The Record Newspaper 06 November 1986

Page 1

Melbourne writer PAT CONNELLY continues his story of the life and achievements of Karol Wojtyla, who became Pope John Paul II. His story, continues today on pages 6, 7,8 a


PERTH, WA: November 6, 1986

Number 2504

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leaders act on truce plea


ASSISI: The pope called on the world to lay down its arms on the day of peace, and many guerilla groups answered this request by declaring truces and ceasefires. During the day dramatic news flashes were lssued from all around the world.



• the army in El Salvador gave orders not to shoot; • Guerilla groups in Kampuchea said they were willing to adhere to the pope's call; • The Tamils in Sri lanks agreed to hold their fire, as did the Sri lankan government; •Israel issued the order: no operations; • Angola declared the truce would be kept; • in Lebanon, leaders of the three Christian militias and leaders of the Sunni and Shi'ite Moslems told local religious leaders they would lay down their arms for the day; • the "Polisario front", which has been fighting a guerilla war against Morocco for more than 10 years, called the papal initiative "a direct contribution to peace in the world";


lreland their

not quite make it on to the Nativity design of Australia Past's 1986 Christmas stamps but on Monday


version of the Nativity at the launching of the stamps at Allendale Square.

l St Anne's Florist Gift Basket Boutique


particular inclination of the homosexual person, while it is not in itself a sin, is a more 000 or less strong • the Chilean left-wing group involved in the tendency to behaviour a t t e m p t e d which is intrinsically assassination of President Pinochet said evil from the moral It would refrain from point of view, and armed action; should therefore be • Columbia's largest left-wing guerilla group, considered objectively the Revolutionary disordered itself. Armed Forces of This is the Vatican's Colombia, accepted the truce; own summary of the • the main guerilla force moral position fighting Nicaragua's Sandinista government outlined in a Letter to suspended operations; bishops from the • the Philippine government promised Congregation for the to hold fire in their fight Doctrine of the Faith. with rebels; and ·the IRA offered a (The full text of the truce provided British Letter had not reached troops and police in Australia this week.) Northern remained barracks.

The Grade One pupils of St Benedict's School, Applecross did

The document calls for a conversion to chastity


for all floral arrangements specialising in


through joining efforts to the sufferings of the Cross and The Resurrection. the summary says: "Already in 1975 the Congregation treated this question in its "Declaration on Certain Questions of Sexual

Ethics", and defined homosexual acts as ''intrinsically disordered". that "Although declaration repeated the made commonly distinction between homosexual activity and the homoseuxal

condition or tendency, some found grounds therein to consider the condition neutral or even good. 'The Church in her preaching and in her celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony

Cont page 3


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in front of the young trees planted in the peace grove the avier College band plays a Song of Peace whose words were written by Year 8 students and the music composed by the music master, Mr Way pictured leading the band.

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Governor asks a question on peace If we

cannot maintain peaceful relations with our parents, families or school friends - or respect human beings -how can we expect the world to be peaceful? The Governor of Western Australia, Professor Gordon Reid asked the pupils of Xavier College, East Victoria Park this week. "Charity in peace has to begin at home," he said at the dedication of a peace grove of more than 500 trees planted by pupils and school members with help from government and other bodies.


"Prospects will not be


each other," he told the

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He dismissed the notion of some people that they

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were powerless to achieve anything in the area of peace. He said youth was often right in not liking a world whose problems such as alcohol, addiction, unemployment, crime, and pollution international terrorism were a "dismal list". 'With the proliferation of nuclear weaponry we are indeed living on a razor's edge."

The governor dismissed the view the past 40 years had been called a period of peace when there were wars in Korea,

Vietnam, Biafra, Afghanistan and Central America. He also rejected the idea that if two superpowers affected a balance of power through deterrence of each other. all other battles would be small


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Professor Reid marked the occasion by planting an olive tree to point ou the olive branch was the symbol of peace to Noah after the flood and that

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than words as permanent reminder of the desire of this school to extend peace and goodwill to all," the Governor said.

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iii~inniiihiilinnmuuu e Record_ November G 199

and that by and large would be peace maintained. "They don't tell you at what level deterrence will work because the level of deterrence goes up and up and we live in fear that something will go wrong. ''The greater the escalation of deterrence the more we have to worry about. "Citizen interest in the levels of deterrence is vital," he said, calling for wider civic understanding of the issues.


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had opened the Xavier College peace grove.

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328 1388

Budget crisis for the Vatican Pope takes bus ride

ASSISI: Pope John Paul ll waved aside his bulletproof limousine to travel in a bus to pray at the birthplace of St Francis with 150 leaders of world religions, on October 27. For one day, Assisi became the spiritual capital of world peace. Standing at the main entrance to the Basilica of St Mary of the Angels the Pope began the day not as the president of a meeting, but simply as a host. "We have come together not for an interreligious conference on peace, but as an invitation to the world to become aware that there exists another dimension of peace.'

Stamps for Christmas

VATICAN CITY: The Vatican faces a budget deficit of $56.3 million in 1986 and has asked Catholics worldwide to cover the debt with increased contributions.

The estimated expenditure is more than double its income of $51.9 million, and the shortfall would be the largest, in dollars, since the Vatican began publishing its budget figures in 1979. Details of the estimated debt were released after an October meeting of the 15-member council of cardinals appointed by Pope John Paul II to study the Vatican finances. The increased deficit was causing "profound worry", said the press release.


The Vatican needed to rely on "evershrinking" capital to cover its expenses. The "presumed Vatican riches" were mostly of an "artistic and cultural nature" which constituted a "treasure for all humanity". Major reductions in expenses were impossible, moreover, since about 55 per cent of the budget was spent on employee salaries and benefits. The Vatican's budget was "contained within the limits of austerity" and could not be substantially reduced. The high cost of the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano and the world-wide broadcasting of Vatican Radio are among the heavy losses carried by the Vatican.

Gather in cathedral

ASSISI: For the World Day of Prayer for Peace Christians gathered at the Cathedral of Assisi, dedicated to San Rufino, the first Bishop of Assisi martyred in the year 238. Addressing Christians of many peruasions the pope said: "Despite the serious issues which still divide us, our present degree of unity in Christ is nevertheless a sign to the world that Jesus Christ is truly the Prince of Peace. "Our prayer here in Assisi, should include repentance for our failure as Christians to carry out the mission of peace and reconciliation that we have received from Christ and which we have not yet fully accomplished. "At the deepest level of humanity there is a common ground, from which to work together to find a solution to the dramatic challenge of our age: True peace or catastrophic war?" ] He spoke of peace as a challenge which transcends religious difference, overcoming selfishness, greed and vengeance. 0oing beyond human efforts. "Its source and realisation is to be sought in that reality beyond all of us. "I humbly repeat here my own conviction: peace bears the name of Jesus Christ. But. at the same time and in the same breath, I am ready to acknowledge that Catholics have not always been faithful to this affirmation of faith. We have not always been Peacemakers," he said. Cont page 12 Something to buy? Something to sell? Use RECORD CLASSIFIEDS

The Vatican has asked Church officials at local, national and international levels to study ways of lowering the debt by increasing the contributions given by Catholics. The Vatican stressed in the release, however, that it wanted only "voluntary and free offerings from the faithful". Last year, the income from the annual Peter's Pence collection, which may be used at the pope's discretion, amounted to $28.5 million and was used to help cover the deficit of $39.1 million. But the amount of the Peter's Pence collection has been falling -- some bishops believe because of the 1982 Ambrosiano and Vatican bank scandals, which cost the Vatican $250 million. The increased shortfall has been highlighted because, for the first time, the Vatican released the budget figures in dollars as well as in lire. While the deficit has increased by 44 per cent in dollar terms over 1985, it has only increased 17 per cent in lire, because of the sharp decrease of the value of the dollar against the lire in the past year. Most of the Vatican's invested funds came from money it received from the Italian government in 1929 for expropriation of Church lands


Children presenting Nativity scenes are a feature of the 1986 Australia Post Christmas stamps issued this week. The deisgns are the results of photographs taken at a kindergarten by Brian CIJnton. He arranged his final painting to fit the figures within the perforation pattern of a miniature sheet. This permits the stamps to be used individually, or in larger groupings. The individual groupings are Joseph and Mary, Three Kings and the Angels. The stamps are said to 'capture the varying emotions of young children rehearsing the annual nativity play excitement, ; boredom, clowning around, nervousness, and even a sad shepherd who really wanted to play Joseph."

How to On behalf of leaders of the Christian Churches at Allendale Square on Monday, Bishop Healy launches the Australia Post special Christmas series of stamps depicting


children's nativity scenes.

