The Record Newspaper - 10 April 1890

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PUBL S ,.~~-~~~~~~~~~~~-·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


No. 502 .-VoL. XVI.










of t he





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" The SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY and the Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine Company each exhibit a Collection of Machines, but we had not the slig~test difficulty in awarding t he SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY the FIRS~~ AWARD with SPECI AL MENTION. We particularly desire to express our opinion that EACH of the following Machines, which are a part of SINGER'S Collection, is of itself worthy of a first award viz. :-The Button-hole Machine, Eyelet Machine, Leather Machine, and Manufacturing Machine. As a collective exhibit the \.'Vheeler and Wilson Co1npany only took second award."

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· ItIL,



10, 1 90.

Ch urc h of E nglautl, based on t he teach- read that "monastic institutions whic h Beside", there are all those needed fo r ing of II rebel monk und erected on the requir e vow, of poverty, chnstity , an d astronomy. The chief attention wi ll be rui us of th e Englieb monasteries nnd <'bedience, nre declared to bG s npr•r - paid to the photography of the heav ens, City of Confusion. fri aries. T he ag en cies once 80 vehe- ti titions und pbari saicul sects, by An1 i- and of tbe su n and .::eles tial bodies, an d men tly den ounced are now invoked by christ inven ted, and set up against th e for this purpose speci al instruments The resolution in fav our of broth er- it to meet true Word of God and glory of His have been ordered, wh ich will be made 0 110 of the most pres~i ng hoods ndopted in Convom1t ion on th e wan ts of the society under its cha rge. moBt blessed name." As far as Ang li- in Paris, by !Vlessrs . Hen ry fr eres nn d 13th Feb ., mark s fl gt eat revo lntio n in Trne there is a di tinction made in the cans are bound to beli eve anything, M . Ga utier, tbe me rcha uician of the th e feeling and spiri t of the Church of te mpor:ny chnracter of th e vows re - they must believe that this is "godly Observa tory . The observatory has England. Th e system of mon asticism q ui red, but this di stinction i f petsisted and wholesome;" but t.h en what mu,t been placed in co rrespon dence with t he was that part of the organi sa tion of in, wil l be found des truct iv e of the they think of Canon Farrar and hi s Permanent I, tPr, atiotrnl Committee of tb e Chnrch of Rome which was hold up uso and purpose of tho inst itution. resolution ?-Tablet. tbe Clestial Chart and tb e Observatory to pc•p ular obloqu y nt the Re for ma tio n of Mendon. are fatal to the mo nas- I vows Hevocable as the very central stay an d bulwark tic disriplino in dispensable to etliciency, \ of all her other abuses. Here it was Protest an t Baptism. for onl y th e bind in g force of an in- I A Touching Story of the Great tha t calumny, the ever-r eady weopo n will constrnin men I obligation ~s,)luble di Strike. of sPctarinn hatred, ran riot, and tb nt The following Jette r has been ad clrn~soffici nl pervet·sion of history, t he tyrn nt's to obed ience in matters really irksome perfidious plea for th e acqu ittal of or uista• tefnl. The t empo1 ary char- e<l to the Ed itor of tbe Tablet. HOW C<1RDIN AL MANNING MADE PIJ:AOE • Sm,-I have not yet seen the Rev. . post erity, was called in to justify ucter of th e aas ociutiou renders all dn ty The fo ll owiug is from th e recently confiscation. optional. The ot.her condit.ions im- ,I Warwick Elwin's work on Baptism and pln nder official Father Gasqu et's able work on this po,ed on th e b~otberh oo~~, <leba rrm_g which is reveiwed in your pages of to- published work "The S tory of the gre11t act of sacrilege is a complete t hem from seekiog_ the a1cl of ~ublic II day. From the passage your review Dockers' Strik e, " by H. L lewelly n ex pos nre of th e vile mean s nsed to fond s, ~on ld restnct memhet:s ~11p to qu otP~ I cannot think that Mr. Elwin Sruith and Vaughan Nash : At five fncilita lc and cany it through, auth enti- nH:'D of rndeper,dent meau s sufficient_ to kn ow, how cardessly bapti~m was o'clock on Tuesday the Strike Com cated by unimpeachabl e con tem porary support them w_1tbnut n•m_i.:nerau ve admini ste red by some of th e ministers rui ttees gathered in the Schoolroom evid ence. The foregone conclusion of em ploy ment . It 1s al so obvious that , ol th e E stablished Church before the the north side men on one side, rapacity was sup ported by fa bl'icated yo un g men depend ent on thPir owr, Oxford movement had directed men's tbos e of the south side on the other . testimony and enforced with relentl ess exe1:tions cannoi sacr ifice _nny of the(r minds t.o the subject of sacram ental Th e mee ti ng lasted nearly fot1r hours. cruelty. The num ber of i<'S c•arli er _yeur_s wh en entPr:n g on tlwir grace. When I was a lad I was visit- It wns the las t hope of negotiation , suppressed amounted to 600, that of profes,10ns Iii ord er to adopt temp1o1 :o rt l) in g with a cer tain Archdeacon wbo in un,l when tb e Cardin al und Mr. Sydney th eir iam11tes, monk s, nu ns, aml fria rs f\ way of liie wh ich would u11fi t, 1hew th e old day s, ba d hee n counted ~~ n Bnxton entered the room, there seemed cast destitute on the IVOl'ld, to 8,000, f'or ~1ore '!orldly , nvocations. The High Chnrdm,nn . I was u Pro tPstnn t to lie th e scantiest chance of u pe11ceful Cardinal Manning asked to while th e val ue of th e spoils in houses, f1 11 ancrnl basis con /erred, too, on un then and wi,nt with him to Cllllrt·h oo iss ue. lands, money, precious ornnmen ts a>J d ins titu t ion to wliic l1 its ri cher members . Sanday. 'fh ere were on this oc·casion know tbe 1.,umes of the Comru ittee, j ewels, is cornpnted at fr om 14 to 15 pe rmanently c~ntribute thPir fortun_es, t hree ((hildren to be l,aptised. J dis- a111l ev ery one was th erefore presented million s sterl in g. Nor did the peoplt>, wou ld ~e wa ntrng to one from_ winch tinctly remembered t,hat tb e Arcliceacon to him iu turn. After this form ality bcwever nr t:ully wrou gh t upon by they mig ht at any moment w1thdraw dipped two fingu res in to thP warnr a11 d he ope11 ed bn~ioess at once hy req ueRtmisrepl'esentntiou, tu mely ucq niesco in them . A bnnkrnpt brothe rh ood, stru g- touched the fo re heads of all th ree. 1 ing Ti ll,.1 t to s tate his · n•a, on~ ag ain~t the min of the ruouastic es (ablishment& . gling wi th the difficulti es on which it watchPd the proceedir. gs very tar,.fully, ac•,·epti ng N ovem l,i, r com prnm isEc. The indignation of th e country ut large wa 10ft by th e r1;t irement of a few for J bad reud th e Tracts Joi· the 'T imes The C11rdinal fol lo wed T ille1.t, dea lin t{ expressed itself in r isi ngs on a lurg<> we ll- endowed assocrntes, wou ld scarcely nnd much of th e literature of whieh lhPy very patiently with his odj Pc t,ions oue scale in Lincolnshire, York sllire, aud lie an ed ifying S_Pectncle. 'l:he,e ~re were the parents. I came to a prer.t._y by one. lie 11 rged , wit h lli e air of other counties, requirin g all th ~ severi- some ot th e prnctl cal dtffi. c ulr ies winch con fi den t, con clu sion tha t th e water did · ge nt le I ut,hority , whiclt won tl, e hea rts ties of martial law for th eir repression·. th e rev ival of semi-monasticism in - flew on the first chi ld and that it did of all who bad had dealings with him Force alone reduced the in surgents to volves. 'l~hose ~~·eated by its character not on the second n1;d third. I very througbout the str ike, that from a sullen submission, but deep resentm ent of mo ral rn stalnhty wou Id be no less much doubt indeed whethe r they were. business point of view they woul d do well to accept an offer which gave tliem long lingered in th eir hear ts. "It is g reat. ,'l'be fas hion of' t.he rule of each in any way wetted by the water. About th e same ti me there was a prnctically all they as ked in six weeks' only throu gh the struy deposi tio ns of establishment wot1ld change witb its roy al sp ies (writes Professo r G re e11 in in ma tes, and it is :iot easy to see how clergyman whom I kn ew \Veil 1Vho was time. They must consider, not ou ly bi s History of the English P eople) thnt any cea trnl a~ thonty could he created said never to us e water in baptism at them selves, but the s nfferin g which t he we catch a glimpe of the wrn th and ca_pa ble of. laywg dowu tire law for all all. I do not know this of my own strike was bringiug on their families bate which '.ay sePthin g und er thi • alike. W1~h~nt_ som~ such ~o_urce of I knowledge, but I wns told so by a lady and the public issnes depen ding on their sile?::ce of the people. F or the silence common d1smp l10 e, 1negulant1es an d in whose truthfulness I bad foll trust. action . Tbe s peec h lasted 20 min utes, was th e sile ce of terro r." Pet·sisten t eccentricities would be mu ltiplied in \ I have myself heard this clergyman say and was followed by a few words from fal sehood, howevel', did its wo rk in exact proportion to th e extPnt of the more thun once th e baptism was a mere .M t . Buxton in th e same strain. The first time, and the 11a me of mook or friar mov~~e n_t, and the 1_1urn he1: of com - sign which bud no effec t on the few speeches from the men were hosti le. became a by-wo rd am ong th ose who had mu111 ucs it (tad call ed rnto_ bern g . T he persons receiviog it. A person holding Then Torn J.l.l 'Carthy rose nnd in a fi rm Jormely recognised th e~e mu ch-abused las t resol1J t1011 of the senes passed by. I this Zwiogli1m notion was not unli ke ly but moderately-worded speech recomclasses as th eir be nefactors. 'For 300 . Convocation declare~, iDu eed : "Th at to dispense with water when performiug mend ed tb e men to accept the ter ms." "The lee bei og broken (conti11ues years (says t he Cardinal A rch bisbop, such brotherh oods slr ould work in st rict what be beld to be a mer<l symbolical tl1e pa~sage), Champion an d Man Diiblin Review, Ap ri l, 1889,) Eng lish- s0 hord in ation to the> a ntb ority of the rite. Some of your readers may not h ave ofJered simi lar ad ,,ice. T ill ett held out men have believetl a n<l handed on a Bishop in each di ocese in which t hey trndition of calurun y an d false witness . u_re establisbe~, an d only on _the invita- forgotten that not very Jo ng since a but was neurly al" ne among the leaders. Until now it ha, been feebly denied hon, and wit h th e R11 11 ct10n of the pri est of th e diocese of Nottingham had Burns nominally took a neutra l line. an d liar<lly re fu te d. I t will need a paroch ial cletgy." The second resoln- a correspondence with nn Anglican Still the disscnssion was prolonged · the bold han d to deny or to refu te tho tion ~-?u ld! on _the o_tlwr: ,l 11rnd, destt?Y Vicar who affi rrne<l, if my mem ory does lighter men and me n of tlie south' side counter-tl<' cnsut.ion of these two volu mes. all uniform ity, srnce it nff1 r ms the prm- not fa il me, that if by inad vertence the pnt forwur <l their views, ;1tHI the visitors ciple : "That a wid e elasticity is \Valer went on the infant's cap border from the Mans ion Honse Comm ittee Till this is <lone, they ho ld tl.c field . R etribution fo r tlte diversion of desirable us to the mies and 8ystem of no t on the child itself the baptism would joined fr om time to tlme in the debate. ' It was late beforn C111d in ul Manni ng monaRtic property from chari tab le n,e, such brotherhoods 88 may he form ed in be valid. servant, obedient ur yo Sir om, I e, bl undenia is t I ." diocese• ,overal the StHnmet.l up. In un address whirh th, of igencies ex temporary the meet to E DWARD PEACOCK. deeply moved his hearers, he reviewed 8tate was not long delayed. Thus the ho wever, that the uccep ran~c of these 1 suppression of t be friat s rem oved tlH' resolnt ions, with al l thei r short-c omin gs , 1 Bottesford Ma11vr Briga February the argt1ments on both sides . He "' ' . arks a 1 1.5, 1890. himMe lf was accountable to no human great coaneeting li nk betwee n rel ig ion from a Cntltolic point of view , m auth ority for sta ndi ng there ; he was and the poor, leaving them almost com- ~reat aclvauc e in ~piritua lity in the One above. to responsible only pletely isolated from its infh ence and Church of England , !11,<l ern hod ies rhe The Papal Observatory. Unacc nstmncd tears g li stened in t he teaching. T he evilR res• !ting froru ear 11cst de~ire for a l'Pligiou s life eyes of his rough and work-stained thi s separation h11ve becomP. ~o obv ions increasi ngly felt ar11ong it~ 11 umber~. Falber Francesco Denza has lately bearers as he raised his band and and glaring as to have give n rise to a 'fhnt the re is 111~0 a vast nmount of movement in the Ch urch of E ng land e11thusias m for the c·an-e of charity presented to the Academy of th e N uovi solemnly nrge<l not to prolon~ one for some approac h to a restorn tion of among the mod,·rn gene ru rion of young Dinri some iiP ls regarding the new moment more th_an tbey co uld help the tiJ e old order of th ings. .Archdeacon men, is proved by tlJP nnmero u~ O hs,.. rvutory rece ntly crear,ed by L Po pt- ril ous uucertainty , a11J the sufferi ng Farrar, in an addrei.s to a small ~Jody of cha1 itable organ i•otionH i11 tht' [l;uf t-e11d XIII. ar the V a 1i 1·an, It wi ll be dpvot- of tl ,e ir wives and cl,:ldren. Just above rb" ed I <) r·rse a•(' Ii a11il oh,n va 1ion<S co nn, rt - I is up lifted hand IV BS a cu rved fig11re of by rn ppo• ted nod clergy, was the first to ad Yocate it in created te rrp~ •ri al tl1e l\1 ud,,u11a a11 d Ch ild, und so rno n, e1,, 11 01 .. g-y , _IV itl, 1887, mak iog the vns t growth of Lou- univer~ities lllld publ ic schoob, iu tlie ed don, crashing an d overburd en ing as it workin g of 'll hicli gradrrn tl'S and undP r- ma f! ne1 ism, und se i,11,olol!'y . 11~ wc, IJ '" amon g th e men tell l, o,v a s nrlden light does all e:\isting religious agencie~, 01 e graduates themselvt-s la rgely f•at 1iei- 11st 1onnmy. 'I he con ditions of tl,e s ite s~em,·d to swim rourJtl it as tbe of his chief arguments. The proposul pate. That th eir effort8 in 1hp cnu , e for m.-t.-orologicul ob,en atior,s are of , 1,euk er µleaded for 1he women und bas no w been fo rmal ly adopted by tl.'.e of humanity would be 1nore efficacious th o most fovonrable character It wi ll chilol reu. Wh en he sat do wn all in the House of Ooa vocatio n, wh ich a t its if systematised and combin ed is 1rn- be furnisbe,J,not on ly with all i11 s ro om kne1V, in their ow n minds, that he session of last summer bad air ady der iahle, but to no tl1is a Rtro11 !;e r me11ts • n •qnirn l for clirel'I ob -P• v11tinns , h11 d w.111 the day, un,I tl11,t, so fill' as t.h e agreed to a r~,ol u ti on wo rded as cohes ive fo re!' thl.\t, t,mpu1 ury as"•cia- but ub o witlr a ppt1rnl ll 6 r.. r 1i ll) llll1<die 1•,11rnci l., .,,. re concern .. d tlmt wus tl ie of eu,I o! I h ,t rik e-tLe C11rdi11al's fJl'UCe." IPgist rat ion follo ws : "That in t he opinion of this tion is n•11 nin•d. Without t he central and uninten,o pted H ouse th e time baH eome whe n the principle of a11tbo1ity true mouus tic i~m metporol,,gicol phe11ome 1111. Th en• " ii I Church can with 3dvautage avail itself is impo:'>ihlP, and sp 11 ri ons mo nas 1icis111 also \,,, SJ't'Cial oiJ, prvatior, s, norn hly of' The Burial at Sea of Fr. of the volunta ry ~~ lf~devotion of w1l foil fo r wu11 t of the vitali ty which meteorologica l photog raphy and also of Kavanagh . broth erhoods, both clerical anr] lay, that pri'nciplo alone can s up ply. It a tmospheric elect, icity. For tcrristrinl tb e members of whic are willing to is difi'lcult to convict the Angliran magnetism there will be all the instru labour in the service of the Chnrch Chnrch of nny depurtnre from its prin- men ts fo r registering automatically The followiog letter, addresse ,J to the with out ap peali11g for fund~ to an y fo rm ciple~, for it is pao~ing hard to discover variations by m"nns of photograph y, editor of the Argus, up peanod iu tl.iat of public suppo1t." To this 1esolu tion whnt ito pt inciple.; a rc. B ut if it has a an d this for tl1e first time in 1111 Ital ia n journal on the 18th .Mal'ch : was added, on FcbruRry 13, on the code of' doctri ne at all it mu st be looked observatory. TLere will ulso be in stro,' ir,-In_yo urissue ~f Prid,1y appeared motion of Arch deacon Farrn r, after 'a fo r in t he Thi rty- ni ne Articles. Those ments for th e absol ute determination of a teleg rap hic message from your A delaide p1 olonged dehatc, the fort he r one : agreed upon hy Cou voca ti on have re- t.he constants of tenestrial ma<>netisrn. corresponJ~nt : . btat~d, C>li the author ity of i, That th e members of such brotbel'- ceived the Roya l asse nt and the sanc- T be coll t- ctioo of these instrnr~ents is " I t_ 1s hoods shoul d lie allowed to hind t hem- tion of I'nrlia~cnt. T he 35 th Article the generous gift of o □ e of the membe rs Captarn Waddtlove, of the Iberia, t lm t selves by cl ispr,n~a ble YO WS of poverty, tells us tha~ " the Homilies" contain of tlw obse rvli tory. · For seismolog y then, 1a no truth in t ire cable u,essuge "a god:y and who le•omc doctrine, au<l sev era l excell nt instrum ents are at, . cclibucy, 11nd_ ol,rdit'f1ce ." . . from London lately which stated thut The pr ioc1 1;Jc of !l!On ast1c1sm 1s tl11,s uecc~sary fo1 these limes." But then li u11 d, 1111 o/-Eered hy th e mos t celeh rn ted C11ptain Adey had been removed from int1oductd ·uto L11c ve ry c1tadd of tl. e in the Uomi ly on " Good Works" we i11Hntor:; or co 11otrn ctors in I taly. th!l commuutl of the ship for having


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bur ied a t sea, within sig ht of land , t ho Ca pta in body of F r. Kava nAgh. Wadd ilove stated tbat the boa rd of directors, on th e con trary, exo nera fe<l Captain Adey, and tlrn reason of l1i s lea vi ng t he vessel was to accept promotion to a ne w ship of the oompan y 'B which rece ntl y left fo r S outh A mer ica." In thi s st ate ment Captain rV udd il ove doe~ nn inj ustice to t he dirt:ctors of th e When in Lond on Orien t C ompany . last Jan uary I complaine d of t he inhu man con duct of Cai:,tuin Adey, and, nt t he Ram e tim e, left at the head office po.ragrap lrn fr om Syd ney pupers g iving the particn lars of bis act. On my arri vul at N upltis I received II let ter, of w hi ch the foll owing is an exuct copy :" 5 F encburc h-aveo uci, Lond on, ' ' 22nd January , 1890. "The R igh t R e v. D r. Corbef,t, B ishop of S ale, "O n boar d R. M.f:l . Ormuz, N ,ip!es. " R ig ht Re v. S ir, -Re fo n ing t ,J th e newspa pe r paragrap hs y ou left w it h us res pect ing th e buri al at sea of th e Re v. G . Kavan agh , we beg t o inform yo u that, imm ed iately on tl u, arr ival of t he I beri a , !Ill enqui ry w,1s ins t itu ted i nto th e ma tter, an<l th e d ire~tors, disapproving of C aptain Ad ey's con d uct, have removed him fr om the comm and of the stea mer. " W ith r eg ret fo r t he pa in given to the late Fr. Kuvanagh's fr iends by t he pr ecipi tate action of C11 pt11in Adey ,-W e are, R igh t R ev. S ir, yo ur obed ient serva nts, " A NDERSON, ANDERSON & Co." I leave the publi c t o dra w t heir own conclusions, rrnd I shall on ly ad<l th a t t he directors of tu e O rient Compan y deser ve t he th nnlrn of every h u man e member of the cornmn nity .-You r s, etc., J·. F. CORBE'l'T, B ishop of S a le. 15th Marc h.

