The Record Newspaper 04 December 1986

Page 1

ABOVE: Father Tom McNulty, Norbertine, of Queens Park holding a ciborium and some of the 160 Western Australian priests who concelebrated Mass with Pope John Paul. BELOW: Ruth Bott of Como receives communion from the pope, followed by her parents Dr Roly and Eileen and baby, Joshua.


Welcome n PERTH, WA: December 4, 1986

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The moment for which Western Australia had spent moths in planning and anticipation: the emergence of Pope John Paul from the RAAF plane carrying his coat of arms and BELOW: At the farewell, the Holy Father and the Prime Minister stand to attention while the Vatican and Australian anthems are played hy the Fifth District Military Band at the commencement of the formal ceremonies. See page 2

egsered by Australia Post Publication No. WAR 0202


Many have tried hard to gauge the visit of Pope John Paul in terms of a personal triumph but they have been wrong. ft was a triumph not of the pope but of the people. It was a triumph for those who took the calculated risk of exposing an already overexposed pope to phlegmatic Australians whose emotions allegedly cannot rise much above oneday cricket. It was a triumph for the people who were employed to make the visit a success but who found it was an uphill battle to prod the obstinate herd, to convince the sceptics that attention to detail and planning would result in comfort for the greatest number. It was a triumph for the official services of government for police, fire, transport and other services who generously accepted their responsibility of giving service to over 100,000 West Australians who requested it. It was a triumph for the thousands of volunteers: singers, musicians, emergency services and helpers who caught the swell of excitement and who taught the lesson that the chain of strength of the human chain is only as good as its smallest link. Above all it was a triumph for ordinary people, live participants at the functions and the vast numbers linked by television who knew what they wanted. They shrugged off the critics and self-appointed pontificators who know what is wrong with everybody else in the world except themselves. The critics who think the way forward is a litany of criticism of the Church still mis-read history. Pope John Paul was on trial, not on a triumph. He put himself to the test of credibility because he has been given the task of uniting the Church under Peter. It is the abiding teaching of the church that they who separate themselves from that unity of Peter, separate themselves from the Church. For many it remains still an unpalatable truth, an obstacle of confusion and even contradiction. He asked Western Australia to test him personally. Far and beyond the fold of the Church, many gave him their warm-hearted answer.



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Papal visit has memory This moment of farewell is linked with the joyful memory of arrival in Canberra a week ago, and of so many wonderful events since then, Pope John Paul said at Perth Airport on Monday. "For many months I had planned and looked forward earnestly to this Pastoral Visit," he said. ·I was pleased it would bring me to every state and territory in Australia, and that it would give me an opportunity to meet Australians from many walks of life and widely differing backgrounds.



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Mothers and babies were an instant hit with Pope John

Paul at the airport farewell where Sister Immaculata of Cloverdale was also attract-

"I have experienced the warmth and hospitality of the whole Australian nation. "You have truly opened your hearts to me and received me as a friend


At an official farewell at

Perth Airport, the Prime Minister, Mr Hawke said it was with some regret he undertook the task of farewelling the pope.

Mr Hawke

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'The vastness of your country, with all its majestic features and natural beauty, is surpassed only by the hospitality and enthusiastic spirit of its people, from the Aborigines and Islander people whom I met in Alice Springs to your most recent immigrants, whom I seemed to encounter at nearly every stop along the way. "In the youth and in the elderly, and in all the parents with their families, I have had the joy of discovering the secret of

ing attention with a Polish sign.

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2 The Record, December 4, 1986

Mr Hawke said it had been "a great honour to have you as our guest in the last week more than that, it has been great pleasure."

ny Serde tuue. 2r

Australia's greatness, your most precious treasures," Pope John Paul said "It was a special joy for me to be with my brothers and sisters of the Catholic faith. "In all the places I visited, I had the privilege of joining the local Churches in celebrating the Eucharist, the source and summit of Christian life," he said. "As chief Pastor of the Catholic Church, I have the responsibility of confirming all the local Churches in their faith and of encouraging them to persevere in fidelity to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. "Not only has it been a great pleasure to fulfil this apostolic mission in Australia, it has also been truly inspiring. 'The Church in Australia, like Australia herself, is young and vigorous. "She is eager to do great things for Christ and for all humanity.

BELOW: The proud represen-

tative of the Governor General at last Monday's papal farewell was the commanding officers of the Base Squadron Pearce, Wing Com-

mander David Reynolds originally from Carnamah and who with his wife Helen are prominent members of the


community at



eaneeerseers eeassess

a joyful said pope

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"You have visited every Australian state and mainland territory.

You have made contact with hundreds of thousands of Australians in all walks of life the young, the old, the sick, the unemployed; in hospitals and in our homes; at work in the country, in industries and in universities.

For people of all faiths, and most especially Australia's large Roman Catholic community, your visit has been an inspiration and a cause for great joy. t has been an experience which all of us have found stimulating and inspiring and which you yourself, we are pleased to see, have

evidently rewarding.


"Your schedule has been an unbelievingly demanding yet you have obviously retained throughout this week a zest and enthusiasm in the Australian people which is almost beyond human comprehension.

See page 14

lllllll I llllllllllllllllllll I I llllllllllll I I I Ill II I I I I lll Ill I 1111111111111111111111111III1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

'It is with profound gratitude that I say goodbye this morning," he said "I thank the Federal, State and civic authorities who have so generously assisted me, especially the Prime Minister who has honoured me by his presence and his words "Once again I thank the Catholic Bishops, as well as your Government, for inviting me to come. "I am deeply grateful for all the arrangements that have made my stay among you possible. "In particular lam grateful to all those concerned with the security arrangements of my visit.

See page 14


ABOVE and BELOW RIGHT: The young and the young at heart crowded the rails for the farewell to Pope John Paul including (above) Sister Eileen McVittie of Bateman, Father John Jegorow (with red and white socks!) and Emily Ulrich of St Columba's School, South Perth. BELOW LEFT : Aquinas student John Kazazis gained a place in history when he dashed over to present a bemused Pope John Paul at the airport farewell. His mother too played her part (see inside colour cover).

