The Record Newspaper - 29 May 1890

Page 1


TH URSDAY, MAY 29, 1890.

No. 509.-VoL. XVI.



~.A.'Y' STR, •ET., P LARGE



of the NEWEST




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,v ork.



Qiien etal qr; l e an in !J fl .

The Americ an Fleet .

The report winds up wi th tb e usual demand for funds . The Irish Church M issions ( continue s L abouche re) hnvo spent about £200,00 0 in the last ten years. They have conv erts, for de non apparen tibus et de _non existentibus is one and the ~ame thrn g. This vast sum of mo ney has been ex pen ded io Mlaries and travelli ng expenses in the West of Ireland . Fai lure havin g re~ulted th ere, they have now tbe impudence to ask for funds to try elsewher e. T he suciety appears to be little more than an associat iotl for collectin g fon ds to secure salarie_s ~o officials, and it is to be hoped t he p ub lic w ill not be so silly as to part witu more money for thi s pu r pose. It may be de$irabl e that Jews should become Christia n s, and that Catholics should become P rotes tan ts. I see no renson, however , why large amo nnts should be subscrib ed to enable person s to m3ke a living by not con vertjng J ews or C atholics, and y et th is is really the outome of tli e S ociety for th':l Co nversion of the Jews, and the Iri~h C h urch Mission s Society .


29, 1890

Cabinet would now be res tored to t he fo oting of conotitu tiona l equality and dir ect responsi bility, to th e Crown v; hich distingu ished them before the ex- Cb at1 cell or foecame M inist er Presiden t. In futu re, th e Go vern ment would ac~ept good suggesti ons witho nt cari ng wh en ce they ca11Jo or insisting that th ey sho ul d comman d the approva l of a si ngle Minister . This 8peech, wh ich was much api; lauded, was naturall y not un pleasing to General von Capri vi's colleagu es, who find t hemse lves sudden ly elevated from the position official items with liberty to say ditto to a program me, in to responsi ble -M in isters determin ing each the policy of hi s own depa rtm en t. T he speech is importa nt, also, as definin g ve ry clearly one cause of diffel'enc e betwee n the Empero r and Prince Bism ar ck. The late Chancel lor, disn;gar din g t he spirit of t he P russian cons titution -which contemp lates a collectio n of Mini sters responsi ble, not to a colleagu e, but to t he Emper orhad introduc ed the Englieh sy stem, by wh ich the Premier practica lly governs the rest of the Cabinet. T he new policy will lig b te o the harden upon General vou Capri vi's shou lde r~, but it will weigh t t,he load which the young Empero r so cheer fu lly bears.

One of the sures t g r ounds for believing that the futere mank ind shall be better than its past, is to be found ia the fact that the people of the United It will soon become impossible fo r States have never shown the least · En gl ish politicia ns to go on ign oring inclinati on to make use of their overthe exi6t.ence of Welsh national ism. wh elming strength to play the b ragg ar t N ext to th e nationalism of Irela nd, the or the bully, and have never eve n c1wed national ism of Wa les is one of the mo t to possess th e means to dominee r over strikin g fact s of curren t politics. Li ke weaker commun ities. Mas ters of their th e Irish, th e Welsh have a str ongly own bemisFh ere and able to shelter its marked nation a l charucte r totally difpeace without an army, tbey have con ferent from tha t of the Englis h ; like tented tnem selves with a minute navy. the Ir ish, they pr ess th eir claims And even now, when the possession of a th rough the medium of thei r parli amenttroubles ome su rplus bas tempted some ary represen tation with remarlm ble of the politicia ns to indu lge in the solidarit y ; like tlrn Irish, the national dream of a great war- flee t, it is pr obable agitation begins with a movem ent t bat the strong coofiden ce of t be people against what is fel t to bo an alien in t heir owo strength and t heir belief Chu rch ; and once more, as in Irel,rnd, that no Power will willingly quarrel so in Wal es, t he upper classee a re with t hem, is likely to cause the money separate d by II sharp dividing line of to be spent more l,sefully . A great reli gion and politics from the natiooal flee t coul d only be for agg1 ession, and fe elin g of tbe m asses of th e people. W e minister to t he desire to play a visible may add, moreove r, that W 11les has one part in the affairs of toe Old Wo rl d. mark of nationality which Ireland has The program me of the Navy Departnot, the possession vf a lang uage still ment included the building of eight ' widely spoken and still u sed as a g reat battl e-ship~, but the proposals veh icle of literary expression. · have been modified an d red The Siberia n Horror s. uced, and We do not CQncern ourselve s here to even 50 are likely to be rejected. On inquire by what poli t ical device the the motion of Mr. Holman , a Democr at A cab le message fro m Europe tells us national ist deman ds of Wales may bes t of Indiana, the proposa l t o build th ree that one of t he Ru ssian Grand Dukes be satisfied, but there is one aspect of n ew war-shi ps has been defeated in has been or dered to make a s urvey and what we may perhaps be p ermitted to commit tee by 98 votes to 70. This in spection of the prisons of Siberia. An Ext raordin ary Case of .M:iscall the Welsh question , in which as m ay not be fin al, but it at any n1te taken Identit y. B ut, it is added , his H igbness will be Catholics we are more especial ly interest- indicate s that the Naval Departm en t accompa nied by an A merican j ournalis t . will have g reat difficulty in persu ad ing ed; we mean, of cou rse, the position of In connecti on with Siberia f;here is only the Establis hed Church in Wales. It Congress to depart fro m its tradiLion a l THE WRONG llIAN BURIED , one journali st, and that man is the would be difficult t.o :find a parallel to the policy. Western se ntiment al so is intrepid and brilliant Irish- American A very stra nge revelat ion has taken unanimi ty with which the Wels h have opposed to the construc tion of a fleet George F . Kennan . For about two place at William s tow a, nea r Melbour ne. demand ed Disestablishmen t ; Mr. Dill- th at will at least not be wanted to years past one of t h e great Ameri can O n S aturday, the 8th Marc h, the body wyn's motion the other day in Parlia- defend Chicago, howeve r admirab le it mont hly magazin es has len t its splend id of a man was found lyi11g in the sea ment was supporte d by twenty- jjve out may be as providin g a s pectacle for the r esou r ces to the display of t he horrors of amongs t the rock s on th e so n th beacL , of thirty Welsh mem bers, and it would dwellers upon the eastern seaboard . On political impriso nm ent in the dom inion the features being easily recogo iinot be too much to say that th ose th e whole it is probabl e that any of the Czar. .Month by month .M r. ab le. 01, the follow ing Su nday morn figures are only a very slig ht exagger a - increase d expendi ture upon th e navy K ennan has written the storv of the in g a Mrs. Blnett viewed it, an d cam e tion of the propoi·ti on of Nonconf orm ists will t ake the form of swift cruisers infamou s wrongs und er whic't1 many to the· conclu siot1 t ha t i t was the body of to member s of the Aeglican E stablish- rather than great ironcl ads. women and men broke th eir hearts, we.nt her husbnnd, who haci deserted - h er men t in the Principa lity. O n the other mad, committ ed suicide in horrid and about th ree months before. A warr ant hand, the supporte rs of the Establis h- Final Result s of the Germa n impul sive forms, or lived t he wrecks of was then in existen ce fo r bis arrest for meat constant ly tell u s that they are baman kiad, as {)Unish met1t for the wife-des enion. Electio ns. exa miu ed tile m aking way, tha t they on ly r equire orrence o · 1 ITTng - to rfirtl.iel r coul!try clotmug m aeran ,She - mr c'ra1m1m- a1c as tim e to find th emselve s in a raniority . men and women of $UCh ou trages. B ut her husband 's, as also d id h er child, 10 At the recent general election for George Kennan If that is so, it is remarkabl e that the , we sh@ uld not yea rs of age, who was quite positive Anglica ns cannot influence a single several member s were r eturned for more know of the present exi~tenc e of the that the dead mii.n was her father. Liberal constitu ency ; that i11 South than one consti tuency . The sup- poli tical prisoner s. To him we owe it Several other persons made an i nspecWales, which tl:ley claim as m ore ple mental elections have now all ta~en that the thin kin g men of all modern t ion of the body, and said that it was favou rable to them than the North, they place, and the complet ed ret~rn s g1Ve commun ities are passiona tely moved at tl,at of B luett. A t the inquest Mrs . lately all owed an election to go ag ainst the foll owing r esults : Catholic s, 107; the distresse s of t he m arty rs for fr ee- B lu et t formally swore that the r emains th em uncontes ted; a11d that in Carn ar- Conserv atives, 72 ; Radical s, 67 : dom in Russia. were those of her h usband . S he then ;on , w here the Conserv ative element is Nationa l Liberals, 43 ; Social D emoleft with the usual order for burial, and rem arkably strong, th ey actually lose a crats, 35 ; Imperia lists , 19 ; Poles, 16 ; the fuDeral took place. In the meanseat to the party of Disesta bfishme nt. Guel phs, 11 ; smaller fa ction~ 29 . At ti me Coustab le G ar diner expresse d The New G erman Chanc ellor. At this rate of progr ess, Disestab lish- the supplem entary ballots of the 1 don bts as to the bod y bei1ig tbat of C onservat ivt:s, Nationa l Liberal s, and ment will come upon t he Angli cans ' Bluett. In the eveuing th e coffit1 was whilst they are still pleading for more Anti- Semitics, each gained one seat: in The meeting of the Prussia n Cham- taken up from the grave aad conveye d time ; in fac t, it is impossible, even fo r six co11tests t he position s of parti es ber of De puties was signalise d by a back to the mot·g ue. T bs in ques t was its most strenuou s supporte rs, not to remui ned uncha nged ; the R achcals los t see that the ca use of the Establis h ment two seats and t he Catholic s onfil. 1t speech from General von Caprivi wh ich resumed on the T hursday , when abo ut is lost, and that its fin al overthro w is will be seen, however, tha t the fo llowers seems to have won for h im golden 20 witnesse s were exam ined , ha lf being of Dr. Windtho rst are not only the opinions from men of ell parties. H e of opit1ion th at the remains ·were those only a matter of time. stronges t single party in the hou se, but came before them, no t to make auy otate- of Bluett, and the other half a verrin g When the ground is cleared by bold the ba'. a nce of power i n their hand. ment of settled pol icy, but simply to form that t hey were not. The jury could Dise~tab lishment , what will be the It mus t be rememb ered a lso that th ough persona l r ela tions with them. In his ar1 i ve at no decision as to wh o it was, futu re of religion in Wales ? Intensely the Guelph party prefer to retain their opening words ho paid a tribute to and r et urned a verdic t tbat it was t he rel igious in feeling, will the Welsh be Prince Bismarc k's body of a man name unknow n , who had separate ness they usually net wi tli Dr. the solidity of content with a narrow Calvinis m , or work, which was bu il t on such dural>le been found clrownell . Next morning W indthors t. will they ae open to receive a fuller and foundat ions t hat it was able to dispense the remai n~ wero oonveyecl back to tbe r icher creed ? Is it too much to hope with th e g r eat architec t who· bad grave and reintene d. Bluett' s life Lad that, one day, Celtic Wales, like Celtic watched over i ts growth wi th such been insured fo r £300 in the Colonial The Last Struggles of the Ireland, and like her own sister land of personal care. '.l'be Gennao people, .Mutual Society, and efforts were mad e, "Soupe rs.'' Brittany , may yet yield a rich harvest moreo ve,·, wore fortu nate in thi8, that bNt unsaccii ssfnlly, to obtain the amouut to the Catholic Church ? One of the at tbe mom ent of Prince Bismarc k's for the suppose d· widow, who, with her a bles t of ~elsh Nationa lists recently £200,00 0 SPENT 1'0 " CONVER T'' retireme n t :inother persona lity was children , had gone into deep mournin g. expres~ed an op inion that when the CATHOLI CS AND N O RESULTS . before t hem , a persona lity as signifi- The incident , remarka b le · 11s i t was, had inevitab le reli gious 1·eaction which EngLondon .TRUTH , M arch 27, h as tb e cant for those abroad as for those at al ooos t faded away from general recollaud Las been witnessi ng for the last followin g :- " General " H aig (pre- home. The characte r of the yonng lection, when an individ ual announc ing for ty years, fai rly comm u nicated itsel f s nm ab ly an officer of t he Salvatio n Empero r wouh.l do much to soften for him self as Patrick Bluett on Wednesto Wales, it would ta! e the form not of Army ) was recently se nt by t he Irish the German people, the shock of the day evening walked into the presence A nglicani sm, but of Catholi cism . We Chur ch Missions S ociety to inquire loss of tho late Chancel lor. T he of th e wife and fam ily and r eported may indeed safely predict that religion into what was doinO' in Ireland, with a presence of his M i ois'erial colleagu es him sci f stilI alive. Bluett's explana in Wales can never be Ang lican. The view to convert Catholic s into Pro - around hi m was the best proof that th ere tion is that ht: has been at wor k in a Establis hment is ruined because i t is tes tants. The" General " h as discover ed was to be no attempt to begin a new remote part of the country , where he Anglic~ n and not V'-l elsh ; and on the that there is '' com l!larati ve ly little to chapter in tho history of tbe country has seen no newspap ers, an d, therefore , other han d, its adheren ts had never show in the shape of di rect and <•penly - or to inaugur ate a new era. SLill, heard no thing about the troub le Lis been able to convinc e the people that it confesse d conversi ons," snd be tha re- some changes were, in the nature cf absence has caused . is the old Cambria n Church of at:Jc:ient fore feels inclined to doubt " encoura gi ng t hings, in evitable . Beside a force like British doys. The Cambria n co un terpart reports. " " B ut," somewh at ill ogically that of Prince Bismarc k, other men of the Anglica n fallacy has no iascina- continue s th e "Gener nl," " for the sake could scarcely find a place. Many an Mr. J. ~- Sundars , private secretar y tion for the Welsh Nationa lists. There of the poor people themsel ves we are idea and many of the wishes of others, to Mr. Ir1utth ews aau Uonserv ative is only one Church th11t can conciliat e obliged to be silent about res ul ts." however good in themsel ves had to be candida te for l\.l id-Derb yshire, addresstbe national feeling whilst appealin g to Under those circums tances what does t hru st to th e back gro und and thus fail a wider sentime nt. The Catholic Church he suggest ? " That the older of fulfilm ent. Now , however , i t wo uld ing a meeting iu th at constitu encv last wpek, refe rred to the irnpa rtial(ty of hns l'hown herRelf equal to that t ask in Mission s sliould be closed in tbe West be the Governm ent's fir st care to give th e 8pecial Commi sion, and suid that, Ireland ; nor is it too much to hope tha t where t he people have hea rd the Gospel to each o.f the M ioisters gr enter though it was not generall y k nown, she may prove herself as equal to it in for thirty or forty yea rs, and that the it1depem)ence and in iiv idual pr om ,nence Wales. he could tell thom that at t he present staff employe d there sho uld be sent to than they were previou sly allow e d. In moment S ir James lhnneu was a Home e'fangeli ze other parts of Ireland ." that way, all member s of the Prussia n Ru ler.

Welsh Nation alism.



29, 1890 .



The Excitement in 'land.


The telegram s in the daily papers have given a very imperfect and fee ble iden of the indignation which is aroused in Newfoundltrnd by the new modus vivendi with the French with regard to the lobster fishe1·y. T he gravamen of the charge against the Government is, that the arrangement with Frnnce was mnde without the knowledge nod ag ainst the wishes of t he colony. The St. John's papers devote themselves entirely to the ao-itatiou and to accou nts of a monster° demonstration. The speakers,· who included men of the first rank in the colony, spoke ns men spea t v,; bo are in deadly earnest. Some idea of the view taken af th is " French conq nest"· mnv be form ed from e. brief extract from the most applauded speech : " Are we to stand by to see our children robbed ' of their fair herita ge on the western shore, our industries paralysed , nnd, our custom laws set at defiance hy Frenchmen ? ' What is the news,' said a citizen of Athens to Demosthenes. 'News exclaimed the orator,' what more sti?i,-i ng news do you want th an to kn ow that t'h e hosts of Philip of Macedon are approaching with fe tters for y our cowardly limbs ?' If anythin g conld arouse us from our stupor, if an ything could make us forget our differences, if anything could give us national n8 pirations, it is to know tha t war ships ofo. foreign power will be here next spring to -enforce an arrangemen t which will ru in our industries, defy our law s, violate our constitution, and imperil our independence." Other speakers called upon the native lobster 1actory proprietors to arm their establishments with a 1'esolute crew and a Gatling gun, aud so perhaps "galvanise the barnacles of Downing- street." The substance of all the speeches was that the Colonial Office has usurped the func tions of the Colonial Parliament, and , secondly, that the French mus t clear out. Oue speaker, faced the difficulty very frankly Jt; was quite pos-sible, he said, that t his -.........,.4:.._;~ ~ ul

n_o_t. b.


UU.i.h o ,u

war between England and F rnnce. Very well, then B ritain must fig ht. " 'Ne, at any rate, would as soon surren der our rights to the French." The ap pearance of on American fl ag was greeted by th_e whole mee ting with loud and sign ificant cheen. The belief seems universal that the Un ited States wonld repnd ia~e the treaty and accept the conseque nces.

A Foolish Forecast.

