The Record Newspaper - 27 March 1890

Page 1

P E R 'l., -l, ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~'!""~


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THURSDAY , l\1AltCl1 :'>.7, 189'0'. -

No. 500. -VoL. XVI.

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P RICE 4 D .

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W ArJrC I-I~l\tl~I-\I{Ell , JEWE LLER ~ OJ?TICIAN , I-:1:A~"Y" ~TRF. ]ET.., P:E1lRT :F.-X.. LARGE








A FOUCH A RD' .S Lu cky '7\Te dding l ing H ouse.




GOLD and t;ilver J ewellery in great variety

ALL KIN D S of G old a nd Silver Jewellery manufactured on the premises. G e:N T S Gold and Silver Watche15 L ADI ES Gold and Silver W atches. GENT S G old an cl ~ilver ·Alberts in g rnat variety . GO LD W eddin g Rin gs made to order ou the ·sh ortest notice.

A Large Stock alwa,ys ou hand . A Well Selected Stock of Electroplated Ware .


SPECT ACL ES to suit all sights.

\VATCH 1:1:S, C]oclrn, and Jewellery, repail'ed at reasonable prices . A. FVUCI-IAH.lY S is the CHliJAPE ST HOUSE in t he COLON Y.

E OTfIERS FOLLOW. THE ONLY FIRST ORDER OF J\iERIT, with SPECIAL MEN~l1ION (for Sewing Machin es), was awarded THE SINGER MANTJFACTURI NG COMP.ANY at the Centennia l Inte1·natio nal Exhibitio n 1888-9. Exrn.ACT fr om H.EPORT OF J UR Y (Section 38) 011 Sewing and other 1 achi nes fo r making Clothing ; as officially p ublish ed in the Mel bourne ARGUS and AGe Newspapers 29th January, 1889 :-




" The SINGER SEWING JVIACHINE COMPANY and the Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine Con1 pany ,each exhibit, a Collection of lVIachines, but "ve had not the slig~test diffi~ulty in awarding the SINGER SEWING lVIACHINE COMPANY the Fll~ST AWARD with SJ!EOIAL MENTIO N. W e pa1·ticularly desire to express our opinion that EACH of the following Machines, ·which are a pai·t of SINGER 'S Collection, is of itself worthy of a first award, viz. :-The Button-hole Machine, Eyelet 1VIachine, Leather M.achine, and Manu- , facturing Machine. As a collective e~hibit the Wheeler and Wilson Con1pany only took


second award." 0



Singer Manufacturin g Co1?1pany, New York, fo r Collection of Sewing Machines. I

SECOND ORDER OF liERITm . . . , . W heeler and \Yi lson, New York 1 fo r Coll~ction of Sew in~ l\lfocl1~nes. Work. Cabmet upenor t-:l for Mention n. Ho and ment:-;, tach .U me J. Wertheim, F r ankfo r t, fo r Sewrng nfacb DE P OT - H AY-:::3'. rttEET, PEltTH.




QT;cne ral


I ea n i. n !J ~- : the

recOTfll'J of the s um of £8 ,lue . for adve rtising . The evi den ce ia enpport of th e claim wns to the effect An In:iustnal Pro3e ct that th e dcfeuclant cnn sed 1111 ndver tisement respecting hi s soap to The Cork Herald l'lri tes-The pre- be insel' ted until countermande d sent ,q ra ria.11 ~t.rugg lo in Ireland hns which had ru n 0n fo r 15 months. rom,cd tli <J I,·ish rav.e rnughou t th e Defe11<laut, ou Lh e other hand, stated world, and dai ly ~nninnrn ic1ltions of . he bad ord ered tht a<l.vertiee mcn t for sym, end l'rncti ca l Rnppor t nre · 3 mon ths 011ly, bu t it transpired _that coming here not only fr om Irish men : at t he end of th a t term he bad neither at hom e, l,11 :. frn n1 011r ex ilt-d country- ' pai? tor th e q uar ter . n~1· replied to men nero~; th,• i\1lantic . 0 1Vi ng to plarn t1~'s le tters cl~1mm g paymeat th e Rw c,~pin i; c1·ic:tin11~ whi ch will for PI X, then nrn e and subsho:·Ll l ~,,k e pl11('e <'I < th e Po nsonby sequently 12 months' in se rLion of est.nln nn il < '" 01,her eB tates th rough - the adverti sement. Nl t·. J oh n vY ilon t. Ll111 co,.11 try, a 1J11111r,er of le i.,ding k inson, 11·1 .P., who un (lertook the lri ~l., 111·11 , resi de nt i11 BoRto n, 111v0 ,JefOL1cr:,, fi rst contended tha t the stnrt,id a 11ew cntr: rpri ~e to uid order for the udverti se ment sbou\cl frelan d', in d1:s 1ry. 111 11 sh ort time have been in Vf l'iting in as much as it Jifr.y m ,• 11 . , u:uc of whom 11re I.lie extended over II period of 12 months, ,,ons »f !ris!i r, viete.! te nants, who and next th11.t as tlie Av i<l cnce in conwere Co ri:ed r.o e1 ui 7. ru1.e so me twenty trnd ict ion t,o th at of dciel](Jn11t., that yea rs :>f!O, will vi , it Irelnn,I and i:Yi ll he iind only ordered the adverti ae men't !av lidor,i ~,.'Jcss ru. Pnrneli, O'Bri r n, fo r t.hree month s, was incomplete, the Drivi1 t pla,,s, ctr:., fo r the estah- case slionld be d ismissed , pnym er. t lisli men t ,,r fo t:Lo ri cs wherein t he for three months' imertion ba,, ing evi ct ,,! tc11 u:;ts won ld find en1 ploy- beon made into co urL The rio!icu men t. '.l'h ,i prn potied fncLori es will be mag istrate, who pre8ided, r~p lied ~tal'Le,l in Llw ,.,ou nties of D oneg al, that the law relating to the liability Keny, (;,ii way, Mayo, and Cork-the of persons receiving ne 1vspapers !, s,l cou11Lies wlier,, th e eY ict ors have d_one · bee11 very clearly defin ed, inatim uclt th e_ir wor~t; a11d tl:e proposed sc l, eme · as if a paper was tt1 k(,11 in r,,cipiis &o i11eor pornte a ::itocli: Company . eut wus liable, aucl su me in terand aeli Fhnres i,1 all parts of tho pretation, he thong h t, wonld ex:tenct to Unit~d Stitt!'s wl,e;-e tliern are nati ves a d~er Lisements. Th e defe ndant ii. of lrci:rnu r,r f, iends of Irela nd's t li i~ case har.l all owed !he ndvertise,cau ,e to buy tliem. Tile, prom ote r~ j ru ent to ru n on an d, p re,rn mably, h t3 nf thi~ unique Rd1 eme propose i. o was henefitte<l therehy, and so was nrnn11f11ctnre boots allll shoes, ,111 rl liabl e to pay (o r tbe full ter m. An clot!iing and underwear, iu t,he ceut r,·R ord er t,o this effect was made, witb of iudtrntry iu the abo·ve-m witnesses ' an d other costs. COll

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Mr. Parnell and his M other. Ilhcit Distillation in New South , Wales.

M r. ·,Tohn Fergufio n, of the well kunwn Glasgo w pub]i:'hing hou se of Th e following return showing tl,e Cameron and l!'e rguson, writes as fo ll ows consumpti on of duty-p aid spirits in to several English and Iri sh ionrnul s : "Though M.r. l:'l\.rnell will not pro the colony hns heeu prepared by the Un stoms ,rnthorities , embra cing t he bubly condesce t,'<l. to notice the ;in bli c Lli.rnussic,n of his mother's private al'l'airti, period 1880-89 inclusive : - _ " t bis friendA al'(J not bound by tbo Rate per Importation ~afJle feel tl,at direct, hi, actions tn Year, Proof Gal. . " gallon duty. perm it unch al ieoged refiections upon 1880 1,011,999 12s 770,524 him fo r neglect of filial dnty. 1881 1,109,274 12s 781,626 " Upon on ti occasion I had organi.ed ~~z:;~~ II moHt importa nt meec t.i11g for him . 1884 1,257,105 12s 921,129 He wired tb a committe in !;he morn in g 1885 1,219,031 12s 980,573 frv1.11 a station 200 mi les off thnt he 1886 1,172,140 12s"' 1,001,966 co uld not attend . .A good deal of il l 1887 1,136,862 12s and 14s t- 1,042,939 fo eling wa s crcateJ, u.i:J I wired the 1888 1144ss 11,0 1889 1,164,974 1,166,264 ,18252,3250· ' , V~ ne<ce~ai ty of bis keepi ng faith with ,the '~ Subsequent to th is date the duty 011 pu blic. Be replied, ' I{.fep t he OW <, l.lrll{ perfumed spirits was raised to 15s . t 'l'hc going till eleven o'c lock.' It was to lie duty was raised to 14s. on March 30, ancl. g in at eight 0 "clock 1'>.t eleven r.m., has remained at that figm· e since. Co- JYir. l'arn,ill tirriv eJ and dtilirnr ed tl,c lonial-distilled spirits are included . addrea,; 118 nnnout1<:ed . No w, wli at. It will be see n that the in~roasc has hap pened wns t bis :- A teleg ni :11 fr om been very ~light a11d not ut nil in pro- Ame ri cll t he nigh t befor e ol>l igecl l,im t.o portion to th o increase of rop ttlat.ioo . rush off at 5 :,.rn. _ Du bl in, wli ere he 10 Whereas th e con sn mpt,ion pe r io hobit - arriv ed at 11·15 a.m . In :in hour be nnt was 1·3 1 gal. per head iu 1880, in had urrnn gc:l £3,000 by wi re to Amer ica 1889 it wss only 1-0,1 gal., a reduc - to rnve bis mot.!ie r' s cred it. He t be u tion of over 20 per cent. H t hiit reprn- caught a tra in and a t'l'i ved at th e meet sentei.1 11 real redu ctio n the colony, in in g nea r midn igh t . He tol d ru e of hi8 the interes t~ of ~obr ieLy an d temper - mother's uffairn prirntely--h ow sl,e wn ti ance, mi gh t wel l be congrntulated . 11 very nli le specnlator in stocl,s , often But ther e is grave 1euson to fe ar tlrnt, won, an.I conseqnent ly wns ofte n ln red no su ch swcq,ing c:1ung e has tak,,n on tuo far. I do not k no w how often place in the habits of the people ns is l\fr . l'::i rn eil rnav Ill.Ive aided her, bnt indic ated lly tlrn fi gure~, and that t ho before people go·t up a cry d>o nt • hi~ explanntion.,.rn~s'. 1,e so ug ht in_ other , vru nL of feel ing ,' let t he m pond er th e quarter ~. ,,11ffi rir, 11 t b as trnnsp1rod to li ttl, i cidei,t I rclct,e. Jt i lik elv :\lr . 8 sho1v th at illici t di.,1i llatio11 i$ carried Pa r~le;; won't t.hank uie fo r tell iug thi s, on in th e cr,_ lon y, a,1 .l man~ rn•1rchant3 bnt J_ don't llllleh mint! that. I consiJ er con~crs 1rn t with _th_e tra,de 111 nnpor~e, l ·1 i t ti dnty to liim to le t tb is act be made sp1nts a rc 11f op11: 1011 t1_n, t tho ded ,_ne I ku own , arnl, what i::; much rn ore (n th e co11 ~11m p11011 of 1:nr.01 ted spi rit.; I irupo rtant, it is 11 ,luty tot.he nob J nnd 11 JB foll y cn1111: el'i"1_l~n ccd hy t be contrr.- , nil-conqueri ng cs.o e of which Charl es 8 hnncl prod.,1·!,1011 fr,1; 11 ,1.,~ f[ll f\r lu:· . It ~ tewort J.',uncl l is ti; e ho 111111 reJ leade r.', 1 will be n11ted a bo Lliat tli en1 has been ~••r,-~=-•~--~-.. - u pos i1.i1·0 l'n lli,,i! nff in <:um 11111 ptio11 The T ables Turned. ~inco ti,e year 188 ,l, and t!,a t s111 ce the i 14~. <l ut.y was imposed th o pop ul at ion of th o t·olony ha• inc n'a ~e,! 1,y ahout , i\! r ,'i.nstin Cb:unbPr la in is one of the 40 ,000 per an num, but th e co nsnmp- I ora to rs wbum the thre,1tcnc<l Uu ion isls t.iou of du1.y- puid spir its hos remained j of Patrick havc summoue,l to thei r prncli ~al ly stationary . I re,cue. .Mr. Chamberlain i;, rathn i fre oh from Oxfonl and Wonl swr, nh . \ Tbc young polit:cia11'~ te i~ sh own Important t o Advertisers. i by th f.l nutme of tbe Bimil es in which he del igbtA. The othe r eveninµ; he A cnse po~sessin g some interest for com pur ed til e relotion of c\ll r. Glad sto ne news paper prn p1ieto rs wns decided iu I to the Li lie ral candid11te, S ir Charles the Al bury o mall Deb ts Court, on Tennant, to tbu t of i\lary u? d her Tn esd 11 y la, ~, wl,e □ Samuel Hawkins, , little lamb_. Mr. _Ch:u1;1~ erl ain wns }JrnprieL,,, r of the lVa,qga E xpress, pro- \ hu gely deligh ted . w1'. h hi s, ow11 wit. c,-e,h:, I :..g::i.i1t,;t Charles McGovern ! Unfortunately , l\'lr. 'I. _D· Sullt v:rn wns ;,v:.., 1 1ua uuladu rur, of A lbu ry, for on the spul,1 and the lol lo wrng evcurng

m~ g~::~~6








he ~ave th e pu blic o,~ Patrick ~' _n clY vers10n to which t?ey caught on rn ,i , manner that has ~lisg usted the _Chamb_· 1,lain cadet. This 1s the old rh ythm w1L, 1 new rhy mes:Joey hn d a little pup; So like his pa was he, Whenen·r Joey said bow wo1Y The puppy said wee wee. "Th e Birmingham Pnp," a8 be is known in Patrick, has who liv los t liis presti ge. Ridicule has ki lled· i.t, ~,,d th e mention of him uow provo kes ron r~ of lau ahter. "' '1

The Heroine o f



Wreck. A BRAV!c G inL


HOURS IN TH lll WAT lcl:.

In aao ther column t.h e melanch <,ly partic1Jlars of th e wreck of ihe ~.s . Quetta near Tbur~ilay I s lrrnd are given . Miss Lucey , who, bes ides M iss N ickiin , wus th e only lady A11verl, is t-h e dau ghter of Mr. L ucey , sq uatter , St. I-fole11' s station, near Mackay, Qnflen iiluncl. b he is ai.>out 19, well fo rme d, an d very musct-Iiar. Her fa th er tan ght he r oo ,l her ~i ster, who was drowned, to s1,i m from I.heir earl iest inf'ancy, and ~liss Lacey was al ways noted for li er nerve and of character. Th ough extremely we1d;: a nd very much sunburn t, she is ahlo to eat and sleep well, a nd has a viv ic! reco ll ec tion of t,!, e terri ble c11t11strophe. Miss Lacey wen t d own witli the Qu et ta, but soon rose lo th e s ur face, and, being u strong swim ,u cr, strnck out bold ly to get clear of th e terriblB whi rl pool caused 1,y lbe sinking sh ip. Cries und shrieks from drowning men 11:1cl women and child ren greeted. her ears on every side . as she reached the su r face. After a brea thing spell she u ndressed herself in the water, wh en sh e beal'd a voice callin g "ladi es ." Sile swam tow ards the sountl, and got on board a raft 011 whic h were th e chie f office r, iYJI'. Gray, nnd t.he pnrner, Tl-I I'. Griven, and othern. At no rm ne x t dny, a!\er bein g 12 hours on the rnl't, becoming tired of t he siow prog reas _a nd mak ing Iittle b.,nd wa y, Mi:H L acy declared bel' intention of sw ini min~ l.o t.lie ll P><rest island . Bidding good-bye lo Mr. Gray ut•d l\lr. G ri ven , she ju mped into t,he open ocen n and s wnm toward s the land . F'vr 20 lwnrs wi tl, ou t Ii fo t, .,I t or oth el' s u ppol't siJ e w.,s io th e wt1ter, rel ieving ·herH elf liy sw im n, ing al te rnn te ly on hel' fa ce, b1ick, and s i,I ~:,; . a h8 felt no fen 1· w!1at bve r of deat h by drnwoing or by s ha rks. T he fe nrf11l ly hot su u in th e day t i111e scorc hed he l' terri bly, an d every now und again 8li e kept. 1, cr head und e\' wute r to I" cveut KUD Sl,roke. l-Ie11 r ing a su nncl of oa1·s jn st wh en beg inn ing to fe d exhau s ted, sho rni sorl he r band, and th e. A lbatross',; hoat rescnetl be t·. S he sm iled us so me one i11 th e boat pull ed her in :111tl wrnpped II g ar rue nt arou nd her. Sooo th r:, Al b~tross was rPa cl, ed, and here Dr. Sa lte r at.tended to tl, e 1,rave g irl , whose escapri w11 s , mo.i t mi racu lous, aud who co uld no t ~ave held out an hour longer . A Shower o f Roast Meat.

Tl ,c• :111 .!,,.· 1:_r of the Yar,kee j ournulist is notor iu1J~. The Fathe r of Lieij rn 11 st in ,l ,ie, 1, be pro ud of the Anau ias who cabled ocross fro m .:. · ew Yo rk the following s tory of a " s howe r of roust ,ne at":-" On th e \Vc~t ern rai lroaJs we lrnv e large, rotacy snow ploughs to bore throu g· h th o snow drifts, which are pucked ns comp11ctly as snnd . T he pl oug hs , li ke immense au g er, , revolve in this ruass, th rn wing an avalanche of snow into t he air at every ttun . At a bloc k111.l e on t.he Fort Wo rth li ne, th e p11s:1engern wl, o were w,1tcbing tbe plough s were a,; lo nish ed by a shower of br, of. On all ~ide~ fe ll sirl oin, tander loi n, rnm p, Garrick poin t, nn d ronnd steak s, with an occusioual l iver or fi ne rib ron t. A herd of Tex11s cattle bad been froze n in t.h c cut-the week before, an d th e rn tory plough was now di -seeting an d di stri but ing tliem . F.ires were lig hted in tbe snow, a nd tho puascngers enjoyed un impromptu feas t ." 11, 8 a snmple of the" lie circnm stanti ul " this rou s t, inuecd, "tuke tbe bisc ui t," as its invc nl.or hi ms(•lf would suy . '1 lte little pict.11re1;quc .Jetui l of " fir e~ lig h te d in . tlie Sll vw" is ,foligii l/'u l.

27, l b90

The National Drink Bill. :'\!1. Daw son Durns has t:1hll latetl the rct.urn s just puul iRhed as to the national <'XpHrHl iturc on intoxicntiog J ri11ks. The decrease which ha s been observed ove r t!,0 last t,111 yea rs has no1· been maint ai ned, a nd t !t e year 1889 ~a.w Re ve n mi llio11s more 1,pent in s t rn ug d ri nk tha n was the case in the previous ,·e11r. I t is culeulated tliat tlie total s nm , £ 132,2 13,376, repre.:en Ld an a vernf!e ex pe nditnre per fam il y of fi ve per ~o11s of £ 17 9s. 6d. p<J r u1111u u1. ,\ s fiv e mil lions out of , th e ,even millio ns in crease is represe uLe.i by' the inc reased cons umption of beer, it may bl! supposed t hat it iR the work ing claoses who have euu sed I.h is c hange in the ' d rink ~ta tistics of tlw year. l t is wel l to rc111ember howe .,.e r, th a 1. the extra am oun t wh ich Lias bceu spe nt in beer a nd spirits, proba !dy in cons eq ue nce of the revival i11 trad e, represeuts a11 ex µeo diture on th e part of each individnal of on ly three fanhi ng~ i11 a week . Haj)pily the1 e is no rea son al all to s up pose that the incr eased cons u mp tion of alcohol is tbe sa me thing ot· even c!osely con nected with an increase of internpern aco. T hat depends not upon the tota l arnon at cuns u med, but upon the m1 mbe r of in dividuals wlio take more th an is good fo r th em . Dm'ing tb 11 last teu y ears the dr iuk bill of the nation ha ~ bee11 lc~s by 11 hundred mill ious tlrnu for th o t otal of the decade imm ediately preced ing. When we reuie rn iJer thut th ere has bee n a ste~rly i nerease in th e popul,,tio u duriug- lbe sam1J period , it will be seen ~hat there is no reaso n for Ee ri ous Jisco nrngement in tl,o foct that with a ti me or' prosr,erit/ tlrn inc reased spen ,.li ng powe r of thu m11sses ltas shown itself in th e a moun t ~pe n~ in ulcohol. A g1,in, it mu st not be supposed tli at tile t otal pr ice of liquo r su pplied to tlrn co nstmwr wl iich is now comp rehen~ive ly spoken of us the natio1rnl d ri uk bill is all lost to the co11111.ry . A large pa rt of it is obv ious. ly 11othing of the kiud, l!.B d Eiwply n ·prc, ent, ~um" paiu buck to t be cou!!i.ry in 1.he f hap o of duty, and to i11,!ivid:1:1L in thu shiipc of wages , or interest 011 capital. Nailing a L ie. A!, a rt e~n t meeting of i. '' sou pe r' us socia tion, known a s tho " 13 ible a □ d 0 ,Jlpo rtage oociety of l nil11 nd ," held in Banbr idge, Ltev. C. T . l:'. Grierson , rec tor ot' s ~up ,t tr ic k, indulged bis li stPners with a fa 1,le ab out cert, in p: oeeed iu:.:s wl11 clt, iie 8aid , li ad 01;c11 ,..-ed in N uw Ho% . Accorcl in,: to tbis cred i!.1lc chrouicler, til e peop le of the th riving Wexfo rd to1,, n had been f,reseuted hy a beoe·vu! ent lady wi l.h a public fou ntain in the form 1,of a cross, on which w as eugruved th r:, kx t, "W hosoe ver dri ,iicetl1 o f thi s wu ter shal l thirs t; s gai11 , but,oe ve r ,I ri nkcth of t he water t ha t I ehal] g ive bim sbali never th i n;t. '' The people were so taken wit h thll in~criptio11 , that tl,e local book se lle rs were ob liged to i1npo1 t lu1·go 1rnmbe1s o f 111 0 Douay Biblo from Dnblin-they , ai1 Ontholics, of courst1, lwving nerer bcf'o rc bnd n11 opportun ity of ri:aclin g a verse from l::icri pt\lre ! However, tbi ,1 didn' t suit t l111 local Oall ,olic clergy, nnd n mason was, therefore, engaged to obliterate the tex1 , "for fear tl,e word of God shou ld contarn inute th,i miud s of Lhe peo ple"! It is scarcely llilCeiisa ry to sny the story wa, an absoltite a nd bruzont'oca d fa lsehood, and the Town Uo111m i~s io1Jers have pro pe rly und pro mptly bran ded it as s uch. Tl1eir resolution tlccl:J res : "Tlic tru th or false bood of th e 8tatemen t wucl o by l\l r. Gri erso n cun be testeLl by anyon e. The fountain is standing as it stood on tb e rl !l.y of its erection. It is not in the shape of n cross, nu!.l the inscrip tioos remain as tb ey were from the first." If Mr. G rierson co11 fined his att ention s to the doings of the Va11dals wl10 we re fined in B11ll yslrn11u o11 la"" week for defacing the eros8 erected to th o memory of Dist ri ct-fospector Ma rtin 110 wo uld sur ely fi nd s ufficient exercise fo r his zeal , wi th ont go iog about the co untry vi! ii)·ing th ose with whom be cau have, uo co nc~rn . -- L iverpool Catlwtic Times.






27 1890.

- " ~,


w. A.



Coming Events.