United celebration f) d





The visit of Pope John Paul was a united celebration around Australia, Archbishop Foley said at a Perth airport Press conference after the departure of Pope John Paul. "I know from those in Western Australia to whom I have spoken within the Church and outside since Sunday, there was a great feeling of joy and gratitude, hope, and I trust, vitality. "In the car as we came out to the airport, the Holy Father said he felt the Church had revealed itself and had expressed the challenges it felt for its future life. I think that this is something we will have to take up in the months and years ahead," he said. Archbishop Foley thanked the media for what they had done "to make it possible for us to be Australians in these times."


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The Record, December 4, 1986


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The three chalices used at the Papal Mass belonged to three classmates ordained in 1974, namely Fathers Jegorow, Orzanski and 0'Loughlin. Sister Theophane, long time serving cathedral sacristan needed similar looking chalices for the Altar at the Belmont mass.

Natural Family Planning Centre 27 Victoria Square Member of the Australian Council of Natural Family Planning Inc.

All three priests had served at the Cathedral in the last 10 years and Sister Theophane remembered the shape and design of the vessels as she lovingly had them prepared for Mass each day. Raised for a day to Papal Sacristan, Sister Theophane had the problem of choosing suitable vessels for the Belmont


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She chose those of two Poles and an Irishman. Two of the chalices were designed by Father Jegorow in his final year of study at St Francis Xavier Seminary.


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Father legorow, who likes to have a hands on experience of most tasks, also had a hand in making



Sunday Mass times for all WA churches will appear in the Christmas issue appearing On December 18. The last pubication was at Christmas last year. Any alterations to that time table must be sent IN WRITING to The Editor no later than Thursday December 11.

In designing his own chalice he placed the wedding rings of is parents melted down. His mother had only recently died. Using his mother's

engagement diamond as the centre piece t the

cross a small cross to highlight the otherwise lane based chalice.

Father 0'Lasin «ho also had at the time lost his father, did the same with his parents' wedding fl,

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The Record, December 4, 1986


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The economic, social and cultural transformations taking place in the world were having an enormous effect on how people look upon marriage and the family, Pope John Paul said at the Belmont Park Mass. As a result many couples were unsure of the meaning of their relationship, and this caused them much turmoil and suffering, he said. On the other hand, many other couples were stronger because, having overcome modern pressures, they exercised more fully that special love and responsibility of the marriage convenan t which made them see childen as God's special gift to them and to society. "As the family goes, so goes the nation, and Pope John Paul has a special greeting for Archbishop Foley of Perth who had just welcomed the pope on behalf of the community of Western Australia (see page 14) so goes the whole world in which we "It educates and live," the pope said. leads its members to their full human maturity and it serves "With regard to the the good of all along society the road of life," he family, urgently needs to rec- said. over an awareness of "The family is the first The Church in Austhe primacy of moral and vital cell of tralia and everywhere by values, which are the society. had a specific task to Special values of the human "In its own way it is explain and to proReporter person as such, thus a living image and his- mote God's plan for recapturing the ulti- torical representation marriage and the fammate meaning of life of the mystery of the ily, Pope John Paul and accompany them on and its fundamental Church. told the Belmont Park the path of growth. values. "But she also reaches "The future of the Mass. out, with the compassion "Australia, a nation of world and of the There was a responsiof the Heart of Jesus, to so much hope and Church, therefore, bility to help couples opportunity, needs to passes through the and families to live those families that are in know how to safe- family," the pope said according to that plan, difficult or irregular situations," he said. guard the family and he said. "The Church cannot say the stability of married John Paul said the what is bad is good -- nor love if there is to be "It is not surprising Church reached out to all can she call valid what is true peace and justice the Church has given families. invalid. in the land," he said. "In the first place it much thought and "She cannot fail to pro'The family is the attention in recent reached to those Chris- claim Christ's teaching, domestic church," he times to questions tian families striving to be even when this teaching said. affecting family life ever more faithful to is difficult to accept. God's plan. "She knows too that she "The meaning of this and marriage. "She tries to strengthen is sent to heal, to recontraditional Christian "Nor is it surprising idea is that the home is governments and pubthe Church in lic organisations are miniature. constantly involved in "The Church is the matters which directly sacrament of God's · or indirectly affect the love. institutional well"She is a communion being of marriage and of faith and life. the family. "She is a mother and "And it is everyone's a teacher. that experience "She is at the service healthy relationships of the whole human in marriage and the family as it goes for- family are of the greaward towards its ulti- test importance in the mate destiny. and development "In the same way the well-being of the family is a community human person," he of life and love. said.




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A characteristic expression of Pope John Paul is his intense concentration during moments of prayer.

on marriages ■



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The sea of Western Australian families that Pope John Paul saw before him as he delivered his homily at Belmont Park to the nation of Australia on the role of the family, the theme chosen for the Western Australian section of his visit.

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to explain plan The Church is always the true and faithful friend of the human person on the pilgrimage of

cile, to call to conversion, to find what was lost (cf. Lk 15.6).

"Hence it is with great love and patience that the Church tries to help all those who experience difficulty in meeting the demands of Christian married love and family life," he said. "The charity of Christ can only be realised in the truth -in the truth about life and love and responsibility. "The Church has to proclaim Christ: the Way,

the Truth, and the Life; and in so doing she has to teach the values and principles which correspond to man's calling to "newness" of life in Christ," the pope said.


"The Church is sometimes misunderstood and considered lacking in compassion because she upholds God's creative plan for marriage and the family: his plan for human love and the transmission of life.

life. She knows that by upholding the moral law

she contribute s to the establishment of a truly human civilisation, and she constantly challenges people not to abdicate their personal responsibility with regard to ethical and moral imperatives (cf Humanae Vitae, 18) "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord . . . that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths" (s 2:3) "With this invitation the Prophet Isaiah tells us how we must respond to God, and this response applies also to God's plan for marriage and the family.