Letter on a moral stand From page 1

has continually promoted the divine plan of the loving and lifegiving union of man and woman. "She is convinced that the freedom and dignity of the individual person will be attained only by fidelity and obedience to the creative wisdom of God. "There are groups within the Church today which seek to change her doctrine on this point. "With ties to groups outside the Church, they are animated by a vision of man which is opposed to the Christian understanding. "They insist that every reservation about is homosexuality somehow just another form of unjust discrimination. "They lobby to change civil statutes and laws. 'The Letter takes care to condemn clearly every crime against people. "But the Church must make it equally clear for the sake of these same people that her doctrine regarding homosexuality cannot be revised

Cont page 4

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Guest Editorial from


which sponsored a special pilgrimage to Assisi

Universal peace! What would have seemed impossible a few years ago became a reality in Assisi, October 27. The pope with 150 leaders of world religions, together representing 3,500 million people, prayed for world peace and made a public commitment to work together to bring this about. In response to the pope's plea for a 24-hour truce, 12 governments and guerilla groups did observe a ceasefire on Monday. Because there was not total response to his call some commentators tried to belittle the event. For the pope's appeal to have been effective worldwide it needed the full backing of all political leaders, especially those in the most powerful nations. This was not to happen. President Reagan did write personally to the pope giving his support to Monday's meeting. But as with the majority of other leaders, a discreet silence had been exercised in the White House with regard to the 24-hour truce. Despite this, in several parts of the world guns did remain silent and bombs did not explode on October 27. Lives were saved and bodies were not maimed. And surely the saving of even one life is a cause for celebration. But the significance of Assisi must not be judged simply by the response to the pope's call for a truce. Hundreds of millions of people through television and radio witnessed the bond of friendship being sealed between leaders of various religions, recognising as the pope said that "at the deepest level of humanity there is a common ground from which to work together and find a solution to the dramatic challenge of our age; true peace or catastrophic war". Over the centuries religious differences have often caused distrust, bitterness and hatred. And religious wars are renowned for their cruelty. The pope recognised at Assisi that Christians share in the responsibility for this tragic history when he said: "Our prayer here should include repentance for our failure as Christians to carry out the mission of peace and reconciliation that we have received from Christ." The pope stressed that they had not come together for an inter-religious conference on peace but to recognise that there exists another dimension which does not depend on political compromise or economic bargaining. The real significance of Assisi is a recognition of the essential role which religion must play in serving the cause of peace. But before effectively assuming this role the deep divisions of centuries have to be healed. Judged in these terms the meeting was an outstanding success and may prove to have been one of the great turning points in the history of mankind. For this to happen each one of us must play our part. As the pope said. "peace is a universal responsibility; it comes about through a thousand little acts in daily life." A giant step has been taken.

Homosexual Letter

From page 3 because of pressure brought to bear on her, or because of the trend of the moment. "Aware of the many circumstances which condition human behaviour, the CDF warns against u n warranted and generalisations 4

demeaning assumptions, "It reasserts that homosexual persons enjoy a fundamental freedom which must be rocognised. 'This freedom constitutes their dignity as persons and makes the conversion from evil possible, with God's grace."

The Record, November 6, 1986

Teenagers in new sex program

DUBLIN: A new sex education program for young people encourages the over-14s to discuss personal relationships in the light of Church teaching. Love Matters, published by Veritas after two years of consultation with youth workers is intended primarily for youth clubs, but several schools have already expressed an interest in it according to author Mr Francis cf_fief(d

The book consists of seven sections: on sex education, how men and

women see themselves,

relationships, sex before marriage, celibacy, and homosexuality,



Each section begins

with a story about the exploits of Nerves, a

young man who sees women as sex objects. At the end of each story there is a series of suggested topics for discussion.

Korean 'torture' claim


A South Korean woman who claimed to have suffered sexual abuse during interrogation by police has been given

public support in her campaign against them by Cardinal Kim of Seoul. The police say Kwon-Insuk, 22, is lying about the assault, but Cardinal Kim said at a Mass in Myongdong Cathedral

that he was convinced she was telling the truth. A former student at Seoul National University, Kwon was detained for illegal trade union activity. She says she was forced to remove her jacket and struck across the breasts. An official report released last month

admitted she had been tortured but denied sexual abuse. A police chief has since been demoted and three other officers dismissed. The cardinal said Kwen should stand her ground. It would be "great tragedy" if the case should fade away through lack of public interest, he


program tried to help people young understand how homosexual people felt, both about their sexuality and their faith.


LONDON: Who says girls are as good as men at practical disciplines like engineering? Donna, lane, Claudia and Cherry from St Theresa's school Lewisham (a London suburb) do - that's who! Donna Gray, Jane AhKang, Claudia Lynch and Cherry La Foucade are the four-girl team that put together the school's

Road to success

entry for the biennial BP

Car of the Future competition. In doing so, they recorded three achievements. They were the only group from the London area to enter the prestigious competition; theirs was the only allgirl team in the

competition -and they won third prize! Donn said the car was all their own design. The chassis is made from angled steel, the canopy from pop-rivetted aluminium and the body from ply-wood. It is powered by a Mini engine.

GIFT development for infertility LONDON: The latest British development in the treatment of infertility has been welcomed by the Bishops of England and Wales. A Merseyside woman has become the first British patient to become pregnant by a new treatment known as GIFT (gamete intra-fallopian tube transfer), under which no spare embryos are created. The Catholic Church has objected to the standard treatment for infertility - in-vitro fertilisation - mainly because it involves the

ROME: The Vatican has opened an enquiry into reports that soldiers and armed police raided a Catholic seminary in China and arrested priests and students. Diplomatic representations at a very high level are reported to have been made by the Secretariat of State to the Religious Department of the Government of the Peoples Republic "through a third party." The reason for the sudden assautt and arrest of staff and students is believed to be based on the Seminary's direct contact with the Vatican, sidestepping the "legal" patriotic Church. The seminary is situated at Hebei near the city of Baoding.


Mr McCrickard said the

Mr McCrickard denied the program's concentration on the exploits of two young men made it sexist. Young women who had used the draft program found it balanced. he said. The section on homosexuality includes an account of an interview with a young Catholic homosexual in which he says he associates guilt only with promiscuity and that he hopes he will meet a partner for a permanent relationship.

Vatican in

Bishops welcome treatment creation embryos.



There are also some reservations about the way in which IVF severs procreation from the act of union within marriage. Under the new technique the woman may be given ovary stimulation by drugs, but

the eggs are not removed for fertilisation outside the womb. They are transferred

from the ovary to the

fallopian tube, by-passing a any blockage common cause of infertility.

There appears to be no reason why fertilisation

using this technique could not be achieved by normal sexual intercourse. The Merseyside woman is now expecting twins. The consultant obstetrician/ who gynaecologist developed the new technique, Mr Darwish of Arrowe Park Hospital in Birmingham, has said that, as well as being more natural, GIFT is also cheaper and quicker than in-vitro fertilisation.

to an According informant in the Chinese capital, Father Hou Jinde, a professor in the seminary, the swoop took everyone by surprise. It is not know how many teachers and students were involved but only that they were summarily bundled into lorries for interrogation at a base, military apparently on charges that they were a operating "clandestine and illegal association." Sources the say seminary was opened more than a year ago with the knowledge and permission of the co m m uni s t authorities.

Miserable conditions PORT AU PRINCE (HAITI): The bishops of Haiti have denounced the "miserable conditions of life" and the lack of sensitivity by the government "towards the

sufferings of the people". They complained nothing practical was being done to raise the standard of living.

Unemployment was rife,

people were dying of hunger, and the feeble purchasing power of the peasants did not allow them to meet even the most basic needs of their existence. tttd«4{




clo�e noon Wednesday




1I559is¥ nquiry into China incident

Soldiers raided seminary ■

It has no connection with the official Chinese Catholic Church, recognised in China but not by the Vatican. The seminary has maintained contact with the Holy See in Rome. The incident is seen in the Vatican as another example of Beijing's displeasure with any Chinese Catholic organisation which remains loyal to the pope.

China severed relations with the Vatican in 1957 and established the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association to which Chinese

Catholics may belong.

An estimated 3% million Catholics are members.


• • •

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New York vigil

mintues "to remind us NEW YORK: A how horrible it would campaign against be if that light did not drugs was launched by shine." Cardinal O'Connor The horror of drugs with an evening would block the light of prayer-vigil and rally in liberty, he said. front of St Patrick's The Empire State Cathedral. Building's lights were As the thousands of temporarily turned off participants lit candles, to indicate the city's they could see the greatness, symbolised lights on the Empire by the building, could State Building go out. be destroyed by drugs. The cardinal announced the lightS h on the recently renovated Statue of Liberty were also being dimmed for a few

them ourself

Brave priest defied death


An affable Sandinista President Daniel Ortega and Government leaders have talked with Cardinal Obando y Bravo and nine bishops for nearly three hours. The meeting took place at the office of the new Nuncio, Mons Paolo Giglio, the man who has been bolstering relations between the Vatican and Red Cina.

It ended with a commitment on both sides to "take concrete measures to normalise relations between state and church".

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DUBLIN: Brave priest Desmond Millett scrambled 60 feet up a steep railway embankment to talk a man out of suicide just months after a massive heart operation. Martin Lloyd, 29, had climbed onto the main Bristol to London railway viaduct and prepared to jump because his marriage was on the rocks.

No conditions were made on either side before the meeting which reportedly was conducted with "impressive cordiality and an earnest search for accord". Details were not released, but it is hoped there will soon be "signs of goodwill on both sides". The Church did not insist on the return of exiled prelates and priests and the re-opening of the banned Radio Catolica. But Senor Ortega requested the church to "respect the sovereignty of the government". Cardinal Obando was in good humour: "There was a reciprocal will to seek solutions "AII difficulties will be discussed in the most open way" he said.

St. John of God was a "doer", a practical Christian who effectively bridged the gulf between the rich and poor of his society, ministering to each according to their needs. He was a pioneer in health care. The first hospital he established 450 years ago set the standard by which others were judged - and found wanting.

