The Record Newspaper - 20 March 1890

Page 1


,..,. No. 499 .-VoL. XVI.


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\IV 1\.'l~Cl-l1VI~4-I{E R, @JEW ELLE R, Ol:>T IC IAN, E1-,C., JB[A."V LAKGE




R ~. ,

WATCHE S · and

. SI PER T:e:: .


of the


DESIGN just _ received

A FOUCHA RD'S Lucky W edding Hing House. GOLD and Silver Jewellery in great variety.

ALL !\INDS of Gold and Silver Jewellery manufactured on the premises. GENTS Gold and Silver Watches. LADIES Gold and Silver Watches. GOLD Wedding Rings made to order on the shortest notice.

GENTS Gold and Silver Alberts in great variety. A Large Stock always on hand. A Well Selected Stock of Electroplat ed War@.

SPECTAC LES to suit all sights. WATCHE S, Clocks, and ,Jewellery, repaired at reasonable prices. A. FOUUI-I AR1J'S is the CH.ltAPES T HOUSE in the UOLO.N Y.

OTtIEJlS FOLLOW. THE ONLY FIRST ORDER OF MERI11 , with SPECI AL MENTI ON (for Sewing Machines), was awarded THE SINGE R MANlJ FACTU RI NG COMPA.NY at the Centennial Interna tional Exhibit ion 1888-9. from REPORT OF JURY (Section 38) on Sewing· and other Machines for making Clothing ; as officially published in the Mel bourne ARGUS and AGe Newspape_rs 29th January, 1889 :EXTRACT

" The SINGER SEWING MACHIN E COMPAN Y and the Wheele r and Wilson Sewing Machine Company each exhibit a Collection of Machines, but we had not the slightest difficulty in awarding the SINGER SEWING MA.CHIN E COMP ANY the FIRSri: AW.ARD with SPECIA L .M ENTION. We particularly desire to express our opinion that EACH of the following Machines, which are a part of SINGE R'S Collecti on,. is of itself worthy of a first award, viz. :-The Button-hole Machine, Eyelet Machin e, Leather Machine, and Manufacturing Machine. As a collectiv e exhibit the Wheeler and Wilson Con1pany only took . d awar d" secon . AR.D o

FIRST ORDER OP MERIT9 WITH SPECIAL MENTIO N. Singer Manufactu ring Company, New York, fo r Collection of Sewing Machines.

SECOND ORDER OP MERit ·wheeler and Wilson , New York, for Collection of Sewing Machines.

J. Wertheim, Frankfort, for Sewing LVIachiuo s\.ttacbmen ts, ~tnd Hou. Mention for ~uperior Cabinet "\Vork. DEPOT-- HAY-STREET, PEl-tTH.


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l ean i n !J fJ.

The Libels on Father Damien.

subject.. A ll whom I questioned admiu ed th1\t the e vi ue nce wus quite unre li able, n11cl as I bad abnndant proof of hi s being n good an ,! p u re man, I came to the conclusion tl1 at th e rep orts l\'ly must I.J o entire ly di sbelieved . opinion has (1ccJ11 confi rmed hy recently rending a priva te let.tor from one of h i~ I received from Fnther asrni!lln ts. Damien 's own lips IL perfeetly satis fa cto ry nccount of his the disenrn. T he1, i wa~ amp le oµp ortunity of bringing n11 y cbnrl-(es agu inst him during bis life tim e. It is to he deplored that the good mi nister who has attacked him sbonld ha ve wnitecl til l the victim lay ~ile n t amo ng the people w horn he died to sa ve. It is, of course, im pos~il,le for me or nnyon,i else to proTe tha t F a ther Dami en's youth Th;ns pure. I believe t.bnt i t was. Bu t if it was not I hope tliat there are few men who w<.,nld try to ra lrn up old scandal s about a rr•an whom li fe and ~low martyrdo m w ere HO T here exist u11questi o11 ahly l1 eroic. Ch ri stians in a lm os t, ever y sect of the u11iv ersa l Churc h who couside r it a religiou ij rlu ty t o att.nck tbe characters of those wbo d iffer from th em t,heo logicall y. Bnt th e large majority con siders it wiser, hetter, and happier to all ow nen a i1 ene my to be praised if he was r aall y good und d ied nol;ly."- ·weekly Register.

The Ages of the' Monarchs . The new issue of the "Almanach de Gotbu" g ives an iuterestin g table showing the ages of the several r eigning sovereig ns of Europe, ancl th e durn tio11 of th eir rei gn. Gm ittin g the smail Germon stoles, we fin d tbat the olcles t urnong the reigning P ri nces is Leo XIII., who is 79 2 - 3 yearn old, anti bas reivned nea rl y 23 years. Nex t comes vVilli nm IJ[., King of the Neth erlan ds , 72¾ yeo rs old, havin g reign ed 40 yea rs ; next Christian IX., King of D enmark, 71½ year old, with 26 yearH of reign : then Queen Victoria, 70½ yenrs old, with 52 years of reig u ; Kurt L, of W urtemberg, 66 2-3 years old, with 25 years of reig n; Fred eric, G 1•uud Duke of Baden, 63 years ol<l , with 38 years of reign ; Albert, Ki11 ,s of 8 axony, 61½ yeu rs old, wi th 16 yeors of reign; Oscar II., King of 8wede11, 60¾ yeus old, with 17 y ears of reign ; Frnncis ,Joseph, of Aust.rill, 59 ye11ra old, huving rei gned 4 1 yea rs; Leopold 11., K ing of th e l3elgiaus, 54½ y(:lars old, h aviug reigned 24 years; Loll i~, Grand Duke of Hesse, 52 years old, with 12 years of reign; Cha rl es, Ki ng of Roumania, .~O½ years old , with a reign of 23 2. 3 years since th e beg in in g of his governmen t ; Nicholo~, Prince of Mooteneg ro, 48 years old, with n reign of 29 year~ ; Ab dul Ha111id, the S ul tuo, 47 yeu t·s old, with 13 years of reign ; Humbert I., King of Ita ly, 45½ yr ars old , with a rciign of nrarl y 12 years; Alexuo der III, Russia, 44½ years old, with :L reig n of 8¾ years; George, King of GreeC'e, .:1,1 years old , with a reir; n of 26½ years ; O tho, King of Bavaria, 4 1½ years o ld ; Willio m II., German E mpero r, nenr ly 3 1 years old, with l ½ years of reign ; Curios I., of P ortu ga l, 26 yea rs old, 2 mon ths of reign; Alexander I., of Servia, 13 !- 3 yonrs old, 9 month s of rei g n ; Alfonso X III., of Spain, 3½ years old, with 3½ years of reign .

1890 11W

111 n11 cl <'p rived for one crime or an other of his patr imony, if h e broug ht back a letter cer!ify i ng hi s abso lutio n by t he Pope could reg ain it, und onlv then absence on :.1 p'ilgrim age to • Rome exempted a man for a year and a clay from bis de partu re, from prosecution in a court at home ; these and other li ke things are in "that mos t curi ous all d comple te code of W elsh laws called 'Tbe Laws of Hvwell D eda.'" T his most, enlig hte ned " soverign not on ly codified We lsh ill ws, but i n agreemen t wi th the reso luti ous of an imm enR~ le:tislnti vo assem bly of representa tive bi shops, 1Jbbots, &c ., (who began their work with a solemn fa, t:_as the Ang lican Synod s do- not !) sent the laws to t. ome for Papal sanction. The net of th e Bri tish B ishops mny have b~en re belli on ag ain st St. A ugu s tine nnd b1o messug-e : bnt at least the 8peech of Abbot Dunawd is a fo rge r y, We must re fe r to th e orticle fo r the text of the spee?h in W elsh, and for an Eng li sh vers10u, and al so for the wri(er's eight reasor. s fo r reckoning it a forgery ; bnt pe rha ps :or a11 01:d inary mind th e eigh t Abbo t suffi cient. Tli e 1s al one Dunawd '' was dencl several years before auy i nt,!rview took place betwe en l', t. Augu stin e and th e \",7 clsh Bishons !" I t seems ir resi stib le, to us at least, 'that if be were dead lie made no s peech ; not even on e de fi ant of the P ope! But the write r al so shows that the speech '\"'as mad e centuries after the i nter view: F rom 11mong mneh first- band 1rnc1 interestiu g det11 il in this a n iule we may g lean in passi ng a uotewortby remark. nr t w<. C h □ rclie s ,re re dc dic11t,e:l. fr,; m e.. rlie~t 1imes to Onr Lad,y (" The Lady M ary " in Welsh) and to i::iaints, bur un til th e 8t h centu r.v were nev or called a fter tlt e patron , but 11ftol' a fo1111der or some local la ndmark: as e.g., Llandaff ( Dav id) was dedicated to ::i t. P eter, bu ~ never called Llnn pedyr.

Father Duruien '., name nnd wor ks, whi cl1 have elec tri fied E11gl,m d to u sease of !1is nnselti , 1, heroi Hrn , a re no t to be left lac k rng th is lust sign of th ei 1· success- the ruprour: h of th e indifferellt nnd the cnlmon v of th e wickecl. 1ro r Home consitlerabie tin: c sto ri es to the di sc redit of thi s trn e fo ll ower of his Divine ;\Jas ter have been brn iterl abo1:1t. 1311 t It parngruph i11 tho W orld g ave them t1 l,al,itution und II name; nn J st11 \.e,l explicitly t,but th e tit le of the g reat moveme11t for the relief of lepers, inuu gurnted i11 E ngland, un der the nu of th e P ri11 r.e of Wa le,;, 1,acl been changed from" Th o Father Damien ,\<le moriul Fund" to "The Nu tion:d L ep r0sy F nncl" becun se tbe Committee lea rn ed thnt Fsther Damien's li fe had bee n fo nn d to be not. wl1n t wnR nt firs t repo rt ed. l11qniry wliicl1 we h:ive tuadc fro m rn ernhern of tl, e Committee pl'oves 1.1 ,is s tut ern e·nt to be absolu tely witlt onl f'o u 11 dati o11 ; 110 suggestion to Fath er D8.mi e11 's J isc n•d it llllving bee11 so innch us hinted duiin g the discu ss ion which rPs ulted in II change of the Fu nd's tit lr, -.- a cluwg o 11p prn n ·J by th e C11rdiu:d Archbisbof) no less than hy oth er mem 1 bers of th e Co1nmillec, who belia1·e tho e larg e th expresses r bPlle me na new ~cope of tl1e Fuurl, and uppeuls t 0 a Others T h e Charity Commissioners and wide r bod j of snbsc, ilw rs. the English Ch urch. engaged on similar in<J !.lir ies huv e fc,nnd similar re~ults ; and th e World thi s week pu blishes the fo llowing no t too A great publ ic scuDdal is about to be gracious retrac tution : ,, Referring to the c:hange of title iii perpe t rated. The Oirn ri ty Com mist.he Fath er Damien F und, the Rev. H. Hio11 er~ propose to uevote no le,,s tha u .B. Chapman, of St. Luke's Caber well, £40,000 out of tho £ 100,000, th e who inu1ig urat ed th e enth usiasm co r. - inco1U e from the City Charities, to the ceraing Father D oiui en, states that the maint eirnn ce of fifty-seven c hurc hes report,s conce rniag tb e lepe r priest are cou uecterl with tho 1£stnblishment in the entirely withont tnnnd ation. Mi·. Chap. City of London, the averuge a ttendance man bas nnde rt,akeu to mak e stri Dt at whi t:h, choi rs iu clu ded, cJ n ot reach inquiry 11 5 to their origin uncl raison u sco re of persons . The exi, tence of The P rince of Wales and Labour d' etre, and everyone will be extremely tli eso c:hurclies iG even now a public Ma,gistrates. glad to lea rn from him th at the in quiry ,l isg ruc;e. A few old women, who "Anglicanism and Early British has proved succe,s ful. .Mr. Chapmnn expect doles \,!'cha ri ty money, are nearly Christianity." !H r. T. P. J enl, i11 s, a mag istrate of also wi , hes to sla te that none of th e the oa ly attenda nts. Y et th e vica rs Rb ood.! a ~ 11l ley, has received th e folCommittee k new anyth ing whateve r of a nd reetors, who ge nerully ne ver go The Dublin Review contains a long lo wing commnn icr.tion : " Sundrinrrham th e ch ange 1.. f ti tle us du e to such re nea r th e chnrche;, di vide among t h ew pol'ts, or they naturol ly won Id not lia vc no less th an £ 32 ,000 yearly . A ll th is historical coruparison between '' An gli- Nor folk .-The Comp t roll er or° th~ ot,tencl ed the dinner nssoeiRf ed wi t, h lh e th e pu blic ha~ to IJay, ua <l th ey w ill con- can i~m and (J;ar!y British Chris tia nity " Household p re~ ents h is couipli ments to memo ry of u man whom tLey rt'g a ni tinu e to snffer th is nnd 0th er g ri evuoces with a view of showin g th e uLter Mr. 'r. Pascoe J en kin s, :111,J is di rnctecl until l li ey entirely ch ange th e con st itu - untenableness of th e pet .'\ li can to nckno wlecl ge t ile receipt of his lettei· wit,h profound res pec t." "conti nuity"-th e of the 13 th iu sl to the nclclread of t he of ot' th e Hou Su ol' Commons by con tentio n tion ihl" g ta11 Having disproved th e only statement mnde, th ere eeoms little morP relu i nin g t" tliut body no mo re weul t bY ido1, tity of the British wiih the present Pii nce of .vV al es, a nd , in re ply, to sta'te to suy. But it, is not s urprisin g th at a meiJ. Them i~ !L no ble open space Eng li; h Chnrch. Th e most interesti ng t ln\ t !\1:-. J.e nkins is qn ite ri g ht in SU}) · I loly Fie ld~, be t.ween portio n of the contrast hern worked out posiug tb at H is R oyal Highness is in tlrn mun who 1111s heen out to .\I olo lrni, and c;u lh:d who wos ndmit.ted to the hi j!t1 pri,-il c~e D cpt fo rd uu(i New Cl'O,s, whic h ung bt I.Jy I). student of British his to ry und fo vo ~1r of t liQ pri nc iple of working men of Father Damien's acquaintanceship, to be µres erv ed to th " pub lie w i th a an ti qu ities is th at un der th e head ing of magi strates . T he Pr ince of iVales does • 'l' he wnter · · S uc II po rtiou i;f th e mo ne Jv wh ich it is pro- monasttclsm. · · g ives tL ver y not, .1,m~ever, possess the privilege of s h on l<l wi s l I to benr I11 s witn ess. a rnrin is ~ r. Ed wnr,! Clifford, who poscti to waSte in th e City of L ond011 · vul noble tnbu lar list of the re;;ult of hi B nom1 11 at1u ::{ a oy one to t l1e mug isterial own research es, of ancient British ueuch, 11 s th e rnlection rests alone wi th writes : mouaste ries- which is too long to be t.he L orcls-Lientenaots of t ho co unties. ' ' As ce1tai □ host ile reports abo1 t q noted here, as ure nlso his remarks and Cril, ie in England. Father D amie11'e clwrncter :rnu wo1k on the immense number of tb e monks, on ____ seem to be circn lMed bere and i11 A me riUniversity of Louvain. the exis tence of B ritish nu ns; bnt his en, I wi ll fin1tJly s late t be foll o wi11 g W ha t n biller co m1J1 ent on t,be vniint - ske tch of the li fe , disciplin e, dress, and facts :1. I have in my posses~ion tl1eoffi cial cd achi ev~m cnts of Chri stionit_y is the customs of tb eee pre-Bened icti neascetic~ The A nnuaire, or · Unlendnl' ot' the rep ort of th e Hawaiia 11 Doar<l of H eal ti1, record of wee k th at has ju st closed , nn~ accou nt of tb ei r cb urcbcs a11d Catholic Un ive rsity of LoL1vain fo r whi ch coniains 1111 acco1rnt of Falh1· r sanc tifi ed, n~ it i ; presumed to have mo nastics huildiogs deserv e, nt lea st, ha11 d g ives a pl easin Oo- id ea D umicn's reforms 3mong t.l,e lepers tLt bee n, to t!, e birth o f it~ .Fo un de r, unJ special nlte ution. T he other points ot· 18\JO, j ust t o prog res,; of tlint g reat pid rn the of :Molokai. Th e !'tory of inq ,rn vin g ~h eir ded icnteu to th t, g lory of God in heaven, contra st l,e tw~u n the Anglicnnis m n!' centre of learn ing. D m·ing the acadecl r:'!llings, sup plyi 11 1J them with water, and tu peace n11d good will towards to-day n11d t he relig ion of an cie nt mic year 1888-9 th e tota l nu mbPr of 1·l 0tiii 11 g t.b em, Joct,orin g- tltem, and ri d- men. Onr pnge., to- day recount li nt a Brit 11 in. wh ic h Llie wri ter drnw s o u t a re s~ udont.s rose to 1,824, by far t 11e larges t. ding th em of iut.oxi ca1i o 11 is ere print- t it be o f the ho r ro rs wiLli whi ch it invocat.io11 "I' r; ,.i11ts and tlevoti nn to t heir fi g ure ye t. atta ined , as will a ppeur from ed in Fa t. li er Da mi,. ,1-" 01~· n wo rd~ , witb abo un ded; bn t tlie ta le th ey tell, to all relic~. t,1, ,, :llass, t,he use of holy ch rirn1 , the fo ll owi ng s u mwuri~ cd table at, oorro horul i rn tes tin, ony . 'J'hc report but th e mos t credu lous, mu s t bring excon111111 11 icat ion, (" wh at An g lican bi~i11 i.e rvnls o f 10 years : 14l rn show s 1,nw ge11 crou sly 1111 d wisely l,o urn th,1 Lollo w s iinw of th e wlio!e hop," nsks tl ,c wr ilel', "has ever 1834-5 .. .. .. .. . 86 1868-9 .. .. .. .. . 849 il1 e Govcrn rn P11t licbnved townrcli; bi111 Ch ris tian sys tem as it is practised in exco11111111nicntcd King, Lord Protector.... 465 1878-9 .. .. .. .. . 1340 1838-9 t hes<i day ~. Th ey teem with reco rds or i Ddeed any L ord ?") the sign nf the irnd the lrpcrs. l.848-9 ......... 546 1888-9 .. .. .. .. . 1824 1858-9 .. ....... 754 2. A s to l,i ~ ow n dw elli ug, I always of mm de r8, suicid0s , and deat hs by cross, ond devotion to Rome anJ t o th o fou nd it. fre , 11 and airr, and though I violence, or, wha t i:; worse, star va t ion successo r of S t. Pete r. This h s t point Of la te years tli e in cre ns e bns been w a~ a grr-: it. d,·al i!I hi:; c: nmp1111 y l nncl brutalities, co1np11red to whi cl1 th e is treated with g reat fu lness , u 11 d con - hy lt·aps a nd bou a,Js, a □ d if it continuc>s never ol,e!:'1veil uny sig ns of J irt i11t:S5 or nnnnal lrnm an o:icrifices in DnhOm l•Y tain s many historical det,ai ls wbich are 2,000 will soon be reach ed . 'l'b e di viarc ve i1ial and cornmonpl ucc. A ,:i un- highl y int.eresti11g a ntl usefu l But sio11 of th e~e 1,824 st ud ents is S0'11e cn11n.c11c, s in l,i , 111unnc> r of !iv i11 g . 3. J 1101ice tl,nt tl,e lcp~rs we1e ex - Jay j ournal in thi ~ Ch ristmas week is th ere i ·- ~ome m:iy tbi11k- t he di fficnl ry wli nt p,,c, tl inr, t/~a numbers a ttacherJ to tremely altache<l to l,im, a i:d alw ays worse tb11n a :Ne wg ate Cal endar. Th e agu i11 et. th e last i te m of tli e ,;o ucl nct (if eaci.1 fuc nl ty bein~ : cluti lered rou nd wl1cmev cr he appe.4retl . j 011e . is. ll,e record of lifo HR it iH i11 ~bese the lhitish B i~ho ps befo re S t. Augu s tine .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . 29 'l'heology.... . deliaut speech of Ab ho t, Bis man ner "1th I.hem wus rb eery :i nd Clrn ~u an lands ; th o other t li ut. ot the a nd th Law.. ... .. .... .. ... .. ... .. ..... .. .... 422 l'luyful, r.nrl li e loved to encourage th Pm ineffcct unl elfort.s of so· call cd Chr is tion D una,nl ! As lo th e sentim ent of t he Medicine .. .. .. ... .. ..... .... _..... . 450 Philosophy....... .. ... ........... . 221 in tbeir simple am use u1 e11ts, es pc(' ialiy la w to cope with the ev er-s well i ng tor- B rit,is h Chn rcb before tJ t. Au g ustinn' ~ Science and special (technical) re nts of crime. T o-duy the birth of day , rci:: nrding th e supre111 e auth ori ty of iH mo , ic. schools... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ... ?OZ 4 . B P Luu mude en emi es by bi s war Ch rist will lie celeb rated i~ th e churches th e Pu(•~•• ~h e wri te r show s by a 11 :i.hund11«11 i1: st "ice and i11Lox ica 11 ts, ~n u I fe ar by me11 to ."'hom the 1dcnls of the ! ance nf 111 c1,!en t and of testimony th nt , 'fl1 tl~at l,iG ue ing u Ro mnn Catl, oli c m nd c ;\ !astel' am idl e word s, and wh ose prn- I the Wcl 5h were witb th e Cathol ics of comp 1ltmrr e N ew . •t . d • II I · I • I ·f· I " t • dl Voild. ·t f Y o1k :;ome peop Ie very reot Iesu 1 1c W!LH cepts: 11, tcac 11111 gs t 1r y RV5temaLlca y '! to- ay; w 1L 11 t11 em, too 111 " s nbrni s$ion , from 1. s u 1111s 11c ) V t 11e 1,renH rt re rs · ges I ot· ti ,· poi ' • l ~ f · · 1 · L . , .., . . ma ri rni , ed . l b eanJ fninl allnck ~ on h; ~ rPJect 111 tl e practi ce o th e ir every-d:1y an c veneral.10 n to Horn e." P il" 11 I 0 1 , teb· ttm ates· - t,..10 ve1/\ . . . · teac I1es lh e l to 11ome, an d eo,~copal 'l'I10 (';,-ospe I o f' Cl111st .· I ., ·h vLr,tcs f th appl ica- j wealtl-1 0~c v1s1ts; mora l cb11ract cr wl ,en I. w n B in tb e I 1t<'. I c co nn 1Y at 8) .1 , 4·J v,· <- n ] d tio11 ~ to th e H I S in the Rig b t of G oel ,,,Jwi eh ls ia11 d~ , and J 1nnti e it. mv equa 1i1 y of m o y ee a n appea a were . 000, 000 do ls. T h is is not fur sh ort of I . I D .. ; f I f '1 tll_ C ·G, v " ' b I . 1v1ne r(;' q 11 n1t enougl•1; th e antl,or <1ivcs 21 1 1 000 1 1 . h P.,,;t; ineRij to inquire of offi cirils nntl ~f the o, pe o t 1e liurc 1 :s t Je ,o s. a ca,.1 1ort 11e w oer,opu, ,, • • c. f · I · · l · . II 1 1 f . , . , 'l'l1 t o p1oµort y 11 111 t. 10 1e1gn n spec1.-1e: 11J , t11n ccs of th is sort cf tLi ng Int·1 11 lT1erw 11R who W C' l'C nn n en , y lo 111:u r:g· i·1 0 t ro u" 1o w it 11 t us 1:1 • · chron1. clcs A vv'e ls '·- ti• 0t ti. l . ' f n ,m l I1e Bnt1sh ~ Ji_at ,ei/''441;\:c 1·u11 ld lrn pro d 11 cfl1l 0 11 th e p ri ,-1 rg-e.- " I'-,!, n ,,11,~ 1" J n11. 5. IC OL 1l CI' 10 11( l l\' )US our t ou,rn nd. 1n LI I ' • , .