□□□ "Couples are offered

Pope John Paul raises the host in the eucharist that unites Catholics throughout the world.

the grace and strength of the Sacrament of Marriage precisely so that they may walk in the paths of the Lord and follow his ways, observing the plan which Christ has con.firmed and ratified for the family. This plan testifies to the way it was in the beginning for the wellbeing and happiness of the family. In God's plan marriage requires: • the faithful and permanent love of husband and wife;


• an indissoluble communion that "sinks its roots in the natural complementarity that exists between man and woman, and is nurtured through the personal willingness of the spouses to share their entire lifeproject, what they have and what they are'' (Familiaris Consortio, 19) ·a community of persons in which the love between husband and wife must be fully human, exclusive and open to new life (cf. Familiaris Consortio, 29).

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St. John of God was a "doer", a practical Christian who effectively bridged the gulf between the rich and poor of his society, ministering to each according to their needs. He was a pioneer in health care. The first hospital he established 450 years ago set the standard by which others were judged - and found wanting.


"Married love is strengthened by the Sacrament ofMarriage so that it may be an ever more real and effective image of the unity which exists between Christ and the Church, the pope said. "You know how much Christian courage you need in order to carry out God's commands in your lives and in your families. "It is the courage to be willing every day to build up love -the kind of love of which Saint Paul says: "Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things ... endures all things. Love never ends" (1 Cor 13:48). See page 14

Since that first hospital, there have some 700 St. John of God foundations around the world, providing health care or services to handicapped people.


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The Record, December 4, 1986



Children's place in a society John

Paul's call to Pope John Paul had a special message during the Belmont Park Mass for families and children, and the significance of Advent to them. The Pope said: "Dear parents and children, dear families of Western Australia: the Gospel of this First Sunday of Advent calls us to "watch". He quoted from St Matthew: "if the householder had known... he would have watched and would not have let his house be broken into".

This was the call that he repeated to WA families. "Watch! "Do not let the precious values of faithful married love and family life be taken away from you," he said.


"Do not reject them, or

think there is some other better prospect for happiness and human


The Gospel call to "watch" also meant building the family on a sense of responsibility. Genuine love was always responsible love.

"Husbands and wives

truly love each other when they are responsible before God and carry out his plan for human love and human life; when they answer to each other and are responsible for each other. "Responsible parenthood involves not only bringing children into the world, but also taking part personally and responsibly in their upbringing and education. "True love in the family is for ever!" he said. Finally, in striving to be perfect in love let us remember the words of Saint Paul: "Cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light... put on the Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom 13:12 ,14).

Dear families of Australia: "This is your vocation and your happiness today and for ever: to put on the

Lord Jesus Christ to walk in his light," the pope



The place of children in Australian society and culture deserves consideration Pope John Paul said in a special reference to children during his Belmont Park Mass


"I know that you love and respect your children. "I know that in many ways your laws seek to provide for their welfare and protection. "A society that loves its children is a healthy and dynamic society," he said. ·On their behalf I appeal to you parents. "Children need parents who will provide them with a stable family

environment. "To know what real love is they need you to be united in your love for

each other and for them. "From you they seek companionship and guidance," he said


"From you, first and foremost, they must learn to distinguish right from wrong and to choose good over evil. "I appeal to you: do not deprive your childen of their rightful human and spiritual heritage. 'Teach them about God, and tell them about Jesus, about his love and his Gospel. "Teach them to love God and respect his commandments in the sure knowledge that they are his children above all. "Teach them to pray. ''Teach them to be mature and responsible human beings, and honest citizens of their country. "This is a stupendous privilege, a grave duty, and a wonderful task that you have received from God. "By the witness of your own Christian lives, you Pope John Paul reiterated at the Belmont Park Mass the Church stand on contraception, sterilisation and abortion. The moral order demanded the rule written into the processes of life by the Creator in the act of creation should be always and everywhere respected, he said. The Church's well-

known opposition to contraception and sterilisation was not a position

The Record, December 4, 1986

lead your children to take their rightful place in the Church of Christ," the pope said. "And to you, children and young people, present here in such great numbers, what do I say? "Love your parents; pray for them; thank God for them every day.


"If sometimes there are m isun derst and i ngs between you, if at times it is hard for you to obey them, remember these words of Saint Paul: "Do all that has to be done without complaining or arguing and then you will be innocent and genuine, perfect children of God. . and you will shine in the world like stars" (Phil 2:14-15). "Pray also for your brothers and sisters and for all children of the world, especially those who are poor and hungry. "Pray for those who do not know Jesus, for those who are alone and sad," the pope said. "To all young Catholics of Australia is entrusted the future of the Church in this land. "The Church needs you. ''There is much for you to do in your parishes and local communities, in the service of the poor and disadvantaged, the sick and the old, in so many forms of voluntary service. "Above all you must bring Christ to your friends. "Your own generation is the field, rich for the harvest, to which Christ sends you. "Christ is the Way, the Truth and the life for your generation, and for all generations to come. "You are the Church's hope for a new era of and evangelisation service. "Be generous to others, be generous to Christ!" the pope said. arbitrarily taken, nor was

it based on a partial perspective of the human person.

"Moreover, the Church's understanding of the intrinsic value of human life as an irrevocable gift of God explains why the

Second Vatican Council speaks of 'the surpassing ministry of safeguarding life' and considers abortion as an 'unspeakable crime'," the pope said.

Vocations too are a special gift, says John Paul II

One of Pope John Paul's last messages to Australia was an appeal for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life. He called them the "sign of the maturity of the Church, of the parish, of the diocese and of the family". Speaking spontaneously at the end of the Belmont Park Mass, the pope said he had been praying for this intention throughout hrs Australian visit and during his visit to WA. "It was a special moment during the celebration of this Mass when gifts were presented that were related to the theme of family life. "What does it mean to bear gifts to the altar, for a person to bearing themselves as a gift, to bearing marriage and family life as a gift? "I would say among the gifts a family can present at the altar rs a gift with a special value, the gift of a priestly or religious vocation. A vocation is a special gift. It is a gift of the family. It is a gift to a family. It is a gift of the Church and at the same tfne itIsagitttothe€ hurch It is a gift of Our Lord, it is a gift of the Holy Spirit


Above all it is a gift to Christ who is the highest priest, a supreme pontiff of the new and eternal convenant Jesus needs us as priests. He needs also consecrated men and women. And all these come from the family. They are the gifts of a family. "Today I prayed for this and I am praying with you for vocations. 'The last word I want to say to the families of Perth and WA at the end of this eucharistic." It is very important for the future of evangelisation in Australia and everywhere. Our Lord calls men and women to follow him for their entire life and to an entire and exclusive commitment to his service for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. It is very important for the Church and its families to have this maturity. Vocations are a sign of the maturity of the Church, of the parish, of the diocese, of the family. So I pray for this special sign and of the many signs of the maturity of your church in Australia and for the families in Australia, John Paul said.

