The Record Newspaper 08 January 1987

Page 1


od I hat o d a hro m A PRESTIGE and VALUE

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For furth r d t it. c ntsct:





Sister B verley S o has be n re-elec ed congrega ional sup rior or another si ears o he Sisters o rcy of West P rth. er elecf on oo plac last Sun ay during a 12 day chap er at L smurdie. e new cou cillors are Sisters

aye Bal ell, Mary O'Connor, Jily n Di gle and Paula cA am. Sisters Kaye and Pa la ere members of the former cou cil. The facilitator of e chap er as Sister cGo rn argaret ice president of he natio al

e ecuti

cou cil of he nstitu e

of Sisters of ercy o Australia. For the firs im e c ap r e d sessions or e eigh d legates an e o icio m Some 50 sisters oo meetin s ich co missio ing ceremo

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From page 1






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ichelevicius' appoin ment as a Bishop second u iliary bishop in he dioces of aunas y ell be a precaution in case o an ac ron by he Sovi authoriti s he other u iliary bishop -



When I heard the history of Catholic education in this country, I thought of he words of St John, who wrote: " t was a great joy o me when some brat ers came and tol of your faithfulness to he truth, and of your ife in he truth. I is always my greatest joy to ear th t my children are living ccording to the truth" (3 Jn 3-4). For many years, he chief or anisationa I nd te c ing burden or Catholic ed ere w re should red by m n worn n Re · ious. hey me t e challeng splendi ly, he whol Churc nd II of ciety wi I for ver in ei n

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The time to simply listen

A priest preparing a homily is like a cook preparing a meal, says Passionist Fau- Canoll Stuhlmueller, a biblical scholar who teaches at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Li<e a good cook. he says. a horn' ist must start off with "good ingredients - prayers. scripture r-1ings and songs. and a congregation" and must know how "to blend them all together into i-tthy. palatable food."


"First of al. the Bible

is God tuching ew,y person who it. Second. the 8lJle is the history of

Did you ever notice what happens when the Gospel is read at Mass? The deacon or priest greets the people, saying "The Lord be with you". The people respond, "And also with you". Then the celebrant says, -� reading from the Gospel according to ...•• And the people respond, "Glory to you, Lord".

when God taught. how he taught MJd what he taught. In other wonJs. the 8lJle is essentially II refeducation gious book." ("Biblical Thflmtls in Religious EduCltion" edited by Father Joseph Marino. Religious When the celebrant Education Press. first greets the people. 1983.) they respond to horn "When the life of the personally But on the Israelites and the life exchange that follows n of the early Christians rs as ,t he disappears. are studied. it is now Jesus speaks quickly discovered This same direct oomthat the starting of rnumcanon can tMir life with God is happen whenever the not the written word Scnptures are opened of the BlJle. RlltlHK God rs thel'e to speak to (Mir sttllting point is us pefSOMlly. the religious expeAt our Trapp151 abbey rience with God ." cbutdl tbere att rwo lamp ("Biblical Themes in burnlng one before the Rtlligious Education •• tabernacle proclaims the edited by Father ral presence ol the Lord In Joseph Marino. Reli- the Euchanst. Education gious A X'C'OOd lamp bums abowc Press. 1983.) the Bible, procl•iromg the "The Bible Study ral ptt!C1lCC ol the Lord In Group: An Owner's blsWord. Manual." by Fathtll' The Bible - - • William Riley. This ,pccial place In homes or book offers fun l'Nd- offices too. It proclauna ing and practical the Loni is pramt there. advice on how to Daily Scrlptur< rcadln& an study the Bible. The be an encounter ...1th a real first and shorter pa1 presence ol the Loni. For dt111ls with the cmturics monks� U5Cd • mechanics of setting simple method to help than up a group - ckltt1r- opprooct, the Lord this ....y mining what typ6 of Let me share It group to form. who Step I Prcparat,on ( one or should be ,.ad6r and ....,, moments) Come Into what to rt111d. The the presence ol the Lord and sacond ffCtion. which call upon the SplriL T,,,.oclflh FlltlHlr Riley cab "by century usages tc:U the monk far the more impor- to take the Bible tt\'ttClltly, tant section ." pres- kncd. call upon the Holy t111ts mattll'ial for 22

