The Record Newspaper 23 October 1986

Page 1

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Re ort

fo ows s


The report of t e Senate Select Comm ittee on e an E bryo Experimen ation Bil, s to be substan ia 'ly in ine wit e I st e Australian bis ops have ade i public statements and su ssions o the committee. Archbish Clancy, president of he Conference of Australian Catholic Bisho s, has welcomed t e report of he Senate Select Committee on the uman Embryo Experimentaf on Bi I. See e2 He said the repo would be put o careful study but his immediate reacf on to the major recomme ations was ry favourable. In particular, Archbishop Clancy expressed his agreemen with the commit ees conclusion that the "respect due to e embryo from he process of fertilisatio onwar s r uires its protection from estructive onh ra uti c e t ion."



WI The main points The main points of the Select Committee Report are: • the committee welcomes the creative aspects of reproductive technology and believes its recommendations do not imperil IVF clinics treating infertile couples. • the committee supports therapeutic experimentation on the human embryo, that is experiments intended to enhance the prospects of development of the embryo. Freezing of embryos may, in allowing for a more opportune time for implantation, also be permitted. • the committee does not support destructive non-therapeuf c experimentation on the human em ryo. T se are experiments which, whilst advancing medical science, inevitably and in the nature of the experim nt, d stroy the embryo. • the committe largely build its recommendations on the Declaration of Helsin i ( 1964) "co cern fo the interests of th subiect must always prevail over the inter s of science and society."


0 nator Brian arradin ho uman Embry E p rim ntati n Bill th ca al} ·t f r th nat inquiry aid h d th r pl m nd d a ban uld









ID ••




Only five weeks remain till Papal tour arrive in Perth


A top


The econd Au tralia w · de collection in Catholi churc for the Papal vi it rai ed more than 1 million· the pr . 2 million from Au tralia April collection raised pari he . Amounts rai ed by the variou 'ictoria app al are: ew uth ale 3 Queen land 60 uth Australia 125 u tralia 96 0 · Tasmania 92 · A.CT.





R neral D 're to


s ste Docto n LI a ua bleethles ab ses





pira Although the navy nt a flotilla to protect the fish rm n, local tics said the sailors had done littl to hep. The pira es are known a "Jump, man" because th y r th ir victims to jump overboard, eit r abandoning th m or using them for targ practice. According to Catholic Church sources, 509 fi rmen in viii ha n att ed by pirat ince 1981. Of that nu , 31 re kill , 60 r ported missing and 163 motor


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It's a long way from the glamour and glitter of the America's Cup, here in Perth, to our Broome Aboriginals. While t e battle the champagn corks po a ries conti ues off our coast. of the a battle of a different k. d is bein wag off a quieter shore.



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n awarene s procram nd u ort for • a night she ter for chronic, omele s lco o cs.

• a ro ch s for ma Aborlclnal communl s. • awareness of exlstln1 s rvlces and how hey can b st u d.

do you


me. 0 o?

F encis of ssts, as ed his ques 10n 750 ear go. E ery serious-minded oung man shou/, o he same. The C PUCHI 1S, o//o ers c ranc,s can help ou ans er , . For

Voca ion Director, St Lawre ce F · ry, 392 Albert Stree • BALCA A, .A .• 602 .

y If you are a s1 gle

a Pe

o an age and you are serious a o Ii e. I you are ca able of lovi a grea deal. aps e Lord rs calling you to be. His Pries .



ui ( .0. Bo 13 279 1310


What can couples do to enrich their marriages, to keep them fresh and interesting over the long term? Marriage is meant to be a means of transforming spouses, or helping them to be more mature, caring and loving persons, writes Neil Parent. But this doesn't happen automatically. "If a marriage is going to enrich spouses, it will have to be enriched" through good communication, spiritual commitment and reaching out to

others, he says. Parent is representative for adult education at the US Catholic Conference. Theologian Theodore Hengesbach writes that couples enrich their marriage when they take time to enjoy life together. And it need not cost a lot of money - especially for couples who follow his suggestions for adventures". "shoestring Hengesbach is a teacher and administrator at Indiana University at South Bend, Indiana.