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20 18 90.

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Dr. Mivart on "R eason."



• "JWa.lWWli!l!!O"IIS: m a m ~~ ~~ w a : . a , - ~



tl ie iu'fl ect,ionnl, a nd the 1tnalytic fo rm s (i f lang uage, a nd talks mu ch of prosopr> peia. He refers to Dyak a nd to Fi,cjee with fam ili a rity PIH] res pect. D r. tli var t follow s h im foot by foo t. He shows th at even if we had to s up pose '.I time wh en men were altogether speechless- able to comm1:rnicate only by gest ure and g rim ace- yet thei r very grin s aod con to r tions were the expressions of conceptual th ought. 1:-io t bat' language, as seen in its own un den iab! e records, is r eall y tho history of the effor t of the reaso n to exp1·ess the con cepts which are gene ra ted in t he intelligen ce be fore nny nece;s i Ly or possibility of lang uag e, p roperly so coiled, can ari se. One of' th e most ama zing things in th e book is the io ahility of Mr. Roman es to see t he im plicit cop ula (" is") in t hose fo rms of sav age lan guage which do uot express it. He bas been ch.~ll ongPd to pr odu ce I he bru te which can furni s h t he Ii i ,, ,1;: f.,rtt, of a j i1dg:neut- A i,; B--and l,e repli es by producing savages wh o a re us bad ly off, he says, as brutes. " W l,ere is tire "is' in 'Age • of- hi m Father-of-t h 3e,' - 1-l is ugc tb y fa t her, - 11 T hy lather old '1' " 1:-Je cann ot see th at he fn rnisbes th e answe r to bis own qu estion when he adm its tha t th e savage, in his savage fo rmu la, means virtually t he sume tbiug nB t he civi lised man in h is full aud fo rmal proposition. Tb ere ore seve ral incidental ma tte rs of great in teres t treated in this book , for which we mu st refe r the render to its pages-as fo r· example th e detailed accou nt, of the in struc tion of a blin d deaf-mute (p. 166 n. ). F ew recitals coul d more s tri kingly demonstrate t he spirit ual ity of the human son!. T bere iti a very fu 11 index to the wo rk.

Walw orth , cha rged II woman a t th e Yesterc!ay morni ng the ET°on. J ames Boroug h P ol ice Co urt wi th atte mpti og Whi te's Derby colts , Narrella r1 a nd to kill him by s hoo ting him with a K irk ham, did a goocl gnll o,. T heir Mr. G. ,J. Romanes lately pub lished revolver. The womau was acq u itted. chances nm no w im pro vin g, and th(l ir a book called Mental Evolution in .llfan, T he ney ruurke t continues easier, pricc,s al'C tighteu w g in tir ll betting in whi ch li e t ried to show that the aml rntes of disconnt are foil ing. mar ket. bn1!e8 liave t.b o snmo radic al powers In the Hou tio of Commons yesterdny The betting on th e University boat and fa cu lties as man, th e only difference !\Ir. Rai kes, tb e Pos tmaster-Ge neral, in race is 5 to 4 Ox fo rd. bei11g thnt man's powers nre somehow reply to a question, s11id t.lru t ne ither D r. vVestcol t bas been created or other developed, chiefl y by t be Indi a or A ustralia desired a pe nny Bishop of Du rham, in s uecession to :nenns of Lun g unge, T he wo rk appos tage wit,h E ngla nr] ; beside9 which tho late D r. Ligh t foo t. peared ju s t too late .t@ be noticed by he was rlo nbtfol wh ether, u nd er th e L oNDoN, '.\l ar ch 1 1!. D r. Mivart iu t he volum e On Truth existing ag ree ment bet1Veen E ngland Yestimlay t he membe rn of th e Select whic h we n•cently re viewed in these and tire colonies , th ey cou ld int rod uce a Co mmi ttee ap pointed to repo rt upon the columns. Dr. Mivart has t herefore pe nn y oceani c postage. Vil. A. £<:; 11 ahl ing Bill met a nd tran saute:l been obliger! to give .(\1r. Romanes a Sir Willi fm1 Hohinso n anrl Si r Tho mas th e necessary prelim in aries previous to volume t o himself. T he la tte r gentleCockbnrn -Oam phell both state th at in en teri ng u pon their urni r) ou ties in conman, in orde r to make his th esis gooll , th eir opinion the opposi tion to the W e& t nection with the me~s ure uext wee k. relies a gC1ocl de11 l on a uecdotes. 1'vlun y An st rnlian E11 11blin g Bill is snbsicling as Baron De Wo rms, the Parli amentary of •.1: ese auecd0tes, of cats, monkeys, fnr as the House of Com mo os is con- Uud er-Secretr. l'y of 8tate, was ap pointed and parrot~, are very wonderful indeed . ceru ed. chairrua □ of the Comr,n ittee, a nd it was T he most extraordinary is th e follow ing A fami ne nccompn.n icJ by n fe1•o r a rra oged to ex am ine the W. A. Dele~ntes story a\iou t n cockatoo. T he cockatoo pestii enr,e bas brok eu o ut in t.hc flnud a11 , on T uesday. It ia expec ted th:ir. the had been ill, and wo nrc told : i11 co11sc,1ue11e(J of wl, i;: ir O s m 11n Di,,11n'ti del ibera tions of tue committee ,,. ill be A friend came to see him and asked iurc_•f.'S i.;,v e bc" u ""111 plet.cly Ji.,p;:.s1:d. very brief. how he wus. With his head on ono Th e pri ze Ji gh t be t,wiJen ,Jaekson a nd P rofes~t)r H e ni-y Dr ummo nd, the side un ,I one of his cunu iu[! look s, h o Sn ll ivnn wo k . place nt !,he Bul l;imore 1vell- kno wn sociali H,, aud a ut ho r of II t old he r that he was a little be tter"; 1 tbeal rn yesterday, bu t en ded , :is did th e " N atura l L!iw Ill the Spi1·itu al Worl d" and when she asked him if he hnd not fi gh t bet ween S la ,•in nnrl Smi t.h , in a a nd other wor ks, h11s sail e,i fo r i\ie lbeen very ill, he saiLl, " Cockie better; fia sco. T he re was a large au di 1:11ce bon rn e. During his visit the P ro fe ssor Cockie ever so much better. " . . present. A fte l' a few ronnda had been will ,l elive r var ious lect ures to the When I came ba ck (aft er a prolonged fo ug h t it was evi dent ~but t lre Au s- s tuden ts of the pri nc ipal A uatra li an nbsencP) lie said, " Mo th e r come bac k traliau was likely to pro ve th e victor. U niv ers ities . to littl e Cock io ; mo ther cGme back to Seeing thiu, S ull ivan's sym pathisers Th e do ck strike at L iver pool is still li ttle Cockie. Come :md love mo an d broke iuto the ri ng and ~topped. th e unsettl ed. gi ve me preti.y kiss. Nobody pi ty poor fi g ht. In the me lee J ac kson was mobbed The new Cape loau, i f t wo millions Ooclde. The boy boat poor Cocld e." and con sidernb ly knocked about, ,ind it sterli ng, will be plrice ,I ort the ma rket He always tol d me if Jes scolded or wa~ wi th the u tmos t difficulty t ha t he on tbe 20th ins ta n t, at r;ar. h 1~11t hi m.' He nlways told me as soon esca ped from t he th eatre without snaTile fl oating of t he uew V ictoria n as he suw me, an d in snch a (> iti fn l taining i njuries of a serio us churncler. loan bas been defe rre d un til April. ton e (p .· 136.) A donbl e execution took place in Vi sco unt Du ulo the eld est son of Innnmeralile stor ies of this ki nd D r. P aris on T uesday morning last, when L ord Olan carty, p~r po~es briuging an Mivnrt explainn in the presen t v0l11w e. ti-le two mnrdereni of th e Due action fo r d ivo rce ngaiust hid wi fe, 1\ I n order to do so, he has a prelim ioary ~'A u mule'~ gameke1 iper we reg uillotined . well-kno wn music ha ll singer, ou the ch apter "O u Mental S ta tes a11 d P relh_e ~u lpn t_s w_ero dragged to the g rounds of alleged ad ultery . cesses,' ' in which he settl es wi th M r. T he dea th is announced 0£ Baron "It, has been my lot," said M r. g u1ll otrne with difficulty, und on being Ro munes as to names a □ d ter ms. The grund key to the whole of th e arg u- John Dil lon, "to stand in many of th e · fo1cibly pl uceJ into position th ey com- Dowse, of t he Exchequer Court of ment of th e hooks is the distinction g reat cat.hed ra ls in Ge rman y, Fra nce, pletely broke <low □ ancl we pt piteou~ly, Ireland , in h is sixt y-sixtll ye11r. T he Rt. Ho n. Ri chiml D owse (says between roason uod sense-betw een E ngland, and America, bu t nowhere c_l'ying loudly for mercy . Tho operaMe n oJ the Time) was th0 so n of the intelli gen ce an d mere sense-p el' cep ti o □ . have I seen a. sacred edifice to s nr pass t10n was, however, soon over. LONDON, March 13. l\J ary 'e Catholic late Willian H . Do wse, of D ungannon, Cathedral, A lready in th e work On 1'1,.uth lie had S L T he fl o11ling of th e new Victorian co. 'fyro ne, by Maria, dau g hter of the gone fu lly · into the su bj ect. H ern in Syd ney ." th e chapter just refen ed to, he applies The app ointment of Mr. H. H L oan has been deferred for th e p rese nt, lute Mr. Do naldso n, of Lhe same place. the principles there loid down to the Asq uith as Q ue en's Co unsel co mes so owi ng to arrangement havi ng been made He wa~ born iu June , 1824, and re" psychological a nalysi8" of his op- q nick ly on the services rendered by him for the Cape of Good Hope loan to be ceivecl his earl y ed uc:ttiou a t the R oyfll pon ent. To Mr. Ro □m nes , an "idea" to th e Irish cuu se as c o n □ se l for Mr. placed o □ t he L ondon market first. It Schoo l, Du ng ann on ; li e afterwo rds is only a g ro up of revived sen5at.ionsParnell, tha t Irishmen may well j oin in is al'iO the intent ion of th e Qu ee nslan d wo nt to T ri ui ty College, D ublin, where as it was t o L ocke. He considers" self- the congratul ations wh ich h e is Gove rnmen t to fl oat a not ber fo:rn a t an he was a sizar, scholar ( 1848), a nd first lrono1J1· rna □ . He grad uated as consciousness" to bo the li rrn nf dcm1ar- receivin g. T he ond of his s uccess is ea rly dat e. T he i'nlect Comm ittee appo inted to B.A. in 1850. lu 1852 he wa~ culled cat io11 betw een man 111,d the bruteno t yet, bu t the gcod wish es of ou r and tbo difference is ·one of ,lp~ ree co untry men will go with him t ire wbole report to lh e H ouse of Commons upon to the bar in helau d, unLl wi> s nom iu atLli e prov isions of tire W. A. En abling e,I a Q ueen's Co un oel in F eb. 1863. me rely, an d not of ki nd. Dr. lVl irnr t l'Oll d. Bill will mee t next .Vlo nd ay. He was re tn rned to P urliarmmt in the defin es an ide a as "a simi litud e of uny Cardinal Got,8al ez y Diaz has a~ke,l obj ec t or action goncra t.fd i11 or by t.l,e the H ol y Fath er to let him resign the . Ge l'rnany hns '.1ppointed ten de legates L ibera l in te re ct 11s membe r for Lon iJJtellect" ( p. 41). H e di s ti ng nisbes Arch bishop, ic of Seville a □ d th e red hut , Ill co11 uect10 □ iv 1Llr th e !:lerlin Labour do nder ry, at t he ge nera l election of .Nov. sue~ 1111 idea fnuda meut,all y fr om a th at lie may reti re to th e Domini can , Cou fern 11 ce, wit,h Pr i □'ce Bismarck us Hi68 , and in th e following yea r re.:civecl sense-perce pt io u, wbi r-11 is " thL' Mo nastery of Ocanu, where he began President. From Eng laud fi ve delegates the appo intm ent of l1ueeu 'ti Serj eaut In 1870 he became p!mnt:asm of a n uctit•n or obj ect his religion s life . The Holy Father will be in attendance, represe nt ing t;h e in Irel u □ d . gcnernl eu in or by th e imogi nation." has permitted hi m to res ig n the ma nufoctnres, com merce a nd labo ur. i:iolicitor-Gene ral 011 Mr. Darry being He n tfir111H t.lrui; 110 brute g i•1es evidence archbi,hop ric, but not t he c:1rd i11ala1.e. ~~□ gl is h public opiuion r egards the promoted to t il e Atto rn ey- Genei·al ship, t ha t it possesses any idea, any po wer His Em i~euce is one cf th e ablest sche~e 1.1s rnther ch imeri cal, as it is by tllh l lie wr1s then re •eloctecl for Londonof abstraction, or an y faculty of reason- writers in Spain . .H e wi ll devote .his no mer,,ns likely that the conti•Jeutu l derry. A s M r. Barry fa iled to obtain lllg. Bn t Ire adm its, an d insists, tha t retirement to writing a volc1mino 11s book nations wi ll consent to !'aise wages uud a seat in PnrliamPu t during his tenure lower the hours t<i the B rit ish stun uiml , of tho office of Attorney-Gen era l, M r. bri1 tes possess co mplex g rou ps of us- on prcb isto ric discoveries. whi lst the Britis h wo rkme n will not Do wse .took a µ ro rn in eut part in all th e socioted rnnsntions and emotio ns, so a ~ On Sa turd ay l'ast three Sis t,ers of conscm t to t,b e adoption of even a modi- debates ou Insli s ubj en L; d uring t he to be a ble to nppreheud uot oa ly indisession r; of 187 0 an d 1871 , :.111 d lll a terialvi dual croatures, but kin ds of creat ures . :vJ ercy eu tered into possession of ap ar t- ficatio n of the continental st andard . 1 To- rnorrow 300,000 collie rs will ge ly assisted th e Government it1 th e B ut h u ma n bei ngs lia vo notio ns of ments specially provided for the m in ex istence, of i;imiiarity, of di stinction, B ally sha n □ o n Workhouse, a nd at the ont on strike if t heir wnges be not defence of thei r le}.{i slative measure~ of unity, of tru th, ot materi ality , of same tim e th ey bec ame matrons of th e rnised te n pe r cen t.- fi ve pe r ceut. now affectin g the sister k iugdo m. On M r. Barry hoiug elevate,! to the judicial lile, ond of oth er enti rely abst ract wor kho use hos pi tal. To the great :urtl fi ve per cent. in ,July next. l\l. Pastenr co mplains t ha t th t, as- be nch , Mr. Dowse >ll c(·o,,d ,•tl as Attorney matter! , wh ich abundantly prove-as credit of the ex-o.fficzo g uardi11 ns of t he Dr. 1'11:i,·urt has drawn out a t great uni on it must he r ecu l'd ed th at not a sistunts which he sent to A ustrn li u to Ger wral fol' Irel:w d i11 J !ln . 1872, when leng tli io hi ti la rge r wor k- fha t om· oin gle voice waR raised agai ns t th\~ endeavou r to destroy rabbi ts wero not he wns sr.oru of Her M:~jesty's Mos t " ideas" are in a totnlly differe nt plane propornl to install the nuns in th e work pe r mitted to make a ny expe riments H onouruble P r ivy Cou ncil in fre lnnd . fr om tir e so-called idea~ of the ani mals. ho use . To Very Re v. Can □ 0n M•Kennu, wbatove r with a vteiv to th e destru ctio n ' lr. Dowse withdrew from pol itical lifo i11 Nov. 1872 , on beiug o.ppointetl a I n the following chapters ou r au thor i-'.P. , Bn ndorun , is <ln e the entire crndiL of the pest. Germ any contem plates mak ing some Burnn of th e Cou rt of Exch eq uer iu does litt le mGre than a pply t hese fun- llf hav ing suggested a nd carried out to dame ntal principles to La nguage, to its success ful iss ue the welcome ch ange. impo rtant additions to the t.rmy 1 lreli1n,I, rn the room of the lat,e M r. Mr. Dowse was a B.easo ni 11g, and Co nsc iottsneRs, to th e ,.._..,..,.- ~ - among th em being seventy- four Ji ew Baro □ Ilughes. ies fo r ar ti llery service. mem be r of the Royal Dub lin t:i ocietv Infant and th,i Sa.vagt>, and to P rimitive I d and l<'ellow of tb.e Zoological and R.ov;( i\'! on. A s to all of these, th e nou sense he ea 01· o_l' the Go vern mea t ( tho J th ot · is talked by th e materialis tic Rt. Ho n. W . H . Sm ith) str1ted in the Geolog ica l tio cieties of Irelaud, tllld a school i8 g roun ded on the fun dament al House of Com mon s, yesterday, that V isitor of the Queen '~ College, Belfas t. error which we have uam ed. But the ( From the Daity -1Vews.) from information , rece ived from Lor<l Another d itlicul1y has occ urred va lue of r,lr is work lies in I. he miuuteFORE I GN. H ami l to □ , the fi rst L ord of tbe Ad mir- between F ra nce an d Germany over the ness witli wh ich D r. Miva rt f'o llows the LON DON, March 12. olty , it is probable ~ha t the new \'OSsels fr ontier ql}estion , owi ng to a Frenchm a11 ve ry word s ~f l,is adve rsa ry . Tak e Wi t h refereu ce to th e fir e whi ch brok e of t bo Au s tralian Sq oudro!1 wo uld be havi ng a ~cide ntully crossed t he Germun the cl 1uotcr entitl ed " Ilea~on au d on t at tire Mo rf'a Collie ry, Ca rdiff, in read iness abont J nly nex t. fr on tier rit B elfor t, for wh ich he was arrested , on t he pre ten ce of poaching D ivers 'l;ong ues." In t biH cha pter he Wales, ull hope of snviug the entombed Lonl Randol ph Church ill, h uving and, afte r bein g handc uffed was dragged g ru ppl es with that fav our ite fallacy of mi ne rs, or in fa ct a nything in co naecrn en like M r. Rorn nt•.es , that mnn be- ti on wi th t hefatal ity,has beenabandoned . of late bit;terl y nttackeJ the I rish policy to th e g r. ol at Nlu lho use. came in tel lectual or intellige nt by the ti ir Th om,1s E s mond e, o □ e of the of th e Go vernmen t, is no w hlling grad ual evolution of lan g uage. To I rish deiegate8 to A ustralia, Moys thot de nc uucod by th e Conservntive P ross, I NTERCOLONIAL. s how tliis, M r. R oman es, with th e li elp I he, wi th Mess rs. Deasy and Kelly, wh o advise h is lordsh ip to take a seat MELBOURNE, M arch 13. of A rchdeacon F arrar, Dr. Hales, Dl'. col lected £1 50,000 wbi l@in Anstrniia, on t!, e Opposit ion be nc hes. L atham , a nd P ro fessor Max Muller, towards; the expenses of t he Irish · T he Ki ng of Dahomey has bee n The prosecution of M r. Harold defeated h,'t' the French troops with very P a1·ks, ~or fra udulent · ban kru ptcy, is pluuges into the mys teriou s depth ~ of pa?! i1uncn ta ry moveruent. pbiloloi!Y· Be descri bes the isoln tiug, 1 Ye~tenlay !\l r. Lewis Henry I saacs, a heavy loss, un <l tho F rench capti ves proceedmg. The accu sed's liablilit ies amount to £ 300,000, a nd some c urious tire polyHyu tbetic, Ure aggluti nat ive, ' member of the House of Comm ons fo r I.lave bean reacu lld.

.if oretnn an1:J Jntercolontul m:elegtanrn.


'.l.'II.E W. A. RECORD.