Never, perhaps, wus t here a more unfo rtunatti prophecy, both fo r the strong man of blood an d iro n 1111d for the Times itself, than th is. Napoleon streteh~d forth his hand to vex the Chu rch, and ou the island rook he sad ly adm itted that the Pope shou Id be treated as if be h ad a h und re d t.honsand men at bis back, but his retribution was baril ly more sig oal th an tbut of Bismarck and the Times . Twenty years have passed, and what a change has come ove1: the scene ! A t fi r-,t Bismarek's power seemed to be, as the Times said it was, irresistible. He passed his laws. Bishops were deposed and th row n into prison , priests were deprived, an d nn n3 were turned out of doors and sent a-begging. A bran ne w chnrch of hio own devising was set up. F or a time it seem ed as if he liad got the Church as we ll as France 11 nde r his l,1eel. But the Ch rch k nows how to bide her ti me. As l1tir i11fl.,ence it1 German y w11s wetilcene,I, so tho .,µ irit of revolution spread. The strengt h of the Socialist vote at last lefL Bis marck no alternative but either to succum b or to co me to term s with the Church. It was a bitter blo w to his pride, bu t hl:l must oeeds reconrse to Dr. Windthorst. The bargain was strnck, nod this bnrgaiu was the immediate cau se of bis downfall, The E mperor was fur ious at not being consulted, repu diated the terms, 1·uRhed into Bismarck's bedroom-th e old man was in becl-11nd , it is repor•.ed , summarily dismissed him fr om hiAservice. Whether Dr. Windthorst intended all along to ruin the Minister is not known, but whetber he was a , conscious or nnconsciou& agen t in tb e hands of P rovidence, Bismarck was humbled by the Church, aud he w'ls rui ne!!l fi nally, and, we trust, fo r ever, by t he leader of her porty. And the poor old Turns too -lead en but sure justice bas overtaken her. So far from "the unity of' the Roman Catholic system" being "rant asunder," the Church is if possible more unit,ed and stronger than ever. But the Tli\.rns


proceeded to rig th e market, forcin g up prices deR pite an abllndaot har vest, by purchases on a large scale. As the resul t of th is ma11re1n·ro, the c;ontract was sig ued by lhe J t1.1lian Consul in New York on June 3 at the rate of 115 francs 65 centimes the quin ta!, the average price bein~ but 72 fran cs. The Popolo Romano, whic h states nil these facts, estimates the loss t o the H11l i11n Government on the transaction at 2,565,000 francs, _while Signo1· Lemmi and his confederates are subsidised to that arnouot. It is not astoni sh ing that Signor Seismi t Doda, the .Ministe r of Finance, sh ould have treated qu estions in th r, Chamber on the stJhj ect of this generous bargain us ontrngeo ns im pertinences, and should have refused to answer them on gro unds of " delicacy and mornlit,y." E quall y iotelligible is it, th at, th is comµla isnnt g uardian of the lialiau 11:xchcq 11 01· sh oul d l, ave nr:r:npied tlic 1.l!ice of ~ 11 hnnou rPtl g- ue r, t u.L drn .\l a, o,iH: l,::111q UuL o f ;VJ ar,: h ~, where Signor L emm i, who presideJ as gra11d l::iero phaot of the orde1, bo11stcd uf recent I talitn1 legislation os du e to its initi ative. Th ese revelat,ioos will not tend to raise Italian cretlit from tbe depression cau sed by th e crisis in the Capitol. True the more acute pbuse of tb e latter has been tempornrily ave rted by the consent of the municipality to defer its · resignation pending an examin ation of the qu estion at issue by a fr esh Commission of Enq niry. Tl1e Report of the last bas no t yet been m11de public, but rumour avers that the sc11ndals it hns brought to lig ht surpaes even those foreseen by public an t icipation. Some samples of the disbursements of the Uommune in it:; g raodioRe anticipations of it s future glory as the capital of Italy, are given by the Riforina, Sigoor Crispi's offici al organ . The first result of the g ig ant.ic plan of reconstruction theo u udertaken was to raise the price of building ground tbrou ghont the city to an exorbitant height. Enormous sums were asked and paid for the expropriation of sites required for public bnildings or improvements, with the result of


&t.i,.wuJ.Q&i 115 spet! o1ntiou jn gro n nd Jots

Her pov-er has gone, aud she is sent adrift --th.: langbing- stock of the world anJ the contempt ol every honest man . As B ismarc k struc k at the Catholics of G errnuny, she too struck at the Catholics of Ireland, and likewise she has bee n wor. ted in the encou nter. What Wiud lhorst was to Bismarck, P igo tt was, perhaps in ano th er sense, to the Tn,rns-:-b e compassed her ru in. The Church is sorvy for them, but she cannot help it. It a man kicks at a rock, it is a law of nature-as well a~ of re velation-that the rock will get the best of it.

to such an extent that they someti mes passed throug h II hundred haods before the foundati ons of the new build ings were laid. For a pi eco c f gro und intended to form the site of a public in sti tution the Comm une paid 2,800,000 frnnc~ , while t ho price of t he arcu of thtl iofa11try bnrrae ks and parade gro und amoun ted to nearly the same fig ure, and exceeded by som e hundreds of tbonsand of tra □ cs tho cost of the buildings raised on it. For the site of the ar tillery barraeks, 11gaio, considerably more t han II million fr:rncs (£40,000) was paid, and u nearly eriual sum for the those of two milita ry hbs pita ls. In the central qn urters of the city the expend itm e was on a sti ll larger scale, aarl the wor l1 s fo r the prolongation of the Via N oz ionale t.o th e Corso Vittorio Emmann ele, ex tend, ing over a stree t leng th of 1, 683 metres, necessita ted ·a disbursement of between 13 and 15 millio n francs for expropr iation alone. Funher outlay fo r the completion of the latter stree t aod its branches, wi th other contiguo us improvemen ts, briog up tb e cost of expropriat.i:rn fo r this one group of st reets to 27 mil lion fra ncs , or £ 1,080,000 ste rling. Vi a Cavour was nearl y as costly, fo r here again over a million sterlin g, was expenrled, while less important st,reets fi gure in the acco unt fo r 2, 5, or 6 millions francs each. A sum of 80 millioos, r1 r over 3 millio11 sterling, has, according to the Riforma, been swallowed up u nde r t his bead alone, while tbe num erous lawsuits in .which tile Corom 1rno became in volved with tho proprietors whu dispntecl its rig hts , added a heavy item to its bill for de molition s.



o-pon~ct--r n:nr,~


T!,e other day we came across, in nn old Rev iew, nn ex tract from the Times, Signor Crispi and. the Press. pu blished nearly 20 years ago, wbi cb reads as a very curious commentary on the events wh ich have crowded into the The irri tab ility of failu re bas for some last three month s. Bismarck was pre- time back been visible in that intolerp11ring th e publi c opinion of Europe fo r ance of criticism from bis compatri ots his g ran d assault on the Church, wh ich on the part of ::ligoor Crispi, which has found ex pression in his May Laws. led t.o so many ~candalou s scenes of Even th e Reicbstag was startl1Jd by the recrimination in the Itali an Chamber. veh emence with which be g nashed his The view taken by the mo nied interes t teeth at her. Germany bad ! er heel on of the financ ial policy of t he present France, the onl y obstacle to her abso- Ministry may be jud ged fro m the fact lute snpremncy was the .Church , and in that a rum our of S ignor Crispi's resig• word 5 im pass ioned by hatred, be ar- nation on tbe Pari sian Bourse las t 1vee k pealed to bis countrymen to fo ll ow him cau sed a coasiderable ri se iu Italian on hi s crusade. The Protestantism of secmities. England was . beside itself with j oy, and The official corruption of which the the Times v1 1 iced pu blic opinion hy an present state of th iogs is the visible article in wblr h the foll,,wing extracts resu lt, may be measured by a s11rnple occm., They will be sufticient, t'o r the brou gh t to light in a trnn saction by purpose. "The Vatic1lll Coun cil ha~ which over t wo milli on francs have bee o revealed to th e public g11 ze the internal los t to the natioo , nod presen t ed to the divisions whi ch rend assun der t he unity all-powerful Masonic body, in th e of the R oman Catholic system from its person of its chief, Signor Ad riano summit to its base. . . . For once Lemmi. T be latter is, it seems, coothe variations aad distinctions of P ro - nected with an Ameri can firm of tobacco testantism shri nk into insignifi eance merchants, who ha ve been fortnn11t e before th e wider ehasms which now eooagh to secure bis vnluable co-operayawn between the contending sections tion as partner an1I agent in Rome. of Ronia n Catholic Oli risteo dom. The The It1.1li1rn Go vernm ent, heiog large ascendency of Germany rests on her pu rchasers of the article, the sale of strength-a ~treogth wh ich mu st not which is 1.1 royal monopoly, contracted !Je 1n_er?ly prepon deru t1t, but, absolutely I in th e month of May 1889 privately , irrestst1ble. Strange to say, the rea l I aud without competi tion, with this contes t lies between th e strong ' mnu favonred fit·m fo r the su ppl _y of 10 of blood and i ron' at Berlin, nod 1he million kilog ram s of K entucky b1f, at 11 fe-, ble old mu n a l the Vatican. W hat ' price to be ru led by th e quo tatio ns ia th e reslll t. mu t ho, needs no prophet N ew York on certain given duys. '"ho to foretel l." : astute Trausatlantic specalators nrx t

. Rumou r ass~rts t,h~t. the Comrni · s1on charged with deciding what share ' o f t. b.ts expen d'1,ure t h.e Btate may be calle~ upon to be~ r bas repor_ted ndve1sely to the u tban a!ithon_t1es, · I · l f . (Iec Iarwg t Jen· S C ie_me O reconstrnc L1on t,o have been concetve<l on too co loss:1I a scale, and t?at coo seqnen lly only a mod~stdp~oportlO~ of the outlity nc~u ally ~equ~·e ,~r publ~c pnr~ose~ ca\ 3n stly e c arge t~ t e naLJOaa ex_c equer. The result will be doub}y rum ous to

th e city, which will, OD tli e one band' have to bear a heavy load. of extra ta xati on , whil e on the other, tbe new quar tP. t'S uot yet prov~d~d with gas, water,. 01· drn inogQ, •will be abandoned in their uninhab itable condi tion to the di sposal of their uo fortun ate constn1ctors, Th e Temps of Paris deacr ib(!S the ruin already w rought 11mong Wi s class, declaring that Vi hole streets of ·the new city are in a state of baak ruptcyi that the Brothers• :\for on i, fail ed for ove r two million sterli 1ig·, and that the banks cunnot connt the number of hou ses of which th ey have become owners through , the insolvency of th eir c11stomer8. The article concludes its picture of the dilapidated excresce nce on tire E ternal City as fo ll ows : "The two g reat creations th at bistorically constitu ted Rome, the dead Empi re, and th e Cburch which is not of this world, are ,till standing immovable and respecte,J: T he thjrd great creatiou, the modern g ro wth ,' is , still to this day without apex and wi thout completion. And more sud than wandering among th e old ruins, is the contemplation of the new." Thus the ·_., very soil of Rome b:;is avenged the . Papacy, aod financially devoured its despoilers. " The p1·iests," said Signor Crispi, 011 March 10, 188 1, in advocating a law for hurryin g ou the transformation of the city, " The priests will say that we cannot touch Ro me wi thout trepidation." The fears be scoffed at have been justifiad, aud the very work s intend ed to demonstrate the perma nence of the Italian occupation hnve become the disastrous monument of its failure. The position of the all po werful Minister himself is undermined by the deplorable results of his finuucial policy, and II powerfol combination, termed "the triumvirate," because headed by S ig nori N icotera, Taiaoi, aad Magliani, has urgauised an agitation against him in S outh Italy. H is positio n is so fol' weakened that it is believed that he will be no longer able to forc e the law on the Opere Pie through th e Senate, so those charitable institutions will have t\ reprieve .

Pro~ress of Home Rule. On th e 29Lb of April, 1834, O'Connell brought the qu estion of Irisb selfgo vernment before the House of Commons for the first time. Five bnndred and sixty-one memberi voted . Of tb ese one Eng lishman and thirty-seven Irishmen were in favou r of O'Coonell's res olut;ion . Forty yeurs elapsed before Butt called th e attention of Parliamen t to the question once ngaiu. F ive hundred and seventeen members voted ; eight members from Great Britain and fi fty-th ree from Ireland went iuto the lo bby with Butt. Twelve yea rs af'tet·, on th e 7th of Jun e, 1886, in 11 house of six hundred and fifty -two membe rs, Mr. G lads ton e's Home l{ule Bi ll was defea ted ; but t hree hund red and eleven members, of whom t wo hund red and tw.enty-nin e were En g li ~h, Scotch , and Welsh , and eig hty-two we1·e Irish, voted in fav our of it. These are the figures of Irish adrnnce for the fifty two yearn fro,u 1834-86. Io the latter year the last U11 io1: ist Gove rnm ent took its place Hitli vne bnn d red and t ea of a mujority behind. It, has now fallen to eig hty, on ly s ix ty-two of which are rel iab le.

The repo rt fo r last yeri.r of t he New York Sbte board of Mediatio n sho ws a dim inution of strikes and lock-outs. The report also sta.tes that the principle of n,rh itrntion is coming into general favour, }111cl t hat t he strike and lock-out a re being looked upon cts resorts only in extre me circu mstances. A great deal of interest, meantime, is attached to a B ill introdu ced into Cono-ress Ly Mr. A nderso n of Kan " s f . ,a o1 t"'he creation of a Un it ed Dtates ComI mission of Arbitration, whose office it t 1· should be to investig'a te c1·. es i between rai lwa,y, steam boat, 01'1spu . tele, graph companies and their employees with a power of appeal to the United States courts, whose decision must be . accepted, und er pena lties, as fi nal. The iucren.sing ,,cceptance by employers oi t he services d the New York



'"":r..... ..

. .r',



29, 1890

THE The fo llowi ng Queen's Birthday I Boa rd, a nd th e fortunate r esults ob:-(:olon~l Gaze~ted been have h,onours the rest, the among which, by t ,iinecl, proper relations between capital a nd Sargood, C.M .G . M.L.L. of V1ctona labour are made a ppa ren t, may be formerly Min iste r of Defence, to be a NOW ON AT t aken as sig nificant of the succesi;; of Knight Commander of St. Michael Mr. (K.C.M.G.); George t. S the more general institution proposed an<l C Mr. fl. C. Ha ssell, Government by Mr. Anderson. Astron omer for N ew South Wales, to he a Companion cf the Order of Great Reductions and Bargain s in the following lines :St. Michael and S t. George (C.M.G.) ; the of Chairman Dr~w, G. . L W. r. ~ > l' LADIE S' BLOUSES .A.ND JERSEYS. ~elegram£S. Queensland Civil Service Board, t o , LADIES .A.ND INF ANTS' MILLINER Y, • be a Companion of the order of S t. (From the Daily News.) and French (suitable for the present English S MATERIAL Mic:iael and St. GAorge (C.M.G.); and DRESS FOREIGN . Season), coming and Dr. Grace, of New Z enlaarl, to be P .A.RA.CHUT ES , SUNSHAD ES, CHILDREN S' DRESSES, a Companion of the order of St. L ONDON, May 22. GREN.A.DI NES, STR.A.WHATS BLACK M r. StnnlPy, the African exploi-er, ! Michael a nd St. George (C.M.G.) GENTS' CLOTHING , HATS, SHIRTS, & Hosiery, by I nt mig~a im o?e that reported is It_ was entertained by the London Chamber was ef Commerce at a grand banquet last th e 111-foted steamer I~e~ca, which night, and was acc orded a most 1 recently w;'eckeJ by stnkmg a coral reef Very special lines in TWEEDS, reduced to ls. l!d-and upwards. I entbusiastic recep tion. In respon ding in the Red Sea, lost his life, owing to to the toast of his heal th , the guest of expos ure. SASH RIBBON, &c. CARPETS and° RUGS. Also a quantity of th e eveni ng said tha t if th e G overnREMNANT S. ment of G reat Britain continued to I NTERCOLO N IAL. yield to the dema11 ds made by Germa ny ADELAIDE, May 22. for th e recog niti on of her claims over .A. few lines in FANCY GOODS, s uitable for BAZA.A.RS, we are have decided to Government The that fo view the with certain terri tory, to clear at a low price . Country Storekeeper s will do well to prepared Power exercising its influ ence in dif- withdraw the prosecutions against th e p ay us a visit during the Sal e. ferent pnrts of th e continent, he would Commercial Bank lottery proa1oters, Special terms made for Pianos during the sal e (by well-known makers) . advise t he British E ast A fr i~1111 Com - by w horn the seized money will be repany to altogether wi1bdrnw from th at -turned, conditionally that the procountry, as its operations wou Id be mos t moters will underta ke not to proceed PERTH p~LACE RINK G11.iltlfo1 .·tl Hot~i, further in the matter. seriously criopled. A man, who gives his name as It is reported that tb e uegotiations Guiltlt-01 .·tl. NOW OPEN. between the British and United States Napoleon George Gordon, was found Go~ernment, re fe rring to tb e Behring by a police trooper, in the scrub near Sea rights, concernin g which it was Border Town, yesterday, in an absoluteJ. E- BRENN AN ruinonred th at the United State~ bad ly nude condition. He states that he MORNI NG. Proprietor. ab ~ndoned its exclusive rights,. have is one of a party of fifteen who were by escaped who and shipwrecked ' failed, owing to the unsatisfactory From 10 to 12, for Ladies and Children only. Admission 6d. ; Skates Free. state in which the question ti tand s. A ll m eans of a balloon, which in its prothe Canadian sailing vessels are now gress struck a tree near Border Town, Directly opposite the Railway sailing folly armed to protect them- owing to which the men were thrown S tates out. He states that the whole of the Station. selves agaiast the United AFTERNOO N. pa rty had to divest themselves of their cruisers. Admission, 6d. From 2.30 to 5. Serious riots are takin g place at entire clothing, in order to lighten the to referred been has Gordon balloon. eR Puerto Alegre, in the Argenti ne Skates 6d. Evm.w CONVENIENCE FOR public, coucerniog which the troops a medical officer for examination. He and VISITOHS. have been called ont in order to qu ell speaks very rationally upon all subjects, EVENING. the disturbance. Yesterday the soldiers except that referring to the c9.use of charged the rioters, killing tw enty- six his advent to South Australia. Frain 8 to lO~ dn1ission, 6d.;~kates ls. ---An importan t meeting was h eld in and wounding fort.y -o ae. Only the best brands ,;if Wir,es, 'l'be tri al of .Major Pani tza, o □ the Adelaide yesterday re the British Mine, Beers, and spirits kept in sto.,k. charge of bigh treason against P rince at which a resolution was carried reEVERY SATURDAY MORNING. F erclinand of Bulgaria and attempting questing that an alteration be made in Prize Gala for Children. to incite th e Arm y agains t th" Gove rn- the articles of Association, which will Good Stabling and an attentive further reholders a sh Colonial give accused The proceeding. is ment, Ostler. adm its ~lllving orga?ised a_ ~lot to deµose voting power. MU SIC. th e Pnnce from b1s po61ttoo as Ruler, I The Postal Conference will commence By Professor Roberto. but denies all complicity with the its proceedin 0o-s to-d~y. ation situ :;i,ncl comfort, quietness, For conand opened Russian au thoritie3 who, it has hlee n ! The sh are ir.arket the GUILDFORD Ho'rEL, h as no equal alle~ed, furn_ished him with fun ds to tinned dull yesterday, British falling a_ Skates on Sale from 15s. in the Colony. tosomewhat recoverincr but apidly r , attam the obJect of the plot. For the Newmarket St::.kes, wh ich wa rd s the close of the da v. Junctions FRANK ALLUM, Manager. Th; were run yesterd ay, twelve star ted, the Centrals and Tens als; fell. rates:ALBANY LAND. H?n· J . Wbite's Der by colt Ki_rkham ' following were the closing be111g am ongst them. A t the fini sh the , Brokens £ 13, Centrals £10, British PIONEER SADDLE AND HARNESS LOTS, 501ks . front age UIDING Du ke of Portlancl's Me moir, by St. £2 16s, Junctions £5 Block 14 are WORKS, BARRACK STREET. mile One depth. in 275lks. Simon-Quive r, wns fi rst paRt the pust , firm at £6 10s.; South; £6 4s., Norths from the Post Office, overlooking PERTH. th e Duk e of ·W ee trn inister'cl Blue 23s. K.G.S. Price, £20, including Transfer. Gree n being second and B nron Rot,hsSYDNEY, :May 23. Land within 2 miles of Town Hall, ·(NEAR RAILWAY HOTEL.) child·s Le No rd thi rd . Kirkham, on P a rkes is still recovering from £ 3 per acre. South side of the Henry Sir startiog, rnn th ird fo r a mil e, bnt then acre. to er p H arbo_u r, from £,3 satisfactorily from the injuries died 11,w ay , fini s hing fifth. At th e start APPOINTBY J. GALLE. his leg. against 16 to 100 was g bettio the of the 'vVesleyan proceedings The TO MENT S PECIAL Memoir. Re fer rin g to Kirkham's pe rConference were concluded last night form ance in this event th e Sportsman S A L E. H-is E.i·cellency the Go·ven1or, Sir Frederick R 0 The business was of a purely form al states that th e colt's run ning •for the ter. charac N. Broome, K.C.M,G. N ewmark et Stakes will occnsion amongst MELBOURNE, May 23. bis supporters a feeling of despondency Wel1ington Location, No. :lOO. Allp ress, the ex-accountant of the For particulars a pply to as tu bis Derby prospec rs. ROBERT SMITH sta rted Commercial Bank a t Collingwood Au Rt ral ia n Eleven Th e HUGH BRADY, anoth er match ag-Ain st the S ur rey team ap_peared b~fore the City Police Court MANUFACTUR.r :R 01r ALL KINDS OI' S ADDLERY Bunbury, D1:1c. 19. this mornmg, on the charge of yes terd ay . AND HARNESS. A Bl ne Book contain ing th e eviclence stealing £7000 of t he Bank's fund s. submitted to ~be Se!ect Com mi ttee ap- He was r emanded to the Collingwood ~lontJ1s . 011,en ten· poin ted to consider a nd report upon tbe co urt . LWAYS in stock, a large and Taried which scare, Bank's Saving,; The ished p11bl wus W. A . Cons ti tu lion Bill assortment of Gig, Cal't, and Cairiage l a sens9.tion a Oim A~RE BL(?CKS, frontin g main Harness, Ladies' and Gents' Riding Saddles yes terd ay. In criticising the various was caused owing to road, Just outs1de the boundary of and Bridles, Boys' and Girl s' Saddles and im por tan t matters contai ned the rein th e and incorrect state men t being made all Pilches, Pack Saddl es, Jockey Saddles D aily Chronicle contend s th nt tl e by one of the evening papers, has Albany. Title, :New Act. Including expe:nses, £21. Govt. Maps of Albany, Rors1c; Clothing, and all requ isites for a firs alienation of t he fee-sim ple of t he pub lic ended, and t he deposits a r e now sho wrng th e blocks, sent on receipt of 1/. class Stable Ol' Hoslelry, including Whips land s of the colony should be stopped, coming in freely. Spurs, Sponges, Chamois Skins, Brushes J. GALLE. , ny ma in fallen Heavy rains have Combs, Scrapers, Clippers, Hal'n,ess Oils a nd the un earned iocrernent reserved to Atbany Feb. 28th, 1890. Blacking, etc. of th e coun try townships. th e community . All orders sent by post or otherwise will be Mr. E. G. B leechruore, a well-known At Chicago yesterday the colored with all care and promptnes;s, executed . LEVER • pu gil isi, Jackson defeated J em S mith in colonist, died at Auburn yesterday. S. ]TRENCH KEYLESS R. S. obtained FIRST PlUZE at tile late The charges again st those concerned •Guaranteed, at J . GALLE'S, Albaoy W.A. Agr icultural Society's Show b,eld at fi ve round s. Guildford, for th e best collection o,f both in the Asset s Dist ribution Company of LONDON, May 21 . Saddlery aud Harness. lia ~ustra South o~ Bani~ Commercial the 1 ' e th n ~vo ~s ete crick u The ~ ustralia }70H SALK - Millboar:cls, Stra w' wn withdra defimtely been now have ma tch with Oxford by an 10nmgs and bo~rds, and a quantity of la rge , ~ Note U,e Add ress 61 run s. 'l'he Oxford team mad e by the Gove rnm ent. The promoters sheet vVh1te Cardboa rd, variou s thick' R O B E R T S M I T I-I, 120 in th eir first innin gs, and follow ing have return ed th e money received by nesaes. Appl,y, "W. A. R1-coRDon, th ey scored 53 in t bei r second the sale of tickets. BARUACK STREJt'l', oflke, Howick -street . The following a re t he la t est share inniags . The wicket was rath er s low, (Near lhe RA ILWAY HOTEL.) quotations :- Brokens, £ 12 19s. 6d. · a nd the weather was sho " ery. 'f ~·on 'l'HE NOR'l.'.:\cl WEST B ri tish'. £ ,1 14s. 6cl . ; Copies of t l ie 'vV. A. RECORD may WHOLli:8.ALi,; AGU:N Yesterday a public meeting pres ided J unc tions, & 'l'ER WATSON Mt:SSRS. . 6d 9s. £2 Creek, aker's B ; 9d. 7s. £2 McHenry, . J London, h; obtained from lVIr. over by the Lord Mayor of The ot her stocks a re at yes terday's N ews Agent S t. Geor rre's T errace Roebournc and Cossack. fav ouring the F ede ration of t he A us' " ' Perth. quota tions. Perth, October 17 1880. tralian co10nies, was held.



