The Record Newspaper - 22 May 1890

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PERTI- , WESTERN A TS,.lO"B No. 508.


VoL. XVI. .

<• AI"IA.


·JR:. THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1890.










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22, 1890

tried to close in on the r ather helpless W hen on that occasion he was Well turn ed sen te nces de liv ered with and then aided Beresford in keepand pair, easily f101v tness earnes passionate I health in shattered · returning to E urope wountled man in the saddle the ing lips, ers speak the m fro by bis sojou rn in India, bis mi nd was naturally safety of th e laager was the dabun until is thern hough t and, T h e Rev . Luke Rivingto n a t due in ich wh nbts do with troubled he re was da ngel' right up T of ttaine<l. a always is it ture, ges of nce a time brought their inev itable fruit Talbot Road, B ayswate\". ; fo r the ho rd es of Z ulus and landed him in the bosom of the th e ri ght kind, an d never offends the t ill t hen flan ks and rear t eye. B ut it is not man ner alone t hat obstina tely hun g on th e It is one of the quiet Bayswater Romish Church. The turn ing poin the irreg ul ars and nd, comma in fame Buller's of n's gto vin Ri er ath F in the career was the correspond ence, ha., made again to shoo t men over and over bad streets w h ich t he Anglo-Ind ian loves of ndity profou a is There lpit. pn the Bombay, in dou btless well rem embered L 0 k R' •n t II ti t th R 0 Bishop thought, a depth of conviction, andb'a down at close q uarter s with the re e e~.t h ., e b IVJ gt otn between the Roman Catholic o r' thiea I b' h · b one h an d , an cl t1rn wea 1t 11 of 1·11ustrat1on . bs asw,,e w 1c ma .e 1s volver ; more than once t he fighti ng was PI bc eu as It en d. \ Meurm, nonce ,, e t on to · . el?quence _a n d 'band to hand and they had to cl ub the ir Father R ·v· ' b op M y 1·me, ~n t h e ot h er, sermons mo d eIs of p uIpit B 1s · A ng1JCan not a l ere as eventfu t mg n da mu ch since that, to him, th eir ensured for _t? em an a ttentive hea rmg. rifles . If the 21u lns had k ept to in Bombay, when he said the last wor~ as to the pastoral let_ter 1s~ued by t~c assegni, the loss he t weapons, own recomto served have es 9.ualrt1 These it in an A nglican p ul pit and bade fore- C~lcu tta Synod. Tine deh_v~r~nce, been mend hi~ to people of all classes a?d all a mon g Baller's men wou ld have well for ever to the doctrinal tradition w~ll be reooll_ected, was cnt101sed _by they had ex tensi vely but ; severe very t. lo h1s t cas bas he '_Vhom with races ~xception took_ in which he had been reared, and spen t Bishop Meunn,_ who had A t All Sa m~s. Margaret-~treet, he armell themselves with rifl es th at the h al f-cent ury of his existence. An to t~e Apo~ tohcal crede~t.Ja,s of ~h e to hear fa llen into th eir hand s at Isaodhvan a, Lond~n ~ablc fash1? all _ d!·ew My~ine ishop B a~d ps, ~1sbo additional li ne or t wo on the face an d an A ~ghcan they hb1m ; mf the R1v 1_e1:a, t o hwhtc h 1he _Iia,s with th e prnpe r h an dling ot wh ich extra streak of grey in the hai r, bn efly rep lied, declmrng b~o enteFr 1hn t.o ht rig ed pursn Tbey ur. ili ro nufa 0 were itues ,za . gay e t v1s1tor, ee n a re_quent <at er perhaps, might be detected. but that a . c?ntro versy on tb e s~ ~ect. not aside fr om up to tbeil' own ba nk of the U mvaloosi, a of the va n ous resorts turned R1vmg ton fe lt that th is. wao •t fi , d • · · th · th · b II long . ,. Wa s a II . Th e s t ur cl y we 11 k· ni , gure, eu· . a s, . err parties , a'.1 to e1r a nd blazed a way a t our fellows th e shapely head, and above all the sat1s,actory way of meet1_ng arg nment s us. and em th between was river the discourses after ave gr to listen to ac!<l uced. A s he term& 1t, IIhe fthought theatncals t· fe t . ' ·1· f h S · · · h · b h' . . cumbe red with a wou nded rse, cou Of so 1ve p-• cn e, _t o s mooth Sml 1ng a ure, led sp1ratJon m e t on im y e th _or with r eat t hat 1t did no t look. we of kindness of heart ming and fainting man occupying bis ~add le mem ' ers of the A ng li can pn es tbood t ure; or the tenets of Buddhism . Wh ile th r intellectua l power e th of while he perched on the po mmel, Beres de.pth the il e the in I ndi a s uch was to " sit like dumb dogs" ,vh h t . h which have · pr'e s de teh emseel vec.ame d . h . d . d f . . so f rd was un able to do any thing t oward fo se a t Im native~, \~ on e a m e . ~mpresst0n vivid ly on bis Bombay friends. B ut oun dat10ns _o faith were. u n . erm1fe rotection, and over and over ag ai n self-p a de occpas10_nd at Ael wa? on one _memh orM thou gh to all outwar<l seemin g he H ed acccorddmgly ent~redB'. nto thMe 1s~s e roturn r ide he a nd the mac beth on ~nres1 ras ~ e t m ~~ oart1rnn~g migh t still be the pop,llar Cowley an _ ?rosse s words with 1shop eurm we re in desperate straits, an d him hind t0n concess ent . e un pr~ce cy , grant~ Fsther of aid days, it is impossible t o be on n1s ow n account. for O'Toole and other comrades but a to temple oo md H a rn pre~chmg of part ~nsned, ce den A l~ng correspon long with hi m withou t detecting a t hey gatben?g of some thou sa~ds or more of must h11ve g one down . When difference. Whether you intend it or of _wh wh was made pu~ lic, pa'.-t of not could you laager the in alighted ndia. I the tbnce-bor u.- Cor . '1 imes of not, Lhe conversation inevitably tu rn s which has neTer seen th e li ght. 1 o all it was rescuer or whether told have on the great step of F ather J< ivi ngt,o n's ont war<l appearances, the _controversy rescued who was th e wou nded man, so t ~e life, and then yo u realise the great gu lf e~ded, a? most _co ntrov ersies of . smea red was Beresford with borrowg arin D of Deed sford's e Ber Bill m but begu?, bad 1t as ust do,_J th at separates him from t he Father krn~ ed blood . It was one of Ireland's gcod R ivington of other days. The earnest rea)1ty it bad prod_uced most important days ; if at home she is t he " dis tressfu I sharply deep, a out from dealy d ud S forwar t brough P?JDts and energetic defender of Angl ican rites fru its.. Several co untry, " where ver bold deeds nre to be and pli,in, the crossing couroe r and doctrines of yore bas given pince to by Bishop . :Menno , an d su_bsequently cut wate to be gained, at two hu nd red pards dist a nce done un u mil itary honour the humble seeker after divine g race elab orated m a ~a mph let iss ued by in visible th e head hig her out of carries nation no nlas Z of line long a up named sprang under the shadow of the grea t dome a young th_eolog1cal st udent th e du st.- Archcl. Fo1·bes, in the '' E ngenth usiastic J osepb Da V ida, doubtless un der t he some t wo thousand s trong, and con fron t- lish 1/liisti-ated Magazine. " T he of St. Peter. of men he t flanking d an once the nt of ing a_t~ers F it Jesu controvers ialist, who a fe w short years inRpiration_ of t he Simul taneonsly the ago was ready to break a lance w ith local se~rn ary, Father R 1vmgton fe lt B uller's Horse. them flas hed up into around He plaio whole nswerable. una were time the the acutest intellects of the then r ival at for D amages H ordes of Z ulus bad bee □ A Landlad y Sued life. and vivid long over ter ma: the pon?ered that es g acknowled to-day n, communio Assault. r fo grass. in th e long he has all bis life Jived in enor and anxwu sly and time only ser ved to lay ing bidden Proceedin g . to B uller's a lert eyes had caugh t the im schism, and that the pages of t he g reat increase his doubts. danger, and his voice bad rn ng At the Mayo Q uarter Sessions held book of T ru th have only j ust been ~ urope shortly afterw ar~1s he availed pe nd ing yet ere re" careReti ' of ' d, nmty port comman op the Cas tle bar, an action was t ried wherethe at out ?f self him opened to him . s udden Z ulu volley by a tenant named Cunniffe su ed his the of s bullet made the notes the through g go1? full! spirit no in confession e th .He mak es work at All whistled th rough an<l over b is comm and. landludy, the well know11 Miss Gardiner, of false abnee:ation . H is ex perience is durrn g bis fifteen years wan aerect m · a Wlluerne~8 au uw 11 ,., ~. int M.o.t:f'.n..1'.e.t,rs.t.rPJl t. nu·e.n.lie§ gjten 'IJ:u-ee men went dowl!_ :l_:D itten by the for an assau lt com mitted oo h im oo II claimed damages ,c •- ~•· s uddenly emerges into a magn ificen t poi nt s. '.!.'he examin ation only served never s tirred; we fo un d tb l0>udie~- next £ 30. P laintiff deposed th at he attended belief nal igi or his in ~im rm confi to_ as greater are ird th e Th delights led. country, ~hose day shockingly man g at M (ss Gar~iner 's ren t offi ce on the be had hitherto been ignor 11 nt of th em . B1sbop Menn o was righ t : the fou nda- man's horse slipped u p in the a brup t m quest10n to pay his rent. H e date were For~erly he ":as ~appy in existing tio_n s of the Ch urch of England turn, and his rider fo r a moment lay had some conservati on with .Miss P ringle had y onl {ome ~ . to ; sand p?n u built oyenj e only, now he l~ves i~ all th stn~ned. . B ut Bresford, rid ing away the agent on tbe es tate, she complaine d ment of a glorious life, and wonders been give~ the_ Dr vrne au thority. behm_d his ret reating pa rty, looked oack ~hat he had befiJn the firs t to bring them tha t he cou!d so . long h ave remained T roubled m. mrn d and s trugg ling at this latter man, and saw him move up the Land Cou rt , an d also that he mto Jifewith break to not desire a between c~ntented Wi th his fo rmer state. His into a spitting posture. He who co uld ucceeded iu having his rent res bad sense lming fnend s, he tells you, th ink that he mu st lo ng fr iends and an over whe succou r in such a cr isis must not only fr om_ £14 t o £10. M iss Gardiner uc~d d course the llowing fo of n_ecessity t~e _ of he that, from be u nh appy, but, ij Q far be _a brave m!ln, bu t also a prompt man, arnve~, at once cha rged Cunniffe him b~vrng to dictated never kn ew what happiness was until wbrnn hrs conscience qu ick to decide, and as quick to act. ' a ttemp tmg. to rob the office 1 thIS of with condition a in time some spent he , since. ears such y at two The iss ue of life or death hangs th ~ maa repu drnted any intention of owh tually, Even . ty tain uncer painful The c~uses wh ich produ ced t h is great a time on the gain or waste of a moment Miss Gar_dioe r t hen seized "an change m F ath er Rivington 's views evei:, du ty trium phed over personal The Zulus, dar ting ou t from the water- do1?g,,, · h from off the windo,v ' wh IC article to steps is b Retracing feelmg. of man A w~re ~ot the ~ ork of a day. . • t1'ff believed co urse, were perilously close to t he I some or l'evolver a was the am P to bmission su his his commandr ng intellect does no t re- R ome he made poor fe llow ; but Beresford, used on the sorS. of fi rearm, and excitedly excl . d , ~ounc~ the belief of a long and active Head of ~be Church, a nd was kind ly race-cours e to meas ur ing distMce with C 'ff h us uot a moment t aime • ; \ltJill e o 11ve. . life withou t ma?y searchings of heart an d grac10usl)'. r~ceive~ by t be H oly the eye, though he might just do it if M. p . 1 . _iss nag e mterfered , in fo rming her ~nd much anx!ous study . It is now F at~er, '_" ho di d him t he high honon r of he were smart and lucky. Galloping re~~ t_hat she mig ht s hoot C uffe munion m1st Com rst fi is h m hi to ng mmstn au writer Just fi ve years srnce the present up to the wo unded man, be dismo u nted tbe ba t!1ff 1fsh e wished G a· ' own bis in 1888, · lV',. i'ss ar mer . d stood with him Qn the terrace ·of the on_ E ast'ilr morning, a;nd ordered him to g et on his pony . Iie shoot C unniffe wo0ld ?he exr that favou of rep mark a chapel, pnvate The na. Messi at nto Sa even po noble. Cam Tho wounded man dazed as he was not pay her rent. Miss m agmfi cent panorama around with its tended only t o four others besides him- in bis extremity , was no t less f~l! of an~ all who d1J le then sugges_ted to 'Miss Gardiner Prmg who r ich and olive-clad bills, an d' here and self. man the was than self-abneg ation The r~st of tbe sto ry is soon t old. wns ris king bis ow n life ill the effo1·t to to put down th e article and use 8 t' k ther~ the castle of s01:°e Sicilian g randee Miss P ringle directed Cuffe to Joel i;h~ even necess:.ry tion pee_pmg out of the midst of the foliage, !he pen od of proba save his. He bade Beresford remount and held Cunniffe while .'.\i iRs door,. convert learned most the ~f cas~ the m ng moulderi s an? an a _the snowy slopes and go ; why he said in his sim ple Gardm er bela boured him Mi'ss G " St. the t a spent Rivmgton er aramer · peak of restless E tna m t he back- F ath manl y logic- why shou ld two die whe~ d . char~e, s tating she h ad on) . grou nd, had been du ly adm ired, and ?barles'a College, South Kensington death was inevitable to one ? Then it . enie~ the from a very severe illnes{ t he elegant g r ace of the Cori nthian The best part of two happy years were was that the quaint resourceful h umour Jus t rec~vered time, an d wus too weak to do facade of the Ca mpo _San to itse lf bad passed in r etire1;11e~t i? the se~ inary, of his race su pplied Beresford wi th the at th~ kind . Miss P rin le been noted, a nd 11ttent10n was concen- and t hen t he d1strn gmsbed novi ce as- weapon that prevaled over the wounded any t hrng of the ed th is. C corroborat Cnff;e and Roman the of tions fonc e th trated on the num er ous chaste munu- stt med Tbe recordi ng man's nnsellis~n ess. admitted that Cunniffe ~aed y however, riousl cu ass, m rst fi His thood. pries met which onth e w01:tfiies th . record departed not o~ ts <lid men angel perh aps . on the occasion been detained .in the office . t?e eye m e_very _d1~ect10n. As iilscri p- enou gh, was performed in tbe ancient that buttressed his t hreateni ng mien • door he t minutes, 20 tor . tion ques . m ncashire, a L in , t 1on after mscr1 pt10n was read, asking chapel. of Towneley when he RWore with clenched fist that bemg locked, and t hat he was k ' k ' IC IDg • · the prayers of passers by for the souls belongrn g to L ady O'H ogan , which is he woul d p unch the wounded man's at- 1t endeavo urmg to esca e• S e7era l of the dijparted , the con versat iot1 in- one of the few sacred ecifices m t he head i f he did not allow him to be saved deposed to the pallid and sensibly turned on t he effi cacy of s uch co untry which waath ered the stress of This d_ro ll argument preva iled. Bili w~tnesses appearanc e of the plaintiff on fng-htened boast can and , period eformetion R the expressed ~ather Riviagton a~peal~. partly lifted, partly h ustled the ma n into assa ul t was alleged to h the day the perfore th · of record bis. vie~s m th:1t quiet earn est way an unbro ken . d . T he Ju dge hnv.iave ? is saddle, t~1en scram bled up somehow be ng ime t the comm1tte en from rites Roman of mance is It own. his peculiarly 1s little wh1ch rn fr ont of him, and set the g ood plaiatiff awarded ury j the the is up, _ so, al med 6llm ular, ing S VII. ry en H of unnecessa!'Y to reprod uce bere bis beas t agoing after t he other horsemen. 10, bemg equivalen t to one yea1·'s remarks m detail. S uffice it to say '.act t hat on the same day he received He ~n ly j uet <lid it; a nother moment's £ rent. of Sisters he t of one Chmch e th mto was t argumen his of that the substance delay_and both mus t have been assegaied. tbs~ prayers for the dead ~ere not only A ll Saints, Margaret- street. 1t was, the swift- fo ; ted Zulus As As a preacher Father Riving ton bas chased ~hem up to tbe slope, an d the p~a1sew_or th y but au essential of reliThe Profit of t he P ari s Exhib ition . g10us life, and th at in this respect th e l?ng had a~ almost unriv all ed rep uta. least mista ke made oy the pouy mus t Oxford t a ha ve been fata l. Roman Church taught purer doctrines t10n. In bis younger days The Chamber of Commerce in Paris than its_ A nglican sister. Considerin g he st udied elc,cu tion to some purpose I ndeed, as Beresford was the fi rst most the ot been engaged upon the pleasant task one has of instruction e th the section of t,he E nglish Church to nud er gr~~fu lly to a umit, th at t here was 8 of reckonrng up ho w mucb money was JessoJJs the d an day, tbe of ac\ors famous not was it belonged, then be which cn t1 cal moment when t heir escape would the result of the alto~etber su rprising to bsnr such un - tLen learned haTe never been forgott en. have been impossible but for th e cool pock:~ t~~ by France as ll wi . M . Neymnrck , who hlls im h Ex(ub1t1on 80 0 0 qu al ified app1·oval of a practice which Few who have ever Leard rode who courage of Sergean t O'Toole, points out iu the is s_o unsparin gly condemned by Evan- forget the impressive ness of his del ive ry back to the rescue, shot down Zulu d~awn up the report oratory. his of fir st pi nce that the deposits at the Bank character and the g raceful they gehcal thought. as evolver r his th wi after Zulu of F rance were £3 000 OOO -


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MA, 22, 1890.

TEE W." A. R'.ElOO Di

of the normal total. Between May an d the close of' the Exhibition 600,000 Engl ish and Americon tourists anived ; and the Americans brought wi th th em letters of credit and cheques which tlacy cashed in Paris to the extent of' £14,000,0 00, Besides the English and American there were 1,500,000 other foreig n visitors. Deposits in the private' banks rose during those mouths by a snm of £3,300,000. The rai lway companies increa8ed their usual income by carrying passengers by £260,0'00 . The steamers on th e Seine netted an' additional £53 ,000 . The amount earned by the fou r-wheel or waggone ts has not been acc urately or even approximately ascertained, but it is believed to have been enormous. M. Neymarck knows of one owner of n waggonette which did 33 do uble j ourn eys a day, carrying each t ime eight rersous at a franc a. pi€1ce, thus making £20 per diem.. It is hardly t o he wonde'r e,I at if, with such swift returns, the Exhibibition turned all minds fro m poli tics and so slew Boulang ism .

The Old Catholics in Bavaria, A correspondent of th e Gua1'Clian seeks to excite sympathy for this almost ex tinct sect by speaking of the decision or tbe State not to recognise them as belonging to the Catholic Church, llS i f it were a piece of persecut~on. Hitherto1 says the correspondent, they have been treated by the authorities as Catholics on the ground that th e State itself had never accepted the Vatican D ecrees, and. so could not consistently refuse the ti tle to those whose separate organisation was. based upon a rejection of those D ecrees . Recently, however, a representation was made to . the Bavarian Go vernment. by the Vicar Capitnla1· of the arch-diocese of M?nich (Dr. l\'Iicbael von Rampf, Bishop Designate of Passau J to the effect ~bat hesi<les tb eir rejection of the Vatican DAcrees the Old CatbolicH b.nd r__.._; .,nL-,L the Dogu.~ .,f •he'11nmacnlate C?nceptiou and further that Dr. Re1nkens had' been excom1mmica!ed . . The Minister of Public Worsl.Jip, Fre1herr von L utz, replied with commendable alacrity, and has issued a . Decree declaring that the members of th e O_Id Catholic sect are no longer. to be te garded as Catholics. 1:he oat.urn\ consequence of this D ecree is tb ~t the OldCatholics are at once . clepr1ved ?f the privileges they ha~e hitherto ~~Joy~d . Their ministers wt!! no longe1 re?e1ve s~ipends in tended fo r Catholic _pn est~'. and 110 longer be able to ~·et1un their usurped posseosion of Catholic chnrch?s. The Government, ha ving made up its mind has acted with fi r mness and prom,ptitnde, and rej P.cting al_l pleas for delay, bas put th e Decree m fo, ce at once. The c, rrespondent w_ond ers whether, afte r all, the sec~ .. will not really occupy a healthie r pos1t1or'. whe n it stands on indepeodeot,grouoa : . an d certainly in all ways it will be wisest fo r the Old Catholic leaders to lo~k ~s though they liked i t. Fo r Cat?olws It must be matte r for congratulat10u th at this monstrous pretension to be free to reject the authority o'. the Po~e ~~cl a General Council and s till to be ieg,11 ded as members of the Catholic Ohul'Cl!, bas been disallowed by th e Catho:~c Govern ment of a Catholic peo~le.-'.1 ablet.