Chief Attempts by Inspector Chris Tamlyn to talk him down failed and Lloyd called for Father Millett, whom he had consulted earlier about his problems The shy, bespectacled Catholic priest agreed to help, despite having been warned by surgeons that heavy work would put his own life at risk. Father Millett said: "When the call came from the police I had not time to

Since that first hospital, there have some 700 St. John of God foundations around the world, providing health care or services to handicapped people.

whether my heart would stand up, but my main problem was the brambles and nettles." He said he was in pain from the undergrowth catching in the fresh wound which ran the length of his inside leg where surgeons at the Bristol Royal Infirmary had

removed a vein to use in the massive by-pass operation last November.


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worry about my heart.

You're supposed to forget about your own problems. "I was slightly apprehensive about


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A happy Father Millett with Chief Inspector Chris Tam/yn.

Pope John Paul pleased at thaw Nicaraguan Church-State relations had delighted the

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The Record, November 6, 1986






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The less carefree I ife was to end suddenly. It was September, 1939: he had passed all examinations with credits three months earlier and was at Mass in the Wawel Cathedral when he heard the sirens scream. Then the bombs began to rain on Cracow: the German Luftwaffe was attacking from the north, west and south. Within a week, Cr a cow and Warsaw, would fall and within another 10 days the Russians wou Id move in from the east, joining the Nazis in the fourth partition of Poland in two centuries.

DOD The Nazi philosophy regarded Poles, like Jews and gipsies, as a lowty breed frt only to do menial work for the "master race" ... or to be wiped out. Any intellectual activities by Poles were banned and the main target was the Jagiellonian University.

Servite Friars A community of men of ancient origins who venture to be

SERVANTS like MARV the Mother of Jesus;

Life changed dramatically for Continuing Karol Wojtyla when he was 18: he and his father moved from the the story sleepy market town of Wadowice the city. of the life to They went to Cracow, a Gothic city as old as Poland itself, a and the survivor of wave after wave of conquest. achievements Its very air held strong appeal for an imaginative, poetic youth so of Pope devoted to the history and culture of his homeland. John Tradition says that Cracow was founded as a fort but legend tells Paul II a more exciting tale. from PAT CONNELLY who was commissioned by The Advocate in Melbourne to write about the life and accomplishments of Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II, in preparation for his visit to Australia at the end of the month. The 183 professors there were tricked into attending a meeting, then arrested and packed off to concentration camps. Students were in danger, too, and anyone known to be keeping at his or her books faced death or deportation. Many of Karol Wojtyla's friends were quickly arrested and some disappeared Another hazard was being caught without a work card so he entered the workforce and was sent to labor in a stone quarry outside Cracow. Four years he toiled with working men ... a period he later described as "a sent blessing by Providence." 'The experience that I acquired was priceless," he recollected several years ago. "I have often said that I considered it possibly more valuable than a doctorate - which does not mean that I have a poor opinion of university degrees!" There was certainly no

A prince named Krak, so the story goes, once faced a dragon on the banks of the Vistula River.

He slew the monster and the settlement that grew there was named in his honor. It prospered over the centuries because it was at the crossroads of trade routes between Russia, Bohemia and Western Europe. That fort developed Into the royal castle and by the mid-12th century Cracow became the nation's capital. Warsaw took over that role 350 years later but Cracow stayed prominent in other ways. Wawel Cathedral, where patron saint Stanislaus had been martyred before the altar, became the heart of the Polish

"Examinations were set up as usual and they even managed to set up makeshift laboratories."



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Church and Cracow the "holy city". The Jagiellonian University, founded in 1364, was one of Europe's finest and attracted students from all over the Continent. It was famous for its achievements In law and for daring ideas in philosophy and science, especially astronomy. In 1938 the youth Wojtyla enrolled there. A few years ago, 45years after stepping on to the campus he recalled: "No doubt l owe much to one single year at Poland's most ancient university." That was an offhand way of describing what must have been an adventure for the brilliant student who was there not Just to pass exams but to involve himself in subjects he loved. As mentioned In an earlier chapter he was passionately fond of his country's song, dance and literature. And at high school in Wadowice he had been many times lead actor and producer in plays; and with that school and the glrls' equivalent he had toured south-eastern Poland performing works ranging from Shakespeare to the modern drama of his country. Now, in Cracow, he was to take Polish language and

Apart from hurling himself into this risky Karol undertaking, Wojtyla was involved in





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A decision to become a priest

doubt about his regard for higher studies in those early war years. Between shifts at the chemical firm's quarry he burned the midnight oil.

This he did in the underground or "flying university" system, first devised when the Russians, Prussians and Austrians had partitioned and tried to crush Poland's spint between 1772 and 1918. Mary Craig writes that in 1940"1800 students met in private houses, apartments, cellars, church crypts and the backs of shops to carry on with their studies.


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% I

another angle of the resistance. He and other poets and actors set up the

Ii il I


The study used hy Karol Wojtyla in the Archbishop's palace, Cracow.

By PAT CONNELLY literature with a career in the theatre planned when he graduated. A religious vocation was far from his mind. Mary Craig, in her book, Man From a Far Country, says his high school teacher, Father Edward Zacher, "had hoped to the end that he would take up theology but Karol would not be swayed." The basement flat where he and his father lived in Cracow was hardly a place for a highspirited young man. Writer George Blazynski records that it was "a sad place indeed: hardly any daylight filtered through its narrow windows, the rooms were small and cramped, while the lack of sunshine made the place cold and inhospitable. Locals called it the Debnlkl 'catacomb.' " But nothing could damp the enthusiasm of Karol junior. It is said he made friends easily and was "an immediate success with his fellow students who found him gregarious and good company, a man who loved a joke." He hurled himself into creative activities. He took up elocution, joined the Polish Language Society, and was one of the first members of a theatrical fraternity set up by some of the writers living in the city. One of the group's first plays, Knight of the Moon, required the

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actors to represent the various signs of the zodiac. And there was time for tomfoolery as well as earnestness. The tall, athletic Wojtyla played Taurus and it's said that after each performance 'he used to take off his bull's head, give a bellow and race around charging at his friends like a wild bull on the rampage.'' A great future as an actor was forecast for him. He had two gifts that added to his stage presence: he could recite poetry (some of it his own) in a spellbinding manner and his voice has been singing described as hauntingly beautiful. Along with these marvellous gifts, his love of life and his flair for friendship was striking good looks. A photograph of him at age 20 shows him not with the rounded features of today but with lean, almost gaunt facial lines, dark eyebrows and compelling eyes. In the prime of llfe he must have caught the eye of girls and enjoyed their company. Lord Longford, of England, writes that in 1939 he "formed a sentimental attachment to a young woman," and adds: "Certainly, like other young men, he had had girt friends earlier."

end "life"

The reception room of the Archbishop's palace, Cracow, with its priceless antique furniture. Rhapsodic Theatre, and poetry reciting patriotic verse drama in front of secret audiences.

Once, when he was reading from the Polish Pan Tadeusz, a public address system outside

blared news of further German victories in Europe. "Wojtyla did not even

pause but carried on reading as though there had been no interruption," a writer has recorded. 'Those who were there that evening were swept away on a great tide of patriotic fervor." There was yet another side to young Wojtyla in those terrible times: he worked with a group helping the Christian Democrats shelter Jews and provide non-Jewish indentities for them. As a result his name went on the Nazi black list. Meanwhile, the daily grind went on with the hewing of quarry rock. But such was Karol Wojtyla's manner that he was seen as a natural leader and promoted assistant foreman of placing cartridges and fuses.

He recalled the danger of that dynamiting work when he received a group of marble workers from the quarries of Carrara, Italy, in 1980. "Accidents can transform the place of work into a scene of tragedy in a few seconds," he said. " have also had this experience and these are events that mar the soul for one's entire life." Despite the promotion, living was hard and he had to scrounge food. Sometimes a friend's mother would cook a meal and he would take it home to share it with his father. One day early in 1941 he entered the flat and found his father the one he called an exceptional man dead of a heart attack. Karol was not yet 21, had no family, suffered as human wolves savaged his beloved Poland and saw no relief ahead. Yet worse was still to come.


more 1n

following pages


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,['Sit with the

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ol Wojtyla caught in a candid shot during a hike through the Tatra mountains. a


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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Record, November 6, 1986


Aware Poles knew plenty was still amiss and their liberation was a phantom one. Six months earlier the People's Army, communists all, had set up a committee of national liberation at Lublin, In the first section of Poland to be taken from the Germans. Fearing yet a new tyranny Poles had rebelled In Warsaw, but Soviet policy prevented any aid reaching the dissidents. In the same month as the Russians swept in and cleared the Nazis out, a Moscow-backed government of national unity was set up. Now Pole fought Pole. The resistance, which had hoped during the war years for independence, struggled to pull down the new communist structure, the People's Republic. For two years the Home Army campaigned against the Red odds, dispersing to avoid capture and exile to Soviet labour camps, regrouping to free colleagues imprisoned in Polish prisons.


In the shadow of the estapo, a secret vocation

fr tojtyia soon after his ordination n 194.

In mid 1941, when Karol Wojtyla was crossing the street outside his flat in Cracow he was run over . . . some say by a tram, others say by a German army lorry. A few months later he was hit by a truck. The accidents shattered the world of the lean, athletic 21-year-old. The first one put him in hospital with a fractured skull; the second one left him with a permanent stoop and with one shoulder higher than the other. He was affected mentally and spiritually as well as in the body. He had a serious head injury. In that condition he considered becoming a priest He shelved the idea on leaving hospital.