F oreign Freemasonry a n:i Stat e Education. Thff aim s of tb e Masonic sect on th e continen t, all directed to one g r eat end, th e abrogation of rev ealed relig io n, are proclaimed wi th in creasing fran kn ess as t he bo dy grows in power and confidence. Co. tholi cs in this coun try, who disbeli eve in hostili ty to Christ ian ity as t he card inal p rinci ple of th e for eign lou g0s, would do well to study a leng th y c ircula l' fro m th e Masonic a uth orities, v ublished in u r ecAu t n umber cf tbo Gai ette di, llfidi, a nd s ummarising t he a ims of th e brot he rho od wit h e □ g ag i ug candom. After a preamble decla ring with some r hetorical a mp lifi ca f.ion th11t Freem a·aon r y does not comba t Cathol ics us s uch, " but airu s solely a t rescuing men's mi nds from the slavery to which t he do g mas un d prescri ptio ns of th e Cath olic Uhu rch r edu ce them," it g oes on to incul cate ~h e bes t means to t hat e nd . " T eachi ng a nd education in .~chools s houl d in au especial mann er p r eoccupy the brethren. They wi ll ke.ep watch in order thut C a tholi cs may be ,~x clnded both fr om ed ucational pos ts a nd fro m all public office s , so th at the schoals of the city, as we ll as tbe colleges, lyceums , an el tech_n io~l instit utes may 1,how t hemselves rnddforent or hos til e to Ca tholicism , and that all ins truction, e xclu di ng religions sentim ent altogether, may be given on a pur ely rat.ion alistic bas is. Th e su perior schools· shou ld be 10 t he ba nd s only of ,the brethren, or of their allies , the libe rals and fr eeth inkers ; th e g reat er the we1tkness hi ther to displayed in the str uggle in t hiR direction the more obvious is it tbat t be t ime bas now come t o engage in it wit h en ergy an d boldn&ss." '\/V::, see he re di sclosed t be ~ecret of tbut persistent agitation nga ias t d enom ination al ed ucat iou in which i·el igious prej 11dice is cu?n i~g ly u sed as a lever by those whose aun is to destroy reli gioll altogt,ther . . F or t_he co~qu es t of the ri sing genera t10n to JDf:i dcltty the votaries of the sect will leave no st one u n turned, and they are q nite reudy to a,:ray creed against creed in th_e cru sade direc ted ag ain st all creed s ali ke. The docu:'men t which serves as our tex t , proceeds 'to ind icate morn preciselY_ th e g round on which th e first attack _is to be delivered. " In order t o dom mut e ed ucat,ion m ore securely (it goes on ) let u s mor e esp eci.3111 a vail ourselves of I


w. A.



I two means. T he fi rst con sists in pro- · j ournnls which !,elong , a t a ny rn t,e in vok ing a movemen t ten din g to w it hd rnw Hpir it, to M asonry, and w h ich g ive a the sch ools fro:n th e m nn icipnl it ies i11 ho pu of 1,elongrng tu it in fu t nr e." '\Ve nnler to plnco the m d irectly in the do no t need to Jl>l r titiu la r im in <le t.nil hand s of the t,tatc. I n ord e r to a tt11 in the me!lns by whi ch tlii s progrnmmc is th is res ult, t he comm unal ad min istrn - \ bein g ca rried into effec t, hut it is well tion s m us t be reproac hed wi th the want , to be forewa rn ed of the nlti mo.te end of of cel'tifi ORtecl t c11ch e rs, :,nd it mus t be I many political meas mes, hy pocriLical ly sh ow n tha t th e ccm urn nes , by reaso n of vrilcd at fi rst as beneficent reforms. th eir stru g g les for loca l iutf! rests , do no t ', Tho revolutionary sects have al wayH ri6e to t he ievel of the educational bee n masters of the art of pb rnseology, m ission. T li e second meth od co nsis ts a nd know how to j ugg le with words so in pro mising tho mas ters an cl mi s tresses as to push fo rwa rd th eir more occu lt h ig l1cr e mol ume nts fro m the S tate ; des ;g us 11nd ('r t he tal isma ni c names of whil e it will be necessar y ut the sa me en ligh ten ment und prog rc~s. B ut with ti me t o discredit i n the eyes ;,f tb c stich an obj ect lesso n in t he prac tical peo p!P., s nch i1s r efn sc to renou nce the i1· r es ult s of t he ir teaching as is furnished fo rm er rel ig ious p reju d ices , in ord er to by the p resen t comse of eve nts in · I force lh em to res ig n t.he posts th ey I revolutionary countries abroad , we can occupy so mu ch t o th e de tr iment of th e no lon ger , save with our own co nsent, prog resH of hu ma nity . T here re ma ins be bli nd<Jd by th eir pretexts.-1'ablet. u tbi ni m ea no , that of e x ulri ng to fa mily uu t horiti e~ t he ud v,rnt1t~es of rnti<'1111 'is1.

l a bv nr hours of th e work ing clas ~es, he was not i11 f:won r of r n inin g th eir industr ies. U nless a Guvcrnment wilf'nll y mei,nt to fe tter t,he n 11tion in its in dn ~tri a l en te r pris(', it wo uld ueve r be so mad as to e mpow e r reprosentatives of uny kind t,,, <liscasH the restricti on of thnt wonder ful output which bad placed t,his countr_y, in t he fo refro nt of n! l 11nt1011R. It was not a fr1encl liness to tho wor king m an to make fi nch a proposal. This was no t a u In terna tion a l q uestion, he contend ed, for the standard of comfort and the purch asin g power of money differed in every country . Parli ament cou ld not mak e back bones for men who did not possess back bon es, an<l if t h ey were t o g ive to the weakest th e protection of a Statute Law, they w oul d cli sconroge the stronges t fr om cont in uance i n t he efforts t bey h ad hith erto made. He redu ced f'.,e t rne pr incipl e of the matter t o a si ngle se nte•1 ce; if tlie wor kmen wern in favour of shor ter hours, the workmen w ould g e t them ; a nd if the work men we re h os til e to sho r ter h ours, such hours shou ld not be i m posed upon tbem . S u ch imposition shou ld destroy the ch an ce of win ning sufficient wea lth fo r t he inc reas in g m illions of t he co untry. T he Under-Secl'etauy of i:ltate for the Foreig n A ffairs also ,speak ing agains t the Ame ndmen t regarded it as un fo r tu nate that be ~hould be compelled to be restr ict ive in hi s re ply, fo r the replies t o tho inv itulions from tbe Ger man a nd Rwiss G overnmeots to consider t be law B uffecting labou r could no t be comruun icate,l t o P a rliament . T h e course was fo ll owed in no narrow s pi rit, fo r s uch communicntion migh t not on ly hamper the notion of the Go vernment but also pre,iudice the interes tA at st11ke. He 11eed offe,· no furth er a pol0gy, bu t woul d be glue! t<J ans wer the qu 2stion pu t down on tb e pape r on the fo llo wing ~ay. L ord Randolph Chn rc hill , who spo ke immed iately after S ir Joh n Fer for his g usson, found no mercy an nounce me nt s. He (t be s peaker) that i<; al ways seemed to him t hat t he Un der-Secreta ries for Foreign Affairs w ere un necessari ly pom po us. But he t hought tha t th is occas ion had wou t he prize fo r pom p osity. S ir J . Ferg usso n had int imated that on e word that nigh t as t o the ten~ n r of t he Gove rnme nt's reply to the G erman Covernrnent m ight involve g rave interests, but that he w0 uld be happy to givo all s uch in for rn utio:1 the fo llow ing day. A s to t he Amendm ent itself, lie could not vote fo r it,, as it was an Amendment to the Address, but hi:! rP.g rdLed t l.i o practice of bringing fo rward Amc ud,nents f.O th e A ddress which bad no legit imate co nnectio n with it. As to t he snbjcct of the A mendmen t , h e put io a plea fo r cl isc ussio11 of t he matter. If the eig h t hours' movement wi,s an uosound one, then be thought, nothing could prove its unsound ness bettRr tbat1 l'arliamen tary d isc nssiou . He thou g ht Mr. Dra.,l bugh's speech v. compound of h a □ te r , rhe toric, and groun dless asser ti on, a nd no propos ition seemed f.o him more· u nt en uble t h an that the Governme nt h :id no right to take part in 3ny foreig n conference on Foeial questions u uless they mne prepared t.0 legislate on tbose qu estions ; t he burden :.,{' proof lay w ith the a8sertors, a nd no poss ible proof co nl d be forth comiug. A g reat denl had bee n said nbout the" narrow m arg in of profit," of which for his pa r t be bad neve r bee n ab le to de tect the exi stence. .He concluued by begg ing his opponents to deal with el ig h tened argnrnent rather 1.ha11 wif h dogmat ic ass ertion. M r. W. .H. Smith reminded the H ouse t hat nmp le oppo r tunity \Yo ul d be g iven later for tbe reu ewnl of the s ubject on a wider scalo. Tho A mtlndmr.nt w11s accord ing· ly loti t by 111 votes.


edoca tln n, and exngg11rn.t,ing a::i 1nncl1 n:-: ' poss ible anythin g Lhat can be la iJ to llie; 1

Socialism in E n gland.

i I

c har ge of t he cl e rg y ancl th e Ca th oli c E nconr ug ed by t he s trikin g success of the Social De mocrats in Germ any, mas ters." T he ~ys te m of base a ncl petty per - M r . H ynd ma n is encou raged to ex plain sec utio n bore lai d bare is no doubt ut the views a nd aims of, ihe En g lish full work i n ru nny a remote vill age a nd Socialis ts thr oug h the mediu m of the commnne, where the never -faili ng 1 1'irnes. A ccord in g t o the creed of th e weap on of calum ny is resorted tO by S oci al D emocrat s, everyw here ,the the mnlig nity of t he sect, an<l th e ca pitalis t syst em of produ ction involves credulou s vul ga r are lod blin dfo ld by 11, of necessity a' class war betwee n fo w n nscrnp ulous fanatics. The pol itical , t he wagE!-ean :ers o n t he one side and prog ramme set forth receiv es 11 cu rio0s th e monopolis ts of the means an d illus trntion fr om tb d new educntionn l instrnm en tE; of prncl nction an d di stribumeasure proposed by S ig nor Bosell i, n t ion, incl L1d ing the land, on th e other. mem ber of S ig no i; Crispi's ::Ldm inislra - T he only re medy t,hey asse rt is by th e t ion. R evolu tion ury ltnl y is reg arded abolition of all private property in th ose by t,he sects as their speci al apr,mnage, g reat menu s and i ostruments of since its position as t he seat of the II pr?d uct ion, an d t bo ir col lect ive ow t1 e r P apacy ma kes i t t he battl e-g round ofall shi p and manage ment by th e attnck s on reli g ion . H enco we need community for th e benfit of all , each fe el no s urp r is e at its selection us abl e bodied ad ult being liabl e fo r hi s or tb e scen e of t he fir 2t st ep towa rds t he h er sh are of the necess ury com munal execut ion of the 1\lfusonic p rogramme, work . A s fo r the mean s by wh ich t his un der t he a uspices of a Prime :M inister g reat social revol ution is to be hrou g ht who is hi ms elf fill advanced ade pt of the abou t-M r. H yndman t el ls us that it lodges. T he m easure on prima ry edu - shall be peacefu l, if that may be, cation pro1,oscd to th e Itulian Ch t· bu t if not by fo rce .. "Whether it will on F eb r uury 3, is consequently d rnw n be n ecoss nry or advi sable to u se force up ex uct ly on the lioeR laid dow n •in th e depen,ls u pon circu mstances ." It will docu ment befor e u s. It provides tha t I n ot be t1 ecessery if th e th ing can be in a ll comm un es ha ving less tha n 10,0 00 ! done . b~ get ting. command of t he iairnbitants, 'Yhich a re ueith e r th e c bief con st1tu t1onal m acbme ry of t he co u ntry. towu s of prov inces, n or of dis tr icts, the F or ~bi s reason candidate~ for po li t ical, n om inatio n of t he t eachers, male a nd m un1c1pal, a nd local electwn s are to be female, shall b e w it hdrnwn from the run . No D wer than 20 Socialis t m u uicipa li ties to be vested in the can<lid:ttea a re to be r, tartod for Londo n provinci al sch olast ic cou ncil. The l11tt,e r , u1on~ a ~ t he nex t . ge1~e~·11l elec tiou . bod y beiDg in d irect co mmuuicntion wit h j Mea nwbil e the p1,_r t.y 1~ wdlrug t o accept t he m inis t ry, ca n be safely e □ trns ted to : s ueh mer ly pallta 1.111e measures as an act in conf'or~n ~ty ';it h _t_h~ pr:evailii~g j ei~ht -hon r la w, free arn inteno.n ce ~f current of oprn1o n m offic ial circles 111 : clnldr~n _11p 1.o the age of 14 to 16, Rome. T he r11ral comm unes o n the , organisatton of u uempluyed li,bou r a t other hand , t hu s a bou t to be dep rived of r easonable ra t~s of pay . . T be co nfu sion one of the mos t i mpo r tant brunc hes of of thoug ht wh wb nrnkes 1t see m th at no local adrn in istrnt ion, are tb e place,, co urse of action is im rnora l so long us where reli g iou s feeli ng, sti ll strong in '.' nwj ori ty of th e communi ty ar, ree to i , , I t aly , has not bee n swa mped, as in the 1~ f_n il y shared _by the leaders nf the g rea t citi es, by cosm opolitan rowd yism. Socrnl D emocra ti c L eagne. He nce t !J is confisca tion or th ei r r ights by t he strong h and of t he despot of Imp erial P arliam ent-The E ight Montecitorio . T he_ re'.°ain ing inj nn ction s _of the : H ours' Question.



Mason ic

c1rcul a l'

are no less fa1thfully

- -- -

adherer! to iu I1 alian poli tics. "The I T li e debate 012 th ,~ A dJ ress was secula risa tio n of reli gio n," the" <l es truc- · bro ug ht to a close by a discussion on tion of t be eccles iast ical hierarchy," and un A lllend ment on the Ei g ht H ours ' t he attninment of a sys te m of laws Q L111s tioa. Mr. C . G raham moved the 11 g iving abi; olute power to the S tate," .Amend ment iu th ese words : " Th at a re b ut the trans la tion into words of t he increas in g des ire of the workin g what we dail y see enacted. To ach ieve classes in E urope fo r legislative restrict hese eods tbe ass istance of the press, of tion of the ho n rs of la bour readers it clubs an d as~oci atioos, co- operative, des irable t,ho.t this s ubj ect should be pol iti cal, a n<l mor e especial ly socialist ic, disc usrnd by the rep resoniat1ves of th is is ea rnest ly invoked . W ith s nch aids country who a re 1,0 be :.ppoin1ed to t he hope of great and s peedy r esults I a tte nd t,he lnt ern 1,ti onal Co nfere nce on is held out, and we a r·e to ld th a t thus I L ab our L eg is la t io n at Berne or Ber lin." " Will be has te ned th e a rriva l of the day , H e bega n his, speech by urg ing t but when from the ru ins of r elig ion an d this quest. ion was not to be considered revelation nation alism will into ne the by 11ny mea os ns fl pa rty q ues t ion. B e can ticl e of its liberation ; th en ruan M d we nt on lo suy th a it was an iuco nh umaai iy will m ar ch u nimpeded by 1.rover tible foc t t,b ut t here was some obs tacles along t he road of u nli m ited demrrnJ for legiolative in terfero nce with progress, and, ill uo longer busy itse lf udu lt !abou t' i n this country aod the about unyth it1 g save sec nring to itsel f colonies, as well as i11 the v nrio ns The A.naus col'l'espot1clunt at O meo here below th at h appin ess which some countri es of Europe a nd in A mer ica. New So t1 th Wales reports that on dreamers pro mise t he mselves in anor her Upon th is ground be briefl y based his :rh ur sday a fternoon a mag ister ial inquiry life . We r eco mm end in a n c pecial : , iews of tl1e necessity for disc ussion on rnto t he death of a yo un g man mann er to th e bre thren never to lose I t he s ubj ec t by those wh o are to attend named George Davison was held. sight of the orders of Maso n ry in rega rd the Intern ation al Coa leron ce. .M.r . . T li e ev idence . s? owed that the to the crem ation o f bod ies an d to civil Brndl aagb oopo,ed the Amend ment an d deceased was t ra10rng fo r the forthmarriages anJ fune ra ls, aud to t ry an d 11.fter a prelimin a ry sk irm iEh with L ord coming E ii_ster Spor t s, . and at 1 preven t, us far as poss ible, th e bap tism R andol ph Ch u rch ill an d 1\! r . G r o.baoo, the conclu sion of a trial s pin of infants. Io general let us di sparnge ass ured the H ouse that he had the d ro r ped dead a t the tape. The an d di scredit all th 11 t, bas a relig iou s in terests of t he wor king chtss as much tes ti mo ny of Dr. 'raylor showed cha racter, ·o u t priocip11 ll y t he_Catholic a t heart ~s th e lotter geu~lcman . B ut t hat dea t h resul ted from rup t ure I preBs ; l0t us suppor t e x clusively the ; t houg h 1u favou r of shortemug the of a blood-·ve~sel of the lu ngs.




-.:ff oretn;n anb ,IDntercolontal m:eiegtntlHi.