"W' G. :H:EA .R,l.V .J:A.N "'S.

Jf oretnn anlJ














29, 1890. I


Mc C L E E R Y ,

G O.








i !



Offices and Snle Rooms : CLIFF 8'.rREE, FREM ANTL E . Bonded W arehou~es : EssEx STREET.



J.letail. I _____ _______ HoWIOK



P1mTR ,


·vv. A. RECORD,'



Wm. Younger and Co.'s Massrs. (Limited) Beers, in Bulk and ' Bottle, on S&le.


I \Vlao l e s aie :i- .n


Free Goods S tores : EssEx AND CLnrr, ST REE'.rs .




Tet1s, S ugar, Oil man's Stores, and Colonial Produce.

' -------- -- ---



in Dyer, P ERT H.-Murray, Gaorge, Douro, Charles, Newcastle, Garden and Lincoln Streets. Hill, FREM.ANTLE.-Tuckfield, Mary, Swanbourne, Packenbam, So uth, John, E llen, Leab, and Ham pton Streets. Also, Hampton Road. Richmond, Preston Rond, B encon sfi eld, Claremont, Busselton, Pinj a,r rah, and Derby .


NOTE .-Bui lding Allotments on ,qale in Fremantle, from £21 ; Perth, £30 ; Claremont, £ 10.



EHICLES of all description on liund and made to Ol'der.


UNDERTAKING done on th e shol'test notice und in the moat respebti able manner at mode1·ate c!JQ1ges.


A L SO-FIREWOOD nt any len gth cut and d<llivered in any part of Perth


ALSO- CORN-CRU SHING done on the pl'emises.


A ll business letters to be addressed toL. WIMBRIDGE,



CHRONOMETER, MAKER, J EWELLER, &c., - - . ,~a.s tn_~Jl.lllllel:.O.PS Custom..ers .J.JJ that·ne. has :Remove-c:r tomore extensive premises nearly ad joining Mr. Hymus's Chemist Shop, Opposite the Town Hall, where he solicits a share of pa~rooage. GOLD and SILVER WATOHE3 and JEWELLERY of every description always QD band. ':,Vedding Rings made to order Time payments taken. JOHN BOWRA, Howick Street, opposite the Town Hall




rrHE ~QUlTA--:BLE- L:tFE



SOCIETY OF TIIE U.S. PERTH BRA.NCH : S'l'. GEORGE' S-TERRA.CE. D I R E O T O R S :FoRRES'l', EsQ., F.R.G.S., :'.11'.L .C., Chait'm an, SANDOVER, E sQ. SILAS PEARSE, EsQ., M .L.O., &c. EDWARD Sco·r.r, E sQ., M.R.0.S., &c. , Chief Medical OtlicCilr. ALEX.

vV. vV.

7 N SURPLUS (nam ely, the excess of A.ccurnulatecl J! unds over Liabilities) on PREMIUM INCOME, in the A.MOUNT OFt IN SURANCE IN F ORCE, in A.NNUA.L NEW BUSINESS, the EQUI'rA.BLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIE'l'Y EXCEEDS EVBRY O'l 'HER LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIE'l'Y, and may be regarded as the LARGEST anc1 S'l'RONGEST ORGANISARE F O R M, TION of its kind in th e World .


F U :N E R A L

T th e request of numerous fri enrls :ind others, tile nn de rsigued begs to annonnce tbat he is about to add UND ERTA KING uu<l FUNERAL FURN I SH I NG, to hi s building aud ' carpen teri ng bus iness. Fu nerals cna<lucted expeditiously un d in expensively in town or country .. PHILIP REILLY, Bu ilder, etc. Mackie-S treet, Perth, Jan. 2, 1889.






51s'l' DEC!ci\IBEH, 1888,



THE LARGEST BUSINESS ever transa,ctecl in one year by any LIFE SOCIETY in the World. _ _____ _______ _ For all particulars apply to







No Mor e Hard Times.


£ 800

To be drawn as soon as the whole of the money is subscribed.



If you will stop spending so much 0 11 fin e clothes, l'ich food and style, buy good, healthy food, cheaper and better clothing ; get more real aud substantial things of life every way, and especially stop the fool ish habit of employing expensive quack doctors or usi ng so UJ'\Ch of the vile hum bug medicine tlw.t does you only harm, but pnt your trust in that simple, pure remedy, Dr. Soulc'R American Hop Bitters; that cures :a.I ways at 'I triflir;g cost, and yoL, will see good times and have good he.alth. " Chron• ' cle,



~Ofl!VENT BOARDING SCHOOL. Sff'.'l;ERS OF ST. JOSEPH, GERALDTON. ERl\[S-For children, under 10 year:,, 5 guineas per quarter, to be paiu in advance. M usic and si'1gi11g, 2 guineas. Entrance Fee, £4. · C hildren over 1 0 yearn, 8 g uineas per· quarter.




lat Prize-BLOCK OF LAND (If acre Freehold), adjoinin g railway and road at North Fremantle, on which is erected a substantial 4-l'oomed cottage ; the whole wol'th £765 2nd Prize- Winner to select to vahte of. £25. ~ / 3'.r d Prize-Pony, saddle, &c., value £ 10

Is prepared to make all kinds of CARRIAGES equal to those I A. committee of ge ntlemen have kindly ·te d . 1 cons:ented · t th an th ey can be 1mpo1 h E t -, C 1 · , t 1 to cond uct the drawing. o f. t e as er n o a .ess cos Each purchaser of a book of 20 tickets All Carriages guarantee<l tor twelve months. _

Repairs promptly executed

. 111

Iwill b-e presented with a Complimentary

first-class style.

; Ticket· FREE . I

FUNERA LS performed on the shortest notice, and ~t I1 reasonable prices.

Bm. .A FIDB SPECDLATIO l8f' £ oo for 10s. ~






oF ST. JOSEPH NORTHAM. Will be opened by THE VERY REv. A BotmKE, v.G.


29, 1890

position, th e advantag , if not the shall be borne by the I mperial n eed, of a fleet to Au stra lia Government, and in th e event b ecomes at once apparent. I □ of any of th ese vessels b ein g O.A. SH IRONM ON GER I time of war her waters mu st be lost they shall b e replaced at HASONSALE "PENTE.R'S B H k ept clear of h ostile craft, her th e cost of th e Imperial GovernCAI '1 "' ' .J: ench ammer·s j commerce be protected, tLo high- ment. To this of co urse we by Claw Hammers; Riveting HamOn the 11th June, 1890. ways of her ocean t raffic guar ded. no means . de mur. But says mers _j, Bricklayer's llammers; BlackT o t h'1s en d t h ere 1·10s p erman en tly .A.1·t1'clo VII ·. "The colon1'es shall · H smith s arnm ers; Miner's Hammers Stone Breaker's t'lamruers; Lath Ham; A Public Luncheon will be given in the in our waters a British squad ron bear the a ctn al charges for mers; Shingliug Hamm er·s; American Mechanics' Hall, at 4 p.m. maintained of course from Impe- maintaining from year to year Axes, Tomahawks, &c., &c. ; 6-inch Rim rial fonds. In t he construction of all the vessels, in clud ing th e Locks; Cupboard Locks; Till Locks; this fleet (as r epr esented by the liabili ty on accoun t of r etired pay Chest Locks; Night Latches, with C CJ'.N VEN'l' No1~HA:z· JOSEPH " N elson," " Diamond," and oth er to officers, p ensions to men, and two keys ; and a variety of Locks ; vessels composin g it in 1887) the charge fo r r elief of crews," Al\JERIC ,\ N PATENT SPRING I THE BUILDING COMMITTEE acknow- £840,000 of I mperi al go ld was and do this during th e whol e BLl ND ROLLERS ; Gal vanized Air ~edge_ witJ:1 thanks th_e following amomits sunk, and fo r its main tenance an t ime of peace, and with regard to Bricks, SinJle ~ D_ouhlll ; HORSE t oJ'1EJ~ ,~e erection of the NEW ann ual disbu rse ment of £237,000 fo ur out of th e seven vess els in I ~~OES, _. ~ ND MADR \ . Hor~e Collected by MR. ATKINSON. i is made, lik ewise fr om the I mp e- · tim e of war as well. S urely with oe Nail~, Bo~ts and Nuts, . m £ s d r i""l coffers. .A. consider ation tru ly these immense drafbs upon our almost all sizes; a,so Ir~n and Brass Mr. P. McMahon .. . 1 O O to the British taxpayer ; b ut an :fin ances for th e mainten ance of 10 O Screws. Also, a sp]end1cl Assortment l)ir. W. Wilkins d't · d 'f t 'bl of General Brass~are Goods, viz :Collected by MR. MERRY. expen 1 ure m curre , 1 os ~ns1 _Y this litt le fl eet th ere will r emain 3 ~ and Fancy Ohair or Mantle :~:: fo r the sake of . th e colomes, no r oo m fo r rival claims to them, effect fo r th e mterests of. t he or their services ? Wh at nonsense ! N ai·1s; p lain and Fancy Picture Collected by MR. GooonrAN. Nails · Dru c,cret or Carpet Pins• Stair Mrs._McManus, sen. 1 10 O Crown and for the p rotection of The t r uth is we hav e no voice Rods 'aud ill;es. Picture Rod~ and Mr. E. Hughes 1 O O I British capital. W ere th e con - -wh at eve r even in t heir co mmand. Brackets ; Window Show Rods and Mr. J . Pilkington ... 1 o O q uest of A ustralia by any for eig n Th eir g un s in certain contingencies Fitting· ; Screw or Dresser Hooks; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ power a possibil ity, yet th e mother (quae Deiis avm·tat) might fLctually Screw Rings fo r Pictures; Plate ACKNOWLED GEMENTS, co untry could not :tfford t o see it be turned upon ourselves ! fo r Rings fo r ditto ; Ourtain Hooks, become a reality. She must pro- says .A.1·ti cle I V : "These vessels Cupboard Turns and Catches; H at a~cl We have received the following sub- tect us, not by any means for our shall be under the sole control Coat Hooks; Iron and Brass Cornice scriptions during the week :-:lirs. Hitch- sake b ut for h er own · the sacri- ~mc1 orders of the Na val ComPole Ring~ : Pole Brackets ; Pole Roel cock, Guildford, 2s.; Mr. P. Sla.ttery, :ficing us would b e the 'sacrifice of mander-in-Ohief for the · ti me ,Encl~; Piano Sconces; Brass Screw Ferguson, 15s.; Mr. Costello, 7s. 6d. h er prestige as of her inter ests being appointed to command H er Pulhes ; Lamp Hooks; Cleat Hook s ; ~~======~=~~~~~ - th e m · t eres t s of h er ;m er eh an t M a3es · t y, s sh 1ps ' an d vesse Is on t h e B I ]3 H ' D 1 •·on utt rass anc rnges; raw '7ltll l. t ., C t • h er cap1·t 1· t f th ose .A t 1· St .A. n d - th e Handles O ,... 1~!. ; Drawer Knobs ; Brass UJ 4p rmces, a 1s s, . o_ us ra ian a t·10n." Eyelets fo r Tents, '&c. ; Brass Bolts ; _ __,____ whose. h undreds of m1lhons we end crowns the work- says Article Back Pullies · Sash Fasteners from MAY. hold m one form 01· oth ei· as IX : On th e termination of t he 4s. 9d. doz { Sash Knobs ; ' :.;ash ~~=;i:~fRof ~fiett~~ !~ave. investments in colonial stocks and Agreement these vessels are t o Centres ; Sash Lifts ; Fanlight 31-SAT. , Of the Octave. other colonial securities. How r emain t he property of the Catches ; Table Catches ; Brass OasJUNE. mucb, or r ather h ow liW e, of our Imperial Government ! " N ow t ors ; Call Bells; Dinner Bells; Tea 1-SUN. I after Pent . Feast of the national debt of £ 170,000,000 is where is the .Australian who B~lls ; Door Springs; Climax Pat~ut 2-MON. H~!: J~~:~I~s LIP.C. not British money? Wh at sh are, would venture t o defend inporpora~rnges _; Iron a~d Brass J ack Cham; 3-TUES. St. Mary Mag. de Pazzi v. i-£ not the lion's, of capital sp ent tion wit h colonial stat utes of Galvamze~l Cham, R?pe, &c. ; and a 4-WED. St Francis C. in developing our colonial re- snch an enactm ent or do aught great variety of US EFUL IRON- 5- r HUR- Corpus Ohrist i. so urces, our immense past oral but commend Queensland fo r ~lON~ERY too numerous to par- ~ !'!"','!=~~ ~ ~ ~ - = ! ! ! ! ! ' !'!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!! areas, our gold and coal m ines r ejecting· it ? S urely if this t1cular1se. TERMS, CASH. ffl'llr> '✓'/mt _m :.110- ""Ot "l-w · t h at of Br1t1s ' ' h syn d'10a t es, or fl eet mvo . l ves sueh a d eman d \:.II!.,'- ~ . JJ1,, · ~\. H o, 1s LEVI GREEN, capitalists whose golden g uineas u pon our :fina nces w0 should Cash Ironmonger, " Be zndiftttigable in your purpose, and are of th e wealth of th e United shar·e a t leas t in its commend. ~ undaunz ted spii-it resist iniquity and try to K ' ? ~ · Murray Street, Perth. with d m ghd om • A n d th e b ott·om.~ 1n If w e mus t d o more fo r the co11que,· evi wit1, goo , 1,aviny befor e y our eyes ....,,..hio our = e r o ha,ndioo i o b r,.>aa - 0 -,c-n r ess d ef e n ce o.J: ·h1ppiu the 1·eward p rep a r ed/or tnose w lw cornOat fo ,· 0 urf" -,.. the name of Ch.rist."- Pius I X . p orted from h emisphere to h emis- this station than we h ave b een ~~ ph er e, or from port to port, and doing-anc1 we have been doing 'l'HURSDa Y, MAY 29, 1890. which lou dest of all demand a great deal ; for every penny ~ ---------------the sh elt er of Britain' s "wings spent in fo rtifying our seaports THE more colonist s r eali se the of war," wh ose are they ? .Alfre d has b een indir ec tly incurred with i mportance of the King George's D eakin, the present Chi ef Secre- the view of protecting the shipSound defence problem and tbe t ar y of Victoria will an swe r. ping (n early all British) tr ading foll significance of Imperialistic Addressing th e Oolonia,l . Confer- with our por ts ·; and in Victoria, p roposals fo r its sol ution, th e mor e ence in London in 1887, h e said for instance, such expenditure has indigna,nt are they th at in Mr. that th e S ecr etar y of T rade a nd been enor mous, h er annual outParker the Imperial Government Customs, Melbourn e, estimated lay for military an d naval AUCTIONEERS, sh ould have b een p rivileged to that of th e shipping entering V ic- purposes totalling £ 165,000- if r egar d an exponent of W est ern t oria, two-thirds was B i·itish, and we are to do more than t his, we ACCOUNTANTS, Australian public opinion on the only a fraction of the remainin g ought t o expect an adequate VALU ATORS, matter, and that the enunciation third Victorian, foreign shipping r etum for our additi0nal disSTOCK AND STATION .AGENTS, of his views should h ave afforded fo rmin g a not inconsider able item. bursement . Bu t this we by no MIN ING AND Sir J ohn Colomb and his clientele .Abuno disce omnes. Here th en is the means secure un c1er th e provisions SH AREBROKERS a very reasonable excuse for car ry- raison d' et?-e of an Imp erial sq uad- of th e Naval Fo rce .Act; we ing int o effect th eir pet idea of an r on in our water s- not .Australi an contribute towar ds . the construePRODUCE SALESMEN . Imperial reservation a,t .Albany. but purely Imp eria l inter ests suffi- tion of a· flee t in th e proportion 'rhi s reservation has, if our t ele- ciently accountin g for i ts presence of 3 to 4 in comparison with the CON SIGN MENTS grnms are to b e t rusted, alr eady h er e. But th e H ome Government Imperial cont ributio n ; we mainreceived at b een made; fo r immediately after is no t satisfied th at the Imperial tain th at fleet exclu sively from P ERTH RAILWAY STATION. Mr. Pa,rker' debiU b efor e the exch equer should be so lely r es- our owu exch eq uers, and yet it S elect Committ ee, we learn ed by pon sible for th e naval defence of owes obedience t o none but the SW AN" AUCTION SALEROOM S cable that our Government b a d the c0lonies-th e coloni es should Imper ial Governm en t, and at th e BARRAOK-8T. just been instructed to withhold contribute, and it is at t he p ro- expiration of the .Agreement will from sale all un.alienated lands in visions of the .A.ct (referred to re main solely t h eirs. It exists the vicinity of K ing George's above) by which this contribut ion (or will soon exist, fo r it leaves Sound. Sic transit gloria Aus- is reg ulated t hat we cavil. This L ondon in A ug ust) " fo r th e NEWSPAPER tralice ·1 So, it appears, passeth. .A.ct stipulat es fo r th e construction, p rotection of th e floatin g t r ade AND away the glory our country aspired equipment, and maintenance of five in A ustralasian wat ers," of which GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE t o of being t he sole custodian on fast cruisers and two torpedo gun- t r ade only a very small percentag e terra fa··mci of h er people' s lib erties, boats fo r th e protection of the float- of bottoms is Australian, and if llOWJCK ST,, PERTH. of g uarding alone h er rocky fore- in g trad e in A ustralasian waters . it be a rg ued that our inter est lands from shor e t o shore, of Th e agreement is for a period of in the cargoes is large, tb e retort BILL H EADS, M!mos., CART NOTES t r usting to h er own rig ht arm fo r t en years, and wh ile the firs t is pro mp t th at Gr eat Britain's is MILL NoTES, TRADE CARDS, VIsI'l'· maintaining by lanc1 th e integrity cost of th ese vessels is to b e lar ger, for t he h eadqua rters of ING CARDS, MEMORIA MCARDS, of her territory, while leaving defrayed from Imperial Funds, n early all the insurance companies, LABELS, PRoGHMtIMEs, mainly to the Mistress of th e Sea t he colonies are t o p ay the Imp e- who would suffer most from the PAMPHLETS, HANDth e conser vation of h er r ights on rial Government, interest a t 5 depredations of an enemy, ar e in BILLS, Pos1'ERs, OA'rALOGUES, ,IND ocean highway. The idea of a p er cent. on such first cost; an L o11don. L et Gr eat Britain EVl!!RY DESCRrPTION O-F PRINTING d ual control-Australia by land amount equalling in the ten years th en m aintain it, or in default IN GoLD, Su,vim, BRONZ E, and Britain by sea--bas long been h alf the total cost of th e fleet. · OoLoRED I NK S, ETC. S give us a t 1eas t comman d of entertained by Colonia1 stat esmen, 'o th at A ustralasia's financial it . I£ it b e arg ued t hat we t Large sd·upplyS of printer's S atiouery, anc1 it accounts in so me meas ure inter est in the vessels themselves h ave no execut ive bocly t o whom inclu ing traw-boal'Cls, Mill-boards, and Large Sheet White Cardboard. fo1: th~ acceptan_ce by ~hem _of t~ at is large indeed an d not by any to entrust this com man d, we ar e Ladies' and Gent's, gilt-edged ob3ectlonable piece oJ: l~g1slatwn means diffic ult of computation. silenced. Federation of the Visiting Oarcl 8 , Graphite Correspon- i known as" Tho .Au;;trabsia1~ N a val I n tim e of emerg ency or actual Colonies can alone fu rn ish this 1 Force de11ce Cards, with Envelopes. _.A.ct, 1888, to w~1ch we war (say, about six months in execut ive ; let us t h en fede r ate. Emblematical "In Memoriam" Cards now wish to direct pubhc atten- twenty years) the cost of ".A. plea, for federation" is the plain and folding. , tion . From the fac t of her ins ular taining three of the vessels bLn den of our article.