The young Fr Wojtyis, the curate, with his altar boys.

And yet another influence was a tailor named Jan Tyranowski who was a lay worker in the same parish as Wojtyla.

of the 16th century mystic, St John of the Cross.

The Spanish poet wrote about the dark night of the soul where the only light is God, a notion that appealed to Wojtyla as he recovered from the injuries and pondered the Nazi blackness.



"T was working in the factory and devoting myself, as far as the terrors of the Occupation allowed, to

my taste for literature and drama," he says. "My priestly vocation took shape in the midst of all that, like an inner fact of unquestioning and

absolute clarity.

"The following year, in the autumn, I knew that l was called: I could see what I had to give up and the goal that I had to attain, without a backward glance. I would be a priest."

i« tw



Bicycle riding was one of Karol Wojtyla's favourite relaxations.

The Record, November 6, 1986


In August 1946 he was in the examination room. In 26 subjects he scored the highest possible marks in 19, the second highest in six and third highest in one, psychology. Three months later, Karol Wojtyla was ordained in Cracow's Wawel Cathedral by the aristocratic Sapieha, by then a cardinal. On his greatest day to that time, the 26-year-old priest said three Masses (one for his parents and brother).

In the cathedral was the tomb of Juliusz Slowacki, a poet of the 19th century, who had predicted that one day there would be a Polish pope.

Suddenly the dreams of fame as an acter were seen as vain and futile, less worthy than his work carrying lime buckets in a water purification plant. In the book Be Not Afraidl, written by French intellectual Andrew Frossard after a series of interviews with the pope, the Pontiff explains that he gradually became aware of the path he must take.

After the second accident he thought again about the vocation and joined the theological department of the underground university being run in defiance of the Nazis. People who have done research on that period of the Pope's life disagree on some points, but they agree that various influences apart from the accidents were at work on him. One very important factor was the death of his father not long before the first accident. It is said that the death devastated him and he spent the night in vigil, praying over the body of the man who had

Amid the turmoil Karol Wojtyla was busy with more than theology. He sometimes rallied publicly with fellow patriots to sing national songs (he once narrowly escaped arrest) and worked with a students' group that helped each other find food, books, clothing and housing.

And as he was realising his mother's wish to be a priest there was near him an omen that was pointing to a higher state in the Church.

The tailor rallied around him a group for prayer and discussion of ideas. These included the poems


moulded him.

iv grtie.

Another influence was the savagery of the Nazis' treatment of his fellow Poles, including Jews, which directed him to serve other people.

In 1947, a supposedly free election was arranged. Terror reigned as, using Soviet troops still on Polish soil, the republic powers had noncommunist candidates beaten and arrested and their election machinery smashed. The Red-backed parties won resoundingly in every district.

There were several reasons why the decision to be a priest was difficult to carry out. One was a matter of time and effort: he had to fit priesthood studies in between hours of toil at the factory. Another problem was the secrecy needed to avoid detection by the Germans, who had closed down training colleges for priests. Because he had to tread so warily there is mystery about some of his movements between 1942 and August 1944. To fill in the gaps, some people have relied on imagination and have come up with some wild fancies Mary Craig, who had an interpreter when she went to Poland to research the pope's life, writes "The most romantic suggests that he had married, that his wife had been executed by the Gestapo and that, broken hearted, he had vowed to become a celibate priest." The true reason for his sudden absence was the Nazi practice of swooping on an area and wiping oul young Polish men. The swoops in which a street was sealed oft, road blocks erected, houses raided and men arrested or shot were stepped up after an unsuccesstu uprising in Warsaw in August 1944


As Father WojtyMa left the cathedral to go to his birthplace, Wadowice, and say Mass in the little church where he was baptised, he took the first steps towards realisation of that prophecy. Warsaw was terrorised first, and the next weekend

t was Cracow's turn.

When faced by the Germans he used to delight in giving them the aristocratic cold shoulder.

Wojtyla was in his basement flat when he heard the sounds that meant one of these raids was under

The head of the occupying forces, Dr Hans Frank, also received this treatment on his occasional visits to the archbishop's palace.

He fell to his knees and prayed he would be spared. There was no tramp of jackboots at his door but Archbishop Sapieha who had been impressed with Young Wojtyla at high school did not want to risk hosing him or other student priests again.

He received, too, black bread, beetroot jam and mock coffee exactly what the average Pole existed on.


The archbishop had the students moved secretly to

is palace and hid them there until the Occupation ended But questions were asked when Wojtyla failed to Urn up to the factory. Mailed warnings piled up at his empty flat and there

was the danger that the annoyed authorities might

dcide to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Archbishop Sapieha went to the factory manager,

ho was a Pole, and asked him to help.

Wojtyla's name went missing from the list of sentees and inquiries stopped

The archbishop, a hero of the Occupation, was a

Pince by birth, his line going back to an old Lithuanian


On his final visit there, the German supremo would have choked on the wartime hard tack if he had known that the five student priests hunted by the Gestapo were hiding in the palace. The five were still there when the Nazis retreated and the Russian "liberators" swept in. Wojtyla and hrs friends later had good cause to regret the heavy atheistic hand of the reds, but in January 1945 they rejoiced The only thing that mattered was the absence of the Nazis. In six years they had killed one quarter of Poland's population. For each of the six years of Occupation more than a million (three million Jews all told) had been put to death. Karol Wojtyla revelled in the chance to act openly again and went back to theological studies at the

reopened university.

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The Record, November 6, 1986


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St Brigid's Primary School, Midland, has 27 nationalities represented within its student ranks. Thus Universal Children's Day seemed appropriate enough for the staff and students to give body, voice and colour to the day, symbolising the unity they felt for children throughout the world. The UNICEF theme of Peace -Live and Grow Free was emphasised with the acting out of the legend of Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. This is the true story of a girl who had leukaemia purportedly as a result of the Hiroshima bomb. The story goes that after she made a 1000 paper cranes, according to Japanese legend, she would live. However she only made 355 when she died; her friends made the rest and burled them with her.

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of them in a scientific search for a novel form of communication. As part of the Australia-wide

Science and Schools Week. the

Year 11 chemistry students organised the sale of balloons carrying a tag with the sender's name




That is a question ~posed recently to a zgroup of Adelaide iparishioners by iVincentian theologian =who teaches at St 5Francis Xavier 5 seminary. requesting information from the He drew the parallel receiver. ibetween a young man


At 20 cents a balloon to cover the z person asking: 'What . zwilllbe when I grow up" cost of the helium some - and thee qu estion now students sent half a dozen z facing Catholics today: entries. So far responses from z "What will we be when finders as far as Northam have we grow up in our

= different and broader

filtered back to the school. of understanding Northam was also the furthest f Church ministries? point reached last year when E Father Simons said the addresses were picked up a i question was raised at distant farms and haystacks.

Vatican Il, "when it E taught that, by virtue of

sour baptisms, we all

Twenty-seven_nationalities represented in student ranks ae»re mssoi 'J the( htrrh"

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The sky over Bedford was thick with balloons recently as St Thomas Aquinas School launched 500



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by COLLEEN HOWARD A Peace Park was set up In her honour after her death. Following on from the paraliturgy assembly and a special blessing received from Father Elio OFM, there was a quiz, performances of multicultural items and an art activity during which classes produced a mural entitled Children at Play. After a picnic lunch all students took part In tabloid international games, bringing to a close a fun filled day of music, art, sport and culture. By the way, if a large helium balloon floated down or around your home recently, chances are it came all the way from the hand of a St Brigid's child; the students released 125, all containing peace messages. It was considered an appropriate and imaginative way of reaching out to others, inspiring them to think along similar lines of Peace.

The school scene at St Brigid's has changed dramatically since the foundation stone was laid in 1902. At that stage it was a primary and junior secondary school, taught by the Sisters of Mercy. In 1972 the Sisters of St Joseph came In and "it is really in the last 10 years that it has become so multicultural," said its Principal, Sister Margaret RSJ.

Today it is a preprimary through to grade seven with double streams. ' think the Introduction of the multi-cultural aspect of our policy is absolutely essential in our Australian culture," said Sister Margaret.

"It is part of our policy to Incorporate It Into the total curriculum of the school. "With this diversity there Is a great

richness to be obtained from the cultural diversity present within the school," she said. 'Parental involvement is always at a maximum and this arises from the sense of community which these various cultures have brought to Australia. "The need to work together is very much part of their heritage, which is evidenced In our activities here at St Brigids."

nuns I'arishioners' request

Course based

New era's need for on St Changes ;EE; Mark's z Parishioners of the

E Belmont-Redcliffe

z parish requested as a E follow-on

from "You

z are my People", a

z series of Scripture z sessions

to increase z their understanding of 5it

z In acknowledgement

E of this, Father Laurie

z Hannigan SM, parish

E priest, and Sister E Kathleen Dawe RSJ,

z have been directing i����u�;�donSt




A student at St Francis Xavier Seminary

Adelaide No one person in the Church, then, is exempt from reflecting on their vocation or ministry. Priests in Adelaide have just finished two weeks looking at the of their meaning priesthood. Father Simons threw some light on the relationship between a priest and his community, between the ordained and the unordained. The vocation to unordained and ordained ministry are alike and different, he said.