The Catholic Church and the Workingmen. A new cot1tributor, I,J r.. Henry . O'Keefe, appears in the Catholic Wo,·ld fo r January, credentialle~ to pop~ilnr favonl' with a strong li ttle art1el~, "Tl!e Cl!urch and the Toilers.". ~Ills po.per io notable in omitting c1tat1ons from the fai r- minded Protestant l11 storia11 who have vindicated tu ~b e Catholic Churcl! her well-ourned till~ of defende r of the poor, a nd al reference to the monk-foundetl labour guilds of the Middle Age_s ; uod concerning itself solely with the Church aud the workers to to-clay. In Belgium the Catholic party have woo fo r the labourers of that couotry a a Government inquiry into the condition of the workingmen, and tlie

Liege congresses, which have broug ht illega.) in them , (lnd I sl10uld not be The Christian Brothers' B oys. about strong and effec tive labour justified in orde ring rbem to b,~ removed. ll'ws, looking ei;pecially to the we!.. ~ud lrnvi:,g so wr i1.tei1 tl'.e ~ ishog of '£ho Otago Dai(?J Times, speaking of fare of the women and children in J'actorii;s. W ~rceste r fe lt of co,1rse " J ust1fied by , tho Ex hi bition says :-" Ou .Satnrd ay Iu Germany, durin g tho recent great a.,, hr~lrn r trllJ~u al Limo tbut. of _the / tbe boys of the Christian Brothers' strikes in t he mining clistricts of Eng lish la:v,. lllasm_nch as ca llrnfo.l' him- scl, ool were put thro ug h the tes ts in the Westphalia, the pries ts sidBd vigorou sly self II Chr1s.t1an B1sl.iop and w'. ~lu ug Antliropom eLrical Cou rt, an d t,he ir with the rninrrs. The late Catholic others to think thQt be has to g ive all mcasur·ern ents wi ll rn ateriull y swell t he German Congress occupied itself ch iefly accoun t of men's so ul~, he rn•1kes a Ne w Z ealat1d r ecol'd." Tbe lads all ro und we may ex r)lain were fo r ahove with labour and capital. 'l'il{l leader tlecl11rntion to 'th·is effect: I lc11ow tl.J ~se ornarn e11ts of wu icb tb e a;ernrre in the tests to which t hey or the Centre, 01· Catholic party · in the Reicbstag, Dr. Windthorst, is a yo1u comriain d? great liar~, they ru i.n_ wore ~nbj~etod . 1'1ie expert in charge foremost promoter of the interests of the p'.1bhc ser vice, of ~In ch , I ~m (if wns aston ished at t he flue physique and a ny~b~n g_ but a ~eamngles~ cipher) manly bea ri ng of th e boys. labou rs. Heuue th e l<'rom France, 10,000 Catholic work- eccles1ast1cal custod ian . I have ro11d remark above that their moas urnmente ingmen, respond ing in persoo to th e St. Paul t1 pon tlie du tie's of a 8 hristian wil l swell the New Zealand l'ecord. Pope's invitat ion, visited Rome last Bishop, and. I know ~10w he acted u~o_n In deed, all tlm:,ugh in connection wi th October. more than one occas10_n when t~1.~, c1v_il the Exhibition the Catholic people may Iu Ireland, the successful terminatiori power opposed cons.cience (wn1ch 1t be fairly proud of the fine stand their of tbe Dublin bricklayers' stri ke was generall y does, or. tl'les to do, never- boys have t,1ken . This was the one dne to Archbi shop Walsh, , nd the th e!e~s • I am one bf the e_x traorcli na'.;r ,rnd 011 Jy school of boys that guve an multitu de of Irish priest,s ,ir prison creat10n s unknown to th e Apo~t l~R- nth leti c di aplay in the Ex'. .ibition, which for the i,: practical SJlll fJ dl.hy; w,i!11 tlie namely, an A1'.gli:1rn 13, hop, tlm 1s 4° th ey did on tw o occusions. It was th e oppressed te11auts a11 d N ution- my, a hn rn:;n he111g proba bly u_nhap- only schoo l of boys th nt ga,·c a n alist party is the best refutation of t,,-,l,d , certu1 1,ly u uo rda llled , piliced by elocu tiooary display there ; the only the absur<l idea-wbicli a littl e ku ot the sec nlar G:overn me~~ (tile Q,,ieeu, or school of boys that sang tl1ere; th e a,f narrow-brained English Tory rather t~ ~ Pnme !\r~ ru1ster) a~ t11 i; head on ly scbool of any k ind that gave a Catholics ha ve tried to k eep alive- ~fa reltgw n made u! the B_ntislt Par - . fr~e con cert with elocutionary an d tliat there is a gu If fix ed between liam ent, and rlepend 1ng entire!?' as to gym nnstic entertainm ent to the public. fervent Cathol iei ty ancl Irish patriotism . creed upon 1~hatevel' that celest1al body 'J bis was done from u motive of i)1r. O'Keefe might have multiplied may l'eveal, and , as to money , upon patrioti sm on tbe 5th .llforcb 1890. efamples of th e Irish · bisl.Jops' aucl l'i~rntever it may ,~ote. 1 ca)! i~y ~elf We subj oin this us a i;ost script to wh at priests' leading in Irish iodustriAI ~1 shop bec~use once, where I live, tlr ere wo had alrnac!y written about t,h e qi overnents ; as Bishop McCormack's d,1d <l\\,ell 111 the same placo, ~ rea~ des- Catholi c schools, and we thi nk it will efforts t o start t.h e basket indubtry ceh<'lant of the Apostles, but that was be found as creditable as it is exact. wbe11 '1%gland wus a Ch r!'.1tiao co:::ntry ; -N. z. l'ablct. ip Galway, Canon B11ggott's famous however, I am sure, Mr. Godson, that dairies in Cork, Father Dav is wo rk ypu will show yo urself indnlgeut ::1nd in the Baltim9rn Fisheries Schools, etc. to the extent Of admitting Cardinal Manniog and the Louclon reasonable tbat the present B isho p of W<l rcester s't rike. Cardina l Lavigerie and the (yonr hu mble servant) must be the African slave-trade, and Cardinal very last person in t he world to whom Gibbons in bis stand for the Knights yon shoultl apply to ga t anything of Labour, grandly close the procession romedied in the"• Law "Esta.blishruent (From the Daily Ne ws. ) of the heroes of democracy which the whathe r in the · diocese · of Worceste r f'O RE I GN . Church has given to the needs of the or,~ in fo'ct, anywhere else-behold present day. one of the blessings which attach to LoNo-oN, l\1ny 14. How their words and works come a fa llible Cburcb, th e creation of an Yestercl a.y a cricket match took home with comfort to the tlionghtful in fa ll ible Parliament. ancl intelligent wol'kingman, we\\ried I If this plain, uuv urnished statemtint place between the W11rwickshirn Club with the well- mean t but imprac ti cable of the case does not satisfy l\Jr. uodso n and the Australians, at B irmiogh11m . The A ustrali 1111 s l>"ere tbe first at b~~r~·~t~t;.B'rict ~.. :'arcrB'e11~mfs wi tti6u t"-i11J-anr' 'o'{· tur' .a01r:,-\;-' '- ~; LL " OLU !u l ocu , " ·u, o o, UI w JIICll Lyons visions !-Pilot. Commons the " large Lrns8 cross, subscribed 25 aucl Gregory 18 (not which b~s brnu'ght ·on his presen t out). The Warwickshire t('am made attack of inelii;ions opthalmia, he no st-an~l whntever agains t the bowling must be the most obtuse or the most of '}.'tuner 1111d F oHi s, t,he forme r City of Confusion. unreasooable Anglican iti all Birming- having takell six wicketR fo r 17 runs. 1.Jam. - Universe. T he Australians finally won the match What a trial of patience, and aiso of i11 their secorid innings by 132 runs . conscience, must be the position of a The World's Gold and Silver. The wea.tb er was excellent nnd the ,, Bishop in the Anglican I.J eresy . What wi,:kets fir st rnte. fears mti st liaun t him ocpas10 nally ns _to !ll r. Smith's Aus trali an ho1·se RiugSome in teresting fig ures ~lave reached what he should do, wbut ho ~a! o~it, us from America. They hav e been ma8ter been entered for t he \fben is silence coward ly cnmrn ality, compil ed by Ivan C. Mitchuts, of Manchester Cup. His price in t he &c. I · 1 Washi ngton, D.C., and refer to the betting for that event is 25 to I. T hou sands a year lllld a plh 11t10 Choncellor Caprivi, in his addresses world's production of silver and ~old reside nce are nice things so far as they from the earliest t imes. At tbe b1rth to the Reichstag, yesterday, said L.e go, but they go not far e_noug h. T hey of Christ .111r. Mitcbets aomputes that vio1vod with mi sgivi11g Germany 's recent stop on th is side of eternity • the valne' of the worlt1 's stock of' gold pol icy of civilization and a~prehenda There are many things (says Mr. was about 1,630,000,000 dols., and the failure as being alrncst certam. But, Marsball) oue wonld not like to bevalue of the sil ve1· 2,870,000,000 J,nls. be said , Geru1,rny had gooe too far to tleaf and dum b, G eneral Butler, or From the birth of Chr ist to 1492 (when rotreut now. With rngard , however, to Kin o- of Greece-but of all intolerable Col nm bu s discovered AmGlrica), the q u an - what was being done in ERst Africa he positions that of a Bishop of th o Estity of gold produced was in the prop_ ,r- considered the two great civilising factors, tablished Churcl1 seems to us the worst.. tion of l to 2·23 of silver, the values bemg Bibles nncl lrnllets , wou ld have t o be He is not only a sho.m in the j udgment -gold, 4,446,000,000 dols . ; and silver employ ed in that direct ion , and that of everybody else, which would b~ co~ 616,000,000 dols. Then the South Ge rmany would buye to foll ow th e paratively endurable, but evell 111 his American sil ver mines brougl::t up the exampl e of G reat Britain in th is r~spect, own. He is req uested to say wha.t 1s qn antity of silver enormously, ond from by the establi shment of rn1ss10n a.ry tl.Je genuine bolief of a Chnrch winch, 1492 to 1842 the quantity of go ld agencies a , out-posts to_ comm~ rce as lie rejoices to know, n~ver ha? Olle, produced ivas 1 to 30 ~9 of silver. und er the f-' dP uce of teach ing religion , and to exercise an autbonty wluch he The values were-gold, 3,869,000,000 for which Uerr11any must not besitnte to does not possess, aud would not use dols. ; silver, 7 ,35'1,000;000_ <l?ls. supply idol 8 of E uro pean mnnufacture, if he clicl , . ~ . . It is mere cruelty The Then the Austral ia n and Ca ldorn1an at the lowest current rates. therefore to ask Anglican Bishops to gold discover ies again tumed tbe sca le Empernr bus siginified his disapprova l tlecicle auyth iug whatever, when everyin favour of th e royal metal, am! from of the Ch aocc'. lor's fo reign policy. body knows, as well ~s they_ kuow S lnvin has chall enged Corbet.t, 1.ll e 1849 to 1889 th e quantity of go ld themselves, that th ere is nothing t o produced was I to 7·92 of silver. The Eugl ish pugilist, for £1000 a side. tlecide. A gootl juclge ascures us that values were-gol<l, '1,1 18,000,000 dols.; McAn liff lias cballongod Jackson for a th ey (the 13isl;op~) wo_uld t urn_ out all silver, 2,154,000,000 do ls. For the sim il ar umount . parties in tl.Je E stabltsbm eot 1f they LoNDoN, 1\1.ay 15. 1,888 years the proportion of ~old could and reign contentedly from that Furth er particulars of the cricket produced I.ins been I to 12·79 of s1lve:· rfay forth amid_ the to mbs of a th eoan d the va.luos-gold , 12,730,4-08,280 ruutch between tl.Je Australians and the logical necropolis. do ls. ; silver, 10, I 23,732,862 dols. Warwickshire eleven show that the We are led to recall the language of 'These figures arc interest!t1g as . how1n_g English team on ly scored 38 run s in this extract by the letter of a. i\l r. that the present product10n of silver 1s t!i ~i r first innings ~nd 59 iu their second Godson of Birmingham, to the Bishop not out of all proportion to th~ prn- innings. of Wo~·cester on ~~e subj ect of th The strike among tbe gas stokers portion of gold when compar;id with the uumero u8 oroameDts , pl11ce? ~n the prodnctiou in the past! and, therefore, a{; Hamburg has I.Jud the effect of leavaltars in some of tbe. 131rmrngha~ that the fen rs of n still fnrth er great in<Y the city in tota l darkness, bu t tem. l eo,,, wlii· ch has been answered rn Clllll'CI decline in the price of silver are po~·ury arrangem ents for relightiag tlie tli e fo llowing very Jogal but very un- fo undationlcss. town have since bee n made. cpi •copal fashion : . . Tue expe1lit ion organised by Emi u I shore very much with you tbe feelPasha at the ins tance of <Jerman com . g th(lt the ornaments (n la11ge brass The electric ligb La have red need the panies is mid to have proved uusuccessin_ 8 r.c) which yon discribe are out of averngo time of vessels passing through fu l, Ernin's followers having, sho1:tiy afte1· cros, , t'> • · I d . .Io our chu rches .and are pIace . mis . . ea -f the S uez Canal from thirty - seven I.Jours th e start was mac.le, deserted him. iug and injurious to tho s1mp 1w1ty _o fifty- seven minutes to twenty-two liou1s A robbery of coupons representiag our servi ces. l3ut there is noth111g thirty-two minutes. 180 1000 frances has b eu taken , place 1

.Jfuretnn nnb' ]Jntercolontal ~elegrnnu,.



I 1


22, 1890

THE upward s of half the schol~r s. are absent owing to being down with it. In the share market yesterd ay some quick fluctuat ions occurred, during , NOW ON .A.T which Brokens fell to £13 4s. and are g followin Central s to £11. The advance. £3 lOs. ; The Hon. J. White's Derby colt the other quotatio ns : British £6 18s.; Narellan is reported lame; Kirkham Junctions, £5; Souths, IOs. The is, however, taking good exercise and Block 10, £10; Rounds , £7 Great Reduct ions and Bargai ns in the following lines :The other stocks are unchanged. is regarded as fair!}' , fit. d. LA.DIE S' BLOU SES AND JERSE YS. There haR been a slight advance market is restless and unsettle 16. May DE, ADELAI being LADIE S .A.ND INF ANTS ' MILLI NERY, bars in the copper market, Chili . A fatal acciden t occurre d at the DRES S MA.TERI.A.LS English and French (suitab le for the presen t now qnoted nt £52 5s. , Tb e governing body ,of the Irnper1al Broken Hill extende d mine yesterda y ' and coming Season), Institute new consists of 18 members by which two men lost their lives. p .A.RA.CHUTES, SUNS HADE S, CHILD RENS ' DRES SES, nominated by the Queen, 20 elected It appears that they wer~ working on K GREN ADINE S, STR.A.W HA.TS by t be United Kingdom, 4 by Ireland, a stage on a shaft which was sus- BLAC GENT S' CLOTH ING, HA.TS, SHIRT S, & Hosiery, 26 by variou s Societies, 36 by the pended at a distance of about 200 feet from the bottom. Sudden ly the rope colonies and 15 by lndiu. ds. The Wes t A1:1strnlian delegates have broke and the men fell to the bottom, Very special lines in TWEE DS, reduce d to ls. lid. and upwar ag;·eed to the line of action pursued death being instanta neous .. No further by the Government in retainin g claiue explana tion as to the acciden t has as SA.SH RIBBO N, &c. CARP ETS and RUGS . Also a quanti ty of . 8 of the Bill. yet been obtained._ REMN ANTS . A curious question was raised at the Sir T. C. Campell thinks this will y the yesterda ~o ourt on Port Adelaid e Police-c prevent further oppositi are measure, which he aspects will pass in an action by a seaman aga~nst his .A. few lines ~in F .A.NOY GOODS, suitabl e for BAZA ARS, we through the House of Commons next captain for wages. The captarn, who to well do will eepers Storek y Countr ed to clear at a low price. week. has just arrived from a voyage from prepar . S~le. the during visit a us Count Von Molt ke, speaking in the America claimed to deduct one day's pay ). Special terms made for Pianos durmg the sale (by well-known makers German Reichstag yesterd ay, said that pay fot· the day he lost in crossing the German y's next war would probably be 180th meridia n of longitud e. The of long duration, and that it was man replied that such a deductio n was PERT H PALA CE Guilt lC01· d Hot~ t, therefore necessar y to make arrang- not usual. He contend ed that 30 days men ts accordin gly . made a nautica l month, and he said Guild C01·t l. NOW OPEN. LONDON, 16th May. that no deductio n was even made for y. Februar of month bas short Spain the in The Biscay province The Postma ster General has received been placed under martial law in conJ. E - BRE NN AN which es notification to the effect that the a difficulti lnbor the of sequence MORN ING. y Compan ph Telegra on , Proprie tor. exist there. i:l eriou ;, riots have occurred E astern Extensi to From 10 to 12, for Ladies and Childre n and many of the strikers have ~e.en proposes to reduce their cable rates only. Admiss ion 6d. ; Skates Free. kil,led by tbe military. The autho ,·1t10s 5s. a word to the public, 4s. 5d. to the Railway are becomin g alarmed, it being now Govern ment, and ls. 2d. for press the e opposit Directly known that this is only part of the messages. :prices latest the nt are Station . The following general Europea n Socialist ~oveme AFTER NOON . £, s d supported by fqnds from var10us counAdmiss ion, 6d. From 2,30 to 5. 12 17 0 Broken s tries. Negotiations are passing between 0 0 5 Junctio ns the diplomats of the leading powers, and Skates 6d. EvElw CONVENIENCE FOB 3 10 0 British England has been asked to join in a and 7 0 0 VISITORS. Rounds general movement for the suppression of 0 5 10 pursue to IO's prefers Block NG. Et1gland EVENI but ; socialism 6 0 0 Souths a policy of non-intervention , the manuFrom 8 to 10. Admiss ion, 6d.;Bka tes ls. 10 15 0 .. . Central s facturers of that country having sufferOnly the best brands -af Wines, 0 3 1 cheap tal Norths continen ed severely from spirits kept in stouk. 6 0 0 Beers, and Block 14's have no objection to labor, and henceUCJJ.i,ca EVERY SATUR DAY MORN ING. ., __ , . ,i:, o\.u u ~ llUU puy t:,1" fl JgU R 'goda ~report hall been rece1vect Prize Gala for rn,lldroU , The Newfoundland P arliament has from the Junctio n mine, in conseGood Stablin g and an attentiv e pr~Qneen the to add1·ess an adopt6d quence of which the shares fluctuat ed Ostler. testing ngainst the action of the Im- very much yesterda y. MUSIC . perial Governm ent on the subject of the ADELAIDE, May 17. or Roberto . Profess By Fisheries question. For quietnes s, comfort , and situatio n Block 14 report for the half year -M1·. Heans, the special aud itor des- ending March 31st last has been the GUILDFORD HOTEL, has no equal patched to Aucklan d to investig ate the Skates on Sale from 15s. issued. It states that good progress in the Colony. affairs of the Bank of New Z ealund, tory satisfac that and made, been has reports that the total net deficiency of dividend s will shortly be resumed . FRAN K ALLUM , Manage r. He the Institu tion is .£ 165, 000. s on shilling several rose shares The NY . ALBA LAND states, however, t hat the present busi- the appeara nce of the report. ness is sound and that the future UIDIN G LOTS, 50lks. frontag e PIONEER SADDLE AND HAltNESS A s wired some weeks ago these prospect s of the Bank nre good . One mile 275lks. in depth. an investas safe WORKS, BARRACK STREET. pretty re a shares The cricket match between the Office, overlooking Post the from worth not re a but £7, or .£6 at PERTH. ment Australi& ns and Mr. Laverto n's team red K G.S. Price, £20, includin g Transfer. discove yet ore the prices, fancy at Westbury resul ted as fo llows :-The not being particul arly rich. Land within 2 miles of Town H all, (NEAR RAILWAY lfoTEL.) home team made 141 in their fi rst £ 3 per acre. South side of the from Port at anived H.M.S. Opal has innings, and the Austral ians, w.hen Adelaide. Harbou r, from £2 per acre. stumps were d l'awn, had 9 wickets J. GALLE . BY APPOINTMr. Horace Martin, the well-kn own down fol' 66 runs. · has street, of Rundle draper SPECIAL MENT TO is It disappe ared. mystero usly 0 R A L ted IAL. commit has INTER COLON suppose d that he E. Hi~ Excellency the Governor, S11· Frederick suicide. MELBOURNE, May 15. N. Broome, K.C.M.G. Rain has fallen very general ly Welling ton Location, No. :mo. Messrs. Dobson, Watson & Company, th e colony, causing farmFor particul ars apply to merchan ts, have filed their schedule. ~hroughout be much improve d. ROBE RT SMIT H The liabilities are set down at £5,000 mg prospects to HUGH BRADY . The followin g are the latest q·uotawith assets at .£42,000. The schedul ; tions: Banbur y, Dec. 19, MANUFACTURll:ROFALL KINDS OF SADDLERY was fil ed by the sur viving pa rtner, 3s.; £3 Broken s, .£13.; British AND HARNESS, the cause being the sudden death of Souths, £5 17s.; Mr. Dobson . The deceased gentlem an Block 14. £6 8s.; Junctio ns, .£ 5 9.; 0Jten to1· 3 1'Ion ths . was form erly a junior cler k in the Centrals , £ 10 14. ; Norths 4. £1 Norths £7.; , LWAYS in stock, a large and varied Rounds after but e, N ational Bank, Adelaid assortment of Gig, Cart, and Carriage sts, capitali by main bought fronting S, quietly BLOCK being ONE ACRE wards went to Melbou rne, where he are Ladies' and Gents' Riding Saddles Harness, of y are boundar the present at outside road, just althoug h the returns Boys' and Girls' Saddles and Bridles, and made a large fortune in the early days small. all g Includin Act. Albany. Title, New Pack Saddles, Jockey Saddles Pilches, of the land boom. He subsequ enlly Albany, of expenses, £21. Govt. Maps Hor b Clothing, and all requisites for a fire MELBOURNE, May 17. invested large sum s in the North showing the blocks, sent on receipt of 1/. class Stable or Hostelry , including Whips with ion connect y. in tions Compan Borneo The prosecu J. GALLE. Spnra, Sponges, Chamois Skins, Brushes the alleged swindles of the Perman ent Albany Feb. 28th, 1890. Combs, Scrapers, Clippers, Harness Oils BRISBANE, May 15. Blacking , etc. The Separat ion League have decid- Buildin g Society have commenced at All orders sent by post or otherwise will be ed npon writing to t he Land the P olice Court. The defenda nts executed with all care and promptness. .; P lVI. LEVER SS Nimmo, invite KEYLE to John them Messrs. FRENCH ing S. include instruct te, Comrnit R.S. obtained FIRST PRIZE at the late Guaranteed, -at J . GALLE' S, Albany W. A. Agricul tural Society's Show held at the assistan ce of Sir Charles Dilke in J. L. Dow, M. P., (Minste r of L ands) their cause. Guildfor d, for the best collection of both and James Mimms, M . P. (the welland Harness. Saddlery A e). advocat nce w' 15. tempera Stra known ADELAIDE, May OR SALK- 1\1:illb oarcls, for both Sir Charles and Lady Halle, the strong bar has been retained boards, a nd a quantit y of la rge ~- Note the Address eminent musicians, departe d for Mel- the prosecu tion and the defence the sheet ·white C·a.rdboard , variou s thick' R O B E R T S M I T H, bourne by train yesterday. charge against. the defend a nts bein<> nesses. Apply, "w. A. RE CORD· 0 The influenza continu es to cause one of conspira cy to defraud the office, Howick -street. BARRACK STREET, The Crown shareho lders. The proceed ings have great inconve nience. the RAILWAY HOTEL.) (Near week. a Solicitor, Mr. Stuart, and the Ministe r been adjourn ed for FOR 'l'HE NORTH WE.ST may AGENT RECORD ALE A. W. WHOLES the of Mr. Copies y, Territor n Norther for the ry, McHen J. & TEE, Mr. from WATSON d, l\fassns. T he Catholic schools of the United be obtaine Gordon_, are ~til! laid up with t he , Terrace s George' St. mt, Ag, ews pupils. N 650,000 instruct Roebourne and Cossack. complam t, while m many of the schools I Stales Perth. Pertb., October 1,7 1889, from the oft1ce of the Minister of Finance at Paris. It is no t y;,t known how they ham been disposed of, but it is surmised that they have been deposited with a bank against an