10, 1890


BRISBANE'. A~ri l 3. I The i~arino board enquiry mto th e j cause of the wreck of the R.M. S . 1 (From the Dail,1; J.'iews.) Quetta has commenced. T he evideuce , NOW ON .A.T FOREIGN. so far_shows that the ~ubl~shed saili~g LONDON, April 2. direct10ns for Torres :S traits are very The Czar of Russia hae been taken defective. Yesterday Mr. Benjamin Sparkes, a I ~erious ly ill , and is sufferin~ from acute Great Reductions and Bargains in the following lines :....:.. mental and physical prostration of the large merchant here, filed a petition in nervous ,;ystem. He is sai,l to have £79,000. LADIES' BLOUSE S .A.ND JERSEYS . MELBOURNE, r pril 3. quite broken down. By some it is LADIE S .A.ND INF ANTS' MILLINERY, surmised that be has been poisoned . Mr. Taylor, the proprieto r of th e DRESS MA.TERI.A.LS English and French (s uitable for the present The Emperor of Germany uot only copyright of the "Myster}'. of a and co min g Season ), contemplates vi sitin~ RuRsia and Eng- ffa,nsom Cab," has obtamed a n p A R .A.CHUTES, SUNSHADES, CHILD RENS ' DRES SES, lan d dur ing the fo,·thcoming summer, injunction restraining Mess rs. Do}'.ce bu t will ~l so en<lfavour_ to visit France, & Kemp,_ who intended t.o _rep_ubl_1sh BLACK GREN.A.DINES, STRAW HATS with a vi ew to removm~ the cuu~e of tho book m , lelbo urne, from mfrrngrng G ENTS' CLOTHING, HATS, S H IRTS, & Hosiery, di fference which exists between the two i his copyright . . 1 cou ntries. SYDNEY, A pnl 3. : Very special lin es in TWEEDS, r educed to ls. lid. and upwards. The Marquis ofNormunby, who was A man named Charles vVoocl has form erly Gove,.nor of Victoria, is lying been an·ested here on a cha rge of SASH RIBBON, &c . C.A.RPE'rS and RUGS . dangerously il l at Brighton. the Australia n Widows' REMN AN'fS . 1 defrauding Also a quantity of Miss E!Aie Hall, the celebrated Aus- Soeiety of £ 1,000 He was bro ught trali nu pianiste, perform ed yesterday at up at the Police Cou rt yesterdf1y an_cl th e Mansion House, in the preseuce of rem anded to Mel\Jo mne, where his .A. few lines in FANCY GOO DS, su i tab le for BAZA.A.RS, we ar e the Lord Mu~or 1rnd n,. distinguish~d wife _h~s . also b~e_n arrested fo'r prepare d to clear at a lo w price. Country Storek eepe r s will do well to assemblage . She CDijt with II splendid complicity m t l1e affair. . p ay L1s a v isit during the Sal e . . reception. WEL LINGTON, Apnl 2. 1 Special terms made for Pianos d urmg th e sale (b y w ell-known makers). Some time ago a Miss Wiedemann The infl uenza epidemic still prevails. bronght an action against the Hon. 1 In one of the Banks scarcely any H orace Wal pole, secret ary of tho British business can be done, owing to n early Guiltlf'o.1·111 Civil Service couunissic11, for breach of I the whole of the employees being laid I promise. The case was dismissed and up throuo-h the m alady. Guilt t·o .-cl. O Miss Wic<loalJaun apyt',1)ed. Th~ app,eal ADELAIDE, April 3. NOW OPEN. has also now \Jeon d1sm1ssed agamst ,he Considerable interest is being t ake n plaintiff with costs. in the forthcom ino· races at Woodside J. E - BRENNAN Y esterd ay MosH~. Anthony Gibbs & on Easte r lYionclay. Corrigan, the Son, of Lcndo1 , reco~•ered £40.000 as jockey, has arrived for the purpose of MORNING. Proprietor. damages from the Soczete des Metau~; for 'ridino· Chandlet· and Flashli o-ht for the Fl'om 10 to 12, for Ladies and Children hTer.cb of coutract for failing to PCcept Hu relies and Steeplech~se. The only. Admission 6d. ; S kates Free. deli very of a certain quantity of copper betting on the double is only 5 to 1, Directly opposite th e Rail way as agre_ed. to. The company held that but Mahdi, Elastic a nd Clipper are th e plarntiffs could recover ID an Eng- also heavily backed for the ti teepleS t ation. lish Court notwitb~tanding the insolven- chase. AFTERNOON. cy of the company in FranGe. . The following are the latest From 2.30 to 5. Adm ission, 6d. LONDON, Apnl 3. quotations : EVEI~Y CONVENIENCE FOIi The Czar of Russia cont\Ilues to be £ s. d. Skates 6d. in a ontical cond ition of health. It is Brokens 11 10 0 VISITORS. and now supposed that his illness is ~he Junctions ... 4 14 0 EVENING. result of another attempt at assaesinaRoundhills... 7 5 0 t ion; bu t it is not yet known whetber Centrals... 9 12 0 From 8 to 10. Admission, 6d.; :::lkates ls. Only the b est brands qf Wir,es, it w as poisoning or dynamiting that British ... 4 12 0 Beer s, and spirits k ep t in sto..,k. was attempted . HiR Muje&ty is subject The reports us to the condit ion of EVERY SAT URDAY MO RNING. to II rnpid succession of fain ting fit~, the ore at the 400 feet level at the ,1hich cause great prostration. Central mine are somewhat Good Stabling and an attentive Prize Gab for Children. Emin P11sha intends shortly to start unfavourable. Ostler. for the Victoria Nyanza at tbe head of This moming the share market was a German expedition, with the object of in a better condition owing to buye rs MUi::iIO. anticipating British attempts at not being compelled to take d elivery By Professor Roberto. For quietness, comfort, and situation occupation of the best party of the until aftel' the Easter holidc.ys. the GUILDFORD HOTEL, has no equal cou ntry . SYDNEY, ypril 4. in t he Colony. Mr. H. l\T. Stanley•~ hook on Er-yp, A detel'miud case of suscide has B, Skates on Sale from 15s. is shortly to be pnblished. rt gives a occul'l'ecl at Bourl,e, where a man full account of the countl'y and the named Sunk hanged himself from a FRANK ALLUM, Manage!'. ALBANY LAND. details of Emin Pa ha';, effo rts to tree, giving himself a 14 foot drop. fru strate bis forcihlo l'es-~ne. Death was instantaneous. UIDING LOTS, 50lks. frontage PIONEER SADDLE AND HARNESS Sir Ohal'les and Lady Hal!e, the MELBOURNE, \ pril 4. 275l ks. in depth. One mil e WORKS, BARRACK S'l'REET. cefobrate<l mnsiciana, le:we shol'tly for Further iuvestigatious into the from t he Post Office, overloqking Austra li !!. PERTH. afl'airs of the Permanent Building K G.S. Price, £20, including Transfer. Serious riots nttended with bloodshed Society disclose extr:1orclinary reck lessLaud within 2 m iles of Town Hall, have occurred in both Poland and ness. It appears tha t. £84,000 was from £3 per acre. South side of the (NEAR RAILWAY lIO'l'EL.) Finlan d, owing to the mach inations of lent to one ma11 on purely imaginary Harbou ,:, from £2 per acre. the Nihili.s ts. security ancl without the app roval of J. GA LLE. RY Further disturbances have taken the Society's solicitors. APPOINTplace at the ,'.\ioscow University. A mercantile broke!', named A . G. SPE CIAL MENT TO Fi fteen students, in addition to thooe Jones, mysteriously disappeared 0 R A L se nt last week, huve beeu l,anishe<l to yestet'day from Williamst0wn. ~ubE. H is E:1:celle11cl/ the Goven101', S ir Frederick ~ iberia. Encl1 case however, only sequently a boat wos foun d N . Broome, K.C.M .G. W ellington Location, No. :mo. in creases the exi5ting feeling of at Willi,dnstown containing a hat with For particulars a pply to bittern es against tlie prespnt regime; the niis ing man's name in it. Jones and tho~e well informed believe that is heavily insured in se~eral life ROBERT SMITH HUGH BRADY. wit hin n very few w~eks r. cbuuge c,f insurance societies. Bnnbury, Dec. 19. MJ\J\'UFACTUR!SR OleALL KINDS OF SADDLERY Government will he hronght about, nud AD1<: LAIDJiJ April 4. th at, too probably, by violence. Sit· Henry Parkes has a rrived at AND HARNESS, An Englishman named , 'han11011, who Broken IJill, where he m et with a CONVENT OF ST. JO ~~H NORTHAM has been tom ing in America and who good reception . Tf,!E DRAWI NG for PRIZES announced has not bceo henr,I of for so111e time, is A sudden rise took took place in the LWAYS in stock, a large and ,·aried'. take place on the 7th .January 1890 , is assortment of Gig, Cart, and Can-iage· now believed tu have heeu rn111d,r?<I by share market yesterday afternoon, to un avoid ably POSTPONED to EASTER Harness, Ladi es' and Gents' Riding Saddles, n nrnn nau1Pd 13uchell, ,vho has been owing to the report that the Central MONDAY .NEXT. Hol1ers of Books will and Bridles, Boys' and Girls' Saddles and. fou nrl to huve hec11 i 1 th, 1,:wi oi mine have struck the lode. greatly o~l igc by send ing Counterfoils and t' ilcbes, Pack Saddles, Jockey Sadd les, Proceeds to the Revd. Mother before that u ndertaking the conduct of Louri&ts 1>url The latest sales on Thursday 1-Jorsb Clothing, and all requisites for a fir s date. tli cn rnurd~ring them. wel'e : class Stable m· Hostelry, including Whips, T. J. GOODMAN, Spurn. Sponges, Chamois Skins, Brushes: A great hurricaue IJ 1s occurred in Brokens, £11 15s; Block 14's £6 ;' Hon. Sec. Building Committee. Corn bs, l:icrapers, Clippers, Harness Oils, December 2a 1889. tli e Pacific, duri 11ir which Lhe lnbu British, £5; 8ouths, £6 5s; Junctions, Blacking, etc. schooner Elizn \lary has l,een wn eked £5; No l'ths, £1 13. All orders sent by post or otherwi-se will be executed with all care and promptness. an the New Hehribes group. FiftyADELAIDE, April 5. R.S. obtained FI B.ST PRIZE at the late four liv es werfJ lost. . British Jline has cut t he lode, which W.A. Ag ricultural Society's Show held at Lo:-moN, Apnl 4. is turninoout very rich ore. 011en toi.· 3 1'lonths. Guildford, for the best collect.ion of both 0 'JJ.e Maiqni8 of N rnrnnhy, who wns I Saddlery and Harness. fo, n,,,r!y Governor of N,,w Zealand, ================ ONE ACRE BLOCKS, frontin g main Q11rc11,la11J and Victoriu, ,Ji,i<l ou ' The h•a.Jing newspaper of Queensl~nd road, just outside the boundary of ~ Note the Address Tl,1111,Jay, at I.high ton. j recenily r,,, ei wiug a work pro phesyrng Albany. Title, New Act. Including all R O B E R 'l' S M I T H, M1. Davi,! Buchanan, a member of the the future wonder~ of scieace, declared expenses, £21.. Govt. Maps of Albany, N.S . \,V. Lt>gislative Council, ,lir,d on "Tber" need be den,a::;cl no lon ger for showing the blocks, sent on receipt of 1/. BARRACK STREE'l', Th umluy last, from the effects nf heart, ,T ules Verne's nnd other blackg uar_ds' J. GALLE. (Nenr the RAILWAY EIOTEL.) Albany Feb. 28th, l.890. disease. The deceased was un arJ~:it works of imngination." A correct10l.l WHOLESALE AG~;NT FOR TlIE NOR'l'H WKS advocate of protection, 1rnd a w11 ll- ' Bj>pearcd in the i ~sue of last week as MESSRS. WATSQN & TEE, kno wn fiaure 0 io Colonial political follows : "For 'othrr blackguards' FRENCH KEYLESS LEVER Roebourne and Cossack . .circles. pleni;e read ' Ridel' Higgard's. Guaranteed, at J, GALLE'S, Alban1 Perth, October 17 1389.






I i
















10 1890.

'f HE W. A. RECORD. E, J



Mc C L E E R


y ,I





Offices and Sale Roo ms : CLIFJ!' ' TREE, F REMANTLE. Bond ed Warehouses : E ss Ex STREET.


» 4tl .H. T ll~ JUl.



\ V lmoh ~~~ll e How rcK

;,11,lllU a


Itt,tail. P1m n1.



F rne G oods S tores : Ess1,x AND CL1F1• STREETS.


UE EN SL AND M EAT 8 , lib & 2]) TINS. CHIC AG O C O R N E D B EL~F 21b TINS,



I& PllEPARED SOU T H AUSTli ALI AN DESSE RT lr RUI TS 21Jj TIN S, TO R.1£CE I VE A.N D EXECUTE CA LIFO R,N I AN D o, ,, ,, PE A COCK' , . P H""; F RUIT S , T INNED VEG ET A BLE S, G REEN PBA:3, T O MATOES, FOR AL L KINDS OF A SP ARA GU S, &c. ' KIN G S OOTE (S .A.) FISd , . C ABIN BRE AD, PA\'KET HOPS, BOO-B l£C (S.: .) HAM S AN D B AC ON , AND GENE RAL TEA IN PA OK f.i; TS, H0 ~'ES, A N D HALF CHESTS, PRINTING. C l1A MP AGNE Cl !) l<:J~. J:'11" l'INTS, l.N SE OTl Cll) E, ll ()T i£ L (, I,.\ ·sw A H,E, BELL & BL AOK'ci VE i::i T AS, 250's TOB A CC O, TW IST AND l' O l.; KEr r irncts, CIGARETTE S, " VlfWi N! A BR IGHT," " CA l\l EO " " OLD


Messrs. W m. Y oungE>r and Co. 's (Limited) Beers, in B ulk an d Bottle, on S2.le.


Teas, S uga\', Oil man 's S t ores, and Colonial P rod uce. JOH N 1\'l cCLEERY . bus for private sale F REEHOLD PRO PERTIES, WITH AND W ITHO UT B U ILDINGS THEREON, in P ERTH.-Mnrray, G eor ge, Dyer, N ewcastl e, Charles, Douro, Gard en an d L iucola S t reets. l•'RE M ANTLE.- T uckfield, H ill, Mary, S wanbourne, Packenbarn , S ou th, Joh n, E llen, L eah, and Hamp to n S treets. Also, B amptou Hoad. Ricbmoa d, P res ton Uond, Beacon sfi eld, Claremont, Busseltoa, P injarrah, and D erby.





U ~H t.l A N ,




D A R-


' ! B l IICLE S of all description on



-· OF-


bau d uud made to orde r.

U NDERT AKI NG done on t~ e sh ortest, notice a a<l in th e most res'pectable manner at model'ate char ges.



A LS O-FIR,EWOO D a t any length cnt and de livered in any part of P erth


AL SO-CORN-CRUS H ING don<a on the premises.





CHRONOMETER, CLOCK, and WATCH MAKER, J EWELLER, &c., EGS to inform his numerous Customers th at he has :Removed to more extensive premises nearly adjoiuiug Mr. Hymus's Chemist Shop, Opposi te the Town Hall, where he solicits a share of patronage. GOLD and SILVER WATOHZ8 and J E WELLERY of every description always Qn hand. :-Vedding Rings made to order T ime payments taken. J OHN BOWB.A, Howick Street, opposite the Town Hall


(LI MI'r ED.)


N OTE.- Bu ildin g Allotmen ts 011 <,ale in Frema ntle, from .£21 ; P ert h, E30 ; Claremont, £ 10.


All business letters to be ad dressed













D I R E C T O R S :A LEX. F oHRES'l', EsQ., F .R. G .S ., lVI.L. C., C hairm an, S AN DOVER, EsQ. VV. S ILAS PEARSE, BsQ. , lVI.L .C., &c. E DWARD SCOTT, EsQ., lVI.R. C.S. , &c., Chief Medical Offi.c~t·.


N SURPLUS (m1m ely, th e excess of Accumulated Funds ov e i·




t he request of numerous friends ~a d others, th e un dersigned bogs to a nn ou nce that he is about t o add UN D ERTAKING and FUNERA L FURNISHI N G, to bis building and {!arpen teri ng bu s iness. F unerals conducted expeditiou sly and {aex pensively in town or country .. P HILI P RE ILLY, B u il der, etc. Mackie- S treet, Perth, Jan. 2, 1889.



YEAR ENDED Sl S'l' D JWlsMBER, 1888, OVER £31 ,250,000.

THE LA.RGEST BUSINESS eve r t ransacted in one year by any LU!"'E SOCIETY in the W orlcl. Fol' all particulars apply to




N o More Hard Times.





CO VE NT BOARD ING SCHOOL S I ~'l.:ERS OF ST. JOSEPH, GER ALDTON. --,ERl\rn-F or chi ldren, un der 10 y eare, 5 g uineas per qua rter, t o b e paid in advance. lVIusic and s~1ging, 2 guineas. Entrance Fee, £4. Child ren over 1 0 years, 8 g uineas per quarter .


.. L







T ICI,{_E TS 10s. E ACH .

£ 800

To be draw n as soon as the whole of the mon ey is subscribed. 1st Prize- BLOCK OF LAND (1,l acre Freehold), ad joining railway iind road itt Nor th Frcmantle, on which is erected a substanti al 4-roomed cottage ; the whole wo rth £ 765 2nd Prize- W inn er to select to val ue of £25. 3rd Prize- Pony, saddle, &c., value £ 10.

If yo11 will stop spending so much on fine clothes, rich food and style, bll y good, bealtby food, cheaper and _better clothin~ ; Is prepared to make all kinds of CARRIA GES equ al to those I . ,. get more real and substantml tbmgs of life f the Eastern Colo nies at less cost t han they can be imr orted. I A CO IU llHttoe of gen tl emou hiwc k llldly • ' J , couscntccl to conduct th e clrnwmg. every way, and especiall y . stop the foolish O habit of employing expen_s1ve quack .docto1:s All Carriages guaranteed for twelve months. Each purchaser of a b ook of 20 t ick ets or using so m·1ch of the y!lc burnbug medi. . will be presented with a Complimentary cine that does you only harm, but put yom· Repairs promptly execu ted 1n first-cla,ss style. Ticket ]REE. trust in that simpl e, pure remedy, Dr. Soule'8 Am erican 1:Iop Bitters ; that _cu res FUNERALS performed on the shortest notice, and at I BONA FIDB RPECTJ L ATION . 11,l ways at~ trif! i:;g cost, and you will see good times and have good hr.alth. " Chron- reasonable prices. ! £ 800 fo r 10s. 9a i~lc,



LE~vI QUEEN 1-lJ ,



10, 1890

;' F

OR SALE.--A first-class CORNET T h e R elig ions Di sabi1i.t ies Re - Removal .A.ct will prove a tardy with echo attachment. In case m oval A.ct h as been p r epa red b _y ac t of justice t o Ca tholics ; and, i complete, a bargain. M r. Cam pbell-B annerm an, Mr. at the same t ime, wi ll purge the CA.SH IRO NM ONGER, 1 T. BRYAN. Glads ton e, M r. Mor ley, S ir Ho ra,ce E nglish statute book of some HAS ON SALE - ~ - -.. D avey, and Mr. A.sq ni th, anr l of the clanses which still r emain AR P ENTER'S Bench H ammers ; 1 j]8 i t e C t O t )1. their experien ced care, together t her e-a beq nest trom an evil Claw H amm ers; Bi veting H amwit h its own moderat e and rn - an d intoler a nt past. mers ; B ricklayer's ffamm ers ; Blackoffe □ si ve character, will go far to ....""!':-'.'!-~.':"''===™""""'_,.,""_"""""=""' smith's H amm ers; Miner's Hammers; APRIL. secu1·e it against the mishaps 1.t O c fl l a ll ll 1$ e l et a I. Stone Breaker's l:fa mmel's; Lath H amWithin Octave. which h a,ve so of ten sh ip wl'ecked mers , 1-\ hi ngling H amm ers; American 10.-THUR. 11 .-FRI. Within the the Octave. A. _--------------------------------- -Axes, Tomaha wks, &c. , &c. ; 6-inch Rim 12.-SA'l'. Within the Octave. oth er d eser ving m easu r e~ . _ THE Victoria Public Librat·y was clor.ed Locks · Cup board Locks; Till Locks; 13.-LOW SUNDAY. p r esag e of g·c,od fo rtnn e is fo nncl on Good F rida.y, but was allowed to Chest 'Locl~s; N ight Latches, with I in t h e fa ct that, ~p t o th ~- -pr esent, open on Easter Monday . two keys ; and a vari ety of Locks; 16.-WED. St. Benedict Labre, C. I i t h as evoked little h ostile com AMER IC AN PATENT SPRING 17.-THUR. St. Anicetus, M . m ent, a nd ind eed little outcry of M i:. ADAM BurtNSIDE, hotelkeeper, BLl N"D RO L LER S ; Galvanized Air - = - m . w = = = = = = ms,.....,_,_..,.,_ a ny k in d . The a pparent indi:ffer - Perth, fi led a petition in liquidation at the Bricks, Sin6le & Double ; HOR ~E m:i-, ifl'711:t -1PJ :1a .--:-, ence to wh at in it self is an im - Suprern~ _Co urt, on v\1 ed nesday week. S HOES, H AND MADR; \:.l,IJC ~ . JJ7-' · :mCCOt u · Horse l . d . t Th e liab1htres are set do wn at £230. µortant p r oposa is ne 111 par , n o 1 Shoe Nails ; Bolts aud Nuts, in -------~----------------------------" Ue m dqf,, tigable in_ your p_111·pose, and , doubt , to t h e clamorous demands j al most all sizes; a1so Iron and Brass with 11nda1£nted spirit resis t_ iniqu ity and ti-y to of oth er matter s fo r attentio n - THE Criminal Sessions of the Supreme Screws. Also, a splendid Assortment co11 quer ev,'/ with gr,orl, lutving before vour eyes . . b d a_ Court were opened yesterday. A large of General Brass ware Goods, viz :- the reward p rep ar edf01· those who combat f or but it . m u 5t a lso e ue, an number of cases are set clown for hearing, the name of C!tr ist.''Pius I X . / to a st1ll g r eater extent, to a I and it is feared the session will be a rather Plain and F ancy 01· Mantle Nails; Plain and Fancy P ict ure ~~~~~~---~~- ! genem l ind isposition to oppose i protrateccl one. 'l'HURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1890. I it . Th e ser iou s suggestion of I ___ _ Nails; Drugget or C,wpet Pins; Stair 1 Rods and Eyes ; Pict ure Rods and su ch a _piece of l e_g i~lation m a r ks w.8 understand that a second ste~mer will Brack et s; vVindo w Show Rod s and v E RY q metly and u?ost en~at10 nsly emph aticall y a d1strnct a dvance 1 shortly be placed on herth at Su1gap~re, Fittings ; Screw or Dl'esser Hooks ; a g r eat r efo r m JS b e111g m - in t ru e l iberalit y on t h e pa rt of I to run in co njunction with the Austral111d Screw Rings for Pictures; P lat e aug nrated in E n g land . A. B ill_, th e E ng li sh p eo ple. We legiti- betweer_1 that place and the ports of West Rings for ditto; Curtain Hook s, t he fate of whi ch will b e watch ed ' rn a tely gath er from it t hat t h e Au st rah a. Cupboard Turn s and Catches; H at and with lreen inter est by all Catholi cs, Ch u rch is n o lon ger looked u po n .f . lI Coat Hooks ; Iron and B rass Cornice · h t h e _ d'1strnst an d susp1c1on d a 11 Iove_rs o f l I.b er t y,.h as b een w~t · · vVE le·1rn that a very sat1s actory tr1a ms a n been 'made at the Midhind Rail way Pole Rings : Pole B rackets ; Pole Roel E nds; !-'inno Scon ces ; Brass Screw drafted, p rrnted, an d c1 r cnlated with which sh e was. formerl y i works, near Guildford, of coal rece1_1tly Pullies; Lamp Hooks; Cleat Hooks ; a mong mem b 0rs pre par atory to r egar d ed . Th e mysten ous dr ead i raised near Bunbury. I t was used ma Brass and I ron Dutt H inges ; Draw its introduction t o th e H ouse ~f once evok ed by he r is a th ing of ' couple of Iocomoti•e~, and its generatmg Handles: Drawer K nobs ; Brass Common s. Th e object o~ t_b1 s th e pa,st, or lingers only am on g power/, are spoken highly of. Eyelets ,for Tents, &c. ; Brass Bolts; measure is in p la in and un m~sta ~~- th e ver y ill iterate an d t he l10 peS he has DuRINC+ the holidays the Gaiety Theatre Back Pullies ; Sash Fasteners, from able t erms : "Toremove t h e d1sa bih- lessly n arrow-min ded. 4s. 9d. doz; Sash K nobs ; !'ash ties of Ro ma n· Catholics ';o h old t h e lived down anci ent cal umni es; ::tn d in Fremantle met with a large amount of patronacre. Mr. Anderson, the lessee, and Centres ; Sash Lifts ; Fanlight offi ce of L ord Ch an cell ?r of t h o ng h th e major ity may n ot h ave his company will appear in Perth in " Fu_n Cat ches ; Table Catches ; Brass Cas- G r eat B rit a in and Lorcl L1 enten- learned to love, h er t h ey day by on the Bristol," at ~t. George's Hall this tors ; Call Bells ; Dinner Bells ; Tea an t of lr~lan d ." In oi:-de r th at day more fre ely p ay ]101, that , and to-morrow evemng· . Bells ; Door Springs ; Climax Pa.t~nt every s nbJ ect o{ H er 1VfaJesty m ay t ribu te of res1Jectwbich, ul t imately , ' A f h . . •t . d · · f t . T RIUMPH o mec amca mgenm y a,1 Hinges ; Iron and B rass J ack Cham ; be eli·gible, wit h ou t r e er ence O st erl m g worth always bas t he skill will we hear, shortly1be on exhibition Galvanized Chain, Rope, &c. ; and a h is l'elig ion s be lief, to. hold. an_cl p ower of compelling . Th e great in the oity. It is a model of the_fam?us great variety of US EFUL IRO N- enj oy the offices d escnhed 1t is modification of view with r eo·ard clock. of Strasbourg, and f~·om 1~s s1z~, MO NGERY t oo n umerous t o par· will standmg twelve feetoriginal. m height, 1t proposectJ t o r epea1, " S o muc h Of t o the C h nrc h w h I· Ch a 11 °t 1ns O'ive asome fair idea of the ticularise. t he t welfth section of th e A.ct implies must b e as cribed to the " ___ _ TERMS, CASH . p a_ssed in . the ten t h y ear of the fnll cr an d mo_r e a ccur ate ~nfo r ma- Oua North,irnpton cot-res pondent, in LEVI GRE EN, r eig n of Kmg George tl~e Fo nrtb , tiou co ncermng h er ga,111ed by I his letter which will be found in Cash Ironmonger, Murray Street, P erth. ch apter sev en , a s _a p phes (ci) to E ng lishm en d uring t h ese _la_tter another col~1 mn, all udes to an area of. the office of L ord H igh Ch an cellor years. Am ongst a11 reli gions ground havmg bern g t,ike n up n_ear or_ ~ord K eep er or . L ord Com- bo_d ies tbe Church is s_ing nlar in ~ ~rt~:~n ~~ ~;1 1: / ~ \ ~~ ~1e i~f s:,~i~~11~~ 1 0 m ission er . o_f the g reat sea l of t his, th a_t. sh e t br~VP.S m t h e face exists in large quanties in that locality. G reat B ntam ; or (b) to the office of op posit10n. This, her urnqu e of Lord Lieu tenan_t or L ord char acter istic, has been ~t r ikingly LADY FRASER resumed her Wednesday D eputy or oth er chief g overn~r exemplifie d in En g land 111 r eceut afternoon rec~ptions, which were disor govern ors of I r ela nd." . Tb is times. I n that country h er active continued during Lent, yes terday. Next bill indi cat es a con:fiden ~e 111 the oppou ents hav e b een n u mero~s Wedn esday aftern ,,on their will be no g oo d sense a nd fan mmd edness and d eter mined, and amon g t he11· relceptlion, as tthle tMl1lirn1b·y T t ofutrnnt1lentl,6v1t·1l1 1· 1 ] 1· h th •· b f d tnrn p ace on rn cay, u a er 1e 1 ?f· t b.e 1;, .1c,ng is 1 p eo p .e w n c ere r ank s we re to . e ou n m ~BY Her Ladyship will con trn ue to receive 1s no reason to suppose ill-fo u n ded. m en of u nquest.10nable mteg n ty, . until further notice. AUCTIONEERS, T her e could b e but on e r easonable great ability, and considerable ACCO UNTANT S, obj ection to i ts just and moderate erndition .. A.l most _t h e who_le body THE Bazaar pr~moted by ~he Sis~ers of St. VALU ATORS, P rov 1s1ons, and t h at wonl d an se from of Ca tholic doctrme ar ticle by JEoseph,Mat dNortham, ,wth1cbh took place on · · · · · b . ' . I aster on ay, provec, o e very successSTOCK A ND STATION AGENTS, the nnsg1v111gs wit ~ wb ic mem- art icle, b as b een b oldly d em ed, ful, and will materially aid the funds for and school build1\,,.I ,' I "G A NJD b ers of the Estabhsh ecl Church discussed, and examin ed by these c_ompletin_g the C_onvent h l '.L mio-l1t beh0ld a Lord Chan cellor S uch a war far e m a d e sever e mgs, with wluc. muc1 progress h as 0 0 S HAREBROK ERS · · • • b . · · . th m n. . recently been maae. We also hear that of a drffere nt fa,1t . exer cism g e d eman ds u pon t h e small but fait h- the Bazaar held by the Sisters in York was nght of ecclesiastical p at ronage, ful body of t he Church's de- very successful. P R ODUCE SALESME N. and discharging official trn sts fen der s, but fo r tn nately it h as had - - -estab lisl10d for tbe ben efit of t he ;111 edncative e:fftict . On e of its WE have received from the Colonial CON SIGN ~lEN TS Oh 1 f E l d A ll h Secrotary's Office a copy of the third received ;i,t urc ~ o Ing _a _n . . cause h ap py n ecessiti es has b een t . at Progress Report of the Commission on st PERTH RA I LW Ay STATION. of p ossible oppo twn on this scor e b oth t h ose who fo ngbt , and th ose Agricnltm e, taken in the early part of last is r emoved by t h ~ fol lowmg wbo d esired to follow intelli gently, I year. The settlers interviewed were were principally composed of those who reside SWA N" AU CTIONSA LEROO MS, clauses. (J. ) "Any ri g ht o_f p_r e-l t h e prog ress of th e struirg-le, uu alongtheAlbanyRoadand intheS,mthern B A RR ACK-8T. sen tation to ~ny ecclesia stica obl ig ed to lea rn som ething of Districts, and much useful information b en efice b elong m g t o such office th e doct ri nes in question. 'rh e appears to have been elicited from those G R AND BICYCLE CO.r TE T. sh all, while the office shall b e so resnlt was i nevitable. By de- I who were quesh onecl. held as aforesaid (i .e. b y one grees it da wn ed upo n all honest ' . - -- . TWO HOURR GO-AS-Y OUn ot a m ember of th e Ch u rch of witn esses of t he contest t hat the WE notice that l\'.lr. C._ P. Reilly, of PLE ASE. E g·l an d) devolve upon and b e · · t · , d ·t · c1 b ·d 't" Geralclton, witho ut sevenng his connecn . . im~ie ies, c1u i ies, an a sm 1 108 tion with th e Vi ctoricm Express , has exer_c ised by, if _ t h e b enefi ce wh ich th ey b ad on ce r egarded opened a timber busine:;s at that port. Open t o all comers. P rize: The P :i,lace is 111 the prov111_c e of Canter- as part of th e Catholic Church's He, :rnd the genLlemen who wirh him E lite Skating Rin k Gold Medal. bnry, th e Archbishop of Can- t eachin o- wer e n ot only n o pa l't form the compm1y, have also undertaken 0 terb ury, and if t h e b en efi ce of h er b elief b ut wer e mor e the _supply of gener~l ironmongery. The first ever presented in Vv . A . · · tb •o · nee of York th e f . · d ' l b J uclgrng by th e requirements of the 1s 111 e p1 vi • , oreig n an m ore oat some to district the new firm sho uld do a ·cN E, DN E S D A."'r York . _ (2) ·. T_h e h er th an even to oth er cr eeds . thriving' business. J:. , " ;,; n d AP B,JL 7 a t p.rn A r ch bish op of f t d u ties of t r ustee o · an y m stitu 1011 Th e mists bred of ig n oran ce and Ent ries close S;i,turclay, 29Lh inst. or end:owm~nt ~f whi ch _the h old~r prejudice ar e cl earin g slo wly away, take the following from tho West of s uch office is, by -:ntu e ~£ h~s and th e Church of th e Ages stands WE Austraiia.n . For freshness and originality Little Folk s' afternoon . office, of tr ustee, shall , if the rnst1- more clearly exposed to view, it is quite on a par with the answers lately by pupils attending the Board I t u tion or end?w men_t h_as been drawing fo l'th ever mcr easing supplied ,Saturday next a Jottel'y will take place established 01· 1s m am tamed ex- m anifest::ttion s of admiration, Schools of England. It also shows conclusively, the kind and grade of religious for a pair of skates, Races, Scrambles elusively for th e benefit of mem - reverence, and r espect. W ith instruction which should be imparted to &c., &c. ber s of the C h L~r ch of E ng lan d, g r eate r kn owledge h as come n, children of tender yaats. "Somo laudable . be performed whil e the_ office sh 8 .ll wide r and d ee per charity, an d endeavours have been made lately to extend Young Ladies select aftP rnoon the theological knowledge of the children 1'Veclu esdays. ' ' b. 0 80 he ld as1 n.foSresa1d by Csncht E n 1:,o·lisbm en will no long·er obJ' ect attending some of the schools in Perth. . d . 0{ t 10 uµr em e our to see t h e hi g h est r ewards of In the com·se of an xamination held to 11 ein g a m emb er of posit ion and dignity th r own open investigate the quantity of information Felect eveni, Tu esday an d F riday. J uf 15eds _ '"t . possessed on this subject, a child was asked o Jll ica nre, ~ .1., d as H er I C h 1· ~h h FRANK ALLUM, t h e Olrnrch of E ng 1 ,_•n , -.,r to at o ws w o av e proved the question,-What is t he Septuagi nt ? . . g o E t h eir . \lan:wer. M aJesty may by ,s·1gn 1,.L~<1,Uual , deservm coun t ry J s Tho answer was given 1irompt, distinct, in writing. 'l'he Septuagint was a man N ot<•.-The manfl.gem ent reserve for t he time being appoint to f Th e R eligio ns D isab ilities who offered sacrifice; Aron (sic) was thl;l the right to refu se 11.clmis ·ion. p erfor m the sa me." I .avo u r. Penteuch, and John was the author.'' .



