The Record Newspaper - 15 May 1890

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THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1890.

No. '507.-VoL. XVI.

I W Ar-rCI-11\IIAl{~ll, oJEWELLEii, OPTICIAN, Erl-,C.~ 18t:A.'Y" STR,EET 9 PER.T]B[.,. LARGE







of the


received •

A FOUCHARD'S Lucky Wedding Ring House. GOLD and e5ilver Jewellery in great varietyi: ALL KINDS of Gold and Silver Jewellery manufactured on the premises.




GENTS Gold a1,1d . Silver Watchel!I . '

LADIES Gold and Silver

Vv atches. GENTS Gold and Silver Alberts in great variet)',

GOLD W·edding Rings made to order on the shortest notice.

, A Large Stock always on hand. & Well Selected Stock of. Electroptated Ware.

SPECTACLES to suit all sights. WATCHES, Clocks, and ,Jewell ery, repaired at reaionable prices. A. FOUCH ARD'S is the CHgAPEST HOUSE in the COLONY.



- - --··








Machines), was awarded THE SINGER MANlJFACTURING COMPANY at the Centennial International Exhibition 1888-9. ExTR.A.CT from REPORT OF JORY (Section 38) on Sewing and other Machines for making Clothing; as officially published in the Melbourne ARGUS and AGe Newspapers 29th January, 1889 :-

,, The SINGER SEWING M ACHINE C OMPANY and the Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine Company each exhibit a Collectiori of Machines, but we had not the slightest difficulty in awarding the SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY the FIRST A'\VARD with SPECIAL MEN!ION. _We particularly desire to exp;ess our o:pinio~ tha~ E ACH of the following Machines, which are a part of SINGERS Collection, is of itself worthy of a first - The Button-hole Machine, Eyelet Machine, Leather Machine, and Manuaward, viz. :facturing Machine. As a collective exhibit the Wheeler and Wilson Company , only took second award." A."WV'"A.RD~ ,,



Singer Manufacturing Company, New York, for Collection of Sewing Machines. '

SECOND ORDER OF MERIT, Wheeler and Wilson New York, for Collection of Sewing Machine, '.

J. Wertheim, Frankf;rt, for Sewing :Machine Attachments, and Hori. Mention for 8uperior Cabinet vVork. DEPOT-HAY-STREET, PEKTH.










It was fo un d that Portland bad been The Warsaw Baby Farmer. almost entirely levelled to the gro und, and that there were probably between Polish justice, if the re ports con veyed Terrible Cyclone in America. 2,10 and 300 bodies beneath the ruins. to England through Dalziel's agen cy A railway guard named Robertson, in may li>e accepted as true, do es not describing the scene, says :-He could err on th e side of severity. Abo ut The details given of the tornado see fires springing np in the wake uftbe a mon th ago a series of honible and which swept over the States of IJlinois tornado, and he made his way in their disgus tin g revelations were maue in Io diana, K entucky, aud Ohio show that directiou. At some points they bnrst the pu blic press of a woman baby fierce ly lighti ng up to the ruins in a start- farmer, its destructiven ess was terrible. S ty sioski, at W arsaw, who ling manner, and revealed to sig ht many is believed A corresponde nt, writing from to have dis posed of 75 poor wretches pinned by th ei r arms 01· babies during the last few Louisville, the capital of Kentucky years by legs between beams of timber or iron methods says: long or short, according to girders. It was really a sickening The nig ht was strangely dark, b nt her payment. The di scovery of her beyond th at tberP. were no unu sual sight, and the sh rieks, sobs, rnd moans charael b0use was maJe through t he atmospheri9 conditions which could be of the injured wern heartrendin g. burni11g of her cottage, to which she regarded as premonitory of th e Wi;lere the sidewalks were clear they is said to have se t fire p ur posely. approaching disaster until a very short were utilised for the temporary recep- The flames were extinguished and tim e b.ifore the cyclone stru ck the city tion of the victims and Robertson de- dead bodies of babies were discovered on the south-easte rn side of E ig hteenth clared that in th e hour which he @pent within . At the trial, Sllid th e telegram , street. Within a few m inute , as it in tffe mined area the sidewalks were it was shown that no child entr u~ted seemed; it had passed righ t thro ngb the piled high with mang led and to her care left the house ul ive, and solid, crowded city, tak ing a diagona l horribly mutilated but still living bodies it was also declared tha t she charged course, crushing through great b usiness He wall himself th e u nwilling witness 15 rouble~ for a grad nal and 20 roubl es premises and pri vate res idences, mak ing in Seventh -street of the torture a t1d for a quick death . She freq uently for itself a path, five blocks wide, and death of a family, consisting oJ: hu sband thre w ch ildren's bodies to her pigs, fini sh ing its awful work, as far as th e wife, and children. The poor creatmes and boasted of th e fa ttest pigs on city proper was concerned, by wrecking were pinned or wedged in th e debi·is in account of the good food provided the Union Pacific Railway Station in such a manuer thu t t hey could not be for them. This seems to hnve been Seventh- street, und hurling the greater reached, or extricated even if reach ed the c hief character of th e ev iden ce port, ioo of the extensive buildings into T he wreckage a round them caught fire, broug ht before th e court. She was the Ohio River. Rough ly speaking, and th ey were liternlly cremated. sentenced to three years' im prisonment, Next to Louisville- an estinmte fot the urban district laid waste comprised it was said " she co uld not he an area of three miles long and nearly says that the number of dead there convicted of murder." Ci rc nmstantial mu st nu mber quite a thousaod-t he evidence goes nowhere half a mile wide. With in t he a rea were io Poland at many of th e largest warehou ses, tomado wrought most havoc in the all events. town of Metropolis, Illinois. Metropomanufactories, a nd public b uildings in th e city . No t one escaped withont lis was a town uf over five thousand The Close of the L~bour great damuge, and most of them were sou ls. Tb tl cycl0ne cnt a clean path levelled to the groun d. Few persons a bo ut a quarter of a mile wide clear Conferenc e. who were in the streets within the across the town, wrecking property of tornado area escaped without serious all descriptions , and burying mon, Nothing could well be morn striking injury to limb, and scores were crushed women, and children in the ruin s of than the dramatic haste with which the to death by falling masonry and wood- th e falling buildings. The number of' young Emperor's Labour Conference victim s cannot be ascertained with bas work. The air was thick with misPiles bee n s ummoned, got together, and of all descriptions . Great baulks of anything like acc uracy, bnt it is re- dismissed. We may firnt se t forth the ported tbat many hundreds were killed timber whirled throu gh the air like conclu sions ar rived at and then see how ,arrows, and portions of solid buildings or wounded, and between 200 and 300 far th ey are likely to affect .the lot of 'were carried h undreds of y:irds away. houses swep t from their fonudations labour and English labonr in p11rticu lar. and dashed to pieces over the head~ of Everywhere the telegraph, telephone, The Conference advises under the head and electric-ligh t wii:es were torn from their occupants . S everal other towns of Regulation of work in mines-tha t in South-weste rn Illinois have suffered, their supports, and in places acted like undergroun d laliour in the case of gigantic flails. Street cars 'Wern caug ht but as far as can be ascertained the women shall be abolished everywh ere in their course, lifted bodily from the rails ruin has been only par tial. Compara- and altogether, and that in the cuse of tively few people were · killed in that and dashed on the side walk again st the boys th at th e protected age shall be walls of a standing building or on the district, but th e number of injured is raised to 14 years. The Coufernnce i·eported to be very la rge. top of the ruins ; many of them were also recommends , in very vague terms, smashed to fragraments, dozens of that the duration of shifts in mines in passeogers were k illed, and hund reds which work is particularly dangerous to I were injured. Market-stre et, JeffersonThe L.ocust Plague. ber1ltb should be limited either by direct street, and Walnut-str eet were blocked -legislation or agreement between emby the ruins of the buildings, from ployers and men. Tbe exte nt of the beneath which could be heard the g roans The locusts (says the Numurkah limitation is not in dicated. Under the and cries of i hose unfortunates who had conesponde nt of the Daily Telegraph) same heading of Mines comes a s tri ng not beeu killed outright. From Tenth- have ag ain made their appearance, after of things held to be eminently desirable. street to :Sixteeoth-st reet, practically having bee n absent for aboia t a week. It is desi rable that th e re lat ions bPtween not one house remained standing, and Conside rabl e damage i~ being done by the min ers an d the miu iog eng ineers hundreds of people were buried beneath the plague in Stra thm erton, U l upna, should be direct, so as to beget .a fo eliog tha ruins. While the tornado lasted and other parishes near to th e River of mutual confidence and respect ; that its appalling roar drowned every other M urray. '.I'be first visitation, about a continued efforts should be made to sound, even th at of the falling buildings for.tuight ago, was not nearly so serious increase th e measure of preveation and but when it had passed away it was us th e present . T he in sec ts have had re lief which each conntry according to succeede<;I. by the cries and la:nentation s full possession of the localities named its ow n ways has organised to protec t of the stricken citizens. fo r the past four or five days, and in the workman and his fam ily against It was known that a ball was in their wake are large areas quite denud ed illness, accident, misfortnne, o!J age, progress at t he City ha!!, and that of herbage, thougl.t a splendid growth and death ; that an effort should l,e ihe building was almost completely took place a week ago after th e rain . made to obviate strikes so as to insu re wrecked. A strong force of police Grass wh ich had attained a height of continuity iu th e production of c0al ; and civilians set t o work to explore 4in. or 5in . has beeD eaten up, and the for this end arbi tration is r ecommeo ded. th e ruins, and soon the worst fears sheep paddocks are without feed , many Under the second headin g , R eg ulation were realised. In addition to the of the animals being driven to eat of S unday la bo ur, the Conference Cin derella dance, several classes were bnshes. The owners ure anx ioue to sell decides that, s ubjeet to necessnry ex in progress in the City Hall, and the ir flocks, and local prices have suf- ceptions, on e day of rest sbo u Id be bu siness was proceeding in the lodges fered a dec line in consequence . One allowed to all labourers, and that the of three Friendly Societies under the farm er offered his ~bee p, about 2000, at day of rest Rhould be the S und ay . It same roof wbP-n the catastrophe came. 6d . per bead Jess than he was offered .} is curiou~ to note th at the French Th ere were probably not fewer than week ago, but without affec ting a sale. deleg ates , while agreein g to the principle 400 souls witbiu th e building when Lucerne paddocks have suffered severe- of oue day of res t it1 the se ven, objected it collapsed like a house of cards. ly, one fa rmer having lost three acres of to th e choice of S unday. T he Co nOf these, some 300 were killed outright, splendid feed , which he was r eserving fe rence then lays down in ge neral term s or mortally injured. l\lost of t he for thti winter supply. A!:!other grazie r t.he cases which would justify continuous bodies were soou got out. Many who had 648 acres of spleudid g rass, seven day s labour, as in cases wh ere others were kllGWn to be alive, fo r the res ult of three months' saving, bas continuity of production is essen tial, or their groans and cries for the help lost th e 10t, an d he is very short of feed where occupations on acco un t of their which could not reach theu.1 for hours for his cattle. A spec ulator and grnz ier nature can only be pu rs ued at certain could be plainly heard. Several young in D ln pna bong 400 bead of cattle seasons of &he y ear. Even in su ch g irls died from exh,mstion an d fr ig ht a bou t a fortn ight ago, and has lost cases the workmen ought to hav e every combined, before th e eyes of the ex- nearly all his grass since. The fligh ts seco nd S un day free. Th e Conference plorers, who were powerless to reach of the insects are said to resem ble a also decides that it would be well to them in time. Dozens of injured men Pnowstorm, nod cattle and hor6es will have the exceptions to the general rule and women were aclually bnrnad to not face them. There is any amount of of S unday rest determined by , interdeath before the flames coul d be ex- g rowth in the grass at present, th~ nationa l bg reem-:nt. Under the third tinguished, and the sound of their weather been w:,rm ancl the gro und head ing, Regulation of Children's labour, agony constituted the climax of the moist, aud if the insec ts pass oa from th e Conference decid ed that t he limit night's horrors. these distr icts, there is s t.ill some hope should , be 12 years. They a lso lay it While the rescuers and ex plorers of feed for the winter s tock, but in the down that children ought to have were at work in the centre of the city, meantime considerable inconvenien ce is fulfill ed the requiremen ts of elementary word was brought that help was ur-· felt by cattl e and shee p ow ners, who education, auct tha t their aggregate gently needed in the sub urban village of will either !, ave to sell thei r ij toc k or hours of work should not amount to Portland, and it was promptly isen t, move them to more favo urable localities. more than six: hours. The Col!ference ~

l eau i un~-


15, 1890

furthel' recorumenJs that young workpeople of both sexes between 14 and 16 shollld have their hou rs of daily work li mited to ten . N either in their case nor iu that of ch ildren should night or S nnd ay labo ur be ever allowed. Finally, wi th regard to wom en , the Conference holds that women should not be :;illowed to work either at nig ht or ou Sundays, and tha t their total number of work ing ho urs shotil d not exc!led 11, and that mothers shoul d not be allo wed to retqrn ~:, work u ntil four clear weeks after th eir confinemen t.-'.l'ablet.

The Clergy and Masonic Funerals, A p ries t of the diocese of Gren oble bas sent the fo llowing questions to the Holv Office:1'. May the clergy of a parish ass ist a t the fun ernl of a person not belonging t o Freemason r y, bu t in whose fnn eral process ion th e wembers of Masonic Lodges take part, wearing their ~aelg~s, officia! ly in vited by their vonerabl es, and o!iicially accep ted by the organisers of the funeral to occupy a destined place i n the cortege, the convocation and acceptance hav ing been pnblished in the papers ? 2. Muy th ey do so with only thii3 difference- that th e Freemasons do not wear their badges, the other circumsta nces reurnin iog unchangeJ ? 3. lf the clergy cannot pres ide at such funerals, they will be what are commonly called civil ones , Io this case, cun Catholics aHsist at them, or m ust t hey abstain from doing so? Cau they be excused if, out of mere curiosi_ty, th ey go to see t he procession pass? To which the Holy Office has an• swered in da te of 18 th Jan uary, 1890To th e fir st question-N egatively. T he clergy may not assist at s uch fnner als. 2. To the secoud qirns tion-If the Freemasons aRsist in a body, as a Maso nic society, negatively; if they assist a~ any pr ivate persons might, the clergy may assist at the fnnerals. 3. To the tbil'd question-C atholics must k eep away in those cases in which the clergy are obliged to. To , ee tbc c,irtege pass by without taking any direct part in it is not unlawful.

The Arab Horse. "O h, g ive me but my A.rah steed" was th e refrain of a favourit e ballad of a past g euern tion, but th e Arab steed has of late some what lost caste amongst u s. This, however, according to Lieut. W. A. K err, is due merely to ill .. advised attempts to measme bis speed against that of our modern rncehol'ses. On the rncecou,se the "Arab steed " is manifes tly ut a disadvantag e, being built on lines qnite different from those of our g reyho und -like thoro ug hbred. In his native desert he exists for one pmpose, which is to cat-ry his freebooting owner on his long and rapid ly executed raids. But it is as a hunter and war-horse that the Arab is at his bee t. M r. Ken, who has seen mu ch se rv ice in Iudia 0 where he won his V ictoria Cross, tells us that " in 't he old D eccan day s of saddle, sp ur, and spear the most stirring camp fire tales were of these s uperb animals, who bud carried their ri de rs so swiftly and so gallantly over breakueck ground." Th is is confirmed hy the achievemen ts of A.rubs wit,h the hounds in this co unt ry du ria g tlie last few seasons. "No day," suys th eir admirer, "appears too long fo r th em; no co u n try too big." T he mare Naom i has the crellit of having again and again " cu t down her field" in Suffolk with thi rt een s toue on her buck, and Dillon's mare Raschida has carried off eight j umpin g prizes in public con tes ts. India's chief requirement at this time, acco rcl iu ~ t.o M r. Kon, is an unlim it zd Bl,lpply of good brood mares, such as tho se of full Arab and Barb blood, which used to be bred iu Cape Colony so,ue years ago. A small paluce belonging to the Czar in FinlanJ, has been burnt down , and seven ol the inmates lost their lives.



MAY. 15, 1890.



N ,:w






• South W ales. years heea the main de po t fo r tra velling !' Pond icherry recrnitin "' for th e F rench to reg nlate the sale, letting, dispos al,