May we see past the coloured lights, the tinsel and the wrapping. Christmas is a time of special celebration. A celebration of love and light. But especially. a time of sharing. Share your Christmas. With the aged, the lonely, the poor and the handicapped. And with those in other lands who suffer oppression and injustice. Through our sharing, may we understand the greatest gift is to love one another.


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The Record, December 4, 1986


BELOW RIGHT : Pope John Paul's up raised hand became a familiar sight as he moved through the crowds to the Belmont Park Mass.

ABOVE and BELOW: The airport farewell to Pope John Paul will be long remembered by over 4500 children from 60 Catholic schools who started arriving by 5.45 am. When Father Alfonsas Saviclis of Highgate called out "Prised Be Jesus Christ" in Lithuanian, it caught Pope John Paul's attention. On behalf of his WA Lithuanian flock, Father Savickis asked the pope to come to Lithuania for its 600th Christian anniversary next year. The pope turned back and warmly urged Father Savickis and his people to come to Rome for the Lithuanian celebration that will be held there.


Coloured reproductions of these and the inside cover pictures and many others at Belmont Park and the airport farewell are available through 26 JOHN STREET.



The impressive setting of the gr Belmont Park which was trasf Mass of Pope Joh Pal weari le vestments of Advent

The Record, December 4, 1986


A most unique invitation to the

==; Spirit of

Paul told the congregation representing WA's aged people. Among the most important of these was the call to reconciliation confronting the elderly in the evening of life.

Mamy of the aged of Western Australia will never forget the memory of having received the touching blessing of Pope bohn Paul.

The pope said: "As you look back on your lives you may remember sufferings and personal failures. "It is important to think about these experiences, so as to see them in the light of the whole of life's journey. "You may realise some events which caused you suffering also brought you many blessings. "Perhaps they gave you special opportunities for doing good that would not otherwise have been a part of the pattern of your lives," he said. "As Christians we should offer memories to the Lord. Thinking about the past will not alter the reality of your sufferings or disappointments, but it can change the way you look at them.

ageing a challenge ■




"Younger people cannot fully understand the way in which the elderly sometimes return to the distant past, but such reflection has its place. And when it is done in prayer it can be of a source of healing. "I am speaking of the important spiritual healing that restores inner freedom to the elderly. "This kind of healing is gained through an awareness and appreciation of the ways in which God works through human weakness as well as through human virtue. "Even the memory of our sins does not discourage us any longer, because we realise that God's mercy is greater than our sins and that God's pardon is a proof of his faithful love for us. "Jesus -the Way, the Truth and the Life takes upon himself our human weaknesses and failings and in return offers us redemption, forgiveness and peace.

□□□ "The promise of resur-

To become a house-



Record readers


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The Record, December 4, 1986

Pope John Paul's last function on Sunday was at the Catholic Education Centre where he is pictured blessing the centre in front of the reflecting pool. Because of the pressure of space this week, a full account of the ceremony, with pictures, will appear in next week's Record.

await.. .the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved" (Rom 8:18.22-24). "In the healing process which should accompany old age, the Sacrament of Penance plays an important part. "In this Sacrament,

"I hope that you will approach this Sacrament with confidence. "The Church makes this Sacrament available to the elderly not only when they are gravely ill but

also when the weakness of ageing weighs them down. "When I was in hospital five years ago I myself derived much comfort from it," he said.

a I ng Tek

reconciliation with with the Church and with others becomes a deeply spiritual experience. "It is an experience that can and should be renewed at regular intervals.

ODD "In this Sacrament you come into direct contact with Christ's mercy and his loving pardon. "And here I appeal to priests to remember how important this ministry is for sick and the aged," he

rection enables the aged to see all of life in a totally different way," he said. said. "In whatever way you "Then too there is the are called to suffer, I urge Sacrament of the Sick, you to take courage from which benefits both soul the words of Saint Paul: "T and body. consider that the suffer"The Church asks that ings of this present time through the anointing are not worth comparing with oil and the prayer of with the glory that is to faith our sins be forgiven, be revealed to us. .. .the that the remnants of sin whole creation has been be taken away and that groaning in travail the increase of grace be together until now; and accompanied by an not only the creation, but improvement of health, if we ourselves.. groan God so wishes it for our as we good. inwardly,

As we grow older we become more dependent. We are blessed

indeed if, in our later years, we find others to take an interest in us and help us, Pope John Paul said at Glendalough. This was the beautiful and meritorious work carried out by so many, inside the family, or for an aged friend, or in hospitals and in homes like this. It was the work done by many Religious. And they were joined by devoted lay workers, John Paul said. "All who care for their older brothers and sisters are serving Christ. Theirs is a wonderful vocation

SPECIAL REPORTER and an impressive testimony of Christian charity," he said. "To all of you who care for the elderly I wish to say a final word of recommendation and encouragement. 'Yours is not a service that is limited to physical and material things. "You have the precious task of helping the older members of the community to turn their later years into a time of fulfilment and completion. "It is a time when they should integrate the joys and sorrows, hopes and anxieties of life - which the elderly feel in a par-



reconciliation confronting the elderly

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Cloaked against the late evening cool Pope John Paul, accompanied by Archbishop Foley, Sister Marcel and Sister Clement Mary, makes his farewell round of the aged gathered for his meeting with them at Glendalough.

an interest ticularly sensitive way into a vision of life in which they acknowledge God's providence and rely totally on his mercy and love," he said. "For this reason you must always approach your task with love and respect, which you must renew daily in the certainty that Christ repeats to you those words in the Gospel: "you did it to me" (Mt 25.40). "In serving the old you are bearing clear witness to your benefits: • belief in the dignity of the human person; • belief that life in Christ is the most important of all realities; • belief in the life that reaches beyond time to eternal happiness in union with our loving God

