The Record Newspaper - 13 March 1890

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•• No. 498. - VoL. X VI.


PmcE 4n.

0~.tHABD, \7\7Ar_r CHl\tI~;ll{ER, ,JEWELLEll, OPTICIAN, S:.A..'Y' S T R E E T~ . PERT~. LA RGE







t li e




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- - !A!!!

TlIE ONLY :F'I RST ORDEH, OF l\i ERrr, with SPECI AL lVIENTIO_N (for Sewing Machines), was awarded TI-IE SINGER MANlJFACTURING COl\IP.ANY at the Centennial International Exhibition 1888-9. fr om R EPORT OF J URY (Sectio n 38) o n 8 owing a nd oth er Machines for making Clothin g ; as officially JrnbJished in t l1e Melbom oe Auovs and Aoe N e wspapers 29th January, 1881:l :E x 'l'HAC1'

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SEGONll ORDER OF 1VIERI1'. · • W1 ~for •,nd Wi b otl Ne w Y(.)l'k for Coll ectio n of So wiug :M nd 1in os,T. ,,v: rtb;,irn , F rankf~ r t, for Sewin g :Machine _\ttachment~, a nd lio n. Mention tor ~uperior Cabinet ,v ork. DEPU'l' -- 1.l AY-tn' L{ E:BT, PE ltTH.



Qfxen eral

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1'HE W. A. RECORD. QI; l en n in g " ·

'' Ao exc llent oxnmple of the good res ult following corubined in d nstrinl, co mlll ercial miss ionary worliE, is to be The Jesuit Missionarie s. discovered ia th E> prese nt condition of tlie neg l'Oes in muny part~ of Angola. Henry F . Down ing, a colored man , T lt e history of the Roman Catholic wh o for nino years \ IRS Unite.J S ta tes Chn rch in tbis Po r tugue~e province is Consul in African reg ions, deliv ered a fu ll of valuable lessons nn d e xamples lecture in the Melbodis t church , B rid ge wh ich would be beneficial to the str-eet, Brooklyn, Thur, Llay even ing , Africans :rnJ P rot!lstant worke r~, if the November 281.h, 011 "Th e Dark Co ntimid missionaries woul d le,,rn th ese nent." :vi r. Dowoin 1r is a j onrnal ist of Catholic lesso11~ and fo ll ow their ability, a 111tn1 of erndilion and s1,eaker e xarn pie There are many excell en t of elegnnce, hi a rec ital of th e hab its und reasons why we cannot hut adm ire tbe costume~ of th e savage Afric an being giiod and effec tive mi5sionary work done peculiarly graphic au,l i11teres ting. H e hy tl,e J eenit priests. Preaching the staggered hi s MeLhodist breth re n by bis compari son of t he work of Protestant t.ruthB of the Gospel, tb ey at tbe same were snppor ling th emselves missionaries t o that of the Jes ti it~, hold - l ime t!irongh Lbe cultivation of tra 1e, and . ing Lhe su rcess of th e lat te r up for th e we re en~uged in improving the ccndicomm endation l•f nil. Mr. Downing Lion of th e natives hy giving t.hem an said : in dn slriai trnining; und to -day, ' ' Before 1,,·i11gillg my talk to• a close, although those good d11·istinn men, like I shall refer briefly to tl1 0 miss ionary and trad er, t.bat is, 8 0 for as th eir teach - n few of their monasteries which have ing and example e ffect, tli e A friCf111 long si11ce passed away, th e influence of t he ir teach ing and exa mple is still natiVPS. "Visit nny native town near wbich a alive, promising as t;be ye_ars arow on to become every day more nm! mo1e rnissiou, whose WL< rk is rest ri c ted pnrely to th e lench ing of' the B ibl e, is fruitful. To kn ow th at t.biH s tatement estal,lished, au .I, a, n rul e, ooly a few is true, it need s lrnt to vi , it Angola's steps rero ovetl frnm the house of God cap ita l, the Afr ican city of Ht. Pa ul de will be found t.h e but of 'fetich.' No Loandu. .There we will find a lf1rge community, more t ha n 20,000 people, signs of work of any kind, uot u dom es tic where ship-building , railro ad co nstructanimnl, anti u yonng wn mon runnin g ing, blacksmithing , hou se-bu1'Id in g ti Ie about entirely naked, nil evide nc e sug - making , alld all of the trndes aod many ge5ting that somp thi ng more than l • Biblical lcsso_ns are neeLled to otftiet tbe of th e professions tarn their workmen from arn ong Lh e native Africans, intluenceH of ' reti ch ' an d overcome members of the Homnn Cathol ic those superstitiou s beliefs, which, Chnrcb, scattered all thr ou gh the because of th e practices of many interior as f'ar as Dondo and Ambace, genel'ation s, have become part of the and dotted here and there, about the African savage's chnrncter or oatm·e. I f There arE> cases, it is true, wh(lre so me s ubm bs of lh <:l city, wil be ound many farms and plantations where tobac co, iew of th ese benighted people have beP.n · rescued from II dark condition , hu t coffee, cotton, etc., are raised by the nati ~e descendan ts of the ' savuge' they are compa rative ly rare, since, for scholars of the J es uit priests. Si Lting every one who hns bee n mad <l to enter into a truly improved sta te tbere arri upon th ei r door-sill or recl ining und er .· },undreds · wh o, because of an im perfect the sp rea ding lim bs of sh'ady . training, hav e becomejnst bharp eno ngb Euphorbias, \Y ill be noticed , the little ones prepari ng th eir tusks 1or school, to Le more success fu-1 rogues than th eir which they reg ularl y attend. On days f_cllows, aping tho vices, but fui liug to of 'fcs tu,' com in g from the open ad opt th e virtues of civili zatio n. "The causes for tl,is l:uter condltion portals of th ei r churches, of which al'e not difficult to find. Th e miss ion- there nre several in t he city, will be . . seen µroce 8sion s of natives in En ropeaa nnes attempliug to teac h these peo ple • te 11 1-gence all d t ti I . . , cos tume, in ru 1 s 1own anc I t Iepen d rne- upon precep t 1\l one, w , b . bl ac,1 anu., s 1 · · . 11nrng f aces, many cases, see th eir wo rk :11ade 1 out Oil t. e1r. .. un d al I srng111 i,: psalms of g ladnes and f rm'tl ess bec:.rn se o f th e more po,1t1ve •• G Of 1. · fl f I ·1 f Ol.I · cou rse t uere many rn uence o t 10 ev1 examp 1e o t I1e , pr:nsmg • 1. • • I· b 'I'h d' I ,. f . p6cu!t a r cuaracten st rC"s w nch attac to t ra der. e tra 1n 0cr c a $S o, orewne rs · 0 • . . . these people a~ the result o f tbe1r rn Afnca, as a rnl e, nre d n fuugs from f n· · the dregs und un succeHs ful people @I' ortn er cone I ion . y e t.' w ho w1·11 c Iaim , A . . . that th ey are not st1pen or to, and ninch E uropeuu anu mencnn society, wrt,1 . b cl · f . ,. more en 11g teue , t I11111 t bose na tives o b u t l I·ttl e, 1·r a ny ecl uca t·1011 h av1ng ont Afnca • w ho, h· • . ' ' avrng beeu brought und er the ehghtest s~ose of, or rega rd for, 1 lb · fl l t t' I riaht or wroa and wh en remov ed from I e in nence. o f p roes an ism, iave "' t · t g, f ., <l I . been taught with precept alone, make a tie I . res rnm s l• 1uw nn u or er t Je1r .. ' farce of re hg 100 by at one moment environm ent s become d rnnk onness , • · t f I· · 1· k . . I ~rn g rn g, • as 110n, , I k now I 1mmora 1ty, nav ery und dis JOn esty. b b · ! 11 Iparro tO b , d th t 3 Unfo.rtunatel for tb e succcBs of the · a sr!u _sa e, an _e nex k f h y · • . tb mom ent find then· great.est enJ oymeut ,vor o . t e mi ss '.on~n ~s, . e _811 va~e~ in basking laz il y {n the s un in a are. devoid of tbnt d1scmrnn at11 1 g rntell ,• ct · · t OX ·ICU t'1011 · cootJ'I t•ton O t· 80 lJll·In or 111 winch would mak e t.bem cap;,ble of cl t· l1. f , f 1· I , · I ' b epreca mg ue an o-e r o e .1r ,. 0 p Iac111 g a proper va ue upou w at t I1ey l' . t , ., evm e in contncL with in tl1is direc tion, i egis ei · an d ns a co nsequ enc e, tb ey a1 e not, a bl e to sr parntc th e precept of the mi ss ionary from tho example of th e trud r r, wit h the ! The Empress Augusta's Paper s , result th at between the two opJ_.Josing in- 1 1v.J:issing. fluences the ' saved rnvngr,' so term ed, often is nothi ng better th an a mm- 1 . drinking, 'fetich'-helievi1Jg kn ave. Truth hea rs from Berlin tbat th e re "They wbo arc s pending their mon ey ho~ hceu a mighty fu ss :;1t the P alace or sacrificing the ir Ji1'es in mi s, ionary about tbe pa pers of rit e Em pre&s work in Afri ca a:·e beginning to recog- Au g nsta. As soon as H er M ajesty nize that so long lls all miss iooll ry dfort was pronoun ced to be dying, seals were is confined to th e teaching of Lite Bibl e placed on all he r tlesks, ca bin ets alone, i.JnL liu! E, muterial goo<l will and other rece ptacle5, a nd within' a few n :s ult. They arc co mmen cin:z to see hours of he r death a S tate functiona ry tl, at, befor e ntlempting In teu,· h 1.he had taken psssess ~u of her pa pe rs. It A fri ca ns th e Lrntlrn of Ch ris tia ui ty, nppears, how ever, that th e copiou s it is necesoa ry t ba t th ey sl,o uld he journals whi ch th e E mpress i, k now n fittort to receive th e sa;u e by being to ba ve ke pt for ma oy years are brought. som ewhat, nea rer· a co ntl ition mi ssing. Th e Empress ret;ord ed or civilir.ation, wh ic h, I will ven ture ev ents, both public and private, and to say, is to be dono hy ed ucuting them comm ented fre ely upon the m, and upon into such wnnt,s anJ d,·6i res as are t0 be the pers onages with wh om ~be was sntisfied only throug l, s11 s tniu ed l,ronght into, unrl there is good industrial training. lo tb i8 directioll t he rP,aS0 Ll to believe that she bad ex pressed missionaries wou Id find a wide fie Icl f, ,r sum e ve ry Elron g opini ons respecti!lg payiug la bo ur-not th at th ey shou Id Prince Bi smarck, with whom she had stop here-thf.y shou ld al so be engnged serious dilfo rences for many yea rs. lt in trade, for tben not ouly wou ld was presum ab ly des ired to plllce th em comm erc'e be made to lake a healthier jo urnals or memoirs among the Hohentone, uu t it also wo u It! be made to zo llern a rch ives , where the thirty huge become u usefnl and powerful a ll y, aid- volnm ~s of the Emperor Frederick's ing 10 br ing alrn ut th e en d whi ch th e diary a rtl deposited -if th ey h'lve nut C hris ti an wo1 ld ~v nrd ently dco ircs Lo b~c n secretly des troye d since th ey w,ire su rrcndered by the E mpre,;s F retle r ick .





The · Empre~s Au g usta hod pn;bobly t aken wnrning by the fa le of her so n's diary, and no doubt she pince.I her own re111iaiscences io safe l1aod5 out of ('J ermany.

13, 1S90.

it ns a,ion. Dr. Camidge ,oli cves in th e Divine Presence, nn tl · Oe::.n Cor,pN tl'Cate it a~ a blas ph emo11 s fubl e. Dr. CRm i,lge woulu as soon doubt the insp irut,ion of th o B ible ns he wo nlcl th e legitim ncy of hi s ch ildren, and yet th e hi g he&t Con rt of Appen l j ustified tho man who denied it. N ow, we g rnnt tl,at tl1e Cathol ic Ch urc h h as l,u<l he r. ups an,1 dow n~, bu t Clln Dr. Camidg·e luy hi;; fi nger on any pe ri od wh en she presente,l . uc h u chaot ic s pec tae;le as tl1is ?-11 ho use d ivide d ogains L ilsAlf, " u pside dow n" D r. Bar ry ca ll e1l it, and built on the evcr-5bifting sand of b nman judgment. \\' iii D r. C:.m i,lge say thnt it wus 10 fon ud su ch 11 Ch nrcl.i as thi~ !lint Our Lord died ? There is nothing mo re saddening to a t.hougbtfu l Catho lic t han such an a,ldress ns this . \Vo have only seen the necesRar ily i mperfect sketch iu tbo Herald, but even tl1a t is snfficiellt to brin g on t l,he profounu honesty, pie ty, apd-we menn no dis respect- igno rance of the ma n. His Uhnrch i~ uiiside dow n, it is ulmnst. u dc•ad Church· ; ]1o k nows it, and still he cling8 to it beca use he ran not see a better. How so since re !L C l1ristian cn n be HO bli nd , onl y thos e who have rea,I · the ConfessionA of ::i t. Angnstioe and the Apo logia. of Cardi nu! Newm,rn ea n u nderstand .

Bishop Camidge's Address.

The address of Dr. Camidge lo th e Anglican Sy nod nt Bathurst is arousing in one respec t au <l very sadde:i ing in another. It is candour iteelf. He states his church theory, and in t he same breath supp lies ample evide nce of its falsehood. H e stnnds up stoutly for what he terms " the historic back bon e of the church ." That is to say, he conteudR that the Cbnrch of Englnnd was not th e creation of th e Tudor D ynnsty, but is n coatiu1rnti on of anu id entical with the Church of St. Thoma~, S t. Aug ustine, aod t:it. A lbau . I t must he so. The Church of E ngland has bishor s, pri es ts, 11 nd deacons ; t be Church of St. Augustine bad bishops pries ts, and deacons ; th erefo re the C hur ch of England is the Church of St. Augu stine! There is a certaiu nervou s tmpid11tion in laying down th e major premiss of this sy llogism, for more I ha u half the Anglican clerg y scout D r. Cumidge's idea of orJers, us a s uggestion of the evil one He th erefore Comn1 enti ng on this speech the Syd" refen ed to the L angham Conference, t,ey Freeman re,11ark~ : and suid that th e qu estion of orders was " Bishop Camidge a t ll ,e Angl ican then, as it, alwuys would be, a difficulty." No wo1.1<.ler the q uestion of ord ers is a Synod at Brubnrst on 'l'ueoday sa id, in: difficulty when everything depend 8 upon the c<inrsn of his address :-Ile defi ned: th e prior question whether Parker was the Church as a vi~ ilile hoJy under a t} a bi~hop, aud the eviden ce is so st rong invisib le l.Ieud, un,l went Oil to sb owLhnt be was not, that tbe Cutbol ic tbat long befo re St. AL1gnstine came to Church does not give no Anglican Britain there wus a Br itish Chu rch clergyman condition a! orders, but simp l•y with its tbreefold 01 der ot Bi shops, orduins him ns she wou lr.1 any other lay- priests, and deacons. He desc ri bed ·the man. But it is when D r. Cam idge mi,sinn of St. Angustine as, to a certain T he B ishop thn comes to examine the note~ of thi s Jegroe, a fnilure. continuity of the ancient Church that spoke of the Church as being at once we nre lost in amazement at bis candour. Protestant and Catl1olic. He wus not 1t wou ld be a curiou s matter for one of those who would give np either hi s tori cal res earclJ to gi ve the period one o,· the other, nlw:,ys beari ng io ru inrl in the hi story of th e Catholic Church that th e term Culholic was hy fa r th e when "the bishops alone di d not mnk e g rnn de r of th e two and by ce nturies the laws, but were ~imply th e executive." older. [le said tbe cl1u rch men here a re U 1Jder such a Church government we loyal to the Reformat io n ; t hey refu se are not surpri sed to learn that th ey "do to re pndiate onr history. But they do desire still more reve rence to be shown desi re still rnore revere11ce to bo show n (i.1r hJiy tbings," 111'.tl that she is "Jos - for ho ly tliings-rnorn frequent celebrarn g much of ,her 111flneoce becaui/f of tion of' tbo llc, ly Coro1nu11ion - still tl1 e spirit of npathy uncl indifference more hearty services. The C hu rcl1 of omongs t many of its members." Indeed, Englund in Anslrn liu wus losincr much hi s cuntlour become~ almost brutal. or her i nfluence becuu~e of thti ~pi rit of " Ou r failures we mu st ackoow!edge a~a~ hy and indifference amongs t man y fran kly and heartily . A church ot its members, 1rncl the 19ersisten t enothe rs lo red uce her to the wr apped up in self-comp lacency is rleavn nrs almost a dead church," but, he adds level of a sect. On the other hand , the hopefully, "this docs not meno g ivin g Chu rch of Rom e was st,eatli ly advancing, up 111\ us lost." We wond er wb<Jn th is becan se the Ro man Chu rch was doing could bave been snid, even by an almost everyth ing we ought to be doi ng ene my, of any peri od of Cuth c educoting t.he chi ldren , r e:d izinr0 the spi ri t of self-sncrifice, presenting a u unhis tory. Dr. Camidge is not for ont - tl 1e bro ken front. Onr rnnstitulion , too, Anglican Cb u:cb is as <lead as a do or was in a most unsnt i~facto ry cond it. io11 ; nail. S he contain s many good and " u ps ide down' ' the iatc P rimate eu lh,d bolj meu-su<' h us we honestly beli eve it, her rul ing power \.Jc i111; th e diocesan,, Dr. Cam i,lge to be-men wlJo are iu not tlrn Geni: ral t:iy nod . T wo provin-her beca use they are as blind a~ ba ts, ci~l sy 1,ods wc1 e now i II exis tence, and who would leave her, at wha tever nell hcr of them , 11s con ld well be believsac rifice, if' only th ~ir eyes were opened . ed , being of much use. Our fa ilures Notbi ng can be more patent th an that, we must acknow l~dge fnrnkl y unil th e Ang lican body is not a c\Jurch hear til y. A cburcb wru pped in selJ_ at all They have no on.l ers. I.1 complucency was almost a dead chur ch sayiC'.g l\1 is W @ do not rely on th a but t!Ji s did rrnt mean giving u p all qu estion of Parlrn r's nrui11 at ion, lost. There is a va9t a,u onn t of wor k, w hie!: will probably never be hi8to ri c- iu .;oncln ~. ion saiJ the lii; hop, in th e ally either absolutely proveu or disproved. land lo be done for God, :\(Ill ou r churclk The fact th at n rnaJ ori ty of tb e bas cupac ities for doing it." Anglicans deny th eir own orders an,1 k now nothing of "a deep se nse of t he blessed ness of th e sacram ent and a The Italian Charity Organizat ir,n reverence for the prese nce of th e B ill. Divine Lord," which are tb o li fe of D r. Comi dge's soul, is nl one Anffi cient proof On the eve of Lhe d isc m,sion of the that tbey have not got th em. For it is "Clm ril y Orgunizution Bill" by the s imply blasphemy to s uppose that G od Itali un ~enate-a. Bill which , ,lace~ all woH !d have entru sted that A wfu l the cl11i11 ty fumln of t,l,o king•Jom u nde r P resence which Dr. Cumidg£l the rnpe1vieion of the Government -a reverences to t h~ care of meIJ who curious comme11t has been made on t ha t deny Its very ex1s ~ence. S ur ely wh o11 Bil l, in the s hape of na obj ect foti:so n,, G_od gave th at gift H e would have by tlte 6uddcu di,,appearance of l:3iguo r· g iv en the means for Its pres ervation and Bulclacbin i, wlio hnd c ha rcre nf" the, ho.nour. O_n et zn·iori ground s, it is, we management of the c!iaritabl~ funds ot Lhrn k, certarn that th? :\ngl ican cl ergy t he city of Rome. Hu has i:mbe;iz led aie layman. And tlus 1~ borne on t by 1Jbout £5 000 an d hi ti n<'ti o l , 1 th e spectacle whi ch t ho An glican what is likely to become t· t. l 11 ~ 1? vd, 0 rn1u1·ch p. " t d ' . . JO lll l 1110ns 1~7e~ s to : ay . • _Tbe'.·c 1s accnmu lated for the be1~efit of tbc poor~ar~ly a ~h11s~ra n venty wmch 1s not by past ge nera lions of stuunch Cathol icsaemed mtb '/~pn nity . . Dr. Can! id gc if ul l th ese funds n<'ti "roauage,f' ·hy p1obabl y Bap .. 111111 · · t . be,1 h' oves d 111 · ltsmul men of the B,drl.«c s amp. Ii o wregenera t 1011, 1s pro ccessor re,,11rde01 1 ever I.he B i~• 1 d o • , ,,Al ops of' I ta.y o no t me:,o








G, 1890.