1H:EJ W. A. l:t'.BJOO D.

2., 18~0.

o c al a n 'i:1

e n e r nr.



'' 20th May, syndicates s_oli~i tors. state of Dongaern. How sl-i e will fare c,111not GERA.LDTON. " n eaotiations failed ; have offered conbe even sut·mi sl~d as y e';. ~l~- haS~l~ ~ i ; ; --~ " ces~ ion to o·t h er clients, who are The weather is delightfully warm and From ou1· ow n Co1·1·espond ent. Southern Cr oss, f1nd ac tive operat ions ha-ve " to decide 29th May . " (S igned) Secrecalm. Up to th e t hird of M:ay no rain had been r esumed on m ost of the claims . a ry oE State for t h e Colonies.. Th_e The Albany has just arri ved a t t he above is certa inl y not reassurm g ml;elh- fallen here t his ye,L r, and t;hc fo r:mers a nd jetty from the No1·th . Cannot say what THE total receipt of subscriptions to the gence, and we lrnvc grnvc reason t,o squatt€rs, unlik e thu sa ilu rs, wore wishi11g news or else sh e brings. Military T o urnament Fund, at the end fear t hat it is th e last, unde r the present for squalls which cam e not. On severnl M ay J.4 t ~. £ : . . _ _ _ of week, a mou nted to £ 146 U s. 6d. concession, that will be heard of the occasions the pregnant and clo uds made the hu sband man put his Midland. YORK. implements in " speed the plough" order, .A.T the r eq u est of the Commandant it has From our ow n_ Correspcnden t . been decided to alter the time of the OuR r eaders will r egret to hear that some and tl1e h ousewife to get her baths a nd On S unday Fr. Gibney preached• upon second Mass at the cathedral from 10 to friction h as of late existed among t he tanks ready to catch the precio us un 11 a .m., in ordtJ1· to permit the holding of a heads of the Railway department, and adulterated liquid. But the clerk of the thefestiva_l of "Pentecost,'_' explaining the Volunteer Church Para de on Sunday next. has at length led t o yery unpleasant con- weather, in hi s custo mary fickle moud feast :ind its rehglllus bcan•1g. H e also req uested th o prayers of the sequences. On Monday the 19th inst. t h e carried away all siO'ns of rain, which after crossing the ~o ntin ent, n early a~ congregatio n for . th e peaceful repose of THE influenza epidemio still rages Executive Council sat to enquire ,into the crow fli es, h e sh owe red supern- tir e so ul s of Mr. 1:fe111·y H ollands and of in Perth and Frema.ntle, thou gh certain charges brought by t h e Hon. C. T. fortunately now without any fata,l :r':6ults. Mason Commissioner of Railways against bundantly i'n N. S. Wales leaving t he Mrs. Mc Keo wn, Junr, of Frernantle, who The Owing to the large number of clnldren Mr .•George Roberts. On 'l'h Ltr sclay it was .vould be, in r eal erirn est, ind ustrious had l'0latives r esidin g in York. who are compelled to stay at home th.rough made known to Mt·. Rober ts that he h ad and thrifty farmer her e, lame nbibly di s- naui_e_ of Henry Hollands was quite been disrated, r emo-ved from the appointed. Old settlers considet· this fam ilmt· to the York people. As an Altar fill.lo Q•alcgess, the Assisted schools \\llllle manage1·ship, and appointed stationmast er appearance and disappearance of the attencfant, voars ago rn th e.old church, he closed on M onday-for a week . at Fremantle. .A.t the same time it was sio-ns of J'ain the prec ursor of a bad had bee n known to many. In Frernant le, announced that Mr. Hope had been THE first Association football match of the appointed to succeed him at Perth, with se°;;.son, but like Moore's Almauack th ey too, in manhood 's years, he was remarkOn able fo1: l1is good r eligion~ life. They season is fixed t o be played iu the the title of Traffic Superintendent. 'l'his arc oftener wrong than right. Fremantle Park, on Saturday, between the sentence reduces Mr. Roberts' salary by Saturday the thirrl in st., it rain ed elm·- wonlcl kmd ly pmy for the h .ppy repose Fremantle and Rovers Clubs, and as each £50 per annum. Mr. Rohm·ts, on Proipt i1 ,l( nearly th e who le of t he cfay and p,i rt of hi s so ul. t eam has been str engthened by the of the Executive Coun.sil'8 Jeci sion , ,:·o- (J f the night, a~c11 ntpani Jd with thund er On S unday the mon thly muu Ling of the addition of players who bring a reputation claimed his intention of appealing to 1the ,1llll lightning, and t" suc h au exten t fe111 :tle bmnch of the S.H.A. wet~ held. from the other side, some good play may b e Secretary of State for the Colonies, and that tenem ents which were hith er to Th e "banns" of another co upl e were expecteil. r efused to t ake up the ch1ties of st ati on - l· roof tLgainst ,ill weather, " le,1ked like ,rnn o un ced in the ch mch 0 11 Sunday . master at Fremantle. P ersist ing in this sieves." Some fol ks h ad ~o vacate Her Maj esty 's B il' thday was, as usu,11, IT is freely rumoured that M~·-. Stanle_y r efusal h e was, on Tuesday last, dismissed !;heir sleeping apartments·, others to lay cele brated in York in quite a n ovel will, after all, pay us a short -v1s1t. It 1s the service by the Commissioner of Rail- planks across lagoo ns in ordel' to give man ner.. 'l'he. Volu nteer parade an d understood that h e will not enter into ways, and Mr. Vl. Guilfoyle was sent to egress from or ingress to theit· dom iciles , manreuvr1 ng berng a s_olo and the f e1t-deany professional engagements, but that he t ake charge in Fremantle as stationmaster . cell ars were half-full, back y,.r ds like Joie, a ?opwus full of ram. has acceded to Mr. Hensman's invitation There is scarcely an individual in the , pools, and t h e strnets, A h ! don 't menSer,Jea!lt O'Connell left here last wee k to take the baritone part in the p·e rform- community who will n ot iympathize with t ion thorn. Durino the whole of this en ro1ite to Yilg,u·n . ance of Elijuh, for which the members of Mr. R oberts, who is deser vedly esteemed clown-pour on Satu;'day t he ·' R ob Roy, " D uring last week York appear ed quite the Musical Uuion ar e . making every and r espect ed. It is said that the char ges whieh happened tlrnn to be h ere, kept I animated t hrough th e arr ival an d prepar at ion. made against him were of ~ very trivial character, bnt as they ha-ve not yet been dischargin g her cargo of gen eral merchan- departure of persons going to th e golddisclosed, the public is un able to judge of cl ize, some of which consisted of bales fi elds. AN exhibition of paintings will b e opened It is rumoured that the Hon. t he the truth of the rumour. Upon the merits and packages of sofb goods, as well as on Wednesday next, by Lady Fraser, in of the case it would manifestly be quite sugar, tea, r ice, pottLtos, fl our, and fifty Com missioner of Cro_w n Lands is to pass the Railway Reading Room. A collection of original and import ed drawings is being premature to pronounce. W e sincerely sorts of other damageable if not perish- through Yo rk to Y1lg,Lrn , early n ext formed by Mr. B. IL Woodward, the trust, however, that the steps already able goods, all of which the wharfingers month, returning by Northam with ,i view secretaiy of the Wilgie Club. It is in- taken are not to be considered final a,nd threw, hickledy pickledy, on the road of inspecting both r outes. According to' r eport ab out 75 ounc~s of tended by the committee of the club to irrevocable. A little reflection ma,- serve side. For a Port like Champion Bay, make the exhibition an annual one, and to show the parties chiefly concern«! that where steamtJrs and other vessels are allu vial gold lrnve bee n r eceived by the they ask the assist!14!1(le of all lovers of the ther e has been undue haste and irrii;Q.tion r eg ularly calling, and dischargin g c;Lrgo, U nion Rin i_<, Yor(,, from Yilgarn since gentle art to help 1' the loan of such on all sides, and co unsel a r eturn to the in any weather however inclement, tis Apnl. Besides th is se veral other parcels state of t hings which existed before this a disgrace to the Gov emment. th e Mnni- have been despatched to Perth. pictures as they may be possessed of. regrettable episode occurred. Let u s h ope cipal Council, and the public that there is An old resident of York named George t hat if such a termiµation be still possible THE premises occupied by Messrs. Patton no fm·ther exhibitions of pet ulance will n ot a shed to sto re perishable goods in. Rose, for many yrears employed as a and Collett, Messrs. M . aud E. Man_delstam occur, in any quarter, to make it q uite im- On Sunday mornin g th e s.s. Albany on clerk in town , d ied on S unday evening her way North callee\ here. Sh e had as of last week. Deceased had attained his and Mr. A. D, Letch have been d1stroyed possible. passengel's so mething less ttan a hundred 76th yem·. Your York con temporary by a fire which broke out early ' on men going to mak e their fortun es a t t he contains a lengthly notice of the melanSunday mornin g. The h ouse owned by PERTH MARKE T REPORT. Mr. Patton is leveled with the gTo und, · gold fields. The Victon:an Express has choly death of Mr. Thos. Hodges age_d while that used by Mr. Letch is With something approaching hideou s oft en raised its cbrion voice ag11inst this a bout 70, who was found d ead in h is completely gutted. 'l'he fir~, the cause _of regularity appears in our mi.dst pro- foolhardy "rushing," but to n o pur- house, on Sund,ty afternoon. At the ,v'l.11.,•.,.\ ... .:.... ,- . _ k ~,. t.,..-L--~ p o,..,,.-iu..- - . . op0<a..'t.-uJ:lo.,g ~i(;l,'hl~ - eto..-:..~-..-.a....<1.cJ1 Th hombastic r c1JOr ts i n other Coroner' s I nq ues t, held on Tu esday, the in which t h e Messrs. Mandelstam carried successive prospectus being less calculated ..JlO.SBpapers have lu rncl many to their jury r eturn ed a verdict that th e deceased on a tobacconist's business, and as the to " catch on" than any previous effort of houses in qu estion from a solid block, spread the promoters. This seems curious at fi rst ruin and so me to destructio n. Tis 11 ad died from bronchitis accelerated by quickly. The fire bell was rung, but sight, but what other interpretation can be Btrange that this gold influenza, so enlarge ment of the heart. Deceased ,vas heard by very few, and in a short t!me the laid :,,gainst t he motive of the very dis- intensely prevalent No rth and So uth, tt most useful man in mabters M unicipal members of the Fire Brigade were on the interested promoter who now, un0on- does not prove co ntag ious in this ri1i d- mid gav e much t ime and 8,ttention to spot. It was found impossible to save the sciously, -very likely, g·oes t he length of way locali ty. Th e people uf this tow n the work Jone under the Council. In t he app eal case to which I referr ed fated houses and every effort was directed exposing the pot prepar ed t o cook the and district pursue their usual ,wocato the saving of the the adjoining game in before the latt r is caged. Mean- tio ns without feeli11g th e least affected i,1 a fo rmer letter, in which Mr. Joh n buildings. T hough in great jeopardy_ at whil_e people are le!t to t heir own cffo ets by t hose moonshin e rumours abo ut gol d, Seabrook, as a tenant, disputed paying one time, thi s was successfully accomplish- t o chscover t he quality of the broth that 1s coal, nucci, Ol' auy ot her n,in era l- th cy the full amount of r ent, claiming the eel. Mr. Patton's loss is co ver ed by being prepared for them. W ould it not trec1t them as bein g on a par with those right to dedu ct Mun icipal rates , Mr. insurance and Messrs. Manclelst ams' in be as well for the Co-Promoting·Qltack to they have so re peatedly h e1irc\ rela tive to J . TI. Mon ge r obt,iin ed judgme nt in part, but Mr. Latch's, who unfortunately give people time to forget the past; but the Midland Ra ihrny. , the Local Co urt fo r the foll amount had not in sured, is set down at so me- this he will probably find himself forced The Albany had on board b esid es t he clai med by him as landlord . Says yo ur thing between £1,000 and £1,500. to do as t h e inevitable r es ult of insm10 human passengers, a lot of horses, rams York Co ntompornry. "At the S upreme temerity. and ewes fo r No rthern station s. The Court on Thu rsday tho app eal c,tse J. Apart from launching fr0sh minin g wa te r being hi gh wh en sh e anived, she Seabrook v. J . H. Monger was brough t A PLEA8INC} entert1Linment was gi ven yesproject s, which n early all ag ree should be terday wee k by th o pu pils ;1ttending Mrs . was brought alo ngside the j etty, where on for heari ng. This was a n a ppeal Rogers' school , ,Lssisted by some of our allowed to slide for the pl'f,,ent, mining she got stuck on th e sandbank, a nd the against the decision of t h e R.M. (Mr. F. anticipations are at premium. '!'his, howleadin g ama.tcul's, Mr. and M rs, F . D. ever, is far from sttying that this ci.rcum- captain and all on board had to do .A. Hare) wi th respect to payment of Nor t h, Mrs. Gibbs and M r. Bart, and stance ca uses money to revolve freely, penance, (perh,1ps for taking in cargo on rates. By a contemporary we notice severa l others . The little ones appeared which is far from being the case at Su nday,) until 10 o'cfo ck at night, wh en t.hat th e case was struck out, owing to in 5elections of a musical character which present, but it animates t he h ope that it she got away. A nd this is t he jetty the im pe rfect mann er in which the case allow~d free scope for a full display of may do so bofor e long, and then the accom odation in th e seco nd most important had been stated for th e opinion of · the On the following Court. " th eir really h andsome dresses·, and many explanation of the equanimity now observ- port in the colony. opportunities, readily availed of, for able among Stock exchange frequenters moming tho first strange object that The d ecti.on of mem bers of the York artist ic groupings. Mrs. Gibbs as will be public property. c:-iught the early r isers' eyes, was the s.s. Roads Bo:-ird r es ulted in the r eturn of "K1itisha, " and M r. Hart as "Ko K o," Crowds continue b earing down upon the Franklm bouud south lying at t he jetty. t he following gen tlemen :-R. G. B nrges from t he " Mikado," sec ured t he hon ours Ashburton and fresh information is badly S he brought no fresh or startling n ows, K. Edwards C. R. Knight J. 'l'. Mono-er of the even in g, their singing and ,toting wanted from that quarter, n o r eliable news and one thin g was clearly evident, that J. Pyke J. 'l'. P ark er and 'vV. L. Roo1)s. having come to hand for some time. being much admired. her ballast was not al l gold. The weather is most delightful and t he Money is still very tight, an d n o change J. Thompson writiug to th e Advert·iser prospects the season offers at present are of importance need be looked fo r in this says t hat for selling apples to two boys, certainly very enco uraging . 'l'HE military celebratio n of Her Maj esty's direction for some month s yi;t. on a S unday, h e was summ on ed and May 26th. birthday was carri ed out most successfully, It is noticeable that t he r eported p l'O· ~~~~~~~~"""!!~ owing to the complete a rrange ments bable collapse of the Midland Ra ilway fined one pound and costs by Ne wton. GREENHLCLS . devised in the Military Office by !Yfajor Concession is viewed with harrowings of tho policeman. This is the first tim e P ilki ngton a nd the Staff Adju tant soul in some quarters, yet it is a fac t that we've heard of a policeman wielding this From ou t· own Cor respondent. Lieutenant Campbell. The Frnmantle at the very same time a ring is being arbitrn ry po 1Ver in co11j unction with his Tire weather fo r t he past three weeks co ntigent of volu nteers number('d 120, formed to snaffle t he concern on tbe first baton. After the r ain ca me four or fiv e chys of has been :i,ll that could be desired. while there was a good attendance of the opportunity. Decisive action is therefore Guildford Rifles und er Major Gard iuer what is most to be desired at thi s moment fine warm we,tth er, t hen it blew and P l ough\ng is i '.1 fu ll swin g , the early rained so hard that se veral of the small so wn fallow 1s looking gree n and b_ut t_h e M_.R. V. had a poor muster con'. syndicatal interests notwithstanding . Farme1is all over the Colony ar e bnsy boats in th o Bay were swa mped, ,Lnd a ht1" lthy. The s1d~nng 1t was the hom e' cor ps. The g rass is c,ro winrt Vanous evol utions, and manual exercise preparing to boom agricultural products cutter, belongin g to the perse vering and splend~dly and very fast. Ev:ryt hin~ longsufforing M r. Broadhurst, was d riven next season, with big expectations of then· were well gone th rough, and the volley ashore anci got embedded in th e sand, ~eems rn good ord er and our faeme rs firin g was r eally excellent, especially that ambitions being largely realized. Live stock in t he local market has where she still lies. a re in hopes of anoth e r good se:.isou. oE the Guildford men in the first round shown an upward tendency, beef going More disastro us n ews has come from I h ear from good aut hority that ou1· th~ir discharge being like that of one man'. to t he front owing to stocks rnnning out. Dongarra wh ere t he Planet was d rive n easte rn golclfield is getting quite liveiy His _Excellency the Adm inistrator, accom- M11tton is firm at 3d per lbs for lots of ashore, ancl owi r, g to the rocky bottom, again. A number of men a r e to st a r t par11Ad by Lady Fraser, was present cl uri ng 100 or over . The pork market is well beca me a total wreck. She had on board th~ rP.v1ew, and the stray glea ms of sun- stocked, and no change of prices is from this port, ovel' 300 bags of grain an d work th is week, I believe. Teams a re shin e temp ted qu ite a large numb er of the recorded. For other stocks and produce st.i ll carting to the /i0lds, al t hou o-h the ctt1zens of P erth an d Fremantle from goods Hu o-h McKernan & Co's bi-weekly 10 tons of ge neral cargo, all of which, as roads are in ,t bad st,:ite. Two teams well as herself, was lost. Next c,tme the t heir h omes. In the afternoon th e le vee circular d;ted 27th inst (Tuesday) shows news t lrnt th e Electra wa s drive n on t he ar e star ting from h ere this week fol' was well attend ed, 11 otwithst::111d ing the · the following as ruling quotations for the beach ,it the same place, but particula1·s of So uthern C ross, driven by Mess l's John week. downpo ur oE rain. Ducks 3s. 7d per pair. '.l'able Fowls 4s. h er fat e are as yet confl ictiug . Mr. R. Pilkington and Th os. Oa n oll. f Young chickens l s. 3d. 'I'm·keys 8s. 9d. Burton went to Frenmntle a few weeks The ti welling house of M I', h s Excellency th e Administrato r for Bunbury Butter l s 4d. lb . Cheese 9d. lb. ago and purchased the E velee n Mary for ';arded a teleg ram to the Secrotriry of Pot atoes £9. Roller F lour £12 5s. 6d. the p urpose of trading in t his poet. On Enright w:i.s burnea to t he g rnu~ 1d 01~ S t ate for the Colouies ask ing inforn,ation Stone do. £ 10. Bran £ 7 7s. 6d . Pollard her way hither in ballast, Burton himself F riday last. :Mr. E nr ic,ht h;,_5 s usbo.inas to the completion of the Midland Rail- £8 Ss. Cut H ay £4 p er ton. Wheat sailing her, s!~e was ca ught in t he above ecl a great l?ss, a s a q u ar,l:ity of wh eat :~ay. Th~ foll owing re ply was return ed: 4s. 5d., Oats 3s. 6d., and Barley 3s. Bel. cles:ribed boisterous weath er a,nd was and flour wit h t h e gl'eate,· part of his Referrmg to yo11r telegram of the per bu~hel. driven on the beach some 50 miles so uth ho useh old furrnt.u l'e w as d estroyed .