20, 1890


- -






nnder the_ 11ame of ~ ra_fto 11 and 'l'HE , .-'. rn11clale, m J.868. It 1s sit uated on I . tlie Clarence J:iver, from whi ch a ve l'y '· l·t1'"" • o". propol'tioa ofS the d far m pL'od uce . NOW ON AT rcq111 red for th e y ney ~u, r ke t. l S drawn. The lowlands on either sid e of Lhe for many . 1mles a r e ~ ° . Clal'<•nce · . exceptionally f_el'tde. and yield ~1eav{ ' re turns of co1n, as w~ll ~s _s u~a , Great H.edL1ctions and Barga ins in the following lines:tobacco,_ and rn:wy <thet t i opical productions; but t 11e crops are LADIES' BLOUSES AND JERSEYS . SYD. JiY, 1\farch l:J. occasionally jr.opal'disecl by the LADrns AND INFANTS' MILLINERY, Th e s..:hoonor ,\guos lms Geen 1 st occul'rence of devastating Hoods. such llf\111· the IJ rnnswi ck Rive r. and all ns tlmt now record ed. It is ju11t 14 DRESS MA'I'ERIALS English ,1nd F rench (suitable for the present lm11ds h,wo perished. The s~lwo1wr, it years aao--in the a ut umn of 1876and coming Season), ir.; irnrn1iseL1, was cayi''ed close OI L shore , since lLo similar cah1mity occured in PARACHUTES, SUNSHADES, CHILDRENS' DRESSES, l1y the cu1-re11 ts, all(] w:1,s tho a over- this portion of New 8 outh Wales. BLACK GREN.A.DINES, STRAW HATS · taken by a sqnall , \lhich i;; known t T he flood on that occasion was t he GEN'fi:l' CLO'J.'HI NG, HA'l'i 1, SHIR'l'r-:;, & Hosiery, ha ve prevailed in the vicinity of the he:1,viest that had been k nown in the wre<.:ic Th ree or four \Joclios h ave memory of the white man. Nearly Very special lines in TWEEDS, r educed to ls , l!d. and upwards. l,ee11 1·r.<.;ove red . th e whol e city of Grafton then (as I '.l.'re111e11c!o us rains ha ve again fallen now) was suhm ergecl, and much i11 many pnrts of tli e country ,rncl most rbmaire to pro crty aud Joss of hum an SASH RIBBON, &c. CARPE'i:18 and RUGS. Also a quantity 0£ot the l'i ve rs a1·c Llooded . . )ur i11g the Jife occmred .J REMNANTS . pa_st 2i- h?u,·~ ~rorn 3 to 7 inche: of I ADELAlDm, March 14. rnm hrwe fallen m vanous p,11 ts of cite :FLll'the r Jabour cliiliculties have A few lines in JTANCY GOODS, suitable for BAZAARS, we are coio!iy . I a risen in connection with some of the BnrsBAN1, , :\Ja reb 13. \ -Vallaroo mi nes. At the Alm a mine prepat'ecl to clear at a low pri ce. Country Storekeepers will do well to D ivers L:ts heen sen t to <)x11:11ine the I the men have struck, as h ave also the pay us a visit du ring- the Sale. _ wrnck ol' tlw R. ,1.8. Quetb aucl th ei r l nmpers at Port P irie. Special t erms made for Pianos dnring the s1tle (by well-known makers) . report is nnxious ly looked fo n rnrd to. '. The share market is very depressed '!'lie viciniJ.y of t.110 , ·:·p,ck has b,•eu Tr'lusactions in sha 1·os f <t'O few, and J-->ERTH PALACE thoroughly examined a ud 110 1·ock of lower rates are r uling. Brokens are ,rny desci·i ption c:1n he disc \'Pred near £12 Ss. ; B lock 14's £6 ; Centrals, wl;ere t l,e Quetta went clown. The ; £12. N O\.V OPEN. s ur vivot·s h,.we H OW all return ed to SYDNEY, March 15. Brisba11P. Fe,Lrfo l floods continu e throughout J. E- BHENN·AN Ao 1,1,,110E, 111arch 13. New South Wales a nd Queensland MORNING. Th e Government have decided to . which are unpr8cede nt. No ;ess Proprietor. From 10 to 12, for Ladies and Children send Mr. Rosewarnc, the b1spector of t than eight inch_es of rain ha:ve fallen in only.' Admission 6d. ; Skates Free. Mines, to th e Mining Exliil,ition which I so~~e parts_ ch:rmg t he h•s~ five clays. is sho tt1y to be he ld at tl1e Urystttl I lhe Bn~bane railways a re Directly opposite t he R ailway Palace, in order that he nmy represen t completely . rnterruptecl and the AFTERNOON. the colony an d obtain infornrntion I t.elegrap~ lrnes have been destroy ed. Station. \\'l1ich ho can afterwards disse minate From 2.30 to 5. In Brisbane t he lowe r suburbs are Admission, 6d . thro ughout_ th<! colony. .:Vlr. Rose- quite _~ubmerged _and th e heavy sea Skates 6d. warne will be absent from the colony preva1hng ?uts1d~ _ renders the EVERY CONVENIENCE FOR and for 6 months. ap proach of sh1pprng to t ho S hares are very weak. and al l sto cks wharves im p racticab le. EVENING. VISITORS. cLre declinin g owin g to the Banks c<tll- ! . In ~outh l\ 1:isbane, t~ e water has From 8 to 10. Admission, 6d .;Skates l s. ing in thei r riclvances for theit· b alance nse:1 ~~ 10 ~~et 11: t he stt:eet, and at th e encl of the present niontb. tlie_ie ,s 12 feet of wa,te L ,Lt L a1dley. Only the best brands qf Wir_cs, EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. · lucalculal,le damage h as b een clone SYDNEY, 'vbrch 1,1. . to property . Ho.nclreds of families Beers, and spirits kept in sto.,k. Prize Gala for Children. F urthe r alarnnng flood s a re occurr- have been r endered homeless. Farm s ing i n vn.rious parts of the col~ny, «nd rtnd crops lmve been completely I a~ a result the Clare'.1 cr, R1ve1· has destroy ed, and the 1nerciiant;s' and MU SIC. Good Stabli ng an d a n attentive rise n to the extent of_ twe uty. -sov_e n sto rekeepers goods have been ren dered Ostler. By Professor Roberto. fe et. Among other serious casualties useless. The flour in the bake r 's the town of Urafton is sub111e!·gocl. anc1 1 shops Jms also been unfitted fo r the For quietness, comfort, and sit uation a,_ S kates on Sn.le from 15s. several deaths fro m drnwmng Jiave I purposes of bread making a nd it is occu rred. The ~lamagc done to tlie i 110w difficult to tell how the population the GUILDFORD HOTEL, has uo equal in the Colony. c rops by th e imm ense ovudlow is is ,, 0i 1w to fare fo r food. · FRANK ALL UM, Manager. O e normous, and among tli buildings ::, LA'l'ER. l' IO.NJ<;ER SADDLE AND HAHNESS carri ed away are th e outer walls of the This ruo rning t he lloods are someG rafton Royal Ll ot~l, which were what subs iding, leavin g behind WORK S, BARB.ACK STREET. AL BANY LAN D . wrecked yesterday, owwg to the bm!d- 1 imn1 onse deposits of hhck mud. PERTH. UIDING LOTS, 50lks . frontage ing being submerged to th8 height of I .B rishane !ms been i n total da rkness 275lks. in depth . One m ile t h e balcony, which also collaps_ed . . for two nights, owing to the gas works from tbe Post Office, ove rlooking (NEAR RAILWAY HOTEL.) !ort_unately the occupants of tlie l;m]d - l1avi11g been comp letely sub me rged. K G.S. Price, £20, including Transfer. m g Just had time_ to get clc;u· ,1way I At Sydn ey th is morning fin er L and within 2 miles of Tow n Hall, HY before the accident occurred. I weather is prevailing. APPOINTfrom £ 3 per ac re. South side of th e At Bourke great alarm is felt. ow ing I At IJrafto n 4"1 i11cl1es of rn,in ha ve H a rbov.r, from £2 p,ir acre. SPE CIAL MENT TO · to the probable destruction of the tow11 How falle n since January 1. J. GALLE. shoul d the flood s continue. ft is I The llunte r river has risen 34 feet H is E .i·cellency lfte Governor, Sn· Frederich probable tliat this will occu r, as so111e and the town of Mo rpeth and \Vest; N. Broome, K.C .111..G. years ago the whole t own was Hooded Maitland are con ,pletcly submerged in ·i, 0 R A .U, L to an extent of three feet in height, conseq uen ce. ROBEI.T SMI'l'T:I when the channel was twelve mile::; I T he ;\hcqtrnrie has risen 45 feet, W elling t,on Location, N o. 300. wide and was able to take off the ' and at J3athurst, which town t he river MANUF.ACTUlll!:ROI<'ALL KINDS OF 8.A.DDLERY .Fot· par tic ular s apply to surplus water rapidly. But it is now rur.s through, many lives have been AND HA'.RNESS . r educecJ to a width of two n1il cs by thr: lost owing to l,lie llood . H UGH BRADY. eraction of the railway cnl,an km C'11 t , · Tn both :,;ow f:lout h Wales a nd LWAYS in stock, a lat'.gc and Yaried .Bu nbul'y, Dec. lD . which i t is proposed to destroy in Ol'rler Queens'm1d many to wnships :we in 11 assortm ent of Gig, Ca rt, a nd C::u riage to reJieve th e to"·n of -the flood watp1•s. , state of pa rtial famine, the fl our and Harn ess. Lad ies' and Gents' Riding Sadd les and Bncll ~s . Boy s' an d Girl s' Saddles and It is also proposed to erect a darn other pcristrnble a rticles of food hav ing CO NVEN T OF ti'l', J~~H ~ORTI·l :\ \I l'ilches, l'ack , 'add les, ,Jockey Sadd les round the whole inhabited portion of been absolutely destroy ed . Ho rst; Clotl lln g, and a.II req uisites for a firs Tf,\T, DR AW JNG- fo1· Pl:nZ E S :rn nonncccl c_lass Stal.,le or 1-Joslelry . includin th e town. ; The f, ove rnrnents of both New g Whips to take place 0 11 the 7 th · .Ja1111 .'1'\' H;OO. i s [Bourke is an inco rporated town of, South vV,iles ,ind Queensland a re una·,•oich,bly POST P ON ED to EAtiT lr R Spn rJ. Sµon~es , Uha.mois :Skins Brushes ron sidernhl e commercial import,~ucc on doing all th ey possibly c:ln to r el ieve J\.IONDAY .NI~X'l'. I-lolde , s of' Books will Comb~, ticra pers, Cl ippers, .Ha/ness Oils Black m g, etc. t he Darling riv er, so11,n 600 mi1Ps the di~tress wliich is prevailing. µ- r eally o~J!ige l1y {-lending Co:.1 n ter foil s and All ord ers sent by post or otherwise will be Proceed s to Lhc R e vel. MoLher bet'ore tbat north-west of Sydnry,,..- n.ncl on the ! An•:Df'.IDE, March 15. cxe_cu,tecl with all ,car~_and prnmp lness. 1 railwcLy line co;111r-C'ting· f4yrlm\)i rtnd. The ministe ri,il policy will be dale. . R.S. obt~111ed l<IT\Sl' PRIZE a t the late 'l '. J. GOOD;\.fA N . \~.A . Agricultural Society's Sho w held at Brisbane . The district of which it is enunciated by the pren1ie>,r: (Dr. Hon_ Sec . Bn ildin b Co,nmil(ce . Gmldford , for the best collection of both tb e chief town is the crntre of nn Cockburn) , at l\1ount Barker, o n December 2~ 188 0, Saddl ery and Harn ess. extensive and wealthy pastoral and \.\~ednesday next. It is rumoured copper mining in te rests, whicli the that the Aitot'n<'y General ( B on . B. !Sf' Note tbe Add ress railway has lately much promoted in , A. Moulden) intends resigning his scat development. Previou~ly t he only in the CaL,inet on acco unt of his R O H E R 'l' S M I 'l' H, out,let for its trade was I y the watc1·- opposition to the single tax B.ARRACJ-;: STRIJ;ET, carriage afforded by th . riv01· upon , proclivities of. the rest of t he Cabinet. ONE ACRE BLOCKS, frontin rt main (Nea r the RAILW,\Y Ho·rEL.) whose biinks it st:1.nds. The Darling, ' A pa nic lms arisen in t li e sha re t'oa<i, just outs ide the bounl1ry of however, like the Mu rray :rncl .Mu 1·n1111- , market and prices are declining in all Albany . Ti tle, Ne w Act. Incl ua°ing all WHoLERAU; AG~;i; T FOR TUE NORTH WE.\! i\fass ns. W A l' ti()N & TEE, hidgee, is not to be clcpcndcrl upon for the stocks. Block J 4s. a re now expe nse. , £ 21. Govr,, Maps of Alba ny, navigation purposes. m1cl at bes t its £5 15s. ; B roken s, £ 12 10s. ; British sho wing the blocks, se nt on receipt of 1/. Roebournc and Cos~ack. J . GA LLE. water-way for tra.nsmit1;in~ 111erclian- , £4 15s. ; Norths, 23s. Perth, October 17 1889. Alban y F eb. 28th, 1890. dir.e to and from the const w;i,s very I BRISBANE, March 1,1. un certain and precarious] The diving ope rations at t be Quetta _ ________________ FOR SALE. - A first-class CORNET [<: rafton is a cit,·, Lhe <lisl1·ict; wreck have proved to be un successsfu l, with echo attach 1ne11t;. In case S. FRKNCI.T Kl<:YL EKS U i; VJ,; n complete, a bargain. h:1ving been rnade iuto ,1 clioccsr , I owing to tho prevailing strong t ides. __,_ Guaranteed, at J. GALLW~, Alba u,,, , trd,nsacti ons in reference, to la nd :1nd bncl 1Jnn l, s haYe come· to light. Tito Meli,oume mint has issued a · · ·m <YO I'c, c01n · s w 1nc · 11 arc cn·cula1· cn.llrnt'" of li irlit wcio·ht [t~d WOl'll. 'rhe mi11t will }Jay th,-~ full non,inal ,·,tlue of :dl · up to the cnn• of t lrn cun·<'n t such co1118 J11 ont li, aft<'~- whiuli they wiil only \,c rr. cr i\'()cl on p:iy mcnt of th e di(I'creucc br.twee:n tlic uon,iual and actual val uu.


""l7V' Go B:E.AJR:tVJt.A.~'S.



















MA.R u 20, 1890.



Mo C L E E R Y ,


T O L L E "Y'





Offices and Sale Rooms : CLIF~' ST1um, FREMAN'rLE,


Wl1oleiiiale a :n cl I l e tail. HOWI C K




Bonded W arnbou ~es ·: EssEx STREET.



Free Goods Stores : J~6SEX AND CLIFF STREW!'$,







;, Massrs. vVm. Young<' r and Co.'s (Limited) Beers, in Bulk a nd Bottle, on Se.le.


Teas, Suga\', Oilman's Stores, and Colonial Produce. JOHN McC LEERY. bns for private sale FREEHOLD PRO , .ERT IES, WIT H AND WITHOUT B UI L DIN GS THEREON, in PERTH. -Murray, George, D yer, Newcastle, Charles, Dou ro, Garden and Lincoln Streets . FRE:MANTLE. -T uck field, H ill, Mary, Swnnbo urne, Packenham, So u th, Jolrn, E llen , Leab, and Hampton Stree t~. A lso, H ampton Hoad. Richmond , Preston Uo'11cl, Beaconsfield, Claremont, B usselton, Pinjarrab, and De rby.


TEl:-HCLES of all desc ription on hand and made to orde r.



NOTE.-H 11i lding A l lotmen ts on o;,ale in F remantle, from £21 ; Perth , £30 ; Cl aremont, £10.

' U N DERTAKING done on the shor test notice uncl in the most respectable manner at model'ate ch111ges.


A L SO-FIREWOOD ut any leng th cu t and ddivered in nny pnrt of Pert h


AL SO-CORN-CRUSHING dou<J on t he pre mises.



A ll business letters t o be ad dressed



CHIWNOMETER, CLOCK, and WAT CH MAKER, JEWELLEJ.i, &c., EGS to inform his numerous Customers t hat he has Removed to more extensive premises nearly adjoining Mr. Hymus's Chemist Shop, Opposite the Tow n H a ll, wh ere be solicits a share of patronage. GOLD and SILVER WATCHES and JEWELLERY of every description always QD band. 'Wedding Rings made to order Tima payments taken. JOHN BOWRA, Howick Street, opposite the Town Hall





---~· ' .










D I R E C T O R S :ALEX. FoRRES'l', E sQ. , F .R. G.S. , lYI.L.C. , C hai rman, W. SANDOVER, EsQ. W . SILAS PEARSE,'EsQ., lYI.L.C., &c. EDWARD Sco•l"r, EsQ., 1YLR.C.S., &c. , C hief Medical OfficGir.

N SURPLUS (namely, th e excess of Accumulated Funds over




t he reqnest of numerous friencl s and others , the undersigned begs to un nonnce that he is about to ndd UNDE R TAKING and FUNERAL FURNISHING, to h is building a nd ~arpentering business . Funerals cnuclucted expeditiously an d inexpeosi vely in town or country .. PHILIP REIL LY, B u ilder, etc. Mackie-Street, P er th, Jan. 2, 1889.

NEw Bus1NBSS :E'OR YEAR 1rnDED Skr DECEMBER, 1888, OVER £31 ,250,000.

THE LARGEST BUSINESS ever transacted in one year by any LIFE SOCIETY in the World. For all particulars apply to



No More Hard Tim es. If you will stop spending so much on

fine cl othes, rich food and styl e, buy good , healthy food, cheaper an d better clothing ; get more renl and substantial th in g~ of life every way, and especially stop the foolish habit of employing ex pensive qu ack doctors or using so m·.1ch of the vile hurubng medicine th at does yon only harm, bu t put your tnist in that simple, pure remedy, Dr. Soule's American flop Bitters ; that cures v.lways at (l;g cost, and you will see good times and bave good lrnaltb, " Chroni c! ~,,





CON VENT BOARDING SC HOO L, S ff'l:'ERS OF ST. JOSEPH, GERALDTON. ERl\rn - For children, under 10 yearr , 5 g uin eas p er quarter, to be paid in ach-an ce. Music an d sbging, 2 guiJ,leas. Entrance Fee, £ 4. Children over 1 0 ·y ears, 8 guineas per quarter.





To be drawn as soon as the whole of th e



money is subscribed. 1st Prize-BLOCK OF LAND (1¼ acre Freehold), adjoining railway and road at North Fremantle, on which is erected a substant ial 4-roomed cottage ; the whole worth £765 2nd Prize- Winner to select to value of



3rd Prize-P ony, saddle, &c., Yalue £10.

Is prepared to make all kinds of CARRIAGES equal t o those of the Eastern Colonies at less cost than they can be imported, All Carriages guaranteed for twelve months. Repairs promptly executed in first-class style. FUNERALS performed on the sh ortest notice, and at 1 reasonable prices.

A committee of gentlemen have kindly consented to conduct the drawing. Each purch aser of a book of 20 tickets will be presented with a Complimentary Ticket FREE. BONA

FIDB SPECULATION. £800 for 10s. ~




~6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=-~~~ ~ltT'=; LEVI Gl{EEN, BAZA.AR! Jj.AZA.AR !! BAZA.AR !! thwase


, ~ ~ l d t JOO"lll'ltl'f"'i~~11N:~..