M. Feli x Faure, now Dorn F'6lix Fauro, money, Bn t for 60 mi les 11\1 rouml again st the Briti ~b fl11g by m11king is 68 years of age. there is not. n cl 111rcl1 , a hospi tnl, an s(l vore pcrsonul attacks 011 the private In thase Jays when Protection verms Each C:irth usinn has a resid cuce to nsy lom , n schonl, a ma fric, n roa1l, a cl11rn:icto r of th e P rince of W11les. Freetrade or vice vei·sa, is a common him self, n sorl; of littl e h'.rnse hac k lo bridge, 1111 u nfortuuatu wo1 n1111, ora poor Rum nnrs are current ofon impending topic, and nlso when the relationship back with i\lo n11 stcry nnJ utl:wlicd t,o mno , who bns 11 ot rece ived ri uecn 111· fro m distiolu ti on of t.lie Brit ish I'arl iament. between II colony and its mother country it, and composed 0 f ti ha ll some five or them. Th ey keep onl y what is needfld It, is RlMe J t hat the Chancellor of the is moro or less diacnssed, some remarks six ynrds long hy two ,vicle, an note- to 8 □ ppo1-t their differen t monRste rie.-, E x cheqn er is fovo •ll'ab le to such A recoutly mado by th e French Under- chamber, which serves as a di nio1:- r00 111 that is to Ray, a shilling a head por day, step hein~ taken, as yesterday the Secretary of State fot· tli e Colonies- and where tlte servants in trotlnco th e in elnding 1111 tboir general oxpe11 Rrs , and Uo1•ernm enL were defeated by a small in which both of these points ure food by means of a wicket, 11 bed-room th ey give away u:I th e re st.-Tablel. mnj., rity over the Sco tti ~h Rights of 1 tou ched on, may not he witho nt interest a littl e ornLo t·y, a lit tle book i Wuy Bill. The supporters of the for us. The rnport, from which we case, 1.1 stove, and un alr:o ve, in whi ch ' Go vernm ent, however, attach no imquote in effec t, is give□ by the Fronch is urrnngeJ n matt ress , whereon th ~ The Cholera Bacillus. ! portnnce to tho rumour. Journal of Ghambe7's of Gomme,·ce : - Cart;husinn sleeps wi tli 11 nt hed clothes --i The D uke of Manchester is lying ln the past, s11 id the Secretary, I• ,·anee and iu bis full hnbit, th ough wi t,h II p f D N h se riously ill at Naples. · · d woollen count 2rpan (1 like tiis habit. He ro esso r r. 1 us~huuru, O ?e1 LONDON March 20. con ld boa st of havmg widely opene her bruted German unth on ty uµon t hyg1en1c ' ports, of having been II free trader, an d has moreovn r t1 wuorl-h onse, wlte rein he mut.terA, hn i; expressed himself as to the I No ~rrangements h~ve yet been mad e the fortun e of her neighbours. saws the wood nece~.'nt·y f'or hi s fire, innocuousness of the cholera bacillus as made with regard to B1sm11rck'e sucTo-day she ca □ no longer ignore wlrnt jo iners and takes exe rcise; a loft over follows:- " Since Koch ,liscovered the bessor in the Chancellorship of the goes on around her. 'l'bere nm f·,cts 11)1, and, fio al_ly, n tin y gn rden, wh ere b e cholera comma bncillus it hae come to \ German Empire. which Europe cannot misuocl ~rstand . digs nnd cult i,•ates fl owe•·s. I,e k nowo ti 111 t no 1rnman b · · G reat distress continues to prevail 'I'h O , 01 , B • erng 1·1vmg America, for instance, ha ving hnilt. up e mer ~ t. rnn o 18 tlt e 011 /y t th I h ti ·i:1 • limongst the Liverpool dockers nnd . dustries be hind care f l d<1c, , nfl l, rrr, id, : i11 r Psc a e ptol~e po,sonon w_ ore sief• uu~u ep1 em g~s ' tl·1e1·1· ·fiam1'l1'es , n111ny of whol!l'.I. "re her JU ully clo~ed one r~ whose h G,•nern . • s, 1ficorr~t 11 pes . 1 1s " 1· · 1 · 11 8 · h l · tL t Ports, thinks of crentiug a Z olv erein .,ome; , 0. li ves at l 11•' .(, rn u,l,· . l,11:u D ," 1, 10 111 r wr1 111 a e, 111 ,,e wa er we ' 11lrnost starving • Large numbers of limite(l to American products. I•' r:ince, rcm;e. l l,o ,Jre8 c 11 ~ Genu rnl 1., " ' " l · k are rnturning to their , , n11 ·, upon t 11e 1·001J wh"1c l1 we eu t ; 1·t 1·a tl,e dockers ., then, should take care to rese rve for An seI m B ru g non , not. ye t 6;:, )' Pu rs O 1d, 111 · ti, 1e so1,unc ·1 1 wh en ti·11iil1emo1s · · t au d· work , and the employers consider that rl for very 111 1' "'Y herself her own m11rket-th11t of her but w I10 h!IS bn_Ionge · 1·1ea w1'ti1 ex traor d'mary , the stril·e · . ,. · un cIean, rnu l tip ' is virtually over • Hopes are territory and that of her colo11ie~. yenrs to t,l ,e order, wli icu hr: ontured · 1·• I ·t e of ti·us fac,t rn · a 1also entertained of II speedy termination 'l'l G i C rnp, c 1,y. n sp1 What proves that in 8peaking tltu ~ we very ·yonng. J u • rnn l b C li:irtrcnr.e . c1·ty of, any, I.wo b ua d I.e d th onsancl of the colliery strike , ns tlie men are speak truly nnd for the interest of tho contarn. s at prcsont, aoont 60 urt 1iu s,uns, · ·tecl by c1io 1era, per b ape bu t beoinnin g to suffer ve ry• severely • . . / por~ons, v1s1 ID country is the irresistible movement ei:c Insive ot 1ay brothers, novices , , . t ., th 11 t 1s, · t wo th ousan d, w1·11 A terri ble• 111as~acre amongst Nihilist . & . D F ~t· , one pet een • 1 ,. • that carries Europe 11w11y. There is 11 pos t uI oat~, Betvnnt ~, c, om •e ~x be attacked. The ot ·e r one hu ndred pnsonors 1s reported from S1bena. country which we were the first to F 11 ure will fin<l l11 mself, not only 111 · t · It th d 'l'bll p11rtlcul1us to hand up to th e iou s but in n, r ,ood com llln . uo, l . nine _y-e1 g t . ous sn porRo ns . . , . explore and colonise, thnt is ~ frica. P , Y. g . l .Y rernlllll un impaired rn health althoug h pre~ent time stat.e th at 11 1111ge body 11·11 0 1d th 1 All the nations. of Eurorie are rn shiu1.1•, Dom Procurator, for rn stance, s l II · t I l 11 · • D ey tuve u 1ll 11 u ec , s w a n wer] . an d of !Jris oner•., who h·1d· been banished to this country, enn those who former ly army_ cornm i~Bary w 1LO~e nam e 18 om L!ru uk the ctio lora bacillu s. It j ~ now fr orn lrku tsk ·to the , Pol11r Sea coast, 1 8 professed the deepes t disdain fo r ce,Jon ial Martrnl G r~s ,cr. ~fo cli:1i:ged '.v ith know n with certui ui t.y t,hut tho cholern for hn vi~ g estab_lisbed II printing _ press, enterprises. Germany bus entered there t he tempoial nlfo 11 s of th e Gi anJ b ·11 11c1 ns 1·s d u11gero us ou I y t·o tiH>se were being dnv en to desperat10n by on the East and West. Italy ,bas C hnrtreuse, an d. b e mn · n ·sliock io"'c, sufferin gs , whereupon as a . .st have beo n. an persons w h ose s t·omncL ·1, oo t rn penetrated there on the East, aud her exc_ellent commi ssa ry 111 Ili c• army s1 n~e heultby state, and j eo pardises li fe only . Inst resource, th oy barricaded , themII situation is much mot'e importan t than h" he is s,, now. It is w l1011 1·t plls~es ·111 t o tl1e 111 · tes t·incs, A I, Helves un d , though nnarm ed, offered • cxccillen t 1i· manager h is recognised. As to Eugland, she is is • sig nature w ic Y0 '.1 see on . th e healthy stomach will cl igo t th e bacillus I such desperate resistance that many 8 everywhere in Africa as she is every- bottles of the G'.ia~·/i·euse_ ltqu o_u r nnd_ on un d t,herefor e it cloe uot reach Llie soldiers were ki lled before the 8 wl, ere throughout the world. I-lei' tho flas ks of el_i x'.r . His ussistunt rn a intestin es ia a Ji,·in g stat.e." /i1111l slaughter of the whole of tho acti vity and perseverance disconcert the former_ Benedictrne, Di'.m F,lorcnt prisoners occuned . The greateijt most active and perseverin g. The Broqu~i~, who t '.·andnted rnto :U rench ========== ====== , indignation prnvoil s throughout , Engreason is that, with increasingly rapid the Life of C!!'l'ist, l>y Luclolpbu.i the Th e Ri ~ht R ev. Dr. Egan was con- land iu connection with the . matter, production by machinery it is necessury Cur thu sian . secrnteJ Bishop of the united Dioceses of as well as by the continental to seek ar1 extension of consumption. Among the oth er reli gio us to be Wate rford und L ismore by the Arch - Press, excep t that section which is France must, therefore, go ab road; she found at the G raud o Cirnrtrense llJll st biti hop of CaHhel in the Cathedral, under R ussian official control. should go to A fri ca and th e In dies. In be mentioned_, io ~ho first i:,ln1:e, G? ncral ·W aterford, on J anuary 19. T he Prince of Wales, accompanied by Africa our task bas been long uccom- Barou do _N ,c_olai, whose bro_th o1·, 18 one bis second son, Prince Geo rge, arrived plished, and it only remains fo r us to of the lum10 11r~es of -~h~ Ru ssum ~<mate. Cnrrlinal Mo rnn considers th~t the at Berlin yes terday, where their Royal profit by it. In Indo-Cuiu1.1 we are Baron de Nwholni 1s n B.uss11111 hy statement rece ntly maLle by Bishop Hi uhnesses were well received. permanently in stalled, and we s\1all hi rtl: , anrl bus been ii~ the Ru ssian ~om iclge, Angli nan Bi~hop of Bathurs t It h it~ transpired for some cousidorremnin there, let them soy what they service. It was to hi m that lhe Ill rega rd to church hietory, sur passes , v,ble t im e past a coolness has existed will. But we shou ld not stay th bre fo r celebrated S~lwm yl, after hi~ cl efent, auythin g h~ I.i ns seen for reckl ess uess·j b e tw e➔en t,iie P rince of Wales and hie tho Ann::111,iites ou ly. We shou ld su rr euu ered b,s sword; and thi s sword and 11bs urdtty , nephew t he Emperor of Germany owing 1 to his ' R<•yal thence reach Uhina with out lei.Lin g has bean pluce,l hy h!m nt tl, e_ feet, of 11 ~-· = Uighn ess rcsonti~g the ourselves be preceded by n people 1.hut, cP.lehraled M_udo11 n11 1? t_he :lwcese of • . . i Emperor's harsh treatment of his moth er. 11 eit,her hesitates nor shirks its wo rkBaye ux,. not far fr o'.1: lm HlSl,cr 8 clrnLe11u . .Jf OtClfilt anl:J ]nterco lonw.[ I Recen tl y, however, H is Maj esty has that is , by the English, wh o irnvc t wo A fwr u11 v11J g p11 mf1.,t! th e Caucus us, m:; [ ' been induced to show more filial respect routes by which to arrive there, o i,w1 he baa co 111 c to ,,eek peace hi rJ1Bolf C C!Jl:tllll1'.l . and the influence of the Dowaoei 0 and Birmah. We have thu good in th e Alµ~. H o re.ceives. a pension - - -Empress is now reviv;o g. f(lrtnne to occupy Tonki n, a conntry from th e Emperor of Rnssrn and haR (From the Daily News.) lu well - in formed polit,icul circles it is which leads more to Olii uu by the ri ght to wuar a uni fo rm; "but," FOREIGN. un derstood tha t l'rinco Hism ark's reits road s aud its river. 'J.'hi s will fo rm ! ho s11ys, . "I_ could 1Vear it on ly un tler sig nutiou was consequent upon the t he everlastin" honour of th e man who my hab it, for the ol,l .mun mu ,t not LONDON, March 19. dete rmi natio n of the Empress to bave undertook the, ~onq11 es /. Enrop ~, buf"u re re -appeur ngai11." Two of. her officets, The select com mittee ap pointed to him kept in the back-ground. many years, will en vy us t,bi s country. bot,h Fret: ch, of whom one has sct1rcel y consider the W. A. lBnabling Bill hc;ld Lo ni Wolseley bas been appointed to Tlii s utterance . furni shes 11 s wit,h passed In ~ 30t,b y_eur unrl t.he ol~i er its fi rst meeting yc~te rd ay, wh a11 M -. the command of the Forces in f reland, 1 another proof tbut th e col onial riv:i.l ry of has not, vet reached it, and hot,h be~rn'. g ,John Brnm sto n, C .l\l .G., the A ~sistant : vice Pr ince Edward of Saxe- Weimar. E uropean nations is a matter t hut rnu ~t g reat 1111mes, are eqnally to be found in Un ,Jer Secrotary of Stale for the The ap \Join tmeut of hi~ Lordship to il1Crease from year t o year. Wue th e1· it th o G rnnd e Chartr.-use. Tb ey a re tl,e Colon ies, waH exam in ed on the lego l that positi on is very po pular, as t he will ever go to the length of provoking Pl'ince rle Broglie -_Revel, of the cndet aspect of the meas ure. He stated that ' public obj ect to all the best pos itions war between them it would l>e rnsh to br11ac~1 of the family of th e _Duke de ti.l e colony'ti financial statn s was good, being occupied by German Princes. aay, but it may certainly exercise a Brog lie, and tbe Coun t de (?umsonn~~. au cl the gran tiag of autonom y t.o it LONDON, Marc h 21. more or less direct influence on other son or nephe w of the Marqui s de 9, 111:1• wonld, he felt conviucecl, promote Th e Em 11 ero r vVilliam t.he II. ques tions that from tim e to tim e uri~e. sau nas, _w ho was deputy for l'Isere in immigration to its shoros. decla res that -there is no found ution It wi ll also in all probability be nece,- tbe Nallonal Assembly _of 187 l . 1 Tue Empe ror of Germa11y hB s whatever fo r th n rumours 11s to the sary to take it into consicl era tiou in uny I may" nlso menti on among th e accepted P.iince Bismarck's re ·ign11tion I disagreem ent be tween His Majes ty and projects for _divisio_n or aa i011 tl1a t F~ther~ ot t he Gr_ande Cha,: treu s~ t~i~ of the Prussian Chun cellorship, w_ith , P ri nce Bismarck, wlill, tho ug h ll-0 become promrnent JU these coloni es. biothe, t~ie publi sherR, ? ud ,u 0f} ~1 L~ rew-~t, und th e. wh ole of th e Prnssrnn · huge r Clrn11cellor ol' the Ge rmau -N.Z. Tablet. and Pmtiei s and M: ~ u 0,I](! P e_i iet_ of Mrn 1stry hav e s1rnul trmeo usly res ig ned. Empire, will act as bis con fid en tial Grenoble, of tbe Cas1m1r P ener la1m ly . It has now trnn•pireJ th at hon orary advise r. There_ a r? man):' 0 t!rnrs . wh o, lt av~ th ~ resigna ti~n wu8 brou?b t 11bont Th o ~ mpero r vf Gel'ruany proposes The Grande Chartreuse and t he occupied lugh stations 111 woi 1~• . Ol owmg to Jdfe rences h11v1n ~ ari sen lhut there shou ld be u Conforence of belon~ to great m· weulthy fa mil ies. between the Emperor nnd Bismarck , al l t,hll G' re:1t Powers with a view Carthusians . All l~ve on ter~s _of tl~e most perfe.: t ivhich were can~ed thro ugh opposite ' to a rrc nernl disarmn~eut, 1111d t,he equalitY_ an d cord iality w~th th e pen5 tl nt, domeRti c :rn n economic op inion s. It is reducti~u of the st11ndi nrr nrm ied to 11 0 The follow iug articl e, co n t,1·ilrn ted to and ar t1s11n3 ~ho have, lt~e thern ~elves, uls_o stn ted thut Bi smarck stron gly peace J'oot iug. th e J ournal de Bruxelles by its Frenc h taken th e white_ Cn.rth us:an_ h ab 1t, 11nd obJ ec tud LO the Em p~ror's re cent pol icy ! Coun t, w al J ense.:, the Pruss ian correspondent, seems too in terest ing not who are greatly_ t :i. the mo.1on ty . of coming in to close r contact with his : i\1 for F oreign Affairs sup·10rted Tbe Car th~ s11111s de vote themselves people. It is believed th at Coun t : bv several oth er hicrh military a'.1thorto be translated here for th e bone Ii t or to what st ud1~s thHy P) Oa 8e,. hnt t,hey Woldo nsoe, who sncceedeJ Co un t Von I itie, , opeul v .E t!i:tlisb readers : O!Jfiose~ 11 ot only There has just entered th o Gran de may _n ~t publtsh ~nythrng _wttlwut, the Mo lt ke as Ch ief o f the Gc r01 un A rmy, t!to proposal of a Conf'e re,1co of the k ind Ch artreuse a man very well kno wn in ~erm1ss1on of 1,h e1r supen ol's. The will be Bismnrck's successor as Huggest ed lrnt strono-ly denounces any G renoble, M. F elix F aure, a form er h b_rnry of th e (!rrande Chartrens~ com~. Chancellor of Pru ssiu. red uctio u in Arn~y vote. auditeur of the Conseil d'Etat, unthor of pn ses four or flve apar t'71ents '.'. 1_11 0 • Tb~ E~ropean Pres~ ge1Je r11lly The Fre uc b P ress generally eulogize11 At the Revolut10_n tb eu ol,l e~1\og_1ses Bts:na rek fol' havwg resigned the scheme for a Conference of the ~ History of St. L oiiis, flnrl of n work hooks. on the A ssemblies of Vizillc ancl Roman; hbrnry, one of t,be fine st 111 the _world , . his high pos1tio1\. G reut Powers as, impa1tiu rr a tono of £ri Dauphiny during tlte !]ear 1 788, which was t_ransforred to Gre~ol>le, nnd 1~ now \ It is oow repor ted Lhat t,he British pacification, bu t indi eates tbnt it sees in ·made a con siderable ~tir a co npie of yeurs ~he li brary of . the capi,tnl of D'. iup~my. : fl ag hao t;ot be_cn hoi_sted on Eortu- t he wi1y many prnctical difficu lties for :i g,,. M. F eli x F aure is tli e BO il of the They haTe n~I, _Y"·t _s ucceede? _,n_ eon: - g nese te_rn to ry ID Af l'IC11, co nsequent,ly th o n1 rnogeme11t of r,vc n parLial 11 l ~te l\L F eli x Faure, fi rs t Pres id en t of pl etcly repl~cn:g thta old . h b1a1y, n,- 1 the exc1 te me11t rcce atl y cu uscu by d is:um umcn t. -the C:onr t of Grenoble nnd a peer ol' tho ugh t,b eir _hqu~urs, which t_hoy ~e t , the anfon_n cled ru ,n our is no1T subsidin g. The people of Ger many, as a wh ole, of the ..,ount.iy, 1',rance un der the J ul y 1 lonn rchy. A made by •the rnht,b1tants Con ,ercuce, c bu t regar d a h Oh . 1 : The L 1-•bo11 J>ress urgos- tbe ·Portu - a pp rov e of •! .10 _y4iar ago he Jost hi s wi fe, wbo bnrl a n few miles Ou t ~ ar treu~e a~ t '. e gu es? Gov~ rnm en ~ Ln close diplom atic with 1nu ch np prehensiou tbe effects .great reputation fo t· beauty, distinction, fo. ot of the . mon1J ta1ns . on winch it I Sf rclt1t1o ts o f sueh 511 u·' den Iargo 11cccss1·011 s to toe · . .ns with l~n"hnd · .,. · ·•,nJ it JlC l'".lS ~ and elegance, und wls o1 u he adored.. . s1tuatet.l, bring;, t h<1 m rn a g reat deal O 111 trying to sul>·, l:\ u1iatu th e charges rauks of th e l~boriug class wlt icl, such.












a wholesale di ~cJia,.go of soldiers would th at th e fin a ncial ret ros pect of the briag about. colony was v ery satisfactory. Two boys-111Hu1:d Ri chard Davies Y est e rday afte rnoon H.M.S . Royalist and George Davi es-are 11 0 w being a rrived from Hobart. The officers tried, on th cil' o ;v11 eor,f,.•,s io11 fol" the wer e publicly welcomed at the Council mnrd er of their fath er. The crime was Chambe r b uildi ngs. comm itted 011 t li11 lii1: li ron t!, ne ar Th e P a rli11,ruent was dissolved yesterCrewe, S hrop, l1i1 e. 'l'lio c vide ice of da y, a nd t h e election w ri ts have been the wido w sh oiv · tba t Ler ), us han d w a~ issued . T he M ini, t er of Ed uca tion both a ve,.y crn l" I mn 11 aud a ve ry bod ( th e Ho n. J·. H. uordon) is temporaril y man. At a Co11 ~en ·a t i ve (\l nlo l',i nce l1ehl assumin g th e position of Attorney (~ eneral. to- day L ord Hali olrn1 y s tated tlrnt, Shares al'O dull. Brokens are .£11 in ol' del' lo l.ou ouccesB ful tll r. Con rn17s. ; Block lO's £ 11 5s.; Central s, £ 10 v11LiveR rn 11,t, ~lww a r!lli k d fro nt 011 th e Iris h q neRt.inn i11vol , i11g th e p11yme11t 9/" 14s. ; Hou th s, £6 ; B lock 14's £5 19s.; Jun ction, £ 5 5s. ; British, £4 11s. ; titL('s a11d l,wd pUl' ClH\e ('. I t is 1-i-• ported that tho t\[ n1qui s r,r N orth-s, £1 5s. ·The R:NI.S . Shannon leaves for Lotlii,111 rnow Hecn,t,u y fo r t1co tlm11l) Albany on M onda y . will s ucceed L ul'u Cnrri11 g tu11 a s MELBOURNE, Ma rch 21. Gov eru o!' of Ncw Sou tl1 W,des . Pl'ince Di sn, n.r,•k ha ~ to- day 1,een Y est e rday a,n old man named Peter cre11ted Duke of Lu11c1 1l>urg uuc.l Field O'Calbg lrnn, aged eighty, wns ,tried Marsii11I of th e Germa n Anny. on tb e cha rge of manslaughter, for The st1i ko nm ong th o co l.!i ,- rs is ut shooting dead a man whose nam e is length at an en,!. Two h11 11 d l'ed t hou - unk nown. F rom t he evid ence adsand mer, ba 1•e rilreutly return ed to ducccl it appeared that the mun had Wl))'k, on L!,e c" udiLio1, tl,al th ey arn to forc ed his way into O'Call agh a n's receiv e on arl.\i 1.io1111i 5 pe r ce nt. ou rh eir li ouso, and would not lea ve the form er w:rg e~ now , ui;d a fol' ther pre mises, hence h e shot him. T h e udditi on of 5 pe l' ctiul. 111 ,\u g us b nex t. jury returned a verdict of not gui lty, Tile new Qu ee mlnnd and C11p1! and th e priioner was acquitted. L o:m~- ro pr~s e nli ui! in t he agg reg ate SYDNEY, March 21. £4,300 ,000 - lrnvc both Il ee n su<' ce ~sY.esterday a man named David foll y fl oall'd. , i\l ontgomery comm itted suicid e, by Th e new "lrnuco" ,l ist> ase, wli ic: lr taking a close of "Rough on R ats.' ' first up peared in It.aly la 5t week, !. a~ The floo ds s ubsiding rapidly. spread to mnuy of th o tow ns on th l\ Great damage has been d one to South coast of [~11 glund . It 8 a ttack s, · property in all directions, ow in g to howev er, ..&re ncit se v en •, u 11 d afl!,rt ouly the ove rflow of t he flood waters. those wh o h ave suffrl r ed fr om influt,n irn , A fatal quarrel is repo rted from while in no cuHe ha& the disease beci, 'iVilli a m stow n, which occurred yesteruttended with fat al resu lts. day, between a pub lican and a young S ir Henry Y~renford 6 1ey, wiio counte r~jumpe r. It appears- that the r~centlx W CI;•. to E ngl_a nd ID com pall )' two had a disoute, during w hich t he with. 81r W 1ll '. am R o~lllS O\l, bn:< be~n · latter s tru ck the publican in the eye appornt~d _Chief ,Jt~stice of Weste 1 : with the point of his umbrell a and Australia, ID succession to M r. A . C . kill ed him instanta neously. Onslow. A DELAIDE, M a rch 21.






~ . , G . lBCEA


~ A N "'S.

G l' eat R echlctions ancl Bat·g a ins in the following- l ines·:LADIES' BLOUSE S .AND J ERS EYS . LAD HDS AND IN:B'ANTS' MILLINERY, DRE SS MATERI ALS English and F r ench . (s a itable for the present · and coming Season), PAR.ACHU 'rl~S, SUNSHADES , CHILDRENS' DRESSES, BLACK GREN.ADINJTIS, STR.AWHAT S .,.GENTS' CLOTHING, HA'r S, SHIRTS, & Hos ieryJ

Very special lines in TWEEDS, r educed to ls. l id. and upwards, SASH RIBBON, &c. CARPETS and RUGS . REMNANTS .

.Als o a

quantity of

A few lines in FANCY GOODS, sait n,bl e for BAZAARS, we are pre pared to clear at a low price . Countr·y Sto r ekeeper s will clo w ell to pay u s a visit during the Sale. Special terms made for P ianos d11ring the s ale (by well-known makers).

G-11ihlto1•tl H@t(•-0,




J. J:.:. BRENN ~~N Pt'oprie tor.

M ORNING. Fr'om 10 to 12, for Lad ies and Children only. Ad mission 6d. ; Skates Free.

Directly opposite th e R ailway S t ation.

AFTERNOON, From 2.3 0 to 5.



Skates 6d.

Th e p olicy of the Governmen t has been r eceived t hroughout t he country district s with wicl espt'e,1,cl satisfaction, the fa rm ers b eing d elighted at the \ idea of burs tin g up the big estate hold e rs, who occupying some of the fi nest lavd i n th e co lony. I It i~ p t'obable that the Hon. J. H. Gordo n will continu e to ho !d the dual office of M inister of Education and Attorn ey Gen er al. A sl igh t improvem ent has taken pbce in t he s ha r e market, but i t is not looked upon as being perm a nent. l\'I m ,BOU RNE, March 22. ,\ p:issenge r, whose name is unk · l 1· now11 , mys t e nou s y _c 1sa.ppe:tred fro m tl . I; · l 1 . ie s.s. , un rny on g o n ier ast v:oyage I be twee n Syd ney a nd M elbourne. · He l ft . } . ,. . 11 I ' e m 11s caorn a go c wa tc 1, some . paper s a nd some sm a ll change. The det ect· . s asse ,t ti t t i . i1e , 1 lH ,,e pas,encrer , f ,. , l · . ·d · .l · h ." ie el! ec to is i en t ic., wit th& pe r son for whose a rres t :t wa t'l·a n t h as been issued fo r embezzlem ent, a nd tha t h e proba bl y hid him self in th e sl,ip and th en escaped prior to th e ship being bo:trded by t h e police w rt. LLINQTO N, March ;l2.




EVENING. From 8 to 10. A dmission, 6d .):lkates ls.