"V17'. G. :er: EA. R,I. Y.1 :A.. N"' S.













22, 1890.





Offices aad Sale Rooms : CLil' l' STREE, FREilIANTLE . BondeLl W arehonses : EssEx STREET. Free Goods Stores : EssEx AN D CLIFF 8'.l'REE'rs .


'\Vltoiest. J'e ~'tit'ul Iletail. I{owICK











Wm. YoncgPr and Co. 's Massrs. (Li mited) Beers, in Bulk and Bottle, on Se.le.


Teas, Sngar, Oiln an's Stores, and Colonial Produ ce. JOHN McCLEERY. bes for private sale FREEHOLD PRO 1-' ERTil<:S, WITH BUILDINGS WITH.OUT AND THE REON, in Dyer, PERTH.-Mu rray, George, Douro, Charles, Newcastle, Garden entl Lincoln Streets. Hill, FREMANTLE.-Tuckfield, Mary, Swanboume, Packenbam, South, John, E llen, Leab , and Hampton Streets. Also, Hampton Road. Richmond , Prestoli Tlond, Beaconsfield, Claremont, B u sselto □, Pinjarrab, and Derby.





NOTE.-Buildin g A ll otments on ~ale in Fremantle, from £21 ; Perth, E30 ; Claremont, £ 10.


EI--JICLES of all clesGription on b:ind and made to order.


UNDERTAKING done on the shortes t notice and in the moat respectable manner at modexate cha1ges.

TOLLEY .& COMPANY ·(f1mited.)

A LSO-FIREW OOD at ariy length cut and delivered ia any part of P erth


ALSO-CORN-CRUSHING done on the premises.





CHRONOMETER, CLOCK, and WATCH MAKER, JEWELLER, &c., EGS to inform bis m1merous Customers that he has R emoved to more extgwiLv_e pr~ises nearly adjoining Mr. ... Ifymus's Cnemrst ~hop, OppvQAC, Town Hall, where he solicits a share of patronage. GOLD and SILVER WATC:ImS and JEWELLERY of every description always on hand. ';<Vedding Rings made to order Tim e payments taken. JOHN BOWRA, Howick Street, opposite the Town Hall


T O L L E "Y'

Mc CLE ER y , j



All business letters to be add1·essed toL. WIMBRIDGE,







D I R E C T O R S :ALEX. FoRREST, EsQ., F.R.G.S., M.L.C., Chairm an, vV. SANDOVER, EsQ. W. SILAS P1,ARSE, EsQ., M.L.C., &c. EDWARD ScoT'l', EsQ., M.R.C.S., &c., Chief Medical Offic@r.

N SURPLUS (namely, the excess of Acpumulated Funds over




T the re quest of n umerons fri end s

NEw BusrnEss


YBAR 1!:NDED Sl sT DEcm,rn1rn, 1888, ovER £31 ,25 0,000.

THE LARGEST BUSINESS ever transacted in one year by any and oth ers, tLe nndersigoecl begs , to annonuce th at he is about to add LIFE SOCIETY in the World. U NDERTAKIN G and FUNERAL For all particulars apply to FURNISHlt G, to his bnilding and carpen tering busin ess. Funeral s condu cted ex peditiou sly uud iaexpensively in town or country ,. PHILIP REILLY , Builder, etc. Mackie-Street, Perth, Jan . 2, 188 9.


No More Hard Times. top spend ing so much on fine clothes rich food and sty le, buy good, bcnltby foo ~l, cheaper and _better , clothin ~ ; get more rnal and subslanllal th in gs of ltfe every way, and especiall y . stop the foolish habit of employing expensive qua0k doctors or using so m'lch of the , 1le hum bug med1• cine that does you only lrnrrn , but pnt your trust in lhat simple, pure remedy, Dr. Soule's American Rop Bitters; that cures a.lways at a trifli1>g cost, and you will see good times and have good hr.alth. " Chron • clc. lf you wi II





CONVENT BOARDING SCHOOL. S IE~ERS OF ST. JOSEPH , GE~A LDTON. r-g~ERl\rn-For children, under 10 ..L year", 5 guine,, s per quar ter, to be paid in advance. Music and si~1ging, 2 guineas. Entrance F ee, £ 4. Children over '0 years, 8 guineas per quarter.





Is prepared to make all kirids of CARRIAGES equal to those of the Eastern Coloni es at less cost than they can be imported . All Carriages gua ranteed for twelve months. R epairs promptly executed in first-class sty le. FUNERALS perform ed on the shortest notice, and n.t rea onable prices.


£ 800

'ro be drawn as soon as the wholo of the money is subscribed . 1st Prize-BLOCK OF LAND (l,l· acre F reehold), adjoining railway and roftd at North Frerm,ntle, on which is erected a substantial 4-roomcd cott,\ge ; the whole worth £7G5 2nd Prize- Winner to select to value of £25. 3rd Prize- P ony, saddle, &c., value £ 10" A committee of gentlemen have kindly co nsented to conduct the drawing. Each purelrnser of a book' of 20 tickets will be presented with a Complim entary Ticket FREE.

BONA FIDB SPECULATION. £800 fo r 10s. ~






'.'" oc

of PRIZES in aid of T HEtheDRAWING Catholic Girls' School, Fremantle,


22, 1890


1 having b·een appeale d to on .h'lS u., n. .,( ~ behalf declared th emse lves w1llmg is POSTPONED till August 6th, 1890. CASH IRONMONGER to come to his assist ance, and L AST Thursday, being the feast _of the have so promptly fo ll ow~d up Ascension, Mass was celebra_ted m the HASONSALEth eir expression of good-w11l t hat Cathedral by one of the Trappist Fathers, THE W. A. RECORD. ARPENTER'S Bench H ammers; two of their numb er a r e a l_reacL_Y J a very large congregation being present. Claw Hammers; Riveting H amon the way t o the scen e of t h en· mers • Bricklayer's Hammers ; BlackT he RECORD is aweeklypublication future labours and, we hope, of smith's H ammers ; Miner's Hammers ancl is issued fi'om the press evei·y futur e triumphs, in t h e cause of THE sentence of death passed upon the Stone Breaker's Hammers; Lath :a:am; ~ative Chum Chu m at the bte sessions of _ mers; Shingling Hammers ; '?"rnerw~n 1'himclay mon1ing in time Jo1· ~he r elig ion and civili~atjon. the Supre me Court, fo r the murder of From tbe m1ss10n . to t h e his wife, Axes Tomahawks, &c., &c. j 6-mch Rim Eastei'n Sou thern, and other mails. has been commuted by the The Siibsci·iption is fifteen shilli1'.gs pe1· Kimbe rley natives n ow m a t1gur~tExec t1 tive Co uncil to imp!'isonment for Lock~; Cupboard Locks; Till Loc~s ; Chest Locks; Night Lat ches, with annurn. All pttyments not exceeclzng £2 ed we may r easonably look for life at Rottnest prison. two keys ; and a variety of Locks; receive an aclcnowleclgment in the siibse - valuable results. Humble as . 1s star ts w1 th AMERIC AN PATENT SPRING quent nmnbe1· of the paper. Foi· those its beginning it IT is stated that Mr. J. J . Green proprietor BLIND ROLLERS ; Galvanized Air amoitnting to £2 o1· upwa1·cls, stamped prosp ects which encourag~ th e of the well-known City Steam Flom· Mill is receipts a1·e f o1'!var·clecl in acco1·clanc brigh est expect ations . It lS not about to convert his premises into a Roller Bricks, Sin6le & Dou blfl; HORSE too sanguine to hope tha t unde r Flour Mill, and that the necessary machinery SHOES, HAND MADE ; Hor~e with the W . A. Stamp Aot. effect the change has been ordered and O,·ders /01· the lt ECORD may be the exp erienced m an ag_eme1~t ?f to Shoe N ails ; Bolts and Nuts, m will arrive in a few week's time. to any of the local agents or to_ M, ·. the devoted Trappists it w _ ill m almost all sizes ; a}so I ron and Brass sent T . B ryan, Manage1·, ancl will be d Screws. Also, a splendid Assort_ment i·omptly attenclecl to. Subscribers ~wt time ~rom a m er~ly wees~~ ON Saturday afternoon a football match of General Brassware Goods, viz :fw?. will be played on the R ecreation ground Plain . and Fancy Ohair or ~ ant le 1:-eceiving thezi· papers 1·eg1tlarly 01· having enterp~·1ze ~evelop e m to othe,· causes of complaint, are 1 ·equestecl of nat10~al importance an . au 1Y between teams picked from the Rovers Nails · Plain and F ancy P1ctu1:e I the ass1stanc_e and Junior Rovers. Should the weather Nails { Drugget ' or Carpet Pins ; Stair to comnmnicat~ at once with the Ma. nager lay claim to prove fin e it will 11 0 doubt attract a _ ~ ......,,.,.,,,.._,...,,_ promised by the Plenar y C_oun ml large attendance of spectators. Rods and Eyes; Picture Rods and Brackets· · Window Show Rods and = " of Sydney to any well_-cons1der ed ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. undertaking of th e kmd . Fittinas O ,' Screw or Dresser Hooks; OuR city contemporaries on Monday last Screw Rinas for Pictures ; Plate The a dvantage of takiug th e published t elegraphic intelligence to the Rings for ditto ; Curtain H ook s, I work out of the h ands of ·a small effect that the Mayor, Dr. Scott, will, at the 0 We have to ac~n<?wledge receipt ~ the body of secular clergy al ~ ·eacly Cupboard Turns and Catches ; H at a?d ensuino· distribution of Queen's Birthday P. Qmllity, Coat Hooks; Iron and Brass Cormce following· Greenou h,subscnptions 15s. ; Mr.:-Mr. C. Connell, do., ov er·b l1l·d en e d by their duties. to honors~ be nominated a Knight Bachelor. Dr. Scott has written to state that as yet Pole Rings : Pole Brackets; Pole Rod 10s. ; Mf. Thos . Beagley, £ 1 !Os. ; Mr. C. a wid ely -scatte_red po p nl_at:on, he has received no notification, officially, pf Ends; Piano Sconces ; Brass Screw Walch, Geraldton, £1 !Os. A stamped and entrnsting it t o a rehg-wu s the fact. Pullies; Lamp Hooks ; O_leat Hooks ; receipt will be forwarded to Mr. Ph.. Stonb, order are quite apparen t. 11he . d 'ffi lt l .ch Brass and I,·on Butt H111ges; Draw Gr eenough for the a.mount of is su scription. ' great primary 1 cu Y W THE first days shootmg at the Mt. Eliza Handles; Drawer K nobs; Brass s tood in the way of t h e scar city butts for the £10 prize o.fl'e red by W. A. Eyelets for Tents, &c.; Brass Bolts ; of hands, is thus fin ally re moved, Rifle Shooting took place on Saturday i1J i t e C t O r :t]. Back P ullies · Sash F asteners, from last. Corpl. Walsh of the Artillery for a r eligious order, hum a nl y was the top score. At 400 Perth 4s. 9d. doz { Sash Knobs ; ~ash ycls. he scored MAY. Centres; Sash speaking, never di es . Lifts ; Fanlight " \iV hen 28 pointsr at 500, 26 ; and at 600, 28-total 11 Oatches · Table Catches ; Brass Cas- 22-THUR. Octave of Ascension. som e of its memb ers fall st n cke_n 82. '['he second period of firing will be held on Saturday 31. tors ; C~ll Bells ; Dinne r Bells ; Tea 23- FRI. St. John de Rossi C. down by death or sickness the ir 24-SAT. Vigil of Penticost Bells ; Door Springs ; Climax Pat~nt abstinence.) (fast and places ar e i mm ediately ~!led by ON Saturday last His Lordship Dr. Hinges ; Iron and Brass J ack Cham ; 25-PENTICOST SUNDAY their comrades and th en· good Gibney, accompanied by t1~0 priests of Galvanized Chain, R ope, &c. ; and a 26-MON. Of the Octave t" the Trappist Order, took departure 27-TUES. Of the Octave work suffer s no interrup wn . fo r the Kimberley district,!uswhere great variety of , USEFUL IRONit is Quatuor tense t nd Of the army of d evot ed m en w ho his lordship's intention to establish the MONGERY too numerous to par- 28- WED .abstinence.) (FaS a now look this way fo r new sco pe Fathers in a mission for the training of ticularise. 29-THUR. Of the Octave. for their zeal, Father s Amb rose the nati ves. A large q1.mntity of building TERMS, CASH. f b t t h material, stores, fi shing nets, and other LEVI GREEN, and AlphonSu s· orm .u e paraphernalia for the mission was taken advanced guard. Th eir fi rS t by the Frnnklin. m::f)e ~J]l, . lL\.ecot'i:J. I business is to report on the proCash Ironmonger, t f the Ki"mberley as a fi eld . Murray Street, Perth. spec S O THE Carnival at the Palaoo "R,111k o11 Tues" B e indefatigable in you,· purpose, and for i:nissiio11 a,1·v effrwt._ "1· w,wk.. .,_I cray evenma-, notw1Lhatanding the inwitl• lf1Zqf(/(,"/Qd ng6o"tt,-r,i:i'iiinrr 6e/ore T iou,: r,ye"s for WnlCll t lley are particula rly clemency of the weather, was laro-ely th e 1·ewa1·d prepared Jo,· those who combat Jin· w ell qualified by exp erience attended and passed o.fl' ver:y successfiDly. the name of Clwist."-Pius IX. gained during a nine year s resideuce The Mayor, Dr. Scott, was_m attendance THURSD.aY, MAY 22, 1890. . f' N and presented gold and silver medals to ~ - - - .. _.. ___ --•* among the savages o ew the successful competitors in the recent Should t h eir repo rt atheletic competitions. Miss Franks, a As m any of our readers are Caledonia. alr eady awar e, Bishop Gibney, a c- b e favourabl e as th er e is lit tle young Sydney lady, was present and gave t ' bt "11 b th an exhibition of fancy skating, for which companied b y two priests of the r eason o d ou wi e e she was hig·hly applauded. Dr. Scott Trappist order, has started for the case-for they seek only scope congratulated Mr. Allum upon his enterdistant K imberley with the inten- to ply th eir vocation of leading prise iI?- erecting th_e ~pacio\1s Rink as a AUCTIONEERS, tl10. 0 1• benig hted m embers of p~ace of am~1sement 1n the q1ty, and spoke tion of establishin g on the shores e th e mhuman r ace f rom a sta t e lughly of Rmkmg as a physical exercise. A CCOUNTA NTS, of K in g S ound a missionary of pagtLnism and savagery VALUATORS, settlement for the b en efil; of to a knowledge of ·better T:s;E prospectus of the " Collie ComSTOCK A ND STATION AGENTS, aboriginals. The work of Christhings-their h ands will b e at me rcial Coal Co mpany" appeal's in our tianizing and civilizing th e blacks MIN ING AND contemporaries. Upon specim ens of the is on e very dear t o the Bishop's once streng thened by r einforce - mineral obtain ed the Governm ent S HAREBROKERS m ents h ear t, as m ay be judg ed from the 1 from the mo th er hou se. geologist, l\1r. Wood ward, has reported The 1 ra ppists are a lready engag- very fa vot1rably, while other experts fact that this is th e second PRODUCE SALESME N. speak very highly of the specimens attem p t to place it on a practical ed in th eir work in South Africa submitted to them. Our Bunbury corin China and in th e Pacific Islands, basis. The former ex pedition CONSIG N MENTS respondent, in another column, speaks an<;[ ever y wh er e h ave p roved failed thr ough want of adequ ate hopefully of the quality and exteat of the successful. Th eir coal seams. Mr. J as. B . Dixon is the received at m eans . I t was not, and unfor- sing ularly ;I?ERTH R AILWAY ~TATION. tunat ely could not be, s ufficiently m ethods are thoroug hly p ractical,. Secretary and Broker at Bun bury to the proposed Company.. The Capital is fixed furnish ed wit h eith er men or a nd fortunately a r e q uite i n accord SW A N" A UOTION SALERO OMS money . It was no slig ht di:ffi- wi th th e r eco mm en d ations of the at £ 10,000, in 40,000 slrnres of 5s. each, with three-pence per share on application BARRAOK-ST. __ culty which caused the ven er a ble B ishops assembled in Council at and three-pence onallotment, theo alance leader Fath er M cNab to r etir e Sydney wh o d esir ed to see our in monthly ualls of one penny. With such e3,sy terms re is no do ubt the from a work in which his heart ab origi nes instructed "not only share-list will soonthe fill. With the recent NEWSPAPER was so deeply engaged. H e and in t hose t hings which pertain to coal and tin discoveries at B u,1bury there his com p anion for a long tim e relig ion, but also in t h e necessar·y is every proprobability of an era of prosA.ND a r ts of life ." perity setting in that portion of the b r avely and uncompl aining ly Th e presen ce in our midst colony. GENERA L PRINTING OFFICE endured all th e hardships inciHOWICK ST., PERTH, dent to pion eer life in a tl'yin g of som e r epresen ta tives of the climat e, and all th e worries aris- an cient T rappist order h as some h is with deep regret w have to announce the death of Mr. H. Holland, a well-known ing from res tricte d m eans, r e- l essons fo r us b ey ond t h at which resident of Fremantle, and who for many BILL H EADS, MEilios., CART NOTES linquisb ing an alm ost superhu mau is t o be fo und in th eir r eadiness years past was a confidential assistant of MILL NOTES, TRADE C.11RDS, VIsrrstruggle against un t oward cir- to live, to labou r, and to die iu Mr. Patrick Hagan, of Fremantle.. AlING CARDS, MEMORIAM CARDS, cumstances only wh en sickness effo l't to ameliorate the condition though n.iling for a considerable time past L A.Bus, PRoGRAMMEs, made it impossible fo r t h em an y of a degraded and despi ·ed race. he bravely battled against the complaint from which he suffered, and it was only a older wo rld atmosph01·e few PAMPHLETS, HANDlonger to continue it. Th e ill- The days before tho encl came that he was BILLS, P OSTERS, CATALOGUES, AND success of this effort by no m eans which seems to accompany them, compelled to give up his usual employment. EVERY · DESCRIPTION oF PRINTING damped Bishop Gibney's zeal fo r t he q uaintness of the d r ess which Re passed away on Srtturday last. Deceased IN GoLD, SILVER, BRONZE, the welfare of the natives . He clothes them, and of the strict was a member of the Hibernian Society, and his exemplary life gained him the CoLORED I_NI{s,, E;rc. . immediately had recourse to t h e rule wh ich moulds their Jives and esteem of a large number of residents of Lar ae supply of prmter s Stat10nery l · · 1 h · · · E l1 abits, hl'ings strongly to mind the Port. The foneml took place on Sun.o . Straw-boa1ds, . . Mill-boat . .ds,' , ecctt'esiastica aut rn rncluchng t 1 onties b f th 1 urope, th day afternoon, the rmnrtins being followed and Large Sheet White Cardboard. p u m g s rong _y e or e , em e how i nclla. ·tructible is the life of to their last resting place by an un usually t h e Catholic Church, t h e t rn o Ladies' and Gent's, gilt-edged urgency ~nd importan ce of t h e large number of mom·ners, inchiding some Visiting Cards, Graphite Correspon- work and lr.J?pl'e_s~mg upon th e'.11 ~h e A n cien t of Days among all ex- of tho leading residents of Fremautle, as as his brnthron of tho Hibernian dence Cards, with Envelopes. ~tr ong adv1sabll1ty of comrmttrng istin g instit ut ions, and how in- well Society. 'l'ho funeral was conducted by Emblematical "In Memoriam" Cards 1t to the care of one of th e finite h er adaptability to the Mr. A. E. Davies, Fr. Mfirtelli performingplain and folding. religious 0rders. T he Trappists wants of all ages and all races the last sad oflil)eS at the grave. Deceased and conditions of men . leaves a wife and small family to mourn their loss.-R.I.P.