wt1t1kly study StlS-

slons. His aim

is to

Spirit to be with tum and listco to the first 'M>rds. Alter ldS5lng the tat, the moolo: Sits down. This admowlcdgcs at the surt that God Is present In his Word. We call on the Holy Spirit to be with him

the Scriptures to the group «:eotding to a definite plan of attaclc. •• The first few sessions ••make II gen•• tour of mlljor and listen to the first parts" of Scriptures Mer kissing the tat. the while the remaining monks Its down. sessions involve II more ckltailed study of the Gosp« of John. FlltlHlr Riley writes out of his 13 ylltlrS e,q»rienc• as a Biblegroup t.ad6r in Dub••op«1

lin. Ireland. (Ave Maria

Press. Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. $7.95.)



The Record, January 8, 1987

ep 2 (!M, to 10 minutes or man:) Listen to the Loni I c:n," no< rod. (or

the Lord i. hen: to spak pcr,onaJly nu, . why the same W<X'ds can "3>-c such diffettnl and rich meanings for u, from <I.iv to my Thc:y �CYa"OCW

Set a nun.I.mum time for listening to the Loni. a umc 10 be l':uthful to each Ila) And tt1ll<fflhcr., lbcrc: c no

new to cover a ccn;un

.unowll of IC I dW'Ul1' this

umc Take the ld$Jn: sunply

to listen. nus • tJmc ol bcintl ...,th the Lord - bong ..,,lh • fnc:nd - to let tum spak .. he ...ill !>tep 3 Thank the lord. For, ti v.� want to speak. ,mponant �le an lh ,.'Ofid. ""' usually have to ma.le an appointment v.c.U In ad',';UlCe 1runk he,... dlf fcttnt It C Vr"llh the l.on1 o/ hc:wrn and earth who · all) v.'illinlt to COf"l'l< l time & thankful for sudl &


Step 4 Take • ..,vrd, • phrase O< • $Cf\(Ctltt ....-.y

from the encounter somctlung that ,p<'1k.s 10 !he Lord }'<Kl Some da) 5pC2ks ...vn1 po,<nfully '9."C wtcn It an ttnWn ,-.,th

"" - pc:rhap.< for )'Can or the rest of our h, On <IJd1 ()CC&)j()(U, the ...-on1 ghffl 10 US. But other umcs w,: ncc:d to lcct a WUtd and earn 1t

10 be ,.... what somconc else ntt<b to hear One of the wonderful -onb the Loni ha> ,pokcn ... hon! first the rughl bdon: he <bed • 1 no longer call )OU co.ant but frtcnd: '" In the,<ure. ih,-c but h.1,1,: caN to hear . .,� hear the YOICC of • mend

How do you explain thiucination of the Bible to someone who doesn't uf!IJstan(i what all the excite-

ment is about?

This wlltJk, our writers ru ro the church's Liturgy of the World - the first part <M,e,y eucharistic C6lebration - to explore the purpo� lthe bl,lical readings heard then. This is a key pat of !Mass. much more than just the "preliminaries" for wlu4flows. our writers sugg4lst. Katharine Bird int!ITVieWfrl Old Testament scholar, Passionist Father Ca-rol !J/,kmJeler. How does he assist someone new to �ing the Bible? He has a number of suggestions. -«es that after many yean spent studying the BlJle. it� lost none of its fascination for him. Trappist Father Basil P6f'lt/tlJII desal,es a technique for reading the Bible d4lily w:h monks have folowed for centuries. Bible reading is llpp{lft!lnity to meet a friend, the Lord, person to perscn,ys Father Pt111nington. one of today's most widlH'( f'Mfritlll'S on spntuality. ' David Gibson offers his rtctiotls on what the Liturgy of the WonJ might me-. l7ltlOt1II fke him who oftt111 arrives at th• church doct1 Sund,; morning in ,-ty breath,.ss condmon. hN spent the last moments before luving home;,, *tic sea«h for his youngest's missing shoe or le. If the bibliclll readings address his actual condivcn fie. does tlurt mun they address his real actual ccnt,nl Fathtll' John Cast!llot ponut that the Bible is "a library lHrtwHn two cover.;••• StJtl of fTlllaty matlll'ial that writers have been tuming t for IIIMIY yews as II soura, of inspiration for oper8S nl,ys.