O11 ly the best brands ,,f W ir,es, --Beer s, a nd spirits k ept in sto..,k, MF.LBOURNE, M arch 20. Yesterday ~wo hundred o~ ~h e unemployed waited on tho Mm1st er of Work s, asking for employm ent. Good Stabling a nd :tn attentive The Annual Conference of th e Aus Ostler. tralian N atives Association began yester day. Mr . Purves, Q .C., b as For quietness, comfort, n,nd situa,tion been elected president of the proceed t h e Gu1LDF01w Ho1'EL, h as no equal ingd. In hi s opening rem a rks lVI r. in t he Colony. Purves claimed t.hat th e Association h ad initiated the A u stralian federation movement, a ndcoucluclecl by suggestin g that a Federal Court of Appeal be A L BAN Y LAND . · d• l • t . . f orme d 1m me iate y , wit 11ou wa1trn g Il.JI UIDING LOTS, 50lks. frontage f . h f l , · f h l f oi tt e . eceiahon t e w 110 e O JL'll!I 275l ks . in d epth. One mi le A us ra 1ia from the Post Office, ove rloob11g Th v . . f . d 0 1 1ms ie use . ~o .e . ernm e.i~ K G .S. P rice, £20, includin g Transfe r. ente1 t am the proposals of th e E aste t n Lau d within 2 mil es of T ow n Hall · C f • • " E xtens10n ompany or a r e vision or from £3 per acre. South side of tl1~ · bl b • r • . t h eir ca e su sic ies wit11 a view t o H arbou i:, from £2 per acre. r educing the charges on ca b le mesJ. GALLE. sages. Last week 250 cases of typhoid we re reported, 25 of which proved fatal. Of ~ 0 R A L E. diphth e ria 80 cases h ave been report1,1L ed, from which 17 deaths occurred The hospitals a re overflowing wi t h ' The influ e~1Za e pid e mic has now We lliugton Location, No. 300. cases of both diseases. bro ke n out- 111 Ne w Z ea la nd, wh ere .For pa r tic ula h a pply to SYDNEY March 20. ' huud recls of people iu ·e p rost rat ed by HUGH BRADY. L ast night McLean Br'os. :tnd Rigg·s ! it . It is consiclerncl t hat th e di seg,se Bunbu ry , D0c. 19. premises were burglared from th e was b roug ht t o th e Isla nd by pasbac k, from which a la rge iron safe was senge rs fro m Europe, ~ncl on a cco unt wrenched, coutaining £28 and a num - ~f th ~ . lar7e num l,fJN r of ~ersons now . clONVU: N1' OF ST ..JO SEP!l NORTHA~1 her of val uable papers. Th e wa t ch- ,rnve1 111 g 1:-tween .i: _f'"' _Z eala nd and , __ _ _ man states h e he:trcl nothin g what e ve r , thf' Austrabtn colomes 1t 1s e xpect erl I f f,! E Drt,\ \VJ NG fo r l'lUZ ES ann ounced 1.. , '\ th at the disease will s l,ortly spread to to take pla ce on the 7th .Ja nu a ry Ui90. is o£ the ro b " eiy. , l nuav o iclably l'OSTl:'ON ED to ]!:A:S'J'I£H Y esterday the committee of Austra- t iern. . MO K DAY N E X T . Holders oE Books wi I I lian Bishops appointed to relcict a I A Dli LAID E, :\lal'ch 2 2 . I g res.lly oJ li,!e try sendi ng Countel'fo;:8 and Primate of Australi a in succession to T he Gove n,m ent p olicv, n,~ enun ci- Proceeds to the Revd . Mo ther before tha t Bishop Barry s:1t f?r si x l_i o urs wit h n.tcd at Stratlmlhy n by tl;e P l'e n,i e r, of da·e. T. J. GOODMAN, closed doors. Nothmg of im po rta11ce bu rstrn g up Lim big esbttes, is bein rt Uon. Ser . Buildin•· Commi t.le~. 0 was decided; the committee wi ll meet viewed w it h mn ch a p robation by th; Dece mber 2a 188 0. again to-day. country generally. A m , LAID E, Mar ch 20. Mr. Stftnforcl is a prrssen ge r for ' "\,ViLh a vie w t o p reparing for the Albrrny by the R M ._, Sbannou, for thcomin g elections th e l:'1 e1o iet· and wh ich leaves here homewn.rds o1~ ;\J onh is i\linisters, wit h n large number of clay. their s upport ers in t he Assembly, p10A lrl,l'ge bu siness WflS clone i n t he ONE_,\ . RE BLOCKS, frontin g 111;tin ceedecl to S tra tha lby u yeste rday and slmrn 1rnir ket yesterday. Rette1· prices · roar,, Ju st outside t;hc bound;iry of decla r ed th eir po licy to t he electors. prcvailNl, but t h{'y were no t folly Al bany . T itle , N ew Act. In cluding all They were enthu siasticall y recei v<Jcl, mrrin t ainccl . expcn~cs , £21. l h,vt. Maps uf Albany, t h<l Lwo g rea t pil lars of thcil' poli ey T he lates t quot;lLi ons :tre :i.s fol- sbow111g the blocks, se nt on receipt of 1/ . J. GALLE. being protection to the producm· and lows :-Hrokr-ns (new issue) J: 11 ll s., ,\ lbany Feb . 28U1, 1890. fa ci! it ies fe r t li c settle11 1cnt of the Uen tra ls £1 1, routli : £6, Block l 4's col ony's lands. Tho ~Ji11istrrs ex- £6, Norths :25s. Ko r ths shou ld lie ,t ::'. Oocl invest11Jen L P h in rcl t li eir p1·,1pos:th; for Lhc k ·l'ying ~ ·' · , ,· FLU:Kl CHI J;: J!,~YL15 .-iS J,l i VJ, lt nf n. pro;! ressive la11d t'.1.\'., a11c1 s t:JLed :tt the 11lricc. ., ~"P. 11 cc• , ai ·. uALL E 'i:i , .\lb:tll>'


27, 1890







EVERY SAT URDAY MORNING. Prize Gala for ()hildren. MUSIC. Ry Professor Roberto.

B, :, k n.tes on Hale from 15s. FRANK ALLUM, Manager. P lON frnH Sc\D DLB AN D HAHN ESt> WORK ::i. BAtrn.-lCK STREET. PERT ff.







H is E.i·celle11c1J th e Govemor, S zi· Frederick N. Broome, K.C.M .G . ROBER'l' MA~ Cl•'A01'U ll l!:ROF ALL

SMI 'l 'H:



YS in stock. A LWALatl Gi g, ies' an d


asso r t in en i, o f

large, r,ncl rnried Cart . imct Cm ri age

11:crn es, . Ge nts' R id i 11 g b add ies anrl U; id les, Boy&' and Gir ls' ti1:ddles ancl l:' ilc hcs , l'ack K:iddlcs. .Jockey ::iadclles Ho r ~b U! o t ld ng-, anct al : roq n isi tes· f or a fir~ c_lass i:itahlc 01· H o~•clr., . ill cl uding Whip s ;i pnrJ . Spon ges, Cha. ,nois Ski ns. Hru , ilcs Combs, Sc rs, C lippers, Harness Oi l,

Blacking, etc. A ll ord ers senL by post or otherwise wil l be cxecu.tccl w ith nl ~care arnt 1n·oroptness. , R. ::,. obt~111ed ~'l ll 1' P HlZ E,1 a t the late I\ .A. A~11cu ltural Society's ~,how held at Gu'.lclford, for the best co]le,:tion of both Saadlery and Harn ess. e' N'Ote the Address H (),HER '.l' S ~I I 'l' H , B ,IRRAOK




AGrn NT l-'O" 'l'He:

N,lltl.'H "W 1;~

ltoehomn e and Cossack. P e rth. Octooer 17 18S9 .

FORwith8 ALEecho. -Aa tttichmen tirs t-cl ~ s t. con1pl,~tc,


00l{ r 1E1' J 11 ,.;as~


'r. DRYAN.


_..... '

!'J "

. .



"27 1890.





'WINE, Offices and Su le Rooms : 0LJ1,'V ~TREE, J!'RJ.-:MAN 'l'LE.

EssEx 8TRirn '.l'. 1]5s:nx AND CLnrl•' STRlllETB.



'I.cos, Sugar, Oilman's Stores, and Colonial Produce.

JOHN MoCLEERY. bns for privat!') sale





HAY .::i TREET PEKl'l-1.


Dyer, Newcastle, Charles, Douro, Uarden nnd Lincoln Streets.

P'Rl~M ANTLE.-Tuckfield,

A. ltECOl1iD/


Mass rs. Wm. YoucgPr and Co.'s ( Limited ) Beers, in Bulk and Bottle, on Sale.


'l' JII•: JU \t: AG •'R Ul<' TllJ~










.Fmo Good n 8tores :


8 P ll~.1'1.', A D GENgRAL ~ I•~ROHA TS-


.Bond eel W arobon , es :

11. l't. ]l" OJ '.!' tiB.lUI ,\ND GENJmAL i:l TOltEKEl!:l'F,l,






Swanbourne, Packenham,


South, John, E llen, Leab, and HaH1pton Streets. A lso, Hampton Road. R ichmond, Preston Rond, Beacons -


of all dc~c ripl,ion on band an d nrnde to order.




shortes t notice uu <l in tlt e wost 1·eo pcctuble nrnuncr ut woderate cl 11u gcs.


fi eld, Claremont, Busselton, Pi n"


jarrah, and Derby.


NOTE .- Building




~ale in Fremantle, from £21 ; Perth, sso ; Claremont, £10.

ALSO-CORN-CRUSHlNG Jou,, on t.h e prerois0s.




J o ·H N BOWI{A, CHRONOMETER, CLOCK, and WATCH MAKER, JEWl~LLER, &c., EGS to inform his numerous Customers tbat he has :Removed to more extensive p remises nearly adjoining Mr. Hymus's Chemist Shop, Opposite the 'l'own llall, where he solicits a sbare of patronage. . GOLD and SILVER WATC:IruS aud JEWELLERY of every descl'iption alway s QD band. Wedding Rings mad e to order Time payments taken . JOHN BOWRA, Howick Street, opposite tho Town Hall

ALSO-FIREWO OD :,t. auy lcug lh cut and cklivereLl in _any pa l't of Pei·th

A ll Lu sineas letters to be tltl<lresseJ to-









. ••• • ~.

.. \








..... :

•.... ...

D I R E C T O R S :A LE X, FoRRES'l', EsQ., F.R.G.8., lVLL.C., Chairnmn, ·w, SANDOVJm, ESQ. vV. SILAS PURSE, EsQ., :M:.L.C., &c. EDWARD SCO'l''J', E sQ., JYI.R.C.S., &c., Chief Medical Offic'1r.





'I),j ,1

. . ···1 · .


N SURPLUS (nam ely, the excess of Accumubted Funds over Liabilities) on PREMIUM INCOME, in the AMOUNT Oli' t IINSURANUE IN FORUE, iu ANNUAL NEW BUSINESS, the





th e request of numerous friend s and others, tb e undersigned begs to a n11onnce that he is about to add UNDERTAKING and li'UNERAL FURNISHI NG, to his building aucl carpentering business. Funernls conducted ex peditiously and inexpensively in town or country ..

Nmv B usrnE::Js 1,'oR Y:KAH


3ls'l' DE@MBEH, 1888, oVER £31 ,250,000.

THE LARGES'l ' BUSlNESS ever tmusactecl in one year by any LIFE SOCIETY in the ·woriel. For all particulars apply to



':.- /l


yean1, 5 guineas per quarter, to b e paid in advance. Music and si:'1ging1 2 guineas. Entrance Fee, £4. Children over 1 0 years, 8 guineas per quarter.

No More Hard-Times. lf YQU will stop spending so much on tine cloth es, rich food and styl e, buy good, healthy food, cheapel' and bettel' clothing ; get more real and substan tial things of. life every way, and especially stop the foolish habi t of employing expensive quack doctors or using so nJ'lch of the ·ile humbug medicine that does you only har m, but put your trn st in that sim ple, pure remedy, Dr. Sou le's Amer ican Hop B itters ; that cures ~.Iways at 'l trit!ir.g cost, ,rnd you will see good times and have good h11allh . " Cluouiclc,








Mackie-Street, Perth, Jan. 2, 1889.

E Ri\rn-For children, under 10


· 1211d 1110N8'l1ER 1\H,'I' UNiON, 188!J.

Builder, etc.




rr,•• L.





'l-,IoCIE ·~Ec ·•.,BTS l s. <A .

£ 800

To be drawn as soon as the whole uf the


money is subscribed.

: 1st P rize-IlLOCK OF LAND (It acre



Freehold), adjoining railway and road at North Fremantle, on which is erected a substan1 foil 4-roo rn ecl cottage ; th e whole worth £765 2nd Prize- ·winner to select to vaiuc of


I I '


3rd P riz.o~ Pony, saddl , &c., value £10. " . f . •"co rnnut,tee o ge nt1emcn have loudly consented to conduct th e drnwing. Each purchaser of a book of 20 t iekol;a \ w~ll be prcse~ted with a Complim entary

Is prepared to make all kinds of CARRIAGES equal to those · E C 1 · l • d. of the 1 astern o at ess cost t han t l1ey <.:an 1>Je 1mporte AH Carriages guaranteed for twelve months. I .


Repall's promptly executed m first-class style.

, Ticket FREE.

FUNEB,ALS performed on the shortest notice, and at ' reasonable prices.

BON .. FlDB RPEm rLA'lJO ·.






LEVI GltEEN, CASH IHO NMONGBH, HASo:t ' SALEA 1:1.Plt;l\"'.l'E!'t'8 Ucnc h Hammers; Chtw 1I:1u1111e1 s; !:i,·cting Hammel'S; J~l'ickl ayr,1::; l I a111n1<)1'.;; Clacksmith's l-In.m rne rs; ::\Ii11e r '::; l-1,urnner::;; Stone ·o re,tket,.s i..htm111ers; Lath H umm ers i i-: hin,,Jii1(' l:-lt,111111c:·s; .1\m erica11 -, i, .., , , 6 . ' R ' Axes, 'lorn:;, li:1.wk ti , &<: ., Ltc. ; • l th.: 11 1u1 Locks; Cttpl ,o,ml Locks; Till Loek::;; C he~ t Locks; ..Nigh t J ,,,tehu5, with tw o 1, ,iys ; :1.11cl :.t v:1.ric,ty of ] ,oc:ks ; ,\ 11E!-~lC .\ i{ l'A'l'.K :r -r ~PRING BL! N D ROLLr•:R;-;; G:dv:t11i z('(l A ir Bricks, Sin 6le & Double; H OR t-E :-- liOl~t!, J.L\.l'-'D ;\L\DE; Hol'se ·:,Ji ol) 1,Ltil s; Bolts :call Nuts, iu a l111or;t al I s izes; al::;o lron and Bra,s ~'cn,ws. Ab,, :.t sple ndid Asso rtnwnt of Ge nol'a l Brnssw n.1·0 Goods, viz :P la in >L ll d Fan,;y Chai r or :\1i n.11t lo N; tils; P l:tin ancl Fancy .Pictul'c Nai)s; D rn g;;et or Carpet Pi11s j SLaitHods a 11d l<:ycs; l'ictu;·e ]{ocls n.nr1 B rncl-ct~; V✓ i ndow 'how Rods and l<' itt iugs : J l: rcw or )1·esse l' Hooks; Screw Rings for Pictures; Plttte R ings fo l' ditto ; C ul'tain l lool,s, Cuplion.l'(l Turns .111d Cn,tchcs; Hat ancl Coat [ ioob; li-011 ,wcl Brnss Cornice P ole· Ri11 gs : ! 'o!e Brncl; ets; Pole Roel


:E nds;

1·:j ano 8co1H.:es :

l1 i ~LSS ~e;1 ·c w

l ' ullies; Lnnp l foo:< s ; C leat Hoo ks; .Brnss and 1 •·011 !!ulL H i nges j Dl':wr ffaud les; D r,1,wcr J-;_nol,s; Brass :Eyele ts fo l' Tents , &c.; Brass l\olts; Hack Pullies ; ~, as!t Faste1rnl's, fron t 4s. Del . doz; ti aslt Knol1s ; :-· asl 1 Centres; Sash Lifts ; .Fanligh t Cat ches; Table Cn,tches ; B rass ();tst ol's ; 0:J.11 Bel1s; Dinner Dells; Tea Bells ; Doo r Springs ; Climax f'.t Ll•nt Hi □ grn:;; Irou u.11d Brnss Jal:!,: Cb nin; (l ,tlvm1 izecl Chrtin, Rope, &c.; and ,t grea t; va1·i,-1ty of USI~ •'UL IRONMON GERY too numerous t o jli\l'ticularise. TERM.S, CASH. LEVI GRm:m, Cash Ironmonger. t\lurrny Ktl'eet, Perth.


,-v A.


A.Z.A..A.R! BAZAAR !! BA.ZA.A.R!!!


A GRAND BAZAAR i.n aid of tho Convent of St ..Joseph will bo held in tho Mechctnies' Institute, Northam, onE.A.STERJYIOND.A.Yncxt,7thofApril. 'l'he drawing of prizes in connection with the above Convent, will take place on the same elate. - • ---

119 i


e C t o r Jl .

27-'rIIUR. St. Rupert, B C. 28-FRI. Seven Dolours H.V.M. 29-S.A.T. Of tho ]Teri:1. 30-P.A.LM SUNDAY. 31-MON. Of the Feri ,~. APRIL. 1- 1'UES. Of the Feri:1. 2-WED. Of the Ferirt. ..,_.,.,..,._..,., _ ,...........,_ ___ . _ IEGULATIONS l!OR LEiN T. The following is the Len t en lnduH for 1890 :- • In accordance with the S pirit of the Church, ancl in the exer cise of th e Special powers granted by th e Apostolic See, the following dispensations are granted to the faithful of this diocese, for tho apprnaching Season of Lent. 1.-Flesh meat may be used at the principal meal on l\lonclays , except Monday in Holy week : Also, on 'J~uesclays, 'rhursclays and Saturdays, except Saturday in ErnbCl' week. On Suncfays am1 St. P,1trick's Day tlesh meat may be used ,tt all th e meals . 2 . -Eggs, cheese, milk ancl butter are allowccl at the one principal meal on all days, except Ash Wednesday and Good F riday . 3. -0n fasting clays a collation is allowed in the morning ,mcl evening at which, except on Ash Wednesday and Goocl .Friday, a little milk and butter may be usecl . 4.-Fish and tlesh meat cannot be nsecl at the same meal during L ent. 5.-I n place of butter, the use of larc1 or dripping is permitt ed , except on Ash W ec1nesc1ay ancl Good l!..,ric1ay . 6 .-Persons of tender age, or in delicate health, or engaged in laborious work are exempt from the laws of fas ting . 7.-The clergy are authorized t o grant a dispensation in particular cases when there is a j ust cause for granting it . ~ :MATTHEW GIBNEY , Bishop of P erth. ~.,.,q."-"1~.>Clff,W:.S.Jmnv~J'.Zffl[~


m:'.1)e filffl. Jrl.


~CCO\'.O ,

--~-~-~~------------~- ----~



27, 1890 .

t eleg rams of wh ich t l1 0 key had couc'l us io n to wliich all ri g htbeen confide cl on ly to a fe w minded men have ,trriv ed most t rnsted agents. The e:~- wit h rega rd to the wh ole pm·ienco obtained in this kinJ :-;o n y bu siness of t h e Timesgueril la warfare t h ey arc, P ar nell t1·ia!. "We must h a ve 0c L .. , · , tO , , . .·(Jll',' ·tt f tl18 H f now tu I u 111 g u:10 1 ? SO 11. · tL c;orn illl · ee O - ouse O· account. .Alrcri,dy then· p atient Commons to in q n ire (1) into th e i nv est igations ai•e bcgiuning t o mode iu which t he Times g ot u p b ea1· fr u it . D ur i ug a r ece,1 t its evidence, and (2) into t he aid deb a te on t h e 'l'imes-Parn C' ll ;rnd assistan ce give n by t h e Com mission's r ep o r t, lU tl 1e , Govern me nt ." Ho use of Com m ons, 1\1: r . H a.r- 1~'~"""'-=.--o:>5:=.~"=,"":~".'":':"'.~:~..:::" ~ 1 o r in gto n caus0d an innneme , it, 0 C t U 1l 1) 1,$ ell e t a, l. sen sation by h is exp osur e of ! ·~ - - - - - - ----~ an attem pt m a d e b,y th e Tirn rs MR . J . A. WmGH'l', t l).o manager of t l! e w. to b r ib e P . J. i::l h ericlan to , A. Land Company, has been rnakmg a . . . I shor t stn,y 111 Perth . b ear false w1tn ess a,g.trn st Pi1rn ell_. 1 In o u1· las t i ssn e we p r esented ' A. b . . d Ch Ch , , d , · tl -t· , t 1 N a or1g1n:i,1 name mn um 11as ~n l I ea 01 s WI 1 an _ e;,;: 1fl C lJeen im·ested, charged wit h murdering his from t h e D enver N ews 111 wb w h wife at th e Canning. th e n egotia tio ns between J . li' . _ _ __ Kirby , a c tin g for t h e '[',im es, Mu. Gavrn's homestead, on the Preston a n d S h er id an a r·e f ully d e taile d . Rivur, had it nerrow escape fr om destru cIt will h e seen th a t, in t h e fi rst tion by fi re h~st 1Veek. p lace, K irby con sented on tho p ar t of his prin cipal to g i ve MR . MARSH ALL vVALL ER C L H'T ON, farmer, Sherid a n 100,000 dolhw s fo r liis of the Wellington district, file d his decbration b st Sat urday, in the Supreme e vide n ce, p ro vided "it was Court. sat isfactory." Of th e sin is te l' na,t ure of the prop osa l th er e c a n be little KEX'r Suuday being Palm Sunday, Pontid oubt. "Satisfacto r y" evidence, as fical High Mass will be celebrated at the K irby m ade ab un dan tly clear, Cathedral, the hour being changed from · m eant evidec1ce w hich w on lcl 10 to 11 o'clock. inc rimi1rnte Pa.m ell to t h e exten t desi re d . '"rl10 Times pee,pl e," su,id 'f l:I E cliswvery of f;uld on the Ashburton K irby ' ' w an t evidence t o t h e effect IS report ed, 80 oz. ha, ing been picked up t ha t Parn ell w as a par ty to Lh e \ in ,i_few cbys at ,t spot uectr Bresnahans' _. . _ l d .f h st,tttou. P li c.em x 1:Jar c mm· er s, 1 · u ot t · e instigator of the m, and yonr THE Hou. James White, t he well-known evide n ce to that effect will be ownet· of many ce!P.bmtecl horses, on his sat isfa,ctory to my fri en ds, a n cl way bo111e to Englan d, accompanied by secur e to you t h e fo r t une you !us daughter, broke his journ ey at nanrn and the follest protection Albany. o-f the Government." VVh ere there is no a,ttempt at s ubornation A MAN named Edward McCormish, Ii ·ing of p e rj L11·y, the co urse observed :it tho 36-rnile, on the road t o Alba ny, has been bumt out ; ho use, pigs, and a large is to take down the statement of quanLity of shingles and timber were a p roposed witness, a n d then corn11letely destroyed . wb eth el' i t w onl cl b e wise to secure l1is evi dence . In th is T H E appointment of Sir Henry ·w ren• case S herid an' s assum e d cu- forclGley, to succeed Judge Onslow, in t he p idity W fLS first worked up on, Chief J nsticeship of the colony, lrns been and t,li e n he was t old wha t hi s made public here through the Press 'l'elegrams, but , up t o the present, official evide nce sho ul d be t o eam the confirmation is wanting. pri ce whic h h a d b een offered . Upon the r eturu of tlrn .'l1imes WE notice by t ho Geralclton Express that age nt from L ondon, whith e r he Mr. Moorhe<tcl has been infosing fresh life h ad gon e to r epor t s uccess an d into the loral cricketers. A match, in get defi nite in s tru ct ion s, a stili organizjngwhich he was the leading spirit, was latel_v played there, between the morn expli c it a n angeme n t w:1s married and single ancl won by the former.