Initially, there is not great distinction between the two; we are called to be a people, before we are called as individuals A call to unordained ministry involves:

• Discipleship: "Here, a person who has already been called by God to a special dignity as a human being begins to seek more fully and more completely to mirror God's love in the way Jesus did," he said.

ODO • Pastoral care within the Christian Community. • Service to humanity in the world. A call to ordained ministry involved, all of the above elements and, more besides, Father Simons said. The ordained minister had to meet the expectations of the community. This required an ability to communicate effectively and an

one""SP?yazslecturer in

engaging (degree of presence and an ability to motivate and inspire others. "An ordained minister can be a leader of prayer and preside at liturgies only if he has the presence necessary to involve people and to invite them around the table of the Lord," he said. A vocation to an ordained ministry also needed indispensable personality traits such as: • A willingness to take a public and symbolic role in the community. • A habit of drawing on deep personal resources. "An individual who lives on the surface of life, and is happy with that, will either find ordained ministry boring or drive whole sections of his congregation crazy," he said. • A desire to love and care for people, to strengthen them and set them free.

The biblical media One could easily get the idea that the only books the Jews and early Christians had to fill their lives were those of the Bible. The invention of printing was a long way off, writing materials were expensive and, anyway, relatively few people could read or


The Greeks and Romans

had their poets and play-

Jews or Christians read them However, recent discoveries focus attention on an amazingly rich and diverse literature which flourished from the second century BC to the second century AD. Some of it came from Jewish circles, some from Christians, some -- in the form it came down to us -from Jewish authors latcr edited by Christians A recent edition of these books contains 52 composi ions. They include works purported to be revelations made to great figures of wrights, but few

:···················· • •

RECORD : • : CLASSIFIEDS : ; PO Box 50 % •j Perth Aberdeen St;•



By Father John Castelot antiquity. They were of the "now it can be told" type. They pretended to reveal secrets of the heavenly world and of the end of the present world Written at a time of persecution, insecurity and anxiety, they offered assurances of God's ultimate victory over evil. They were the products of lively imaginations. Most of all, the works satisfied the popular thirst for information about the unseen world and the future. People always have been insatiably curious about such things; they still are Witness the astonishing popularity of Hal Lindsey's' "The Late, Great Planet Earth". In this book, he lays out the whole future course of human history in minute detail A favourite theme of the

literature was the origin of sin. Some authors worked out of the Adam and Eve story but embellished it so as to emphasise Eve's guilt. This led to a general depreciation of women as the cause of all human ills. On the contrary, the author of "4 Ezra", a popular nonbiblical work of the time, shifted the blame to Adam There was in the Bible's Genesis, Chapter 6, another explanation of the origin of sin in humanity. It was that reference to the "sons of God" who married "the daughters of men." The biblical author adapted an ancient story here, not to teach all its details literally, but to help people understand the growing estrangement of humanity from God. But some authors of apocalyptic works, notably those who wrote the non-biblical books titled "I Enoch" and "II Enoch," proceeded to

the Genesis develop account very imaginatively. The author of "I Enoch" portrayed the offspring of this union in Genesis 6 as giants who wrought all sorts of havoc on earth. They corrupted the people by instructing them in forbidden sciences like making arms, cosmetics and precious metals




many years in the Marist Father's Seminary and the Catholic Theological Union in Sydney. Sister Kathleen Dawe

RSJ works in Continuing

Formation for her Sisters of St Joseph Congregation. She works on Retreats, and has recently been involved in one held at Wongan Hills. When time permits, she also conducts school



□□□ After this

series, she will

be going to Kalgoorlie to


speak on spirituality and will be doing the

Majellan Retreat in November. Sister Kathleen takes as her linch-pin motivation, Christ's words: "I have come so that you may have life and have it to

Compiled by Father John de Luca, Parish Priest and consultant to the National Liturgical Commission

the full." "I want to help people discover their life in Jesus," she said. "And show how life experiences are lifegiving."

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"And since I came it has awakened an interest for me in the Scriptures." Ms May Quinn said she seemed to have obtained

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listened to them being

read from the pulpit for many years, but he has explained them in such an emphatic way, they now have a deeper meaning for me," she



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"tis through the Immaculate Heart of Mary that peace must be asked, because it is to that Heart that the Lord has confided it."


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The Record, November 6, 1986



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From page 2

CORRY, Ivy In loving memory of my dear wife who passed a way 1 November 1983 and mother of Peter and Noel. May she rest in peace.

GENT 34 would like to

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Year Old respectable working girl seeks caring family home. Phone number 331 2178. Eighteen

from C.H. LEE, York

He warned the world: "Either we learn to walk together in peace or we drift apart and ruin ourselves and others. "Peace awaits its prophets. Peace awaits its builders. 'let us stretch our hands towards our brothers and sisters. to encourage them to build peace upon the four pillars of truth, justice, love and freedom," he said "Peace is a workshop, open to all and not just to specialists. Peace is a universal responsibility: it comes about through a thousand little acts in daily life. "We entrust the cause of peace especially to the young. 'What we have done today we must continue to do every day of our life. For what we have done today is vital for the world."

From page 1

Novena to the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems light all roads so that I can attain my goal. You gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances of my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as I confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you ever, in spite of all material illusions. I wish to be with you in eternal glory. Thank you for mercy towards me and mine. This prayer must be said for three days after which the favour will be granted. The prayer must be published immediately. V. Edelburg.

for involvement in "Shared housing" project run by Emmanuel, a self help centre for people GENTLEMAN retired with disabilities. Person seeks interesting would live-in and be employment casual, involved in teaching var- temporary, part-time city Special thanks to the ious life skills and would or country. Office Sacred Heart of Jesus, be able to continue with background. Will try Our Blessed Lady Mary, daytime work or study. anything caretake Infant Jesus of Prague, Remuneration is by way property, assist in shop, Saint Joseph, Saint Jude, of free board and rent. relief driving, assist in Saint Teresa. Novenas to All enquiries to Emma- office. Phone 364 4131. the Holy Spirit, Saint nuel Centre 328 8113. UPHOLSTERER Martin de Porres and all Are you earning what retired professional is prayers answered for my you are worth? The out- interested in occasional daughter's successful Herbalife repairs standing and light operation. M.O'R. weight loss program can recovering work. change your life, your Kitchen, dining, office, Grateful thanks to you income and your appear- lounge, chairs, etc. Holy St Jude, Our Blessed Mother, the ance. Call Anne or Tim Phone 34 l 3995. SPECIAL THANKS to Holy Spirit. St Martin 450 3617. Infant Jesus of Prague De Porres and the Sacred for prayers answered. Wanted: Couple THANKS Heart of Jesus for the May he be praised pensioners or retired to throughout the world caretake Morley old Novena to the Holy miraculous recovery of published as promised Carmel hostel, to be used Spirit. Holy Spirit. you my sister. I promised to L.E. as a venue for youth. who solve all problems make your name known Only dedicated persons light all roads so that I and cause you to be need apply 349 2799. can attain my goal. You invoked. Published as Pictured at a recent gave me the divine gift to promised. K.OB. Marriage Preparation forgive and forget all evil Thanks to Holy Spirit against me and that in all and Our Lady of Prompt Course are: . THANKS instances of my life you Succour for Above: Bartholomew many Thank you Most Holy St are with me. I want in this favours and graces Rudy of Cottesloe and Jude for prayers ans- short prayer to thank you received. T. Grieve. Susan Baldock of wered in the healing of for all things as I confirm Most Sacred Heart of Gidgegannup who will my sister, also thanks to once again that I never Jesus, may your name be marry at Cottesloe on St Martin De Porres, want to be separated praised and glorified now Sacred Heart of Jesus, from you ever, in spite of and forever throughout November 8. Our Blessed Lady Mary. all material illusions. I the world. Thank you for Below: Ian Lennane of wish to be with in you Published as promised. granting an almost Nollamara and Debra eternal glory. Thank you impossible request. G.C. P.S. for your mercy towards Most Sacred Heart of Brown of Innaloo NOVENA of Childlike me and mine. This prayer whose wedding takes Confidence. Thank you must be said for three Jesus, may your name be place on November 15 O Jesus, who has said ask days after which the praised and glorified and you shall receive, favour will be granted. throughout the whole at St Gerard's Church, seek and you shall find, The prayer must be world now and forever Mirrabooka. knock and it shall be published immediately. amen. V. Edelburg. opened to you through M.G.C. the intercession of Thy Most Holy Mother I O HOLY ST JUDE, knock, I seek, I ask that apostle and martyr. great Offical Papal Tour Commemorative Souvenirs & Gifts. my prayers be granted in virtue and rich in (make your request). O miracles. near kinsman Unique opportunity to purchase our beautiful genuine Jesus who has said, All of Jesus Christ, faithful souvenir wildflowers, tastefully displayed on cards and that you ask of the intercessor of all who Father in my name He invoke you as special bookmarks. will grant you through patron in time of need, Flowers hermetically sealed to preserve and give longer to you I have recourse the intercession of Thy from the of depths my life. Most Holy Mother I humbly ask Thy Father heart and humbly beg PACK of 5 items. Bookmark, greeting card and envelope, in Thy Name that my you to whom God has official prayer card and commemorative papal card prayer be granted (make given such great power to $9.95 your request). 0 Jesus come to my assistance. who has said, Heaven Help me now in my PACK of 5 bookmarks (assorted flowers] $9.95 and Earth shall pass present and urgent need PACK OF 5 greeting cards and envelopes (assorted flowers] and earnest my grant away but my word shall $9.95 not pass through the petition. In return I intercession of Mary Thy promise to make your PACK OF 3 prayer cards [without flowers] $5.85 Most Holy Mother I am name known and cause Follow the tour by purchasing a:you to be invoked. Say confident that my prayer three Our Fathers, Hail Set of 9 commemorative envelopes licenced by Papal Visit shall be granted (make Marys and Glorias. St your request). AMEN. Ltd with International Year of Peace Stamps, postmarked Jude pray for all who P.R. at Papal Tour centres with date of visit $19.00 honour and invoke your ST JUDE. Gratefully aid. Published as ALSO thanks for favours. Judy. promised. This novena WILDFLOWER CHRISTMAS CARDS My Thanks to St Jude has never been known to PACK of 5 Christmas cards (flowers hermetically sealed) and the Holy Spirit for fail. D.0.L. granting my special with envelopes (assorted flowers) $9.95 Most Sacred Heart of favour. Chris. Jesus may your name be Send cheque or money order to Most Holy St Jude and praised and glorified Imprint Souvenirs, to the Holy Spirit thanks throughout the world, from my heart for now and forever. Amen. P.O. Box 282, favours granted. M. Thank you very much. ALBANY W.A. 6330 Arias. Lydia.