20, 1890 . , w


table tha t he b ecamo a cavalcade . of t h irty, h orsemen, .. 1nco n t es, . th . . t •t a 11 d made Eng· IH>ml and two carnages, ·ann 1rnvm g es , f h E 'e :. t th~ time mo r e pot ent iu E urop o . fu rthe r p rot,ect10n o · t _ e ~peror s A GRAND BAU.Alt, CA.SH IRO Nl\1O.r GER, in aill of the Convent of St. Joseph win be• than sh e h as ever been since." : safe-cond uct, Huss a rnved _m Co uheld m the Me<:lianics' lustiLuto, Northam, Not ablo to compass a satisfoctor.v I stance. H er:e no res tramt was HAS ON SALE"'1 ARPENTER'S Beuoh H amm ers; on EASTER MONDAY next, 7th of A p~·il. d fi ·t· of wh at h i.story ought I pL1t npon h11n, furthe r th an the clrawino· of prizes in oonnoct10n with e m ion . .b. . t 'th M ..1 () law Hammers; Riveting Ham- 'rhe the above C~uvent, will tako place on tho to be, t he S entinel, in another page, : rn h1 1t1on o 01 er say _ ass or 1 mer·s; iJl'ie;klayel''s I larnme\·s; Black- same date. k ind ly pi·ovi des us with a luminoui:; p1·eacl1 . . To pro_v1de _agam st an;ysmith's 1T,trn 111lirs; lVIi11 er 's fla111 mers; .story oiight not mcouvemence al'lsmg fr om eccles1'""' """"""""' exa m ple Of What hl . l . . th t f Stone 131-o,d,er's .:1arnrn ers ; Lath Hamto be. A m otion to vote a sum 1 ast10a r estriction e sen. en ce_ o DE.A'l'H. mers ; t";hi ngling Hamme rs; L : meric'.m of money for t heerectio n, in Prag ue, excommumcat iou un der. wh10h EARLE .- At Geralclton, on Sunday 9th Axes 1\llliali:twks, &c., &c. ; 6-m ch R1m aftet· a long H,ncl painful illi1ess, of.a stat ue of J ohn H uss, r ecently he rested was te mpornr1ly r eLock~; Cuphoal'd Locks; 1'il l Locl~s; inst., ELI7.A.Bw1·rr M;1.1wAR1,•1· EARLF. gmndCli e~t Jocks ; Night Latches, _ with danghtqr of the bto Mr . J. O'Connor, broug ht fo r ward in th e Boh em~an m ov_ed , . and b~ r ece1ved leave a private b ous~, . to g o tw o J; ,•ys ; ,tnd a, variety of Locks; formerly of Newcastle W.A.., aged 27 p a rlia ment, was t hrown out with to h ve th e contempt i t deser ved . 0 11 abou t free]y, a ncl to_ v1S1t the ,\ .\IEltlC \ t' l'ATENT SPRrNG years.-R.I.P . t his unpromising· fo ion the churches . HLL'll HOLL!,:Rs; Galvanized Air A fter ward~, . _as be S entinel has bad th e t emeri ty disregard ed t h e p r olnb1tion to !\ricks, Hin,ile & Double; HORSE j!J l t e C t O . JJ. s l tCrns; I I.\ :--D M:ADh; Hor~e t o buil d up an article to the glorifi - pr each . an d say Mass, he was ~li oo ~,tils; Bolts Nuts, 111 20.-'rHUR. St.Cy1·ilof Jerllsalem, B.C .D cation of th e Boh emi an her esiar ch . placed m hono ura bl e con fi n ement al 111 ust a lI sizes; al so Tron and Brass 21.-FRI. 'l'he Most Precions Blood. T his li ter a ry t ribn te is c!·1ie~y in t h e r esidenc~ of a canon of , 'c l'c:w,;. . \.lso, a sp lendid Assort:nent 22.-SAT. St. Frigiclian, B.C. h istorical in ch ar acter, and its Const,aoce,, an d rn J an ua ry, _1~15, 23.-PASSION SUNDAY. of C:cnernl Brasswa l'e Goods, v1z :hi story is distinctly of that k ind was traos[erred to a Dom1mcan . . J:'l i,in a11d ~\.n.:y Chait· or Mautlc 24.-MON. St. Benedict, Ab . 25.-'P UES. Feast of the ~nnunma~10n. which the delig htfully in consistent c~nvent _ sit ua t ed _on th e shores ::'·f ails; P l,ti11 and Danuy Picture 26.-VvED. St. 'r11omas of Aqmn, C.D. Non- Confo r mi st journal so warm ly d the L ak e. VVh1le h ere, h e :Vas N ail 8; Dn1ggct or Car pet Pins; Stail' 27.-THUR. St. Rupert, B.C. denou nces-it is, in fact, " a mass allowed to co mpose th eolog ical llocls a1 1d !·1:yes; P icture1 Rocls and -~~-_,.....,,.,....,,,.,~"!"~""'"""'= of statements r estin g on no othe e treat ises, and carr_y on an active D1·1icl ets ; ·window Sl1ow Rods and i=tEGU LATIONS Ji'OR LENT . o-r oun d' tb :in th at of ig noran t pre- correspondence with his supFitti ngs : Screw or Dresser Hooks; j udice ." So clearly is t ~is . th e por te:·s. Ir~ March, t o f rustrate Screw Rings fo r Pictu res; P late The 'following is the Lenten Inclult case t h at we feel a lmost rnclmed certain desig ns ente r tam ed by Rin gs for ditto; Curtain Hooks, t o s~spect the S entinel of a delib i:i ra te h imself an cl hi s frien ds, it w_as CL1pboard Turns mid C,it ches ; Hat :1:1d •for 1890 : In accordance with the Spirit of joke. BLlt no; the pleasing thought foun d 11 ecess a.ry_ to r e mov~ him Coat looks ; Iron ,,11d Drnss l ·ormce Po le Hi11 gs : i'ole Drnc!,ets; Pole Rod the Church , aucl in the exercise of the must van ish . Too well do we t o t;he more r ig id seclusion of Ends; i' i:1110 Sconces; Bruss i;:crew Special powers grai:tecl . by th e know that a ny such exhibition of th~ castle of Gottliebe~1. . I'ullies; Lrtrup Hooks; C_leat H ooks; Apostolic See, the followm$ . dis- levity· on t h e p art ot our s_orn b1_·e rh e s~rictl,y eccles iastica l prod h t t H d t d Bl'D,ss an<l J•·on Dutt H inges ; Draw pensa.tions granted to the fa1t1:fol of this diocese, for the approachmg co ntem pora ry woul e q m _ e nncesis a~am s uss was con ~c e Handl es : Drawer · Knol,s j Bl'rtss precedented . It i~ oft ~n fun ny, accordmg to th e esta:6hshed Eyelets 'fo r Tents, &c. ; I t·ass Bolts; Season of Lent. Back P ull ies ; Sa,;lt Fastenel's, fi-0111 1.-li'lesh meat may be used at the indeed, b ut n ever mtent10n all y so. r ules. H uss a t first p r omi sed to principal meal on l\fondays , We a r e t h en it wo uld a p pea.r, su bm·it to the d eo isiou of t h e ,[s. 9cl . doz ; .-:iaslt Knohs; :-- ash except l\fonday in Holy week : again called ~pon to correct th e Council, ? ut i1~ tb e later stages Centres; Sash Lifts; Fftnl.ight Also, on Tue c13;JS , Thursdays S entine l's history. S110h deman ds of the trrnl ret used to b e bound Catches; T,1ble Catches ; 13rass Casand Sat urdays, except Saturday u pon our goo d n atur ~ b ecome b f hi s wor d. In th e e~rly p a rt tors; Call Bells; Dinner Bells; Tc,a in Ernber week. On Sundays monotonous, b ecause of the fr e- of J une h e was not ified to Bells ; Door Springs ; Climax Pat:nt and St. Patrick's Day flesh meat q uency with which t h ey a re p repare for a public t ri a l whi ch h a d Hinges ; Iron and Brass J ack Cba111; mav be used at all the meals. r epeate d; . b ut we a:·e s upported been_ g ranted him_ t h rough the G:1lvanized Chain, Rope, &c. ; and a great variety of USEFUL I RON- 2.-Eggs, cheese , milk and _bu~ter b y a fe~lmg t:iat 1°: supply_ing P,ers1stent effo rts_ of t h ~ E~ per~r .MO NGERY too nurn et·ous to p:1ral'0 allowed at the one prmcipal th em with r eliable mfor matw n, 81g1smund . D mrng this trial lns ticubrise. meal on all days , except Ash we a re disch a rgin g a duty to conduct was so exasperating that n TERMS, CASH. Wednesday a c1 Good Friday. t h e Sent,ine l'.~ constit uents which the Emper or, who was present, t LEVI GREEN, 3.- 0n faS ing clays a collation is tl1 e allowed in the morning and u~'en tine l itself is nnwilh n 00· took occasion to r emind him that Cash Ironmonger. eYening at which, except on Ash or unable t o p erfor m. t he letter of safe-con duct co ul d in '.1\ urray titreot, Perth. Wednesday and Good .Friday, a W ithout going into th e details no wise interfere with the ve rcl'i ct little milk and butter may be usec1 . of his earl y car eer, J ohn Huss, of the Council. 'Phis monar ch 4.-Fish and flesh meat cannot be or m or e cor rectly H us, having who in the beginning had stro ng ly used at the same meal during Lent. r efused to appear at Rome to supported H uss, so a ltel'0d h is 5.-In place of butter, the use of lard defend himself against thP. opinion con ce rning tho t ru e charor dripping is permitted, except charge of publicly main t aining acter of. t he man d uri ng the on Ash Weclnesday and Good m ischievo us and her etical doct r in es, investigation, that h e d ec la red that Friday . was cnt off from t h e comm union "neve r was there a mo re rnisG.-Persons of tender age, or· in of t h e Church, in th e year 141 1. chie vo us heretic." He was h o1·ifi.ed clelicate health, or engaged in In the year · 1414, t h e listless by tl1e Hussi.te teach in o· t ha.t those laborious work arn e,'empt from 5 the htws of fas ting . King vVen ceslaus, unable any in a-u'; ho ri ty cease d to have jmisA UC'r IONEERS, 7. -The clergy arc authorized to grant longer to overlook th e growiug diction while in m ortal sin ; a nd ACCOU NTANT:-;, a dispensation in particular di sorders occasioned by H uss' stil l more by t he doctr in e wh ich cases when there is a just cause subversive harang ues an d writ- a,ccorded to iud i vidual s ubj ects V ALUATORS, for granting it. ings, prevail ed upon him t o go t he almost unl imited r ight to slay STOCK AND STATION .AGEN'J:s, ~ MA'I"rE--IE W GIBNEY, to "Constan ce, wherethe Co uncil was rnlerswuen evertheyconsicler ed th at i\'IHdNG AND Bishop of Perth. t heu insession- - acourseto which th e t he authority wielded by t h em was S H AREBROKERS .,,,.,,.,.....,.,..,.,,,,.,_~ _ ,,,,,,,,......,,, unhappy man could not reasonably exerni sed in a tyr annical m a nn er. ~fill.~lfi eroro. object,as h e h a d frequ en tlyappeal- (Qii1:libet tyranniis p otest et debet, PRODUCE SALESl\lEN. ______ .,.,.,. "' ,.,. ., ------- ---· - ,., ---ed to_ t he ;erdict of an e?umem cal l-i,cite et m eritorie occidi p er " /Jc wd~ft,tiyablc in 11o ur 7,urpose, and coun c1l. ro p rotect 1nm wlnle g_uemcung_ue 'llassallii1n, &c. See CO NSIG N ~llEN'l'S with 11ndu1111/cd spirit resist 111.,qu it,11 cwd try lo h· · tl E B 1 ) Af: conquer ,v,'/ with gnod, /l/luiny before 110-ur r.,,;r.s on is JO ui·ney, 10 mper or proa mes , ·: ter ever y lttte mp t t o received at the rnv,ml prrpared j,,,· those who r.r.mbat for vided h im wih an escor ~ of three induce Huss to retra,ct his errors P E R TH RAILWA Y STATI ON . the11u111eo/Chnst."- Piusl X . Bohemian Kn ig hts, J ohn of had failed , thi1•J;yp l'Op os t ons 11 - -j THURSDA"fMARCH2o>i'B£io."'~ Chlurn , ·wenzel of Dubo, and draw n chiefly from his T-ractntii: SW AN " A UCT10N SA LE ROOi\'.IS, .~,.·~-✓-~✓----,,.,., Lacem bok. He also g ra nted him cle Ecclesici, were condemned by BARRACK -',T. ' OuR contempor a ry, the S en tinel, a safe-co:"1uct, issued at Spir es, the fif tee nt h genernl session of the developes an imm ense m1pacity Octob er 18, 1414. Huss now Co uncil. OF S1'. C ONVENT JOSEPH fo1· unconscio11s hnmour. It saw himse lf, as he expressed it "'rhe d uty of the Co uncil under ORTH.AM. dishes up its monthly b ill of in a lette r, obliged "to ben d his the circnmstauces was plain," says 'l'liE BUILDING COMMIT'rEE P,cknow- fa re of Lazy theolog ical specnla- neck."_ B efo re s~tting ou t h e ma_d e the judicious and learned A lzog; ledge with thanks th~ following am unts tion, cooke ry r eceipts, homilies a p_u?hc declarat1. on_, th rough the lll · " it c_onc1emnec1 t hese doc trines as in aid of the erection of the NEW on dancing, and depressin g jokes, 9:1untor~fthearchd10ceseof_P rngue, heretical an d dan ger ous, and it CONVENT :in ,1 way whi ch can leave its d1sclmmmg every _h er es)'. 1mpu ted , co uld no t h ave done less. 1:he Collected by l\fa . ..hKrnsoN. r eade rs no room t.o complain of to h i m, ,ind pub h c no tices were Cou ncil a fter h aving deposed and. ~ a dea,r i,h of material fo r legitinrnte affi xed to all the chur ch es a nd the degr ade d him (H uss) had no r~bsii~:~·d 10 0 mi rth . ln its last issue it confides royal palace, to the effect that forther jurisdict ion over h ' Miss Melbin 5 O to a sympathetic public, that it is '.' any one desiring to b ri ng. a ~ti_on and trnu sferred h im to ~h~ Collected by MR. MERRY . "h u mbled to know that men m . r~atters concernmg fa ith civil a,ut~ol'itie •, with the pray Mr. W. Screech ~ shou ld have so much more zeal agamst John Huss, should p resent er, wh10h th e ch urch had f':CJ!;hews 3 0 0 for their historical prejudices, tb eu ch arges befor e the Co un cil used on such occasions for Mr. E . Martin ~ 10 o than for truth ." It has lofty of Constance."_ He a lso p ublished centnries, 'that his life mi o-b t I Mr. J. Martin ... 10 O if somewhat impracticable aspira- ~ . second notice, decla ring th at b e spared an d h e be condern ~ed ~~~~:fh~~ :-:te~/sTERs OF ST. ~o~~PHO tioos, for it w i,;he,; to i=:ee in the 1£ he should be_ con v10ted of any to perpetual imprisonment.' " Mrs. Dowling 1 o o hands of child l' Cn " ;L hi stor y of enor: _or of ha:,mg taug h t a ug h t B,-y ~he laws of t"lte JDmpiro on e Mrs. Scollard 0 1 10 O O foots n1mdulter,:i,ted with perso rrnl cont1a1y to £:1th, he woul d be I, 0011 ~ ~ted of her esy, in t hat age 1 f~et~ict0~ llladd~n Esq. o opinions ." To show how litt le r eady t~ u_n ~?rgo t h e y u1;1 1sh m en t rt ?tvil offence,~ and refusing to proceedsofConcertandBall 17 18 5 ' it und Ol'Sbtrn]s its own se nten - of a h e1et_10. (P o1·~·0, _si m e cla a,bJut·o, was to be punish ed with . .Madden Esq. :-2nd don. 2 1 6 t io us 110 sense', it is indignant, er1:01·e alig_uo con~icerit, et n~e death ; and hence un less an ex. Received by the Secretary. . iu auother scnte ncr, th:1t Cromw eJl aliena ci fide doc7111,sse p robavent, ceptiou were made in H uss' Mr . B. Smith 2 2 O 1,; not gcnorn.l ly r ga.l'ded as tlie non reciisabo, q'uascwmg_ue haeretici he too must undergo th · clatse F 10 o -,,,P~ng 1i~ - IIIIHlll, b eca usc poenas Jerre ~ A t rr .. ) , e pena ,y. Mr. . J . Townsenc1 . . .ac ci .aussii. . But ap:i,r t fr om th·o offence of 10 0 g-re:Ltest ~-~i~{:;; ,.. iO O O,,;·iyle "thl) it:;ht tl1e factl Accompan1ed by three k u1gbts . her esy, l:luss had been g uilty of or ea









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20 1890.

~ @ Q f f lj



seriou s c rim es agai n st civi l so ciety. He ba,d written lib ellous docu m ents, rn a d e inflammato r y s p eech es, s tirred up t h e peopl e t o r e volt, g iven any s ubj ect p er m1ss10n t o take t h e life of a tyra nt, and m ad e su c h s ubj ect th e j udge a s to what a cts prope rly con s tit ut ed t y ranny in a ru le r . H e nce, Huss w as by his o wn ac t s, putti ng h er esy out of the quest ion, w· i thi n the comp e t enc e of the civil a uthority which h e soug ht to unde r mine and s u bvert, and it was simp ly the duty of the latter to p r0tect itse lf a g ains t so fur ious and dan gerous an agitatol'." Thus the great G e rman his tor ian. Huss met his fate, d eath at th e stake, with a fo r titude wo r thy of a b e tter cause . Even with r eg a rd to th e l ess important d e tails o E thi s sad scene, t h e S entinel do es no t contriv e to b e ac cu rate . H u ss, app ar ently, h a d n o t ime to cha n t prayers a,£te r t h e pile was_lig h te d . Acco r d i1w to Felle r a n imm ens e volu m e smoke s uffocated h i m in a u insta,nt- " l' etouffa dans


l'instan t." The safe-cond u ct g rante d t o H u ss was m e r e ly a pass port w hich made no p r et e nce of protecti n g h im a o·ain s t th e action of th e su pre m e e ~cl esi a sbcal cou r t of judicature. Had i t clone so ihe trii1l woul d hav e b een a u r.e less far ce. 'l'h e Boh emi a n n ob l es who d enounced the e x ec u tion of H u ss did n ot, by w ord or syl lable, i n t ima te that t h e safe-conduct had b ebll v iolated. T h e Emperor, writin g with regard to it to the l\ ing of Arag on, stated

that a safe-conduct could n ot exempt one f rom deserved p imish'flient. The Council under s tood th e safe -con duct in precisel y th e s a me s ense as t h e one issued to J e1'ome of Pra g·u e, i n which it was s tate ~ tha t it~ b earer sho~ld be p r o t ecte d a gain st unlaw_fol v10lence1 but not ao-ainst the Judgment of a comp~tent t r ibunal of justic e . Fin a lly, o ur conte mp or a ry a sserts that th e Cardinals ass ure d S igi sm und "tha t faith should n o t b e kep t with h er etics ." ~'h e Sentine l, we a re q u i t e sure, makes th estatme ut witl~out the slig htest knowl ed ge tha,t , t i s fo un ded on a, d ecree, whic h, from th e s tron g est intrin sic anc1 e x trinsic evide nce, is aprocypbal. 'rh e d ec r ee in q ues tion w as fi1·st p u b lish ed b y t b e Protes tant Hard t, a ncl is enti t" el y wit h out s ig na ture or ot h e r indisp en s abl e ma rk of authentic ity . 'l'rnly, i t is hnmbli ng "to k n ow tha t m e n should hav e so much m ore z eal for t h ei r hi s to r ical prej ud ices, than fo r truth ." L e t us implore our contempora ry, for its ow n s a k e, to l'efr ain from m ed dlin g with historical qu estion s . It fi g u res far more cre d it a bly, we h onestly a ss ur e i t, w h e n it confin es it se lf t o a more cong enial s phe r e -wh e n, for ins tan ce, p a the ti:::ally des c ribing th e a ffliction s o E t h e "debe n t ing org a nized constitution," or denouncing , in t h unde r o us ton es, th e e vi ls t h at follo w, t o u se i t s own felicitous p h r a se, in th e " wake of t h e b all room ."

1.L o ca.l a nll ~ £n er a l. Mn.. F . M. S•.roNE was retmned, unopposed, as a Councillor for t he East War d. WE are ()'lad to notice that Mr . E . M. Needham, ~f the Fremantle School, is so far recovered as to be able t o resume his duties. As the concert held in the Town Hall on

St . Patrick's Day- Monday last-possessed somewhat of a national character, Mr. F . J. lial't, who took part in the proceediugs, composed a co uple of verses sniti,ble to the occasion. 'l'hey will be found printed in our acco tmt of the concert. As sun g by Mr. Hart, with fo rce au l expression, t hey very natumlly delighte l an. _aucli~ucc comp sod ehieliy of per~ous !tail mg frum t he Emerald l sb.




THE match between t eams fr om the Perth C._C. and the Federal C.C. resulted in a wm for the former by 6 wicket s. .- - - _ Y1,;s•r.E LW AY lmvmg been gaze tted as a Bnnk Holill,\Y, the pn nc1pal places of busmess were c.osed from an early h our.

· : , : ; ; ·

ON next Wednesday evening the M usic:11 U nion give th eir usual quarte rly con~ert . . As eve ry ono wh o is •:rnsically rn clrned k!3ows vetv _,~ell tho subJect they ~iave h,1~ ~~ prac t,1ce fo r som e weeks past 1s Ross1111s Stabat lYiatc r. We h,wo clone ourselves th e pleasure of attending one of the recent rehearsals, :ind, speaking from experience, can safely promise a r ich musical treat fo r those wh o assemble at the 'fow1.' Hall on tho 2?th. Mr. . B ensman will have under l11s_ bato11 a chorus and orchestm numbormg more mers · , than '· 100 perfor ·

! each

St. Patrick 's D ay, was m ar ked

i by h er with a subs tantial addition to

, th e fon ds. H er memory will live long in t h e h earts of her m any fri ends 1 , hr ' R fp e c. . · ; .' .. Yom York contemp orar y spea_k s favourably of the r umournd recent disA coMPANY is being formed ju Fremantle covery of silver a t Malebelling . My to establish a bakery. It is intended to opinion is th a t th e result attained will us_e only t he roller flour from Mr. Byfield's uu:sim ilar to th aL achie veLl a t the Mount mill at Northam. Brown Gold field. r· tt t th y l M · 'TrrROUGH ,,., ages a· · 8 or c • t ·, am .. '"',it of s1iace th'1s week a C ! .tve .co f~ . l j' . . , 1 b ,t lengthy report of t he opening of Mr. amp are o 1e~ec .ot sa _e y con rac J amos Byfield's Roll r Flom· Mill lrns been , - - -aml ten clern will b e rnce1ved u p t o t h e unavoidably held over. M AJOR PILKINGTON, the Commandant of 29th ins t . the Local Forces, has conven ed Mr . B urch am , a photographer, has lbs Excellency the Administrator and a meeting in St. Geo rge's H oll on pi tch ed his tent amongst u s for a short Lady F raser were to ret urn fr om Rvtt- Wednesday next, March 26th, of persons season . nest yesterday. R eceptions will bu in fav our of form ing a National R ifle The prelim ina ries for our Annual resumed d uring Easter week. Association. Though tho mitnre of the Bazaar are in active prepar a-· meeting is sufficiently interesting to . WE notice that among other municipal attract a good attendance, still we fe ar it tion, ,tnd the promoters are sangmne works about t o be initiated in F remantle, will clash so mewhat with th e performance of a g reat success . that of the repression of the sand drift in of the Musical Union, which is fi xed fo r March 17, 18 90. the North Ward is r oceiving it s d u e sharo the same eve ni ng, nnd as a consequ ence ...~ "-'~ of attention. it will prevent mc111 bers frorn ~1t,tending 'rHE GREENBUSHES TINFIELL~ . who would be too pleauocl to itid the Tim mount ed police are in active prepa- Comnrnndant in the matter. Und er the . 'l'O 'l'HE EDITOR. ration for the Tonrnament, and may b e circnmstm1cos pPrh aps 1lfoj o1· Pilkin gton Sm,-Havjng had a few weeks practical seen almost daily exercising themsel ves will <Ll'l',m ge for his mee ting to be held on examination of the Greenbushes Tinfields, and their horses at the Perth Artillery some other convenient evening. I am in a position to ~ive yon my opinions. Gunshed. The Greenbushes 'I'inneld lies seven miles north of Bridgetown, and 50 miles south MESSRS. Rasou and Webst er, trading as MR. ancl Mrs. Hart, musically made a of Buub m·y. It is situat ed on what may merchants in Perth, have filed t heir descent upon and took all the hearts of be t ermed tablo, or high land, conse· petition, the liabilities being- set down at Northam by storm. At a concert qnently the stream t in deposits occur in nearly £ 14,000, while the asset s are st ated designed by Mr. a nd Mrs. Madden and shallow leads of recent or pliocene age, at bet ween £2000 and £ 4000. held in the above town , Mr. Hart very and are found chiefly at the source of kindly assenting to general requ est, brooks, g nllies, and ravines, and in basins M1t . WILLIAM vVARDEN MILES, master assum ed the clmrge of the general or depressions form ed by the dipping of mariner, resident at Freman tie, has filled management, and und ertook the d uties of geolo&'ical strat a th at consist of loose sa~d, a petition in liquidation in the 8upreme conductor. With th e able assistance of gravel, r ubble, clay, and hard compact Co urt, The liabilities and assets have · Miss E va. Throssell, Dr. Birmingham, sheet s of cement. 'J.'he width of the leads not n<J t yet bee n made public. , and Mr. Morrell , ttnd the invaluable aid vary from one hundred t o several hundred 'I'he wash, in a h,yer of from eighteen of Mrs. Gibbs, a programme w;i,s pre- feet. inches t o several feet in thickness, occurs MR. HERBERT LEE-S'l'EERE, of t ll:te Toodyay pared, the like of which the dilettanti of next t o the bed rock in most places, and district, has filed a petition in liquidation the rising township had never befo re on clay from near th e surface to a depth in the Supreme Court . The liabilities, as witnessed. The singing all rouncl was of sixteen feet. It is evident t hat the per schedule, amount to £ 2,220 10s., but remarkably good, being much above the deposit h>is resulted from t he clisiutegra· the assets are not shown. mediocrity usually attained by amate urs ; tion of dykes, masses of claystone impregI the concerted pieces especially winn ing nat ed with grains of tin ore and veins of I N the West Australian of Tuesday's dat e the applause of th e audience ; and when tinstone traversing the granitic formation. will be found au interesting letter from t he last ir.e m, a duet from the Mi kado, 'l'in is f01md in alluvial in the form of Sir Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, one of b etw een Mrs. Gibbs and Mr. Hart, was, binoxide, or t iustone, in grains in qnanom: delegates to _the House of Commo:ns, in in response to nn i rn pernt ively demand· t itiPs of from 20 to 60 lbs . to the load or which he det ails the progress of t he eel encore repeated with the addition cubic yard, and will prove most abundant mission. ___ __ of a litttle stage l!Jusiness, it did not when an r,mple supply of water jg procured bring clown the house, because simply the for sluicing. 'l'his c>in be brought from THE slip ways of Hay-stree t hav e been audience rose as one person , and the Bhickwood River a distance of six miles. The stauife1·ouH area is not confined to lately repaired and laid clown with applauded them to the ech o. the limited i,rea. aJraady t aken up ; it will asphalt. The comfort of th e fo ot ext end for miles around, in places, from passengers has been much increased an d the Preston to the Blackwood Rivers 1vhere the ap,earance of the fo otpaths m uch NORTHAMPTON. thousands of tons of stream tin ore will be improved. won . I n a very few years a million pounds worth of tin will be exported from the Port A 'l'EAAI of 1ricket ers from Guildfor d visited F rom our own Correspoucl ent. . of Buubm·y . Perth las t Saturdc0y, and encountered t he , I am glad to report a new, and what 1s B . N. Colreavy. representatives of the Metropolitan C.C. , cons1clered to be a very good d1 sco very, of March 17th, 1890. on the old Recreation Ground. 'I'he Mets. copper ore on the Gwalla propel'ty. 'I'he made 223, ,m d, at the call of t ime, t he grey ore is of a 1·ich quality, and sho wed Guilclfordians had scored 55 fo r 8 wicket s. itself, in an ou tc rO[> in vi rgin ground, - -- about a quarter of a mile from the old 'fHt•: entertainment, advertised by the Gwalla min e, and is, most probably, a CE LEB RATION AT PERTH. Goddeu :Minstrel and Speciality continuation of th e old Gwalla Ioele. The Company, and for which 11 well-filled company 's rminager , Mr. S. Mitchell , was 'l 'h e very large audience which progrnn,,ne was prepared, did not realize taken suddenl y ill th ere whilst ,Lttend ing assembled at t he Town H all on the anticipat,ions of the promoters. But his duties, one day las t week, and had to Mon day evening l ast h ad r eason to a small audience asse mbled, a nd it was be carried to his house. Much concern decidr,cl not to hold th e performan ce, a nd was manifested in the tow n at t his be well pleased with t h e enter tainto return t he door money. sudden attack, and there is little doubt m ent prep ar ed in honour of Ireland's ____ but Mr. S. Mitchell wonlcl be missed by patron sai nt ancl in aid of S t . Brigid's LAST Sunday morning d uring the 10 many. H e had a similar ;ittack some school. T h e Concert and L ec ture o'clock Mass, and while Bis Lord ship six mon Lhs ago, which prostrated him for passed off without t1 hitch . B oth was preaching, the canopy which over- a considerable tim e. I hear that Mr. were listen ed to with enjoym ent and hangs t he pulpit gave way. Fortunately Mitchell is much better now, and able to frequen tly applauded withou t any of H is Lordship noticed the falling mass res um e his d uties again. Things, generally, are rather dull h ere the noisy interruptions which somein time, and arrested it in its dow nward at present, but brighter and more times take place on festive occasion s, coul'se, thus preventing what might prosperous times are confid ently looked such as St. P atrick' s D ay. Miss E . otherwise have bee n a serious accident. for ward to ; but we have had such a long Panelly's performance on th e piano , and monotonoue spell of depressed tim es, opening th e proceedings, was greatly MR. K EANE'S railway construction plant, that there may be some excuse for 111 ,i.ny lately used in the preparation of t h e of us being somewhat s~eptically inclined adm ired, Mr . .F. D . North followed B unhury- Boyanu p railway, was shipped in the matter of the awakening with th e ever p opular air, " Aileen by the Rob Roy last Saturd ay, a n cl No rthampton, in the near fu ture, from Alan na" to wh ich was contributed a arriv ed on Tuesday morning . at F re- its present leth ag ic state. ch orus t aken p art in by Mrs . Forres t rr_rnntle. A numb er of navv ies, ,~ho, j 'fhe weather for the week has been Mrs. North and Mr. Piper. T here sm ce the com~ letwn of th e above lme, quite win try rain threatenin " every day were two son gs with Violin obligato. ha,;e been resident~ of Bunbury, were I an occasior.'al sprinkling of' whi ch ha~ One was sun g by Mrs. D yer whose passengers by the same boat, and are to : f 11 true intonation bl ended well with the be_ at once emp~oyed on the works at the i a 111~;·ch 14th 1890. notes of t h e Violin played by Father Midland J unc t10n. B ourke. Mrs. Gibbs' song afforded 11\TE have received from the Commandant, I Mr. H en sma,n th e opport unity of Major Pilkington, a copy of the Pro· 1 YORK. testing t h e power of th e inst rum ent gramme of events pre11ared for t he Gmn d of which h e is a m aster . Mrs. Military Tournament to be held at Guild- ' F rom our own Correspcndent. Barnes' sweet an d h ighly cultured ford on the 16th April. A long list of , most interesting items has been set do,vn, I News reach ed h er e last week, from voice was m u ch appreciated in h er and must prove attractive t o the non- Ger alclton , of th e death, at th at place, two sonn-s " Come b ack to E rin " and military as well as t he military mind, and Mrs . 'North no doubt the competition will clJ:aw a large of a form er an d m uch r espected " D erm ~d Asthore." rnsiden t of Yor k, Mrs . Elizabeth also sang with great effect Bendicts' crowd of spectators. j E arle. 'rh e sacl even t occurred on beautiful a ir from th e Lily of A SERIES of go-as-you-please contests for , Sunday the 9th in st . Sh e was born Killarney - "Eileen Mavourneen ." boys, youths, and men was held in the in Newcastle, reared in York, and as Th e two little pu pils of S t . Brigid's 1'7remantle Town H all on Sat nrcla,Y; _T~at a pupil of the good Sisters of Mercy, sang up sweetly fo r th eir school. for boy~ under 12 w~s won by I. Bree, becam e clistin °·uish ed a t au early age Miss Lucy Peter especially gives ,vtth a ch stance of 4 uules 1 lap ; for yonths . o . ' by w . Raynor, with a r ecord of 8 mile.s for rare gifts of a cl~gree ri ch_ beyond promise of having wi th time a power , 6 laps. The six hom s contest wn.s a gift h er age. Al:va ys for em ost m every ful and sweet voice . Both chilclr,.~n to Trew, through t he retirement of Dixon. ch aritable proj ect , sh e h a cl maae a kept well in t une in Glover 's grP.ceful Trew won as ~e h ked ,vtth 35 111:les 21 lapr;. , speciality of th e work of assisting in duet " M usic on the Wave:>,.'" 'l'h e The event of tlus ntce w,:s _ehe pltteky th .- er • f . th . t· f a udi en ce testi!3ecl th eir cleligh t by a nd J etcrmined w:,llnn~ of vV. Ryan, a ga 81111 0 mo~?.Y 01 C crnc ~on o new man, who covered 35 miles 6 laps. the ch urch m i: ork, an cl Llie arnval of lonclly clem,mtlm g a n erwor e to which. 0