.made according to ,vb)ch S hel'i-

clan ' s property was t o be bo Ltgh t for £ 10,000 and the s ame amount " lie rndqfr,tigable in your purpose, wul VALUATORS, with undau uted spfr it resist in,qaity aurl trg tu was to be sec ured to h im after STOCK AND SV,.TlOH AGE:.-:TS, conquer evil w ith good, having before r; om· r!JCS he had played w it h "satisfaction" tl,e ,·ewal'(l prepa1·edfor those who r.nmbat for the iufamou s p a r t h e was exlVII ~lNG A:'iD the nu m e of Christ.''-Pius IX . p ected to act. In t h e encl, this SH AREBROKERS THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1890. precious compact was n ot ratified ; b n t the 'Jlimes di d n ot withdn1.w P l-WD UC.8 i::L\LES:.\IEN". W:mLE making his h istoric defen ce from i t voluntarily . Its agen t of the Pa,rnellite members before was quite willing to close the CO.NS I UN '.!Er'T:-:l received at the Special Commission, S ir b argn,in , and even a n x ions t o do P ERTH l{.\lL·v :, y ST .iTIOX. Cha rles Russell deula,r e d, w ith a so. U p to t he last moment Mr. boldness which could only spring S oa mes clung to the hope SW A N",\ DCTlOJ>.,'" ~;,\L:ElWO:'.\IS, from a perfect confidenc e in tho of b ein g able to bring Sbe 1·i cbn BAlm.\CK- . . ,T . justice of his cause, tbat he forward; m I c1 S i r R i cl, ard Webster the maligned gentlemen fo r whom pro longd hi s closing ::uld1·ess G Rlu'D 13fUYCL , CO..'.{Tft;.-,T. he was acting· would n ever r est to a n i nu l'c1in n,tc len g th to affo rd until they had got to the bottom bi m cvel'y op port unity of effecting , T WO sr o1rn-., UO,.\:':i-YOUof the plot which had been Latched his p urp o:;e . 'r he uegotiat ions P LEASE. against them and uncloak ecl the failed simply because, o n Shericonspirators. 'rhe words were no dan's part·, they had been r1 Oprn:1 to a ll 'comcrs. Prize: '.;_'l ie .P:d,Lcc mere rhetorical flo m-isl,, no s pecifLl solemn h oax from tbe beg-innin g . Elite S kating Rink Gold \lecbl. pleader's dev ice to create a n im - H is object, as h e h-im scH states, pression favo umble to liis clic11 ts . was to inform h imself of the They wo1·e aJpokc11 ill solemn motli oJs employ e d by the 'l '·imes \TCDN.K•-!j)_\Y , 2.,c1 J\PlU .tLp .m earnest, and exprestmcl a settled in gettin g up its case, a.ncl to r esolve. 'l'he frish par~y kw e get r ill oi hi ::; p ro p e rty at a good Entries close tlaturd;ty, :!01li in r;l. follow ed up the purpose tl1us figure. announced silently and quie tly, It is tl'lle tl 1at the precise .Little Folb' aiternoon. but with invi ncible perseverance . va.l ue of She ri cbn's inform ation ln the work of detection, thanks \Cllmins to be proved;_ but we ~ i,.tunlay l10's.t a lott,-. ry wi ll la k,· pbc:C' to the les::;ous oE a politicc1,l warJi nd at least ~o me ev1dc 11 cc of for a pair of skates, Races, ~crambles fare which has been fnll of extrathe n:rnn's good fa ith iu tlie &c., ci.::l:. ordinary experiences, they are fact that i t was s nbscribecl :=t.ncl no novices. 'l' irnc after time s_worn to befor e a nota i'Y public . Y ou ug Ladies ~;'lkct a[t,•rn oon, they h ave cove1·ed D ub'lin castle Laboucl1ere docs n ot h esit;a Le Lo '\Vccln~schy .J. with confusion by obtaining say, "I h ave reason to kuow Sele.c't, Tu Psdny and Icridi,y. possession oF and publishing t h a t the attempt was m ade Lo .FR,,L~H~ 1\ LL M I official documents loug before procure evidence from Sberi dtLJJ ).f;i,n ,t~cr. it was intended to _ ~ake them for I l oamed it at the time of .:i:fote.- T 1:" ma1,n1,v•.111t·1;C n·sc n e known, and hy g 1vmg to the the negotiations ." In on e prngtlm 1·igltt to nfose ,~d,ni:·. 10n. public the secr ets of cy p bor nant sen ten ce he s um s up the



A. RA.GE meeting was held at Dardanup,. last ·wednesclay week and appeared to, have been the means of cansing a large, number of people to enjoy a days outing:, On the Thurscby in the preceding week the Capel Races were held antl passed oft most successfully-

MEeBRs. B. S•rr,;rn & Co, have gone into occupation in their new premis·es in High-St., lfremantle . 'l'h e build.i.u·o- is a hantlsome one, quite an acquisition to our street architecture, and r eflect· ., o-reat credit 011 the architect, Mr. J'. 'L H~bbs, and the builders, Messrs. Hurst -& Son. .A.s l\fr. C. H. Rason's resigna·tion of his seat in Council 1miy be expected to be gazei-ted shortly, we understa•.icl that Mr. i:L R. Hamersly, an old aud respected resident of <.+uilclforcl, in response t o an ur:;ent request, has anuouncotl his intention of putting· up for the tiwmJ electorate. from Mr. Byfield\; Mill at Northam, maufacturecl by the new Roller process1 , is ,ilready ente1·ing into compet1on w1Ln that imported fl'o:u Adelaide.. Sonic of the local bakers lmve been testing; tho ilolll ' practically, ,mcl, after cm·eful trial, find it equal in every respe1;t to t he best obtained trom :-3outh Australia. .B'LOUR,

),1• Pilbarra two men were scttin « out for 1~yullagine , when their pack hors~s kickecl t.;J, a small nugget. 8earcb reveal~d more, aud 111 a few clays they obtrtin.:cl ~6 oz.. F'ro1u Can1den l:!a rbc, ur cornes the in telli!!ence nf thu discol'ery of a rich reef, th1,, discoverer cxpecLing it to go 100 oz. te, tl1e to11. 1

ON Tuesday last, Mr. W. A. Bateman, a well-known resident of FremauLle , ·as married to 111 iss E. Sutton, of Il-land'u·c=th • The nrnui,tge was perform ed at thu l:d.tter placo, and the breakfast held at the rc8idence of the bride's father, W c. wish lY l'. ancl Mrs. Batou1an mo.ny yearn of health and 1,ruspeyity,


27 18~l0.



.t. i\,uM,

the proprietor of th o I it is oarnccl, a state of th ings wlYi oh should th o 2nd inni ugs. 111 the first innin gs th e MR. F RANK . P alac e E lite Skating R ink, has prop,m ltl ; not exist. With t hoso fe w r0 mai·ks J bog Olcl 'l'o·.vus ite put toge ther a scc,1.·c of ()3 , a capital progrnm rn o fo r n ex t W odn csclay l t o apolog ise ~or i,ttn tding· on your valu,tblo wh ilst th e N ortharnites at t he fall of their night. lt includes a gr:md bicycle rncu, · space. H opm g· tlrnt yo_tt_ will p ublish t his last wi cke t had comp iled in round 11un1 op un to all com ci·d, for a golcl medal ; i ancl advocate t ho p1·obt b~tw11 of t ho le'.1-sm g burs, som ethin g lik o throe seol'O and too . cu L.-ies fo r whi ch close on Saturday, 29t h , system m tho Pvc,n1, of th u d,scovcrws of Tho ,tt1t1ual u1eet ing uf the Nor tha m 'l'o-n.A:i:the C?11:1mandant, Major Pilkingtou, Many otlwr attractio ns ar e in new fields.- ! r enmtu sn··,;'i'."H!'•, otc., R ace C l11 b passed off t1uietly o·n tho 11th lea.ves on ,t v1S1t to Alba.ny in connection inst. QlJ!i,.L, NSLANDEB, d · ·t . Gre nbushos 'l'inficlcl March 22 1890. in st. The foll o wi ng at'e the na ni es nf t he wit h. Volun teer matters. H is not yet course O f preparn t t0 1·1 ,. :i,n visi ors m:ty ' . ' defimtely kn own whether a cleta.chmcnt of rest ass ured of !1:1vmg ,t thoroughly winu e1·~ c,f th e var ious c ve uts :- 1\faitlen [If onr corresponclen1; will take t he the P lan tagenet Rifles will take part in the enj oyable evenin "'a's amuse ment.. trouble t o re-reacl Jlfr. Cofrcavy's commu- Plat.,, , £25, Dr. () ' iYleehan's J ealo11sy; forthcoming 'l'ournament-but th e Com. . nication 1·e the G1·eonb11 shcs tin-field, he ~ellin g lt,tco, £20, The .J oker ; N ortham - -- -- . mandant's visit will probably have t he THEil!'. htts bee n a vast 11t1p1·ove tn ettt 111 , will fincl that it is nowhere st:1tecl t hat t he S t,d es, ,r;(i(, , M ess rs. F itzpatrick rt nd up the Albcmy the Bt,!tet·in sinc_c Mr. Hart assunwcl tho j " wash" ex ists in layers o[ 16 feet in t hiuk- Ffatcli 's J1' islrn1ungo r ; JJi8triut C np, £ 10, effect , of rousing In vincibles, and ca.ming them t o get r eady cd1tol'Sh tp, tind tn th o last t,wo ur throe n ess . As to th e uth e l' points misocl in l'romie r ; i:idling R aco, £20, Aim ; Ladie's t heir war-paint. issues the (p ality of th e matter has so far " Queonslandcr's" le ~ter, we will be plu,1 ~ed BrnculeL, £ 30, D r. O'Meehan's Cyclops .. adv1inccd as to 1.wicl e11 co t ho cultivated I to haYe tho opin ion of experienced rn cn, Th M ,iide n Plate, Northam Stakes, and '1'1m Wesl Attsl?·alian, in the following taste :Llld accnnttc discr irnitrnti rn which mid will glaclly throw om· columns open Sellin g Race were won somewhat eas ily. q ltotation from the Colonies c11nd Indic,, ho brings to h is work. I n D ,irothy the I for ,t clism1ssion of t hom.- E n .J St. Patrick's Day has passed by onco seems t o discern the probable explanation ~~!:!:~~~~~~~~ more. It was marked here by several of :-~~~-=-~~~~• : · ~• , ,tnd capa.hlo a of assistance the has Editor he t accept to efnsal r Bovill's of Sir Elliott our townsp eople wearing rosettes, and pen, ,tncl her colnmus must prove j Chief J usticeship of om colony :--" The graceful NORTHAM. bows of green. In other parts, I notice, H ome Govemment wish Sir Elliott Bovill peculim·ly attracti vc to la,cly readers. In the . that it has been celebr ated by festiv e to go to W est ern Australia, but they >Llso last issue, appears an a~count, of a n ex- 1 gatherings, wh er e Irish men must er ed tog clrnrar;t r , of th o Con wish h im to voluntarily 1·en oimce his rigl1 t tremely cliverti11 From our own Correspondent. helclon St. Patrick 's Day . ••Paddy ' g~th et in good numbers. B ut, of co urse , to a pension for t he time h e h as served in cert In my Inst I forgot to state that Mr· Not·tham cannot be expected to reach M iles " has proved hin1 sclf to be a cri t ic Cyprus." the of possessed of a qu« int l. n ,nou t· .of. l rea ~ Wyman, t he champion skater that pitch of excellence yet, al th,, ug'.1 i t is ol'igi1ml ty, and which ncvur sin\,s to th 0 world, favored us with ti v isit 0 11 Saturday taking the l ead in other ways. B n ··: ever , week. B e performed for on e night in I think that if a few of our leadi ng A l\1EE'l'ING of persons interest ed in the v ulgar or ccirn mon-pbuo . formation of a N a.tion>1l Rifle Associ>et1on t he Temp erance Hall, ,rnd had a" crowded Catholic townsmen were to put their was h elcl a,t St. George's H «ll last evening. L ,1,'T Wednesday fo r tn ight a flat liclo ng - h ouse," so to speak, as e very one ap· h eads t oge ther, t hey could establish a 'l'he meeting was co nvened by the tllg to Messl's J . & w. Bateman, &t,utcd pcared to be anxio us to witness h is bran ch :if the H.A.C.B. Society h ere, as Commandant, Major Pilkington, >11lcl wr,s for Sb,u·ks Bay. On the fo llow in g cby evolutions. As_ was anticipate~, he there are se veral yo un g artizrm s who well attenclecl. 'I'he Hon. C. 'l'. M,tso11, c,tme up with s uch force as to ectt ed the adm1rat1011 of all by hrn mar · would gladly enter such ttn in stit ution, Commissioner of Railways presiclccl, and tho wind were it establish ed antongs t us. Besides b ehind vcl lous feats. 0 >Lfter the proposed r ules h ad been snbmit - compel them to seek au ·rnchora<rc tecl for approviil resolutions wer e acloptecl Wedrrc l slancl situat ed' about !)0 miles ! Sandalwood is not coming into town, there :l.l'c ,L g reat mauy counLry peo1,le np tl~e coast. 'B.oth cha ins p:1rted und er in such l~rg~ quantities this year, asit did within easy d istance of Nortlrn1n, es• for the formiug of the Association. the in tense strain which tho wind con· about thts tune last year. Abo ut seven pecia lly a t Irish town, who wo ukl, in ,ill A MEETING of represen t at ives of t he tinu ed to exert «nd the bo,tt was driven years ago, its seek ers wore p rohibited probability, s ock for membership in s uch various coal companies holding a rmts on on s hore. In 'endeavouring to r emccly from cutti_n g ~t within 70 miles, in rm an assuciat iou. t h e I r win was helcl at th e Cl ub Hotel, the misha.p th e man in charge, Ashworth, eastward dtrect1011, from the town . The . During Ll1''1 bst fe1v weeks tho price ] 'rcmrmtle, on Mond,iy evening. It was with whom was anothet· nam ed B irch, r eserved area was agarn throw n open, fo r uf cut hay has lowered in pri ce from <:lecicled to form a limited liability com- received a ,•iolent blow on t he head which sanclalwoorl purposes, abo ut two years ago, £4. t o £3 10s. per ton. Wheat howeve r })any with ,L capital of £(i,000, in £ 1 st;u1111ecl and completely incapacitated and ne«rly_ all the s mall farmers rush ed t·cm:1i11 s fi rnt at 4s. per bushel. Durin g the last week the weatl1er has .sluues, 2s. 6d. on applicatio n, and tho h im from trnv cllin g. On his r ecovering to th e reg ,0: 1 of t he. JJ1'ec10us trm bc_r to ]ike ,imo unt on allotmen t. T he co mp,t11 y consciousness, B irch struck across coun t ry, se~Li re theu· slrnre of it.. No doubt i_t l b hee11 vory 8Ultry and close-,i fe w of the ,bas bE'en for med to p urchase a d iamoucl a nd aft er reaching G ingiu, ,incl r eporLing fa~rl :l'. tlnnned_ out a&arn, by thrn t tmc, llays being :i,s hot as thoso of midthe tnatter to the police who hast ened to th e w1thm a practicable chstance of the rn at·- summer. d rill for use on the I rwin. Mo ney app ears to be very scarce ,tt rclief of Lhe unfortunate fellow, carneon t o k et, wluch would account for the present present. Except at some of the leading . m eagre suppl_y . l'l• is probable that the n ame Cemetery l~remantle, to i nform h is owners. Se veral of our fa rmers have given places of businoss, p romissory notes only Roacl will bo changed to .A.venue Roal. contracts for la nd clearing, by th e 100 cau bu obtained. The latter title being obviously suggested acres, and many parties of grubbers ,ire the seasonthe of ovent sical mu Tim March 24th. by the avenue of green t r ees which l t will certainly b e more borders the street. It is saicl th,tt whon performance of Rossini's Stcibcit Mcitcir, at work. Miss von Finkelst ein, as sh e will a lwa,ys by the Pert h Musimtl U nion, took place agreeable t.o the eyes, ancl profitable to be spoken of here, visited Perth, she in tho Town Rall last e . As was the pockets of om· enterprising farm ers, GBEENOUGH. wa.s struck with the beauty of th e double to be expected, the spacio us hall was to see their areas of agric11ltural land row of trees, «ncl said it formed one of the througecl with a brge ,mcl fashio1mblc b e:1ring heavy crops of mellow grain, than Fat her Long will celebrate Mass to«udi ot,ce. In last night's perform:1nce stuclcled with a s up erabund:1nt grow th of fin est a venu es she had ever seen. morrow at St. J ohn's chapel. After Mass, the Union eclipsed all pr evious efforts:- eucalyptus. . T.RE ll ows received from tho Nyullagino, a, meed of praise be in cr due to the · Ott Monday last a respectrtble young fast Snnclay, :t rnoeting of the h eads of for families was h clcl, to consicler wlmt steps t h is week, is most st.irtling. Beaton lma talented co nducto r, Mi·. Hensinan, who farm er was arrested under: w,il'rant; erection of tho , •s v",.lle_y shottlcl woocl, 0 11 t·lte Gr,,_ s"11d·,1l cuttimr · · Cb e t akon for the N " ~ fo und :t bed of gold four inch es thick, at a spare d no pams t o ma Irn t l10 re n c1·1t10n a ewl · onvcnt. tt'"ll· , 1 estate. Howe,' cr· 1·t s•'·i bs··eq•·iciltly c1· t Ol It w n,s resolvocl to start " , depth of U,'Om 15 to 20 fee t in the con- g rea'o s uccess, an cl w l10 w,1s abl y bac,rnc Y· b y t lie l a cl'ies ,tn cl :ipired Lhat he c1tt, tl1'"v ,-voocl 011 Cr·o1v11 wot· a· · euorts ·ut very · r krn.1me S On «n average each load up i 1t 1us :glomenit c. preva.1en t a t lJrcsen t. ; ·ness is '_ 1c . I L ," ncls, ~ j,,r,g e q u,"11 t1· ty of ,vl1i·c11 1·s I . f' b 1 ti l l " -• U " l " 1 wit 1er toget ;prod uces 100 oz., and it hikes about a go11 t lemen '11011, 10 t of enclosed in 0110 11,iddock with the free- an c c 0fL. l .1as een b usy a mongs.t us o li . hte, t he Jntest viutim being Mrs E,1rle, week to obt,iin a lo,id. B eaton is sup pos• the mstru me11ta sts, uot 0111ittin g to ell tu have mado 1,000 oz. i11 tho last tw o mention the ttccomp,m ists, Mrs. Hens- hold la n cl. 'l'ho case Wets di scharged 'Jf wife of JVf,·. S. Earlt:i, accou ntant a t months. Tw o more la.rge nuggets have m:in, aml h er chiu~htet·, Mrs. :i.tmeson, course, but 1 beli e ve that th e person in Messrs . Wa inwright & Co's. Alt hough has 'instituted proceeclin" S decuaso cl h,td been .in a delicate state of b een found on the Mosq uito Creek, one of whose able ass istance was ·i feat ure of question the eve ning. Somo pnrt songs were against his would-be prnscc utor, for u7"t- h oalth for somfl time past, it was only 30 oz. and the other 20 oz. within t h e last few clays th£it fe,ir s also s uug with :i delightful verve a nd lawful detencio11 . On vVeclnesday we ok last, the ne w wero entertn.inecl of hei· r ecovery . prec isio n. Spac .l will no t ;it prnsent Wt•1•J1 ti view to forming n, Licensed perm it of a det:iil ed criticism, but it is Roller Mill of thi s town was fo rm all y Dur ing tho la tt er par t of last wook, howVictuallers' Association, a number of the pleasing to be ,tb!e to add that the Uniou , opened with :t fe stive gath ering of ma ny e ver , hor h ealth declined rapidly, ancl licensed viutucillers of Perth met on 'l'ncs- thanks to M r. f1 ensnrnn' s rtble baton, ap· of the lead in g resiclents of the colony. sh' wris r emoved t0 t he R ospi.tal in the •clay evening at the 1\/Ieclrnnios' Hall. Mt·. p mtrs to he firmly rooted in our midst. Messrs. Byfield ttncl Schumachor shuwucl )1opo t hat li er strength might rcvive, 'J.'. F . Quinlan, one of the most active pro- Judging from last ni ght's perform- the co mpany throu gh the mill, explaining m steaJ of which, she showed no s ign of lllOtcrs of the scheme, w,is vot ed to tho ancc the Unio n would, in our hum ble to them the differen t purposes for which unpr oving, and d ied last Suncfay u ight. chair. 'i'he bt1oiness put befo re th o meet E:.rJ.e was the daughter of Mr . 'l'. · 1 the various ap[)lia nccs are usecl.· :lftet· f 1 1· b · · cl ·l· ·· ·f J f y J l' J oprn 1on, e :1 crer it to a ny o t 10 cap1t~ ing wn,s tho rea ding of t he" clmft" rules, cities or,, w 1ose wi e ' JC CI Su · which :111 adjournm ent was made for " 0 )son, 0 c,f Australusia. and t h e armngemcnt of ,t few pre· ijttcl This rtgo. lnitcheon, which was laid out in the denly about fi ve years intelligence r each ed t he laio J\'lrs. ]!]arle . • - - - - --- -- - - -- " l imin.1rios, and it was then adj omnccl till - I emperance B all. Wh en jus_tice was when iu >t weak state of health, bnt, GBEENBUSHES TINF IELD. F riday :ifternoon, t cu, blo th o Frewantle s he recovered tho shock, she although ~he provHle~ tlnngs done to th e E;Ood peoplo to take part in completing th o nsmtl rounds o~ ~oastmg :i,nd specch_1fy111g n cvci: rcg,iincd the g-ood h ealt h she formation of the Association. . RECORD 1'0 THE EDl'fOR OF 'l'H F. l:i,ce. 'I. ins 11 11H 1s the s ubject of formerly enjoyed. 'J'he fune ral which took Sm,- H,wing r ead Mr. Colrea vy's let t er took p con1111 cnt, 1 n otice, m th e J)ress I place on •ruosd,ty n,ftel'uoon was far gely much T March, of 20th he t of issue A 131:.EAK·DOWN OCCttrrecl on the Great in yo m· all ov~t· the colon y .. 'l'he W e_ste1·n Mciil_, of a~iendecl, and was h acled by tlw C!tilclren are st,ttements his of some that say to beg Sonthem Railway last Sa,t nrday by which th e loth m st., bes ides gtvmg a cletmlecl of Mary clressocl in white with black tho passengers and mails wore delayccl very misleading to t he tin miners in the r epur t uf the st:i,rting of th o mill &c., sash s, of whose Socla.liiy deccasccl w:i.s >.t to incorrect verv is It Colonies. Eastern some seven hours. 'l 'he engine came t o a process, pr01nin0n t member. At t l10 comet ary t he standstill ,tt v place oallecl Rouncl Swamp st at e that the wiclth of t h o ·1eacls of p«y- speaks highly in favou r of the deli vorecl a be,mtifrtl ;a,ncl after an unavailing attempt on the able wa~h varies in thickness from 18 111 a well written leader. The E. D . B.ov. ll't· . Br ereton ;pa.rt of the driver to remedy the clcfect it inches to 16 fe et . It is also incorrect to Ohro1iicfo of Saturcfay last devo tes its clisco nrsc aiul onlogised th e past life of the . . . was decided to t elephone to Albany for state that in a few years one million pounds leading articl e to th o same s ub j ect, dccf'ascd. 1 :as;istance. Another engine was quickly worth of ore will be exported from th e and in ~,Lturday week 's issue of tho I l\~ond~! next '. 0\1? _St., J'~tnck's Da.y, ~1mclc r eacly at tho Alban y t erminus, and fielcl. The fielcl is now about 18 months sa111e paper a letter appears over tho , theie ,uc io be .\L, 't,c Sp01 ts h eld h er e, il.espa.tehed t o t he scene of the mish".1-P· old, ancl th e amo lmt of t in expor ted is no11-dc-plmnc of "A SeLtler " urcrin " t he I u nder ~h<'_ >tusp,c~s of the Gr cenou g·h .Y M. Society. R' OII o l\'InI'll . . f l . bTt On arrival it was attached t o tho trmn, under £ 2000. It is for yo u, Mr. l!:ditor, ac,visa m ' 1', tLther Lone· has ,ilso kintll· iromise I er l t Y O . crcc trng a thencP all proceeded safely to Albany arid t he public to decide on h ow man y Ycn-k, ancl statmgthat thefa~t of Nurtha m : t.o cl liver a lect ure, the snb ~Jt to b~ non,~ the worse of the accident beyond tho years it woulcl t ake to export or win from b emg pussessecl of s uch a mill, and York, I " ':ti nt Patrick." .J the Gr eenbushes 'l'inficld one miUion 'l'hc crops on the l-lreenongh, this delay. -c,tllerl met~opolts of the _ E astern pou nds wo1·th of ore in proportion to t he th_e s_o in deed, om: yield of the last 18 mon ths. It is more D1str ~cts, not lrnv111 g one, 1s a dts_g raco to year, have been very good LAST week all accident happenerl by wh ich t han ,my pract icftl t in minor can do at the 'Yoi:.K comrnurn ty . B:y forrmn g s uch two local mills heing orn111u1cd to t he Messrs. W. B. Mitc hell and G . W . present to judge what widt h or clcpt h of an establi shment, l\lr . By field has take n roof. Wheat is still coming in. rmcl Floyd W(~rc tl n ·own from a bugpy, th rou&ih payPable wash exists on th e brooks or gullies the_ lead 111 promotrn g tho welfare of the some'. of the farmers have not yeL finish ed t he bolting of the· h ol'Se ,1ttacnud to the at Greenbu h es . 'I'ho ·ountry is no L agncultul'lst, :ind if uLh crs will foll ow rP,tpmg . i\fr s$1·.;. J . S. llfalcy & Son·s h'.ollor Mill vehicle. We are ext,remely sorry to have prospected and neve r will be as long as h is example in the ntovomen t v·h ich has to ,nito Mr. J'lfir,ch e!J , besides s 11s• men are allowed largo ,ireas without any placed ou r to_wn in s uch ,t uni q ue posit ion, I i8 nearly <',Olllpleted, :i.nd will be able to. t>iinincr sever:11 contusions, har1 two l'!bs labor conditions, mer ely t rying to swindle 1t will cotfa t~1ly be tu t he g roat ,tnd sta 1;t ope1at tons 11t ;i,bout ::dortniglit .. Mr. Floyd received some the pnblic by floating bog ltS compani •s on lastrn g b enefit of the gencrftl public. , C,1:ccn vttg·h, l\lfarch 15 . frnct u;cd. _, abnut the . s ho uld ers a nd paper, withont any capital ot· prospect t o Th e farm ers will then h,w c mtsh ma l'I ets I wounds msLy 1 kneus , but csca pod sever e 111JL:nes. Both warrn.nt th e investment of Oftpital. Such for then· wh eat , which will r emove a ALBli N Y . " e11 tlem,tn a re making rapid progress a state of things will only r etard t he want th at has loug si nce mad e itself 1I t of t ho ruinin g known- a want Lhat in t he past has dis, developmen and progress tow :1 rd s recornry. industry for years. and help to clnve coumged, ,mcl in fac t rc t,ml ed tho pro- 1 F rom tl tll' own Corrcspoml en t. t capitalists from t he colony. · ·,. l gress of ag n culturc very · .• ,.ctl 11 t rny a~t CO lllll lLl ll h,a. As [ mcnl,io" . • much. ·cl· . s, o lt would be bett er for tho peopLe who arc A CoNCER'I >incl Dramatic Entert~rnm cll · celebrated Albany of rnian,; o ~10. Lhe on 1 t of eam t a Ltst wool, ,ty ,ttlll , n . th to colony e th of ess progr e th in ed interest L Convcn in held -is li xed to be t · ' b ers p1·occodocl to Newcastl e to play · St. P atricl·'s D .::ichool-room, Guildford, 0 11 \Ved nescfay, advocate the ,i cloption of th e tinm ining crtokct Y a u excurswn ·o ••, ' • • I · I l Old T , ell f t.-1cn l t t 1 1 , ] uml up l\forbell s.1tc own 1e L t wit 0 gan1 y a 11 1 O g loasin 110 e whor sland Queen of re,,ufations the of_ A pr il 9. Some of the pupils sa\ f of wh, Jlc :.fl\ir llr~vc u P eas~c S chools, as well ,ts ,i, num be r of fncn rls is ~1llowecl a ll allnvial or strNim tinfielcls. (Tocrcly.ty ). Tho Northam "knights the willow, " play ing with their usual S." Wcss' ' ']'!10 Cc ;1 _t1:10s J ~tnqu,itlne fro m Perth will take pftrt 1n the If such ltiws were in exisLcnce on t he ommL see e, 110 uni• · ·"' . • 1 ·t .-t,y, won t 110· match with " · e ntertainment. The Drama is en titled Grcenbushes 'J'inticlcl 1 believe i hcrc ct ex er1 ;1 s con1· i" "' Ullllou c t o 111 cike- t h e ce Ic bra t 1011 t . 111 t 11 b t7 wicket,, Tl a. 1d. a nd r igh t well d id the poss.iblo, as oto p) the ween, e. ' c ~ urn re ie sp, o "The Foundling of Sebastopol," wi th a would be a popul,ition _of 1,000 men upon it A bou t 7-30 a.n1. tl~ caste of th.i i:tecn charr.wters, and if wo n.t presen t, all umk mg a c mfortabl<' s~m~ teams, was playe<-, , here on tho , d o t h oh: work. mist:tke not it will be t he fi rst 1 ' am ateur" liv ing, instead of about 40 . men, s01 ~!' of f.ecr eacltion Urn,qt\C\, yn Saturday last, am]; ! nw11ben1 asse mbled in Jarae nu1nhur a~ 1te m a d rnw 111 (;w ou r of the Olcl, . 4he n ec · !1 . ' ' ,; .• l ·ft . LI . performan c,, th,tt li t,J yet, t akeu p l,tco j' wltorn ~,,en cann ot g_e~ t hen- w,t~cs ti:om rTcsu ow1rn\te, 'as thul'll wa,1 not t,i tn n • i; . b, • ·. . - ~ Ill _, too m , a,.K .1 c1 H,. 1;1,ma'I afte1· Compan!CS No-foab1lity the qf some u ·11a y • ; ti · pru, a , ;~1gb r0 th :;ono n bo<: had \Ltes •'olll'., ~9.o1:Ul.'1.,, -~ , , • • . . . . . 1 ge. 1 p l ace m 1e As was t o be ex pected from th e fwn uri ng 111flupnce of the seaso n, so me exce.p t iona:Jy fin e fruit has been grow n iu t he soL1thern districts.




