gent's, gilt-edged 1 ra11 of r·P,.in on . •th ~~l ~~~~~~ !?[ ~~~~inJ.~st:'n if:.' W'1.Y, stcnmbo&t, co3c!,11 Angli can , OwING to tie likelfthe nformi on-co Visiting C,mls, Graphite Concspon1 recen eavy Goldfielcls, ?" h' t st, l " thC' Eastern the to (Signed) The Victor!~ Manufacturing .nd Importing Co. road the t no he s I . se 1m ·O un aw a dence Cards, with Envelopes. ~ails has been resumed . 'l'hc Address or call on the Victoria Manufacturing j as free to " sea rch the Ser i p- carriage ofYilgarn Emblemati cal "In (l'lernoriarn" Cards C3:rrying Com:rian h,~vo ancl -d llllporting Co., 256 Collins St., Melbourne, tu res," and has h e not the s' a m e I York plain and folding. also commenced thell' coach service again. is POSTPONED till August 6th, 1890.


£6 6






m:ne " -~ . a.






8, 1890.

A 'l'ELEGRA.M from Roebourne repo1-ts the finding of the body of a Chinam;i,n, near tho table land. Harper's W ell, on Death is supposed to have resulted from exhaustion . MR. C. S. STEUART, the lately appo in't ed manager of the Perth Branch, of t he New South Wales Bank, is now on his way to W est Australia, accompanied by Mrs. and Miss Steuart. WE hav e received the followin g subscriptions during the week : Mr. W . Sermon, York, £1 lls 3d . ; Mr. D. O'Connell, York, 7s. 6d . ; Mr. J . L loyd, York, 7s. 6d. ; Mr. W. Godfrey, York, J.8s. 9d. ; Mr. Caulfield, Perth, 3s. 9d. 'rHE death is announced of Dr. C. H. Elliot, formerly well known in vV ~st .A.ustra,l ia . It took place at Franklm, n ear Hobart, Tasmani;i,, on last Thu rsday morning, and was brought about by an attack of fever. MR. J .M. DEMPSTER, of Buckbnds, one of the oldest inhabitants of Northam, h as just died . H e met with a.n accident, an~l, while in the weak state produced by his sickness contracted a sever e cold, wh ich r esultea' in bronchitis and cau sed his death.


MR. F . COLLINS, liabilities £630, and Mr. Millar, liabilities £3,910, both storekeepers of Fremantle, havo filed there petitions in tho Supreme Court. TEN native prison ers, sentenced to twelve months' confine ment at Rottnest, fo r cattle stettling on t he U pper Gascoyne, were brough t iuto Geralclton las t week.

ON Wednesday of last week at York Mr. J. S. Durlach er was married to Miss Louisa Edwards, a dau ghter of the late Mr. W. Edwards . A lar ge number or the fri ends of the bride assembled to witness the inter esting ceremony, and when the happy couple wer e leavin g· the residence of Mr . C. E dwards, t hey drove off under a heavy shower of rice and slippers. They spent their honeymoon at Northam.

THB fo llowing from the Bulletin is in complet e accord wit.h the views we have ofte n oxprcssocl :-Th e mini stry will have the right of appoin tiug t h ree j udges, and , after ,ill, most peo[Jle will be inclined to t hink t hat it will be beLter i!' they encloavourtoobtain meu who do not know, and ,tre not known to t he community. Asa consequence of it judge possessi:ig, or fancying he possesses, cei-tain special knowledge of men and things in this colony we often find very curious h1w aclmin ster ed in the Supreme Court. J udges are very hum an, and cannot r endet· their minds a tab1,la msci at will ; and th e close r elationships and ·involv ed b usiness con nection s, of p ersons in this colony, inclll.ding tho judges themsel ves, often lead to suspicions a nd doubts as to j udicial impartiality.

MR. J . WILTON, the h ead of a wellknown and widely r espec ted family of the Gr eeno ugh di st1-ict was found dead rncently. Th e circumstances attc11ding h is de,i th are not clearly stated, and little appears to be known tlrnn that he went out wich a horse a.ncl cart t o perform some farm in g work, and his b ody was cl1scovered, bleedin g at t he nose a nd moutth, lying near t h e the vehicle, about midday.

W E, of the city of Perth, must be fast attaining to perfection in r espect to obedience of the laws. For four clays in succession last week th ere were no cases to occupy the attention of the Police Magistn,te.

A COPY of the .Albany Gt1ide and Handbook has been forwarded t o us from the office of the .Aust?-aiian .Admertise1·. It is got up in an exceedingly neat form, the typgraphy being exceptionally good. On the cover is an admirably lithographed copy of a bunch of West Australian flowers, drawn Anlm ,t stay in the city, ext ending over by Mrs. Clarke .of Albany, and executecl by ef Chi Cahill, . S . J A. Mr. several weeks, Messrs. Sands & McDougal, of Melbourne. Superinteudent of Age nts for the Between t he two covers is to be found a Equita ble, is again o~ t l: e war path, mass of information upon matters relating making the southern d1stncts t he scene to the shipping, pastoral and commercial int erests, the sociology, vital statistics, and of his operations. the picturesque in the surroundings of .Albany .•

BY an error in our last issue we stated the Drawing of Pri zes, which has be~n postponed till August 6th, 1890, was m aid of tLe North Fremantle School. It should rea d in a id of the Catholic Girl 's School , Fremantle.

Goon new s for us in these t imes of money hunger. By late r eports from Mauritius ther e has been an abundant fall of rain there. This, by increasing the sugar crop, will t end to ~ower the price of that household commodity.

IT is intended to organise classes ,_ dei1li_ng with various subj ects, in co_n11;ect10n. with the Swan Riv er M echamcs Institute, t o be open during t h e winter months. Overtun>s are being made to a 1_rnm1;>er of ge ntlemen to und erta ke th e d1rnct1011 of classes. 'I'HE many Fremantle friends of Mr. J . Donouo-hue will notice with pleasure th.'1t h e h :S accepted a position in t h~ Government service. We u nderstand that h is sphere of occupation lies m Rottnest, and that h e has ah·eady gone to t ho - island, to com mence his duties. I N our last issue we noticed t?-e prevalence of sickness in the Vasse district, and now have to r ep ort that in York and Newca:~tle m any cases of sickness a1·? occurr~n~: Slio-ht colds ar e very common m P ertlqust nm~, :1.nd influen za, of a mild t ype however , h as m:ade its appearance. .A. SHOOTING competition, open ~o ap. m embers of t h e w .A.. Rifle Association, is t o be commenced next Saturday? on the Mt.'Eliza Range, and to be con tinued on the t wo follow ng Fridays. Range~ 400, 500 and 600 yar ds . Seven shots :1-t each distance. Entrance 2s. 6d. Any Tifle and any position. Prize £10.

THE extension of t he Busselt~n jetty has b een completed, and great praise is due to the cont ractor fo r car rying out the work so su ccessfully and faithfully. •rhe Wor~s Department also deserve no s11;1all ?redit for having so well met the public WIS.~ m their design, and they were especially in their selection of Mr. B. Mason ~:PJ]perintendent, who has supervised the work so well right up to its completion.

RoACHOCK has ] .opcued a M J:'.,, P • B . gymn iisium in Fremantle, anCL rn con nec'tli 1·t an Athl etic Club has· been . ' tl0 11 Wl formed. As t he footbtd l season 1s now dose upou us, a great many of t he la ers will, n o doubt, avail themselves ~fl~10 means pro vided at)t,!1e gy111na_s1urn the trammg of perfecting themselves so necessary to play the game well.




THE inspection fo1· classification of the P erth Assisted Boys' Sch ool was h eld last · week . Major Gardiner, the Assistant Inspector, conducted the examination, and expr essed himself as being wall. pleased with the proficency and gene;i:al b el)a viour of th e children. He made special mention of t h e state of the furnit ure, and remarked upon th e well fou nd state of the school in this particular. T his expression of opinion must be peculiarly gratifying to the Sisters in charge, and to Mr. l\folfat, proving that their well-directed efforts, are m eeting with t he approval of t h e educational authorities.

MR GROSER, who is just n ow girding his loins for the great work of bringing tibot1t the unification of Christianity, does not disdain betimes to b en d his great powers to a lighter task . Recently he favoured the juven iles of his flock with some "pritetical illustrations" drawn from a candle, which _very luminous address_tha Clmrch Ch?-onicle bas been mer ciless enough to pt1blish_. The instruction contained the followmg beautiful sentiments:-" 'rhe wick and the fat united to give t he bright and steadJ flame so valued and they must unit too m Sunday-school "'rhe cancUe depended upon work." match es." "'rbe candle disappears, bltt water condenses out of t h e flame, and carbon passes away in t ho s~oke. . A. bottle put over the flame soon extm~mshes the light because of the p01sonous carbonic acid gas. We must keep away from the bottle or we are in clanger of being poisoned." Was there ever a greater tisst1e of non-sequiturs, a more deplorable example of mixed metaphors ? . 'rhe r esult of the burning of a candle is a bottle of poisonous gas. "Keep away from the bottle," says Mr, Groser. tho children to understand that the result of the bright and steady flame which they ar e exhorted to emit, in imitation of the candle, ?f th eir innocent lives and good works, ~vill be somethinO' poisonous and destructive. In that case: the children will probably argue better will it be to give no flame. llfr. Mr. Grosei· concludes : " The candle must be kept right side up. . . _. So must we occupy our right positions wit~ our feet on terr~ firma and our eyes ra1Sed to heaven; which seems intended as a remmder to the children that they should not, as g?od Christians, look torward . to spendmg their" natural lives up m a balloon, nor ·• in the branches of spiry forest giants, nor afloat in mid-ocean! nor even_ in the practice of the accomphs?-ment s~ clear to boys, "stand mg on then· heads on this solid earth. W e do not make these remarks in any captious sphit.. We have no rio-ht, and as little desire, tomtcrfere 111 Mr. Groser's pastorn:l work. But surely we have a rio-ht to demand that A.ustrali_an children sh!ill n ot have then· r eason m s ulted, and their intell~ctual stan_clara lowered, by being ?~liged to hsten to such inane absurdities as we have quoted.

TnE King George's Sound defence question has not been as generally canvassed in the Metropolitan press as its importance demands. Possibly our dailies await the roport of th Soloct Com mittee, now in conrse of prrparation by Baron de Worms, a~ we le,u·n from the l Vc ·t Ai,stmlian; but, probably, we have 1·ead all t hey are prepared to say on the question. It is sati sfactory to lmow t hat, at the time Sir 'r homas Campbell's e vidence was published1 our St. George's Terrace contemporar ies both expressed ,tpproval of his views. 'rhe Wes t .Australian later on indicated, in o-uarded language it is true, its want of ~greement with Mr. Parker, which, considering its rel::i.tiou s with Sir Thonws Campbell, ia all that good t aste could sanction. So far as we have noticed the Daily News has committed itself to no adverse opinion of Mr. Parker's sentiments. But the able edit or of the BiiUetin h as, we ar e glad to notice, expressed entire concurrence with om· article of last Thursday . His advocacy will, we are sur e, b e an important factor in the moulding of public opinion in this colony on the point ,mcler considerat ion; and shows at the same t ime how thoroughly consistent his present policy is with his past. In the "Hernld Young Australia" lost an advocate; in the Bulletin it certainly possesses one.



O n Saturday week, a cricket match was played h ern between team s representing North am and Newcastle. T he g,ime re s ulted in a n easy win for the fo r mer. A match, be tween the same, is being played here to-clay ; on the R ecreation Ground . T his will be t he clos in g match of o ur season as I believe our boys are an xio us to ge t form for foot-ball. 1 notice by the E. D. Chronicle that th e York A thletic Club have draw n up a very length y programme of sports for Ann iversary Day. Among the items is a Sheffield Hanclic.ip of £25. This ough t t o attr~.ct a considerable n u mber of competitors. This town will be· well represented in the race, I am in clined to t hin k, a nd I trust t hat some of our local "peels" will find their wity to the tape first. Th e New Convent is within a shade of bein g completed. T he clay for its opening has not been fixed yet, but I have been informed, by th e Chairman of t he Building Committee, that it will be on a clay betw een the 20th and 25th inst. May 4th.