rn ess n,g es be lltlJ r eeived llisclosing I J ~ to see su ch tbin gH donowith ou t.prniom ly H is not p t·ohable th Rt putting th eir protes t on record. Frum I ,or ' .1ayo r of London , he says, " tl e- I f DI pee ple. mo attempts maue by th e T imes to so un addr ese to th e faithful wh ich I.ins been ('lurr,I i t, wa~ bcc uu ~e he bu liovo,I tho, ,\L1 ~t rn liu11H wil l onhn1it, to En 0rt lislt secnro e vidence in s upport of th eir trade an d commerce of Great Hritni11 1.igltts : 1. To lrn11d t he,u over lo n,1y . l J ., l ,_ t · ohurges nga in st M r. Purnell before lite ~, s1gn_ol uy wo I111n reu anc t 1ur ty-s ix wou,11 . iHJ l orgely u1,led hy Impe ri al ' fore ign Power by wl,o tn E 11glund may I tnh au prelates we cull the followin g le,!, 1·ntio11 lhi.t he S!1pporteJ the uv1 vo- Ii' defeated or H en to , Pit th em in to Statn Lory Com mission. passage : M r. [1 a n iug ton show ed from tbe Lon] Cani 1J 0rrton expec ts tho ; f., reig n dominn tio11. i . To the a bsolute 1Hcni. is ou tcome o f our inte1·colon it1l fede rution I veto of th eir legi; luliQu. blowalso a ice thatjust al one rnligiou notUlatQ unh It is by 3. To the telegrams t hat the Times huJ offered Bill; allowed struck is grievonslJ infringed by it. Even nmong 10 Le an oth er &11 ppo1 t to tho old I di,posal of al l their domestic un d foreig n S heridan £5 0,00 0, anJ Mill en £ 10,000, Card innl :\'. 111111i1Jg 'nffairs. IL i~ all very well to sav tLat to give cer tnio ev ide nce at the bearing th e heathens th e last will or a fonn<lc r of 11, ~tlier co untry . pious works used to be respected. Th e Bill ,:nnl the ma:-..i m of tl ,e Ro mall l~mpiie I !~ 1_1g la11d dare not tl o t lt cse thin gs::_tbey of tl1c churgos ag ain st Mr . I'arnell. which , . th e, dGovernmeut have laid before was,' l', 01t1 0 neYel' reeodcs ,' and Engluud, 1u1gh t be essential to sa vu 110 1· O"' U It wus expected by th e Tim es, Mr. " 1mm cnt oes Yiolence to the natural right 1ofarmen to beq ueath their property to whom Loo, be hoped_, wou l,l nc'l'CI' ~·ecede, ~nl exis te'.1co-:-nntl a foreign powe r, by t he E-L:in iugton saiu, tha t both S herid'an they like and for snch purposes as they th ink li ?ld tlrnt which ~ho hod g o111c<l Ly in - la w of nal10u ~, wou lLI become our feo-nl aotl Millen wo ultl p osRess some infor8 ir C_h nrl es L.· il loy rul er. _Wo_ woul .J puss by conc1uest"'or mn ti on a bout the Phmnix Park murproper. 'l'h c poor sland most in wan t of d1~so lublo i101,icls." sin- procce1 J8 : 1 1 1 1,e n we h a d in the Hou se I,~ cesswu IIJL(!) foreig n bondage. W e tl ers. provides for wit.h gion t l'e_lieve rts I hannd t hel comfo ry incerfereaco humanity, fu T ho Times, in a leading a!·ticle on tlte ch~rital,le works iarrnde,1 to promote of L ord s th o dt'clul'l:iti c,n hy Lord might Lbus contin ue, as we are at presrel1g1ou8 feel mgs amo ng the masses IJccomes Lamingt.?1_1 1bat the Ans trnli an culoni f'S ?u t by_o nr s nhjeclion to Engln ud , witli- deb ate, tl ecla ros itself ju s tified in trying than violcnce-iL becomtis a wern w111_trng to rec:eive imp,m al rrg i- 111 t he rnfiu oncc of U:uropean mil itarism to ob tain S heridan 's evidence, es pecially worsc ; ,w_n t s wit l1 open lll'm s in th eir cities. and nee uless da nger. T he p ress ure of as he had Yoluntee red to llSSis t the sucrilege. T hese nre no t lho ex!lct words of the Wit hoa t even Lite wooden ho rse to hide any schem e li kely lo ham per A ustralian :T imes ont of rev en ge by reason of the "Tiweo Dnnaos ," my lord ; developments will lead here to meilsures Clan --na- gael sentencing him t o tlenth original I talian, but they are as near ly them! u s can be expresser! in a tran alati nu the Lh_e Aust ra lia ns a re no t qui te fo rge1,fo l of s~lf-defen ce : 1. T o a strong pro - o n th e s uspicicu t bat he was info rming meani ng 0f it. T he Italian l::io nate of ecl:ool _l es~o ns, n'.· alt:•geth, r blinrl . toct1ve tariff to enc <1 urogo com plete a~ains t t ha t soci e ty . consists of nom iuees of ti.IC Gove rnment But Oa rd 111ul l\larw111g 1, 11 01 ti,~ o, il y i 111tJ ,, peud E> 11 cll of tli c ouLPr wo rl,l in case M r. Garrin g ton ask ed the Hou se 10 2. T ho i11s t ru f'l ion at, d l'hat of pn il. b nt it is la rgely composed of men upo n o!l o who ao,11 111es to Ll11 l nL(' n uA. ap poi nt a comm ittee to onquire in to of use e th to popululiou our of training rince, fin Zealun,l w Ne of liirtl d wil coo was ty whom the senator ial digni the mutter, bnt th o de bate Wfl -~ adfe rrecl years ngo, wheu people uo more Vogel, nuil the pni ,l agen t o l' lhe same arm s. 3. T he support aml comrn uncl journeJ before nuy cuoclusion was tho ugh t of C rispi as P ri mo .M inis ter of co un try, Dillon Uell, r ecommend ed of our own defe nsive forces. arri vetl at. I ta ly th an th ey do of M r. Bradl au gh ns Engl11nd t o "de0lnro Rter 11 ly tl111 t th ese A nothe r plot to mnrJer the U,mr hns L ord Chancellor of. En gl and an d keeper colonies ha,-o no rig ht to recetl e." Wlu t ,Jiac,)Ye rcd , und soYeral Nihilists bPen Sufferings. 's Priest A earn will man tl\les s of the Q ueen's contioieace. Ca tholics resµ on siblo l.!; nglish s uspected of being implicated in the s till look upon th e forthc om ing vo te of an i mmortality of folly by sond iug thi ~ affair hnve been a rres ted. th e I tal ian Senn to as n sort of fo rl orn message to A us tra lia? Tbe hope of B ishop Corbett, of Sale 1 V ictor ia T be Germans in Africa are training Eng lishm en is· that A ustrnli a will help hope. them to coerce I ndia, to hold. li er iu in h is recent s peech on the oocasion of an army of Soudaneso for an ex peditiou of City the of Freedom tho g receivin subj ecti on und ei th e plensuu t eupbemi~m i nto th e in te rior. The Pope and Christian Virtue. of tbe defe nce of In d la . A Jittlr. wb ile L imerick,1 said: A collisio n occ0rre<l yes terday to the embar extreri1ely it find uld sl" I " t1go E ug llrnd, we arP tolJ, was to dc·fo ml t N orth ern Ua ilwoy Scotch exGrea were nor ho this for you thank to Clii ua, Frnnce, Gor m1111y, rass in g 'l'l.c Dai ly ·G1'cq,hic is 011 cxcell ont i1'- A ustrnl ia. 118 you grncefoll y p re$? 1 ow ing to the defec ti ve action of t bu coucerned, B aloo I were 1111 lik~ly lo try to subj ugate usp ri111 ed urn! cupitnlly -i ll nd ra lo <l she;t, Jan el of ruy adoption, t.lie t ho brnkcs . It uppenrs tlrnL owi11 g to then " Eng luud to the Reac ne," accord- al lu de t, , !ht, th e fr os t th e levers of th e automatic consiJ eri11g the Lime in which the wo rk ing to L o rd Cnrringlon, w ith t,h o " last ho me of so muny tho1rnands of E rin's brak e wou lt.l no t wcrk , and th e truin hRs to be got ou t. Comm enting on th o ghtersJuu nous vi1·t nd a sons ns Yaioro eighteeDpenco in her .t:eurnry"-not a rnn inlo an other at one of the stations, Pope's Eucyc lical it remark s : " T he la rf! ~ rncri fice at nny t ime, and not I fin~ my tusk les~ diflicult. I may he through wh ich four person s we re killed . of prnclice tlifol fai re a pi,eal fnr a mo n, t.leme gen u, yo d rn rom to d rmitte pe far in Arm btrong guns al S ir Hiclt arJ 0 1ven, the eminent Christi an Yirtue, M' rnth er for a rev iva l likely lo go £ 1G,000 ap ieco for th e life of th1:1 gun that th o first pl'ies t who land ed ou th e physi olog ist , is dan g erous ly ill. of tli e moral law, is well timed. We with its am111u11 ilion , warranted to fire Australian shores was an I rishma11 . are ptiss in g thro ,igh a social crisis in S ir Charles D ilke writing to the ly 95 ronnd ~, and then ho was worn on t. cli<I 11ot pay his passage in t he coin of 011 which tl,e exi:rnpl ury of tho Ch ri st ia □ tho rea lm, bnt ho paid it with bis blood. Morning Post suggest s the postponen me those of age langn ll1c lo g in isten L li fe 11 eelh to Loi t mph olicall y asser ted. luw he was ment of th e de cision of th e H onse of may 110w rcasouubly np- Befo re wh ut was cnllocl t be Tho touo of societ y, wh ich bas so at home, we gu ilty of a crime whose pnnisbme n1 Commons relative to t he g ranting of of l'llemy ur1110,l first o ti.J thnt prehcml J,m1entabl y d,!genern ted of late years, will probably be Eno-Jund deser ved no ru itigaliou. T ho victi m to autonomy t o Wo, t ern Austrnli1i until cann ot h 11 ~ot tled by leg i8lativo enuct- A nstral ia with lmli nn t roo p~, ut the cost ~f th ; whom [ nll u<l o was F'ath~r P eter the cst,1h lishmon t of n F oJ ernl Pa,.Jiame111; anll if we urn to he Buved iu 1he enly impoverished , taxritlden O'Neill, a parish pries t. in tl.i e Coun ty ment, an d tha t such pa rliam ent bo wrctcl, fnt uro from t,boso terr ible shocks which He wa8 Oogi,;ed. through th e giv en uuthor it.y to s nl-i-divid e co1ony India. \Y hil st Au slmli 11 Cork . h u.vo lntely alia ken ~h o very Jo uu tl!ltio ns people of streels of Yonghul, unll Lh en trn nspoted iuto rn ch pnrt s 11s may be fou nd exendly fri t prcrnn e th let wi,ely sbouhl of publ ic and p1 ivato mornlity, we must to a place wh ich was, at that ti me, pedieut. lo Jk fo r ;;rl'll ler n<'l i vi ty in the Cl.inrchcs. connec ti on wi di Eng lund exist unti l we known OB Bo tnny B ay. O n his ret urn L oNDO_N, March 6. T ho l'opc bas ~e t a tim ely exa m;,le. nre 1onn y t o rnc rt a ny foe by lan d or to lreland O'Con nell propo; otl th e T ho Guardi,L11, lbe recognised org nn I lin t we mu~l prepare clc,!l' i~ it wat,•r, H e li as st r uck n note which sl10ul ,l be a11y co n tin goncy. IL is l,ealth oft.he bro ken-clo wn old man ut a uf t he C burcl.i of Eag lanJ, thi s week echoed by ove ry pnl !:J it in th e civili ze d nurFe lve~ for that o A u strnli ans, like pu bl ic banqu oL a L You g hal, un1l havin " \) t1b lisbes a n ar ti cle 011 the s nl,j ect of wor:tl ." T li is is t ak ing a tn oro inHl i- qn ito li kely i11 g: thu Di rn rcc Bill s rcco uLly paseed by have al l their t rouble giv , n a l'ivicl de,~1 ipti ,111 of his s1.d'l-i!r bears, ng yon tlie gen \ au d di,cree t Yicw of Papal t.cts v•.•, tho Parl inmc11ls of Victoria and N e w <lXpressi :rn l,im from rnl'eived 1 l,cforn lhPm, \111 • 1\ipy wil l rnret lhru1 t i.m a no u-Cut h/J li c E nglish men g ene, uli y eroct , manfully , i11dt'pendently, f('tn- ,b ,ugh i1wdver te11t carnp lim~ ut. 'l'l1e olu tlou lh Wales, nutl whi d.1 were ro,c rYcd dv.- U niverse. T he j ollrnal l~s,ly , fl!ld st!ccossfu ll y. If' g 11 ~bnd pl'i cst, he,1r i11g the cloqnent dcscr i1,1i on for tho Royal ass~11 t. c,,n roC'o:,c il c Ireln ud an<l content l ndi a, of hir. s uffo rin g , c1i~d out, :- ' It is all 1efe rred lo ex prC5Sef! itticlf as very un•· lru r , bu t I never I; new befo re that I fovo urnb lc to the measure, , au d advises a Lo 11 d or bro rltoo d, :1 mutnal leng ue '' Imperial Fetter s." Th_e bishqps a url thn t rel igious a11J social s tat us o ng lit to ivould pince su~·ercd 80 t~ uc li.' of rnfp ty, might a1i co _ _ _ _ i;n osts of Ire and, the emrn en t Ca r,linal be refu sed to pe rs on s pass in g s uch 1111the ('Xiotem·n of C\'('1)' mrnibcr of it who so wisely gu i Jes the Chnrch in STR ,I I G II T Sl'EAK l !<G l)Y Tllll QU E Et-:S chri stian laws. I t al; o cc:>n~iJ ers that beyond pnil fr, ,111 11 nitc<l l1o~tility of tl1e rctil of the world. Dut wl1at 11iace 8yd1wy , the putl' iotic A rcbbishop of E ngla; ,l ~bou l,1 ak rnd on the po wer to L .\ ND c nt E F JUS'J'lCI•: . Mel bott rn e-tho Q 11 co 11 city of th e Ydo Co\011 ial Acts, if such measures us T l,o Fl-risbruw Telegraph pul,li.- lics a is I ndia lo fill in sul'h 11 ~ch~nJC ? nth~rn l! e111 isphere-nl l th o bish ops th ose re fo rrctl lo nre not di sallowed: So lotter by ~ir C h:.i J,,s Li li<' \' Cbicf Al ready the whole ve rn ac ul nr press of and pm-st,; m A ns_lrali n, noel I m"y add, The Gttardiun nl.,o recommGnil s the J ll slice of Qncensland , to a ·r: iend Oil that crrn ntry is de5c1 ibed as ndvocnl ing tho bishops 11 11 ,l pn e,ts in A me ri ca who clerg y Lo r <'fu se comm union Lo a,lullerth o rn!.j ,· ct of lu1 pe1 i al fe,lcra ti o!l . 'l'lio ~el-iition , and r.. con!'creu ce af 2,000 genc> rnu,; bloo J of lrolanu rrs, ,1 Ii ?, after bein g J i,·orceJ un der the have th C hief J·ual ice E·xpro -,,es 1h o opin ion tl,nt J 11 ,l ians hijs been !.el d for the nYowed eou r, i11 g in I.heir Yei ns, nrc, all, tha nk Co loniul .\els, 111a rrieJ ag ni11. E uglish a ny co ustit n Lion al chnngc in tiio ,l irce- 11111·p1.1•0 of obtai11.11g rep rcsc nlntivo goGod, to- day gu il t.y of tl,1:1 sam e crimo . public op inion, howeYc r , does not t ion of a_cl oser political n 11 inn with th e ve rn mc n t. 1 ho Ai,g lo-Ind ian "j iDgoes" You kn ow of what ho ni ous cri me I ontlorso the s tatements, or the opini ons motli er cou11 t1y wc,n ld be 111 i~c· h ie1•011 ~, re,,ly tliat "India was w011 hy the b\VOI d spenk ; _ iL iti lh ut of whi clt the 111 in ce of pnt forwnrJ liy th e Ch urch orgaP . wonltl lead , o prr111nturc>, violent und and n,not be hol,l by it." :No free peo lhcu log 1ans nnd nngal of the sch ools T he death iH annr,unced of S ir J ames 11 11 1'rirndly sepanHion , an d l. n muc h pie ~an federate cxc;c1,t 011 just an il the _great :-i t . T homas Aqu ina~, w, ites :' llli sery. Th e leit er then refer,; ut grl·at <'q nal terms . Aro free Au~lrnlia11~ lo T aylor Ingrn m, K t. , C: ,ic.: f :Vlugis t1ate - ' It 1s n Joye t l.i at s ur passes all h uman at th e Bow-s trcC' t Pulice Cou rt, in his !un/~LI, to t:,o :nr iblo pove1ty r:xisli11g be a,kcd lo hold by lhe swo rd or to loves, tho love of our na tive land.'" ill Engla nd , :i nd sn ~·s : " Ard,-nt sup - cor1·ce a people "rightly struggling to 85th year. p orters of I mperial fedcrn tion ·need lio f1eo ?" \Vo nre not i11diffe reu(; t.o tho T he Ge rman GoYe rnm eut intend nev er hop,: lo as~ ist G, eat Bri\nin to glo1 io11s rPconlH of our Eng li sh , Ir ish, Tbe increase of typho id in 1· nn y asking the R ('ichs tng , nt its nex t meet~et rid of br r snr plus paupers he send - nnd , 'cotlisl, !atbers, Dn t it mn,t not 1ilaces in 1£ nglall(l is alt ri \,n te1l to ea t- ing, for an iuc reaso in Llio· Army vote. Tho~c wl,o b,, forgotten lhai. wo i11si~t upo11 ,,u 1· ing raw oysters for fou l bods . wg 1he111 lo A us trr. li o. T ho Ue rrnan Uoye rnrn en t intend~ h•)ltl the weul t.h of nat ions must hea r it~ rigl.,t to rule 1)ur~elvcs, and to eu tcr tJ.e aga in to in troduco 1.o th e 11 eichstug, the Last fis ical ,year th e U.8. receipts !lill deali ng with Socialism which was A nnralia wiil 1H,L rel ieve fa11, ily of nut.ion s in our o wn home :.s burd ens. ove r rPj eclcll la, t se~sion an d th ro ugh which £ I 1, 500,000 G reat_ Bri tai n of li er pnnp,•1~ ; " nn d 11,o An,;tral ian Common wealLli. Wliat. were . HCRI ly rde rr1 ng lo the pr,,111 vtc rs of Ll ,e Im- all t.1no Austral iaEs " i,h iH lhnt lh,ii r exp:nJ1lure. In the fiuan ciul year Pri nce Bis mark resigned h is chancell orperi al ledc r11 tio11 scbernc, L ords Hose- con n lry mny be lr ft lo enter into th is en~rng Ju ne the snrp lu s s 1 for is ship. I.Jo1-y , C nrn a r\'011 , a111 l Cardi11 nl l\lnn - stale of inde1Jende nt lifo as a natiou of cstrnrnlcd ut £!) 1 00 0,000 . 'l'l,e E m pern r of G o1ma ny w as ni11 g, the Ch ief ,j n~ t ice snys : "In slo:id lii:-Lo ri r: <•volt;tio:i, uol l,v a \'io!cnt entertain ocl nL a banq uet at Brantl enof' J ircc1 i11g eir nl.,ili ty, energy a n,l rnvera ncc fru111 tho mollH·;. cu11nt1y . berg 011 T uesd ay, au J in replyin g to t be· k no wl edge of a(foi rs lo the wci'rk of . . . Bu t the re might be a \i ok nt if loa, t of h is hc ulth said ho woul d wel!,u man il y an d &Lu te,mn nsh ip wl, icli liPs a11d h:uody ruplnrn hy lhu active emcome hl'lp fro m all fri end s of G:erma uy oefore lhr 111 !IL U1cir doo rs, th e~o gc11 ilo- iJloyment of Lhe hoastc,! ~wn, d to scvl'r Lo crus h those who were st irri ug up n,e 11 F~ui tcd in the purs 11i t of l111pctir.J Gr hold th e un ion, :,nJ who,- swor,l str ife in tbc empi re. ( l•' rom the Daily • 'ews.) fc dernl1on-a phanto m willi lc~s suh- mig h t b~ kPcucst mH: p<rn l' rfnl? Let S ir Ch arles D ilk o, whi le lectu r in g at s tance uehi11 d iL tli a n l'c pp(' r'd fa tu ous ou r motto be , then , lndep<.'ndence, tbo Cobden Club last ni ght, clescribod FO RE IG N. What Au strnlia11 .' des ire and pcacdu lly 11chieved, if it mny be , bu t g host. A u~t ruliu as u mo del st:ito. wi l! mui'.1tai11 is th o ri ~h t, t o de ~clop indc pentlencc. H l£ nglitili111cn a1c wiuo :\I r. Sy dn ey G cdgo, th e Co nservntive ' L ON DON, Ma rch 5 . thei r a at1on ,d l1 fu us th t'y wi ll, un fe tte r- they wil l be co nten t wi1,11 Lbc prese nt mcmlJer fo r Stockp ort, has given notiee cd hy res tr icti on fr<,m uo1 oad , or /', om un y slate lf their rela tions with Austrnl in so A great Sl' ll Sal ion nns ca used in the of a cpiesti on io th e H ou se of Commons wl,o n n,;l<i_nf! if tho Gove rnm en t wi ll postpon~ ex!.crnal au llw1 ity ." Refol'I in g to t he loug ns th Py wi II la;t, Uow lonl-i A u,- Home of' Comm on s las t ui11ht O ' oltJocts of Im pe rial fc tl er:ition, the writer : tral ians will l,e ton tenl , it is iu1pos&i hle .~I r. .'I''_i_mut I Har rison, th o sccretury of 11, lY1s1ng th o B.oy1d assent to th e Now De pcndcocc i~ 1101, lik,,ly tu ll~c I 11~li Nat1 011 11l Leag11(', ro,e from . ~o nth \Vu les an tl Victori:J.u D ivorce dcc lu!·es the mo ve meu t 1s a p11 rely selfh, h Lo say, 1 one Ill !\Ill of Br il-iol.i iu ' eresls . T he 1ell1 11it1 1, 11g th e co111l it ion uf tho powe r- l,1 , ~cat and rend so 1.11 0 cy plie r enbl e Dill tl 1 until tlrn l-lon~Q has had au




oreinn · nntJ J}nterrolontal l!relegrnnrn.



lo oppo rtu nity of con ~iderin:t tli r m Tii e B unk rate of rl i, count is no w ,J.¾ p er ce nt. Th e eleclric rn ilw,1y wh id1 ha s bee n laiJ un der g ro1111rl Let 1HPII rh o Oit.y n11d Clopli nm, w»s rneec.-id11lly le:, teil ye tc rday, Mr. Flr1111111g1 •1, tlio wri tt•r r,f the arti cles . wl ,ich a ppear,,,! i1 1 th e Times , u nder tlie t itl e of "Pnrn t•ll ism ,1 nd Crime, ' wa s l,lncl,- bal le,l nL tlic Ath un:x)!l lll C u h la,! 1:i,?i1l, o.ft,•r rnnH• ~10.-my scenes h at! oc•cur1<•,I nt Iii.,; 11 on1in flt ion , LONDON, :\larr:11 7. il amn1011d, Ll ,e lat.n pr. ,p, ieto r of Lh (, l1 r, n~c i11 l1 0rk ley -s !.n ·et, wli t> re ~: hr.t is known us th,, W e~t. l"C n,I S ca11clc-! :1ro~c, h as wrir ten r, om t he Cn11t i11 e11 t, 1.1 ,renlenj ., g 111 11 1nke s n e srn st11i cnrnl disclos n res ngg i11 s t t'C'rt :i i11 1w r !-'o n ~, ·,,•b t)H l ho does not 11a11: c, i11 !iig li Slll'ia l circle,, i f he is 1J o l. fort /,wiii, ""i'Pli~./ with mo11 ey . Tlio Czn r of R u~s ia l, n., received a letter f', om a 11•0,,11111 in l\loscow, informin g l,in1 of dr•~ ig ns :ig :iinst hi s li fe wbi cli are l, cing o,gan i, cd . Ext ra p recn11ti ,111s fo r th e rnf,•/y c,f' H is ,l\!11j es ty aro i,, c"""' Llll l' ll0 rJ 1,eiug tak en . The Go \ en, or ol \ !n~c11 w li u:s received a fenml u lwut! in a ha" as n birtl ,dny preseni. Tl, c pulice l )elie\'o that th e victi m is a N ihilist wh n lia, bee n J cc:q,i tated /c ·r l1L'l ru y ing the secre ts of tl ,e Ni lr i!i s t org nn i,a ti ou. The G ovt: rn o r of }>!o:;cow hns sin ce r eceived a ~lut ing l11:1t ll ,is wns the fir&t exp loit of' t ho Sl'lllh' t , bu t t liat he wou ld soon Pxcr c,I th e I C<'or d s of th e Engl ish "Jack !11 0 Wp pc• r.' ' 'J li e diplomatic rc!n li ons betwee n Po rl ugu l nnd Fruncc aro likely to be s t rain ed in co11 se q11cuce of tl i, pnles whi clt lul\'e a ri<c n orer Da hornian •affa irs. H er l\lnj esly th e Qne~n leav es En gland on a vi,i t lo L1ix- la-Uliap Plle 011 25th l\l are!, . Tn c di 1cclors nf' tlie \\' . •\. Lan d nnd G, ea t Soutb crn Ruilw.1y Co. ha, c de cided lo appear lie Corc t! ,c ::-5 ,. Ject C ommit tee in oppos ition to tlie Wco t Austral ian E nabl ing Bil l. T he co mmi tLec wi ll me et 011 W ed ncsuay next. The foll o wi ng m eml ,e rs wil l co ns lit.ul e tl ,e 8 elecL Co 11n11itl,'e :-Ba ron Henry De W 01 mE, Unde r ~ ecretary of S la te for 11 ,r C<Jlon1 r~ , th e Hight H on. ,John i\l <, rl ey, u1~m!wr for l\'cwca, tle-011 Tyn e, Ml' . T . H ,- u11 iker - l fo a to 11, me mber for Canl erl ,ury, M r. 0 . l:radiaugh, m r:m her /'n r Nor l1 1a rn ptn11, Si r George Cump lJ til l, mcrnber fo r K irlcaldy , Mr. Cl1 nin, i11g, f!;r 1n be1· for Nor lhhnn ls, a nd S ir ,J . U. K. Co!o111 h, mcm !,cr for