,~·~•- ·- - - - ~ m






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27, lb90


cess ion was fomieci, and all proceeded to Final H eat. GOVERNMb'NT 0.AZJiJ'l.'!J.'E. j n 1. i n the Church to be prcse11t at Mass. 0 11 Phillips, lOyds. 1 enterin a the Church the u10111bers sa ng ---◄-----O'Connor, 12yds . 2 THURSDAY,]:<7EBRUARY 13TH. th e Hibernia11 hynrn with g reat spirit . A .PRl VA'l'l'. match for £50 betwee n Dr. Hayman, 12yds. ... ... 3 After Mass Father Gibney del iveretl a O'l\fcehan 's Cycelops and M r . Towton 's They got a w1ty tog~tI:ter, ~nd >L ver,v RESUllll"l'lON OJ;' LAND.- By proclamation brief, though cloq ue11 G, addrnss on t he 1 Terror over ,L d ist:tnce of five furlon gs , 1 pretty race on sued. Phillips did not begm elated 111.a.rch 20th, a port ion of Canning oreat Saint whose feast t hey wore celebrat- I was d~cidecl last l<~riday on th e P erth to make up the distance ~e con ceclerl until Location No . 25, granted to John Morgan ing. He expressed his pleasur~ and sat1:;., ' h ·1 after they had gone h alf way. I:l.e t hen on May 28th , 1834, is rnsumed for t he drew steadily up, cau ght his men a dozen purpose of a landing at Ball's Creek. facti0n atseeingso nrnny meni berstogcther, Co11t'8C - lenor won so mew at eas t y. 'J'HE AUTUMN MEETING. yards from the finish, and won a fine race Loc..1.t CouRT. -Bunbury Local Court sayin " t hat it would tend to atrengthe 11 the b~nd of unity whi ch sho uld ex ist in '!'he Antumn Meeting ol' t h e 'l'urf Club by half 'a yard ; half a yard between second day is altered from April 8t h (public holiday) to April 10th. every O,itholic Association. I a1)pencl hero- I \l as bat poorly attended, althou gh the nnd third. .APPOIN1'MEN;Ts .+F . A. Grosvenor to with the report I)[ thr, <l,~y's l rocc~cl ings •I racing was f ar ancl f, way th e b es t th · at]ms SHEFFIELD HANDlCAP.-Fi1·st Prize, £3; a"ct as assistant telegraph stationm~stet' as takeu from tho .A ust-ralwnAdve1·t1-ser. - 1 been seen on the course foi- some years. Second £ 1. at Condon ; C. Annear, telegraph assistant A fin e!' tla_y for s uch a.n affa ir could not i '.l.'he following !Lre the names of the 1st Heat. and lineman r1t Eucla, to be a telegraph hav e been lles ired, the s uu h inin g with I winners . P. li>forphy, 6yds. 1 operator at Perth; E. Ryan , assist !l,nt at . 1 st Grand Stand Stakes, £50; Wandering p L b d o th l th 1 genial warm , _,m rl "c,n Y o ig lte : Willie : Breeder'~ Stakes, £50; '!.'error: · am e, 6Y s. Eyre, to be assistant and assistant lineman. · ·· ·· · breezes berng astir. . Iho day was obsery- , Auhmm H,mdicap,£ 50; F ishmon ger: MetroMontgomery did not reach the groundin at Eucla, vice A.nnear; J . W. W . Graham ed a , L ge_ neral hohday, both stor es an d ,_I poli·tan 11-_r:tn·'i·c~p, £l00 ., W,·mdering w_illie: time to take part in this race. Odds of 2 to b e assistant at Eyre, vice 1iyan; W. · u •' £30 • Valentine a"am st Lamtbe before tho offices be111g cIose cl • ' Sellin~· Race : F lying to 1 were offered , " ll Buchingham to be junior mail assistant Th e mem bers of tho Ribc,rnian Society : H cl:'0 £ 40 . F' .\.. , start. Tne two men go _away we in the General Post Office, Per th; A. C. met in t,hc Catholic Schu l. Th ere th ey ~: 1~:J\1ctr;po1tt! u1E!~clicap, W :111der- I tLogetbh er,to b ut fdorbsof~eehxtrh a ordd1tuak1o·yrhealsf?na Syred to be suburban letter carrier · r l · · l b . am e s · ppe e ore e a a - u a clonnccl t l1011' rega rn ;.nc were JOm ec . Y ing "\,\Tillie conceded 2st. to St. I ves, and I/ dozen strides and Murphy fini sh ed alone. Perth; poliee constable English to act a~ gaoler at B unbm·y, vice P .c. Bewsher the band . Th ey formed 111to proces~101J , these two horses 1·an a dead heat. In the ' transferred. ' nnd. Jed by the hand , 111 archecl clo wn nm off both wen t well until near the 2nd H eat. RESIGNATION.-G. F. Salas as a Yendo1· York Street about sixty strong, and straight, when St. Ives shut up, and C. Matheson, 12yds. 1 of internal r evenue stamps. ' thence to th e railway stat,io11. A s pecial "\-Vandering Willie won as h e liked, H. Palmer, 12yds. ... ... 2 1 MUNICIPAL ELEC'.l'ION.-F. M. Stone as time table hail bee n amu,gcd by Mr. :rir C C FEDERAL C C M. Gorman, 5yds. . . • . ••: 3 Short, th e T rnffiu Tth nager of the Great · · · v. · · Gorman never got on t erm~ with lns ~ en. membe1· of the Perth M m1icipal Council ' Southern R ,.il Wf•:V, a nrl so nm ny of t,hc 'l.'he mat ch between t he above t eams was Palmer showed the way nntil about thuty vice G. 1!'. Salas, r esigned. ROADS BOARD ELEC'l'IONs.-h-win: J . friends of the B iborni:m Soci ety took con cluded on_ Sa_turday afternoon; t he yards from the t ape, when Math~sou drew :tdvantage of the facili ties placed at t hair ll!I . _C. C. wmnmg· b~ 11 r~ns. The up_ and won a fin e race br a foot, t wo Nairn, auditor. MWITay : chairman, E. ll'lc~arty; member, .A.. E . 'l 'homas ; auditors disp osal. that t,lw nu mber of those who fielclrng and bowlmg of t~e vict~r~ was I yards between second and third . B. I . He uston, W . Hymus. travelled by the t rain from Albitny was ' very good. Wr1ght . and ~iper, cl:vidi1:1g 3rd Heat . lMPORTA'rION o;• SrrnEP.-The ±'ol!owing li, acld i•iori to t he tl_ 1e b_owling _ hoi.o_ u1s, W1_ight tlmatecl '"•0 ""0. also disR G d 0 regnlat10n made by the Government of New es ' vv . . f tmamshed himself by makmo- two remark1 · · reen, 10Y s. abov e a lar 0" e co ut.rn\(e nt JO Uru eyec1 roni bl" fi t D C "' u d J. Phillips, l0yds. So 11th Wales,.relating to the quarantine and 2 ' · I a y nc cct c11es . r . onnor, m ason an cl Tor Bay, so that the wl~ole ass;'mb age Cartis were also conspicious in the same J . ·w eir, 12y s. dressmg of imported sheep landed in Sydney 3 was but a fe w ~hort of 800. ~ he s ite department of the game. For the F ederals, They got a way well togethei-. Phillips and dated Febrnary 18, 1890, is published: selected fn r the picnic was the piece of Cottr ell l 2, Wilson 14, H ussey not out 9, ran up to his men for the first few strides "His Excellency the Governor, with the open coun tr y nt th e Marb ellu p Junctwn, and Knmtl 7, did best with the bat. and then eased off. H e came again when advice of the Executive Council, has b een ?-nd almost complet e!-!' surrounded by Appended are tho scores ,-1\LC .C. 1st and they had gone half-way and eased ofl' >t pleased to cancel so much of the r eo-nlations irregular tree-clad lulls. ~'he spor ts 2nd Innin g's 175. second t ime. Green won by a yard. of 22nd of _May, 1888, issued ui1der the a_bove-named .A.c~s, rel~ting to the quaranbegan at 1J. ·30_a .m. , and co ntrnu ed. with .lfodeml C.C. l st Innings 106 _ 4th Heat. t me and dressmg o, Australian sheep only . a short rnt~rval for lu 11c h unt!l th e 2nd Innings. W . Brown, 12yds. . --:, 1 1 imp~rted from a clean colony, as will ~vcmng. A debu led r eport w1.l be found F . McDonough, b Wright.. . 1 E. Betts, lOy ds. 2 aclnnt Tasmama, and intended to b e offered rn an other col umn . p _ Healy, b P iper ... 3 .A. good race won by a yard and a h alf. at _t~e sales of_ stud sheep in Sydney, Albany, March 22. C. Bishop, c Mason, b Wright O SECOND RouNn.- Heat 1. arr1vmg by special steamer in the charge R. Cottrell, c Crtris, b Wright 12 Murphy, 6yds . ?f their OW;11ers 0 1: their servants, being 1 H . Wilson, b Wright 14 mtroduced m to this colony, if found on YORK. J. Davis, c Connor, b Piper 1 2 Brown, 12yds. mspect10n to be free from disease without E . Randford, .b Piper o Won easily by three yards. being subj ect to quarantine or clressino-" P . Hussey, not out 9 Heat 2. From our own Corrnspc11dent. FEDERAL CONPERENCE.--'l.'he report "~f J. Neal, b Wright 7 Green, l0yds. 1 St. Pa trick's Day passed ~ir Jall;1-es G. Lee Steere upon the proceedover W. Grundy, c Wrig·ht, b Piper 0 Matheson, 12yds. 2 m gs of t he Federal Conference at Melquietly h ere. It was observed as a E. Bishop, b Piper 1 Won by two yards. bourne, last month, is published. Holy clay of Obligation, and mass was Sundries 10 Final Heat. W . A. VoLUN'l'EER FoRcE.-.A.G.O. dated celebrated by Father Brady. at 9 a.m the 13th inst., not ifies the followi n o- alteraThe church , bein g dedicated to , the 5B Murphy, 6yds. -1 tions ii~ the regufati?n s : _" 'l'he f,;'llowing 154 Green, lOyds . Patron Sain t of lrebncl, wa8 nicely 2 'fota,l .. . Green looked back after starting and lost regnlat10n to b e substituted for Regulation decorated, and during Divine Se rvice, BowLlNG. 8, Section III. : 'l\'I:edical officers and appropriiite hymns wero sung by the Ovrs. Mdns . ·woks. Runs. ground. Mmphy running in good style honorary ch11plains under 10 years service drew gradually upon the leader, caught choir , " l:!:til, Glorious St. Pat rick" being H . Wright 12 3 5 24 him about thirty yards from the t ape and sh all hold the r elative rank of captain . given wi th g reat clc 1·otional fervour . .R. .A. . Piper 11.1 4 5 24 Thoso of ovo1· 10 years service shall hold won cleverly by two yards . the rolativo rank of major .' 'l'he followinoL ast Sunday Father Brndy visited 'l.'his win for the Mets. makes the Boys RACE (under 15) 100 yards. new regulation to be inserted after Reg ula': B everley and said mass. struggle between thorn and t he P erth C. C tion No. 26, Section YI., and n umbered Mr. ancl Ivirs. J. H. :W.fonger Ji g,ve for the premier ship a more excit ing one. R. Milne 1 29a. : 'Clergymen of thu Church of returned from th e Eastcm Col,,n ius, .According to the programme of arranged D. Reilly 2 England, the Roman Catholic Church the where they lia~o b'een Oll 1111 ox tend ed matches they meet next Saturday. HALF-Hou-a. . First Presbyterian Church, the ·w esl~yan visit, apparently much benefited by th eir THE SW AN RIVER CHAMPION CUP Prize £ 1 10s.; second 10s. Methochst Church, and the Congregational t rip. J . Fagan 1 Church may be appoint ed Hon orary Our local paper ag,Lin clmws attell t i(,n In the race for the above gc,ld cup, the R. Nesbit 0 Chaplains to the local forces, and shall on to the prnssing nee d of a pill a r letter-ho;: Nautilus and Kanakatta met once again. J. Martin O being so appointed, receive~ commissions on the cast si de of the A nm. Although there were several other Yachts F agiin went right away at the start an<l in the prescribed form .'" Mr. C. R. Kn igh t has publiehotl " running, the public interest was confin ed won very easily, iieither of the othe1.-men PUBLIC RllSERVEs.-Wyndha-ni: No. 1565 sketch of the in cidents of ,rnvol <lurin g to the movements of_these two boat s. T_h e finishi ng . (la. 01·. 28p.), 'Town Lots 13, 14, 15, 16; his last trip to the "Olcllie]ds and hi s Karrakatta was qmckest aw!l,y a,n d mam'I'uG -O}'-W .A.R 10 men aside. Hibernians No. 1566 (32p.) , Town Lot 158; No . 1567 im~ressions_ r eceived ';v hile vi ~it i ng thcj· tain:d her lead _for _abo ~t ~ quarter of _an (Gorman's t e~m) beat Albany (Place's (19p .), 'l'own Lot 363, for public pui·poses. vartous clauns. He quotes th rnhng h_om.__ Rountlmg the Cra1' ley Blloy the , t eam). . Reserve No. 1279 is can celled. Bev,wley : price of bread at 2s. per the two pound , J'• aut1h,s had obta'.ned a substantial HrnH J Ul\rP. Murphy 1. Won at 5 feet No. 1569 (2a. lr. 20p.) ; Suburban Lot 39 loaf The water condensed is still j adva1:1-tago. ancl ~ept it right to the fimsh, and afterwards cleared 5ft . 3in. 'l.'h ree for an agriculhu-al show ground. No'. retailed at seven J~nce er gall o'n. I•'res h i wm~rng by,. 2mm . 36 ~ec .. M.r . Mumme competitors. 1570 (2a. lr. 20p.), S nburb,tn Lot 6, for a t bl • bl P •t , - , h a.vmg wou LoNG JUl\IP. P . Murphy. Three <:om- school site. mea was uno ama e. '!:,,. _ru t w,,s 111 his propcrtv. ,ho cup t wice, 1t now becomrn et·tors . 'l'HJJ BANK!tuP'.l'CY .A.c·1·, 1871.-In re 0. l:I. gr~at demand, :1 Iarge quant.ity of grnpc~, ; • p OLD BUFFERS TEN MINUTES Go -..1.s-Yoube~ng readily_chsposecl of a_t ls . per pounct. I ST . PATRICK'S DAY SPORTS AT PLEASE. J. Carroll 1. Three competitors. Rason and A. M . Webster (Rason . Webs The followmg from the 1~. D: Ohrenicle, ALB.A.NY. In the evening a ball wa,s h eld in St. ter & C~.), storekeepers, Perth (liquidacannot bu t prove of general rntorest :John's Sch oolroom. There was a crowded t;on) : fir~t ?eneral rnoet\ng creditors, "By the mat! on Sunday last, severul 'The a rrangements for the sports were atten dance and a ver y enjoyable evening Supreme Com·,; House, April 3rd, 11 a. m. In re A. W .. llfoulto1:1 (liquidation) : first ounces of allu \' ial gold were hro11ght i~·Jl;o , excellent, and reflect credit u.pon t h e was spent. ' · general meet_mg crecli tprs, Supreme Court town , and lodged at thu Unrnn B:.nk. , energetic Committee, Messr s. Handley, 'This concludecl the pl'Oceedings. l t is r eported chat a fresh ]"itch ,.f Buckley, Carner, Hayman, Flanagan, and - - -,.._ House, April. 2nd, 11 a.11.1 . In re J. Doonan, stor ekeeper , Fremantle (bank,tlluvial h as bee n d iscovered nt Parke1:'s Gee. l'Jr. Trott gave satisfaction as judge, I ruptcy) : first dividend, 5s in t he £ R ange, but owing to the Gcarcity . and Mr. Handley as starter. payable on and after 26th inst. In n H'. of water, the min ers arc prevented from J MAIDEN RAcE-100 Yards. J_. Lee Steere, gr azier, N oong·_o rrin (liquidaprospecting to any great extent." j ti~n) : first gen eral meetmg croclitors, PERTH CJ. Y. lVJ. SOCIETY. The first hun t with the harriers, thu , 1st H eat . office of Messrs. Holman, Haines & Co importation of whi~h [ me11tim1 cd sornu • Th e usual weekly m,ieting of the above Perth, 31st inst., l l a .m. Tn ,·e W P. Murphy 1 society was h eld on Thursday, 20th inst. Miles, time ago, is being much spnkun of, and 1, w. Betts mttster mariner, From~ntl~ 2 it is likely that the meet wili place j Th e P residen t occupied th e chair, aucl (liquidation) ; first general J. Weir meetino3 th ere was an unus ually large number of creditors, Mr. J. T. Shaw's office F r:.. shortly after E aster. 01, dit that some , Won easily. of our local sports aro becornin o capital , ' members present. The prizes won at the mantle, April 2, 11 a .m . 2nd Heat. fencers, and may be seen at work, : Society's sports h eld on St. Patrick's ~ m,ama R. Green 1 diligently coaching their h orses. . \ Day were prese nted by the P~esiden t, T . . Nevin 2 Mr. T. Wilding, in a contr.i bution to i who in a neat speech copgratulatecl the E. Page ... 3 the E. D. Chronicle, rlc;ding witli ,, , mem hers of th e Sports Committee upon A goocl race, won by a yard; two yards the grea t s uccess which had atten ded matte r of special i1,Lurc~~ LI) farmers, l t is proµosed to erect IL new ~uggests a plan to obtai n, by co,npetition, , between second and third . t heir und ertaking, and thanked th em for Final Heat. th e best and cheapest 111e~h<>cl of nmploy - I their se rvices. Mr. Horrigan , the Ed itor cal l,edrnl a t Berlin. in g tree-p ulling machiues to clc,n· land . . of the Society's Journal, re;id the issue Mtu·phy 1 l'be Duke of Aosta has beqnea tbed He recomm ends :-1st-That funds ho I for th e current month, and was compl i- tho s uUJ of £1 ,600, 000 to hi s three Green 2 provided sufficient to obta in ,, satis- j Murphy· faltered at the start and lost mented upon whµt is really ar1 excellent sons . factory trial as to the mos t suitable ' ground, but on getting fairly away ho m1m bt-r. After giving attention to 1 quickly went to the front Fi ve new Tu rkish wa r-s hips were im plement for genernl use. and won some- some purely routin e bus in ess, t h e meetla unched al Co nsto11tinop le in in g closed . 2nd-That three 1,rnctical farm ers be , what easily by a yard a nd a half. F ebrnary . selected to draw up ru"i os and conditions ; i\,I:i,;l\IBERS' liANDIOAI'. as to the quantity of work to lie clone by j 1st Heat. T be lc,nges t t i rue tit us , for . reported GREENOUGH C.Y.M. SOCIETY. each machine based upou its value :cud I J. Hayman, 12,yds. 1 for a n incundesce ut lamp to burn i;i 1 t h e cost of labOl' per 1hy to wurk it. I The usual fortnig htly meeti ng of the 10,608 hours. C. nifaLhotiun, 12yds. 2 3rd- That the com pc,t itors be paid for ! Won easily; Matheson not finishing. , ,cliove Society was held on the 1fith inst. the work they do accordin g to quanliLy Tho Vico-Prcsi<lunt occupied the chair, Cu ua da does a b ig b nsiness it 1 ho 111e2nd .f::l.aat. ancl qu:.Iity . I and there were 27 othe r m embers present. rn ade chcetit-. 1n I 8d8-89 its export s P. O'Connor, 12yds . 1 The Autumnal C!Jllinox has hl'Ought nr, i. 1\lf r. W. Farrell was admitted to membe r- nmo ,1uts to 89, 109,002lb. M. Gorman, 5yds. 2 agrec,,ble cha nJll i11 tho we,1the1·. Several I 1 shi p, and Mr. E. B re nn an's n a me w:ts Won by two yards. persons arc busy burning ~heir ruus . Th e P ri nce o f Wa les has offerecJ a p laced on the nomin ation paper. As the 3rd Heat. They should -be made rospo11s1ble for any ! 1.11 octi11,g wa~ h eld on the eve of ::it. prizti tor a lll ns k~t1y cham piono bi p casualties _w lticli niay ms ult therefron1 .J. ,PhiUips, lOycls. Patric k's l~east Day, t h e debate fi xed among 1 tLll .lud1ai1 trooµ s , I•> oitltH to life r,r prnport,y. J. Yv ir, 12yds. 2 11 pr,n at. last 111eeti11g wa~ p ostpon ed Lill 11 co111memoratc l ' ri11ce Albe rt V it: Lor's ,i\farch 24th. I Won by thr o yard.~. futm·e elate. \'i :.J it to the Ea,; t.







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27, 1 90.