Marriage enrichment is preventive maintenance for marriage. It reminds couples to take time alone together to focus on qualities in their relationship rather than on problems, Jim and Mickey Steinitz of Collingswood, NJ, tell Katharine Bird. The couple's 10 years in Worldwide Marriage Encounter have helped them deepen their understanding of marriage commitment and learn communication skills, they add. Ms Bird is associate editor of the NC religious education series.

• \1arriage for me is an environment for intimate friendship which enables each partner to flourish and grow. But like a garden that needs watering and fertilizing so that seeds can flower, a marriage needs care and attention to keep a couple' relationship growing. An important part of marriage for couples is having fun together, taking time to re-create the sweetness and zest they once found in each other. If couples can't enjoy each other, relating to each other can become one more monotonous thing they have to do.


But in the whirlwind of job responsibilities and pressures, family and social obligations, couples need to find ways to have fun together that 61 easily into their lives. If having fun takes lots of planning, time, energy and money, most people won't bother or will put it off until their annual vacation. Here is a list of what I call "shoestring adventures" for couples "shoestring" because they take httle or no extra time, planrung or money; "adventures" because they lead to the unexpected Let' s begin with a cocpte of "twofers." combirung something we have to do with something fun - like shopping for a trash barrel Following a hand-lettered sign led my wife and me down tree-hned back country roads to Fred the barrel man Along with the barrel,

by THEODORE HENGESBECH we got a charming uute conversation with Fred about his apple and pear trees. Another "two-fer" was dropping our daughter off at her summer job and dnving a few extra nules to park where we took a short walk before returning home. Often on long trips we leave the highway and follow a parallel for 25 miles. \\e get to our destination a httle later but more refreshed and often with something mteresung to remember and discuss, like the homemade cake shop in the out -ofthe-way village where we took a break My wife and I also like to take full advantage of tax-supported services and facilities. ational parks provide outstanding scenery, walking trails and free naturalist programs Recently we went on a two-hour

canoe tnp at a park 15 miles from our home,

A couple might volunteer their services together at their church or take a short continuing-education course together. You learn a new

a Dreventive

maintenance enrichment is Marriage maintenance for "preventive marriage," said Jim Stelnitz, It reminds couples to "take time alone together to focus on qualities in the relationship rather than on problems," said Mickey Steinitz. Leaders in Worldwide Marriage Encounter for IO years, the couple also served as its diocesan coordinators, When couples are first dating, Steinitz observed, they "spend a lot of time being together, not doing anything productive," just spending time together. But after marriage "there is always something to be done," he said. Couples can forget how important it is "to block out time to be alone together." Mkcd what auractcd them to Worldwide Marriage Encounter, Mrs

skill, meet new people and perhaps

find out something }"U don't know about your partner. Another suggestion draw a 4 5 km radius on a map of )"ur local area and divide 1t uuo quarters. Then plan to take a leisurely drive together through each of the four sections every other week. It's amazing what you will find so close to home: pretty streams, the ever present garage sale, churches to visiL On such a tnp you nught like to try a "potluck picruc." Bring along an empty cooler and collect food as you go. from country sunds or uny grocery stores. Several year. ago when our aged car died we vacationed nght in our O\\-TI city � uh guide book in hand, we toured a beautiful old federal courtroom we didn't know existed, took a bus ride from one end of the line to the other and attended a Jury


Slclnltt said they out of curiosity after noticing a clunge in the rclatlonship of a couple in their parish. "'lbett was a depth and a love In their relationship that wasn't in other marriages and "WaSD 't in ours," she added.





"notlcablc tcndcrncs .• that is more common among newtywcds than in a couple with eeenagers, At that first Marriage weekend, Encounter considerable time was



,y KATHY communlcad.on. ..For me it was a chance to tell Mlckey about things I never told her before, .. Slclnl12 said. "He told me be needed me, .. hi5 wife added. •1n six yean of marrlag<e be never aid that and it made all the dlffettncc In the woeld, It gave me a confldcncc lo his commitment to me."