--------------- - ~ ~



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! I





• M AY

22, 1890.




THE lim ited accomodRtion at the Freman tlo L un atic Asylum having frequen tly been brough t to the notice of t he au thoritie s by the Surgeon -Superi ntenden t, Dr. Barnett, it is pleasin g to learn that t he Govern ment lare i nviting tenders for additions to t he buildin g.

IT was r umou1·e d in th e City on T uesday / commen ded me fo r assistan ce to the R. M ., very promptly anrl in good nu mbers. fast that ,100 . ounces of gold had / wh o ,ill o1~ed relie_ f to t he a mount of about · Th e non-com mission ed officers ~,e~n . brought rn fr?m th e Ashbur t1J1~. on e shilling are Serancl ihrnepence hcilf-penny ge(ln ts E . S waine and T . Goodm an, the Ih1s is very welcome mtelhge nce, an d 1t 1s I weekly fo r nfew weeks only ! commissioned offi ce rs, howe ver, h ave not very ev ident from t h o r? pe:ited fi 1: ds t \1at Yo u 11 1ay r·isk you h,we lately been made 11: that chrect~o n of your co untry, r life for the " honor" yet been appointed . and then in cleclin iug The good people of No eth am, r esol ving t hat the Ashb urton promis es to be a n?h yea1:s-e ven in Brit ish D ependen cies--b o not to be behin d th e other town ships of fi el~ for prospec to l'S. T he s. s. Franklm left to ex, whi ch left last Saturda y for Nor'-w est cla y!! /-Yo ursif you can, on eightpence a th e Easter_n District s, lrnve form ed an M R .. ,JOHN t rnly. lcl l 11 L'Fan o an c we Agricul , .CAPEWEL t uml t Society ·t f . . At the meet 1· an un usua JI y lai. ti cl coas po t s t oo, ' 1, nown re!![!(1enlt 0 1 JO nT·' N TU RNER . ge · · rng I ~mar C ptsse l num ber of passe ngers, many of t h em whi·ch took place on l?riday week being York , May l G 1890. aHway . on ! J.;I' lonc ay aS t 111 t 10 . 0 oclmta diggers fro m t he other last, over £ 100 wns given in special side who have ' 10 r emams were co1 iveye F osp1ta . donatio o b oen a. t r ,,ac t ecl b y tl10 ns with out the least relu~t;m ce f k" ww,w u goo cl news t lia t l1as """'"' , .,.... •m 1 I t may therefore bo cons1cle 1 'rr emdan t1e, tie · r ed to be on a· unera1 t,i Ibn~ Pace .0 11 ues ay, tie 1 arrange ments em g car n ec1 be"ln spread concern ing t he Ashb urton . substan tial fo o_ting and I t rust tha t our out b M r. P hili Reill underta ker. NORT HAMP TON. • f _ __ .• _ Y P Y, s110ws m w111 n ot ll below tho~e __..,___ of York oruture m uch belowfa those h eld m Hrs HoNouR Sir Henry W renfordsley, th:e From our own Co rrespond ent. . Guildfo rd . f M . I newly-appoint ed Acting Chief Justice, AT . t h e. week!~ rehearsal O t I~e us1ca1 took his seat in I n my las t commu nicati on tin error the Supr eme Cour t for t he Mt·. R. Scott, a n old r esident of appears :tJmon rn th e 'l own H all on Fnday even- first t ime on . I stated that th e cricket match 'l' uesday last . Aft er the t his cl~strict, m et with a very seriou s which took place bet wee n Northa m and m g, t he conduc tor, Mr. ~ en~ma!1, .men- for mal opening of t h e Court the H on . Mu. acciden t on W edn esday last. H e wa s Newcas tle was h on ed th_at l~e was lately 111 r eceipt o~ a W ar ton, Attor1;1 won by t he fo rm er. I t ey General , rose and ret u rnin g from t h e Rail way com mumca twn from Mr. Santley Stat ion on was th e lat ter tea m th at won thr, cram e. congratulat ed H is H on our upon his enter stated h o would probably visit h ere, wluch . . . about ing On on Saturd the a duties wee]· of last th e ret urn ; 1 atch his hio-h office which foot a nd convers rng w1th t he occupa f l· nt b t ' · " t~ e end of next rn o~1th, b nt 1b10tb,p roMes' • , . f '· · t Th gavde I t he_otpportu nC1ty of·r ·enewrng e ween t 1'rnY same' teams · an I o was p 1ayed on spr m g rnp. s10nally. However , 1t was pr o a 1e r . an o11c11m e re was not rnu o ~ the R ecreatio n Ground acquam h'.'re when the ·ance. 1 onp m g the name we10-ht · l'l 111 '" t , he• tra · J1 0 f M· H p o nly two ba"S of ·thh" N th S ant Iey_ wou11 ·t c ~ak-e paet _m "iJ a", w11 LC b $ • · "' • ' • • 1 • ' . 1. ~n.sumn '~' or am1 es were iigarn wn is _own as. mem _er. flo ur, the Umon has JUSt no w m full r eh earsal. I of . th eve. Scott mu st llfwe "'been defeated sy e b an innin s ai',cl om1mou Bai , hC' :it the s,~rne time ,. ,, . I. ,beli 202 ru ns l . 1 paid a hButrnh .. . . . Y 1o·h tribute to tho membe rs of t h e . ,n_, i o,ssc.r. . g , , 1ll L . fl convm sat10n gom g on, . . Th ey were all dispose d u , .n then last· local Baf.. Sir Henry fitting respond ed, fo r h e sudden ly caug ht h is fo ot against innin gs for th o clisg1:aceful sco rn of 4. trusting t o receive that loyal assistan ce , a stone, a nd, in mu ch less time th a n it F ROM our Albany contem por ari es, the which judges In my last I onu ttecl to state tha t an as a r ule r eceive from the Bar. I t ak es to relat e it, h e fell Adverti ser and Observer , we lea rn that j ust to t he ,,round old and res7ect ed r es ident pa.ssed a way and t he wh eel passed over h is le at present th e b uilding trade is very from our nu dst m th e person of M1:, J . . . . g, M. D empster , of B active in Al bany, a large n umb dr of uckland s. He arriv ed b reakm~ it a li ttle ,b fll o~v t he knee. in t his As i s usual at t hi s time of colony over fifty years ago by the the year, while cottages and other · buildings being in Dr. E lliot t , the who change h ad a of rnved &eason by i s being t he experie good sh ip " E agle," of which he was the nced, course of constru ction. Tende rs are now b eing called for the er ect ion of Death has clain;,ecl a large number of mo rning train on a specia l visit to a comman der. H is sons, Mr. C. E. Dempst e e, victims . There is scarcely a town or patient , on h eari nO" of the a ccident a " banking sh op " and wareho use h amlet J .P ., of Spring fi eld, N or tham, Mr. MT. t hroughput the length or br0.adth of immed iately p roceede d to the scene'. , S. D empster , o_f _B ucklancls, li1r. J . P. premises at Albany , for th e Comme rcial t he colony t hat . during t he past month has, Althou gh t here wa s very little t ime Dempst er , of Actd111g ton, and Mr. Andrew B ank . n ot h ad to mo1,rn t he. loss of some well- ] ft 1-. . tl • t. · . l l t ·t f , Dempst er (late of E sp erance Bay), are known face, or some family to mourn the e 1-'ef ore all ie mm wou c s a r or residen ts of t he E astern D istrict. loss of q11,e of its beloved member s. In G ernldto n , not mo re th~n t h ree The bakery of which I spoke som:e WE regret we ['.r e unable thi s week to F remant~e part~c;ularly during the past few quar,ter s of au hou r, I b eh eve, Dr. time ago has been comple ted and the furn ish o ur r eaders with our usual market clays there have passed away some wellElliott attend ed to t he broken lim b proprie tors hav r epor t . . Th e gen tleman who sup plies us known resident s, among t hem, Mr. H . e comm enced busines s. I am _sorry to state t hat F:tbher 'r racey with t his useful intelligence is, we r egret ' Holland , Mr. J . Cape v13ll, Mrs. McKeown, and bad t h e unfortu nate m an convey ed to stat e, just now sufferin g from a se vere Miss Myers, aud Mr. L . Waters . Th e to t h e t rain to be t a ken clown to t h e was too 111 to celebra te Mass here yesterGeraldt prevaili on Ifospit a l. ng epidemic appears to be t he attack of influenza. We trust we shall be daY:. . The r ev. ge ntlennn h:1d ,b een , ., l . suffe rmg fo r three or four clays pas t from able to furnish our r eaders with it next influenza, which is an annu al visitor, but 1 T o my k u?wl eoge ,.,or t 10 p ast which six teen during the present season appears a sever e cold I believe, but fee lin " a lit tle week , and we ar e pleased to state t hat years a r esident doctor h er e would better he cl1·ovet• frorn N ewcastl; to this from many quarter s much satisfac tion is to have visited ~is in a more aggrava ted ha rdly form. have earn ed his tucker. Of town on Saturda y, but unfortu nately had express ed at its appeara nce in our course t h is sp ea ks well fo r a r elapse on S unday mornin g. colu mns. , th e creneral o-ood h ealt h of I t is raining in torrents as I write, and the cli~trict ; b ut~ n ever theless THE celebrat ion of Her M aj esty's B irth our t here is . every indicati on of t he corning · · · • week bem" a wet one. A MILITARY fun eral took place in Freman - day has been fixed to take phice in P erth mmmg cl"~stnct ought to h a ve a' r es1M:,y 19, 890 . t le yesterd ay, t he r emains bein g those of on Saturday nex t, l\fay 24th , the V olun- dent medical man. W e h ad one once, Mr. L . Waters, a member of the Artiller y teers of t he City F remantl e, and Guildfo rd many years ago, if my memor y ser ves cc,rps, who died somewh at sudd enly the taki ng par t in the proceed ing. T he usual me r ight ly . T his so mewha t eccentr ic day previou s from an affection of the lun gs. R oyal Salute and f m -cle-joie will be fi red Y ORK. D eceased was a h igly respecte d young at ;noon, aft er a fe w simple medica l p ractitio n er left t h e district m an, and was until lately employ ed in man ceuvres will b e gone through by the in sh eer disgust , simpl y b('.cause t h e o , to clerical work with Messrs . Smith & N e w- troops. __I n the a.£te .r.noon n lovc'o vill be ...lue,i,lt,bful iu.hnbit 0,nbs w e ufol rrom our own -corresp cnd e11t . man. This makes t he second m ember of h eld by his Excelle ncy t he Govern or. As u se a classic phrase, " chu ck a fit" for The membe rs of th e male b ranch of the Freman tle Artiller y who lrns died A ustralia ns clearly love a holiday , t h ere is him. S til l, fo r all t h at, No rt hampto n S. H. approac hed th e al t,tr ,Lt first Mass as ye t some uncer tai nty as to wh ether ought to h during the presen t mon th. a ve a r esident doctor. on S un day. F r. G places of busin uss will be closed during Du ring my r esiden ce h e re, and it is Stiturda y' next being ibney notified that th e clay, to open du rin g the evening ; and th e vigil of Wh its un1'HE tempert uous weather r ecen tl_y ~x - specula tion is also r ife as to the mood th e m any y ea rs, I h ave k nown se~e rf1l day will be« fasting day. J:le request ed perienced has been sever ely felt m sh1pprn g clerk of th e weather may ass um e·. This acciden ts t o occur, som e o.E whi ch the prayers of the co ngreg:it ion for success circles. The schoon er P lanet, at D ongana lat ter event , howeve r, ca.n only be spoken p roved fata l, p robal.,ly , o nly because of the co ntempla ted Mission in Lite h as b ecome a total loss, fortun ately wi th- of with cert:iin ty when th e eventfu l mom t here was n o doctor to be lmcl n earer K imberley. This great un cle rt,Lkiug was, h e pointed out, f rn ught with 1t1 uch cbngor out loss of life. A police patrol has been is ushered in. than Champ ion Bay. mid respons ibility, hence the n eed of sent along th e north beach to the Moore Ta ke, for inst a nce, R. Scott's case spirit ual help - which was ,ittained only R iver, :a distance of some eigh ty nnles, to on last vV eclnescl ay. H ad the acciclen t through pray er. look out for any wreclrnge that may h ave ON Saturday mornin g · last, the fan era: occurre d only an h ou r lat e r, On Wednes day th o marri,Lgcs of M r. wh en t he been cast ash ore. A pearling lu gger t hat took place in P erth of a young man n amed t rain , with Dr. E lliott, h a d l eft for the W . Mar wi ck with Miss Priiuster, a nd left some time since for the Nor'-we st has Dix, th e son of a well-k nown residen t of Bay, n ot as yet been reporte d :is hav ing made the it can r eadily b e i m ag ined in M1·. Enright with Miss God fr ey were V ictoria Plaius. The decease d was a any port, ,,nd it is feared it h as bee n stalwar what stat e and in w ha t cl anger poo r celebr eted in St. Patrick 's Church . And t you ng fellow- :1 splendi d specilater on in t he week t hat of M iss Norah los t. Scott would have been by t he t im e men of 'Australian -born ma1i hood, and Gmdy to Mr. George Ha yden . On last until shortly before his death, which took m edical assistan <'e co uld h ave bee n S uncfay the banns of t wo more co uples place th e ON W edn esday of last wee k th e death th at the nrevion s clay, fe w could realise pro cured. Fortun ately, as I h a ve sa id, wer(1 p ublish ed i n churc h by F r. Gibn ey. disease from which h e suffered , D r. E lliott h appene d to be n ear 9,t t he It is rum oured t.Jrnt nrnny more marria" es took place in P erth ~f ,i young man nan~ed co nsum ption , hacl attackec l him so severely. tjme, and i t is to be h op ed th at Scot t, ,t re Or> the fopi,S, which weatherw isc peop le D enis Healy, the tlnrcl son of M r. P at n ck 'fh e fun eral cotege moved from the w ho i8 over 50 yea rs of age, will r eap say " is indicat ive of a very prosper o us H ealy . 1'he deceased h ad been a ilin g for residen ce of Mrn. a conside rable tim e past, and the snd to th e Cathedr J ackson, M urray-s tree t, t he be nefi t of t his tim e ly su rg ical a id . season .'' al, wheee a requiern mass 0 1: Tuesday (13 th ) th e remains of M r. event was th er efore not quite un expecte d. was said, Sin ce rn y last we h ave h ad som e afte!· wh ich it mo, ed t o t he G. J. Blakisto n were foll owed by a la rge T h e fun eral took place 0 11 Thu rsday after- cemeter y where F r. Kelly perfo rmed th e good falls of rain, t be first ea rly in the num ber to t ho gnive. noon and was very largely attende d, the last offices. Decease d had J Among the mourne rs wa~ m onth . To-cl ay is clou dy a nd t hreaten s attain ed is scvo n~wth ycm·, Sons of A ustralia, of which Society the aged a nd was fath er of the decease d, who was more rai n. fo rm edy a Govern m ent School teach er, decease d was a membe r, fo llowing in the very much aflected , this being , we h ear, firsLly at tho " old to wn si.te " in th e M ay 16, 1890. mo urnful procession. At the grave Fr. t he third seve re inflictio n he h:1s exToo clyay d ist l'ict, 1nany years ago, then at K elly officiat ed, the funeral arrange ments perienc edt he thi rd grown -up son he Beverle y, and latterl y in York. bP-ing cond ucted by M r. Alfr ed L ee. h as burried since t h e begin ing of the Th P. deat h of M r. John 1\Lylor, fo rrn erly year. -R.l.P . N OR TH.AM. of Ya nged in c, and wh om I reporte d as bein g in ,L prec,trio us state of h eal t h ON Tuesday evening while the Mnsical occurre d at h is res ide nce in Yo rk o ~ Union were practisi ng in the 'l'own }fall, From o ur ow n Co rrespo ndent. To THE EmToH. Tuesday, 18th inst. a sever e storm passed over tho c·ity, Since my last some splendi d rai us accomp anied by a heavy fall of rain. 'l'he A man nam ed - -+ - have fallen . ancl it is win ter in good the York Pol J oh n Wolrnsb ey was, ,tt soundof the r ain falling so h eavily on the For gold ice Co urt on l\fo nclay 12th the Mercha nt " ploughs the m:tin,' earn est. Th e grass r oof had qu it e a deafeni ng effect, so much is sprin ging up inat., co m mittecl The Farmer ploughs the Manor, all orer the d istrict, and will undoub tedly s uicide at Beverle fo r t rial for attempti11g so t h at on e's voice was almost inaudible, ' 1 be ,1 boo n o n many stations wher e t he prisone r stated y. B efore co111111ittm e11t while t o add to the discomfort the rain But glory is the Soldier' s prideia defe nce th,1t he was 'l'he Soldier 's pay is h ononr.- B uRNS . dripped from the roof on to the p.iano and early b mbing _ has alre:.dy co mm enced. subject to ,i pain in his head , which at Srn, - Will you kindly grant me space in several places on th e platform . 'l'he P loughm g 1s th e orde r of idea of h aving t h e open roof in the build- to publish the neglect I h(lve received wit,h our far mers, who are_ the day tin1 0s made him sensel ess. brrn gmg T he half yoarly 111eeting of ratepay ers ing was, we underst and, to adverti se from the" powers that be," ,i h1rge amount of I served in the \)0th Liaht lnfan try vat10n t,h1s year. n e1v hmd rnto cu lt1- it appears was ve ry poorl y atteucled. I our famous jarrah, but it is a questio n if it The crops :.rn all :1111 in fo rm ed tha•, so me co uld not atfrucl has been the m ans of a simple plank•being d urin g the " Crimea n W9.r,'? in '55; and np _on the fal_l owed groun d ancl I am bein g ind is posed, whilst otLers u sed for a similar purpose . In following was woun cl cd. I was discharged wi th rncb had q u ite 1orl ~u tl11 nk t.hat t he har vest next forgotte n it. Some it out thi s plan the comfort of any auclience oightpo uce a clay pension , .incl came h ere is s,1id have no s~aso n Will be t he_best eve r seen m th e excuse to give th at might assemble in the lar ge hall was as a" gi;arcl" in tho ship Clyclo, fo1· the ir abse nce. in 1863. rl1str1ct. T h~ anxiety . of ou r farm ers certainl y sacrificed, imd sooner or later F,ubsequo nLly· 1 served on Mr. \\I. '.['. Cr.iig. who res ides at t h e th e "local about Egcson s precl 1ctt0ns arc sol:icced steps sl~oulcl he taken to eeil_tho_b 11ildin!c(, force," but :M.ilepoo l, noti fi ed in t;hc (,'hroniclc that h e h:wo 'l'h<'re is much to be said 111 favour of montocl p,msion. not receive d an oug- now. intends visitiuq Last week :i Volu nteer corps was shortly a11d that t he E,istcrn Colonie s ceiling the largo hall- it wo~1ld look more perso ns desiring select U ntil very lately I have neve r trouble d cstab'Iis hccl lll pleasing and have a more fimshed appearthis town by Major po ultry tire n:qneste cl to give orders . ance, t ho acoustics would be hetter, less th e Go vernino ut for :iny ass istance , Rlwt1ys Gardi ner, so me 25 men being ~worn J: t is said that " game" fow ls will be im• gas would be used in illumin ating the hall, manag ing to gain a li vlihood as ,i barber in . There aro, how ever, about 70 names portor1. Of late, howeve r, n1y on the l ist, bu t ow in g_ to while the comfort of those who attend any and dealer. pr essure of A~ the 111 cetin g whi ch took phioc p ublic gatheri ng would be gr otttly health has declined, incapac itating rne plough in g a11d other busrn oss t hey could on S:itu rclay several perso ns l a m iufonnenhance d, ancl there would be no clanger from labor, and :is I am now nve1· sixty not attend the meeting . 1'hey have t he eel parted compan y with th eir sto.,cls of a pass in 0 storm renderi ng the efforts of it can not be xpectcrl to improve . :td,·antago of being A few weeks ago J se nt for tho do tor, woo,,, on 'l'11r8rhy drilled thceo times :i quite rcluct:i11 tly. Tho Ch,·oniclc states a speaker 0 1 a perform er little more ,than a s, Thu rsd,1y, and '. tlrnt so,Hc 1J,,11-ca·,ti,· re prc:w1 1; ,1 iv cG \\'er ~ dumb show. who,• upon learniug my circums tances, re- ::iaturdays, and the meu attend to paracle · in co1 nn1q11ic:iti crn ·,l'ilh tho York Huut I