Rt·joicc, South Au strn li,1 ! Dillce The Loudon Dockers have resolved B. R, Wise's profe,, ionul cngngo say~ you are " th cHou ghly houest and t.o express thei r gra titud e for Car rl i11,1! ments, and ~o 011, won't all ow oi sonnd." l\fanni ug's interfernnces on their behalf hi~ contes ti ng " c,,,,n~ titnoncy for at F I fi . . S h A L 111. by snbscl'ihin~ to his Hilvet· .J ubil,w least a year. Al11:1 11 ! \\ e sbonld •or t te _rst tun~ lll . on t. ll R_n~ Fu u<l. I ave tlt our,h t, 11 ,w , 1i111r, ,. lrn.l r rnl ly un Anstrnlian nati ve ,s cb1ot ol .t ,c , .., H iberni an Society. I I~eter J nckson Itas, we I1ea r, been wa '1 -blockiog t.l1 0 111icrobic oue's way ! vanquished at last, fig nra tivoly RpealC - to Macquari,i-streot was the µeoplu's lins l1c•.•~>11 l'rorm- mg · j 1( llOC 1(0 cl Oil t Ill · 0110 1'01111 (l . Ull (i l 'Y in die( ll •lllt rccnllcetior. d a e"r lu in A Separtl,·• 1011 L e•,tf!Lte ,. ed in Those " silken bond ~'' , 11 woman , toll. Ou r sablo cl1:1mpion mnlignant f'al , e nnd -::n rrish -cu<ldi: h 1 nctuulty turned tail and rnn uwuy, urticle th at :ippoi,iod :o c\Je 11 wnlhs have a hard s!l'ain to uear. . . . . f giving up all claim to the nrntrin> oniul back in MacMillcm's Maga::inc. Mr. Gladstone ~on u,?ers it in_iµr:ssi 11 i c stukeP, btH ho hus sin ce boen in,lnceJ to Th o Dail,3/ 7.'ele,qroph of S at urday to blame tlw Irrnh for re pud:uting a fac o the music. vVell , the stakes urc nu<l l.! r l11•ading '' A Ti ny Vi ol iui,t ," un ioH fou 11<l ed on frnnd antl tyrn1t uy . worth "o iug for £ ·)5 000 nnd a •Jiece th ns r cf;. r~ t tl ,c little dang hter ,if a I h • ' ~ 'l' 110 "Tin ies'' l,a~ ueen mu lct in £150 of, comparntlv ly spea ktn i::, fom,nin o well- kunwn Sydney en. "Little l II lo 1 · s 11 ti lot c I t' 0l1, n I 111 8 tla moges for pnbl i8hi11g nllcg:t•d Ii 1tl ou,, V'~ e_• n _Y · ie II t I1·cc> •·1 Miss ~111.uil iu ),! 'CnrLhy is aroal wond erful stattmJcn ts al,out Sir Mnrcl l i\foekcnz ic•. bn11 Ber is a par t1 cul nrl y happy on e. child, a111I i11 ~pile of the wise repressivo A eharming sto ry is to ld a.bout M r. puliey adopted by her parents, plays her '.l' he " Times" :;:t.tnc ks npon Mr. Lockwood the Pn.rncll Commission lit~!~ violin ~ ith u buoye.n~y ~ud liv ~ly P ill nell :ue ch1H:rn sd l1y il r. Ghic.1 - Meeting l\fr. ,Justice Sm ith at dinner sp1nt, o~· with ~ g~:1ve d1 gmty, which ~to ne ns u fri ghtful outrage. the otliet · ni gil t-tli e peri od of th<l ,~ nly ge111us can rnsp1rc_. Yesterclay , beTbe L ondr,n " Srortsmun" dc>8crih,· , pnbliration of tho rel'o ,·t l,0.1ng 111 011 - 1 1;>re 11 slwl ali bnt fa,fhionnble au chance, · cnck · et eleve n al,crn l. lo twnec· ] .,'l r. 'Loc I,wnot l s,ur · l , " I t,1·11· 11,I· ! 110 . c 111 , p1nyccS1 ( 1 om memory) th e AnMtrnli:111 J\l nn · · I 1 I· · ,·11L11'e HOnat,1 11y , un,ll lte a n Avtl ann vii; it E ngltrn d us a med1ocr0 tt!a •n. your ,,,-c_<; ,1ps. :11'\) t111. s11 1g ,, gl'e,,L , . Ill os3d b Dr Cl ·l .,, ,, . I· . d • . . . . . oppol'tumty. You should by all mea1ts t.~ P. Y · int es "•.'-'~lt 1y, au '1'1,c E• n,gl1"·h . '-' r 'atholi t'S" ' .1ollow1t1>•·' nH1na.('e · a cl acn ty guvotte of 1's · 1' t,e to 0o·et tho repo l't out so ri,'i to . . . P•p1n ~ ·• · the foo lsteps Arn ·~ the • in •· . . of (·be ' . · ,in can · ~' '"" nm ' with otl1cr Chnstm:1s nunil· 1e1·s. l1Ltlti .one ' who 1"· JU ·Bt seTen year~ of 10 l_,arn a p1lgrnnl\ge t.o J eru ~ule,n 11cx t Jt wou ld be ::i, dangerous competito r age, suovred tliro\1ghout u_ne~pected acspnng fo r them; whilsi; if it stm1d over to ~uiacy an~ a qtute ~stomsh rng freedo m County C0urt Judge W uters wa · J ammry or Febru ary it, will h:1ve los t JO th0 bowrng. . Iu view of th~ abnorrn~I f · I its mwl-et" tnlant for the rnstrurnent displayed, it prNe nt e·I with a pair O wlut~ g ~vtB ' ' · hns lioen decided to ~ivfl the cli ild a at the opening of the Quartor _SeFSJOllH A fo ~, months ago, when t he in terest- Enropetrn education . In 01 de r that th,e · va I'd · contiuuity of style may re mn111 uufoI. tho division of West W nte rlo rd held ·tug rn 1 , L or d r::r :.1o petoun , Ian dell in at L ismorP, t here beio g no cri min nl 1Melb ot1rne, th e d M·1 t y press were wrot'lI brokc11, i\{ rs. M'Carthy will li ve in bu8iness. because the Oatbolic portion of tho Lt.nduu 11 e11r the fom uu s violinist, M. The Very Rev-. F ather Maher, wh o population did not uccord him 11n Sainton ." has laboured for o,·er 20 years in onthusiastic welcome. Now a corTb e co11,l i1ion c,f a r;ood rnnuy peop!e, the inter,,st,: of the Cetbolic Cl,urch responde nt to the ties uo which re preRent.s who find tllllt rnl igious progre, s Ins in Soutl , Austruli a, bas been nppoin ted the Orang-fl f"act,iou iu t his colony asserts ldt them in 11 ~ry u nce r ta in stato of' V icur- Gcnernl to the H.ight Re v. Dr that L ,mJ Hope toun wns Deputy Grand rni11Ll, is well described by Mr. Baring O'Reill y , B:shop of Port A ll g ll 8t a, 8 . A i\1 aster of tlrnt i11 otitut.ion in Scotland. U ncler tlie circ u mstuuccrn he deserv-es no Go uld i11 a recun t nove l. He W('ites or It is an om ino us fort that ltl the receut. partic nl ar loyulty from the C11tholics of !\ certain lady Lurnerto n, who alway s tuuglit a Quetta disas ter 80 per cent. of t he Victoria, un d to expect t he S nn day-school: " ,he m to bow Las,,nrs and only 2fi per coot . of thu with ou t down before him would be as reusollahle cou ld not !iv t" in peaee a Suntlny-school. . . . 8he was one .European mules we re savod . Only a ns if Abigail. we re offended l> ee11 use the whoso head ,n,igl, l be, a n,] genernlly con plo of wom en wrvi·re d. The ogc of Pope did not invite him to the V e.tican W118 , in a profound muddle us to whllt chivalry is gone. o'n his way home. slie believed, hut who never for a Io Madugu, cur, tlio V icar-A postol ic Now, here is nn in ter sting ca.sci : rnome,1L d,>Ubted wltat she should do . 1 rnpo rts t l,ut th ere were l ,G4.9 b11ptis11 A " The Premier, M.. Tir:ml, hns ordered She wo u Id bti torn by wild horses n .. ilier of ndu lts , 4,229 bapti sms of cl ,i ldrnn, the prosecution of tl1e P(q:; 9,I Legat.e fo r t.hnn 11 nt. kee p S nmlay-school, and yet an d '16 111 commu nio11 (1 <In rin g 1888. hav ing ad vised the Gerr,11111 Socialists to <lid not know what to teach t he chi ldreo Th e nt:mber of cbil<lren u' Umding t hP shoot the E moeror William. " Th is is in the selit➔ o l slie mu st•~ red. One d11y Cutholic ech ools is l 5,SH>. In al l a cnblegrno u'n<lendate, Paris March 2. she fou n,l thu L mi,·ac:les were incred ible Madaga&car there are 28,571 Cathol ics But. we may challenge Exeter Ha il to iotell igeut, beings ; ih cJ next, her an cl 80,563 euteel1 u11Je ll s. itself lo prnclnce nay thi ng more 8Ugges- tailh in th e ruirncuious was restored to "Worl-iug me n nnt.l employer, to - tive of the "dark ages, " :1~ th ey wera the n,a:;;ive liasis of' 1, rn agni:i,u, art icle. •>etb<•r proclaim L eo XIII. tl,e father o( accorci ing- to t.he moRt app roved to r an eul.irci fo r tn ight sl,e 11,lmrcd 1111.!er the workingmen, the dc,fe nde r of t ho Evangul ical testi,nony . The imag ina- fl"" imp ,es, ion thaL Cl1ris1i,1uity ha J , •eak, 11ttLl the paciricator oft.he pec,i'J ,, ." tion of tl, e cal, lc uge ncy, 111eanti111 e, has not a leg to f; t nnd u11; a11d t.!1e11 0!1 tl1<.• S uch wns t he cx prefsive telegrnrn ~,. ,, t probably never been morn wildly 0111- ,1rc•11gth of ~110 1.h ur ar,i Git- , wa, , :,re it th e er day to the l !oly .l!'atlt er by ployeJ. The tact., moreovc·r, tlrnt it l,a, atuad ut t :,~ many le,;.:, :i s a ee11t.ipcd ." McRsrn. Hannel, who wer11 aL tlrn h,.,,111 not as yet forward ed a cont rnclicti,m of of the recent French pi lg 1·image to th r. t he onn oun cement see ms to in<l icut.e 11 R D Y' A K E. foreknowled ge on it s ptlrt i.lwt th e F E ternal City . monstrou s invention woll ld lie tukeu for --+-To ~ave Eurnpo from fslarnis,c, , to what it is worth. A S'l'ORY OF 'l'llJ, DRAvli: DAY5 OP OLD. olve t.he ~ocial qcestiou iu the Ch ri ·liuu Abo ut the best thiug that ihc rese nse, and to secure the t, i u111 pit uf tht• - - -Cathol ic Cl1111 th -such i H t'l,e prn;;•·am- porters have yet done in tbe \'ay of CHAPTER VII. me fo r 18\JO which tl,e Vate1·lancl oi improving upo n a q uotution was V ienna lays before W eslern Christen- brought to lig lit the other duy, 1,nys A ROY.AL MESSAGE. dom . It i;: 11 comprehPnsive a;id a the Bombay Gazette, in the Excht>q11or Court at Dublin by Baron Dow se. 1.'lie sun was dipping in the hor.i zo n <lifficlllt progrnmme, hut 0110 whic h by the grandeur of the objects to he attai n- He had occasion to observe that mis- ancI t I10 s,1cl cl :1,y wn,s coming to an encl . ed invi tes to energy and S!'lf- rncrifice, takes o'ften occnrred in newspape rs, 'l'be clr:1w-1, ric.lge hacl just been rai sed nn d for a case in poi nt he t.olcl 1,ow, when a small c;i,v::i,)c::i,de, heacled bv a The silly citlumn y that Cath ol ic when ncldressing '.I Cork jury 80ote worn:m mounted Oi l a splendid bl:ick priests do nothing for science or t he years ago, be qu oted the 1Veil-k11ow11 clta,·gcr, g,dloped up t he ;cvenue lcncling material advancement of t he people lin e from "Locksley llull ,''-·" Be tter to the crtstl ,. Even :1t a clist:iiwo is every day cont radicted by facts . fifty year.s of' Eu rope th1111 a cycle of P,w line recognised her aunl;. She •Ne saw tbe other day th:1t t lte Pope's Cathay." This next cl ay wus improved immecli;tt" I.Y ga,·e orders th,tt t he dmwCastle of t:it. /, ngelo was the first to by a local pnper into "Better fi fty bridge should remain clown , and ;i,wnit adopt the methods_ of. prison impro_ve- years of Europe than a circ-u s in eel her ·wni; a t t h t. . 'J'l • t , A ' ' e en 1ance. 1e ments now in use 111 C1v1lized countnes. B. om bay .I" . ·rti·_is \). t'll run I,< w1t,1 .' countess of An nandale was soou a.t the A Jetter from the Dutch '\Vest Indies little learn 111g 1s a dan gerous thrn g. j Castle . . . . .fie r bOl'SC wns coveret1 WJ'ti I tell s of a newly inv ented t ricycle a nd Dnak deep, or,titusle not the 2. \lenen t foam 'tnd l e . l I ·t t l t·y. .· ·" b . , . _ ·, J·, · . , . , 1 1 1aJ1 01·11 :Lm1 cus electric clock-described so me ti 111 0 spung, nt "1 1 not11111 g ~ su L11,1t IV ,, Amot1" t , · 1L t " '. 'tJ (Jlg .1 or en nictt w 110 ago in the Scientific A nwrica11, - t li c can t hi nk of · n.ccomprunerl !, er :;ever;il app()s,recl lo work of priests. A>Jd P rof. Uu xley A spirit of emul<Ltion between be wom1ded or lmrnssed with fatigue. himself pays a h ilrntc to the priest F rance and ne rmany better than that :\ lm:jory jumped oIT the horse, preswho discover~d the laws of the which now for many years we h::i,v0 sed 1',Luli11e's ha!1d , ;tncl said : ,. JJ ave movements of glacicl's. been wont to hear of, is n.mong the the bridge rais(;d :ind plac,i sentinels Tobacco leaf is now u rrgular articie manifestations of the day. The pious there, my uiece. "\\There is your g ra ndin the Sydney market.s . The foll ow in g zeal of Germa n Catholics has ueen father ? market report, fr om 11 Sydney p:ip,t', stirred up by th e sight of the recen L " He is aslcPp," sJ,id Paul i1t c. .showing the prices resl iseJ mny lie French pilgrimage, ;i,nd the privil eges "So much the 1,cLter, •· ::tnswerecl, interesting to many of our reiuler8. partaken of by t he pilgrim s. Iii. con- lh c Uountess. "Come P ,iuline, l :Messrs. Wincl-icombe, Carson , an I Co. sequence, a great crnmn pilgri nmge, must speak to you priva.tcly" report :-There is 11 firm demand fo r is annou11ce<l, for whid1 preparntions ~he led her niece quickly n.c ,·o~s the tobacco !enf, especially for good well- are being energetic,tlly set on foot. ;a rge ha ll, :1,nd siLti11 g clown j 11 one of ,a rown and carefull y cured li11 os . \Ve But certain ly so n,e; good cJiect mu s!; lie the window reccs~es, she 8,Licl: "Vv e Jis posed of one pu ree! of mecl iu m lJ nality, produced in irn.tions whose 1m1sscs in are_ conqu er d. The castle of Ifayc fro m Guudugai at 4½d. per Iii. , i,11,I large numbers, with sim ilar pious P a1snel has 1,cen rrcapturecl hy these several infe rior li nes from 2 2 cl. to 3d . objects, visit a common centre, whence accursed French. Your llnclo emper lb. We quote t lie mark et :is also peaceful influences en ia natc. \mrked this morning at Granville, and 'I fo llows viz. , Bn peri or, 3d. to 6{-d. p,: r How apparent, tltercforc•, uccomes till! , T a111 going to .B::i,rflcur, where my own ' . -if'. •) 1 I Pope's ightfu_l position res arb itrntor vessel is ,twn.iting n,c. I cn.n,e h?re on lb. ; mediu m,' 3½,l. 4J1 LI . ; .111 fe11ur, ctmoni the naL1on s. p urpose to t::tkc a -ray my fatlier-rn-l tLW to 3d. per lb.








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, nd yo urself. I 'know he is under sente11ce of banishm ent. " T know it als , lmt th rough a rnisu11d cr·si;,Lndi11g ; for 11 ,y grnndfaLheL· had no p ,td, in t ltc rehcllio11 . The que011 will soon know it fo r I have sent her :L messenger." "Don't; rely on the Quee11 . Blanche of Un.still e h:,s t he Span ish pride a nd the stuhl,orncss of t he Plantagenets. Slw won ·t alte1· her dtwisio11. She will trLke possession of t he dominion and of t he Castle of Brix. The safest step to i;ake is to fly." "No," said Pauline. "To fly would be to acknowledge oneself guilty. My g rand fathtir would never consent to it." " In his present position he cannot have any will but yours. Come aw9,y with me, Pauline . Bring him with you. H is English dominions are Ye(y extensi ve, and he will soon console himself for t he loss of those in Normandy. You will easily find a r::ood match on the other side of t he Channel." "No, n ever!" said Pauline. "I wi ll never leave my country ! I will nc\'er be unfaithful t o the pl'om ise I h:wc made to my betl'othecl ." " Vell, " said Mat:j ory, " I give yo u two hours to reflect. vVe will rest our horses and give t hem :1 feed. As soon as t he 1110011 is up we slt all start fo r BarJ:leu r. I no notion of being nrntlo a prisoner and of listening to t he n,ice in the Louvre towe r. " :Pau line h,:i,stenecl to get refreshments fo r Lady M:11j ot·y!s men, while the Countess herself was parta ki ng of n, litt le food. Sile then p repa,·ecl what was necessa.ry fo r dressing t he wounds of the soldiers. She was gentle :1ncl clevet" and did it well. Noble la.dies in t hose days were accustomflcl to nu!'se t he wo unded, fo r it wou ld ill hccome :1 woman to be delic:1te in those chi.v:11 rous t imes, livi ng as they did a monist adventu rous war riors. Lady Ma1:jory assisted her in her task, :1dmiring t h& you ng girl's skill. " In ou r :-Scotch mount ains, we ,1re not so po.rticular. Ot1r men bind up their own wounds as wel l as t hey aire ab le, a.ncl they hea l j ust as well. '' "111 Frnuce and in Nornmndy, ou r knights sa,y t,lu,t a woman's lmncl is gentl er, :wcl serves t.hem Letter. They lllake the wormds, and we heal t hem." "The rnoou is risi ua," a nd 11'1:i.1:jory, " I lllttst go. Ou your J,orscs, i11cn ! .'\ clieu, l'mtl inc. If N ormancly to ctgrnc with you, or :if exile li uco u1cs your 1,or bou , rcrncmbot· you have un tLUnt in ,icotland who wil l bu proud ,1,ucl lt11p py to be a mother to you. Good -bye." As soo n as the cloor w:1,s closed , Pauline went to her grnndfather's room a11cl li.stenecl. lle slepl; pc)n.ccfnl ly. :\. l.trnp wn.s liumi11" on t he chimney piece and Janies was 8itting in a l:trge ,Lrn,ch,Lil' n the bed. Ile m1Lcle a si,,.n to l' t1t·11 1· 11c tl·1°t lie, \V""s• wacc ' ] J ·u1g t" i10 u invrdicl rLncl Lbat sl,e m ight. ;;o ':o iil'U . Bu t, t il e poor gi rl wri:; too attx i.oLis to sleep . 8 h . ascended t lie to1i•e t· :.ncl looked out into tlrn cli st,a11cc1. The moon ."fLVC rL ful l lil'ight ligh i;. She distiu ci;ly s,Lw L:tLl_y \ L,.i;jo ry's s uite goi11 g acl'oss the !,ridge an tl clisappeari1 ,g among the trnes follo wi11 g t he 11orlhel'l1 The clatter of t he ho1·se's hoofs co uld now sc: u·cl.Y IJe h e::i,nl, when su clclen ly a ~otll·,cl or chshi11g swo ,·J~ an rl i nte r11,iuglclll t;rics w:1s ,LuclilJk ~L'he com,. . f . naL 1:i:,;Lec1 ·ol' :i, few rninutos, t licn t he noise r·casecl a11 cl tlic 11orth breeze on ly c:1rricrl eonfo s11d and di:;t;i,nt rnu t·111uring,; to Pau li11c's var. . Poor Pauline with lrcmbling ,;teps app roached t he llH'1ll :,t-,ums who had been stationed by J:wtes as sen1j nel 011 the tower. " G coffrey " s·Jid sbe, "have you hea rd lh :1t noise 1'' "Y cs, :11 iss, Lady >1a1:jory's escort has 1,cen at tacked in the wood." " Whn.t do you t ltinl has become of her ?'' asked P:.L1J]iuo. "J could 11ot say,'' said GeoffL"ey . " At drLybrefLk so me one shall go and sen, for it would be uns:1fe fo r an yone to go out at present. "\Vhether victors or v,,nquished the :Scots must h,we gone n. way. It was an evil hour when they _put. foot, in :\"01·1n~ncly ! Hut, :\I ts:; l ftll ltt tl', Lu,; 111gh1; H cold. F 01:

THEW A. REC0 1.J).