lu, 18 00

sharcholde1·3 seem to c:i, re mu ch a bout 'l'EB the occu rrence, n.s t h e mines a re already wo rkin g at LL los: . The st rike will th e refo re put mony in to t he sharcNOW ON A'l' li olcle rs' pockets. The slrn,1·e mark et is n.ct ive. Block lO 's are hi g her Limn ot hc l' sh a res. [t is reported t hat t he Block 14 will pay a redu ce d ividend t his mon t h. G reat Redu c tion s ~tncl Ih rgai n s i n t h e fol lowing lin es : B nrsBAN B, March 6. Tl1ere is 110 fu rth e l' n ews conce rn in g LADI ES' BLOUSES AND JE RSEYS . tlre w reek of tlic Q uctt:L. N o furth er L ADIE fJ AND INFANT S' M ILLINE RY, b odi es li n,ve hee n recove red . 'l' he posi to n of t li e w reck lw,s b ee n DRESS MATERIALS Eng li s h ahcl F L"ench (s uita,ble for the present and com ing S e ason), · d iscovered by t he AJl.,a tross ~nd PARACHUTE S , t:\UNSH.ADJDS , CHILDJtE NS' D R J.!JSS.ES bouy ecl. BLACK GRENADINE S , S'l'RAvV HATS S YDNEY, March 7. ' ~1 r Henry Geo rge, t h e well-known GEN T S' CLOTHING, HATS, S HIR'11 S, & Hos ie ry , l n. nd NtLtion:tlis t, a rri ved at Sydney yeste r day, wh e re h e r eceived a most V ery special lines in TWEEDS, reduced to ls . lid. and upwards. e nt h usiastic r eception. ]\fr. Ha rold Sparks, t he la ud lilpecu ln.tor a nd who r ecent ly fail ed for S ASH RIBBON, &c. CARPE'l1 S and RUGS . Also a quantity of £300,00 0, was ar rest ed on "\Vedn esday, REMNAN'l' S . and brought befo re the City Police Co urt yeste rd n.y, ch:11'ged with la rceny . , . ., .. , , . a nd e mbezzlement. It is ex pec ted , A few lin es rn :B ANCY G ~OD S, s uitabl e for BAZAARS, we a r e th at so me c uriou s tran sactio ns will lie j pre t? _cl ear _H.t a l o ,,~ pnce. Count ry S toreke e p ei·s will clo w e ll to re vealed in conn ection with the de- p ,1y u s a V1S1t during the Sale. fondan t's dealings in la nd. S p ecial terms made for Pianos durin g the sal e (by well-known makei·s). ADE LAIDE, lYia rch 7. The revenn e of th e South A ustra lian G-uihlto1·c1 lliot~l, Rail wn.ys 1s st eadily increasing PERTH J:>ALACE RIN K in con sequence of the traffic Guihlto2•il. ca u sed by th e ab und ant harv est. NOW OP EN. So me week s ago a well-known brok er sudd enly disappear ed . It subseq uently J. E - BRENN AN t urned out tliat h e had tak en p assage Prop rietor. MORNJNG, by one of th e mail steamers. H earing of thi s his wife follow ed a nd found F rom IO to 12, for Ladies and Children hi m at Colombo. P rivate ad vices now only . A cl111ission 6cl. ; S k ates Free. Directly opposite the R ail way stt1te that h e again ra n aw ay, and has Station. since co m n1itted suicide whi lst suffering from melan ch olia. AFTERNOON. In con sequ ence of th e uncertain ty of 2 From -30 t o 5. Admission, 6d. t h e amoun t oE t he Block 14 divide nd, BV-EllY CONVENIENCE FOB Skates 6d. there i s a J1 eavy fall in th e price of the VISITORS. Company's slm res. L ast week they and we re £9; 110w t lrny have fallen to £ 7, E VEN ING. a nd a fu 1·th er drop is anticipated unl ess On ly the b est brands qf vVir_es, From 8 to IO. Adm ission , 6d .;Skates ls. so me fa vo11mble d evelopm ent in t h e B ee rs, and spirits k ept in stovk. min e soo n occu rs. · Broken s (n ew iss ue) a re £ 14, E VERY tiATURDAY MORNING, Ce ntrn ls £1'1, So ut hs £7, and British Good Stabling Prize Gala for 0 hildren. a nd an attentive £ , 14s. The ma rket is st eady. Ostler. l\hLBOURNm, Mar ch 8. ill r. TT . By ron Moo re, the Secretary MU S IC. of the V R.C. was assau lted on T hursFor quietness, comfort, and sitmLtiou By Professo r Roberto, day last when r etul'llin g to lVIelbnurn e the GUILDFORD HOTEL, h as no equal from F len1ington afte r t he runnin g of in t he Colony. th e C hampion S tak es. f-l is assaila nt a, S kates on Sale from l 5s. was brought befo t·e t he City Police ALBANY LAND. Court yesterd ay, an d fined 20s. and FRANK ALLUM, Manage r. costs 10 U IDING ~OTS, 50 lk s. frontage L ast ni gh t t h e E Jste rn wick Post Jl}) 275lk s. m d epth. One mile l'lON EEl{ SADDL /£ AND HAHNESS O±lice was broken into, and a n iron from the Post Ol'fice, overlook i11 0Bo w. WOilK::i, BAlniAC.K S'l'REE'l', Til e W c, I; A11, lr al ia n dl'kg nl cs wi ll safe, conta iuing £ 100, abst racted . I{ G.S. Price, £20, includin o- 'l' rnnsfet l'E R'l'l-I, The thi eves we re, howeve r, shortly he P};Oroi11 etl fir st . Land within 2 mi les of T~w n !fall J t is n ·por Lcrl f1 om Cn n ada t hal n after\\'ards clist nrbed, and the safe frorn £3 per ac re. South side of th~ ( N EA.R R A.IL WA y lfoT li: L ) wra lrh y tou ri st lias been cieco_v l!d by a r ecovered in t he street, where it, had Ha rbour, from £2 per acre. gang of me n into the cou11try, wh o after b een abanclonecl. J . GALLE. BRISBANE, 1\Jar ch 8. HY r oi, l, iug him, clr o p~,cd uff hi ~ l: end. APPOINT~i r R r1ge r T ichbornr, alias A rth ur Althou gh t he l1.M.$ . Qu<otla h as 0 R Ort.or,, etc., ! nolifie,1 hi s i11tcnl io11 of b ee n fou nd buoy ed, no rock , can be TO s A L E. cornin g forw ard as u cnndiJuto fo r th e found in th e vicinity of tho wreck. It llis E.i·cellency th e G-o veruor, Sir Frederic!, constitu ency of S toke- npo n -T rent. vVelliugton Location, N o. 800. is now t hought t hat t ho accident is !he N . llroome, K.C,/Ji. G. r es ult of au ex plosion. Fot· pa rticula rs apply to I NTERCOLO N I AL. ADELAIDI£, Ma rch 8. HUGH BRADY. RO BE RT SMIT H lVI The delegat'3s of the :.\-Joon t a an d Bu 11 bury, D f>.c. 19 . 6 I£LBOURNE, ~f;L rch Walla roo stl'i l<e rs inter viewed t he ul ANlJ]'A(;TU!leR O]' ALL KIND:, 01" tiADDLERY A m a n named Fox died s udden ly o n di rectors yes!erclay, but in reply to AND HARNESS. th e J.i lemington race-cou rse on Tueschy repcat erl quest ions by th e ch airm a n ONVEN T o~· ST. JOS:!11 :NORTIIM,l from th e exc itemen t of winning £100 they cou ld offe r no reasonabl e e , plan aIV A YS in stock, a lar"e a nd rnri ecl OJ1 a (louble even t . • I I 'l' f-'.E DR,\ WI NG for PRIZE·s ann ouncc<l a s;:;o rtm cn t of Gi g, Ca l't~ and C:u ri agc , t1011 w 1y t 1e m en went out O!l s trike. to take place on th e 7th ,Januai v 18:JO · The Cent ral B oa rd ,of Heal th h as Th e pr oceedings tn.ken by the me n a re u1m1·oid ,1bl y J> OST PO N ED 10 E .i tiTE ~ lfarncs s, Larl ies' and Gents' Ri<l in,-, Sadd les n otified to the :\, <: I liou rnc an d looked upon n.s ve ry ludic rous as the MON DA Y NEX'l'. Holders of Books will Und l\$· Coys' and Girls' Sadd les and Suburban. ;'I: un :c ipalili es th at if ) sha reholders ::i.rc d e]i<Y htecl to ;ec~l re a n g,really oJlige by se nd in g Co:rnlerfoiis and • ilchcs, tack Sadd les ,Jo ckey ti-tclcl lcs 0 · cl .c"r1l j}S ."" l'e 11 ot p 1,0 1·1'd_ccl t iie I. 1ocee<ls to th e R eHl. Mothe r before tb ·it / lor-b ~ lot hing, and a l\ r~quisi tcs fo r 'a firs tyl}hol . ~ opportu n ity to r edu ce th e expenses of dai e. ' ?.!a,s tilab!c or llostcl ry, inel,u.litw Whip, ''Pill'.;, Sponges, Cham c,is Sk ins Hrushes Boa rd will P\'ovid? th e m, cha rg rn g th e , th e mines, and th e m en a r e 110w T. J. GOODi11AN, Con, bs, Scrnpcrs, Cl ip pers1 Ua/ness Oils cost to th e ,\ . u 11 1c1pn.l tt1cs. , be<Y,,ino· t h e d irecto rs to be a ll owed to llon. Sec. Bu ildin g Co mrni Ltcr . Blackin g, etc. i\I r. G il lies has p ro 1nis£'d l li :tt Lhe l ret:rn "'to t he ir wo rk . Dc~ern bc r 2a 1889, All orde rs se n, by pos t or othel' wise wil l be C:o\·c rn n1ent w ill contril,utc, pt·~h:Lu ly, ! t:iornc co r respon de nce is publish ed cxec u_tc tl with all care and p·,·ompln ess. 1 nl,o ut £1,00,0 a1111 u;dly ~o the I ccl ern l to -d f1 y betwee n t h e Acti ng Governo r KS. ob t~1n ed l•'l 1ll:i1' .PH! ZE at the late I W.A . _Ag 11cu1Lnrat Society 's 8 1i ow held at ln st1t11t e. rho , I rcn: JC r l1as a l~o 1 (,iudg, Boucrnit) and B ishop Kenn ion GS uildlo rcl , fo1· the bc~t co ll ccti ou of bo th exp ressed h1n 1s_e lr as w1ll111g to '.1 sc: hi s , with reference to n. remark r ecently atlcll cry and Harness. e11 den.vo1_·s to rn d ucc tire colo1nes a lso , made l,)' His n ono ur to th e, e ffect that I., IS~O, CONS ULTATION ON i\ l E'l'llO11 l o co t n ulc, th e B ishop of Peterboroug h d id n ot l'Ol ,lTAN II AN DIU I'. ~- Note lbe A<l,lrcs3 Ann ,,rn r, , l\fa!'cl1 6. l1clievc in the Bilil c. In 1,is letter R O B E R '1' S M I '1' H, L ord K iu toru i·; no11· in l\ fe ll1ourne, Jud ge n oucn.ut ex pl a ins th a t th 11 but is expcdl'd shortl y lo ret n rn io re ma r k .itt rihu L ·d to him occ urred M I~ M B E R 8 A '1' BA!Ul.ACK D'l' UIIE'l', Ad obide. J\l ud 1 d is ,at isfaction is folt cln r ing hi s reproof of a counsel wLo . (Nen r llie 11AILWAY ilO l'EL) n,t th e pro longr:d and r ep ea ted absence sough t Lo sh ake t he cred i bili ty of a 1st Horse £ 12fi O J Iv II Ol,f<:R ALl1: A G ~~N 'l' J?oU TU I~ NOR TH W E:~•r of H is Kxcelle ncy from.tir e seal of hi s witness 1,y insi11u;iling t h a t h e did not 2nd do, 50 0 O .Mi,;$SUti. W ATti JN & 1'Eg, 3rd do. Gove rn mcmt,. ;\ s Lord KinLorc h as a ccept tl. e li tera l a ccuracy of t he Bibln 2.3 0 o Starters Di1•id e 25 0 O n1acl e a large fot'tunc out of t he s ilver hut in tl ,rit reproo f he (J uclge Bou cant) llocuo urn e and CosP.ack. Non <l o. do. 215 0 O min i:s whil e in Llw colony it is e.·pect- di,l not int en d to ca rry any reflection l'ert h, Oclobc t· l 7 188\J , eel h e will not rcma iu he re un~il t he 011 th ,: ll ishop of Pctc1bo rough 's £250 0 o L es ➔ 10 pct· ce nt, fo r expcns~s. lf not fu ll te,rn of hi s go 1·e rn shi p expires. 01-thodo,:y. FOR SALE. - A first-class CORNET, n li ed ti rnwn pro ra /,i. The .i\1"oonta mines has stru ck work, :-.Ji;1 ,:,; ,~1·c un ·liangcd , and yestel'with echo attach111 en t. In case Tic ket s ca n he oul aiuetl from w cu n1plete, a barr,ain but n eith er t he directo rs 11 or Lire clay 's •FIJtn.t iolls prevail. tit ri ck lam.l. Ill, 0













- - - --








13 1890.




J7·;-~Nr·~ -~M~o~U~L~- Er;'~~!1~l~t~Y~,~ l ~~T~~o~~~L~~E~~y-~~~~~~c~~o~~o~~~~~~~~~~~








Offices and Sale Rooms : CLIFF STREE, FRE!IIANTL lt. Bonded Wareho □ ~. es : EssEx STREET.



Froo Goods Stores : EssEX AND CLIFF STREETS.




M assrs. Wm . Youcger and Co.'s (Limited) Beers, io Bulk aud Bottle, on S&le.









Teas, Sugar, Oilman 's Stores, and Colonial Prod uce.










cm 1m,

JOHN MoCLEERY. bus for private sale FREEH OLD PRO PERTIES, WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS THEREON, in PERTH. - Murray, George, Dyer, Newcastle, . Charles, Douro, Ga rden natl Lincoln Streets . FREMANTLE.-Tuckfi elcl, Hill, Mary, Swanbonrn e, Packenltam, S outh, John, E ll en, Leah, and H a1npL011 Streets . A lso, I-lnmp!,on lfoad. Richmond, Pres ton llond, Beacons fi eld, C laremo nt, Bns8eltoo, Pinjarrah, and D erby.



TEl·lICLES of all description on band and mad e to order. .



' UN DERTAKING done on the shortest notico and in t he moHt respectabl e mann er at moderate charges.


ALSO-FIREWOOD a t any leugth cut and dcdivered in any part of Perth


NOTE.- Huildin g A llotments on <;ale in F rcma11tle, from £21 ; Pertb , E30; Claremont, £ 10.





JO fl N BOWl{A,

ALSO-CORN-CRUSHING donr. on the p remises. A ll busi □ e ss letters to be add re ssed toL. WIMBRlDGE,



CHRONOMETJm, CLOCK, and WATCH MAKER, JEWELLER, &c., EGS to inform his numerous Customer 8 Lh aL be has :!Etemovecl, to more exten si vc premises nearly adjoining Mr. Hy urn s's Chemist SIJop, Opposite the Town Hall, wh ere he solicits ii share of




putrooa ge.

GOLD and SILVER WAT::mm:; and JF,W]!;LLEB.Y o{ every description always


\Vltolesale anti Iletail.



~edclingRings made to ord er Tin, e payments taken, JOUN BOWRA, Howick Street, opposite the Town Hall

D I R E C T O R S :FoRUIBS'l', EsQ. , F .R.G.S., M.L.C., Chairm an, Vv. SANnovEn, E sQ. vV. S1LAS P1,ARSJ,, EsQ,, M.L.C., &e, ED WARD Sco'1"r, EsQ., M.R.C.S. , &c., Chief M edical 0/J:ic~r. A LEX.

·N. SURPLUS (namely, the exces s ·of Acc umulatecl Funds over Li ~tbilities) on PRBMIUM INCOMB, in tho AMOUN'r OFt IN SURANCE IN FORCE, in ANNlJAL NEW BUSINESS, the



F U :N E R A L

R E F O R M.

T Llie rcque, t of 11umerons friend s nnd oU,crr- , th e nn de rsigned begs to u11nonnce that lie is about to add U NDirnl'AKIN G and FUNERAL FUH NISH ! l\G, to lii s bnilcling and <:arpenter ing business. Fu nera ls cnn d ucteu ex pedi tiously and i nexpensively in town or country .. PHILIP REILLY, B nilder, eLc. Mnck ie- S t1·eet, Pt!rLb, Jun. 2, 1889.



EXCEEDS EVERY OTHER LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, and m ay b e r egard e d as the l,ARGES1: a nd S'rRONGES'l' ORGANISA'l'ION of its kincl iu the World. NEW BusINESS FOR YEAR J~NDED :Hs·r DEcrmmm, 1888, ovEn £31,25 0,000. 'l'HE LARGES T BUSINESS ever tran s a,cte d in one yem· by any LIFE SOCIETY in the W orlcl. 11AILWAY For a ll particulars apply to


No M o re Hard 'rimes. Jf you will slop spend ing so much on fin e ~lothcs rich f'ootl a11Cl sty le, l>uy good, hea lthy rood, chcape1· a11tl better cloLh!n~ i get more rea.l and substantial llrn1 gs o\· life every way, rmtl especially slop the fooli sh habit, oE employi ng expensive qua0k doc torn or usi ng so m•1cb of lh e ~ile humb ug medicine Lbat tlocs yon only barrn, but put yonr 1.rusr, in th at simple, pu re rem edy, Dr. Soule'~ American jJop HiLlers ; that cu res ~.!ways at 'I criCiLg cost, and you will sec go0cl Limes aud good hP.allh. '' Cbroniclc,



! G800 'l.,IOKlG' I.';:, ~

10s. EACH.






S l tr~ERS OF ST. JOSEPH, GERALDTON. ..,ERlVS-For children, under 10 yea rr , 5 guineas per qua rter, to be paid in ad·, ance. lVIusic and si~1ging, 2 guineas. Entrmice Fee, £4. Cli il clrcn over '0 years, 8 g uineas pe r quarter.


To be drawn as soon as the whole of the money is subscl'ibed.



1st Prize- BLOCK OF LAND (1¼ acre F reehold), :i.djoin ing rail way a nd road at North Fremantle, on which is erected a substantial 4-roomcd cottage ; the whole worth £ 765 2nd Prize-·winn er to select to value of £25. 3rd Prize- Pouy, saddle, &c., value £ 10.



Is prepar ed to make all kinds of CARRIAGES equal to those of the Eastern Cplonjes at less cost than they can be imported. All Carriages guaranteed for twelve months. Repairs promptly executed in first-class style.

.A. committee of gcn tlcrn on h:we kindly co nsented to cond uc t the drawing. _Each purchaser of. a book'of 2? tickets 1 th \ PREtcd vi a Compluuentary


i 1


FIDE SPECULATION. £800 for 10s, ~

FUNERALS performed on the shortest notice :1nd · at I ·-- - - -- - - - -- - - . ' 1 lQs· FREr C.:l:I KEYLI!:$S LEVER reasonab1e prices. ! . Guaranteed, Ett J. GALLl!l'S Alban,v 1




-- - - - - - - - -




ST. " !J e 111deji1tigaole in JJO'llr pttrposr, and


with 11r,dau11ted .spirit resist_ uuqwity and lr,9 to CASH IR O Nl\IONGER. : MONDAY, 17TH MARc.[tl,, 1890 ' ! cunqtter evil with good, ltav wg oe/ore IJO llr ey~s 1

! the rewal'(/ prepared for !hose who r.nmbat Jor HAS ON S ALEt!i:; n,;,111e of Christ..''- Pius, 1 X, -~-,---✓ T OWN H ALL, PE RTH. ARPENTER'S Beuch H ammers; Ol (Lw Hammers; fl iveting Ham1_s'. mers; Bricklayer's Il arnmers; Blacki REGULA'l'IONS FOR LEN'l' . PROGRAMME. smith's Hamm ers; Min er's Hammers; I P AR'l' 1. Stone Dre;1ke r's Ha nmicrs; Lath H amThe following is th e L enten Indult I Overture (pianoforte)mers; :-;!Ji ngling H amm ers; Am erican " ]'antaisie Irlandaiso" ••• ' fol' 1890 :Axes, Tonrnhn.wks, &c., &c.; 6-inch Rim j In accordance with the Spirit of Mrss E . FARRELLY Locks; Cupboard Locks ; Till Locks; I the Church, and in the exercise of the Song, with ChorlusChest Locks ; Night· L,1tches, with " Aileen Alanna" ... I Special powers granted by the two keys ; ,ind a v;l.ricty of Locks; I Aposto_lic See, the followin~ . c1isMr . F . D. N OR'l'li . AMEB, 10 .\N l'AT EN T SPRING I pensat10ns ato bli Ii · · v ·th h' . are granted to the faithful . g 10 n o on er, wi BL IND RO LL I•:RS ; Galvanized Air " Your s Voice" . .. (Be,.thold Tow,-s) i of this d10cese, for the approac mg ... 1 Season of Lent. Brick s, Sin 6 le & Douh]P,; HORSE Mns . DYER and F1i . BouRKE. SH OE ', ll.\ND MADE ; [·fo r~c 1.-Flesh meat may be usecl at the Sono·t3 hoe Nai ls; Holts n.'.lcl Nuts, iu "Come back to Er:n" principal meal on Mondays, (Clwribel) n.ln 1ost a ll sizes; a:so hon and Brass except lVIonclay in Holy week : Mris. BARNES. Screws. Al so, a splendid Assot·tment L ecture :- The Irish in Australia' Also, on Tuesdays, Tbmsdays of General Brassw=are Goods, viz :and Saturdays, except Saturday FR. BouRKE. Plnin ;111cl Faney Ch;1ir ot· Mantle On Sundays ii1 Ernb r week. DuetNail s; Plain and F;wcy Picture "'1.'he Waves are Sighing" .. . (Glove,·) ancl St. Patric] 's Day ilesh meat Nails ; Drugge t 01· Carpet Pin s ; Stair Mrss Lucy PETERS and MAs'rER J . SEERY may be used at all the meals. Jl.ods a1JC! l~yes; P icture Rods and , 2.-Eggs, cheese, milk ant1 butter (Pupils of St. Brigid's School.) Braci,ets; \ Vinclow Show R ods and are allowed at the one principal PART rr. Fittings ; Sc re w or Dresser H ooks; meal on all clays, except Ash Screw R i1!gs for Pictures ; Plate W eclnesc1ay and Good F l'iday. . Orchestral Symphony. . . (Si bold) · sl1 Gems" ... Rings for ditto ; CL1rtain Hooks, is collation : 3.-0n fastmg clays a ... ... .u i allowed in the mornino- ancl Cupbofl.rd Turns aud Catches ; I-fat and MEssRs. HENSMAN, R. PE'l'HER, H. PETHER' h b . . CLIF'lcON, BROOK! 'G , BURNSIDE, BRYAN, Coat riooks ; Iro n ;rncl Bmss Cornice HussEY, evenmg at which , except ?n As and FR. BouRKE. Pianoforte, Pole Rings : l'ol e Brackets; Pole Roel Wednesday and Gor;id Fnc1ay , a MRs. HENSM.AN. End s,· l'i11 no Sconces ; Brass Screw little milk and buttel' may be used. SongPullies; Lamp Hook s ; Cle<Lt Hooks j " Eileen Mavourneen" (Ben.edict) 4.-Fish ancl flesh meat cannot be MRs . NoR'rH. Brass a.nd Iron 13 utt H inges ; Draw . used at the same meal during L ent. Soncr wit h Violin oblio-atoH andles; Drawer K nobs; Brass 5.-In place of butter, the use of lard (Suppe) .~ ... Eyelets for Tents, &c.; Brnss ·Bolts; " Leila'ssi~g" or dripping is permitted, except MRs. GrnBs and Mn. HENSilIAN. Back Pul lies; Sash F asteners, from on Ash W ec1nesc1ay and Gooc1 Song4s. 9d. do,:_; oash. Knobs; ~ash I Fanlight · "Dermod .A.sthore" ... Lifts ; Sash Centres; (C,·ouch) 6.-Persons of tender age, or in MRs. BARNES. Cat ches; Table Cat ches ; Brnss Oas- , delicate h ealth , or engaged in 1 tors ; Cal l Bells ; Dinner Bells; Tea " Irish Song"· laborious work are ex.empt from MR. KEAVIN. Bells; Door Springs; Climax Pat ent the laws of fasting. God Save the Queen ! Hinges; Iron and Brass J ack Chain ; 7. -...:...'l'he clergy are authorized to grant Galvanized Ctmin, Rope, &c.; and a RESERVED SEATS, 2s . ; GALLERY, l s. a dispensation in particular great, variety of U::3.E FUL IRONcases when there is a just cause to par- Plan of the Hall at Sand's & McDougall's, MOi\GERY too nul1)erous for granting it. 1 where seats can be reserved. ticularise. ~ MA'l'THEW GIBNEY, TE RMS, CASH. Bishop of P erth. LEVI GR EEN , Cash Ironmonger, A BRILLIANT luminary of the Pro~J urray Street, Perth. 1 testant firmament has set in t he