The tardy motion of the commercial pendulum has not been materially altered during the past week, and no transa~ti?ns of public importance, apart from mmm g, ar e to be recorded. Even in mining t he daily r ecords on Change ar e dismal readino-, there b eing few ancl t hen only small :ales effect ecl. However , it is noticeable that a keen, discriminating d esire for so und investments shows on the hitherto depressed commercial horizon, and if due care aucl inquiry, now exercised by investors, hacl been worked on a little earlier, much of the prevailing misery and hardship brought about by reckless speculation might h ave been averted. Frnsers G . l\'[. Co's . scrip brightened up dming the early par t of the week a~d sales were freely made-not at t he mflat ed figures of a mon th or two ag·o, but at the nor mal price of l s. 4cl. Scrip in · t his property is oxcellent value at the abo ve quotation, but then let people of limited means remember the lesson, taught by the experience of the past twelve months before investing and bitnish from their minds t he glowing prospects of immediate returns, notwithstanding the fact that these r eturns are nearer to hand than ever they have been before. Another crushing failurn has been added to the long list of liquidations by arrangement for t hi s colon y for 1889-1890, and still more remain, 1t is said, who havo the mortifying crncible star ing them in the face. 'l'he produce market has not varied anything worthy of particular mention . Cut IIay is soiling· at from £3 10s. to £4 per ton. Wheat, for wholesale lots, 4s. 4cl., and in one or two instances 4s. 6d. a bushel was obtained. Bran is firmer tin l £7. forward orders are booked at Pollard steady at £ 7 10s. 4d. Roller flour maintains an average of £ 12 10s. and good stone flour is slow to move at £2 less per ton . Potatoes are scarco, and £ 12 is asked per ton for them. Good BunblU'y buttor fetched at the auction on Monday at tho! rate of. l s. 3d. per lb. Other lines at last weeks quotations.


YORK . From our own Conespcnclent. Th e May d e votions commenced on 'l'hursclay. On F riday evening Benediction was given . The instructions read during t he wee k by Fr. Gibney, are ex planations of the invocations of T he A large n umber Litany of L oretto. At approached th u1 Altar on Sunday. second Mass Fr. Gibney pr eached upon good works, and the qualifications necessary to r ender t hem spirit ually meritorious. It is a uthentically stated t hat fine r ains have fall e1: on t he road to the goldfields, a11d traffic, from York, has been resum ed. The M ayor of the York Municipality has conven~d the half-yearly meeting of ra t epayers for M onday, 12th insta nt, a t 8 p.m. The marriage of Mr. Joh n D urlach er with Miss L ouisa Edwards was celebrat ed 'l'hey d rove t o in York, last week. N ortham in the evening. A correspondent to the E. D. Chronicle very properly suggests that all tak ing part in th e H unt should be prepared, wh enever attending the Meet, to give a little t owards d efrayin g the cost. It is announced t hat a cricket ma~ch will be played in Newcastle, on Wednesday. E leven Yorkshiremen v Newcastle

men. A serious acciden t happened to a boy na med Spanswick, at a place called Brookton, r ecently. Wh ilst firing off a g un, to fri ghten away birds from the gard ens, the piece b urst in h is hand aud blew off a portion of his thumb. The · injured member has since b<:!en taken off, at the first joint, by Dr. O'Meehan . The Ch,·onicle reports that tbe letter receiver erected opposit e to M r . Gallop's store is bein g well utili zed. An election of m ern bers for the Y orlc Roads Board is n otified to take place , in York, on t he 17th inst. A correspondent, abo ve ~he sigmiture of "Fair play," writes t o th e Chrnnicle, co mplainin g t ha t the services of Mr. W. M. Parker had not been secu red to super,·ise t he Mt. Sterling route to Parker's Range. 01, cl·i t the inhabitants of a cer tain locality ttre going to petition for an additionl1.l police station ancl courthouse. The letter of l:VIr. E. C,thill wh ich appear ed in your last, is an honest condenination of the n eglect of the authorities t o cnclr.>avour to promote the successful workin g of the field s, wh ic h, it app e,irs, can ne·,er b e acco mplish e,1 by any other means, t han obtaining tt sufli cient supply of good water, a nd ,t cheap means of transit for passe ngers a nd goods. Mr. J"ohn Taylor is still r eported t o be dangerously ill. Heavy colds are said to be prevalent j ust now , owing, no doubt, to the very changeable state of the weath er. The a pp earance of t he clouds t hreate ned rain very neady eve ry day du ring last week. May 5th.





F rom our nwn Correspondent.

Fro m our own Cor respondent.

S ince my fast a complete change has t aken place in the weather. Every day is more or less cloudy, and the mornings are bitterly cold. Nearly all the farme rs have finished sow in g th eir fallo wed land, a nd, notwithstanding tho fact that only a few tantalis in g showers of rai u have as yet fallen , several have com menced ploughin g. On Wednesday week, Mr. E. D elmage was uuited iu th e bonds of ma trimony to M iss Gale, ancl on ·wecln esday last, M r. J. Farmor, under t he guidance of Cupid, lecl Miss E . Eaton to the hym eneal a ltar.

The mica country, secm·ecl by some gentlemen r esiding in Perth, an d ment ionecl by me some time ago, is about to be opened up. One of the pro1n·ietors, I heat·, is expect ed h er e, shortly, and on his arrival, i t is said that he will test t he block for pl1.yabl e mica. Other mineral sections of Janel bave been secured for m ica mining p urposes by men of this town, wh'.J intend opening up t he veins and seeing whether they are payable. l have just heard of another new discovery of copper or e ,i few miles from the town ; bu t 1 have no particular s of the find t o communicate at presen t. It is to

cl r,


8 be_ hoped t hat it will turn out a good t hing, both for the discoverers and orthampton. The much talked of mining machinery for tb e Gwalla Copper mines has arrived in Geraldton, from England, but I understand that some of the most needed parts of the plant have been left behind, and that without them, the manager, Captain Mitchell, is powerless to make a start with On visiting the mines, the en gine. yesterday, I observed some rich looking grey ore, which had just been raised from the late new discovery. There appears t o h ave been plenty of work done in the way of opening up since the few hands now 1:'orbng there were put on ; but unti l such time as the engine is at work, probably only a few hands will be employed on this valuable and ext ensive mining property. The other mine, and t he only other one at work in the district, is the Ba dara lead mine, owned by Messrs. Crowther & Mitchell. .A fai r quantity of rich galena is, I h ear, still being won from this mine, and the workings are looking well. Owing, no doubt, to the sudden change of the weather, there is a little sickness, of a pulmonary form, prevalent in the district. One of the worst featmes seems to be a nasty barking cough, that sometimes resembles the grunt of a bear, and sometimes the squ eak of a pig-the sounds arising from the cough being so variable. The weather has been cool for the past fortnight, with strong indications of rain, but none has fallen yet . May 2nd, 1890.





of wood and a large piece of fencing. Fortunately a neighbour happened to observe it in time, otherwise it would have caused a great loss of property, as his store house, and other outhouses are all connected by the same wall. The loss is estimated at eight pounds. '.!.'he fire is supposed to have originated from a heap of bmning rubbish. The W ellington Hotel has again changed hands . Mr . D. Flood opened on Monday last. Times are rather dull now to guarantee ,support for t hreti hotels. 'l'he weather, of late, seems very strange. For the last two or three days it has been threatening rain, but up to the time of -writing, we have only had a few drops. A heavy downpour is badly wanted. May 5th, 1890.

------ ----- -----GREENOU GH C.Y.M.S. The usual fortni ghtly meeting of th e above society was held on the 27th April, with a fair attendance of members. After the general business of the evenin g had been transacted, a subscription list, to provide a purse of Sovereigns to be presented to our late pastor F ather Long, was opened, and at th e close of the gathering was fo und to be more than half filled. The President reltd a communicat ion from F ather Duff, containing his ruling upon an important disciplinary point in the working of the society. He then explained at some length the bearing of the reverend gentleman's decision upon the rules at present existing for their gnidance, and said that he judged, from the tenor of the letter, they would receive a visit from Fr. Duff on his return journ ey from the North ·w est. It was then resolved to have an hour's sharp practice, and, I am happy to repor t , the improvemen t of some of our members has been so great that they now are able to h andle their subj ects in a really excellent manner. At the closing of the meeting, th e members, who had spoken, found so much to dwell upon in the subjects, which fell to t heir lot, as to occupy the whole tim e t o the exclusion of th e remainder, thus proving th e truth of my remarn: upon their improvemen t as public speakers.

played a fine innings for 40, though a chance must be recorded against him, Finlayson o-ave a grand displa,y of his batting po';'vers, and time after time slammed t he ball to the boundary ; and genial Harry Wright, just up from an attack of ' la arippe,' totted up 20 not out, in his old for~. The others did not reach double figures. As will be seen from the analysis, Bishop and Grundy bowl~d splendidly. If the former could obtam t he coaching of a professional he would develop into a phenomenal bowler. For W.A., Kelly and S. Randell opened and Duffy of bowhng t o the sent soon was Randell Darlilt. t o the right about from a brilliant catch by Wright, at short leg. Kelly played a st eady game right through and negotiated Duffy's breaks with great con fidenc e, one stroke, a pretty cut off Darlllt bringing down the house. W. Back put together 17 in capital style, Curtis played carefully for 16, ancl Davis batted nicely for 11, the only other name against which we find double figures is th at of Sundries 14. Duffy, of course, bowled, as he alway does, well, and Darlot troubled the batsmen not a little, and kept the runs down. The following are the scores :THE WORLD. H. G. B. Mason, c Back b Grundy ... 13 1 W. V. Duffy, b Grundy 3 .A. Lovekin, b Bishop 40 F. D. North, b Bishop T. Sharland, c Hussey b Grundy. .. 9 54 F . .A. Finlayson, b Bishop... 0 W. Knox, c Back b Bishop.. . 0 H. Darlllt, b Bishop... 8 H. Sadler, b Bishop. .. 6 R. A. Piper, c Back b Grundy 20 H . Wright, not out... 6 Sundries

ttppearance on t he P arram ,itta. easily defe,ited Wulf. Later on (July 1 1888), Stansbury met Searle in tha wonderful race on t he Parramatta. In the late champic.n, Stansbury met a bettEir man than himself, ancl went clown before him. After pulling a determined and plucky losing race clowi1 to One Man 32s.-Stans bury 17m. Wharf-time , made a fin al and grnnd effort to defeat his oppim ent, but Searle sp urted again, and ul timately rmssed the finishing post t wo clear length s ahead of the Shoalhaven man, in th e remarkably good time of Ulm. 53s. This time is th e fastest yet recorded in a match on t h e P arramatta R iver, th e next best b eing Trwkett's 20m. lls., which was th e record until it was broken by Searl e. Alth ough h fl has never rowed against a ch:.mpion, or in a race for th e championsh ip, nearly evet·y one dubs him "our champion, " and it seems pretty clear th at Australians are depending upon him to ultimately defend t 110 aq uatic hono ur of New South Wales against all comers. Mr. J. G. Deeble, representing Stansbury, has p ublicly asserted that the Shoalhaven sculler " would row any man breathing at any t im e for 1600 11 side."

G0VERNM EN1' GAZE'l''l'E .