the ch ilclrcm rospondod hy repeating lfo,tchock's two songs were rendered very the last vers tho music. 'rowarcls swcetly,asweresongs byMissM.Kwauagh and Miss F. Mc arthy. 'l'he httt r made the end of tile iirst part of the her fast appearance and shm eel that she progrnm1110 ;<'r. Domk\) duli, creel hi::; is possessed of a pleasing oi<.:e. Mrs. Ander· l cctur •, uml 1mctCl!!lUll in arresting son very kinclly sang ·' 'omc Back to Eri n," tlrn attention of tlrn ::wcl ionce while :tncl gained hearty :tpphtusc by her syrl'lp11,• · t· theii<.: rendition cf th,1,t ballad. A special h o garn :t rnpid review of tho ul118 featurC' of the ente rtainment was a well incidrnt::; in Anstrnliau history HO g-ivull m citat1on by Mr. Maywood, ent itled fo,r as thov had rnfornneo ,to tho .. Kissing- Cup's Raco." A duet by t h lrislt i11 1' ~lfltrnlia . A !'ow amu~ing Misses Healy, and r, solo, pl::tyed by 0110 of ocCLU'l'Onco::; wore srlcctod, the drollery these youn){ lauies, sbowecl great mainpulatory power and <.:omplete control of ,rhidt ltelpo<l to keep the over the instruruont. A vocal duet by anclienc:u iu mi ·thfnl lrnmour. The Miss M. Kavanag·h and Miss Cooper programme ,1·.1s <.:arri ml out in 1111 received a well deserved r ecognition. Mr. its rletails with but one exception, J. Whitely in a vigorous and telling ancl this wa~ decidedly a change fol' speech which showed h w perfectly unimpaired his powers still are, gave Gho bdtor. ln lieu of the song "'rhe Land we live in," and elicited a an1101 mcorl, 1lr. P. ,J. Hart fi:tvourecl shor t bnt powerful. addr ess in reply from the audience and hon oured the occa- Mr. J . F . Whitely. Mr. J . J . Fitzgerald s iou with a, song-in part his proposed the health of the Chairman in an ·t· " \_ t . 1· ,, , exceedingly well delivered and neat speech. o wn composnon. f us la Ia was , Mr. Marmion b riefly responded, and the cntJrnsiasticnlly ~ncor ed,_ and we lrnvo , IJ rococdings t er1ui.nated with r endering of mu c h ]Jle:,smo m prm tmg the song, : tho National Anthem, Miss Josephson tho two last versos of which n,re presiding at the piano. the proclucLi n of Mr. Ha rt' s fatile I CELEBRATION AT ROEBOURNE. and dover pen. [By Telegraph.] 1



MARCI:! 20, 1890

evidence of the careful manne1· in which they dischal'ged their dt1ti es as handicappers. The r t1 nnil'Jg oft' of the heats p roduced somo pretty races irnd th,~ excitrnent reached a high pitch wheD at the completion of the second rquncl, it was found that J. Hmily, a well -knowu flyer, and Jon es ,Ind H lltchens both pow erfu l men and stroDg runners were "in it. " Healy had to give the other two, who ra11 off the same ru ark, 11 five yard 's st.irt, but in Bt1tchen's case th is was reduced, as h o was put back ,1 y.ird for breaking. Mr. Hardwicke go t the men well away, and a pretty race ensued, Jon es wining by tw o fee t, aDd Healy, who came up at th o fi nish, being just beaten by H utcheDs for socond place, a space of six iuches only se parating th em. The hurdle race was won by J. Peters, almost as he pleased, although t,he second mtm Mc'Cormish show ed very good form and took hi s. jumps neatly. The half-mile ended in a very exciting fini sh, which would hav e been still more exciting had not Horrigan mistitken a post and beeu compelled to return to it, thus losing seveml yards.· Reardon, a scratch man, ran well, as did N. Walsh, who also came from the mar k. It was won by half a yard, the third man bein g about a foot awny. The members of the Society are to be congratt1h1tecl upon the success which attended their efforts, aml th e secretary, Mr. J·. F . Conway, deserves special mention for t he completeness of his arrnngements. We append ,t list of the winners :-

The weather for so me time back so , c'[>pressively hot was delightful on On bcautiouo bud or radinnt light : Patrick's d,1y. Mass was celebrated in And cloth ad iu Nab.n-c's loveliness; j thu ,chool room at 7 a. m. A large Wh ere silver, ~ol~, and rnbies brigl1b, nt1mbcr assisted at the Holy Sacrifice, and 1 , Adorn her vn·gm youthfuln~ss ! ! many received Huly Cornmuni_on. In S11n·ot111ded by the uug-ht.y mam! .0 1 t,he eve nin" an entertainment for the Who 0an foretell her glor10L1s rmg1: I benefit of t he Catholic M ission was h eld ] or t lus fan· laud then shout ULU'l'ah .1 • ti 11 ,r · , I ft i, d .1.\.ustr,.tlia Australia! 111 10 _ .1Y1.ec11amcs n_s I ll ,e an . was 150 YARDS FLAT R ACE. 1 exceeclrngly well patromzed. Mr. G1lcler ' Sitve Ireland, t here's no spot to me presided at the pit1no, and opened th e 1 W. J . R eardon So denr ns thou, my native land, proceedin gs of the eve11in g by the playing 2 T. Hogan For from oppression thou · rt free, of Patrick's Day. 'rhe chair was OJC ll · Aud from the tyrnnt's crne] hand! pied by the Rev. Mr . . Ph[lli ps wh o in SHEFFIELD HANDICAP. 'l'hou hast the right to tl,ink and sr:iak, a very neat speech descr ibed the life 1ST HEAT. No Balfour can his cruelties wreak! and labonrsofSt. P.itrick and e.:plained t he For this fair land then shout lrnrmh ! reasons why Irish ·catholics obser ved the 1 Yards. Australia, Australia 17th of March in honor of their patro n. 1 D. Brennan 15 But whilst in peace we here abide Miss T. Zeddi then g,we it beautiful 2 F. Crogan 17 vYo'll ne'er forg·et the riband green, rendering of "The H,u·p that on_ce 3 W. Baker 17 'l'he home of chivalry and Nide, through Tri,m's Hall." The rev. ChairOf brightest beauty ever seen ! man anno unced that one of the principal 2ND HEAT, And I my the day be close at hand items on t he progr::unme of the evenin g 1 H. Ht1tchens 17 When Ireland free ,~nd bold shall stand ! wa~ a lectt1re on the Celtic ::111d Anglo 2 W. J . Reardon 11 l!'or Ireland then let's shout hm-rah ! Saxon MiDstrels to be deliv ered by 3 A. A. Moffatt 15 And JJ'reedoru's blestaud beaming star! .Father Duff, who, he said was well 3RD HEAT. known to all Catholics present. If any The account of th o proccods in ait! of St. Brigid's has not yet been maLlc C.itholio w~s rem iss in tho discharge of 1 V. G. Brady 17 his duties Father Dt1ff was Sllre to fi Dd out, bnt no doubt it will be a considel'• 2 R. Boladeras 13½ him out and try ,1,nd put him right. The abl e sum towards the object intended. lecture which was replet e with very 4'.L'H HEAT. amusing stories was divided into three CELEBRA'rION AT FREMANTLE. 1 M. ,J. Horrigan, 15½ parts deal ing respectively with the '['he feast of tho Patron Saint of miD strels of Ireland, EDgland, and Scot"A Walk over." Ireland was celehratecl iu Fremani,Ic land. Dt1ring the first interval of the 5TH HEAT. in a most hecoming manner. At e:irly lec~urc M r. Bt1 rnside sang "Remember 1 A. Jones mRss a large number attended, and tt great no more" wh ich was well rece ived by the 17 2 W. Fay many received Holy Communion, and ag·ain audience and w,ts followed by ,I song 17 at the 10 o'clock mass thero was a good 'l'iL for 'r at by Miss Cavmiagh. This 6TII HEAT. congregation, of which the members of tho yo m:g lady has :t charmi ng voice and Hibernian Society fol'l110rl no small portion . was freqt1ontly applauded. During the 1 J. Healy 12 'rhey marched t the cbm·ch, wearing second intervttl Mr. Max well sang 2 T. Hogan 13½ the ir handsome regalias, and preceded l..y " When Swallows B t1ilcl." " What a their magui:licent banner, and during the SECOND SERIES p.i·oces~iou attracted umch attention. _; 11 mt1g" by Ivfaster Moiste r cat1sed much the evening· a tea and concert was held in nmusement. A coru ic song by Mr. l sT HEAT. the 'l'own Ha , under their auspices. and, Crocket proved the mcst am usiD g item I 1 H . Hu tchens 17 like all t heir undcrt-i.kingf, was a great on the program me. At the conclusion 2 M. H en igan 15½ success . A large audience, nt11nbm·i111( of the lecture Miss Cavanagh sang " The a.bout 300, assemble<\, n,ncl after tho good. Reign of the Roses, " ,tnd Messrs. R . 2ND H:i,; AT. things, so plentifully pl'oviLlecl by nmuy j Burnside \V. Burnside and Mr. 'l'eede 1 J. Healy 12 kind lady friends, had received a:>:1 imp,tr· gave a stil'ring rendering of•· Unfurl the 2 V. G. Brady tial and almost undivided attenti n, the Flag." Mr. Broomhall pt'oposcd a vote 17 chairman, Mr . Marmion, j\'[."(,.C ., an· nf thanks to tho rev . lect urer for his 3RD H1u1·. nounced the col1l1t1encement of'thecoucert. interesting- and ,ttn llsing disco urse. 'l'hc opening nuwl,ei: was a duet, '· 'rho Fathc•· D uff replied iu a few words in 1 A. Jones · 17 Poet and the Pcfts,1nt," play('d in "' mo~t which ho ~n:•n ked the people of Roe2 D. Brennan 15 perfect ,md clmrming mann 1· by IviibSCci b f I .Flindell and Josephson. The UBual forwal OUL'IIC •Jr t rnir pr~se:rne t hat evening FINAL . toasts of "'l'he l'opv ;" •· '1.'1-io Quebn ;" and for tho encouragemen~ and assistancG 1 A. J ones 17 were given ,tt Jeugth, in i,wo excelleut that ho received from them in gettin g up 2 H. Hutchens 17 speeches by Ml'. Marmion; Tu;: 1sd Joseph· a cel~~ration in honor of St. Patrick. 3 J. H ealy 12 sou playing '·.God bless the Pope," and Mr. 1 eede p_roposed a vote of thanks to " G-od Sri,vc tho Queen ." A other to,1st, the rev. chairman, who 111 r eply spoke HURDL'E H AN DICAP. that of the" Bishop and Clergy ," from tho of the happiness that he oxp oriencecl in chairman, was responded to by .f.'a.ther being present, ancl:said that he profited Yards. Kelly, who dwelt upon tho cci·dial relations very much by the lecture which h e had 1 J. P . Pete1·s 6 existing between the people and thei1· just hcanl especi::.lly ns .i t contained st1ch 2 1'. McCormish 7 pastors, and. instanced, as :i. ]?roof, the a wonderful amount of facts . Th e play!I MILE HANDICAP. la1,ge ~urns rais cl and expended rn the con· ! ing of Patrick's Day and t he National struct1on and up·kcop of the schools and I Anthem brought the cel ebration of 1 W ..J. Reardon scmtch chu:ch es t~:ougl:~ut th~ colon~. "~r. Patrick's Day, the first which has ever 2 M. ,J. Horrigan 45 ycls. Har butt w_as m g,~e.:i.t ~owe :i.ncl ga C . Im! b een helcl m tho Nor-west, to a happy 3 N. ·walsh scratch not myself at all,. m good style. Miss E. couclt1sion. Special thanks are clue to Cooper sang "K1lla1:ney" 1n so pleasrng a ,,,,. ~ . m w m , . ; , a wsan.1ww-4.am1m,~ - , , n ; a B 'cl G ·1 ,.,, I manner as to win the he..1,rts of her audience, iuessrs. urnsi 0 , 71 der, .tv.1.a 1er,. Payne, and Miss Jo~uphHon, well accompanied r.ncl other young me_n who assisted Ill GOVERNMCN1' GAZE'l.':.l'E . • by Miss Flindell, brought clown the organrn111g the entertammcnt. hoase, by her rendition of "The ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last Rose of Summer" as a violin THURSDAY,FEBRU ARY 13TH. solo. Mr. R. Gibbons undertook th0 toast. BANK BoLIDAYS.-Friday, the 14th j O 1! i 1t !l· of the evening, "'l'he Day we celebrate," ~nst. , at Newcastle; Wednesday, the 19th and treated it in a most masterly manner. - - - - -· Mr. Burnette gave Sullivan's sympathetic The Sports orga11ized by t ho members rnst., at P erth, Frernantle, York, song "Once w1in" in a way which dio•· / of the Pet-th Catholic Yo ung M en's Nort ham, anrl Newcastle. ORDER» IN Coc;NcIL.-1'he followin" played his highly cultivated voice to 1,;reat 8ocicty to. commemorate the feas t of St. advantage. Mr. !{on.chock's P>.-positi0n of i Pat.rick wure held on tho Recreation Ord ers of tho Queen-in-Council ar~ athletic training ,ind feats with the lmlian I gro,1ml, nnd prnvcd ,in unqua lified published.--Embodying r eg t1l ations as to Clubs and claring manipuhttion of tl,e succ,,ss. The only qualificatio n req uired th_e remov al itnd r eturn of prisoners and .American axes meL "'ith the unhoun,hl of the oa11rlidates bBi11g me!Dbership in crnmnal lt1natics, under the provisio11s approbation of the spectators. l!'rom .t/'.e' Svllle Cat!wlic Society, left the of the Coloni:11 Prisoners Removal Act moment of his appearance LLntil the skirt 1884 (47 and 48 Viet., c 31); of his co:1t disappeared round the corner. I compcliti,m fairly open, uncl rcpl'escnt:1· to the t,reaty between Her giv ing effect Maj est;y and Mr. Imray, as" Brannigan," was greeted· tivcs from Perth, Fro1mtntle, and with cheer~ ancl roars of Jaug·hter. Mr. JP. Cuild~<,rcl were entered. 'l'h e Shelf.ielcl th e President of th e Republic of Columbia fo~· ~he mutual extradition of fu gitive J.·KeUypro-posccl "The Hibernian Society" 1 Handw:i.p brought Ollt a hrgc _number of cl'lm rnals. to which Mr. J!'. J. 'l'owrn;cnd made an ex- sprinter~, a;1d tho exceocl1ngly close R o'.1 os BOAltD ELECTION. - Kimberley cell ~nt reply, dnri1tg 1•11:ich he UmrJ,?d the/I, , 11ishes of_ so,nc of ~he heats, m1d i:1 the performers anrl LJ,,,.,u wt10 hDd contl'1buted, t 11,d, 111usc be pleasrng to Messrs. H ealy Golcliieltls : Chairman, R. 'l'. S. Wolfe• memhera, l!'. EDglish, J . BarneM, H . j;o tho sncccss uf thu c1e11ini;. Mrs. I aucl :ucll,·icko, as being the b_t➔st J\lfacK uuzie, S. H edley. AUS'l'R.ALL\ .






POPULATION RETURNS.-The vital statistics for the q~arter ended December . 31, 1889, are published . T ENDEUS ACCEl'Tlrn.- G. R. Rowe, to erect aclditioual room to post and telegraph ollice, Gcralclton, for £23; L. H. Lindley, to supply new lead cistern to Collec tor of Customs quarters, Fremantle for £G ; BnnniDg Bros., to supply two Newell posts for new post and teleg.ntph offices, Porth, for :£11 2s; G. W. Floyd, to execute r epairs to water police constable's quarters, B unbt1ry, for £ 6 10s. ; Bt1nning B ros. , to supply 57 fenders for n·ew post and telegraph offices, Perth, for £28 10s. ; W. H. Linthorne, to erect shed at post and telegraph offiue, Dongarra, for £7 ; B t1nning Bros., to supply tables, &c., for new post. and tel eg raph offices, Perth, for £ 121 4s. ; to Sllpply 3 extra tables on schedule price, for £ 14; W . DoDna,1, to supply and deliver at the Dredge Fremantl e, firewood, at p er cord, 14s. ; ditto, at th e prison, 15s. 6d. ; A. B. Wright, to erect j etty, &c., Wyndham, for £ 1,500. '1


Jntq.c.ot.oniat and Jior£ign. The

:::it. Petersburg jou rnal, t he d eclares that Austria is aug menting h er a rmy, and advan·c ing Bulg.iria the a mount of the indemnity due by h er to Russia, in order to provoke R ussia to increase her military forces.


T h e Daily News states tlrnt the ex-Empero r of Brazil, Dom Pedro t he Second, who was deposed by a revolution at Rio in November last, h as been induced by presst1re of poverty to decide upon renouncing the crown a nd return ing privately to Brazil. S ir Wm . Harcourt a nd Sil' Ch arles RussPlJ, the form er speaking at Bath and the latter at Cambridge last night olnimed tbat the repo rt of the Special Commission had acquitted Mr. Parnell of every charge affecting his h onour which had been brought again st him, The Tichborne claimant h as made a statement, which h as b een published, to the effect th at h e is t.iking steps to have his case r e-opened in the English law courts in April n ext, and he furthe1· decla res that a fund of £150,000 has been raised by his friends a nd supporteps to enable him to prosecute h is claim. lPr. Labouchere, M.P . for Nottingham , has given notice that on Fricby next lie will introduce a motion in committee on tbe vote for supply, to ca.U atterition to a g ross scandal in the adm in stration of justice. 1'1,e epidemic of influenza, which was so prevalenl; a few weeks ago, h as again broken out in England, and has spread with rapidity through tlrn cot1 n l;ies of N orfolk and Devon, many of the cases reported being of an exceptionalJy se vere type. In both counties many public and private school s a re closed . Respecting t he Ari zona disaster, later r eports state that a wall of water not l ess than 40ft. high, swept th rough the valleys between P rescott and Wickenburg for a distance of 100 miles, within which extent of country sca rcely a hot1 se now remains standing. The valleys being thinly populat~d, t he n umber of fatalities is not as g reat as was app rehended. 1'he victims, who number fully 150 in all, consisted principally of miners and herdsmen. Most of the inhabitants of Wickenbu rg managed to effect their escape. The town itself was completely demolished. Surging up out of the mass of i ncidents from the wreck of the Quetta comes the wonderful story of that. yom:ig gi d, M iss. Lacy, who, as the, sto n es t ell, I, ept herself .ifloat on the sea for twenty h ours by her mere skill in flotation. How she did it is a myste ry. She cann ot understand it h erself. Very to nchiDg a r e h er words -" I _think I must have slept part of the time. It seems to m e as if I had been living in a n hotel under the wate r:" Poor thing ! And only fifteen. The g irl's pluck, too, was wonderful. She was on two rafts and voluntarily left both to try and get ,tsho1·e by swimming. vVhy, a halfamphibiot1s S outh Sea Island woman could not h ave eqalled this softly• nurtured heroine of fifteen.



20 1890.