the love of G od go within. I t is not C lr oirs o l f!;cc le~ ii>sti ca l H istory and are to be allowed "n ot g enerall y, hut concil iatio n were tolerated by Parliay ou!' place to be watch ing." Hcri ptural E xeges i , rc,pec tivPl _v fo11ndecl where • tie,•dfn l." When ge ner:il mcnt it wou ld rei;lly work for peace. "Th'L t is t ru e ," sa id Paulin e. " Good by Mr. an d Mrs. l(ng-eno K elly, of di Apenwt ion s have been g rn nted , so m ' In th e opinion of the Guardian" it ni ah t Geoffrey." Now York; tl 11; "O 'Co nn or C hoi r of .,f tl·,0 tel eg ram s, ne th ose fro m Clift.011 1Tould only in crease the present ~':ih~ entered tli o castl e and going C anon Law," estal,l i8,rn,l by th e Ho n. ancl Portsmouth add, "un ti l furtbH co nfnsion." DiRcu ~sion, arg um ent, and to h er room, t hrew h erself a ll dressed , M ~·lcs P. O'Co n no r, of Cn li fo rnin; end notice ; " in oth ers, as i11 Liverpoo l un :1 controversy in Con\l'OCation, in the on th e bed. ~iniste r prese ntiments th a prom i8e uf 11 "Fnt.l re r .\!11th ew Newport, tbe Jis pen sation extend s over oprn1on our con t.e mpor11ry, wo uld be kept lre r awako until t he dawn of day . i Chui r,'' aod p erhaps of 11 " B rown son the wh ole of Le11t, "excep~ Aijh admirable things if the object iu view CHAPTER VIll. ; Chui r,'' to i>e erected by Rubs cri pli_on. Weclesday an<l Good F ri day ." were to dec ide wh ether High , T here a re also vth er g<" ne ro nR benefnc i Churchmen or L ow Churchmen are the TREA SON. tor, whose donuti ons are exceptio1rn ll y ex ponents of Ang lican doctrine, and ns Scar~ely li ad th e light da wn ed next l,Hge. Tl ie libr ary, t"o, hns rccei.-<'d The City of conf usion. s uch h11 ve the rn le right to call tbem1 morni11 g when tw o persons, who could very fl no g ift;,, and a goo.I he 1,? inni11g ---; selves the C h urch of England. But not be r! istin p; ui~hed through the t hick ha~ ltee 11 m" de wi th t he S'· ientific co l- · '.l'HIAL O(o' nm Il! Sl:IO P Ol•' LIN COLN . ; t he n tlrut, iB not, the object 11t all. The fo::r, :1prieaied on _th e dec livity lecti ons. It will he see n tbnt the . b -~ h t i d : idea is sim ply to discover II modus ,, C 1 t1aa umant I 1 1yev 1u en t t at 1c e d' l 'h b . urrou11ding t;l1 e d it ch of the ostle anc A nw ric an Cuth olics nre Jl ohly emulntiog fenda11t'.s ho pe urn Rt rest up on tli e possi bi!- , vwcn i . iyth wh1tt' ]' hot 1i tpartl1~ls mayh called out to J'nm es. The old gl'Oon1 the exampl e of the Cn t.h .. Ji c~ of En g. . · remarn rn ,, es a u 1s men , w II e eac ' 1rn I· t seIf ti 1e t r ue expo ,Hrn t of was nmk ing hi s morning rounds ::ts lnnd i11 the \I idd!e Al!eS, whose 1111rni · itythnttboA1chb1shopmnyberndu . . If . . cedto . ,. tllln d oc t rrn · e. "At present, 1t · usual, aucl althou gh he h acl l,ept fi ce ni;:c is st ill ntteRted by t.h e sple11 ll " urs set 1,_,rm se up aga1ost t 1ie an L1iont.y. o; , A· 1w 1IC:in 0 Head of th o Aogl 1cuu : t ,rntch t!urinf! th e preceding night of O xrorcl and Ca.mbr idgo \,\ e learn the S nprellle E1 111110 I~e recnero bere d , ritua 11·stR nn d · a1-1s t ~ ure a 1·1I rn convrncec · I ti ,a t he was flS brisk an d as a l ert a s tlrn.t tho nex t. I ty to lie opc ruJtI at Chur . ch. .very one . oft..1ie offences fol' uu t·ll'l~u ever. H e reco 0rtnized the voices and '. W att liing ton, nod perhaps vt' ry snon, wb ,ch th e Brnhop 18 anaign ed Las been , the Ci1 u rch of .E ng lao d i8 on their 8ide · · k, responded to the call. . : will be th Ht of Phil osopl, y 1rn d L ~ll.ers. alr p ead J' y cond emned h · by l J' the ,- i Q1;een. I ' nn d 8 0 long as t I1ey are a bl e tot }nn "What is t he matter, Peter i W l1y · Mean whil e, one of the most enco uru i_: mg ar 1amenpt, 'ii' edo 1.t a iot 18 ,e, appeabs i this Urey C:'1 11 m1rnage t.o Jive together. 1 I 1 . l sig ns of t,lie seri ous na t ure of t I1e war Ic to. tie ope are you bringing l\'Iary Iiere w1t1 . , ' . e11 iern e 1y m i,ue. t e ! I t 1,. now propose d t b at t h. e ,·.h u urc h l ~ I ~ovore1irn ol tins conntry t.h e 11 lt1 ma te · I Id f JI th t l b th 1 you at this ea rly 1our. . is to he found in t 16 state ment t iut CQurt ·of appeal i11 ecclesiastical c~ses s_iclou ,~;inat ytl 8u~t al. ts1e is otnt od "I must speak to you pnvat~ly, four o f the deHignn ied professor~ of tb e p . C . , s1 es. n ,rn 10 n ua 1s wan s o o and th e nr ltamenl,ary lrnrch hus no ' 1 .1 t th t· ·t 1· t and quickly too. H urry on :111 cl gi ve n ew Alrn n J\, Int~r u~e still hu sy ~er ,i-c<:t - sta ndin" - ronnd for ob·ectiou. Pnrli u- , 1t1 may uo; w1·1u e an II'\ ua 1s d oes me a plank to cross over to t h e ia()' th emse l,•es m hurope-Dr. 8h,drnn, t '" lg th 'I'!. t ~ . , t· , no t want to do he need not do. We o . . . men 1~1ar c · e Jlr y-nrne f H 1c 1est 1re ' . ,. party l too l OJ)g pur back yarcl. It wou ld ta,e ~uinrr li1sto nc1ll studi. es a t B t• r 1iu; C f D . . °ee uo reas on to t h"rn,I t 1int e1tuer I "' 1 I . I 1 I . I a( e o octnne, d raw .Dr. - Puce.', as it l ma, o t HJ , l . b . fi d . l tl toealltheporter a nd lower tie engage, 10 nn t 1ropo og1rri ]:> l 1 CJ f D • f won u ·e sat1 s e w1t1 ~uc h asete1 . . D . I rnyer - 100, tie Ol e o ~vo 110 11 o 1i· 'I' I . . bridge." I: work at Le.1pz1g; r. Messme r, Ill t rn I A I' Cl d l't' f ment a s t 1s. o t. Je one Jt WI 11 seem J am es hasten ed to get a good study of C11nou Lu w Rome; and Dr. , tie f ng _i ca rit ,itihrc I1' f!nl_ .011 con t 1 101f1 0d • u di sti uct acceptan ce of' Pu ritanism ; . . . J . I con ono I ty o RO c1rn te · 1 . w1. seem an ex strong uoard from a room oi" w l u.c l1 , G rnu11 un in Par1ti, perfecting .> IS . / • bl . e re WJO\J °t . I to th· e ot l ier It 11 ,, , b E press ~ . . I man e emo1nm en s are CDJoy e, 1 I . :, 1 rew Scriptural' ~tu,h.e:;. ,1,hPrnm . h e a lw nys kept t,he k ey. Ile t1 1s. a aure , 1 . l'arun l Tb tl. . to ernt1on of 1.i:opery. f e 'nglisli 1 it across the ditch a nd let in th e ' 11u11r.rnlee of sncces~.-Tablet. ~s erg\ L. e symp:~ n se r~ i U!i'urclmum, also, is hostil e : "their ttie '" 101'. 0 t. f iu,co In neeJ rermot mg me th od is peace by co ncession: the Young man and his sist e r. vV a l kin!:; 1 t, int to J llS 1 }' clli! COllllUC t US a n . , . very gently a ll three wc11t to Jam es I A . n·is 1rn p t h t k J udgme nts of t he Queens Cou rts are 1 , e re they loc!, en' t Jiernse1ve:-; :· u o tect1 · on or Pove rty oa ie11n ey mus ma e I 'fi I 0 . . room and th .1e r · t t . f tc, be n u It er by new ru bncs; th e1r , 1 r uppea,1 no o tre teac111ntr o tie I . · I p . 'JI 111. }' l th c usage o J' th e J.' l'I.m 1·t·1 ve 1op0 1s t tr at a111ament O; , at Jer~ or b . . . w1 I conseq f .t to "Now Pete r, what is' t h e matter , i S ir Ch ur 'es Dill· e is a s taunch C l h I t h S t , . . a rog atc its const1t11t10na unctions , 'd J · , . .,. • ' . • . _ inrc , ) ll to t t' ta O 1 t 1) I ~ cJ ' II . . "l . , } ] Tell me quickly, · sa1 am cs F ie~trndC' r ,rnd y;, t lie 15 of t h e opllrr nn . If tb 0 . , t . d au w, pe1ru1t t he eo-, es1astwa aws 1 · l : ' ·. - • , 1 Ieti 1m. . ) "ant ~ ive unm;> 1es ~e ' of tb e kino-dom to be rep laced by laws anx10us Y· : thnt Anstral ia, un d 11,aeec , a ll n_ew : to be at liberty to fasb10n Augh c11nis m . • b . . , . • • " :Mast er James, lns t n igh t th e coiwL i i1< ·lt nnlcl nclop t tl,e Prntecti vH , ft ti . d t II <l m11de bv a prncticallj mespo ns1 ble body , I I t i· i ·• , • · , a er Je re own mm s, o 10 11 owe f . 't' ,, Tb h f th A . Countess o f A. 1rnanc,a e came to re policv Sir Charl es' opini on is Lbut of '. t d t d t . t t· I f ti o pnes s._ e pPt s o e ng1!Can , f I . . J, •• • · . . , o a op an a reJCC , a r 1c es o 10 .., I . . l'k I t ,_ Valley an d 1ef~ one o ier .n_ien w -~ . most sq unr e-hond~cl tlnnkers. Ho rn Catholic faith n~ tb ey think well, it is pence~ma '~'. i'._io not I e y o "e was wounded m a comb at which took . con Y1·r1ced t ho-t 'G , ee tr·1de is not ri I . • . • h : · · "' -·• • a 1v11ys ope n t o ti1cm t o h uy Jreel:l oru 11 t ~moo ,h.-'.lablct. place a few mrnutes ea rlier 111 . t .e.• ,, .,orinciple 1 that is- cu•I-' 11hle o f univers11l 1·ts f am1·1·11ir pr ice · : · 1 . zvz·t ias nim essc forest. · She told us to nurse I11111 n : ap i)l'rc• t1·011 I-l e i8 sure thai, it 1·s tbe l · · · 1'f · cl i · " · · c uxi· zn comparn t'1011.e i·z1·i-us. (S ap. h,e lived, and t o h~ry !run he di~ ' , right thi og fu r GrellL Hr it!lio, but he vii. 8.) W hile on e party in tl1e Manufactur ing Slanders. b~t whatever we d id we were t o l.11 d e i rl oe~ not rc fo re coocl ud c t,hnt it is nlso E stabl ish ment is hoping th rit the Arch- I 1111 him w ell. ~he gave us n,oney, cl to ! t he ri ght. tlrin g for every other nation. , biahop of Canter bury ,..,ill •7i~e n : Prom the Pulice Cou rt 11 0 ws of t he all our questions sh e only conclesce n d ecl , Ou r F ree tr·1ders tlii 11l· nthl"·wi se an 1l · { · t I· J t t J fl b tl ' l 1 , If · I. d ..1 i - ' ' " ' · JUC g rnen w 11c 1 se s a 'e · ance ie " r;, liLugow 11.1.ui" we tu Iw t tie fo.lowing to answer: . you wis ' to i en er ' r t,bc nr ~ume nt they mos t fr eqne ntly use kn owJJ n1l ing" of tlu1 Qu een , u l11r "e r eport wlr ich s1ieuks fo r it;;elf:-:gr<>at service to the B aron and t o · f . t, . t' . f F . ! • fo · • · · ," : . '\ 1 . 01 ·ll 0 Cull 111 \l lll)( e O I ee- !al lll MeCtl OIJ l ~ 1!(~lit on Hecurmg s nob n rei gn P RISONERS W I 'l' H POLIT I CAL Rums. Miss P_auhoe, go ns soon H-~ p ossi_~ e : th eso t'O lcrn ies ia tha t tlw ~y~t ... u1 has of tnlernnue uA s hnli ren der appeals "to and br_rng t lw m_ t o t h e_ V:tl_ey . .. D_o , nrod uccd c~xc:ell enr. re, ult io En,, Jnr id . ,•irit lJo i·i·ty wlrnlly ua cc'·ss sry. :-' • .t . At the So uthern Police Court 911 1 1 f I j0 Th ti J l 1" v " v\Tednesday a prisoner, charged with not a l to ( s.~- ' ~\" cas _e VI I ,e i W hat S ir 0 1,arl e,s_Dilke ~!iink_s of" th esn hccom iug more a nd m orn evident t ha t drunkenness, was called t o the bar by the attac½ed to-mot I ow. l!ien she went! logH·mu B ca 11 eaHly l.1 e 1mug111ecl. Ile t.u in du ee th e cltJl' " J of tho E s tablish - mmie of Charlus Stuart Parnell. Bailie off with h er S cots, s:ty111 g s h:' woul d : won Id 11 ot bll Mrr;) riserl if l,o lcarueJ uitmt i,o tMch t he"' same cloctri!J e aod Graham- Is that your correct name ?- No, not ~~ay anothe_r hour 111 th ~ l_un gd orn._ : Llrn t tl,ey used si mi lal' rea 8 ooitJg . iu re- iiructi Mo lire same ritual is so methin g sir; it is not my n ame; it is what the L · th led sold1 e1 t o ou 1 1 f I gentle1mL11 g·ave me. ..What is your name? eann7 e woun c · . · gnr d to rn,, re, o ol rP. r ma l.t.ers, we In, I- wlr ich in 0111.sid e the sp h ern o( li urnan --ll'Iy name is Stokes. (Laughter.) And nd . st mother,s, ca re, Ma ry_ ~ I art;,~] off ! iug tile nrc hitrct u1:c of ti, eir ho nsP~, the po,sibil it.y, it bas occurred to some g oor.l how dicl you come to give this name ?- I here. 1 ell us, •~!mt aie we to do · . I st y le of th eir cl ,• th1 n~, a11d th e choructer 60 u J8 tliut it won Id be 1,ice lo es \ab lis b never gave it at all. It is t he name they . James held his lon g grey beard l!1 : of tlre ir· nm ,t :me.I d ri11 k . T bere nre ' a sort, of eccles iaeti ca l go-as-you .l)Jease put on to me. 'I'he B,1ilie-Who put down h to re I · · 1r · · arrnn <>em1.•nt. Qoestion8 of ritt1ul' are t his name P An officerThe prisoner ~ave 1s hands and appe·1l'ed ' . ti ec• ·. , . ,· b u11 1Ire,.s nf F1 ree -t,r,« Jcrs 1I·1rn ;-, b · Tl J1 ]1 ! ll I ]1f " ' th at mtme at the ar . Captain Dona die wort _y groom ~c. a n} _ e I Ch 11d '. •~ D ilke in lir e Un it e•:! Kin g dom, no longer l o ,,e x th e 8o uL1 of the , Wegivothenamesastheyaregiven when been obedient to the B ,u on d e l,ui go. i anti 11 th ny w~ rc to :;~- ttle lll Au~t r11l1 a de vout. At present the H ead of tho ' prisoners a!'e brought in . The Bailie-I ~ e could oot ac:nstom h~ni self_ to t'.r o I th oy w~uld be;~ me a rden t, eliampior.1s o f Cli u rclr, after heMi ng th e advice of l rer · ~ho n.Id li ke to hear t h e _officer who is in 1dea of no longe1 co11 sult rng l11 m, 1e- • P ro teC'IJO IJ I o nil really thoeg 11 tful I'• U01 -1 d 'J charge of t he case, because I decidecliy · · " · · e cl th ord ers of P uuli1w : ' · ,. · • .. r iYy :rnc i ' es up on 11ie object to political names being brought ce1v10 O rn st , !I. e · . , : peopl e the> woJ1ck1 1s 11 <, t th at S ir mes ~nre ot ntntd eci wh iclt lras bee \\ . · t ·p 1· c ·t · t l ; . . , 'l'l h"ld 1 of s·x:teen who see nwd to hrn 1 ' c·,1. 1 l)'II I 1 J . I" . · 1n a a . o ,ce ou1 111 1.s wa~. 1e a c L · • ' . ,L1r1r l'6 1 ,e 11 s e xpr cRRe 1) tm so 1 111 im11osetl by Par li umenL; bu t then tho oflicer stepped into th e wi 'G ness-box, and, hut out of th e nurse ry a few day s. ! th e rn :rnr:er ro:e rrnd to, h u t th at t hem cl e;.f{}' eiLher d iffer fr om the Suo reme ! exmninod by Captain Donald, said th e To be continued . '. ure 1110 11y ed11ca led men i11 t ho colo'.JY Heaud cf' tb e Clrnrclr, in the vi e'w s l, e J~risonm: gave t~e n~1e Charle~ _Stewa l't 1 wl o (lI, ' 1o. t •1 l' ' C w11 h wha t be h·is s-- icl I h ~tututes, or OS I ~ t I·ri ll{I , you l::unel!. e-Aud ~ ?~ : : ,.I •!-; '. . ' . . . ••. . ta,cs c, f' t'O took (Laughter.) tlmt name? .the 'l'ho Bmh omcerWo Ii ~ ll ll ll: Ot• r, how,, ver, \ R _rn.pidly cl imw porn ly of the ~tn lnte11 th ernP elvi,e, take tho na.mes (l,S they are given . 'rhe Catholic The Uni v ersity av ! 1slll ng ; 11, wou ld_ be -~ s_en ous re ficc~;on : \Vh y not wide n th e margin in 1~hi('i, B?'i½c-:-.ffad h o called himself t he MarqL1is W ashington . on !.lie co n, munny 1t rt, worn not. - , in divi du:, I fancies muy wand er lawfully at Sahsbury. wo uld you ,have put cl.own Austrnli,rn S tw·. \ t.o t he rif70 lrt, or th e left? It is proposr;;l t hat _ 1mmo? The Officcr--Yes .. 'l'he ; . , . . . Ba1h e, clischargmg the umn, I The Uu ivers ity hns Ptu rl c,l wor k · -1 l•J u l_in::Y ca,111:g it.self" Cl:urcbmen 1n decidedly object to ,tny police saidofficer with a staff of 12 prof~s,o r;; a nd counctl, tn " ~•< Co nvocnt10 n to dra w r put ting· clown such a name, aud cer tainly lecturers and ne arl y 50 st1:den t.s , 11r 111 ly , 'l'h e Pap al Dispens a ti o n. ' up tl 11 ew si •J ",' of rit. un l regula tion ~ I shall n_ot accept ~t ,1,t a;~y cour t in which all the ln tt,?r being pt ies:~ . T im chi ef i with :1· 1C<', ,g 1,i,eu maximum and a I m2,y_ sit . Capta.11~ J:?onald-'.~'h ~ offic?rs · >· t11rn · __ to :· 0 ur rea rl era w ·rl 1, icntnra I',y Iio , reco~111· sc J rnrn_ · ·u,nm 1ietween w 11e ake t he'I'he, names 0-1 ven to them. '.[ he members o f t I1c• H.:1 ff, ·111 :i.1ico1 1 . h 11 l_,I tBailiey may,tB t~ke 'I'om, Dick, or Bishop K enn ,,. tlie He:: 1or, :1:11! Dr. . interested to leC11'll wL eth er :ind to wh at : pa rti es m:iy live and he ha ppy. If lfarry, but I obj ect to them taking name:; 1 Carrigan, thl, V ice - ll ecw,·, a1:<l '' b11 si- ox tc ut t. be Bi~bo ps buve seen wel l to ' tit is were all, everythi ng woul d be of political significanco. ness man " (Jf t he i11 stit.r1L iu11 , »rn Dr. ' a vnil \b emse lves al' th e p~mi8 sion · ~impl e, lHitwhatwonldP11rliament sayto Now, it is pretty Cllr tai 11 1h,1 t if t,he H ogau , who lcct.11 rc s ti u A }cct icxl grnuted hy the IJoly Fmther in I tlris clcr ic,d arra ngement of the affa irs of nhove ca~e batl come beforn ~ome oJ tho Theol ogy; D r. !:;,•,li1ocd1· r. D e·,11 nf Lir e I con ijequ encc ot Lho s ufferi ng nod I tire Nationnl Ohnrch? To ob t:.ii n tbe : Ooe rcion ist 1nag is tra tes in Euglnnd or Theological Facu lt_v _11 11d P , oft'.• so:·. of r1i s tress ~auseiJ hy _t he . i uEl 11 enz~ . t.o I SH.nct! on ~ar li umen t withont re1, !l y : l rr ln nd in pla~e ~f be fore un in~partial Dogma ; Dr. B<H •lj"tl!,, ,,, >l or,rl I Ire- t'1 , fiens11 tro111 t he ohl1 g 11 trn ns of f11 st1 ng allow ing 1 nrl 1arnen t to hnve 1H1y vowe I Baili e rn bonn ie :::l cotl anJ, t.h e pnsone r's olog y; Dr .. P ,,l,,lc, U!rr isLi,11 1 /q 1oln - An d nhotine nc1; . From A 1cbbi shop'~ in th e rnatter wns t he prn blem. It is ' fa l8e name wo uld 1101, h ave been get.ics; Dr. H _rv ,•rn n!. ffo ri p1 11 ..,, I A rch - · l:1 011sc we ha ve recei ved no ofli ci!il propo. ed Lo introduce II Bill to t he challenged . l n this lat te r event the ~ology a 11 J Ori, ·n h l . L11 11gunr,r·., ; an .J i 1form nti on , but w? bel ieve it. will \ effect th al, when c(1Sng es in tho ruh'.'ics ni ;rnufacturcrs of coercio nrnt slHnders 1 Mr. Charl es Nur rc· 11 ::,i todil aro1, J,,cture r , l:e forrnJ that n d1spe 1,sn t 1o n will he I have bee n " u th on scd hy Con voc,at1011 , , aud cir wor th ) brother tho T ory vn English LiLcr,1t11re. 'J be11J is :i lso, g rn utL·,L ·w e lt nve re~c,i vcd tclcg1:a'.11~, I they ,!J 3l] have the for ce of luw un lcs~, cabloman wou ld !ia ve had a ,raod 1 we uro g lad 1.,, s,· c, n lec l orcr orr ho1rc vc r, fro:1 1 14 r, f t lie rern e.1n 111g : 11fter ly1 11 11; on the t~ blee of both clmnce to pulr lr sb f'nr un,! 11i Je tlrn~ie ws. Lit u rgicrd i\l usic (t he, lfrv . ,J. Gr:if) ; diocc8e ~, In t he A1d1 dioeesci of ' H o,1,PS for n certa in time, nn Adur e:as th at, " Cli atlcs Stewu1t Punrell was 1,or or" Frl'1t l' h :rn d Elo:- 11 Lio1111 oµlc•,·t, •,l. E di 11 lrr1 rgh, in the dioce:,es of Salford, ' to tire C rown 5!iall have been prese nt cu , clm1 0-~cl wit h <l r un 1rnn ncss, a t t he The Un ivers ity Ira~ l,~r•11 '' " " }' fo 1tarrCtlll . Nortlia 111plo11, rurd L e,,,!~ I. he' Uidl10ps ' ~'Y Pnrli arncnt. T i: is procedu re i; l Sontlic rn l'ulice Conn., Glu,oow. He in t Le n11 111ilicl'n ce ot ,\111cr in111 Cnllr11- · l,a,·c decided t!.i:rt tire circun rstances uro nd op1 1• ,l in th e cn~CJ of Hail way ll il l~ . i wa~ di sch arged ." Wh at " ~~m:i t ional lies i,1 fc,11nding Ch:,ir., ; tl,ris rlieJ lrS\'C not finch ns to re<p1 ire a cti~pen~rrtion . lf :it tlr lJ en d c.,f 4.0 ,lnys 1,0 A,!d res& l: a~ i c:d,lr. tl: i~ wo ul tl havl: b, cir! An d yet M i~6 C,rldw .-lh t.wo Clr t:irs ( Dogc11i1lic : U 11 tlr,a c•tli,,r h and, . in the dic,cc.- :)8 of lrer. 11 1•r(),(::1ted, t.ira t i~, if_ no 011_u h as th e im pl ic•J n1 lu1u ny won, rl l,a vc had T lw ,,IPp y ., ,id l' lr il,,soplry) c,,l lecl nlt~ r CJ1rtu11, .:\•cw pun, f :1 utliw:1r k 1 L1 vcr- , arr y oi>Je0t 1on to tho rn, tli etr p ro n, r(ln ~ 17 uite uff:i cient cu lo;i ruh!c l'o ur rd at,io n to 8 lrcr fath er ir11rl 111otlrc r reR1,c1:tively; · poo l, Not1 in(.!iiarn fl <'xh nn r, l'n rts mo11th , · been me l all' . t-ii r G,eorg c Ei tokcs "fill a lnn" - fclt wnut" uf tir e Coert.Lc ' ' J\n cl r1;:I'., Ci ,,,i r 11( ,i:ic<iJ'. t urnl , trn,1 :\lid ,l1csu ro11g-h, a g ",11ern l d i_~pe115a- . ,·x ;,ns.<ccl t ho lr_o pa tlra t Pn rl iamcu i, cionist ! ! •;\. ~ i t i:1 wblit n c!i., ,poin t111 .A rck.::oln;!.'. fo11n d1·d by trre ,\ , 1s s,·s · 1.1011 lrns l:ec11 gr nnterl. 1 n Lhc dwce~e of wo11 l, l no t be d; sµo~c ,J lo de:1 l mo re 111 e t Ba ilie Grn lr um hit,; inflicted 11 1\11 dr e1r~ ..f li :r'.1_i,.r,or~; ,\' '') . , ~r,·~cl. Pl)'llH>: >th, a . d ispens:,t_ion is :,•llowc:I , lrn r: 1ty wi_tli l~s lal,l iehn:e11t th an wit. Ir !lie pnrv~y or~ of' iug•--n iOllti ~luncl ,·r ! 011 !! Charr of ~l,·r11I I 11 ,,olt,1•.r , f,11111 ,ierl h_l' ' ' at p11est,; J 1 c rc1 11111 , 1f asked , a11 ,I 111 cnr,n 111 rn rl w a)' co mp:rn rcf. lt 1s very \ul df'n rrnr: t, ll,,il ic•, dcrllo,·ra,ic ;\us1 ti.ic ~I isSl'S U. 1·.\v l; ti re t wo "K,·!ly" LIJ~ , io c{!f•C oi' ~lrn w~i, ury di'['" ll ~nti •1 :8 doq;, tf'ul wl,t• tl.i r r e,,u, if LI.ii~ ~drc rnc u!' t ralia ii, ~ ,I ul.l !--- A u~/l'cc lian,




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27, 1890.