29, lb90

GOVERNMBNT GAZETTE. who won by 3ycls. J. Hayden, 30ycls. 2 Lloyd, 30ycls 3. Is was a pity the tim ekeeper, in the excitement, forgot . to stop YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. THURSDAY, MAY 23TH. his watch as the race was very fast :mcl would h;ve made a good record. The LEGISLA'rIVE CouNCIL.-By Proclama'rhe following are the acceptances for R ace for boys under 16 was car ried otl by the handicap races, to be run on Monday Twine Robinson second. TilL:ng :1t the tion, the Legislative Council is prorogued from June 3rd to July 1st, unless sooner NORTHAM·. next, at th Fo undation Day Sports of , won by L. Clarkson. ''.[l1e 'I' ug- convened fo1· the despatch of business. rin g was the York Athletic Club :LEGISLA'HON.-'I'he Administrator has of-war between teams of the Newcastle SHEFFIELD HANDICAP. From our own Correspondent. Volunteers a,nd the Newcast!e Athletic received a despatch from the Secretary of 1st Heat. Club was approp riated by the Volunteers, State informing him that the Royal power Everythin g is quiet, at present, in Yards. and bro ught a splendid clay's sport to a of dis-allowance will not be exercised in town. A few light showers of rain J. Hevron ... 11 conclusion. I am glad to kn ow that after respect of the following Act s passed in foll d t1 ri ng th e week. 'I'.hos . Conway 14 paying prizes and all expenses, the club 1888:- Nos.1 to 6, No. 8,anclNos. lOt0 A photographer is at present on a W. Barndon 12 has cleared £30 by the takings at the gate, 20 inclusive. .A.J"porn•1·MENTs.-vV . L. Owen to act as vis it here for a few weeks. Several 2nd Heat. totalizator wheel, concert and ball. of Olli' peo ple are availing themselves W.W. Fleay 10 Among the visitors prese ut I noticed Gover nment Resident, Deputy Chairman Court of General Sessions, the MagisJ. J. White .. . 8 of his se rvicos, as it is not every day the well-known sport Mr. J. Hayden, of trate of the Local Court, and Sub-Collector 12 'l'. Sermon .. . Mr. D. Symon and Mr. D . McDonald. of Customs and Internal Revenue of the that such a chance is offered. The latter gentle man t\lso sang at the North District, during the absence on duty 3rd Heat. Our plucky an l determined sprinter 9 J. Brand concert in the evening. of R. C. Hare; H. C. Prinsep to act "" Mr. A. E. Lockyer, won th e Sheffield J'as Conway .. . 12 Chief Draftsman and Custodian of Plans H iinclicap iu ewcastle, last Ft·iday, None ot the scullers h as been so in the Survey Department, vice George J'.A. Dexter .. . 11 closely pursued by the well-known closely "touted" in his w_ork as our Vincent, _retired. 4th Heat. Newcastle runne l', l\il'. G. H. J. 1-GoADS BoARDs .- T.he election of the visitor, O'Connor, but, unlike Hanlan 8 P. J. Lawler Leeder. He also won the 50 yards A. Mellows ... 14 his style and general appearance in an follo wing is notified :- Weliington: J. Partridge J. F. Johnston, J. F. Forrest. Swan: Handicap after a desperate stru ag le outrigger do not t end to cause Ausira- G. Hu1mLE HANDICAP. W . Logue. Y01·k: R. G. Burges, C.R. wit h Lawler. These two run~ers lians to fear losing the champion ship. 1st H eat. Knight, J. T. Monger, K. Edwards, J. ''I'. started · from th e s:1rne mark in this 15 S. T. Ferguson Seated in his boat O'Connor is m uch Parker, J. Pyke, W. L. Hoops. 13 J. Hevron .. . race and l'9.ll two dead heats in the MuNICIPALr.rrns.-'rhe by-laws of the less formid able than when making his 12 J. J. White .. . fin al, Lockyer winning the third time. very sensible speech after landing in Guildford Municipal Council are pub18 W. James lished. Leeder, the Newcastle rrian, is the the colony. There is really nothing 2nd Heat. TENDERS AccEPTED.-W. Zimpel-new favorite for ·t lrn York Sheffield H a nditaking in his style, which is anything 15 J. Brand Public Offices, Perth, supply blinds for cap with the uetting m en of this town. 10 P. J. Lawler ... but perfect, sti!l those who know, or seventeen windows, £9 17s. J. & W. 15 J RS. Conway On Saturday last a haystack, fancy they do, vote him capable of Bateman-supply requirements for water MILE HANDICAP. containing some 15 tons was driving his craft along at a su rp rising se1·vice and Swan River mouth improvements, Fremantle, at schedule rates. R. Yards. burnt to ashes. The sta ck belonged rate, and after all his detractors may 0 . Law-execute repairs. &c., to jetty, Scratch Jas. J . White to Ml'. Robert Carter, jr., a nd was have cause to regret arri, ing at conDongan a, £288. I-I. Sadler-Survey Office, W. Trew situated within 50 yards of his clusions thus early. On the other Perth, supply ancl fix, speaking tube, S. T. Ferguson " dwelling hou se. The fire was ca used 40 J. Brand ... hand, many good judges, favo ur £1 18s. 6d. Joyce Bros.-Survey Office, Perth, shelves and scren in Surveyors' A. Beckett ... 40 by one of the children applying a O'Connor's chance of returniug to Room, £ 13 9s . ; supply two mounting 40 Jas. Conway lighted mateb to a heap of straw in th e America ith the honour he left to boards, £2 10s. J. Beckett .. . 60 yard. Another stack, withi n a yard win, and it would be wise of others to EDUCATIONAL .-G. Hamersley appointed W. James .. . 70 of the one burnt, was saved by th e withold their verdict a little longer or a mem'ber of the Greenough District 70 B. J. Wedgood Board of Education, vice Rev. Fat.her timely assistance of some n eig hbours, until he is reduced to something li ke Long, resigned. wh o kept the flames under with tubs NEWCASTLE ATHLETIC CLUB his racing weight. THE BANKRUP'l'CY Ac'.l', 1871.-Jn 1·e J ames SPORTS. of wate r until the passage between the Doonan, Fremantle (bankruptcy) : final The twenty-six hours go-as-you-please (Communicated.) two stacks wa s made considerably dividend 9d. in the £, payable on and contest between A. A. Dixon and J . These sports were he:cl on the Recreawider. Regan was commenced on last Friday after 16th inst. In 1·e Joshua Davies, For some weeks past Mr. G. Taylor tion Ground · on the 23rd, the weather evening at 8 'p.m .. amcl concluded on builder, Freman.le (liquidation) : meeting being splendid and· the arrangements first h as been lying in a precario us class. Owing to th e wet weather wluch Saturday at 9·40 p.m. It was originally of creditors, 29th inst., 8 p.111., trustee's office, consider close of liquidation, r elease cond!tion . He is sufferin g from cancer prevailed on the previo us clays the track decided to l19lcl it in Lhe preceding week, of tmstee, and discharge of debtor. I believe, and Dr. Dunlop now holds was heavy in the morning but it improved but Dixon caught the prevailing influen za ~ u a . . . s . . out no hopes of his recovery . with the warmer temperature of the after- and was forbidden by his 1n attendant to attempt any severe bodily noon. May 26. 1890. The officials were Mr. Adams, R.M. exertion in his then stat e and therefore and Mr. B. D . Clarkson J.P. Judges ; failed "to come up to time ." Regan Mr. ~T. Donegan starter. ;ivr:c. H assa.?' oenero usly ,vaiv_ecl.all cbi m on th is . sco1·e ALBANY. assistant starter; Mr. E. Scott IIandi- to t1ie stakes, allowed Dixon a week t.o fac tory. John is evid en~ly moving, cappP.L' and r eferee ; Mr. B . Connor, recover ·and at the expiration of that time From our own Correspondent. The first train to arrive a t secretary ; and they carried out the duties offered to further postpone the contest Sickness h as been rathel' prevalent entrusted to them exceedingly well. M r. pending Dixon's complete recovery. Georgetown, Q si nce the floods reached h ere of late, and many person s , both Scott; is deserving of special praise for his Dixc,n how ever pronounced himself fit th ere on Monday l 2th. Flour is young and olcl, are still laid up . 'l'he handicapping, particularly in the 50 ycls. and the race was started as above. quoted at £60 a ton. general complaint appears to be a handicap clash, in which A. Lockyer and Dixon was outpaced from the first, and P. Lawler ran twocleacl h eats and L ockyer it is questionable whether he had Like bi deceased bro th er, t be Duke mild form of influenza. completely r ecovered from the prostration Her Maj esty's birthday was duly won the third time by six inches only. induced by the attack of " la grippe." of E dinburgh is subject to epileptic fits. observed in Albany. The Plantagenet The time in this race wa~ very fast, Ee kept gamely on the track until shortly One of these preve nted him from attendLockyer running the fnll clist,rnce in 5 4-5 ing the King of Portugal's l\1nernl. Rifles under the command of Capt secs. As the world's record 1s 5¼ secs, after h,tlf-past nine on Saturday evening, De Hamel, fell in at the Town I-fall, we can congratulate oursel ves in possess- and, after completing 104 miles 3 bps M1 . Wm . Morri s, poet and socialist, and a t D a.m. the salute andjim-d11- ing a runn er who _ can get so announced himself as clcfeatec1, leavin g, hns bee n predicting a revolu •ion which, Regan the winner with 105 mi les 8 laps, joie was fired, after which the men near it. The folbwrng are the wi ll begin wi th a war on labou r. Th1:1 The succesoful competitor appeared perproceec1ec1 in skirmishing order to the winu ers of th e diffe ren t events :fectly fresh, and proved th e splendid con- mil ita ry, he mys, will be fi rs t calied out Rifle range and spent the remainder The Maiden Race of 120 yd~., for which dition to which h e lrnd been brought by lo shoot <lown st ri k ers , and f,he presen t of the clay in prize firing. 'l'he t,here were 12 entries, was won by A. J. his trainer Mr. R. Fitzgerald . social syetem will be afterwa rds overSinclair of P erLh, L . Lockyer 2 and J . presentation of the prizes will take Bourke 3. Sinclair got hom e by one foo t The Rowing Club intend thrown. place a t the Town Hall, on W ecln esclay tim e 13 secs . In the Sheffield Handicap holdingFremantle their An nual Reggatta on evening n ext, to be followed by a the winners of the preliminary heats Monday, June 30th. 'l here will be in The Minister of Public ·works has: Volunteer ball . were, A. Lockyer 7ycls. 13{ secs ; J . addition to the usual fours, pairs, single accepted t enders for the completion of An accident which fortunately Bourke, 10 yds. 131-5 secs ; W. Donegan, and double sculls, a greRSy pole, clingy th e work of widening the Y a rra, resulted in no serious consequences, 7 ycls, 12 2-5 secs. ; II. L eeder, () ycls. sculling and pulling ·aces, and a 120 between the new ]~rinces and Queen's yds, Handicap open to all members of the occurred to the 6 p .m. mail train on 12 2-5 secs. ; L. Clarkson 12 ycls. 12½ secs. associated clubs. bridges. The a l ternative tender of M. The second series of heats was clra wn Thur3day evening last, at a spot about and Gardner and Co. was accepted at run off in lots of two each , with one In a match at football between teams D miles from Albany. It appears bye, and A. Locker was lu cky enough from the Fremantle and High Schools, Mr. £7737 if t he bed rock to be removed that an empty goods van was placed to get it, and he had a walkover. The Briggs' boys "put them through" easily. from the Y arra be placed on the north on the main line, about h alf a mile others draw n toge th er were Clarkson and bank and built iuto a wall; and £6737 'l 'he opening match of tho football if th~ stone is merely to be carried_ from the Tor Bay junction, and on Bourke, L eeder and Donegan ; Clark son examination it was found that the and L eeclet· winning. Great in terest was season was played on Saturday on the away. centred in the and the result was New Recreation Ground between the first brake was clown ancl pinned, the A. Lockyer 1,final, H. L eeder 2, and L. twenty and the second twenty-five of the Even tLe T ories themselve.s seem to wheels chocked and the points altered au d proved tL "soft thing" fo1, the place Cl~ rkson 3. Lockyer getting a way well Rovers, littl e value on tbe judgment of seniors. In Cotrell senr. the Rovers have and unlocked, facts which clearly caught his men before going fifty ya rd s acquired a good ruck player, and in t be S pecial Comm ission. A rthur prove that a most determined attempt and won rather easily by two yards in Cottrell junr. they have gained a first class had been made to wreck the train . 12 2 secs. The race foi: boys under 12 goal sneak. His kicking was much O'Connor, one of the "criminal conspirnto rs" found. g uilty of trying The driver noticed th e obstruction at was taken by L eeder with Scott second . admired on Saturday. to expel the En glish g arrison from a distance of about 20 yards when h e In the 50 ycls Handicap Dash, the winners Articles were signed fo r a match Ireland, has been put upon the Ji8 t. at once applied the brake and shut of heats were G. 4 ycls. in 6 secs.; off steam, but not in time t o prevent F. Gre en, 6ycls. a walkover ; P. Lawler, between Brown and Bubea r for £ 100 of th e six chairmen provided for the, 1yd., 6 secs. ; L. Lockyer, 3yds. 6 secs. ; a side, to t ake place on June 6 over Grand Committee of t he Honse of a collision. The sudden application A . L ockyer, l ycl., in 5 4-5 secs., after th e Parramatta champion course. Commons. Mr. O'Coono r was once of the brakes threw the passengers ofI being put back a yard for breaking. Brown lost his late ra ce by a bit of a cl erk in the War Office, an d in their seats, but otherwise they were Sec0nd round: P. Lawler beat G. possessi ng marvellous not injured. The front of the engine Sinclair by half a yard, in 5 4-5 secs. , bad j u.dgement_and a .bit of bad luck, addition lo was only slightly damaged, and after and A. Lockyer won by a foot in 5 4-5 secs., and ,~ith all ~hm~s £_all' and square he, acquaintance with th e rnles of the a short delay she proceeded on her beating L. L ockyer and F . Green. In on this occas1on, 1s likely to give the House chsp!ayed from the beginning a lrnowlodge of fi nani:e. journey. The only wonder is how the final after running two dead Englishman a dressing. heats Lockyer beat Lawler by 6 inches in A d' everyone and everything escaped so well. 5 4.5 secs. The final t h of tho;i d ui:clle R ace ccor m g to e . late st London The libel action brought by Mr. J'. An eleven of the Albany C.C. left was won by S. F erg uso n, 7ycls. in 17 cab.les ~he A u~trahan , race-horse T. Brown, ex M.L.A., against the Age, by train on Saturday, for Katanning, secs ., M. Lawler, 7yds. 2, and H. Chicago I~ to be given an opportunity came before th e Full Co urt on Tuesda to play a match with a combined Clarkson, 3ycls. 3. F or th e Half M_ile I of becorn_rng thoroughly acclimatized ) It arose out of an article published {~ country team. Ban~1cap, thern were 18 sl;ai:ters with I before bern g called upon to race. In ,· r eference to the ],1st Parliam t . The German barque Meta put into handicaps ran 6mg from scratch to 65 ycls, thu~ acting Mr. J. E. Savill is dis- electi ,h· l ·cl · en ary • t . l f ons, " ic 1, accor m g to the Albany the other clay disabled. Her and it proved a great race. At a hundred p layrng grea wise om or to have plai'11ti·ff l h' ft · from home, the scratch man, S. ., , . .· . ' . . _ , _accusec im o i·ymg to get cargo, about 400 tons of fl our, which yards Forguso n, was leading with Lloyd and put Con sa n cl c s_bn_lha nt son I uto work mto P arlrnment under false peetencesis all more or less damaged, is to be two others close up! Hayden twenty yards now and expect L~m to undergo t he namely, by pretending to be in tl solcl by auction. behind, who commg very fast ctmgbt necessary preparatw11 would have been Catholic interest The result . le May 26, 1800. Lloyd, but could not q ui te reach Fergu.son to court disastrous results. verdict of £500. · was a.

j ll o 11 t i n g.

The cause of the fire is supposed to be aspat'k blown from a burnincr tree which stood about two chains from the house. M ay 26 1890.








29, 1890.


Sir Charles R ussel, M.P., has ret.urn ed to England great!)'. benefi ted in health uy bis trip to .M11de1ra.