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13, 1890 .·ircrs h ave en deavo ured, with more zeal t lrnn good sense, to elev:1.te li im to the pr ecarious eminence of a champion of P r otesta.ntis rn ; b ut t h e ent,ir e a bsence fr om lti s controve rs ia l wo rk s of an ythi ng iudimi.t i ve of a sen se of r espo 1si bil ity wo 11 kl seem to point out tlrnt he himself bad no s uc.:h encl in. v ie w. H is a mbition, appa rently, lecl him to revel in th e sensational, to be eve t' b t·i I liant, iparodoxical, e11 ig matica.l, star tliu g, ancl a n a dmirnule s ty le lent a too facil e ai d to his desig n . S uch su ccess as he looked for, h e achiev ed, but c1.t the cost of accuracy. N o man · over made r eck less asse rtion s, or prefer r eel unfonnd ed cliar ges with a lighter h eart. Havingskimrn d with rapid wing ove1· the whole r ealm of Catholi c th eology, h istory, canon he patrist ic lor e, m1cl law, with a self-confidence only eq uallecl by his want of knowledge, un cll➔ r took to comment upon and expound all t h ese s ubj ects . H is con troversial -work, taken as a wh ole, _is a, c uri ous tiss ue of assumption s, m isquotations, and mistranslations ; a h eterogeneou s collection of th ings wi tho t1t any nat1}l'al affinity, pieced t ogeth e r with some ingenuity, b ut in cci.pable of durable E ven now Catho lic coh esion. t h eologians a re en g ag ed iu taking to p ieces t his monstrous thing of patchwork, and restoring to th eir proper places the vario lls shred s of inform"l.tion of which it is composed. Another gener ation will pass a calm judg ment _on . D r. Littlecl ale' s work s. He failed t o be a t heologian, only because 11 0 l1 ad tho rn-isfortu ne 0f belongin g to th e '' Cit y of Confusion." impossible an is Tb eol ogy science in · a ch urch i.n which th e most ffatly cont radictory opinion s arehelcl upon eve ry conceivable poin t of doctrine and practice.

· ---

darkness of th e g rave. 'l'h e death

A n altoge ther great er figu re of Dr. Littledale is an event -which for Catholics and P rotestants has disappear ed from t he eccles ia,sti1 a strong but dissimilar interes t. cal ·wo rl cl at t h e d eath of Dr. Thoug h a life-l ong opponent of Do llinger. H e li.v-ecl many ye a. rs ON 17TH MARCH NEX'f tbe Church we can a,fford to speak se pa rnted -from the Church, imd (St. Patri ck's Day). of hi m without any trace of bitter - di ocl witli o ut being r econciled ; Bitterness, ind eed, l1as no b ut J;li o follo win g quotat ion s fro m Doss . UNDER THE A US PIO ES OF TB E place in t he feelin gs with whi ch hi s leam ec1 work, "'l'he Chu rch PERT B CATHOLIC YOUNG Catholics are accustomed to reg al'd ancl the Church es," will show MEN'S SOCIETY. controversial assailants. P erfectly h ow b aseless is the opinion t,1itt AUCTION EERS, secu r e in that Church whi ch is h e favou r ed P rotestanti sm. His founded upon th e Rock, perfec tly words sho ul d carry g r eat weig ht, Ba ndicapners : ACCOUNTANT S, of h ell f'or by P rotestants th emselv es be · c,,nd th a t tl1 e g·"tes "' I convrn " VALUATORS, lHES~RS. P , J . H EALY am1.1,J . E · B A RDW I "K , sl::i all never p revail against it, th ey h as b ee n pronounced "an a cceptSTOCK AND STATION AGENTS, watch the effor ts of their en e mies abl~, a uLho rity." Judge : MIN ING AND "As to what t h e E nglish Chmch ith very different sen timentsw lVIu.. F . J , KELL Y . 8 ff AREBROKERS pity for the untaught con d it ion possessed of positi ve ecclesiastical which has learned nothing from t en ets, it Las g radually a llowed •n b , . . 1 th e lesson s _of the _past, wonder at them to b ecom e _ obsolet e .. It is S~~;~ui~PRODU CE S ALESMEN. H AirnICAP, of 120, ycls . 3ft 6in. hurdl es: j the p erversity wlnch would en- con tent with _takl~1g up JUSt so HALI!' Miu; HA NDICAP ; ONE M1LE deavou r to make void the promi ses mu ch sp ace m life as commerce, CO ~ S lGN .\lENTS qf Christ, curios ity to know what I th e enj oym ent of ri ch es, ancl the HANDICAP; and 150 yds. FLA'r R.1.cE. rccei ved ::tt new_ accusations will be forged j hab it udes of n, class desirous before ---P ERTH R AILvVAY STATION. Meiubership in auy Ca th oli? associati_on agarnst the Church, what old ones ,I all t hrngs_ot comfort m ay have .left will bu considered a su01ctent qualtfiOE the n um erous p10us Eve r- had Ca tholics to i t. cation fo r competitors to possess. . r eviv ed. di spositio11 s, ' prnctices by which formerly t b t3 oth er S W A'.\" AUCTI ON SALERO OMS, Nomimtiuns fo r Handicaps, with a list che ri sh ed 1 of perfomianccs for the last two th ey coul d _hardly -find i t in t11eil' lives of: ]!]ng~ishm?n were attached B ARlLiOK- T. th e Bon. hearts to bear malice against Dr. t o t h e Chn sttau fa ith, th er e a re fe w ycm·s, must be sent to has n ot bro lren, acceptances by 8th March; Secretciry Oofficml Littl echle. H is attempt s a 0o·ainst , that th e Church by the same will be received up to the following 'fuesclay th e Church hav e b een such con- 1, 0 1· allowed to b e b rok en, and the s picuousi anc1 .e bborate failur es as , few t ha t r emain are those wh ich ~ (11th March). ONE ACRE BLOCKS, fronting roaci , jus~ outside the bounchry of Nomiuation fee fo t· SheHield 2/- ;accept- to complotely disarm ill-feeling . [ possess th e smal lest r es training r Alb,rny. 'l'itk New .\ct. l11clucling all ene- ' lJowe1·. Th e conf ession of sins, fot· Hu cll~s, ; nornin iwce 2/- Indirectly th ey liave b een a b Mile:eehandicaps and ation Mile, Half 2/expenses, £ 2J. Govt. Maps of Alba uy, fit to b er by placing in a stronger fas tin g, eve1·ything tha t fall s witheach ; acceptance, 1/- each. showi11 " the blocks, sent on receipt of 1/. Sports to com mence at 2 p. m. sharp on light her divine ch arncteristic of in t h e ts_ of the ascetic, th e J. GALLE. the New Recreati on Ground, P er th . inclefecti.b ili ~y. However sin ce re average E n g lishm an r eckon s as Albany Feb. 28th, 1890. llis Church , and i.t A. MOF ALFRED -- ---- - - - ---- - - -- Comm ittee. h is abhorrence of the Catholic su1)e1·stitio1J . ports FA'l', Secretary Hon. Faith it must h ave been clea r to is that for wh ich h e esp ec ially aJ T. him, at least long before his d eath, ' mires it, r equircs of l1im not hin g T WN HALL, FREM.\ NTLE. Its in sulated t hat his attacks upon it were quite " s up ersti tious." ID itecto t )J . fro m separation its lso, a character birth, b_y shman Iri An , e. il t fo ' GltAi:TD BC D with all the versatility and all tlrn ever y oth er Chri stian community, MARCII. '.rIIUR. st _ Peter Damian, · · · k een deli0o·ht in dialectic st.rife snits t he n ation al ta te, and is a TEA .MEETING AN D CONCERT, 1314-FRI. 'l 'he Sacred Wounds. under the auspices of the which ar e so fr equently found in popula r fo ,1,ture of the An glican 15-SA'r. St. Zachary, P.C. R I B E rt N ,I A N S O C I E T Y. . . 'l'be f I the Irish temperament, he was Church. 16-SUN. [V. of Lent. O t . . . cl . t tu fi J l f A I' ' b· bl 17-1YION St Patrick B.C. ApoS le ng 1c,m cler gy m a~ 1s a gentleman e e c O· · Ireh~nd (neither fast nor absti- pio ''. ~ m ge m O ea ch. To be had fro m 'l'ICKETS, b3: th e who h as n o u11ss1011 from God,. _m_uch as po)e n: lCS nence) . members of Committee. 18- TUES. St. Gabric1, Archangel. th gaudiwrn cerla-ininis, th e JOY of an c1 no fixed doct rin e to proc1aim 1 e conflict, as by th e l1 op e of aiw fo r th e Ch11 r ch lt e serves l: ..i,s ;;one: t; If ,V l~lt T, fWER HU1-l1'E[t,Cap pe d 19-WED. S~. ~oalsecplh ' Phatron of J • . L. J fi . ur.c . Uni vcrs, , tr l L .0 l l ~ IJ cie mte ac ievement. His ruan .;v vVbat b e t each es is onl ,.v blie op iu-B.C.D. Jerusalem, of Cyril St. ,uuR. _ I ycai, '' set uL::uan , le ?-'~e aur 20 1 A, J. GAL L"F, t:i, ..\. lban.i.



1t ~~~uA:::1f20;:is;Hu~@.! I











13, 1890.

io n of the pa1-ty o r school to which he belongs, by Lue accidents of b irth, education, or society. 'This Church, a,s t h o excellent Alexander " n ox h as complained, is wantin g in a ll settl ed dogmatic principles. A theological s:ystem pres upposes a kn owl edge o f wh'.tt th e Church rell,l)y t eftch es; b ut m England n o one know s tliar., . o r can know it, not even th e P rim e M inist e r and hi s P rivy Co un cil. If, for example, a h a nd-book of Anglican th e ol ogy h ad b een i ssu e d b efore th e d ecision of the Go r h a m controve rsy, i t mu s t h ave b een after that decision e ntirel y r emodelle d, s ince the princ iple thereby disavow e d, and the one the1:e?y established, gove rn the entue organism of doctrine; fo r_ th e q u es tion that; was a nsw e r ed rn ~he neo-ative by the cel eb rate d d ec is io n of bth e Privy Co u n c il W lt s w h e tlrnr t h e do o·ma of the sac ram e ntal eff e ct of Baptis m was a doctrin e of tl10 Anglican Church. The v ie w of the Evangelical.s, according to which Baptism is a mere rite_ of consec r ation has thereby obtamed i ts franchi ~e i n the Anglican C hurch; and that is, e v e n accordin g to Luth ernn theology, a her es y which alone would m ake every union with the _Luthe:·ans a nd Calvinists fo r eve r 1mposs1ble. It m ay be said of . the E n gl ~sh Church t h a t it i s hk e ftn Indian idol , with m any h eads and v ~ry few h ands, an d every h ead with different v i ews . . . . . . 'If the whole of the Episcopal constitution were done away with," sa,ys Hal l am, "it would make no_percep~ t ible di ffe rence in t b e r eh g1on of ~he p eopl e.' 'The. true Ohurnh,' says Carlyle, 'consists. ~ow of the :;publish e r s of thos e politi cal n ewspapers, which preach to the p eopl_e d aily a n d weekl y, ,vith an a uthority form er ly only pos,sessed by the Reformers or P opes. Th e Church of Engl au d deala.res pure doctrin e, the ri g l1 t use O·f the sacramen ts, au a tl10 ma1_u tenance c,f discipline to be the '"l11·e0 s io O' DS of a t rue Ch urch. 'rue " Chnrch itself, howeve r, h:1s no · fi xe·d doct r me; 1·t s f ormu l as cont h tra dict eac l1 ot er , an cl :" lrn . one

THE W. A. RECORD. 'l'uc W. A. Enabling Bill, we learn from the rVest Anstrctlian, has prog ressed so that it is now in the hands of a "Select Committee," comprised of 8 Cunscrvatives, 2 Liberal-Unionists, 7 <:laclstonians, aud 2 Parnellites .



IN another col wnn will be found an ininteresting cornnrnnioation from our Northam correspondent, co11Laini1rg some mmarks made by Mr. Risely upon the much-discussed question as to the speediest route to tho Yilgarn and Southern Cross goldficlcls.

A PORTION of the plant of the defunct Fremantle Moming He,·ald was sold by auction on Monday l ast and was knocked down to a bid of £ 145 . It is understood that the purol1aso was made on b ehalf of Mr. Powell, a gentleman connected with the Great Southern Railway Land S.yndicate, who purposes shortly publishing a paper at Al bany. A PARTY of workmen are now ong11.ged in laying down gas-mains along Howick Street. 'l'he question of illnn, inating Howick street, from 8t. George's Hall to Lord Street, has frequently been brought before the City Council, and residents will shortly have t his boon conferre d upon them, as well as being able to utilise the gas for lighting their private residences, Sonrn time since Mr. W. A. Gale composed a poem, entitled "Clouds," which was set to music by Mr. William Stephens. '£ he work was accepted by a London music publishing firm, and we are pleased to 11ote thaL it has met with much success, the l,fusical Times sayi ng it. " Will be on e of the successes of the London season," wh ile Vcinity Fai?characterises it as "A strikingly brilliant com position ." Pianoforte copies are now available at all music sellers.

Outt friends, or, rather, the many friends of tho Rev. Fr. Duff, at Jarrahdale, will be pleased to hem· that the carriage built to their order by Mr. Cottrell for presentation to the rev. gcntlemal'I, has been completed, ,tnd w11.s delivered on Monday last. The vehicle is certainly a very n ice specimen of the carriagebuil-:lers art, it being well-built, strong, exceedingly light, ancl neatly fin ished off. Just at present Fr. Duff is on a visit to the settlers in the far-off North-west settlements, bfat h e will be duly apprized of the handsome g ift which is awaiting his return.

'l'mi lmndicap rifle match promoted by the M.RV. special prize co mmittee took place at the Mount E li za B utts on ::iaturclay last, the ranges being 200 and 300 yards. Private B . S . l\Iills was tho winner with a score of 32-31, and a handicap of 18, mak ing 81 points. Th e highest scored off th e r ifle proved to be Sorgt. O'Dea, who matlo the excellent scoro of 73 points, Capt. Sholl foll owing with 72 points.

Fro m our own Correspondent. Concert and Lecture in the Town R 11 M 1 · t t regr·ot to record th e deat h, on Mona on one ay evemng nex mus prove rlay, Feb. 23, of au old settler, Mr. P. a great attraction to the many persons of B . who desire . tu do honour l'enn~n, very suddenly, Irish sympatlncs t t who died . 1 age of 40. to the natio:1al anuiv ersary of St. Patrick's a vic 1111 0 para1Y813 , at tie the following day his remains WCl'C Day. .Apttl't from the excellent object On · 1 · I R intended of obtaining aid towards St. rntcrrec rn tw .C. cenictcry, at service was conBrigid's Schoo1, t l10 programme-as set Northam.b The funeral f 1 1 th forth elsewhere- indicates a rich in- c udec Y e {ev. Father 'J'reacy. h t tellectLtal treat. We trust t he eve11ing's Much sy mpathy is felt for t he bereaved pa1·t oJ: its servants teac 1s re:i ec - entertainm ent may meet with the wi~1tt\~~ ffc:}~~~-i1~-~lty· a Mrs. McNamara eel by tJ'.,.e otb e t· ~,; a SOLl 1-deSl;roy- greatest succesa for there can be no f - ~ ing 01To1··.. . It lf:l _also d umb, au_d better way of excluding what,ever might be orm er1Y a r osic1ell t of F reman tie, passed • away at tho ripe old aae of 84. inCll,JJll,b] e of makiog. known, rn objectionable in the c<ilebration of St. S t t'ttl ti . d t Patrick's Day thau by giving support an d , 0 n un.c1ay_ 1as a . 1 • e 1?0 Y, 10 t 1Hr any form, its tn1c seutnuen s, oven patronarro to what is well worthy of the ! M>n of M1. J,15;, Bo~1sor, Northa111, d1?d w lieu it, has th em . . . · "' I of the croup. llus 1s the second v1ct1m Ooncerni"''i tho proper ,u1111 1ms- occaswn. I to tho disease during this 111on:h. Thero -z: tb ---are a. few n1ore cases of the kind in the trntion of t-he sac r amenLs, ere Mit. A. R. RICHARDSON, M.L.C., writes , District, but the patients are reported to exists within its bosom the same ,1 very pointed and sensible letter to ou r be out nf danger. co n tra,di ction as witb resp~ct t_o contemporary the West Att.strnlian, re tho Tho Northam Steam Roll er Mill comJoctrine; and as to d1sc1plme 1~ Midland Railway Concessions, and it i~ to meuced opemtions on Monday last. Some hoped the mu ttcr ,,·il] not fail to secure M '! delay_ k was occasioned I b by the elevators not 11 as lost even th e :,em bl ance OJ·.. be the attention of th e powers t hat be. r. 1 •~Ot ·111g proper y, ut on these bein g pu t anity ." Riclmrclson's suggestio n is tlrnt the Govern- ri ght work was resum ed witho ut any ~ ~ - - • ment before grantin" any extension of further mishap. ~ ==C------- - - - - - - time "should take tho opportun ity' of The sum of £30 was realized flt the ·:n (f C fl ( n ll ll {$ ell et n l· ,, reviewinrr0 their OIVII position and annual .Bazaar in aid of ,t new Ch urch at J.t. " standing with roforenco to the contnwt, Irishtown. The _f!.mount 110w in hand in "and sec if there are any blots detrimental aid of tho bmld rng is about £220. On HIGET tem perature, with a very light "to the interests of the colony that the completion of tho Convent at fall of r:1in, is about all the_clerk of ~he "could now be remedied." Tho writer Northi!.111, imm ed iate steps will be takcu weather has had to chromclo for .he <roes on to say he believes such do exist, ' for th e erectil)n of the Cl,urch. The want :ncl quotes the Great Southern Land I of one is becoming more apparent every past week. Company, who hold ,tlternate blocks with month. March 8 18!10. DuRINn the past week a large quantity the Govern1ncnt in a belt of hind 80 miles of tin has arrived in B unbury from the in breadth by a length of 244 miles which ~-'2UW.WWWWW-fi elds. Water is plentiful, and altoge~~er is locked up for many years and settlement GERALD1'0N. the outlook 1s very prom1srn&. Ihe thereon prohibited. As similar conditions _ -+-scarcity of labor is, however, Just at fo r selection are enjoyed by the ~\1:idland Rtilway Syndicate, M t/ Richardson's present, a great dra wb:tJk. contention is that upon the completion of J!'rnm our own Correspondent. At four p.111. on Saturday tho Franklin I i, another column will be _found the every 20 or 40 mile section it Rhould be handicaps imposed for tho vanous ev~nts stipulated that the Company should make on her way North called at Champion · the sports to be held on Monday attor· their selection, thus enabling the Govern- Bay. She brought three Sisters of Mercy, ~ oon next-St. Patrick's D~y-under tl;e ment to throw open t,heir lands in the to replace as teachers in tho Geraldton auspices of the Perth Catholic Youn 9Mon s altenrntc blocks fo r selection and sale. convent th~ sisters of St. Joseph who Society, upon the New Recroat1on Ground. Very few who have the welfare _of the were recallccl. As the Sisters of M orcy colony at heart wi ll c,~vtl at Mr. Richard- have been hertJ before the children all Mit . J ou N GGI LFOYLE , who has twic~ sou's suggestion, but, we bel ieve, on the I knew them, and were glad to sec t hem before b ee n refu sed by. t,ho Justices other hand, will feel grateful ,o bun for , come back. Tho Rev. Father Duff was a Licensing Meetir:g a license for t he hav ing bro ught_thc matter into prornin- imssengcr for tho North West, where lie premises recentl y ow ned by the Odd- encc. Tho !"11dbnd may yet be years I rntends to spend a few months visiting the follows' in l\'Iu rray-street, was on Monday dragg ing on its weary length before com- , vanous parts and out-lying stations. ' f l uiio 11 m-,1-1·11g his third 11lctio11 is assurQd, and it seems rather hard About five yeara :.i,r,o the re1r gentleJast success "' · · l · "' · · · • • r1 t"1 uMr. Neelancls was also th,i,t the Government, not W1sl1111g to dca man paid these remote localities a similar ·lllPP ~a 1 on. ·s1·oual license for a new harshly with the ,_'y ndicate, shoul d grant I visit. ilfauy, no doubt, in that arid 1 1 a pro v ' • f · I · d · • ' · ·11 b 1 d · Promieec 1 h · 11 1 . purposes buildin o in Hay- extens10n o tune to t 101r own etnmen,, reg10n w1 e g ct to leave theu· so uls in ho.te w .slr~iilar ap plication ~nado by yieldi ng the rightfur an almo_st indefinite the heal ing waters of rege neration. stree\ h El 3 ,d for a n ew hotei in pori o l to throw O'Jen then· lands for I It was an eye-sore to the public as well 0 Mr. ' ~r eet·, i selectiou. as a great grievance .1ncl loss to nn~rchants urray-s "1.refu sed · M





9if: i ;an


Iand othe;s, to

see on S unday t h e jetty crowded with com, hay, chaff, and other merchandi ze, wh ich the Franklin would not or co uld not take away. Double cart, age and wharfagc had to be paid on so me of t hem t hrno times, and n ow at a great loss they must be tak en back for anotl:ier fortn ight to run t he same risk of be111g again sh ut e, ut . The Bun bury _folka have fl better chance of sendi ng then· prnd nee to the North than have those of Champion Bay, the nearest port and best able to supply. 'Tis time the merchants, millers '.l'nE magnificent large warehouse in Fre- and farmers of this district got a steamer mantle now in the course of construction of their own. It would benefit them far for Mr. W. Sandover is fast drawing· t o more than coal or other spec ulations. A completion, ftnd the contractor. Mr . .Alfred suitable vessel could be go t, which would Lee, hopes to be able to hand it over in the courso of a few weeks. No t only does convey all the su rpb s produce of this the workmanship redound to the credit of district to the Northern ports whore there the contractor, but Mr. Sa:idover is also to is always a ready an d a remunerative be congratulated on his enterprise in the mark et for it. Sh e could also make erection of such spacious premises, which occasio1wl trips to the South for timber are the largest of their kind that have yet &c., as well as to t he Abrolhos, load and been erected in the colony. ThronghoL1t •rnload ships, in fact to be kept at high the strncture, which is fire-proof, bricks and pr~ssure fro m year's end to year's end. iron, and our famous jarrah are the princiT iu sessions are drawin g nigh, an d thfl pal materials used. It is pleasing to note accused in so me of the cases for t.ri 11 that our Fremflntlo friends are beg·inning must feel un co mfortable for :mother week. to appreciate tho better effects of brick '£ho public begin to think t hat tr ial by bt1ildings when cont rasted with the large :i ury is a farc e, as a great many of the number of buildings in which lime-stone jurors cannot read or write or understand " shiners" show out so conspicuonsly and the technical questions put by t he unattractively. advocates, and believe it were better to leave the decision to the judge who TO 'l'llE EDITOR OF '.rIIE W. A. RECORD. und erstands t h e law , and keeps notes of the evidence before his eyes, however Sm,-Please allow me a s m ~ll space protracted t he sitting. When a jury in you r valut1b le columns for ~a fe w retired to consider its verdict and the words concerning t he G reenhills foreman asked one member of the infallSports. Having r ead the Irishtown ible body " Wint did h e t hink, was the Co r respondence of the 22nd inst., I prisonnr at the bar guilty or not 1" "vVell, sec that each and eve ry one of t hose he was darned if h e knowed nothin abo ut it-his 'p inion was they be all tarred wid who lent a, willing hand towards the de same brush-he'd wait and say wh at carrying out of t he programme h as the other jurors would say,"-and there received the thanks of the Com mittee, are scores no bett('r t han he. with the exception of our worthy Thu Irwin Coal hangs fi re, the first handicapper, M r. B. McManus, whom thing it will burn is a hole in the pocket The Secrett1ry we may thank fo r such close finishes. of the shareholaers. Mr. :i'tfol\fanus, deserves to be con- t hreatens what will be clone to some of them if they don 't fork, not the shaft, gratulated for the man ner in which but their pockets. he placed his men in the Sh effield and So the Midbncl Railway is started at Losers' Handicaps, and I think t hat last ! " Don't believe a word of it. " "But it in him we poss<Jss one of the leading is in the pttpers." "Yes, so it may be." The papers can tell fibs as well as other people hauclicuppers iu the colony. -even auctioneers and lawyers. Yours faithfully, Goraldton, March 3. JOHN M . CARROLL. N u lgeei·in g, i\larcb 2nd, 1890.