"Your work therefore is an enterprise of human solidarity and of evangelical love. "Your loving care is a precious help to the old. "Your clear witness is a help and encouragement to us all," he said. ·Whoever in Australia is taking care of an ageing parent or relative, or, as a Religious or lay person, is serving the aged in a hospital or home such as this: I ask you in the name of the greatest of all the commandments, which is love, to continue your work with new conviction and fresh dedication. "I pray that Australians will always honour the old and show them special affection. "I pray that public policy will always be based on absolute respect for

their dignity and their inalienable rights. "And to young Australians, I say: look at the treasure of humanity and wisdom that is yours in your old folk! "Love them and be grateful to them! "Jesus said to his disciples: 'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you' " (n 14:27). "I can wish no greater blessing upon you, my cider brothers and sisters, 'than the peace of Christ. "May peace be the atmosphere in which you pass your days and may it be firmly established in your souls. "May you be able to share your peace with all those around you," he said

"Remember always that Jesus has given us his Mother Mary to be our Mother too. "She is close to us every day of our pilgrimage to heaven. "You will find joy and strength when you ask Mary's help, especially when you pray to her using that beautiful prayer which is the Rosary.

"She is the Queen of heaven and she awaits us all with her Son. "At the time determined by God she will welcome us to our eternal home, where together with the Angels and Saints we shall for ever praise the Most Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," he said.



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Remember Pope John Paul's visit to Australia through his words ...

St Paul Publications is proud to publish the only authorised and complete collection of talks and homilies of Pope John Paul in Australia. All his words .... to youth, families, the aged to students, the unemployed, workers, aborigines, clergy, religious.... indeed to every Australian will be recorded in this book. • 16 pages of photos included. • Order your copy NOW and save on the regular price of $9.95 • Your copy will be posted to you approx. I month after the Pope's visit.

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The Record, December 4, 1986


Aged please John Paul You know that wherever I go, I enjoy being with the young, that they inspire me by their

enthusiasm. "But I also want you to know I experience great happiness when I am with the aged. "You give me a share in your peace and in the accumulated wisdom of

Archbishop Foley has a few words with Pope John Paul as he moved down the rows of aged people gathered to hear him address the aged of Australia.

Ageing brings new attitude to time The ageing experience

brought with it a new attitude to time -the opportunity to appreciate each moment of

ally take part in social and political activity, but you

still can contribute a great deal to making the world a better place. life, Pope John Paul said "You have experience at Glendalough when to share, wisdom to speaking about aware- impart, tolerance to ness of the aged. teach, though these are It became possible to not always evident to stop and admire and be younger people. grateful for the ordinary "Your words of peace things of life, things and love are greatly which perhaps you over- needed in today's society. looked before: the little Above all it is through things like human com- your life of prayer at panionship and solidar- times accompanied by ity, and the beauty of the suffering -that you will world that tells us about help bring the redeeming the infinitely greater love of Christ to the beauty of the Creator, the world," he said. pope said. "You are able to teach the young that it is important to value life in itself "All of these offer new and for itself. possibilities for contem"You invite other age plative prayer, a prayer groups to realise feverish not only of words but above all of trusting abandonment into God's hands," he said. "You can be drawn to realise that, while life itself is a gift in return to


activity is not the measure of a useful life.

"Your ability to cherish life for its own sake, in spite of a lessening energy and mobility, challenges others to reflect not only on the value of doing but on the value of being. "Your lives are directed towards the Kingdom of heaven, and this challenges those whose interests are all bound up with the passing world.

"As you gradually detach yourselves from certain possessions, you help others to reflect on their own relationship to material things.

"In this way your lives can be eloquent witness to the essential values taught by Christ," he said.

God. "God's immensity and mystery penetrate your life in unexpected ways,

Tony Loncar will not only never forget his few words with Pope John Paul at Glendalough, but is recorded for posterity hy the Vatican cameraman in the rear.


The Record, December 4, 1986

and you are invited into greater union with God. "You have many opportunities to raise your minds and hearts to God in prayer, and for this you should thank him. "While old age brings with it the challenge to look back to the past, it is also a time of responsibility for the future. "It is an invitation to take a new interest in life, to enter into a new relationship with the world The elderly do not usu-

your lives," the pope said. "Let us live this moment together in a spirit of thanksgiving to God for the lives he has given us "You can look back on lives rich in memories. "Many of you have your children and your children's children to be proud of. "Perhaps some of you remember times of pain and the hopes that never quite materialized. "But all of us to use the words of the First Letter of Saint John "know and believe the love God has for us" (1Jn 4:16) Yes, God has loved and continues to love each one of you in a deep and personal way," he said. "If you think back, you will see that your whole life is a story of God's love coming upon you in successive stages


"Life itself is a gift of the Father's love, as was your Baptism, your Christian faith and the presence of the Holy Spirit down through the years. "For all these gifts we sing a hymn of gratitude to God: 'Blessed be the Lord who has shown me the wonders of his love' "(Ps 31.21) "My brothers and sisters: many of you are an inspiration because of your patience in waiting for the Lord to come and because of your confident faith that he will take you to himself. "You remember his promise, and you are convinced that it applies also to you: "There are many rooms in my Father's house ... I am going now to prepare a place for you: so that where I am you may be too" (Jn 14.2-3). All of us who have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ know that our death will not be totally different from the rest of our earthly journey.

Mary lssell arrived from Victoria in April and is from Wembley Downs. "I think it was one of the

most exciting days of my life to see the pope," she said after the Glendalough ceremony.

"It too will be God's love coming upon us, but God's love in its transforming fullness,"' he said. Cont page 14

smaa For 350 young Antioch members an unscheduled meeting with John Paul II will be long remembered and retold to their children's children. On Victoria Square at 9.00pm after tea at the Presbytery John Paul II gave a spontaneous audience to more than 300 screaming young people from the first floor balcony.

Sister Frances Hayes ol na had an answer to the long wait for the pope's arrival -needlework! and BELOW: Kwinana Antioch want to ensure that the pope would know of their existence -- KWINANA LOVES YOU.