sto c(c W hen th e flooci was repol' ted as ! co:onial a rrr:y is actively prnceecling. and occup ation of waste lands of t he DROVER'S NARR A'.l'IVI~. comrn r- dow11 th: ri ve r th e grn vest, ' E ve!'y fu tn il _y enj oyi ng the rig ht of Cro wn iu Western Au Rtrnlia, no rth A drover wbo wns derained at fea rs ~ ere entert,amed, and t!ie worn!iln votin f,! is requi rn,I to furn:s h a rn embet· ward of tb e t we nt y -sixth parallel of eni i8tmeJJt. Af te1· bein g pnt l11tit.u de. Bourke has sup plied tbe f'o llowiug and children-so me 500 poo r ~ouls-- fo r wern conveyed to hi gh land at N orth thron g lt t heir prelimi Lrn ry facings, tile (2.) Tl 10 p n,>ceeds of' th e sale of auy aC'count of the fl oods o_n th e D arling: " W algett, which was th e fi rs t of the Bo urk e, and others by rail to N yn gan, recr nits are to be se nt to some other sueh wagto land R, inducliu g any instat. New South Wales ·:owns t.o suffer by Orange, and othe r pl :ices. Mea11ti F rench colony- possibly Salgo n-- t;lt ere ments of mon ey paid nnder a system the present heavy fl oou s, is situ ate on th e Go vernment wo re ass isti ng by every to thornu ()'hly lefl rn th e a rt of war. of con ditional purchase, shall fr om the Namoi River, about three miles means in their po wer those hrnve mou Afr;er th re: years ' servi ce th ey will be ti ,ne to t ime be i.nves te1I a t interest from its juuctiou wi th the Bar won , and who were workrng ni g ht anJ dny to sent l1ome and form th e reserve, who in Guclt manner as one of H er Maj esty's is distant 130 miles from N a!'l'abri, save Bourke from des truct ion . The will be called out·in case of war. Thu s, princi pal Secretari es of SLate may which is th e nearest railway station. scene ~t tim_es was very ,stirring . ~iem- in th e comse of some year~, P o1id icf1erry direct. (3.) The prin cipal of the F und W algett is in the centre of a iarge he rs of P arlrnment, Government of!ici:ils, will be tho home of se veral th ousands of squatting district, and is smrouB ded by business m_e n, wi t h their coats off, soldiers. It is said, and very trnl y, that fo rme d by such in vestmen t may fro m the following large ~tations : -Euroka, worked as 1f for dear life. But at last the British Governm ent cannot luok with t ime to t im e he ex pen ded , with th e formerly the property of Mr. F. J . the embankment gave way, an d the indifference on this develonment. "'f ill app ro val of on e of Her Majesty's Wolsekiy, carryin g some 70,000 sheep: water rush ed in every where. N ot,hing now," say s the M adras i 1ait, " we had print·.ip:d Secretaries of ~ ta te, for the Gingie, owned by the executors of the could l:re thong_ht of but savin~ life, and no cau se to he a fr, ic of our lleighbou rs s peci al advance ment of the dis tricts in la te Mr. 'I'. K. S cott, which find s grass the escapes_ o~ som e were miracul ous . at Pou di ch erry. But th e col(mial '. whioh che fun d was rni S(·'d, either by t he for some 140,000 sheep ; E nrie Eu ri e, ,Ju st now it 1s almost a case of swim - army system will convert P onJicli erry : settlement. of emig ra nts therein or in the property of Messrn . Glass Brothers, '.m ug fro m one stree t to ano the r. Build- into 11 strr,n ~ French military station. ! other way :;, a11 d c,:ccpf: so fa t· us so who sh ear annually some 40,00() sheep; m gs nre nlre11rly sho wing ,•ig ll s oi' g ivin g T hf)ug-!t the -,ol ollial a rmy doe~ not con- I ex pended shall be helu i:ir· the benefit I and Uiurubi, ow ned by Mr. ,Tam es way. Had the ., f LI,(, ra ilway t.,·avem, t hu 11· 1tnr, it ,-dT,-•cts tho ~p irit. of 1 of any colon y ell' coloni es ,, , which th e ~°'.ba nk mcut iJeeu d o 11 0 " wcu i, ea rl ier Li,e t.reaty uet,r L',rn !£u:.,: 1,rn u a11 ,l .Fra1 1ce ,; aid distric ts may be li ereu ft.,·r comprised. Doyle, where about 28 ,000 jum bucks are dt µa sturerl. The townsh ip is an rt is the ge neral impression that Bou rke ! res pectin g India ." Briti "h India is no t ( (4.) Th e interes t of the fnurl, and all important one, contai ni ng, besides t be wo uld !iave rerna ine(! safe. llowe{' er, : tiie only place that h as canse to rcga ru '. rents a1Hl other lan1l revenue of an the chnuge witb some concern. In the I annual e!,arncter nri, iug fr om the riaid usual Government buildin gs, seven eve;yt.hrn g \~·as c!olle (or the best." Every effo rt 1s berng maile to save conrse of a fe w y<'iH s it, will make a waste lands, and not being instal me ntB hotels, several very fin e stores, au <l a brewery; whilst of ban ks it ha ~ two- ~s . ◊:iuch property as possrbl e. One very great diffore nce to .A.n1, trnlia. The of money paiu nuder a system of conthe Commercial of Sydney an d the md1v1_dual was to be ~een on W ed_n esd~y, system begun in Pondich en_v wil l very ditional ptll'chase, shall form part of the Bank of New S outh Wales. Abo ut ?ppos1te the P os~ Office, up tu Ins waist soon be in full forc e in Ne w Cal edonia, ge ue nt l revenue of the colony of half a mile from the towu th ere is a rn water, p nshrng_ a r aft coost ructed aud Lhus on two sid es of thi s co_ntinent, We~tern !\. ustrnlia, and be applicable in ou t of three was hmg tnbs strap ped to aud at ao very great distance from it, such manner as the legislat ure of very pretty hospital. " Du ring the recent flood s, which t wo or three plan ks, on which are there will be a French mi litary force \Vestern Australia may fro m time to were the big bes t ever known iu the placed several trunks, beddin g , &c., suf.ficiently large to make it prudent e, 11 time direct. The property qualifica tion of £500 district, the courthou 8e was crowded so?1e fowl s, an d a goa t. These are our _part to be constantly on the alert with unfor t unates who bad been washe d bern g taken to th e steamer, au d thence agarn st a possible s'urprise that wou ld for members of both houses u nder the not be of the most pleasant character. new Constitution Bill has al so bean out of their hemes. A t tlrn r ecent on to the camp at North · Bo,1rke. Boats are urgen tly rr.quired. Those ~ dropped. The report sets out as a session &at Walgett, M r. Acti ng -J udge reason for this that if anything we re Bemiett and the Crown prosecutot haJ tl·'.ut came uµ are _all emplo:yed on se rSelf-made Men. lik ely to lead to sqnutocracy and wholeto be taken from the balcony of Isaac's v;ce be~ween th_e r atlway statwn ~nd th e ____ sale land jobbing in the colony it is such Hotel to the courthouse in a boat, br'.mk m the hue, s~me seven miles off, a clause as this. , whilst the prisoners were conveyed to domg excellent sernco. As soon as it "Columhus was the son of a weaver, With th ese exception s the committee the court in a similar conveyance. .became k nown th. at ...B vlll'1rn h ad bee_n and a weaver himself. Cer vantes ·was a Las ad vised the ad option of the B ill. During the whol e of the day the trials mun d ~ted , a reI1e f rnn <l was star ted Ill Melbo urne, Sy dney, and most common solrli er. H omer was t be " 00 of A horrible fire has occurred at the went ou , anrl t he actiug ju dge is des- Adelaide, f l h' f · · f b · a small farm er. Demosthenos was the ' cribed as sitting on the benc h sur- o; tie c te · c1t1es o t e van?n s colonies. son of a cutler. Ol ive r Cromwell was Long ue Point Lunatic A sylum, Montreal, Canada, through which no less rounded by women and chil dren all wet 'lhe su~1 on Wedn(~sday mght reached th e sou of a Lou don b~ewer. Frank,lin than 153 of the in mates were bnrned to and miserable, with no hope of ge tt ing about £ 3000. Dunng Wednesday two men were found drowned. was a journeyman printer, th e son of a death . to their homes again for many day s. tallow chandler and soap boiler. Daniel A rnmour is current in Vienn a that "News is "to hand that Goondab li ne Defoe was a hostler. Cardinal \.Y olsey station has lost 55,000 sheep B4mba The Vatican. was the son of a bu tcb er. Vi rgil's fath er the E mperor Franz Joseph in the 4500, and oth ers in like proportion ; was a porter. Shakes peare was the Ao n a bsence of an y direct heir to the th rone and worse than all, t he end of th e of a wool stapl er. Milton was the sot1 proposes to adopt Prince H emy of Th e yonng K aiser's letter to the Pope Pru ssi!I. trouble has to co me, as there is anoth er of a money scrivenei'. lYiol-rnmmed wus The German Am bassadot' at Couh eavy c olum □ of water comin g do wn pu bli shed in th e official R eichsanzeiger the driv er of asse$. Napo leon, a descet1dthe Macintyre at Goonuawi tl(fi. (It askit1 g bis beneficent interv en tion iu the ant of :i ii obsc ure fami iy of Corsica, stauLinop le bas demanded from the may be mentioned that as for as Muu- CL, nfere nce at Berlin, is a woucl erfu l wa s a mnior wh en he marri ed J osep l1inc: T urki , i, Gove rnm en t a satisfactory gundi in Q1:10enslau d the river is ku own testi mony to the im po rt:i ut i·ole L eo XIII. dau ghter of a tobacco,lis t Creole in apology ior th e late ill- treatme nt of as the Macintyre, thence to B rewarr in n occupies it1 tile co un cil s of Euro pe. It Martini q ue. John ,Jaco b Asto r once Ger man sailors by Tnrkis l.l officers. I t is now proposed to construc t th e ns the Barwon, an<l from Bre wanin e is a 8trnn:se thin ~ that very like ly the sold app les in the ,;(reet.6 of New Yo rk. to Wentworth, the juncti on of the last public document to which Bismarck Catberi ue, Emp res, of Ru ss ia, was a P ana ma Canal on a n international bl¼ sis .Murray, it is k nown as th e D arling .) 11Hixed bi,, name-that name that camp g risette. Mad ame Bernado tLe was for th e pnr pose of rn ising the req uisite Down the Barwon notbiog but tleso:n- worked so rn nch evi l for the Ch qrch- a washer woman in Paris. !fonu;e wi1s capital fo r t he corn pletion of the work ; otli er wi:;e all land concess ions grnnted tion meets the travell er's g aze, water was to this letter of the E mperor, the son of a shopkeeper." by t.bA S ,ate of Columbia wiil be and mud unceasin g, and tbo u~ands of wh ich is countersigned by Bismarck. for fe ited . Ans trali a will prolmbly be de au sheep an d other stock lyin g along It is a strange finale to :ill his thre11ts the route, and sendin g forth an un en- and it shonld ser ve 11s a salutary lesson Th~ sched ule for ser vice by the g reat asked to j oin in t he scheme. T he .Mosco w Cuu rt Martiai 611 ::m durable stench. A fte r a journ ey of 110 fo r a ll sta tes men fo,· the tim e to come g un s 1s t!1 ought to be as follo ws : The mil es, Brewunin u, nnother squ atting who are inclin ed on pe rsec u ti □ g the 160 too g uu , with good luck, can be officer accu sed of betrny in g the µ!ans town ship, is reached . .Forme rl y th is Chu rch. It is th ey who come to sm::i,s h fired_ 95 times before becoming nufit for of the Crn11 stadt defe nces bas discharged place was known as the ' F isheries,' not the Church, wh ich has encountere1! service ; the 67-ton g un 1"27 times, aud llin1 , th e charges not bein g proved. from the fu ct t hat the black s had built and passed over many B i~marcks io its tbe 45-ton g t1 □ 150 tim es. The cost of The accused was however dismissed with · stones a sort of trap for catching path thro ugh nineteen centuries. T he each round fo r the big one is £ 327, fro m tlie Naval s~ rv ice. th e fi sh, with which the river ·is plenti- P ope, in his reply, ack nowledges in £ 184 for th e 67-tonner, and £9 8 for · LONDON, .May 8. fully s1:1pplied. A t Brewarrin a th ere gracious term s the irw itation of t.he th e 4 5-tonu er. 'l' he enquiry into the cau se of the fire is a stream of water fou r fee t deep Bmperor, and recall s to his mind the ~ ~ - - - ~ - at th e L ongu e Lu natic Asyl_um at running throngh the main street. Hun- salutary lessons ever inculcated on the Montreal, show s tbat the fir e was acc tdreds of unfortnn ates are washed out, subj ect by th e Catholic relig ion, an d .jf tar uea tolly cau sed h,v a pati ent. Whe n the promises hi s support in a qu es tion of and alrea<ly several brick buildingll have building wr-s woll al ig ht a frig htful fa llen in . Scores of selectors wl10 had such vita l im portance ond so dear to bis scene occ111 1,., 1, T he 111ndmeu and madtaken advantage of th e present L and heart. women stru gg led with th eir iotendi og (From the Daily N ews.) Act, and so become possessed of resc uers, Wl ~h the res ul t that iu many 10,000-acre block s, have lost thei l' all. cases both lives were lost. Uther lunaFORE I GN. A Great M ilitary P eople. Everyone is down-hearted, for th ey ti cs scemeci to be paralysed and refused know not y et th e looses of t he district. L oNDON, May 7. to move no twit hstanding th at the flames It is fa ared th at when t he whole res ult T he F rench people are, we believe, .Mr. H . M. S tauley bas been pre- snrrot111 rle th em. Others escared into is kno w □ on Monrabie, Brewi1u, Boo - mo re instin ctively ma r tial tlia, 1 any sented with th e gold medal of t he the su rro nodi og couu try where their rama, Gilgoin , N aveena, and other other race in existence. T hey -seem to Hoyal G eogra phical Society. prcsenca excites m uch apprehension s tatio ns the losses will be terri bly be born wi th an aptit ude fo r the militury T he repor t of tb e select committee aLDo ag th e residentR. h eavy. life and to fall iato it as n atur al!y as a on t he W . A. Enabling- Bill, prepared Siuger's la rae Sewing Machine foe "From Brewarrina to Bourke, a duck takes to the wa ter. P r~-~mrnently by Baron D e Wo rms has been ad opted tory · at New Je rsey has be01.1 tot~ lly distance of some 100 mil es in fi ne t hey have all th e best quah tteH of the I by t: ,e Select Committee. '.l'he Com- destroyed by fire. T he loss is e 8 tiwe:1the1', but foll y 200 in flc,od tim e, soldie r, aud in p ursui t of the av oca ti on mittee 1ecommead t,he o!llission of mated at oue million dollu1 s. tht 5Ceae is th o sa me- water, mud, an d t bey incur the in cide ntal risks to li fe irnd clause 8 of t,he Bill, which is as A series of Customs fr auds has been dead 3tock- and iu Bourke dis tres8 is limb wi th un eq ualled j an utiness un d foll ows :-Any A ct of th e L eg islature discovered i_n th e Argentin1; R ep ubl ic, depicted on the couuterrnnce of every light-hearteuness. Even among civ ilians I of W cs tern Au stralia imposing or throu gh which t,he loss to t he statc1 is person met with . not t r ai ned to th e ose of a rms th ere is au t horisin g the impositlou of r estric- estimated to have been 10,000,000 "The town of Bourke is on th e somethiug lik e a positive reli sh for the tion s on the immig ration of British , ~ollars annuall y. 'l'be fraud s a rc beso1,1thern bank of the Darlin g, and may danger aud excitemen t which combat sobjects, or any class of British : lieved to have been go~ng on for some be called t he capital of Ceutrnl Au s- bri □ i:: s with it. On th e sp ur of the subj ects, into Western A1:1 s tralia, shall years, tralia. It was a large and prosi,erous mome nt th ey erect barr icades , and figh t be rese ~ved , for th e signification of LONDON , 'lllay 9. I town , beiog the i erminu s of t he Great behind t hem with a recklessness thn t H er lHRJ esty s pleasure tbereon ,· " 11nd , Neins 1·s to l d f " 1an ro m V irginia, 'Wes ter n Railway. The greates t. sup- Ion()' since wonld have freed su.uj ect and also th e omission of clause 4 , as U ni tecl S tates, to tb o effect t ha t au port accorded to J3o ur ke, of co urse, op p~·essed races if th ey had been an imated follows : accident_ occuned th ere a few L1ays came fr om the sq uattin g element, bu.t by th e s11me spirit of braYery . Anrl (_L) It shal\ be lawful for B et· ag o, owm g to whl'c h a party of twelve not only from those of New South th e mili tary ardour, pec uli ar to the ~~aJes ty, by rn stru ct1ons nnrler l-:ler baseballers lost their li ves. ' he fata lit Wales, lJ Ut from the Q ueen slan d men French at home, they are carrying wi th _S 1g'.1 lHn nual , or tilrong b one of H r was lit1used th roudi th e up~et tt' nrr yf' 0 of sheep an d cattle. It has for i;naoy tliem to 1heir possessions abro ad. In , .iVl aJes ~y' B principal :S ecretaries of S ta,te, a fo rry -bc•at. "' "' A



orcinn anll j'jnterco Ion m:clcgrnnrn.


\ '




4 Th e King uf Dahomey bas surrendered all the F rench prisoners that were taken by him. Her Majesty the Qu een intends to con fer the dis tinction of K .C.M.G. on l\1r. Stanley, the renowned A frican explorer. The R ight. Hon. W . H. Smith, leader of the Govero ment, stated in the House of Commons yesterday that the Government intend to adopt the proposals of the Select Commit tee appointed to consider und report npon the W . A. E nabling Bill wi th the exception of clau se eight, which bad for its object th e a □ t b o ri sio g of Bills enforcing restrictions in th e immigration of British subj ec ts, to be reserv ed for her Majesty's appr-oval. This clau se the Govel'Oment in tended retaining in the Bill. '.l'he Right H on. gentleman in concluding bis remarks said that it was, at present impossible to fix a date for the Bill to be proceeded with in committee. The members consider, however, that this will take place dur ing the first week in June, if not earlier, and that t he progress made will then be very rapid ; but some opposition is apprehended. Yesterday the Australian E leven commenced thei r first match against Lord Sheffield's team, at S heffield P ark. T he E nglish team of which, D r. Grace is captain, is ve1·y strong. The weather was all that could be desired for cricketing purposes, being delightfully fi ne th roughout the day. The Australiaos were the first at the wickets, and upon drawing stumps, at s un-down, the principal scores were as fo llows :Murdoch (not out) 92 Trott 35 W alters . .. 26 Mmdoch is batting splendidly, but be gave tbree chances. The total score for the first day stands at 190 runs for eigb t wickets. Miss Alice Cornwell has received a tender fo r the construction of the outer harbo ur at P or t A delaide, t be scheme of wbich was recen tly promoted by her, amoun ting to £650,000 . It is believed t hat fi nanciers will be fo und to take up th e scheme if tbe total capital is not likely to exceed £ 700,000. A num ber of South Austrnlian colonists at present in London consider t hat the chances of success of the fu ll flo uting of the scheme are very problematical , owing to Miss Cornwell not being so popular as she was during her previous visit, the M id as Mine having turned out badly. The North Queensland Separatio n Committee arc now hol_d ing meetin gs in London, with a view to fu rthering the cause of separation. Sir Charles D ilke and other p-om inent politicians and writers on .A ustralian mat ters, consider the best course to adopt would be to have on e colony embracing the whole of s ub- Ll'Opical A ustralia, say north of the 20th parallel. Considerable uneasiness is being e xpressed in diplomatic circles concerning the warlike preparat ions of R ussia on that power's fr ontiers, Anotber lunatic asylum fi re is reported from New York, causing the death of eleven inmates, IN T ERCOLONI A L.

lVIELBOURNE, May 8. A large robbery of monP,y and scrip is reported by the manager of the Colonial Hotel, Little Collins-street . Several thousand pounds in gold and notes were stolen, besides a quantity of Broken Hill scrip. L ATER. The detectives on being informed of the robbery at once made enquiries which led to t he "boots" of the hotel being suspected. Subsequently this suspicion proved correct, and on further search being made a large quantity of the plunder was found at the house of the prisoner's brother, who has also bepn arrested. ADEDAIDE, May 8. The funeral of the late Mr. Wigley, S.M., took place yesterday and was largely att ended by the legal p rofession. The weather continues alarmingly dry, hut indication s of a change are approaching,


15, 1890

E arl K intore is suffering from in'. rHB fluenza. Several members of his household are also suffering, and the epidemic is becoming universal. The share market opened strong NOW ON AT yesterday, but after a n umber of fluct uations closed weaker. The fol~ lowing were t he closing prices :£ s d Brokens 13 15 0 Great Reductions a nd B a rgains i n the following lines : Block 14's 5 17 0 LADIES' BLOUSES AND JERSEYS . British 4 0 0 LADIES AND INF A N T S' MILLINERY, Block lO's 10 0 0 Centra1s 13 0 0 DRESS MATERIAL S English and F rench (s uitable for the present and coming S eason) , • Souths 7 5 0 Rounds 7 12 0 PARACHUTE S , SUNSHA DE S, CHILD REN S ' DRESSES, Norths 1 2 6 BLACK GRENADINES, STRAW H A T S There were st rong buyers of Norths GENT S' CLOTHING, HAT S, S HIRTS, & H~siery, at 22s. 6d., and it is believed that this stock will rise after the dat e of payVery special lines in TWEEDS, reduced to l s, l!d. and upwards. m ent of the call. BRISBANE, May 8. The British India St eamship Co. 1 SASH R IBBON, &c. CARPETS a nd RUGS . Also a quantity of has undertaken not to carry any wool I RE MNANTS. t o London which is proved to have · ! been clipped by non-union men. A few lines in FANCY GOODS, suitab le for BAZAARS, we a re SYDNEY, May 8. Y esterday a young man was arrest ed prep a red to clear at a low price. Country Storekeep ers will do w ell to ,here on suspicion of being concerned pay us a visit during the Sale. Special terms made for Pianos durin g the sale (by w ell-known makers) . in t he robbery of notes from the clerk of M r. C. Proud, of Adelaide. BRISBANE, lVIay 9. GuildCortl Hot~•. A special commissioner has arrived from Sout h Australia to r eport upon GuiltlfoI·d. t he practicability of constructing reNOW OPEN. frigerating cars on the Queensland pattern, with a view to their use on J. E - BRENN AN t he rail way from H ergott to Ina::nicka. MORNI NG. Some furth er developments have P roprietor . t aken place in connection with the From 10 to 12, for Ladies and Children Queensland shearers strike. The Ausonly. Admission 6d. ; Skates Fr~. t ralian Labor F ederation now requires Directly opposite t he R ailway t he Queensland shipowners to employ St ation, only union men, and the Secretary of AFTERNOON. t he federation has asked the GoYernFrom 2.30 to 5. Admission, 6d . ment to close the public houses during t he strike. A final reply from the E VEIW CONVENIENCE FOB, Skates 6d. squ_a tters to the demand that only V ISITORS. union ::nen be employed has also been and request ed by t he 12th inst. ArrangeEVENING. ments a1·e being made for the patrol on the borders of t he colony of 500 Only the best brands ,;,{, From 8 to 10. Admission, 6d .;::lkates ls. mounted pickets to prevent the transit Beers, and spirits kept in sto..,k. • of non-unionists t o Queensland sheds . EVERY SATU R DAY MORNING. MELBOURNE, May 8.


.. G. :H:EA..R,l.V.J::A.N"'S.