So the bible is not of interest? ..,,th

A prililt P"I ii .g a homly la .. a cook preparing a meel. said Passionist Father Carroll Stuhlmueller. For, like a cook. a homirost ''has to have a knowi-

edge of ingredients and how to blend them I � in11:> healthy, palatable food." Fau- Stuhlmueller is a biblical scholar.

w,th �,omctirncs, It "Ill :RJddcn.fy \."OflX .tln-.: for u, dunn the h may pro,'1'

The Bible is an engrossing book /1111 .o4ly ,,,.., ,_..""" p,,tbologlc11Uy In /ov• -folMnaro, 111 tlN 111,ptuff' Is c•ll•tl In tin oJWr•· /hd tbou g1,,..


- only - " "" --n1..-.,..,

JMll,os -lllr••liyto tingling wltb 1h fact - th .,_.

GI� Y- co•� • """""' OfW"J

ttthll "NollNCco". TbGt


/or tlH •ndntS BIJbylo-

""'" ,...,.,-, Ndn clMdrwzzar, t<6o conquawl IINI nsslmJeli tin/..,.'" S87


Tl>• power/NI oper• •• olO'llff!,,, by Rtcb11rd StntMu, ,.... base,I on IM

60'/M - of fobn

JIO«"S -- ,,,,,.,... Hv•• •• veblcl•• for




tbRt tin storla'

_,..,,,_ pomtdlllj<K

draM11llc tlevelop•enl ..... rw:opMII. BNI It Is not just sp«(/lc, lirwutca-p,,cll«l st-Orin - ,,,.. - .... Sco..-u of olbws coww r•Qtll/y to •lnli. Tl>• 1<6<,k B-ls Qn ntgt'WS·






-to�-,,,, Salnt..S-.U.

It Is tn,e lblll Verlil

HIIMllldty ltafJ Is JtUd·

""" . ,.,.,, tk Blbk pro. vllks " fro"' s-i for vln,1lng bow ""-"'�

,,,. ...........,A"" """ -�'°""'"'""'

q,lcM "" ,,,. """' """' "" 1,,.11gl""ry /14/son II

for os /oftg"' --· JlaulonbasexutM.

c11ptlv• feweu.

Slrauu ,,,,,. bis -

"'°"""""" of for tin

,-,,UseNon - touwrd tbe Goli'splmt """1ffW un/oltl· Ing In-" butory. 1h Blbk /.s IUSO " •Ir ror In u.Wcb m11 t.'Wll'

� In 1111 _,. />ff'·


Heb otbw - ,tU, Golf. For tk Blbu Is not tbe <tnry of .......,nl tolli In 11b1tr11ctlo�: It 11 tbf!

story of MCb orw of NS. AM It ls jar fro,. tl"1I. II Is IJI first surprlsi"ll """ """'"'" � COfl

- dN •

""" -

he commented food, don't mu..



in homilies, Father Stuhl. muc:Ucr prdcn to a...ccnt the !>O"' IJVc YOU don 'I na,:l •10 people for noc coming 10 chun:h - ,.1,cn they UC on the chun:h," he (cd In hl hom1hc�. Father uhlmucllcr tn 10 ''lad people 10 'iC1l>C that God In ll1 them and on thC1r

r.fl«tian o"" aan


contact -ny peopk bo,.oe ,.,ub tlH Bllw Is In tin � lihlrD of the Word ""'1,q ,- II-. Tllq blU """ sru,tcI,ao/looo,u1<'blcJ, tbq 11.-. "'1fC t tOllllly ""f""dlillr. Anytbl"tl ""-' ""'o/ contcu Is., ...- � ..,,,... ""'*"', ffltf/11)' p,,:a#ng. Tl>llt prrHI- CON/Ii ff soll-' If peopk /-""'·

Our fem ly aometimes 8ffMII at the

church door on Sunday morning in nearly breathless condition - on time. but barely. Conside,at,ie energ. have '-1 expe, lded just getting five of us r'Ndy to go and into the car together. T� ica ly. at the last minute, all must join in a frantic rch for OU' 3-year-old's missing shoe or 90<:k.

rls«I - r,.,ub ,_


4"°"14'rP,oblo!M. Twvlnon bas ,.,..-. tlsal " Ill� uir- of

Ag:lln." thi ba�i<ground the M bcgon Wothm DlUlut � en to the blhlial r<adinp - rcadmgs "tuch, I ttttntly hon! a put it. att meant a ,peal. 10 U> directly How directly> Do !hey addras 111)' octual coodtllon. brcathlc:so it may be a1 cc.rum moments>


popNu,tlon. For _..,,, It bas e/f rPj,lautl .-.lllllng ,u " Jo"" of ff<tffUllnlttntl

""" /Jff'SOftlll grot<cb.