22, 18.90


tended absence on leave of His Hon,rnr .A.. C. Onslow; G. W. Leake, Q.C., Acting Puisne Judge, during the absence, on leave of Justice Stone; F. M. Stone and THE A CCEJ"l'ANCJ!lS . W. H. Neelancls t o be members of the Local Board of Health vice G. F The following ar e the acceptan_ces for the Perth and C. A. Paterson resign,ed. various events to be run on Friday neid;, Salas Vr1·AL STATIS'l'ICS.-The total estimated at the annual sports of the Newcastle population on March 31st 1890, is given Athletic Club :as follows, 25,264 males, 18,784 females, SHEFl'IELD HANDICAP. total 44,048, as against 25,066 males, 18,632 Yds 1st Heat. females, total 43,698 ], on December 11 E . Symmonds .. . 31st, 1889. 6 A. Lockyer .. . PunLic REsERVES.-Blocks ofland vary 11 S. Ferguson .. . ing in extent from 640 acres to 1,500 acres BUNBURY. 2nd Heat. have been reserved for watering places as 12 J as. Bourke .. . follows: Nos. 1501 to 1542 inclusive, on the 10 Geo. Sinclair .. . From our own Correspondent. Roebourne-Derby t elegraph line, ancl Nos. 51 W. Fitzgerald .. . 1576 to 1565 inclusive on the Derby-Hall's A recent visit to the Collie River coal 3rd. H eat. Creek t eleg-raph line. The following has . .. 7 ... discovery enables me to give you a brief W.Donegan been reserved for Roman Catholic Church ... 9 ... account of the discovery. About lrnlf a M. Lawler ptu·poses : No. 1,622, 5 acres, Mannup .. . 9 . .. T . Sermon mile from Harvey & Haywood's station, •rownsite, Town Lot 29 . 4th Heat. west. a shaft has been put down ancl a · MoNE'f 0RDERS.-.A. money order office ... 5 .. . E . Buckley seam of between fou r and five feet of coal has been opened at Broome . ... 5 ... P. Lawler passed through. About seven miles 'rHE BANKRUPTC'f .A.CT, 1871.-In ,-e A. ... 9 .. . H . Leeder further on a shaft has been sunk right Scott, licensed victualler, Perth (bankGREENOUGH. 5th Heat. alongside of the north branch o_f th e ruptcy); Adjudicated bankrupt, 9th inst., 9 ... ... .A.. Sinclair 1st general meeting of creditors, Supreme Collie. A seam of coal 13 feet 7 mches .,. 12 .. . B. L. Clarkson Court House. 27th inst ., 11 a.m. I n re C. has b!len "'Ot into, and no sign of bottom From our own Correspondent. FIFT'f YARDS HANDICAP. D. Price (liquidation) : 1st and final cliviyet . Th; men that were working at this Heat. 1st The Rev. Fr. Lecaille celebrated seam hacl to ab~.nclon work owing to the dend 5s. l½cl. in £ declared and payable Yds. M ass last Sunday at St. P eter's, for t he earthwork giving away above the seam, upon the 13th inst. In 1·e C. J . Chambers ... 6½ ... Jas. Moran . , . baker, Perth (liquidation) : 1st general first tim e since his n~turn to the dis-- and th e water coming in from the river ... 5¼ ... ... F . Green meeting of creditors, Supreme Court, 23rd trict. Every-one was pleased to see so fast. Coal has been discovered iu many ... 61 ... ... W. Wroth inst. 11 a.m . 2nd Heat. the rev. gentleman back m his old other places for miles around. Even 2 . lying in the river .A.. Loton beautiful specimens .. . can place, and also in such good health. ... 4 Geo. Sinclair .. . The road opposite the Golden Sheaf be procured. The country around tbe ... 3 S. Sermon .. . discovery is mostly low lying sandy plains Hotel, yesterday evening, presented with a few small ironstones hills. The 3rd H eat. ... 3 quite a gay appearance, being lined road to the coal from Bunbury is fair, H. Leeder H on. Blanche Dundas, sister of .. 1 P. Lawler with a contingent of the Geraldton taking it on the whole. L ord .M elville, of Melville Castle, has 6 ... A. Lloyd Rifles who had ridden out to meet The Government have at last t aken been received into the Church by Rev. 4th Heat. ' th.iir r espected captain. It shows in into consideration the inconvenient state 1 ... A. E . Lockyer ... Father Greenan, D.J., of Lau riston of the Bun bury Jetty. It has been what esteem Captain Cowan is held by 5 ... J . Donegan ... . .. street, Ed inbu rg!... . .. . 4½ L. Clarkson ... . .. the members of bis corps when they throughly over-hauled by Mr. Mason, and repaired where necessary, and two Miss Emma Louisa Ross daughter 5th Heat . came a distance of twelve miles in a comfortable little sheds have been erected ... 1 • of the late B. F . Ross, at one time E. Buckley ... . .. drenching r ain, to welcome him home which will benefit the travelling public ... 5½ J as. Bourke . . . . .. Mayor of Macon, Ga., has become again. On th e Captain's arri val Lieut. very much, as the steamers generally .. . 3 J . H . Lockyer .. . a Catholic. olie bas gone to New Jose called for three cheers, which arrive and leave here at night. The thanks ... H W. Fitzgerald .. . Orleans to become a nun . HURDLE RACE, were h eartily given. Captain Cowan of the Community are clue to the GovernHEAT 1. A tet egrum from ~ alifax , N :iva briefly responded, and than ked the ment for the praiseworthy undertaking. Yds. A Court of Petty Sessions for the Scoti a, says-Au epidemic of diphther ia members for their kind attendance, .. , 7 S. Ferguson revision of tha Electoral list of the has swept over the town of Ja nrli n, and was glad to be among them again. Wellington District was held at the ... 10 J. Donohue ... 10 Newfon nd land . 'l 'bere was no doctor rn After the usual "liquor up" the red- Cotirthouse, Bunbury, last vVeo.nesday G. Sinclair HEAT 2. the district, and a catholic priest named coats mounted, and departed whence at 11 a.m. M. Reading appeared on 8 .. W. Donegan .. . Walsh, with his own hands cleansed the behalf of the Wellington District they came. 10 .. . J . Bourke .. . throats of the fo rty patients. Only The annual school pic-nic was held Political Association, and Mr. J. Mag uire ... 8 M. Lawler .. . one of the invalid s d ied , but the priest last Thursday in Mr. Clinch's field on behalf of several claimants. Some 31 HEAT 3. new names were added to the list and 6 ... 10 himself fe ll a victim to bis heroism . E. F erguson .. . and was as successful as ever. struck off. ... 4 E . Buckley .. . Messrs. Maley & Sons Roller M ill A queer bit of medim val h as just The weather for the last week has been 8 .. H. Clarkson .. . i.s llf'= in fnll s,wine-, and is turning veJy i:o ugh. ...Rain. has full in tor~ts all cropped up in Prus sia. A. t Zauditz, . .. 4 Jno. P e i·g u son .. . out flour equal to the best Aaelafcle. round t 11e District. HALF MILE HANDICAP·. near R atibor, in Sil esia, tLere exists a Last Thursday an old man named May 19, 1890. (scratch) Yds. Sam Ferguson tiny feudal barony which confe rs on its ... . .. 25 E. Ferguson .. . Michael Darrigan was found dead in holder th e dignity of Knight and ... 15 S. J ames .. . his bed, at the residence of Mr. M. member 0f t he P ·ussian House of ... 30 W. Sinclair .. . O'Brien. An inquest was held on the j it n 11 Lords. U otil recently it was held by ... 30 H. Clarkson .. . deceased, when a verdict of " death ... 30 Jos. Hayden .. . Baron Nathaniel Rothschild, of V ienna, THE AUSTRALIAN ELEVEN. . .. 30 from alcoholic poisoning" was returned. S. Shalean .. . who, however, sold it for £27 to a ... 30 R. Dennis .. . LIST OF FIXTURES. The weather during the past week cobbler nawed Ra ida, aud th is man ... 35 F . Everett .. . has been very wet, and ram 1s still According to the "Australian Star" the re-sold it to one of bis workmen, a .. . 35 Jno. Donegan .. . following ar e the fixtures of the Australian fallin g. ... 35 Meadows .. . seigoeural rig ht 1a the nomin!ltion of Eleven for the English season, 1890 :May 10. ... 40 D. Lloyd .. . the . " pastor" at Zanclitz, a nd of four May 8-Against Lord Sheffield's Eleven, ., . 40 .A.. Lloyd .. . schoolma, te rs at the place and at Klemon Sheffield Park. ... 40 Jas. McKay .. . May 12-Against Warwickshire, at l'eten vit,z. T he n,•w Knight nod ... 40 L. McPherson IRI SHTOWN. Birmingham. m~mher of the Iler n•nhaus has ju st ... 40 J as. Cain May 15-.A.gainst Mr. Laverton's ... 45 D. Leeder filled up these posts, re~erving, howe ver Eleven, at Westbtu·y. (Wiltshire). ... 65 R. Leeder fo r hiru ~elf tlie princ ipal pos t as From our own Correspondent. May 19-Against Oxford University, at ... 65 R. Robinson ... schoolma,ter. A II this for £28. Since my last the weather has been Oxford. 11 that the farmers could desire. On May 22-Against Sun;ey, at Oval. Lord Sali sbu ry in a •peech of his a May 26- Against Yorkshire, at delivered 25 ago, says-W ha t is the Sunday we had a very heavy hailstorm, Sheffield. GOVERNMEN'l' G.i!ZETTE. which lasted for several hours. reaM on tl ,at people wi th so bount,ifol a May 29- Against Lancashire, at Ploughing and sowing is in full swing. Manchester. soil, with such e11 ormcn1s resources as THURSDAY, MAY 15TH. A marriage took place lately, the June 2- .A.gainst M.C.C. and Ground, at 0RDER·IN·CouNCIL.-An orcler-in-Council the Irish, lag so fa r be hind tbe Eoglish Lords (two days). contracting parties were lYir . J . June 5-Against Cambridge University dated the 14th inst. declares that at any race ? Some say that it is to · ue found time during the six calender months after in the character of •,he Celtic race ; l>ut F~rmer and lYiiss A. Eaton, daughter at Cambridge. . the elate of publication in the Goven11ment I look to Francf' and 1 see a Celtic race of Mr. R. Eaton. June 9-Against Middlesex, at Lords. 1 have one death to chronicle, which June 12-.A.gainst Notts, at Nottingham. Gazette, it shall be lawful for any person there going fo rw ard m the path of occurred since my last, that of M r. J. June 16- Against South of England, at to land or introduce grape vine cuttings, prospe rity with most rnpid stri.:les-1 being the produce of South Australia, Oval. believe at th e preseo t moment more M D empster, of B ucklands, one of 19- .A.gainst Players, at Lords. into the colony. LEVEE-His Excellency the Adminstra- ra piclly than Eng l:.rncl herself. Some our oldest and most r espect~d settlers. June 23-.A.gainst Yorkshire, at Brad· tor will hold a Levee at Government people say that it is to be fou nd in the His funeral, which took place at forcl. Northam, was largely attended. June 26-Against North of England, at House, on Sai71rclay, the 24th inst., at 3 Romau Catholic re ligion, but I look to • p.m., in Honour of Her Majesty's Manchester. Belgium and there Jsee a peoplesecoud to After Mass on Sunday in the schoolJune 30-.A.gainst Derbyshire, at Derby. Birthday. 0 RDER-rn-CouNCIL .-By an ordel' of the none io Europe, except the Eng lish, fo r house, a n old man named Howard, July 3-Against Staffordshire Eleven, at Queen in Council, dated March 21st, in<lu stry ; sin g ul arl y pros perou s, con b etter known as "Merrylegs," was Stoke. Leicestershire, at H er Majesty disallowed an .A.ct passed by s idering the sma ll space of country that caught in the act of b reaking th rouo-h ' July 7- Against the Legislature of this colony last year, h · [ L " Leicester . t e wmc ow. uckily F a ther T reacy July 10-Against Gloucestershire, at entitled "An .A.ct t o make provision for th ey occupy, baving improre<l to the h ad tak en the vestments with him. Bristol. the construction of certain accomoclation utmost the resources of that country, works or railways." but disti ng uis hed among ail th ~ people The police were communicat ed with, July 14-Against Players, at Sheffield. LocAL STATUTEs.-Despatches have been of Europe for the earnes tn ess an d and on searching his but found some July 17-Against Surrey, at Oval. received notifying that the Queen will not school books and slates. It is believed July 21- .A.gainst England, at Lords. be advised t o exercise her power of dis- inten, ity of tb eir Rom un Catholic . J uly 24-Against Sussex, at Brighton. t h at t h 1swas not his first visit, as some July 28-AgainstKent, atBlackheath. allowance with respect to the Acts 53 Viet., belief. T!tere for e I ca11not 1,ay that valuable books are still missing. H e August 4-Against Kent , at Canterbm·y. Nos. 1 to 8, 10 to 22, inclusive, passed by th e cnu ~e of I r, h di stress 1s to be was tried in the Northam police court August 7- Against Past and Present of the Legislature, or with r espect to the found in th e R o lllnn Catholic reli gion Acts, 52 Viet., Nos. 7 and 9, passed in .A, u hono urable fri end near me says on Thursday last and was sentenced to Cambridge University, at Leyton. three months imprisonment. August 11-.A.gai~st England, at Oval. 1888. LEGISLATIVE CouNCIL.-Th e election of that it a ri ses from th e Irish people . August 14- Agamst Past and Present A meetmg was h eld at Mr. H . A . of Cambridge and Oxford Universities, at Mr. S. R. Hamersley for the Swan is listening to de magogues; but wb eo I notified. Slater's Hotel, Northam, on Friday Portsmouth. . . loo k lo the 11r,r thern . tales of Am en ca CoNSULAR .-The Administrator directs I see people " ho li ~ten to de0111gog ue~, last, for the purpose of form ing an August 18-Agamst Notts, at Nottrng· it to be notified that the Queen's Exequatur. Agricultural Society and arranaina- fo r ham. . but who u11douLtecl ly havP 11 ot been 1 h t b b 11 t N" "h August 20-Against Gloucestershire, at empowering the Cavaliere Nicola Squitti, an annua s ow ? e e c a ort a m . Cheltenham. 1 :t Barone de Palermiti e Gurna, t o act as vrant in g rn indu s triul prn. perity Mr. Loton was m the chair, and th e .A.ngust 2!i-Against England, at Consul of Italy for the Australian Colonies, cannot lie demagog ues, Roman isms or Tasmania, New Zealand, and Fiji, to reside the Celtic race ; what, then, is it? I meeting proved a highly successful Manchester. . . one, the 'ociety b eina form ed and a· September 4-Agam st Lor d Loncles- at Melbourne, has recieived Her Majesty's am afraid that the one thiog which ha& signatill'e. large sum of money subscribed 111 th I borough's Eleven, at S_carborough . APPOINTMENTs.-Sir H . T. vVrenforclsley, bee n pec uli a r to I reland bas been t' e I Septembar 15-Agamst South of Engroom. land, at Hastings . Kt., Acting Chief J ustice, during the ex- governmen t of E ug land.

Club requestin g the use of the "Harriers". at Newcastle for the 22nd inst. The club could not comply with this request, but would grant the "Harriers" about the middle of June nex t, or some other date. The Im perial Hotel has again changed hands. A Mr. H. Gallop is the present landlord. Brookton Athletic Sports are notified to come off on July 9th ensuing. TheYork Sheffield Handicap appears to excite interest, as does the 2nd of June programme generally. At night, in the backgrounds, active training is beit1g done by some of our sportsmen, and pedestrians are very often in. great danger of h,tving their perpendicular reduced to a horizontal position by those flyin g figu res. Nice rains have fallen and the " west" looks black and threatening. May 17, 1890.