Victoria has accepted Mr. Goschen's proposals fo r a 2½d, post age from Australiato England. South Aust ralia suggest s that a general conference of t he colonies should be held on the subj ect. A s Queensland and New South W ales both concur in the holding of a conference, the suggestion will probably be adopted. The adoption of the scheme, however, involves t he colonies in a serious loss to their annual postal rf\ven ue. ADELAIDE, May 8. The Flinders left here for W .A. ports yesterday with the following passengers :- Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Glegg, Mrs. D avis and 3 children, Mr. and Mrs. Dent , Mr. and Mrs. J:;,.y, Messrs. Taylor, Ayliffe, Dare, Burrows, St evenson, Birch, Gwynne, H orton, W allace, Brown, and 77 in t he second saloon. A mong the passengers are a large n umber of miners, who are en route to t he W est Aust ralian goldfields. A lat;ge n umber of transactions t ook place in the share market yest erday. Som e shares were also sold by public auction with the following results : Brokens 13 14 0 Block l O's 10 0 0 Block 14 5 10 0 British 4 4 0 N orths 1 3 0 On 'Change Junctions rose rapidly to £ 5 10s., but closed somewhat weaker. N orths closed at 24s. 6d. ADELAIDE, May 10. The week's yield of silver at th~ Broken H ill Propriet ary lVIiue is recorded as being 152,000 ounces ; a t Block 14 mine the yield was 14,600 ounces. . As foreshadowed yest erday, J unc;t 10ns receded, while Block H's and Norths advanced. All the ot her stocks a re weaker. The following a re t he latest quotations :- Brokens, £1314s.; Centrals, £1 2 15s. ; ' Junctions, £5 · British, £4. ; Norths, 25s. ; Block 11's: £ 6 2s.; Souths, £ 7 7s.; Block 10, £ 10. A further decline is expected in Junctions.

Good Stabling and an attentive Ostler.

For quietness, comfort , and sit uation the GUILDFORD HOTEL, has no equal in t he Colony.

Prize Gala for Children. MUtiIC . By Professor Roberto.

B. Skates on Sale from


FRANK A LLUM, Manager.




UIDING LOTS, 50lks. frontage 275lks. in depth. · One mile from t he Post Office, overlooking K G.S. Price, £20, irrcluding Transfer: Land within 2 miles of Town H all, from £ 3 per acre. South I side of the Harbow.·., from £ 2 per acre. J, GALLE.












H :·s E.i·celle11cy the Govemor, Sir Fi·ederick

N. Broome, I( .C.M.G.

W ellington Location, N o. 800. For particulars apply t o H UGH Bunbury, Dec. 19.



01,en Co•·

a !Iontbs .

in stock , a large and Yaried A LWAYS assortment of Gig, Cart, and Caaiage 4 ONE ACRE BLOCKS, frontin g main Harn es~, Ladies' and Gents' Ridi ng Sadd les

roa<i, just outside the boundary of , Albany. Title, New Act. Including all expenses, £21. Govt. Maps of Albany, showing the blocks, sent on receipt of 1/. J . GALLE. Albany F eb. 28th, 1890.

and Bridles, Boys' and Girls' Saddles and Pilches, Pack l:,addles, J ockey Saddles Horsr,, Clothing, and all requisiLes for a fi ra cl ass Stable or Hostelry, including Whips Spura, Sponges, Chamois Skins, Brushes Combs, Scrapers, Clippers, Harness Oils Blacking, etc. All orders sent by post or otherwise will be executed with all care and pl'omplness. S, FRENCH KEYLESS LEVER R.8. obtained Fl i:tST P R1ZE at the late Guaranteed, at J, GALLE'f:l, Alba.oy W.A. Agricul tural Society's 8how held at Guildford, for tbe best collection of both Saddlery and Harness. OR SALK-Millboards, Straw' boards, and a quantity of large e Nole Lue Address sheet White Cardboa rd, various thick' R O 13 E R 'l ' S M I 'l' .H, nesses. Apply, "W. A. R EcoRDoffice, Howick-street. BARRACK STREKT, (Noar the RAILWAY BOTKL) Copies of the \V. A. R ECORD may WHOLESALE AC-! KN'l' ]'OR'l'HENOR'I'H Wn:s·r MESSRS. WATSON & TEE, be obtained from Mr. J. M cH enry, N ews Agent, St . George's Ten ace, Roebourne and Cossack. Perth, Pertb., October 17 1889.




--------~-- ....-



15, 1890.





Oflices and S1tle Rooms :





(Limite<l) Beers, iu Bulk and Bottle, on Sale. Tens, Sugar, Oilman's Sto1:es, and Colonial Prod uce. JOHN MoC LEERY . hos for private sole FREEH OLD PRO ERTIES , WITH AND WITHO UT BUILD INGS THERE ON, in PERTH ,-Murra y, George, Dye1·, Newcastl e, Charles, Douro, Ga rden I\UU Lincoln S tree ts. FREM ANTLE .-Tuckf i eld, Hill, Mary, Sw anbourne, P acken ham, So uth, John, E ll en, L eah, and Ham plon Streets. Also, Hampton Hoad. Richmon d, Preston RonJ, Beacons field, Claremon t, Busseltou , Pinjarrah, and Derby.






PRIN~ l.1ING .





V Ef-llCJ,B S of nil

descripti on on Lund and made to order.

UNDER TAKIN G done on th'e shortest ·notice and in th e moilt respectable mann er 1.1t mode1·nte ch111ges.

TOL LEY & COMPANY {Limited.)








CHRONO METER, CLOCK, and WATCH MAKER, JEWELL ER, &c., EGS t o inform bis n um erous Customer s that he has :Remov ed to more extensive 1irewises nearly adjoining Mr. Hy wus's Chemist Shop, Opposi te the Town Hall, where be solicits a share of patronage. GOLD and S ILVER WAT0HE S and JEWELLERY of eve ry descriptio n always Qn hand. Wedding Rings wade to order Tin, e payments taken. JOHN B0WRA, Howick Street, opposite the Town H all

'W, 1L l{ECOl1iD,'



Pen'l 'H,

T H E 'M AN 01<' THE


NOTE.- Buildin g Allo tments on ~ale in Fremant le, from £21 ; Perth, ~30; C laremont , .£ 10.






\Vlto lesale a1u.t :t.e 4!!1,ail.







M ess rs .




Bond ed Wareho113es : EssEx STREET. Fr..,c Goods S tores :






co .


1c C L E E R Y ,


ALSO - FIREW OOD at any length cut and delivered in any part of Perth ALSO-C ORN-C RU S HING <lono

on the premises.

All business letters to be addres sed











PERTH BRANC H: ST. GEORGE'S-'rER RACE. D I R E O T O R S :ALEX. FormEST, EsQ., F.R.G.S. , M.L.C., Chairnla n, w. SANDOVER, ESQ, W. SILAS PEARSE, Esq., M.L.O., &c. EDWARD Sco·l"r, Esq., M.R.0.S . , &c., Chief Medical Officer.


US (namely, the excess of Accum ulated Funds o,ve1· , es) on PREMI UM INCOME, in the AMOUNT OFt IINSURLi.abiliti ANCE IN FORCE , in ANNU AL NEW BUSIN



fl T th e r equest

of numcro_us fri ends and oth ern , the unuers1gned begs to u1,1,01rnce that he is abo ut to ndd O l\ D l!.. RTA1U NG un d FUNER AL F URNISH I NG, to his building and carpente rin g busin ess. Funeral s conducted expeditiously and tn expensi vely in town or country ,: PH ILIP REILLY , Bui lder, etc. Muckie-S treet, Perth, Jan. 2, 1889.




YEAR J,;NDED 51S'1' DECEMilEil, 1888, OVER £ 31,250,QQQ,

THE LARGE ST BUSIN ESS ever transacted in one year by any LI FE SOCIET Y in the World. For all particulars apply to


2nd MONST ER AR'r UNION , 1889.


~O rJ VENT BOARDING SCHOOL S I~'"l:ERS OF ST. J'OSEPH , GERAL DTON. ERMS- For children, under 10 year~, 5 guineas per quarter, to be paid in advance. Music and si~1gi11g, 2 guineas. Entrance Fee, £4. Children over 1 0 years, 8 guineas per quarter.


No More Hard Times. If you will stop spending so much on fine clothes, rich food and sty le, bny good, healthy food, cheaper and better cloLhing; ge1 more real and su bstantial things of life every way, and especially stop the foo lish hab il of e mployin g expensive quack docto rs or usi ng , o m~ch of the 1·ii e hum bug medicine tha t does you only barm , but put your trust in that simple, pure remedy, Dr. Soule's American Bop BiUcrs ; that cures ~,\ways at, ~ trifli i:;g cost, and yo11 will see good limes and have goCJc1 hrm\U1. " Cbroll• cle,





I s prepar ed t o make all kinds of CARR IAGES equal to those of the Easter n Colon jes at less cost than they can be ~mport ed. All Carriag es guaran teed fo r twelve months . Repair s promp tly execut ed in fi rst-class sty le. FUNEH ..1 LS perfo nnc<l on the shortes t notice and .:i,t reason able prices. · '


'rIOK ETS 10s. EACH.


To be drawn as soon as th e whole of the money is subscribed. 1st P rize- BLOCK OF L AN D (1;} acre Freehold), adjoin ing railway and road at North Fremantl e, on which is erected a substantial 4-roomed cottage ; the whole worth £7G5 2nd Prize- ,vinner to select tu valu e of £25.

3rd Prize- Pony, sadcllc, &c., value £ 10. A committee of gentlemen have kindly .consente d to cond uct the drawing. Each purchase r of a book of 20 t ick ets will be presented with a Complim entary Ticket FREE.



£800 fur 10s.


-- --








15, 1890

mt t e C t O r :J1 .

h ea ping taunts, r epr0aches, and ins ults upon the victors. is POSTPONED till August 6th, 1890. · After all, this is but the raving 15-THUR. Feast of the Ascension. CASH IRONM ONGER ·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 16-FRI. St. Brendan ab. of angry and reckless impotHAS ON SALE 17-SAT. St. John Nepom ucene M. lWTllERFL·\ M SI L VE R l en c13. Man y whose inte l'0sts a r e HU. TT•; !{ L E V~ IL~. Ou uran18- SUN. Within the Octave. St. R PE- TTER ·::; Bench FT am mers ; i de ntified with those of " Old Conteed , woye,us, at J. UALLl!:'i:>, Allmoy Venantius M. Claw Iammers; Hi veting Ham19-MON. St. Peter Celestine P.C. servative" will r egret his savage mers; Bricklayer's · Hammers; Black20- TUES. St. Bernard of Siena C. candour. ~l'h er e are good reasons LIFE."IS 'l'HE "FOR 'l'LIE BLOOD 21- WED. St. Felix C. smith's Hammers ; iner's Hammers - 0LARKE'S WORLD:FAMED BL OOD why h e and his party should 22-THUR. Octave of Ascension. Stone Breaker's Uammers; Lath Ham; MlXl'URRis warranted lo c~eanse t he blood withinevitable th e accept mers; Shingling Hammers ; American from nil impu rities from w~1atever cau se out any clamor of protest. In A'Xes, TornahB;, wks, &c., &c. ; 6-inch_Rim ansrng. For Scrofula, Scurv y, 8'<in nod lood Di seases, and Sores of a ll ki nd s , its the circ umstances, a quiet and Locks ; Cupboard Locks ; Till Locks; B effects a rc marl'C llous. ThousanC: ~ of tes tiwith Latches, ight .r Chest- Lo'ck!I.; unostentatious a,bdication of the ____ ---------------- _ --------· -·------moni als. Sold ·a bottles, 2s . 9d. and ll s two keys ; and· ·a v_ariety of Locks ; each by Chemists a nd Patent Yledicioe po\.vers thoy · your purpose, and olig·archical . have so . ' -mdqfr,tigable in Be " AMERICAN PATENT SPRING V endors eve rywhere. Sole Froprietm·s with unda,rnted spfrit resist iniquity and ti-y to , long w10lded ,vould be both more LTN COL)I AND MIDLAND COUN'l'Il.; DnuG BLI ND ROLLERS ; Galvanized Air 'l'rrE It conquer evil with good, having befo,-e you,· eyes , dignified and more p1·udent. Co., L i ncoln,g n glan d . ·t t n the· , · th e ,·eward prepa,-edfor those who combat fo1' I · h ·dl Bricks, Sin 6le & DoublP,;. HORSE o par 11 O wise y a1 1s the ,wme of Christ."- Pius JX. 1 SHOES, H , ND :MADR; Horse ~~~- put for th a challenge to l he Shoe Nails; Bolts and Nuts, in SILVER LEVER HU.N 'rER, Capp~d counl;ry to have their past services tJ and Jewelled, Guaran tcec;1 two ycai s almost all sizes; also Iron and Brass THURSD.aY, MAY 15, 1890. weighed in thebalance,and to askto Screws. A lso, a splendid Assortment A. J . GALLE'S, Albany . .. be judged severely on their merits . of General Brassware Goods, viz :QUITE a lively bru sh occurred 1'he b etter course they probably see Plain and Fancy Chair or Mantle recently in tb e columns of the clearly enough, but find it no · rH E WONDERFUL Nails ; Plain and Fancy Picture daily press b etween r e presf'1« . easy m at ter to summon u p Nails; Drugget or Cctrpet Pins; Stair tives o-f th E' pa rties which P"re c: om·age t o a do pt it µ row pLl y Hods aud 11yes; Picture Rods and failing an d deeisively. known, rather loo 'ely I n con sidering B racl,ets; Window Show Rods aud s, as t hei1· present attitude, due allowtior, designa e urat acc more Fitt ings ; Screw or Dresser Hooks ; Conservative and Lib er a l. "An a nce mu st be made tor the Screw Rings for Pictures; Plate Old Conser vfLtiv e," in r e ply to diffic ul ty n aturally experiertCE·d Rings for 'ditto; Curtain fl oohs, some remarks by a wri ter c,tll- in h1.ying asid e th e h abits and Cupboard Turns and Catches; Hat and ing him sel f "De mos," asse rted se ntim ents acquired during a long Coat I looks; Iron and Brass Cornice Pol e l{ings : Pole Brackets; Pole Roel that the Conservatives wer e to p eriod of almost undisputed sway. End s; Piano Sconces; Brass Screw b e thanked for the progress Pullies; Lamp Hooks; Cleat Hooks; The Most Marvellous Musical Instrument in which the colony h ad hith er to Fo r many years they might have said, s!ig htly altering the Brass and Iron ll utt Hinges; Draw the World. made; that they h a d mled in wo1·ds of t he :-tutoFrench A £3 Instrument for Only £1 15s, Handles; Drawer K nobs ; Brass the past, and we➔ r e detenniN•rl e· il,- '' Vt· n , P 0 3 0 8 ,L •." St.. l1t-1 t f1~1!t~~!!~~n~t°~ e ~~ ! 1a .CriJgi1G~~rTJ~~et~i FIRr.r Ey elets for Tents. &c. ; Brass Bolts; constructed ou th o snmo vr inoi\Jlo ns nu Orgn n with Bello ws, to rul e in ~li t· I u• urt-• ; :-LI >•- L.. ,, , 1 h,ts The Uonsel'vative Party nn<l Full Sized R eeds. 'l' he mns o consistB of pe r forated sheot!IJ Back l' ullies ; Sash Faste ners, from which nro put iuto th o Orgl\uetto . Iurn ishing eith er Flnh:hca to shu t out n ew comer s an d Porform.anco, a. Rlcli Accompn.DlruP.nt to the Voice, or loug bee n in existen ce :1s a 4s. 9d. cloz; i::iash Knobs; :~ash Bolo Va.lua.ble Orchestral Efl'ects. Th e.)( aro nrnrvels of Muslcn l mod ern ideas, tb e_y would "con- very defini te par ty with, ,, , a nnd combine In themsolvctt o. l the prin OiJ,lles upo n Fanlight Invention, Lifts ; Sash Centres; which nutomntlo Organs, Orgnnett cs , &c. nro now bemg, tinue using their family in fluence, •·eview of the legis lation efl'c-,: tt:d cqnlriug no skill In tho porfotmer. Any chlld old enough to Catches; Table Catches ; Brass Cas- ruso its hnnds intelligently cnn plo.v , nnd tho RaDge o! Muatc 11 aud ul timatelv mR. , th e wh ol e '1 it will sho w, ve n ,Jt.,fiu1te ,Li 111;;. Unlimited . tors; Call Bells ; Dinner llel ls ; Tea Absolutely We wish to introduce ono of these Orgo.ncttcs in every town civil Sf'l'vice .; ith tl1 eir ,:n ns a11d nml lu order to 1·ells; Door Springs; Climax 1'atent nnd :parish th.roughout tho Austrnlfa.u Colon ies .Number l' i,e grand oµµon,,.1,t1e,; " , , • 1 to tho <lo so spccdilr hn.vo conclutlc<l to sctl Limited These wild wo rds Hinges; Iron and Brass J ack Chain; b~ ~~~i~~cl'~~ ~lh~f~~We'~.~1.t~~a!roc.\:~t~h~1~~1~~:u:! n ephews." l1ave fall en in its wa.y i t has wtl Galvanized Chain, Rope, &c. ; and a ?cW"~~~~0 r::i~3<fN~ Oitd~~tf/Etf~ n\';; :1~~1 :g:~~~~~{ tb0~ gave a sp lendid opportunity for fu lly neglected. Fa r from show ing cducccl price, ns ,vo only mBko th is un prccodcutccl offer to an ove rwh e lming r eto 1·t, and the great variety of USEFUL IRON- rintroduce this .First-Class Org&nette throughout t he world, th e comprehe nsi ve grasp of th e !mowing thnt l\fter ouo is rece ived in o, ncighbou1·hood wo MO NGERY too numerous to par- well opportuni ty was ably :w:1,il ed of. will sell sovornl nt Our Regular. Price, n eeds whi ch be trays true country's WONDERFUL THE of icfors Propr Solo tho Elro Wo ticularise. In a few sentences, as k een as "VICTORIA'' ORGANETTE , nnd you must orcl or direct from statesmanship, t h eir- politics hcLve us, orthrou~h our Auth orisccl Agents 1lomombc r, tho Wou.. TER:M.S, CASH. Ka,y E. thrusts, Mr. rapier dcrful " 1V1otorio. " Org1m ottcs nro Large and Powerful b een cursed wi th a de li be rate Instruments, built in th o most dnrn'blo titylc . highly polishctl LEVI GREEN, Cour thope r eplied:- " Th e p eop le nml d ccornt r.<1 In Gold i tho R cccls bei ng so JJOWcrfnl thnt they rni. ri·own Pss whi cl1 mi g ht sham e a Pnrlour, t Cba]lcl tho fur muslo of volume sufficient {roduco ( nsh Ironmou ger. 1 0 1 must n1l e, :B"Jng land rnn in tain s, estry -mt•etin g-. B ut tli ei r Jae k vlurrny :--t1:eet, P erth. thed~ot~~~/~i~t~f~J~;~ ~npf~![.' th~~e;~Ju~g~h;fot:r ~~ J and n o R.mom1t of co lonial ~~i:~~~~!t~f:~~;a;;~E\:,!~~;::~el.few ye~re. For Hom, welof zeal · for th e p u blic 1 6 0 r esidence, no number of ' 80ns &nd j-~j:~ ~1t:f~b~n;l:tiV\~~tr1~~ c~~; :i,f~!~~i8f~e~Iru l~~ by for up made been as h re fa 0 00 9 n ephews' will en abl e yo u ~r;:wr~~~:i~1{/ft~illft t81~:! ~~ '8~ 1¾,~~ti: s~ \iiht~~;~ and ore than 01·clinary devotion to m 8 r etain Weste rn Australia as ~{ft~e! t:t;on~n~~~o ~l~e~~~~,~~ ~~1PifeY1i!~;~~~'i{::;•t:;~,P:ih to our of their own. E v ery page of r~\~~l O:n~ ~~I~(:';;~;: :~~e;~t~ivftgi~i~0~1~~1(g~~:1~~8~:;:::t rL h appy hun t inO'- oTound tell s ,1 , ently Ploqn section. yonr bnok for ngency fLtute the st F.> ,.., . for us, sen<l AT ONCE and secure · . , I h You Ca.n Enally Sell the Instruments n.t £3 to £4 Each . ·;: 1.,·n ora n-: e . I and ex r· l 11 ~1venr ~:Hund.redso!Teatimoniala Received. Send money by Registered 1ave neglected t 1.-l.1, 1. t e1· . "' . Letter, Mo ney Order , Draft , or Note. '1. 11ne 1·e is · , not a u arg um e nt in I dea r, "01rI C·on se r va t·1ve , s ,, l e tt , e r the . .coun ry s. 111 terests they. ha ve ~ 0~0~ 0 ~~~~;1J0?.~cTJi~\tt1gJ&l~~4;rE~~ b I t t l · ·rl wl ,.J2rovhlc<l it is sent with £ 1 15s. nud orcler. not later thnn . sly· fo'd cld tb ei1 · ow ii• , 11 1 m1g- i no 1:-tve ee n pn t ,Ls,mluou Sept. l at. 1890. - No order will be accepted without forward by a bl ackfellow in 1829 . , pe r:'~ nrt 1 rn te i·~ sts an J t tlos•~ d th is Coupon, uulcsS' ful l price, .£TI is sent . £L 15s. inolmlee !lrl\:1~~~ !n ~~~~lnl~strn.~'.' wo.y I stcnmboat, conc~.11 ~~I ~ N ow, when connectwns. ·up t,c th . . . :-1, t t-1a t e th e bl ac 1< i·ace : Lheu (Slgnctl) Tbo Victoria!acturlng and ImportlngOo. h ad , made the t:olon y whaL it 1;he . su n• of thei r ru,cend ancy rn 1 AU CTIONEERS, Address or call on the Victoria Manufacturing was,' h ad ' earned the right to I 111 gloo_m, they ca~ ~ou?tll,nd Importing Co., 256 Collins St ., Melbourne, govern t hemselves" &c. Mr. Court- ~ess .fin_d a virtu?us satisfact10n ACCOUNTANT S, hope's answer was complete, as m callmg t? mi~d th~t _n ever VALUATORS, THE W. A. RECORD. have the clauns of the crimson were others made at th STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, ' " b een overe same th r eacl O f k'ms h ip time; but we confess we fail to lVIINING AND The RECORD is a weekly publication find canse for such an expenditnre lo?lrncl by them, n ever have they SHAREBROKERS ancl is issued from the pi·ess every of p owder and sliot. It is matter ~ailed to .find a comfortable n_est Tlmrsclay morning in time Jor th e for n o little wonder that "Old for even the_ callowes t fl.e~1glmg PRODUCE SALESlVIEN. Easten1, S outhern, and other mails. Conservative's" letter was taken who could chum to be of their own 1'h_e Subscription is fifteen shillings pei· seriously. From its tone it is fea th er. CONSIGNMENTS annum. All pttyrnents riot exceeding £2 clear that it was written without The Conservative pai'ty might received at receive an aclmowledgment in the subse- the slightes t hope of averting the h a ve occupied a very different PERTH RAILWAY STATION. quent numbei· of th e vaper. F or those changes which loom b efore u s ; .position had they b een willing to amounting to £2 0 1· itpwa?'Cls, stamped and which, indeed, it would march . with the a ge, to forget S SALEROOlVI SW AN" AUCTJON receipts ai·e forwarded in accoi·dan c now be impossible to avert. so methm g a nd learn something. BARR.ACK-bT. with the }V. A. S twnp Aot. Orders for the NECO RD may ue Its obj ect was not to convince, At prese?~ th ey _c onstitute a clique to any of the local agents or to Afr. but to annoy. " Old Conservative" out of JOlllt with the times, and sent ·m:be " ~ - ~ . 11,ecot:t," T . Bryan, ·Managei·, and will be wh o might more appropriateiy people will b ehold with a sigh of NEWSPAPER promptly attended to. Subsci•ibers not h 1ave style_d himself an antiquated r elief their final bow as th ey receiving their papers regulctrly 01· having Conservative, has been borrowing wit_hdraw fr~ m tb e place of preAND otliei· causes of complaint, are requested from the. custom s ~f the savage emmence wlnch th ey have so long GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE to communicatr. at once with the iJ!J anage,·. Red Indian. Seemg that the unprofitably h eld. rrh ~ passing 1.'he following ai·e the local Agents /0 1· de3'.th-sentence of the system of the sceptre from the1t· hands is HOWICK S'l'., PERTH. the RECORD :which h e champions is onounced I h ard to bear, but it is inevitable. R ev. J. Duff. Perth, by the spirit of . the age,. no less The property q ua:lificatio1;1 clause BILL HEADS, l\I1nros., CART NOTES Fl'emantle, ,, L . lVI. lVIartelli than by t h e vo1ce of his fellow of_ deBill Enabling the ' :MILL OTES, TRADE CARDS, VISIT,, B. Delaney. Guildford, colonists_, h e_ is -~·esolved that, as signed as a prop to t~eir failing ING CARDS, MEMORIAM CARDS, York & Beverley ,, P . Gibney. far as 111 him hes, the t riumph power, has proved but a rotten LABELS, PROGRAMMES, N ewcastlc and of his adversaries shtLll not be reed. This cla use h as met a PAMPHLETS, HANDNortham ,, W . Tra:cey. so me admixtnre of bitter- well deserved fate, and one without AND 0A'rALOGUES, BILLS, POSTERS, Geralclton and himself he has nothincr th at was confide ntly expected by For ness. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRINnNG Northampton ,, E. Beereton. for the worst ha~ all friend s of prog r ess. Embodied fea1·, to more IN GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE, Greenough, Dongarra, subm ission cannot in any code of legislation it would Silent e. com COLORED INKS, ETC. ,, P . Long. & Strawberry, rob his impending doom of it 8 indeed be a n anachronis m of the Largo supply of printer's Stationery, .Bunbury, Dardanup, ,, H . .Brady. terr-ors, a nd the manifestation of most startling kind . A gentleincluding Straw-board s, l\;Iill-boarcls, Vasse, Ludlow, and Large Sheet W hite Cardl,oard. , the rage which fills him cannot man of this city, now no longer Bridgetown, Ladies' and Gent's, gilt-edged add_to the m. Lik e t h e vanquish ed know_n to the world of politics, & Augu.1ta. Ven. Lecaille. " Visiting Cards, Graphite Correspon- Kojonup & Indi~n warrior, t h e l'efore, h e gobs was mforme~ by sev eral members dence Uards, with Lnvelopes. ,, F. Chm eliceck t t o lus death singing h is defian t of the English C?mm?~s as well . Williams. En1bl ematical "In Memoriam" Cards Albany ,, F . Mateu. warsong, anc.1. enjoying without as leaders of pubh_c opm10n in the plai n a nd folding. Victoria Plains, Rt. Rev. Dr. Salvaclo restrain t the poor revenge of Eastern colomes with whom h e had 1 ·1 1 GREEN LEVI ,