NORTHAMPTON. From our own Correspcndent. A grand 'J.'ea fight and a Ball is being organised for Easte t· Mouday by the members of the :"i'Iechanics' Institute, fo r the htudablo pmpose of misiug funds to meet some old liabilities of the Association. Owing to bad times for many years past, the members, only a few at times, havo had a' hard struggle to keep the lns~itution going; but should success crown th eir efforts on next Easter Monday, and l. believe such will be ~he case, the Society will have a fa ir start, for n ow on the roll of the Institute, amongst whom I am glad to sec the Rev. Father Brereton, arc an energetic lot of men, who wi ll I have no doubt, event ually raise the Association to an ollicient f111d satisfactory standard as a public Institution. Mt·. S. Mitchell, the rnan:.tger for the Gwalla Copper Mining Comp,tny, :s gettin g th ings re~.dy at the mine preparatory to thu arrival of some mining plant shortly expected to arrive from Englaud. A few more men, I hear, will be put on on t he 1st of March. A little ore ia being raised am! the lode looks promising. Th e only lead-mining being done is at Badand and there, I am given to understand, things arc looking promi ~ing, some very rich ore being brought to surface. "ine men arc now employed M, th is mine, an d should the lode turn out as anticipated , doubtless more bands will be put on. Tho proprietors of this mine, Mess rs. Crowther and Mitchell, hav e always employed the greatest number of hands, and ctnd sometim es at a loss on acco unt of the uncertain state of the mi neral market ,tt lhc time. For tho past twenty years lead-mining was tho principal i11dust1·y of Lhis cl islrict, ,wd about ton years ,,go the li tt'.e mining village wns in its palmy clays, con seq uc11 t on tlrn high price of lead ruling then, and the large quantities of rich gah,na being uisccl by a lar 6e uumber of hands. If my memory serv es me rightly, I lnve known 200 tons of drcssocl ore to be sent away from th e \-\' heal E llen mine in one m6nth, many teams being constantly employed. There is no doubt about our leall mines, and there are many of them, being as rich in galen as any in the world. 'J.'hey only aw,1it the hand of capital to change the present dull a~pect of Norbh,1mpton to a busy and a prosperous state- " A consummaLion devoutly to be wish ed. " T he weather for the past fortnight has boon changeable. We ht1cl a light thunderstorm on last Friday . l~eb. 27 th, 1800,



Sinco my last throe funerals h ave by t hose who contend ed " tl iat taken placo here, Mrs . McNamara, at .Athl eti c T raining was n ot i11,iurious From our own Col'rospom1e nt. ; tho ripe l1ge of 80 ;_ ~1r. ~rennan, sen ., to health, " by a majority of oue. . . . . and ,1 young chill of M r. James T he prog ra mme frr St. Pakick's Day " Which 1s tho most Sllltahlo road to Donsor was t hen read to the meetin g and th e Eastem Golclficllls , during these l\Iar;h 10, 1890. approved of. It consists of a ~hefHeld hot, dry months?" appears to ho th e , Handicap, a nd sixteen other e vents, princip1tl ques tiou of the clay. Mr. '11• including flat and handicap races, YORK. R . Risely, who is aclmittetlly one of jumping, etc. The Spiritu al DireCJtor the first a nthorities on th o subj ect , promised a lecture on S t . Patrick for was interviewed by your correspondent F rom o_ur own Correspond ent. in this town on 'l'hursclay last, as to , In the sixth pa ragraph of my last the evening. A debate is to be held which route h e considered the best letter a n error appea rs. I stated next meet ing, thr. subject b ein g, the geneml condition of the fielcl; therei~1 t hat M r. Pyke, was "expected "Should Trial by Jury be abolished ." themselves, ancl several other topics to ar nve home last weel<. ·' Yo u sta ted r elating thereto . During t he inter- ho w he had a rri ved. Mr. Pyke is now 1J n 11 t i n g. view Mr . Risely said :-" On my las t in, York ho weve r. r eturn trip to the Southem Cross The new when.t still rolls into town , fi elds I wont by Northam via Grass nnd is, I believe, very nearly a "glut'' The fo llowing are th e H andicaps for the Valley, then ce by Yackrakine, on to ~n th e :11arkct here. The price I _a m C.Y.M.S . Sports, to be held · on the Mr. Chas . Acbru 's, ::mcl I find this th e mformecl ranges from three a nd mn e- E splanade on the aftern oon of St. most direct roacl yet opened, as there pr.nee upwa rds. To every appearance P atrick's Day:is plenty of water all the way and the the highest price given dm·ing the SHEFFIELD BANDICA.P. road itself is a good one. But se;1son may he had at the Office of the Yards. eventually the roads to the Goldfields C:hrnnicle, whi9h quotes the "York W. J . Reardon 11 will be vici Northam, coming on to the 1\farket at four shillings and si xpence D. B,ildwin 12 York ro ad at a place called Dooclelakin a b ushel." J. Healy 12 J. B,·ow n W ell, thence by l\fondoboolm, taking ' Ju my last letter I ommitted stating 13 T. Hog,in 13,\a straight line to Stmwbony Rock, that the Pope's L etter was ; read by R. Boladeras 13{ which is situa ted seventeen miles from F r. Brady 011 Sunday. The r eading 15" D. Brennan Sout h ern Cross, ancl twenty-six miles was continu ed on last S und ay. After A. A. Moffat 15 from Parker 's Range. 'l'he distance ,1i the monthy meeting of the male M. J. Horrigan 15; at present by either Northam or York branch of the S . .H. A . was h eld. J. E . Mansfield 15! is about 200 miles; and by cutting Dr. ;\fo Williams, who practised in G. Moffat lo¼ 17· W. Fay this n ew road we could do the distance Y ork during th e t emporary 11bsence of V. G. Brady 17 in 145 miles t o the Cross, and 154 to D r. O'. ·Jeehau, lms a rrived in York A. Jon es 17 Parker'i, Range. Parker's l<"""':ind is after a few months stay in G uildford. H. Hutchens 17 very heavily handivappecl through the The charge agai nst Mr. R, McDonald, F . Crogan 17 h eavy price of carriage of goods and a ganger, for obstructing passenger W. Baker 17 m achinery to the Goldfielc1s, cartage traffic upon the G.S . Railway by · J . Horrigan 18 to Southern Cross being £20 per placing u tricycle on t he line was M. J . Delaney 18 ton, and £28 per ton to Parker's Find. heard at the Yo rk Police Uourt on HURDLE HANDICAP . The companies can n ever stand this 27th ul t. and dismissed. rate long, and unless th ere ar e some At the Brockton Races h eld on Yards. W. J . Reardon 1 steps taken to help these fields the last Thursday our local medico's (Dr. A. A. Moffat 5 Perth people must let a number of O' ,\ I echan ") racer kept the lead in D. Brenn an 5 good claims go for the "other side" , three events . J.P. P eters 6 capital to pick up. I am certain the ' The erection of a butchers shambles J . Su;livan 6 only plan is to form a local Board on ' opposite to Mr. Ed wards' old store T. McCormish 7 the goldfields to cut anc1 form a direct building will soon be proceeded with. J. L. Con way 8 J. Crogan road an d then fo r Northam to m ake Already the celhr for storage, etc. 8 their branch roads into it, as there are has been dug out. ! MILE HANDICAP . at presen t two roac1s running parallel The Chi onicle is r espo nsible for the Yard s. almost with each othe1· to the fields, following;-" By t he ruail that a rri ved A. A. Moffitt scrntch and n ei ther gets the atbcntion they in Yo rk from Yilgarn on S und ay W. J. R eardon scratch woulc1 get if a local Board were formed afternoon last, a. quantity of alluvial M. Walsh scrntch on the fields . Southern Cross is be- gold was conveyed into town. W e J. Cal'l' Hi coming a very important place. were shown some very nice specim en s C. Na ughton 15 J. Sulli van Ther e are now four crushing plants by the l\fanagei· of t he Union Bank 30 W. Delan ey 35 already erected there, anc1 there are (l\'I r. Stokes) among which we noticed W. McC,irthy 35 two more just arrivoc1 for the a nugget weighing abo ut an ounce '' M. J . Horrigan 45 · same field. There are just at I The legal iil anage r of t he York and J. McHenry 45 present only eighty men employed, as Yilgarn Carrying Co . .left Yo rk en i·oute P. Sullivan 65 the scarcity of water' ancl clearness of to the golclfields on Thursday . 150 YARDS F LAT RA CE . cartage has stopped the companies ! According to report a number of from doing the amom1t of work they " harrier" clogs have bee11 lately imvV. J. Reardon M. J . l:l orrig,m woulcl other wise have clone . ·water ported from tlie colonies, a r.d a " Hunt A. Jon es is 7d. per gallon, but other rations are Clu b" cstab 'ishcd in York. I 'l'. Hogan reasonable in price, flour being Gel . per An open well , on the East, side of HARDWICK AND HE ALY, lo, sugar Gel . and 7c1. per Th, vegetables tl1e Avon, has, I am informed, led to HANDICAPPERS. scarce ancl solcl at Del. per Hi, fruit is · the of a hor~e, and th e own er 1s. per !b, other things proportionately. is reported to lrn, vein sti tu tcd proceed ings TIPS BY OBSER VER II. Shetlield ffanclicap, M.. J . Hor~iail n. 'r here are some 20 men employed in again st the York l\Iuu icipality to r e0 Hurdle Hand icap, J. Crogan. alluvial digging. "\Vages are 10s. per cove t· damages. ½Mile, J. Sullivan. clay. Frazer's Battery is now stand- : J\larch 10th. 150 Yards, W. J . Reardon . ing idle, waiting for rain. Centrals ' _____________..,........,,..



are working at half speecl. There are _ . . four storea now at the Soutborn i ;I:) 0 C l t l £i . Cross owned respectively by 'l'hl'Ossell, ' -~~~~•~N~ N,~ ~ · " ~ S?n & Stuart, William Camer?n, UpPERTH C.Y.M. SOCIE'fY. hill & Ward, and Mrs .. l\Iu~·p11y. All I T he usual week ly 111ceting of t he these. stor~s are well furmshecl and p C.Y. ~l. Society w,is held on Thurssupphecl with goods. Th?re a ~·e a!so day, 6th inst, the I'resicleHt in the two ho tels, the acco111odat1011 of wluch chair. Messrs. D. Brcnnau 0 . B ollis is fairly good, consillering their dis tance and P . !laker were elected members'. in the bush . At Parker's Fin~ there Mr. L0ckyer tendered his resignation are now abont _18 meni mo~t of whom as Tre,isurer (owing to his iriabilit.y are employed ill alluvial diggmB", and ; to attend t he meetings). Father do fan-ly well. But the alluvial on I 1:lourke info, med the rn eetino- t hat those two fields is only gully raking :1 concert would be held in the° Town and p~tch y so far; better iinds be Hal ou 1' t. Patrick's ni ght, a nd macle m the wmLer months. ,, hen solicited the support of its members. water becomes plentiful wo m ay soon A mock trial by Jury was arranged e).pect goo~11esults." for tl1c 27th inst., at which Mr. J. On W ednesday la:;t i\lr. Byiiclc1 's Prendergast will stan d his trial on a ew Roller l\Iill started work under <:hargc of "corruption ," in connection Mr. Schuma~ker. the conLraci,er, ,, ho wit h a recent election, :'11 r. ,J. L. cam e f wm _S outh Australia fo r that ::on way to appear fo r the C rown, pur1 ose, aml to see it go on for a mid 1\1r. i\l. Horrio-an fo r accused while, His op;nion is that ortham after which the meetin" closed. ' wheat is equal to any grown in the · " Australian Colonies, a u(l that the GREENOUGH C.Y.M:. SOCIETY. same can be said of the flour . Of the impending cricket matches The usnal fo rtni ghtly meeting was which I spoke of in my last, tho Ton- held on the 211d },fo,rcn. The V iceSmokers beat their opponents by some- I President occupied the chair, and thing like GO run s. A bout the match, I Lh:rc was prese11 L the Spiritual Hm·se Hill v Brooklon, on 8aturrlay: Director and about 21 memhe rs. Mr. weok, only of the Brooktonians I V. Farrell was nominated for memberturned up, and of course the Ilorse I sh·p. The debate on Athl~tic Traj nHill men claimed the game. ing was proceeded with and waa won








13, 1890.

roatl, rin<l No, 156B (about HO acres) on lbe Norlltn.rn -Goomall ing road, for t1·ave\t cnrnnd stock . Roebou,·ne-No. 156'1 (Oa 2r Op), To,rn Lot, 51, for schools (Resel'l'e No 4.54 Pancellcd, so fo 1· as th is lot is concerned). Wy11dlw11,-No. J1i6 5 ( la Or 28p) Town Lots l3, l,1. 15, and lG ; No. 1506 (32 perches) To·,vn Lot l iiS; No. 1567 ( !!) perches) Town Lot S!rn ;-all for public purposes. Tur-: BANKRUPTC Y A C'!' 187 1.-/n 7'e Mary Ann Chapman, hotel keeper, Cossack (liquidation);,\ . S. Roe appoin ted trustee, vice, A. W. Anderson resigned. In i·e Ignatius Boladeras and James Col'ueLt (Bolade ms & Co rbel.t) confectioners, ['erth (liqu idation) ; R. M. Walker ap pointed trustee. U . t a f l . " l l i U l ~ ~ ~ ~ w . l i . l a l l l i U l U l i l ll ~

J ntc1ic.ofoniat and J oreign. T bc ne w astronomical observatory wbicl, Leo. X III. bas cau sed to be ~et ll p wit 1, i11 tli e Vatica11 precinc ts ie 11ea rl y complet.e. It is pro~ ided with 11 lift, which is alren<ly io worki ng ord er. The emi ne nt asLrono me r, Padre Denza, has bee n req uelted by the l'ope to take tho di rec ti r, n of the new ob~ervatory, out up to a fe w days ago lrn was unwil ling to t!o so A very strong dispos ition lwgi'ns to be show:1 iu Oa11ada for tli e di;so lution of th e ties that biod the Domi uion to Great Brita in. Many who are capable of judging declare t he matter to be one t•f time on ly. The doubt, however, exists as to wh ether no iud eDe ndent confed era tion will be fo~rn ed, or Ron ex:,tion to tl1 e United Stn tes wi ll be <lecicie<l on. Anoth er sou rce of division in the country is the i □ creasing liostiliLy betw een t he -F're11ch a nd En glish Set,tl ers _ A ltoge ther the country cannoL be regarded at, prese nt -as posse~si11g very lixt>J or peacefu l pt'ospects_ Col. O' Brien ,J. Atkin so n, of Detroit, Mich ., wri ting recentl y ou th e firs t American C11Lbolic Congress, 111akes a etuterneot of ge neral interest concernin g th e A us tralian Ba llot. " Thissystem of voting,'' he Sll)'P, "wh ich str1le~men 110w co11,ider ne 1v, hus beeu practised in 1be CutLolic Chu rch fo r all tlie centmir.s, in th e 6election of all it.s Pe, pQs, an d in the deposit of ballots by its Cardinals ." Th is is trne; th e voti11g of Uu1 dinuls at tlrn electio n of a Pvj.le i~ cx«ctly 011 1he " A ustrulia 11 syblem." T!t e1e an, ve, y rew ways of geLtiog at th~ tru Lh wl ioh are new to tbe Catholic Church.

The obli ga tio ns of wealth have been full y re:;il iseci by Andrew O»rnee ie, the Pi1t.;h11 rg millionai re, und th e author of "Triu r11pba11t Democracy" a n<l oth er i11teres ting works (~ays un Exc han ge) . FBw u1 r 11 hri ve used th eir nioney more li berally and rn(•rc wis,,ly Ll,an l,e. Rcotluud, liis native co uol r ,· hus benefited by Ii i~ large- beart,'.Lln PSS · bi s co'.1 tribntions . towards pbi la11tl1ro pic obJects therern nruount to proba bly £ 100,000. A rr·cr.nt cable ~tw,s tliiit he has offered _to give £200,000 to provide a free hbrnry fo r P1ttslmrg. Tbis rcpreRents a grea t sli co of bis. we~lth. It may be tixpected that t.h•e offe r will !>e u_ccept,-•d. On lll(1 s nbj ~ct, GOVERNMEN'I' GAZETTE. of the olihgat10 ns of wealth, M r. Catne-gie hole s similar op inio1?s to tb ose thu l THURSDAY, FEBRUARY GTr1. were held by the famous John Wesley Ll£GlSLA'flVJ£ CO t'NClL.-Bv Proclamat ion wlJO taught U1a t if a man hoard eel u 1; dnted 1he ,[th instant, the Legi laLi1•e Council bis mouey, he theret>y proved that lie; is furth er prorogued till Tuesday 1\pril 22 nd, wag a public robber. unl ess sooner conrened for the despatch of bus1n e.s. 1 am inf'orrneu (says '' Vig il an&" tif IAIPOH'J'ATION o~· STOCK.-By Proclama- th e " Natio1,''), that the Vov,Jrn111en t tion dated 1he 3rd inst., all proclamations and scheme of Volunta ry Lan tl Purchase ~·egulations then io fcorce wit h res pect to the depend s ~o: its s;iccess upon tl1e ex pec t11n portal1 00 of horses, horned cat lie sheep and swine in to the colony, were a;,oulled : ed oppos 1t10n ot t!Je Nat iona l Lea.,.rte and ot her rngulation subst ituted for the m. preven ting an y whf,lesale app li catiou0 hy NOTICt•: . TO MAmmms.-Thc follow in g no tice, dated l•'ebruary 1 Olh, has been issned the tenants to th ti 'I'rcasury, A who leby th e Department of Ports and Harbours sn le np plicu tio11 wonld, i t. i~ cnnfcsseu , Brisbane:-" Bu111 ett Rwer. - Direclions to/. de~troy tlie Gove, nmeut rn eas ure bv Soutb chao ocl acmss bar. The following th e col?P.rnl ?rain 0!1 Lhe publi c credi~, directions shou ld be follow ed by vessels cross1t. being 1mpo s1hle to supply the in g the Bnrnett Bar by th e south cha,,nel -Steer for the Southern Cottage at the pilot £ 150,000,000 reqni l'ed for a uni,·ersal st_at1 011 , and when the outer reel buoy is buying ont of Lbc landlort.l i;. 'l'he Oopicked up, r,a,s It on tbe starboard band. vernmeu t relies on the Na tional L eugne Then sleet· for t be outer ext remity of Barubpi_event moro thun a solid 1nioority brn Jslancl , pas~i ng a ~lack buoy on lhe port hand , and contrn ne tb1s course until lhe bar ~f fo rm ~rs fro m becoming voluntary beacons are com ing into line, when haul up S tale _a,~~sted pu1·chaserF, aud th iH solid and proceed as fol'merl y. Tltc dep th sho wn n: 1non t_y 1s olre_i,dy ~pokeu of as "u garby t~1e li d,~\ signals is that on the old line of ~utt_in g, w1tb 1he learl ia g beacons and lights 1·1so11 HI the mteres ts of orJer ," 'l' he m line. The depli:t in the sonth ch anne l is 8 d 1hat th? Nati on1d L et1g ue ma.,; feet 11reater lhan that shown by signa l. '' orgam, e a univ ersa l " volu nwry" d.c: APPOJN'.rM ENTS,-G, A. Ball, Moorum~yne mand hy the farmers to bee,ome to be a 1·endor of in ternal revenue stamp 3 . ' t i', A. VOLUN T.IJam Foncis.-Ca ptain fJ. purc hasers, as th o Government scheme Crock. Jst, Batt., Victorian J:tifles. attached won Id Le simpl y sw,•pt uwoy by tlie to l,or·al frrce~, fo r dn ty lG.O., Feb. 20.) rn~h, and who eou]<l bi nd the " volun f UBT,W J:tES.El<VJ::3.-A·von-No , 1562 tary pt1 rchas;,rs" from ~tti iog against (about 15OJ acres), on the NewcasUe-Y•il!Jarn too l11glt a rate,