i::=¥~:s. ~;_- I~ll:~·:.c.D.

-~~-------.~-- 1















A PRii,

10, 1890.


Cm Monday ,ind 'Cueschy H is Lordship I W1'.l'H reforoncc to a very old and well- - thoy would say that they wero poor ' the Bishop visited tho homos of a lm•cre , know rcsi, lent of the Groonongh, tho and co uld not afford to give more-but he number of tho Catholie cesidents for the Victoi·ian Expi·ess of Saturday last 'says:- only wished tlmt t he member s of his onpurpose <Jf imprn·ting tho J£astor blessing. Many people in thi~ clisLr:ct will learn with gregation in Albany were as well off as he regret th,it it is Mr . .Tohn Stpphen l\faley's had found the people here. Now, he had 'l'1IE l\fayor has convcnccl ft meeting of in tontion to lea v<' W <!St(•t·n .\. ustralia shortly taken tho liberty to say so much, thou rrh mtepayers, to be hold at 11 a.m on , for Victoria. H i~ health for a long ti111e ho was not their pastor, but he believed, Friday, 18th April, for tbc ptu·posc of has been indiiicrnut, and his experience of that if he wns their pastor h o would say a Q~ecting a Councillor for the North W ard, Victoria is that the climate of that colony great deal more. Nev rthelcss, ho was vice Mr. C. A. Patterson, resigned. Mr. ; is more congenial to him. Mr. Mal y does glad to say that ho hitcl fouml them vary A event of much interest to tho sportino· W . H. Neelands has- bean requisitioned by ! not _expect to ho ablo to l ave the "olony good in every other way. 'fhis was t he commu nity, especially to those llcvotell t~ a fargc number of rcsitlonts of tho ·ward until towards the encl of the yPar, as ho OTi ly ('xcept,iou-that they noglect ecl to aquatics, will talre place in the com·so of a to come forward as fL candidate for the , hopes first to dispose of his extensive and folfil that Precept of tho Church which oblige~ i,11 to contribute to t he support of few weeks. Mr. Rose, of the Porth Rowing vacancy, and it is probable ho will not be valuable property at th Greenough. their pastors-in the way they should do. C11:tbi has ,wcepted a ch allenge from Mr. opposed. Fr. Mateu t hen announced t hat after Mass W1lhs, of the .l<7 remautle Rowing Club, to IN iinother column will be found Lho list tho ust:ta.l collection would be maclo, aucl r ow a match in wager boats for £25 a side an d the Championship of West Australia. 'l'llRouonou'l' the colony as a holiday of onteries fo r tho Grand Military that he would r ead t o t hem the list of Easter Monday was entirely given up to Tou nrnment to be held at G uildford on BL1bscribers on the next occasion he visited out-door sports, horse-racing in tno dis - Wednesday next, A pi:il 16. Our Au stralind. I n Austrnlind as well as in other places F ROM Northam we hear l\fr. Byfield is t~·icts, btizaars, cl'ickct matches, picnics, Geralclton and Nortlrnmption c?rresponrunning h is recently erected roller fl.our nver and har bom cxcurciions-in fart by d ents also all ude to th e preparat10ns that there has been a great scarcity of rain t he mill night and llay-it being found neces- road, river, and rail, the ntirc communi- are be111g mad e by detachmen ts of th e wh ol sum mer, and in consequ ence of this sary t o do so owing t o t he huge quantities tics appeared to be on the move. It is \ local corps who will arrive on Tu esday the potato crops h ave suffer ed severely. of grain he had stol'Ocl, aud which for the a pleasure to have to noto that up to the '1ext t o take part in the display. A team Not withstanclin g the continual drought ; p resent is being added to rather than present no s rious or fat,Ll ,iccidents have represeu tin" the P la nta"enet R ifles will h owever, Mr. Milligan, Mr. F erris, an d a few others, will lmve a fairly good crop of diminished. '.I'he success of Mr. Byfield's been reported. i also be pre~on t, a nd it''is satisfactory to swamp p otatoes. r oller fiolll' appears to be thoroughly ---notice t hat every Volu nteer corps in th e Fishing, duck shooting, etc ., ar c t he est ablished. ON Easte1· 1\fo ncby :1ft,•r110011, i11 St. ' c:t1lony will bo present to take part in t he order of t he clay here at present, many George's Hall , a Ih:-mar was npu1ted by 1,rnceetling. As much interest attaches t o coming from Bun bury to indulge in th<:!se LA.ST evening at the P,ilace Slrnting Ri nk Mrs. Sholl, in a id of the M . R. V. Baml , what is s ure to prove one of the most pastimes. April 3, 1890. thern was a bicycle cont est for th e ch am . F un ds . There was a very nice d ispl,iy of uovel and interesting exhibition s that has pionship, and a gold medal , presented by goods and ,darge attendance wasaLtrncted, ever take n place in t he colony, it is to be Mr. Allum, bet ween M r . T. Br own of espec ially in t h e evening. Tho sal e was hoped fit1e weather will favour t hose takPer th , mid M r. F . G. Easto11 of Frernan- contin ued on T uosclay evening when t he i ng part in it. GERA.LDTON. tle. There was a large atteudance of balance of the goods were oolcl by :1uction sp ectators present, b ut up to th e time of by Mr. Neelands. '£he resul t of the sale THE annual meeting of the York J ockey From our 11wn Corresponden t. our going to press t h e rnatch had not been has not. yet been made known . The Club took place on Easter Monday a nd The Rob Roy arrived here at 9 o'clock Bandsmen wish to t hank those ladies concluded. who assistcll in making the Bazaar a Tu escfay. Although very few of the last night she did not carry many p asresidents of P orth and Fremantle put in seugers, but brough t, as usual, a h eavy success . an appearance, yet there was a large c11rgo of general merchand ize, sometlfrl'lg ,:vE have ·ceceived the following subscript ions duri ng t he week.-Fr. Chrnilicck , '11 1-LE sewage question here, as elsewhere, gathering of residents and settlers fro m over 170 tons. She will leave for south15s. ; Mr ..J. Horrigan G uildford 7s 6cl ; ap[Jears to be a difficult matter to con tend the s urrouncling town ships and neighbo r- er n ports again to-morrow night, and M r. ,f. Osbo rn e, Greeno ugh £1 10s; M l'. with, especially as tho M unicipttl hood . Among t he . visitors were H is among her passengers will be t h e parties S . P,. Hamersly, Gui ldford, £1 ; Mr. anthorities arc not i11 a position to Excelleucy the Adrnnustrator, who was concerned a11d witnesses in a law-case Marn, S ·Nan, 103 ; Mr. P . Reynolds, initiate undergro und dminage. A accompanied by the Private Secretary, re manded from here to Perth to be tl'iod Do ngar rn, 15s ; Mr. Thos. Wilton, proposilon, made by the Porth Local Major Pilkington . F ive events were.. on in t he Supreme Co urt. The R ob R oy G r ee nough. 7s 6d. ; M r . D . Hackett, Board of He,ilth, that a portion of the the card for the iirst day, and a sumlar I will return in about a week fr om hence, Gingin, 15s. Victoria Park should be set aside as a number were provided for t he second I when she will take the Ger::ildton and sewage farm is apparently about to meet diiy . The followi,!g Dre the races, with Northampton R ifle Vol un t eer~ intending the nam es of the wmn ers :-Fu·st Day.- to muste r at t he Grand To umament to be MR. JESSE ScO'l'T, of Glen Irwin, informs with stren uous opposition from t 1ie F lying Handicav, l25, Dr. O'Meehan's held towards the end of the month at us that he has dug this year 10 sacks of res_idents of the ueighbourhood and the Urell a.. Sel~mg R11c,e, l20, l\'.Ir .. Nir,holl~ ' G uildford . A good man y of the l)roon ions from off a piece of gronnd contain- J c1t1zens generally. N 1mrocl. \v. A. I late Handwap, l7o, tee tors of t h e h omes and hearths· of ing about 5 roods, which yield is equo l to ----Messrs. Smith & Co's Waf\dering Will\e. Gerald ton , as well as a moiety of asp irnnt 11bout 33 tons to the acre. Mr. Scott SIR Cl I I L cl H 11-' tl 1· Hack Race, ll2, ~r. O'Meehan's Parnc. C,tdets, are furbishing their arm s ready intends placing considerably more gronncl rnr es anc a Y ft "• 18 c isu nder cultivation with this kind of vege- ti 11g ui shed musicians, were to leave Avon flatc l:lan cl1cap , ZG0, M r . W. G. for tho occasion . Nor is the small b ut t able next year, and no doubt others will London by the P . & 0. S'.carnship Valetta Le eder & Progr es~. Second Day.-Yor!c formidable contingent from Northam pton follow in his footsteps, e~pecia,lly when on April 4, and itpparently will be fellow Cup Handica p, llOO, M r. W. G. Leeders t o be sco uted. The m<:.n are nearly all of such crops can be obtained.- E . D. Chronicle. passenge rs, as far as Albany, with Sir Progr,ess. Me1;1bcrs Handicap, l50, M r . the horny-handed class, and, you bet, t h ey He nry Wrenfonlsley, our newly-appo in t - W. G. Leeder s Pro~ress. Hack Race , w ill give a good accoun t of themselves. ed ,\cting Ch ief J ustice. Sit· Charles and l5, won _by Commo,t10n . . Lach es P urse, B ut thc11 thoir p rowess a nd proficeucy :we ON Satm·clay last the Mounte<;l Police Lady Halle will give t h oir fi rst concert in t20, . Mr. Nich oll s, N 1mro~l. Easter n ot to be w ndered a t considering that r eh e[Lr sed th ir musical ride in the menage Melbourne 011 May 10. 'l'wo gra nd Handicap, l30, Dr. 0 Meuhan s Cyclops. the most of them arc drilling every day, in t he Police compound near the Causeway . pianofortes have been expressly manu whereas co un ter-j u1J1pers and m echanics A dozen mounts wer e pr esent, and remark- factured for Sir Charles by Messrs. BroadA.ST Sattu·dey a · t t h get only two or thrtie drill s a month. Dr. able proficiency appears to hltve been L ·" cr1c1rn ma·c was E ll ' tt.. . t tt l t t i ' attained. Some members of the Volunteer wood & Sons, and :1 pianofor~c tuner commenc~cl on the Esplanade by a t eam , _10 . 18 ~ 0 1,'. '. g O ,a· enc. 0 10 corps accompani es ea~h instrument. ropresentmg the Albany Cricket Club, ?otporoal c,iu ' .1.J,lt10s._ . Will anybody b"l Band were 1iresent, an d to their strains the captained by Mr. Bailey, ,i,ml a team chosen , m charge of its spmtual / [ t has n ot men and horses went through tho "Lancers" and other displays capitally. W1,; take the following paragraph, bearing from among the City club, captained by t1·'.1n spircd as y e t th at an am~mlan ce P:trty 'l'he Commandant has taken great personal upon some import,aot alluvial ti nds ti t the Mr. H . Wright. The da.y being a very WIil be Ill then· wake, but It 1S ob vwus interest in the Mounted Police displays, Ashburton, frot11 yesterday 's )Vest Lhistra- favorable one for out-door sport, a 1 ~hero would be lL score or more M isses ancl judging from the exhibition of lian :-We arc., able to g ive thi s ve1·y largo number of persons were attr,icted to ! Willings r ea:cly to follow in orcle t· to be Saturday last t heir part in the Tou rnament import:,,nt infornutio n to our readers to· witness the game. 'l'he combiued team with "Dear George," in case anything will be one of t he most interesting sights day . It was known a few days back, bu t first took _the wickets and totalled tL score I sho uld lnipp 0n to him. of t he day . April 5 . for prude n tial retLsons it wtts consid ere d of 168, Messrs. W . P. Duffy and F . D. advisable thnt t he facts sho uld not be North, scoring respectively, 64 and 49 . published . Mr. John CampbJell has been 'fhe Albany tea,m in their first innings wero ,vE are glad to obticrvc that on Sat urday out, for so rne t ime past, with a party, vanquished for 33, ,incl only succeeded in NORTHAMPTON. scoring an additional 76 in their second night a half hours go-as -you-plnase, a!,d prospecting a long the Ashburton River inuu1gs. For the Albany team only two a two h ours walk ing; match, will bP held and th e surrounding country, and they players succeeded in knocking togetb cr in the Catholi c Boys' School F r emantlo, have met with remarkable success l<'rom our own Correspondent. . Mr. the proceeds to be devotccl t" the Build- Campbell, with two other rneu, obt,iincd double fi gures. Mr. Bailey, t he captain, At tho G uildford G rand Military a gentleman who once visited England as ing Fund . The first cv011t will be open 24!) ounces, in abo ut a month, at one one of a representative team of Australian Tounmment on the 16th inst., t o all financ ial members of th e Hibernian place, giving an average of 83 ounces per cricketers, mado 3 in his first innings, to Northampton will be represen ted by a Society in the colony. The second to man . '£he locality of the fi nd lies up the which he added 54 in the second ; ancl Mr. Volu n tee r team of twelve. Although all comers. En tries worn to close last river, a l ittle wtiy off from the b,rnk, and J. Ker, who scored 11 in tho first a nd 6 in Capt,iin Mitchell has not a largo n umb er evening at th e National Hotel, F r cmantle, ,ibout 200 miles from t he townsite of the second innings. On Monday last a of men to pick fro m, I have no and w,e are glad to k now t hat most of Onslow. T he paLch of golden groun d i s second mat ch was played when the Albany doubt that those he h as will g ive a the " cracks" are in fo r th e milking said to be about 15 rciles so uth of t h e t eam were again defeated. In the evening good account of the msel ves at the coming match. Und er the skilful management riv er . Th e authority u pon which we are tho visitors wero entertained at a Smoke tourney. of th e H, A.C .B .S . eve rything pro111ises able :o make t his stateme nt leaves no Concert in the Railway Reading Room, I have just been informed that a well , and those who att0nd on Saturday doubt whatever of its being substantially which was largely attoncled. ~-we hPar mineral section of land , contiguo us to that overtures havo been mado to Mr. u ight are in for an enjoyable evening. correct. Duffy, who for some time past has act ed t lus town, !:as b ee n sec urecl for mica as a safaried instructor to the Perth minin g, :111d operation on tile property I N Markneukirchen, with its surrounding AK attempt is being made to induce the Cricketing Association, by the Albany will commence 8hortly fo r the purposo of villages, Klingenthal, Flcissen, Ro!1rba?k little town of Now castle to extend its., lf cxicketers to take up his residence at testing Lh is new industry. It is to be aucl Graslitz, in Saxony, says a wr1tor m beyond the contracted valley in wh ich Albany, ancl that Mr. Duffy will probably hop ed that success will attend their effort. the Bost on Transcript, are about 15,000 it has nestled since its foundation. accept tl;,o appointment. people who do nothing else clay after day Messrs. Connor and Chtrkso n have sub- n•----~~m:!!-~™~===~~•~~==!'.!-~™~~~!!:'"'~..., l am glad to report a much needed addition is abo ut to be made to t h e but make violins. '!'he inhabitants, from mitted to us a very attractive plan of an - 0 Convent builcling in this town. Stone t he little urcl1in to the old grey-headed addition to the prese nt town, to be AUS'l'RALIND. for the purpose is bc:ing carted gratuiman, t ho small girl and _the ol~ graucl- known as North Newcastle. Th e new tously by the Cathol.ics here. Whon the mother, all are engaged rn makmg some gua,'ter has been cuc[ully surveyed, and J!'rom an occasioual Correspondent. proposed improve ments are effected, the par ts of a fiddle . A good instrument con- all ordinitry requirements have beeu sists of 62 different pieces. 'l'he older mfLn tlrnuo·h tfuliy provi.ded for. It is prettily Sunday, 30th March, being Palm sisters will nob-, for so me time to como makes the fingerboard from ebony, and the lnid "out 0 11 a slopin g ground with a Sunda.y, and the fifth Snnday in the , at least, he incon ve nienced as hitherto by string holclcr or the scr ews. Tho sn~aU o· 1,leasant aspe.ct, appears t o b ea.b un_cl · month, Mass was celebrated in this little lack of house accommodation. b oysmrn aJ th e1n selvcs llscflll .l)y lookin o 11 j J after the glue pot. A man with strong, :tntly supplied with exce ent c rm ung village at 10 o'clock. Fr. Maten preached j On 8 unday last-Palm Sunday- the and steady hand and a clear eye _PU~s the water, an advantage which those who a sermon ,ipp1·opriate for the occasion blessi11g a.ncl rlistributing of pal ms took d ifferent pieces together, and tlus 1s the have spent a sum mer in Ne wcastle will in which ho briefly but lucidly explained place in the Catholic Chapel, afto· · which most clifficult task of all. 'fhc women be fully able to appreciate. The allot- the fes~iwil .of Palm Sunchiy. Before Father B rereton took the opportu\ 1ity of generally occupy themselves as polishers, men ts are laid out ou three sides of a conclmling his reverence said that, .he remembering the congregation that the make n. few remttrks relative obJ. ect of the cere mony was the ancl the family that has a daughter who commanding hill, the property of Mr. wJShed to ' t . 11 t· 'l"·,10 peop1e . o r I oration . of Clmst : ,s trumplrnl · oo mmem t outry intois a good polisher is considered fortunate . Connor, who has generously reserved o ti10 . E as er co ec 1011. Even a young man when ho goes a woomg twenty acres of the su mmit as tt free Austr'.1-lmd, he smd, seemed to thrnk Jerusalem . that 1£ they contributed £7 at E>Lster. I ] n the c >ur O of .01 1 inquires wheth er tho young girl is a, good <rift to Bisl1op Gibney. From Lhis height and a like :unount ,it Christmas every . . ', s , , s, ~ ron1ttrks on. S un:polisher , '.1-ucl if she is, it .certain]! _will the 1,rospcct is ,~ very_ cxt_e_11sive_ one, I yca1·, they had done something wonderful. clay lcist ', ~a th er ~ruJ elun rocommenclo,d rncreasc h is affec~10n for he1 at least t"o- , ,t!Iording a charnnn gly d1Vcrs1f1od view of Now he thought that a yearly coutribu, \ho for m~tion of ~, uathohc Y,)ung Mons fold . '.I'he polishing takes. a good deal of I hill, dale, and river . When this bold , tion of £25 was about what the priest Soc i.cty lil, t),:,s Lown . ,l udging by t ho t ime, some of_the b~st violin~ bemg t,:en~y j mid ]nfty eminence is crowned by a neat I should receive from this place; while good doiw oy these assoc iations else whew. and . even ~hnty tt:iies polish ll. . E~ery church, school, and other buildings, over- Danlanup ought to contribute double there 'is <lVe ry r easo n to beli eve th, t the. fam ily has its peculiar ~tyle ltli~~:~~ I lookinr, streets and squares on the that sum (£50), and Bunbury 11,s much ' J)t~sence of such a., Society in our midst '.1-nd thtloyt ncvlcr vart'Yh. robmt t aiade· ep wi~e \ decl ivity, North Newcastle will take rank as Dardanup and . A.ust,,~::·md together. ' would be conduci ve to th e moral and intel sone rn marnsno mg l . · cl 1 colour, another a citron colour, yet another , as one of the most p1cturesq~e. all com- , H e lmcw they "'.:rnlcl fincl a.u excuse for lectua] improvement of th ~ C,itholic youncr 0 not bem"" ·more gencrons LU · th eu · • offcrmgo ·· , , men, .au orange colotu· and so 011. fortable towns Ill West Austraha. A J OCKEY named R ushton died s,>111ewhat s uddenly at "(or k on Saturcby eve11i11g from th e b urstrng of ,1 blood vassal. Ho r ode :,t the . Perth January Races, and was t o have n dden at tho York race on E aste r Monday, H is death caused some wha t of. a gloom ,imong his frio11d s and th e sportmg people.