HE DRAWING of PRIZES in aid of T the Catholic Girls' School, Freman tie, 1

£ 6"·

£ '.)









,· MAY

15, 1890.

put him self in commu n:catio n on th e subject , that the prop erty qualific ation was univers all y r egarded with astonis hment and disp1easure. It causes no surpri se therefo re to learn that the obnoxi ous clause has been ig nomin-iously thrown out.

n I

iL o c al an ll


en e t a I.

SIR HENRYWRENSFORDLEY was sworn in as Acting Chief Justi ce, on 'l'uesday afternoon , at three o'clock.

ON Thursdtty last, Mr. Thon ms J. D ' Arey O'Toolo of Brid<Yetown, filed a d eclaration of 'inability p,iy his debts .


AT a m ee tin g of Mr. -W. B. Mit,chell 's creditor s, a composi tion of 10s. was offered and accepted. FATHER LONG, who has t ,ikon clrnrge of th e Vasse district. r eceiv ed a hearty welcome from th e member s of his n e w flock.

'Im, second a nd fi rml dividend of 6d. in

tlrn pound, du e from the e~ttite of JL T. Kin a , is now pay,ihle at the office of M es~rs. B olman , Haines & Co. No little annoyan ce has b ee n axperien ced, in Bunbury , by the r eturn, di shonour ed, of several orders d raw n by th e mining manager s of certain 'l'in Mining compa nies.

THE lon g expected barqu e Vin eta, w hich put into t he Cape dismastc d, h as since proved to be a complet e wreck. Th e cargo will be forward ed to Freman tle by th e own er s.

A MEETING of the creditors of Mr. R. Smit h

was held on Monday and a r esolution was passed acceptin g paymen t in full lJy bills at 3 6 9 and 12 months, endorsed b y A. Por:-e;t & Co. I nterest at t he r ate of 7 per cent is a lso .added.






THE Govern n1en t lrns s upple mented the ann ual grn11t to t he Nortlrnm Roads Bo:,rd by :i furth er s um of £50. A youn g boy na 1ned Fr0deri ck McClolla nd was accide ntally drow:10d m 11 pond, near his father's h ouse, at Albany.

TUE Newcastle M unicipal Co uncil ar e making an effort to put their pre ttY little town in order, an d ar e giving at ten tion to th e footpath s, drains, a nd fe nc es. IN answer to T. W., B. :- Mr. F ~J. Tow nsend is t he secretar y of th e Fre111antle, a nd Mr. J. F. O'Callag lrnn secretary of the Perth B ranch of the H.A.C.B . Society.

AN Aar icultural Society has been formed in Nirtham . Abou t £ 100 is already s u bscribed , and a large num ber of geutle men have si<Y nifi ed th eir i!"ltcntio n of becom in g 111 e~1bet·s. Tho Governm ent is to be asked for ,i piece of g roun d s uitable for a Sho w Gr oun d.

ON Friday IVIr. S. R . Harn ersley was return ed, unoppos ed, t o represe ut t h e Swan distri.ct in t he L egislativ e Co un ~il. We have much pleas ure in r ecording the fact, a nd con g ratulate th e electors of the Swan upon the ch oice they have made. M r. Baniersl ey h as prov ed himself to be possesse d of so und clear-he adHd comm on se nse, seconded by wide a nd lib eral views, a nd is g uid ed by ;i thoroug h go in g h ones ty of purp ose.

AT the meetina of r atepayer s r ecently held at F'rema;t lf', Mr. Mannion s uggested t he nse of j anah for paving purposes. Why not flcc_cpt th e suggestio_n im d give the wood a trial ? But a trial 1s surely n ot n ecessary seein g th a t some of th e R ockin aharn jarrah, exported r ecen tly to Engh1,11-~ h as b een laid down in the streets of London and appears to have auswe red tho purp ose in eve ry resp ec t.

DuRING the r ou crh weath er ex~eeien ced a last week at F~eman tle, Pilot B utcher had a narrdw escape. He was going off to meet the P a llas wh en h e e ncounte d some h eavy seas, which injured the boat IA COPY of th e first issue of the Albany and almost s vamped h er. Observer , has been forwarde~l to our office. It is clearly aud n eatly prmted, and ex \ceedin aly well go t up, while its columns FROi\1 the V icto ria Plains we h eat· of are r eplete with i nfo rnrntion. Th e s ucof th e marriage of .Mr. R. P . L anniga n lceed ing numbers h ave not only k ept u_p to Miss lVI. Thompso n, and Mr. T. th e hi gh pitch of per fec l10n ,iLtarn ed rn Boxhall , to M iss A. Thompso n. Th e the first but have sh own already a marked young ladies are daugh ters of the much improve me•1t.. The price is oue pen ny a nd it is publish ed three t im es a we ei,, in respecte d Mrs. '1.'hompson of Bmdoon . the eve nin g, on Tu esday, Thursda y and Saturday . TH E prospect us of t he Crystal Tee. Compan y, Limited,_ Perth,_ has b ee n iss ued the prons10 nal d irec tors a r e cl eat.h a are r eported from M essr~. A. F orrest, R. F . Sholl a ~1d q. T wo Shenton. The "mo unt fi xed :is Capital !S Ny ullagin e 01w, a d eath from natural causes, of 'a 1n:1n na med George "\Vool£5000 in 5000 shares of £ 1 each, of Lh1 s beck, th e other res ul te d from a g un shot 4500 is offered to the pub:ic. wound accident all y iu f1ictec1. A man na med George F yson was selli ng a gun to another nam ed P atrick Coch!'fln e, ·wheu, THE second series of wool sales in th e du rin g the handlin g of the piece, it London market closed on the 10th inst, exploded , an ci the charge lodged in the th e third will open on Lhe 24th of nex t body of a month . 80,000 b,il es were h eld over shatterin th ird perso n, Andrew Karlsen , g his backb one. H e lived for fr om the second, and the q uantity of twelve h ours after the acc ident. new arrivals to be admitted ot the nex t is limited to 350,000. A YOUNG man named E rn es t White com-

MR. S. H. P ARKER i n his evidence mitted suicide last Saturda y, at th e Club b efore the Select Commit tee advocate d H otel , Freman tle. He h ad been but a

emigrati on on ti ~arge scal e ~rom _Englond to West Australi a. On tlns pomt, Mr. Giffen statistici tin to th e Board of 'l'rad e h as ~tated as his opi nion t h at it is alm ost visiona1·y to talk of a n imm en se scheme of British emigrati on n ow.


Mit. B URT, Q.C., we und erstand, intends payin g a visit to E ngland, next mon th .

short tim e out from England , a nd cam e h Are quite recently from tho ~astern colonies. Ho was of a very q ULet r e ser ved dispositi on, a nd mingled but li ttle with t he other inm ates oE th e house. H e a ppeareu to be abo ut 30 years of age, a1~d is r eported t o be well-co nn ected both m Engla nd a nd Australi11. 'rhe deed was committ ed with a r evolver. '1.' he · bullet penetmt ed the hear t and death was alm o~t instanta neo us.

AN Amateu r Opera Compan y is in cours e of form ,ition in Perth. We a re glad to notiM that the organise r , Mr. B art, is meeting with t he support his enclfmvours deser ve, most of the mu sical ladies and gen~l emen of ~h~ fair . city hav~ng A gentlem an wh o was h ere lately as a already s1gmfied th en· mten t10n of takmg visitor, Mr. F . H. Moore, broth er of Mr. part. W . D. Moore, wa s sh own a sample of co,Ll from the claim of th e Colli e Co mm ercial Coal Compan y. Haviu g had con sid_erSOME of the rece nt arrivals from the able experien ce of coal, and bem g eastern colonies , who have come to Fre- him eslf the prnpriet or of coal la nds in m an tle, on their way to tho ne wly re- New South Wales, Mr. Moore' s u tte rp orted goldfield s on the Ashb u rt,on , are ances should hav e g1·et1t weigh t. H e much di ssa tisf-ied at bein g unab le to speaks in h igh term s of. the qutLlity obtain accurate in formatio n about th e of the sam ple, and p ronounc ed it to position etc. They say that th e particula rs be a s plendid h o,1seholrl and ~tea1u coa,l, given them in Melbour ne cannot be much r esmbli n g t hat obtained from the added to h ere either officially or other - Bulli Bulli a nd lllawarr 'l, min es of "New )Vise. : So uth W ales,

ON Monday last a CourL of P etty Ses- eq ul'iil,,force t o fl~most evol'y k(ncl of invosts ions was hold at the I ' ur t h l'oli cu Co urt, ment --so f,it· as this colony is eoncente d, to re vi se t he E lecto ral list . Mr. Cowan but in partieubr to in vestmen t in :(,ii~dpres ided, there bci 11g n o othe1· magistra te 'l'his is directly -trace11,hle to th e rni uprese nt. '!.'he n a mes of two d ecea,sed dicious land-bar gai ns of a few yea,t·s ago, which people wo uld do well to rememb er perso ns were struck off. in futu re booms. 'l'hel'e is no .doubt the a dvent of t he Enablin g .13il1, whateve r its shape on emerg in g from the ario-ust AFTER mu ch timo s pent in eo rnmuni , assembly at 1Vestmi nister nmy be, wtll be cation with tho P m pag:indrt , th e Bishop t he s ig ;ml for t he relaxing of the pnrselrns s ucceeded in ob tainin g the h elp of striHgs of every 1m1,n in the. colony, ;1nd some member s of t h e Trappist Oeder . wh en that time comes people cannot 1 e to Th ey ar c to take up th e work b egun watc hful of that lin e which prnde")rne tells by Father McNab o n the spot 8elect ed them not ·t o over-step. Occasion ,· of this by him, a nd which lies some eiglity kind a1·e ah mys ;J,C~OLUJ.Jf111i ed by ft p]ent_iful crop of sh,1rks t lrnt take a deal of watchrn p;. miles from D er by. llis LorJship F ow'will r egr et t luit the attempt to h ave inte nds goin g n orth him self, a nd will sta rt on Friday, accompa ni ed by th e the exemption 1icriod. on t he · E11,steru Goldfield tw o 'l'rflppist Fathers who a re h ere now. through s n ow o,qJiring·, extended , fell a or two a~o flmidst_ the One obj ec t of his visit, will be to clerisiofr of clay all th e experien ced mmers pl ace the m iss ioners on the r eser v,\ tion, present. Deep bu t n ot loud indignat ion and the othe t· to 1uake a · pastornl has been expresse d in many cp 1arters al; the visitatio n t o all of hi s flock res ident d nration of th e lJrcsenl; exeiµptio n porjocl, in Lh e no rthcru d istri c ts, It is supposed and any exten sion of it might termina te th a l·, t he t ime req uire d to acco mpl is 11 thi s disas trously for thecolon yas well as for t he min e owners . A.s it i s about 300 men ,.-,ll wor k win cn vut·:. sp;ico of s ix months. bo en route to Southern Cr oss next we-.:_, find as th e latest r eports say that rn.''" has fallen there in qu antit,Y., we may l ook 'l'm, followin g teleg mm fr om Dongar rn, forwar d to remuner ative r eturns within clescr; p~i ve nf t he loss r es ultin g from last t he next few months . '.L'he clamper wh ich Sat urday's sto rm, has bee n rnceived from invariab ly follows all now our corres ponden t :-D urin g the storm would appear t o have foundgold discover ies way to t_he on Sat urday, th e schoone r Plan et and A.sl1burton ,.illuvial diggings its alrea,dy, still, the Ketch E lectl'fl were driv011 ashorn. trne to their undaunt ed insti ncts, miners T he P h1not is a co mpl ete wreck wi th the are h eroically tidvancin g on that salu,cargo of wheat scnttere d about th e brious quarter from all parts of t he colony beach. The cut:,e1· Eveleen Mary, which and from the Eas tern Coloni es . Generall y, sailed from Frcma n tle under t he com - a better tone is obser vable in nearly all mand of B urton, is beach ed at a spot min ing tran sactions. 'l'he w ek's pr oduce market opened fifty miles so utb of this port. The cre w we re compelle d to walk all the way to firmer . P:1ck, saddle, and d.i·,i,ught hor ses D ongarra, it bein g the n ear est spot are in good demand, owing t o the eon1 wh er e s ucco ur migh t be counted upon. temphte cl early departur es for t h e golclTh e El ectra came in for sh elter, ttll(l, in fields, while other live stock maintain t he averages imiking for this port, one of h er crew, a McKern anof the past two weeks. Messrs. & lma u named T uckett, was washed over- week ending Co report as follows for the 14th inst . "'I'he followin g bo:1rd a nd drowned . No effort could be prices rnlecl at om· bi-weekl y p roduce made to save him. Af t er a tim e her auction sale on 13th inst," "Wheat 4s ..6d. tackle proved u nable to b ear the strain F lom· £ 10. Bran £ 7 7s. 6d. Pollard £8 caused by th e hea vy wind a nd sea, and 2s . 6d. Botatoes £11. Barley Bs. 7d. sh e came ashore, where sh e now lies Chaff (no sale.) Oa t s (whit e) 3s. 6c1. Butt er l s. 4c1. Ducks 3s . 3d. Fowls 3s . 9c1. badly bilged. '.L'urkeys 9s. 3d. per pair. Young pigs 9s . I each. IT.HE civil sittings of the s upreme Co urt com menced on Tu esdfly, 13th inst., at 10 ,t. rn . Th e followin g is the list of •ro 'TIIE EDI'l'OR. cases :-Befor e a judge : F. Connor a nd D . D ogh er ty v. Ri s ing Sun G.M . Co., special case for the opinion of Lh e Court. Sm.-A.l low a small space in your R. C. Loftie, F. L och ee and O'G. L cfroy most valuabl e me columns (exec utors of the will of J. B rn ce, v J . concerni ng the Northa for a few words Spence1-) £50 fo r rent. E. Hall v. Having read your m Voltmte er Corps . Ste rlin g Bros. & Co., £375 da mages for deuce of the 1st inst Irishtow n correspo nbr ead1 of contrnct . A. Bryan, T. J·. Swain is mention ., I see by it that Mr. ed as t h e originat or of L eecl on, J. Ca rcho ny , ,J. L eedo n an d A. the above named Ham oncl v T. \V. Smith, £500 damages great mistake. I corps, which is a very lmow for a fa ct that the for wrongful d epriving plaintiffs of thoit· gentlem en who first put th e idea in motion !goods :incl clmt t els. B. N. Culrei 1 vy v. 1 were Mr . 'l'. Goodma n of Northam a nd 1\'L Kelly £2 000 dama"es fo r b i-cacl; of · L10ut. H ob bs of the Perth Artillery. I 1 believe that no less t .' -. . " 7 , . , , .. . , . han twenty of conti act . .Zn ? C ,· ne d -.a· . G olman's 1·1st ·young · 1 110 11 1Jefor·e f ,wsfe '1.'. I t ) of wen h··<tl,1 s1g L alll1 A ct, 1874 " (J:->:ue;pst~a m.r . o l . , i· 0 it es v. 1 Mr. Swain had the least idea that s uch a [I) _ W. l-fanvood . A pli cat1011 for clcl11'ery thino- as a corps in Northam wa,s thoug·ht pf a certtfica t e of t it le ; to b e li.oard on of. 0 th e 15th inst. B efo re fl judge a nd jury: One who likes praise to bo given J. Corbett v. J. H M onger, £5000 'I'o those who deserve it. damages fo r wrong ful enterin g plaintiff's land an d depri ving him of same; n ew trial, to co mmence on the 27th inst. 'I'o THE EDITOR,



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F REMANTLE was visited by a severe storm on Saturday las t. The wind w,s exceedin gly s trong in force, and, co ming fr om the n orth west, q uickly fo rced the water in th e harbour a nd riv er to rise t o ,in unusu:il h eight. In th e river the tide was so high as a t o ne tim e to cover the lately co ust rncted sheathin g, and in som e of t he bays the plan king was torn away and sw«pt up the s trea m by th e force of th e waves. Th e K ebroycl, which had occ upied a berth on the So uth B each for somethin g like six mon ths, was floated off by the h igh t ide of tho previous day. H er hastily im provised mooring s gave way befo re th e fury of th e gale, and sh e was dr iven back o n t he beach. Th e Mflry Smith was sever ely kn ocked about, a nd Mr. Foth ergill's steam launch the Cleopatr a brnke from h er anchora ge and .li es piled up on the stockade with h er back broke n. A sa iling boat belongin g to :i\1:r. '1.'. H opl~ins was blown ashore and much d,imaged . Th e steamer s, R ob Roy and Maid of L incoln sought sh elter at Caree ning Bay. 'rh e Franklin broke from t he j etty and so ught th e western side where slrn anchore d a nd ste:imed up against the wind, to r elieve the s train o n her tackle.