MAY 1s1•. RoAD s BoARDs.-His E xcellency the Administrat or has appointed Saturday, the 17th inst., to be the day for holding the York Roads Board election, and Mr. F. A. ALBANY . Hare, R.M., York, to be Returning Officer. APPOIN'!'llIEN'l'S. -C. .An near, telegraph From our own Corresponde nt. Total-160 assist ant and lineman at Eucla, to be a t elegraph operator at P erth; E. Ryan, The usual monthly meeting of the BowLING ANALYSIS. Balls. Runs. Mdns. Wkts. assistant at Eyre, to be assistant and linefemale branch of th e Sacted H eart was man at Eucla, vice .Annear ; John W.W. 6 8 50 130 held on Wednesday last, b ut the attendE. Bishop Grah am, to be assistant and lineman at 4 4 53 W . Grundy .. . 116 ance was not so good as on previous Eyre, vice Ryan. 0 0 23 15 J. R. Davis ... occasions ; nevertheless , I m ust say that GoLDFIELDS REGULATION s.-His Excel0 0 22 20 E . Randell . .. the women on the whole attend the lency the Administrat or directs it t o be 0 0 8 s. Randell . . . 10 mee tings, and fulfil the rul es of the notified that the " Additional Regulations WESTERN AusTRALIA. associatiol'I. extremely well, while the under the Golclfields .Act (50 Vic., No. 18)," 32 T. Kelly, b Finlayson men on the other hand appear to be gazetted on the 6th of June, 1889, and 2 Duffy b Wright c Randell, S. and matter, the ut abo indifferent rather munbered 95, 96, and 97, ,vill henceforth 7 Duffy b Hussey, P. same he t with working not are evidently be known as Nos. 96, 97, and 98 respec2 lbw b Darlot ... Randell, . E intended. earnestn ess the missioners tively of the Golclfields Regulations . 17 ... Duffy b Back, W. Joseph's banking The children attending the St. RETURNs.-T he BANKING 16 b Duffy . .. Curtis, A. schools held their annual piJnic i,t Miclclleret mns for the quarter ending Mach 31, 11 R. Davis, b Duffy . J t,m beach, on Wednesday last. At 9 1890, are published. 5 G. Parker, b Darlc'\t PuBLIC RESERVES.-Bevei·ley.-No. 1598 o'clock sharp the yo ungsters all asse mbl eel 0 E. Bishop, b Duffy ... (0a. 3p. 16r.,) '.l.'own Lot 51, for Church of 0 at t he school, ancl I need hardly say W. Grundy, c and b Darlot g. till l[ O England-Ad ditions to Church site. 0 there was a full :i.ttendance, abo ut 260 W . A. Gale, not out Pe,.th-No. 1623 (2a. 2r. 32p.,) Town Lot 14 Sundries being present, all provided with the Y60, for sch ool site. Bi·oome-No. 1636 On Monday, Mr. W. V. Duffy, the necessary req uisites in the shape of mugs, Total-106 (4a. 3r. 8p.,) 'l'own Lots 135 to 142 inclu&c. A procession was then form ed, and, captain of the Perth C. C., n ow the sive ;-No . 1637 (4a . 3r. 8p.,) Town Lots 143 BOWLING ANALYSIS . accompanied by teachers and friends, premier club of the colony, left Per~h, for Balls. Runs Mdns . Wkts. to 150 inclusive ; No. 1638, (3a. 2r. 16p.,) marched to the scene of th e day's outing. Albany, where h e has accepted an engage9 13 Town Lots 151 to 156 inclusive; No. 1639 W . V. Duffy ... 137 36 During th e day th e usual g,t111 es, swing- ment. It will be remembered that Mr. 3 9 (2a. 2r. 23p.,) Town Lots 213 to 217 130 25 H. Darlot ing, racing &c, were gone into with Du fly came h ere some years ago, consigned 6 inclusive; No. 1640 (4a. 3r. 8p.,) Town Lots 60 16 R. A. Piper ... greaL spirit. A Ibo untiful supply of to th e M. C. C., by Messrs Boyle ancl 3 226 to 333 inclusive; No. 1641 (la . 3r. 8p.), 30 10 F. D. North ... good thin gs, too num erous to mention, Scott, of Melbourne. For two seasons h e 1 Town Lots 328 to 330 inclusive; No. 1642 2 5 20 Finlayson A. F. had been provided for the occasion, and acted as their coach, and from the first, he (la. 3r. 8p.), Town Lots 336 to 338 incluthe execution clone can be better imag- may be said to have worked a small revolu- O'CONNOR COMPLAIN S OF BEING sive, for public pmposes ; No. 1643 (0a. lr. ined than described. Abo ut 6 p.m., a tion in bowling, both in the club he was 17p.), Town Lot 339, for a cemet ery ; No. BADLY TREATED. 1644 (3a. Or. 32p.), Town Lots 340 to 345 start was made for h ome, all pleased connected with, and those whose represeninclusive; No. 1645 (4a. 3r. 8p.), Town with th e clay's amusement. Th e Rev. tatives came to compete against it. As a Lots 346 to 353 inclusive; No. 1646 (3a . Fa':h er Mateu was unavoidably prevented batsman he did not shin e in his earlier SOME PLAIN SPEAKING. 2r. 14P-)! 'l 'own Lots 362 to 368 inclusive, matches, b ut tow<J,rcls the end of his time from being present. in papers, morning the to In a letter The May devotions were begun on in Perth, he made some magnificent exhi- whi ch he claims the clrnmpionsh ip, for public purposes ; No. 1647 (lla. Or. 3p.), Town Lot 369, for cemet ery . North-West. Wedn esday evening last, and are being bitions of his scot·ing powers. As a fi eld O'Conn or writes :-No. 1649 (640a.) A block of land h e h acl few to equal, none to surpass him. fairl y well attended. including the lower portion of a creek question e Th A word as to Stansbury. I hear that the Sisters of St. Joseph But it is his wonderful command over th e I do not row situate about 1·} mile westward from t he why ed ask equently fr is ophis to about terror a him bazaar, a makes g oldin which h ball contemplate money stake. No-.v, mouth of Ballaballa Creek, for a landing September nex t, towards liquidating ponents. Some bowlers who came before Stansbury for _it clear fr om th e start I place . Chidlow's Well.-No. 1650 (2a.), it made e hav I are posses, now nvent. co we heir t whom on him, and some the debt still due h ere primarily 'l'own Lots 54 and 55 . for railway pUl'poses. come not have I that one, ladies good a of and able to work a break, A large working committee not dependin g Perth-No. 1651 (3a. 2r.), Town Lots Y256, am I money. make to . Mr t bu has been formed, and, no doubt, wh en from one side of the wicket only, ancl were I Y257, and Y258, for a recreation ground. living, a r fo sculling on the tim e comes, they will have something Duffy has the ball so well under control, there is a more profitable field in America. Fremantl.e.-No. 1652 (4a.), Town Lots as to be able to break from both sides to show in the millinery line. If I were seeking money I can make 1329 to 1339, inclusive. for a school site, equally well. As captain of the Perth more in America than by rowing Stans- Nelson.- No. 1653 (3a. 3r. 36p.), for gravel May 3rd. , 1890. C.C. he had much to do in obtaining for . If he is the greatest sculler of pits. it the m uch coveted premiership , ancl bury. _FoRFEI'rED LICllNSEs.-A _list of t he forthis continent, as everyone h ere seems loss our But missed. uch m . et ~., o_n be will licenses, he UNBURY B to admit, why not put him forward fei~ed pasto~·al leases. and is Albany's gain, and though much we for the championsh ip in a manly way which rent for 1890 has not lJeen paid, is may regret it, we cannot bu t feel I: .A l iEsbeBlA. a-side. i t pu'fb,H row him for £600 From om· own Corresponde nt. CT, 1871 .- n 1·e NKRUP~'CY . 1· cl I . pleasecl to know that Mr. Duffy has an d I will. (liquidation) : Final Davies The Rev. Fr. Brady celebrated mass in improved his prospects, by removal to' ~vas f or t Iu s a '.no un t issue my cha Ienge J 0 3 hu a Bunbury, on Sunday, at 7 and 10 a.m. .At the home of our so uthern friends. m . D ecember last,, but I learn ed 011 dividend of 2s. 4d. in the £ declared; 10 o'clock mass he announced that during That he will improve cricket in Albany arnval that Kemps challenge was for payable on or after the 8th inst . In re A. the month of May, he would have t he no one doubts, and we now look forward £200 .. For _tlus h e rows Matterson and G. Rosser, Fremantle (liquidation ); 1st usual May devotions, but on Sunday, to n ext season's visiting teams from for tlus he m tencls to row M' Le3:n, and dividend of l s. in the pound payable on Tuesday, and Friday evenings, there would yet Mr. Deeble has the quest10n able and after April 23, 1890. increased interest. be special devotions, and Benediction of that town with t,aste of publicly telling me that if I t he Blessed Sacrament. WEST AUSTRALIA v THE WORLD. cannot row for £600 a-side I should Mr. Coh·eavy and family left here last return to America. J orcign. little no excited ~ nt£1 match above 'l'he week for the Tinfields, where, I understand, and r at her STANSBUR Y. JAMES h e is to remain for the purpose of super- attention in cricket circles, general intending the working of t he Bishop's Tin more interest was evinced by the Berlin, t,ho capital of Protest11nt - - -of the Claims. Two of the Bishop's teams passed public as it may probably be the last contain s at t he present day no ussia, P HOPE. AUSTRALIA'S much was eam t home h ere last week, en route for the fiel cls, season . 'l'he h II b f Connor Dr. of absence the by weakened .\ undrerl and fifty thousand I t is rumomed that eight hour's washing ancl Bateman. For the latter •r . Kelly, of Stansbury was born on F ebruary 26, ewer t an on the Bunbm·y Company's Claim resulted is therefore a little over 22 years Catholics. and 1868, and, substitute, as selected was P.C.C., the tin. in the good return of one ton of The W h arf L aboure rs' Conference ended by of age. H e first saw the ligh t on the This looks very promising for the share- after fielding remarkably well, our banks of the H awk esbury, but is almost in Sydney concluded its sittings on To eam. t his for score top making holders. of the Shoalhaven district , havin g Thursday week . The conference h as Rather a singular incident occmred to a mind the West Australians sacrificed their a native there d for a numbe r of years. icle resided power, bowling to strength batting while week, last "'entlcmen one evening f "young Aua- agree to a sch eme to bind all wharf · · a sp l en d I"d spec11nen good ,at tl:1 e 1s few a while o and, observed Ile town. indulging in a walk to tralia ." He is 42¾ in round the chest, labo urers, coal lu mpers a nd coal trimsomething in front of him, ancl being very fo1·mer, their tail was too weak ; in the 6ft ll½in in height, weighs 12st 21b is mers together throughout Australasia this In strong. extremely were it they latter touched e h was, it what eao-er to know t th well-built, musc ular, mid possessecl of I "for mutual assistance and to further as ifiecl, jue his to was Much selectior stick. e walking COLll'Se witb his h I1 t d t without being not while World, the be So . snake black larg a was it Stansbury has t e cause of labour generally ." surprise · first class bowling, included some of rem en ous s rengt in th engaged while and it, kill Lord ·Wolseley, i1~ an a r ticle just to started and hali the best bats in the colony. The b een rowmg lees an fiv e :yea7s, rndicat~ ~vhat published, says tha t a " solid incre~se" killing that one, he heard a noise behind to h ,u& enc quifte clone much was Australians West 110 1s, ancl what he1s hkely ·11 th him, and looking around he saw another fielding of the 0f th e sol c ie r is n ecessary. especially that of Back, at sh o1·t manwir 0 man He was rather in a difficulty with admired, one. with glory, to be .. After rowing 1, nu~ber of minor \ ~ • ~ pay himself covered e h where slip, bis two black friends : however, he suc- ancl was instrumenta l in the dismissal of races, 111 winch h e was fairly successful, \ This I S followed by a proposal to add in order ceeded in killing both of them. W orld. For the World, the Shcalhavcn lad met Julius Wulf in an £2,000,000 to the Estimates On Friday evening last. a fire broke out three of the who enlists sixruit ec r every ive g to June on arramata, P the on race, outrigger \ has he than form bett~r in on the, p emises of :i'tir. E . W oodrow, which Mas_oJ?- mad~ 13 This was S tansb ury's first pence a day ex tra. again 2, 1888. resulted in the destruction of a quantity exhibited for some time; North THURSDA Y ,


rnfonial and


r ·





8, 1890.