The weekend "sbowed

us marriage doesn't bav<:

to be dull." Slelnitz said. The leaders .. gave us a dlffcrcot view of bow marriage can be; they let us know we have control �-OU OW' destiny." So many couple, r=lly arc "married singles, sharing a bed" but not their lh-.:s, Mrs Stcin1tz said. Marrlag<e Encounter taught "us how to involve each ocher in our lives. ..

Couples related stories of the ups and downs in

their marriages, of fighting disillusionment whh each other," her husband said. It was reassuring to sec that "othcn fight too ov,,r jobs and money." "We learned the rclatloosblp is more important than the issue," said Mn Stclnltz.

�Education Brief


Having fun together can ennch a marriage by providing couples a chance to tighten their bond of friendslup in easy, relaxed settings. It helps them to create a marital enviroment that can be a continumg source of strength. With a shared

set of happy memories, couples may find themselves more willing to put forth the extra needed to overcome problems.

Helping Enrichment is spouses mature

...... --. . .. ,

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M1rri11e enrichment is • "critical i .... t .... y" IMcane couples are under pressu,. Oft I oumller of fretlls, 11i<I htlter Jos,eplo Y. DI M1Un1, f1mlly life dlroctor. �, Ille ,........... lnl Ille •lul1111y st.tlstics ....,.., di,on:e, Ille lid< of � for family lift I• SK!ety ud Ille ru,oasillilities .... , -,les hHe wlNcll kee, tloe111 so bosy tloey cao'I IHe I oolpt Mt tocttlotr to ,...., die romallCI i1 relatitasii11." "More tllu ,.., llefeNI Ille cllolrdt - clullle111e, eoricll •• � lies�- 114 wi,es tlnoop tloeir m1rit1l jouHy," F1tlter Di M11ro 11ld. M1rri11• eoricllmelll tolls .....,in "le kNtl lll•ullll lloac- •

Marriage is meant to

transform spouses, to

I learned Jimmy loves me enough so that I can rock the boat and he won't go screaming out the door, that we can talk even when we disagree..• Too often people att: not a-watt that they need to work at keeping a marriage alive, Mn Stelnltt said. They don't realize marrlag<e enrichment •15 a way for people to echleee the goals set for them elves lo their marrlag<e."

For three, the

couple bas chaired the Bishop' Commls.,lon on Maniag<e Enrichment in

their Diocese. 'Ibis "'ls a fo.rmal effort diocese to by the

encourage marriage enrichment in parishes,"

Stdnltz said.


One commls loo project 15 to sponsor enrichment evcnlngs foe married couples throughout the diocese, Mrs Slelnltt explained a typical e,,ening includes a discus loo of communication sk.1.11.s and a video pracntatloo








commitment, the video's aim ls to "give couples a chance to think about what thclr �""S mean,"

she said.

The couple explained that their undU!iUOdioa




deepened over the yean.

"At first commitment was an obligation, a duty," sald Slclnitz.

"Now I sec my commJtmcot to Mickey a., an to opponunity mlo.lstu to her and care for her.

"Commitment Is a day-

to-day thing; how I respond to Jimmy every day Is part of my commitment to him," Mn Slcin1tz added.

help them become more mature, caring and loving persons. But it doesn't happen For automatically. marriage to enrich marriage spouses, itself has to be enriched What it takes for each couple to keep their marriage fresh is somewhat specialised o two marriages are alike. Each invotves a set of unique personalities, and preferences lifestyles. Some marriages arc highly influenced by ethnic and cultural backgrounds; others less so. There are variations in age, health, family size, income and religious backgrounds. Still, there are some things that mo t can couples emphasise to enhance their marriage. In practically everr SW\'C)C

taken, communication between spouses lops the: list of �112, is consadcn::d important for a good