9 NI


,, It is b elieved that th e high duty on

T he first football mat ch on F ren ch F O R D U T Y' S S A K E . wool i n th e U nited St at e3 will g radual- soil was played at P a ris last m onth b etwee n t wo public Rch ools T he ly st op all imports. :F rench P ublic School pbyecl t he Inter- A ST ORY 0 1? 'I'll!•: URAV I•: D AY~ OF OL D. A hun dred and fifty of t he :i nhabinationa l School, i n t he team of which t ants of M ajorca have sent a n add ress were five E nglish boys. T he r;a me, to th e P ope, praying him t o choose t heir a,f t er w arm scrimm ages, res ulted in a CHAPTER VII. island for his r esiden ce. win fo r t he French School. A R OYAL M E SSAGE. The Am erican vVild , vest Show of T he protecti on of men-ol'- wa r' from Buffalo Bill, includ in g Indi a ns who will O ur fo rt ress well n,r med a nd provibe a r rayed iu t heir war pai n t, ha ve th e effect$ uf ligh t niu~ has red uced sioned wou ld hold out again st a ce,sualties fro lJJ th at cau~e i!'! a remn rkbeen speciall y in vited t o be present at _years 'siege. Be in readin ess yo ut'sel ves, t he celebra tion of the Pope's corona tion 11ble dPg rce. f n fifty yea rs before th e gath el' toget her yom fl ocks and your int ,·0J 11ctio11 ot ligh t.r,ing rod s over t wo at the V atican. ha rvest s. The re is room fo r al l. hn nd retl Engli sh men- of- war wern The a ppeal brought by J a ke strnck, while fr om 1810 t o 1885 on ly G o ; but n ever sfl.y m y son has betrayed Kill'ain, the A merican pugilist a gainSt fo rty - eig bt vr.ssels were mo re or hrns F ra nce." The wom en retired i n sil ence and t he sen tence of t wo m ont h s' i mp rison- diun:wed. returned t o th eil' h omes, where th ey ·w en t . with a fine of 200 dolla l's, "' passe~l upon him fo r taking prtrt in t h e T be intelligent i nteres t ol' fore i.r ners set to work to get a ll th ey possessed prohibit ed figh t last July, agn,inst .J. , in on r nffoirs is advanc ing nt a rapi,I toget her, ready t o t ak e up to th e L . Sullivan, has been hea rd . The . rnte. \. Parisian ionrn a l, i11 a nn ou n- cast le a t a mom ents n otice. T l1e B,Lro11 contin ued wal king up sentence h as b een co nfir med. ci11 ~ Mr. W em yss - 11 eid',. 11 ,, w pnper, a,nd clo wr. th o roa n, , mut teri ng t hat A ccord ing to Secret,ar y N oh le'8 re- I ~~'." ~ pcukcl', ill f,"·':" it, . r,•11 •:c r.-; t/1:1l it wa~ i111 possih l- Lha t his so n s houl d port t here are ah on t 250 ,000 Iudiang ' . 1,:11 d Wei: ,y s:; -B,•,.!, pa1 x l·,rnsFn1,, " 1,e ,Lrn ong~t Lh e rebe ls. i n t.bc Uo ited 8 ta tes, and th fl y occ upy \ 1° a,nout to Js S lHl u l•l' cd d ! 11 ew sµa pe r, F\it her F e lix entering t he room ol' bnve control of 11bout 1 16,630,106 devoted to th e sn rpor t of I-J ome R •.1l e ove rheard t he B aron's last word s. acres of \Rnd. The ruev. ns on an aver- \ f<°.r lrelund , un der the tit l..i of' t he " Alas !'' sa id lie in a ve ry low ng e 466 acres-a pre tty g ood -s iz,, (l 0 P'ueakci·. voice, to P a ul ine," it is hut too t rn e I farm- fo r every mnn, wo ma11, and cbil d L t t 11" • l , how eve r. I for esa w a s much. L ady 1 in the Indian tribes . a el' n :e igence r ece1vec from P rescott, A n zona, states t hat on t he Ma 1jory ~ave m e t o understand wh at In Uamb rid ge, Mass., recentl y clay p revi 0us to t he r ece nt te rribl e would happen." "\-V hat a re you whispering al.Jout a you nO' coloured wo mnn of disting uisberl disast er a messen ger was d espat ched a bilitv"' Miss Maria L ou ise Bald wia, from P rescott d0wn t he valley to wards over there 7" said t he B aron." Are was ~~poin ted prin cipul of t b fl A g asHiz "Wickenburg to wa rn th e people of you also going to accuse my son 7" " P auline call J-a mes I shall give P u blic School. T his iti t he wu.y t he t heir clanger. T he m essenger, however, coloured qu es tion is beiu g set tled in the got d runk, and n eve l' delivered t he him orders to go a nd find out t he N or th ; and it; is th e way tbft 8 011th wa rning to t he inh,1bitants of t he t rnth." James received his orders, and valley . must look forward to se ttli ng i t. acco mpanied b y two soldiers he went Th e deaf~rn of' F ran ce 1He pre A young woman holds the position of as for as Cout ances. Th ree clays parin g to celebrate tli e ce11 te nnary of conductor oo O:Je of the rai lroads io after ·h e r et urn ed wit h t he intelligen ce th e A ube de l' Epee, the invento r of Colora do , aod g ives entire satisfac eion . that the C:astle of Haye had been th e de af und du mb ul ph nbe l, wh o S be collects far es um! punches ti ckets ta ken, having been s urrendered into di ed ou Docembe r 23, 1789. 'I hey like a man; but when i£ co mes to t he hands of t he E nglish through h ave presented a petiti on to th e French pu tti ng so me fe ll ow off becau se of 1,is tn e trea son of Fo ulques- P aisnel, and l"arli u1u ent nski n~ to have J,i s remnit1s fa ilu re to com ply wi th th e req uirem en ts t hat. amidst th e banners t hat floated placed in th e P antheon. of the rnil road com pa ny it is her from its towers were to be seen, Mr. Gladsto ne's speech i n t lrn H ouse custom to cull on a mcm to do t.he wo rk, beside th e E nglish leopa rd , t he lionof Commons on th e repo rt of t he jucl gr.s an d brak emen and pas seng ers a rn rampant of Brix. Baron N ich ob s was qu ite cast who consti.t utecl t he "Times"-Parn c;ll equally willing to a8sis t he ,·. clown . Commission of Inquiry has mad e a d eep He shut himself u p in his room, Mr . G ladstone's mortali ty has imp ression, an d is p ronoun ced to be one of the b est effor t s of th e " Grand Old sn<l de nly disappea red fr om t he c,ilcnln- rnj ected the services of everyon e ev en Man." On several occasion s, wh en ti J ns o f the politi cal pl'(lp hets. The of Paulin e, and fo r seve ral clays gave M r. Gladst one appea red in t he streets, ~·enson is foun d in L ord Sa lis bnry's very himself up t o silent solita ry grief. A few d ays havi ng elapsed J a mes h e was recei ved with e nt husiastic 111d1tfen,nt heal Lh. Weathenvi se politicians ore now begi nni ug to con tras t adv ised Miss P a uli n e to ma ke some ovations. " :Because, said he, the ac tivity which is the s ur pri ~e of t,be a r ra ngement s. H ere is a ve ry fine sum pie o f th e pro- Com mons-room nt A ll Soul s' wiLh Queen Bla nche a nrl t he you ng K ing ducti 0n s of A me ri can life, as shoped by th e lothurg y of Hulfi eltl . Th e have a rriv ed i n N orrn a ncly a t the the publ ic scl1ool ~ystem, te leg raph od 11ece,s ity is a providen tia l rcbnke t.o head of a n a rmy, to chastise the from Wooster, Ohio: ' ' t l nUie San g tu eir form er i11 dec cncy. rebels. \ Voulcl it n ot lie ad vi sable am! Minni e S nyd e r, uged 16, were toto send a message to t he Queen, that day Sll ntence<l tv tw o yeurs ' im pl' isoam ent Mr. Davi t t has published in th e the Cas tl9 of Bri ~ is a t her disposa l, in the penitentiary . R ecently th ey Pall Mall Gazette some g rn ve ch arges a nd t ha t t he good Ba ron of Bri x: broke in to und ro\J hed u store, a ud on 11g ain~ t th e 1'imes. H e a lleges th at as disapp roves entirely of his son's bei11g asked for a □ explanatio n Ra id th ey late as las t Octobe r efforts were bei ng reb ellion ." wanted lo do ' sou 1ct bit1 g dev ilish .' " "Cer tainly, J·a mcs, '' said Pauline, nin de by Mr. Wal tet '8 11gc nts in l 'a ri e The D ublin F,·wnmi says :1 c:i.ble " to ob Lai 11 a stn t(' i11 e11t in wn t.rn g "come wit h m e and we wi ll t alk it over dispa t ch st :1tP.s th at tlrn St a r of uR socintiug Parn ell, E ga n, un d others wit h my gra ndfath er." T hey went to hi s room a nd knocked, Bethleh em will again be visible th is witb th e: l'a rk m nrders," one ma u, a y ea r, b ei ng its sevent h app earance jonrnul ist, heiog offered an y posit. ion he but receivi ng · n o an s wer Pauline s ince t h e birth of Christ. It comes cnrect fo r on the Tim es in ret urn fo r su rmised he must be a sleep . Openin g the doo r a little she screamed a loud once in 315 year s, and shines with · such a s tatement. on seeing her g randfather stretched at woncler fo l b rillianry fo r t he spac e of Som e tim e ag o u larg e 11erolite fe ll fu ll lengt h on t he floor, showing no three week s ; t hen it wanes and disa ppears afte r se venteen months. It near J'ersey Creek, Way ne couu ty , pa rt sign of life. J a mes at once called for will be a si xth star a dded to the five of wh ic h contain ed a very large help a nd F ather F e li x cam e u p. H e fixed st a rs in the con stellation Cassiouea percen tage of i ron , writes n Park1Jrsb urg foun d tl~t Nicholas d e B urgo st ill co rre~poodent of tlr ,11 Cincinn ati breat hed a nd h astened t o d raw blood, w hile it remai ns i n sight. Enquirer. T he black ~miths of' tha t upon which th e :Baron showed sig us of There has heen g reat excitement vi cinity got severn l p;ecrs of' th e meteor return i ng conscio usness. Bu t his left a mon g the membe rs of t he Athen reum at1d work ed them up into i ron , whi ch a rm wa s paralyzed , a nd his mind C lub concerning t he nomination of they mo ulded and wcldc,1 in to ho, se- seemed obsc ured . For a wh ole week M r. W olfe F lanagan, the a ut hor Rhoes and ho rseshoe n11i l::1 . F rank he lay a t th e brin k of dea th, a nd P a uline o f the a r ticles in t he Times, entitled Morris, of that loc nlity, hail his horse n ursed him nigh t a nd clay. A t last " ParneUism and crime, " to tli e m em- shod wi th the iro n a nd sold it t :1 a t he crisis came and h e began to get b ership of t hat cl ub. P ar ty fee ling farm er livin g ut vYusb ing lon , ne ar t! ,is bett er. S he was go ing t o hroach her ran ve ry high, a,1d it . is said t hat at proposals fol' making sur e t he safety of city. t he meeting at wh ich t be nomi na tion t he dominion of Brix, wh e n that very w:i.s considered there were som e very Th e deatli of (lfrs. L ucas, th e ti des ~ eveni ng a he rald was annou nced as a a.ngry sce nes, a nd s~roDg ht ng uage was · si~ter of Mr. J ohn Bri g ht, letis cns the messenger from th e K i ng of F ran ce . u sed . In t l~e encl ,ll r. Flt'1 agan was j number of ,y mp ntl, ise rs wi t!, the I rish T he B a ran was n ot in tt fi t condition b lac kballed 111 a very c1ec tc ec1 m anner. , causo. Her 11 a111c n ·mi nd s us of' tb e to r ecr.ive h im, an d P a ul ine for th e Jt wonld seem that the onl y thin g · liuk tha t joi aecl Joh n B rig ht to fi rst t ime act ed as lad y of t he M anor. a,n d a nx ious, accom needed to b ri ng a bou t th e con version to Fretleri ck Lu cas, whose !,rather was 'J 'remblin g to Cal.boli cism of n large pa rty in the tb e h nsba11d of th e decensed lady . paniecl by F a th er .l! eli x nncl her lady's C hurch of E Dglan cl is to hav e tlJe ir Mrs. Lu cas (a L ondon correspond en t maid, she entered t he l;1rge reception m inds well eh aken up. ·1 hi s, nt least, say s) too k a warm interes t in th o roo m where t he r oyal he rald a waited api:ears the concl usion rationa ll y to s tru g glo ol' the Iri ·Ii na t ion for fr cl'.dom. her. He h and ed h')r t he missive be de riv e<! fr om th e co nv ers ion ,,f ::\ l, c bud an especial Rprupatby fo r th e respectfully, and r et ired a t once, received orders to several clerg y rn en holding high posi- cli aracter of Mr. Willi a m O ' Bri en, a nd say ing h e had .tions i n their Cbureh,, which, a~ we arc in s peaking to a fr ieud of the great retmn wi th out a n a nswe r. The servan ts t ried t h eir ut most t o t old, has taken pl ucc sin ce the tri al g ath0ring wb icb wus tu l:1 ke place i11 of the Bishop of Lincoln fo r R itu llli st.ic t be F ree Trude B all , Ma nc hestc> r, over det ain a nd ge t him i nto conversati on pract ices w 11& beguo . T be s hock whic h he r hrotl,e r was to hav e p resided, bu t in vain , fo r he p roved quite diepelled their ill usions and placed t br m ~be sa id , "I have never RCfl ll O'Brien. incorrupt ible, n.nd as d iscrnec as t he in the rig ht rond, no d t he res ul t wus Ob, how l witi h I co uld ilc th cr-: to ve ry tomb. The very first wo rd s tha t metancl yo ung lacl yseyes w hen sheopen i nevitable. IY ~lco me tha t nob le mau."


eel her r oyal d ocum en t caused he r heart to s well rmd dimm ed h er sigh t . She was unab le t o read fu l' t her. " He v. F a,th er, will vou see what it means, ple,ise. No ~Jou bt I have misund erstood.' ' F a.t her F eli x took t he letter and turn ed pale o ve r its peru sal. " <.;\ uee n B la nche of Casti lle, i n th e name of J .ouis IX comm ands t he baron, N ic holus d e B urgo to leave F rance \'.'. it hin eigh t days . H is goods confiscat e, rmd his cast le shall be d emolished as t he abode of a traito r felon, fo und with a rm s in hand s, a iding a nd ab etti og rebellion.'' " My G oel! who can ha ve confounded t be innocen t wit h t he g uilt y 7" cried Paulin e. " We must w rite t o t he Queen a t once, R ev. F a the r. \ Ve mu st send a m esenge L" '·vVe wi ll. 13 u t fi r·s t of a ll, we mu st co nsul t t he Bar 01:. ' ' " Ala s ! rny d ea r grn ,: 'fctt her is too ill to bea.r such news. 1: were better to ac t without him ." "I will go to t he Ab bey of 'St. Savio ur a ml c;ous ul t F a t her Abb ot. H e w ill d irect oue wh at t o do.'' "''""""'T he chaplai n had li ved t hi rty""'y : in the m onast ery of St Sa vo ur a nd had kept up t he c ustom of ma king a retreat t here every year . He also cons ulted t he Abbot in all t he cliliicul t ies t has occu rred . At ordina ry t imes t his had no inconveniences, bu t u nder t he present circu mst a nces it was almost imprac ticable. " Good R e verend F a ther please conside r t ha t we have only eight clays." "Oh ," said t he chaplai11, " such a sen tence will n eve r be carried out . Strong i n his in noce1ice, t he Bat·on can stay quietly i n his castle or hide _hi mse lf in the Valley, whi le aw astm g t he Q ueen 's ans wer, and a castle like t his is not demolished in a clay. T ru st m e, my child, a.n d I will go a nd get my rrood F athet· Abbot's ad vice. At best he may b e wit h t h e h oly p riest T h~ma s de Bi ville, whom t he Q ueen likes so m uch t hat she has chosen him a s confessor to t he youn o· K in". St . Saviour is nearly on n~y i·oa~l a nd from t here I sha ll go st raig ht on to Bellcsure, wi t hout losing a mfoute." " God g rnnt y ou may :.till find t he Queen t he re? When will you st a rt F at her . "To-morrow morning, i mmeclii,t ely after Mass," said t he Chaplain " th e B a r~n is t o . r eceive Holy' Commumon, and m the crit ical con ~ clit ion 110 is n ow in, i t wou ld not do to put off t h ese spi ritual h elps." A ccordingly n ext mornin" J?athet· Felix star ted on his j ourn ey, : s he had s,ticl, accompa nied by two m en-d.t arm s a nd mount ed on a good q uiet horse. After he Imel g one, P a uline left alone wit h her grandfather, t h ~ old g room a ud t he o_ther se r van t s, bega n to get very an x wus. She sent a ~ esse nge t· to Mel me. d u Ho m met, beg• grng he r most ea rnstly t o co me a nd keep he r com pa ny a nd help her to ~1urse t he La ron . Bu t _the L ady was 1ll m he r bed nn cl t herefo re was not able to co ,n c to h er assistance. Several t i1n es d uri ng t he day t he Ba ron a sked for !Jis chaplain and was mu ch :i.nnoyed a t his hav in" a one t o St . 8 aviour. "' e "Wh at has h e to do a~ t h e A bbey ~ H e mu st k now ve ry well I wa nt him t o read t o · me , I don't want t o t ire Pauline ," J amcs p roposed t hat he should have a game of chess a nd t hus succeeded i n d_ivert ing !iis a tten tion. I n t he meant une Pa,u Irn e attend ed to t he a r rangement s tha t were necessary to accomoda.te .i ll t he cattle and goods t hat t he p easants we re brina in" to t he Castle. H er poo r lJeart was"'oppressed, a nd ~s she looked at t he beautiful cl we] Img an d t ho~gh t how t hese poo r people ga zed to i t fo r a safe shel ter and how soon it was d es tined t ~ cl ~st i:uction, . she w ept. However, not w~shm g _to rn creasc t heir ala rm s and st ill hoprng that t he u njust sen t ence wou ld be re vok ed, sh e remained silent a nd prayed t ha t G od would spare he~clea r old g l'!l nclfathe r t his h eavy t rial:.


To b e con tinued.



Th e Gorres Society, th e chief litern ry association of th o German ol ics, .is doiug excell ent work. I t hns seut two young stu den ts to R ome to conduct syst.ematic researches in the h'istorical arcbives of th e Vatican, end this winter it will aen<l two more.

An Imperial Roman. ca . A love-story of seventy years' 6tu11 ding is revealed in th e Jotters of Lhe late Emperor William I. to hii, friend Gene1al TOD Natzmer, which have b~en published in the current iss ue of a German magazine call ed D,utsche Rundschau. The Radzivill,; ar e one of the oldest Catholic families of Germany, and the late Emperor, tb en Prince William of Prussia, knew th o Princess Elise Rad zivill from a child , she having been born in 1803, he in 1797. As she grew up a blooming maiden his attachment, to her increased in iutensity ; and from the letters now published it would appear thnt uliou t 1820 the two were desperately in lovti with one another. But ther e we re two bars in the way : The dynastic law of the H ohenzollern family prohibits the marriage of a11y one of its members with a subject. T l,e rank of the Radzivill family is eqnnl to that of Princes, but having 11e, 0r actually reigned they are not look ed upon as eligible for ullinnces wir,b Sovereign,. There was another bnr, and that was the question of religi on. Prince William would on no Bcco n11t become a Cath@lic, and the Prioce.,s Elise would rather have forsa ken · tl ,e world and. all th11t is in it th an becorne a member of the · Church as by law established in Prussia. , Upon both th ese ground s the alli unce was not to be thought of. He traveller! fot· some years to cast Eli ~e's im age from his mind, \,ut did no t s ucc eed. At length, in 1879, he mu rr ied the Princess Augusta' of Weimer, who dieJ but a few weeks ago. But tb e correspondence now published sbow.s tbot in the innermost recesses of !, is heart his first love remained unforgotten. Elise was never married . He r father died from the effects of infl uen za in 1833, and she he rself departed life on September 27, 1834. "An ang rl attended her to ber bea Yenly home' ' was the phrase used in the months of the Catholic people of Silesia when she vanished from the earth which had had more sorrows than joy for her.•

The Anti-Socialist Bill in Germany. The seventh and Ins t of th e triennia l Parliaments of Gerfllany is ended, a11d its life went out in storm . It will be remembered tbat on Thursday l1,t week the Socialist law, shorn nf it~ expulsion cla!l se, had bee n curried in spite of tlrn opposition of the Ce11trn and Radicnls by the nurroiv majo rity of 116 to 111 voteR. Two day s later t he snme Bill, on exactly the some form , wus denoun ced and rlcfea tcd by th e su bstantial majori1y of 169 to 98. I n t he intervnl th e old Co11se rva ti ve part.y learned fr om th eir leader, H en- von Hdldorf, tbut rnth r r tl,an liav~ th e Bill without the clan~e empowering tli e Government to 01der •lll nh 1t oxions ::'ocialistuc1os , t,h e fr onti Pr, lb e Empe ror nncl hi~ a<lvi,r rs wc,n l,l l!nt ha ve 1h e Bi ll 11t all . In or 1,cr wo rd, , I ' rj11ee IJi,n-1,rck ~ooner thnn takA th e Bill in a maim ed shu pe fr om 11: e_ expir in g l~'_l'_l:ume nt, preferred to wu1t und Fee if 1t cun not be go~ in its_ l'ntirety r,_-,,rn 11,c qui nquenm al Parliam en t _wln clt 1s to he elected on F eb ruary 20. 011 ge tti ng the word of' r._ommnn ,1, th e wh ole of chc old Co_n ~e rvu t1vc 1,a rty wc•11t ,,vcr to t.i_,f' Oppos1t1on, n_nd vol ed d11w11 the Bill th ey bnrl cu rn,-d two dnys before. Tl ,c JS' a l ional Liuern l pa rry, s tr r ngtbened _by th e Free Consen a tiv eF, t ho ug h opporntl to 1,xpul sio n clnuse~, st Pad ily ~up po r tetl the Bill. The n, njority whi ch defented it was thu s m11 dc np of the Come rvut iv c•s who objected to iL, b~canse in it.s duc l, rd form it was not, ,;rrin ge11 t e noug h, a11d the Centre an d i~ad icn l~ who co11 , idl'red iL un ueci:ssury in any fo1 m. T he uclrnLc



W A. H.ruu0nn.