.. It is pleasing to be in a position to state that the Sacred Ileart Association, established in this town by the Vincentian F athers, is still in a flourishing condition. His Lordship, the Bishop, wh en here about fiv e months ago, supplied a longfelt want at Naba wa by opening a school in that locality. His Lordship will be glad to hear, as I am given to understand, that the school is in a prospero us state, and is much appreciated by the inhabitan ts of Nabawa. Our Vol unteer Band, which for some tim e past has been in a lethargic condition, is now improvi ng considerably '1, under th e leadership of Sergt. 'I'. Drew, and occasionally breaks the monotonous stilln ess of the evenings with a few martial strains, our Vol unte ers marching at the same The town on E aster Monday will be a little Ii vely-ii very rare occurrence of late-with a t ea-meetin g at the Working Mens' H all and a public ball in the eveni ng. Some Volunteer p rize firing will also takE! place. The weather for the past week has been very hot . April 2nd, 1890.

gave a cleat· id ea of what mon ey had bee n collected, and was likely to come in, in some of th e lists not having been fu ll y made up. It was decided by a public meeting held so me tim e in December that as soon as the harvest was over, all t lwse persons who took an in terest in th e work wo uld go to th e quarry giving a fair tim e in rais ing and carting stone. This wou ld enable the committee to get the maso n work done with little delay iincl exsome due to Credit is pense. who have contributed a share of work in getting stone. But when talting into consiclemtion the length of time since moat of the farmers have cleared up their harvest, I am · beginning to think that some of them are flag ging in th e matter. If all the Catholics who could possibly spare the t ime helped to raise th e stone and place it on the building site, it is clear that the walls of the proposed Convent School wo uld very suon reach their full heigh t. April 3rd.

24.- Half-mile handicap flat race. l st Prize, £ 3 ; 2nd prize, £2; 3rd prize, £ 1. Seventeen entries. 25.-150 yards handicap flat race . l st prize, £3 ; 2nd prize, £2; 3rd prize, £ 1. Eleven entries . 26.-Running high jump. Prize, £2. Four ent ries. 27.-Potato Race. Prize, £2. Thirteen . entries. 28.-Sack Race. Prize, £ 1. One entry. B.-Oompetitions


j tJ .o ~ t i n g.

The followino-O are the entries for the various events at the Military Tonrnament to take place on the Guildford Show Ground, on W ednesday, April 16th:A .-Competitions open only to Me-mbe1·s of the Local Forces of Wesfom Austm/Jia.

1.-For the smartest and best turned out infantry soldier, below the rank of sergeant. P rize, £ 1. M.R.V., 7 entries; F .R .V., 8 entries ; Geraldton R.V., 1 entry; Guildford and Northampton nurnbers not to hand. 2.-For the smartest and best turned out artilleryman, below the rank of sergeant. Prize £1. Perth Art iller y, 6 entries. 3.-For t he smartest and best t urned out mounted infantryman (with horse), below tbe rank of sergeant. Prize, £1. Guildford R.V., names not to hand; Geraldton R.V., one entry. 4.-Tug of W ar between teams of eight, representing infantry companies or artillery corps. Prize, £4. Fremantle Rifles, two teams : Geralclton Rifles, one team: Guildford Rifles, two teams; Northampton Rifles, one team; Plantag.enet Rifles, one t eam . 5.-Competition between squads of twelve men (each squad to represent a cor ps) in the Bayonet Exercise. Prize, £6. M.R.V ., one squad; F.R.V., one squad ; Guildford R.V., one squad ; Geraldton R.V., one squad; Northampton R.V., one squad. 6.- Competition between squads of twelve men (each squad to represent a corps) in Physical Drill. P rize, £6. M.R.V ., F.R.V. 7.-Competition between squads of eight men (each squacl to represent a corps) in Lance .Exercise. Prize, £ 4. Perth A.V. 8.- Competition between squads of eight men (each squad t o represent a corps) in K elly, t he T reasurer, and Mr. J. Cavalry Sword Exercise. Prize, £4. Perth O'Donnell-three of our old and worthy .A..V. 9.-Competition between squads of t welve members, who are about to leave the district. The President, after expressing men (each squad to represent a corps) in on behalf of t he Society th e regret caused the Manual Exercise. Prize, £6 . M.R.V ., by the loss of three such wor thy mem- one squad; Guildford R.V., one squad ; hers, suggested a resolution be passed Northampton R.V., one squad; F .R.V ., that their resignations be not accepted, one squad; Geraldton R.V., one squad. 10.-Competition between squads of six as h e felt sure, although they would be far away themselves, their hearts would men with one N .C. officer (each squad to ever be here with the Society. A reso- represent a corps) in pitching and striking lution was pas 6 ecl making the three tents. Prize, £3 10s. M.R.V ., two squads; members honorary members. A gift from F .R.V ., one squad; Guildford R.V ., one the Society (a work entitled, The exist- squad; Geraldton R.V., one squad. 11.-Contest--Sword (on foot) against l · h ence of A mi g ty Goel) was presented Sword (on foot). Priie, £2 . F.R.V. one to Mr. C. Prendergast in recognition of entry, Perth A.V. three entries . 12.-Contest-Bayonet against Bayonet, his most diligent efforts in prnmotinu · ; p .AV th e in terest of · the Society as President, p rize, £2. F .R .V ., t wo en t ries · . ., and in other important offices. The one entry: Geraldton R.V., t wo entries ; enti-y. one M.R.V., it three members having r esponded, 13.- Contest-Bayonet against Sword was decided to go on with the debate p ostponed from las t meeting, th e subject (on foot). Prize, £2. 14.-Contest-Foils. Prize, £ 2. Diel being. Should tri~-1 by jury be abolished 1 Mr. McCartney supported by Mr. Deas- not fill. Prize. £2 15.-Boxing Competition. mond taking the affirmative, and Mr. Ven tura the negative, supported by M r. Guildford R .V., M.R.V. 16.-Competition between squads (of 5 C. P rendergast. When the matter had been discussed at length on both sides, men) in exercises on the parallel bars. 1st Mi·. Kelly said if he was not intrucliug Prize £2; 2nd Prize £ 1. P .A.V. 17.-Cockade F ight between Infantry upon t heir val uablP- time h e would give and Artillery Volunteers (one team t o a few supporting words to the uegative ; represent each arm of the service.) Teams but after Mr. K elly had dealt with it to consist of five men. Prize, £5, P .A.V. 18-Wheelbarrow race Prize £ 1. M.R.V., for some little time I need not state, t hat there was but very little trouble in one entry; F.A.V., three entries . 19.-Musical competition bet-ween Volungetting a large majority for the negative, as he showed convincingly that there teer Bands. 1st prize £10; 2nd prize £5 . cannot be an improvement upon the M.R.V., F .R.V., Guildford R.V. 20.-Competition between sub-divisions present system. The President gave notice to all the mem hers, that the of the Perth .A.rtilley Volunteers in coming following meeting clay would be th o t ime into action and mounting and dismounting for the reception of the Holy Communion guns. Prize, £4 10s. 'l'wo entries. 21.-Competition between the sub-diviin a body at St. Thomas's chapel where Mass will be on that day. The meeting sions ofthoFremantle .A.rtill ryVolunteers in coming into action and mounting and t;h en closed. ·whil e I am about sendin g t he above dismounting guns. Prize, £ 4 10s. Two entries. repor t, I have decided to say a few words 22 .-Competition in riding. jumping hurto the Greenough Catholics on behalf of dles, etc., by sections (4 men) of Mounted the St. Thomas's Co:ivent school build- Infantry Volunteers . Prize, £ 2. Guilding committee. So1'.1e time about the ford R.V. 23.-Military Gyrnlrnna Pony Race. end of last year, meetrngs were convened on different occasions to decide upon the Prize £5 . F.R.V., E . A. Cresar: M.R.V., best course to take with regard to the D. Brennan ; Guildford R.V., John King; Qrection of tho buildin g. The committee , M.R.V ., E. Gregg·.



Cadets .

29.-120 yards F lat Race . 1st prize, £ 1; 2nd prize, 10s.; 3rd prize, 5s. Di~l not fill. 30.- Competition between squads of 12 Cadets in Physical Drill. Prize, £3. Geraldton R.V. 0.-0ompetition open to Membe1·s of the Local Forces of Weste1,i Australia (vnd to Memben of the Westem Aust?·alian Police Fo,·ce.

31.-Tilting at the Ring (Mounted). , Prize, £2. Ten entries. 32.-Cutting the Turk's Head (Mounted). Prize, £2. Eleven entries. 33.-Contest-Sworcl (Mounted) against Sword (Mounted). Prize, 2l. Two entries . D.- Open

ENTRIES FOR THE MILI TARY TOURNAMENT. GR EENOUGH C. Y.M. SOCIETY. The usual fortnightly meeting of the above Society was h eld on the 30th of After the meetin g had been March. duly opened, the Presiden t said it; c,ave him much pleasure t o welcome to their midst Mr. John Kelly, a most wort hy memb er of the Perth Society-a member who has been for a length of time in his society work ing most diligently for the advancemen t of its noble aims, and occupying some of its important offices. I t is a great pleasure to om· Society to receive such a highly esteemed visitor h ere t o-day. I m ust also state that Mr. K elly is a young man who is worthy of being called a most practical and exem plary member, one who can be held up as an example to both this and the Perth Society in all t hat r egards the performance of the spir:tual duties imposed by_ the rules. Mr. Kelly then rose in reply ; and it is with regret I am unable to give in detail his effective and well rende red address, lasting n early half 1.1 n hour, coneluding with showing out· members in a very clear way the greiit benefits that can be derived from membership in a Catholic Young Men's Society. It was somewhat disa ppointing that an unusually srnall attendance put in an ai:,pearance that day, t he Predident having to r ecei"e many apologies for the absence of members. Th ., V ice-P resident next said a few ve i·y ap prop riate words in welcoming Mr. E akins, the President, back to th eir midst, after his lengthy abs ence from th e Then follo ved, with much district. regret, t he resignations from Mr. C. r,Prendergast , the Vice-President, Mr. M.

ArmL, 10, 1890.




35 .- Tug-of-War between civilian t eams of 8. Prize, 4l. The Banks v . The Police . 36.-0pen Gyrnkana Pony Race. Prize, £5. D. Brennan, M.R.V.; J. King, G.RV. Pony, "Agitation ;" C. Crossland. 37 .-Championship 100 yards F lat Race. 1st prize, £5; 2nd prize, £2 . R. G. Flynn, J. Hayes, J. Martin, M. Gorman, W. E. Edgar, H. Ward, G. Sinclair, W. Croft. 38.-Quarter-mile Handicap Flat Race. 1st prize, £3; 2nd prize, £1. E. Worthington, R. G. Flynn, S. Ferguson, D . Brennan, A. Fraser, G. E. Letch, J . Martin, A. Dixon, P. H ealy, P. Hogan, W. Croft. THE WONDERFUL ABERCORN . To t he question, " I s Carbine the great est of all living ra.cehorses ?" Mr. Williams the well-known sporting· editor of the Toronto GLOBE (America), says :" The belief in racing circles in the Antipodes that Abercorn is the best racehorse in t he world was not reached until he had passed his three-year-old form, but it is now fairly general, and has been created by his marvellous performan.:ies over good distances with lots of weight. .At weight-for-age (131lb,) in the Ca.nterbury Plate, 2¼ miles, he ran the last mile and a quarter in 2rnin . 5½ secs, and the last five furlongs in lmin. 2} secs. It was only by r unning the last mile and a quarter faster than any horse living or dead, and at any weight, had ever done it that A.bercorn got to the post first, a neck in fron.t of his own stable companion, Sinecure. With his great rival, Australian Peer, broken down and retired to the stud, Abercorn is undoubtedly the greatest racehorse in Australia, and Australians believe that means the greatest racehorse in the world. Abercorn was bred by h is owner, Hon. J ames White, and has started 35 times, winning 21 races and £12,324, the largest sum ever won by any horse in Australia." The great racehorse so highly praised is now on the sick list and it is feared will never race again. O'CONNOR AND THE ACQUATIC OH.A.MPIONSHIP. The Canadian is stoutly b uilt, and has the appearance of being a very determined man . His h eight is 5ft. lOin., and round the chest h e measures 42in . His rowinoweight is 11st. 71b. At the present tim~ (out of condition) he is 13st. lOlb., so that it will be seen he has a good foundation to train upon. O'Connor will be 27 years of age in May next. 'l'he American champion sculls with great life . H e is said to finish wit h h is arms t o a greater extent than Searle did, thereby not making so much use of the weight of his body in the bo:1t. His style of rowing is admitteclly free, brilliant, and effective, and as h e has a splendid reach and great strength he should be able to row very fast for a mile or so. Whichever of the Australian scullers meets him will have his work cut out to hold his own against the Canadian who has come h ere for the pm·pose of winning the championship of th e world. O'Connor is perfectly willing to row the · winner of the Kemp-Matterson race, and, to his credit be it st ated, has publicly intimated that h e will not l eave the colony without giving James Stansbury, the Shoalhaven sculler, a chance of rowing for the big sculling honour. This is about as fair an offer or stat ement as any man could make, and it proves that O'Connor in addition to having plenty of phlCk, is a fair-minded and right-thinking man . Doubtless the winner of the Kemp-Matterson match will be backed ao-ainst the Canadian in a race for the Cha~pionship.


THURSDAY, APRIL 3nn. BANK HoLIDAYs.-Tue~clay, the 8th, and Wednesday, the 16th inst., are proclaimed bank holid ays. P aoCLAMA'rION.- By Proclamation dated the 2nd i1!st., Knutsford and S~utbern Cross townsites, on the Y1lgarn golclfields, a re excepted from occupation fo r mining purposes, or for

residen ce or b usiness und er any mine r's right or business licen se. DEsPATCIIEs .-Despat ches have been recei ved, anno uncin g that Her Majesty t h e Queen has been pleased, on t h e recomm endation of the Secreta ry of State for the Colonies to appl'Ove of Mr. J . A. ·wrig ht, l ate director of P ublic Works, and late member of the Executi'v e and Legislative Councils of this colony, being permitted to retain the ti tle of " H onou rable" wit hin t h e colony, and to contin ue to wear t he civil uniform 8.tta ched to Iris oilice; and announ cing Her Maj esty's approval of lVIr. 0. T. Mason being, d uri ng pleasure, an official member of t he Executive Council of this Colony. APPoINTMENTS.-T. H. Lovegrove t o act as Colonial t:i urgeon, during t h e absence on leave of A. R. Waylen, T. H. Lovegt·ove, Acting M.D. Colonial S urgeon, to be S uperintendent of Vaccination, P ublic V a ccinn.tor, Perth District, !\•! em ber of the Cent ral Board of Health, Member of t he Medical Board, and to act us P resident of the said Board, vice A . R. W ay len, M.D., resigned. N. E. Knight to be an Assistan t Inspector of Sheep under "Th e Scab Act, 1885," and an Inspector of Stock under "The I mported Stock Act, 1876." E . Seller, Perth, and G. E. T eede, J arrahd ale, to b~ vendors of internal revenue stamps. HOLIDAYS.-The P ublic PUBLIC offices at Pe rth, F remantle, and Albany ( wit h t he usu ft! exceptions as to the railway, postal and t elegrap h depa 1·tments) will i>,· c1osed on W ednesday, the 16th instant, in order to :1fford p ublic office rs the opportunity of faking par t i n, or being present at, t he military tournament, 10 be h eld on that d ay . R , •ADS BoARD ELECTIONS.- W ande1·i11g-Oh airman: E. Sewell; Members : W. E. Knight, F. White, J . Scrivener, Blaclcwood-J\IIembers: Lowc1· sen. W . Keith Ad am, E R. Brockma n, E . B. Brockman, T. Dickson, J Kearney ' W Scott, W. A. G. Walter. W. A. VoLUNTE8R Fon01i .-Planta.qe1rnt Rifl,s: Capt. L . V. de Hamel, late 3rd Volunteer Battalion, t he be Northumberland Fusiliers, to Captain , dated 14th March, 1888. (G.O. A pril 3 .) TH E l,ANKRUPTCY ACT, 1871.-Ini·e H. J . L ee Steere, grazier, N oongarrin (liquichition) : H . H . Holman appoi nted I n 1·e W . B . M itch ell, trn stee Bunhury (liquidation) : a uction eer, First genera l n1 eeting creditors M r. R. 8 . Haynes's office, P erth, 19th i nst ., I n i·e S. Hym ,,s, ci ,emist, 11 a .m . First genernl Perth (liquiclatibn ) : meetin g cred itors, Mr. R . ~ - I iay1 1es·s In , e oilice, P e rth, 18th in st, 3 p .m. Mr. Vv. Clifton , farm er and graziet· W~lrnl_u p, We llington ( bank ruptcy)'. \dJncl1cat erl ba.n k rnpt March 22 nd. creclitor-s, meeti ng geueni,l Fi rst S upreme Court, 11th inst ., 11 a.m. i n i·e A. B urn side, la t e hotel-keeper, Perth (liquidation): F irst general meeting credi tors, Mr. R S. Hay11es's office, Perth , 19th in st. , noon. iA&tUCA•-.. ~ - - - -- -

It is proposed to hold a meeti ng in Loudoo of the Au,l.ralian bond- holders un d oth ers, to express approval of A ustralian Federat ion . T he money co11t ril,nt .d hy the Irish people and sympathize1·s in Austra lia in aid of th e Irish E vic1 ed Tennnt s' l<'und was state,) ?n St. P:1trick's Day at the demonAt rat10n at Botany to have b.. en £36,000 . Of t.bat , nm N.. w ~u 11 1I , W a le, •l:' nt l,omc £11,558, Vi1:to,ia £ 10.500, and the other 1:.. !ouie~ tbe The t&l; i.,g~ 01 I.he fe te on balauce .Yl nuday, wh ic-l1 l:' Xcc,, ded £500, will be added to th e Evicted Tenants' Fund. At the gathe ri ng at Botany a resolutio 11 was adopted which cougrat ul ated M r. Parnell on his victory in tbe recen t Spe~ial Comm ission laquiry, exp ressed cont1 □ ue<l confidence in l-1im as tb e lea,l~r of t be lris h race, a nd prom ised to contrnu e suppo rt unti l a free coa s tiIreland . to granted be tutioo In his addressat Botany M r. F r eebill announced that Queens land bud su bscribed £6 ,000. A comm u nica tion has siuce been received, pointing out th at 1he Queenslaud total is £6,700.