Commurucauon. of course. more than a transfer ol mforrnanon It is an all-


important means by which

a couple becomes one

<:nllf}", the h\."0·111-00C·flcl't Jesus spoke about l.Jterally, to communicate 1s .. to make ccmruon, to share." communtcauon between "l)OUSCS 1n\'Oh-"CS a deepcrung knowtedge and understanding of the: other Marnagc is much like a stream. Its ""CfY essence is o maner how change good Its beginning may haYe been, no matter how sallSf)mg its present sw.c. a marnagc must conunue to change and grow if u IS to remain fresh and mcarungfuL Love must blossom, mtimacy deepen and the: boundaries of shanng broaden Otherwise the retaucnsbrp well could waste Good away. commurucauon helps ensure that ttu.s wi.U not luppen Recognrsmg the crurcal role of commurucallon 111 marriage, movements such as \tam.age Encounter aun to help spouse communicate more dfcct.1� But c:ven v..,thout the benefit of such experiences. couples can enhance their commcmcauoe b� S&mp� � more anenuoo on getting to Imo"' each o<her better

Government hrea

From page 5



sep From page 11

Running a cattle ranch in close proximity to a wildlife park on the African continent has its drawbacks as Glade Pike ruefully remembers. The lions quickly develop a taste for your livestock and the elephants display scant regard for your new fences. Added to that in the days of Rhodesia's UDI was the danger of attack from terrorists - a threat that finally saw the end of the Pike ranching venture and indirectly led to the death of Glade's father and partner, Bertram. It was a pity it had to

end that way because Glade's forbears on his mother's side had established roots in Rhodesian soil. They were the Burnetts, among the first white sett I rs · n t e country in which th in 1890.

Laurence Glade Pike - he· prefers you to call him by his second Christian name - was born at Umtali in what was Southern Rhodesia on November 12, 1938. He received his primary schooling at the Jesuit-run St George's College in Salisbury (now Harare) and his secondary education at Milton High School in Bulawayo (still Bulawayo). After matriculation he spent four years at Durban University in South Africa to gain a civil engineering degree before joining Rhodesia Railways with which he served for 17 years including postings to




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all & Plaza ade on Tf!!t:l!!-o_� __ � �5 _3_�'!?


Laurenco a uto). Rhodesia the wall th

irem nt in 1960s he wild the

o _




ecial S · 0 er e

Zambia, Botswana and two centres in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). He worked for two years in Hong Kong on the construction of the undergroun<I ran system and came to WA in September, 1979 and was placed incharge of a track renewal contract for rehabilitating the Kwinana-Koolyanobbing rail link. He moved to Perth in ay, 1984, and since then has been invo ved in civil enginering contracting. Glade and his wife Jane (nee Chambers) are parish· ners of St Thornas's at Claremont and they have four children -Anthony (17), Sheila (15), Mark (12) and Deborah

boundary and paddock fences and reliabl water point . Son Gia used most h

Ma1rom� (no



pion ring pro· By the mid-1970 , what the white ttl rs called th t rrorist war h la I

n i with South Africa o R ia "h pr vital suppli . Glad was put in of the charg construction of 140 of high. h was


tim of its co through Mozambique was cl

you could


(The Vatican Pastoral Instruction on Social Communication)



The police dvi late one evening tha must make ready to leave and not to return to his ranch till terror· incursions had sed - a state of affairs that did not e n ua e. The shock of having to give up the property at s h short notice and the oss of hi r lihood was a contri utory factor to his death in 1980. Glade's car r with Rhodesia Railway had its 197



s al otted th of preparing plans

to repl all rategic railway s in the event of their being destroyed by sa t

African terrorists of ozambique and and was Angola enjoy"ng consid rable

troops from Mozam · u . This allow d th

One of these was a big pre-stressed concrete str ure a 50 miles fr m th South Afr"can borde. It was guarded 24 urs a day by m n in ncl.


and decamped into the darkness, leaving one whole span demolished. Glade was rushed to the see e under armed with army guard, engineers going ahead to remove the antipersonnel mines which were often placed to discourage repairs. He assessed the damage and repairs necessary then mobilised big cranes, replacement beams and the men to make the necessary repairs which were quickly carried out to allow the re-openi g of th vital lifeline.