13 1890


When the N .S.W. Orangomen uskod T he old houso in Snnd gate street, The Clyd9 sbip'.rnilding und FOR DUTY'S SAKE. fo r the repeal of tho party Procession Ay r, in wh ich the poet Burns got li is marine engiaeeri11g trndes have Ji ct th ey were nw<.1ro that Colonel lesso ns in Latin in l.iis boyhood from shown reruarknbl e nd ivity <lnrillg tbe Snnderson was coming alon g from Mr. Mu rdoch, is b('in g ta ke n dow n. past yea r. Th o vo~scds l:rnn cherl L1 ur11- A STORY OF THE BRAVE DAYS OF OLD, U lster to wave tho bloody shirt. ber 252, an,I of ll ll HO 171 we re steam ers There <lied lately in Vienna a mil- alld 81 sailin g ve -sds and barges. Tbe 'l'hreGJ smnll boys, aged, 12, 10, and lionairP, . who, by a clause in his will, gross tounagc rep resenta,1 by these is 8 have been sf'11te11ce,l fo r burglary and left 20,000 flor in s for the elertric light- 335,005, of which 258,002 :1re steam ers CHAPTER VI. rohl,ery under nnus al Rnthergle•i , (';g of his coffin and grnve fo1· a ye,11·· and 82,002 S1Li lir,g ships and barges . V ic. It bas be~ 11 truly said th at llie lbe Cou rts, howev er, refused th e lt ~1r \ The family of .B ri x soon appeared on . Yo un g Aus tralian can s lick op for perm issio n to carry out tlre deceased's _Durn;g the . )'.ear 1889 the the t hreshold and Helen rushed up to i.iimself. wishes and apportioned Lhe money C'.ofters . Corn m1 ss1on have fixed the Baron cried out. " My Lord ! I come to ask fo r amon~ six benevolent in stitutions. fa ir ren ts in 3,4-25 cases, as aguinst In Lloyd's lVeekly a son is anx ious ly · 2, 185 th e previo us year, and 1,767 the justice against your son's followers7" cnqnir ing fo r bis missing papa, "who K ill rd by cayenne pepper.-A cotton year 1887. Dur ing tho three years of "vVhat do es this mad woman want. went to Van Dieman' s Laud 1837 ." operntive named Georgo Lord, aged 18, the Commission's ex istence 8,000 cases said Lady Marjo ry. "Why don't you h's about time tha t tho lost parent <lie<l at Bacu p from th e effects of eatin g have been <l ispos·ad of. The total rnnlci l order her to be sent about her busidropp ed his fam ily a few lines to say cayenne i:ep per. He complui11ed of of 1hese was £40,498, which bas been ness 7" how he !,as been getting on since cold , and bis n~otber gave him u dose of red uced by £ [ 2,050 . The arrears " Not before I have heard William the Fourth died. rnixlure which coataiued a quantity of a\no1rnted lo £80,903 , a a<l of th is what she h as to say," said the Baron, " Spe:1k, Helen, and be short about 'Jlie Queen has been pleased to cay enne pepper. A few ,uinutes ufler- £51,373 has heeu cancelled. it. What is t he matter 1" intimate to the National Society for th e wards be was found gasping fo r breatb, Profcsso1· Tynd all tells the Northem "The matter is, my good J ,0 rrl," Prevention of Cruelty to Chil dren ber and after strugg lin g for several min utes wish to become its patron, and au he expired . Dr. Barcl,1y SI:tL,,,l t.hat, Orangeman not to shrink from t he said Helen, "that sure as I' m !l. annual s nbsc rih er of ten gu in eas to its death wa~ cn useJ L,,• 11,e acLi ,·, ,.f tli e ordeal of co11flict in t he event of Christian, ten of Earl Robert's Scot r.h Home Rule. "If you, the successors followers passed out' honse this mornfuncl s. Her M njesty commnnicate<l her pepper on a wea k he~rt. of men who knew ho w to defend their ing and stole my best h eifer, killed pleasure to l,is Eminence Car<linal The special 1;o rrespomlcut of tlie liuertics with t he sword, be d riven it, and are cooking it t his minute at llfooning.~ En glish paper. "Australian Star," writing from Lon- with unl"igbteous legislation to the t he cross-way wlrere they have lighted With the view of preventiDg the spread of don Oil date Janut1ry 17t.b gives the same means of defence, you will not, a, geertt fire. My son asked t hem to influ enza amo ng horses, th e magistrutesof followiug interesting items-whi ch on I am sure, shl"ink from the ordeal. p:1y him the price, bnt they laugh e_d Edinburgh directed the burgh engineer arri v_,l of the mai l at A lbany were A ml, trust me, should th:1t hour ever at him and beat him severely. Is 1t to close the watering troughs in the wired , with otLe r news to the "Star." : como, then, when it collles, tens of thus, my Lo rd, saldiers a re allowed to city, filli ng th em with laps to e11nhle Bernard !'lloll oy, one of t.he Irish thousands of British men will be fou nd ;i,ct in yonr domains in time of peace, drivers to water th eir horsr.s by mes11 s of ruembHs, promises th e history ol" th e ready to le'l.p into your ranks and to in our free No rm andy T' pllil s, with whic h tb ey sh ould provide remammg nine-tenth of tlie forg c1Ll help yon to overthrow their fo es. " Let Baron Nicholas listened in silence, P,iro e-11 !otters . The particulars, as us hope that the Northern host, when but p:1l0 with anger, his lips tightly themselves. promi8e<l, are being looke l forwn rd to it advances, will not, like some of t he compressed. Last half-ye:, r th r, Broken llill with muc h interest. Tyncblls of Carlow, nrnke its w,w on Turning to his son h e said, "Get Proprietnry oilver min e (N .S.W.) old women fron1 t he safe shelter of ;i,n on your horse Robert; go a nd see <l ishnrrnd in dividm"JCls £368,000, Th e [Jou. R Abercrombie, an amb uscade. Tho Professor will know what is being done down there, and besides spcnLling ueurly £43,000 in Engli al1 scientist, is at present on a vi-it machin ery , &c. Tlie div ide11cl bas now to tiydney . He has been iuterv iewed to what we refer if he looks up the hring me t h e culprits. Yo n know the been inc re ased lo £8,000 per month, by a repo rter of one of th e dai ly papers arch ives oft.he fam il y, or the crimin:1l law in No rmandy. Go !" r ecords of the C:1rlow Assize. Not daring to resist his father's and will shortly !,c ra ised st ill further for l,i s opinion on the prop hecy m ade by comm:1nd , Robert sprang on horseThe modes of execn •ion in th e difforAt Chicago while a fun eral proces- Mr. Egeson of the Sydney Obse rvatory back, fol lowed by some of his men, sion was on its w;i,y to the ce'metery on to tlie ~ffect that Austrnlia will shortly ent c0untrios, ucco r.ding to "X," in and was soon out of sight. Thursd:1y t he mourni11g coach, pass through a severe an,1 prolonged " A1u e, riea11 N ,, t.L•s und Q•ieries" arc : "Return home, Helen," saicl the The sub,tnuco of l\lr. In. Au_Ht ri u, g,,llow~, public; B,war iu, B-t1·on. "Yonr heifer shall be reimmediately behi nd t he l,e,ii-se, was drought. gudlnt 1ne, private ; Belgium,, gu illotin e, Abercrombie's op 1uwn is l!rnt be run into b y .i, locomotive at a lernl placed uy another, aud those Scots cr oss in g . Th e force of tlie collision uttaches 110 importance to Luo prophecy public; l.lrnnswick, axe, privuto; Ch i1m i hall pay clearly for having beaten sword 01· cord, pnhlic; Deum;uk, was so great t hat the coach was in qn c,tio n. g•i illutine, p1:1 uli c; Ecuador, musket your son. G o and t ell no one oE this completely smashed, four of its We 11re usually co nsi<lere<l a bonow- pu blic ; F'ranec, gu illotine, public: Grca~ aclvent m o for the ho no ur of my house." occup:1nts, iuclndiug the p:1ronts of the Helen thanked t he Baron ancl reing peopltJ. So it is strange to learn Britait,, gallows, private; U11 11over deceased heing liilled. pub lic; ( ftaly, capital tired . that ;\loas. Pardon, L11e Gove rnor of guil!otiue, 1'he B:1ron returned to the hull, The invC's lment of Engl ish cap ita l i!.! New Oa ledvnin, intends to rnise a loa n pun1sbment abo lished) ; Oldenburg, the Un ited S tates still continues on a in An •tra li a fu r the purpose of con - mu sl~et, public; Portugal, g11llows, followed by Lady l\fatjory and Pauline. "You have strauge servants, Malarn-e scale. 'l'he influeure thus ac- structing grav ing clocks in Noul\1ea. public; Prnssia, nvor,1, p, ivate; Russia, q u~ ed in the co untry by foreigners is An<l th i,, loo, when 0111' more fisca l mu sket, gullows, or sword, pnhl:c; cln,me," said lrn to his daughter-in-la w, loo ked npon wi1b some degree of than politica l k11ight of the Lhrc,~ ora;;s- ~axo ny, gu illotin e, private ; :-\pai11, ":1ncl I don't compliment yo n on su sp1c1on. Vested in teresis, l,owever, bnlls and steel • t\ I i, ubout to t.a ko a g"rroLte, pul,lic; S w: tz crlau ,I, fift een t he m." "Yott must excuse t hem," rnu~t ul,o control th e fore igne rs who tr ip 'o,nc ca11lons, sw, ,r,I, p11bl i,·; tw,, ca11tous, own Lliem, nnd engage I.h eir support fo,· gn1llotiuu, _1111' ·li~; 1.wo, g11ill11tir1<•, s:tid the countess. " In theil' own the welfare of the count ry. 'l'bu i'carti His sui,I that om ntLlulcs advertise pnrn 1e; U111ted DI ates other 1.lrnn N w co untl'y these things are only loo k eel upon as peccadilloes." they urou se , thcr,Jore, may prob!llily l,o At18Lrnlia urnl rnako us known to people York, gall" ws, mo•tl y rrivate. "In Nol'lnandy, Macbmo, t hey a re who never be fore Ii card of ns, bu t t i.Jo exaggera ted. reverse result has ensued from the Tho vPncrnh lo colo11ial foss il., wlio punished with death," s11id the Baron , 'fhe "Oo1nier" hn s publi , li otl a lvaclr r i:_I Ju,,in-l:lmith e1,cou11tPr, Of course the like lbeir forcfa th,:rs, swcnr by the 'l'·im.e; "and you r Scots shall be hanged." r eviewinf( ll:e r•'jHH"t of the "Tim cs"- cul,lc announc~rl the use of k11u cklc, "Goel forbid ," excbimcd the ( sny8 Qlli~), IIIUSL liavc hnd a lind quuner Pal'llrl: Con:mission \\ h ic h it Wc>ll dust0rs by tli •J 1~nglisli " pn h," und the ol nn hour w l:c:n they retttl of the Countess, "they are ex<'ell ent men-atdescri l,es ns v, "rirliculus mus." While next boat brings a consignment of t!J?.,e trium phant Bcqnittal of"Ol1ail cs Ste wart rtrm s, and they only stole that old doi11g jusLiro to :-rr. l'1.1r11 l• I porsoi,ally , cowanlly ,,eap:Jn~ to . J.,[bourne. Th~ Parnell by u l ·o:.n mis, ion which has wife's cow to aw use themselves." "And and kuowledgi11;.r th at lie l,a~ becu 'JU~toms uuthoritic8 Rpo iled the plan of li~cu • ittin;r in j nclgmcnt upon liim a11d to do honour to my hospitality, no triumpha nt ly vindirntcd, we r:1 nn ol but ~pccolnto r, "110, no Joubt, hoped tn,, b1,; followers. Qniz ha; no <l cB irc to doubt r• said the Baron. "Yon forget t hink thn t Llic ur lic:le also makes a make a good thi ng by i11troduciug a di,c uss the hi 8h qnestiun :nore tbau lo l\Iarlam e, that you :1rc iu a cou ntry half-lienrlpJ oltcmpt to "~it on tlic> "new lino" for the " kawlinies.'' s11y Llrnt )10 apprer-ial tho longiu g of where other people's property is refence." However, we l.Juve mnch any pPopll', _whe ther 1~11 !.(l ish, S1Jolcb, spected. The gold riugs belonging to pleasure in thn t, on th e wliole, T he Ame ri can daily papurs nnnonncc Wel sh, or Jri , b, for !lie ri ght c'f' self- Duke Rollo, after three lrnndrcd th e "Ccur ier's" re view is ge11crnlly fair. 1b e conversion to tho foid-1 of Genera l governmen t. But Ito docs say that the ye:1rs arc still suspended to the Rn •sel Thayer, a di , tingui, hed ci1iz!11 of mnn who would ntt.e111pt to justify the crosses on the highw:1y. It is not Tho J esu its a re n ever idle. The R ev. ,Joseph Reali , S.J·., has jnst com- Plii!udeipliia. About two year~ ago a crncl pr rcecution of Parnell by tho '.l'unes liecoming thnt soldiers c:1rry ing t he friend sent him a hook filled w?th 1111,l its satellites-pap ers tb nt wonld livery of BrL· and 1\ 11n:111dal should pl eted t, monumental work, a 'l'urkishcalumnies against 1lto Cbnrch. As he acc~pt the lc1stiu1ony of a professed show the,nselves l•) b e highway French dictionary printed in Turkish himself saye, tbi~ led hi m to sturly pc• r:i 11rcr lxf,H c th at of au hones L rohbcrs at two paces from 111y ow n and Latin ch:1mc~ers, which h os receivthe reli11io11~ of the world. Uc applie,I ge11tleman -ca n have 11citlier put 11or castle. By the soul of K ing Richard, ed the bi" hest praise from Orieutalists. for eu l~Tbtcnu1e11t aud inrorn1atio11 to lot in the fre e Au stralia tbnt is to be. they sbll pay fo r this with their In appl'(,giation of the autho r's l,Ll.Jo1·s, A rchbishop Ryan, who took him und er I shall at once give orders ~Lids 1:is lan rcl wrc~th to the many . li ves tl,c S ul tan has conferred on him the his personal gnidancP. a11d teachi11g. suJJ1,n1 offe1111gs Charlca Stew art Purnell th at t h e giubet Le erected .'' insignia of t he Com 111 ander of the Genc1 al Tb ayer soon brought bi s wi l'c 1,tL~ nlreatly rc1Jc i vcd. He went out without turning t o Sovereign Order of l\Jajed ie. The anJ chilull' ll lo joi 1 hi111 in the in ,,truclook ;i,t Prtuline, wh o sat · trembling, dictionary is desc ri!Jccl as the most A bnn so111 cnh, iu whi<·h sut G. H pale with fright, trying to intercede lio11 -, , ant! recently lie, toge~lier wil,h his compl ete of its ki nd yet publislrnd. entire fam ily, was linpu sc r at ~he li'rencl,, tl1c dra nrnti(l agent, of L'ie w by h t· looks fo r the culprits. Ynrk, liowleJ up Fifth Avonuc. 0 11 What iH the differen ce betw een a Catbedrnl. "'\Vi.l l hcdoashc h:1s saic1 1'' asked th o box wus James :'.! 'Cooey, wllo held Lady l\brjory, to her niece. rnfli a11 nnd n mnn ? The St. James's Gazelle mnkes n . d i,· iin clion of its own. Under 1.hc auspices of tLe :0-: coltish th e reins lis tlc ,R ly i11 bis hands. " ,\l as ! rnicl Pau line, "my graudj f nn I rishmnn ine.ults n jud ge he is a Li'~ernl J\ "~ ociation ~11,I_ t!ic l,,cn,I Acl- 11l ' Uooey attracted mu ch attent ion from falhe1' ~elclom swears . But wheu he I rnffun . lf an E11glislima 11 murd ers hi s v::11'.ced L1heral ,\ ~s oc·1allo1 ,, u co11l erence pcclPslri ans by th () 111a11ncr in which he says: 'Dy the sou l of K ing Richard!' wi fe lie is a man. T hi s appears frolll ano a pu hlic lll et111g were held nt llaw- loll ed from side t" side. The man it is quite certain he is very :1ng ry. " th e diffcr,,nce lJdwecn th e bending which ick on 2J.t Janunry. At theco11ftrence, seeinc,I to he a, lccp, and a number of ' ' if you will obtain mercy for i i ts sub-editor g iyc,J to ll, c ucws uf tbc whic h look place in _th o nfterno_on, men followed tlic cab 011 o. run until my poor soldiers," Slticl Lady M'ttjory, ' ultnck (11 1 Jud "e ll icl;•.- ond the hcn,l i11g resolutions 1\erc sul.Jnuttecl cmbrnc111g Fony-Sove11tb s1.reet was roached, "I will give yeu my best ring." li e gnve to tl~e news ~F the lianging of : confidence Ai r. Glad_s~oue, Home when the boise was ~topped. The dr iver "God knows, " s,1id Pauline, " J: t wo n1u rdC' rors aL Ll·e,h; u co npl e of Hu le for Scotlnnd, uholi L1011 of the marlu no rP.monslrnnce, and after the would g ive itll 1.,he j ewels I possess lwc(•ks 1wo, "Attack on a Ju dge by nn : lie1eclitary pri nl' iple 111 Llw !l ouse of vehicle ha t! been drawn aloug ,i<lo 1be to p rovent such :11t executio n. But IJrish R~ffian"-" Two Men IIan ged ut . Lords, 011 e u1 "11 ouc vote and reform _of cnrlJ U'Cooey was li fted off his seat and it would be useless. My grandfather 1 Leeds." The clis ti ncl ion is tl w i11dicn- registra lio11, D i; establi, hmcnt aucl D1s- lui<l 011 the side-walk. A telephone has sworn it, and he will keep his tiou of a ~entiruent anLl tho reH lution of cudowmenl, rcfurw of Lund_ Lsws, local_ mes_sago was se nt lo police head-quurlo r; o,1th." a purpose, 'l'bo sentiment io th at of the optio~, rearru11g c•mc'.1t of w c1tle1:co. of a ok1ng for an otncor io tukc r,aro of n " Then to me falls the task of saving coercioui, ls i11 the infl iction of tliei r t l\xa t1 on, r cform of game and frnlnng drnnken cab-c!river. One sor,n univc,l tn y brave Scots !' ' said the Countess of t or tures • tlie pur pose is thei r purpose l,11vs, tri e1111ial Purliarucnts, a11J pay- a111.1 saw at a g, lnncc tl:at tho man was' Annandale ; :111cl without t.iking leave denu . ju tb o Wi; I" of sla.nder. iu c1,t sf .\1. P.'s . of Itel' host and hostess, she sprnug on