S"""'1)'. n Is" /Id


-- ...,ub�

power wben well pro· d4lmed. •1""-", Golf's Word Is llvl"g arul •ffectlve,

As the radingl In the Mass begin. I, like t>tllcr< am •

St.lent cncr An outsider might tlunk that ·c arc meant to be' tM �vc r<ctptcnts ol 'hat . ....... read But did 90l11ctlClC '13) I ,m

sbar/W" ""'" • ..,, hro-

�d,�d sword. It pnu·

-- """ tlA'Ula so,11

""" spirit, Joint •"" •11rrou•1 It J,ulge tb•

r.jlect1ons """ Ibo of tin -rl," (Hfflrrl•

""""°' ,,, lntllfferent to Gotl' <>,,e st...ply

Word. It Jore�



llfl4W d«tslons 0.W N1Q


or anotbw

OJ coun�

- can simply

ut .,_.

MI'S. BNI to do SO�

Is to """"' -.le • *<;I,

- dtttctlj b) !he l'Cadt > � '2<:t I tc:nd 10 get m:th � ith hal<°"Cr . roe rcnon.,11) Thu� I .a� umt- 1mplc I) L, noc adequate to the •• hand People approach the "'*2· of the Bible from a number ol dt5crt:nt f)Cl'bet


�Id """9 While the Bible has a cen.tral role at the M�...!Jairni ....._.• special place 111 homes or offioes too. . � �,the �Nil the Loni is �t here. Daily Scripture Trappist Father Basil Pennington Pl'eearlCe of the lo!'d. 1-1,ng can be an�·-

LSD 't a � tnStructor Th1\

L<ll°l. point In the Uturg), ol

the Word for 1US1 ginng "2 didactic report," he id.

Instead, Father Stuhlmucller beueves the homily

should - "God lcadir\! people on daily lofc," mvofved ...,th thar and


"'"""' People connect ...,th God In diverse"">


nthc, Stuhl.



example, thC')· meet the "UVlnf! God In other people and an mart)" m -ements today • Marl) abo nu.kc thi> conncctaon rn npturc "wbere the Word ul God Uk on • forceful man


For tho5c '9,"ho � ,c-·-1 ,,� thal the Bobic ha, :ani•"·-


10 offer them 1n' :-.

• St.mple mirror 00 how 10 act today Bui II docs rdkct ''the matunl) ol ages• and contain ,·altd in 1ght \\-tuch can con· ·�· problem,, Father Stuhlmucllcr said. He ,poke: about the, Old Tcsumcnt prophet Amos, r..iro iplnst the ll1JU5o lice ol no ...uuld ,di a � man mto sb,,'tt') Ul order 10 Pl) <II• paluy dcht Thou h 1he i. ... alto ... ro lhal. Amos •goes bclund thi> ta... ootheb" oChwnmol}." Father tuhlmucllcr �

"'°"" . .

humans ..,,lh digruiy and that It · ..,-rong to ttducc" • pcnon IO V2>'Ct}' Prophets like Amos •an 10 iooiL for the 50Cial IUSIKC _..,. in our o,,,n umc:,, he added - for onstancc 10 the plight of tbc humclc!< � h•o I F,ihcr 1uhl· mucUcr' approach to tot_ro.. dU<'.lllll ix,.,plc to the Bobic? }, hr ... 'OOld lt1\1IC ,hU�III (O fOlll J �n...-.., r--,church ..--P I 1t1 a nun t) such » "oricinti •• • ""'P I.Jtchcn oc

he said. bcawc P"()plc find that thar ""') tm'OIYcmcul '" the chwch • forces them bad; 10 the � board Ill learn roorc• about Scnpturc: and lhc:ir l':uth. He lld.aman1 thaun Inter CSI in r<ading the Btblc canl be fun:cd. 'YOU an lad • hor,c to 9."2la but )UU caol fut'C'C' htm (0 "" the ,chobr notc:d. �le onta-cs,c:d on the 8tbk bu, nc:v, 10 l'Cadtl1jl h should >tart lowh, Father !>tuhlmucU<r ,.Jo, • Begin ... ,th the Goepd the)· uc the ca, est to rad.• he said Or sun ... , h the In the Old Tcsumrn,