The spasmodic or frogliko jumps and bounds by which our new Constit ution Bill is being tmndle l alon g in the Impe1-ial Parliam ent g ive rise to serious conjectm es among mining and landboomers in the colony, a nd go a long way in upsettin g monetar y calculations too credulou sly entered into. 'l'he last clause of tho precedin g r;entencE.> . ppliea 11"ith

Srn,-I promise d in my l ast to gi ve a brief , tatemen t of the prices ruling at Parker 's Range fo r articles of daily nse gen erally and a few others b esides. Flour is £5 per bag ; p reserved beef two shillings and sixpence per 21b. tin ; rice eightpen ce per lb. ; jam from two shillings to two shillings an d sixpence p er 21b t in ,; ·h cese two shillings per. l b.; baeon two shilling s; sugat· eightpen ce; butter three shillings ; cu t hay sixpence per lb. ; corn of all k iutl:; sixpence . 'l'hese are t h e prices of the a1·ti ·1es in mos t common u se when they are avaibblc, which is not always . From this it may be infer.reel that to live 11t P arker's Range means h eavy expense . And this, though s uch a len gth of time has elapsed since the discover y of t h e Range, without any effectual effort on the part of a parental governm ent to alleviate our hardship s. I r emembe r how t he governm ent some years ago offered a large reward for th e discover y of a goldfield, an l that fl certain geologis t received some fi ve hundr ed pounds without fin.cling anythin g. Now we h ave found thr ee, called the E as tern Goldfield s, and of one-" P a rker's Range" -I can speak with confiden ce. On this fi elcl ther e ar e now two main lines of reef opened up at several places for a length. of, say, fiv e miles, showing gold whereve r struck. Other r eefs have also been hit upon. Mor eover I myself h ave travelled for many miles around Parker 's R;i,nge a nd can truthful ly say ther e ar e in that d istrict 111t111y t h ousands of acres of as good land as any, which, judging from tho presen t policy, is not likely to b e utilized for many years. Co uld n ot a r ailway to tlrn goldfi elds b e construc ted on the "land grant system" and thus b e the me,ms of opening up this fine count ry and d evelopin.-,. its splenrlid mineral r eso\trces. 'I'he tmde in sa,ndal woocl, ·which ia so alm n clii,11t, woulcl.



8 naturally swell t he r turns of the line. Tho Eastern GolcUielcls offer man •1nospects to encourage a large settleme~J of people if our government would but aid and assist" by llroviding facilities. I r emain &o. E. CA.HILL.


Very little interest was taken in the Kemp-Matternon race last Friday,_ considering that it was a champwnsh1p even t, Matterson's chances being considered hopeless after his defeat by M'Lean. Ther e was a good race for the mile, bu t aft01· that K emp rowed home as h e liked, ultimately winning by over 30 len gths. M'Lean is now matched against K emp for the championship, and if h e wins it he is to meet O'Connor. Wm. O'Connor h as gone into training for his race with Stansbury on June 23 for £500 aside.

From our own Correspcnclent. His Lordship, Dr. Gibney was a visitor J . G-. Kennedy, of Sydney, the amateur to York last week. He came on Tuesday evening, and loft again on SatuPclay champion sculler of Australia, is n ow getting into condition for the chan11lion morning. rac!l, to take place on May 17. It is said On Sunday Fr. Gibn ey informed the that abou t 12 entries ar e promised for the congregation that Mass will b@ said at 9 Mail Cup Race, which includes the amateur a. m., on Thursday, it being a holycfay of championship . In connection with the obligation, and the three clays prececli11g it swimming championship of New South are, they would remember, clays of prayer. Wales Meaclham off the victor in t h e During the winter season, on the S un- contest on Tuesday evening, defeating days appointed, first Mass, will, he stated, J olmson easily. be celebrated at half past seven ; and The New York Sun says that Spaulding, evening devotions will commence at manager of the Chicago Baseball Leaguers, a quarter to sever. . The meE'ting of t he male branch of the has offered M. J. Kelly 15,000 bonus, with 5,000 salar y, to play with the Chicago S. H. Associiition was held on S unday. Club next season; but Kelly wit)1 During the week the May devotions Micawber-like fidelity, protests that h e can have been very fai rly attend ed, and never desert the Players. hymns appropriate to the season have been very r.icely, rendered by the ch oir A football club h as been or ganised in und er the Sisters directions . Albany and named the Rovers F. C., the In the cricket match played at Newcastle, colours adopted being amber and black. to which I referred, the Yo1·k men, I am the names of some likely men ar e to be ·found in the list of officers, and as Duffy is informed, carried off the la urels. At the York P olice Court, during the now a resident of the town, without a first hearing of the charge against W . doubt strong efforts will be made to Fleming for stealing ti horse from Robert secure him as a member. Should he conEyre, an amusin g scene occurred. At sent, his gr eat experience, backed by his the second h earing, on Tuesday, the case excellent play, will be of great service to was dismissed, and the horse in q uestion the club. given up to F leming . 'rhe Australian Eleven made an ausYour York contemporary ann ounces picious opening to their campaign in that influenza, in a mild form, is preva• Englan d, having defeated Lord Sheffield's len t in town. Team by an inning·s and 34 runs. Mm·Mr. R. Hardman has been appointed doch, though he gave three chan ces early a member of the D. B. Education v-ice R . in his innings, seems to h ave gone back G. Burges. The appointment was made to the old style of batting. Turner and Ferris are as effective as ever with t he by the Central Board. Mr. H. D avey has been successful in ball. his tender to make additions to the York '.['he adjom·ned annual meeting of the poet and telegraph offices for the sum of Metropolitan Football Club was h eld at £58 10s. the Criterion :9:otel, on Wednesday evenIt is reported that heavy rains have ino-. The following wer e elected to office. fallen at Cuttening Station during · last M~. J. Kneale captain, Mr. W . Rose vice week. captain, Mr . D. Brennan secretary, and Saturcliiy last was the clay officially Mr. J. Hardwick treasurer. The captain appointed for r evision of th e Yo rk vice captain, and Mr. McDonough wer e appointed as delegates to the Association, electoral roll. It seems strange that in a large town and Messrs. Ward and Davis, were chosen li ke ours, and whei·e clocks and watches to form a match committee . The members are so common, that we appear incapable turned out for practice on Satm·day afternoon, but th e bad state of the weather of maintaining an expert watchmaker. combined with the flooded condition of I think that a good liand, an assiclio us the ground prevented anything like conworknmn, and one who wo uld punctually certed play, and so a general " punt attend to business, could nut fail to about " was indulged in. secure sufficient employment h ere. On Friday evening A. Dixon will comThe Literary and Debatiug Society is mence his 24 hom·s competition with T . said to be in full swing. Business appears dull, itnd the craze for Regan, in the Fremantle Town Hall. The ri11king , which bu t very r ecently match, the stakes for which are £25 aside, aft:ected th e majority of our citizens, is at has b een pending some t ime, and, as we understand, the two men been present supplanted by the manly game under goi 1g a severe course of have triiin ing, a of cricket. good exhibition of travelling and staying May 12th. powers may be expected. W e notice that the cricket clubs of P e1·th h ave publish ecl their batting ancl bowling averages for last season. 7 } or the P erth C.C. Scrymgour 23, S. PERTH U.Y.M. SOCIETY. Randell 21.3, Shada11d and E. Randell 'r he usual weekly meeting of this 13.7 each, head the batting. Scrymgour society was held on 'rhursday, 8th inst., 4.7, Sharland 5, Duffy 7.6, and E. Randell · th e President in the chair. Mr. James 9.4, did b est in bowling . .Amongst the M.O.C., in Association Corbett was unanimously elected a matches, Dr. Connor 19., North 17:2, Piper m ember. The Journal, produced in con nection 17, and Curtis 14, came first with the bat. with the society, was read by th e editor, With the b!tll F. C. Monger 7 lead off, Mr. ::,I. Horrigan, and contained, besides with Parker 9, Wright 9.1, and PiJler 9.4 the leaders, a number of interesting close up. I n outside matches F. D. North eads the list with 46.1, next F. J . articles, and also some original poetry. hKelly 28, then H. G. B. Mason 20.5, and The members expressed themselves as Dr. Connor 20 . being well pleased with the month's issue, That steady bat C. Bishop, and conveyed to Mr. Horrigan their t akes premier honom s in the .Federal C.C., entire approval of the manner in which with 12.6, Wilson 12, Cotterell 11.5 and h e has cond uctecl the J onmal. The Raniord 8.1. In bowling E . Bishop obmeeting was furth er enlivened by th e t ained the fin e average of 4.8, and that songs, contributed by Messrs. P endergast for bowling right through the season, Fraser and McB enry, and, after the usual Grundy 9.1, McDonough 9.2 and Davis 10.5. form alities, concluded in the prescribed 'r he Palace Rink proved especially attracmanner. tive on Wednesday and Saturday night s when the preliminary a11d final heats of the half-hour-go-as-you-please for yo ut hs 11 t i were run off. On W ednesday evening quite a large crowd assembled, and the The ten-mile skating championship of clifferent competitors wer e louclly cheered Canada was won in Montr eal, Mar ch 21, by by their fri ends as they forged ahead in C. Gordon, the five-mile champion, in 39 the competiton. Smith won the 1st. beat; min. 42 sec., which is 3 min. 5 sec . better Ryan the 2nd; Maggs the 3rd; and W ilson than the American r ecord. the 4th. If possible a larger assemblage Oarsman Gau daur, though hancli- was gathered t ogether on Satur~a:i: even ing capped t hree boat lengths, easily defeated to witness the final. 'rhe sportmg element H amm, Ten Eyck, and Hosmer in a r ace at was strongly r epresented, and not a few of Jacksonville, F la ., March 23. If Gaudaur the gentler sex graced the scene by their be not imp1·oving ·th e other oarsmen must presence. Three competitors put in an appearance on the t rack, and each found b e degener ating . supporters, the knowi ng ones favouring The athletes of the Y. M. C. U. of Ryan. "But the best laid scheme of Boston gave a most interesting exhibition mice and men gang aft agley," and the at their gymnasiLllll March 21 . The events favom·ite, though bravely maintaining the and winners wer e: St anding high jtllllp, F. contest and, in response to the calls of his Robertson, at 4ft . 9 in ; 30-yds. dash, Bailey backers, spurting gamely, broke down after in 41 ·5 sec.; st r ength feats on flying rings goin g 4 miles 16 laps. Wilson kept up for H.. Salacline; three stanclin gj=ps,F.Rob- one lap further than Ryan, and then he ertson, at 30 ft. 10 in .; running brnad jllD'.lp stopped . Of the three, Smit h was t he by J.E. Morse, at 18 ft. '7 iu. ; fence vault only on e who completed the time, and he handicap, J. A. MacDonald, at 7ft. 3in. was loudly greeted with applause from all

.J un

n :9'·


parts of t he room, when it was announced t hat he had covered the very fair distance of 5 miles. '.['he arrangements, . under Mr: Allum's management, were simply perf~ct, and everything passed off without a hitch. 'r HE AMATEUR SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIP OF N.S .W 1'his event was competed for at the Natatori um, Pitt-street, on Tuesday evening, between G-. Meadha-m, of the Enter prise Swimming Club, and J . Johnson of Balmain. The conditions wer e to swim 500 yards for the champion ship and a trophy said to be worth !HOO, and after a r emarkably exciting con test Meadham rather unexpectedly won covering the distance in 7 minutes 19 seconds. A return match is hinted at. THE BROWN-BUBEAR RACE. The r ace on the Parramatta on W ednesday between Brown, of the Clarence, and the best sculler England can claim ended in a highly unsatisfactory way. It was generally believed by all those who had paid any attention to the two sc ullers that Brown would win the race. .L\.s a matter of fact he proved himself a superior sc uller t o the Englishman; but Bu bear won the race because he was an older hand on the water than Brown. The latter outpaced him and took his water, and then foolishly jammed himself in a corner of the com·se. This gave Bubear his opportunity, and h e fouled his opponent, claiming and obtaining the r ace. The result has no significance.




BANK IfoLIDAYs.-Tuesdity, the 19th, and Thursday, the 15t h inst., are proclaimeel Bank holidays in t he town of Roebourne. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONs.-The r eturn of E. Martin, a councillor of the Cossack Municipal Council, vice W. Robb, r esigned, is notified. GOLDFIELDS REGULATION.- A r eg·ulation, to be substituted for the present Regulat ion No. 91, which is cancelled, is published. NOTICE TO MARINERS .- 1'he following notices have been issued by the Department of Ports and H arbours, Brisbam, : (31st Ma,rch). "Inner R oiite to To·r res Strait. lieported Sunken Rock Abreast Albany Pass. Notice is hereby given, that Mr. J ames W . Cathro, master of the Calcutta, r eports having grazed upon a sunken r ock when abreast of Albany Pass, the vessel at the time drawing 14 feet 2 inches. H e places the rock in the following posit ion, viz. :Beacon on Z Reef- S.E. by S. southerly, distant 4 miles. Ulrica Point n early shut in with Fly Point. Vessels, when in this neighbourhood, are therefore cautioned not to go to the eastward of the track laid clown on t he Admirality Chart." (8th April) . " Inne,,• Route, 7'orres Sti-ait. Reported Shocii o.fF No. 2 Clarernont I sland. Captain H elms of the s.s. TanmacUce, r eports grazing over a shoal on the followin g bearings: No. 2 Cla1·emontS.88deg. E . distant 1¼ miles; state of tide, low water; ship drawing 20 feet6 inches."-Reported Shocil, T lii rsty Sownd. '.['he Harbor Master at Broad Sound reports that the shoal 1·eported by the master of"the s.s. Annie as existing half-a-mile east from Pier Head, Thirsty Sound, proves, on examination, to be a hai·d shingle bar, extending from P ier H ead to t he southern shore, an d varying from 6 feet to 2 fathoms." TENDERS AccEPTED.--Moots, r econstruct post office b uilding, Wyndham, £14 15s . E. Hammond, new public offices, Perth, furniture, desks, tables, presses, &c., £127 4s. 6d. H. Davey, junr., additions to post and telegrap\1 offices, York, £58 10s. D. H epburn, additions t o court house, &c., Geraldton, £21. J . W edge, to sink Tabba '.['abba well, at per foot, £3 lOs. APPOIN'l'MEN'rs.- R . H ardman, to b e a member of the York District Board of Education, vice R . G-. Burges, resigned; E. 0. Dawall, Townsville, Queensland, a Commissioner of the Supreme Court of Wes tern Austr alia, to administer oaths etc. T1m BANKRUPTCY AcT, 1871.-I n ,·e R. T . King, sto1·ekeei,er, Pe1·th and Fremantle (bankruptcy) : 2nd and fin al clividend 6d. in th e £ declared ; payable on and after the I2th inst. In ,·e H. Smith and E . Newman (Smith & Newman) auctioneers, 7 ~ remantle _ (liquidation): 1st general meetmg of credttors, Messrs . Leake, James and Kidson's offices, Fremantle, May 19th, 10 a.m. The sa,me-Separate estates of H . Smith and E. _Newman, respectively; 1st general meetmg of creditors of each separate estate, Messrs. Leake J ames and Kidson's offices, Fremantle, May 12th, 11 a .m. In ,·e J . Ptu·dy, innkeep.;r, Greenough (bankruptcy), Bankrupt will apply for order of discharge, June 10th, 1890. I n ,·e ~- Miller, storekeeper, Fremantle (liquidat ion) : 1st general meetmg of creclitors, Mr. A. G. Farrelly's office, Fremantle, May 21st, at 11 a .m . I n re F. Collins, Storekeeper, _F r emantle (~iquidation) : 1st general meetmg of creditors. Mr. A. G. Farrelly's office, Fremantle, May 22nd 11 a .m. In n·e C. H. Rnson and A. M. Web~ter (Rason , . Vi~ebs~r, & Co.) storekeepers, P ert h (h qu1clat10n) : H. I:L Holman appointed trnstoe.

15, H,90

Th e reduced postage rat es will e11 tail a loss of over £ 50. 000 to Austral ia The Catholic Cath edral in New York cost nea rly a million pounds, and is now fre e from debt. N ellie Stewart's opera company devoted proceed s of one peFformance of ' ' Paul Jones" to th e Bourke r elief ]\md The a mount was over £200. From private lette rs from Rome we le:i,m th at the H oly F ather was in excellent health and spirit on hi s birthday, and tha t h e r eceived t h e Princess L ouise a nd the Marquis of Lome at a long a udience on St. P a trick 's Day last. The Otago field in New Z ealand, must h ave been a bea uty. Just fancy in the first yea.r of its discovery, 42 tons 21 Olbs. ofgold-.£5048,080 worth, was exported. 1'he auriferous rivers of New Z ealand are heing dredged, with m agnifi cent results. One dredge has been b ringing up £750 worth of gold per week, a nd that to a Chinaman. l\ifony good stories are in circulation about the late B a ron Dowse. Perha ps t h e Lest are t hose which a writer in t,h e Daily News t ells. " The last of the Irish B a ron s," as t h e writer calls him, . h ad a P a rliamentary r eputation that 1s not yet dead. H e once encount ered the present L ord Chief Ju stice of Eng;and in a battle over a principle that has neither been killed n or applied in legislation since-the principle of w·oru eu 's Suffrage. Sir John Col eridge, as b e th en was, assert ed, in bis defence of th e p rinciple, that the g reatest judges he knew possessed q ua li t ies of mind which h e r egarded as pec uli a d y fem inin e. "My honourabl.e . a nd learned fri end, " r et orted the m ember for D erry. "appears to th ink that because some judges a re old women, all old women ought· to be judges." A ccording lo th e Stai·, Lbe 1,illiug .,f Mr. Fla11aga11 the ot her day must h uvp b,ien fl g rent,, r bl<>w tn ll ,at gen tJ ,..m e11 tha n np peared at fi n, t s ig lit. [\,J,,s t peo ple, wo da re ~ay, were u11de 1 rhe impressio n t bst Mr. Fl11 11agar> had ju s t been put up fo1· pJ,-,ction, 11nd bad 1, ,..e 11 th en i 11 cuuline.11rl y ldnck- t, ul led. B ut th a t is not th e true state of the c~se. Iu the Ath eoreum th e average tim e a man has to wait for electiou is sixteeu yea rs ; if you nre put up at any lllul'iy pe ri oci of tir e year it is possibl e you may come to th e door of paradise in fift een years and a half. It wa s ju , t sixtee n J eurs , i11 ce M i-. Fl,.n sgn, ,'s 11ume burl fir>t Uf> f.>P11 re d 118 u c,, di,_la te fu r· adm!s ~ion; un d it . was the nralr g u Lu m of fo, tun e tl ,11t b, ong ht. hi<11 up fpr elecri on ju ~t 11t 11 .... r11o rut•ut wh, ,n t he wor ld wns fr,..,b u11 dt' r ,he in_1pressio11 o~ d ie L'ig , u fo , ge l'ies. t-i1x tf'en y("ars appronr ices h ifJ los t in half' a day-t he N i• m,-·sis wa8 pre i~y l,,:avy. ·w hat a strikin g com m enta ry on t he th eo'.· y t h at th e sys_iem of boycotting reqml'es the sanct10n of mu rder is affo rded by th e proceedings a t t he vV ate rford ussizes. P et er the P acker was t he presiding judge, and the calend a r was an absolute bla nk. He was presented with a p air of white gloves; but notwith standing the . clean reco rd , notwithstanding the total absence of wh at h e terms "th e crueller and coarser type cf cri me," h e refused to con gr a tulate t he grand jury on the condition of t h e county. Why ? On account of t h e wid esprea d prevalence of boycotting. W aterforcl is one of the outlets for the expo rt of agri cultural produ ce. But the ~ achin e ry of exp ort 1~ absolutely and umversally denied to la ncl g l'abbers and extermin a tors. Th e, c is " an 01·ga.nisecl attempt to boycott the sale of cattle," a nd th e att~mpt is only too suc,·essful. I-I, nee t h e tears of P eter fell fast on the un st ained kid s w ith which th e sheriff presented him. Here we h ave a n n.11swer to the asse rtiori~ of _th e commission repo r·t . Boycottrng 1s a com p let e success in vVatt:r fo~·d ; an d _in stea_d of dep ending on cnme fo r its virtu e, it h as absol ute ly ob literated crim e. May the success of the ~ystem continue and may Peter h a ve to bemoan it wherever he goes.