T l1 e Melbou rne AGE is indignant at th e Egeria court-mar tial, yet this renegade Radical j ournal was most enthusiastic in scp porting tho N r,val The areat Northern Colliery, at Defen ce Bill by which Aus tralian Teralba,"' N .S.vV. b as heen sold for money is spent on s uch proceedings. £20,000 to a Sydney and M elbourne A sand pump near Boise City, syndicate. Indiana., recent)y brought up a flint A hu (l'e water spout, calculated to be idol from a depth of 320 feet. It is half a ':nile in diameter, and 80 feet claimed to be the oldest mark of hiah was observed off the coast between hnm an life on record, by Professor s;d;1ey and Newcastle last wedr Wright, of Oberlin College Ohio. travelling with immense speed. The Sydney BULLETIN coruplai □ s Ao appropriation of 350 ,000do~. that its latest imitator, the West bt been nrnde by Congress for expenmente In boi·ing- fo r artesian water to A ustrnlian BuLLETlN, does its " godsuppl y canals to irrigate a rid pub lic fatLer the honour of plagiari,i,ing." It is gru tify ing to fiad our Pitt-sl re~t lands. neig hbour luyiog clai m t-:J Ro nwtlti ng H .M.S. Opal left Port Jackson, god ly at last. vVe al wn r s il 10L1 g !it. it homeward bound, on Saturday morn- waH pro ud of its ow n un goJliness . ino-. Captain Bosanquet stated his ini;e~tion of knocking off the irons fro~ Mr. John Deasy, memb er for West the Egeria prisoners as soon as the ship Mayo, and Mr. J. R. Cox, member for crot outside the Heads. East Clare, entertained the members t, of t he Australian cricket team in the The Government of Victoria, have House of Commons on .!\fay 1. After decided to proceed with the erection having been shown over th e building of t he north-east front of Parliament t he cricketers were banqu eted. The House. It is estimated that this will Irish Ms.P. travelled with the cost £84,840, and allowing for em er- cricketers from Adelaide to London. gencies, Mr. Gillies promises to set apart £30,000 a year for three years. The Emperor of Austr ia bas just made Count Taaffe Chancellor of the The Williamstown Council is at Order of LeopJld. The Count hap pens present in an unevitab le position. They to be also au Iri sh peer ( although his have about £8000 of an overdraft. name lends itself to a reasonable Yesterday all the council's labo ur~rs suspir.ion of W elsb origin)· ; and, strange and stonebreakers were ebarged, with to say, his predecessor, Count Cr~noethe exception of the indispensable ville, claimed descent from tbe Bishop labour for scavenging the town. of London. Mr. J . S. Sandars, private secret ary to Mr. Matthews, and Conservative candidate for Mid-Derbyshire, addressina a meetincr in that constituency 0 "' . 1 last week, referred to t he 8 pec1a Commission, saying that he c?ulcl tell them at the present moment Sir J arnes Hannen is a Home Ruler.

T tle ,.astest time on record was made '' on th e Norther□ Pacific Road, th e oth er day, if we can believe .a despatch fr om H elena to the St. L oms Globe-Democrat whicb, after r ~ferring to a coilision say~: - " A relief car, ~r~wn by t:~ eogrnP.s,. left_ Hele~□, :nakrn~, tli~ ~ 1 : s seven miles m foq t _mrnuteB. 'Ib is. 1 -u o \:,l ..:a-gt:"Oil uoFP~a.·ro b be __a th.!u:at.e...of...105 m es__;rn hOJir, wh~ healthiest capital in the world. Its ce rtainly beats . the record. pres"1nt death-rate i~ 16·83 pe r A Bill passed the N .S.W. Parliament lQOO; the death-rate of Melbourne, 18 per 1000 ; Ecinburgh, 20 ; Loo don, 22; last Or.Lober em powe rin g th e promoters Paris, Vienna, and New York, 27 ; to tak e a wa te r sn pp! y for tlie irn portao t Dahlin, 28; and Cairo, wliicb is one of di strict of Broken Hill from th e Ri nll' the most unhelllty of capital towns, 41 Darling, the length of the li De beiog about s ix ty miles. Th e cost will !;le per 1000. ab out 11 quarter of 1, million ste rli Dg. Stock Inspector Needham, of.13urrn Th ere is anothe r Bill at present before S.A. reportB lbat a most, serious Pa rliam ent to impound water at disease, believed to be the influ enza, is Stepbe □ ' s Creek ,, about twelve miles rarring among the horses in the nor th. fr .. m BrokeD Hill. O~ one farm six vahrnble horses died In connection witli th e flood~ at within a day or t wo. On two oth er farm s four died . Several c~~es are also W algett it was s hown at a meeting of reported of horses being unwel l. All resi dents on Wedn esday th at g reat the cases were North of Burra, and des tru ction of property has tak en place One selector lost 13,000 s heep. T he were from 50 to 100 miles apart. riv e,- is now wi thi n its bttok s aad fall ing The Sydney Daily Telegraph has fast, bot al ong the in termediate coun try notified in its columns that the pro- between the Narrn n, a g reat spread of prietors have instructed their solicitors water still exists, but is fallin g slowl y. ' to proceed against the Sydney Bulletin T he streets and yarJ s ar@ drying ll p for an a lleged libel published in its rnpid ly. 'l'be only news from, Bou'.·ke columns regarding the recession of Mr . is that the tow nspeo ple are ' cle,mng Ward, the editor of the Daily Telegraph. op," as for as circ um st11□ ces will allow. The outcome is watched for with much interest in literary circles. The The ~·alue of hand grenades for the Bulletzn people say that sho uld the extinction of incipient fires has been libel be proceeded with, th ey h ave a n abund antly demonstrated, and t_hey ::we excellent defence. to b e found in corners and corndors of :-uany public buildings and privat_e Two . announcemen ts latel y g iven in houses. There is, how ever, n o necessithe papers of a provincial exam iuati oo oeserv e some record . Said the writer ty for payi1:g ~ancy prices _ ~or this useful and mchspensable artic le. A of one: " T he fo,rnd ers of Rome were perfect substitute for it is to b~ found twin s, called Romeo and Juliet, who in an ordinary bottle fill ed with the were s uck led simultan eo usly by a sbesolution. The solution is composed of wolf." 'l'he second , with perhaps 11 one pound of common s~lt a1:cl on erarer note of invention, declared : half pound of sal-mnmomac, dissolved "Ishmael was turned out of doors by in about two quarts of wa ter. Abraham, beca use li e was caught trying to wean I saac secretly." Bo th Some time ago it was announced deserve a place in th e niches reserved th at Mr. W. Sewell, A.R.A . M., had to the im mortals. been 11dro itted in to the Ro man Catholic It is a fashion with some non- Cb u re h . More recentl y his exa mplef Catholic writers to account the so- had been fo ll owed by many pe_rso ns o called r eformation the forerunner of distiocCion in C lapham, i11 clud1 og tbe modern d emocratic mov ements and R evs. M. r. Tatlock and Mr . Beasley, . tes. D111·1· 0".. th e past week. Mr.t popula r enlightment. B ut a popula r cu1a '! Protestant · write r, M adam Louisa 'I 1omas Gale, as sistant orga111 . dst . a Muhlbach, has the courage of a con- Obrist Church, bas bee1, . re?e1ve rnto trary conviction. She write.:i in h er th e Catholi c . Chnrch oi St. ,Ma ry, ard "John Milton and his Times":-" The Cl ap h .,1m, by th e V ery 'TRev. Edw .· s . f O' Lave rt,y the recto r. he pt l ee LS o reforrnation was far more advantag<wus to the p rinces than to the St. Mary have now received upwards ?f people. It enriched the kiJJgs and im- 1000 persons into the Roman Catholic communion, poverish ed the people,"

Mr. P a rnell bas accepted m~ apology The provisions of the new Divorce from the Exeter Gazette for reprodur.- Act w~re severe ly condemned by ' the ing the Tim es' allegod facsimile letter, comm ission of tli e Presbyt~rian General l and instructed his solicitor to with- Assembly at its co nclud ing_ sitting ·'o~ draw the prosecution for libel. the 9th im,t. The Anglican 13ishops of 1Vlelbou r11 e 3:nd Balla.rat hav~ al~g• The Spectator bas offe red Mr prono unced agn mst th e m~asore, ana Michael Davitt tha sum. of £250 and in stru cted their clergy no t to re-marry costs not lo proceecl with his action persons divorced un der the clauses ngainst that paper, for de~c ri bing him whi ch increase t,h e faci li ties fo r ob tni □ i ng11 in its issuo ot' Februury l as "having divorce. been sentenced, justly or unjustly, to a long te rm of penal se rvitude for hi s D r. ,A ugu stns Jessopp's republished shfl re in a political murder." The It ssnys, eal,itle<l 7.'hc 'J.'1·ictZs of a Goitntry Spectator· also exp resses its willingn ess Parson, (Fisber U nwio,) are amu sing to make a furth er apo logy if Mr. i n muuy wny ~, but th ey are also fo ll of Davitt is not satisfied with the one serious There is· much food prev-iousl y • pnblts})ecl. lt is said that for refl ection in his remarks on the Mi. Davitt will agree to th e proposed vast piles of inaccessible docu ments ~c 1J lem ont of th e ease. stowed a way in such pi n,'"°' as St. ' l\ fo.rie '.l'h en.>S(', the Frc11ch S iste r of P 1111 l's Catheilrnl and Wrst.minster Mercy who received th e cross of the Abt,c.:y . Ho ·, hould not call the ®Hapter ,Iegio n of Honour at the hands of the of t\ t. Paul's the g reat " Metropolitan" G9 verno,1· of Tonquin, has li ved a nob}~ Cimµter (9 . 192 ), fo r that tit le belougs life. She was only 20 years of age to Canterbury. But we tru st that '.Dr. when she receiv ed . be1· fir.· t wou11d in Ohnrch and D r. Brndley, and other t he trenches of Balaklava. She' was high ly-paid dignitari es , will see Dr. wounded again in the battle of Mage1,1ta. J cssopµ' s observatio ns nod will do som ethi ng. The great"! r p!).rt of the ' L a:t er she pursued her chosen mis~ion papers at S t. Puul's we are assured by under her country's flag in Syri~1 Dr. Lyto, has nev1,r yet been exam ined China, and Me Iico. From the battlefor literary or bistoric,il purposes. As £ elcl at W oerth she was carried away to W es t;minster Abbey, Dr. Jessopp' suffering from serious injuries, and besays, '' Within tb e very' walls where fore she had r ecovere1 she was again history was a-making •t hrough tbe performing her d uties. ages, in the very haodwriting · 1 of the ' A Boys' Home, somewhat on the men whose lives were passed within same plan as that al ready working in the precincts . . . . tbere, huddled 1 Dublin, has been opened in Belfast. togethe1: in bunks and Cru uks, arid The idea originated with some gentle- sacks and boxes- po one can te ll you meu of the Society of St. Vincent de exac tly where-there is such a wealth P au l. The house was opened this of materials," that, in sho rt, wb,;t we week with a dinner to a large number ciill history will cert nin ly liave to be d of boys. The dinner room accomo ates written over ag a in when ' these treasures a hundred, and beds in the dormitory a re brought out into the light. ')(' a:~ove are " let" at a penny a night. For his penny each lad gets a bath, hot or cold, a clean shirt for the night, FOR D U T Y1 S S A K E. soap, towel, and brushes for boot cleaning, The beds are good sp1:mg A S'l'ORY OJJ' 'l'HJ, BRAVE DAYS OF OLD . beds with really comfortable covenng. - Dim,e i·, r to be serv£d every day at a penny a h ead. CHAPTER XI. Another Belgian priest, the Abbe Testevuide, a missiona ry in J apan, has devoted himself, now for some years, to the succour of lepers. Nis chance discove ry of a wom an a ll but blind, a nd dying of leprosy, a bando ned by h er husband in a hut in the country; unable to get food or clothing for herself, suggested to the pri,c st the building of a hospital for s uch sufferers, of whom a certain number are found in J apan. H e ministered · to t he poo r woman until her death, wh en he set about getting a piece of la nd. In this he was opposed and thwa rted by the whole populatie n, e.v en when he proposed to take his site in a. very wi lde rness, at the foot of Fusi-yama. Such a pretext as th e traditional right of t he public to cut the grass on a tract of land whither nobody ever went, was alleged again st him by t he ingenious J apanese, who feared that to recogt1ise and to succour leprosy would be t o increase its clanger s. At last a proprietor conse nted to sell a piece of ground, on condition tha t his name should be recoded as that of a benefactor, and the hospital was built and quickly fill ed. The chari table priest is appealing to his co untrymen at hom e for help in maintaining it. Tbe Pnn sla vis ts are c©m ing to tbe fore aga in. '.l'hore is an hgit11t ion ugninst the oame of the Rn ssian capital " S t. reters burg." of wbi cli at leas t th e lat1er half is G errunn . The P uri sts have bit uµon a purely Slav fo rm of it, "Petrog ra<l ," wbich tb ey persis t in employiog, to th e dis may of tli e_ postal autho rities. A still wid er ag itation, i:Jeg uu by tbe Moscow Gazette, is being carri ed on netivoly by the Russian press ag ainst the Grego ri an Calendar. Not coo ten t with clingin g to th ei r antiquated an d obsolete Cale1Jd11r t,h emselves, wh ich leaves them 12 days behi 11,l th o rest of tbe civilised worl d, th ese zealous Panslav ists wisl1 to see th e Poles al~o forced to arloµ t tb e Greek Cn lenda r ; an d th e Moscow Gazette pleads tha t ut least in th e g ovt> rnn, ents of Lublia, t\ iedicc, uud Augusl,ov, t lie Gregor ian Calendar s hould be strictly forb idden,

and those who refuse to co1nply 1 deported to $i9cric1,

RETURN FROlVI '.l'HE CRUSADE. The serv ants of the cast\e shouted with joy when they saw him. He j umped off his horse and, aL1x·o us to see his mothP-r 1·apiclly ascended the st,iirs. 'vV arncd by t he servants' excla mations, lVIme. d,u HomI\1et came out t9 meet him. She pa used a t th e t~resholcl of the drawing room, wh,e re she stood pa.le and aged by quite ten years, since 1:otst h e saw h,er. H er dress was deep mourning. " 0, my motha1· !" said vVilliam, t hrowing hi1pself i 1to her arms. " Do you know of our loss 1" "Yes, my son," said she, "the b eU of t he tower rang 0}/-t oE I its own accord. Such a , thing only happens when th e head of thGe family du Hommet dies. It toiled th e kn ell a t eleven o'clock ,it night on Whits oue\•e." " It was t,I,r, exp,c t t \me m cl clay my father died ," ~aid 'W illiam. ' ' I-Iis last word s we re fo r you, mother. 'Honour and respect your good mother, William, ' said he to me, ' a,ncl repay h er for a ll 1he happiness she g,we, me. Give h er t his rin g, which she p laced on my finge r on the clay of our marriage. I have n ever bee n untrue t0 the faith I promised her: I hope we s~mll meet , i n he~ven. H e r p raye rs will hasten my entrance to that blessed a bode. ' " Mme. du Hommet kissed the n uptial rin g :tnd sile ntly put it on h er finge r . She r ecollected herself for a fe w mornents, then st eadying her· voice she said: "M,1y the Most Holy Will of God be acco1J1plishecl . He has tak en ,tway my dear good husband. I have noth i ng more to do but to pray t o G ol'\ my so n. You :tre now lord a nd waste r here. I give t he keys into you r ha nds in sign of your sovereig11 dom inion over all the goods of the household. " Auel according to the custom of th ose days, the noble widow detached from h r,r cincture the armorial keys, sy mbols of auth ority, a nd humbly gave them Lo he r son. "Keep t hem clearest mother," said vVilliam, k issing h er h and, "keep them at least iintil the day when I