The N ewcastle athl etic spor ts takes place on the 23rd inst. Our Irishtown representi, es, Mr. J . Bourke, T . Buckley, and P. J . L'.Lwler, ar e confident in br eaking t he tape fir st . The Rev. Fr. Tracey thro ugh illness was unable to sn,y Mass at Northam on Sunday. May 20, 1890.












22, 1890.

The German pilgriooage lo Rome, which will take place in M ay, will i t is said, number 1,000 persons of all cl asses. Monsignor Kopp and several m embers of the Centre par ty will be amongst the pilgrims. Mrs. Dona vin, a non-Catholic, recently deceased at Baltimore, has left Cardinal G ibbon s and h is archiepiscopal successors a 10,000 dol. in'festment fo r the education of candidates for the priesthood. Mr. W. N. B. Vance P11clm1an, lately an organising secretary of the English Church Union, and the ed itor of the Church Review, one of th e Ritualistic journals, has become a convert to Catholicism . He hn£ received confirmation at tbe hands of bis Eminence th e Cardinal- A rchbishop. British In~estments in Arnerica.-A list bas been published in New York of theAmericanindustrialenterprisesw hich have been transfene d to English companics during th e last eighteen mon ths. It appears that within that period more than £40,000,000 of British capital has i n this manner been invested in the United States. JapaneM1 oranges are as different from our irlea of an orange o.s t b ey can well be, separuting from t b e pee I aI most . 'd rng ' · as easily as a grape, d1v1 mto sections at the . sligh test pu 11 , enc h - an d d'1ssection like a separate f rn1t · h fl solving in the mout l1 mt a avour of cherries, leaving no pulp behind. Aberd een has armed itself against the juvenile offender. It bus sough t out and employed a boy-wh ippe t· to administel' the birch with gusto. The official chosen is an old soldier, who had been the drummer of his reg ime nt, and who is, therefore, expected to ply his trade with science as well as zeal. Five shillings a boy is to be his pay. Should drumming prove a s uccessful apprenticeship, military music may take a more useful aound in the public ear. In regard t q education so m!il recen t sto.tisti.cs show· th.e United States to be very deficient. Ont of a pop ulation of 36,7 61,601 persons exceeding the age of ten years, 4,923,457 are un u_ble read, and 6,239,968 unable to wnte. More than hnlfthe people i11 Missis sippi cannot write, a third o_f tile popu latio_n of Virginnia is equally igno rant_, and Ill New Mexico fire out of every eight are unable to write. There has J. ust died in .Mel bo urn e a man who, although of hurnb 1e occupa. tion und littl e fame, was Of servi ce to tho community as few of us cnn be. b James Stephens was kn own as t e fath er of th e Eigh t Ho ul's Movement in Victoria, and at bis fu neral th ere was d l f II a large gath eri ng of e ega tes rnm u the trades union s. St.ephens was sixty· b l t· f h' s death and :!r1~eda\/tma~:: ~]I ~ few m~nths "• befor,, All attempt baP beou ,made to obtain an approxl·mate reli~ious cen sus of N ew Y ork City liJy tukrng t he number of deaths in each denominat ion in a twelvemonth and ass uming that the . proportioo o f' deat I1s to pop u Ia •,10 11 ts about the same in all. It appeared that last year the deaths of Catholics in Ne w York numb:ired nearl y 20,000, P rotestants 14,000, and J ews neu rl y 2,000 . The Sunday Democrnt arg ues th at t heee :figures ind icate that th e Catholi c popnlat.ion numbers about 125,000, Pro testants 67,000, aod Jew8 95,000 . If this calcnl a ti on is cor rect, nea rly half t be citizen s of New York nre Cnt holi cs . D r. Behren d bus written on di seases CllUgbt from Butchers' M~at. I-~e shows how evid ence as to the comm umcab ility of tub ercu_l os i ' . t o ~11111 h_as bel!n freely fo rthcomrng sin ce bis ea rli er papers, end be submits tb at th ere ore ground s for the belief t hat _tbe g reat~r care exerci eed by the Jow1sh race in tbe selection and µr eparation of mea ts js one reason why th e people of t bn t rncA are endowed with privil eges tendiog to ens ure a degree of protecti0n against morbific influen ces . In a pL'actice of thirty years, largely among .Hebrew patients, Dr. Behrellcl has l'lOt yet met with a single instance of pb thisis in the membe rs of tlt at faith.


9 I

In a review of Mr. J eremiah Curtin's "Folk-lore of Irela nd" th e New Yo1'!c II Freeman's .lo1t1·nal says :- " He is

The last Preside , t of th e former Rep ubli c of Crncow-Baron Dr. Schindl er- -di ed in that city on Goos Friday at the age of uin ety-two. He was a Bened ictine abb(,t, on whom the Pope confe rred episcopal honourn . The town of Edgerton, Kansa.s, U .S .A., is bent u pon t rying a la rge experiment. The townsmen a re resolved to com pl ete the emancipation of women. They have elected a female "ticket" for all th e Municip:.i,l offices of the town. The Mayor and the Judge and Coun cilmen a re all to be wom en, even the police force is to be of the same sex. It is thought that the idea of the indignity of being a rrested by a woman will have a deterring effect upon even the boldest burglar.

really one of the most wond erful men I of om· ago. H e is t be l\lezzofanti of , the present age? and speaks more lan~ua~es than his polyglot pr~totype. It is sa\d b:J: those who know him best, and t here 1s_no r eason to doubt_them, that there is 11ot a l~nguage m th e world a nd very few ch alect-s he does not speak. He lea~·ned th e ton_gue ?f th Kl amma t b I nd1 a ns of Cahforma aft~r a few_ mon t bs' st udy'. a ton g ue wluch, until h e learned it, was unkn?wn . .' a nd even unheal' d of, by p_hilologiSt s, It was ~uggeS t ec~ so~ie time ago by _an American publicatrQn th at our N :,,tional _Govemment should employ Mr. C:urtn~ permanently ~o carry out ph1lologwal researches 111 th eir behalf.. In t ha_t way his ser vice_s wou Id be_ s1mp l.v.·· inva Ju_ a ble to. th_1s lJ1·,1.11c I1 qr.. A 111 p1•tcan J tt~ ra_turP, _rn ge11e_ra I, _an d t_o th,e, S m1tJ1sonian I ns t 1t u t e m partwnl a r.

RETURN FROM THE CRUSADE. Father Thom as a nd P ete r, accompanied by the brave Gauthier a nd his men, tt'ave Ued day an d night towards Brix , n ever suspecti ng th at the old Baron t h ey we l'e going to protec t was dead and that his castle was a bbckened ruin. Mea nwhile a la rge ship was entering t he h a t·bour of Barfleur. A large flag bearing a coat of :1rm s Hoated ha lf m,1st high in the breeze. 'l'he sailors of the port a nd the idlers of the town were st and ing trying to recog nize h er. One young man with sharper eyesight than t he rest exclaimed : "I can see t he Governor of No r, dy's coat of a rms,· but why is the 1110 ·• 11 fla_(! half m ast high !" " "I see a coffin on th o hridbO'e," answered a sailor ,· "and I can clistinbcruish th at the pall b ear s t he fl Al o How rnuny people are aware that sa me coat of a rms as the Gag. as_' Bi Rbop Pierre Cauchon of Beauvais and it must be t hat the ·?vernor 18 bis fri end s wh o conde mn ed J oau of dead. What a misfortune.' A rc - " the one pu re fi g ure," as Green , It was true. '\Villiam du Houmet styles lr er, "wbo rises ou t of the greed, was bringing back his fa th e r's corpsde the lu st, the selfishiu eas, and tinbel 'ief' to France. He had ·~een S pierce of the t ime"-as a sr,rceress and one by a poisoned a rrow from t 110 aracens f b L'C possessed of the devil to be do ne ,' to ranks, and had died rom t e euect I d , dMth at the stak e, were schismiiticol i 11iarufi m " of t.he wound. l h passec, K' pri ests all the time ? Yet so it is. through Paris, hopin_g to ' nc t_ e in_g These very eccl esiastics wh o demanded there, t hat_ he 1m0_0 ht rec_eive 111,s of her " whethel' she would submit to I Governors h 1p f rom 1um, as 1n s f a tl10r s the judgement of the Church militant," · sue_ cesso r. Le~rning in. p ar:>·1s t lmt t l1e 1 und asked if " th e voices" she henrd "-mg was malnng war m .r: ere1re an d " forbade her to submit to the Chnl'ch would not he returning to t he Louvre and Pope," were themselves,, at t he be_fore All S~ints, D ay he mad~ up his vei·y tim e, rebels to both Church and mmd to s~1l clown the S em e and Pope. They lrad refus ed to ncknow- return to hrs home by the sea _ro~te. ledge th e selection of E uge □ inti IV. 'l'he men and horses he w'.'1-s bnn~mg the legitimate Pontiff; and scarce were back ,~ere exh~ust ed with fatigue the embers of Joan's funeral pyre cold and he Judge~ this mode of travelling in thi, market-place. of Honen, when mo re c_o nvemimt than overland, b oth they betook t.bemselves to Basel, rnised on tl~ e11· account and _becau s_e of the the standard of revo lt again st the delaprdated sta te of his car~·rage a nd Pope, whom a few years later declared t he sad burden h e was carryu'.g ho~ e. <leposed a ud excomm unicated, uod A boat p_u~ off from the_slnp, _wlnch elected as anti-Pope, Duke Amrldeo h ove-to, wa1tmg for th e_ hi gh tide to


The Queen is the "fountain of honour," of coursP, in Engla nd as well · I n d'1a, b u t f ew of I1er Ma.JPS · t y 's as m f ai'tl·1ful s u b,iJ ects t ho1ne , we f :i.n cY, · ·.- a h t " aw f ully a1cl · o u def r ea 1·s I e w a I w r u lly· m a d e" t'1tl es a re d'rspense d f rom th e fount of honour in her India11 Empire. 'l'he Indian paper s t ell us, for instance that through h er Viceroy she has con£erred " as a perso nal distinction" upon Maung Sa w Illa Prui ExtraAssistant Commissi:oner, "Th e titl e of K yet Th aye Z aun g Sh we S a Iwe Y a . " Th e gent1eman ,s n a me souncl s M m. · b e p zus t h e enoug h , b ut w h at must it " L k'] · titl e f uc 1 y rt is "persona1, " not her·eclr'tar·y !


A n 1mpo1 • • t 10 - t h e new ·tant pom l l education code for Scot and is tie b 1·t· f t b It '['h a o 1 10n o paymen y resu s. . e department, to quote th eir words, have "decidod that the time has now _com e when efliciency need not in every case be tested by individual examination." 'l'he change has been bailed with ge neral satisfaction, the evil8 of the old system havin g been long apparent. The teachers es pecially will be fr eed from the inj ustice of having their salaries regulated by conditions which in muny cases the utmost zeal and ability on the ir pa rt co ulJ not infl.11ence. The temptation also for over-preasure on del icate child,.en will be romovec1=-u.- nl'- S uvoy, w/, o took tho title 0 -f' Ji'elix matter that may well rejoice th e heartR V. '.!.'he complete edition of the of parenl s. T here is much to ap prnv e documents 01 th e proces s of Jo au, from of and nothing to reg ret in the alteration the a uth enti c m unusc ript of Pierre that has been made. Ca uchon himtelf bas jn s t bee n bron o- ht Th e young .:1. mse •r b h ~nd r, 1 e as no t as out in. Pari s by' MM ' · Leo Tuxil · . · g m · th e Ge rm uo . . Paul Fesclr • and <rim orrg other 11Jteres t., yet a b0.11-s 11e d d· ne ,1 1n , ,. • · th e I in "O' /'nets t hi s im iiortu11 t ou e r e,,an.liug army as tll S gramIf' a ti 1e r <l'1cI rn ' o h h , t' ll t l e n I I.he sc hisrnar ic bi ~lr op nnd hi~ . ~ng I~ t on~, ~s s 1 n c;1 accomplices is by no me an s th c1 le•1st irnh~ohr an_ · lls ep oward( as a ·netul e' iuterns ting <' Oa 0 1 w 1c w1 11 e we1come 1 · · h d' · 'f ·t d ot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O n g t 1rect1on, eveD 1 1 oes n g I f F th f t . ccor-li •1g to 1,1 0 R D very ur . . 1d· · 0 u me], n ,l ~- · lJ Jj ' S SAKE , t 0e 1 mpenu1 ecree, a c ue .. 111 e I ' tt d ] 'ti ·ov I f a , A S'l'ORY OF 'l'Jrn BRAVE DAY/S OF OLD. ~eC\m o•.1111ce1·1 oofnF.Iyono""u',.,,\ pne11:s~11dedacveo1· b3,



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two col o □ el s, 1rncl that only in two cases, namel (1) of uct1rnl in s ult (thatliche .~ ' . . Belezdzgung) for whi ch an apu 1oµ-y 1ias been refu sed, un d (2) of in sult to a lady who is either a rel utiv e or wife of th e officers. A duel is strictly for bi dd en in in . th 0 · followin g caaes : (l) Fo r l b casin o c·d'6 or 111 11 qsimi uailar re 15locali ' < party ' ty ;c <u2) ' wh en either bas already fougl,t three d uels; (B) when either of th em is morried an<l th e " b f f' . ,at er O a ami 1Y· The pioneer of t he penny n ewspaper, M r. Edward L loyd, died t his week. He was sevenLy-five ye! old and a native of Croydon. At the age of sixteen he publish ed a. book e ntitled "A System of S horthand," in which t he characte rs were written in wit h pen and ink by his own hand_ H is opposition to t he Stam p Act led ~o its final overth ro w. I n orde r to a v01d its ope ration he published ~pennyillustrate el paper in 1842, clealrng chrnfly with t heatrical gossip and such n,atters as he t hought. would not co me und er the Act 1 but one of the numbers contained t he story oE a loin's escape from a menagerie. T his was pronounced a news parg,graph, a nd he was compelled eith er to stop the pubhcat1011 or stamp it. He chose the latte r alternative fo r a t ime, a nd had to in crease t he price of his paper to two-pence. Late r on how ever, when t he oppositi on to t h~ obnoxious Act nmdercd its repeal prub:,,ble, h e agai n r~dnced the price to a penny, . At th e tim e of ~us death _h e was propnetor of the Dady Cliromcle and Lloyd's News.


- - - -








- -- TREASON .

"A knight co uld nut h ave spoken better," said t he Oueen to he r son, v •,· sruiJinbrr, a nd sh e l1 eld out li e r lmnd to the pilg rim who bent his knee to the g round as he k issed it. Pete r rose to go when th ey saw a young page run. g t owarcl s t i1em ou t of b reat-i1, mn swing ing his cap and crying out from afar : "G ive me your gloves, sir, give 1110 your gloves Madame. I have brought you good news !" "Herc are my gloves, " said Loui s. "B ut tell us quick ly, wh a t is t he good ne ws, Aujorrant?" "Do yo u )lot hea r the trumpets and the acc la mations 1 'l'he cha made has been beaten fo r t he last half hour. The V iscount of Bellesme is in t he camp. H e has broug ht t he keys of th e Castle. H e surrenders at discret ion. Long live t he kin g ! Come qu ickly Mada me ! \V h_a t j oy ! \,Ve shall soon be h ome aga111, and see t he : clear towers of Not re Dame.'' "May .G:od be praised! " said t he . Quee n .10111rng her hands : "The sur- I rend er of Bell esrn e will save :mich '. bloodshed, a nd makes sure for us ou r on t his side of t he . Loire. Before leav ing us Revel. F ather you will 11 , sin g the ''l'e D e um ' for us. . And Blnnch e oE Castill e and St. , Lom s, follow ed by the holy F a the r J Thomas, retumecl to t he cam p. 1·


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h,-o u5 li o


message from W1l h a rn, to warn ~he clergy of Barfl~m·. When t he tide had made t he ship ente red t h e harbou r, and t he monks of the Abbey of Barfl eur, to whom• the b Governo r .h ad 1. 1 enef ac t or,. came a 1ways • ueen a s1gna ll · l ffi l processiona y to recei ve t 1e co . n, ant · d · l · l · l l ca rne it to tie crypt 111 t101r c rnrc 'J. "\Vhen William had consigned this holy deposit into the ha nds of the good . , . monk . . s,t. he 1gave , hist .orders . . 1to t lns Id serv an s anc n .en-a -a trn s c\ ll C 0 them h e would p recede them by a l , . L . ; ,1 1 10 cay S JOUrney to ut 11umiere. abbot len t .h._im two horses, for 1_1is 11 l 0 wn Il a d sufI e re d very m uc t urmg 1 voyage, auc1 ~v ere m~ 5 tee1 to carry t~e 1nm. Thu s provided with the means f . . . . vv·n· 1 ram . cl u 0 ma1ung 11 ~s. Jou rney, Houm et and lns g room started w1thot'.t delay for the Castle of Luthumiere - T o · see 111s · coun t,L] abam rr · , a £• more t lm n ~ yea1•' _s• a b_s e • l·t In · t l11s · n ee, t o see baa~ttfol ~~ason of , a utum!1 when ~ 01mancly ~seven mor e lieaubfnl than m the spnng ; t he t hought that he ·. P. au 1·1ne f or l11s . b n·c1e, co u ld n ow c Ia1111 and embrace bi s :lear mother again ; all was calculated to fi ll the youn g knight's h eart with joy, if he co uld have fo rgotten his fathe r 's death . :Sut t he t hought of his loss a nd of his mother's g rief, oppressed him a nd h e said t o him self: "Jf a t least I h ad seen t he Holy Laud free, if 1 had iaid up o 11 th e Holy Sepulchre my victorious swo rd, I could console myself, but Sion is still captive and desolate. Chri stia n blood h as bee n s hed in vain and t he effo rts made by t he p rinces who have rP.maiued in t he eas t will all be fruitless." \Villiam was wro ng . T he most disastrous crusades to the Christians had n eve rth eless been h eav y b lows opposed to the M nsulma11 s who t hreatened to overrnn Europe . a nd if I slau mism still reig ned in J er~ salem , from the <>raves of t he c ru saders had sp ruuc, re]i r,ious ord ers :;,n cl u e w sanctiarios bhad been e;·E>ctecl wh e re Ch ristia nity flourish ed vigorously . Havingriddenforfou rh ours without meetin g a singe person he kn ew , W illia m arri ved on bis own la nd , an d