20, 1890.


was opened by tw o long bnt eloqnen t my fri encl s, and secure to you th <' an d effective speeches from Herr Behel fo nu ne you name and th e t'ul le~t. nnd Herr LiebknPcht, the two chiefs of protec tion of the Gove rnm ent." 11 1° the SociuliMts. Th o lot.Im· described his th e Government aid i11 g the 1'1mes i 11 party as th e leu ven ing idealists of defraying the expenses of th e Com mod ern society , uud ehch prophesied I mission 1" I in q uired. ·' N ot as n, victory a~ th e co ming elec don s. For G overnmen t, bnt as individuals, I th e Governme nt, the .Prussian lVlinister · presume they are," ho replied. of th e In terior, 1-Ie rr von Herrfarth, " Whnt guarn ntee wi ll I have th at con tencl ecl that Social ism w11s u gro wing you r peop le will pay this money in danger to tbe Empire, and tl,nt to the even t of my evidence proving combnt it th e Governm e11t t1 eeded t,o be satisfactory T' I asked . " Beforn urm ed wi th all the means of re pres sion yon le11ve t.he conotry," he answered which had hitherto bee n at their d is- ",Josep h Soames wi ll cubic r1 <lrnf t ·pos11I. Then cu rn e th e speech, whi:;h in to ,:iuy ba □ k that we may agree npon its bolc.lnees un ex pec tedn ess has in N ew York or Chicago in favour of been th e nin e-d1l)' S- wo1Hier of th e your wife, or wh oe ver else you may Empi ro. Pri nce Curolnth- Schonaich name, t l, e to be pnid over ns sat among the F ree Cons~rvativeH, btJt ~ooo M your e::-..aminntion closes, prohe cnrefo ll y expl:.ioed tiiat th e rcspon- vided it is deemed so.Li sfnct ory . sihility for hi s opinion s in this insl_a nce 11 \v' ell, I don't care for a voy11ge rested with himself nlon e. 1-l e begn\J by now," I said. givi ng examples of nbu ,es to which the ABOUT A SUB-COMMISSION. arbitrary powers of the pol ice had led. In o11e a Hambu rg senator had ' "Conld I no t give my e vidirnce in before II s ub-commissn ppressecl II paper r'or printing a poem tll .1°" c,)t1ntry. in gl orification of a pou r English laborer sion ?" "Yes , but you cannot hope wh o h11, d Sl\c!rifi cecl his li fo in saving for the prntection he re yon wou ld ge t from destruction 11 wh ole rnilway trnin. in London," he re plied . \Ve th en The poem was i nterpre ted by the debated at some length the qnestion auth oritie~ aH tending to stir up class of giving evidence before n sub -corn hutrcJ. The speaker then went on to mission in this country, and I refer to more delicate matters, and co n- ultimately led him to believe th at I trasted th e senseless ~everi ty of the would give my evi dence before a Rubpoli ce in the case he had quuted, with co mmi,sion, and as suc h eviden ce tb eir culpablt1 t)ltndno~s in refusing to would mako it impossib le for me to notice a notorious pum ph let in which li ve in my present home, a provisio 11 the Qn <·en of England and the Em pre~s wag to be made for my wife 11nd Frede ri ck had heon held np to ri dicule family by an aclvance of 10,000 and to pultlii; hat red a G t rying to in - dollnr8 to my wife by mortgage on t crfere in tlie 111 a11ageme11t of G erlllan property in Colorndo, before th e suhpolicy. I-l e and !tis fiiends lll!reed with commi ssion sat. I then s uggested the Govern ment in Lhink ing thnt th e advisability of my being posted SocialiBm must be comba tted, but th(• y on what was the evidence of imporl<liffered a bo nt tbe mean s. Tl:tey ob- ance to be given by th e other witn esses , jectecl to the expu lsion Glauses ns 1in order that mine Hhonld be corroboarbitrary and as futile, and they pre- rnted, or, at least, non-contradictory. ferred to have <lnngerons agitnto rR close In reply , he said tha t a series uf at hand, where the police cou ld con trol questio ns a nd answers reqnirecl by th eir acti vities. Excep t for t.hose th em wou ld be prep ared by Sonmes ns clau ses he wns ready to see the measu res soon as he (Kirby) got back to Lo ndo n, agai 11 st Socialism par t of t lie permauent aftL~r which be wns to retnrn here an 1l law of the co untry . In his opinion a perfect bis arrangements . wi th mo. free disc ussion of Soci!\lism woul1l do Kirby, at the close of the interv iew, morfJ to expose its fo llies ,wcl to returner! to _L ond on, promiAi11 g to he disi_ll usic, ni se _ir,s _v ot.arieB tl:wn nll tl ,e I back ea rly 111 December of that year. police represswn I ll th e world. Among I KIRBY RETURNING. the Social D emo1:rat~ were co untlesH vic tims and couutless ide alists, an d he Before going we arran ged that in a1.1y would m uke l,old to say t.h ut th ey in correR ponrlenco we11 mig ht have I shou ld ,J. Donnldsori," nnd Gennany were -fas t losing siµbt df the arl d ress him 118 he me us "M . R, Smart." We hu d i<lt'al, hving a, they cl id in n time of . rnate.iialirn1 a11d oh~equious truck ling Borne corresponden ce hy c1\ble uncl the for officiul promoLi on. Unde r t oe com- mui ls, nu<l in A pril, 1889, Kirb_y re bin ed intlu ences of , bis s urprising c, pt'.iech t nn:ieJ to my ra11ch rwar Monte V i,to, and the kuown wishes of the Go vern- and in our interview he suid he kn ow I me11t th o Bi ll was thrown out.-Tablet. was sentenced fo1· uss11sR in at ion . I th en tolcl Kirby if it was tru e ihut my nsbossination had been orde red by the 0! 1111 - na-Gael that it wou ld ·be i111Negotiations for Evidence. possible to give evidence before th e snh---· co mn1i1,s ione r~, ns arran ged in our last The Denv er (Col. ) N ews publi shes a interv iew; that at prese nt I had two tive -coiumu interview with T homas men urrn ed wi th Win chester r ill cs tn Brennan , wh o was th o first sec retary of protr. ct me, nntl as I would not think· of the Lnntl Leagno ir, Ireland, giving livin g in this co untry, I wo ultl go 10 parti cn lars of th e attenlj, t rnade Ly . L orl(fon on condition thut th e 'l'iines ag<'nt,s vf the Times to indu ce P . J. would buy my ran ch and oth er Colo rad o ~heridun to give fal se ev ide nc e agaiost · property, £10,000 10 be paid over to Mr . l'arn ~I I. !\lr. S herida n's ~to ry is as II my wife L1efo r_e I Eturted for L on cl on, follo ws :-£10,000 to QC, puid afte r I hnd g iven 0 11 October 15, 1888, Eny s Mr. my evi <lr nce, :incl that I be g uuranteecl S beri ,lan, a man came to my ran ch iu • prot ecL io11 by thu Eng lish Government. Rio Grande Cou nty, Colorado, a nd in TERMS ACCICP'fED. troJuce<l hirmelf e1 ~ an age nt of th e London Times. He mid he had Leen Afte r som e besitat,ion be consented ~<!lit over ~y J osep h Son.mes , the lo my ter ms, nnd said he co uld speak ar.t:i rn ey for th e Times, to Ste if l wonld for bolb t,h e T ·imes an cl the Go vernm en t come to L on Jon a nd testify on behal f of accepting them . Ab out t,he 11ature of tlrn t new s pap er befo re th e Parn e ll Com- my evidence, he asked if it wonld not rni s~ion, aud that he was prepared to lie likely to create a ~eusa tion , and did oH~- r me any a mou nt of mo ney fo r my I not t,hink thut afte r my fi rst day on 8e rv iccs, und g uaran tee me ah~olure pro- th e witness -stnnd Parn ell would be t ection_ while in England. This man litcel y to fly the country, to which I repli ed th.a t Pa rn ell und bi s frienrls 1 gav e 111s 11ame as J. F . K irby , and al ter 1 rnmef'111thercon,errntio1~Iwas requ ested won ld eit-her fly the country or wo lk ! by b1 :n to aa 1ne ruy pn <:c, 11 Will t,be into th e dollk aft~r I had given cviTimes g ive rn .;, 100,000 do ll a r;, to do th is c.len ce. l tol:l l11 m I was <lesrJernte, tbi1 :g ?'' I a~ k e1l. Ki rby replied: ••Yes, , 11nd wns 11n x1ous to get even with the provid c'. l your_ cv itience is satisfacto r_v. mc11 who had ord1!recl my u, sussination, You will be g1 ve11 th e nm o1111t one hour , a11d th erefore wanted to go to LonJon after your exam in at ion closes ." · a t onc•.e. He sni,.I he wo ul d imm ed inlely cnble th e l'imes the result or' our WH AT WOU LD Bl> SAT I SFACTOllY. inter vi ew, 11nd rpq nes t thut money he "'v\'hnt will you consider sutisfa c- imlllediately forwarded . Mr. S heridan tnry ev iden ce T' I inquired. " The th en tell s how lit e terms of t he bargain Times people war:t e~ idcnce to the w~re agre~cl upon, ~nd bow he kept effec t thaL Parne ll wus a pa rty to th e Kirby w11l11ag for him until so lute a Phreuix Pnrk mu , dor,, ii not th e in- da te as tbe 1-ast ten <lays of Si r Hen ry sLig-ntor of 1hein, a;,d you r eviJ erJCe ,Tam es' speech, wltic h was prolonged in to tlw~ e!Iec t will l,c saLi "f111;to ry to ti.Ju bo pe tlrn L Kir l>y would be ul,\c tu




keep !t is promise and lleli ver Sheridan at the laet momen t as a witness fo r the· f'im es .

MR. smmm·AN's PURPOSE . Sheri dan's 11ccu1.rnt, as given to Brennan , coocluctecl 68 fo llows-" Ia conclu sion, I have to say that I del ibera tely entered into negotiatio•J wit h K ir by, as with a 1.'z •ies' repnsenta liv e, for the purpose of getting snch iu fo rmntion as I coul d from bim as to th e met.hods which th e 1'imes employed in ge tting up its cnse, for the purpose of foo lin g Kirby and bis em ployer~, und for I.he pu rp oRe of selling my rn nc he fl t " good fi g ure, when I found he waa willi ng to buy it. I hnve 0 0 informati on to give that wou ld be nse fnl to th e Times or injurious to :vt r. Parnell or bis fri ends. Dated Monte · Vistn, Col, this 28th day of May, 1889; p _ J . Sheridun. S ubscribed noel sworn to before me t!JC1 28t.b day of May, 1889, E dward F. Eve rsou, Notary Public."

,·jfatm, £Station, anl:J Jrtome. emu: FOR


Mr. James Lamonrl, sub-in spector of police, stution ed at Laurn Stntion in tho Cook dis tri ct, bns written a letter t,o th e chi ef inspector of stock , to tbe effect that he has discovered a per mane nt and effective cure for the trn11 blesome d isease known as the "horse mange.'' For the past tw o yearn be has en r d ull thll police horses un der bis cont,ro l by applying a mixt nrn of 011 e t11 hlPHpoo11f'u l of caustic soda to on e pint '.)f hot wak,r, thoron g bly dissolved allcl well mixed . Before applying this solution, the parts of th e skin uft~cted were carefo lly washed with soft soap. When the skill became dry the mixtu re was appliecl with 11 hrusl1 as 10t aa the 1rnirnal could bear it. T he auima l was tl1en tmn e<l on t for a week , nnd the beast at t.he ex pira tion of t.b11t time was fit for wor k. Wh ~n the ca,u stic soda which was used in the solutiou was s uffi ciently strong, he has ulways found one ap pliea tio1.1 sulii cicnt t,) th oro ughly cu re the disease. At Carl Creek, in the B urke distri ct, he founc1 t wn horses altoget her unfit for wor k, 1.1e tile 111 1111 ge had deve lo pe<l i nto sores .t ll alo ng their backs. One appl icn tio!J of the caus tic soda completely cured thom wi thiu 11, week. Mr. F. ,J. Murrny-1 in spector of brnnds, Coo !< tow n, th roug h whom the leUer was forwanl ed to tbe cbiof inspec tor of stock , states that from bis experience with this reme,!y - he is of opiuion thut II radica l e urn fo r the mao ge ha:; at las t been d iscovorn,l

WATERPROOF GOODS. The Londo n Field says : - 11 A poro118 cloth is tb e Lest for 011 ter g nrmen ts d mi ng tho wet we11t.her for those whose dut i!ls 01· labour rnuse lhern to pPrspiro freely . Tiie best way of prepa rin g. su ch cloth is by the process adopted fo r th e tunics of the Fre,i ch soldiers during the Crim ean ,rnr. It i& as follows : -Take 2¼Th of all uw and dissolve in f,Cll gailons of boil ing water; then, in a sepnrate vessel, dis ;;olvc th e s w1e qu a uti ty of sugar of lead in ten g n!lons of w:i.ter, and mix 1.he two solutions. 'I'hc clot.Ii is now well h and le,! 111 this liquid , until eve ry part of it is penetrated, thon it is squec.>zed and , dried in the air or i □ a. wurm apartmen t, then washed iu cold wa ter an d dried again, when it is fit fo r use. If necessary the cloth may be dip ped . iu the liquid and dried t wice before bei , g washed. Tlio liqnid appears c urdled when tbe al um an d lead solutions I are mixed together. This is th e result of doub le cl iti on,_ the Rlllpha te of leud, wlrn:h 1s an msolu ble salt, , being form ed. 'The s11 lp bate of lead is ta ¼en up i11 t.h o porns of the cl oth, 1 and isunnffccted by rains or mo isture, and yet it does not ronde r th e elotli airtig ht. Su ch clotl.1 is also •1artly uninf\armrrnb le. A tiolu tion oft alum itself wi ll ren der nl oth, prepared 1.1s descril ,e.J , purtly waterproof, hut it is not so go;iu u5 tho su lphate of !Cl.Id. ti uch d ot h- cotton or wool-,;lad ~ rui n lik o the l'eath ur:; on tli e ba cl< of a , tlu uk.



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a ll lJ



20, 1890.

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lt 1) f_,.

th e p11pers I gloves,'' O r tl1at ki ll ed by_ 11 boy twe l_vo I '.' 11 s nnk~, was fee t 1011 g, or that 1\ Lhnfty hou sc w,1<1 , "wash es an.J iron s he rself eve ry wee k ," 1 · a or t hat n man wants " a b oy to an>1e hor se who lives with hi s pn ren ts." W tJ occasionall y rend


aho nt "term cottu ladies' ----------~~~~~~-~~~~ ' wo oll en childnm's mi t,t~," &c. pillow cuse. A nui-,-snck-A To get al ong well - D ig it dee1p.








! megt d rn a pnson 1t rn grn e . en I . , . . Bnse 111hosp1tah t.y - 'I urn mg out yo ur toes. • d tl " ]' "D r?P tmetlu in_e , as d Hll, rownrn g m an suit1 o ,e sai 1or on ec c. A f'Chool board whose d oin gs ne vr-r wunt wli;te-wash iog -Th e blackboa rd. .


wrn11ow ..1

•s h a w

. 111


"Mother sent rn ;, " s11id a little gi rl to a neicrhbonr "to ask yon to tuko a cup of tea w it;h 'her t hi s evenillcr ." "D .id s ire suy at wb 11t tinH1, my den~ 1'' No , rna'ani, sho only said she wou ld ask yo u, nnd th en tl11, thing woul d be off her mi 11 d . That wa8 a ll s lJe snid."

Dogs aro very affoc l.i o11u te. We bave even seen JogR wbo were nttaohed to tin Cfll\S . t'.ipectator, t.o cl ofe 11 dant : " \Ve il , I "Tbo~e who u se ou r goods are in- guess t h e jury will find fo r :you . The v,uinhly ve ,·y mnch nttt1eued to th em," judge's cha rge was very much in your i s what a poro ns-plaste r company fa vonr. Don't yo u tl1ink so r "Defend adve rti ses. irnt moodi ly : "Oh I k new al! _,:dong t h11t Firs t Vill t ge Gossip : Do yon bel ieve the judge 's c li!lrge would l>e ull ri g ht, _ that aw ful story they ure t elli11 ~ about lt'o th e lawye r'8 cb 1irgu tb at 's w,l rry i11 ' Mi ~s Pri m ? Second Village Gos~ii , : me. '' Yes. W hut is it ? Emp loyer to of'fict1 boy on New Yea1 'ti Foremau to vateu com Duy : ThCl complirn ont,; of the season to pos ito1·: Leave t he office in stan tl y, sir! yon, nntl I lio r:e I s h a ll 11ot 11 c0 d to Yon're intoxicated; I ca n smu:1 th e speak to you 11bou t yo ur les~ 1iess s o Compos itor: Aweel ; th nt '8 wh iskey. often this year u~ I harl last;, Office a' your share of it. boy 1,0 e wploy er : T he sa me to yon. Ful l Indeed !-Extract from a seutiA wel l-known mus t ard man ufacture r menta l young lady's le tter: "Las t night, I lay io u gou dola i i! Venice's Grr,.nu wl10 is immensely rich was once-so the Cu na! d rinkin g . i t all in, and life never story goes-asked how it was possib le fo r h im to have amassed a fo rtu ne out seemed so ful l before." of su ch a trifiiug article as mustnrd . A t a foreig n raihrny station. " Gu11 rtl 1 "Ah," he said, with a knowi ng w illk, ean I s moke io this carriage?" "No ; "it's n o t t he quantity of mus tnru peo ple it;'s again~t the m ies.'' "Th en where eat ; i t's wbat they leave en th ei r plates. " do all th ese cignr ends on tlie floor come from !" "From the s mok e rs who ha e He DiJn't IC1ow .-Ou s tom::r i □ tea uot asked pe rmiss io n." store t11s tin g th e tea : I don ' t like this Stout old Indy (to d ru gg ist's boy J: tea. It tastes like ltay. Exas perate d Boy, cl'yc k eep :, prepurnt,iori for retl nc- Clerk : I don't know, sir, wh eth e r it iog the wei11ht? Boy: Ye s, 'rn . i:itont do es or not . I'm not, s u ch a donkey us oltl Indy : W ell, I don' t kDow exactly to kn ow how li ny tastes. Bo}' IJ nw runch I ought to get, (cl iagnosiugly): Better talrn ni l we've got, ma'am! Doctor to ner vons patien t : " Whiit ! Yon :.i:·e nfruicl of l,eing blll'i ed before li fe is extinct ? Nonsense. You take whn.t I prescribe, and drive s uub foolish ,n otion s out of you r bead . Such a t; hi □ g uever happen s with my patieut i ." Judge: " Now, nrncl am, don't obj ect to this quest.ion . Te ll th e C ourt yutH age ." ~1 _iss L ougout : "l do not see th i,t it is competen t ev id ence, you r h o11011r ." J udge: "Why :1ot i•• M iss Longrn 1 : " You see I do uot know it of my owu kn ow ledge ; it is me rely wbat was told .rn e." ",Ju dge: True; you n eetl ,,o t mnswer." " I wil l bet you a ne w h11t," s a id 11 gt111t leman , "that yo u ('Orn e down out of th at chair b•ifore I ask you twice. "Coml< "Done !" rep li ed his fric11d. <lo1vn," cri ecl the ot,h cr. " I w ill not," ~n id hi s frie nd , witlt mn ch ohst in ncy. "Then Htop till I ask yo u a sccoud Pe rce ivin g tbnt t iru e," s aid the 01,her. lie never wou ld be 1.1•keJ a se cond tir 1e the gentleman in the chair came down in . :\ dou b!e se11 w. George In the '' Contempor:iry" llnssell t ell s a story o f h is uncl e, L ord Q1wen Victu ri a once ,Joli n Ru sr:ell. :said to him : "'vVe are told, Lord John, tha t, you hold th at it is law fu l fo,, a subj ec t under certain c ircum stauces to di sobey hi s 8 overeigo, irnd we want to .know if tl1ia js tru e." To which L ord ,Tohn ch arncter i6ticall y repli ed : " W ell, mad nm, ~peaki ng (I) a Sovereign of the House of Han over, I ca l\ only say tbat l suppose it is." A one- legrreiJ

Y ar, kce, nam ed K a 11 e,

an I ri ,, hrnun, when th e latter as ke d : '' How di d yon lose your leg ?" "Well," said Ka11 t>, " 011 examining my pcldig ree I found rh ere wns I ris!, blood ia me, 1111 d conc !Dd ed it harl settled in LLat leg I " By tho powers," 1,ad it eut: otf." ,~ aid Pat, " it woul d I,:.ive been 11 I 1\Uer t hing if it had settled in your head." mendicant, wh om Magistrate to anothl~r ,n r ncl ic:rnt has had arrested for a ssa ,i lt all d buttery: "Wl ,at mucle yon h c ot, thi ti paralytic n:a11, y'our com pun ion i 11 mi sery eh ?" i\-l e ndicant, iu u coufid cn t.ial manner: "1'11 tell you your h ononr. Fur a whole month I clruµ"ge d hirn a.bont in our littl e cart., we being p ar tners; und th en wh en, according to our ru leR of pa r t,ne:·s hip, it was b is turn to drug me 11bout for a month , 11u d mine to l,e pal'alytic, he refnsed to fnlfi l lii8 contrn'o t." wri s p retLy £uccesHfu l in bante rin g

T om : " So you'vo boon married a year ! Nol'v, tell me b ou est ly , Joe~ your wife gree t yo u as wurmly !IS s l1 e . did. at first? " G us : "Warru ly ? S ho fires up <wery ti, ne I ope n my mouth." LI. WonK AND NO PLAY. . rnn1l th e M rs. Dullli01 s (fro111 di stric ts ): I see th eru i · 1111 i11ter v11 l of" month b etwee n th e next two net-,. · Dullbo1··s : O li , mumma, und wo ,,•·11ss are going back to 8 low borougb nex t week . We slrnll not ~ee the enu of til e p luy . 1NEIA1' HE GOT DY l'l'

"Con1e mighty nig h killin' a fin e b uck ,Jis' mawni11 '," snid un o ld negro. " Co min' 'l ong th ronvh de woorls, an 'or ole hu ck h A j"ump u p, an' book e rt y, bookerly, !Jc rnn off a f~w y,Hds nn ' st,,p , till . Como rn (Jll!J er s hooti11' hi111, Aa li.'' "\V hy .lid11 't yt111 ~hoot?'' "J)i d 11' l1:1!i my ,:1111 wi•l Ill/' , sa h." " Tl 1" 11 how di,l yoll co1110 in 0110 ol' sh oot i11g him ?" "Cuse , sal, , l come in 0110 o' ta ki ng my g un wid rn e." " W h-y J irln ' t, yo,,· take your g u u ?" "DidJJ' h ah none, sa b." " Yon a re on old fool." " L ook heah, <loan 'b use e r man I.hat 1rny wh e n yer ain' got no cau Ee. I 11i11t , go t 11 0 g u n , fo r a fe ll e r d 11t I wu 21 ,lr hout t er b uy one frnm axed me jcs ' one d,11l ar mo'n I could pay, S o I come in one o' gettin' de g u n. Ef I had er got it I would e r tu ck it ,'loug wid rne, an' ' ef I'der had it I 'could er s h ot d~ buck e11sy, sah' So dorm come 'rouu' 'b us in' er m an wh en de facks is oil erg iu yer. I h1ih kn owed folk s ter fetch trouble on dar 'selves dut way. Er pu sson oughter bu k eu rful i n ili8 lienh wor l' o' scie nce an' spccke rl ution, Good m 11 wnil!', s:.ih. Hi nce yo r' - act,ed di s way, I wuuld en ler gin yer none o' de mea t ef I had er kill ed it . 'Fore ye r talkeil dat w1,1y I wou lde1· m11dc yer preseot o' some o' de buck. See what y er got by it, sah." -Arlcansaw Traveller.