tion thnt Ho11 s ton procured tlia wr 2,000,QOO ,OOO hllshel~ . In mak in g ui1 of the lil ,'tdlous urtidri in the li11ev:i11g P8ti rna tes from yel\r to ) cn t· tho cumN ews with r,• fer ence to Mr. P,1rn ell's i'uLers l•111lravn11r to credit the various nl !eged re~idence ut \!Voodcro ft; Nottiog- : wh(•at-growing couutries with cuough hnm , K ent, an.l indnced an A mericnn . t.o ro und our. th1R tnt1.1I a8 nc11l'ly as posj onrn ali st nam,,d I ver, lo offer it to thr ; ~iblc. T11i, is no t r, verv Jirli,·ult thin" Even ing New5 fo1· pur,iic:1t ion. ]\fr. to Jo with a R!a tisti ·a! n,ap in hanJ'. Parn ell believes tl1at th 11 l also wns Lloue i The pr inc ipal wlicat-g r0wiug countries in th e intorest of Lhc Tim es in view of nrc !he Unilcti Str,tr8, Fr:rncc, ll ussi u, t he peud ing libel uclinn refen ed to 1 11 aly, ll1111gn ry ,rnd lndin . Th~St~ nre abo ve ; thnt j o11rnul k,· ing fo iled t.o i th e 01il y cou ntr its i11 the worl J tha t have usrns, in!lle lii s charneler hy mean s ot \ ever !,asslid I. he lin, it of l 00,000,000 "The Lazy M onk. " th e forgo cl lct.1ers, now attempts thL• hn.; h<,I~ p;,r n1111um. Tho second cl a~s wl,eal ·,rnnt. ric.; are E:11gl111,d, Ge rmany, same e:1<l by oth er rn el1 1oll.• H ow effeclna ll y rcce nL resenrc h bos A tel<'grnm to t he Alta- Califo1·11ia, Sp11iu. :i11 •l A11 ,1 ri,i, whi,·h prodn ce that timc - hono1ed ex p re" - ,Jan. 8, ~nys : - Pu rnell ra kes notice of g(lut• 1·:dly fr om 50,000,000 t o abo ut sio11, "tho lazy .mo11 k." Here is an - th e l!.. nn is Board's vote of' con fi dence i-n 100,000,000 l.rnsb els. oth er p8~snge wo have rc cit!entl y co rue 0 ' :::i lwn's ch arges onl y to s11y that thiE Tli 0 total of tbis year's includes a acr,:;~s fro m the ahu ml a nt te, tirn o1,y proceeding " may lrn advant11geously cre,l it, ,,f 480,000,000 bn · he!; for the th at haa of late years bee n born e to the met with t be dead ly weapo n of sileut Un ited S ttL Les, 3 l 6,000,!)00 bushe ls fo l' . fnct that the mo~k was a very different con tempt. " B e says . " I inte nd to F1·u nce, 243, 200,000 f'o1· Indi a, ll'l d kin d of ma n, and tha t 01,ly ig norauce defe nd the acti on ; at th e sa me time 1 162,000,000 bushels fo r R11ssia. These CH APTE R VI I. a ud prrj 11 dice, foll owi JJg oo g ross and u tterl y a n<l entirely de ny a ll cnl pn- four conutries cre,lit ed wirh an'l A ROYAL ME SSAGE . wilful crdumn y, co uld so have re pres- bili ty; fo r, to use t he words of Stone- 1,2 3 1,200,000 budt els or over 60 ue r ented hi m. We q uote from "The wa ll Jackso n, ' T here are ti mes whe n cell t. of I be total fo r the wl,'ole In those days, news did n ot travel Growth and Vi cissitud es of CP mmerce tht• insig nifi cance of an ncc nser is lost wo ri,l. La~t year these four cou nt ries as ra pid ly as th ey do now. T nwe llin g in all Ages," by J .. h n Yeats, LL.D ., in the ingratitn do of the accu sat-ion.'' J, 170 200 000 we, o i: red ited with was a ha rd und ertakin g, a rid only Lond ,,n , 1887. T reatin g of industry bushel s, or jn ~t 60 per 'eeut'. of very wealthy people could affo rd t o in Eng land un de r th e Norman s, the Grouping th e El•Hope:rn tLo tot al. follow s :-" The send messengers. Ea rl R obert nu tho r writes as Victims of Competition , ou e tota l, 111 cou111 ries toge tha ' p romised t o wri te t o his fath er f1S soon mon asteries of tha t tim e seem to h,ive th e U uited Stutes Canada, and as he should arriv e in Briti;.tny. The bec• n tile sa nctu aries of in dns try as well S tatistics were recently 1,ublishe<l Mat,itobu, Ch ili, un d Argco tiu e ReBaron believed t ha t perh aps his son us of lean ,in g. L ocated in fertil e va les, showing tbut E ng!nnd is rap idly fa lli ug pn bl ic in anotlter, with India aod to th e clergy made la bo r 11 sacred d uty , oppo rt unity would t a k e the behind Cou tin ent.a l mark ets in the A nst1~lia on the outside, we get at th e apologize for his sudd en depa rture, and by culti vating th e ri ch lancls expotation of read y-made ·clothi ng, her foll ow rn g facts concerning th e world's and announ ce t o him t hat he had 11ro n"d th em th ey im proved the prnctice only chan ce of recovery being to still wlieu t fo r th e past two years :p unish ed his soldiers fo r th eir mis- of agri cnltnre. Th , y were lenie nt furth er red uce th e cos t of prod uction. 1889. 1881. rs re labo ' farm the iog ld ,! shi By ters. mus beh a viour. However, no .l ette r came H erc, l,owever , t ho diflic nl ty presents Europe 1,122,600,000 1,179,084,000 from Brittan y althou gh a for tnigh t fr om th e injnstico of' th o bs rons, th e 538,200,000 466,800,000 itsel f tl1 nt wages in t his t rade nre America had ela psed since t he g uests of t he monks prc•?ared t he woy for th e over243,200,000 266,880,000 sta rvati on poin t. I ndia t 11 t os nlrn alre1\dy Castle had left it. One day Dick th ro w of vi llein ago. 1f' t he loss of Australia 26,400,000 44,500,000 cent rn of· the ex por t ief cL the is Loeds went to Valogues' fair fo r a holiday, liberty be the loss of half our vi rtu e, we r nd ju dg ing fr o □ the staternen ts de, tra 1,930,400,000 1,957,264,000 'fotals a nd brought home st a rtling ne ws. It 0we 1111 ind efi nite debt to mo nachism mnd e by l1an ds now on stri ke at one of According t o t l, is show ing, E nropo is w~s reported tha t the B retons, allied for th e r?stitn rion of tbis price less th e p1incipal fa ctori es, e ve n the L ondon 57 ,000,00G bns hcls short .of last year. wit h a fe w hundred Anglo-No rmans, boon .. As fr ee man tli e lowe r ord er s weater s' " ic tiru s need nd envy their s ch whi , perty pro to ht g ri R who had landed a t Gran ville, bad laid acq uired H there vcre no su rµlns in E 11rope in lo t. N omi11n lly, th e ,,rng9 rate is j nst. siege to the Castl e of Haye-P aisuel, clevnted th eir mornl tone and added to 1888 tlic u t lie 57,000,000 bnsheJ3 and ving, li a h s furni to cieut rnffi one of the strongest fort resses in th e prosperity of th e wbule pop ul!l lion. d:·fi ci t mn st lie obtr:iiuecl elsewhere ar e t he re But more. nothi11g Norma ndy and t hat Viscoun t de .Mauutsctures no le~s th an h usb an dry tl1nt c an supply snch " cled11 cL ion ti " wl:i ch cur· it down Th ~ ?n ly c'.1u1,try B ellesme, having revolted a"ainst t he were fostere,1 by tl lll mouks. Tb e dehc 1cncy 1s tl.,e UniLcd ::->tn tes, which is a wee k is chargod y uu pe A ly. ib terr King of France, had hoistecl th e E1w- princi ple of ere r monusle ry was, th nt t:1~d ited with:>. crop 80,000,000 bushels r cooking din ners, nod t!J is bas to be lish stand ard . Dick gave no fnrt h~r each comm unity shou ld supply as far fo larger th an in 1888. cooked bring who hose t by even p:iid det ails to J ames and the other ser - ns possi\.i lo its own wan ts by home lu\.ior. T his is dertnin ly ao encou rag ing outwith them. T hat, ho we~er, is 11 v,ints, but t old Father Feli x confi - Cloth. was woven fr om born e-grown foo d for th e Alller icun fol'tnC'r and look for cli ief cau se rievance. The clen ti all y t hat E :irl Rober t, a t the won! ; abbeys und chn rcho~ were planned g wh eat is ~ik ely to advance co n8ia'erably nt1y pe one of on ncti ed <l u iR int pla com head of his accu rsed Scots, w::is an d bn il t by ecclc, iaslica l art1fi cH s, u11d 1f rho l~ur opeun I ctu r11s b1we been every abilli ng ea rned, for s te11m amongst t he besiegers of the H:1ye- I euuti fa l rn ins and spl_e1Hljd cuthedru ls for re ctly _cast. lligh l nt ili is point, cor hy P nisuel. " This n ews does 11ot snr- remain as eTide nc<•s of Lh eir gen ills. power. Thread , wbich is rnpplie<l bow cvor, 1d the ono uncertain elem ent I' lar).(C l il st a es iuvdv tlrnmselves, girls prize me," said t he chaplain "bnt it Each rn lig ious ret rea t was II cen tre of in tl, e who:e propositi .. n. No tw o of will be a terrible blow to t h'e Baron . industry g rea te r t.lrnn mili tary g lory." loss . In one way an ,l ano the r, therefore, 1ho recngn iz~d s!nt istic,1115 of E u1·ope y expectionull nn of rerc-ip:s y kl w~e e th H e is very fe eble an d in bad he:ilth . (pp. 133-5.) T he occu rre,, <·e of rnch fignr," fo r E uropean le , l,n n d un · rcd u(•rd t o n;,ont I 2s., ~'. 1,·e t l, c •ssme Don't say anything ahout it t o him pass;, ge3 us tuis in wo rk s hav ing otl ,e r- , kil 11ot ag r,,e on a single do They t. w:1ca Dick. B ad news travels qnickl; I wisb no bea1ing on Cath olic matt~r~. whil e the in cxp~n does not make mo re t:1>1111 try . Bat they a1 e . 11 0 better or . !cos ch mu uy nrn 11d a s, rd -thi two 1'1nn enough . L et us try to keep t his a nJ wri tte n by a uthors who ca nnot be worse tlrnn onr own s t,utisticans. T he suspec ted of the slig h test Catholi c Ien n- F or, to wo rk up t o t.he muxi mum lc~el wh r-nt crop of the U11i teJ Sta tes LI ti s from him as lon g as possible." e t!, of l'S sl:.'l hese t , ,io11 era1 nn lJl re of Bn t all Father Felix' p rec::iutions in gs, mu s t necessflr ily hove a du e elfe<" I yrt1r hns boe11 vnri o11s ly cs ti nrnLed from were useless. Many of t he vassals of in dieabusing th e minds of no n-Ca th olic 11 0::dle rn nst ue capab lt, of con:ipl eli11g n 512,000,000 to down bushels. Brix had gone to _the fai r ::it Valogues readers. T l1 e ide11 of the lazy monk , tl uz•· n pa ir o l t ro users a duy . There 450,000,000 bu shl'ls. A matter of even and , shed accompli so few only u,·e 1 und wh en, on _t hen: r et urn ho me, t hr.y · at ar.y ra te, is fin 11l!y ex plotled . these have lo dn 11 por tion at honlP, G:!,Ol 0,000 bushels w iLh us more than r elat ed to th eir wtves all t he rumours ali3es _the eff,•ct, of r:i report of ~L1_ 1 Hi 1 uftn r toi lin g !IL th e facto ry u ntil late in t hey had beard, t he whole vill age ti, hc 1t, 0f ;)7,000,00:) bn s hels in the affair ell n a,r O'Shea-P The e th tb11t timated es is It . g nin eve e th was astir and cries :ind lamentanet. pr ice, af1er deduction s, does not nggr<g nte whc11t cro p of Eu ropo Tnko tions were heard everywhere. uonn t to q uite 2d . fo r each pair of tli c Un i:cd K i1:g. 10111 f" r 1rn ple. a1 sT.A.TEMENT BY Mti . PARNELL. The women ran up to the c:istle to . H tlm t be so, t here ce1tainly 1n 1888, the offtc,ul fi gu res of crops in lron~ers Th e spec ial Lo ndon correspo nde nt of ask Miss de_ Bu r(!o to t ake into he r does not seem mu ch more fo r ch eape n . lh ut conn try wern 14 .880,000 bu she!R. ca r e all th ell' v~l uables. Th ey_ spoke , the Freeman's Journal wr ites:-'J'i1c <'SI imat,:s ' his vea r vary from I obtu in<?d an inte rvie w f 1000 :\1 r ing 1. rodn rt ion by lower ing wages. 65,000,000 to 82,000,000 bushels . In ~11 t ogether, crymg and scream mg :is , cbeapeneJ if it is not 1f th ~ enemy :vas a~ t heir vc l'y doo rs. Parnell to-cloy with ref~rc• nce to tbo On th ,i ot her hund, lun d will lose th e bul k of the the tot,d givrn above the ontsicle P a uline, h:iv111 g wit h some di ffic ul ty , an no uncement of pro,:c•ed ings by Cnptai11 Eng Ln si ness, :tn,1 these miserable q 11trn Lity is na1ued. A 11 eq11a ll y good fou~d out w~at was t he c~nse of t he ' O'S hea agni nst hi m in the Divor<·e export wi ll be un able to ea rn a ny '.lutlwr11.y Ruys tl ,c c rnp ll1cro th is ye nr men wo exc~tement t ried to ca lm t hei r fears by Court. Mr. Purnell ~tutcd tli ut he ha,! _nil. Crn el, ind eed , a re th e wil l _ not exceeJ 65,000,000 bushels. at oa wug t el lmg them t ha.t t he Haye-Paisuel was not hea rd up to then t lint a ny irnch \!Ve l,nvc su ma doubts about the proceedings Lad beeu tak r n bnt said proc~s es of co m petit ion in trad e, and Un ited ::Hates proJ ucin g 480,000,000 . a long way off less se b00a11 11ll, of I , cn1 t mo, " Oh ! clear l\11~s P ~uline !" cried a n that Captain O' S hea hnd ~h reateneJ 1e .ued iu!, lr, whe n th ev have an interna- bu sh els t!~ 1s year, whi G!t is th e quan tity ol~ wo~1a n, . notl:111/f 1s :i Jong way off si1ch proceed ings for yeara paR t in foc i. rncl ~d ed 1a th e above &ummu ry. On · t ional characte r. ~?t fi_re_. A lllsh IS h t 1 ~nd a l] th e h~y - smce 188G, when Captu in O'S hen hnd th e fa ce, howeve r, of th ese favo urable !!!-~=~~!"'!!'•=!!!!!==-~=~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"" from 11ck 1s m flames. T hats the way with separa ted l.• imself po lit[cully sta ti a1ics fur tb e hold ing interes t:, it is he t tha added l lVIr. Pa1nel war . (?h, cursed ,~ar ! We shall lose him. kn own that, producers have been free -1f everythm g. A ll will b.i l, nrnt, our r had receiv ed reliubl e informal.ion tbt sc:lers ever since t ho harves t opcratiou9 ~rops and ou'.· cat tle. (i ncl to t hi nk it I Captain O' ::i hen had been incited tor comm (• nced. Of conrse it is cnsy to THE W O RLD' S W HEAT. 1s my nurselmg, my_ lt1 t l_e R?be rt, so \ so me ti me past to take actiun of this nccou11 t for a po rti on of thi s hu sin e, s. the of pondent es rr co ndon , ,. L ha 'l gent le a nd_ so ~1eant1ful . 111 _In s young \ natnre by l\l r. E ll.,.. ar<l Can lfield No 1111,tter what the outloo k, th ere 11•·e testa a guve recently ]iiller . W N. days, wh o 1s gorng to ~·urn ln s conutry I H ouston, th e hirer of Pig,>t t, unu li e always so me whu are obl ige,! to sell r fo d rl wo the of crop wheat he L of ment bel ieves O' Shea barl hre n indn r.ed to . and send us all a-beggm g. th eir wh eat as soon as ready . In so me The B_a ron de Burgo l1 ea n 11g t h e tn ko th ese procee.J i □ g by Hous ton in 1889. Th e tota! co~parcs as foll ows yenrA _th e q111, ntity thus offe red is la1gc r la mentations of t hese good wom en, J t. lt e intereH ts of tho Times, in order to with prev ious ye11rs :1h u11 111 oth er yea r,, 11 nd it i8 fai r to came to see what was t he mattc l'. A s ! try and diminish th e damncr eq li kel y to Bu slt r l~. ass_u '.nc t hat it is r.l ways in ex-:css of the soon as h e appeared, th e,;: l1 elcl th eir ~e given in th e for th-comi 11 libel oct ion . 2,200,000,000 188•b lcg1t1111ale, overy day wnnts of' tho peace, for t_hey feared bun althoug h 1, t~l r. Purnell also siud that b r bud con 2,000,000,000 1885 11; ,. rket. Tlic•so cn1 ly sales arc ofte n I they loved ~tm . fl e enq uired into the s tnntly res ide,! at Mrs. O' :-, hef\'s honse 2,000,000,000 188G mad e at n di~aclvan t.11go when th o cro p ca.use of t h ell' alarms and wns i nformed ' at Eltl ,am fr om the cn tl of 1880 to 1886 2,096,000,000 1887 of th e world 1s n uder estimo ted. 1Vhe11 O'S'l · C b y old N ancy 1ea wns alway s a wore tha t upta111 . · 1,957,264,0 80 1888 th ~ ont-tnr 11 is in ex ecs~ of tlt c ea rly On hearrng he r report _the 13aron · lie (:.Vl r. Parnell ) was constanlly the re ., 1889 1,929,400,000 e, r1111ate, those who hdd buck s nppli c11 got extremely a ngry _a_nd smcl lie woul cl in b is ( ~' nptf,in Shea's) ah Acnce <l ui ing I lie to t~! fo r the curreri t year i~, of arc of courile _tl1 c looc rs, huvi11g to 1l'tl<l sen d J ames to enqu u e 111to t he trut h · thu t pcn od, 11 11 d sinco 1886 he bus cuu rse, sm1ply ao es tima te. 'l'ltc totals und 111t~res t to orig in al pl ic,•. i know n that Mr. Purnell con • tnotly or th e previous years am f1001 official ~tor!lge of t he matter. thr ee y ea rs hnve opcrntecl past h~ I r. :M [886. to 1880 om fr there rrsirlcd rehcl of . " Tho~e who accn~e Robert und semi-official sources . . T b~rc is oga1ns t tbosc who sold la te in t.lie h on agamst the Krn g of France lmvo f'n1 11el l i, thn efore coi,vin ned tlia' th' an np inion accepted 01ore or less season . B ut n yea r will come wh c1 · IS ' bea's• part · · 11 arc h- ex tt ao'.·d111a~y ' S ?o~tis . cl , " h e cn.ecl . . ." ll- 1s 1te action (•n O'S genera lly as npprox imatcly co rrccr , th orn who se ll in ti1 c lust l1a lf "f the1 T' t,. of t interes the 1n )· rel l'1.ll ~ 1 ers to ente1 111to the se1vice of t li e ue imes. t hnt, th e a verage wh eat crop of th e l · • l ·t~ D ti k e of B 1·1 .any, nn c it rn 10 who He !. us ubo reccil'ed reli :,,l, le in fo rrn a- worl <l for the pas t decaclo is yra r wil l <lo th e b st. That ti me 111ny bo 1n tl, e 61 st six monlli e of 18\JO. her h orse, ordered her gl'oom and pages to fo llow her, and quickly left • th e Castle. P a uline ran to the terrace Lo look aft er her. She saw her cl isappcat· in t he wood, and waited in va in for her Neit her t he Earl , nor the return. Countess, no r [tny of t heir fo ll owers return ed to the Castle ,.f Brix . Som e woodmen saw t hem going in ,t sout herly direction. The ·c me n put ou t the f'ire wh icl1 t he 1:icottish soldiers had light ed, a nd car ried back to Helen th e remains of he·t heifer. T he good woma n th a nked t hem and invited them to suppe r. A t th e fa rm th e ad \' entnre ended i n a joyoL1s repast. Dnt at t he Castle t he old Baron w:is fn ri ous, and spen t t he night deploring his son 's jnsubordin ation.

_sent th em to the Haye-Paispol. 11nt . my son c::mnot be amongst t hem. l t Don' t repeat t he i is impossible. I calumny, woma n, ot· I wi ll ha\,e yo n ! punished. R etnrn hom e a nd be quiet. j If it shou ld unfortunately happe n t hat the B retons corn as fa r as h ern, this castle shall serve you as a place of shelter. To be continued.




arm, S tation, nn1:J mome.









- - - - ~- -

,. .:, .- .,.

13 1890. ·





ii . . . .


T he noblest sight on earth i8 a mnn talking 1eason a nd bis wife listening to

..", . ,,..,,..._...,.,_._,_~~~


Teacher: "How ia the earth d . · l d ?" 1~11p·11 ·• "By earthquakes, !Vil e ·

What tirne liy the clock is t he best · h for n p un? A joke takes best Just w e a

ma'am." A man has a<lvertise<l for n I.Joy to

it strikes one.

open oysters with a reference. We don't believe it can be clone. Whl·1e they nre prodncing an elixir to m l\l,n ol<l people yo unger, it won lJ be "" t bless1· ng if they could get some" grea "t '11'n g up to iuake -· youub"' people older. ' l The fo ll ow i11 ,..,rr co nversation took p at:e in an ofli ce: " D id yo u everrealize anyt!iing in the lotter ies?" "Yes , s ir. I tried fiv e times and rea lized that I was • •


an 1<l1ot. O a e on the Professor. -Pr0_fc~sor_ to pupi l whom he ha_, caught ~1J1m1ckrng him : ~t r. Jone~, 1f you don t s top uctfo g li'· e a fool I shall selld you from the " claEs. . Durino0 th ree months o:ie of tbe wrne p · E I ·b ·r t t d judges at the an~ .' x ll I JO_n as e thirty thousnnd vanet1es of \VJ De. Be · · co ffee to get h.1s t ongnc is now clnnkmg • oa the flat ngu111. 11' . : D 011 't] e_t Ao Uu lu c I<y Stree t .-i,, us turn down th ere. F.: Why not? E . : Beca u se it's uniucky fo r me to pass dow n that s treet. There are precisely t hirteen people to whom I owe muney Iivin " ia it. . can never fo rget, doctor," sm<l th e grate ful patient, 'thn,~ I o':e yon th my li_fe." "D?1~'t f~rg~~• replied e jpract1ca l pract1t10ne1, that you owe me fifteen visits. That's what I waut you to bear in d · " . Two lrisbrnau walkrng down M arket 0 Street, Ph il ndelphia, stopped p~osite a Hebrew store, with Hebrew wntwg, over 011 8 1 it. Says P ut: " N ow, •YI k·e, Y t re n,, ed ucated man; cau y ou read 1iat ?_. M ike: "Begorra, I can't, Pat i but if I had me flute, I t h ink I could play it-',,' t 1 ble " ' nd are v ou s ure, cons ' , II "' , J i nterl'O"llted Si r James, "t iat JO b • · d ?" " I 11 to1· prisoner was intoxicate · x cated Son James," replied the Ba rk, "shu;·e, yer worship if ho bad s_bpoke 1 0f through the t1l iphone the very b· n tl him would ·have made the p oles ,sta.~ge r !" Truthfol.-Cnstome r : " I Li oug ]1t b h d a r ieco of cal ico from you I. e ot er ay, s ir au d you said the co lours were fast ." Cl~rk: "I remember ii, m'ldam.'' " Wdl, when I wet the calico_ t he



colourscarneoutatonce.'' " ertarn IY ; I knew they wou ldn't be slow about Jt . Diel you come for more?" . A J'udrre de livering a charge to a Jlll'Y ., h ti 1 s aid : 'Gentlemen, y ou ave evi.1Je11ce. The i11dic;ment Buys the prison er w ns a rrested for s tealrng a don key. The offor;cc seem, ~ to . be 11111 . bEcoming a common oue. time st has come when it zn u3t be put !l. op to; otherwise gentlemen, n1Jne of you ·11 b f ' wi e SB e. . At a recent d inner a t Lhc 3J an s ion House three fo r<.!ig-11 cons uls we re presei, t whom the L ord Mayoi· wished to honour 1 · I· ti · J !the \ccordingly JY drrn rnig ietr iea · :he directed the toastmaster to a nuounco " the liealtlis of t he three preseuL COil i:tuls.'' Ue, however, mistaking the 'v.,,rdi,, g ave out, " T he Lord '.\layor


Kind words are like bald heads, they can never <lye. A fu ct to be remembered by expecto nts: In making w ills so me a re · left out and others are Ie f t tin. Tommy : Pa, may I n~ 1c yon a · Iy , my c I11' Id . q nestion ? Pa: 0 ert1nn 'L'omrny: Where is the wind when it doesn't blow ? Thern is a man in New York City "-11080 name is Dust. If s uch II man

did not lrn ow eaough to go in w 11en it ' rained his name would be mud. , Wui ter at the club: There is a lady J nutsi,fo who say 8 that her husbnncl irornised to h(l home curl to-n ight. f . . 1£ Y 1 11 . \. n srng: , xc use me a m~lllcllt. "Yes, Sil'," s aid a nrnn w itli n !!rt1cl~o 11 gainst the Ol'ator of tLc du) i " 111s




Rpcech was funn_y enoug Il to rn11 :e - ~ donk ey laugh. I laucrhed till I cneu. . a wife ." ti! h er h n s ban d "John" ~a1<l ' . a s she looked up from the morning . a co11stw1se . s tenmer.?'' paper, "what is "A coastwise steamer, my dear? Why, u coastwise Ateamer is one that knows how to keep off the rocks along the coast." The . fo llowing lndicrnus sentence is the result of a compo,itot·'s punctuaii on: Cresar entered upon h is head, his helmet _upon b i& feet, a r~ ed. sa~~als npcn h 18 brow8, a cloud 111 h is 11ght b and, bis fa ithful s word in his ey e, an

a□gry g lare.

Ch ief to a n indnst.rious clerk iu Uov ernm ~nt office : \iV hy didn't you ,lot the " i" in the last word of your · repo rt last nig b t.? I n d ustnous c ]er Ic : I be" your pardun ; but you see the clock\truck fo ur just 11t that poi nt, a nd I didn't cure t o work overtime. " I don't 8ee your son a b on t any where," snid u travelling man to a d II d "I m erchant whr,m he bu ca e on. s ho about the city?" "Yes." "Pnrsning his studies?" "I think he is p ursuing his s tudies, h nt from what I can hear I Jon 't thia k he has mu ch chance of catching Ul) to t hem.'' A J)erson ~ t hrew the heatl of a g oose

upon the stag<➔ of Belleville TL~atre. TLe rnann g ~r, adv1w c1ng to the froat, said: "Gen tlem en, if any one 11mong y ou has lost hi ~ li1:a1l do no t be un_ensy,

·for I will 1es to: o it a t t he conclusio\i of t he pcrl'ol'manc(i." W hen A ldermau Ui ll d ied his widow onlored the undertt1ker to inform t he I I.l' Court of A lil e rmeu of t 1e eve nt. .J.e wrote to thiR effect : "I am desired to infol'm the Co urt of Aldermen, M r. A lderman G ill dine! last n ight by order

of Mrs. G ill." Notliing




"I th ink domestic happines s is reached 1.,hn.r·e

• ,

hu"uand anti wife relllize that 0

cnch ~hould clo th eir share o( labour.'' He : " i1 y op inion exac tly . I believe in a di visi on of <l omcij tic wo rk. l\'ly wife cooks all t.lie meals and- I eat 'em."


Here is a bit o f nncouscious rust!c

I shrewish wit. ,John Mon n Lad b,•en sent hy wife to murket to bell tbe pig.


Oa the way he ~o t drunk, th e ~ig ., t l anu ne vr_i· urne c up aga111 . A. fe,v weeks nfterwardH Joh n was asked if he had ever hcurd of pig yet." '' 'Eanl of 'im,' he said-" 'eard of him? Ou, ny, I ' ears of 'im most clttys !" S b E. A. othern, the nctor, US once h eth n 8impleton et Id h in .A lbany, I . . , t at wou t row 1 11m over tie na rrow par f b Il d . Th o t e - u sou nver. e man was fo olish enoubah to take the bet·, and t h e Rtake, £10, wa~ placed in the holder's h an ds. A large crowd went down to see tho performance ; a nd Sot hern, with h b h great composure, seiirnd t c man y t e nape of the Deck an d the slack of the breeches, an,! p itched him about si x fe et into tlie river o_ f! the wharf. ~'be man came out., puUw1 g and Llow111g, , aying, "Yon' xe lo, t y<> nr bet." " I'll i l,e 1,an red if l have," ~"Y8 Sot he rn , "I ~ t th 1·t f d 011 1y want v ge~ e 110 o you; a u 1'11 throw all chy but I'll ge t you over at t,, 'l 'I f II h ba ·' 1as . ti 1e t poor e ow, d owever, . d tu one 1row oornuc1,an c1ecme o 1 h . l mI ave a s rng 1e crop ore.