22, 1890

done every th in g that their political exigencies wou ld allo w. Mr. Parnell formed a most decided view of the 01ens ure, as I discovered on askin g him his opinion of it. "I think it," sa id' h e, " a bsurd and obj ectionable in the hiidiest degree. T he liabi li ty which the English taxpayer won 't incu r th is bill coolly proposes to tran sfer t o the sb1, ul ders of the Iri sh ceespayer. T hen th!) obj ect of the Government is clearly disclosed i n ~l r . Balfour's speech . That obj ect is to inflate the value of Irish laud to an inord inate e».ten t. He has g iven t he word for twenty years' purch ase. Bes iues, a fatal defect rn the measure i s that it proposes to give no Board v. Voluntary Schools. local control over its admi nis tration. In t hat respect it is a long way behin d S ir In a letter to the Standai·d on the George T revelyan's bill, wh ich did give su bj ect of B oard and Voluntary schools, a certain amount of local con trol. I the Protestant rector of Woolwich The Culminating Infamy. think on the whol e that we shou ld wri tes :- " One word of warning to my oppose it tooth and nail." brother Churchfolk, based on sixteen .M. r. Davitt was eq ually p ronounced in The explanation of certain cableg rams years of experience i n S outh Lond on. He was published here lately r e~pec tiog an hi,, opin ions of the measure. What we most h ave to dread with gallery s traL1ger' s ed nish ·ting di the in Commons or ouse H tbe our n i is e mad schools sjoo allu regard to our Voluntary by Mr. Ha rrington to the attempt of during Mr. Balfour's speech, aud I met own somnolence, apathy, illiberality, and In the th e to obtain P. J. S heridan as a him imm ed iately after the C hief Secrelack of diocesan cohes ion . witnes against M r. Parnell is that 1'>1 r. tary had fini shed. " It is a mos t inD eanery, I notice that while several Harrin g ton brought und er t he no tice of sidions proposal, in my opinion," said he, Ch urch and Vollrntary hl\ve been till board, the Hoose several cablegrams which had "to get th e landlord for ty per cent. more closed or tran sfened to the Typhoid Fever. passed bet ween tbfl Times and its agents for his land than he woDl d by fai r dealing qu ite r ecently the C hurch of Rome is in America. These cab legrams wern in in th e open mar ket." With the Coercion t he on ly body that has not only kept Have the patient ~Jeep alon e. B o rn a difficu lt cipher, wi th th e discovery of Act to aid th em, l\1r. lJa vit t had no Every bu t enlarged h er school s. a clue to whose interpretion Arch- doubt that that the landlords wou ld suc Eng lish Ch urchman should r ead olike all foo d left by the patient. imtes o min fifteen for dishes all il Bo Cardinal respect bishop W alsh is accred ited, and th ey ceed in forc in g th eir tenan ts into extorwith hu milia tion and Mann ing's annual r eport on the manner med iately after th e patient hus fi nished revealed transactions most d isgraceful to tionate agreements. • Mr. Sexton quite ag r eed w ith Mr. the 1'imes. They fully c0rroborated in which he an d his fe llow-re ligionist;;; nsiog them . and Mr. Davitt that th e effect Parnell patient the om fr ed remov Clothing the acco unt g iven by P . J. Sheridan, k eep an d admini ster their schools. A cy nical ontsider might feel inclined to and bed , lothi og should be disinfected and published by u s a few weeks ae-o , of the hill wo Dld be to indnce land lords of say th at though tqe church of England by soak ing lhem for hal f an hour in of the manner in which negotiations to press for twePty years' pu rchase renta l, talks a bout the errors of Rome, w hen i t a weak solutioll of carbolic acid, made by with him bad been en tered ioto, and of what Mr. Balfour calls the net comes to a matter of self-sacrifice and mixin g t wo and a h a lf ounces of pu re t.he large r eward th at was offered to him but what is in r eality th e gross rental, liberali ty the Church of Rome appears to carbolic acid with a gallon of water. to g ive s11ch ev idence of an y kind as less a small red nction fo r poor r ate. va lue her errors more high ly tha:1 the Then removfl them from this solution might r es ul t in con victin g Mr. Parnell. " This," Mr. Sexton wen t on," would be and boil in common water for h alf an T hey also incontestably proved the alt i utolerah le price, aou in any case in Church of England doee her tru th." hour. complicity of the Government with th e wh ich a body of tenants could be induced A ll discharges from the kidn eys and Times by showing that the Briti sh to entertain such a transuctioo at such a The Church on the Defensive. bowels mu st be r eceived in to vessels Con sul in N ew Y ork had been directed price, or anything like it, I do not see which contain aboct a p int of st ron g to give all the aid in his power to the how tl:> ey con!,! expect to e8cape opposiutjo D 0£ carbolic ac in, mat.le b _s_oJ ngents of. tbe Times . ..Tb0 wo rst thing ti on from th e general body of t he tenan t Toe Ontarto, Wlltcl.i-i" bc~tor l<oown as of the country who raay not t he Canadian system of public instruc- mixing five ou nc es of pure carbo lic proved, how eve r, was that , even afte t· farmers Prn- acid with a gallon of wate r. The the acknow ledgement of the forgeries be buy ing the ir hold iD gs, bu t who been thoroughly has tion, to become sec urity as testantised, and the Catholic authori - discharges must remai n in the disinfec t- and Pigott's miserable end, the 'l.'imes would have ratepay ers for the fulfilment of such an ties have therefore been obliged to take ing solution one hour before throw n had tr ied to obtain corroborative ev idence of th e fa lse charges made in connectiun in iquitous bargain. 'l'h us the mach inery t he most decisive measures for prevent- into the water-closet or privy. All persons who h andle, or have with the forged letters, and h ad for that of th is Act interposes a serious obstade ing Catholic children from attending the which was not expe rienced pu blic schools. Mr. Ross, the Ministe r anything to do with the patient, should purpose applied to men whom it bad to purchase urn e Act. In fact, this Ashbo the nder u soap ith w peatedly re hands eir th wash and <lynamiters as itself denounced of Educati on, produced a B ible of his from fa cilitating own, which is known as an" expu rgated and wate r, and pay great attention to assass ins, and whom it mu st h ave bill, if passed, eo far far towards pr ego will purchase lanu Ilealth, of Jonrnctl cleaniinos.-Boston lse fa and ury perj of capable believed edition of tbe froly Scriptu res," and the witness in any dogree required of them . vent ing it altogether. I regard it as local boards, p,t the bidding of the That it knew any opportunity offered merely absurd to propose t hat in th e Department of Education, has ordered . Expen:liture War European fo r the effective employment of Sl'lborned even t of any defanl t in the paymen t in the wo rk to be read in the primary wi t nesses is clear, for example, from tbe the instalments the Imper ial Governschools. M r. Ross had a high precedent t us j bas which statement manne r in which the j Ddges accepted as ment would or could attempt to witha From to go upon in thus cutting down the as Word of God to snit his own views and been compiled it appears that the ex- co nclusive t he un snpporte<l evidence of draw from snch imperative needs, ll sma that elief r r poo e.1Jd ucation ed ll a being purswearing naval and military Caron-strong for Le penditure only lie course that taking In purposes. follow ed the proceeding of tho early poses of the six Great Powers of E n rope they wan ted . Noth ing, in sho rt, was portion of Ireland's contri buti ons to the R eformers, and so proved himself a from 1887 to 1890 (four years) amounts wantin g to fi ll up the messu re . of the Imperi al revenue ah pre. ent re turned to th orough Protestant. His Im primatn r to £792,401,127, or nearly £200,000, Times's infamy-or rather to sbo w to her for those pu rposes. 'l'er ant puron t he new version may not have been 000 per annum. The expenditnre is the wo rld that such had beea done, than chasers, too, under the new Act will be r eceived with as much respect as that divided as follows :- France, £254, th e exposnre made by Mr. Han ington . less favo urab ly sit uated than unde r the £ 162,71 8,387 ; It was, moreover, a sigoificu,nt fact thut As hbonrn e Act, ,1s for five years they Russia, upon which the Bible of King James was 102,841; "read in all the churches," but with no Grent B ritain, £123,786,676; Ger- wh ile he was eng~ged in mak ing it, the wi ll bave to pay fo ur- fiftb s of the rental, very large stock of humility he yet many, £ 121,519,969; A ustri a, £6'i, defeat of the Torie;, at North St. nor does it appear at what peri od of the possessed sufficient to be $atisfied with 594,200 ; Italy, £62,679,054. Frnnce, Paocrns was announced in the Honse . forty - nine years that money would be . forciu g the reading of hi s Bible in a consequently, spends ann ually upon her The cable, meantime, which gave- us returnc<l to tl1em . The true price of narr ower and more lowly sphere. He army and navy clo~e u pon £64,000, some confuseu report of Mr. Ha rrin gton ·s mon ey now is 2{f per cent. an d one per coul d force it upon the acceptance of 000, or more than England and Ger- reference to P . J Sheri dan, coo istently cent. for ,.iuking fund, so that the rea l Russia, over abstuined from convey ing to ns any charge shou Id be 3¾ per cent . an d not chi ldren, and with that limited measure many put together; of success he was so.tisfied. And so he £40,000,000 ; Great Britain and Ger- l,ints of the grav ity of the cbarge~ 4 per .:ent., as the Go ven:?men t prnposes to charge. T hia add itional quarter per acted throu gh the Education departtnen t, many, over £30,000,000 each ; Aust ria, brought and es tablished by him. cent. is to be applicable to gene ra l deto whom bis will was law. But his pur- nearly £ 17,000,000 ; Italy, £15,500, fau l t, und it foll o ws that the solven t pose was gained at the cost of religioue 000. The Land P urchase Bill. tenau t will have to go on paying the The Ross expurgated o ible peace. whole 4 per cent., and bis add it ional became a veritable apple of discord. It Salisbury Lord per cent. will go tc,wards meetquarter immediately disturbed the Christian '.l.'f!E OPINION OF l\IR. PARNELL AND in g the default of an insolven t tenan t. peace that had reigned amongsi. the LEADING MElllBERB OF THE lu regard to the congested districts, Mr. Labouchre, in the art icles i n reli gious denom inations. AcceptiDg it a~ IRISH PARTY. where the need is g, eater the relief will a compromi1ie, they had not previou sly 1'ruth, to which we have alluded, gives The London corre•pond ent of the be least, because uo matte r how lo w may quarrelled over the system of p ub lic this graphic sketch of Lord Salisbu ry : Le the purchase price , the tenan t wi ll instruction ; hut. this decided and - " Curiously enough, I am a fanatica l Freeman, writing on 1st April, says :M r. Goscheo's Land Purchase B ill, have to go on for five years P!IY in g fourmost objectionable departure from the admirer of Lord Salisbury in some pr inciple of neutrality in religious mutters . He is tricky, sh ifty, and wh ich wus i ntroduced lnst ni ght by ·Mr. fifths of tbe g ro ss rental. The security matters put an entirely new camplex ion untrustworthy. As a pr ivate ind ividua l, Bal fo t: r, is admitted on all hands to be which M r. Balfour called his 'three on the matter. The Catholic Church I make no doubt that be is the so n! of an inge1Jious measure, but a very brief degrees of impossibili ty ' is perfectly does not recognise any B ible but honour, and that bis word is h is bond. investigation of its most I,lausible pro• illusory, as the tenan ts' insurance foo d its own, though it has not bee n issued A s a Statesmno, however, he seems to posals was sufficient to show that a idea ass umes th11t there cau he no poswith royal authority, or undergone rece1Jt bold that he has a right to deny any- more hollow and impracticable piece of Rible default in the first five years; then r e~ision, and as for .Mr. Ro s' "expur- thing which he <.leem8 it to be of ad- legislation was never snbmit,ted to Par- the next secnrity the Gover~ment, as I gated edition," it would as soon accept a vantage, either to the Stnte or to hi s liament. As on e member said in the have said, could, under no circumstances, ::ialvation Army abridgement of the Party, not to be admitted. This ac- lobby, a more stri king insta1Jce of the dare to make effectual; and the local Testament as that profain prod uction . cusaLiun is 110 new one. It has been absolute futility of applying abstract rate by the grand jnry , comi n g , as it It was, therefore, necessary to strictly made by Mr. Bright, and by the Times, ingenuity to the sol ution of a problem nece~sarily would, in times of distress. In my prohibit Cath olic children from going, and his reply when questioned abo ut without kno wledge of its practical diffi- won l1l he eqnally valueless. under any circumstances or in any the· Marv ill Treaty showbd that it was cu lties could not be conceived. Un- opinion, the onl y sound security iu laud p!1.1ce, to school where the newest true. He live8 :in tbc clouds, con - doubtedly Mr. Balfour afforded consider- purchase tran~act ions is a moderate To scientiously deeming that tbe Govern- able satisfaction to the landlord party, price, and where th e pl'ice is immoderate was read . Bible P rotestant r ender the shield thus thrown round ment of the country should be iu the on whose behalf the Government lrnvc uo sec nri ty is auy good:' a peasant who was at work seeing him exclaimed : "Merciful Heaven ! it i s' M aster Willia:n !" And leaving his plough he came and kissed his young master's hand. "How is my mother 1" said William, " Pretty well, Sir, but she wears ve ry d eep mourning, poor l ady." "My Goel ;" cried W illiam, and feeft ing that the tears wer e st arting int o h is eyes, wit hout anoth er word h e put spurs t o his horse and continued his j ourney a t full gallop. To be Continued.

the flo ck the more effective it was announced that the sacraments woul d be denied to a ll Catholic parents and chil dren who d isr ega rded the iojunction. That order aroused the anger of the Rossites in Ontario, and it has provoked the secularists h ere to protest. Their organ has a lluded to th e iaj unction us a nove l and extreme step on the part of th e Ca tholic Church. Wh ether extreme llr not is a matter of opinion, but certainly it is not novel. P recisely the same discipl ine is enforced h ere in Vi ctoria and wherever Catholic chil d ren needlessly attend secul ar schools, 01· P rotes tant schools of a primary character. The secular organ unfai rly alludes to the dist ur bance ca used by the Ross B ible in setting it down to a feeling of di~satisfoction on the part of Cath olics with the Ontario systell'!. They were not di~satisfi ed with it as it worked before thi s inn<•vation. Even now they are only concerned to k eep Catholic children ont of the p ublic schools . That end accomplished, they wc uld have nothing to say to it if the Ross B ible were fo lbwed by a Ross pray er book and role of fnith.-Advocate.

hands of men of b is class, and that the role of the people would be a mob -rule. H e is as bad a Foreign Minister as can well be conceived, for he tru ckl es to the s tro □ g and b~llies th e weak , and by his offensive arrogance he m ight at any tim e involve as in a war. But I forget. all thi s when I bear hi m speak . I used to listen to him with delight when he was L ord Robert Cecil, and a member of the Hou se of Comm ons, and from the gallery of the House of Lords I listen t1> him with delig ht whenever I get the opportunity. My delight is not caused by the matter of his speeches, for I dioagree with alm ost every thin g that he say s, but by the way in which he pots the matter. H is the pe r fect ion of a very effective sty le of oratory."


22 , 1890.

a n 'ti Can a man eating dates be said to cons ume time? W ha t class of womeu a re most apt to give ton e to ;,ociety? The bell es .


THE W. A. RECORD. Why is a se lli~h fri end lik o the letter

MrR. Yo •1 ngwife-I nm so ll!lppy.

£6 6~.



IIUNTER LEVERS, Guaran"P ?" I t is the lit'st iu p ity and the last My d~:11.· h uabu nd neqe r goes out. He teed two years, at J . GALLE'S, Al bany · always stay9 at b orn e with me in th e in help. "Wh y, Alice, yon h ave put yo ur even in~. F emal e fri e nd -Yes, I b11ve H.oLLOwA.v's OINTMENT N D P ILLS. n· t' ll I hea rJ thnt he n ever cared fo r plcusn re " ,xr n a • • e wrnng f'0() t" s II Oes On •h

do, mamma? They're all the feet I've of au_y kind. Motllel' (suspicious1y)-" If yon Wby is a watch lik e a r iver? Be- got." A count rv fellow to ld II hotel wa itel' hav n'L been in swimming , how <lid cause i t won't run long withou t windwho hand ed· him a bill of fa re that he yo ul' hai r g et so wet?" L itLle Diel ing . would defer reading it unt il after dinne r. "That's perspiration ; rn nn in' 11w11y " W hy do you laan over that em pt y d isobey · . G eorge III . possesse d. a t 11nep1ece so fr om had boy s wot wanted me to cas k ?" "I am mournin g over depart n'." i imm sw in go ' ail yon, · 't Id h t th ll , nng. a s a 1 wear cou e a sma .,,d spirits. ' When tho great picture of the Coul't W harton, refcnio g to it, said , " The i. • What is t ,,at which lives in th e King wears this to show that tim e does of Deat h was exh ibited in Boston a wintel', dies in t h e summ el', and g rows ticket was sent to th e Rev. Dr. Osgoud , not bang heavil y on his h aorl." with its roots upwards? An icicle. to aumit t he beare l' to the (;o nrt of • · · a poo l' fid<ll 1 F 00 te, Irnanog er 8 t,t·aimng What is the diffel'ence between a harsh <liscord under his window, as ked Death. T l1e old geutlemnu was li terall y b d f •· I · ~ d f . wa tchmaker and a gaoler ? O ne sells h,m 1 wb ere, as one scrape r con ·oun·.,e · , no t iav111g ear o tu e to pl ay e,se t h d th th t h pa intin g . "I expected to go befo re ' at the door was s uffici ent. e o Ol' wa c es ce11 s. wa c es, an Wha t is th e larg e~t room in th e 1 " 1 havo r ise u from the . bitl" to t he lo ng, bnt I was ?ot . prepared fo r so . I nbrnpt 11 s ummons, ' Bllld he. benc 11, ,. as ti, le yon11g f.•tto 1'11 ,~.,y rn1, wol'l d ? T he room for 1mpl'ovemen t . 1 Wh at word, by t ak ing th e firs t letter when he quit law ar1 I we 11 t, t, s 1, oe - , O irnrrnAL l:1JM J.1L E 'l'll Ol1 PJI AND ,1, 1rn n mak ing . from it, makes you sick ? M. - usic. , DULL . What. is the debt for which you can- i A youn g fellow , fond of talk itig, said T he miJ bnll had hec n cbusi 11~ t he he was n o proph et. "N o," said his not be sued? The debt of na ture. 'Why is "E" th e most nnfortunate of father, "no profit to yourself or any one Ge uerul , wlr(I, after u loll g an d oxeiti 11g run, just fe ll ove r' a fe tJce, am! was l ettel's? Because it is never i n cush, else." A doctor and u mili tury officer be - savi,1! from the bull's horn by so metb i11g always in deb t, and never out of danger. Why would yon be justified i n pick- I came enamoured of th e same lady. She like th e t!iic.kne, s of his pan ts. T hen it was t he General who became mad, f}Dd ing t he pockets of a vend or of' engrav- said i t was hard to choose between he went for the owne r of the hull. iogs? B ecause he has pict-ures (picked them, as they were such killin g fe llows "Is that yo ur bull over th ere, sir ?" I "Illustrated with cuts," us the boy sai d t he General, pur ple. your s). "Wa l, I g uess 'tis," sai~ the form er. W hy is a. dull and plau s ible man like said when he drew his kn ife across the. " Well, sir, do yo u know wh at it's an unrifled gun ? Beca use he's a smooth I leaves of his grammar. "Illustrated wi th cuts," repeated t he teacher, as he been do ing?" bore. " Clrasin' ye, mebbe." Why is a., bunker's clerk n ecessarily drew a rod over the boy's back. "Yes, sir, chasin g me; and i t is 1111 She : Yo u are s ure you love me. well-info, med? Becaus e h e is conti nual He : L ove you ? Why, I a m reatly to outrage I wil l not to lerate; aa outrage, 1 ly takin g note;;. Wh at motive had the inventor of die for yo u. She : When we're married tell you--" (and so on Jo,· five will yo11 al ways get up and start t he minutes) . railroads in view? A loco-motive. " Wal," said the fa rm er, "it's a thin g kitchen fire ? He : El' - er -pray be b u II s wi'll d o-ye r.aa ' t h el p 1·t , y e t, now." W hen are tailors and hou se a 0rrents reasonable, my dear. I bl k " r1 0 I 1·t !" · tl b G bo th in t he same business ? When tbey enera , · ac • P • cne t e Co unt de was wound ed ou b k " D0 t· 'th· d. gather the rents . you now w o A fte r the surgeons h acl r.ut wi in ig na ion. th e k nee. "Is that clock right over t here ?" and carved fo r sorn·e time the Count 1 am, sir?" . " No, I don' t." as ked why th ey nude so many i □ cis ioo s "It certainly ai n't anywh ere else ." " Well, sir, I am Genernl l:l um bla · 1,)y a Th ey sai d t h ey were look iug fo r the T h e man wh o was h emo1 e d 111 thorpe." · · ,. · "Why," said the Count, " I crowd h as been troub1ed w1tu a st itch lll ball. " Is-that-so?'' W hy in t h und er have it in my p oc ket. " h is side ever since. ditln't ye te ll the bull , Geo'r al. " A Hopetul Sig n.- Mother : That Why is a game of car ds li ke a ecau se th ere is always young man st1em e d to be ve ry affable timber ard? last nigl1t. Did he pro pose before be a numb er of deals in it. Vital Questions ! I I A wag said of an egotistical writer, left? Daughter : No, be d ida 't propose As!, the most eminent Physician " Somebody sho uld take pity on his ·I exactly, but he blew rings of tobacco Ask auy sclioo l, wbn,t is t he best thing in so he m ust have been th inking th e WOl'ld for quieting and al layi ng all irri1 smoke, readers and put out his l's." A, dru11kard's nose is a Jighthou Re , \ of eugngernen t rin gs, or something of t:ition of the nerves, and curing all fo rms of nervo us co1uplai.uts, gi vin g natural, childli ke warning us of t he li ttle water th at th at sot't . refreshing sleep always ? A lo1JUt1cious lady commenced to tel ! pas~es beneath. Auu they will tell yo u un hesitati ugl y " Some j orm ~/' Hops I I/'' Tea and coffee are we cal led ber compla int to Ur Abernetlry. Th'il doctor saiu : "HolV long will it ta ke "luxuries of the grocer ki rid ." CllA1'1'EH I, to tell the story ?" " Twenty minntes," "It mu st he a pleasant sig ht," says . said she. He said : "Go 00 ; I will of tl1e most eminent puys :ill et· any Ask Mrs Soaggs, "to see t h e P resident of be back from the next street by th0 time icians Hayti surrounded by his black-g nar<l a." " What is the bes t and only remedy that yo n have done." At a din ner the host aske,l QLJin to can be relied on to cure all diseases of th e Sambo, who was a t sea, s ays, " A ll kidueys and urin ary organs ; such as A gentleman · Bright's disea£e, diabetes, retention, or inade passengers was a-h eav in g , and de take a piece of pudd iug captain gave orders fo r de ship to Lad just before helped himse lf to an bili ty to retain mine, and all the diseases " P ray," sa id Qllin, aud ailments peculiar to Women " immense piece . heave to." And they will tell yo u explicitly and emAn officer on parade was tbrowu looking first at the geutleman's plate phatically "Buc!w." from his horse. He said to a. fri end, and the □ at the dish, "which is the Ask th e same physicians "I t hought I had improved in my pudd ing ?" " What is the most reliable and surest A man said he Lad a gnn which went cure for au Liver diseases or dyspepsia ; conriding, but I see I have fall en off." "'l'he iron has entered my sole," said off i mmed iately upon a thief's com ing stipation, ind igestion, biliousness, malaria, fever, ague, &c,," and th ey will tell vou : the shoe to the shoemaker." " I g ive into the ho use, al t,bough it' was ·no t Mandra/,e/ 01· D ctndelion I 1 1 I • thee awl, I can do no more," was the charged. "How can that be," siiid a Hence when these remedies arc combined friend, "Becanse the thi ef carried i t with others equall y valuable, reply. And compounded into Dr. Soule's AmcriSw ift, hearing of 11 ca rpenter falling off, and, what was worse, befol'e I h ad cau Hop lli tters, such a wondel'ful ;iml mysthrou g h a scaffold he h ad been con• time to charge bim with it." terious curative power is developed, which Wife : " Wh ere shall we go fo r the is so varied in its operations that no disease strncting, said he liked to see a work l!lu mme i· ?" Harry : "Isn't it rather OL' ill-h ealth can possibly exist or resist its hi s m echanic g o tbrnugh early to talk of that?" " Why , no. I power, and yet it is promptly. llannless fol' the most fra il woOJan, weakA ma n being u pbraided for Contract- must begin to make my plaus a t once. " invalid oi- smallest child to use. t lus did Yun ing a number of. deb ts said : "On the "Well, <decide yourself. c11ArT1m n . c0n trury, I have invariably done evel'y- year, you know. Just pick out a place "Patients again where we will escape every thin g in my power to enlarge them ." "ALOJost dca<l or near ly dying" A child having plucked some roses h uman comfort-and tha i; will meet ruy Fol' years, and given up by phsidaus, of was repl'ove<l by her father, who said : notion of a summe r resort exactl y ." He was a bru te.-" I think tliat M r. Hright.'_s and oLhel' kidney di seases, liver " Didn't I tell yon not to picil: any complarnts, se vere coughs, called cons umpI • 1. flower without leave ?" · ' 1Yes, pupa," S uoway is tue most d1 sag reeab e man I tion, have been cured. Women gone neai-ly craz,1 I I I I Why" " ::iue. complained met," ever loaves." had these all replied she, "but From agouy of neural gia, nel'vousuess, Queen Elizabeth said to 11 party wh o asked Mamie. " H e was readin g i::i the h ad long hoped for an office at her parlour, and I was playi ng . I stopped wakeful ness, and various diseases peculi·ar t:> womcu. · 1 d Wh People drnwu out of shape from cxcru cioes a ma.u t lr rn c of and said ; ' D oes m usic ann oy you at hands, " · wh en he t hinks of nothing? " " Of a wh ile reading, M r. Sun way ?' 'Nn,' alin g pangs of rheuOJatisrn, inflammatory wom an's promise," he bitterly re plied. 1 said he, 'n111sic never a nn oys 1e, i.\'l iss and chronic, or snfforiug from scrofula. E l'ysipclas ! :Mrs . A.: My husband is begiuui ng I S u_e.' I jn8t de te_s t_ h im . So ~here!" t? refo~m . . M rs. B . : _!ndeecl 1 I saw I .Ellenborn ugh . d1sl 1ked travelliug .n- . ".Salt~heum, li~ood poisoning, dyspepsia, him go1t1g m to a pu bl1chou se to- d ay . cumbraoces. His wife once accom- ~~~)f~st1on, anu, rn fact, almost all diseases Nature is hei r to Mrn . A . : Yes, I know. He went in paoied him on a circuit, n'lld, wh ile Ilavc hceu cured by Dr, Soule's Hop Bitfor a glass of whiskey, but be tak eR sitting i11 t~e carriage, E lleoborouah's fee t came in cou tact wiLh ;i huud box . 1 Lcrs, proof 0 ~ which can be fo uud iu every water in it now. I neighborhood rn the known world d· · ,, · j U p we nt t h e w101aow · · · an out went. the Dr. Johnson said of the U o1 vers1ty - -of St. Andrew's, which was poor in box. When they reached their de ·ti- I purse, but prolific in its di etributi'on of ! nation E llenborongh could not Jind lri ~No ue genu ine_without a bun ch of green degrees: "Let it persevere in its w ig. " Whel'e is my wig ?11 saiu lie. b~ps on th e . white label, and Dr. Soule's name blown m the bottle. BEWARE of all . " . " M L 01·d ,, 'd ., . I a ser van t, it was m the vile poisonous stuff made to im itate the , sni Y and 1t may become non by present Pan, ·I above. the bandbox." degrees." 1