The pope accompanied by Archbishop Foley, stepped out onto the balcony as his last public appearance on Sunday, November 30. While the huge Belmont congregation was making their way home, the Antioch members were making their way to the Cathedral presbytery to catch a close glimpse of the pope. They got a glimpse as the Pontiff arrived to have tea at 8pm. But they still hoped for more. The youth crossed over to the flood-lit cathedral grounds and waited in hope and expectation. The police passed the


Antioch group's surprise ■

word for the crowd to go home because it would be a security risk for the pope to come out onto the balcony. Others urged the Polish Youth Chaplain Father John Jegorow to do something. "If he were Italian," called Mrs Sanzone" Id be banging on the door." For a non stop hour as the pope enjoyed his meal, the young people sang songs and hymns. The was singing interspersed with chanps of "We want JP Two" Some had brought candles, others had Polish worded banners. In fact there were seven different slogans to capture a Polish pope's heart.

They read "Jestesmy z stoba" (We're with you); Kochamy ciebie (We love you); Sto lat (May you live 100 years -a traditional polish greeting); Solidarni z Papiezm (We're in solidarity with the pope) and the simple english form 'Antioch loves you'. As the pope stepped on to the balcony, the youth

were in the grounds of the cathedral which is surrounded by a 1.5m sharply spiked fence. En mass the entire group flew in one almighty leap over the fence oblivious of several braking cars. The group packed tight, as close as possible to the pope -screaming and yelling at top note. The archbishop signalled for silence and a

sudden hush awaited a few words from the young people's pope.

He simply said "You have been working hard for six days now you can go home and rest." He blessed the group,

waved farewell, and left

for his bedroom.

For the dozens of youths who had worked out on the distant perimeters of

the 100,000 at Belmont, the reward was a closeup meeting with the pope. The best part was that it was spontaneous, unrehearsed and unexpected. Sadly there are no photos to date of the momentous event, which will however leave an indelible picture in the hearts of Perth Antioch members present.

YOUTH PARTICIPATION GRANTS Government grants are available to assist young people aged 12-25 years design and run their own project for young people in their communities. GRANTS OF UP TO $1000 WILL BE


WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Individuals and groups of young people supported by community representatives or organisations. Projects should be initiated by young people and they should have extensive involvement in the planning and operation of the project.

APPUCATION Standard application forms available from Youth Affairs Bureau. Funding decisions are made December, March and May.


Youth Affairs Bureau PO BOX586 WEST PERTH, WA, 6005 TELEPHONE 481 0895


for Bishops, Priests, religious, assistants, adult and youth leaders

interested or involved in working with young people St Patrick's Seminary, Manly, Sydney. GEMMA WOOLTORTON «t Teresa Carabetta (left) of Hamilton Hill and daughter bosie Gordon of Riverton left their homes

at 6.30 and arrived at 7.30 at Belmont Park to secure the closest possible position, in the B zone.

Former Perth YCW full timer now working for the Australian YCW based in Sydney, hopes to meet oldfriends at the January Seminar

JANUARY 19-23 C0ST $120


Peter Shooter 328 9667

Father Jegorow 328 9878

The Record, December 4, 1986


Archbishop's warm WA welcome to John Paul



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THANKS May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified throughout the world now and forever. Amen. In gratitude for favours received. Mary T.

RYAN (John Martin). In loving memory of John, accidentally killed December 5 1971, son of Frank (dee), Sheila, Brother of Moya and Helen. We still miss you son. Jesus please smile on him. DEVLIN. In loving remembrance of Bernie 3rd passed away December 1976, from Patricia, Peter, Elizabeth and their families. May he rest in peace.



0 holy St Jude, apostle and martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke you as special patron in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depths of my heart and humbly beg you to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me now in my present and urgent need and grant my earnest petiton. In return, I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Say three Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias, St Jude pray for all who honour and invoke your aid. Published as promised in thanks for answering my prayers. Marie.

My Very Grateful and Heartfelt thanks to Our Gracious Father, the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. and My very precious loving Mother, the Mother of Perpetual Succour. Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and Our Lady of Good Health for answering my prayers. M.T. O'Brien

St Jude grateful thanks

for favours Judith.


MASS TIMES Sunday Mass times for all WA churches will appear in the Christmas issue appearing on December 18. The last pubication was at Christmas last year. Any alterations to that time

table must be sent IN WRITING to The Editor no later than

Thursday December 11 .


An up-to-date analysis of the modem· techniques of sensitivity training and group dynamics in the sphere of religion. Written in two parts by a noted Australian theologian F. Albers. Ihe author is a member of the Roman Theological Forum. Available at $5 per set of two from: F. Calneggi 173 Blackadder Road, Swanview WI 6056. 14

The R

KEATING (Reginald John): In hope he passed peacefully from death to eternal life with his Heavenly Father on December 1st, 1986, at The Little Sisters of The Poor, Glendalough, dearly loved husband of Sheila (decd); loved father of James and Fr. Ken and fond Grand-Dad of Colin and Lisa. His Funeral took pince in the Catholic Lawn Cemetery, Karrakatta, on Friday, December 5th, 1986, following Concele bra ted Requiem Mass at The Chapel of The Little Sisters of The Poor, Glendalough. Bowra & O'Dea, Perth 328 7299. CRANFIELD Richard Edward, died peacefully 15th Saturday November. Loving husband of the late Dorothy, devoted father of Pat (Sister Anne), Adrienne, Barbara (Canada), Lionel and John. Father in law of Ted, grandfather of Rod and Lesley. Requiescat in pace. The funeral took place at the Lawn Cemetery Karrakatta on Thursday November 20th after a Requiem Mass celebrated in St Thomas' Church, Claremont Bowra & ODea Funeral Directors. 328 7299.

My grateful thanks to St Jude, St Anthony and Most Sacred Heart of Jesus for favour received. L.M.

"The great privilege has fallen to myself, as Archbishop of Perth the capital city, to warmly welcome you today at this gathering of the Catholics of Western Australia.