') £0

SILVER Lli]Vlm HU.N'l'rnR, Cnppe,' and Jewelled , Guara nl(!c<l two yea1~ A. J. GALLE '8, Albany.

HotLow,1\-'s OIN TMENT AN ll P11,1.,s . D '} bil itatcd Constitutions. - \~Th en climate, age, or h a rdships, hav e underm in ed th e h eal th, skin diseases a re prone to 11rise and augment th e existing weakness. .l:lolloway 's med icam e nts daily prove most servico,ibl e even un do L' th o most untoward circumstan cos. This well-known . and hi!!hly- eu tee ru ed Oi1itmont p ossesses the fin es t balsam ic virtues, which soothe and h eal without inflamin g or irrit11ti11g t he most t ender sk in or most sensitiv e sore. Hollowny's Ointment and Pills are in fallibl-0 for curin g bad legs, vm·icose veins, swell ed ankles, e rysipelas, scitly s kin, and e vory var iety of skin disease. Over all these disorders Holloway's remedies exert r~ qu ick ,ind fa vourabl e action, and, where cure is possible, gradually but cet·tainly ani1'e at that consummation. '.l'li ey ;ire inva lu able in the cure of scrofula ancl sc lltvy.

, P at's e xperience with the L i ft. " Say s I, 'Is M isther Smitl1 in, sir?' S ays th e tnau wi th 1,he Roj er cap, ' W e ll, So I st ips in to t he yes ; SIPP in.' cloaet, und a ll of u sucld 111t, be pulls at u rope, and-it's tbe troo th J'm telling ye- the walls of the bu iluin' begin ' Och, ru11 11i1J' Jown the cell ,\ l' . Vital Q uestions ! I I mnrtber,' says I, whr1t' ll become of Bridget an' t h e c hil der which was li ft A sk lhe mosl eminenl Ph.vswian Say& the sojer-man, below t he re· ?' Ask any school, what is tlle bes t thi ng in 'Be ai sy, sir; they' ll bo ull rig ht w hen th e world fo r quieting and all aying all ini'Uun ll dow11 , is it?' tation of. t he nerves, and curing ,Li l for ms of we cn11 1e JowJJ.' says I. 'And i~ it 110 c lose t a t a ll but uervous co mplain ts, givinguat ur:al , chi ldlike refreshin g sleep always? 11 huythe ni sh balloo n thnt yez got me ~l~p!7t ~'.~h esi tati ugly in ?' A nd wid that th e wa ll sto ) pe<.l 11 stock s till, uuu llll op ened t.h e door ; und CJIAP'l'Elt I, th ere I wa s w id tbe roof jis t ov e r my o( t he mo~t em in en t phy s all or ny a Ask head. And tl111t's what su.,ed me fr om icians goin' up to heaven mtirely.' '' " 1Vhat is the best and only remedy tbo.t can be relied 011 to care all diseases of t he DowN ON 'l'fl.rn I sMs. kidneys an ci urinary o r grl□ s ; such as Inui11na G irl. No, I clo11 ' t beli eve in Bright's di sea~e, diabetes, retention, or inathese i~rns. I once koew n man who bility to retnin urin e, noel all tlte diseases and ailments peculiar to Women"was sen t to p rison for de1·otinf! bis And t hey wil l tell you explicitly and emBos t on Gi rl : phatically " B uclw." life to oue of th em . Ask th e sr1me ph ys icians 1/i'Iiut ter ri ble luws you 1.11ust have " What is the most reliab le and stn·est out in Indi a na! What was the ism?" cure for all lh·er diseases or dy spepsia; conIndin~o. G irl : Iacendiarism, I believe. stipation, indigestion, bi liousness, malaria, fe ver, ague, &c.,'' aml they will tell vou : ENGLISH Bur,Ls. M andral<e I 01· Dandelion I I I I • Hence wh en these remedies arc combined Se rgea nt A. rub in, at one time Commissioner of 1,he O ld Bai ley, or Cent ral wi th 0th ers equally valuable, A nd compounded into Dr. Soule's Ameri• Criminal Court, in Loudon,_ was a mo~t cau Hop BiLters, such a wonderful ,1nd my secc entr ic mun, both as to ideas and 111 t crious cu rati ve power is developed, whi ch Th e author of j is _so Yari ed in its op~rntiou~ tbat no ~ise~se the expres~ion of th em. "B ench and Bar" says that iu senten c- , or ,ll-b ea!Lli ca~ p_osS Lbl y ex, st or r esist us I power, and yet ,t 1s . ' . . . Harmless for th e 111c,st frail woman, weak10g a priso ner convicted of steuling property from his employer, ht> urnde invalid or sm:illest cbild to use, th e Rurpr i5 ing s tatement: "Prisone r at CHAl'TllU H. the ba,., if eve r the re was a clea re r cnse "Patie nts tuan t h is of a man robbi~g hi s m aste r, "Almost dead or nearly dyin g" thi s case is that c~se." A i.rain, 111 puesF or years, and giv en up by pbsir.ians, of • dl in g jnd g ment u a mid e-~gecl mau , B right's and other kidn ey di seases, liver unde11iably g uilty , b e s uid, ' ' Iti s in my compluints, se,·ere coughs, called cousumppower to s u hj ect .) ou to transpo r tation ti on, hav e been.cured. Women gone nea.r(v cra zy I I I ! fo r a periorl very cou~ idern bly beyo nd Prom ago ny of -n enrnlgia, ner rousness, h f .r c tl,o. term o, you r natura 11 i,e i i ut t e wakefu ln ess, and vari ous dise11ses pecul iar conrt, in il.s m ercy , w ill not go so f'ur us t:., women. People drawn out of shape from excruc1it logica lly mi g ht, a11d the seute0ce i that yo n bH tran~portA<l for two pe riods aling pau_gs of rl '. en_,uati: 111, intb_mnmlory ded , aml chronic, or s11f1.P,r11Jg from scrofnla . i " It · 1 I J•:rysipelas ! 1s II so re c 0 r o f sev en years e110 1. "Saltrheum, bloocl poisoning, dy speps ia, of Ara bin that, in sente ncing a man to a compurnti vely li cli t p unis hm en L, lte . ind_ig~s tion, and, in fact, almost all diseases . . used t.lio worrl s : " Prisoner at bar, I fr,ul · 1 Natut"J 1s bcu· Lo · · · · th ere are mttrga_ttng circum 9 lunces Ill ; Have been cured by Dr. Soule' s Hop .Bittb1~ en,-(', th at llldticc m<1 to t.11k e a LE:rs, proof of which can be found in every lenient vin,v o f ir,, a nd I will drn refore , neighborhood in the knowu world. g iv e you n cl ,auce or r edeemin g a : cbarncter that you have irretrievu hl y : lo~t.'' '' My g oo,] man," b e one day · ~ None genuin e without i, bunch of green h'lps on the white labe l, and Dr. So11 lc's said to a witness, "don' t go gabbli n g on 11,rn1 e blown iu th e bott le Rirn' Ann of all so, Hol J you r tongne and an s we r th o the vile poisonou s st ull' ru atle to iUJitaLe th e abo ve, qn e~ ti o1 1 tliat is put lo you. "

;?-~~ ;~'_j~,.~~i~}


""D'"'o 1<. 'l'ITE BLOOD 18 TUI~ OL ARICg•s WOH.LD-F1\. MED

f 1L·J~ ." -

BLOOD M.IXTOJtE is warranted to c 1ea11se t he blood from ,ii l impurities from w.\1atcvcr · cause ar1Stt1!.(. ]!'or Scroful:i, Scun y, S1d n and Blood Di seases, and i:iorns of nil k ind s, its effects arc rnarl'el tons. 'l'housau~~ of testimoni als. Sold in bottles, 2s. nd. and lls each by Chemists and Pateut Medicine V endors everywhere. Sole l'roprietors 'I'm,:



Co,, Lincolo, Englund.

£6 6,;,

lW'l'HlrnHAM S IL V ~ R HUNTER LEVERS, Guarnn• teed two years, at .J. GALLE'S, Albany

A Pauper's Dying Requ est. An amu sing aud yet pathetic incident; in what the poet Gray called "th e short and simpl e annuls of tb e poor," is r.old by Mr , John J. K i\lack lejohn , one of the In spectors o[ the '.Poor, rtt Lerwick, Shetland [slund s. llc says th at so me time ago a n old womnn, nameLl .Barbarn Smith, came umler the noti ce of t he Boa rel. She was extremely ill, :Lnd it din no t look likely that she would loug need care or n.ny kind. She did not 1esiclc ou the nminl ar-d, l> ut on r1 small island u rew mil es distaut, aud there bein g no paroch ial iu stiution s in that place, Barb:tro necessarily occupi ed Lhc position o'[ a pauper, living out, 'l'be troubl e from wl\ich she sulfored drited back n11tny years. Iu better and more prospero us ci tLJ s she had in soJJ1c way Jairl t he fo un dation for Chrouic lncl igesLiou anrl Dy sncps ia, a nd out of this hud sprn11 g up other complaints as age and uod ily iufirmi,:.;s crept apace upon her. Barham was not ig11ora11t, ,Illicit she Lad fall eu in to poverty. ~n earlier li (c she som eh ow obtained the advantage of a fai r cdnc>Lti.on, and thi s, added to native sh rewdness, enabled her to use good judgment in respect to her own sit ualion and state of healtb , A lt!J()uglt she had long sufford from asthnm and 11 bronch ial affecLio n B::u:barn wns wise enough to see thnt ti.Je re ailmeoLg arose fro111 the di sordered stonmch and digestio n, and tlmt if the main trou ble could be cul'ed t he othe rs wou ld soon lea ve lter. It is probable tbat her di sease began as oth ers do, with the usual symptoms ; hP.aduchefl, bad brcat,h, the rising of s uur fluids in the t hroat, oppression and fain tness at the p it of the stomach , loss of slee p, coated tong ue, dull eyes, bad taste in the mouth, &c., aml finally beeame .:hrouic aud hopeless throu gh her not bciug able to find auy re medy . '.!.'h e Inspecto r states th at she or had b een un ,ler medical trc,1t111en t years, but to no ,effect. Tu this strait she enc day nmJ e the follow ing touchiug appea l to the In specto r : '· I / been sioullow ing 111 edicines for 111ontlts, The!} do me 110 good. I am going on .from worse to worse. I cc.11 end 1'>'e il no longer. I feel lhut in a wee!, or two I shall be dead. 1'l11:re is oue last reg1'esl 1 v,ould 111ahe of!IO"- : yive 11,c (t bottle of Mo ther Seige/'s C1trutive Syrup; it is lll!J only hope. 1/ il pro ves a failu re (LIU[ du es 111 e no youd J will die in peace, and mal,e no more e.~p ense lu lhe p ctrish." 11 seems sh e h ad got hotel of one: o i\Iot hcr Scigel 's Almaund, s and read 01' th great cures wrought by the t,yru p iu cases like hem . Th e Boanl pitied tlt e poor lone wo111'1U 1111c! ~rant.eel her petition, helic l'in g, ho wever, the t,yrnp woul,t pro,·e,l :ts use less as ~he oth er medicines she had al rc,1dy t.alcen . Wlmt wa · their astonishment to fin<l, in the cou me of a fe w duy s, that she had not only been ab le V> get out of bed, but tu mc.l'e about uutslde the house, anu had takeu journeys to ,1 consi<lernble tfi staucc, aud was actually enjoying better health th11n since sit e wus first taken ill . The astltm:i and bronchiti s, whi ch were 110 more than sym ptoms of her true disease (indi gestion and dy speps ia) , rapidly abated, and it uow see ms that lhrbara will soou be as hal e and hearty as the Inspector him self, and be qne of t.hc liosts of lirin,: witnesses to t;hc power of Mot lt cr Seiget·s 8y rup to save the housands who were j ust n,a,ly to per i It. Mot.her Scigel's Curati \' C Syrnp i. fo r sale by all cheu,ists and medicine vendorn and by tit proprietors, A . J. Wh ite, Liu ,ited , 35, Farringdou Road, Loudon, E.C.

, u,)bh Levers,,.

----~ =







i~TW,E, ~itrn~IION& CO,,



Practical Watchmaker and J eweller, ( Late of Rundl e ti tree t, .Adela ide,

HAY f:iTR!'; E T, P ERTH.

II ;,1


This Great Household Medicine rank s amongst the leading necessaries of Life, These famous Pills purify the BLOO D, and act most powerfully, yet soothingly, on the

Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRI NGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a neverfailing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages ; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE are unsurpassed.

The Pills and Uintment are Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford St. {late 533, Oxfoi•d St.} London ; And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with cl ·cctions for use in almost every language. ,:, ~•'l' Purchasers should look to n .J I.:i 1 , : on tho Boxer; and Pots. If the a ".ci :·~ 633, Oxford Strea t, London. they n:: :,






FRE l\ l ANT L E,

ii General

- ---

A8 th e best selected and th , " ;

20, 1890.

HAY S J'., P E RTH .

Merchants, Importers St k d St a t-10n Ag en t s oc an




cheapes t s tock or firs t-class 1 ' A NOTHER S I-:IIP l\IE N'J' OF OO H. \.V ,ct che, and ,Je well ery of !<;VERY I A.VE always ou b a nd full Stocks descri ption in the colon y . Nes bit's , =-J l of S tation requirements, also SP1-: CIA!.,LY SE LECTED E ng lish Levers ( capped a nd j ewell ed) s un d ry othe r goods, Carpenters' tools, s tan d ri d ing and rou g h wor k, g uaran- A nvil s, Po rtab le F orges, Wool bales, PIANOS, Leed fo r tw o y earn . Th e Bes t Watch Cornsacks , Wire Ne tting, .Fencing AL SO, l' I A NO 8 T OOL1:,, T UNIN Gwithout ex CeJJtion. N esb it's W altharus W ires , Gal vanized Conng ated Iron , . ,u e the OH li A P F: t:> T in th e Co lony. Doug las P nmps, Revolv ers, S nid er I H A !vii\ ER _', E T C., !'bo,e und o t her Wa t,Cl](ls with a t wo fi iflo,, Fowl iJJg pieces , (muz zle aHd I W ill be sold .. t iowe,; t p i<es to ma ke yea rs '. ~na ra ntee. ,T ew" lery of e~ Pry hreed1 load ing) A mm11 11 ition--~,ad.!mom fo r o or de~cnr,t1011 made to order o r repaired · lery , Barness, &c. ! il;;i,-, , (£; ?Ji7f ii} 1v1 ;'<., ,,i ,,r.;,'i.. '.lM,,;J! Wa lcLes cl eaned or repaired. J __ __ i ~ ' H &t.:lr:Ifu &I!. J(; • ,' ,;J IU,li.(Wt)j 1 0 _' esbit's Leve rs Nes hit's Waltbam s 1 ! No~v comin g ,. d f' Ge nt' s Go ld L ad ies ' Gold LO :tan a s ast a s Wat ches W atebes t 'S, 1 ' 'UJ'. .:0 te a m can b i ng them . ,, o ilv3r \Vatc li e" ,, :-i ilve r Watc 1,e, - -o- T hi s , bi 1, rn e1,_t ,df, Oil l(' ln d,~ , ,,nk very G old Braoel e t~ .' ilv er !J racel,,.t~ \o\Ti11 e8 a nd ::lririt s in cases, qu a.rter , sp"c,al ,.ks1~ 11 H 111 t he . ,, sels B. & E. se tti JJ . & l:i:. ,Lsks and octaves . l ·· ,, Brooches Brnoches ,, Eaniugs Earrings CHLIDEMA CARPET TonA cco in sm all boxes (120 lbs .) ,, Alberts A l berts 0 ilme!l's S tore s, in large qnun tities . SQUARES. ,, L eontines Leontines ,, Rings, Gent's Rings, Gem' s ,, do . Ladies' do. Ladies' Fur R ugs, Stair Carpets &c DRAPERY I N GRl£A T ,, Breast Pins B rea s t Pins 'l'apestry Clo th, Table Co~ers ., VARIETY. ,, Neek lets N ecklets and Five o 'c lock 'l'ea Cloths ' ,, S tu ds S tud s Guipure and 'l' apestry ,, Keepers J "et Brooches & Eaninga C urtains, Art Muslin 's. Also §b.aun·ocl, Hot.el ,, Wedding Rings A lb erts A very Choice Selection of Electro P lated Cups Clocks HAY STREET, PERTH. ,, Cruets, &c. S pectacles .


T eas, Suga .









BllOWN & ALLEN, (Late T , & W, Bri tnall), HAY l:: TREET, PERTH,


N returning thanks to the public generally for past favours , beg to announce tbas hey are prepared to manufacture all classet of COLON LAL J3 0 0'1' ~, O!l the shortest pos sible no tice. Al so, kep t in stock . a large and varied assortment, of Ladies', Gent le men's, and Children 's BOOTS an il i:il-IOE i:i-frorn the best En glish aml Cont inent,i l hou ses. Leatl:jer Grind e1-.r and Uppers al ways on h1mcl, Good hides :1nrl ka ngaroo sk ins taken

Watches, Clock s , Jewellery, &c.,sold on TI.MB PAYMENT with I MMEDIATE possession to hou seholders at exceedingly low p rices. As no h eavy commission is paid for canvassing and collecting, customers will save at least 20 per cent., by buying from V . E. Nesbit, besides havin g a large stock to select from an d a practical watchmak er fo g uarantee ever y article sold. ~ " TIME PAY M ENT. tr~ IM.MEDIATF] PO SSESSION.


The S ettlers favomite H ouse.

Splendid Balcony baclc and ji-ont. Bath-rooms, Stables, ancl every requisite Joi· a First Glass Hotel. PRIVACY and ciality.

V. Ji;. N .E SBIT,


Wa tchmake r and Jeweller, Pe rth. Ao~;NTS : ll'lr. J . W. And rew, Roebourn e. 1'. W. Stroud, Geralclton. ,, F. Kelly, Dongurra. ,, G. H . Lott, Yo:·k.

all parts of the

QUIE'l' NEss

a spe-





ORS - IN .t:: STOCK.

Famo us House fo r Ba s'ti Ale and G uin ess's Stout.


OR COUGII S, COLD S, BRONCHITIS Asthm a, Infl uen~a, Cons umption,

---=i@i@[~o~[®l,&l ~


J_\..._ SEED, Ani seed, Sencga, Squil l, Tolu,


TT AY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent expec-

P:a.·01n•iet o1.·.

TT AY'S COMPOUND ESSENCE OF LIN& c ., with Chlorouvn e.

J_\..._ t orant, for Cough s, Colds, and Chest Complaints. AY'S COMPOUND, fo r Coughs and Colds, is equally serviceable fo r Horses nnrl Cattle. AY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia, :Face-ache, &c. Coo tains Quinine, Iron , &c. OAGULIN!t-Cement for Broken Articles. Sold E ,·erywhere. l\fanufactorv, Stockport, England. - '



Every Comfort and Convenience for Travellers ani:l Visitors,


Biilia1.•tl Tables,



The GERALDTON HOT E L is r eplete with

- - - -- - - -

GEO llG E SME!JDLE S , B oot Manufacturer and Importer,





UNERALS conducted in any part of the Colony, and all details connected therewith a tt(Jnd ed to at th e ~hm·te ·t noti ce by telegra m or ot,lierwise. F un ern l H ea rses a nd Coaches alway s rca <ly.

! ~n iu~ ~ ~8 u--a~' ~• lfo 11·, ~\ \ ,,,,, 11ni e1> t:1l Head a nd T om b S ton es, ,.,'h ii :.r ,l, 0rne i ro n R ailings , ~ul' plied fit:"P' cr;:,{•1·.~·~l r·,. n::-i ,:i.~f>

~.. -, T rn rn1-:rn·GE.

LEA 'l'I...:r:rnR DEALEh , &C., HOWICK - STREET, PERTH ,







s mall

consig llmcnt of the Latest Nove lties. A lso,-Faucy Wi ng s, Leath er, &c F elt and S traw H ats.

A Ch oice Se lection of GE N T S ' U11 derware, H ats, Gloves, Tie8 wm e s1 '. iend id T _w eed ~, G entH' S ui t8, Hos iery, t)1lk Halt J- 1 ose, Great Couts, and W a terproofs. i, lso,-Ladies a nd Gents' Umill'ellm, &c., &c, ' P erfu me ry a od So:i ps of the bes t brands, inclu din g .?ears', &c.




i~Lt r~itrn ® !]) ® [t;i rnr tHW' ~ ® ® ~ ~ Jb.\ rn ~.

General F uneral Furnisher,


LaJ ie_s T,ia Gown s and .Moruing W raps


Gootl A..tteniiD.ance anti Civility.

QJ NJ) JEJ.l~~ A .R


Which ~) s brilliantly li g hted , and is the favourite r esort of lovers of th e game.

Cb.a1·~·e§ NJ:oile:i·ate.

T. W 11\iBRIDGE,


QU . -". LI1'IES at Low P rices .

t nd contains one of Burroughe's and Watts· far-famed

Wine s, Spirits and Beers o f the Best Brands obtainable, always on hand.



Al so



in exchange

Goods cle'spatched to Uolony.

].<'irs t (:)lass Accommo dati on


J [ li. ~




' '. By a thorough kn owledge nf t he 11 0,t ural l aws ':b 1ch go ver n t h e onerati ons of di gcst.ic.., n :1.od nutri .. t ~~n , a n d hy a c:ncful a.pp licati ou of t he ti ne proper, tics of we ll•se lecte ~ col!oa. , M r. E pps ba.s provided fo r brc~ kfaRt t:1bles ,nt h a. dc lica te l_y -fln.-vou re d 1'.-e vcrage \1ht c h 1i:-1Ly .s:_LVC u s mn.ur h eavy d oc t or 's bill s. lt is, by t~ e J1f d1c1 ou s u : :i e ot s uc h a ru c lcs of di et that a.. cu nst1t u L101.1 ~Hty be g rn,d. ua\ly b uilt up uo til strong· e n ou g h to resist ('ve1y te nd e n cy to d isea se . Hundreds of s u bt le m a lad ies ar~ flan. ti n g un d us ready to a tet ack whe rever t here 1s a wc~k poi n t . Wt.: ma.y escape m_n. ny a fata l sh a ft by keP ptn g ou rselves we ll forti fi ed.

'!1th Jl'! re ~load an ~ _a properly n our ished frame.''-

Set: a rt.1 cle I n the Oivil J:ierv'ice Gazette.



iracte sim ply with boili ug wa ter or milk.

A S a lways on !,and , the most extensive and vaded stock in th e colo uy of Eng lis h, F reuch, German, a nd Colonia l Manufac tured



Sold in ¼ -lll. packets by Grocers, la belled th us: -

J A M ES .h;P P S & CO.
















·., ·"?,· Ons i,:RvE TD J.o: A voR1<:1<s, -

Next Door

tc, the " C r iterion Hote l .''

D "f

E Alf.-A Perscn cured of Deafn ess and ~01 ses ID til e head _of 23 years' stand ing a Simpl e Rem edy, will send a clcseription of 1t; F Ri,;i,: to _auy ._P_crson who applies to NICHOL SON, 6;:, Wi ll mm -~trcet, Melbourne ~~

P1·inted ~nd published Joi· the Right Rev. JI . Gibney , at the q/}ice of th e " W. A. HE cORo," H owick sti·eet Pei-tit b.y THOMAS





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