10, 1890.





9 &A


The (is ti mated popul ation of Victoria "Tl,e Federal Banner of U nitetl Th e End of D ,n-b v refuse~ to meddle Ml'. W. N. D. Vance Pnckman, on D ecember 3 1, 1889, was 1,118,077 Austra li a," which on tbe title-page in the question or" t,hn ~rparation of la tely an organising ~ecrr''ary of the The M ount Mor(l'an dividend for represents a member of .1\l ouo ted N or thern Qnoen slnnrl 1111til folly inf'orm- 1 J•:ngl ish Qhnrch Union, nnrl the ed ito r b r · g a fl ag wit "bl F ebrua ry l'H1s l s per share, equal to 11 1 n 1·antry ,ore bea rrn l 1e ed of th e whole eir c1,.1J1 8tan ces connect- of the Ghui·ch Review, one of tl.te £50 000. · :-lon thern Cro~s, as the Federal Ban ner , cu ith the sepnrn tio n agitat ion. J Ritnulistie jou rna ls, h! r, become a owes its origin io word s anr! m u sic to 'l'h D l , R d , . • convert tn Oat!1oliui nn. He h!ls Mr. G lad sto ne des ires to see more . e eii sc,w un scaau , u, 1ls I • fi • l h d f' Lieutenant S tephen Pegrum, by whom t8 tl I t I d f th 0 d rcce1vel1 con · 1· n1 atum at t 10 an s o workin gmen members iu th e Hou~e of 1 ? · hi ~ l,i;rniuenee the (.,'artlinal-Archbishop . it is delicated to his Excell ency Lord cComtlme_n oat ie ale ica u Common s. 11 10 11c par ,y, ma ,es so me very r11s. Oarriogton, Colonel of tho forc e. The p11raging s tatement about the facilities An at,te_mpt has _l·,?en made to ohtam Lvrd Rosebery, in the House of Lo1·ds mus ic is bright and tun eful, and th e offered to Hcientists to seurcli t!Je an app·ox1mule reltgtous census of New on Friday, design a ted Lord Wolsel ey' s words are bubbling over with patriotic archives of th 6 Vatiuan. 'l'his was 80 York city by taking t he number of t hreat about lead ing the me11 of U lste1 sentiment wh icl, shonld make the flagrant u contradiction of the t rn ch- , deaths io each denom~nation in a welco me now tl1ut there been no freer access to any , two lvm~onth, as an act of disloyalty as bad as any compo ~ition and ussumrng tha_t tl~e " F eder:;ition ' is the craze. practised by tl.te N11tioualist party. archives in Enrope than to the Vatican proport1011 of ~eaths to populat10n 1s Canou S\umarez Smith has accepted -that a comm itto of ProteRtant literati l 11bout tho same 111 all. It nppears that Next ~lay in exhilrition ol a unique l t d b f C l 1· · tbe position of Bishop of S ydney and characte r is to be held ill London. lt in .Roro e, who have experience of t he Nast year t,1e cut sd o ,lat 10210cs 0100 Primnte of Australia. c0urtesy showo them by the keepers of ew York 11umbere near y ,0 , the intention to display j.><lstage the Vatican treasure, drew up a protest I, Protestants 14,000, an u Jews nearly S ir Cha rl es Dilke advocates the is stumps from all parts of the British against the statement of the Bavarian 2 ,000 Tl s d D . 10 un ay emocrat agrues Feder al Par liament for Australi a, emE mpire, which h ave been u sed since th e paper. , that ' these figures in dicate t hat t ile powered to subd ivid e West A uspostage stam19 system hos heen vogue. .., . . Catholic pop ula tion numbers abou t tralin.' IVl r. D. O'Con nor, the Postmaster.1!1dward III. 1s gettrng more work 1 125 000 Protestants 67 000 an rl Jews Mr. Labouchere's mo tion in the GeDernl, has decid ed ti> at N ,, w South t han ever in .Ireland. Mr. H arrington 95 000. ' If this calcul u:ion is cr,..·r• ct hou se of Commons for the, abo li tion of u v;'al~s. _sl.rnll be n ,ple·;eutec( 11L tloi, ' NL~. , suggest.s t h~ ve ry likely motive. ' ne;rly half the citizens of New Y0r k hered itnry Ho nse of L ord s h os been de - Ex l11bit1011 . It h as truosp 1rnct . tha t it 1s necessary for tho tale of M r. are Cathol ics, 1 feat ed by a maj ority of 62 only. New Sou th Wales led t.he "\l an 111 ,the Balfour's s1,1 ccess that the Coercion pro- j . ., ,· use o! postage Htarnps, tlte earl1c,t secutions should dimini sh; wbile at the T he _ ext~avagance of the R ussia~ L ord Sal isbu ry is o pposed to th e election of Dr. Barrv, late Ang lican bearing tl_ie date of 1838, while the same t,ime i t is n ecessary th at the sovereigns_ is n?~vh er e ~etter exem_ph persec ution of the people should be fled th an m t h eu ~ta~l:is. :8-l~ss:a is a P rimate of Austrnli n, as Bishop @f first ubed rn England is dated 1840. continued in tho interests of the land- 1 l~n d of fine horse~. I he Cz_ar lrns the D urham. A J esu it Father has lately been pro- lords. Both objects can be achieved finest. of them. 'Ihe Im perial stables H on. Bl anche Dnnnas, ~ister of mated Doctor of Ph ilosop hy and by the abuse of the statute of Edward , contam _several hundred of t he fines t Lurd Melville, of Melville Castle, l,as Letters in th e University of Le_y den. III. A grocer's assistant nameu John t horses m the world, an d t hese stables been receiv ed into the Church by Rev. t:itill more recently, Father Noleus, a Kelly, and another young mam named cost th~ G~ver?-ment £2,000,00? a Father Greenau, S . J ., of Lau r iston sec ul ar priest and pl'ofessor at the Richard Meade, were prosecuted under Y,e:u. 1he I resident of the Umt ed street, Ed in burgh. Episcopal College of Rolduc, obtaioed the statute for "using threatening I t,;t9,tes. ~~ts 5~,000dol. a ~ea~· and has MisR Emma L ouisa Ross, daughter the degree of D octor in LawG urid gestures." The threatooing gestu re to fu1msh his own hor ses. Two of the late B. F . Ross at one time Political Science, " with the highest " cousisted of a twi ~t of the finger. " tho us_a nd coachmen, footmen , g rooms, Mayor of Macon, Ga., has become a disti □ ction," at the Unive1 sity of Since the "humbugging sort of a I vetermary surgc~ns ~ncl ot}'.ers a re ,~m Catholic. She has g0ne to N ew Utrecht, after brilliantly Jefending bis smile" was prosecuted we have had no ployed to look after ~he stu~l. l he Orleans to become a nun . <l issert.ation on " The D octrine of S t. such prosecution as this. The , hall s wh ere the Impenal carnages a re M iss Prin g le, the m atron of St. Thomas A qui Dns concerniog Law." Removables did not hesitate to t ak e k~pt show th~ extrav~gant taste and Tbomas 's H o,pi tal, Lo nd on, was r eceived How comes it that in Holland Cntholic MessrR. Kelly and Mfade out of the wwkecl wa~tefulnes~ of the Czars, and into the Church r ecently . This is th e pries ts can obtain degrees in this cat.egory of tbe respectable, as Mr. ar~ hung :vith gobelm tapestry. . J ust third case this year of the matron of a manner a t non-Cathoiic universities, BalfotJr puts it, atH.l order tl-lem to find t~mk of it ! A stable with the and present dissertations on the doc- bail for their fu tnre good conduct. !·1chest and , rarest f3:lJl'1 c m t he world. Lon don hospital become a Catholic. trines of St. Thomas ? The Dutch do The least of the carriages would be the The German Empero r considers the things bette r than many other nations . The Catholics of Germany both greatest attraction to any museum in British fleet the finest in the world, an d deserve and command success in a the wodcl . ·wherever gold and j ewels h opes the arm ies and navies of Ger many The follow ing is a parngrap,b cut superlative degree. Once more they and precious stones could be put with and England will co- operate so as to from II Natal paper; and with the are entitled to the congratulations of any effect there they were put. Many secure th e peace of tbe world. names of W bi tecbapel and West Ham their well-wisher s, among whom the of the carriages cost over 1,000,000dol. The total quantity of wool sold in ringing in one's ears, one can scarcely Catholics of England may be most apiece, and when Uatharine used to go A1:1stral i11n markets during the past consider it sarcasm, but ratber sober prominently ranked. The el ections to out in her best carriage, with her finest y ea r .was 568,170 bales, cf which truth : "It "'onl<l be by no mean s a the Reichstag haYe resulted in the I horses and most ~xpensive harness, the bad idea , iu my opinion, to tell off n weakening of the Cartel Party, con- s um of 3,000,000clol. was drawn along 236,862 bales were sold in Sydney. few educated and Christianised Katlrs sisting of Conservatives, F ree Con- the road. The A us tralian daily press devoted to go over to Eng land by the next more space to th e sham encounte r mail ns missiounries amongst the poor ser vatives, and National Liberals, who polled a total of 2,546,694, as against between Slavin and Smith t han to the beuight.ed beatheo to be found Ill the Anti-Cartel total of 4,484-,7 66. In F O R D U T Y' S S A K E big :fight to fini sh now going on between Ratcliffe I iighw:1y, Seven .Dials, nnd the h1tter score, the la.rgest number of Labour and Capital, a more impor tant other localities of a similar churnctl3r in the votes are polled by the Centre- A STORY OF 'rIIE BRAVE DAU OF OLD. strugg le than t he Franco- Prussian the l arge towns in E ngland. They 1,420,438, Dr. 'iVindthorist and his war. would d,) very little good, however, followers are tho masters of the CHAPTER VI II. S ir Willi am M ' Gregor, the Governo r unless they took over a few bags of situation ; :111cl it is like them to htke of New Guinea, h as .ascended the F ly mealies with which to feed the poor their triumph calntly and to pronounce TREASON. River 600 m il es, bein g much beyond starving wretches. Why n ot get up it in only patriotic ~orcls. They will, Continued . t he furthermo st point hitherto ,·eacbed, a mi ssionary fund in Durban fo r the however, win concessions with regard "8ir Hugh, you say true. ·what A baker iu the Hague abselutoly beDefit of our own people at home, who to religious education, the only thing matter, however, I have not rebelled , are not only in 11tte1· darkness in matthey have g reatly in dispute with the refuses to fill up the Cens us pnper for therefore the law does not concern me." h imself and fam il y. He alleges as his ters scriptural, but who are many of Government, since Prince Bismarck "Baro11," said Gannevillc," if you them in want of n meal's meat ? Co n Id has long ago thrown ovel' the May reason :! K in gs xxiv. 15, and declares have not rebelled, how is it that you the educated Kafir be taken over th ere, Laws. that th e Russian influeuza epidemic is shelter the rebels 7 How comes it I am sure he woulu extend the banrl of the ncourge sen t on account of th e Profeeso r Yan dcr Wyck, of the that this very night an armed troop pity to hi s u11fo1tunate white brother, wickedness of the government in t uk iog Uni versit.y of Gron i11gen, in Holla nd, left this castle aud attacked my men who has not the same blessed advan·. '-h e Censu s. delivered the other clay a very remark- in the Forest of Brix, and killed two tages he himself is uble to obtain ." able add res8 011 th o erection of the of them 7 How is it that for the last " Eminence t he Cardinal-Arch.1.. • p atnc . k' iW r. IL Barber giv es in the current sLatue of Gior,laao Bruno. A lthough a two clays your castle has be en taking bishoi,';• speakLDg · nt St. · s Longman's some speciemen s of school- Protes!uut, h o ably justified the logical in provis ions as if preparing for a new / ' resbytery recently, said : If there was one t hing mora than boy wit, wh ich deserve a rlegree of im- necessity of the Catholic, .vhicl, bel ieves siege 7 How is it, in fact, that instead another wl.'ich served to make one con- mortal ity. "If boys," wrote one most itself to be tl.te depository of truth, pro- of being received hy you as a neighfident of t he .fn tpre g reatness of Aus,- complacent youug Prig, "Hay to you tocting tbe people from pestil ential bour and a friend, I find you shut up tralia it was th,~ strong spirit of libert,y the moon is not at all a tbou s11nd mil es doctrines as they are prot.ectud by the i11 your c,1stle armed from head to foo t, wh ich characteri,:,:ed the people <-f otf, else how could the cow jump over civil authorities from the distribution of and refusing to listen to the Queen's it, do not cull those boys names, el Ee poisonous food . And then he proceed- orders 7" Au stralia. ( Appla use.) The A ust?'a " The (~ueen ho.s a right to all my li ans were lovers of t rne liberty, und you wou ld be n coward; bnt just tell ed to . bolV the temp er of tho enemies of they were determined to enjoy that them nicely and gently as you never Catholicisu1 . " Wo hear much," said duty, Rir Hugh. Three clays ago h er liberty in the follest measure'. ( Ap- did belr.11ve abo•Jt th at there cow. Tell hr, "o f tho inlolPrauce of the Catholic her ald was r occivorl with every honour. plause). Oo such a fi eld and with s~ch th em as not even race horses coul d do Clrnrcl1, uut it beconH'S more uo<l more But wh a t have you to prove to me that su rrou ndings th e Church mu st flouri sh. it,, bu r, on ly hang il A, and tlicy will neeessary to remembel" intolera □ ce of you come from her 7 \Ve know you hel eave yon , and thank you for another kiod-tho intolerance of iu- very well, and your wn.ys are rather A curious situation has arisen in the making t,hem wis er every <la~-" credulity. This has uecome so rampan t those of a highway robber and a cu tTransvaal . While in the Cape Colony Anoth er who longed for a comp1·om1se in France that liistoric uame s recalling throat than those of a gentleman. the proportion of t be Dutch to _the between goodness and rnali co wrote : a Catholic pa~t have beon blotted out \,\That were your men-at-arms doing E nglish populatio n is as el~ven to mn e, " Wh eu y ou ~ay to a dirty boy 'Dirty from the public streets :rn<l repl ace i by in my <orest of Brix last night 7 fa the Tran svaal the English have sud Dick wants the &tick,' onl y say it about mc:1niugless words; the seminar lsts They came there to poach as usun.l, and ,denly come to outnurn0e1· the Dutch . once, so as he cant say as you are bnve been compelleu to undergo mi litary lay snares for my game. Be it k no wn The g old fe ve r has drawn a c_rowc! of Wicked. S.1y unto him, look at the service ; the Sisters of Charity have to you that the first one I catch shall Ei,,~lish "di gg.irs" to tLie territory of tbotefol cat, which ~pits on it~ pores bee□ <.!rivou from the hospitals ; and be lmngecl." t he' ~ outh African Republic, . an~ Ll;e just to get a bit of larther for a fair stiirt, every vestige of Christianity banished "I s wear you lie, Sir, " said Boers .-lind themselves in a mrnority rn und thon wipes its nose, and in to its from publ ic life r11. d tbe na tional in stitu- Ganneville. "My men were on duty tlieir co,rntry. At present_ th~ new eyes also behind its eurs, not counting ti0ns. Freethinkers who talk of the in t ho service of the K ing of France. -Oomer s are den ied the frauchrne for fear over'. Then 6ay u11to him as it will intole rao ce of their opponents should set They were sent to lie in w:;,it for the lest t hey shou ld olect an E ng lish actshell y lick itself where it cont ge t itti nn cxurnple of toleration tbem sel ves. r ebels who had run away from the .President. The feeling that a revolupores. rather th~n b~ bitching any- But they cannot . crush the . Cath~lic Castle of" tion would prejudice mining shares ~ay wheres round. '.t:e ll lnm to look at the Church, and tb e signs of the time pornt "Oh ! to be sure. Your attach ikeep th e d iggers quiet fo~· 11 little necks cf masters and ~uperintendents to the reali, atioa of l',~ucaulay'_s ~roi,l?ecy ment to the French Kiug is well. th Jonger; but it is pretty certam tha~ e and prencbers, a □ d he w~II never find I) , that that Chu rch WIii be a h_vrng force known . You hose given fine proot·s of ·.rrnosvaal will eituc l' become an 1nd e- ring, which :ilw nys a s1gn as yon have _Londo n sh:\ll hav~, disappeared it by pass in g ten time:. from r_1,1c r:cinks :pendent Engl.ish Iter,nblic or t·er,9rn t,o pot ~op!;) f;ir ~l9 wn t" hke Nrneveh un<l B 1bylon, of the French armv >co lhat of Engthe Brit ish flag. 1'