Many messages were sent to the Vatican, including a letter from President Reagan expressing his support for the day of prayer. President Hafes Assad of Syria allowed Moslem priests to attend, even though he knew they would pray with Jewish Rabbis.



permitted Metropolitan Filarate, the Russian

orthodox Church's "foreign minister", to come and ask for peace. And In a last minute rush to join the peaceseekers, Colonel Gadaffi - who only days

ago threatened: ''IL blow up the whole world if I'm attacked" dispatched a leading


Tripoli Imam in a 120

mile race from Rome. The pope's call for a truce was a triumph.

Sir, Your editorial October 23, states that one half of the world is producing too much food and the other half is starving because they are unable to afford it. Surely the Church understands that today as in most modern economies. all new money is created as a debt to the banking system and that interest debited to overdraft accounts increases the debt outstanding, resulting in the creation of more new money as a debt to the banks. The Church has shed all of rts moral obligations on this

matter, and in fact seem to be aiding and abetting this harsh system of usury effecting mankind. Why is this? The creation of debt free money is required to enable us to give either food or money to those starving to be fed.

Church i s persecuted from Franci s HRUBOS, Glen Forrest

According to the ideology of Mr Purbrick (The Record) anyone who expresses opposrtion to communism is either a capitalist or fascist. This is very much in line with communist name calling since the days of Lenin and Stalin

The Record, November 6, 1986


Of course the gates of hell will never prevail against the Church but the believers have to put up with a greet deal of persecution and intimidation to keep the faith alive. Mr Purbrick appears to be happy with this state of affairs. No religious believers no matter of what denomination can be members of the communist party and consequently they are excluded from having any say in the ruling of their country. According to Purbrick's ideology they should work within whatsoever political environment they happen to be in Well, why not to work for example with Pinochet where they have at least the freedom to worship and disseminate publicly the teaching of our Lord which is not tolerated under communism




l take a dim view of M Purbrick's statement "that it is a nonsense to claim that the crossed hammer and sickle is replacing the Christian cross". In the schools of the East European communist countries the cross was a standard decoration in classrooms. Now there is the hammer and sickle. Even in Poland the Catholics have had to put up a bitter fight to retain the cross in the


Pope John Paul Il

PREPARING FOR POPE by DAMIAN O'CONNELL who describes some of the "lighter" incidents in Pope John Paul's

incident-packed life which he heightened with skiing and canoeing expeditions . . .

John Paul II has been described as a dare devil in regards to his skiing and canoeing exploits. While skiing in the mountains on the Czekosowakian border Karol Wojtyla, then cardinal Archbishop of Krakow, Poland, unknowingly crossed the Polish border. Stopped by the border guard he handed over his papers. Examining the documents the guard grunted - "Do you realise, you moron, whose papers you have stolen? This trick will put you inside for a long time."

Archbishop urges big roll-up for Sydney talks Young Christian Workers have planned a major seminar on the role of the laity to be held in Sydney next January. The seminar will take place over five days at St Patrick's Seminary at Manly. Father Hugh OSullivan, YCW's National Chaplain, says that the seminar aims to bring together YCW leaders, priests, seminarians, potential chaplains, lay assistants and leaders, religious, theologians and Church leaders. "The seminar will have a very broad perspective because it will be appealing to many with people different roles in the society of the Church," Father

by a special reporter

January seminar on laity ■

Karol Wojtyla explained he really was the Cardinal of Krakow, but the unbelieving guard responded: "A skiing Cardinal! Do you think I'm nuts?" As Cardinal in Krakow his day began at 5 am and rarely finished before midnight. People continually came to his residence. The final visitors before meal times were always invited to stay.


Despite all the good he was doing in Poland, in 1978 he became the sign of unity and leader for all Catholics. John Paul ll allows his great spiritual strength to shine through his humanity. He calls people to work for unity and contribute every effort towards a profound unity of the whole human family. Come and pray with John Paul Il on November 30.

O'Sullivan said. Interested Western Australians should ring the YCW office 328 9667 or Father Jegorow on 3 28 9878. Archbishop Foley is keen that many Western Australian priests and laity attend this seminar.

a0L "In our planning for the

seminar we have considered the vital role the almost 1.9 million young Australian workers and unemployed people will take in shaping Australia's future. 'While the Church has justifiably invested a lot of time, money and personnel in meeting the needs of secondary students, and to a lesser extent post-secondary students, very little energy has gone into working with young and employed unemployed people. "This seminar will bring those people together who can play an important part in the ministry to this section of our youth." Father O'Sullivan says that the main practical aims of the seminar will be to study the working environment in Australia and search out Christian responses.

The young workers' "ashes". An Australian summer lunch-hour pastime in the back lanes of the light industrial areas of the city.

He says the seminar can establish a national network of people interested in the issues of young workers. The tentative agenda for the seminar includes three main information and discussion sections. The "See" section wil analyse the key sociocultural situations of young Australians, the Australian world of work, and the Church and the worker in Australia's history. The"Judge" section will evaluate information about the Australian work scene and discuss the vocation of the laity and questions related to the role of the Church in society.

The "Act" section will give participants a chance to contribute to plans for action in the development of support structures for young workers, with a specific emphasis on the role of the laity in the YCW and wider Church education programs.

□□□ Archbishop Faulkner, Bishop DeCampo and Bishop Bede Heather will be among the many speakers at the seminar, along with in specialists international aid, exYCW international presidents and several priests who are also writers. Father O'Sullivan says

that he hopes the

seminar will be well

attended by members of the clergy and lay people interested or involved in working with young people. "We are expecting four bishops and about 20 priests to attend as things stand now, but I hope many more will take the opportunity to join in the seminar,"


O'Sullivan said. "It will be through the guidance of these leaders in the Church that the laity will be encouraged to take up their responsibility to help develop tomorrow's Church through the support and time they devote to young people today."



Are you a young student,

unemployed, worker, engaged person. Are you looking for friendship, support, the chance to help others and seek truth in your life.


ear 328 9878

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The Record, November 6, 1986


Celebrating with anew centre Marriage Encounter

in Western Australia is

Perth's Marriage Encounter group celebrates its 10th anniversary and it coincides with a move into their new centre for weekend Encounters at St Charles, Guildford.

celebrating its 10th anniversary. The initial Marriage Encounter weekend in this state was presented at the Franciscan Retreat House in November, 1976 and since then more than 3000 couples and almost 200 and priests have religious participated at city and country weekends. Judith and John Rossi whose association with

Key organisers of Marriage Encounter's 10th WA anniversary are John and Judith Rossi who travelled to Sydney for their first ME weekend before the movement got under way in WA.

Marriage Encounter predates its introduction to WA ( they drove to Sydney for their original weekend) are organising the celebrations at St Charles' Centre Guildford on November 16. The Guildford celebrations include a family picnic at midday, at 3pm address by Ron and Mavis Pirola, Australia's delegates to the Pontifical Council for the Family and Mass celebrated by Archbishop Foley at 4pm. The celebrations take place at St Charles' Centre, a section of St Charles' Seminary which will be used for future metropolitan weekends conducted by Marriage Encounter and Engaged Encounter. John and Margaret Dearn have circularised all parishes of the 10th anniversary celebration. The archdiocese of Perth is paying for substantial renovations to the dormitory wing and the kitchen under the supervision of honorary .architect Gerard Siero of Marriage Encounter and Morris Pavlinovich of Engaged Encounter. Much of the work is being handled on a voluntary basis by a few stalwarts of the two movements. According to Gerard Siero volunteers are still required.

·We really need all of you. If you have fond memories of your weekend and can spare a couple of hours on a Saturday or Sunday please give us a call (ph 368 2281)," Gerard said. Western Unit CoOrdinators Michael and Loretta Sherrell see the move to St Charles as the beginning of a new dynamic phase for Marriage Encounter. "Having a home base in the archdiocese dedicated to fostering and supporting the vocations of both marriage and priesthood is very exciting -- a first for Australia," they said. Please come along and be part of it.


Honorary architect of the St Charles' ME Centre renovations Gerard Siero and his wife Deborah.