Carbine is now t,he big gun of the It is said thnt canaries and . other Go un od, the eminent French compose r be was about forty, but to look at him turf. birds can liie freed from in sects by pl11c- hns und ertaken to write a Mass in with his white h air, bis thin face, and Signor Succi, the Italian fasting ing a white clotb over the cRge nt d 11 s k. honou r of the B lessr,d P ete r Chanel, the bands as rent as wax, one Du ri ng the ni gh t th e insects will Jen Te first marty r of t li e man, lives on suction. Chn rch io th e might take him to be an old mf1n if the The total estimuted pop ulat,ion of th e bi rds fo r t he cloth, and in the t:i ou th crn Sens. Go un od is a mnn of fire of his eye, his gait and t he sound moruiLig the in sects can be destrnyed by intense religiou s fee lin g . Year by A ustrnlasia on Decemb er 31, I 889, was year of his voice did not b etray his real age. 3,786,79 8, bein g an in'1 reuse of 11 3,995 placing tb e cloth in hot wa ter. A repe- he has grow n more nscetic :;ind secluded In the pulpit h e moved his hearers tition of th e process wlll soon clear in his ha bits, till to-day on the }ear. be lives a lmost with powerfu l sway. On the altar away the pests. thu li fe of a: hermit. He deeply dislikes when saying his M ass Dom Pedro, the ex-Emp eror of l3rnz il he looked more Mr. Shiel Barry, a yo uog Irish- the frivolou sness of Parisian has refused to acce pt tbe pror:eede of society, and like an angel than a m an, and on seethe enforced sale of his pro perty 'and Australinn, who went to London years con fin es his visiting solely to tho old, ing him, no one could doubt the frequen t ago to try his fortune as an actor, now emioently Catholic, effects in that country. and aris tocratic miraoles that were attribu ted to him . occupies a leading position . London fam ilies of the Faubou rg S t. Germain. The infirm and sick were brought to him Mr. W . T . Best, the celebrat ed organist , does not intend to perform in ~'ritth, referr in g t,o the repr?du~ tion of I From Ad elaide we learn that th e froru all parts that he might b less them . Les Cloches de Cornev1lle, say_s, 1 heavy rain penetrat ed a defective rai lpublic until he opens the Centenn ialA year since, Queen Blanche had '.' Tho best_feat ure of' ~ es Ol?c_hes' ~t II i way carriage in which S ir Henry appoint hall organ in :::iydney . ed him tutor to the young king 1s the ad_m1ra l9le ,rncl h1 ghly-fimsb~d 1m- Parkes wns ret lll'nin g to town, and and his brother s, to t each them the The populat ion of N ew Sonth persona_ tion of th e part of th e mi ser bv I soaked th e venerable statesma n nod the truths of rel igion. Louis I X althoug h Wales is estimate d at 1,122,20 0 and Mr. S hiel Barry.'' IH S rl S . t only a chi ld was already distingu ished that of Victoria at 1,118,07 7 . The .on . Y r.ey miUi tHongb . Both for his virtues. He h:1d become very Them _h as I bee_n a terrific fo sa at gentlemen sat shi verinir former has increase d 96,000 in 12 ~ tbrnHgh the much attache d to the rNorman priest C onstn ntmop e, in consequ ence of a journey un der t1mhrellu~, months and the latter 27,208. German photogrnplier hav in • · rashly however , 1> t1ll l• lo to ,~rotecLwhich we re, a nd Thomas of Bivelle n ever left b' :n. 0 Sir Henry Parkes laid the foundathem fr om His t ent was erected next to tli e a ttempted to tak e nn in ~l:11 tonco11, 1.\10 fl ood "'l ,id1 caruc off tli c rnof'. ..., I tion stone of the new t own-ha ll at S ir kin !!'s. vVhen pl10bt og Peter encount ernd hi n1, Hr 11 1y ,, a.ys 1:-, 11ill d rn pII o f· lt h· e on ta n. d'J ho g nn rJ 1 1 .. 1·e r tra vel Broken- hill Whilst enjlaged in the on the · li e ~was jqst to carry the Holy ceremon y the platform on which he ~·u a e upon 11111, smnshe all _l!1s i::lo nth A ustral iirn rnil ways again with - V iaticum to about a Norman soldier, who rn strnment8, to ntorns, and dragged nun ont a hont. Great ind icrnat ion is was standin'g collapse d and he was off to pri Hon . Tu e Kornn stl' ictly for- e;q:ressed at th e rail way ar; an crements had been mortall y wounde d on the thrown to the ground. bids th e depi cting of th e l: un.i1m form . 1 for can·y io g passeng e rs to a~d from previou s day. lVlormonism in New Z ealaud.- At a lf th e culpri t bad not been Peter rose from his knees and a f'o1 eigner O oknpari □ ga races. Chief CommisMormon Conven tion h eld at Master- he would pro bably have beer. quietly ~io ner Sm ith was booted whereve r he followed the holy priest into h · camp. ton this week, it was st ated that there stran}s 1ed, b ut t h k A great number of knights thesoldiers a □ s to t e m tenentio n was seen, and his private apartme nt wus came to meet the Blessedand were over 3000 Mormon s in the colony, of his Am Sacram ent bassador, he wns 500 converts , principally n atives , hav- after n month's im prisonm ent. released rn shed by a crowd ex asperuted at beincr and to assist at the adminis tration of kept waiting for a train several hours i~ ing been made last year . the last rites to their dying compan ion. Archhi ~hop Hedwood, of Welling ton, th e ra_in . Mr. S mi th had to return to ·when the sick man had received all Bishop Moran of Dunedi n, New New Zcalnnd, in hi 111 s recent pastorn l town u trap. the helps of Holy Church, Fr. Thomas Zealand , has made an appeal to his lette r calls tb e attention of bis flock to a lf we wish to see wh at is expected of dismisse d the acolytes , :ci.nd flock to pay off the £250 debt which qu was . rees tion of scarcely less importa nce, he Catholic theological students at a Ger- turning to the royal qua rters when remains on St. Joseph' s Cathedr al. says, than that of education.- Catholic man Uni versity, we can find out from a Petet· advance d tow!lrds him, and soon The Cathedr al cost over £22,000 . r eacJ.i ng and the support of the Cathol ic notice of th e Dean of the Ca•.holic made himself known under his disOur popular Governo r, whose term P_ress. " All our c_hildren," observes Theolog ical Facu lty of l3reslau ·u st guise. Fr. Thomas at once recogniz of office will soon expire, is to have his Ins Grace," are learnrn g_to rea~, and ed so pnbliahed . In it Dr. Koenig giv'e} in- him, and knowin g him to be a pupil eventfu l and happy "reign" r ecognize d t hey o_ugh_t to be provided ,~1th good , structio ns regadin g the times an d and friend of the Benedic tines of St. by a mark of Royal favour. It is Catb~hc li terat ure, ~ot only 10 books, i subjects of th e examination which Saviour , he received him with g reat understo od than an earldom is to be but_ 10 the Catbol 1c current Press, Catbolic candi clates are r equired to kindnes s and took him to his tent. conferre d upon Lord Carring ton. wh ich consequ ently appeals to every P" BS The firs• ex · t· L l' h' h Peter had often served his Mass when f · d ,, I a · " • arnrna 10n, W IC Captain K ane, the h ero of the true Cat,10 1c or unstmte suppor t. ought to be taken at tbe end of t'.ie he was giving a retreat to the good Samoan hurrican e, has arrived in It bas long been a matter of fact fo urth semestei· or half year, require s" as religiou s . England from Sydney with the good that the grouse, the salmon, and the an abso lute conditio n prnficiency in "To-mo rrow morning , my son, you ship Calliope. The captain, who is deer have been more importa nt por- Hebrew ," and embrace s besides L ogic shall tell me all your troubles for I likely to receive promoti on in the war sorn1ges than the crofters in the H igh- and Psychol ogy, Phi losophic o-theologi- see you are grieved and very tired. lands of Sc~tlan d . A Parliam entary cal P ropuede ?ti cs ; fl eet, is an Irishm an and a Catholic. the Exege,sis of May your prayers and go and lie down Mr. Alfred ' ebb, a Prntesta nt return Just issued (says TRUTH) con- I three hoo ks of the Old 1Lnd New f esta- in that little b ed over there. Have firms t he fact . The fishings in Scotlan d ments respectively, with introduction Nationa list, has been returned without to confidence in G od, He will assist you." opposition for the Catho lic constitu ency have a r ental of £94:, 706 per annum; Holy Scriptur e, Biblical Archaeo logy, Fr. Thomas then blessed the boy, of We&t Watufo rd, Ireland rPpresen ted t he shooting s, £300,4 15; and the He rmeneut ics an<l Criticism ; the The- and leaving him alone in the dark, by the late Mr. Doug las Payne, also a deer-forests, £9 0,607. The deer-for ests ology of the Ol<l Tes tament und th e life h e carried his little lamp to another of IuYerne ss alone are rented for j of ~es us ; Church History , ao d Apolo- pa.rt of the tent Protest.ant. where he remaine d in £37,364 , and Ross-sh ire draws£ 25,1 21 getics. Afte r three semester s, the second prayer all n ight, having given up his The late Sir William Withey Gu ll, from the same source. There is, of exa mination ought to be taken, the own bed to the young pilgrim . P eter M .P., of Brook -street, wh o died on course, under the circums tances, no ! subj ects l.,eing Dogma, Moral Theology, soon fell asleep for he was overJanuary 29 last, aged 74 years, \raves longer room for :nen in these Canon Law, and Pn sLOrnl Theology , whelme d with fatigue. It him a personal ty valu ed at £344,02 2, happy bunting -ground s. with Liturgy , Cateche tic,nl I nstructi on, very liaopy to think 19e. 7d.; more than a quarter of a that he bad in 'l'he Re\·. Harry Jones, of St. and Sncre~ E loquence: million saved in a profession may \Tell I_t wi_ll be seen P r. Thomas the best friend to introPhilip's Rerrent -street bas h ad a that th e former examma twn 1s more or duce him into the Queen's prnsenc e. giva food for thou ght . census taken ~f the traffic at Piccadil ly less preparrl ory and theoreti cal, a1,d the At break of day, the trumpe t s of The only son of W. Balfe, the curn- Circus. The result of a WP.ek's obser- latter_ more exclusiv ely "technical " nod the camp awok e him . It was :::.unday p oeer of " T be Bohemian Girl" and vation , during fifteen hours per day, practtcnl. other operas, is io poverty and distress and t here was to b e no n.ttack made · I ·1 on that day. All the soldiers preti. ie f o11 owing c a1 y a verage :- - . .zww» www - •••-. in England . It ie pro posed to rn iie a gave d h Omnibu ses 13,401. l b Other vehicles small fund to set him up in bu srn ess, iio pare t emse ves to e present at 60,820. People on foot 255,130. F O R D U T Y' S S A I{ E Mass. It was a, fine day . An altar having a few usefu l in ventions by Allowin g t en persons for each omnibt1s, which he can get his livi ng. bad ueen erected in the forest glade and three for every other vehicle, this A STORY OF THE BRAVE DAYS OF OLD. n ear a rock which protect ed it from The nrnrriuge between the A rch - gives 571,600 people per cl ay, and tl~e a rrows of the besieged . A la rge duke Franci s-neph ew of the E mpt>ror 3,429,60 0 per week. It wo uld be piece of tapestry , stamped with the Franci s Jo sP- pb of A ustrn-H ungary, interest ing to lrnow whether any other CHAPT ER VIII. ileur-de-lis, suspend ed fro m the branche s and hei r presnm ptive to the thronQ - spot in London can beat this record. TREA SON. of an oa k screene d off a portabl e a ltar, and th e Princess S tephanie , wi dow of which, according t o the custom of M r. Biggar' s li fe might have been the late Archdu ke Rudo lph, the C row □ those clays, was only a.domed with a PrincE' of Austl'fa, ha~ been approved of prolonged. A distiugu is had chem ist , Crucifi x and two candles ticks. Be· th f ti n 0 dd ring hen e new s o Continuecl. 1e by \1is H oli 11 ess th e Pope. 5 11 en hind the altar and round the sides A telegram frn111 B-l11clrnll, Queensland death of Mr. Biggar, is reported to It . was a Cisterci an abbey. The stretche d a rich tapestl'.)' s tampod with ha ve said, accordin g to the Manebe ster brother who opened the door prostrat - t he stoles t hat Home I reek t:i tatiou wa~ coat-of- arms of Castil le, the lion of stuck up li y a party of men , who Gitardian, that be might have been ed himself before him, accordin g to the Leon a.nd the lilies of France. U nder alive at that moment if he had ha ppened rule of his ord er, which bids the t he priest's threateneu the rnanal!e r unless lie feet was a handsome to have at the t.ime of t he attack a dose re1·1g10us · allo wed them to tak e stores. They see in the guest sent them carpet, worI{0Cl by t 11e queen herself, broke into tbe er'1i shop and pro- of nitro-glycerin e in his possession . by P rnvidenc e, the Divin9 Master, who with a rtistically coloured bouquet s. Nitro-cly ce rine, if taken in v0ry small whilst he was on this earth, was vision ~t.o, e. The pol ice have• gone Ollt. Two pale blue velvet cnshion s marked doses, has th e effect of warding off a wanderi ng and poor, not even having the place where the queen and the Iri sh nu1U eii are becomin g promin ently fa t al nttack of angina pectoris . In a ston e whereon to lay his head. Then young king were to lm~el. P eter h ad associat ed w itli military in vention s. this way th;, life ot the lnte Mr. H. Peter was condu cted into the refector y full leisure to notice all these prepara W e ha ve recently bad the Brennau Richnrd, M.P., was saved on more than to of supper with his hosts. tions, for Fr. Thomas had question ed torpedo and the Mur pby torpeJo, both c □ e occasion. When the brnther had served him hi m early in the morning successful inventions of Irish-A us, and thus An interestin g rep or t on leprosy has with some vegetab les and bread, and a knowin g t he business tbn.t brought tralians ; an<l now a cable fro m London been forward ed to the Can aLlian flag~n of cider, he left him , going to him to Bellesme, h e wish . that the dated Murch 31, tells us that it bus been Governm ent by th e ph ys ician at the recei ve another gu est. This fru rral boy should serve his Mas. . anan ged that n puhlic test of 111 ajor Leprosy Hmsp ital of Tracadi e, a villiage repast finished, P eter went to the " Our good q ueen will ' r eceive -y ou F itzgernl<l'a new gun shall be made of New Rnrn s 1vick, on t he Gu lf of S t. O_hapel to pray, when suddenly raising all the more willingl y when she bas r,hortly. Laurenc e. There •ire 20 patients in his eyes towards the Sanctua ry, which seen you fu lfil that function . She A singul ar strike has occur red at the hospital, and there have been th ree was enclosed with a light iron railing, knows I like good clerks. ·' Hargrav es Cotton Mi ll s . Th e Irish deaths during the past 12 month s. he saw t he gate open, and a p riest The holy priest th':lrn lent Petet' a girls employed there insisted on woar~n g Leprosy is dyiog ont at Tracadi e come out from the sacristy , precede d soutane and surplice and bid him cro green rib bon s, wheren~on th e Engl_1sh itself, but increus ing in the neigbbo nr- by two a colytes with lighted tapers. and say his prayers before the alta t" and Sootcb gi rls r etaliated by 1Tean ng bood. 'l'be repol' t add s that th e fo cu£ The priest was carryin g the Sacred " I am going to the queen's private orange and bln e. 'l'o put ao end to the of tb e disease has bean font1d betw ee n Host in a gold pyx . Peter reco"'nis ed oratory and wh en I shall h ave h eard tt'iv nlry, wbi ch in terfer red with wo rk, Caraque tte, a port of rntry aod fishery him at once, for h e h ad often see~1 him t he young king's confession, in abo ut the o;ianager ordered both parties to stll.tion in G louceste r county , New at the Abbey S t . Saviour , and the \ half a n hour you will come there t o take off their decorations at once. Tbe B urusw ick, ov Caraquc tte Bay, :rnd fea tures of th e Blessed T homas H ilier fetch me." Irish g ir ls refused, and left the mill in a Sbippogan a seaport town it1 th e same de l3ivelle, once seen, were n ot easily T he chiefs of the arm y c11m e and body. county. forgotte n. At the tirne of our story took t heir places b efore the alta r, 1