"Me have come together, the Bishops and people from the four dioceses Broome, Geraldton, Bunbury and Perth, from parishes, some more than 2000 kms apart and, are joined through radio and television by many thousands more in the suburbs, towns and isolated homesteads of this vast state. "We stand united in this welcome, this public act of love and acknowledgement of yourself -the Bishop of Rome, Successor of St Peter, the rock of unity and orthodoxy in the Church," Archbishop Foley said. "Today in welcoming you we are joined also by many of our fellow Christians, citizens and friends who like ourselves have admired your selfless generosity, your boundless energy and your strong spiritual leadership in our world. "I mention in particular the Heads of Churches of this city as well as many leaders in Federal State and Local Government, and people prominent in business and industry, in the arts and, of course, in sport in which our interest is well known," he said.

"During the last six days we have watched with great interest and excitement your long journey throughout Australia and with deep appreciation have listened and read your words of encouragement to so many different groupings of people. "ln welcoming you today we are particularly pleased you have chosen to speak to us of the family. "In our society we are

concerned in a special way at the breakdown of marriage and family life that progressively leaves an increasing number with a sense of failure, hurt and alienation. "Your guidance and encouragement is needed by those who have suffered the ill-effects of family breakdown in the past as well as by those who are seeking to create

or enrich their own families," Archbishop Foley said.

Pope questions home tax load "Can the pope come to Australia and fail to ask Australian couples and families to reflect in their hearts how well they are living their Christian love?" he asked "How seriously they are committed to upholding true family values? "How appropriate are public policies for the defence of these values, and therefore for the promotion of the common good of the whole


"In a world becoming

ever more sensitive to

women's rights what is to be said of the rights of women who want to be, or need to be full-time wives and mothers?

"Are they to be burdened by a taxation system that discriminates against women who choose not to leave the home in order to earn a separate income? "Without infringing the freedom of anyone to seek fulfilment in employment and activities outside the home, should not the work of the homemaker too be properly appreciated and adequately supported? ( cf. Familiaris Consortio,


"This is possible when

women and men are

treated with full respect for their personal dignity, for what they are more than for what they do," he said.

Prime Minister Chart er states farewells pope family rights From page 3

"When you arrived in Canberra last Monday

you said to us that you came as a pilgrim and that your journeys around the world were acts of religious devotion. "My dear children, it is truly evident that at the end of this quite demanding journey His Holiness is looking fresher and more vigorous than when he arrived and that is good to see. "Since you have been with us you have continually preached a message of peace, of hope and of justice. You have reminded us of the dignity and of the importance of human work and not least the dignity of the work of women in their homes. "You reminded us of the tragedy of unemployment. You have brought a message of hope to the Aboriginal people. "And you have caught the

imagination and tapped the idealism of our young people in their commitment and hope for peace in the world. "You have reminded all Australians whether they have met you personally or have

watched you with admiration through the media, that, whatever our differences on religious beliefs, of political opinions or material circumstances, we are united as one nation sharing a basic core of common ideals, a responsibility towards each other and an aspiration to live in peace," Mr Hawke said.

"On behalf of all Australians I thank you for your unstinting effort to remind us of these great and universal values. "I do hope you will leave Australia convinced that this indeed is a country prepared to support the causes of peace and of justice. "And certainly you leave behind here in Australia a memory of a man committed unqualifyingly to those universal values and the memory of a man of an abiding compassion for all his fellow human creatures. "On behalf of all Australians l wish you a safe return to Rome and every success in your ceaseless endeavours for peace and for the betterment of mankind," Mr Hawke said.

Realising the essential importance of family life for a just and healthy society, the Holy See had presented a Charter of the Rights of the Family based on the natural rights and values common to all humanity, Pope John Paul told the Belmont Park congregation. The Charter was addressed principally to Governments and international organizations, as a "model and point of reference for the drawing up of legislation and family policy, and guidance for action programmes" (Charter of the Rights of the Family, 22 October 1983, Introduction), he said. "Among the principles which the Church vigorously upholds in every circumstance there are the following, which I call to your attention: • the inalienable right of spouses "to found a family and to decide on the spacing of births and the number of children to be born, taking into full consideration their duties towards themselves, their children already born, the family and society, in a just hierarchy of values and in accordance with the objective moral

order ... ";

• all pressures brought to bear in limiting

"the freedom of couples in deciding about children constitute a grave offence against human dignity and justice"; ·"families have the right to be able to rely on an adequate family policy on the part of public authorities in the juridical, economic, social and fiscal domains, without any discrimination whatsoever," (Charter ofthe Rights of the Family, Articles 3 and 9)

Aged wisdom grows From page 12

No matter what our age, all of us must try to use to the full the time that still remains to us, Pope John Paul said. There were those who believe that after a certain age there were no further challenges to face, that no further growth was possible. "Each one of you knows that this is not true.

Holy Father's thanks From page 3

"I thank those who provided for my transportation to the various venues, and all the people of the communications media who helped give such widespread coverage to each event of the past week, which will always remain for me an unforgettable encounter with Australia's soul "And to all of you who have worked so hard and have received me with open arms I express my thanks," the Pope said "Coming to Australia I was able to join my brothers and sisters of the Christian faith in celebrating Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the life 'This is the heart of our faith ·This is the basis of our hope 'This is the source of our joy," he said. "I also came to speak words of esteem and friendship for all who believe in God, and for all men and women of good will. "My message has likewise been a proclamation of human dignity and an appeal for human solidarity and peace, under the sign of truth and justice, freedom and love," Pope John Paul said. "And all of this, dear people of Australia, is my wish for you today and in the years ahead. "Remember always who you are, where you are going and why. "Remember how much you have to offer to the world and how much its destiny depends on you. "As a nation you are called to greatness. for you are called to love God and serve your fellowmanl "And now: Advance, Australia Fair! he concluded before joining his Qantas Jet.