15, 1890, 3 ¥'.S




a bridge Tb e G ermans nro building immense jud ges a rc allowed to rest. I s it not bet ween Ne w York aDd Ne w ,Jersey, u wal'e-houses ut Z amdhar in anticipation so R evd. F ather 1" added she turning di~trmce of seven mil es, at a cost of of opening up a 1rade with Ccntrnl t o the holy m an. " I s not this t he boy who served your lVI:n ss this mornTh e work will be a :A frici'l. £8 ,000,000 . ing f ' " Do you know him 1" A fire broke out in the resia'ence of tr ium ph r,f engi nee riu g skill. W o have 1:o th auk Mr. G laJs t(! ne, the "Yes, Mada me, I h,w e known him Baron Rothschild at W uddeson, und res ult which ranh ag par a on ing Comment for rend ering con siu erabl e service fo r many years, and he is de 8 er vin g of elder, eel iu t.he destruction of an oil painting stat ed t hat " The Admira lt y D epart- t o tlie cause vf Home Rul e by hi s credence. If l might give a word of by Gainsborough, valued at. £10,000. ment was well organi zed and well revelations wi th regard to the diffi cult.y it,dvico to Your M~jesty I would beg of gel tin ~ Ir-ish rcfol'm s tbrough th e y ou to hear what he lrns to sa.y at once, A Cook town teleg1 am states that managed." TuurH says b lu ntly : Bri tish Pol'liam ent. H e usserted unee, without losing a momen t . His case is ave h ust m nonsense t ran ffag This 50oz., over weighing a nugget of gold, trembling some with ed clrnllenged 1h e J eniul of th11 Liberal :-1, pressing one. He has cQme fr1Jm the and originat has been foulld by a Chinaman at U niooi st leaJ crs, th at undel' th e presen t centre of Lutentin h ere in fo ur days t o Limestone, and a large number of Admiralty official, fo r it is impossibl e th at ,my one fit to be ~t large could 8ystem, with its press ure of variou s obtain .J· ustice." men have left for the field. describe such a hot bed of e xtmvagance bn sin e!;scs ao d interests on ti.Je central " H e 1:,ha ll h ave i t," answered t he Four hun<lred Ii ve sheep have been jobbery and muddling, as eit her " well Government, the interests of Irelnnd queen . " L eL us sit a t the foot of thi s were of necessity and apart from all o,tk, my son . SpeiLI<, pilgrim . l s :it imported to Liverpool from the Argen- organised" or "well m anaged." ill-will, neglected. In th e debate on tine Republic, and have realised double Father Schynee, who Mr. q tanley the Parnell Commission be asserted thut againS t your lord th at you deru;i,n d the o.monnt at which frozen mutton 1" rescuecl in Uganda during his rncent the Land Act of 1881 would never haye :justice " N o Madame. Our lo I'd is ,Lfath er from the River Plate has recently been ex pedition, has published a pamphlet, been passed if it were not for the Land sold. v,1,ssals. He is a in which he decla res that S tanley's real L eag ue :i gitation. This evidence of th e t o his people and his th d ec t to the King subj ful i fa ll a ition good ped is ex log e th inher on t badn•iss of e present H. M.S. Rambler, which is now in obj ec t in und er t&kin g of Frnn c;e, <111(1 it is agai11 st an on'.u t· Sydney harbour and under orc.lers to osteu&ibly fo r t he relief' of E min Pas ha h Li ·~e syslcJm i;; invulua l.>lc. I t lrns 1.1 0 w return to the China station, hus been 11'!1S to utili se Emin's forces to co11qn or \.,Pl'n hl1J>J,l ""H11 ,led l>y 1,1,., tes timon y of' of. t he king hirn 1:,elf that I have con.u specially directed by the Admiral to for England th e Eq U:\ Luria l prn,· i 11 t:es i.llr . llcrbo rL G l: ulst(,llU a~ tu th e vi ciu us- Lo ·ippe:il to t he king." " This pilg vim ta kes y on for judge, make a thorough survey of the ro ck of Africa, and make an ondet for the ness of th e E :-.ecutive systom of Dubl•in upun which th e Quetta came to g rief ii, trade of t he provinces at Mom ha 11 (tlie Custle. H.e~po ncliog to 1.he toas t of rn y son, and h e is right siuce you a re pri nci pal por t of tb e te rl' itory unrle1· t.he "Irelnnd a N ation, " at the S t. Patrick 's I refe r to yot1 as he d oes. Torres Straits. control of the British E fls t. A fri can Com- Day ban q uet in the Cannon- street Listen and give judgem ent." " Oh, Mada me, .L should never da re. The following words farm ed th e pions pany). Hotel, he confinn cd, fr om perso nul wish with which the Times of 15 th is your place to govem . I a m only It tlint all methods, Castle of knowledge A news agency is inform ed th at the a child and the first of your sub,1· ect s. " March conclnded the obituqry notice of patty. Irish the by them of b11id been has tho of ghter dan fant in baptism of the B111roo D owse:-" A great Irishman has "I will th at you b e my king," saicl crime are Duke an d Duchess of P ortland, which Tho means take'n to discover passed away. God grant that, many as of Castille. "Tak e your place Blanche oftene th anJ crime, produce \yas to ha -,e taken place on W ednesday, such 88 of moss, Louis of Frnnee. great, and who as wisely shall love throne his t on Removables the that assertion dimied is postpon ed, by requ es t of the Queen, Father Thomas and myself good theil' conn try, may follow him." The the from instructions their recaive until her Maj esty's retnrn from Aix· will be counsellors of the crown.'' These are remarkMadame Melba, the Australian les- Bain s. Perhaps, tifter all, in a Castle is quite true. paces from few a clown sat She be not will they and statements, able vocalist, has achieved a great success church in which it is quite an open forgotten. Louis and contemplated lier son with in Paris as Marguerite in Gounod's question whether un in fant is regen ernhe profound joy of a christian mother t -~ ~~~~~~m~~ ~~~""""':~~~ opera of "Faust." ·H er performan ce t,ed by baptism or not, it is m•t surpris- = who could say to herself : "My son thns be should ent Sacram the tbut ing is regarded as the greatest success since F O R DU TY' S SAKE will be a saint and a great hing." the appearance of Adelina P atti in the treated us a sort of fashionable function A. S'l'ORY OF 'fHE BRAVE D AY:S OF OLD . " Speak then, Sir pilgrim" said -a ceremony which can be postponed same charac~er. Louis. Pete!' signed himself with the indefinitely, an d so made to suit th e cross, and, in a few words, with a voice The Madame Berry mine, at Ores- leisurely movements of Royalty. And VIII. CHAPTER t remulous with emotion, but with an wick, h as yielded gold to the value of yet we imagine that even in Anglican assurance at which h e himself was TREASON . £1,124,637, over half of which h as ears the announcement m l1 st have astonished, relat ed the story of the been returned to the shareholders in sounded strangely. rebellion of Robert de Burgo E a rl of dividends, in addition to £ 88,000 Armanclale, exculpating the old B a ron Continued. that fact the on Commenting fortunate which has been paid to the for Nicholas, and a ccusing Hugh of went Queen the afternoon the In to how now k not do Bishops Anglican freeholders as royalty. dress, TRU'l'H says :- Not only is their a stroll in the forest, accompanied by Ganneville of going b eyond his powers The slight accident which happened full canonical costume described as ' a h er son and F ather Thomas who dined in threatening as h e h ad clone the old to the s.s. Liguria in the M editen anean, · hideously ugly garb, which has no at the royal table on Sundays. On Lord de Burgo. "The sente11ce which banishes our causing her to put in at Gibraltar, calls symbolical 01· ecclesiastical character week clays, Loni$ l X . would play at is un-just. It strikes one who is Baron comwith es gam other some or ennis t ndistincu wholly he t hut leven, what.ever,' E Australian to mind that the of a who were on board of her, n arrowly tive character of their ordi nary walk- panions of his own age, but on Sundays innocent ; it deprives the kin g a formissed t aking their passages by the ing attire is . also made the subj ect of he r emained n ear the qu een, his mother, faithful subj ect and annihilates large extent ill-fated Quetta, which was wrecked ribald re1wtrk. ' A returned empty,' and t ook delight in hearing her talk of t ress which com mands a valuabl e t o the some week s ago near the Northern we a re info rmed (fo r this is how t he holy t hings and subj ect s suitable to t he of country very CHU RCH T rnrns allud es to an ex- san ctity of t he clay. Fr. Thomas Im el Suzerain of Norm andy. I beg of the Queensland coast. Colonial Bish0p), 'wear s the srun e told Peter where li e wou ld probal,ly kin g to rrvoke his ord ers t o call back It is r eliably estimat ed that durin g dress in t he street ::i.s t he p rimate of all fi nd t he queen, as of fate she had licen H ugh of Ganneville a nd to punish me the recent floods in New South vV ales E n o·la nd !' And it is 1,rnggest ed that, as in the habit of sittin g under 11 la rge wit h death if I lnwe uot told t he nearly 200,000 sheep were lost. One a c~re fo r this t errible st at e of a ffairs, oak which · comm anded ::i. delightful exact trnth ." The boy-king had listened wit h the This place had ber.ome h er station in W ari3.lda distl'ict suffered our home p relat es should i11 future ex- view. favourite r esol't . The n oise of the g reat est atte ntion. losses to the ext ent of 60,000, another change t heir black aprons for velvet. " With th e Queen's per111ission " said camp could not disturb its quiet , and 20,000, and two others 10,000 each. P rogress undou btecl is recorded on the castle of the , rebels being ,1lso he s:1luting hi s mother with a gm cious Some fa rm ers near A lbury, are try- the face of the twelfth an uual report hidderi from view. Blnnch e of Castille smile, " I will give orc~e rs to one of ing to destroy rabbits hy the poisoned of t he Society for the Preservation of could gaze in p eace on the beautiful our best knights, th e noble Gau t hier apple system, and a re meeting with a the Irish L anguage. Since last year green slopes of th e hill s of B eaumont de P oissy, t o start at once to-day with large amount of success, one man t here have been ad ded t o the Irish - and fo rget for a while th e cares of the twenty sold iers, t o prot ect the B aron killing nearly 1100 i n a single night. teachi t1 c:r teachers of t he National Board throne and t he war which she was de Burgo by holding garrison in his Furrows a re ploughed near the burrows fo urtee~, and to t he Irish-t eaching obliged to make against h er rebellious c[Lst le, if t he B(l,ron permits it.. And · as out· R everend J!'athe1: Thom as de and the feeding ground of the rabbit , schools fourt6en , scattered t hrough the subjects, and the poisoned bait is laid in and cou nties of Mayo, \~ aterforcl, Donegal, Peter sat waiting by t he road side Biville starts to-morrow on hi ~ pilcovered up, 1oz. of strychnine b eing Kerry, and Cork, the counties where partly hidd en by t h e thick bushes. grimage to Our Lad y of Cherbourgh, • sufficient for 201b. of apples. If apples the best work can be clone in that Very soon he saw the queen coming I would beg of him t o hast en his are not a vailable, quinces will answer direction. The pupils who passed in alon g, leaniug on h er son's shoulder. departure, so that hi s littl e escort Irish in t he Nation al schools have F r . Th omas was n ear h er, and at :1 might unite wit h the \.m ncl of Gauthier the same purpose. increased from ,J-,13 to 512 ; only t welve short distance walked two maids of de Poissy a nd he p rote cted by t hem. A striki11 g inciden t io th e lobby after passed in 1881, a ndonly 161 in 1885. honour and a page. The queen was He can tak e t his pilgrim with him. Mr. Gladst.on e's speech on th e Times· A proposal to have ti Professor of Irish at tired in mo urnin g. Her j et black As to J-h1gh of Ga1111 ev ille, he must Parnell report was the effusi vt1 gl'ne tin g added to t he sta.ff of the Catholic eyes and eyebrows gave testimony t o retu rn t o t he camp and give a n acwhich Mr. Cnn yng hame, th e secretal'y Training School h as been warmly r e- her Spanish origin, b ut h er pure whi te count of his cfo;courteous a nd disloyal Do you to the Special Commission , gave Mr. commended to the gove rnors by the complexion, h er high st ature, h er st eady conduet t o the Que(m . Parnell when h e eme1·ged fr om tli e principal of S r. Patri ck's, Drumconcl ra. gaze and n oble gait showed her to be a approve of nfy decision l',Xaclarne ~,, House. :Mr. Cuo yogharne W<l.s uou er You have spoken cc Yes, my son. H er are some slig ht items concern- daughter of E leonore Pl antagen et and the gallery not very fa r off fr om Mr. Chancellor. He niece of Ri chard the Lion H earted. with prnclen ce. I t ake upon myself to rman Ge new t ing Soames nnd Mr Arthnr Wal ter, and has a remarka ble phy sica l rese mblance Acco l'cling t o t he cust om of those clays reward this youn g pilgrim who is so when Mr. P arn ell cam e out i.Vlr. to bis p redecessor, th e I rou Chancell or. she wore a veil which hid h er hair and devoted to his lord. Would t o Goel Cunyngharne stopped him, and cntching of his It,ali an and S lav name, he covered h er neck , b ut t his did not p r e- that th e v,issals of t he crown we re like Spite his hund wit h both his own, shook it is a rriga nti c ty pe of a Teuton, tall of j udice in ::i.ny way h er respl enclant him." with inten ae warmth . Then t urnin g to P et er she said : statu;e and broad of shoul der. la fact beauty. cc Wha t can I do for y ou r' and rose, er et P approached she As The Times used to be the only in th ese res pects he actually s urpasses cc Madame, I onl y on e wish itt ndly t ook n. few profou er li saluting has he _ too, !atter, e th Lil_,e ck. Bismar mies. eco11o ox fortbod expooento e bl t1 va\u wo rl d, and I h ave been promised his t re befo elt kn hen t and rd rwa fo eps st g ect10 proJ . a e, A cardinal articl e of th at gos pel was a /'ace rough rn ou tlin i t: fulfilm ent. I a m t o enter soon as that a demand for goods was not a I jaw, bu shy mou stache, tlnck neck, her in t he mi.ddle of the path. " What does this pilg rim want 1" a lay broth er in t he monastery of St. demand for labou r. Advocates of the I scpiare bead, large, keen, and peuetratt he queen. And t he youn g kin g Saviour, wh ere I shall ser ve God alone. said rights of' Iii.ho·. r have heen attack in~ ing eyes, sb1tded by den se grey eyebrnws out his purse was going t o offer The only r eward I ask for a nd desire, king a t blood of man a of" t,ures fea tlie Bil and ers urrend s the theory, and now th e Times 1 piece of money when P et er although I am unworthy of su ch a :1 hi'n:l the defence of it. In a leader on th e and irn n," bot tempered by refined and fa vour, is to have t he honour of kiss: exclaimed omarried, u_ is l~e ners. irn rp agre<:ab!e "If ue, iss Tuesday's s trikes it says in ing the hand of my b elo vocl king and ustice ) for a~k o t come ave h I " In . t he demand for 1he products of labour ' and liv es with a mu1d_e ~ sister .. h e kmg agarnst an youi·s ,Madame. It will be to rn e a stops, so does the deman d fo r labour addi tion to bi s g reat m1hta1:Y a~quu·e~ M ,~darn, a;ppeal to t been pro- fo ret aste of P a radise if you rrrant me itself; au ob vious proposition, wh ich ment , he is_ an ex cellen t !mgu1st and UOJUSt sentence t hat h as " ' t his favo ur. " might be called a trn,ism if the secre- uo enthuaiast1_c_ stud ent ?f rn1ence and of nouuced. we will eL1cl, fri my 'Well, ! Re,illy " everyto ess dn krn uull ty affabili tnries of unious did uot so often appear nnu9ual 'l 'o be Uolltm necl. On Su ndays ho.ii: yo u to -morrow. bod y. to deny its truth 01· relevancy."

Tbe New lriRh Land B ili 1~ calabsentaeism, increase to culated hitherto one of Ireland's cures.

It is proposed to erect




·THE W. A. RECORD. Prince Bismar ck's Depart ure from Bedin .

cos t to the colonies wo uld be somethi ng more than half that amo un t, relat ively of course a 'much large r cost, and then whut wo1.dd they get for it ? W ell, they wonld ge t a cheaper po.stage rate for th eir English correspo nd ence iu the differnnc e, by one route, bet ween 6 <l. and 2./;-d., and by nnoth er between 4d. and 2-1,cl., and the qu estion is whether the re fs anythin g in such a cheapen ing of the postal rates to mak e up for the inevitab le loss in the postal revenue. The answer to that qu es tion will probab ly be as it is rega rded from a sentimeutal or a practica l point of view, and in our own case, at any rate, in th e presen t state of the colonial exchequ er, ought not for a momen t to be doubtfu l. It is really, it will be seen, a proposa l for add itional tlxation for th e purpose or in the hope of " establish ing closer relations between the colonies and the mother country " and even if it would have that effec t, which may be very well donbted , most people will probably ag ree that there are many better u ses be found for our moaey .-Freeman's

doubted -becaus e Dnke Sermon eta, one of the mem bers of the Club, to Sf\tisfy his suspicions as to whether the horses were trained to perfo rm or not, offer ed B uffalo Bill six of bis Roman stallions , with every g uarantee that not even a rope of any kind bad ever been put on th em. Buffalo Bill accepted . T he Italian authori ties, on hea ri ng this, sea t experts to see if the fences ron nd the enclosur e were sufficien tly strong for public safety. It was arranged that two of Duke Serm ooeta's horses were to becaugh teach <lay. Oa W ed nesd ay t he first cOU IJle of t he ~ix were to be tr ied . From an ea rl y hour in tl:: e aftcrnoo,1 crowds of people tlocke<l to the enca mpment, over 15,000 people being arl mitted, and as Colonel Cudy ( Buffalo Bill) teUs me, over 2000 were tnrned away; the we&the r, also, was very un propitious , cold and rainy. J nst before the horses were drive n in Buffalo Bill rode up to the pri ncipal stand, whi ch was crowded with nearly the whole of th e Roman aris tocracy and many of the Ambass adors accredited to th e Vatican aaJ to the Quirinal , and said in a clear vo ice : 11 Gentlem en, the two horses that we will try and ri de are wi ld horses of the Roman Campag na, and we will ride them ." Two youn g horses, both blac k, were then dri ven in by a doz en of the characte ristic Roman Campag na B uttari, They were both splendid animals, sl:lo wiag great str.ang th at every point, esp.:!cially at the shoulde r. T hey walked slow ly si de by side half rouod tb e enclosur e (their long m2nes and tail s flutterin g in th e breeze) with great circnm spection , as if th ey had an idea that somethi ng unpleas ant was going to happen to them.