Mike and Loretta Sherrell are the Western Unit Co-Ordinators of Marriage Encounter.



Venetia Rodrigues Girrawheen Kristen M St James

Cricket Yearbook. 1986. Compiled by Richie Benaud. Published by Colins. $19.95. "The full story of the 198586 Australian season, told by Channel Nine's Wide World of cricket Sports commentary team. Contents: Includes the Tests against New Zealand and India, Australia's win in the Benson and Hedges World Series Cup, the Australian tour of England and England's torrid time in the West Indies. Plus the Sheffield Shield, McDonald's Cup, and a special feature on Australia's new cricket hero, Greg Matthews Authors: Richie Benaud reviews the year in cricket, backed up by former Test greats Ian Chappell, Frank Tyson, Tony Greig, Bill Lawry, Keith Stackpole, Max

Walker and Australian captain Allan Border. With comprehensive statistics and another great collection of colour photographs." Cinderella. A Pop-Out Book. Published by Wm Collins. $6.95. Snow Wbite and tbe Seven Dwarfs. A Pop-Out Book. Published by Wm. Colins. $6.95. Reviewed by Colleen Howard. These books are not only pop-up but there are also

manoeuvreable parts which

give added animation to the

characters All beautifully designed and coloured with enough vitality in the books to keep children amused for ages These make superb presents especially around Christmas and are great value for the price.

� ....

Birthdays Happy birthday to: Michelle Kora, Noranda; Matthew Partacini, Woodvale, Anthony Jackson, Duncraig; Andrew Mason, West Perth; Jack Thompson, Wattleup; Dao Tran, Daglish; Bevan Hall, Morley; Marguerite Lane, Collie; Cara Natta, Kelmscott; Sharleen Gaby, Beechboro; Sonia Anderson, Karrinyup; Jim O'Callaghan, Woodlands; Jennifer Schurmann, Burrendah; Gary Whyte, Ballidu; Ann Jones, Calingiri; Pauline Kirk, Cloverdale; Daniel Johnston, Marmion.

Fiona Dimond, Maida Vale; Julie Dcpiazzi, Dardanup;Jay Burton, Innaloo; Christopher Bennet, Bruce Rock; Tracy Capper, Karrinyup; Phillippa Farrell, Karrinyup; Clare Rose, Sorrento; Marnie Scanlan, Dianella; Matthew Willson, Singleton; Terese Cencis, Catherine Manjimup; Schelfhaut, Caversham; Stephen Tomsic, Nollamara; Mark Murray-Smith, Bibra Lake; Simon Scott, Wagin; Sam Baker, Bunbury; Celia Grundy, Beckenham; Adrian Kemp, West Leederville.

Catherine Stokes, Pinjarra; Rohan Gorringe, Attadale; Jenni Lincoln, Nedlands;

Catherine Stokes, Pinjarra; Jenni Lincoln, Nedlands; Rohan Gorringe, Attadale;

Paul Footman Xavier College Samantha Stewart Xavier College Sarah Liddy Xavier College


Stuart (age 8) Xavier College


Fiona Dimond, Maida Vale, Julie Depiazzi, Dardanup:.J" Burton, Innaloo; Christopher Bennet, Bruce Rock; Capper. Tracy Karrinyup; Phillippa Farrell Karrinyup; Clare Wood. Wembley; Patrick Bumbak Kathleen Morley; McLaughlin, Boulder, Clare Rose, Sorrento; Marnie Scanlan, Dianella; Matthe Willson, Singleton; Terese Cencis, Manjimup Catherine Schelfhaut, Stephen Caversham; Tosmic, Nollamara; Mark Murray-Smith, Bibra Lake; Simon Scott, Wagin; Sam Baker, Bunbury; Celia Grundy, Beckenham; Adrian Kemp, West Leederville.

I The Readers Digest Atlas of the Bible. An illustrated guide to the Holy Land. Distributed tbrougb Wm

Colins. $29.95.

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Additional, specially commissioned maps carry the story beyond the Holy Land's narrow borders: the Exodus from Egypt; the exile to Babylonia; the missionary journeys of Paul across the northern rim of the Mediterranean to Greece and Rome. Atlas of the Bible is much more than a book of maps; here are full-colour views of the Holy Land today; reproductions of religious works of art and artifacts of the vanished civilisations that vied for power in the land bridge between Asia and Africa; dramatic full spread reconstructions of buildings and cities of the Bible world; beautiful paintings that show how people dressed in Bible times; meticulous renderings of the plants and animals of the Holy Land. In addition, there are special features on the currency, weights, and measures cited in the Bible; the geology of the Holy Land; the work of archaelogists who are digging up the past. here, too, is an informative essay on the history of the Bible, a portfolio of antique maps, a full spread chronology that relates people and events of the Bible to other civilisations of the ancient world. A virtual book-within-a-

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Russia by Peter Ustinov. Published by Macmillan Australia. $19.95. Given Peter Ustinov's name, his long line of Russian ancestry, his life-long interest in the country and his great genius as a writer, it was only a matter of time before he sat down and wrote a book about Russia. ·The title of this book is the Publisher's. At first, I thought it somewhat pretentious, since it might sound as though I had personal claims My

to the immensity, but then I reflected that since My Russia is neither Mr Brezhnev's nor Mr Solzhenitsyn's Russia, neither President Reagan's Russia, Mr Haig's Russia, nor anyone else's Russia, it might as well stay as a perfectly truthful description of this book. I am neither red nor white, in fact I am not Russian at all in the way such things are understood by Customs and Excise. I was born in London, and yet I was conceived in Leningrad, an influence at once more subtle and more pervasive than a mere accident of birth. The fact remains that the greatest literary success of my unfinished life has been achieved in Russia, and a play dismissed as an amusing pot-boiler in the West has been running for years over there. I sense an emotional and intellectual undertow which draws me towards a certain tragi-comic style instantly recognized by the average Soviet playgoer and

reader as falling well within the range of both their traditon and comprehension. This discovery has spurred me to try to eradicate some of the misconceptions which have poisoned the atmosphere of understanding from time immemorial. Russia has always been considered a sleeping giant by those frightened by the spectre of an awakened giant. But people forget that Russia was once very small at a time when Poland and Lithuania were very large, and that she was retarded by the invasion of the Golden Horde from Asia, to which she paid a humiliating tribute for several centuries.

In other words, Russia's struggle for identity, and indeed for survival, was a protracted and heroic one against crushing odds, and her national character must be judged on such a basis, and not merely as a state which has subsequently occupied over one-sixth of the world's surface. She has been invaded far more often than she invaded, and lost far more sons and daughters on her own soil than she has lost sons on foreign fields This is then no apology, no devil's advocacy, but a detective story to the roots of a national character which often frightens and often mystifies, but the roots of which lie in the humanity and inhumanity which are common to all mankind.'

Colin Urquhart. Publisbed by Hodder G Stoughton. $7.95. God wants us to be healthy -spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. This is the message of Scripture, claims Colin Urquhart, yet many have doubts and others have been disappointed. Is it always God's purpose to heal? How can we receive his healing power? How can we learn to pray with faith, confident that God will answer our prayers for healing? Colin Urquhart looks constantly to the example of Jesus in tackling such questions. Emphasising the centrality of faith, he also examines the sensitive issue of why some are not healed. Receive Your Healing is written to encourage everyone to grow in faith in what God has accomplished through Jesus, and to see him moving with healing power."

Here Be Dragons, by Sharon Penman. Published by Wm. Collins. $27.95. "Here by Dragons, an absorbing, sweeping historical novel of power and betrayal, loyalty and political intrigue in thirteenth-century England, Wales and France, is also a powerful story of three characters, held by bonds of love, hate and guilt, a story which would be incredible if it were not also true. John, able, charming and treacherous, was the favourite son of Henry Plantagenet, estranged from his mother, the implacable Eleanor of Aquitaine, younger brother to the brilliant Richard the Lionheart -- and finally King of England himself. Joanna, his illegitimate but recognised daughter, whom, rescuing from obscure loneliness, he cossetted, cherished and used as a pawn in his political strategy. She adored him and obeyed him

,, Escaping tbe Dragon by Tom Field. Published by Allen & Unwin Australia.

pb. $7.95. "It's a shattering experience to discover both your children are heroin addicts. You can't help feeling a failure, and so bewildered You don't know where you went wrong and you don't know where to turn for help. It's not knowing the first thing about it that is so terrifying' These are the words of the author's father. Tom Field is an ex-heroin addict and Escaping the Dragon is written for anyone -parents, family, friends, teachers, health professionals - who want to know about heroin addiction. Based on the author's own experience and research, this book details the misuse of heroin with emphasis on the recognition of physical and psychological addiction, the consequences and social effects, and most importantly the first steps, professional help and continuing support necessary to deal with heroin addiction. Escaping the Dragon is essential reading for anyone concerned about, interested in or actively combatting heroin addiction."

Parent guide How to prepare your children for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Edited and compiled by M GT Quinn. Published by

Colins Dove. $2.95.