I !:!~=====-===~~===~= I . I










1 Ja nel ; ser vi ng and betraying by tu rn s F our Pieces of Copper. Richard and Philip A ugustus, Louis VIII. and John Lackla n d. You were at the massacre of Evreux among the ll!ISSION EX'l'R AOllD!NARY. A assassins. I know you well, H ugh of ' Ganne ville, man without faith, knight , It is s0 seldom that Catholics meet I with any civil expression s at th e bands without honour !'' " Abuse is not reason," answered of those who deem it a clnty t o assail Hugh, his voice trembling with rage. their reli~ion, that the foll owing no tice "Once, t wice, thrice, will you open to I comt;1s with all tbe cbee r of a decided me the crates of your castle and depart novelty. F or we gather from the Reverend Mr. M 'Cull urn 's letter that from it ~ t, once 1" " No a thousand times no. By the whereas an or dinary pauper, ad<led to soul of K in o- Hicha rd ! I will open to the attendants at the Sno<lay services in none but ~ herald of the King of ' the R ichmond Union Workhouse, may Frnnce. If you want to enter here, ! be appraised at the rnode~t . sum of H ugh of Ganneville, do so by force if four pence, for the pock e t_ of h11n wh_o you can ! In the meantime be off b11s gained tha t access10n to tb e1r with you, or I shall order my archers , number, an addition al penny h~s to be churged VI h en tbe added ~mt s a to draw on you." bo dy. Catholic the of Ganneville shook his hand at the member Baron and retired fu rious, followed by Whether this h ighe r price is demand ed im portance of. the his troop. The vassals of Brix who owrng to the were anxiously watching him, saluted acquisition, or to the greater obst macy his depa rtut-e with mockeries. But sh own by the p~rsued, a n~ the lar~e r old N ancy, le4ning on her stick, made am ount of e x ertion spen t 10 capt urm g h er w ay t o th e castle saying to h er hi m, we ta~e i t us a co1:11p liment, how child rnn and neighbours: "Those men ever undesigned. In either case, we will come back :wain a nd they will leave the reveren d proposer to s peak fo r begin by destro;ing our cottages. h imself, which he does throllgh the Believe me, let's all go and take r eport to the Standard : The following extraordinary letter, shelter at the castle." Nancy was looked upon as a i addres sed to the Cbairm~n, caused prophetess, and the whole population great arnusement a t at meeting of tbe of the villaae hastened to follow her , Richm on d B oard of Gua rdi ans. The Hermitage, Barnes, February 19. " advice. All day long carts were bringing ; . Dear Sir,--;-The sm~ll nuwber. of in furniture a11d provisions, and the · rnmates attending the 8unda_y serv1crs drawbridge h ad to be lowered a t at the Richmond Union Wo rk house l east twenty-five times. James atten- chapel is 11 deplorah le focL, sud the eel to everythini;;. These preparations, Guardians ha v~ actcJ wi sPly _in disthese alarms, which seemed to terrify cu~sing tlte snbJ ect, and s nggestwg the the othee inha bitants of the Ci:1stle, ! means for an im provemeot of t he pre~Pnt co~Jitio:1 of ~hings. I have _no just put him into his element. "My Lord," said he to the Baron, desire to rnterfere rn any way With who, h a r rassed with fatio-ue, bad your chaplain , though I would be glad sat down to rest in his 1:rae arm- to help him in makiu g his cong regation chair, "We have forgotten °a very more numerous. With that view I beg Our clergy a re , to mal e ap~licatio? for t,he post _of_ ass istimportant 9,ffair. alone in the village with the B lessed I ant chaplain, which I aw w1llmg to H u o-h of fill without nny fixed salary. I have This ni,.,.ht, Sacrament. 0 Gan neville's men may 0-0 and pillacre hnd considerable experie nce in rrforrn in g the Church, for they" fear neith~r , the world ly :rnd I believe ~ co u\d aolve We must provide , the j!reat proble m wh1cb is now God nor man. troubli ng tlie Gunnlians. I only ask agamst this." "You are quite right, good James," for payment b_y resu lts. I~ the_re ore Go yourself and three hund red 1n111ates, J thrnk rn the said the Baron. take an escort of six men and two conrHe of I' few months I cou Id get two good mules to carry here the sacred hundred an~i fifty of these at . the vessels and ornaments of the Church. Sunday serv ices. I would only st1pubefore late that the Guurdians shoul d pay :ne carefully up it Shut i fourpence per b ead foi: every addition leaving." num ber r egul arly J ames at once started on his to tlie present The Church of Brix Imel atte n,'.ing the cliapel, w ith an extra m1ss1011. b een given over by . t~ e Lords of pennY_ per heacl for eac:~ case in wh ich the Manor to the Bened1ctme monks of I bnng a Roman Catbol1c to the I \7ould al so Faith. th e A bbey of St. Saviour, and three of Etitalilishi>d their priests lived there to look ; nnclert~ke ~o mak~ 1he _m ns1cal se rv ices af,t er the spirituals of the parish. These attrvcuve, 1f the Uua'.·d1~ns w:ould allo_w good r eligious refused to leave the me t~ pnt th~ best srngmg__mmu te~ ,rn presbytery. But James at last pm- Aurpl1ces, winch the lady v1s1to_rs m1g nt vailed on them to accompany him make [or them. I wo nld, wi th yo ur to the Cestle, after a preparation of p~rmis iou, i~troduce fol l c ho1 al se1 vic_e Wltb t10 occa• 1om1l orchestrnl ac:compamthree hours packing. P eter bad r emained with ,Tames i ment. This I could make e:\8Y, as one since mornincr and had helped him of my sonij play s the oboe a ucl the olber in every wa; in his power. When th e fife, whi le my dnnghters a re he h ad seen t he good monks rcs.dy proficient in thP 'c.,ll o, th e <:Ornet, _a:1d to start on their joumey to the tlie double h11ss. I cu11 al.<o do a _little "Well, on the t rombone, and I would wil lrn !( ly Castle, he said to them : n ow, Mr. James, with your permission, undertake t)i e cond ucto~s hip . . l do r'.ot I would just like to go to the Valley rlo_ubt lhnt rn 11 very h ttl_e tune , w1~h to see how my mother fares, and bright and cheerful ser v1 ce8, I cou,d comfort her. · You won 't waut me bring the whole of the i1,ma lPA to ch11pel rei.:ularly. As a 1uinister of the any more now, will you~" " I am loathe to part with you" Establishml"nt I um very an_x ions to saidJam es " butasitcan'tbehelped commence my duty f01thw 1tb, aucl I suppose' I must do without you'. \ shall be glad i f you_ will lay m?' lettar You a re quite right to go to see you r I befor_e the G?ard1 ans at their nex t mother. I ought to have thouiiht of ?1eetrng . fet>lrn~ a•s~;-eu 1h at ;{ be g 1u y w1 l ?Her that before. Be sure yon bring her 1rlexpens1ve acCE· ptod. B~liev~ me, yo urH very trn ll y, back to th e castle with you." PETER I IlOMAS M'CU LL UM. " Oh ! as to that" said Peter " I Tbe (Jnar ui ,rn~ crnelly declined tb e don't reckon on bei11g able to succeed. off~r with tbank8 My mother knows that my sister is safe at the castle, and she won't lease I p rt" 1 f N t· h er house. I will be back with you I 'l'h F e orma 10n o a ew o 1 ica as soon as I can. Adieu." Off he ;




Party in I taly. started at ful l speed. James koked after him with regret. "He is a courageous intelligent youth," said he to Fr. Dom Benoit. I Men who aro fired wi th a truly " Everything he undertakes he do~s pntriotir, lovo foi· their beloved Italy well. Had he wished it ] could have cnnnot, but fee l sorrwfnl over the an tireligious turn given to everythin g made a fine steward of him." "He will serve in God's army,'' polilical by the predom inating influ ence said Dom llenoit. "But ,James, let d thP F1•epmasons. Noth in g seems u s hasten for the night is coming on." trnly rc~onan t of the mode rn spirit cxcPrt it contains so mething against the To be continu ed .


1 , 1890

Ch urch noel he r Mini sters. Men , I my, entitled to the privihiges aod rights of who seek truly foi· t,he j!lory of th ei t· Mogna C arta. Io your iss uo of Tuescountry un d who are mindful of Ital y's day we reaJ that Constable l le in z, of pas t n aturally g ri e ve to see this sl ate Coprua nb nrst, haviDg received informa of a ffairs and would remedy it, all ils tion that Tommy Ry un was at Gordo n costs. I mentioned to you some weeks Broo k , organized a party which co mago tha t Ser;ator J 11cini addressed prised some of the srnartost shots in the him ~elf to the intelligent mind of It:dy Coprno.nburst G nn Club, and started fo 1· on the Po[·le's position, which is really Gordon B rnnk, where they r eceived the k <cly-note of the whole bu in rss. further assi -ta11c•e, and that se veri sh ots S uch well-kno wn men ns Mas~arli' ni, were fired at Tommy Ryan, wh o, ho w Briosc hi, Bonfadini, Lucchini, Colombo, ever, escaped. Now sir, I vent ure to a nd Arbih speaks of th e necessity of say t hat the action of t he police and creat in g a new part , who will pu t for- their civi lir.1u a sistuots on th is occasion ward in their programme the mod es t hot evoke the protest of every thi nking cry, "Let the C hurch a lone! Hands man, is a ~eri ous etrain on onr boasted off her pious institutions !" It is u cry ci vilization, and is nn ou trage 011 t he rnng from them by the ever - incres in g commonest h umani ty. of instinct EraRt,ianism of t he pre sent Govern- H ere is a party of armed men pursuing ment. The official papers, in 0rder to a Brit is h subject, and discharging firechec k, or, at least, put a fal se colour on arms as fre ely and cheer fully as i f-he t his move, tr:1ce i ts ori gin to t be we re a kangaroo. rabbit 01· a Vaticun. Of co urse th ere is not t be I woul ,1 lik e to kn ow- (a ) By what least truth in · this, bat it serves tbeir authority the employed cons1able ends to say so, and that is sutfi cient, th is party ? (b) Were they sworn in In the Ressegua N azionale, only the o.s special con stables ? (c) Who was Lamper tico, the magistrate who admin istered t he Senator, day, other publi shed a mos t able critique on the oatb ! I do not k now tho orig inal , or situ tation , a nd gives m ost cogen t rather the abor iginal, offence fo r wh ich reasons for the creation of a " Liberal- the daring Tornmy wns irnprisone<l , but wou ld 1he one for wh ich he is now 'battued ,' who Conse r vat u n:, par ty," work ag ai nst the Governmeut in i ts is for escaping from Grafton gaol, unchri stian poli cy, aod strive to bring which, after a ll, is not a ve1·y iz rea t ah out "a modus vivendi " with the offenee. Many a whiter British subject Vatican. It often st1 ikes outside rs as tbun Tommy has been g uilty of very allom alous tha t th e people of ltaly , e8Caping from 'd ura nce vil e,' aud yet if they are real ly C atholic, sho uld allow we se ldo m hear of sh ooting parties t he Government to carry on the ir bein g orgnniz ed to do the habeas syste m of persecution against the busin ess . At all eve uts, we must C h urch , and especiall y nga in Rt the protes t against v.ny repet ition of th e P ope. It is difficu lt enough ma ttPr il lE>gul , unchr is ti an, an,! inhum a n prn to explain to the sati sfactioo of one not ceedings of las t Su achy. L et u s disthoro ugh ly eonversant with the sit uatiou, pense justice eve nly to black and whi te but th is shou ld be always rem embered, r; ch and poor." that the intervention of the Catliolic~ ~"°"""""!!"~~----"'!:!:~~!'!'!.'!:~":':!!'!!!!:!!~!"!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!!!'!~~ is as obj ectabl(l as their abstention . If the Catholics went to the urns to- Jf morrow and voted for a thoron gh par ty wbich would have the cau se of PROTECTION AND AGRIt he Pope and religion emblazon ed on CULTURE. i tR banner, wh at wonld be th e outcome ? B.evi .s 1c.iog the effec ts of P rotectioJ:t Th ese Catholic deputies wou ld have to naknowledge the statits quo ·a ud take ' on agricu lture, t,he Sydney "St~r," th e the 011th to the King as legitimate repre8enta t.ive daily papor of the sovereign over the Papal S t ates before Protection i,t party, quotes figures a nd1 they conld e nter on their political c11reer. g ives arguments which a re wo rthi That, of course, they could not do. carefol consideration. It says : "The Book' for 1888 Therefore, there is great wisd om in the Canat.l ian 'Year non exper.lit, wbicb is the advice fr om contains some valua_ble information, the eccles iastical authority on the ill us trntive of th e beaeficial operation subject. But th ere is one thing that of the Protective policy in that count ry. th is new pa rty cnn effect, sad that is It lrns been asserted by the F ree-trade they can a rou se th e public min d in Italy I press in this colony that proteetion does to the disast rou s coo seqnences to Italy I aot help the Agricn ltnra l industry, bu't of a co ntin ued hos ti lity on t be part of th e Canadiun stat istics provf.l tbe the Gov <'rnrnent to what has foi:wed oppo~1te. It was i n 1879 that the and s hou ld Gti ll form the grentest glory , CannJ ians est,1blis hed a Protective of tbe nat ioa, the Church and the policy. In that year they impo rted Pa pacy. But initiativP. of conci liation 1 than 4,000,000 bushels of wheat. B nt must come from the oppresrnrs 11111 1 not in the fo llo w ing year they impor ted from tbe o ppressed. The door of t,he only 10,000 bushels. The importation prison m ust he openetl from the outside. of maize al so decl ined from 6,1 84 000 1 Of all ' o that as these politicans , 110 matter bushels to 1,677,000 bushel s how well intentioned they may be, look other grain, except barley and wheat . to th«> Vatican to move fi rs t in the tbe re wa s imported in 1887 111 6 OQO• d_irection of a mod'.ts viven:li, th e~ have a ? trn hels, but in 1830 tlte 'qu;nity : im ported was ouly 88,000 bushels. n ght to be and will be d1ssappo1nted . Tbe compiler of tbe ' Year Book' says- ' The very marked effect which The Aboriginal Tommy Ryan . j th e imp osition, in 1878, of a small duty upon wheat and flour bad upon the ____ I imports of the same will be visible at On F ri day Inspector Casey, uud er once on examinioo- all the tn.b lcs und it in str_uction s from the po li ce department may be estimated tbat, in coas~queuce applied to tbe ~ e_nch a t Grnfton to of the adoption of th at po licy, upwards remand tb~ abongrn_i1l Tommy Ry an, of 5,000,000do!R. have been ann ually charged with esc~prng _froJ:? law fu l r etained in the country which woul d cu Rtod y an d sh~ot rng w i th rn tent, to otherw ise have gone into the pockets of th e C en t ral Pol!ee Court, Sydney on foreigne rs.' But that is not all. S ince on tb~ gro u nd t hat Constable Hadley , 1879 the expur ts of wheat and flou r bi s ~v1fe an<l C . Hy11 n, th e only ev ir)r.nce tro m Canad11 have declined fr om ~gnt.lrnst the a<f!cused, a:e at p_resent in 6,500,000 bushels and 575,000 bar rel s oy ney, t 11e ori~ er bemg an rnmrite of rn~pn:ti vely to 2,000,000 bns hels of on r. of tlt e hosp itals. Another reason whea t a nd 340,000 bushels of floui:, w~ s th at 11 s th e adccusedb was an ~scaped Tbe remai nd er of tho wheat production , pm_oner, 110_ cou 1 not_ e placed 111 gaol am ounting to roore thao 35,000,000 unt_1l com1011.ted, and it t~ok two of th e bnshels, is cons umed 1n the co untry. police force to pre vent h1~ escape from An e normous and ever-in creasing home th e lockup, nud these constables co uld market bas thus been made for the not, be spared from town duty. The farmers in consequence of the bu'ld ' ,,. up of ~~nfactnriHg industri es th~o~;h Bench grunted t be npplica tion .

attn, ,Statton, anlJ l}ome.









H is Lordshi p the Right Rev. Dr. Doyl e, Bishop ot Grafton , in a letter to the local pa per wr ites : " It is t ru e bhat Ryan is black , an cl most probably very savage in l~i2 n11tu re ; bt t I beli eve at t he same time he is a Britis h s ubj ect, aucl conbeqnontly

manfacturing if And Protect:on. shou ld continu ed to progress in Canada ut tbe ra te it hfls been go in g during the l ast 10 years, it is probably that a decade he nce the country may con~ume ever) bus hel of wheat it prov ides. The agricultural statistics of CuMua furnish n argument in s up port of P rnte ct iou that cannot he overthrown."

.89 .

n n b' "v\That a clis tingt:Ji sbed air that little man has. He's a lmost a dwarf, too." "Yes, has a compressed air." ft Brooklyn undertaker is trying t o introdu ce wicke r-work coffins . He claims as an inducement that they a re much cool er tha n the kind now iu use.

Colon el Mc.Cue with dignity : I assure you, s ir, my word is us good as my bond . Gr imsby : Eicnctly, my dear colonel. Thrtt is why l can't take it. Wh en a 10 011 is hanging by bis toes from the corne r· of n high buildin g , and ei:pec ts mornenta rily to drop, n()thing &o thoroughly sa ti sfies bim a s tbe sudden discovery that h e is s11fely nt home in bed. The follow in g r.onversation took p lace in an office : ' D id you ever reali se anything in th e lotteries ?' ' Yes, s i 1·. I tr ied fi ve t imes and reali sed that I was an idiot! ' Gen ial Hostess-' What, going a lready, profeusor? And must you tak e your d ear wi fe away with you?' Profe,sor-' In,1eed , madam, I nm

s01"/'Y to say I must.' Au angry .subsnriber (to editor)' I'm m ad all tbe way tbrnugb, au' I want my paper sto pped !' 'Yes, sir ; do you waot to pay what y ou owe ?' ' No; I niu't mad euo ng h for tb ul, !' Prn11d fotbe r (showing otf his boy before comp any ) - ' My son, which would you rather be, Shakespeure or Edison?' L it tl e son (after meditat.ioo)' I'd rath er be Edis on.' 'Yes, why ?' ' Cause he ain't dead.' Vi s itor, at !Ill in sane asylum : W ho is that fine-looking man maki ng s ta rs , crosses, and things out of le tters ? Attendaut: Oh, h e was the editor of n children's column in eome paper. One week he lost the answer to bis pu zzles, and tried to sol ve them himself. A spirin g Author-' Of course you are fond of poet ry, are you not, Miss Wh ipperly ?' Miss Wbipperly-' My maid is, I believe ; but let u s talk of som ethi ng serious ; tell me all about th e entries for t he dog show.' Fond Muthe r : " How do you like you , n ew governess, Johnny?" Jobm1 y : "Oh, I lik e h er ever so much." " I' m so glad rny I ittle boy bas a ni ce tencb e r at last." " Oh, she'~ awful nice. She says sbc don't care whether l learn anything or n ot, so lon g us papa pay s her salary."

A Wi sc B ird.-C u st.o me,: : I have been cheated . I thought you Ruid rhi s parrot would talk ? Bird fn ncic1·: No, sir. What I said w a s tbat be had been brought up in the com pany of learn ed men and was fo ll of philos0phy an d scholarship. O f course he doesn 'L talk. .Mere idle words ha ve no .attraction for him. B ut h e 's u remark:ii.hle parrot becau se he's a great tbiuker. A little boy in school received bi s first day 's instru ction . Befo re n igh t he bad learn ed to r ecogn ize and spe ll one word . "Now," said the teache r, " you ,.:an tell your grand1nother to -ni gh t how to spell 'ox.'" " My grandmother knows bow to spell it," in d iga t\lltly re plied th e loyal little fe ll ow ; "sh e's teached school." 'Little Son: ' W hat was yo n and Mr. De Bate talk in' so lou d about 1' F ath e r : ' We were hav in g an argum en t on tb e duty of copper. H o t hink s it ought to be re moved, and _l t_hin k it ou gh t not.' 'Wo uld r emovrn g 1t m ake peunies nny cheaper ?' ' No , my son.' • Then I don't see th e u se of both er in g with it.' Pepi-' Mamma, may I a sk som ething ?' Mam rna- ' Y ou ka ow the rul e is that you mu st n ot speak at the ta ble .' Pepi-' But m ay I say just one wo rd ?' Mamma-' ffo , Pepi; but, when papa bas finis l.i ed the paper, th en yo~1 may speak.' ( Popa fin ally lays the p a pe_r on th e ab le. )' Now, Pep i, wh a t did you wish to say ?' Pepi - -' 1 wanted to te ll yo u that the wate r is ru nnin g over tbe t u b on t,he flo or in tlw bath-room.'


l- E W. A. RECOHD. The re are some thin gs a dwarf cm1't do, hut ho cau catch ju s t as big II cold as o g ian t. ',Tn ck,' saiJ a wi fo to Ler hn shand , as s he looked up from t he mo ri ng paper, 'what is a coast wise steam er ?' ' A co11st- wi sc s team e r, my dear! vVhy a coastwi e steam e r is 0110 th at knows h ow to k ee p off the ro cks along the coust.' ' No ,' said M rs. S hoddi e, ' we hav e to pay our for es now - a-day ~, as th e rai lro ucl co mpa n ies will n ot g iv e Clrnrles pnsses , on acco unt of this nfls ty rea l es tate comm er ce law,' ' anc\ then she sig l1 ed an d made foces at th e rnilroad corpora tion. Settling th a Dus t.-Mr . Winks: ' M y graci o u s ! Look t he re where the s un comes in and see th e elou cl of d us t flo atin g in th e room .' :vr rs. "\V in ks .Good ness 1ne ! Mary! Con ,e lowc 1· tbis cnrtui n. · Rkut,in g is a very h ealtl J_y exerc ise. It not onlv puts in play all the 111n sc lr s of th e leg s and arm s, but it c rel.ltes bumps 0 11 the h ead fo r fotu re phrenologi st s; 1,o feel and report on.

A boy at D e wsbury s wallowed 20ft. of red r ibbon iu orde r t h11t h e mig ht ufterwards pu ll it out. of hi s mouth conjuror fa s hio n, aml a s tonis h fa rn il y. It took a doctor four weeks to set •h im on bis feet again.


dead shark was lately washed ashore in a har bour. A repor ter snys t h at " th e membe rs of the bar, after weepin g over th e bod y of the sea-lawyer (Lh e sa il or 's name fo r n s hark), bmi etl it wi• b all the b'.rnours d ue to a member of th e profession.' ' Pbilanthropist : " S o yon say you've bee n we ll off once. Well , well, thi s is a world of changes ; it is iuclced a cold, cold w orld. " N eeJy G ent ( iu cl ig n:mtly): "Cold ! It h1tin ' t half cold enon~b; that' s wha t brok e up my bu sin ess." "Yon don't say so ! What busin ess were yo u in ?" "I was a man ufuctu re r o f ekates.'' P hil adelphian-' You are verv fontl of soc iety, I see. Do y0u bel~ng to Ll.10 exclu s ive 400 ?' New Y ork er-' N o; un fort u nately th ere is a J ar !, s tra in on my socin l record.' ' fou ee d !' 'Y es, it's t rn e. I once walked t wo sq uures o u F i f'tb avenu e with a denr fri enu of min e, a n e minent scientist, wh o had on a su it of ready-made cloth in g. '

Parldy is o fte n poetic1il ly po lite. On pick in g up nntl re t urnin g- a lady' s parasol, which IHL I been b lown o ut of her h and , a gallnnt l ri s l1r11Rn sa id : '' Fa it h , rni os, a u' ii' y e wa~ as sthron g as yer hand some, be jabers, a b ::i rrican coul clu't have snatched it from ye ."

') £0

,'lT,VJmLEVER HUN'J'lTIR,C11ppod ancl ,Jcwcllcrl, G-uara nt(;ctl t wo yealB A. J. GALLE'S, Albany.

HOLLOWAY'S OIN'. rMEN't' ANO P1LL8. D ?bilitatocl Coustitutions.-When climato, age , or lrnrdships , have u11dcrmin ocl the health, skin di scuses :1l'e pron e to arise and nug mcnt the existin g weakness. Holloway's med icaments daily prove most Lady of th o Ho use: " Rosa, who is scl'viceablc even under the most untoward tbat dragoon yo n had here in tho cil'cun1sta11ccs . This well-known and highly-cst ecmod Ointm ent possesses t he kitchen yes terday ?" Fin ost balsamic virtues, whi ch soothe and Sc rva ot -ma id: "Ach ! th a t was my heal witho ut i11llaming or irritatin g the s weet-h eart; bn l I s han't have nnytbini; most tender skin or most sensitive sore. more to do wi t h h im, becau se Il e is Holloway's Ointment and Pills are alway s makin i:( r emark s about every- infallible fo r curin g bad legs, va1·icose body. Only yes terday be said, ' Rosu, veins, s welled ankles, erysip elas, scaly skin, and evory variety of skin disease. your mistress is th e handsomest lady I Over all these disorders Holloway's e ver saw.' What business has he to r emedies exert a q uick and favourable to talk about you in that fashion !" action, and, where cure is p ossible, Lady : " Still , h e see ms a very decent grad ually but certainly arrive at that so rt of man, and I t!rin't see why yon consummation. '.l'h ey are invaluabl e in the cure of scrofula and sc urvy. sho u ld jilt h im."