I i




~he11 came the knights and the soldiers who had been chosen to assist at the first Mass, 1111 taking their appointed places. A great n umber of banners with coats-of-arms worked on th em, floated in tb e air above the h eads of this prost rate crowd. T h e sight was one of such beauty t hat P eter quite forgot wh at F at h er Thomas had told him to do. A page w,1s sen t t o remind h im. · When h e returned, followed by the holy priest, he dared not raise his eyes, but as h e passed in front of the Queen, he just caught sight of t he fair h ead of the young King who was He saw them prostrate in prayer. both receive Holy Communion and t h e beauty and majesty of the mother and son m ade him feel as if nothing on earth could come nearer in grace and splendour to the Blessed Virgin and h er Son. The voices of the children of the Royal choir blending h armoniou sly with t he deep tones of the warriors quite delighted poor Peter. He thought himself in Paradise, and t ears of When pleasure stood in his eyes. Mass was over he r econducted the good F ather to the Quee n's oratory. To be Continued.




The Need of Shorter Hours. Card inal Mann ing in bia letter ou th e resc ript of Emperor Will i11 m tates t h e argumen t for short h ours iu th e clearest, and most concise, an d tb e mo t forci ble manner when he writes :"How can a man who works fifteen or sixteen hours a day live the li fe of a father to hi 5 children ? How can a

loss of th ose "oruamen ts" of th e C hurch , yet be co ul d not b P!p fe elh,g th at ge ms so lig htly shaken off mus t be I hut l oosely se t in the Church 's ' garments. This was the occasion on which Bishop Blomfield ( who ope11ed I the debate, and was subsequ en tl y "flayed" by L ord La nd ~down e and Lord Brougham) became so much affec ted at the close of bis speech that he burst into tears, an d he abru ptly sat do wn, being ap parently overcome by ?motion.


8, 1890

i11 hii: paddock , and the water was tu rn ed on fo r tw,.mty - one ho urs to fill it. Ha w11s g rnn ted the use of tbe water for thirty -fi ve hours, a nj he es t imated be ohtuioed 50,000 cu bic y ard s altogether . T he result of irr ig ating the land was