15, 1890

Jfantt, S tation, nnlr '11'ome.

REGUL ATION S FO R THE DISPrince Bismarc k bas taken his T RIBUT ION O F GOVE RN MENT departur e from Berlin. Previou s to BONUS ES TO AG RICUL 1' URE. setting ont be paid a farewell visit to the At the Executi ve Council of Victoria tomb of the Emperor -Ki ng William I. at Charlot,t enburg, and deposited a few on Tuesday a series of regu latiouH was roses upon it. Hnving prnyed by the passed for the distribu tion and manage tomb of the monarch to whom he had ment of tbe £230,0 00 grnnted for the been so trae, and who had repaid loyalty encoura gement of agr iculture, wine by loyalty, he quitted the ma usoleum grow ing, and dairy farm ing . The reguand return ed to th e Radziwi ll Palace lation s provirle for a grant of £ 2 pe1· wb encehe was to leave for Fried rie.hsrube. acre for vines planted afte r this date, Hi s procession to the railway station tho grant to cootinue for three years was the occasion of an extraord inary For fruit cu ltivation the g rant will be dem onstration, in which people of all at the rate of £3 per acre, the paymen t ranks j oined. Along the way his to be sp read over five yeu rs. l ~or small carri aga was be ieged and fi lled with fruits, s uch as ct11Tnats a □ d goosebe rries flower~, and it was with extreme the grunt will be £ 1 l 0s. pe r ocre. N o difficulty a way cou ld be forced for p,;iymen t will be made i n respect ef Iiu,d it. A t th e rail way station offi cers, over fifty acres in extent in the case of ambassa dors, ana Comt dign itl\r ies vi nes, and in fruits over thirty-th ree thronged, and the crowd pressed thicker acres. The eul ti vation of plan ts intendth an ever. There was one incessan t ed for s uga r prod uc tion will be encoura groar of cheers, broken only by the ed to the extent of £2 per acre, but the singing of "Deutcbsland fiber A lles'' Joiwnal. total grnnt to any individu 11l will be and the "Watch on the Rb ine," and li mited to £100. Bonuses will be later by shoo ts of " Wieclerkom,men assig ned to butte r factor ies, fro it can ning Wieclersehen"- ;' Coooe back, aii 1·evoi1·." The Amend e Honor and drying establish ment, and creamer ies. able to Mr The Irnn Chancen or was greatly affected A sum of £100 may be awarded where Parnell . Perhaps be thought a little more of the there has been all tbe ye ar round an averpeople's voice, so ready to acclaim the age week ly consu mption of 500 gallons of great s tatesman discarded by bis master. mil k converte d into cream or butterThe" Weekly Freema n" in its issue of The master takes the parting calmly. March 1 publishe s in its leading for each 100 gallon s in ad di tion, £5 . He drnnk German beer merrily dm·ing columns a remarka ble letter addressed The maximu m to th e butter factorie s the evening with the delegate s of the by Mr. W m. Sproston Caiue, the whip is fixed at £300, and £200 to the L abour Conference, chatting most of the Liberal- Unionists to the E ngcreamer ies. For cu nan ts, figs, prunes, affably with M. Jules Simon, the lish Press. Mr. Caine is presiden t of etc., prese rved, the amount assigned will delegate from France, who sat on the tbe British Temper ance League, and be £5 per ton -The quantity not to Empero r's right. B ismarck seems to still continue s a leading Liberalexceed twenty to ns, and not to be less have taught the young Empero r one Unionis t. "Mr. Caine, it appears (says thun l0cwt. Flax and hemp growing lesson at all events. The host of M. the ' Freema n') with all the venom of ure to be ass isted at th e rate of £5 per Jules Simon is not precisely the same a L iberal- Unionis t, distribl'lted a long ton . For the export of bntter aud cheese as the youn g man who propose d to visit time ago a great number of copies of AN EXCITIN G SCENE. grants are thus regulate d :-O n butter Strasbu rg with the King of Italy . 'Paraellism and Crime' amongs t his In came the cowboys with t heir realising in th e home market 7d. and constitu ents. Now, finding tbat that lassoes, wh oop in g, and off started the mider 6<l. per lb., lLl., 2d . per lb.; on scaa<la!o11s brochur e is a tissue of false- frighten ed beasts. The scene was mos t butter l s. and over 3d. per lb. The The Propos ed British Postag e hoods and caln mn ies, he makes the exciting . Both horses were ca ught, but green fruitgro wers will rece ive a bonus Tax. best reparati on in his power. He bas both lassoes at once snapped as ii they at tb e ra te of 2s. pe r case ; raisins and written a letter which be not only pub- had been thread, and without the slight- cm rants, 20s. per cwt. ; other kinds lishes in the P ress , but a copy of which est j erk on th e part of the caught horse. of fruit, 30s. pe r cwt. No green frnit A prophet who not only bnf> hitherto be bas sent to every electo r oo tb e Anot her lasao was snapped before one grant mu st exceed 25 per cent. on the been without honour in bis 01""n coon try, register of the con stituenc y for which of tbe horses was s uccessfully caught, a verage value of the arti cle when sold bu t who will now, probably, be held in be sits. Ia that letter he makes a nd another two on the second one. in tb e ope n market. less honour than ever as having helped the followin g tran k arnencle to Mr. The commot ion aud excitem ent am ongst RED RUST. it into rather a difficult position, is the Parnel l":the spectato rs was a sight to Every wheat-g rower sho uld be wame<l so-calle d member for A u strali a, Mr. J. ,. W ith all sensible and righ C think-• see, the re bein g but little doubt t hat his crnp is liable to be des troyed by Hennike r ·Heaton -suppo sing, tha t is, ing men I am profound ly thankfu l that after that as to wh ether tl1e cowboys ru st ii even th e s111111lest portion of his th at the proposed reductio n of postal Mr. Parnell bas been able to clear him- could really do it. After a tremen do us seed wheat is mildewe d, as that state is ra tes by the Home Governm tint is at all self so comi:,let ely and emphati cally struggle betwee n mnn and beast, both to a certaint y, the predisposing cause of do e to his long literary and other labours from the odious charges made agai,o st animals being wild with fury an d fr igh t the attac k of th e parasite . I do not to th at end. He claims it, we see, and him by the Ti'mcs which, but for tbe blood pouring from their mouths and asser t that mil dewed it has been claimed by his friends hJre appo intmen seed will prnduce t of the Co mmission he kicking in a most fran tic manner, they rn st-1\ffect ed plants under all circumfor him, as " a successful issue of bi s might never have acco mplishe d so sntis- W9re saddled. In a mome nt a cowboy s tanc:es, beca use th e germs of the labours in the direction of cheaper focto ri iy. I took u poo th is a a matter bad spru ng on each. .Before 110 parasite may not be present a t all tim es postage, " and a glorious triumph over fo r national congrntn latiou. I cannot enthu sias tic public, the t wo horses to take the opportu nity of striking the his old enemy in the matter, the find lang uage strong eno ugh to exp ress rearing, kicking, and bucking eno ugh to seeci ; but I do asse rt that I have proved Engli sh P ostmaste r- General , Mr. my hono r of th e fou l conspi r acy to break any spine, even that of a bronze by experi ment that the conditio ns Raikes, and if there is auythio g to be which that Mr. Parn ell b!\s been s ubi ected, Hercule s, were firmly ri dden ; the produce mi!Llew, namely "incipie n t fe rproud of in a succesB which will, or my opinion of the cond uct of th e weole thin g from the moment they were m entation ." are t,be same conditio ns that probJl,bly, be "declined with thanks" by Times in leading itself to those in- C!lngb t takiu g place in much less thau enable th e paras ite to s trike th e seed; those most concerned, he may be fairl y famous libels ou the fl im . y evidence 10 minutes . Ou the tw o successive and by the term "incipie nt fermenta tion" enough entitled to the personal triump h. furni shed to them of their suppos ed days th e other two couples were as I mean the commeur.emeat of fe rmentaBut a much more importa nt question genuine ness. Mr. Parnell m1:1st be held s uccess fully mou nted . tion, nn<l to stop at the stage. Those than whether bonfires sboulJ be li t in to have come through the in quiry are conditions in which wh eat-grow ers honour of Mr. H enniker Heaton or, as practica THFl ITALI AN RIDERS COME TO GRIEF lly un scathed ." have full control over the propaga tion t he playful Mr. Raikes would probably This is fra nk a nd ontspok en of Mr The Itali ans, however doubtin g first, of the parasite. The necessar y precauhave it, Mr. Henn iker Heaton' s Caine, the whip of th e Unionis ts. The became, on seeing Buffalo Bill's victory tion s to preven t ferment ati on of their "ghost, " is whether th ere is anyth ing Times, however, takes good care to jealous. Man y persons protested that seed cos t tbem abso lutely nothing, and in the proposed reductio n so far as th e boycott his letter by excludin g it from th ey would go and rid e some of the if they neglect to take the necessar y colonies are concerned to light bonfires its colu Ame ri can wild horses, but in the end mns. care of their seed, it is their loss ; they about, and the general opinion seems to never appeared. Howeve r, yesterda y h ay~ themsel ves only to blame. be that th ere is not. The proposnl has Com nt S aaloago broug h t two of his not been received in A ustralia with the Horse Riding Extrao rdinary . Bu ttal'i, who said th ey wo1.1 ld lry and general joy which the Tepresea tative mount. Buffalo Bill accep ted , but Wheat-grnwers desir , us of testing (self-sty led) of that coaside1-ab1 e coa- BUFFALO B ILL' S SENSATI ONAL SHOW IN tellin g them they mu st take the risk s their seed to ascertai n whether it has or ~titu ency appears to have anticipa ted, if on th emselves , tbe conditi ons beiog that has not been struck by the parasite , m ay it does not seem much more likely to be ROME . the horses were to be ridJ en in 10 tnke a q uart of seed from that por tion i nconti nently rejected . The inten tion A Roman correspo ndent wnt1ag minutes t.ime. The Buttari caug ht th e of the bulk mos t likely to may be good, even, as it has been un de r <late J1arch 12 says : ~Buffa lo have a ttracted horses, and th ey were sadd led . After mi lldew. T he human eye is unable to described, "wise, gracious and states - Bill bus created a great se nsation in half a n hour's delay one of th e Buttari detec t any difference iu theae ()'rains of manli ke," bnt the conditions are not Rome. Long before the hour at which mounted and rod e his horse for a fe\7 wheat, so we will refer th em to N ature's equal. It is one thing for the Home the perfonn ance began every day th e mi nutes, wh,rn down came horse and 1rnerring decision . Open a drill in the Governm en t to propose to make a cer tain place was crowded with pec1ple, enry ri der. The other strn ggletl fo r over gard en. If' th ., soil is at all dry, water sacrifice of postal reven ue which it can seat being taken . Many had to stand , half an hour with his horse and was not the drill unt il it is wet eight inches very well afford iu view of the ass ured and h undreds were turned away . The able to mount, the animal during the deep at least. Sow, cover in at once, advanta ge, as it puts it, of " establish - Italians , who r eally do not unders tand s tru gg le fo iling badly several times on ing close r relations between the colonies sportsm ansh ip as the English race does, and watch th e blades as they app~ar his back ; consequ ently Buffalo Bill bad a nd the mother country ," but it is qu ite immedia tely thought that the ability abov e ground. If' an y of the m have him recalled. There is no shame in the a diiferea t thing fo r the colonies to be shown by t he America n Cowboy been struck by the parasitti t hey will s in Buttari not being able to do asked to make a much more than pro- catching , saddling and riding th e what the cow boys can ; becau se r.s show a spot about th e size of th e head portiona te sacrifice, which they can very America n wild horse was si mply a circu of a pin, and the exact colou r of the 11 s Buffaln ill afford, in view of a doubtfu l ad- horse exhibition, not even taking into altogeth erBill said to me, They are common ga rden marigold , quite distinct a different class of men from fro m the pale yellow of the blade. If vantage , as they take it, for which at account that it would need somethi ng our Mexican cowboys , who are no ,rn cb spots the best they <lo not particul arly care. more than a circus rider, ur even a peculiar a ppear on any of the three ly gifted with th eir g reat abili ty T he cos t to the Home Governm ent, it jockey, to keep from being t hrown by ia first blndes, tl!e seed mi.y be depende d maoagm g a horse. But it does not is calculated, _would be abou_t £80,00 0 t he way th e horses buck. The mem reflect ?n as sound ; 1f they do appear, the seed discred it on any of the best 1s nafi t to be used or sold for seed . year, in wh!c~, however, its coun~c- llers of tbe Hunt Club in Rome are, 1 Italian 8 riders or B ut fa ri beca use they Only ot1e spot may appear iu this tion with lndrn 1s to be conn ted. 'I be however, not feeling ashamed that they l cannot do exactly the same. sample ; one match starts a bush fire .



15, 1890.

a ll


tHE ~

n ll ~- I

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A rash intrnder- Meas les . Football-A buuion. W hen is a ho u.:e li ke a'bi rd? it has wing s.

W hen

Why is a n egg like a colt; Because it is not fit fot· u se until it is brok en . A stage coa ch- The prompte r . Never makes a sou ud-I'be fall of the y ear. A bt1sioess wi th !I good deal of "tick" in it- A watchm aker'~. The slow thiokel' cuu at least claim t hat thtlre is pl enty uf wait to hi s min d. The Oatmea l Trus t is determined to aclve.n ce prices at an early day . This is g ru e l. Do not r egard with s us picion the man who adopts :rn alias. It is n proper amb itiou in uny one to des ire to m ake i. name for himself. Q uite neat anJ appropriate is it that

a cross-examina tion is often ins ti,uted

to settle a vex:ed question. Why io n rifer like II watch ? Bec ause it does not rnn long w ithout winding.

" All the world," said au old Quaker to his wife, "is q ueer except thee and a nd me, aud thee is a little queer·. " Sassy .- He: I never laugh at au iuferior. She : It would be imp oss ible for you to do such a thing. " 'l'he idea of a man of your age b egging. 'Why don't yo u go t,o work ?" " Go to w ork ! Pshaw, sir. The idea of a wan ehaoging his profession at my t ime of' life."

A facet ious traJesm11n, afte r h aving r epeated!) announced that he wns " selling off," has now p lacarded his h ouse wi t h bi lls stati ng be is "sell ing on." Six medical experts exa mined a man aB to his sanity, and were eve nly divided . Afte r they had wrangled for a w eek it was discover;id that th ev had examined the wr ong person. • "Who is th e head man of th is town ?" asked a stranger. And wh en II boy promptly auswered, "The barber," th e stranger looked puz:ded, and s ai<l he w anted to know wbo was tbe mayor. " Father," said a senator's son who had j ust _arrived in Washington, "I fully 10alize that I have many shortcomings- - " "Yes, and I have no doubt that this is one of th em. Y uu are s hort and are coming to tell me about it." "How nm ny glasses did the Herr Docto r dtink, Gre tch en ?" asked a Germ a u lamllord of hi ti daughter, on his gu es t leaving th e cella r. "Five, fattier," replied th e g irl. "The rascal !" excla imeJ the irate host. " Wh y , h e gave me strict orden; never to drink uo more than three." A lady , hearin g t be remark tha t the st@t·m signal was set, inqu ired wha t that meant, and being t old that the S igna l Dei;iartment now watches th e wea th e r, and telegraphs in advance all over the country, rerlied , "Now, is n't that convenient for washerwomen ."

A Bristol mau bas a smart little boy, who a few day s ago was caught cutting the long curly hair from the top of bis 3 - y ear-old brothe r's head . " Why," shr ieked his ho rrified m:1mrna, " wbnt are you doin g r" "I j Hst wanted Teddy to be bald-beaded like papa," replied th e little fe ll ow, G ood T each ing R ecnemberecl.-l\'[other ( returni ng to the lunch- tuble after a temporary absence) : Why, wh ere are the jumi.1les ? Tomilly (s ternly), how many did yon ea t while I was out ? Tommy: I don't know, mamma. You told m e it was ver y rude to count what was eaton at th e t a ble. ""What's yo ur fare ?" asked old Flintskin of his c11bby the other day, and was met with the stereotyped reply, " Well, sir, I wi ll leav e thut to yon." "Thank yo u ; you're very ki nd," said old F., buttonin g up bis pock ets a nd walkin g off. " You're tlie fir st persou . w ho ever left me a1,ything y et."

" dss um e a virtu e if yo u have il not," suys Shakespeare. But thi s is not always prac ticabl e. Th e tlt oroughl y io tox icn t,ed man, fo r in s t a nce, cuu n '.> t ass u nHJ tli e virtu e of' sob r ie ty .

A comica l sentence appeared in th e progra mme of a concert g iven hy M. Uouno<l in L ondon. The eighth Rong was printed, "She WandereLl Jown the Mountain Side acc ompani ed by the compose r."

A Good R ecommenda tion.-Coastiu g ca ptain, <l es irons of ge ttiu g his ves sel piloted down the riv e r, to a friend: I say, Boggs, that Sam Tufts 1va n t,s to pilot me down. H ez he hail much 'xpel'ience ? S'pose h e kuow s wh ere all the rocks be? Friend gruffly: Humph. Waal, he'd orter. He's bee n on 'elll ofte n enough. Th e following qnaiut, i: nd r< igni fi cant epi tup h wa ~ in -crih ed upo1 1 1,l,o t ., mlistu11c uf u forn o u.; beer -Jrioku r in "" c of the rural dis tricts of Eug laud: Beneath these stones reµose the liones Of Tbocdosiu s Grim ; He took his b eer from yea r t o year, And th en th e bier took him. Evelyn : I have looked the nrnlter over from nil s id es . J 'ack offe rs me a fortune, au<l C harley bas n othing but his brains. Chorlotte : I s u ppose you will take the oue you love tbe be3t ? Evelyn: I have tried to be fair to each in di scov ering my d u ty, aud have come to the concl usion t hat I can tak e better care of Jack' s mon ey than of Charl ey's bruins. They were courting. "What makes tbe stars shine so dim ly to-night ?" s he sa id softly. " Your eyes are so much bri gh te r," he whispered, prcEs io g her little hnnd . They are marr ied now. " I wo nde r bo w many telegrnpb-pole s it would take to reach from here to th e stars ?" 6he baid musingly . " One, if it was long eooogb ," he growled . " Why don't you t alk common-sense ."

W. A. RECORD. them. During 1he late "grip" t rn u ble, for iostan c:e, un old dnrkey rn s l1ed in lo un American gl'ocery store in the hig hes t stu te of exc iteme nt, nnd : t111um e red o ut - " S.,y , bnss , wltn t ,, rbout <lis ynr 'flooenze r dat dem E ng lis h pupahs am mu k in' all der fuss e rbnut, hey ?" " \,Vell," replied the groce r, " it seo m th ey ha ve it very lmJ over th ere, indee d ." "An' s he's gw ine tcr s pread t' dis k entry, boss?" '' I believe it wil l." " All right, den, let he r kim , I'm r endy for her . l'ze carry in' au onion in eac h o h my breeches pockets a n' a bit ob strong cheese in my hat. Ole woman at de mark et tole me dat wur n sartio cure." "Indeed !" "Yes , an' I'ze, drinkin' a c u p full of vinegar wid pepper in it fo' times a day . A b oss ru ction eer to le rue dat was a bang up th ing." '' Perh a ps so; peppe r is always good for col<l s. " " A n,' i<h>k l,y:tr, illlss , I wa ks my feet i11 Hou r 111 ilk free 11i ;! l1t,6 u wee!: a 11 ' g it~ d e oll! w,,u ta n t,vr r ub my La ck wid ke rosene ile. Butcher down de stree t t ole me Jat were a sarLiu purventitive." "I shou ld think it was." "Jes so, bnt I ain't a gwine te r t r ust tor dcm few things for all that. I'ze got ta l'red papor in my butea. One ob de aldermen tole me dat d is yer 'flooeDzer allers s trikes the foet fi rst. l reckon dat it won't get frew that tarred paper thougL , ehe u if he does get de best ob de sour milk. An' look hyar, boss, l'ze bin chewin' a sort o' gum made o' bees wux au' taller wicl some codliber oil mixed in . I t <l oan' taste like water-millyio , ob course, bnt its sue.den deat h to' de 'flooenzer. Old woman wat hawks boot- laces put rue up t' dut. An' besides , l'ze ben bltid twice Jars' mouth, an d had free teeth pul led out, an' got my fotergraff took, de fotergraffmt1n hiw8elf tollj me ter do dat; an' l'ze got my hair cut and fo' mn s tid plarnters on me back, an' if clat 'flooenzer eber comes friskio' roun' byar s he'll find d a t Joolyis C&)sa r J ansi ng kin send liN t ' grass in one round. Goo' day, sah, i' m gwine nowt' soak my head iu a s will tub ."