Reading in a new iight communny· The homol

l>qln to llfUkrstllM ,.....,.. For tblttg, tlH o�

,- s,,ptuff"s _-. Is StU1, tlN Word of s.......,,.,,,..,_,,_ Blbk_,.,,-,.-,, �Slmlilly� ot for nodmlg bas ,_

A homilist arts olf "good ingrc:dtcn1> - Pl"'. en, sen� rcadinf;' :and aongs. and • cuogrcgation" pramt bccau,,c ol ots fulh, Father StuhlmucUcr Sl1d 111 an lntcnicw · oncthd Ul<.c • cook, the homilis mU>t analyse: the congrcg,t tloo :and dcddc: will appeal. "Yoo C211'1 beat • pa,on ova tbc head to cat,"

A priest preparing a homily is like a cook preparing a meal. says Passionist Fau- Carroll Stuhlonc: who ha. spent many mueller. 8 biblical acholar who teaches at the )'Can >1ulysing and tcaclwlg Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. l.i(e a good and ..nting :ahou1 the 5cr-.,. � ':'8 says, a homilist must start off with "good 1urc To 1h, day they ongrediem:s - prayers, scripture 1'88dings and rcnwn • source ol fasctna. songs, and a congregation" and must know how uon for tum. "to blend them l together into healthy, palatable The Bible C211·1 be rod as food."

worid. f•thcr '"uhlmucllcr

olfcn � O"l\11 I

,mon> .u

• n,., ocun may rdi-..1u1 5cnp<un: � ol ancient culture,. • The p chol l , may supported b)· others. There lJ a tcndcn :y an ,opproodw,g the rndlng.s .. to �bat· 111 them b- me> And SUltt the rad llod 5tllllulallon In bthh :21 accoun ol bW1U11 rcocva tloo and r<btx>ruhq,>. • n,., IO\u ol htcnourc: may tum to the 8lblc b-

excellent �TI

a<h-.:nrurc and I Even dunng the pro, pie ffl,o) tbc Bthlc for I lw<oncal or htCl'U} v:,Juc And it doc,n't take am ....., from thar ol Btble modiog. rm ,woe. 10 that In the M the ..,tiolc OOllOO ol • "r<ading'' 15 C2St in a ,pccial liilht. If I lutcn In an act1"" ""l' to the radmp it W<dy that oomc quot,om ..,ill begin to chum In me, � the iru!Jal


form n,y dtr<, t lmoonncm L1l<o ..., th thar l"Clldlng, lh.11 du=tly :oddrc>c me In tm o.nw coodtuon What i, that coodtoon' • I :urm: at the chwdo dooc ...,th four other people Thq· "" ''Ct') much part ol I IU) ".i.ctual coodtoon." 111.tJ' . how the l"CIWlllP


tn a holptuJ

tu,.,, • ·� put

H �

to &ll(Khtt !OllX"--


, I •-aluc you." "I

tn.c 1 <hn:ct U1taat in ,:,u .. •·1 am the brad ol ""'We."


nc:nc:-n )"" care for

the le

'°" ..


fi&hth Thq la) the ground


ol my

·� - alongatwnc:d ..,th the,cute th.lo there · plcncy· of room ldt to P""" - 1 m.n

\That ll1 the t'C3dUlp poln 10 potential m my tik that dacn'CS aplontion.

• Or I ask mt � the poruh commuruty rm


n-u "1lcn � per

� ol """"


1100 his< o to read th c: c: boo th m >i<>n!I al I hwmn lc>'<i." he added H< m:ommc:ndo join ll1!! • Btblc ltUd\ VOOP th< 00 tsc:t. pro, ides people ,.,th the 5UppOCt ol othtts they together bncctlon, t>ct..un the B and that Inn


men, - don't alv...-, mob

pcrfc:cth. Do the t'C3dUlp

"'t OU don l ncal 10 1onaw

Ntur.1J .. ,.., might be goc &om


paru ol RI} lofc - home, "'IX1<. commurucy um,h.,,

uk about chlldr<n and tumh b(c: and ...