that be got 26 bush els of wheat per acre ; fro m onirrigated lan d, 12 bushels; ifference i11 favour of irrig ated land, 1'! bushels. At 3s. per bushel (th at wns t he price he got for his whea t th at year) woman who is absent from born e all day received 42s. pe r acre; deducting he loug do the du ties vfn mother 1 D omesti c thi & 2 s. per ac re fo r dis t ri;, uting from dome8tic he life is impossible ; but on t th e wa ter, and, as the tru s t did not life of the people the w bole poli tica l charg e fo r water th at yeai·, it left a order of human society reposes. If the profit of 4 0s . per acre in favo ur of founda tion be ru ined what will become i rri ga io n. H is cooclnsions were :-1. of th e su pe rstl'U <'tu re ?" ME LB OU R NE MARKETS . l'o secu re th" best res u I ts from water, These words of the English Cardinul de p, aud work the soil do wn to plough Tbe co ,n parisoM show that the fo lremind us that t he well-bei ng of society n tiI th. 2. T he bes t tim e to water crops ies iver del y weekl e tb "been have g !owin is largely depend ent on the well - bei ng ia i u the month of Septem ber. 3 . To of the men and women who prod uct> th e by rail at th e S pencer- stree t station eco nomise water, a ud to dis tribute it W orn out by long duri □ g the past five years : world's wealth. ev uly u si:i furrows. 4 . Land watered F lour. Wheat. hours of labour, with no opportunity of Fifteenth one y ear only requires one-fourth t he Bags. Bags. week in mental improvemen t, the wage-worker qmrntity the next. 5. The maxim um 7,442 . .. 10,622 1886 .. . in the conrse of time becomes a mere 5.195 11.458 ... 1887 .•. amo un t of water used on the driest soil ,. . 2,999 24 ,658 .. . 1888 .. . e11ting a nd sleeping machine. It is im to be 6in. .. . 4,802 2,t ,805 .. . 188 9 .. . possibl@for such a one to bestow on th e 2,761 . .. . .• 1 12,86 ... 1890 S O RE S HOULD E R S IN HORSES. education and t rain in g of bis fam ily th e ~o direct ~ent were 1889 in , ition add In the n i society If attention it needs. Galled or sore shoulders are evidence comi ng ye ars suffers from this neglect it Por t Melhouroe and William s to wu 160 of neg lect or mismanugeme nt, for th ey will only have to blame the system tha t bags of wheat an d fl.on r, a s ag ain st 1987 ca o very eosily be prevented . Prevenmade the father of the family i ncapa ble llags d uring the wePk. T he del iveries tion is easier than Cll re, and this preven17,609 to unt amo bis by rail fo r th e week by duty bis do in g of tion m us t begin some weeks before bard t agains as onr, fl and wheat of s bug child ren. The Socialist Victory. ivork begin s in spri ng. A com mon fault co1·the g durin delivered bags It would be taking an extremely 27,067 of many fa rmers is to all ow their horses 142 29, and 1889, in period ing respond erroneous an add, may we nd, a limited, w a t<, be id le, almost en tirely or comparaThe German elections far members view of the mov ement in favour of bor t in 1888. Th'-" wi,ek's l'PCPipts sho tively so, th, oug hou t the winter. Apart prPceding ly ate of the Reichstag took place th ro ughout hours if we regarded that movement as decrease on th e im medi from the fa lling - off in workin g trim, the r. ou fl n<l a eat wh or bags 1 6,37 of one As it. in Germany on Thursday, F ebruary 20. aJrecting only those engaged te c•n ·is a ba<l oue. I t will take a good sys pencerS the at ce prndu of ts receip Cardinal Mann ing intimates, in th e Tue The vote polled 1Vas pbenomen11l. horse to earn more <l uring th e months be vays l rai Victorian e th of station t stree all re are a we Singer oted, qu Herr and have we necbt iebk words no ble Herr L iB in full work than he will cons ume i o elected. The Ia tter a S ocialist, defeu ted whether w11ge-1nrk ers or no t, iute1·es t- for t he past week, exclusive o f t he the whole yenr, and ni ao y fa,. mers lose ed, on menti y Eugene Richter, one of the most dis- ed in having wo r k ingmen uccord et.l wheat and flour 11 lread uririg Jhe wint~r what thei1· horses d 5,708 ts, oa ; bogs 449 Bran, weree th a y il th and wor sufficient leisun, to perform tin guished of German poli ticians gninerl for them in the summer. have 444 , ns bea ; bPgs 881 eas, leader of th e German Liberal party . duties their statiou in life impoRes on bags ; p vV ork sh oul d be foun d dHr io g wi uter potatoes, ; b11g8 2,852 barley, ; bags case libel Wo1·/d. whoso man them .-lrish Singer is the 4229 bag~ ; maiz e, 77 bags ; ouions, fo r horses th at will at least pay their against the S taatsburger Zeitung made 362 bags ; g rass seeds, 63 bags ; sb11rps, keep, aod t hey wo uld coBJe to the The Christian Brothers again, a great seal of noise in December last. 5 bags; chaff, 22,077 bags ; ho!JS, 11 9 sprin g work in mu ch better cooclition 7 H e gained h is cairn, and the editor was the bales ; screen ings, 150 bags. G eeloug fo r it, with t heir shoulders hardened. We iake the follow ing from condem ned t o pay a fine ; and ~his fine '!'he " :-Wheat, 1982 l~age ; fl ou r, 250 r,ags; The horse that is hRrdeaed fo r a~y Review Catholic lyn k Broo al roy his g usin itted, the Emperor rem the in ls prevai ich bran, 8 bags; pollard, 8 bags ; oats, le11g th of time duri ng tbe winter must wh prer0gative t o set aside the verdict ot a awfli l silence h ave its shoo \ders toughened in some court of j ustice. This mad e a great editoral departm~nt of the Protes tant 75 bags ; peas, 104 bags ; barl ey, 50 way , else the fi rst month of hard pulling 137 onions, ; bags 500 sheets potatoes, ; bags educational and journals igious rel became sensation and S inger's candidacy \Till mak e galls. T he bes t way to 2,226 chaff, ; bags 40 parochial carrots, of ; bags a sort of r all ying centre for protes t concerning th e late t riumph toughen th e un used shoulders is to bathe amstownWilli bales. York 60 New and in bags schools ublic p the r ove His power. of abuse an such ae-uinst iu strong sal t wate r. This sho nld them ts, oa ; bags 22 , flour bags; more 110d 786 deeper Wheat, grow to tens hrea t election was an almost necessary con- City un fo ur to six week s before i111rd beg be ort P bags. aw ful. Within the la~t three months 70 baga ; chuff, 430 sequ ence. entered on. K ee p an old pail is work r, u flo ; bags 1,197 heat, be t in held been. Melbourne-W have inations exam four Bebe!, In Hamburg t he Socialists throw i uto i t a few handstable, the in 455 chaff, ; hags 20 New sharps, ; of bags 382 t wo Congressional Districts Dietz, and Metzger are elected. fu ls of sa lt, fill up with water, stir unti l r flou and wheat of exports the The at bags. places many as for City York so are test coo tbe of incidents S ome the suit is dissolved, and t he n apply strikingly nota le that they are li kely l\l ilitary Acade my at West Point and duriog tl ,e week show a large decrease, with a rng. The work can be done in to figu re in nny historic al record of th e ! the Naval Academy ut An □ u polis . thfl ac tual shi pme nt& for tbe week being a few min utes, and shou ld be repeated the for bags 5344 nst agai by as woo bass, been 4272 have positions four Tbe i~ these caprices of selection. One of eveo iug. T his salt water dre severy The 1889. iu week The schools. corresponding th e defe at of Prof. Virchow, the famous i the pupils of the Catholic ing sh ould be k ept up after the horses at mil by flour and wheat of and blic receipts pu from were competitors a and science, of man lar and popu t are p ut to the plongh. As the harness distinguished Liberal . Be was defeated parochial schools alike, th e examiners Melbourne, Williamstown and P or is removed i n the evea iog afte r work, by J aniszewski, a journ eym 11n book- were publ ic and parochia l sch ool Melbourne for the first fi fteen week s of wash th e .,bould ers clean with water, bags 146 490, at of urned t re fpature were ficant year signi tbe the d an te11chers, and , man old binder, and a Pole, a very This the t.hen apply the brine. and 499,861 t ns agui as our, fl boys and the at wheat th of extremely poor, who spe11ks brnken the four victories was wi ll mn cb enj oy, as it cools aud rses ho 1 'bristian Brothers not for bags 912,222 an<l 1889, in bags the by educated of district second the Yet Gern11m. the ir feveris b tired shoulders. l3erlin pot him a t the top of the poll onl y took the cadetshi ps, but took the t he corres ponding period in 1888. T he eases ill-fi tting collar will prod uce galls as because he h as been th e victim of succeeding after tlt e fi r% down to th e ex po rts from the port of Melbo urne An fifth, seve11'Gb, eig hth, and tenth places, only fo r th e period under revie w are ~oon as the horse is k ept at bard work. repeated persecutions. carelessly selected and Herr Woerma1rn, Prince Bismarck's so that the public school sc holars we re ret urned at 151,91 2 ba11-s of wheat and Harness iK too very often it is no t fit ted at and fitted, he t for bags 23 J 6, 13 ut b ainst ag , as ted our, defea fl ly p sim ly ou uot and sbipowner, Hamburg reat g fri end , a Bence the same period in 1889, and 283,994 bags all. H orses ' sbotilders have as g reat routJd. the candidate of the National L iberals, ignom iniou sly di vers ity of shape as me n's noses. was defeated by Dietz, the Soci11list. awfu l silence which bas fallen upon th e in 1888.-Melbo urne Advocate. Whenever a collar is bought for a horse, mentioned, e abov departments editorial This astonished the Socialists themijelves. :MODE O F PREP ARING LA N D let the sadd ler fit on the collar, and, if Ham burg is now entirely in their hands. Our esteemed con te mpornries of t he FOR IRRIGATIO N. necessary, ma ke hi m bri ng out every T he great fact of the election is the Ca tholic press will be ki nd enou gh to coll a r he bas in th e sho p until a fit is is h in Areegrn, of upon Farrell, come . has W Mr. which gloom enorm ous and unexpected increase in I add to the d, 11nd if t his canuot be found h11ve the Socialist vote. T his party h as the enem ies of the paroc hial sch ools by pape r on the same su bj ect, sai<l : - P re- foun made specially, or h ave one alcollar land a the works irrigation and the to t.ype, large pi;iratory in facts ese th publishing . it manifested st rength i n places where can be done by making was unkaown before, and other parties crowi ng loudly unti l the next examina- Rboul<l be plou ghed not less than 6 ia . tered. T his last groo ve whe rein the the along t sli a fine a to wh do rolled and harrowed ip. deep, cadetsh a for ions t combination firm a will have to make point 011 t he face the te opposi fit, es bam made be should drain main The th. il t against it to stem the tide on the of the collar wh ich is too prominent. paddock 0 th of eud or side highest . the on Confusion of City The vute the In elections. supplementary Through the slit 1'0move pnrt of the (this genernlly east and so uth on th of Berlin alone these changes are I I furi:,acking, aod with a few blo ws on the g butin distri ll sma and ,) T he High Chu rch papers are indulg- Wimmera show n : T he Socialist vote is increased face of the collar, the prominence can wide, 2ft. and deep 5in. about rows, nonseuse vapourish usual their in ng i 3,000 reisinaige F 20,000, the Deu b ehe a t a and be reduced. Nex t, the collar mu st be t, i to angles ht rig at be drawn may which results and th e Conservatives ba ve lost 34,000 . about the terrible s a part. fitle<l to the b ames or the b ames to th e The OpPJSition press comments free ly expi;cted if the decisions of the queer, distance of about ni ne yard shall ow and collar. The latte r is the better when it u pon the fact that after twelve yeare of chaotic tr1bu11al which is now sitti ng at T h ese ch11n uels being ao i oj u re the can be done without maki ng t be bmues the operation of the law for the Lambeth should hsppen to bo adverse broad, did not interfe re or flo wing too weak . Shave th em down until water The inery. mach t es harv halflast the During King. Bishop to great he t Socinlists he t sn ppressiot1. of at t be t h~y fi t close to the col lar a t every checked was channels the through Dr. since ever populou s centres of the country have centu ry-indeod, H11mpden was made Regiu s Professor end of the p aduock by a small em bank - point. Many collars have one side become hotbeds of Socialism. side of th e harder than th e otber ; obse rv e t his, au d The results of the election are now -there h as never been an ecclesiasticnl ment, unti l th e land on each rated , and alw~ys rej ec t such collars. P uti □ g k nown in every di~trict of the Emrire. , controversy during which threats have fur rows is th oroughly satu another paddock, feel mgs of bumani ty aside, it is well to They show thnt 246 mem bers were not been h ear..! that if high church then diverted into on until the arta avoid gall ed shoulders. The horse so and agaio, checked their of some worsted, elected , and that in 151 districts people were obtaioed whose sho uld ers a re whole does better suprilem en ta ry elections are necessary. leaders would feel constrained to qui t is covered with water. Having r us t to no d more work. He starts better, pulls 'r immera W the from permission shop Bi When . England of Ohurcb the , The 246 elected are divided according el on the harder and more s tead ily, and does not to parties as follows : Conservatives, Wil berforce made use of this argument take water from their chann put down give up so soon in a stiff place. More52; Imperialists, 16; Cen trist, 90; i n the great debate in t he House of 8th October, 1886 , the ranger National Lords on th e Gorham judg ment, he tbe stop, and turn ed the wate r into th e over a very sore s ho uld er seriously 22; Liberuls, Germnu g11uge to affects the health of tbe hor se. The L i be r ts, 16 ; S ocial ist, 21; Alsatians, I was answerd, with not less forco than maiu drni n. He had no immera constan t p11in affects its nervo us system W the but water, the measure remarked who sle, Carli Lord by felicity, 12 • Polos, 14; Gue lph s, 2 ; and 1 i that, while he should deeply regret th e Trust excavated a 3,000 yard's tank an d lessen s diges tion and assimilation. Da~e.

jfatm, ,Sta.Hon, anlr j!}ome.

-----------w --w-








8, 1890.

£ ')