A Fellow to be Tru st ed.- " What do you think of B likios, M inks ?" ' ' Pretty fair sort of a chap in hi s way, I believe." " Do you know bim well ?" Vit al Questions l 1 1 "Oh yes, I am very w,ell acquainted As!, the most eminent Physician with him." "And yon consider him a Ask any school, what is the bes t thing in man to oe trusted? " "No d oubt of the wo rld fo r quietiug and allaying all iniit." "WhaL .do yo u Lase yo•Jr opin io ns tation of the nen-es, and cu rin g a ll fo rw sof up on ?" " Personal experience. " ner vou s complaints, gi vin g nat ural, child li ke "H ow ' ~ tliaL ?" " Well, I Legan tru ~t- refr es hing sleep al ways ? And tbey will tell yon unh esitatingly ing Blikins shortly after I became a c".Somcjo,•m of Hops I!!'' quainted with him, and I am trn s tiug CHAPTER I. _him still." Ask any or all of the most cwinent phys A GENTLEMA N and his daughter ician s staying at X--, having rece ive d nn " What is tho bes t and only remedy tb D.t iov itati ou to a party a s hort dis tance can be relied on to cure all diseases of tlrn off, sen t to th e railway s tatiou a n<l kidneys anci urinary organs ; such as ordered a fly to be at their r esid ence nt Bri ght's di sea~e, diabet es, retention, or in:,bili ty to retain urin e, aud all t li e 8 p.m. th e ne xt day. The following and ailments pee;uliar to Wom en " - diseases morning at 8 o'cl ock a fly arrived. And they will tell you explicitly and emWh en- asked hi s bu siuess t he driver phatically " Bnclw." Ask the same pl,ysician s snid he h11d come, according to order, " What is t he tu os t reliab le and at 8 p.m." "Well, what do you s up- cure for all liver diseases or dy spepsia;surest conpose ' 8 p.rn.' mean s , then 1'' "Why, sti pation, indigestion, biliousness, malaria, fever, ague, &c.,'' and th ey will tell vou : eight 1rnuctual, mind, " wns the reply. Mundrnlw ! or Dandelion ! I I I • A doctor say s h e ca n diagnose ailHence when these remeilies arc coU1bioed with others equally valuabl e, men t s by examining a sin gle hair of the Aud compounded into D r. Soule's .Ameripatient. Tw o yo u ng m en , as a jok e, can Hop Bitters, such a wonde rful ,UJd mystook him a h ai r from a buy horse. Tho terious curative power is developed, which doctor gravely wrote a prescr ipti on , and is so varied in its opernlions that no disease or ill-health can possibly exist said bis fee was a g uin ea, as th e caso or res is t its wus precarious. T h ey were s taggered, power, and yet it is Harmless for the mos t frail woman, weakbut paid the fee, a nd after they got out invalid or smallest child to use. lau ghed all t he way to the che:oist'o. CHAPTER II, Th e l a tter t ook the presc ription a nd read in amazem ent, "Torn th e an im a l " Patients out t o g ras s." Theo th e j oke rs stopped " Alm os t dead or nearly dying" For yenrs, aud given up by phskiaus, of laug hin g. J:lright's and other k idn ey diseases, liv er "W ell, air," said th e railway s up er- complaints, se vere co ugh s, called cons umpin tendent to a forloro- lookiug man who tion, hav e been_cured. Women gone near(IJ craz,11 I I ! 1 had gn i11 ed admi!J tnnce to his prese nce, From agony o:E neuralgirt, nen ,ousuess, "what do you want? '' "I wo n hl lik e a wakefu lness, and rnrious disettscs peculiar situ ation ou you r li ne.'.' " o pl ace fo r t J women. People. drnwn out of shape from exc ruciyou, I thiDk ." " is. I want to be inte:-preter.'' "Interpreter ?" ating pangs of rh eumatism, intlammatory and chronic, or suf1'~ring fro m scrofula. " YeR, eir; t o t e l I the passengers· what Jt rysip elas ! th e porters say when th ey ca ll out t lt e . "Snlt~b eum , L(ood poisonin g, dyspepsia, nam es of th o etations. " T he s up er- 10d1gest1ou, and , m fact , a lm ost all di seases intendent s tudi ed a few minuteH, uncJ frail " Nat ure is heir to th en, looking u p, poi nted to the door. Ha ve been cured by Dr. So ul e's Hop BitNex t to th e most dang erous thing ters, proof of whi ch can be found in every during an epidem ic is t he infallible neighborhood in th e known world. "home remedy ." Eve ry fa mily --manufactures its own alld in sists on the ~No oe geouine_ witho ut a bun ch of green ne ig h bo urs g iving th e thin ~ a tria l ; and h1>ps on the _wlu te label, and Dr. So ule's , . . . II . , . I natu e blown m th e bot tle Bi,;wA rtt:: of a ll sornu µe1 sous !Ile ~ 0 m e n ta Y 11 ea 1'" luat the ,·ile poisonous st ufr rn·tde t · · t t · 1 · 11 h. h . o ff· ere d to ; aboYe. ' o im1 a e Lie t I1ey w t try auy t mg t nt 1s



') 0

SILVER LEV ER HU1'11'ER, Capp~d and J ewell ed, Guaran l(Jed two yea1s A . J. GALLE 'S, Alba ny,



O I !'ITilfENT


Su re R elief. - '.L'h e

weak and enervated suffer Rcverely from ne1·vons a ffections whe11 s torm s <H' electric dis tmbances ag itate th e atrnosphere, Ne uralg i!l., go uty )llllgs, a ud flying p:tins very distressing t o 11 de] ic,itc syst em, may be r eadily r emoved by rubbin g this . Ointment upon th e affected part after 1t has been fo mented with wMn1 wa ter. The Pills take n occasionally in th e closes presc ribed by th e ins truction s, keep the digestion in order, excite a fre e fl ow of h ealthy bile, a nd regenerate t he imp ove rish ed blood with richer matedals r es ulting from thoroughly assirnilate'll fo od- wanting which, th e stro ngest rnn st inevitably soon sink in to fe ebleness, t1ud the delicate find it d ifficult to 1m1intain existence. Holloway 's Ointme nt an d Pills ,u·0 infallible remed ies,


£6 /). ~-

IWTIIERHAM ;; I L VER V H lJN T lrn LJJ:V JJ:J:.~, Gum·antced two years, a t J. G ALLl~'S, Albany "I!'oR

'l ' illi




LIF1, . " -

CLARKl1:•s WOHLD-FA Mlm BLOOD MIX T URE is warranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities from wlrntevcr cause an srn g. :For Scrofula, Scurv _v, ti\:in an d Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kind s, its effects are marv e11on . Th onsnn c' ~ of tcsti1JJonials. So ld in bottles, 2s. !ld . and I ls each by Chemists a nd Paten t .\fodiciue Vendors eve rywh ere. Sol e Proprietors 1'HE LIN COL N AND MIDLAND CoO N '.l'J( 'o D1tU G

Co., Lincoln, England.

How Pills a re Made. Th e custom of taking rnediciue in t he form of pills dates far back in history. T he obj ect is to euable us to swallow easily in a condensed form disagreeabl e and nauseou11 but very u seful, drngs , To wh at vast di mensions pill-taking has grown rnay be im agined when we say that in England aloue about 2,000,Q00,000 (two thonsand million) pills are consumed every year. In early days pills were made slowly by hand, as tb a demand was co mparatively small. To-day they are producetl with infinitely grea:er rapii!ity by machines especially contrived fo r the purpose, and with greater accuracy, too, iu the proportions of th e vario us iu• gredi,mts employ ed. ' No form of medicati on can b e better than a pill, prodded only it is intelligently prepared. Bnt right here occ urs the diill culty,1 Easy as it way seem to make a pil I. or 11 mi llion of them, there are really very fe w pills t hat can he hones t,ly comm ended fur popular u se. Mos t vf t hem either uudershoot or overshoot the mark. A~ everybody takes pills of so me k in d, it way be well t o 111eution what a good, safe, and rcliat be pill should be. Now, wh en one feels dull and sleepy, and has more or less pain in th & head , sides, and back he nmy be sure his bQwels arr. costipa ted, ana his liver sluggish. T o remedy thi s unhappy sta te 1f things tli ere is uothi □ g like a good catlrnrlic pill. lL will act like a charm by stim ulati ng Lbe liv er i □ to do ing i ts d uty, am! riddi ng the <liges t1 ve o rg:rn s of the aceumu latcd poisouous matter. But the goo,1 pill docs nu t grip e and pain us, neither does i t make us sick anu miserable for a few hou rs a day. lt acts ou the entire glandular syste rn a t th e same ti me else the after- effects of t he pill will be worse than the <.liscasc itself. The gr ipin g caused by most pi lls is t he res u It of i n itttting drugs whici.J ti.Jey coo lain. S uch pill s arc liarmful, amt should neve r be used . T hey sometimes even prod uce hc1uouhoids . 1¥itl10ut having any par ticular desire to praise one pill abo ve mother, we may, 11 evert helcss, ua me Mother Seigcl 's l:'ills, ui:iu ufaelurccl by th e wellkoown house of A . J. Whi te, L imited 35, ]!'arriugdo11 J~,•:,il , Lo nrlou, and now sold by all cbcmi sLs :u11 l 111cdici11 c vendo rs, a s tho only oue we kuow of that actnally possesses every desirnble c111ali ty. Th ey remove the oress ure n pou th e bra1i1 , co rrect the live r and caus e the bowels to act with ease and reg- ularity. Tlrny never gripe or prod uce t he sli ghtest sickness of t he stomacl.J,t or any other unpleasant fee liug or sympsoms. Neither do th ey ind uce fur ther cou tipation, as nearly a ll other pi lls do. As a fur ther a ud crowning merit Mo ther Seigel's P ill s a re co ve red- with a tasteless and harml ess cout iug which causes th em to resemble pearls, t hus re ndering them as pleasant to t,he p.alute as tlwy are cil:cctiv e in curing disease. If yo n ba,·e a severe 1.:old . and arc threatened wi th 1\ fe ver, wttlt pam s rn t he ltead, back, :tnd limbs one or two doses will break up the cold aud' prevent the fe l' er. A coated toug nc with a brackish taste it1 th () mouth, is c;nsed by fo ul mat ter m t he s to mach. A dose oE Seigel's Pills will eftect a s peedy cu re. Ofta uti111cs partially decay ed food in th e stomacl1 and bowels prnduce sickness, nausea, &c. Cleanse the bowels with a dose of th ese pill s, and good health will follow. U nli ke many kinds of pi lls, they uo not make you feel worse before yo 11 arc better Tl.J ey are, with out do nb t, the best family physic ever cl iscrivered. Th ey r emov e all obstrn ction to tbc natural fun cti ons in either sex with ou t an y unpl ensan t cll'ects :c'h:SU '!"'

L aore:~ :-; [LVER WATl:liES £3 10a.




Vo E. NESBI'I', Practic al and Jewelle r, aker Watchm

1 1



(Late of Rundle Street, Adelaide , HAY STREET , PERTH .



15, 18 90.





Genera l Mercha nts, Importe rs th AS the best selected and Stock and Station Agents, A NO THER SHIPME NT OF OU R cheapest stock of fi rst- class Stocks full nand on always AVE H , EVERY of Watche, and Jewellery SPECIALLY SELECTED of Station req uirements, also I


This Great Household Medicine rank& amongst the leading necessar ies of Life, These famous Pills pttrify the BLOOD, and act most powerfully, yet soothingly, on the

Liver, Stoma ch, Kidne ys, ~nd BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour !o these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never• failing remedy in all cases where the consli• tution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE are unsurpassed. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford St.) London; And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with d,;rec• tions for use in almost every language. ., ~ Purchasers should look to the Label on the :Boxe11 and Pots. If-the ad cll·et. i~ n0 · .1· i33, Oxford Street, London. they arc

description in the colony . Nesbit's 1 tools, English Levers ( capped and jewelled) sun dry other goods, Carpente rs' PIANOS, bales, stand riding and rough work, g uaran- Anvils, Portable Forges, Wool .l:<'encing ting·, ALSO, PIANO STOOL fil, TUNIN q teed for two years. The Best Watch Cornsack s, Wire Net Irnn without exception. Nesbit's Walthams Wirns, Galvaniz ed Corrugat.ed HA MMERS , ETC., S nictei are the CH EAP1£ST in the Colony . Douglas Pun1ps, Revolver~, at low est ~rices to make oh! , be Will and These and other W atche~ with a two • RifleR, Fowlin g pieces (m uzzle room for our ddition-Sa Ammun loading) ·eech b1 j years' guarantee. Jewellery of every descripti on made to order or repaired• \ lery, Harness, &c. / Watches cleaned or repai red. - -Cl- Nesbit's Waltha;n s Now coming to H a.1,d as fast a s Nesbit's Levers team can t,ri ,. g th er,, . Gold Ladies ' Gent's Gold , Watches Watches - -o- This slt iµment also includeu some very ,, Silver Watches ,, Silver Watches Bracelet~ Silver sp.,ci al d~sign s i11 thl· · Gold 'Bracelet s Wi11es a11d S µir its in cases, quarter ' o1s k , an, 1 ucLaves . sets B. & It sets B . & E. '',, Brooches Brooches OHLIDEMA CARP ET ToBAoco in small boxes (120 lbs.) Earrings ,,. E arrings SQUARES. Alberts ,, Alberts 0 ilme!l' s Stores, in large quantitie s. Leontine s ,, Leontine s Rings, Gen t's ,, Rings, Gent's Fur Rugs, Stair Carpets , &c., do. Ladies' DRAPE RY IN GREAT ,, do . Ladies' Tapestr y Cloth, Table Covers Breast PinR ,, Breast Pins VARIE TY. ,and Five o'clock Tea Cloths ' N ecklets ,, N ecklets Guipur e and Tapestr y Studs ,, Studs Curtain s, Art Muslin 's. Also J et Brooches & Earrings ,, Keepers Hote l •·ock Slaam A very Choice E?election of Alberts. ,, Wedding Rings Clocks HAY STREET , PERTH . Electro Plated Cups es . ,, Cruets , &c.


Teas, Suga..1.--s, Flou r.

First (:)lass Accomm odation for TnA VELLERS. The Settlers favourite ·House.

Watches , Clock s, Jewellery, &c., sold on TIME PAYME NT with IM MEDIATE possession to househol ders at exWEST AUSTRALIAN Boor FACTORY ceedingly low prices. As no heavy commission is paid for convassi ng and collecting, customer s will save at least 20 per cent., by buying from V. E. Nesbit, besides having a large stock to (Late T, & W, Britnall), select from and. a practical watchmaker to g uarantee every article sold. HAY bTREIBT, PERTH, TIME PAYME NT. 0N 1·eturning thanks to the public generally IMMED IATE POSSES SION . ~ tbas for past favours, beg to announce classet all ure h ey are prepared to manufact V ; E . NESBIT , of COLONIAL BOOTS, on the sho1-test pas sible notice. Also, kept in stock, a large and Practical Watchm aker and Jeweller, varied assortment of Ladies', Gen tlemen's, Perth. and Children's BOOTS and SHOES- from AGli:NTS : Mr. J. W. Andrew, Roebourn e, the best English and Continental houses. ,, 1'. vV. Stroud, Geralc1ton, Leather Grindery and Uppers always on ., F. Kelly, Dongarra . hand. Good hides and kangaroo skins taken ,, G. H . Lott, Yo:·k, in exchange Goods de·spatcbed to all parts of the Uolony.

Splendid Balcony back and front. Bath-i·ooms, Stables, and every requisite Joi· a Fii'st Class Hotel.


PRIVACY and ciality.




a spe-





OAS li I N ii:STOCK .

Famous H ouse for Bass's Ale and Guiness' s Stout.


-13\(ilo )l>~\-a 1OR COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCIIITIS Asthma, Influenza, Consumption, &c. AY'S COMPOUND ESSENCE Oll' LINSEED, Aniseed, Senega, Squill, Tolu, PI•op rietor . &c., with Chlorodvn e. · AY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent expec--<♦~ torant, for Coughs, Colds, and Chest Complain ts. HOTEL is replete with DTON GERAL The AY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally serviceable fo r Horses Every Comfort and Convenience for Travellers and Visitors, and Cattle. AY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in NeuralAnd contains one of Burrough e's and Wat ts' far-fame d gia, Face-ache, &c. Contains Quinine, Iron, &c. Dillia I•d Tabl es, OAGULINE.-Cement for Broken Articles. Sold Everywhere. Manufactory, Which:~is brilliantly lighted, and is the favourite resort of lovers of the game. Stockport, England.


r HO M AS R.




Wines, Spirits and Beers of the Best Brands obtaina ble, always on hand.

Cba1· ~·es JYioc lerate . Goot l Atten clanc e and Clvili ty.

m~,r rn@W ®[ful l,r £wr ~®® ,r K'Il£ rn,r .

---- ----






General Funera l Furnisher, HAY STREE T, PERTH . UN ERALS conducte d in any part the Colony, and all details connected therewith attended to at the shortest notice by telegram or otherwise. :I! uneral H e1uses and Coaches always ready.



On banc ancl :fo•· Sale,

Monume ntal Head and Tomb Stones, -wi~h handsome Iron Railings , supplied and erecter1 complete. W. 'r. W!MBR IDGE.

Boot Manufa cturer and Importe r,



HOWICK STREE T, PERTH. (OPPOSITE ST, GEORGE'S CATHEDRA L,) the §" J AS always on hand, the most e:xteµs ive and vaded stock intured colony of English, French , German, and Colonial Manufac Ill BOOTS , SHOES AND SLIPPE RS.









8PLEN DID Also by the yard, QUALIT IES at Low P rices. , Ladies Tea Go wns and Morning Wraps



BONNE T S ! HATS ! A small consignm ent of the Latest Novelties. Wings, . Leather, &c ncy Also,-Fa Felt and S traw H ats.

A Choice Selection ot GEN TS' U nderware, Hats, Gloves, T ies I some splendid Tweeds, Gents' S ui ts, Hosiery, ~ilk Half H ose, Great Coats, aud Waterproofs. Also,-L adies and Gents' Umbrella s ' &c. &c. , Perfumer y and 8oaps of the best brands, including .?ears', &c.




EPPS'S COCO A. BRE AKF AST. ''. By a thorough kuo"ledge of t he n a tural laws v:h1ch govern th e ooe1·atious of digestion a nd nutrit!on, and by a careful app lic~tion of the fine pro r, ties of we ll-selected cocoa., Mr~ Epps has provided~o r brea.kfaRt tables ,rilh a delicately•tla-vo ured i.everage which »;my _s~ve us ma.ny h eavy tloctor'a bills. It is by t~e J1;1d1c1ou e use of s uch a r ticles of diet that & constitutio n ~ay be gradua lly bu ilt up un t il 8 trong eno ugh to r esist every tende n cy to disease. Hundreds of subtle m aladies ar? floating around us ready to ate tack wherever t here is a. weak point. We m~y esea e ma ny a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortlll~d ,vtth pure blood and a properly no urished frame ,, •See article in th e Oivil Service Gazette. ]fade simply with boiling water or milk. Sold in ¼ •lb, packets by Grocers, labelled thus:-


LONDON, ENGLAND, EA:n:.-~ Person cured of Deafness and D 1:01ses m the head of years' standin by ". SunpleRemedy, will send a descriptio! 23











N ext Poor to the "Criter ion Hotel,"

of it FREE to any Person who applies t NrnuoLSON, 65 William•s treet, Melbourn~

Printed and p-ublishecl Joi· the Right R ev lvI • Gibney, at the office of the " W. A' ~ ECORD," Howick street, Perth, b# THOMAS BRYAN,

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