II ~trayer,I

£ :)

SILVER LEVER HU.N'fER, Cappu>' 0 and J cw ell eel, Guaranteed two yeai ~ A. J. GALLE'S, Albany . "Fon TIIE BLOOD rs T H E LIFE."CLAlUrn•s WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE is warranted to c'.eanse the blood from all im puri ties from w~iatever cause arisrng. ]Tor Scroful a, Scurvy, Slcin and Blood Diseases, and So res of all kinds, its effects are marvellous . Thousau&s of testimonials. Sold in boLtles, 2s. 9d. and I l s each by Chem ists and Patent Medicine Vendors everyw here. Sole Proprietors 'I'm, LINCOLN AND MIDLAND CoUNTI(''5 Dnuo Co., Lincoln, England .

HOLLOWAY'S PrLLS.-Nervousness and wan t of Euergy.-When first the n erves feel unstrung, and listlessn ess s upplants energy, it is the right tim e to take some alterative as Holloway's Pills to prevent disord er runnin g into disease. 'rhese excellent P ills correct all irregul arities and weaknesses. T h ey act so kindly, yet so en ergetically on the functi ons of tho di"estion a nd assimi la tion , that the wlwl e bo~ly is revived the blood is rencler~d rich er a nd pu rer, the muscles become firmer and stronger and the nm·vous and a bsorben t syste ms are invigorated. These Pill s ar e s uitable for all class es and all ages . They have a most marvellous effect on persons who ar e out of condition ; they soon rectify whatever is in Editor:-" Mr. Funnyrnan , your fault, restore strength to the body. and humorous department is not so bright confidence to th e mind. a nd fresh as it used to be. A r e you ia poor health P" M r. Funnymaa-" N-o, ·'i. ROTHERH AM SI LVER sir; my health is nil rig ht, bnt I'm IlUN'l'ER L E VER S, Guaranteed two years, at J. GALLE'S, Albany afraid I'll ha ve to give up humo ,·ou s work." Rd itor-" What is the r-natt<>r ?" M r. Funnyman-" Well, H ow Pills are Made. sir, I g ot married some ruont,hs ago, and now when I print a .J·oke abo ut wives T he custom of taking medicine in th e form dates efar in history. my wife thinks it means her·, and if I objectofispills to enabl us back to swallow easily The in a mention a mother-in-law her mother coudcnseil for m disagreeable and nauseous comes round and mises the roof, and , but very usefu l, drugs. To what vast di besides, one o f wife's brothers is a mensions pill-takin g has grown may be imagined when we say thatthousand in England alone plnrnl,cr, an other is an iceman, and tl1e about 2,000,000,000 (two million) oth er is a coo l dealer, and she has u pills are consumed every year. In early half brother who is a book agent, nad days pills were made slowly by haad, as the they're all lii"cr meu with ugly tempers. demuud was comparativoly small. To-day If ,·ot1 llot1't, min d, I 'd like to retire they arc produced with infin itely g rea~er · d J rnpi<!ity by machines especially from h nmol'OUS <le,1artment and a take a for tile purpose, and wi th greater contrive accurncy, " poaition as obituary editor." too, in the p roportions of the varions ingredients employed. """"~·"°2·~~=·:::~"':::::":'! '"':"!'~"'·_.......,~~.,.~' :'.! "!:!!-~·•-=-~•~-!!~•~•~~=!!! No form 0£ medication can be better than apared. pill, prov is intelligently preVital Questions I I ! Butided nghtonly h ereitoccurs t he difficulty ICasy as it may seem to make a pill, or a Ask the 111ost e111inent P h!Jszcian million of them , there are really very few Ask any school, wha t is the bes t t i.Jing in P1·11s tl1"°t can be J1ouestly commended fur the wo rld fo r quieLiug aud allaying all irri- popular use. Mos t uf the m either under tation of the 11en·es, and curing all forms of shoot or overshoot the mark. A9 everybody nervous co mplaints, givin g natural, chilcll!ke Lakes pi ll s 0£ some kind, it may be well to refres hing sleep al\\'ays? menLio1< what a good, safe, and reliatbe And they will tell yo u unhesitatingly pill should be. Now; when one feel s dull " So111ejorm of Ilups ! I!'' and more less be pain in the head,sleepy, siues, and and has back he ormay s ure his

£6 6

.C11Ar1•1,:n t . Ask any or all of tile most emi nent ph ys icians "What is the best and only rem edy t hat can be relied on to cure all d iseases of the kidneys uuci urinary organs; sucb as Bright's ilisea~c, diabetes, rctenLion, or im1bi lity to r etai n urine, and all t he diseases and ni lmeuts peculiar to Women"And they will tell you explicitly and emphatically "Iluclw ." Ask the same p hysicians "What is Lhc most reliable aud surest cure fo r all Ii Yer diseases or dyspepsia; coustipation, ind igesL1ou, biliousacss, malaria, fe ver, a1iue, &c.,'' :iud they will tell you : M aiulralw! or 1Ja11delion I I I I Hence when Lhcsc remedies arc combined with others equal ly valuable, And compounded into Dr. So ul e's AmeriI cm'. Hop Bitt_ers, s uch a_wond.c rful ,ind mystenous curnlJvc power 1s developed, wh ich is so rnried in its operations that no disease or ill-health can possibly exist oi· resist its power, and yet it is . Ila_rrnlcss for11the · 1d • mGst l ld tfrail woman, weakmva 1 or sma es . c 11 o use.

bowels are costipated, and his liv er sluggish. To remedy this unhappy s tate 1f things there is nothing like a good cathartic pill. IL will act like a charm by stimulating the liver into doing iLs d uty, and ridding the digesL1ve organs of the accumulateil poisouous matter. · But the good pill does uot gri pe and pain us, uciLher does it make us sick and miser• able fo r a few hours a day . IL acts on tbe entire glandular aystem at the same time else Lhe a[tet·-cfl'ccts of the pill will be 11•orse than the di sease itself. Th e griping caused by most pills is the result of irri tating drugs whic h tbey coutaia. Such pills are harmfu l, and shoulu never be used . They so meti mes even produce hemorrho ids. W ithout luwing any particular desire to praise oue pill above moLhcr, we may, neverth eless, name Mother Seigel's Pills, manufact ured by the wellkuowu house of A. J. Wh ite, Lim i ted 35, Jfarringdon lkad, London, and now so ld by :ill cllernists and medicine ,·cndo rs, as the only one we know of tlrnt actually possesses ernry desirable quality. They remove tile aressurc upon the brain, con ec t the liver and cause t he to..,, act with ·' I 't bowels 'Tb · case anu regu any . ey ,,.,ver gnpe or produce the sli ghtest sickness of tile stomach, or any other unpleasant fee ling or sy mptoms. Neither do they induce furthcr constipation, as nearly a ll oth er pi lls do . As a further and crowu iag merit . 1 1r 11 d .I Mother Sewc 's 1 s ·ire co vere 0 · · · 1 w1t 1 a tasteless and harm 1ess coatrn g W 1\IC l causes them Lo rese mb le pearls, thu s rend eri ng 'hem • as IJlcasant to the pala te as t hey are ell:ectivc in disease. dIf .yoI u have a ., curing d tl f severe colu an arc 1reateue w1t1 a ever, wiLh pains in t bc head, back, and limbs, oue or two closes will break up the cold and pre vent the fcrnr. A coated toug ue, with a brackish Lastc in the mouth , is caused by foul nmtLcr in the stomach. A dose of Seigcl'sPills willdEecta speedy cu re. Of Lcntimes partiatly uecayed food i n tbc stomach b l d · k & and owe S pro uce s1c · ncss, nausea, c. Cleanse tbc bowels with a dose of tbeso pills, and gooil health will follow . Unlike mnny kinds of pil ls, t hey ilo 1ot make yo u feel wo rse before you are better, d b They arc, without ou t, the best fami ly physic ever discove red. Th ey ·remove alK obstructions to the natural fuuetions i n, either sex without any unplea sant effects

F i•·st st.rnnge r: Yes, I fi rmly lielieve in tbe in fluence of' heredity. Take my owu case, fo r in s tance. All my aucesto rs f . . f ns have been me a o f letters "' C OJ genei a IO . • • drinl(R the healths of the T hree per cut. 01· have: bee n connected with literatu ie (;on'' in s ome way. Second stranger: ~ n<l I f00 t 0 f a You follow in their footstPps ? F irst St ral) o-,er, driving pa,t t_ie t11 I stranger: Y es, I a m a book-ngen_t. . mo,ua tai , tu dr ive r : Anythrng rmi:ia.r ,able · about tbis monutain ? Dnve~·: "Give me the grn 1Jcl old .r nurnn CHAPTER n. Thei·e is notLi:ig peculiar about th o la ll names," s ings a poet. S ing no more, 9 . t t cl :Mr. roet, but go clown to Florida , "Patients it~e1 r;. b ut the re\~ a q ueer~ ory ~ nnec e? I Id I 1· "Almost dead or nearly dying" :-' t1·a1,·rre1· ·. W hat JS t hat . where yo u can revel iu s ue I o \VJ.tl1 1·t. nc ian d . b I . . f ,, ., I t l)anles 118 Uhoc tawhatchie, C b utta- Fo r yearn, dan g1vcn' d up y- p istP.rna s,- o i Driver ; A lady (>Ill ge ~t emu:1 wen. J:lrig 1it's an ot11er 1<l ncy (11seases, 1lVCr O nt fo,i: a wulk .'HI tb1s h1I,, they ho ockec, Caloo.; ahatcl1ee, L acoochec, co niplainLs, severe coughs, called consump- b er, a11 d - never \V 11 ' hi ac oocliee , P '1tl1l acl1°,. scotee, Pana- Liou, have been cu red . 1.1 " , c••iicle,l 1 1·!!Lei· ," wJ hl'.'' ~ b .. c,'c. ai...-, u1·n. " Sl1"',~bo-e1· ' :, · 11 p·J u11ac · IJO cco ' craz. (..."11ne ·. Dea1· me! t1offkee, \V e wa Iutc l rn, ,., Women gone nea,'(IJ f I 11 . !I !I . " ~ "" · d H I .c rom agony o neurn gm, uen·ousness, What, then, became of the u11happy Sleiuhatcbee, Okefenokee, an a pa t- wakefulness, aad various diseases peculiar I tJ women. Pair? Driver: They went clown on the lok ' e. A Juuglrahle circumstance 011cc too c People drnw n ouL o[ shape fro m cxcrnc,other sitle. . · I 111 • L l· J atiag paags o[ r heumati sm, iallammatory The late Dr. T Lomas, Utl ecc~i~tnc place upon a tna nncas nr_c, w iere and chronic, or suIT•:riug fro m scrofula. ca II cd upon to v:s1t :t tlrn llev. ~Ir. \.Yood wa s axnm • · I · rned us a b erng · )J •11ys1mau, Er,·sipclas ! . I· d b'im, a 8 ho eu tere<i the witnes~. Upon g1v1r.g; llS name"~altrh eum , blooil poisoning, dyspepsia, sick mau 1 as ,e J I _ ,., · · d ' L' ·' · f 1 !l d' 1 h d'd? , 11 doctor ' O ttiwcll vV,H><l-the Ill ge, l\(Juressrng Ill 1ges ion, anu, Ill oct, l\ most a 1seases :room how e · ' ' 1 1 · i "p 1\1 frail" re Ji~d the m11 1, in n plaintive toue, ' I the reveren( perPon, sal' rny Nature iti heir to pd 0. ··cl I' The uoctor immediately le ft i Wood, how do ,von spoil you r name· Have been cured hy JJr. So ulc's llop Bit'!l lll "' · l . ·te:l •Lat die m an T bo olcl g entleman rep ltc<l-" 0 double ters, proof of which cau be fo uncl in every the room anc iepoi " U ,,, d bl L ' bl U · '·b h d · I I ld '1 1e re port \\ as Lielieved '.I', I doublz , .t!. ou e , oou e , neigu or oo 111 t 1c rnowu wor . cl j was . eac · . ; t do uble O, D." Upon wb ich the 80 on as the misan d Cll'culatell : o u as • I ·I d h 18 ' < l •erecl tbo doctor W£is astonished lawyer ait own pe n, . . ta ,e wa3 t isco, '. d false sa in, it wns Lbe most extraordinary ~NoM gen uine w1th onL a bunch of green asked why he bud piopagate a Y g l16 I d . ·net in h iR life anJ h?ps on Uie wh ite label, and Dr. Soule's Te ort , He re lied that 'he had it name ia cvei ' ' ' 11,tme blown i n Lhe bottle B1>WARE of all P · p • for he had it nf'ter two er tl~ree atte iopts, tle clarec.l he Lhe vile poisonous stuff made to imitaLe th e N ESBIT's LADIES SILVEJ\ W ATC11Es, ~3, V .from th e best, authority, · , was unable to iecord it. - above. from the muns own mouth , I



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HE 'W. A, {1~00R1J,

MA HG ! ( 13,

!'1!!~"':!!~~~~~~~~!!!!?!~!!'!'!~~~~~~~~~'-~""""-.....~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $

1·w. E: MARMION & co.,

Ve E . NESBJ rr, Practical Watchmaker a,nd. J eweller, ( Late of Rundle t:itrce t, Adelaide, UA Y t:i'l'B.D: l~T , P EH.TH.





Ju s r




n n 1 v ED,


Ar 1 D NOW O P ErT f~D AT

-Vv. G. lIEARI~fA '~


H AY S i'., PE11T£ J. Genera l Merchants, . Importers 1 __]J AS th e hos t select_e d and tli I Stoc k and Station Aoents O .JL cbe11pest Block of fi rst,-c!t1ss ' A NUTH !m !-,Jlll':1n; 'T 0 [•' OU G 'Natches and ,Jewell ery of liWElt Y I HAVE alw ays on h and fnll Stocks SPECIAf.LY SELECTED description i,1 t bc colony. Nes bit' s I of S tation requirements , aloo 8 nglish Lev ers ( ca pped 11ncl j ewelled) ' s nn dry other goods, Carpenters' tools, PIANOS sta nd rid ing and rongh work, g un.ran - I A nvils, Po rta ble Forges, ,vno l bales, teed fo r t wo years. The Bes t Watch Cornsacks, Wire Nettin g, Fencing AL !-:\0, J>IANO t-,'fOOUi , Tm,INr; without excoµ tion. NesliiVs Wa lth ams ' Wires, Gal vanized Corrn galed Iron, 1LUil\lEB<..:, EH '., a re the CHE A PEt:iT in th e Colony . i Donglas P nm ps, Il evolvers , S ni der T hese nncl other Watchc~ wi Lli a two ' lWles, Fowli ng pieces, ( muzzle an d \Vi ii be wld nt lowest I rires to rn,il1e r oom for u11r yenrs' g uarnnlco. Jewell ery of every breec h load ing) Arutunnition- S adJdesni ption made Lo order or repaired· 1 lery , Barness, &o. vVatcbes cl eaned or repaired. · Ses hiL's L e ve rs Ne.s bit's vVal th alll s i --<1-1 N ow coming to Hanel r.i, fo&t ;;t,; 1 (jcnt.' s Uol<l L odies' Uo lJ . ;2.tcam can briu,, th,_111, W atehes W atc!J es · - _[ 1 ,, f:i ii ver \IV nLcl.i es ,, 8 ilve r W atc ies - -o- 'l Iii ~ sbi jJlllCnt al, v i1,el t1des ,,.-w 1, ~·c•iy ::i i! ver B rncek,lo Guhl IJracelels \Vi11es and Spii•i ts in c11ses, qoarter i bJll'Cial d, si;.;"' i, 1 tl 1l'. sots B . & 1£. ~ets IL & K I .1sk s and octaves . 1 Brooch es ,, Brooches UHLIDEl\IA UAHPET Earrings TonAcco in small boxes (120 lbs.) ,, :E turings ,l,,l berts ,, A lberts 1Ji lmen's S tores, in large t1uantities . SQUARE~. ,, L eo ntin os Leo11 tines ,, Gings , Uent' s Ri ngs, GenL's ,, do . Lad ies' do. Ladies' F? r Rugs, Stair 0arpets, &c., DR L\.PERY IN GREAT ,, Breast P in s Breast P ins . rapes t r y Cloth, Table C overs VA RrnTY. ,, Neck lets Necklets and Five o'clock 'l'ea Clo t hs ' ,, Studs S t uds · G uipure a nd Tapestry ,, Keepers J et Brooches·& Earrin g& Curtains, Art Muslin's. Also § 11.ann·ocl.: J.Iot.el ,. W edd in g Rin gs A lberts A very Cho ice Selection of B;Jectro Plated Cups Cl oc ks H AY STREET, PERTU. ,, Cruets, &c. · Spr.eta cles . - --- -


This Great Household Medicine rank s amongst the leading necessaries of Life. These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and It.ct most powerfully, yet soothingly, on the

Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, nnd J30WELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour lo these great MAIN S'PR[NGS OF Lil'E. They are· confidently recommended. as a neverfai ling remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whateve1· cause, ha, become impa ired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental lo F emalcs of all ages ; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MED[ CINE are unsurpassed. The Pills and i.lintment are Manufactured only at '18, New Oxford St. (late 583, Oxford ' St.) London; And are sold by all Vendors of Medicin es throughout the Civilized W orld ; with d . cc• ti ons for use in almost every_language.

c~- Purchasers should look to 111c I.,r. bcl on t h e Box cn and Pots. If th e ar1.J ·r • · · r. -683, Oxford Street, London, they r-.rn o


Teas, Suga:ts, ?lour.


JF'in,t (:;lass A_ ccomm odalion fo r TRAVELLE RS .

Watch es , Clock s , Jewellery, &c.,sold on TI ME PAYMENT with IM.MEDIATE possession to householders at ex WE S'!' AUSTRALIAN BOOT FACTORY ceedingly low p ri ces. As no heavy commission is paid for canvass ing and collecfo1g, customers will save ut lea st 20 per cent., by buyin g from V. E . Nesbit, besid es havin g a la rge stock to (Late T. & W. Br ilnall), select from and a practical watchmak er to g uarantee eve ry article sold. HAY t TRE~T, PERTH, ~" TIME PAYM l!";N T. N r eturning Urnnks lo the pnLlic genera lly rgr IMM.I!;DlATE; POSSESSION. for past favours, beg _lo announce ,tl1as

The Se ttlers favou ri te House.



OR COUG us, COLlJ S, l31tO NCHITlS Asthm a, lnl:lueaza, Cons umpti on , &c. . AY'S COMPOUND BS::iENCE OF LINSEED, A niseed, Senega, Squill, Tol u, &c., wit h Chl orodv11 e. AY' S COMPOUND, a deuml ceut expectorant, for Co ughs, Co ld8, and Chest Co mplaiut,s. A Y'S COMPOUND, fo r Coughs aud Colds, is equall y serviceable fo1· Horses and Cattle. AY 'S TIC ·PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia, Face-ache, &c. Contains Quinine, Iron , &c. O AGULINE.-Cement for Broken Articles . i:iold Everywher e. Ofanufactor y, ::ilockport,.Englaod. ·







DR'.t£SSES. S1,lendid Ba.lcouy back and fi·ont. B ath-room s, Stables, a-nd every requisite Joi· a First Class


h ey are prepared to manp.facture all classet of COLON LAL BOO'l'i:i , on th e shortest pas sible notice. A Isa, k ept in stock. a large and vii.l'ied asso rtment, of Ladies'. Gentlemen 's, aud Ch ildren's HOOT S and ::ill ORS- from the best English ancl Con tinen tal houses. L eather Grimlcry aucl Up pe rs always on h and . Good bides ancl k nn gMOO ski n s taken in exchange Goods de'spatched to all pa rt s of the Uolon y .



hy I thro

ynrd, oPLENDID at Low I'riceb .

QU.,Ll l'IED

- -~

L ad· ies 1\ · l'a Gowns un <l 11'I or111•ng \ l r up~




a spe-




J10NNETS ! small con s·i g n rnent. of · the Lntes t N oveltios. Also,-l"a 11 c:; \Vi1)g,·, Le ntLer &c F ult 11,1d l':it1 aw j ! a t~ . '


V. E. NESB IT, / W atclim aker and Jew eller,



Perth. AGJJ:N'.l'B: Mr. J. W. Andrew, Roebourae . JI 1'. W . S troud, Geralcltoa . ,, l!', Kelly, Do!!g:1l'ra. JI G. H. LoLt, Yo:·k .





Famous 1-louf e for Jfa~s•ti Ale and Guiness's Dto11t.

A Choice ~. lt·etio11 of G g N TS' lht ~ < .Ju r e~ T ilv thiid r(~-,, . ,' '• .~ , ..... , · /P,..::, 1-_ olll e

011 dr- n vare



.. . l< d,, C·<.n,, ... u11 ,. , 1/os1 e n·, l·v>l' G 1cut. 'v '·· ~ , lltl t· :-., ,.LI 't i\ W 11terprocd8. ·



b litt


rHOMAS It. D e J~UC E Y, P1.·01n•icaol'.

Im ,- L a.J i, s and {; l'll tfl' 1J ru li rclln~, &c , l\.c. P erfu ml'l'y. ali d l:i11a t1~ of lie, ~·t IJI OUttS I, 1ucf ud ing- .?car~', &l;.



The GERALDTO N HOTEL is replete with

vV. G. IfEAH.I~I1-il\

Every Comfort and Convenience for Travellers anti Visitors,

'I'r-,·,, (;1,. -,y,~ • "'1 ..!. 1 DHAPEI{. --------

A nd contains one of B nrrough e's and Wutl.o' far -fani c1l


BilliaI·tl ~~able!!!!,


G IU'l' JH•'UL- UO~I I1'0l:TfN(i.

Wbich!:is brilliantly lig hted, and is the favouri te resor t of lovers of tbe gn rn e. Wines, Spirits and Beers of the Best Brands obtainable, always on hand .

Clla1·~·es :J.lotlerate. Gootl A..tte1ulance anti <Ji'7ility.

Thin~ ~ rn ® ~ ® !ti rnr £ m:r

~ ®®~


ll)rc ~1 rn ~ .



B oot Manufacturer and Importer,



ONJ)m.1tnrA.Ii.ED, H AY STREET, PE.~TH. UNERALR conducted in any part of the Colony, and all details connected therewith attt?nded to at the shor test notice by telegram or otherwise. F11n ernl Hearses and Ooacbe5 always rc11d y.



~ ti fo . §. le, M 'Jnnm cntn.l H enri a n,] T ornb St.ones, \T \ h h:incl , ,rn ,e Tro n Hn ilings, E•111 pl ied 11:+cl 0rm1le1 c,,., 1p lel"

01rn I ~!!RGl



&C .,




General Funeral Furnisher,


A S nlways on band, the mos t ex tensive and varied s tock in th e colony of English, French , Gorm an, and Colonial Manufactured
















11:t Ull 8 El1VR THE ADDRF.~8, -

Ne,:t 'Door to the "Cl'iterion Hotel,"

----- --·-~-


Ei\F.- A P erson cured of De· . noises iu I r,e, I 1eac .. 1 of :,.J ~. yo• ·., ,fuc ~,; .,1mil . 1-,y ,i Gim ti lc J' emel. .••,rs s1:1uu 111 g • . ' l s' WI 11 SO I' t • l . . of If, l 'll,;i,; to any l'crsop '. ,i 1,(•scr!ptw11 N 1c 11 0 Lsox, ,; 5 Will i· " ho .1pplics 10 .iv-, -sLt'ect, i\11,1hou1 ne

Pr inted and -nu! 1 . , . If G •b ;· ., zsr!CCl fo r the !tight Hev. , . , 1 no ., t , fj' . t he " \V ,' ' ,,, Ct 1,ic. o· ice of , ECORr " '.I · -,.




J ,

H owze/,; street, Pc1·tl1, btJ

HO.J A~ 13RYA.N ,

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