29, 1890

shall bring y ou hom e my darling which towered above t h e mill. At the now fa llen , if we may credit t he s tate - power we have 11 0 dou bt. Th at it will P auline to be your daughter. Have foot of this tree two persons were ments mad e by those wlrn oug ht t,o be exert 11 diBpropo r t ionate influeo ce in onr you seen her late ly 1" seated. W illiam recognized them iu II position to kn ow, to abont 25,000. poli tics seems probable. That i t will "Yes, my son," sad ly said Mme. from afar; they wer e Pauline and Of co urse, wit hout accesR to th e secret£ ever gain surh po wer as to overthrow du Hom met. "I saw h er yesterday . Mary. The latter was turning ~e r of t he pri nti no--rooro none can speak on r li ber ties I do not believe. The Have you brough t back yo ur father 's dist aff; and P auline, dressed in deep positively oo t.l~is s ubject ; but I believe American people are loni-sufferi~g r emains, 'William 1" mourning, was making a wreath of I am not far ff the m ark wh en I sa y under the encroachments of p articular " Th ey a re a t Barfl eur in charge of marguerites. Her beautifu l h air, th at sect ions or classes, but when the evil is the good fath ers at t h e Abbey. We plaited in h e,wy coils, formed a double T HE DAI LY AVERAGE SALE OF THE ripe for retribution, they rise u p an d will h ave a suitable fun era l in a few ·crown on her head, and was partly swee p it away a s with the resistless days when th ey a re brought to the concealed by her v eil. She did not "TIMES" IB NOT MUOH AD OVE 26,000 powe r of.the tides. !VI ea n while, let us fa::nily vault. But pardon me, dearest raise her head when · sh e h eard the or abou t hal f the circulation of a first- hope that Am erican Ca tholics th emselves . moth er, I beg of you to speak to m e footst eps of the young k night. M a ry class provincial da il y. To that fi gure will become so broadened t hat t hey will about Miss de Burgo." at once sprang up, and, ghastly pale, has th e "Thunderer" come ! It is not lose th eir interest i n the dead ch rysalis . "William, the baron de Burgo is made a sign to W illiam t o be silent . surprisiag, for the reports of the Parnell of Italian sup remacy, and will seek to dead, his castle is d emolished, h is Then she motioned towards Pauline, Com mission have been utterly unread- enthrone he re tho trne Head Over All goods a re confiscated. I brought joined her h ands, and p ointed t o able, except fo r about II fo rtnigh t. But who is confined to no country or P a uline h ere, and have b esto wed every heaven. W illiam stopped , n ot daring for th e dras tic nature of the retri but ion hemisphere (sic). care upon her, b ut she would go to th e to approach n earer, and Mary ra n up t o t hat has overtaken the TIMES no ooe was prepared. If a circu lation of. Valley F arm. Sh e is t h er e now, him. . The Westmin ster . Confession, p oor child." "Ah, Master W illiam," cried sh e 60,000 brough t in £ 11;0,000 a year in Mm e. d u Hammet ever sin.ce h e1· " ret urned at last. I said so. I g ross sal es, 11 circu latioo of 40 ,000 cao son's arrival had made s'u perh uman knew that wretched b rigand was tell - on ly bring in £ 100,000 an :l a circula( Mo ntreal T rite Witness) efforts to restrain h er tears.; but now ing a lie. You are ali ve ! You r t ion of 25,000 rep rese nts a further drop of £67,000. An d advertisements have Presbyteri anism is shaken t hrough sh e could command her feelings n o presence w ill b ring back M iss Pauli ne's l onger, and wept bitterly . As soon as reason. H ide yo urself beh ind t hat fallen 500 columns in 1889 below the all its length an d bread th by th e she b ecame a litt],3 calmer, Will iam tree and I will go a nd tell h er you are qu an tity of 1888. This at £20 11 proposition to revise the Westminister questioned h er. She gave h im fu ll here." She returned to P a uline who colum n, amo unts to a loss of £10,000 Confession. It wo rld seem t hat t hese fo r adver ti s:iments. The total loss, good people have outgrown their creed p articulars of what h a d t aken place, had not a ltered h er p osi tion. and have come to the conclusion that without mentioning Pauline's sad "Miss P auline," said Mary, trembl- therefore, fo r adve r tisements aud sales s in ce 1886 may be µu t dow n at £50, it ner, ds amending. st ate of mind. William listened ing with emotion, "I have good news Of all forms whi ch the P rotes tant 000 per a nn um. I t is of cou rse diffiattentively with mingled feelings of of Master W illiam." cul t to say how th is wi ll affect the revolt, miRname~ the _H ef?rma tion, pai n and indignation. P auline did not appear tc1' hear he r. "Dear, good mother," he said at She finished off her wreath , placed it proper ty, bu t it is evide11t t.Jrnt a gros8 asa u med _at. the tim e of its incept io n, Presbyterrnmsin was,• perhaps, the I so l ast, " we will give back to Miss de on her foreh ead for a moment, then f a 11 .mg off o f £50 , 000 pe.I annum •s I • mos t much more seriou s t bnn the loss of g 1oorny . a~ a1 _rep ~1Sive. ts fo unde rs B urgo more than she has lost. Your said : lat ter may be re- / toc k cbeir m sp1rations fr ,,m those p~• t,., affoction and mine will console h er . " I want to go to my castle and £100,000, thut the ·•e of th e O ld Testa me nt ,, b1ch sm ted Before my father expired h e recom - take this wreath to O ur Blessed L ady. gar ded as IJU t a f:l ea- bi. • h · - d 1 · • t e11· pecu 11a r eve oprneo ~ of faua t1c1sm mended me not to wait until the end Y o u know, Mar y, t h e Madonna i n an d app lietl t Lern with total di H regard to of ou r mourning to be married. I am cedar-wood t hat Grandpa brought the times and •circu rnstauci;s when they sure you will grant me this favo ur." back from the Holy Land. Let us go t o The F utur e of Cat h olicism in orig in aied and t hose io wh ich these "Alas! my poor child," said Mme. the castle Mary. Come, I beg of y ou." Amer ica. zealo ts li ved. Cal vin and his foll owers du Hommet, "you must not think of T o be Contin ued. in England also con sulted their P 1J,uline any more." prej udices, an d gave ear to a cr uel an d "Wh at are you saying, Mot her 1 T here has been a good deal of mal ignant spirit. Has she forgotten me 1 Has she been T ime's R evenges. con tro versy of late, wri tes th e Editor But in these later days tbe bat tel' unfait hful to me 1" of the Review of Reviews, as to the lea rn ing and kind lier sentiments of those "No, my son, but she thought you des tiny of the Cathol ic ·Ch urch in the who are called upon to subscribe to the dead, and grief h as unhinged her The Jesuits were t urn ed ou t of A merica n Repub lic. The fo ll owing Westmin iste1:. Confession revo lt ag ai ns t mind." t':l-ermany eighteen y ears ago. T hat · ext ract fro m an ortic le by Dr. the cruel maledi ction and unscriµtural "The sight of me will cure her, wns an act of mad ness, and there was E lleuwood in th e M issionary Review absurdit ies · coo t11ined in it . • Therefore, dearest Mother. Permit me to leave method i n t he madness, fo l' th e will be read wi th interest. It · caonot th ey ask that tbe follow ing points of you for an hour, and I will go down exi, ulsion of the Jesuits was the possibly be all eged th at D r. E llen wood faith be expuoged : to th e Valley." · forerunner of that series of persecutions is biassed in fa vou r of Romanisn . He "Repl'Obatioa. "Stay, my son. Y ou would do no of th e Church k nown by the D A W O ·ecko ns t ho J'luwbm• of u ,,th o li os ; ,, .. Tht, Ui>u,;mGIUll orror,mts. good. My opinion is that Miss d e of Kulturk 11mpf. The frightfu l blun ders Amer ica at 9,000,000, . whic h is 11 " The darn oa tiou of the heathen . Burgo will not recover, and should she committed in th~ cou rse of that "war I " st rong stranded, bard, twi sted agency " The classification of Roma u even receive back the light of her ag ainst Rome" ha ve in a great measure i whi ch no one can ignore. " He poiu t s Catholics as idol ators. reason, I would still oppose your been ret rieved by th e vir t ual repeal of i out that: • "The Statement that t he Pope is marrying her. Madness is an awful the May laws, but the Jes uit law \ '.' In_t he fi_rst place, the great Catholic Anti-Ch rist." thing William !" remains on the statute book, and there gam m t his country has been cl uP L ea veing these out wo uld cer tainly " What, Madame ! would you ad- 1B 110 prospect of its bei!!g expunged . ma!nly to t~ie _cons tan~ tid e of im mig - purify the Presbyterian creed, hum anise vise me to abandon my betrot hed now W h at, then, is t h e mean in g o f the rat10 n. This 1s not li kely to cease so it, so to speak . I t is rather am using, that she is a ruin ed orphan, and be- subjoined not ice, wh ich we cull from long as th e pop ula tions of Europe throw however, to read in the repor ts of the come mad throu gh h er love of me. the Cologne Volkszeitimg ? I off a sm plus , and this al?ne V". ill disscussion on the revision t ha t Bo b Such a thing were impossibl e. My Tbe German 'Emperor bus conferred upon con st autl y_ affe~t th e_ comparntiveratws Ingerso ll was cred ited with h avi ng duty is cleady m arked out for me." F ather Bollig, S J ,, the ins ignia of the Crown of Romamsm rn this country. In th e the P resl,yterian conacieoce to a sense " 1Yiy son, t here are certain cases Order. Father Bollig is n native of Cologne, second place, there is a greater in crea~e of th e true characte r of its "Coofeswh en promises of marriage m ay be and was expelled ·from his coun t ry in pur- of Catholic popu lation by □ at n ral sio n," aod of havi ng actun ll y brou g ht of the law of July 4, 1872. He no w '.I'b · " f Ih broken. Your duty does not go so suance holds, in the Lihrnry of the Vatican, t he geuerat wo . . e ln un en_c~ 0 wea t about a decline of Protestantism in the far as to oblige you to ma rry a p erson important office of second custodian. u pon onr native-born c1t1zens of the United S tBt es . It is well- known that deprived of r eason." Father Bollig and all th e other Ang lo-American st o~k, 8 11 ~ th e incre~s- In l?e rsoll bas 11lm ost inva ri ably levelled "My mother , you have often told German J esu its, some members of the ed extravagnoce wl 11 ch wide ly prevai ls the ~hafts of his rid icu:e at, the W estme that, 'Where duty end s, honour v ery hig hest no bility among them, have operate '.rn favoura i:J ly npon the _number mi aiste r Confessioo . One of t he speakers begins.' " been outlawed all thes e years for being of marriag~s a nd t~e n~tural rn creuse related that :- " In Cleveland one He turned away, saluting h er high ly t!an gerou s characters. Had of popu lat ion. T? .1s from l800 to S unda y eveni og he foun d bis con'g regarespectfully, ordered a fresh h orse to th ey been left alo ne, th e Sociali sts ~s5o; tlrn yop u lanon of th e con_ntry tion much smaller th an usual, and b e saddled, and started at full gallop to wouid uot perhaps now be the bugbear rncreased m_ne~fo ld; th e membership of kn ew it was on ,account of a ·· lectu r e the Valley F a rm. of th e German empire, for it is admitted all evangeli s tic churcb es. tw_enty- seven bein g given in the G rand Opera House on all bnnds that religiou s 'orders in f0 ld; the Roman Ca th olrc s ixty-three- by Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll. After CHAPTER XII. general, and the ,Tesuits in p11rtic1:J l11r, f?\d. . From 185 0 to 18 80 the popu la - bis own service ended he went to the iVhen William arrived at the end are th e mos t effici en t antid ote of Social- twn rncreased 116 per cent. , th e com - Opera H ouse, and foun d it packed to of his own domain, at the place wh ere ism. But whe re is the se n se of munic:ants of Prote st ant cl,nrclws l 85 the roof with people who had paitl I dol it is separated from Brix by , th e li ttle knightin g an oo Liaw ? Cou Id aoy one per ce t ., a nd th e R oman Cathol ics 294 50 cents a head to hear a ' mos t river of Puce, h e got off his horse a nd imagine O'Dono vnn R.ussa being made II per cen}. Or? to tuke an,, tl ,e , h nt:J. of blasphemous tirade agai nst t he B iblP.' tying it up to a t ree, proceeded on foot K .U. M.G ? T he only i oference to be comprrnon , rn 185 0 t be Catholics 'While I was there,' contin ued M r. throucrh a little gateway into a plea- dra wn fr om the promotion of a J es uit equal ed 45 per cen t. of. the tota l Smith, 'th e speaker pulled out a copy sant :ieadow. Often as a child had h e t o kn ighth ood is th is, t.hut the Germa n Prt,test ont cb nrch membe r~htp , and, in of tbe Confession, and for forty minutes come hither to gath er nuts and flowe rs, Ernperor perceives the abs urdity of the 1880 , 63 per ce nt. _ he spoke again st the doctrine of reproand watch the young chatelaine with ostracism to which the J es ui ts ·are still "Wh en we ro o •ide r th e boldness an d bation as t he re set out, and l have to h er attendants and h er foste r sister su bj ected and means to have the J es uit · assurance 0 ~ infideli ty , l think th at a cknow ledge that the argum en ts that wa lking about a mon g it s trees and law repeaied . Macte nova virtute puer. every t?·u_e _fn e~cl of th e c~u se of Christ he advanced in h is racy and attrac tive shady spots. He remembered h ow mUBt 1'0J oll.!e m the alha □ ce of the way were unauswerab.le by me. I they would all walk home together, and Rorua o Cutho!ic C harch in tbis co un try. know that maoy you ng men who were then how welcome t h ey we re a t the T hat it is t1 Christian Church in its there th at night were confi rmed in The L osses of the " Times." farm where Colette would spread great boc~y of bel ievers, and a8ide from their scepticism by the use in that way before them h er delicious cream and its hierarchical ass um ptions , I, fo r one, tha t mgh t of the doctrine tha t we are the finest fruit from the Valley, and hav e no doubt. Tbat t bere are tens oow tryiog to g et ont of the Confession.' " ON THli: ROAD TO RUIN . then throw· logs upon the fire and hundreds of th ousands of real Here we have a singular adm ission Mr. Stead, late of tbe PALL MALL Christians in its commu oion I am coo- of the lamentable failure of one of the to kindle a bright flame which would ligh t up her ch eerful dwell- GAZETTE, iu his ar~icle on th e Turns fid ent. T ha t i ts st rong faith and its st ronges t forms of Protestantism to in the REvrnw OF R E VIEWS, after u nfli nching maintenance of its principles retain the moral and reasoni ng allegiing. The river meadow was still verdant stating tba t th e big er g on " dropped in will help to inter pose 1111 impo r tan t ance of its professors . A more sad and and deck ed with flowers. A few cattle eold cash over £100,000 in connection barrier again t the fl ippant infidelity of h opeless mudd le of a lleged theology were grazing in it, but no person with t,he Comm ission proceedings," goes of th e day, there is good reason to cou ld not be imagined . Ye t these are was to be seen about the place. The on to say :believe. Card inul Gibbon's a bl e book, the people who send missionaries am ong The circu lation of the TillIES to-day recently pu blished, is a st· on g defeoce the Catholic popolation of Quebec sun w as setting, a nd had left the lower to part of th e valley in the shade, is oot 60,000, nor even 50,000. It hac of the common Chris tian faith. " convert" t hem . This is the sort of throwini its golden rays upon the fall en, fo!l en , fallen from 50,000 to 40,"That the R oman Catholic C hurch religion Chiniquy a bandoned Catholicity topmost bran ch es of the g reat oak 000, and fr om 'l0,000 to 30,000 it b a8 in th is country will become a g r at : to em brace!


.... l\1AY

29, 1890 .



......... ~~~~~~~~~-~~"!::~~~~~~~~·~-~~~~""'!.'~~~~~~~~ ..;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ -·


a n ll Me n of uote-Opera s in gers. T h e w ise man's sense- R eticen ce.

A M y ste ry Expla in ed.- 13 illin g : E in stciu, I can 't irnag iu e h ow you can make a liv ing if y o n a lw ays sell out below cost. Einstie n : My fr iondt, I buy ·n elll'up.

, l3urcon : Pape r wn1.0 mu st he ge ttin g up in the world. Did yo u noLice how pc\ itrly h is tail or bowed to hi m ? Bolto n : U u m ph ! 'l'l,o poo r fell ow know s lie', g0t '" i1t• civil, if he e ve r expectd to collect a c-i11 t.


£6 6

<;, ROTlT!i:lUTAH S T L V R R HUN'l' 11;R Ll~VEL:8, Ouamn• teed Lwo years, :it .f. GALL.1£'S, Albany

! '