At a rcce11t exam inat ion i n a g irls ' ,, el1vol tli e qn es tiou was pnt to a class of little ones: Who makes the law of ot1r Govo rnw ent ?" " P arlia ment," was the reply. " Ho w is Pnrli nment divided?'' was the nex t question. A litt le g irl raised her hand. " We ll, M iss Sallie," saict the exam in er, " What do you say the answer is ?" In sta ntly, with nu uir of confidence as well as t riu mph , tb e answer cam e, "Civili sed, half-civilized, and savage.'' Tii el'e is one· th ing on which peo pl e generul ly ag ree, and 'that i~ th e weath er. Wbeu you come o ut of yo ur hon se in the m ornin g t o g o to busi ness you meet yonr ne ig h bo ur a nd say : " T lie we1.1the r is ti little milder.'' H e wi ll reply, "Yes : how's yo ur fam il y?" W hen you ge t to the s hop someone w ill st1y, " Goo d mor nin g; quite cold again ." You will r ep ly, " Yes.'' A cnstomer comes in aud say s, " Little damp 1,b is morn in g ." You will r e pl y, " Yes ; quite damp ," and so it goes on all rlay. We novel' disagree us to the we ather. - - -

Vital Questions ! I ! Aslt the most emi11ent Ph.vs,cian Ask any schoo l, what is th e best thing in the wo rld for quictiug and allaying a ll initation of th e uervc~, and cu ri ng al l forms of ner vous complaints, givi ng ll:ttural, chi ldlike refreshing sleep always? An d t hey will tell you unl1 csi tat i □ gly "Somejorm of flops I I!'' C ll Al'1'Ell I.

A sk aoy 01· all of tb e most emin ent ph ys iciat1s _ "Wh at _is t he best and ot1ly. remedy tlw.t c~n be relied_OD to cure all di seases of Lh e lnd □ ey s mm urrn ary organs ; such as G us - ' Do you cany two watches, Br~ght's di sca~e, iliabetes, retention, or it1aJ ar.k, or is that a do uble chain a blu tfi ' lnhty to retam nrrne, au cl all t he diseases Jack - ' No blnff, G us; I cany a aud a~lm ents 1ieculi a r to Wom en"Anrl they will tell you exphc1t ly and cmW aterbnry in one pocket a n d a Ju r - phatically "Buc1rn ." . . ge nsen in th e oth er. A sk the same ph ys ,carn s _ "What is_Lhe 1!1ost rclrnbl c and_ sures t Gus- ' 'Nhat's that fo r ?' Jack-' Wb en a ma n to whom I cure fo r al~ liver d1seuses_ ~r dy spepsia; cou stlpatwn, rnd1 gcs t10n, biliousness, malana , owe money asks me the time I cons u lt fever, agu e, &c.,'' and t hey will tell you : my W aterbu ry , bnt, whe n a s tranger or Mandra.lw l or Da.ndelwn_l I I I . _Hence wh en Lbese remccli es arc co mbw cd a lady wants the su me informa tion it's . Jurgen sen tbat g ives it, and don' t you wi th others equally y:tluabl e, And compounded rn to Dr. So ul e's Amenforget it.' ca1'. Hop B1tt_ers, such a w onderful and m,r st en ons curati ve power JS de veloped, wlu ch A Clear Consc ieace. -Ed itor of is _so Yaried in its operations th at no ~iseasc Cheap Mo nt hly-- •' I t e ll y o u it makes or ill-h ealth can p_oss1bly exist or resis t !LS power, and yet 1t JS _ a man feel g ooJ to do a nobl e actio n. Harml ess fo r the most frn1l wo111au, wcnkI ' ll s leep well to-nigh t .' invalid 01' small est child to use. Adm i ri11g ·wife- ' Have yo n 1escued CII A l''l'Elt II. som e chi ldren from cru el ty or sa ved a "P:1Li enLs li fe , my ,lear ?' "AlmosL cleatl or ne,1r ly cl yio g" ' Well, no, uot e.· nctly ; but to-d ay l<or years, and giv en up by pb sir.ians, of a yo un g wom a n who b as heen fnrn isbing Brigl!t's and other kidn ey di seases, liv er us with bea utiful poetry fo r three yea rs complaints, sc 1·c re coughs, call ed cons umpw ithou t charge, came i nto th e otlfoe and tion, bav e b ee □ cured . II' omen gone 11 ,:arl3/ crnzy ! I I ! I g ave h er 50 ce nts .' l•'rom agouy of ncurnlgia, 11eno usuess, wakefuln ess, and variou s di seases pecul iar 8rcre t of G rea tness .- A mbi tio us t:, wom en. Yo nth-Fut b er, I nm nr, wiil in g to g o Peop le drawn out u.E shape from excru c,thro ug l1 life a nobody . l wi sh to l e11ve ating pangs of. rhcumal,ism, intla111111aLol'y a anm e. I loDg to breath e the sweet and chronic, ot· s utI~ring from scrofula. E rysipelas ! oLm os phcre of fame . l am res olv ed t o "Sal trheum , bl ooil poi soui ng, dyspepsia, beco me g rr,at. W ill you advise me 1 indi ges tion , and , in fact, almost all uiseascs W ise Fa th er. - W i th ple:lslll'e. Th e frail" Nature is hei r to fou ndation of g rcaL nes8 1s a goo d Ilavc been cttr cd by Dr. Soul e's Hop .B it.ed ncntion . tor , proof. of which cnn be foun d iu c ·e,·y A. Y .-I nm lay in g it . ueighborhoou in Lhc know n world. vV . F. -N ext you n eed i ndu s tr y a nd *FNon11 genuine without a bunch o( green g ood habits. h'lps on Lhe wh ite labe l, anrl Dr. 8oul c's A . Y.-Yes . W hut el se? n,m,c bl ow u in the boLtle U1>wA 1rn of :tll W. F.-Alway s be polite t o 1,ews - the vi le poisu nou ., stuff 111,, le to ilnit,,te the paver u1 en. abol'e,

"FO R ·1·1m Br.ooD is THE Lrnu."CLARKJ1,'S WORLD-l!'AMED BLOOD MIX TURE is wan-an ted to cleanse the blood from all impurities from w\rntever cau se ar1 s111g. l!'or Scrofula, Scurv;v , 81<:iu and B lood Diseases, and Sores of a ll kind s, its effects arc marvell ous . Th ousanc•~ of testiuJOnials. Sold · u boLtles, :2s. 9d . and 11s each by Chemists a nd Patent Medicine V endors everywh ere. Sole Proprietors T IIE LIN CO L N AND M rnLAND COON'l'I{'I;


Co., Lin col 11, England. '-i. ROTHERH AM

S ILVE R IlUN'l'El{ L EVERS, Guaranteed two years, at J. GALLE'S , Albany

£6 6

How Pills are Made .


Th (!uslotu of taki ng medicine in t ile for m of pills dates far back in l!istory. The object is to enab le us to s wallow easily in a condensed fo rm disagreeabl e and nauseous but very useful, drugs. T o wl1 at n 1st dime usioos pill-takin g has grown may be imagioctl wh en we say Lhat in England alone abo ut 2,000,000,U00 (two tbousand million) pills arc consu med every year. In early days pill s were made slowl y by hand, as the dernaud was comparati vely sm;Lll. 'f()-day they arc produced with infinitely g rea~er rnpic! ity b_v machines especially con tri ve& for t he purpose, and witlt greater accuracy, too, in the proportions of the v,1rio11s io• gredients employ ed. No form of med ication can be better t han a pill, provided on ly it is intelligently pre pared. But r 1g!Jt here occurs the difficulty J~:tsy as it 01ay see m Lo make a pill. or a million ol them . Lhere arc really very fe w pills Lhat can l,c hon estly co111mcndet! for popular use. ]\[ost ul' th em either unde rshoot or overshoot t he mark. Ae every bod_y takes pills of so me kind, i t m:iy be well to 111enL io1J what a good , safe, and rcli at be pill shou ld be. Now, wbeu one feels <lull aml sleepy, and has mo re or less pain in Lh e heau, sid es, a nd back he rn,ty be sure hi s bowels am costipaLecl, anil Liis li.1·cr slu ggish . 'l'o remed y this uuha ppy state 1f i things Luera is nothing like a good cathartic 'pill. JL will act like:1 charm by stimulating the liver into doing its duty, an d riddiu g the diges uv e organ s of the accumulatctl poi so nous matter ll ut the ·good pill d0es not grip e ,mcl pain us neither does it lllt1ke us sick and mi scrabi c for a few hours ,i day . lt acts on t he entire glandul ar ay8Le111 at the salll e Lillle else th; aftcr-cll'ects of the pill will be worse Lh an th e cli 8casc itsrlt. The grip iug caused by most pill s is Lit e .-cs11IL of irritaLiog drngs which they contai 11, b uch pill s arc lrnrm ful, aml should never be used . Th ey som etimes even procluce hc1uorrhoi<ls . ,V iLho11 t bavi ug any panicular desire to pl'aisc one pill ahoYe mother, we may, ncvcrLhclcss, nam e Mothe r Seigcl's Pills, mar ,11[accuretl by the wellknown hou se of A . ,J. Wh ite, l ,irni tcll ::5 , ]!'arri ngdon Head, J,ollllnn . :111d now so ld by all chemists and mcdic111e , c11dors as Lite or1ly one we know of Lhat actually ,;o,sesses ev ery des irnblc qn:1liLy. They ren,o,·c the nrcssurc upon the brn1n, co1-rct.:t the liver aud cause I.he bowels Lo acL with case anil reg ularity . Th ey never r; ripc or pro,l ucc the slightest sickness of (,he stomach, or any other un pleasant fce hn g 01· sy mp toms . NciLhcr uo they i11 ,lucc forLher l'Onstipation, as nearly al l oLhcr pills do.



tluthc r a11d crowning merit

Mot her ::icigcl 's l'ills arc co1•crcd with r, taste less and ha rml ess coating whi ch causes them to l'escmule 1warls, thus rcnt!cring Lh cm as pleasant to the p-.lalc a, they are ellcct ivc in curi n[: disease. lf you hav e a se vere cold tu11I al'e Lhreatcnc,l wiLli a fe ver, with pa ins in the hca,1, back, rt1H.l lilllbs, one or two doses will break up lhc co l,1 aucl prcrenl; the fc.-c r. A coated toug1tc, witl1 ii brncl;:i sl, Last(! in LhP mouth. is ca usc,l I, y fo nl rnaUcr in the stomach . A dose of ::,e;gel's l'ill.; will ell'ccl, a ~pecdy cure. ()fLentimcs parLi:llly t!ec:tyc,l foot.I i11 the stuuiaclt ,,,11d b wcls prddll(:c sieknr,s , nausea, &c. ()lc~nse !,he bowels with a tlose or th ese pills, a1Hl good heal I h will follow . Unlike lll a11 y kinds o[ pills, I.hoy do 11ot make yo n feel worse bc(orc you arc h c UPr, They arc, wit hout <loubL, I.he hcsL fa mily physic t• ,·c r disco vcrccl. Tht':f rcmorc n.ll obstru ctions tu the 11,ttural functio ns ill ciLhcr sex wi Lhout any 11npleasc1111. cl'l:c,·I ~

' ...



& CO,, J U

Vo E. NESBJT, I W. EeM ARMION Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller,

( La



Ru ndle

t,reet ,


-" Jel aid e,

A R R I V E D,


General Merchants, Importers AS the best selected a nd t h Stock and Station Agents, cheapest stock of fi r t-class A VE alway s on band full Stocks W i.tcbes and ,Jewellery of EVERY




W A R !B HOU::;t..:,



10, 1890.




SPE CIALLY SELECTED of S tation requirements, also the colony. Nes bit's . ( capped and j ewell ed) sundry other g oods, Carp enters' tools, PI.ANOS, ~tand rid ing a nd ro 11 gh work , g uarnn - Anv il s, Portab le Forges, Wool bales, toed for two year~. T ho Be~t Watch Cornsacks, Wire Netting, Fencing A L ~ O, PIANO STOOL ~, TUNIN G , witho ut exceptiou. Nesbit's Walthams W ims, Gal vanized CoHuga ted Iron , HAM MER,;;, ET C., a re the CH 1£ ,\ P l:i:i:\T in the Colony, Doug la · Pnmps , Revolvers, i:\n ider l'heoe und otbn Watch .. , w I th II two Hif:le,, Fow li 1,g pieces, (muzz le and \.\· ill ue sul <l at lowest f rices to make room fo r our )"ears' g uuraulee. Jewel ery of every breech loading) Amm unition-tiadd- 1 l'n, ·, .;o /li,. .- ;r;t · I de,criptio'.ll made to u ·deror repai_red · lery, H arness, &c , 1 ~ I \V atcl1 es cleaned or repaired . · es hit.'s Leve r8 Nes hit'~ W a llh a ms. · Now coming to Hand as fas t as I ,c ' ' 'I f ,ud ies ' u'-nr's ( i lll d te a m can bring th en• . \Yett h,·~ Watc hes 1 · l ) ,, .. 1iver \ 1 .•Jf.~ ie:-,, :-- ilver \,\" .. tch e, 1 bis ,1 , ip tue,,t a l;o i11c lud1 s :-;orne very ~ilver Bra ccl? t~ Uold Brat·elets special d, sig 1J s iu tLe W i11e8 and ::ipir:t s in case&, g_n artet 1 sets B. & I!!. I ,1sk 8 antl octaves . ,, sets B. & E. B rooches 8rooch es J OHLIDEMA CARPET 'fo nao oo in small boxes (l 2 U lbs, ) l.£arrrng1; ,, Ea rring~ Albe rt, ,, Albert, SQUARES. •J ilwe!l ·s ' b tores , i n large qu an ti ties. ,, Leon tines Leo11tin es ,, R ings, Gent's R ings, Gen L's Fur R ugs, Stair Carpets, &c,, ,, do, Ladies ' do. Lo.dies' DRAPERY IN GRE AT Tap estry Cloth, •rable Covers ,, B reast r ins Breas t Pins VARIETY. and Five o'clock T ea Cloths ' ,, ~ e<:k lets ~' ecklets Guipure and Tapestry ,, S t uds Studs ,, Keepers Je t Brooches & Eaning5 Curtains, Art M uslin's. Also §laann·ocla 1-1:otel ,, W eddin g Rings A lber t ~ A very Choice Selection of [~lectro Pln.ted Onps Clock s HAY STREET, PERT H. ,, Cruets, &o. SpP.ctacles . Jescription

i fl

1 Eng lish Levers

I This Great Household Medicine t ank amongst the leading· necessaries of Life,. These famous P ills purify the BLOOD, and act most powerfully, yet soothingly, on the

Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, nnd BOWELS, giving tone, energy, ~nd vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIF E. They are confidently recommended · as a neverfailing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has b ecome impaired or weakened. T he~ are wonderfull y efficacious in all ailments incidental to F emales of all ages; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICI NE are unsurpassed. The Pills and Oinbnent are Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford St . (late 533, Oxford St. ) London ;

And are sold by all Vendors of J\Iedicinc. throughout the Civilized W orld; with cl cc· lions fo r use in almost every language. (rr . urchasers



should look to t'

on the :Uoxe;; a,nd Pots,

If the



· ~S3, Oxford Street, London. they a_,:o ~


BROWN & ALLEN, (Lale T , & W, Britn all),

HAY ~TRE mT, PERTH, N returning thanks lo the public gene rall y for past favours, hcg to nnnoun ee thas hey are prepareu to man ufactnre all classet of COLONIAL BOO'l'S, on th e shortest pos sible notice. Also, kept in stock , a large and varied assortment of Ladies', Gentle men's, and Chil dren 's B00'1' 8 ancl i'.iliOES-from the best E ngl ish and Con tineutal houses. Leather Grindcry and Uppers always on band. Good h ides and knngal'Oo sk ins taken in exchange · Goods de'spatchetl to all par ts of the Uol ouy, ·



OR COUGHS, COLDS, B110,-cmTrs Asthma, Iofluenza, Consumption, &c. . AY'S C01IPOU NO ESSENCg OF L INSEED, Ani seed , Scn~gn, Squill, Tolu, &c., with Chl orocl vnc. TT AY' S UOi.\1POUND, a dl'mulccnt expec.1~ torant, for Coughs, Colds, antl Chest Complaints. TT AY 'S CO;\lPOU ND, fo r Coughs and .1~ Colds, is equally serviceable for Horses au:I Cattl e. AY' S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia, lfacc-achc, &c. Contains Quinine, Iron, &c. OAGUL~NK-Ccrnen t for Broken Articl es. f:iold Every where, Man ufactory, Stockport, E ngland.




Teas, Sugats, Flour.

lFirn t (Jlass A ccommodation for TRAVELLERS,

Watches, Cloc ki;;, J ewellery, &c. , sold

on TL\:l J~ PAYMENT with IM.MED-

I TE possession to ho useholders at exceedingly low prices. As no heavy commission is p aid for convass iu g and collecting , customers will s ave at least 20 peT cen t. , by buying from V . E, Nesbit, besides havin g a large stock to select from and a p ractical watch, maker to g uarantee every a rticle sold .

The Settlers favourite Honse.

Splendicl Balcony back and front. Bath-rooms, S tables, and eve1·y requisite Joi· a First Class Hotel.

0" TIM E P AYMENT. &[~"



and QUIE TNESS a sp e-



Al so hy

the _ yard,





Wa tch maker and Jeweller, Perth . AGJ;;NTS : :Mr . J . W . Andrew , Roebourn e, T . W . Stroud, Geraldton, ,, l!'. Kell y , Dongarra. ,, G. H . Lott, Yo:·k.




LiQ U •

I N .,. STOCK.

Famou s H ouse for Bass's Ale and G uin ess's S tou t.

GI£R.A.LD1'0N ~ eJ@1<3o8ll~\'314>--

Ji=J OM AS R@ DeLUCE Y, P :1·01n.•ieto1.·. --<♦>­

LaJies Tea Gowus and Morniug Wraps


spl,,u d itl Twcf'<l s, Ge nts ' S uiLs H osiery Sil k I-fol f .i-• ose, G reat o'oats, aud Wate rproofs. A lso,-Lad ies nnJ Gents' Umbrellas &c,, &c. ' P erfume ry and 8 oaps of the best brands iocl oding :?ears', &c, '


And contains one of Burroughe's and Watts· for-famed




W hi ch is brillian tly ligh tetl , and is the favo uri te resort of lovers of th e g11me,

B oot ]Hanufacturer and Importer,

U U ll RI Ji; R

'lI' A.Ii. E R,





& C .,

B H.E A KF AST-. ". By a. th oroug h k oo,irlcdge of the na.tural laws ,~h 1L' h covrrn t ht! ooera.tious of d iges tion a.nd uutr it1 0111 and b y a ful ap 1>l1c a.tio n of tile fine proper: t ics of wi>ll -Rtdected cocoa, llfl'. Epps h as prov id ed fo z brc~kfar1 t tab l P.s with n. <lc li ca.lely- Ho:vourcd l,je verage winch n;1ay _si~vc n s ma.n y h eavy doctor's bills. It is ~y tl~ e .l ':1d 1c1o us use of s uch ar ric les of di et t ho.t a l;0n st1t u l 10n ,~a.y be grnclu,llly built. u p un t il strollg e~ough to 1·es1s~ evc1y tende11 cy to t.l Hundreds ot subtl e m alt1. d1 es ar~ ll oM iu g a.round us ready t o a te ta.c k wh e_rc vcr t here l H n weak po iu.t. We ma.y csc 1n_1.t ny a tn. tal shaft by kct•ping ourselves well forLifig~

'! 1th p~re ~lood aud a. properly nourished frame.''See artic le m the Oivit Sei•vic, Gazelle,

1:'.1£.RTH ,


.1\ l utle simply with boiling wa ter or milk, Soltl

A :-i

alway ,,; on h and , the mos t extensive and varied s tuck i.n the colony of En!!l ish, l<'rencL, G··rmau, :rnd Colonial Man ufactured BOOTS,

U NE RALS conducted i n an y par t of t he Colony, and all details connected therewith att,mded to at th e shortest n ot ice by toleg ram or otherwi se. Funeral He~rses and Coach es alw~.yR reacly ,



General Funeral Furnisher,



~ ,. 1. ) nnnim1tal Tf,,,ul iu •I To, , 11 Rtones, wi\h hnn•i 0111<' Iron U:iilings, HUI plied

&. !1 t 1



cn•C'fr·I "''' i


1 J


in ¼-lb.

packe ts

hy Grocers, l abe lled tb us:-




t:' IW.\1PT










E A:E:,-A Person cured of Deafness and _ ~01ses rn Llic head _o f 23 years' sla udiug 1'{ ~ _S imple Rem edy, will scud a description of ti, FR.t,;E to any Person who applies to N1cu oLSO N, 65 Will iam -sLrcel;, Melbourne ~

C ~ b·


A C hoice s, I ction of GEN TS' U nde rw a1e, l:h L~, Gloves, T ies, some

Every Comfort and Convenience for Travellers anil Visitors,



No velties. A lso,-l<'ancy vVingcl, Leath er, Felt a nd Straw Hats.

Go@IJ A.tte11_ula.1U1ce ane.1. C~:vi:Uty.

U ffi U "


, HATS !


l'he G ERALDT ON HO T E L is replete with

(~ba 1·~·e§ N.locle:a·ate.



Q,U ALITIE8 at Low P rices .


Wines, Spirits an d Beer s of the Best Brands obtainable, always on hand,



A small consignment of the L ates t


I I oi1.~ ~ -:







O nsi::,:v1, T flE A uvrrn~s,-

. · ext 'Door t o the "

riterion Hotel.''

• :cm

Pi•inted ~c~nd pu{;lisliccl f ur the R.iyht R ev. Al. Gibne!J, al Ll,r. o,[iicc "f thc "W.A. ~~E t:O lil>, " . JJowicl,; street, Perth, b,y 1ROMAS


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