"There is much confusion today about sin, guilt, con-

Llewelyn Ab Iowerth, Prince of Gwynedd - called 'The Great' by his enemies - a brilliant battle commander, an inspired leader of men, and John's vassal, was the bitterest opponent of English ways, English laws and English encroachment into Wales. John arranged Joanna's marriage to Llewelyn as the seal on their truce but to Joanna, brought up a Norman, it was exile. Desperately lonely in a strange land, she was surrounded by those who hated her father, whose language she could not speak. So when the wars started again, as the Welsh fought for survival against a stronger and dangerous foe, with whom did her loyalties lie? Could she betray the stranger she'd been made to marry -- with whom she had fallen in love? Here Be Dragons is a magnificent story, full of the

science, penance and confession, and a considerable number of people experience difficulty with the tradional approach to confessing their sins Some of these people still have an immature understanding of the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, based on what they learnt at school - where the sacrament was sometimes seen as a kind of cleansing in preparation for the privilege of receiving Communion. This little book attempts to clear the confusion and to give guidelines to parents for helping both themselves and their children in this turbulent clashes between difficult area It is aimed two worlds and of the peo- primarily at the parents, ple who were caught in the however, and also includes crossfire, told with a richmaterial for a parish or ness of detail that brings the neighbourhood course on thirteenth-century world the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation." fully to life.



by PETER MESSER Pignatelli Cup tennis was played last weekend at the St



courts in Attadale in almost

perfect conditions. The fine sunny weather brought 42 association members out in their tennis gear to compete in the

event. The tennis began at 11 am

and continued throughout the day with a break at 1 pm for a pleasant barbecue lunch. In the women's event, Kerry Messer was the winner with Libby Cullen runner-up. Wendy O'Neill was greeted with the customary bronze cheer when she was presented with the wooden

spoon. Thanks to the help of some very good partners I won

the men's trophy with veteran Barry McMahon runner-up. John Ward also received a bronze cheer for taking off the men's

wooden spoon.

The tennis throughout the day was of a very high standard and our congratulations must go to Mike Kowald and Sue Smith for organising the event so well. The next significant event on the association calendar is now only one week away. That is the WACLTA presentation of championship trophies and 1986 pennants to be held on Sunday November 16. The event will take the form of a medal tournament which begins at 11 am at the Trinity tennis courts in Manning Road, Manning. All association players and their friends are invited to come along and enjoy the tennis. Barbeque facilities will be

available. Ensure you bring along





The presentation of trophies will be held at about 4 pm. The mixed doubles championship final between Kevin Quain and Geraldine Alderman and Michael Lawson and Linda Farrell will also be played at 11 am on the day. This is tipped to be a very close match and should provide good viewing for those attending the day. It will be the last association event for the year so members are asked to come along, enjoy the tennis and congratulate the winners of the various pennants and championship events. Members of the team going to Adelaide to compete in the National Tennis Carnival at Christmas are particularly requested to come along to the trophy day. It will be an ideal opportunity for you all to meet and organise your carnival pars for inclusion in the carnival magazine. I have heard on the grape vine the Willetton men's pennant teams met recently in a grudge match to determine which team should have been number


No-one has come forward to announce who the winners were but apparently there were a number of men wearing dark glasses sitting with bowed heads in the congregation the next morning. Were they deep in meditation or trying to forget the now legendary Les Smith after tennis happy hour!!!

Greyhounds - with The Record Tipster




ocs ,

Fifty children from areas served by the Goldfields Sisters of Mercy Motor Mission based at Kalgoorlie spent a holiday at Keaney College, helped by 12 mothers from Kambalda, Norseman, Coolgardie and Laverton and a grant of $2000 from the Sir Lindsay Clark Trust Fund. The camp included a day in Perth to see St Mary's Cathedral and the Sisters of Mercy chapel at Victoria Square and hear pipe organ music played by Sister Eunan.


Marriage Encounter is celebrating its 10th Anniversary and opening of St Charles Centre




Archbishop Foley at St Charles Seminary,

Guildford on Sunday November 16 at 4pm. A family picnic commences at noon. BYO food, drink and name tags. At 3pm - guest speakers will be Ron and Mavis Pirola, Australia's representatives on the Pontifical Council on the Family. For further information contact Mike and Loretta Sherrell 367 6769.


Volunteer helpers are needed for a literacy program at Emmanuel Centre for two hours a week on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 to 3.00pm. For further information, please contact: Malcolm McKimmie, Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor Street, East Perth 6000. Tel.

Benny Glider 1, MullalooMagic 2, Mighty Bond 3. RACE TWO: Fiery Major I, River Reward 2, Galway's Return 3. ONE:


Gamble 1, Take a Drop 2, Scantadare 3. RACE FOUR: Daisy Jane 1, Byron's Express 2, Fast Lassie 3. RACE FIVE: Tempix Obstacle 1, Echo Star 2, Delta Kid 3.


Catechists and their families are invited to their annual Mass, to thank God for blessings during the year, at St Joseph's Church, 1 Salvado Road, Wembley (Subiaco) at 7.30 pm on Friday, November 14.


Queen of Apostles Church, Riverton is holding a public meeting at 57 Tudor Avenue, Church Hall on Tuesday, November 11 at 8 pm, on the theme: • The Papacy in a world of change and the Church in a changing world. • What the Pope's visit means to Australians. The guest speaker will be Father Pat Cunningham. All welcome. Light refreshments will be served. Parking in school playground. Further information:

457 2424.


CARLTON HOTEL with good old-fashioned hospitality country-style accommodation



248 HAY STREET, EAST PERTH, 325 2092


The Record, November 6, 1986



A Children's Peace Mass, at Sacred Heart Church, Mary Street, Highgate on Sunday, November 9 at 8.45 am has the theme "Peace on Earth"

RACE SIX: Abilene 1, Curo's Gem 2, Gentle Jeff RACE SEVEN: Mawdy's Gazelle 1, Blue Chisel 2, River Echo 3. RACE EIGHT: Wiskey Wave 1, Diamond Locket 2, Steel Boss 3. RACE NINE: Lassie's Girl 1, Steel Monarch 2, Rambo's Return 3. RACE TEN: Lazey River I, Trella's Son 2, True Judge 3.

Goldfields motor missin o children who enjoyed thei r viit s to Victori aSqaure convent chapel: Jarred smail, Treena Carter, Neisha Ismail, Serena Thomas, Peter Moore, Peta Parslow, Rose Walker, Kristy Saville and Drew Cuff.


328 8113.



November 9 Confirmation Morley, Archbishop Foley. Commission ceremony for Special Ministers, St Mary's Cathedral, Archbishop Foley. Confirmation Mirrabooka, Bishop Healy. 10 Mass, St Charles' Seminary, Archbishop Foley and Bishop Healy. 12 Confirmation Pallottine Centre, Rossmoyne, Archbishop Foley. 14 Catechists Mass, St Joseph's Church, Subiaco, Bishop Healy. 15 Opening John XXIII College, Archbishop Foley. Confirmation Dianella, Mgr Keating. 16 Confirmation Girrawheen, Archbishop Foley. Marriage Encounter, 10th Anniversary Mass, St Charles' Seminary, Archbishop Foley. Confirmation Midland, Bishop Healy. 19 Confirmation Spearwood, Archbishop Foley. Confirmation Karrinyup, Mgr Keating. 22 Mass for Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, St Mary's Cathedral, Archbishop Foley. 23 Confirmation Kalamunda, Bishop Healy. Confirmation Yokine, Mgr Keating. 25 & 26 Bishops' Meeting with Pope John Paul in Sydney, Archbishop Foley, Bishop Healy and Archbishop Goody.



Sister Anne Wood of Randwick NSW recently conducted a two day seminar for Owtation Method (Billings) teachers and trainee teachers at Pemberton. She is national co-ordinator of the Ovulation Method Research and Reference Centre of Australia. From her Randwick Centre she conducts a lot of courses by correspondence and spent some time at the Pemberton conference on

An investment fund has been opened for the maintenance, promotion and expansion of the Hosea House of Prayer at Dardanup and the new centre at Gracewood (located at Cowaramup near Margaret River). The aim is to accumulate $10,000 by seeking donations; one hundred people donating $100 will achieve this result. Please contact Rita Murphy at the Dardanup Prayer House on 097-281148.

correspondence methods.

She told the group that one of the biggest bonuses of using the Billings Method is that a couple works on a joint fertility which cements a relationship because it taught couples to recognise their fertile or nfertile times either to achieve or to avoid a pregnancy. i

NOVEMBER 10 Pontifical Mass: Albany Parish 125th Anniversary of Albany parish. 11 Confirmation Wagin 12 Tambellup Confirmation 16 Confirmation Darkan

Music chosen for the papal liturgy at Belmont Park on November 30 is to be sung by the entire congregation, and anyone who would like to become more familiar with it beforehand is invited to attend one of the Masses at St Mary's Cathedral on November 15 and 16. Mass times are: 7 pm Vigil Mass on Saturday and 7.30, 9, 10, 11.30 and 5 pm on Sunday. The Cathedral choir will be present at all Masses to lead the congregation in the hymns, Mass setting, responses and the specially composed anthem, 'God of


A booklet giving the Order of Service for the Papal Mass is now available at a cost of $1 from parishes and the Papal Visit Office (286 Hay St East). The booklet should be brought to the Cathedral Mass as it contains all the music to be sung by the congregation.


The Catholic Nurse's Guild will have their annual Mass at 7.30 pm on Tuesday November 18 in St Anne's Hospital Chapel, Ellesmere RRd, Mt Lawley, celebrated by Chaplain Father S. Bredin. All Catholic nurses are welcome.

Annual Fete


Sun, November 23 11am

Auction. All welcome PLAN YOUR FAMILY NATURALLY By the scientifically based



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