l:iOLLO WAY's PrLL~ AND Orn:r~l EN'J:.Though it is imposs ible, in thi s climate of , changing temperature, to pYevent ill The man wh o is in love with himself ENTITLED 'l'O GREAT RllSPECl' . health altogeth ol', yet its f !'Ill a nd u su all y bas no i· ivals. 1 · · e trnwrntrute. · ' frcquo nc.1 J,-,, the P nsou m· bcf ore the po lic d may t · be fm uch mitigated d. VJ p M v "' e:u·1y a op 1011 o rerne w,1 m eas ures. Ca ught up wi th cord -The ha nged .. • : " .L on say that yon drauk. Wh en hoarsenoss co uo-h th ick b l'eathin g cri min al. . Ic •?" ' w h'1s I~y beca use you were s:c aud the attending sl0igh' t fe vot· indicate' Inv ari ably s ea son able- Salt, mustard, Pnsoner: " Y es, yont· hooour." initation of tho tlu:o:.Lt orcb est, J:f olloway's P.M. : "What was the mnt tcr with Ointm ent should b e rubbed upon these pepper, vinegar . . yo n?" : ~arts with out delay, and hi s Pills taken A party question- " W'h i1t tun e do Prison er : "A bad co.Id, yo ur I 111 avp ropn ate doses, to p romote its you think they wi lll have supper ?" h " · cmuttve act10n. No catarrahs or sore The boy who hates arithmetic ou gh t on ou r. . 'l I th roats can r esist th ese re ru eclios. Time wi ll tell, but t he ord in a ry man P. M. : "Ju st an ordrnury, e very-day \ Printed d ir ection s en velope every package to be treated summarily . wi th an importa n't secre t won't gi ve common cold ?" ! of Bollow'1y's med icamen ts, wh ich arn Tho oolicy beloved_ ~f scho ol boys- ti me a chance. Pr isoner : " Y es, s ir." su ited to ull ages and condit ions, and to That of ma terly-inr.ct1vity. " Bob, you know patient waite rs are P .M. : "You are di charged . 'l'be \ every ordin ary d isease t o -which humanity The son who goes to wor h. in the m il l no losers. I in tend to r em em lJe r yo u fa ct t hst you had a colrl aod di,J not call is liable. represen'ts the flour of the fam il y . i n my w ill." " T liank yo u, gran d pa; it inflnenza, cutitles yo u to g reat I - - -- - -- - - - ~ Who can g ive the name and address bnt if its all th e sa me to y<m, l'll t nk e nispect." "lfoR 111~ ULooo 1,.c~ •; . t .. Ln·~·''of the shoemaker t h at firs t tried to c_obble my t ip n ow ." 0LAHK.W S WORL\)-l)'Al\lU~l,' BLOOD ~, J ll~ IE!l. stones. ML'TURE is wannntcd to c'e:L11sq the blood Mrs . Cra bbly: Did you h c11 r the howl last night ? Dnderly (to deale r in th eatr ical pro- from a ll impilri1,ies frcin I wl1atev er cause Skipping Quick : No. I .n a ll my W iggins 's dog 1 voyages I neve r had an a ccide n t yet . Crab bl y : I did, and I believe i t to be a prieto rs ):" Aw-- havo you ,rn c h a t bi ng m·1 smµ: . lfor Scrofuh1, 8c\u vy, ;; d11 aud Bloo,l Diseases, a.nd )':So~es of all kin ds , it,s · · b · hb in your estab lis hment as a t:, JH1n-va nF an Tastic : Y ou wr eck less folio w. s11re s ign of death iu t e n e1g our etl'eeLs arc marYclious. 'l'bo u~a 11 <:~ of testivocht !" monials. Sold in boLtl es, 2s. !ld. and 11 s School teacher : Can auyon e tell me h ood. Mrs C rnbbly : Wlio do you D ealer : ' ' A which ?" each by Chem ist s aucl Pntent \1eclicine what a cycl orama is? Bertie McAdam : think is go in g to die ? That dog, V endors eve rywhere. t::olc l'ro'{)rietors D ude d y : " A S ban- v a n-vocht I kno w ; a µic ture of a cy clone. 'J'1rn LlNco 1;,· AND MroLAI:ID 1CoUNTL( -1; D1w o At Y e t Anoth er "At Home."--One some t b ing Irish, yo u kn ow." Co., Lineoln, l£ngland. This 11 ewly - invented noiseless gun- of 'em: W h at's that yo u' re play ing, Deale r: I really do n 't think y ou powder is hard on the newspaper." " In Mr. Snobsby ? Young gen t leman : cou ld get one near er tban Lo ndon ." what way ?" "lt suppresses reports ." Oh , tain't no t oon, .Miss J ones. I was D uderly: "Or a cead mill e failthe ?" SILVER, Ll,i;VE li BU~TER, Cappr, d tJ and .Jewelled, Guaran l·-::cd Lwo yems A j oiut s tock co mpany .-The on ly ex-tern-paw-risin g as I we nt 1iloug, Dealer: " Never .was asked for such a , before, M etropol itan Meat Supply Associat ion. d on't-cher-know. 'l'he other of 'em : It tl:lit1g sir. What is i t 'A. J, GALilR'S~Albany. mu s t be awfully jolly to improvise for. -F,unny Folks. Dude rly : "Aw- the A m ateur The man who boasts that he is r ead y when you cau do iL well, don't you A Pauper's Dying Request. Drnurntic Cl ub, yo u know, are going to t o shed his last drop of blood is ap t to know.-Jucly . A ge ntlem an wh o recently travelled . play t):ie Irish dranrn of' The Sqe il thawu be particul ar about t he first drop . An amusin g and yet pat heti c incident in o n th e Continent said be was at dinner of Sk ibberee n," and we wanted som e Why is sn ow more easy to be under wliat the poet Gray call ed " t he sl, ort and on e day in Pa ris, and while t ellin g a appropriate stage se ttin gs ." sto od tba n any other s ort of weath er ? sim ple annals of t ho poor," is r.o!d by Mr. story was attacked with a sndden and ' D ealer : "I dqn' t kn ow if I'v e any- John J, 11. i\Jackl cjohn , one of the InspecBecause it is t he on ly one of w hic h yo u continue.d fi t of sneezing . When he thing in stock that wou ld s uit unl ess tors of the Poor, at Lerwick, Shetl!md [scan see the drift . · ceased, a Russian geucl eman, at an oth er yo u'd li ke a fe w of tbe3e sha m-rocks lands . II e says that so me tim e ago an old W by are yo ur nose and yo ur ch in table, named Plitcheeke,, turn ed abou t that y ou , cou ld put in the back - woman, named Barbarn SmitlJ, came under the notice of t he J3oard, S l,e was ext remel y const.antly at varian ce ? Because words and complime nted bim on bis el'tcellen t ground ." i /l and it did no t look li kely that slJe would are constantly passin g between and conect pronunciation of the Russian Duder iy : "Aw-the very th ing by l01;g need are of any kind. She did not them . · Jove ! With them and a few oranges 1es iclc on the main land, but on a sm c.ll islanguage. land a fe w rnil cs d istant, and th ere being no Fact for musical an d fin ancial circles fo r there's a u Ornngemun in the piece"W illi e, " sai\1 lfis moth er, w,ith stern parocbi iil instiuLions ·in that .P.luce, Barbaro we sball do s pl end idly." ;_'fhe no te of' the pi·inw clonnct is b 11 · l uecessarily occ upi ed t he pos1t1Un of " pa ur eproof in her t one, "I s · a cer tmn y n~Z~ct~uble on ly w en indorsed by the ...have to per, living out. The tro 11blc from w l11 cl1 . ou this time. Yo u sh e sufto1'ecl dntecl back 111any years . In , . . . ,. . , prom1 sec me mt itu y you wou tievlTT Vital Questions ! 1 1 better and more prospero us clajS she had ~ Id e~ s 1ste1 . you fancy Y?u1~el f p lay again with th at bad boy Sammy in some way laid Lbe foundation for Chronic ve1y w1s?, I date s ay, but I Colli~ ~1ve S huck!eford, und h ere you ' ve been playAsk the most emin ent Ph.,3/s,cicrn Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and out ol' lbis Ask any school, wlJat 1s th e bes t t hing in had sprung up other com p lai ut.&as ago and y~ u a wnn kle or two. '!ounge r s iste r: i og ball with him fo r an hour." ".N_o, Lhe world for quieting·and allay iag all irri- bod il y in'lirmitic: crept apace u po n her . .No do n bt - and never miss them . I hain't, mamma," vrotei:;ted Wil li e, tation of the 11erves, and cur ing all fo rm s of Barbarn was not ig11ornnt, a lbeit she had How is it tb:a.t mou ntai11 s r ece ive re rl-faced, breathless, and vrliement, aervous co mpl aints, gh·iag u:ttural, d 1ildlike fallen into poverty . ..:u e>1rlicr life she more atten tion than the othe r fea tures "I've been playin' agaioHt him He r efreshing sleep al ways ? somehow obtained tho ad ,·antage of a fa ir .And tbey will tell you unhesitatin gly of nature? Because they a lw ays have was 011 the otli er s ide." ed ucation, and Lhis, added to na.l,i ,·c shrew d" Some jorm r1f' Hops! !!'' ness, enabled her to use good jL1dgrncnt in their valets with them.-Fwi , " ·wanted n word !"--L oni B ur,y resp ec t Lo h er own siluaLio n aucl state of Smith (a physician) : "I tell you CHAPTER I, health. A lthough she had loll g suiford wants a wo r d to express electr ic· acLiou. doctors are a necess ity, b n t lawyers fr om asthm a um! a bron chia l affec tio n Ask any or all of most e1J1 i11cnt phys Anyth ing L ord Bu ry deals with s li oufd Bftrbara was wise eno ugh to see that t here are not." B riefs : "They 1ue not. be of gra-1e import, A ttemptiog to find icians uilmenl,s arose from he disorde red sto mach How do you makethatout?" " Because " Wh at is t he best aiicl on ly r emedy tlw,t and digestion, r,n d ttlu,t a ne w verb is quite an ' u n de r tak iug-Lo if t he 111ai n tro ub le can be relied ou to cure al l d iseases of the ueces,ity knows no law ." Bury. How· would "bu ry '· do ?" kidneys and urinary org,ms ; such as co uld be cured the others would soo11 !care her. It is probable I.hat her disease began ' T is ten p,m., ·the girl exclaimed " We bnried him;" meaning, "we Brigbt's disea~e, diabetes, rctcuL i o □ , or im,- as others do, with t he usual sy mptoms ; But u seless did it prove, bility to retaiu urin e, and a ll the diseases elect.rified liim." " We went a lon headaches, bacl hreatb, t he ri sing of SJ Ul' and ailments pecul iar LO Wo men " He didn't s&em t o un derstand, flu ids in the Lhroat, opprcssiou aud fai ntB ury well ;" m ,irniog, " The pro 11 res they will tell you CXJ>licit ly und emThat p,r,1 . meant " P lease move. ' caused by cl ectl'icity was satisfactory ." ness at th e pi t of the sto111ach, loss of s leep, phatically " Bue/tu ." coated tongue, cl u II eyes, bad taste in t he Ask the s:L mc phys icians " V\Te ' Buried along' at:~ great ro.te, " Pat a Calm ! Pat a Cake. - Wh en a mouth, &c., and finally became -:hronic and "What is the most re li ab le and surest hopeless through her not and so forth.- P 'Unch. being alilc to fi nd j ourneym n bakel' has been d ism isseJ cure for all liver diseases or dyspepsia; co nau y remedy . The lll spector sta tes th:tt she from his employment he sometirueR , She glide d into the offi ce and qui etly stipation, in digestion, bil ious ness, malaria, had been uudc r medical treat mc11t or complains that he has been "strnck off approached the eilitnr's desk. "1 have fe ver, ague, &c.," and they will tell you : years, but Lo no effect. l11 this sL rmt sbe M a11tlrakc I or Dandelion I I I I the r oll s ." written a poem," s he beg a n. '' 'We ll," Hence when f;hcsc remedies arc combined one clay 111:tde the fol lo wing touching appeal to t ,c Jn spcctor : '· I hove been. .;wullowinr, Geo rge I , having g iven n s um to excla imed the editor with a look uud , with others equally valuable, for 11wnth s, The!J du 1//e 11u goud. Aud compounclcd into Dr. So ul c's Ame d - 111eclici11rw r epa ir t he town hall of Coven try afte r t one inlended to annihilate, but she I w11 r,oi11g u11 from worse lo worse, I CM! enQueen Anne 's death . it wa voted to wou ldn't annihilate worth a cent, and cau Hop J3itters, such a wonderf ul ,tud mys- cl 11re ,t, no lo11yer. Jfeel llw.l in " wee/1 or two terious curnti,·e power is developed, ,vllicb change tho old in~criptioo, " Anuo res um ed: "I have written a po em cm is so ra ried in its opera tion s t hat no disease I shall be rll'/l rl. 'l'l,ere is 011e last reyuest 1 would mah .. "/ .'fU ,, : give me a b oU/e of {}1 otlwr D omin i," to " Georgi a .Domin i." ' My Fnther's Barn, ' and---" "Oh," or ill-bealth can possibly exist o~· resist its Sci_qel's Curn tivr !::i.3/rllJI; it is "'!I 011/!J hope, power, and yet it is L ittle Bessie dro pped a:1 armful of interrupted the ed ito r with extraIf it proves a fai/are anti does 111e no :1oucl 1 Harm less for Lhe most fra il wournn, weak- will die in peace, ancl 111alw 110 mure e:cpe11se to pl aytb ings , "Did you break nuyth ing ?" ordina ry suavity, "you don't kn ow invalid OI' smallest ch ild to use. the parish." a sked the moth er . "Nothing but the bow rel ieved I fee l. A poem writteu It see111s she had got IJold of 0 11 €: o CHAPTER II . q u iet," she repl ied, " :ind that's on y our fot lier 's barn, ch ? I wns afraid i\Iother , "cigcl's ,\ lnianaeks and read of tl1 it was written on paper and tl111t yo n m ended alr ea dy ." great cures wrought hy tb e ::iyrup in cases "l'atients like hers. wanted me to pnbli~h it. If I s h ou ld "A !most dead or neurly dying" W ife: J oh n, yo L1r hair is com ing The Board pi Lied the poor louc woma n eve r happen to drive past your foL11er's For years, :ti](! given up by phsidans , of out at a terri ble r ate. Husl,and : I al/i! graut,c<.I pct.i tion, bel ievi ug, howbarn I' ll st.op.a nti reud the poem. Good 1.l right 's and oth er ki,1 ney diseases, liver ever, the t:,yr upherwould prov ed as use less as know it is, my dear, 1 must. do , 0111 e complaints, severe coughs, cal led consu111p- Lhc other u1cdicines she l,ad :tlreaJy take n. aftenn,on, miss." t hin g fo r it at once. W ife : I w ish yon tion, have been cured. What was their aston ishment Lo flud, in t he won Id John, for rny sake. You know fie had had exp~ricnce.-Jeweller : IV omen gone near(ij craz.11 ! ! ! I course of a few days, that she had Dot 011ly From agony of neurnlgia, nervou ness, bcco ahlc Lo get out of bed, but h ow peo p le will talk. "You say you wnnt some namo ento me vc wakcfu luess, auil vario us diseases peculiar araved 0 11 tbis rin g?" about outside the house, aud lm<l takc1l Yonns- lll all : tJ women. Alpl111b eticul. -Cru~h a letter of the journeys to a considcrahle dis tan cc, :11 1cl ~ Ye~, I \\'all t the words, ' George to People drawn out of shape from excrucial phabet- oh, bow sonowfnl it heconie~. bis cleare, t Alice' engraved on t h e ating pangs of rheumati; m, inflammatory was actuall y enjoying better health Lhri1l since she was first taken ill. The asth111:t Set fi re to it, and its j oy k11owH 110 outside of the ring," " Is the youug and chronic:, or s11fEl)ring fro m sc rofu la. and bronch itis, which were uo more thrm bounds. Cut it in ha lv es, and you J~rysipclas ! lady your siste r ?'' " No, she's the sy mptoms of he r trne disease (inrhgesLio n have lost i t for ever. Answer : "::ialLrbcu111, blood poisoning, dyspepsia, and dyspcpsi:i), rapidly abated, and it now young lady to wbom 1 am engaged ." indigestion, and, in foet, alm ost all di seases seems Lh:tL J3arbam will soon be as ha le a ud D -pressed, d-lighted, d-parted. "Well if l W(ll'e yon I wonk! not lmve fr.iii" hearty :is the Inspector him sclt', awl be one , George to bis cleareRt Alico' engraved Natur2 is heir to Deficient Mcota\ly.-Dnmiey (whose of the hosts of Ji,·iu g wit11esscs t.o the H,mJ been cu red by Dr. Sou le's llop Bit- power of Mother Seigel's i:\yrup Lo save t he cre d it is n ot fil' st class): I say, Brow11, on ring . If Alice goes back on yon . " II' "" 111a t te rs, proof of which can be fou nd in every hous,tnds who we ,· just r(;ady to peris h. can yo u lend me ten s hillin gs fo r a fow you can't nse t he n. ng again. neighborhood in the k nown world. :\fother Sci::rel's CurntiYe Syrup is for onld you suggest?" "l wou ld cl t1y s? Brow n (rc lucta ndy pul li n" out sale by all chemis ts and n,eJi ·i11 c ve ndors a rol l o f bi ll ~) : ' 1-er-s' pose l'll\ave snggest thst the words be~ 'G eo rge. to aud by the proprieLors , J\.. J. White, J,im itto, Duml ey . Duml ey : Thanks. You bi first aud on ly love." l ou ~ee wi th ~No ne, genuin e witho 11L a bunch of green ed, 3G, ]farriugdon Roud, Lond on, KC.: . h'lps 011 the white la\Jel, and Dr. floule's seem tc• lrnve p len ty of money, old that inr:r iption yon c nn use the ring uamc blow n in the bottle BEw ARE of all times . I b,wc had the vile poisonous stulf made to im itate Lhe follow. B rown : Yes, I seem Lo havo half-a-doicn abOYC , experience in such matters myself. m ore mon ey than brain s. Nesl~ifa £6 10n Englin 1 Levers.

A n arrow e~cape-The fire escape.

Set h im thinking.-Wou ld- be Spec11\ator ( enterin g broker's office) : Are yol!t the broker, sir ? Solitary Lounger ( Sadly): No, my friend, I'm the b rokee. His ma : Joh nny, where 1}1'0 yo u going ? Co me in here. Joh~rny: I a in ' I; goin g nowh ~ro, ma, H is ma : Haven't I told you Lime and uga in not to go there? Come t his min ute.



£ '. )




Iw. E. MARMION & C0.,


Practical Watchmake:r and Jeweller, (Late of Rundle Street, Adelaide, ,


00 m•mvJis, wJ




Liver, Stomach, Kidneys,

Teas Suga:.... s F lour.

and BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a neverfailing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages ; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE are unsurpassed. The ):'ills and Ointment are Manufactured only at

,, Earrings Earrings ,, A lberts Alberts ,, Leontines Leontines ,, Rings, Gent 's Rings, Gent's ,, do. Ladies' do. Ladies' ,, Breast .Pins Breast Pins 78, New Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford St.) ,, N ecklets N ecklets London; ,, Studs Studs And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines ,, Keepers Jet Brooches & Earringe throughout the Civilized World ; with d ,.-ec• ,, Wedding Rings Albert s ( tions for use in almost every language. Electro Plated Cups Clocks ,, Cruets, &c. SpActacles. ~ ~ Purchasers should look to t he Label on the Boxen and Pots. If the addrc Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, &c.,sold 633, Oxford Street, London, they are on TIME PAYMENT with IMMED-· WEST .AUSTRALIAN Boor FACTORY IATE possession to householders at exceedingly low prices. As no heavy commission is paid for convassing and collecting, customers will save at least 20 per cent., by buying from V. E. Nesbit, besides having a large stock to (Late T , & W, Britnall), select from and a practical watchmaker to guarantee every article sold. HAY b TREET, PERTH, 0TIME PAYMENT. N returning thimks to the public genernlly for past favours, beg to announce thas g IMMEDIATE POSSESSION . hey arc prepared to manufactlll'e all classet of COLONIAL BOO'.l'S, on the sho1·test pos V. B. NEl:lBIT, sible notice. Also, kept in stock, a large and varied assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, and Children's BOOTS and SHOES- from Perth. the best English and Continental houses. AGJ;;NTS: Mr. J. W. Andrew, Roebourne, Leather Grinder:, and Uppers always on ' ,, T. W. Stroud, Gerald ton, hand. Good hides and kangaroo skins taken ,, F . Kelly, Dongarra. in exchange ,, G, H, Lott, Yor-k, Goods de'spatched to all parts of the Uolony,

Oilmen's Stores, in large quantities. DRAPERY




Sl1am1·ocli. HAY STREET,


The Settlers favourite House.

Splendid Balcony back and ji-ont. Bath-rooms, Stables, (J!lld every requisite Joi· a First Class Hotel.


PRIVACY and QUIETNESS a speciality.







ORS ~ I N il STOCK .

Famous House for Bass's Ale and G uin ess's Stout.





Proprieto1·. -=<•>--Every Comfort and Convenience for Travellers and Visitors, And contains one of Burroughe's and Wat ts· far-famed

Dilliard . Tables,



Also by the yard, SPLENDID QUALITIES at Low P rices. Ladies Toa Gowns and Morning Wraps








+.hp LA ~ .

N ovelties. Also,-Fancy Wings, Leather, Felt and S traw H ats.


A Choice · Selection of GENTS' Und erw are, Hats, Gloves, T ies, rnme splendid Tweeds, Geo ,s' i:'- ui tn, Hosiery Silk Half Hose, Great Coats, and W aterpruofs . A lso,-Ladies and Gents' Umbrellas &c., &c. ' P erfumery and Soaps of the best brands, including :?ears', &c.


The GE R ALDTO N HOTEL is replete with






Fur Rugs, Stair Carpets, &c,, Tapestry Cloth, Table Covers and Five o'clock Tea Cloths ' Guipure and Tapestry Curtains, Art Muslin's. Also A very Choice Selection of


First {;lass Accommodation for TR.AVELLERS.


OR COUGHS,- COLDS, BRONCHITIS Asthma, Influenza, Consumption, &c. AY'S COMPOUND ESSENCE OF LINSEED, Aniseed, Senega, Squill, Tolu, &c. , with Chlorodyne. AY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent expectorant, for Coughs, Colds, and Chest Complaints. AY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally serviceable for Horses and Cattle. AY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia, Face-ache, &c. Contains Quinine, Iron, &c. pAGULINE.-Cement for Broken A ~ ticles. Sold Everywhere, Manufactory, Stockport, England .


ToBAcoo in sm1~ll boxes (120 lbs.)





Whicb'' is brilliantly lighted and is the favourite resort of lovers of the


Wines, Spirits and Beers of the Best Brands obtainable, always on hand.

Cba1·~·es 1JI01le1·ate. Good Attentlance anti Civility.

~m 1rm@w®~~,r£iw ~®®,r m£m,r . _ --------

GEORGE SMEDDLE S , Boot Manufacturer and Importer,







General F uneral Furnisher, HAY STREET, PERTH.

-;i UNERAL S conducted in any part of the Colony, and all details connected therewith attended to at the shortest notice by telegram or otherwise. Funeral Henrses and Coachee always r eady . •

On Jut.nd and tor Sale,


W AHEHOUl:$1£,


This Great Household Medicine rank s &mongst the leading necessaries of Life, These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and it.ct most powerfully, yet soothingly, on the


J U S T A R R I V E D,

FRE.MANTLE, HAY STR.1£ET, PERTH. J HAY S T., PERTH. - - -G eneral Merchants, Importers AS the best selected and th Stock and Station Agents cheapes t stock of /J rst-class ' ANOTHER SHIPMF, NT OF OUR Wa tches aud J ewellery of [£VERY H AVE always on hand full Stocks description in the colony . Nesbit's of S tation requirements, also SPECIALLY SELE CTED E nglish Levers ( capped and j ewelled) sundry other goods, Carpenters' tools, stand riding and rough work, guaran - . Anvils, Portable Forges, Wool bales, PIANOS, teed for two years. The Best ·Watch Cornsacks, Wire Ne tti ng, Fencing AL SO, P IANO S TO OL£, T U N IN G without exception. Nesbit's Walthams Wires, Galvanized Corrugated Iron, HAMMERS, ET C., are the CHEAPEST in the Colony. Douglas Pumps, Revolvers , Snide, These and other Watche$ with a two Rif!eR, Fowling pieces, (m uzzle and Will be sold at lo west prir•es to make years' guarantee. Jewellery of every breech loading) Amm uoitio•n- Saddroom for ou r description made to order or repaired· lexy, H arness , &c. Watches cleaned or r epaired . __ ,, _ _ Nes bit's Levers Nesbit's Walthams Now coming to Hand a s fas t as Gent's Gold Ladies ' Gold I ~ team can bring them . Watches Watches ' ' ,, Silver Watc hes ,, Silver W atcbes - -o- Tb is shipment also indud .s some very Gold Brncelets • Silver Bracel.:its Wines and Spirits in case~, quarter s pecial des igns in th e ,, sets B. & E. sets B. & E. 11sks and octaves. ,, Brooches Brooches


W. T.

29, 1890.






''. By a thorough kno"ledge of the natural laws ~hie~ gove rn the onerati~ns of digestion and nutri .. t~on, and by a careful apphca.tiou of tbe fine t1?s of wcll-seleotc~ cocoa, Ur. Epps h as proviJ:~p;:; brn~kfa.Rt tables ,nth a dclica.tely-tla-vourecl 1,cvcra e w\nch n:1ay .s~vc us man! h eavy doctor's bills. It ie by t~e J 1;1ct1c1ou~ use ot such artic les of d iet that const1tutton 1!38.Y be gradua lly built up until stron a. enough to res1s~ !:'very tende ncy to disease. Hundred~ of su btle<h es are non. tin g arou nd us re d to t tack wherever there is a we_ak point. We m:yy eac: : m_any a fatal shaft by keoprng ourselves well fortitlfd with pure ~lood and a pro perly nourished f ,. See arLiele 10 the Oivit Service Gazette. rame, -

Sold in ¼ -lb. packe ts by Groc.,rs, labelled thus :-







EA]'..-~ Person cured of Deafness and D ~01ses rn the head of years' stb.ndin by ". Sim ple Remedy, send a descripf g 23






M. ,n umeutal Head and Tomb Stones, j


Made simply with boiling water or milk.

AS always on hand, the most extensive and va1·ied stock in the colony of English, French, German, and Colonial Manufactured BOOTS,








of 11; FREE to any Person who appr l~l!I 0 N1cuoLSON, 65 Will iam-street , 111 elbies ourne


wil h bandtsome Iron Railings, supplied ,· -------a:HI flrecte·l complete. I lt1,'" OBSERVE THE ADDRE~s,·\V. T, W I MBRIDGE. i Next D oor t o the " Criterion Hotel,"

P: ·inted ~nd published fo1· the Right Rev. li1. Gibney, at the office of the " W.A ~ ECORD," Howick street, Pertlt b.y· 'I-ROMAS BRYAN, '

~ J

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