Re ently, 51 i e t Jo eph travelled from all part of u tralia to gather at incumber ju out ide Go ord f r their third national conference for J in th phite riginal Ap ol te. They cam from in th

es nc


ODD After 17 years of railway service in Rh ia. in 1978Glade assista engineer

supports inside the tunnels and h ad viad cts for t mass transit rail system in Ho Ko

Th P1 e fami h a comfortable three-

listed in the Australian crew participatin in the dragon boat races in 1979, b t h misfortun th finals

ODO At I st o typ oon would pres nt itself h r.



n was to to the

cam to WA in living at what he i a "four ry happy years in our Ii ," h wa in ch of a rail co tr:

DOD "A hight' h of our stay there," he says, "was m ing and befrie ing th ru al community." He also remembers ta ing part in the 1983 Avon nt - as if he could f t. Glade's





ag nda for the future. (John Fr Tim Malone 0. Carm Conte ence Paul fl homily at Coventry,

From 1960 to 1971 h was at Middle Part<. t I st six years as prior and parish priest

G qu lity the right price. John Fre kle . Phone 361 4349. � ork



s pported

from Paul SHERIDAN, Bassendean

His n xt 11 years re as assistant priest at Wentworthville NSW before transferring to Hilton wh re hisduti includ theleg"on of Mary and the p oducnon of letter of the th wee ly n parish.

England, May 30 1982) Many will claim that this is unreah ic. But in t words of Martin Luther King .Jr., the choi s n between vier

non-exist nee. Th princ le of peace throug rength which Bi hop yn prom es s long n disowned by t Church· The fund ment I principle on which our presen pe ce cl. peods must be rep!. ced by another. which declares the tru nd solid pe ce of nations consists n in equality of rms but in mutu I trust alone. (Pope John XX/II, Pe ce on £ rth: 1963)

His furn ral Mass will ta place at Our Lady of ou t Carmel church Hilton on Friday and ter his remains will be interred in th Whit nars Cemetery, Donvale,

Victo ,a.

H is survived by his ister, Bradshaw, of Can-

from G. D ni ll

Greenwood I

from Fr Paul PITZEN, OSM


S nd ch que and advertis ment to: RECORD CLASSI1 IEDS. P.O. BOX 50, PERTH ABERD E ST.



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ss ca

fo 28word

r teful th n to acred Heart Jude and nth n Holv pmt, other of Perpetual u cour for fa our received. Plea e pra for me .. J.T.












"Then Jesus t

ow 0

th losv.


nd g ve th m out to II who Wi re presen . ,. (Jo n 6:11 J



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equipment pent one hundred and twenty ·orking h urs in Turin c nductexhaustiv t ing the m to which any religiou o j ct has ev r be n mitt d.

t mo tly in the Riv rina di trier in uthem [ew uth Wal Old Da : Old a) i a unique record of pioneerin life in the cond half of the nineteenth en· 'rites tury, fary Gilmor not about th cattle barons or the '\\"OOI king , but about the battlers - the mall farm rs and th ir families the drov rs th ockmen the teamsters - and the and hardships everyday j of lif in the bush.



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on the older combination d Tony d Joe won 4-

was his econd win in succession d for Kathy it was a return to the wi ners list after several years

6, 6-4, 6-1.

The women's doubles

were won by Linda F


and Kerry Me er who defeated K thy Williams dG di AJderma �

The second """'8ekend of got off to a bad play had to be a nd unti after I nch last Saturday. Even th n the weather conti to threaten for the r st of the day but fortunately it remained

2,6-0. The

remaining ip event - the doubles - i

champion mixed



6-0, 6-2.


1 1


Greyhounds - with · · The Record Tipster : .









10 11 12 16



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