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27 189('.)_


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SAN I'l'AllY ll' E M,

Mi. ~s L u(' ncl i ( bnr ~t in g i11to the Sl LVE R LBVE R BU~1'E H,Ca ppa l" 0 anrl ,J ewelled, Guarnnlced t wo yeaH cl oetor·, olli :i) --A.. J . GALL E'S, Albany. D octor---' ' Wl ,y, W hut.'s t he matter? Wh o's s ick ?'' J:l.oLLOW ,\ Y's PrLLs.- The s udden .'·.' i~s L ue 11 tl1- " l \!Ill; but as tl 1oro ch:uigos, frequent fogs and perva d ing was no one lo se ud J ca me mys elf. " dam p ness sorely imped e the vita l func A lo ver, yonn g a nd en t husias tic, w ho tion s au d conduce to ill -h ealth . 'J'he NOT A H AD :sc1rn~rn:. snug and p layed ::!earl y t wo h ou rs rem edy for !;hose disea,ses lioa in .·ome befo re tho ho utie of lii H la dy- lovo t.h c A. -Ferg uso n ia a s hrwp man. p urifying med icin e, like t h ese P ills, which otlter evoniu g , wus elect rified - tl,n t is, B.- W h11 t d id he do? is competent to grapple w it h the mischief s hc,c k eu- nftcr a s lto rt pa use, by u Yo n see, h is wife n ev er lets h im a t its so urce, .tncl s tamp it; o ut without co rcl inl " T ha nk you ," fr om t lui " o th er h a ve a ny m oney , s o h o steal s he r p ug . frcttiu g th e n e rves 01· weak ening th e syst e m. Holl oway 's P ills extmct from fol low," w ho appeared nt tho w i11d ow . Sten ls her pu g ? th e blood all noxious m atters , reg ulate Y es, bo h:.1s made ar rnn ge m en t 8 wi th TO A VOJ.D TfJE SING LE TAX, t he action of ev ery disord ered organ , a prnf'ussio na l do~ Rt,ea ler. · F org uso n · stimulate the liver and kidneys , im d O ld iVl uid- I s there any clinnce of li a11ds Jog over tlt e fe1we to dog s tea ler. r eb x th o bo wels. In c ur ing chest com H en ry C:h,orge'~ s ing le tux: b8coruing u M rs. Fe rg u so n offel'S r e ward of 5, . plaints th ese P ills are r em arka bly effective law 1 Dog s tealer ge ts re warJ a n d div ides esp eciallv when aided b y friction of t he Old Dach elor ( s uspi ciou sly)- Wh y with Fe rg . NE'x t w eek dog is g one Ointm ent on it,s walls. This d ouble Jo yon usk ? ag ain . A n oth er re wa rd, a ud 1110re t reatme nt will ens ure · it cer tain, st eady a nd be 11 e(ice n t; progress, a nd so und liealth O lcl Ma id ( c()y ly)- Nothi ng mn c h, pock et mo ney for F e rg-. Sec ? wilt soon be ish ecl. on ly th ere iR a wa y fur ; in rd e fol ks lik ,, I us to a voirl ii.. C' , WH AT N A l\l•:s ,1 C AT 'J' HTl J\D SO !''l'LY, fl 1 ' · O J J I I 1 "Fott 'l'H G B LOOD rs ·ruio L t•··· "- ow . :· :::•"' l'' I, _w l:1I ''.',' ·( (•S '1 ,i;:i t f.l' (!a', ! l:r,ARK l•:•s WORLD -FA MED Bi<.)OD 1 1 By- by ge Lt in g -· ,;,: ltl y I "".'"!•_- 1 ,il,, LJJ n rn y .1.• 1:1 .Jo ur, o r / Ml X TUH!sis warrantedtoc!eanse th eblood [B ut he wns g one befo ro sh e co n Id In ~ ug nd re la t1ve as th e 1rn1r sat . cl own fr om n.l l im purities from wliatever cause · get a ny fa:-t he r .J to i111pl'O\'C t beil' rni uds whe n th e ar,srn µ- . lfo l' Sc rofu la, Scu r r y, S1<:in aod . T he l' ua son why ,;omll peo JJ le never uveu i 11 g- la mp ,: we re li o lJ r. cd . Hl_ood Diseases, nod ,·ores of al~ ki nds , i ~s 0 " . . . effec ts :ire marvellous. Th ousanc ~ of test1g row oh: is li ecuu ~e I.h ey <l o all th eir . I t 1, 11 facu lty prov 11 by nn 11ll - nioninls. Sol d iu bo ttl es, 2s. 9d. and ll s g rowin g wh en they ure youn g. wise- creato r, my s on wh1 cll e na bles the each by Chem ists aad Patent Medicine cat lo wa lk: s oftly ," re plied th e old Vendo,·s e"cry wh ere. Sole P roprietors 'J' l-1 1, i\IA N R E WAS L OOIGN8 F OTt , m a n a s h e laiJ do w n bis 11 a pe r nod 'l'HE Lrncor,N AND MrnLAND CooN·r 1r11 Duuo ' Co. Lrn co ln E tw0 l::rnd . ' ' An g ry Citizen (ru s hing iu on T exas beam ed on th e y o1.tb fu l see ke r a fte r - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - ed itor, who is also corou el', to hors e- knowledge. " A ll me m be rs of th e cut tr ibe a re whi p h im) - You scou ndrel! ( s ta rts >\. ROT HERHAM S IL V E R H UNTER LE VERS, Guaranbuc k 11 s h e loo l:s in to th e barl'el of a en do wed witl1 a noiseless t,read which teed Lwo years, at J . GALLE 'S, Albany greatly fa cilit a tes t.b eir c11pt ur ing t heir revo lve r) I-I wa s look ing - E ditor smi ling dan g e rous ly) - "Who p rey . You have uo nli lle~s noticed th a t th e pe da l ex trem ities of th e fe li nes a re did yo n say you were looldn' fo r ? H ow Pills ar e Made. fu rn ished with soft, velve ty ba ll s or I was loo kin ' fur-fu r t,ue m ay or. G ues.~ yo u' re loo kin' for t he coron e r, coverings i nst ead of h oofs. T bese ba ll s ain ' t ye 1 ex tend below the claw s, which uro fo Tb e custom of taking medicine in the rm of. pi 11 s dates far back in history . The drawn u p whoo not in use, en abl ing tu e obj ect is to euab!e us to swallow easily ia a Charles Theodore R u ssell was e xca t to wu lk across a boa rded tloo l' with - condensctl fo rm di sagreeable and aauseous a mini ng a w itn ess in an En g li8h co urt. bLtt very useful, drugs. T o wbat vas t diou t t he s light.est noise." T he q ues tion w a.~ ubout t he size of mensions pill-ta kin g has grown may bo "Ob, t hat. iw't what m akes a ca t im ag ioml wi.J en we say that in ]~ogland alone certain h oof- prints left by a horse in tread softly," ti uid Tom my w hen t he old about 2,000,00U,000 (two t housaud million) s andy Roi l. " How large were t ho m an ha ,! fini s hed. pill s arc cousnm ed every year . In early pr ints !" a8k ed th e lea rn e d cou nsel. "No ? Wha t is it th ~n ?" usk ecl days pills were made slowly by hand, as the " Wero th ey as large 11~ my band ?" demand was co mparnti\' ely small. T()-day g ran d pa. they tn-e produceu with infinitely grea~er boldiu g u p hi 8 h and fo r tho wi t ne ss to " lltits,' ' replied tb e boy, while a rapii!.iLy hy umcbines especially con tr ived see. " O h, n o," eaiJ t he w it ness happy , h appy smile lit u p his inge nuou s for the purpose, and with greater accuracy, h onest ly ; ' " it was a11 ord in ary hoof." too, in tli e proporlious o f. tbc vario 11s i ll• fo. ce.-Cliicago 1'imes. The n ii'! r. R usse ll hud to s us pen d gredieuts emp loyed. examin ation ,vb ilo everybod y Ja ugbe.J . ™ Nm Q;;w:..n ..... m,e osc&L.J No fo rm of. medicati on cau be better than a pil l, p rovided only it is iutelligen tly preAt o ne of the colleges iu R ome m uch Vital Question s I I I . par~ t .l:lut n ght here occ urs the difficulty fr pq uen Le,I by Eng lis h C atholics a E asy as it may seem to make a pil l. or a A s/1 t!te most emin ent Plt!Jsician ,l isc.iHs ion a rose between one of t he Ask auy schoo l, wbat is .t he best thin g in million o!' them, there arn rea l!y very fe w fathe rs a nd one of t ho gues ts, a th e wor ld fo r q11ieti11\; and all ay ing all irri- pil ls th:.t ean he hmies t ly co mmend ed fur popu lar use. Mos t uf them either underPresbyLt, r iau rni11is ter, th e R uv. G ideo n t ation of the net·1•es, and curing all forru s of shoot or overshoo t f;hc mark. A&everybody nenons co mpla ints , giv ing tmtura!, cbildli ke ti'la r~!i. l'l r. M arsh s tcrntly den ied that refr es hing sleep al ways ? takes pill s of so me kin d, it may be well to mention what a good, safe, aud reli atbe St. P eter held a ny sor t of r, r i, u acy And t hey will tell yon un hesit~ting ly pill should b1:. Now, when on e· feels dull "80 111ejo1·m °!/' Hops I!!' ' a mo ng th e ap ~st lll,', 11nd mu iutai 11 nd tl, at :1.mJ sleepy, and has rn ore or less pain in tb e there wus no ev ide nce of h is e ver ha ving head, sides, aud l>ack he may be sure his CllAP '.rER I . been iu R ome at a ll. E ach of the bowels om costipated, anil his liv er slugdisp u tants see med ,·ery h appy ubou t Ask auy or all of the most c mi u e □ t ph y 3 gish. To remedy t l1is unhappy state 1f i cia □ B things t here is 11oth i1Jg like a good cathartic him self, and tli e Hev . Gid eou , th oug h "What is the I.Jest ao d o11ly remcu y tlrn~ pill. 1t wil l act like it ch a rm by stiorn! ating h ard p ressed, ex pl ained that not hing can be relied oa t;o cure all diseases of the tbe liv er in to doio g iLs duty, and l'iuding the would convince hi m th a t St. l'e tel' li,·ld , kidneys and urin ary organs; such as digestive organs of the acc umul ated poiso nan su 1renrnr.y . At t hi s point n wull B_rigbt's disea_~e, di:.bc tes, r etenti on, o_r iua- ous matter. y ! . . b1l1 ty to l' Ct!LIO u n nc, trnd a ll the diseases Hu t the good pi ll does not gri pe ancl pain 1 know1: pe1Jr, w_ho had b1 therto lu,,;c n 11 0 and ailments peculiar to Women ,,_ us, neit her docs it nmke us sick and miserp or t ID th e d1 sc u ss10 11 , r ud den ly broke Aad they will tell you explicitly anu em- ,iblc fur :c few bunrs a day. It acts ou the in, an d, i n bis abr □ µ t wuy, sa id : " Bu t, · ph atically" B uc/11,." . . entire gla nd ular system at the same t ime Mr. Ma rs h try ,ind put vo u rsc lf fo r a Ask th e ~ame phys1 cta□ \ else t he a ftcr-ctfoc ts of th e pill will. be worse • ' •• , :> "What is t bc most rcl table and surest t hau the di ~easc itself.. The gripin g caused cnorn en t 1Uto the place of. :S t. l: cte r. cure for all liv er diseases or dyspepsia ; con- l.Jy n1 ust pills is the result of irritating d rugs S uppose our L ord h11d sa td to yo n, stipation, iudigcstt0n, bilious ness, malaria, whid 1 t lJ cy coutaiu. Such pi ll s are harmful, 'Thou a r t M11rsh, nnd up on thi g fev er, ague, &e.,'' aud t h~y will te ll you : ancl shoultl neve r be used. T hey so metim es Morass 1 will bu il <l my Oirn rcb, wo n ldn ' t Mandralte l or D andelwn _l I I I . even p roduce hcmor rl.10ius. W ithout haviug . ,, ' . H ence when t hese rcmctl1 es arc co mbiu ecl aoy purtic ul al' desire f·o praise uDe p ill above yo u t h rnk ? - b_ut th e en<l of the with others equal ly val uab le, mother, we may, uevertheless, name Mother aente oce was lost rn lau g h tar . And compo un ded into Dr. So nl e's A meri- Scige!'s P ills, maoufoctnred by the wellD eacon 0 - - - of Hart fo rd C on- cau Hop Bitt_ers, such a _wo11dert'u l ,wcl mys- koown house of A. J . White, Li mi ted 35, . . ' . ' tenous curative powe r 1s developed, .v !J1 ch Fan iu gdon London, aad now so ld by n?ct.tcut, _ 1s we ll kuown us being p ro- is so Yar icd iu its operat ions t hat ao disease all chewisLs Rl'ad, and m cd iti1111 ,·eadors, as the v1d ed with no en ormou s hand le to h is or i!l-hcalU1 cau poss ibly ex ist or resist its only on e we know of tl ,at actuall y vossesses cou ntena nr,e in slia pe of II lt uge nose . powe r, and yet it is . e,·ery des irable qu:tlity. They rn111ove tbe O n a !ate occa~ ion , wh,m to king n p a . Ha_rn1less for the rn_ost frat l woman, weak- oressure upon th e lmun, conect the liver co ll ection in t he cliurch t o whi ch h e m vahd or smallest clnld to use. and cause the bowels to act witlt ease and rcgul:irity. They uevcr gri pe belon ge J, as hu pussed t h ro ug h t li e c u,1L•Tt,:1t u. or prod uce Lhc slighLcst sickness of t-l1e con g reg at iv11, eve ry person to whom li e " PatiCL1ts 3LOoiach, or any other unpleasant fee li ng pr~ n ted the hox eeemed to be or sy mptom . Neither do they inuuce fur"Alm ost <lead or nearly dy iu g" oseessed !Jy a s udJ en and u ocon trn ll- Fo r years, and give n up by phsidans, of ther constipation, as nearly nil ot her pills P Bl'igh ~'s and othe r kid ucy diseases, lh·er do. As a furth er and crowuing merit a ble de8 ire to la11gl1. Th e d ea co n Ji d co mplaints, seve re co ughs, called consump- Mother :Seigel's Pi lls are covered wi tlt a not kno w wl;11 t f.o m a ko of it. H e h r,d tion, have bee n cL1rcd . tasteless :end harmless coatin g which causes often passed it round be fore, bn t no Womcnyoncneu.r!3/craz ,, ! I !! th em lo rese mbl e pearls, thus rende rin g such effects b ud h e witnc~scJ. T lte F rolll ago uy of neurnlgia, nerv ousness, Lhem as pleasant Lo the pq!ule as they are wakefu ln ess, aad v:irions diseases peculiar ettccti1·e in curin g disease. If yo u harn a deacon was fai rly pn z~ lecl . T ii e Recrn t, t J womeo. sc v rn cold and a re threatened wit h a fe ver, h oweve r, lea k ed o u L H e lrnd bee n People draw n out of shape fro m excruct- with pains in the head , back, and li mbs, one affi ict.;d a day or t wo be fore wit.b II so r,J ating pangs of rh e11111aLis11 ,, inflamm atory or two doses wi ll break u p Lbe cold and prevent the fever. A coateu to ng ue, wit h a on his nasa l append age, anJ ho h ad and ch ro □ i c, nr s uft~ rin g from scrofula. .ri;ry sipcl:1s ! brackish taste io th e mouth, is caused by plnced a small pi ece of sL icki 11 [;- pl astcr " 'alLrhcu,n, blood pu iso nin g, dyspepsia, fon t 111,ttlcr in Lbe stomach . A dose of Sciov er it. Duri ng Lhe m orn ing of t he iud iges t ioo, and , in fact, almost all diseases gel's !'ill,; wi.11 011'ect a speedy cur e. Of Le□ay in q nestion the p laster ba-1 d rnpp eu foiil " t,imes partiall y decayetl food iu the stomacl, and bowels prod uce sickness, n:1usea, &c. off; a nd th e deacon, see in g it as hfl Nat ,irc is heir to fl • Have been cu red by D r. So ule's Hop Bit - Cleanse t he bowels with a dose of these s u pposctl Oil t he oo r, picked it up a nd ters, p roof of which can he fo uud in every pills, and good heal t h will fo ll ow. st uck it on ag ain . B u t , nlns ! b e pick o:J neighborh ood iu the koow u ;vorld . Unlike many kind s of pills, they do not u p, ias teud , one o f th e pieces of pop er make yo u feel worse before yon are better They arc, witt ,ont clo11bt, th e best famil.i; w hich the manufa ctu re rs o1 f ~poo l- co tton paste on the Glllcl ()f every Hpo ol, und , ~No uP, genui ne without a bun ch of green physic ever discovered. The·, remore all obstr uctions to the n.tturn. l -fu nction~ in whi ch read, " W' arrnn ted 200 yn rds !" : li'>ps ou the_ white labe l, nod Dr. So ule's either sex without a11y unp leasa nt efl'ects ..., ,. · I1 11 . l I name blow n m th e bot.tic BtswAU8 of all u ucu II sig n on ~?c nose wi1rl eno ? g ti.J e vil e poisonous stuJt made to im itate lho to upse t the grav ity of uuy co11grngat1on . , abo Ye,

~lol lt er-.Toh noy, your face iR di r t,y . A g reat composel'-ch loroform . ,Toh11•1 y - 'vVc ll, so is th e ear l. h 's fac e, ( ,1 tb e So ut h a eotton- m ill has m or e ; nn tl 111,lifllly n1nkt:s n fu ss nb on t t. iint, do attrnctiond th a n a pri,rn- fl g ht. I tboy ?

A script urul q uotation by d isgu sted law &t nole n ts - " Ha ng nil th e law and tl, e prd its !" W hy al'e pos tag e s tamp s lik e route,! soldi ers ? .l3oca use y o u see th eir back s when yo u lick 'em . F irst U ndertaker- " H ow's b u si n ess ?" 8econd U ndertnk er - " D ear! ." Wi fe-" I believe you onl y m ar ried me fo r my ru oney." [-lushun,1-" E very body else , th inks t h e sa m e tbio g ." J nnes : " See t h at little m a u across the s treet ?" S mith : " Y es, wha t of h im?" J ones : " Well, h e is fa mili a r wi th a ll the sli arps." S mi t l.i : "A detective, b ey ?" ,Jo nes: " Oh , n o, on ly a m usic irln." W ifu tu hn sband a t th e ernl of n qu arrel) : " 'l' hc foo ls a in ' t all deaJ yet." "They a in't, eh?" Wife : " No or 1 would ha ve th e a moun t o f your in ~urnuce policy long before

this." M rs. O ldboy: "Oh, you needn't tal k John. Yo u were kouud to have me. Y ou can 't s11y that I ev er ran after y ou ." Oltlhoy : " V ery tru e, Marcit1 ; th e trnp n et er ru ns a fte r th e m ou se bu t it g athers bi m in al l t he sa me." A m a n e ngaged in selling " E li xi r o f Life" in B os t on was arrested for wifebea ting rece ntly . She s ay s 'Rlixer wi thin an in ch of her life. A n A merica n sta tesman , wh ose name h a s escaped our memory, but who e vi J en t,ly k new 1Vhat he was t alk iug a bo u t, sa id : " Yo u m ig ht as well try to run an ice-ho use in hades as a n hon est go vcrn,n en f; with a fu ll trea su ry."

A Danbnrry youth wh o could n ot sing o r p iny wan ted t o sereaad e his g ir l, w h is t led for half-an - hour und er t h e windo w t he oth er evening, an d wh en h e g ot over t he fe nce fo:rn <l a bou t se ven ty -five clogs waitin g t o see what he

wanted. " Gertru de."- Y u re inquiry Btn mps me, th e <larndes t. T he m ore i t hink 0 11 i t, the mo re i k ant t ell. Az nea r az i le a n rekolek now, i thin k i don't k n[), M uch mit.e be ce <l both ways, nnd neether way be ri te. U pon the whol e i rath e r rllirn n i w u<l , or i wu ddent , jist as i t houg ht beRt, or ot h erwieo.--Jos l1 B illin gs.

A m eJi ca l jo u rn al has fo no d tbnt that there are from one hundred tho usan d to two hundred t h ousu ad h airs in The num ber o f h airs in a man's hea d depend s 1.;on ~idera bly on the time he has been marri ed. A wom an cu red her h usba nd of stayi ng o ut la te at ni gh t by goi ug to tb o door when he ca me home , a nd wb is pCl riag t hro n gh th e k ey hole , "Is t ha t you , Wi ll ie?" He r hu sband 's na me is J ohn , and he s tay s a t hom e eve ry n ig ht now, and sleeps wi t h one eye open and a revolver under his p illow.

a woman's head.

A New J ersey editor h avin g an-· noun ced th e dea th of h is nu cl e in .A ustralia, lenving birn u g old m ine uud 4-00,000 dolla rs, his vill ag e coatemp omry pro fes8es to regard th e m utte : a s a c•irrn ing ly-d evised plan to obtaiH -c redit for ci box o f p ape r coll ars and u .s traw hut. O nco a careless m an went t o the cell ar an<l st uck th e cand le in to wh at lie t h oug h t w a.s a. keg of black sand . He s at nea r it drink ing win e until tho ca nd le b urned low. Near an d nearer i t got to the black sand , n earer a nd nearer un til the blaze reac hed th e black sand .and , os i t was noth ing b ut bl ac k s aoJ, :oothing happeuetl. SOM ETHING


Bobby-Pa, wh y ca n a man run faster t han a boy ? Pa- Because h e is bigger of course. Bobby (a fte r ponder ing for a moment) - Well , pa, then why don' t the h ind wh eel s of a wago:1 r u u fast er th an tho fr ont wh eels ? Two min u te~ late r B ob by was s ay ing bis p ray e rs.



£6 6





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fHE W. A. nEGORD: MAHCH 27, 1890. - ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~

co~ u ~-;:

Vo E. NESBJT, Iw7.iii.MI~N &



(Late of Rundle S treet, Ad.e laid e, HAY STRl!:ET, PE.RTH.

W. G·. I-IEAR1\1AN'S


AS t he bes t selected ~md th chea pes t stock o( first-class Watche~ and ,Jewellery of !£VERY d_?scr!ption in the colon y . . Nes bit's E n g hs~ ~ove rs ( capped nnd 3ewellecl) stand n dmg and rongh work, g uarauteed !'or tw o years. T l:e l3es t Wa t11h




General Merchants,

- - - · --



I j[ .


l sund_ry




For Gout, Rheumatism, Sciatica, G landular Swellin gs, K ing's E vil, Abscesses, Piles, Fistulas, and every kind ol SKI N DISEASE, it has never been known to fai l. The Ointment and Pills are Manufactured only at '18, New Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford St.) London; And are sold by al l Vendors of Medicine throughout the Civilized 1Vorld; with directions for use in almost every language.

,, 8ilver W 11tc 1·,es 1·

,, Silvel' Watches Gold Bracelets


tflve r


• 1<,,

se t s B . '"' ,, se t s B . & E . Brooches ,, Brooches ' E arrings ,, Earrings A lberts ,, All.Jerts Leontines ,, L eontines Rings, Gent's ,, Rings, Gent's do. Ladies' ,, do. Ladies' Breast Pins Breast Pins N ecklets :: Necklets S tuds ,, Stud s J et B rooches & Earrings ,, Keepers A lbert& ,, W edd ing Rings Clocks Electro Plated Cups Sp1-1ctacles . ,, Cruets, &c.





'-1 ua• t,· •


ToBACCo iu s1uall boxes ( l 20 ll.Js.) <) ilmen·s Stores, in l11rge quant ities. -----DRAPERY IN GRJ;: AT


HA .\ il\lEH"-, i"TC., \Vil! be w !J at lowc, t i, ri ces to urn l, e 1·om11 fo r o ur

lXil l v 7i


f.t e:;:,m can !::riq; t hem . l' hi~ ,d,ir,u,e,,_t ol, o i11 c: l1_1 d;, ~ S< •lll t' \·ery s1Jec1al d ~ S 1!! 1,~ 111 t lie. "





The Settlers favourite Hou se.

Splendid Balcony back and front. B ath-rooms, Stables, and every requisite for a First Glass Hotel. and


8 P L ENDID yard, A l ·o 1,y th e QU.::i L lTI E::, at Low Prices . Ladies Ts•a Gowns a nd Mo rnin g Wraps






V . E . NESBIT, Practica l Watchmaker and Jeweller, Perth. AGJ,;N'l'S: Mr. J. VI . Andrew, Roebourne .




O F'


com ignment of t he L,1tes t


F 1.1uio ns Ho use for Bass's ,\le aucl Guiness':s ::\ to11t.


C l1oice


~"1,·c ti o11



U ndl•n1·11 1c, ll a 1, . 13 101·~~, Ti ~8 .ome ' H 1 •1· n·1.•t-{ I -~ 1 l ; ~o , ::,1 t)ui r- l:fosien.r s1,l t~.l\ 0··' T•Ja I"r " 'l' , .... ,•, l~n•ut t '0111 .. u 11JId l L\ 1'\

l1()'T EL~


\ \ ",, • r j , i c,1, l:o: .

L\ bo, - L u·li, s 1111d Ge nt, Uro l,n•ll ,is ,, &c. &c. ,



Pt•rfn mery nud t:ioaps of Lh e best branrls, i uclading :?earG', &c.

P1.·01,ri.eto1.·. <<O~


T he GERALDTON HOTE L is replete with


N ove lti es. Aiso, -Fancy vV iog~, Lea th er, Felt 11 1,J tit ra w l:Ja t 8,


ORS : I N .li STOC K .

,, T. vV. Stroud, Geraldton. ,, F. Kelly, Dongau a, ,, G. H . Lott, Yo!·k.

fas t as


Fur R ugs, Stair Carpets, &c., Tapestry Cloth, Table Covers and 1'.,ive o'clock 'l'ea Cloths ' Guipure and Tapestry Curtains, Art Muslin 's. Also A very Choice Selection of

J(,'i l'st (Jlass Accommodation fo r '~llAVELLERS.


,i:t :€} tl),,f}i~,

N ow coming to Hand




ll\) :r~ ;i;:>.~ ·

l/Jt'~H&ar ~ ii i


rm......,..,.,..,~,,,,.."'.,,.,"., - ...,~~




l' I ANO :,.;TOOU~, 'I' UN IN 0•·r






eaS, uga . .



Watches, Clocks , Jewellery, &c., sold on TI M.E PAYMENT with I MME DIATE possession to householders at exWRS'l' AUS'l'RALIAN BOOl' FACTORY ceedingly low prices. As no heavy commission is paid for convassing and collecting, customers will save at least 20 per cent., by b uying from V . E. Nesbit, besides having a large stock to (Late T. & W. Brilna lJ ), select fro_m and a practical watch maker t o gual'antee every a rticle sold . HAY i:: TREET, PERTH, Q'' TIME PAYMENT. N 1·eturning thanks to tb e publ ic generally (@)" I MME DIATE POSSESSIO N. for past favours, beg to announce tha s

OR COUGHS, COLDS, BnoNCHil'IS Consumption, Influenza, . Asthm a, &c. TT AY'S COMPOUND ESSEN CE OF LIN.1\.... SEED, Aniseed, Scnega, Squill, Tolu, &e ., with Chlorodvn e. AY'S COMPOUND, a demul cent expectorant, for Coughs, Colds, nod Chest Complain ts. AY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally serviceable for Horses and Cattle. AY'.S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia, Face-ache, &c. Contain s Quinine, I r on, &c. OAGULINE.- Cemcnt for Broken Articles. Sold Everywhere. Manufactory, Stockport, England.


-·- - )Wines and DJJir,ts in ca <1s k s an d octaves.


~ (IW Purchasers should look to the Label ml the Pot.s and J3oxes. If the address is no l 633, 0 Jrfor<1 St ree t., London, t hey are spurious.

hey are prepared to manufacture all cl asset of COLONI AL BOOT::;, on the shor test po~ sible notice. Al so, kept in stock . a large and varied assortment of Ladies', Gent lemen's, and Children's BOO'l'S and SHOE S-from t he best Engli sh and Co nti nen t:i.l houses. Leather Grinder:, a nd Uppers always on hand , Good hides a nd kanga1·00 skins taken in exchange Goods cle'spatched to all parts of the . Uolony .


Stock and Suat10n Agents, j A NO THER ~, H!PMENT OF OUR : lf_JAVE alway s on h u11d. full Stocks

of Station requirements, also othe r g ood s, Carpenters' tools, 1 Anvils, Portable Forges, 'vVool bales 1 Cornsacks, Wir,i NettinO', f\,uci· ,.0O' " n , . ,., , , , , · , w a tna111s · ·l Co rr ngatecl I rnn , I '> p·es , v a.1v a1 ,i ~ed 1 w1t1on t exception . n e 0 1t ti are the CI-U :APEt;T in the Colony. Donglas P nmps , Uevol vers, ~ niJ e 1 These a nd other vVntch e~ with a t wo Ui tle~, Fowli11 g pieces, (lll uzzle a nL Its Searching and Healing Propertie~ years ' g narnntee. Jew ell ery of every , breech loading) A mrnn nition-8addare known throughout the W o1·ld. de crip tion made to orde r o r repa ired · 1 lery, H arn ess, &c. . i ' I a tch es cleaned or repairerl . For the· cure of BAD LEGS, W ; --<J- -Neshit' s Wal tham s · Nesbi t's Levers :Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, , L..., l Gold Ladies' Ge nt's Gold i ~~ , ..IL' Watches Watches Sor es and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it Cu r,•.; Quinsies, Relaxed Throats, Bronchiti s, IIoopi nr' 'Cough, and all Asthmatic, Pulmonary, or Pleu· ristic Complaints.



P r actical Watchmaker and Jeweller,


Every Comfort and Convenience for Travellers ani Visitors,


And contains one of Bu rrougbe's and Watts · far • ta11 ,ed

:BiUi.a,1.•tl Table s,


Wbich::is brilliantly ligh ted, and is the favourite · r esort of lovers of tbe ,g-au1c.

Wines, Spirits and Beers of the Best Brands obtainable, always on h a11d.

csu1,1·~·e s :11f.J[ode1.·ate.


G ootl A..tten.111l~U1\Ce a 1rao.l Ch'iH'il',y.

B J,: E.L\_lCF' . l\ . :::, T " . B.y a, rn u; b li:n m-r!t· il ~f' d th e 1, :: (ilnd ti1 ws ~liH' I• l!t \ 1·n1 1lw 01u~r1f1 G1H·Ol d 1g 1•!:t i, t1 a»d nutri -



B oot Manufacturer and Im.porter,




General Funeral Furnisher, HAY STREET, .PERTH . UNERALS conducted in any part of the Colony, and all details conu ected therewith att(mded to at th e shortest notice by telegram or otherwi se. Funeral Hearses and Coaches al ways ready.

~:r"tiai for s_:t1a, e . .l\l ) n, 1me1,t;:;.l H e11d ill'Jd omb Stones, Hnil ing., , s11rpli erl wil h h~1,ri - "lll" Tr ~ r> n,1

\\ ' 'i.


h; .d.!.h. DU.E.

,~•1th p1~re ~lood a!I~ _a pro perl y uourishet.l tramc."-


s~t'. a.r ttclc 1 u



lht:! Oivil SP.1-vice Gazette. simply ,vith boiliug waler or mHk. Sold in ¼ -lb. packets by Orocel's, labelled th us: -

J J AS always on han<l , the most extensive and vaded s to-:k in the colony of Eng lish, French, Germ an , and Colonial Manufactured

J .Al\1ES .GP.Pb &


liO~[<EOP,U ' lll(J CllEMIS~'S,








Persou cured of Deafness nnd bead of yea rs' slnudiag D _Snoises upJe Re1necly , will seucl a desc ri ption ]];A 'F.-A




,( i7::i ·~@~i! !11~

~! :! : {'l'C< ~


t,Lck whnc \'er t h e_re 1::. a weak pu inl.. \\ tl nn y· c ' ca, m_a.ny a fa ta l s hatt by i<e,~pi ug o u rse lves wuil fo:·~iti~~




<.n o u i.;: l_i ~o r l:' Sl fl~ e vc, y ~tcnd_eucy t o Ui Sl' 3.:3t' . fl uru.l rt>r:"~ ,fo::ttl Ul! ;~rn nnU us r ca.d y 1,o ;,. te o,f ~~hth lll :\lud 1e :,1


tion, ~ n d. b,. a <·arc lu l :q1 pl1c!1 1,1nn of th e fi n e pi·up,•r: t ,~~ o.t Wt.11 -:tit'lec te ~. cocoa.. _i\ 1 r , J~pp~ lt c:,~ pro vid ed. fo r htt~ l,fa~t Lab lPS. w1ih a. <le lic~te ly - tl u'\-·o un•U i.: 0 ,,1,r:i. ~e whi ch n! :1.y _R:~ve w~ man y h .. n,7y doc!tor's bills. It ~s hy t.~ e ,1 n<J 1c 1(l U3 use of suP. h ar u c lt- ;;; of d iet tl ia.t .,., ~onflt! tnl.iirn 1~11.1.y he ~ rad ua l ly l1uil L u p until ~t ron;~


i'' < t ;-i ~"> l<.

~YR 'fl::l f'~








POtiT .

_.\.nvn \i:~s, -

1,. ezt Doer to tl1e ,: c ~~:tcricn fiotoL''






of ii, FltEE to a ny P erso n who appli es to NrcHOLSoic, 65 Williaw -s treet, nielbourne

Printed ~nd publislw l .fo,· the Right Nev . M. Gibney' at the o,fficc rd' the " W. A . ,REooRo," How ick st1·eet, Perth, by j HOl\IAS 8 1,rAN ,

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