, II only !1tt1n

t of th<

• w.c: OOlCJ' tbc ,..,,.,...

lbnc: m.m<r-Ol .fact. homc!pun

pcopl< )'OU c;an, for me:," I


Such ..,'O«I. annoc be


for • rd.,uonsbq> And ''on.wup one

u, a re




in tbc l"CIWlllP at

• larger pl than the

,mportan( IO find


"'""' ol 1111Cl'T'daung one· B,hk <tudy ...,th tbc !'Cit ol the . Ilk, Father mudlcr bclin - perhaps b) bin VOOP oxmbcr< :an actn'C part Ill pan

kcton at \

or cudunstic




lion ol informauon and the cnjo)mcn1 ol acc:Ucn, ,.nt

part ol - • commuruty u,

ong. n,., radlngs att IDC2lll to an 0080' di.a loguc ..,th ll1 our actual

...ttich people """" • nec:d to be a.f!innro and

�ro - coodiuon

- Cl'cn 1f occu1onall



clo c Un Forging bet-.= the Btblc :and the hturgy ranrorccs the truth tba.t the Bible noc sunp1y •a hastonaJ documc:nt," he d 'Tc pn., 11 Ul the bturg,cal qclc •

Education Brief

Do you nu find If turung out ..'hen the sen� radings bcgm at the Sunday Eucharist> A prommmt posiuon

g,vao 10 the Btblc at in many parishes the Btblc 15 bdd lugh in the eruraoce


prt>tt>Sioo as the

begins n,., . Reading 'icriJ'<W'C t

noc JU , Uk.idcnt


'hat . about I to.ppm But doc: t ai ......, It 10 be • !lOOd I ma to hac i, rocf>

np<urc: the pnndpal procbmatoon ol tbc drurd, .ind the first nncn -qx,c,ol,oo ol the



t� C

c:xpwn. that ·aucan Council u and the hcwg,c:ai

rcnc...-al that II cmpha,,astd the "pbcc ol honour'' Scnptun: should """' ll1 the hturgy

T�. •no sacrament can be <""ichratc:d "'"bout X'rtptun:," he ""' For c�lc. in the anornung ol the, the go<pcl l'Cadt mtf!lll be >bout the



cd J

to come cun, mv chl<I," he d.

00 cbur.h



�11�10 lhc:rn lfl a -(} It nn'C:r l\» ptnlOUsl). in otha co.rcumsunccs tx,..,n,,r oomc: ol U> lllil!Jlt tw1C out. . lhulla•"'· l\'C hon! that It<><} •

roillion ,.., fost= the �-OU! S)ndrorn<'' • 'nmctimo a pct"'W)ll art1YC< I \I


•Or� CU'CUmSUllCCS llltcrfa'c.

People Ola) tune out of the)

can . I hear ..,-di O< of the

radingl att not well read.

e Again. one: may be 90 buS) hstcrung for the fcsaon" 0< "the pou,C ol the

'"} that the


hwtv for hanng ,, on


&Ni"'" � out

m, allady

dov.-11 9.idl pc"l'\-afC'

""�' •

noc bard. the

be called the 'hat

• �t umc

act, toda> In hi socnmcntal, � ·

lx><h be ll1 physkal bod) • Father II;,

u bof C He

etrCUm>tal1Ca ol

Proplc hwing that

l'Cadtnil on the

t thr lllOIUl1fl ol tw I read • not dydcv I that mad<, ,en, to propk • rural, bthl 10Und•httk mrdpl and • pcr«,n mo,




The Record. Jan


0 "l gave th kids 'off th top of my he d' e perience which I b lieve wa very imp rt nt at that tim b cause th n, mo t of the art te ch r in th cours , w re fine art nd teacher-ti ined. witr, no of the industry they


"I am a national u 'f)i�e and have e n a r. coqru d coach nd am u trelie's I ter. ational elegat o h ational Badminton e ereuon which t k m o� r,, a_ sv ry ea


��V lf�[fil@ �---commun on obs acl From Father Brian O'LOUGHUN DCI_ Matrimonial Tribun I for WA









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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.