SILVER LEVER HUNTER, Capp,d · A mill er fe ll asleep in bis mill, and Never judge a man by the umbrell a j and J ewelled, Guaranteed two yea1s tJ in ht he eanies; he may have just left an old bent forward un til bi s ha ir got cnu g A. J. GALLE 'S, Albany. cotton one fo r it at the res taurant he so me machinery, and a lmost a handful Wood-work-Cho pping. was pullec:i out. It a wakened him, and last p'l tronized . HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT A N D PILLS.Goo:1 at figu res-A tailor. fi rn t bewilde• ed e xcli rnat,ion was his Sure Relief.-Th e weak and enervated S tu,lent : Professor, l'm ge tti ng tired it, wi fe , wbat.s the matter suffer severely from nervous affections A lively slug-A leaden one. of th ese aw fully dry studies . Professor: " Hang when storms or electric disturbances Creditable y bt discreditable-De bt. Al l rig ht. You may take " Ocean now 1'' e atmosphere. Ne uralgia, Musical Itern.-Visitor : yo n are :igitate th A coat of arms-Any coat. When C □ rrents " for to-morrow . go uty pangs, and flying pains very disYes; Father: fomily. mnsical a ite qn it hasn't arms, it's a vest. f;L"Cssing to a delicate syatem, may be vVhv is a weathercock like a lo afer ? the piano and my readily removed by rubbing this OintHe Qnite Believed In It.-Sbe : Do Because it is constantly goin g around my daugl1ter plays so n is quite expert with th e flute. ment upon the affected part it has you believe in trne love? LI e : Y es, doing nothing. And what do yo u play ? been fome nted with warm water. 'l'he Visitor: . rich 1s r fathe if her Wh en may a man be s aid to belong F ath er : I play first fidd le. Motber-in - Pills taken occasionally in the doses "Musical melancholy," us th e cricket to the vegetable kingdom ? When l11w: Not much yot1 don't when I am prescribed by the instructions, keep the digestion in orde r, excite a free flow of said to the tea kettle. ex perience has made him sage. about and wel l. the rege nernte healthy bil e, aud "I'm all in a perspiration," as the A man at a fair was asked if his Absen t M inded.- lgy ( at the impoverished blood with richer nrnterlals gridiron. the to said chop said · mutton horse was timid. " Not at all," door) : I -aw, bless my soul, Miss resulting from thoroughly assimilated "Where shal l I go," us the bullet he; " he frequently spends a who le Gushly ! I believe I've forgotten some- food-wanting which, the strongest must aD d night by himself in a sta ble." said to the trigger. thing. Lemme see- M iss : Coat-bat inevitably soon sink into fe ebleness, the delicate find it difl:icult to maintain Mr. n\l hem t huve need ou y in y, sadly Wh is ? cane head Yonr : Barber Frosts are genernlly de:,v before they existence. Holloway's Ointment and of a shampoo, sir. Tai lor in the chair : Baboony. Agly; Aw, yuas ; but-but P ills are infallible remedies. come. decided ly -M i~s Gt15hly -d c•ar Ed ith - I fowgot Mrs. G u ppy says a two-wh eeled cab Yes, and y our clothes are t. it. abo,i you nag to a wsk -wi ll yn n be my wi f'e ? tlon't I but seedy, comfort. of is the hackney 'l. ROTHERHAM SIL VE it :i to r tlir , ' ell F nr r'"' lh rl>1•1..--Tl11: foll0win g mo a "No darli ng," said HUN'I'ER LEVERS, Guaran• A credit table affair-The dinn er that sick child, " the doctor mys 1 lllU o t □ 't sto ry is told L,y tbe Aus trian papers, teed two years, at J. GALLE'S, Albany; is not paid for . read to you." "Theo, mamma," begged aDd is nrnu sin g society in Vienna. A It is quite naturnl that the man who th e li ttle one, "won ' t you pl ease read few weeks ago a man dressed 1n "FoR THE BLOOD rs nm LIFE."steps on a taclr shal l be hopping mad. to yourself ou~ loud ?" Tyrolese costume e11tered the shoo of CLARKE'S WORLD-.F1~ MED BLOOD MIX T URE is warranted to cleanse the blood Time flies and stays for no mun . Miss Ethel coafideutially: Do you the priucipal barber in lnn sbn1ck, · sat from all impurities fro m w"iatever cause T he only fellow who can be1J.t it is the know, Clam, that I had t wo offers of dow o in 11, cha ir, and made a sign th at ar1 s1t1g. ]!'or Scrofula, Scuny, Sl(in and musician . marriage last week ? M iss Clara with he desired to be shaved. The proprietor Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kind s, its all by effects are marvellous. Thousanc'~ of testi" Well, I didn't know, b tJt our fami ly enthusias m: Ob, I am delighted, dear. of the establishment is patronised monials. Sold in bottles, 2s. 9d, and I ls is and pince, the of wigs big eivic the and to-day twice un dertaker met me Thea tlie report is really true th nt yo ur by Chemists and Patent Medicine each of circle the keep to naturally anxions shook hands with me each tim e. I was uncle left you bis money 1 Vendors everyw here. Sole Proprietors his customer select. Seeing, th erefore 'J.'HE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNT!{'~ DRUG beginning to get alarmed." Sweets to the Sweet.- Feowick : a rough -looking fellow claJ in the Co., Lincoln, England. "I can not sing the old songs," . Ed you, late Allow me to congratu nat io nal Toppe recliniDg on the ve:vet Bawled forth the tuneless youth ; Tha t young lady of yours !ms the plu sh that was sacred to local officials, And every word he uttered showed sweo tes t disposition in the wo rld. Ed. : How Pills are Mad he a pproi.cbed the daring int1·uder and h. trut He spoke tbe awful ·w ell, I shou ld hope so. It costs me told him, " We don't serve bluntly Th e custom of taking medicine in the Ma bel : Hogg wrote pasto ral poeti·y five sh illings per week to keep her in peaseats here : this is a saloo n for form of pills dates far back in bistory. The about lambs and sheep. Young Miss confectionery. gentlemen." T he straoger rnse with a object is to enable us to swallow easily in a Wagg; ADd Lamb got even with him J uryrnan to j 11dge: We want to smile. r, Very we ll," he said; "but condensed form disagreeable and nauseous by wr iting an esrny ou "Roast Pig." cons ult yo ur Lordship on a poiDt of law. oblige rue iu case my adjutant should but very useful, drugs. To what vast di "John this is a very bad repol' t, yo u Can we have a pint of whiskey if we cowe, by telling him that I have gone mensions pill-taking has grown may be that in England alone brin g me from school." "I know, pay for it ourselves? Judge : Cer- to be shaved by your rival across th e imagined when we say about 2,000,000,000 (two thousand million) father, bu t you know you said if I tninly not; I thought you wanted to street. I am the Archduke Joseph." pills are consumed every year. Ia early would bring you a first-class report you speak about the cas e. Juryman : vV" The Archduk e who is Cornmand er-in- days pills were made slowly by hand, as the was comparatively small. To-day would give rue a doll ar, and I wanted haven't got to the case yet. Chief of the Hunga rian L~ndwehr, and demand tbey are produced with infinitely grea~er to save you tha t expense." What Somed bim.-C :-You are who oug ht to be pretty well known by rapic!.ity by machines especially contrived "Don'l yo u know how to spell ?" not so charitable as you used to be. sight eve n iu the Tyrol, then lifted his for the purpose, and with greater accuracy, asked the exasp·e rnted teacher of the Yon used to say that no poor man hat and departed. too, in the proportions of the various ingredients employed. extremely phonetic boy. " Oh yes," shou ld go away empty handed from the No form of medication can be better than said the boy, "I know how to spell good man's door. D: Yes , but that a pill, provided only it is iDtclligently pre• well enough, but the men who made . was before th e poor man lifted an Vital Questions ! I I parGd, But nght liere occurs the difficulty,_: the dictionaries don't seem to." Easy as it way seem to make a pill. or a overcoat from the good marb's hall As!, the most eminent Physzc£an of them, there are rea lly very fe w " Would you not love to gaze on rack. Ask any school, what is the bes t th ing in million for Niagarn for ever ?'' said a romantic all irri - pills that can be honestly commended allaying and quieting r fo world e tb Commercial Item.-Lndy (leaving a tation of the nel'\'es, and curing al l form s of popular use. Most u[ them either under• youn g· girl to her less romantic comeverybody As store): You bet I am up to th ese mer- nervous complaints, giving natural, childlike shoot or overshoot f·,he mark. panion. " Oh no; I shonld not like to takes pills of some kind, it mny be well to cha uts. I made him come down two refreshing sleep always? eye." mention wbat a good, safe, and reliat be have a cataract always in my ly unhesitating u yo tell will ey th And dollars on the price, Merchant (to pill should be. Now; when one feels dull " Well, I see old M itbomer has died I!/'' Hops of jorm Some " an d sleepy, and has more or less pain in the hi mself) : I am u p to the tricks of these at last." " Yes ; it was a sad loss to head, sides, and back he may be sure his pnt the price n p fou r l ClIAPTER I. stomers. cu lady me." '' I didn't know you was a friend bowels are costipatcd, and bis lh·er slugdollars. Ask auy or all of the most eminent phys gish. To remedy thi s unhappy state 1f of bis ." "No; I was bis physician," thi ngs there is uothiDg like a good catlrnrtic Holdi ng a Horse.-" Here, fellow, icians An electric piano is th e latest inven"What is the best an ti only remed y tho.t pill. IL will act like a cbarm by stimulating tion. We h:udly see the need of it, hold this horse." "Does he kick?" call be relied on to cure all diseases of th e tbe liver into doing its d uty, and riddiug the however. Nino - tenths of the perform- " Kick ! no. Take hold of him ." kiduey s anci urinary organs ; such as diges tive orga us of th e accuurnl atcd poi son:nnces on ord ina ry pianos are shocking "Does ha bite?" "Bite ! no. Take Bright's di sease, diabetes, retentiou, or im1- ous matter. But the good pill does not gripe <ind pain hold of the bridle, I say." "Does it bility io retain urine, and all tb e diseases · enough. and ailments pewliar to Womeu " us, neither dnes it ruake us si ck and miserShe, eagerly: W ell , dearest, did yo u tak e two to hold?" "No." "Then emand explicitly you And tb ey will tell able for ,L few hours a day. It acts on t ue speak to papa this mor ning. He : Yes , hold him yo nrself." pl.iatically" Buc!t11." entire glandu lar aystcm at th e same time with court e th entered barrister A physicians same the t Ask Wha else the after- effects of the pill wi 11 be worse I spoke to him . S he ex citedly: "What is the most reliable and sures t than the disease itself. The gripiug caused rl id he Bay? He: Be snid, " Good his wig very much awry, which elicited cure for all Ii ver diseases or dy spepsia; con- by most pills is th e result of irritating drugs joking some observer every lmost a from morning." stipation, indi gestion, biliousness, malaria, which tb ey contain . Such pills arc barroful, Those Stupid Dinner Calls.-Cliolly remark, till at last, addressing him self fever, ague, &c.," and they will tell you : and should Dever be used. They sometimes M anclrake I or Dandelion ! I I ! even prod uce hemorrho ids. Witho ut having Rattle: How very fawchunate to find to Currnn, be asked him : " Do you Hence wheu th ese remedies arc combined any particular desire to praise one pill above .YOll in, Mrs. Grew some. My oistab see anything ridiculous in this wi g ?" with others equally valuable, mother, we may, nevertheless, name Mother 8aid you were almost certain to be out " N otbiD g,'' replied the wit, "but what And compound ed into Dr. Soule's Ameri- Seigel's Pills, manufactured by the wellit." in is this ev:ening. can Hop Bi tters, such a wonderfu l and mys- know n ho use of A. ,J. {"7'hiLc, Limited 35, Improving Nature.-A lect urer in terious curnti,•e power is developed, which Farringdon Read, London. aud □ ow sold by Gazz,im i ndicating a passer-hy: tbat no disease all chemists and medicin e ,·cndo rs, as the Th at yc• ,'rng man shines a good <leal iu addressin g a Hamps hire audience con- is so varied in its operations or ill-healt b ca□ possibly exist or resist its only on e we !mow of Lhat act ually [JOSsesses Dolly: Ab, who is he? tend ed with tiresome prolixity th at art power, and yet it is society. every desirable quality. They remove the Gazzam : Don't k now his name ; but conlcl Dot improve nature, until one of Harm less for tb e mos t frail woman, weak- nressure upon the brnin, correct the Ii ver the t se ience, pat all losing hearers, bi use. to invalid or smallest child and cause tb e bowels to uct with h e's a boo•tblack. ease and regularity. They never gripe Judging by Sight-A ct•bbler at roo m in a roar by exclaiming, " How CHAP TER II, produce the slightes t sickness of the or wig?" yo11r without look you would public the atteud to Leyden who URe<l or any other unpleasant feeling stomach,t "Patients neck-orA Cool H and .-A young disputations h eld at the Academy was Neither do they induce fur sympsoms. or "Almost dead or Dearly dying" ther con tipation, as nearly all other pill s once ask .~tl if he understood L atin nothin g Oxo111an, havin g prevailed on For years, and given_ up by_pbsiP.ians_, of do. As a furth er and crowuing merit " No," rep lied the mechanic; " but l bis uncl e to accompany him in his gig OxforJ , in passing throu gh Kensing I's an d other ktdoey di seases, liver Mother Seigel's Pil ls are covered with a know who is wrong in argumen t. " to b . d h h d compla111ts, severe co ughs, called cons urop- tasteless and harmless coating which causes ti th Id · tio □ bavc been cured. e a " How ?" r e1olied his fri end. ' Why, by ton e o gen eman o se1 ve tbem to resemble pearls, th us rendering 'Wom en gone necu·('I craz.11 I I ! I paid his nephew a great compli ment, for them as pleasant to the p.<i la te as they are ,seeing who gets angry first." nervousness, gia, neural From agony of eftective in curing disease. If you have u Said Lord Wellesley to Jus tice P lun- that was only the " fifth" tim e he had peculiar se vere cold and are threatened with a fe ,•e r, ever been in a gig m his li fe. Hi, wakefulness, and varions diseases kett: " One of my aides-de -c11,mp h as wom en. with paius in Lbe head, back, and limbs, one . d th ut h.18 I1 orse be~ t b'tm t:i Feople drawn out of shape from excru ci- or written n personal narrntive of his nep h elV rep I1e two doses will break up th e cold and preinflammatory heumatism, r of pangs ating Olle m been "never had he for ,·cot tbe fever. A coated tougne, with a tratels. P ray wh at is you r definition hollow, la. scrofu from sufl:P.riug or chronic, and brackish taste in the mouth, is caused by of ' personal' ?" " Well, my Lonl," at all before that day." foul matter in the stomach. A dose of SeiErysipelas! One Candle.-A C<J rtai n counsell or wus Plunkett's reply, '' we lawyers a very avaricious wife , who often . "_Salt~·heum, blood poisoning, dysi;iepsia, gel's Pills will effect a speedy cure. Oftenalways consider personal as opposed to had · d h md1gest100, and , rn fa ct, almost all diseases times partially decayed food in th e stomach f ti t she frail,, er economy so a r 1:.1 carne and 1.J owels pr0duce sickness, nausea, &c. real." Nature is hei r to the evening Clean se th e bowels with a dose of these A pompous teacher was one day violated decorum. On d been cured by Dr . So1-1le's Hop Bit- pills, and good health will follow, Have upper, s to 11 friends fow a bad counsellor Can examining a class in arithmetic. Unlike mauy kinds of pills, they do not yet there was only one ca11d le iu the ters, proof o~ which can be found in every you multiply concrete numbe rs tomake you foel worse before you are better, which was spacious and painted neighborhood rn the known world . room, They are, wtthont donu t, the best family gether?" he asked. The pupils did physic ever di scovered. They remov e all not feel q uite s ure, and no answers of a Jark colou r. It was of course very gloomy. "Pray, my dear," said @;"None g~nuin e_ without a bunch of green obstrnctions to tu e natural functions in will what , Well " were forthcoming. Dr. Soule's either sex without any unpleasant effects. · I . "h so o-ood as to have , h<.> ps on t ,1e . wln te label, and I name blo wn m the bottle BEwA1rn of all o ,be the prnduct of five apples multiplied th e COUL1S0 I 01, . e Lhc imitate to made stuff 'by six: potatoes?" said he. 11 Hash," anoth er candle hg hLed that I mny see · tb e vile poisonous NESBI'.r's LaDIES SILVER W "-'.Cf.,;flES £3 10:i. above, stands." other the where pupil decidedly.