"Learning to grow old requires wisdom and courage. "The experience of ageing is one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living. "Yet it is an experience that is touching more and more people in our time," the pope said. "in Australia, the next 30 years, it is expected that the number of people over 65 will double. "Society focuses on the economic and political implications of this increasing population of the elderly. "But it is up to us, as Christians, to remind the world of the precious experience and the wisdom, vision and spiritual energies of the elderly," he



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Melanie Prendergast David Putland Bianca Quick Seamus Rafferty Timothy Roach Tanine Robertson Kylie Robinson Mania Roubos


St. Mary's Greensborough VIC St Michael's Mittagong NSW St. Alipius' Ballarat East VIC St Thomas' .Claremont WA St. Michael's .Thirroul NSW Our Lady Queen Of Peace . . .. Albert Park SA St. Joseph's. • Northam WA St. Catherine's Moorabbin VIC

Student School Suburb Town State Popi St. Jude The Apostle Roumeliotis . . . . • . . . . Scoresby VIC Linda Scalzi St. Francis....... Lockleys SA Sacred Heart ... Coolah NSW Sarah Scully Holy Spirit... .Lavington NSW Kylie Shanaham Angela Shelton St. Bernard's School ·.•• Berowra Heights NSW Damian Shepherd Dominican School .... . . . .. Semaphore SA St. James· . .. .. Vermont VIC Janine Sheridan Louise Smith Our Lady Of Good Counsel ·····• •.. . Forestville NSW St. Mary's.. Wellington NSW Melissa Smith Samantha Smith Star Of The Sea Rockingham WA Juleianne Tait St. Anne's ..... .... Seaford VIC Patricia Tan St. Michael's Baulkham Hills NSW Karen Taylor Assumption Catholic School . . .• Mandurah WA Julie Thomson St Thomas More .... Toowoomba QLD St. Paul's School Nightclitf NT Ingrid Tomassi Shannon Truloff St Patrick's Bundaberg West OLD Antony Walton St. Francis Xavier's Geraldton WA Simone Wheatley Christ The King North Rocks NSW Matthew Willes St. Michael's Meadowbank NSW David Wimmer AII Saints' Boonah 0LD

is represented in all States, as listed below: NSW and ACT: 276 Pitt St, Sydney 2000 (02) 264-5799 (03) 267-5900 Vic.: 387 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne 3004 Qld.: 143 Edward St, Brisbane 4000 (07) 229-3894 SA and NT: 33 Wakefield St, Adelaide 5000 (08) 223-5237 (09) 325-4788 WA: 12 Victoria Avenue, Perth 6000 Tas.: 20 Brisbane St, Launceston 7250 (003) 31-4773 The Record, December 4, 1986





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Nell Tilly said "I bent over the barrier to see the pope who was moving along and was saying under my breath to Archbishop Foley "If you don't bring him over to me, I won't make you any more marmaladel" He didn't hear Nell say this

of course, "but immediately after that the pope came along, held his hand out and I bent over and kissed it and

Ninety-year-old Jane Winder, mother of Aboriginal leader Ken Winder came down from Camarvon intent on seeing the pope. "I was so keen to see him and thought I'd never get another opportunity. "I am blind in one eye and haven't been well, but it was lovely to see him and I was n tears all the time when they sang Faith of our Fathers" Mrs Winder said.

said God bless you Holy Father. "ht was a terrific thrill. I can't believe my luckl" Nell McNamara (they're friends) was excited too. "He clasped my hand and I felt so elated to think I was so honoured. "Then one of the following people in his entourage, handed me a beautiful pair of white rosary beads which I'll treasure."

How to


Officers in attendance at Glendalough. There were two specialists there to attend to the pope during his Western Australian visit, should an emergency arise, plus six other doctors for the general public, and two ambulances on




l"and enjoy yourself. SATURDAY, 13 DECEMBER, 19868P.M.

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The Record, December 4, 1986

stand-by. Barry who is originally from

Mother Mary of St Gabriel, 81 years old, was foundress of the Carmelites here in WA Now retired, Sister brought the Order from Dulwich Hill, NSW, in 1935. There were seven Sisters including herself. Mother Mary is one of a family of four Carmelites in the one family. One sister died in Papua New Guinea and the other two are in Samoa Mother Mary lives in the Carmelite monastery in Nedlands where there are 15 Sisters and 10 Thai Sisters who live at Jelorup,

near Bunbury, a total of 25 in Western Australia. Mother Mary is originally from Wollongong. When they arrived here initially in 1935, the seven Sisters stayed with the Good Shepherd Sisters for three weeks before establishing themselves et Nedlands where the Order is today.

Kels in lreland and has been here since 1974, is a Doctor of Osteopathic medicine, has a Batchelor of Science, is a former Army Captain and is a freelance journalist. It is the second time Barry has met the pope. He was in Ireland during the pope's Irish tour. He was in Southern Ireland and was once again doing voluntary ambulance work during that visit also. "I was reasonably close, but not as close as this time," said Barry. "I was in the aisleway, he looked at me and then came over and shook my hand "I felt the radiation go right up my spine," he said. "I think it is not only his charisma but something more. You can just feel it. "I am sensitive to vibes and have been next to some important people in my time, but have never felt that before. " has to be his holiness. It was fantasticl" said Barry.


Ivy Lee from Scarborough, City Beach parish, said after meeting the pope. "I think it is lovely to be able to be here and see the Pope."


An extensive range of colour photos of Pope John Paul celebrating Mass at Belmont Park and the children". farewell at Perth airport are available through

The RECORD 26 John Street Perth 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday AFTER Monday December 8 Flowers and gifts for all occasions Order early for Christmas Deliveries all suburbs Credit cards welcome

%awe»rs 458 5490

LEFT: Emily Uhlrich's unforgettable moment in the front row of the childen's farewell to the pope. She and75 of her St Columba's companions left the school at 5.35 am to be sure of a view.

ABOVE: Pope John Paul received a tumultuous airport farewell from some 4500 children from 60 Catholic schools as far afield as Mandurah and who started arriving at 5.45 am. BELOW: Olivia Cashman, the third child of Philip and Patricia Cashman of Mosman Park is held up by Pope John Paul after being passed over by Mrs Kazazis of Bicton (lower left with sunglasses).

p; il was a biig hit with the • Pope John Pat kijdren with him. hildren and te " ~zu a child he "" encounterred at the ·Pe •I arrrvau.


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• The Popemobile travh the con-

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• Pictures from the Papa� Visit photographic poo VIS and supplied by y West Australin a Newspapers. tie

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