D uring eve ry break of wi11try weather exer tions ::; houl d be m,tde by th e it ffiic ted to recove r health before unremittin g cold and tryin g sturms set in. Throat ail111 ents uoughs, , hee:-:ings, asthlllalical affections, shor t ness of breath, morning n a usea a nd ,1ccumulations of phlegm can r eadily be rc111ov ed by r ubbing t his fin e derivative Ointment tw ice a cl::ty upo•1 the clwst and n eck. Holl oway's t reatm ent is stro ngly rccommcncl ecl with the view of giving{ ir nmecliate ease, preve nting prospective ,\anger, an l affecting perrnan enL relief.I These 1,ll-i1nportant ends his Oin t ments 1 and Pills c,111 accomplish, and will sure1':y," prevent insiclio uB disease from fastenirt!i on the co11stit ution tq display t afoerward s in those disastrous forms that wi ll prnbably em bitter life till d eath itiself. is almost prnyed for. - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - · ri

" l!'oR

'.r llll ·



·1·u m



BLOOD •i~1 MlXTURE is warranted to cleanse th e blood 'J UfaARKE'S


[rnm al 1 i mpurities fro m w:\ ever cause 11rrs1ng. ]for Scrofuht, Scurvy, ' Slcin an d Ulood Diseases, and Sores of all kiud s, its effocLs am rmuvellous. Thousan&s of testimonials. Sold in bottles, 2s. !Jd. and lls eaclr by Chemists and p·a tent Medicine Vendot·s everywh ere. Sole Propdetors '~ HE LlNCUl,N AND MIDLAND COON'l'I {'~ DRU G Co., Lincoln, Eng land.

aud Je welled, Guarantced' Lwo £ J.'0.) GALLE'S, Albany.

SI LVER LEVER BU1'1'1.'ER, Capped years


A Pauper's Dying Request. An am mi ng and yet pathetic incident in what lhe poet Gray called "the short and simple annals of t he poor," is 'fold by l\fr, J'ohn J. R. Macklcjohn , one of the Inspectors of t he Poor, at Lerwick, SheLland Jslands. He says that soOJe time .,ago an old woman, named Barbara Smith, came under the notice of the Board. She was extremely il l, aud it did not look likely that she would long need care of auy kind, She did not reside on the mainland, but ou a small is• land a fe w miles distant, and there being no parochial instiutions in that place, Barbaro necessarily occupied the position of a paup e r , li ving out. Th e Cron e !'Olli which she suffered el ated back maay years, • In better aud more prosperous days she had iu some way laid the foundatio n for Chronic Ind igestion and Dyspepsia, aud out of this had sprung up other complaintB as age aU(l bodily infirmitiEs crept apace upon her. Bal'bara was not ig11oraut, albeit she had fallen into poverty. ;:n earlier life she somehow obtailled the advantage 'of a fair ed llcation, and this, added to native sb rewduess, enabled her to use good j udgment ia respect to her own situation and state of health, Although she hacl long su:fl'erd from asthma and a brouchial affection Barbara was wise enou gh to see that there ailment.s arnse from th e disordered stomach and digestion, and t hat if th e main trouble could be cured the oth ers would soou leave her. It is probable that her disease began as others do, with tt10 usual sympto!])s ; headaches, bad breath, the rising of sour fluids in t he throat, oppression and fa ir1tness at the-pit of th e sto mach, loss of sleep, coated tongue, dull eyes, bad taste in t he mouth, &c., and finally became ~hronic aud hopeless through her not being able to fi nd any remedy, The Inspecto r states that she or had bee n under medical t reatmen t years, but to no etl'ec t. In this strn1t she one day made tb e followi ng touching appeal to the Inspector : " I have been swallowing medicines for months. T!tcy do me 110 good. I am going onji·om worse to wo,·se. I co.IL endure il no longe,·. I.feel t!tal in a wee/1 or two I shall be deud. T!te,·e is one last reguesl I ·would malw ~f'.1/o" : give me et bottle of Motlier Se(qel's Curative Syrnp; il is my only hope, I / it proves afetilure, a!ld does me no good J will die in peace, and ma!<e no more exp ense to the parish ."

l t seems she had got hold of one o Mothe r Seigel's Almanacks aad read of th great cures wrought hy th e Sy rup in cases like hers. T be Boar<l pitied th e pool' lone woman anc'! granted her petition, believing, however, the Syrup woul_d pro ,·cd as llseless as t ir e otbel' medicines she had already take n. Wbat was their astonishmcat to find, in t he co urse of a few days, that she bad not only been able to get out of bed, bu t to mcvc about outside the house, and had taken journeys to a considerable distance, aud was actually enjoying bcttel' bcrilth than since she was first taken il l. 'l'bc asthma and bronch itis, which we re no more than symptoms of her true disease (iudigesLiou aud dyspeps ia) , rapid ly :Lbated, and it now seems that Bal'bara will soon be as hale and heal'ty as tbe Iaspector himself, aud be one of the hosts of living witnesses to Lhe powel' of Mother Seigel's Syru p to save the housands who were j ust ready to perish. Mother Seigel's Curntive Syrup is for sale by all cherr.ists and medi cine vendors and by the proprietors, A. J . White, Limited, 35, FarriDgdou Road , London, K C.

Nesbit's £6 10s, English Levers,




Practi cal Watch maker and Jewel ler,


(Late of Rundle Street, Adelaid e, HAY S1'R.ii:ET, PERT H. A S the best selected and th cheape st stock of first-cl ass Watche s and Jewelle ry of [];VER Y descrip tion in the colony. Nesbit' s English Levers ( capped and jewelled) stand rid ing and rough work, g uaranteed for two years. The Best Watch withou t exception. Nesbit' s Waltha ms are the CHEA PEST in the Colony. These and other Watche s with a two years' guaran tee. Jewelle ry of every descrip tion made to order or repaired· Watche s cleaned or repaire d . Nesbit' s Waltha ms Nesbit's Levers Gold Ladies ' Gent's Gold s Watche s Watche ,, Silver Watche s ,, Silver W atcbes Bracel,3ts Silver Gold Bracele ts sets B . & E. ,, sets B. & E . Brooch es ,, Brooch es Earring s ,, Earring s Alberts ,, Alberts Leontin es ,, Leontin es Rings, Gent's ,, Rings, Gent's do. Ladies ' ,, do. Ladies' Breast Pins ,, Breast P ins N ecklets ,, N ecklets Studs ,, Stu ds Jet Brooch es & E arrings ,, Keeper s Alberts ,, Weddi ng Rings Clocks Electro Plated Cups Spr.ctac les. ,, Cruets, &c.


Its Searching and Healing Propertiea are known throughout the World.

F or the cure of BAD LEGS, :Bad Breas ts, Old Woun ds, Sores and Ulcer s, it is an infallible remedy. If elTectually rnhbc,\ on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it C n rc, Quinsies, Relaxed Throats, Bronchiti s, lfoopina Cough, and all Asthmatic, Pulmonary, or Plcu• 1·istic Complaints.

F or Gout, Rheu mati sm, Sciat ica,

Gener al Merch ants, Impor ters Stock and St ation Agen ts, A VE always on hand fu ll Stocks of Station req nireme nts, also sundry other goods, Carpen ters' tools, ool bales, Anvils, Portable Forges , Corusacks, Wire Netting, Fencing Wires, Gal vanized Conug ated Iron, Douglas Pumps , Revolv ers, S nider R ifleR, Fowlin g pieces, ( muzzle and breech loading ) Ammu nition- Saddle!'y, Harnes s, &c.





Teas, Suga: s, Flou r.

--o --

Wines and Spil'its in cases, quarter usks and octaves.

A L S O, PIANO STOO LS, TUNIN G HAM ME R S, ETC., at lowest prices to make sold Will be room for our

lii l?IRY G{JJ: ~ Bl

Now comin g to Hand as fast as ~team can bring theL This shipme nt also includes some very special desigus in the


ToBAcco in small boxes (120 lbs.) Oilmen's Stores, in large quantit ies. DRAP ERY IN GREA T VARI ETY.

Hot el

Sl1a1 n1.·o cl~

F ur Rugs, Stair Carpe t s, &c,, Tapes try Cloth, Table Cover s and Five o'cloc k Tea Cloths ' Guipu re and Tapes try Curtai ns, Art Musli n's. Also A very Choic e Selection of



First (:)lass Accom modation fo r TRAVELLERS,• The Settlers favouri te House.

Splendid Balcon y back ancl front. Bath-rnoins, Stables, and eve1'y i·equisite for a First Class Hotel.


Ladies Tua Gowns and l\fora ing Wraps

l>RIVACY and QUIETNESS a speciality. BE ST



Famou s House for Bass's Ale and Guines s's - S tou t.

....-:@J@J«o»J31 ra1~

rH OM AS R. De LU CE Y~ P1.·0 1n•ie to1.·. ----E<. . ~

UNER ALS conduc ted in any part of the Colony , and all details connec ted therewi th attende d to at the shortes t notice by telegra m or otherwise. Funera l Hearses and Coaches always ready.

on b a 1ul and f or Sale ,

M ?numental Head and Tomb Stones, wi\h handsome Iron Railing s, supplied and erected complete. W. T. WIM BRIDG E.



sp lenJ iJ Twe,1d s, Genis' t::i ui ts Hosiery Silk Half b o e, Great Coats, Waterp roofs. nnd Gents' Umbre llas, Ladies Also,&c. &c., Perfum ery and Soaps of the best brands ' includi ng :?ears', &c.

Billi a1.·t l Tab les,


And contain s one of Burrou ghe's and Watts' for-fam ed

of lovers of the gRme. Which: :is brillian tly lighted , and is the favouri te resort

s on Wines , Spirit s and B eers of the Best Brand s obtain a ble, alway




Choice SP l.,ctio11



B oot Manu factur er and Importer,



U ndc nv a, e, Hat~, li love8, Ti.-~ , -ome

rs, Every Comfort and Convenience for Travellers and Visito


General Funer al Furnisher,


HATS ! BONN ETS ! A small .consig nmen.t of the Latest Novelties. Also,- Fancy Wings, Leathe r, &c Felt and Straw Bats.


The GERA LDTO N HOTE L is replete with

t1fr£aw m®®1!r ~il£rn1!r . mll1frffi®W®~r--- ----




Clba1.·;;·es · 1Jiot le1.·a te. Goo tl A..t;te ntla nce anti Clvi lity.



8PLEN DID yard, Also by the QUAL ITIES at Low Prices.




HAY S 'l'., PERT H.








J U S T A R R I V E D,



Glandular Swellings, King's Evil, Abscesses, Piles, Fistulas, and every kind of SKI N DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. The Ointment and Pills are Manufactured only at , 78, New 0xfo1•d St. (late 533, Oxford St.) London; And are sold by all Vendors of Medicine th roughout the Civilized World ; with direc• tions for use in almost every language. <!-'ir Purchasers should look to the La be! on Watche s, Clocks , Jewellery, &c.,sold the Pots and Boxes. If the add1·ess is no .I on TIME PAYM ENT with IMl\'1E D633, 'Oxforcl Street, London, they are spurious IATE possession to househ olders at exWEST AUSTRALIAN BOOT FACTORY ceeding ly low p rices. As no heavy commission is paid for convas sing and collecting, custom ers will save at least 20 per cent., by buying from V. E. Nesbit, besides having a large stock to (Late T. & W. Britnall), select from and a practical watchmaker to guar antee every article sold. HAY 6 TREET , PERT H, TIME PAYM ENT. 0N returnin g thanks to the public generall y f@" IMME DIATE POSSE SSION , thas e announc to beg favours, past for h ey are prepared to manufac tm·e all classet V . E. NESB IT, of COLONIAL BOOTS, on the shortest pos sible notice. Also, kept in stock, a large and Practic al ' Watch maker and Jewelle r, en's, varied assortment of Ladies', Gentlem Perth. and Children's BOOTS and SHOES-from AGll:NTB: Mr. J. W. Andrew, Roebourne. the best English and Continental houses. ,, T. W, Stroud, Geraldton, Leather Grinder:, and Uppers iilways on ,, F. Kelly, Dongarra. hand. Good hides and kangaroo skins taken ,, G. H. Lott, Yo!·k. in exchange Goods de'spatched to all parts of the Uolony. COUGIIS, Consumption, , Influenza, FOR&c.Asthma AY'S COMPOTI;ND ESSENCE OF SEED, Aniseed, Senega, Squill, Tolu, K &c., with Chlorodyne. AY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent expectorant, for Coughs, Colds, and Chest K Complaints. AY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs and Horses Colds, is equally serviceable K and Cattle. AY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia, Face-ache, &c. Contain s Quinine, K Iron, &c. OAGUL INE.-C ement for Broken Articles. Sold Eve1·ywltere, Manufactory, C Stockport, England.


22, 18 90.



in the AS always on hand, the most extensi ve and varied stock actured Manuf ! Coloma and of Englis h, French , Germa n, colony













BRE AKF AST . ''. By a thorough kuo\Tle<lge of the n a tural la 1 '!h1ch govern the onerati?D S of digestion and nut:~ r t!ou, and by a careful a.p phcati on of the fine trns of well•selec ted cocoa., Ur. EpJ>S has r v· P oper, _for breakfa•t ta bles ,rith " delicately -flavo ~~:: wh ich Jl?ay _s~ve us man! heavy doctor's ::,: t by t~e J ~d1 c1ou s u se ot s uch articles of diet a const1tut ion may be g1·adually built up until eno ug~ to resis~ every tendency to disease. Hn:d~~~~ ate to read us a.round g floatin ar~ of sub t le maladies y tack wherever there 1s a. weak point We m_any a fatal sh aft by kePping ours~lves and a. proporly n ourish ed frame, , with pure · Seo article in tho Oivi l Service Gazette, Made simply with boiling water or milk.


Sold in


¼-11>. packets



to the "Crite rion Hotel,"

by Grocers, labelled thus :-


A Person cured of Deafness and D3:EA~.~01ses the head of years' standin send a descriptio! Simple Remedy, rn





.ADmrn ~s, ... -

Next P oor

Ep,p 8 ' S COCO A.


--- --- --







of it FREE to any . P_erson who applies to NICHOLSON, 65 Wilham.street, Melbourne

Printed ~ncl published foi· the Right Rev. M.. Gibn~y, at th~ office of t/1c "W.A . ~ECORD , Howiclc street, Pel'tlz blJ ' THOMAS BRYAN.

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