£6 6

-shouted a




Iw.E. MARMION& co.,

Vo E. NESBJT, Practical W atchmaker and Jeweller, (Late of R undle S treet, Adelaide, HAY STRJ£ET, PERTH.


W AREHOU, · r.



8, 1890.




HAY ST., PERTH. General Merchants, Importers A S the best selected and th St k d St t· Ag t cheapest stock of fi rst-class oc an a ion en s, A N OTHER S HIPMENT OF O UR AVE alway s on hand full S tockb Wutches and Jewellery of 8VERY SPE CIALLY SELECTED of Station requirements, also description in the colon y. Nesbit's English Levers ( capped and jewell ed) sundry other goods, Carpenters' to ols, PIANOS, stand rid ing and rou gh work, g uaran- Anvils, Porta ble Forges, W ool bales, teed fo r two years. The Best W atch Co rn sacks , Wire Netting, Fencing AL 8 0, P I AN O 8TOOL S, T UNIN G without exception. Nesbit's Walthams Wi res, Galvanized Co rru gated Iro n, H AMMER-::, ETC., are the CH li:AP EST in th e Co l1111y. Doug la~ P n111ps , Rev olvers, i:-\ niJe1 These and other Watche~ with a two ltifiefi , Fowliug pieces, ( muzzle 1md l\· ill i,e sold at lowe.;t fl'i ces to n ·, I · rooru for o u r years' gmnantee . Jewellery of every breech loading) Ammunition-:::iadddescription ade to order or repairnJ· lery, Harness, &c. . :. 1r.t.. 1 • ~j, ,tt1 Watch es cleaned or repaired . --<i-. Nesbit's L evers Nesbit's Waltham s , Now coming tc Hand as fast a s Gent's Gold Ladies ' Gold I t eam ca11 tri ni:l t h e r . Watches Watches ·O ,, Silver Watches ,, S ilver Watc >ieo l ,QIS HhlJJUle11t ulso rnclUd PS SP Ult' very Gold Bracelets S ilver Bracelats • ! •·cial d,·s igu s iu ti.itWines and Spiri.ts m cases, quar ter ,, sets B . & E . sets B . & E. ,1sks and octaves. ,, Brooches Brooches OHLIDEMA CARPET ToBAcco in small boxes (120 lbs.) ,, Earrings Earrings ,, Alberts Alberts SQUARES. ()ilmen's Stores, in large quantities. ,, Leontines Leontines ,, Rings, Gent's Rings, Gen t's Fur R ugs, Stair Carpets, &c., ,, do. Ladies' do. Ladies' DRAPERY IN GREAT Tapestry Cloth, Table Covers ,, Breast Pins Breast PinR VARIETY. and Five o 'clock T ea Cloths ' ,, N ecklets N ecklets Guipure and Tapestry ,, Studs S tuds ,, Keepers Jet Brooches & E·arringa Curtains, Art Muslin's. Also Slaann.·ocli. Hotel ,, Wedding Rings A lberts A very Choice Selection of l<:lectro Plated Cups Clocks HAY STREET, PERTH. ,, Cruets , &c. Spr.ctacles.


This Great Household Medicine rank s amongst the leading necessaries of Li~e. These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and ict most powerfully, yet soothingly, on the

Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, nnd BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never• failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages ; and as n GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE are unsurpassed. The Pills and <.lintment are Manufactured only at '18, New Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford St.) London; And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with d ·ec· lions for use in almost every language. , ~~ Purchasers should look to tl1e r • · on the Boxen aml Pots. If the add·· 633, Oxford Sti·eet, London. t hey arr


Teas, Suga:i.~s, Flour.

F irst Class Accommodation Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, &c.,sold for TRAVELLERS, on TI M.I£ P AYMENT with I MM EDGOODS AND SINGLE I ATE possession to householders at exThe Settlers favourite House. WEST AUSTRALIAN BOOT FACTORY ceedingly low prices. A s no heavy DRESSES. commission is paid for convassing and S plendid Balcony back and Al so by the yard, 8PLENDID coll ecting, customers will save at leas t ji-ont. Bath-rooms, Stables, ancl QU.:1 LITIE 8 a t Low P rices. 20 per cent. , by buying from V. E. every requisite jo1' a First Class Nesbit, besides h aving a large stock to (Late T. & W . Britnall), Hotel. select from and a practical watchLadies T@a Gowns and l\fon1 in g Wraps maker to guarantee every article sold. HAY t TRE ET, PERTH, MILLINERY MILLINERY (@" TIME PAYMENT. P1uvAOY and QUIETNESS a speN returning thanks to the public gene rally HATS ! BON .N ETS! ~ IM.M.EDIATI!] POSSESSION. ciality. for past favoms, beg to announce tb as bey are prepared to manufacture all classet A small consignment; of the Latest of COLONIAL BOOTS, on the shortest pos V . E. NESBIT, Novelties. BEST QUALITY ONLY OF LIQU• sible notice. Also, kept in stock, a large and P ractical Wa tchm aker and Jeweller, ORS IN ~ STOCK. Also,-Fancy Wings, Leather, &c varied assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's, Perth . and Children's BOOTS and SHOES-from Felt and S traw H ats. the best English and Continental houses. AGJJ:NTS: 'Mr. J. W. Andrew, Roebourne. Famous House for Bass's ,, 1'. W. Stroud, Geraldtou . Leather Grinder:, and Uppers always on A le an d Guiness's 8 tont. ,, F. Kelly, Dongarra. hand. Good bides and kangaroo skins taken A Cb oice Selection of GENTS' ,, G. H. Lott, York. in exchange .,.._....,,.,,_....,_,,.,..,_....,....""""...,.,_...._._,, U nde rware, Hats, Gloves Ties some Goods de'spatcbed t o all parts of the - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - Hp lendid Tweeds, Gents' S~its Hosiery Uolony, !:,ilk Half I.l ose, Great Coats, a nd ~ Waterproofs. OR COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCUI'l'IS --=>iel@l<do»l~1'31Also,-Ladies and Gent~' Umbrellas, Asthma, II!fluenza, Consumption, &c., &c. &c. AY'S COMPOUND ESSENCE OF LINPerfumery and Soaps of the best bra nds SEED, Aniseed, Senega, Squill, Tolu, including :?ears', &c. ' &c., with Chlorodyne. P 1.•oprieto1.·. AY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent expec..-<o:.:. toraut, for Coughs, Colds, and Chest Complaints. The GE R A LDTON HOTEL is replete with AY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally serviceable for Horses Every Comfort and Convenience for Travellers anil Visitors, aoct Cattle. 'I'HE OI'l x DRAPER. AY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in NeuralA nd contains one of Burroughe's and vVatt;s' far-famed gia, Face-ache, &c. Contains Quinine, Iron, &c. Billia1.·tl Tables, GR.\ TEFUL-COMFORTING, OAGULINE.-Cernent for Broken Articl es. Sold Everywhere, M:anufactory Stockport, England. ' Which::is brilliantly lighted, and is the favourite resort of lovers of the game.





r 1-1o MAS






Wines, Spirits a nd Beers of the Best Brands obtainable, always on hand.

CJba1.·~·es 1'.lotle1.·ate. Gootl A..ttentlance anti CiviUty.

~~ll,rrn ®W®til,r£~ re@@,r m£rn,r . - - - - - -- -



B oot Manufacturer and Importer,



' RRI .Ji;R



General Funeral Furnisher, HAY STREET, PERTH.


U NERALS conducted in any part of the Colony, and all details connected therewith att~nded to at the shortest notice by telegram or otherwise. Fnneral Hearses and Coachee always ready.


< n 111r 11d a ul

fo1· !!ijale,

'\ii )onroental Head and Tomb Stones, wi\h handsome Iron Railings, supplied and erect&i complete W. T. WJMBRIDGE.



B R EAKFAST. ". By a thorough kno1<ledge of the na.tural laws "!b1ch gove r n t h e onerations of di gestion aDd nutrit!o n, a nd by a carefu l ap plication of the fine proper, ti cs of_well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps h as provided for bre!1-ldn.Rt tables ,ritb a delicately~flavo nred l! wh1ch n:i a.y .s~ve us ma.ny h eavy doctor 's bill s. lt is by t~ e J ?-d 1c1ous use of such artic les of diet that a co nst1tul1o n f'!lay be grad ually built up until stron enough to res1s~every tendency to disease. Hundred~ of subtle malad1es are fl o~tiug around us ready to t wherever there is a weak point. We ma.y es a e m_a. ny a. fata l shaft by !me-ping ourselves 'Vell with p~re ~lood a properly nouri shed frame."8•• article tn tho Oivil Service 0 azette.


Made simply with boiling water or millr.

AS always on hand, the most extensive and var ed s tock in the colony of English, French, German, and Colonial Manufactured BOOTS,


Solu in ¾ ·lb. packets by Grocers, labelled thus:-









EA]'..-A Person cured of Deafn ess and D noises m the bead of 23 years' sland ing by Simple Remedy, send a description ~














N ext :Ooor to the " Criterion Hotel,"


of it FREE to any Person who applies to N1cuoLSON, 65 William-street, Melbourne

Printed ancl published Joi· the Right Rev, 111: Gibn~y, at tli_e oJficc of the " w. ~E CORD, llowiclc street, Pe1'th, 1HOMAS BRYAN,

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